HowToGuide - Yard Logistics - EWM - Integration - S4 - V3.0 - Final

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How-To Guide
Document Version: 3.0 – Final
Date: September 20, 2021

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM

Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,
pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.

Example Emphasized words or expressions.

EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction
codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded
by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,
names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and
database tools.

Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they
appear in the documentation.

<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with
appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R .

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 2
Document History

Document Version Date Comment

1.0 March 28, 2018 Initial version

2.0 October 28, 2020 Updated for release 2009 of the


3.0 September 20, 2021 Updated for release 2021 of the


SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 3
Table of Contents

1 GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................................. 6

1.1 About this Guide ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Related Documents ................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Important SAP Notes ................................................................................................................ 6

2 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Process View............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Restrictions and Limits ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Scenario 1 - Vehicle and Container Hierarchies in Inbound and Outbound in
Sequence ................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Scenario 2 - Vehicle and Container Hierarchies in Inbound and Outbound
Sequence with Release Control ............................................................................... 11

3 SETUP IN SAP YARD LOGISTICS FOR SAP S/4HANA ........................................................... 13

3.1 General Settings ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.1 Assign EWM Warehousing to a Yard Number ......................................................... 13
3.1.2 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 14
3.1.3 Mapping of SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA Storage Bins to SAP EWM Doors
And Checkpoints...................................................................................................... 16
3.1.4 Maintain EWM Checkpoints ..................................................................................... 17
3.1.5 Set Activity Types as Subsystem Relevant ............................................................. 17
3.1.6 Assign External Warehouse ID to Storage Type ..................................................... 18
3.1.7 Maintain Logical Ports for EWM Integration ............................................................ 18

4 SETUP IN SAP EWM................................................................................................................ 19

4.1 Enable Standard Web Services Usage ................................................................................... 19
4.2 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Set Up Standard EWM Web Services...................................................................................... 19
4.3.1 Set up Standard Web Services on EWM Side .......................................................... 21
4.3.2 Set up Standard Web Services in SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA............... 27
4.4 Overview of New Web Services .............................................................................................. 30
4.4.1 Door Arrival/Door Departure .................................................................................... 31
4.4.2 Query External TU .................................................................................................... 37
4.4.3 Loading/Unloading Notification ............................................................................... 44

5 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................... 54
5.1 Check-In .................................................................................................................................. 54
5.2 Check-Out ............................................................................................................................... 55
5.3 Reverse Check-In .................................................................................................................... 56
5.4 Reverse Check-Out ................................................................................................................. 56
5.5 Door Determination................................................................................................................. 56
5.6 Door Arrival/Departure ............................................................................................................ 57
5.7 Loading/Unloading Notification .............................................................................................. 59

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 4
Table of Figures

Figure 1: Integration between SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM ................................................ 9
Figure 2: Scenario 1.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 3: Scenario 2.............................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 4: Activity Type is relevant for Subsystem EWM .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 5: SOA Configuration.................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 6: URL for binding ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 7: Enterprise Service Creation .................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 8: Re-use URL from binding........................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 9: Generated Web Service Consumer ......................................................................................................... 48
Figure 10: WSDL location...................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 11: Consumer security................................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 12: Set default logical port .......................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 13; Schedule condition template ................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 14: High-level diagram for logic of Check-In ................................................................................................ 54
Figure 15. Flow diagram: Usage of webservices during TU Check-In ...................................................................... 55
Figure 16: High-level diagram for logic for TU Door determination .......................................................................... 57
Figure 17: Flow diagram: usage of web services during door determination ............................................................ 57
Figure 18: High-level diagram for logic of Door Arrival/Departure ............................................................................ 58
Figure 19: Flow diagram: usage of web services in door arrival/departure .............................................................. 59
Figure 20: Flow diagram for Loading/Unloading Notification.................................................................................... 60

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 5
1 Getting Started

1.1 About this Guide

This guide provides detailed introduction about how to set up the SAP Yard Logistics-EWM Integration solution in the
SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA system.

Target Groups
· Technical Consultants
· Support Specialists
· Solution Consultants

1.2 Related Documents

Related Documents

Resource Link Comment

Solution Documentation Central place for all documents for SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA

1.3 Important SAP Notes

Important SAP Notes

SAP Note Implementation Comment

Number System

2193981 YL, EWM Update of TE and VEH Methods in /SCWM/CL_BIF_YRD

2209414 YL, EWM EWM 9.3 Short Dump in LDAP Notification for TU Without a

2233793 YL, EWM Corrections for


2267111 YL, EWM Corrections for


2392436 YL, EWM Arrival at checkpoint fails for vehicles with TUs and containers

2265646 EWM Departure from checkpoint: GI not posted for TU container

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 6
2 Overview

The integration between SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA (Yard Logistics solution, Yard Logistics) and SAP
EWM is based on the yard management scenario described in on SAP Help Portal. To
refer to the documentation for this scenario, in the application help for SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP
EWM), go to SAP Extended Warehouse Management > Shipping And Receiving > Yard Management.
Focus of this current document is to describe the functionality related to the interaction between SAP Yard Logistics
for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM.

