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Preface Within each of us: i& a vast and subtte landscape, an invisible world that seems imaginary, but is perhaps more real than the world, we percewe through our senses. In fact, the “imaginary,” although. vot conerée in the same way asa physical object, is: nonetheless: - a thing uagined, a thing which takes: form in the arrangement of subtle light parties. “The imagination iz the vehicle by which we journey avd travel through our ner landscape, whose Terrain is: vast ave, iwwencurable Greener On The Inside ie a journey through regions of these wner planes. Words with potency are able to reveal and conceal meaning in the same instance, it i& my hope that ever deeper shades: of green reveal themselves: with each steeping! AcLnowlegements: This; book is; dedicated to you the reader who T hope binds: something. of benefit in these pages. T hope it provides: some Lind, of nourisdunent or perhaps even medicine or an ailing heart. T hope it reveals to you the magnitude of what you are, and assist you in some way along the path. of self-discovery - the infinite journey of love. teathers Dur journey begins: with our soul's descent ito the wortd, of form. We are as: though feathers: that have been shed [rom the maestic wings of the great universal spirit. We descend, but have vot yet landed, our vantage pout still high in the heavenly sky. Our spiritual comnedion is- strong, we are elated ard well- pleased, We experience freedom as, well as: nearness to Our Origin. While we are begining to experience the temporal world, and understanding our human cordition, we are not distressed, or disheartened, (We feel as: though the doors: of mercy are wide open are, we are weloome | raturn to purity, and, our eietoaine rae of wed ee te Ca YE te aoa Cl Re an eae (WTO THE MIDDLE OF LOVE'S ETERNAL RIDDLE wed Ogle a Re Rael) Re Cate eel ery ee aad AND WIPE CLEAN THE MIRRORS | Ca eta UND ets ae) Mee aaa a CR Rc eID Berd ea Cee eee el ee aC led CR AL er CTR ea tat ad UM SEEING THE SIGNS Like & READER'S CHOICE | KEEP THIS MOIST FOR THE ROOTS TO DRINK SO THAT ROSES GROW UATIL THE MOON IS PINK Auld THE FEATHERS FLOAT BY (WW) & GUST OF WIAD Like spteirs wreeTwineD Iu THE TIMELESSNESS : WHERE WE'LL MEET AGAIN a Bur vwnie THEN Daler... VERSE tt: FEATHERS IW THE SKY LIKE 4 TWINKLE (W THE EYE A SIMPLE KIND OF FLIGHT JUST TAKEN BY SURPRISE AUWAKENED BY THE LIGHT CASTING SHADOWS ON THE MIND PRESERVE LOVE FOREVER «KEEP IT BATHING IN THE BRINE ae KOMOREBI IW THE PINES ‘AillD (4 CAUGHT IN THE LINES Sove ELECTRIFIED (17'S THE EBB AND FLOW OF ENERGY IN THE SKY (04 LIFTED UP AGAIN WHEN THE MELODIES RISE BETWEEN FRIENDLY FIRE vw BEWIND ENEMY LINES het @S “4 Fy tM roLvowue my BeEaTH TO THE FREEDOM INSIDE We LosT Eden BUT WHY | WOT RETURN TO ITS SECRET, WISE? WMOCENT LIVES CAUGHT IW THE STRUGGLE AND BINDS BREAK IT THIS TIME APPROACH NAKED AND SHY IT DOW'T HELP TO WAX PROUD Tu THE SACRED DIVINE Thinking “Bout You Lately (We have now fully descended, ito the world’s dencity