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How-To Guide
Document Version: 1.0 – Final
Date: September 20, 2021

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP
Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,
pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.

Example Emphasized words or expressions.

EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction
codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded
by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,
names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and
database tools.

Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they
appear in the documentation.

<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with
appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R .

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 2

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Document History

Document Version Date Comment

1.0 September 20, 2021 Final

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 3

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Table of Contents

1 GETTING STARTED .........................................................................................................................5

1.1 About this Guide ..............................................................................................................................5
1.2 Important SAP Notes .......................................................................................................................5

2 OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Business Process Example ............................................................................................................6
2.2 Integration Scenario – System Landscape....................................................................................7

3 GENERAL TM S/4 HANA CUSTOMIZING .......................................................................................8

3.1 Defining Active Model and Version ................................................................................................8
3.2 Defining SAP Transportation Management specific Customizing Settings ...............................8
3.2.1 Defining Integration specific Customizing Settings .....................................................8
3.2.2 Defining Number Range Intervals for Freight Order Management..............................9
3.2.3 Defining Transportation Modes ......................................................................................9
3.2.4 Resources .......................................................................................................................10

4 SAP TM MASTER DATA FOR FREIGHT ORDER INTEGRATION ...............................................12

4.1 Location ..........................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Resources .......................................................................................................................................12

5 SAP TM MODELED ASR INTEGRATION WITH SAP YARD LOGISTICS ....................................13

5.1 Cross-Application Components – Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications ............13
5.1.1 Constants from Agent Class for BO Node...................................................................13
5.1.2 Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment..........................................14
5.2 SAP Transportation Management – Freight Order Management ..............................................20
5.2.1 Freight Order Management – Define Item Types for FO Management......................20
5.2.2 Freight Order – Define Freight Order Types ................................................................20

6 CONFIGURATION ON SAP YARD LOGISTICS FOR SAP S/4 HANA .........................................24

6.1 Mapping of SAP TM data ...............................................................................................................24
6.1.1 Map TM Freight Order types .........................................................................................24
6.1.2 Map TM Relevant TU Types for Yard Request.............................................................24
6.1.3 Map TM Timestamp to Yard Request Time Point ........................................................25
6.1.4 Map TM Business Partner Roles ..................................................................................25
6.1.5 Map External Reference Documents to YO Header Reference Documents .............26
6.1.6 Map External Reference Documents to YO Item Reference Documents ..................26
6.1.7 Assign Packaging Material to TU Type ........................................................................27
6.1.8 Map Means of Transport to Packaging Material..........................................................27

7 APPENDIX.......................................................................................................................................28
7.1 Related Information .......................................................................................................................28

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 4

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
1 Getting Started

1.1 About this Guide

This guide provides a detailed introduction to setting up the integration between SAP Transportation Management
(TM)-modeled Advanced Shipping & Receiving (ASR) and SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA.

Target Groups
• Technical Consultants
• Support Specialists
• System Administrators
• Solution Consultants

1.2 Important SAP Notes

SAP Note Number Implementation Comment


2563537 - SAP Best Practices for S/4HANA Supply TM

Chain for Transportation Management – Outbound
Transportation (Basic Shipping Scenario)

2535942 - SAP Best Practices for S/4HANA Supply TM

Chain for Transportation Management 1709 on

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 5

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
2 Overview

The integration between SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA (YL) and SAP Transportation Management Modeled
Advanced Shipping & Receiving (TM ASR) in an SAP S/4HANA system is based on the direct integration scenario.
The focus of this current document is to describe the functionality related to the interaction between the TM and YL

You have installed and correctly configured the following application:
• SAP S/4 HANA 2020
• SAP Yard Logistics
For more information, see the documentation for SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA on SAP Help Portal at

2.1 Business Process Example

A typical business process example would require multiple means of transport; for example, when you make an
online purchase on an eCommerce website like, your order goods from multiple locations where some
goods are from a reseller who is connected to a rail network, and also has ready access to pick up by truck. For such
a business requirement the shipment execution may resemble something like the following figure.

Figure 1: Typical Transport Example

In the example above, the sequence of means of transport is arbitrarily chosen and can be in any kind of
combination. With arbitrary means of transport, and freight orders only defined between two locations of a certain
location type (location type to be customized), for the integration of SAP Yard Logistics with SAP Transportation
Management, we only allow one freight order between a starting and receiving location (see following figure).