The newly developed process scope for transit warehouse is currently not in scope but implies some
technical restrictions: The change processes in the warehousing system are very limited with regard to the
“classical” yard management integration, but highly flexible in regard to the transit warehousing.
To connect the Yard Logistics solution to an EWM managed warehouse, the yard number in the Yard Logistics
system must have the business system and the warehouse number assigned that is used in the EWM warehousing.

The EWM warehouse number used as yard number in Yard Logistics and the EWM warehouse number used
in EWM warehousing must be set up in different clients according to this how-to guide. This is because the
warehouse number in Yard Logistics uses the technical concept of the TUs, and they are not warehouse
dependent business objects. If there is a business need to set up EWM and Yard Logistics in the same
client, refer to the how-to guide attached with SAP Note 3093893 regarding internal integration of EWM and
Yard Logistics.
Moreover, the yard management integrated into SAP EWM Shipping and Receiving shall not be activated in
the assigned EWM warehousing system setup.
Once the linkage between yard number in Yard Logistics and SAP EWM is established, the setup of these two
systems must be completed as described in this document.

2.1 Process View

When a truck arrives in the yard at the checkpoint the relevant yard order is posted check-in. This triggers the check-
in request confirmation to the EWM warehousing system. At check in or during execution of a movement in the yard,
a door determination might be executed. This determination must trigger a request to EWM to query which door has
been determined in the EWM warehousing system at EWM TU level.
This information will be stored at the yard task level in Yard Logistics. By confirming the yard task, the Transportation
Unit drives to the pre-assigned door.
When the yard task is confirmed to the pre-assigned door, the door arrival request confirmation shall be triggered.
In the warehousing system, a warehouse worker begins to load the truck by the different HUs from the staging area.
This step is typically carried out using an RF device in the EWM. After he or she has confirmed the loading of the last
HU, the warehouse worker confirms the completion of the loading for the TU. After that, the Yard Logistics solution is
updated by receiving a load notification from SAP EWM.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 7
The closing of the TU in SAP EWM triggers the goods issue posting and prints the delivery notes and waybill (SAP
EWM). Also, the outbound deliveries were completed (SAP ERP).
In the yard the TU is being moved from the door to the checkpoint. This triggers the call for door departure request
confirmation from Yard Logistics, which is send to SAP EWM.
Finally, the check-out of the TU is posted based on the related yard order. This triggers the call for check-out
departure request confirmation from SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA to SAP EWM. See the following figure for
an overview.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 8
Figure 1: Integration between SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 9
2.2 Restrictions and Limits

In this section the restrictions and limits are explained using sample processes that are not supported in the
integration scenario between SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and the SAP EWM system. Although these are
only examples also variations of these processes are also not supported.
For the usage in scenarios using SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM, SAP Yard Logistics for SAP
S/4HANA is used to manage in- and outbound of transports, while SAP EWM executes only the loading or unloading
of TU’s with products. Therefore, only those TU’s with loading or unloading activities are required in SAP EWM
warehousing. TU hierarchies are also not expected in SAP EWM warehousing to allow independent loading
respective unloading (check-in/ check-out) activities.
· Tractor / Locomotive is represented in SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA as a TU, but is not required in
EWM, because a tractor will not be loaded unloaded.
· Trailer carrying containers: a trailer is a TU in SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA but is not required in SAP
· Trailer for products is a TU in SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA. In SAP EWM it is only required if product
loading/unloading is planned.
· Container: is required in SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM. In SAP EWM the container TU
will be loaded/unloaded.
Also, in SAP EWM, the TU hierarchy is not important. The necessary TU should be created independently to support
independent loading/unloading activities.
The "Warehouse visits" in a yard order is only expected for TUs with loading/unloading activities in EWM.

2.2.1 Scenario 1 - Vehicle and Container Hierarchies in Inbound

and Outbound in Sequence

Assume you have two yard requests/orders (one for inbound and one for outbound) relevant for EWM warehousing
process that has a hierarchy of logistical items like a root vehicle and containers assigned. Then the following
sequence is executed:
1. Inbound check-in
2. Outbound activation
3. Inbound completion
In this scenario, SAP EWM warehousing check-out is posted for the inbound vehicle and container and SAP EWM
warehousing check-in is posted for the outbound vehicle and container.

Action/Queue Vehicle Container

EWM Check-Out (for Inbound yard In process (1); Action should Should not be triggered, because
document 1) check-out both: vehicle and parent TU exists
container as they are coupled.
Fails: container is already
locked by (2)

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 10
EWM Check-In (for outbound yard Registered in queue In process (2); Fails: active
document 2) container still exists, because
check-out was not yet posted by (1)

The two queues will run in parallel and then the queue processes (1) and (2) will still block each other.

In this process the inbound yard order releases the control from the vehicle and the container, and the outbound yard
order gets this control. Therefore, SAP EWM warehousing check-out for the inbound yard order and SAP EWM
warehousing check-in for the outbound yard order are posted.
The web services for check-in of container is executed in parallel with posting the check-out of the vehicle and
container. Thus, they block each other.

Figure 2: Scenario 1
To finish this scenario, we only have a workaround to retrigger failed queues in correct sequence: first process check-
out, then process check-in.