avd, feel as though we are strangers in a strange lard. We have retained, an awareness: of our nate reality, but have also grown aware of the ills, that abound, as; well as; the deception and control exerted, by underlying power strudures, which have existed, since the days: of antiquity, ard, persist to the present day. Th this. condition, we feel as though we are coming up againet the world, with a responsibility to yphold virtue in a dimate of moral degradation. THINKING ‘BOovuT You LATELY VERSE I: a (7S BEEN A MINUTE MY HEART SKIPS THE RHYTHM ; y (ROM PRESSING LINEN MY BLOOD RUNS TO FINISH @ ramnine BOUT YOUR IMAGE © CANT HELP BUT cetMMtNS A LIGHT 50 BRIGHT WE DIM IT AnD CAN'T FUND IT'S LIMIT : ¥ UM RUBBING MINE ‘TILL THE STRESS SUBSIDES OVERCOME ADVERSITY WirTA HEALTHY STRIDES UM DOWG JUST FUE THINKING BOUT YOUR EXCELLENCE Ald HOW YOU SHINE 50 BEDAZZLING! U4 THROW LIKE & JAVELIN 1) BETWEEN THE PASSAGES YOU ARE SOMEONE I'M IMAGINING SLEEPING IWSIDE OF ME UNDERNEATH THE TREE OF FORGETFULNESS SWAKE OFF THE LEAVES PLEASE DO REMEMBER ME Youve Beo Lateer SUBTLE ENERGIES z Gowns Ww my cauoey. OPENING MY HAND TO SEE + VERSE II: . THMKING BOUT THE WORLDS eS THAT HAVE COME AND GONE u y= THE ROADS THAT WE'VE TRAVELLED ON 4 RODE OUR SADDLES Ow TRYING TO BREAK THE SPELL OF & MODERN DAY BABYLON | HOW MANY MAPS OF THE WORLD WAVE BEEN PLOTTED ON ~~ CHARTED OUT WITH DOTTED LINES How many Lies WERE SPUN OVT OF MINDS TO JUSTIFY THE CRIMES? ILLUSTRIOUS DESIGNS IOUT WOT RELY ON SOME CHEAP LABOR » arucnen | WHATEVER WE IMAGINE THE TRUTH IS MUCH GREATER! 04 UNELDING LOVE'S SABER SPLITTING HAIRS LIKE 4 RAZOR ELOQVENT tw SPEECH WELL CULTURED LIKE A GEISHA LOYAL AS & SAMURAI TO ONE'S RETAINER Mine's THE MOST MERCIFUL SHELTERS ME IW SAFETY LOVE IS SOMETHING PERSONAL THAT WON'T ESCAPE ME IT CULMINATES WUSIDE THIS VESSEL OF DISTILLATION | 50 MANY HEARTS ARE DESOLATE AUD CRACKING UNDER PRESSURE | KEEP MINE WETTER UNTHESS LIFE FROM DEAD EARTH... Maes T (Vanea See The light At this: stage we are deeply yearning to again draw dose in proximity to our Beloved, the ground of all being. (Ve recognize our complete reliance on the one who sustains us. We feel a heightened avareress that everything in existence is yearning for this: presence. Dur state i& expanded, ard the lame of our love burns: fiercely, Although we cannot comprehend, all of the mysteries, we desire to enter to the light and annihilate our false sense of self. WANNA SEE THE Lt VERSE I: SOMETIMES | FID MY HEART IW THE GROUND | WANNA SEE THE LIGHT ls YOuR EYES Pavel ovr AnD FILLING VP MY ATRIUM GLOWING LIKE RADIUM MumBER FF IKE THE KEYS THAT ARE PLAYING US SUWSHINE aur SHADES oF Love" / yy ANCIENT TONGVES “wy SPEAKING THROVGH THE REEDS All THE BREEZE GUIDING US Glad TIDINGS ARRIVING UNTH THE PROMISE OF... WEW LIFE TRUE SIGHT INTO CONSCIOUSNESS: So vers sit FOR A MOMENT Anup REFLECT OW THE OCEAN AND WAVES FROM THE WOMB TS THE GeAvE Your LOVE ts GOOD FROM Sweet Jue TO MAY | WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE Tu 4 FULL Moow