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 6

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Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
We only need to concentrate on the following integration example

2.2 Integration Scenario – System Landscape

Integration between SAP Transportation Management (TM) and SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) has
been enhanced by new approach called Advanced Shipping & Receiving (ASR) starting with SAP S/4HANA 2020.
The new integration scenario described in this document uses the ASR process capabilities to enable direct
integration between SAP TM and SAP YL, both installed in the same client, without the use of SAP EWM as an
mediating system. The technical implementation of YL - TM Integration based on ASR is done in BAdI
It is required to maintain one Alternative Location Identifier (ALI) (of a new type) on the origin and destination location
from the Freight Orders sent to SAP YL.
To do so, in Customizing for SAP TM go to: Transportation Management -→ Master Data -→ Transportation Network
-→ Location -→ Configuration for Alternative Location Identifiers. Define the new ALI type and save your changes.

Alternative Location Identifier Type Description / value

YL_WHS Yard Number

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 7

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
3 General TM S/4 HANA customizing

3.1 Defining Active Model and Version

In TM you must assign specific master data objects (location, transportation lane, etc.) to an active version and
model. To do so, in Customizing choose Transportation Management -→ Master Data and select Create Active
Version and Model.

3.2 Defining SAP Transportation Management specific Customizing


Configuration settings in this section must be done manually. They are located within the Customizing sub node for
SAP Transportation Management.

3.2.1 Defining Integration specific Customizing Settings Defining Alternative Location Identifier Types

Alternative Location Identifier types distinguish between several identification schemes that can be used to identify

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 8

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
In Customizing for SAP TM, go to Transportation Management -→ Master Data -→ Transportation Network -→
Location -→ Configuration for Alternative Location Identifiers.
In the dialog structure choose Define Types of Alternative Location Identifiers and create one entry using the data in
the following format and save your changes.

ALI Type Description for ALI type Comment

YL_WHS Yard Logistic Yard Number

3.2.2 Defining Number Range Intervals for Freight Order


You must define number range intervals for freight orders and freight unit business documents. To do so, in
Customizing for SAP TM, go to Transportation Management -→ Freight Order Management -→ Define Number
Range Intervals for Freight Order Management.
Insert a line in the activity and create an entry using the data in the following table and save your changes.

Field Freight Order Value

Number Range Number FO

From No. 00000000006100000000

To Number 00000000006199999999

3.2.3 Defining Transportation Modes

You must define transportation modes and assign a default means of transport for each transportation mode, if
required. The default is only used if a specific means of transport cannot be provided, for example, if there is no
resource or equipment type. To do so, in Customizing for SAP TM, go to Transportation Management -→ Master
Data -→ Transportation Network -→ Transportation Lane -→ Define Transportation Mode and verify whether the
following entries are maintained. Maintain missing values in any as given in the following table and save your

Transportation Mode (TM-Specific) Value

Mode of Transport 01

Description Road

Mode-of-Transport Category 1

Transportation Mode Category (TM Specific) 1 Road

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 9

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Main Carriage

3.2.4 Resources

Transportation unit groups and types, handling resource groups and types and vehicle groups and types are specific
occurrences of equipment groups and types. Equipment Groups can be used to group equipment types into
categories. Defining Equipment Groups and Equipment Types

In Customizing for SAP TM, go to Transportation Management -→ Master Data -→ Resources -→ general Settings -
→ Define Equipment Groups and Equipment Types. For Vehicle Group, if required, create a new entry with the
values as shown in the following table:

Vehicle Group Description Resource Class

Z01 Truck Vehicle Groups Truck

Select the newly created vehicle group. In the dialog structure, choose Vehicle Types. For the different truck types,
you want to use for the integration process, create new entries with the values maintained in the following table if

Vehicle Type Description Means of Transport

Z0101 Truck Types used for the 0001 (Truck)

integration TM <-→ YL

Means of Transport to define the missing means of transport. After definition of the missing means of transport,
return to complete definition of the vehicle type and save your changes. Defining Means of Transport

Define means of transport and assign a default means of transport for each transportation mode, if required. The
default is only used if a specific means of transport cannot be provided, for example, if there is no resource or
equipment types. In Customizing for SAP TM, go to Transportation Management -→ Master Data -→ Resources -→
Means of Transport and Compartment -→ Define Means of Transport. If required, create a new entry with the values
maintained for the fields in the corresponding column and save your changes. Note that only the fields required for
the integration are mentioned in the table:

Screen Group Field Value Comment

Means of Transport Means of transport (MTr)

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 10

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA

Superordinate MTr Specifies the MTR that is supposed to be directly

superior to the means of transport defined in this

Classification Standard Code The UN/EDIFACT standard uses, for example,

code 31 for MTr Truck

Mode of Transport Road

Resource class

Multiresource Multiresource The system uses multiple identical copies when

planning a resource, even if only created once.