2.2.2 Scenario 2 - Vehicle and Container Hierarchies in Inbound

and Outbound Sequence with Release Control

Assume you have two yard requests/orders (one for inbound and one for outbound) relevant for EWM warehousing
process that has a hierarchy of logistical items like a root vehicle and containers assigned. Then the following
sequence is executed:
1. Inbound check-in
2. Outbound activation

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 11
3. Release TU control from container only
In this process the inbound yard order releases control from the container, then outbound yard order gets this control.
Thus, SAP EWM warehousing check-out is posted for the inbound yard order and SAP EWM warehousing check-in
is posted for the outbound yard order.
The web service for check-in of the container is executed after check-out of the container. But SAP EWM check-out
for container is not triggered at this point of time. The SAP EWM check-out for the container itself is not relevant at all
as it has a parent and the check-out of its parent is not relevant as it is still under the yard order control.
Thus, the SAP EWM warehousing check-in of container is blocked and can only be executed after the check-out of its
parent has been triggered.

Figure 3: Scenario 2
To finish this scenario, we only have a workaround to wait until the vehicle will post check-out for both objects. Then,
retrigger the failed queue for the container check-in.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 12
3 Setup in SAP Yard Logistics for SAP

3.1 General Settings

3.1.1 Assign EWM Warehousing to a Yard Number

First, the own business system needs to be defined at customizing node “define own business system” in the system
for Yard Logistic and in the system for EWM. You can check it in Customizing, navigate to SCM Extended
Warehouse Management->Extended Warehouse Management->Interfaces->ERP Integration->General Settings-
>Define Own Business System:

Business System


Business System


Make sure that the warehouse number that you want to link to the SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA system is
already defined in the EWM system. In Customizing for EWM system, navigate to SCM Extended Warehouse
Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Define Warehouse Numbers:

To determine the connectivity of that linked warehousing system, an entry in so called 'warehouse visits' should be
created for each yard order Item if it is relevant for communication with an SAP EWM warehousing business system.
In Customizing for Yard Logistics, navigate to Integration -> Integration to SAP Extended Warehouse Management ->
Maintain EWM Warehouse ID:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 13
EWM Warehouse ID EWM Warehouse ID Description Ato Crt TU


XYM300_W001 XYN_300

XYO300_W101 XYO_300

Set the flag “Auto Create TU” for automatic TU creation.

Next, In Customizing for Yard Logistics, navigate to Yard Logistics -> Integration -> Integration to SAP Extended
Warehouse Management -> Integration with the external EWM -> Assign EWM Business Systems and Warehouses
to Yard. This activity contains system details for business system for warehousing integration, which represent the
integrated EWM business systems, the warehouse number used for warehousing integration (that is, the EWM
warehouse number) and the EWM Warehouse ID - identifier of an external EWM warehouse and system.

Yard No EWM business system EWM Warehouse No EWM warehouse ID


CR01 XYN_300 W001 XYM300_W001

TRCK XYO_300 W101 XYO300_W101

To enable automatic determination of warehouse visits for Yard Order Item based on TU Type, in NWBC; navigate to
Settings -> Integration to SAP EWM -> Determination of Warehouse Visits ( /SAPYL/V_TUWHSEVISIT).

Yard No TU Type Direction EWM warehouse ID


3.1.2 Prerequisites

In the EWM system, you have created the following objects and settings:

· A warehouse door (for example, DOI1). The warehouse door must be assigned to the warehouse number. You
can check the warehouse door in Customizing for SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended
Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Warehouse Door -> Define Warehouse Door.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 14
· A checkpoint (for example, INBW, OUTW). The checkpoints must be assigned to the warehouse number. You
can check the checkpoints in Customizing for SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse
Management -> Master Data -> Shipping and Receiving -> Yard Management -> Define Checkpoints.

In the SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA system, you have created the following objects and settings:

· A storage type, (for example, DXN1). The storage type must be assigned to the yard number. You can check
the storage type in Customizing for Yard Logistics -> Master Data -> Setting up the Yard -> Yard Structure ->
Define Storage Type.

· A storage section, (for example, DOOR). The storage section must be assigned to the yard number and the
storage type. You can check the storage section in Customizing for Yard Logistics -> Master Data -> Setting up
the Yard -> Yard Structure -> Define Storage Section.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 15
· A storage bin (for example, XYO300_W101_DO01). You can use transaction /SCWM/LS01 to create new
storage bin.

3.1.3 Mapping of SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA Storage

Bins to SAP EWM Doors And Checkpoints

This Customizing is used for the mapping between the SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA storage bins and EWM
doors and its checkpoint – to post TU at the required location in external EWM system.
This can be found in the NWBC; navigate to Settings -> Integration to SAP EWM -> Determine EWM Door
(/SAPYL/EWMDOOR). Display View "EWM Door": Overview:

Yard No Storage bin EWM Warehouse ID EWM Dr/Ch

TRCK XYN300_IK01_D001 XYN300_IK01 D001

TRCK XYN300_W001_DI01 XYN300_W001 DI01

TRCK XYO300_W101_DO01 XYO300_W101 DOI1

The values in the figure above are only one example setup. Make sure to use your own customized doors
from the EWM (warehousing) warehouse number!

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 16
3.1.4 Maintain EWM Checkpoints

This Customizing is used for correct usage of EWM checkpoint – to post TU at the required location in EWM system.
Only inbound checkpoints are required to be maintained.
In Customizing, navigate to Yard Logistics -> Integration -> Integration to SAP Extended Warehouse Management ->
Maintain EWM Checkpoints:

EWM Warehouse ID Checkpoint


XYO300_W101 INBW


The values in the figure above are only one example setup. Make sure to use your own customized
checkpoints from the EWM (warehousing) warehouse number!