Gaze! ‘ = Veese ti: Dow'T LEAVE ME IW THE DARKEST WIGHT h My SOUL PLIGHT IF YOU CLOSE Youve EVES P's = THEN 1’ LOST CAN'T Fill YOUR LIGHT. ALLE CAN'T NAVIGATE THE SEA witout You wexT TO ME Youe Love Is... Ecstasy | can't Miss So mysnieied (Riss THE SKY Like 4 VIOLET HAZE CUT MY TONGUE OW THE DIAMONDS HANGING 1) SPACE < +e | Mr Anouisn c5asen u |) WHEN YOU SMILE & CRESCENT ) When You open Youe EVES | EVERYTHING 15 & BLESSING U0 DRESSED BY YOUR MESSAGE You LEAVE ME BREATHLESS TAKE ME TO THE EDGE TO WHERE I'M DESTINED Buey ME THERE OF THIS WHOLE EXISTENCE! — 7 Lowes To BE CLOSE TO THE LIGHT THAT'S HIDDEN Movine WW A set te WE LISTEN WE HEAR THE HARMONY AND RHYTHM THE HEART BEAT (5 MORE THAN & THUMP THE RIB CAGE QC (7's THe BREATH ( e BEING GIVEN TO THIS WHOLE THING TIME (5 RUMUING OUT Oe WEVER WAS ( DOM'T KNOW WHICH ALL | KNOW IS... You cau'T HOLD Ow WITH A CLOSED Fist! Veese ttt: p LET 66 AND LET THE LIGHT FLOW WEVER FELT AS SAFE | WAS WALKING & TIGHT & MOT GOMUA LIE THOUGH FELL FOR YOU LIKE GOLD TREASURE OF my Sout CAUGHT OW A HIGH NOTE GIVING ME WINGS AND MAKING MY MIND FLOAT YOu SING LIKE AN ANGEL MOT LIKE AM IDOL GaipPrIne MY CHEST AnD DISTORTING MY VITALS A SOFT CARESS THAT MOVES THE TIME SLOW Pe c A BULLETPROOF VEST BUT Your EYES STILL BURN HOLES A MAN GOES BLIND (W & LIGHT THAT'S SO FULL! Goodbye Blues Dur experience of life i& not always pleasant, at times, we fire ourselves: in moments: (or Longer stretches) of grief and sadness. But for every vigitor who arrives as a quest - there i& a time of departure. Lan we allow ourselves to sink wito our sadness: im a wag that wales, us feel more conmeded? Can we experience this: field, of emotionl turbulence with a sense of gratdude are, patience, surrendering ourselves to a deeper trust and support, which has never abavdoned, us? Can we shed, the old stin, burn the dross, ard allow ourselves, to open our hearts: to the wwmensity of what is, coming, next? f VERSE I: T kuow It's ward SOMETIMES WIEN YOU'RE FEELING DOWN (© THERE'S FOOD ON THE PLATE THEN WE ALREADY GREAT THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING Eveermine! ‘CAUSE THERE AIN'T NO WAY THAT WE CAN MAKE IT ALL OW OUR OWW =P FORGET THE FALSE PRIDE JUST LEAVE IT ALONE WIEN YOU PLAY THE CARDS RIGHT SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA FOLD Youve GOTTA KNow THAT AlW'T THE SAME AS DEFEAT (THE ART OF WAR SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA RETREAT PRESERVE YOUe LIFE 50 YOU CAN FIGHT ANOTHER DAY (75 ALL ABOUT THE RHYTHM ITS ALL ABOUT THE WISDOM THAT WE GAIN FROM THE TRIALS Wimout mE FROWNS Co ue WOULD NEVER KNOW THE SMILES RQ WitouT THE PovADS We WduLD NEVER KNOW THE OUNCE CT THE BURDEN THAT IS LIGHTER WIEN WE START TO BOUNCE Aud PUT OUR FAITH (A THE ONE THAT KNOWS HOW... Cuore: THERE WILL BE BRIGHTER DAYS: THE RAIN WON'T LAST FOREVER UNTIL WE SAY GOODBYE Buves ° GOobBYE BLUES Goopsre ITsu't T00 FAR TO TASTE, WO! WOULD LIKE TO BE IW A BETTER PLACE Bur EITHER WAY MAN, | GOTTA GIVE THANKS ‘CAUSE Ommeemise MY TIME WOULD BE & WASTE OW