Unlimited Number of Specifies the number of copies that the system

indiv. Resources is to use

Number of Indiv.

Additional Properties Passive Equipment without an engine.

No capacity

No direct Load

Your Own MTr


GIS Quality

Default MTr

Sustain. Factor

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 11

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
4 SAP TM Master Data for Freight Order

4.1 Location

To be able to map TM data with Yard Logistics data, warehouse ID must be determined. This will be derived from the
location master data of the shipping and / or destination location of the freight order.
Start transaction /SCMTMS/LOC3 and specify a location. The location must be of type Shipping Point. On the
Alternative ID tab, enter the yard number.

Alternative Location Identifier Description / value

YL_WHS Yard Number

Note that when you use one ALI multiple times, the system will issue a warning message. This warning message can
be ignored.
Please make sure this location has been set as ASR relevant on the General Tab.

Field Value

Advanced Shipping and Receiving Relvnc. 1

4.2 Resources

Start transaction /SCMTMS/RES01 and enter a resource ID. Optionally, you can assign vehicle group / type and
equipment group / type.

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 12

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
5 SAP TM Modeled ASR Integration with SAP
Yard Logistics

In this section you find all required settings for the integration of the SAP TM business object Freight Order with SAP
Yard Logistics.
The available functionality of a freight order is mainly defined and activated by the settings maintained for the specific
freight order type. Furthermore, the allowed freight assigned to the freight order is fully specified by freight type and
freight category. Such a combination, of freight type and freight category will be represented in the freight order under
the Item tab as Item Type and Category and freight filtering will be governed by the output profile, which is part of the
post processing framework (PPF) as a subcategory of an action profile.
Thus, an important part of the freight order integration from SAP TM to SAP YL will be addressed by:
• Freight Order Type
• PPF Action Profile
• PPF Output Profile

5.1 Cross-Application Components – Processes and Tools for

Enterprise Applications

5.1.1 Constants from Agent Class for BO Node

The integration between SAP TM with SAP YL requires adjustments to the PPF adapter settings derived by the
attribute definition of the ABAP class /SAPYL/CL_PPF_SERV_TOR_B2B.

Execute the following steps:

1. Start transaction SE24
2. Enter the ABAP class name, for example /SAPYL/CL_PPF_SERV_TOR_B2B

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 13

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
3. Go to Tab Attributes and compare the initial value of attribute MC_TOR_ASR_REQ_YL and verify whether there is
a corresponding action with the same name defined in the action profile assigned to the output agent
/SCMTMS/B2B_SERVICES. If you don't find one, you must either replace the initial value of the attribute with the
name of the corresponding action or name the corresponding action accordingly.
Repeat the above given step sequence for the following attributes:

5.1.2 Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment

In Customizing under Cross Application Components → Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications →
Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment → PPF Adapter for Output Management in the IMG activity
Maintain PPF Settings, the Action Profile and Action Condition Profile will be specified for the solution, which can
be selected from within the value help list in the output options for freight order type. In the activity Maintain Output
Management Adapter Settings, the output profile (which is a subcategory of an action profile) will be specified, that
then will be available in the freight order type as well as in freight order item type. Action Profile

The action profile with its actions assigned will be always created specific to an application, i.e. in our case for
In Customizing under Cross Application Components → Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment -→
PPF Adapter for Output Management -→ Maintain PPF Settings when choosing above Customizing settings, the
following configuration dialog will be offered:

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 14

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Follow the steps for configuring an action profile with actions assigned.
1. Select application /SCMTMS/TRANSPORTATION
2. From “Customizing and Configuration” choose button “Define Action Profile and actions”
3. From the opened UI view, select action profile /SCMTMS/TOR
4. Choose folder Action Definition.
5. Create three new actions:

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 15

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SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 16

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Logistics for SAP S/4HANA

Action Description and Action Merging are set by default.