3.1.5 Set Activity Types as Subsystem Relevant

One more customizing table used in EWM communication can be found in IMG, transaction SPRO; navigate to Yard
Logistics -> Yard Tasks-> Define Activity Types:

Figure 4: Activity Type is relevant for Subsystem EWM

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 17
Door determination will be triggered for value ‘EWM’ which is described in a subsequent section.

3.1.6 Assign External Warehouse ID to Storage Type

The next customizing is used for door determination and door arrival if several warehouse visits are maintained for
the Yard Order Item.
This can be found in the NWBC; navigate to Settings -> Integration to SAP EWM -> Assign External Warehouse ID to
Storage Type (/SAPYL/WHVISST).

Yard No Storage Type EWM Warehouse ID




3.1.7 Maintain Logical Ports for EWM Integration

This customizing is more technical and used maintenance of logical port that are used for communication with
different external EWM systems.
Creation of the logical ports will be explained in the later section 4.3. Once logical port is created, it can be added in
this customizing.
This can be found in the NWBC; navigate to Settings -> Integration to SAP EWM -> Maintain Logical Port for EWM
Integration (/SAPYL/V_EWM_LP):

EWM business Proxy Class of Logical Port Logical Port










The values in the figure above are only one example setup. Make sure to use your own generated proxy
classes are maintained here!

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 18
4 Setup in SAP EWM

4.1 Enable Standard Web Services Usage

To enable the use of standard web services the "Point-to-Point Communication" must be enabled. If this is the case,
you can trigger enterprise services through the Web services protocol without using a mediator (such as SAP
NetWeaver Process Integration). In other words, you can configure direct communication between the consumer and
To set up a point-to-point communication for asynchronous services, you need to make additional settings in the SAP
back-end system:
You must activate the business function FND_SOA_REUSE_1.
In Customizing for SAP Business Suite , choose Cross-Application Components -> Processes and Tools for
Enterprise Applications -> Enterprise Services -> Point-to-Point Enablement for Asynchronous Enterprise Services .
You use the SOA Manager application (transaction SOAMANAGER) to set up endpoints and logical ports.
For more information about the SOA Manager application, see SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver on SAP Help Portal
at -> SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) -> SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement
Package 2 . Search for Working with the SOA Manager .
Standard outbound web services do not require any additional development. Only set up of endpoints and logical
ports required. This should be done by using SOAMANAGER.

4.2 Prerequisites

In order to setup connection between the systems the user for WSDL access needs to be authorized to access the
WSDL in your EWM system (role SAP_QAP_WEBSERVICE).
In order to create logical ports in Yard Logistics system your user should be authorized to do this (S_DEVELOP).

4.3 Set Up Standard EWM Web Services

Following is now the full list of standard web services that are used in the Yard Logistics solution.
· DockAppointmentExternalLockRequestConfirmation_In
· DockAppointmentExternalUnlockRequestConfirmation_In
· TransportationUnitAppointmentByElementsQueryResponse_In
· TransportationUnitAppointmentCheckInRequestConfirmation_In
· TransportationUnitAppointmentCheckOutRequestConfirmation_In
· TransportationUnitAppointmentExternalLockRequestConfirmation_In
· TransportationUnitAppointmentExternalUnlockRequestConfirmation_In

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 19
· TransportationUnitAppointmentCancelCheckInRequestConfirmation_In
· TransportationUnitAppointmentCancelCheckOutRequestConfirmation_In
· VehicleAppointmentByElementsQueryResponse_In
· VehicleAppointmentCheckInRequestConfirmation_In
· VehicleAppointmentCheckOutRequestConfirmation_In
· VehicleAppointmentExternalLockRequestConfirmation_In
· VehicleAppointmentExternalUnlockRequestConfirmation_In
· VehicleAppointmentCancelCheckOutRequestConfirmation_In
· VehicleAppointmentCancelCheckInRequestConfirmation_In
All of these web services should post changes in EWM system connected with Yard Logistics.
In Yard Logistics system for these service provider corresponding service consumers have been created. In order to
find them, please go to SE80 -> Enterprise Service Browser -> Packages->/SAPYL/INTERFACES -> Object Types ->
Service Consumers -> Objects:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 20
4.3.1 Set up Standard Web Services on EWM Side

Please see an example how to set up connection for the standard web service.
In order to find all the mentioned objects in EWM, please go to SE80 and select Enterprise Service Browser.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 21
In the list of objects please go to Packages->/SCWM/BIF->Object Types->Service Providers->Objects

Double click on your service provider.

In our example we will use TransportationUnitAppointmentCheckInRequestConfirmation_In. Press button 'Start SOA

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 22
Here we need to create a service. In the opened window of SOAManager press button 'Create Service'.

Put any name of Service and Binding:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 23
Press Next. In the appeared screen please select SSL for Transport Lever Security and User ID/Password for
Transport Channel Authentication:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 24
Press Next and in the next screen press Finish. A new service is created now.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 25
Now press button 'Open Binding WSDL Generation'

Copy WSDL URL for Binding and save somewhere. It will be required later.

