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Adventist International Mission School

Weekly Lesson Plan SY 2023 - 2024

Teacher: Chen, Siqi Week:9 Quarter: 3
Time Frame: Thursday 40 Date: March 20
Subject: Language art Materials: PPT, paper,material, pen
Lesson Title: Comparative adjectives and paper, picture, Cards, Glue.

Objectives: IFL: May have power, together with all

 Students can express in their own the saints, to grasp how wide and long
words the situations in which the and high and deep is the love of Christ
use of comparatives may be (Ephesians 3:18)
 Students can analyse and compare
features of objects or things and
identify differences between
 students can give examples based
on real life and practise using
words in the comparative degree.
Assessment: Expression and activity
Procedures and Activities
Sequential steps of the lesson structure
a) Sing a song "GOD'S Love is so wonderful".
b) Pray and read Ephesians 3:18)
c) Introduce: The teacher explores the concept of comparatives with the
students. By asking simple questions and showing pictures, the students
are stimulated to take an interest in comparative and are guided to
describe the meaning and usage of comparative in their own words.
d) Teaching:
The teacher teaches students the comparative of various words through
PPT and asks them to read aloud to help them remember.
e) Game activity:
F) Activity 1:
Step 1: The students are divided into 6 groups of about 3-4 students
each. And from each group, 1234 numbers were assigned to represent
different functions
Step 2: The teacher distributes the prepared objects to each group.
Step 3: Group Discussion: Give students one minute to observe and
discuss the characteristics of the objects or pictures. Guide students to
describe the features of the items in simple language:"this one is bigger
than that one", "this one is heavier than that one".
Step 4: Students discuss and record in groups for five minutes.
Step 5: After the time is over, have the sharers from each group share
with the class. The teacher counts the number of shares from each group

g) The teacher guides the students to bring the words into daily life to
review what they have learnt in class.

ESLs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Critical Yes

Exemplary Yes

Effective Yes

Self- Yes


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