Save your changes.
6. Processing Types
All the three actions are set up with same Processing Types:

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 17

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Confidential Output Profile

In Customizing under Cross Application Components -→ Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment -→
PPF Adapter for Output Management -→ Maintain Output Management Adapter Settings, the output profile defined in
the above-mentioned IMG path will be specified together with the customizing activities for a transportation order.
Select the PPF Output agent /SCMTMS/B2B_SERVICES for the Business Object /SCMTMS/TOR with node Root.
Replace the agent class /SCMTMS/CL_PPF_SERV_TOR_B2B with the custom developed class

With the selected entry above, navigate to node Assign PPF Profiles -> Action Settings and add three Action
Definition entries, setting details can be found in the figures below.

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 18

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SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 19
between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
5.2 SAP Transportation Management – Freight Order Management

5.2.1 Freight Order Management – Define Item Types for FO


In Customizing under Transportation Management -→ Freight Order Management -→ Define Item Types for Freight
Order Management, maintain the following:

Setting Value Where to Maintain

Output Profile Blank

Add. Output Profile Blank

Item Type TRUC

Item Category Vehicle Resource

5.2.2 Freight Order – Define Freight Order Types

In Customizing under Transportation Management -→ Freight Order Management -→ Freight Order -→ Define
Freight Order Types

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 20

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Confidential Freight Order Type – Details

Customizing Freight Order Type (S42R)

Execution Settings

Setting Value Comments

Execution Tracking 2 – Execution Tracking


SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 21

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Display Mode for Execution Actual Events from TM and EM,
Tab expected

Execution Propagation blank


Output Options:

Setting Value Comments

Output Profile /SCMTMS/TOR

Add. Output Profile

Integration Settings:

Setting Value Comments

Document Creation N – No External Document

Relevance Creation

EWM Integration Profile blank

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 22

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
Confidential Freight Order Type – Allowed Event Codes

Event Event Description Transp. Transp. Activity Description


ARRIV_DEST Arrival at Destination 04 Arrival

CANCEL_EXEC_DOC Cancel Execution 99 Other Transportation-Related Activies


CANCEL_STATUS_RESET Cancel and Reset 99 Other Transportation-Related Activies

Cargo Execution Status

CANCEL_UNASSIGN_FUS Cancel and Unassign 99 Other Transportation-Related Activies

FUs of Current Stop

DELAYED Delay 99 Other Transportation-Related Activies

DEPARTURE Departure 03 Departure

ITEM_DELIVERY Delivery of Item 06 Proof of Delivery

LOAD_BEGIN Loading Begin 01 Loading

LOAD_END Loading End 01 Loading

READY_LOAD Ready for Loading 01 Loading

READY_UNLOAD Ready for Unloading 02 Unloading

UNLOAD_BEGIN Unloading Begin 02 Unloading

UNLOAD_END Unloading End 02 Unloading Freight Order Type – Allowed Item Types

Setting Value Comment

CONT Container Passive Vehicle Resource

TRL Trailer Passive Vehicle Resource

TRUC Truck Active Vehicle Resource

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 23

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Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
6 Configuration on SAP Yard Logistics for

6.1 Mapping of SAP TM data

6.1.1 Map TM Freight Order types

Mapping of the freight order type from SAP TM to order type in Yard Logistics is needed for the creation of a yard
request. To create the mapping in Customizing for SAP Yard Logistics, go to Yard Logistics → Integration
→Integration to SAP Transportation Management → Map TM Freight Order Types.
This order type is used for the yard request creation.

FO Type Yard No. Order Type Hierarchy Yard Order Type

Mapping Description

<your TM FO type→ <your yard no.→ <your order type→ <your hierarchy

6.1.2 Map TM Relevant TU Types for Yard Request

In Customizing for SAP Yard Logistics, go to Yard Logistics → Integration → Integration to SAP Transportation
Management → Map TM Relevant TU Types for Yard Request.