So, with EWM part we're done.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 26
4.3.2 Set up Standard Web Services in SAP Yard Logistics for SAP

Now we should continue with Yard Logistics. Please find your service consumer relevant for your service provider as
described above at the beginning of this section.
In our example: TransportationUnitAppointmentCheckInRequestConfirmation_In

Go to SOA Manager:

In the appeared SOA Manager screen press Create-> WSDL Based Configuration:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 27
In the next screen enter any Logical Port Name and Description:

Press Next.
In the appeared screen enter WSDL URL that was copied earlier, user that have authorization to access WSDL
(EWM user) and his password.
First choose the correct service, e.g. /SAPYL/CO_TU_CHECK_IN.
Press Next.

Press Next. In the screen table with the services depending on SOAP protocol is displayed. The first one is selected
by default. Press Next. Enter the same user and password:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 28
Press Next -> Finish.
A new logical port is now created:

Next we should link EWM system, service consumer in Yard Logistics and logical port that is used for the service and
particular EWM system. In Yard Logistics go to NWBC->Settings->Integration to SAP EWM->Maintain Logical Ports
for EWM Integration:
Press New Entries and enter required information:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 29
Press Save.
We're done. Web service for TU check in EWM system now is connected with Yard Logistics.
Please set up connection for the remaining standard web services in the same way.

4.4 Overview of New Web Services

To enable the communication between the SAP Yard Logistics solution and SAP EWM new web services (inbound
and outbound) need to be created in the EWM system that you want to link to the Yard Logistics system.
The following two new outbound web services need to be created in EWM:
· Door Arrival/Departure:
Create a service provider using WSDL file of the service consumer /SAPYL/CO_DOOR_ARR_DEPT (_-sapyl_-
door_arr_dep ) in EWM system. In addition, you need to set up service for it.
In the Yard Logistics system you need to create a new logical port for web service consumer
/SAPYL/CO_DOOR_ARR_DEPT (_-sapyl_-door_arr_dep ) with the new URL of web service provider.
· Query External TU
Create a service provider using WSDL file of the service consumer /SAPYL/CO_QUERY_EXT_TU_DATA (_-
sapyl_-query_ext_tu_data) in EWM system. In Yard Logistics you need to create a new logical port for web
service consumer /SAPYL/CO_QUERY_EXT_TU_DATA (_-sapyl_-query_ext_tu_data) with the new URL of web
service provider.
The following new inbound web service needs to be setup as consumer:
· Loading/Unloading Notification
A new web service /SAPYL/LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIF_PRDCT has been created in the Yard Logistics system.
For this web service provider, a new service consumer needs to be created and set up on the EWM system. The
name should be e.g. /SAPYL/CO_LOAD_UNLOAD_NTF_PROD (You may have a different name or different
Create a new PPF action via SPPFCADM based on the existing one for application /SCWM/SHP_RCV; action
profile /SCWM/TU, action definition /SAPYL/YL_LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIF (You may have a different name or
different prefix)..
Also, copy schedule condition from class /SAPYL/CL_IM_SCH_LOAD_NOTIF, and copy the execution method

You must ensure that all coding is adjusted with the newly created/generated names so that objects with the
prefix /SAPYL/ are not used and for example are copied to custom-specific, i.e. that all @EWM TODO lines
insert your generated instance please. See the following section for a detailed description.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 30
4.4.1 Door Arrival/Door Departure

For this part, you need to create a web service provider and set up a consumer web service. The web service is used
to post TU arrival at door or departure from door in an external EWM system.

Web Service Provider

4. In the Yard Logistics system, select service consumer /SAPYL/CO_DOOR_ARR_DEPT (_-sapyl_-door_arr_dep)
5. Save WSDL file:

6. Go to EWM system which should be connected with YL. Select required package and create Enterprise service.
7. Select Service Provider ->External WSDL -> Local file -> Select the WSDL file that was saved in the step 2 ->
Specify name (e.g. door_arrival_departure) and suffix, prefix -> Select Package, request, prefix -> Complete
Prefix: In Yard Logistics prefix /SAPYL/ is used. In your external EWM system another prefix might be used. This
prefix should be specified during generation of the service provider.
Example: here prefix ZZZ is specified. You might have a different one.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 31
8. Go to generated class:

This is only an example. During creation of your own service provider, you might have different names of the
generated objects.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 32
Here you see generated interface name and a new implementing class. You can change the names of these objects.
Also, you can check the name of the data types that should be created in the tab Name Problems and rename them if
Activate service provider.
9. Next you should implement an existing method of the generated class. It is proposed to copy the logic from
function module /SAPYL/WS_DOOR_ARR_DEP in the solution.

An authority check is implemented in this function module. You could skip it or use the standard
/SCWM/ACTI, for example. Also please make sure that you've created messages required in this
implementation in your message class. You can copy the coding from the function module
/SAPYL/WS_DOOR_ARR_DEP into your existing method.
10. Activate method and generated implementing class.
11. Select required web service and press button Start the SOAMANAGER for Configuration:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 33
12. A new window will open in a browser. Press ‘Create Service’ button:

13. Fill the data and press Next

14. Select the required options as in the screen below and press Next

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 34
15. In the next screen press Finish
16. A new service provider was created with the generated WSDL document. Press the button to navigate to the
created binding

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 35
17. Copy URL for binding. It will be used in the next steps:

Web Service Consumer

18. In Yard Logistics service consumer exists:

19. Press button ‘Create’ and ‘WSDL Based Configuration’

20. Put name and description of the logical port. Press Next
21. Enter WSDL URL from step above, user (which has required authorization to read data from EWM) and his

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 36
22. Press Next->Next. On Consumer Security step specify the same user and password:

23. Press Next-> Finish

Select your logical port. Press ‘Set log. Port Default’

24. In Yard Logistics go to NWBC->Settings->Integration to SAP EWM->Maintain Logical Ports for EWM Integration
(tr. /SAPYL/V_EWM_LP). Press New Entries and add new created logical port.