AW ENDLESS CHASE TRYING TO FILL 4 VOID THAT COULD WEVER BE REPLACED WITH MaTERIAL THINGS THE ONLY THINGS WE KEEP ARE THOSE WE GIVE AWAY YOu SHOULD KNOW 9 THERE'S A BLESSING THE BOTTOM LINE IS 04 SAYING YES TODAY LETTS 6o Lene 66 OF yesTERDAY LEMME FRESHEN MY FACE FOR A NEW EXCHANGE Ald PUCKER MY LIPS FOR MY LOVE IW THE SPRING SEASONS CHANGE AND WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY BRING * REVITALIZING MIST AND A KISS YOU CAM DRUM ‘ On rine tf you THU THAT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE AT COULD CHANGE IW & BLINK & SON GOES PRODIGAL RETURNING WE SING no 3 CuoRevs: pT Te To TBS CC le es A el eR al LOE ELL Meee MAKES ME TEND TO BELIEVE (T SUMILAR TO MINE Kb OF HARD TO DEFWE Oa read | Maree WE CAN SAY Tuat’s Just LiFe (5 THERE A BETTER WiAY? WELL, WE'RE SURE Tey ont THATS RIGHT! a WE SEE & BEING THAT IS HONORED BY A LOVE 56 HIGH Ww Thar we dover IT SOMETIMES: 7 a > — THINKING THAT IT MAY BE JUST A TRICK OF THE MIND A WISH AND DESIRE WEVER TO BE REALIZED BUT THAT'S THE ILLUSION FROM WHICH WE Must RISE TOO MUCH LIES HIDDEN yy UNDERNEATH THE DISGUISE REMEMBER IT'S THE LIGHT THAT FILLS THE BLUE SKY PRESENCE |) THE CENTER OF HEART THAT LIGHT! Don't let Me Come Dovon Llaving again reached a place of exaltation, we wieh vot to be brought down ane, humiliated. (Ve Enow what if feels lie to be low down in the muck ard mire. Although we acknowledge that our states: Luctuite with the great law of change, we tered to seek pleasure ave, wish to avoid, pain. However, when we find ourselves, on the are of ascension, we desire to slay elevated, hoping to be worthy of affection in the eyes: of our beholder. We realize that it i& our own wavering in love that brings, us: back donn ito the realm of separation ard, earthly bondage. DON'T LET ME COME DOWN VERSE |: MY LOVE IS HIGH AS CAN GO EVEN THOUGH SOMETIMES | GET LOW (17'S OK, ITS Ok... (7's WATURAL To SWAY AND HEY! SOME Day We'LL FADE AWAY But Topay (3 TOO GREAT To waste IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO SHAKE IT OFF Aub TIE YOUR SHOE LACE Gon Yay 66H Yay! GET uP STAND VP W & NEW WAY BE THE COOLNESS Veese tt: « LET ME stay Iw Your Eveeest i DIVE FOR YOUR TREASURES Bask tw Youve LIGHT AND LIVE FOR YOue PLEASURE LiET MY DEPRESSION You'ee THE BEST MEDICINE The BEST WIAD BEST KIND OF FRIEND CHERISHING CONNECTION GIVING EVERY BLESSING GUIDING MY DIRECTION COUSTANTLY PROTECTING GIVING ME THE BREATH THAT | USE TO PRAISE YOU You'ee THE OWLY OWE AuD t BOW MY LEAVES WHEN THE TIME'S RIGHT EVERYTHING (5 JUST How IT's SuPPOSED TO BE SO GET STRESS RELIEF AND LIVE BLISSFULLY THIS LIFE IS A GIFT y TWAT You GAVE To ME & You SENT ME LOVE (THE BEST OF FORMS YOU FASHIONED BOWES THAT do suPPORT You Sent MY Wire My sow MY HEART IS JUST 50 FULL | DOW'T KNOW WHERE TO START Just GRATITUDE THAT FALLS SHORT OF YOU (can't IMAGINE SEEING ALL Youve TeVTH! Wo! CnoRus: Veese tli: JUST FOLLOW YOUR HEART |, (WSIDE THERE'S SO MUCH IT'S SUCH A JOURNEY FOR VS To FEEL LOVE TO FEEL THE LO-OVE! WSIDE US Like Fizzy Sopa We ave