Yard No. Order Type Item Cat. TM MTr MTr TU Type

<your yard no.→ <your order AVR <Your TM <Your YL <Your YL TU

type→ MTr→ MTr→ Type→

<your yard no.→ <your order PVR <Your TM <Your YL <Your YL TU

type→ MTr→ MTr→ Type→

<your yard no.→ <your order TUR <Your TM <Your YL <Your YL TU

type→ MTr→ MTr→ Type→

This table contains the mapping of TM item categories, which are delivered by SAP, and the TM means of transports
to yard logistics TU type and means of transport. Items in the yard request will be created based on this setting.

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 24

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Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
6.1.3 Map TM Timestamp to Yard Request Time Point

In customizing for SAP Yard Logistics, go to Yard Logistics → Integration → Integration to SAP Transportation
Management → Map TM Timestamp to Yard Request Time Point. In this Customizing activity, you make settings for
mapping of freight order time points as requested/acceptable (un)loading, departure and arrival time stamps into yard
request relevant dates and times, which are specific for each yard number and yard request type combination. The
following table shows one sample configuration:

Yard No. Order Type Direction TM Point RecType YO Date Time

Record Type

<your yard <your order Inbound Requested 03 Unloading

no.→ type→ Unloading

<your yard <your order Inbound Planned Yard 01 Arrival

no.→ type→ Arrival

<your yard <your order Outbound Requested 04 Loading

no.→ type→ Loading

<your yard <your order Outbound Planned Yard 06 Departure

no.→ type→ Departure

6.1.4 Map TM Business Partner Roles

In Customizing for SAP Yard Logistics, go to Yard Logistics → Integration → Integration to SAP Transportation
Management → Map TM Business Partner Roles. The following table shows one sample configuration.

TM BUPA TM Business Partner Role Description BUPA Role

1 Buyer 0001

12 Carrier 0004

5 Consignee 0002

6 Shipper 0003

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 25

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Logistics for SAP S/4HANA
6.1.5 Map External Reference Documents to YO Header Reference

In Customizing for SAP Yard Logistics, go to Yard Logistics → Integration → Integration to SAP Transportation
Management → Map External Reference Documents to YO Header Reference Documents. The following table
shows one sample configuration:
In this activity, you map the external reference document types to the header reference document types for the yard

TM document type External reference Yard Number Order Type Reference

document type document type

<Your TM document <Your external <Your Yard <Your Order type→ <Your reference
type→ reference document Number→ document type→
type →

6.1.6 Map External Reference Documents to YO Item Reference


In Customizing for SAP Yard Logistics, go to Yard Logistics → Integration → Integration to SAP Transportation
Management → Map External Reference Documents to YO Item Reference Documents.
The following table shows one sample configuration: In this activity, you assign the external reference documents to
the item reference documents for the yard order.

TM Document Business Yard Order TU Type Reference Reference

document for Transaction Number Type document Document
type Business Document type Item Type
Transaction Item Type

<Your TM 105 15 <Your Yard <Your <Your YL <Your <Your

document Number→ Order TU reference reference
type→ type→ type→ document document
type→ item

<Your TM 004 002 <Your Yard <Your <Your TU <Your <Your

document Number→ Order type→ reference reference
type→ type→ document document
type→ item

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 26

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6.1.7 Assign Packaging Material to TU Type

In NetWeaver Business Client, go to Settings → Integration to SAP Transportation Management → Assign Packaging
Material to TU Type. In this activity, you assign the Packaging Material to a TU Type

Yard Number Order Type TM Equipment/Vehicle Type TU Type Packaging


<Your Yard <Your Order <Your Equip/Veh Type→ <Your YL TU <Your Packaging
Number→ Type→ Type→ Material→

6.1.8 Map Means of Transport to Packaging Material

In NetWeaver Business Client, choose Master Data → General Setting → Maintain Link Between Packaging Material
(TU) and Means of Transport. In this activity, you map the Means of Transport to Packaging Material.

Means of Packaging Optional Sequence of Number of Packaging

Transport Material Packaging Packaging Material is
Material in Material in Container

<Your Means of <Your <Checkbox→ <Your <Your <Checkbox→

Transport→ Packaging Sequence → Number→

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 27

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7 Appendix

7.1 Related Information

The following table contains links to information relating to the development Guide.

Content Quick Link to the SAP Service Marketplace

Related SAP Notes

Online help for SAP Yard Logistics

SAP Transportation Management-modeled Integration 28

between Advanced Shipping & Receiving and SAP Yard
Logistics for SAP S/4HANA

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