4.4.2 Query External TU

The web service is used to query TU data from EWM system. The standard EWM web service for TU Querying does
not cover a query by license plate number, therefore a new one needs to be created.
For this part you also need to create a web service provider and set up a consumer web service.

Web Service Provider

25. In Yard Logistics, select service consumer /SAPYL/CO_ QUERY_EXT_TU_DATA (_-sapyl_- query_ext_tu_data)
- relevant for Release 2. There is a service consumer with a similar name /SAPYL/CO_
QUERY_EXTERNAL_TU which was created for Release 1. Please make sure you use a correct one. Go to tab

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 37
26. Save WSDL file:

27. Go to the EWM system. Select required package and create Enterprise service:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 38
28. Select Service Provider ->External WSDL -> Local file -> Select the WSDL file that was saved in the step 2 ->
Specify name (e.g. query_ext_tu_data) and prefix and suffix -> Select Package, request, prefix -> Complete
Prefix: In Yard Logistics prefix /SAPYL/ is used. In your external EWM system another prefix might be used. This
prefix should be specified during generation of the service provider.
Example: here prefix ZZZ is specified. You might have a different one.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 39
29. Go to generated class.

This is only an example. During creation of your own service provider you might have different names of the
generated objects.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 40
Here you see generated interface name and a new implementing class. You can change the names of these objects.
Also, you can check the names of the data types that will be created in the tab Name Problems and rename them if
Activate service provider.
30. Next you should implement an existing method of the generated class. It is proposed to copy the logic from class
/SAPYL/CL_TU_QUERY_EXTERNAL (applicable to the solution version for SAP S/4HANA).

An authority check is implemented in this class. You could skip it or use the standard /SCWM/ACTI, for
example. Also please make sure that you've created messages required in this implementation in your
message class. You can copy the coding from class /SAPYL/CL_TU_QUERY_EXTERNAL into your existing

31. Activate the method and the generated class.

32. Select required web service and press button SOA Manager:

33. A new window will open in a browser. Press ‘Create Service’ button:

34. Fill the data and press Next

35. Select the required options as in the screen below and press Next

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 41
36. In the next screen press Finish
37. A new service provider was created with the generated WSDL document. Press the button to navigate to the
created binding:

38. Copy URL for binding. It will be used in the next steps:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 42
Web Service Consumer
39. In Yard Logistics the following service consumer exists:

40. Press button ‘Create’ and ‘WSDL Based Configuration’

41. Put name and description of the logical port. Press Next
42. Enter WSDL URL from step above, user (which has required authorization) and password

43. Press Next->Next. On Consumer Security step specify the same user and password:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 43
44. Press Next-> Finish
45. Select your logical port. Press ‘Set log. Port Default’
46. In Yard Logistics go to NWBC->Settings->Integration to SAP EWM->Maintain Logical Ports for EWM Integration
(tr. /SAPYL/V_EWM_LP). Press New Entries and add created logical port.

4.4.3 Loading/Unloading Notification

In Yard Logistics system go to service definition /SAPYL/LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIF_PROD relevant for Release 2.

There is also another service definition with similar name /SAPYL/LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIFICAT which is relevant for
Release 1. Make sure you’ve selected a correct one.

Download WSDL file for the service definition:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 44
Go to SOAMANAGER and create a new service repeating the steps mentioned, for service providers in previous
steps, e.g. service provider for QUERY_EXT_TU_DATA:

Figure 5: SOA Configuration

The marked button shows you the way to the popup to get the relevant URL:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 45
Figure 6: URL for binding
Now copy the URL for this binding, it will be used in the following steps.
The following steps describe the setup of the consumer web service.
47. Go to the EWM system which should. In SE80 select the package and press Create->Enterprise Service:

Figure 7: Enterprise Service Creation

48. Select ‘Service Consumer’ on the next popup and press "Continue"
49. Select ‘External WSDL/Schema’ on the next popup and press "Continue"
50. Select ‘Local file’ on the next popup and press "Continue". On this popup please select WSDL file that was saved
in the previous step:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 46
Figure 8: Re-use URL from binding
51. Select transport request, prefix and press "Finish".

52. A new service consumer will be generated (the following figure below as an example. In your system, you must
apply your naming conventions and customer code).

