Ma Hazards

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even unconscious.

Try to remember that Health is somewhat

Things to Remember About Hazards abstract in the first place, so many hazards require no special
• They may sometimes be avoided with appropriate effects. When you do use a special effect, try to make it simple
ability tests. and sensible.

• Determine damage using the Hazard Category table. How Long Does It Last?
• Ability tests may allow characters to mitigate
Many hazards happen once and then end. An IED, for
the damage. A successful test usually means half
example, explodes once when triggered. Other hazards can
damage (rounded down).
be ongoing. Characters running through a burning building
• Some hazards have special effects. suffer damage each round until they escape. Again, use
• Some hazards are one-offs, but others reoccur. common sense to determine whether the hazard is a single
incident or reoccurring.

Hazard Category
Damage Example
Sample Hazards
Floor littered with Here are three sample hazards to give you an idea of how to
Minor Hazard 1d6 implement the system.
broken glass
Moderate Hazard 2d6 10-foot fall
Burning Building
Major Hazard 3d6 Pipe bomb
Arduous Hazard 4d6 Freeway car crash During the night, black hat hackers engineer an electrical
fire by shorting out the climate control systems in a “smart
Harrowing Hazard 5d6 Landmine
building”—one the characters happen to be staying in. They
Murderous Hazard 6d6 Collapsing building wake up to the smell of smoke as fire quickly engulfs the
bottom floor. They can try to escape down the stairs and
How Dangerous is the Hazard? through the common room. However, each round they take
3d6 damage (a major hazard), and their Speed is halved
Just as you assess difficulty for ability tests, so too must you because the smoke makes it hard to see where to go. They
assess the danger of hazards. Consult the Hazard Category could also leap from the windows of their room but the
table and pick the one which best suits the nature of the distance and the fire on the lower floors makes this an arduous
hazard. This determines the base damage the hazard inflicts. hazard that inflicts 4d6 penetrating damage. A successful TN
You might decide that falling from a balcony is a major hazard, 11 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test halves the damage. Do the PCs
so it would inflict 3d6 damage. Only rare, very dangerous dash through the ground floor, or do they make the jump to
hazards inflict more than 6d6 damage. Furthermore, note the freedom and hope the penetrating damage isn’t too bad?
type of damage. Some hazards inflict wound damage; others,
stun damage. A few inflict both types of damage. In that case, Killer Drone
split the hazard’s total damage dice between the two types,
and apply stun damage after wound damage. Rounding a corner, the PCs discover a tracked robot armed
with a belt-fed, mounted machine pistol. Its computerized aim
You can also allow an ability test to mitigate the damage. A
is perfect. Anyone who passes through its line of sight suffers
good standard is that a successful test means the character
3d6 ballistic damage—no attack roll required. It won’t run out
only suffered half damage (rounded down). The PC falling
of ammunition any time soon, no amount of agility can evade
from the tower could be given a chance to make a TN 15
its bullets, and it can easily shoot multiple characters. How
Dexterity (Acrobatics) test to halve the damage.
to the PCs get past it? Solutions might include shooting out
You also need to decide if armor protects against the hazard. its sensor (ranged attack roll against a 15 Defense), finding a
Toughness applies against hazard damage types just as it does makeshift barrier to block incoming fire or conceal the pres-
against combat damage types, as adjusted by the game mode. ence of human targets, or, with the help of a Wi-Fi enabled
If other armor doesn’t protect against the hazard, note it as device, succeeding at a TN 13 Intelligence (Computers) test to
penetrating damage. Common sense should dictate whether shut it down remotely.
armor applies.
Finally, note that in Gritty and Pulpy games where charac- Rushing River
ters have less Health, hazards are deadlier—characters may
A PC must swim across a rushing river to deliver a vital
have to stop their investigations to take time to heal. In
message. Rocks beneath the surface make the crossing even
those games, the worst hazards should be triggered by lack
more perilous. They must make an advanced test with a
of caution, or some set of events characters can see coming,
Success Threshold of 7 (see Advanced Tests in this chapter).
rather than random dangers to slow them down.
Each round the character must take a TN 13 Constitution
(Swimming) test. If they succeed, the result of the Stunt Die
Does it Have Any Special Effects?
counts toward the success threshold. If they fail, they take 2d6
Some hazards might impose a temporary penalty to an ability damage from being dashed against the rocks and/or inhaled
or to Speed. They could reduce the number of actions a char- water. They keep making tests until they make it across or are
acter can take in a turn. They could leave a character prone or reduced to 0 Health.

130 Chapter 8: Mastering the Rules

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