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 47
Figure 9: Generated Web Service Consumer
53. Press (marked) button ‘Create’ and select menu item ‘WSDL Based Configuration’
54. Put the name and description of the logical port. Press "Next"
55. Enter WSDL URL from the binding, add user (which has required authorization) and password

Figure 10: WSDL location

56. Press Next->Next. On Consumer Security step specify the same user and password:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 48
Figure 11: Consumer security
57. Press "Next"-> "Finish"
58. Select your logical port. Press ‘Set log. Port Default’

Figure 12: Set default logical port

Congrats! Now you're done with the setup of the consumer web service in EWM system!
As next step you need to create the PPF action triggering the web service call for you. To do so, navigate to
transaction SPPFCADM in your EWM warehousing system.
59. In EWM create a new PPF action, e.g. ZEWM_ YL_LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIF based on the template.
Please do the following steps:
· Tun transaction SPPFCADM;
· Select the application /SCWM/SHP_RCV and press button 'Define Action Profile and Actions' ;
· Select action profile /SCWM/TU;
· Go to edit mode and copy all settings from the action definition /SAPYL/YL_LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIF created in
Yard Logistics.
· Remove flag 'Inactive'

· Go to 'Processing Types' and create a new entry with type 'Method Call'. Select an existing implementation or
create your own.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 49
In all the objects that you'll create use your prefix, please. In the screenshots below the objects are created
with the prefix /SAPYL/ which is not relevant for your EWM implementation.

Run transaction SPPFCADM again and do the following steps:

· Select application /SCWM/SHP_RCV and press button 'Condition Configuration ( Transportable Conditions )';
· Press button 'Technical Names' and double click on action profile /SCWM/TU and go to edit mode;
· Press 'Create' and select from drop-down list your action definition;

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 50
60. In the tab Processing Details you'll need to provide a new filter value for BAdI e.g. ZEWM_TU_LOAD_UNLOAD,
Create your own BAdI Implementation and implementing class for execution . Copy implementation logic from
Yard Logistics, class /SAPYL/CL_IM_LOAD_UNLOAD and replace @EWM TODO with the generated objects:
service consumer implementing class from point 6 above, input structure of the generated method of this class,

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 51
61. Also create your own schedule condition (copy the sample condition from YL, see next figure)

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 52
Figure 13; Schedule condition template

It should be ensured that all coding is adjusted with the newly created/generated names.
· Verify schedule condition
· Verify execution method
If the scheduling condition is not available on your system, please navigate to transaction SE18 and enter BADI
name EVAL_SCHEDCOND_PPF. Please create the implementation ZYL_SC_LOAD_NOTIF.
Now add the filter value ZYL_SC_LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIF and copy the proposed logic from class
/SAPYL/CL_IM_SCH_LOAD_NOTIF (in YL) into your new BADI implementation of method
Adapt the coding at the marker "@EWM TODO" above with the scheduling condition ID you have chosen in your
system. Now activate all development artefacts.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 53
5 Technical Overview

For the outbound messages a qRFC function modules are used as overall guiding principle to be able to re-process
the failed queue to trigger a web service. The queue is defined as a concatenation of external EWM warehouse and
TU external number.
Moreover, after calling the qRFC a centrally defined BADI (/SAPYL/SUBSYST_CALL) has been provided for EWM
web service call. The yard number will be used as a filter to define the web service to be called. For SAP EWM
warehousing we have defined a sample BADI implementation.
All outbound interfaces are assumed to be called synchronously to update the relevant business documents in a
timely manner.
All outbound web services are called from qRFC function modules that are defined within the function group
All web service calls are wrapped into a BAdI /SAPYL/SUBSYST_CALL having the interface
/SAPYL/IF_SUBSYST_CALL and it contains methods for all used outbound web services:
· CHECK_IN ( TU/Vehicle Check-In)
· CHECK_OUT ( TU/Vehicle Check-Out)
· DOOR_DETERMINATION ( TU Door determination)
· DOOR_ARR_DEP (TU Arrival/Departure at door)
· CANCEL_CHECK_IN ( TU/Vehicle Check-In cancellation)
· CANCEL_CHECK_OUT (TU/Vehicle Check-out cancellation)
A fallback class /SAPYL/CL_FB_IM_SUBSYST_CALL is implemented and contains logic for all mentioned web

5.1 Check-In

Check-In action is triggered within qRFC FM /SAPYL/EWM_RFC_CHECK_IN.

To determine whether this qRFC should be triggered, within actions of BO Yard Order, warehouse visits assigned to
Yard Order Item are checked. If there is no warehouse visits - it is not relevant for EWM integration.

Logic for TU Check-

Check that warehouse visit is maintained

Select EWM checkpoint

Call BAdI for Check-In

Figure 14: High-level diagram for logic of Check-In

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 54
The following flow diagram describes usage of web services for TU check-in.

Is Yard integrated with TM?

Yes No

Check TU LDAP_code


Query TU by external
Query Vehicle by Query TU by license Query TU by external
license plate number plate number number

Query Vehicle by Is TU assigned to Vehicle?

license plate number

Lock Vehicle Lock TU

(/SCWM/II_BIF_YRD_ TU will be checked-in (/SCWM/II_BIF_YRD
VAPP_LOCK_RC) as part of vehicle _TAPP_LOCK_RC)

Check-In Vehicle Check-In TU


Unlock Vehicle Unlock TU


Figure 15. Flow diagram: Usage of webservices during TU Check-In

5.2 Check-Out

Check-Out action is triggered within qRFC FM /SAPYL/EWM_RFC_CHECK_OUT.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 55
To determine whether this qRFC should be triggered, within actions of BO Yard Order, warehouse visits assigned to
Yard Order Item are checked. If there is no warehouse visits - it is not relevant for EWM integration.
Flow logic of usage of web services for TU check-out is almost the same as in the Error! Reference source not
found. except 2 web services:

5.3 Reverse Check-In

Reverse Check-In action is triggered within qRFC FM /SAPYL/EWM_RFC_RVRS_CHECK_IN.

To determine whether this qRFC should be triggered, within actions of BO Yard Order, warehouse visits assigned to
Yard Order Item are checked. If there is no warehouse visits - it is not relevant for EWM integration.
Flow logic of usage of web services for TU reverse check-in is almost the same as in the Error! Reference source
not found. except 2 web services:
· Reverse Check-In Vehicle: /SCWM/II_BIF_YRD_VAPP_CAIN_RC

5.4 Reverse Check-Out

Reverse Check-Out action is triggered within qRFC FM /SAPYL/EWM_RFC_RVRS_CHECK_OUT.

To determine whether this qRFC should be triggered, within actions of BO Yard Order, warehouse visits assigned to
Yard Order Item are checked. If there is no warehouse visits - it is not relevant for EWM integration.
Flow logic of usage of web services for TU reverse check-out is almost the same as in the Error! Reference source
not found. except 2 web services:
· Reverse Check-In Vehicle: /SCWM/II_BIF_YRD_VAPP_CAOUT_RC

5.5 Door Determination

A door is determined during saving of a pending yard task. Therefore qRFC /SAPYL/EWM_RFC_DOOR_DETERM is
triggered on the level of Yard Task BO:
To determine whether this qRFC should be triggered, it is checked whether activity type is marked as 'Relevant for
subsystem determination' and if warehouse visits are assigned to Yard Task Item Transportation Unit.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 56
Logic for Door Determination

Check that yard task status is ‘Pending’

Check that activity type is marked as

‘Relevant for subsystem’

Check if warehouse visit is maintained for

Yard Task Item's Transportation Unit

Call BAdI for Door Determination

Update Yard Task with the new destination


Figure 16: High-level diagram for logic for TU Door determination

The following flow diagram describes logic of BAdI implementation for door determination and usage of web services:

Is Yard integrated with TM?

Yes No

Query TU by license Query TU by external

plate number number

Read destination bin for yard task by the determined EWM door

Figure 17: Flow diagram: usage of web services during door determination

5.6 Door Arrival/Departure

Door arrival/departure will be called at yard task confirmation. Corresponding qRFC FMs
the corresponding BO Yard Task.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 57
To determine whether qRFC FM should be triggered in the action of BO Yard Task warehouse area assignment of
source and destination storage type are checked. If source storage type is linked with warehouse are - qRFC for
departure from door should be triggered, if destination bin is mapped to warehouse area – qRFC for arrival at door
will be triggered. Moreover, for door arrival activity type is checked. If it is marked as 'Relevant for subsystem' - qRFC
for arrival at door will be triggered.
In order to post TU arrival/departure a new web service was created: /SAPYL/DOOR_ARR_DEP.

Logic for Door Arrival/Departure

Check assignment of source/destination

storage types to warehouse area

Check that activity type is relevant for

subsystem determination (for door arrival

Call BAdI for Door Arrival/Departure

If Arrival at Door posted -> update BO TU flag

‘In process by subsystem’

Figure 18: High-level diagram for logic of Door Arrival/Departure

The following flow diagram describes logic of BAdI implementation for door determination and usage of web services:

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 58
Is Yard integrated with TM?
Yes No

Query TU by license Query TU by external

plate number number


Send Door Arrival/Departure (/SAPYL/DOOR_ARR_DEP)


Figure 19: Flow diagram: usage of web services in door arrival/departure

When arrival at door is posted in EWM – a flag ‘In process by subsystem’ is updated in BO TU. If this flag is switched
on – Yard Tasks having this to TU in the items cannot be processed until loading/unloading will be posted in EWM.
This is described in the next section.

5.7 Loading/Unloading Notification

This is an inbound web service and is triggered from external EWM system.
The PPF is done on EWM TU level and triggers a new web service /SAPYL/LOAD_UNLOAD_NOTIF_PRDCT.

Sequence of Sender Relevance for Vehicles and TUs needs to be defined at customizing. You can check it in
Customizing, Navigate to SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management ->
Interfaces-> Enterprise Services -> Yard Management -> Sequence of Sender Relevance for Vehicles.

Here another important standard customizing which is used to check at what action a message should be sent. It can
be found under the IMG transaction SPRO. Navigate to SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended
Warehouse Management -> Interfaces-> Enterprise Services -> Yard Management -> Sender Relevance of
Messages for Vehicles and TUs.

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 59
This customizing is checked in the schedule condition for PPF for Loading/Unloading Notification on statuses
‘Unloading Completed’ and ‘Loading Completed’.

Read yard by EWM warehouse and EWM system

Freight Order is assigned to TU?

Yes No

Get BO TU by license Get BO TU by external

plate number and number

Update BO TU with new loading weight, UOM, products and flag

‘In process by subsystem

Get first pending Yard Tasks of this TU with the earliest plan
start date

Get all TU of this Yard Task and check that for all of them
loading/unloading is finished by checking flag ‘TU empty’

Activate the Yard Task

Figure 20: Flow diagram for Loading/Unloading Notification

SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA and SAP EWM Integration 60

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