always veloome to embark on a new voyage! If we approach. with sincerity, we will never be denied, entrance. The roads, ard, waterways are always wide open on this: derral quest tovards: the heart of love, mercy, avd compassion. We travel within ourselves: and also with those mor we love, (Ve fur deep comfort in the company of one another and marvel at the beauty, terlerness, and, love we share from heart to heart We will weale our memories here ard, nom! (We would, do well to ge ourselves permigsion to enjoy the wondrous moments; that arice on thie: grave, voyage MAIDEN VOYAGE ce CHoRus: \p | WANNA TAKE YOU OW i rl ON & JOURNEY OF LOVE Sry OW A TovRNEY LG A 50 DARLIN’ C'MON - COME WITH ME i : WE CAN GO BEYOND THE SEA ry AF Veese |: Lt\ LI Jol ME OW A MAIDEN VOYAGE = You Kuow Your VOICE ts JUST LIKE A SAIL WW WIAD Unen (7's uoIsTeD 5 He (> iS. cant | FEEL THE BREEZE Q5 Ow MY CHEEKS WHEN YOU'RE CLOSE DEAR We £06 (7S 50 CLEAR COULD GAZE AT YOUR VISAGE THE REMAINDER OF MY STAY HERE. AT THE HELM WE cAN BOTH STEER t Atw'T TRYING TO BOAST HERE BUT YOUR KISSES STAY WARM DESPITE THE SALT IW MY BEARD Wow now's THAT FOR A CHEER FORGOT | EVEM SHED THE TEARS Wow ('M ALL EARS HEAVEN SENT A GteL. NTH FLOWERS HER HAIR OW THIS TOURNEY OF LOVE VERSE tt: WE cut THE Waves © — STRAIGHT WO CHASE A Love maT stays . p OW THE BREATH OF LIFE , AND NEVER GOES AWAY Er 4 THIS MIGHT SOUND REDUNDANT | BUT 1M FEELING THE BREAK YOU'RE LOVE'S'GOT MY HEART PUMPING LIKE AN OR AND TRANSLATE MYPFEELINGS THROVGH THE RAIN DROPS OF MEANING WHEN THE FLAME STARTS TO HEAT UP D MY KETTLE STARTS TO BUBBLE OVER CRIMSON AND CLOVER Ove FAVORITE JAMS PLAY © OVER AND over MY HEART THROBS WiiTH EMoTION Auld MY OCEAN OF SPRAY Ny ee . TOGETHER STRAIGHT COAST UP PACIFIC HIGHWAY al a DIMING OW SOME FRESH FISW FROM THE BAY YOUR FACE SHINES SO BRIGHT OW 4 HOT SUMMER DAY COULD | EVER EXPLAIN How mucH (' ENTONING THE GIFT THAT YOu BRING To < HEART EVERY MORNING Tf All Started, With. A Feeling Zeelings: are of many different shades, but the truest feeling arrives, as: inspiration, which stirs in our heart of hearts. While initially volatile, this, (eeling matures uto immer certitude. wer This; feeling gives: us: the courage to commit to our truest impulses ane establich an enduring bond with both. our earthly and heavenly Beloved. TED WITH A FEELING VERSE |: WAS & SWORD IN THE STONE PULLED IT OUT OF MY HEART Auld YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE FOR WHOM IT WOULD BUDGE ITS JUST YouR LUMINOUS TOUCH Like THE MOON THAT 4 UNDER BRINGING WARMTH TO MY CHEST WHEN | WAS FROZEN IW TUNDRA | WAS HOPING FOR SOMEONE COME AUD MAKE MY BLOOD RUN BEAT OF Love's DRUM Ww THE ASHES (FEEL NEW GROWTH Like Flowers 1 THE GASHES WEW FLOWS LIKE CURRENTS OF A PASSAGE TRVE HOPE LIKE WINTER SOON PASSING THE INTERVIEW LASTING JUST TO DRAW THE PLEASURE OUT BUTI Kuow Ww MY SOUL (VE VE ALREADY DROWMED HEAD WW THE CLOUDS ‘BUT MY FEET ARE ON SOLID ‘STEapy Now IT'S & HEAVY SOUND 1M UNRAVELING _ ALL My STRINGS UNWoUND! Cnoevs: (TALL STARTED WITH A FEELING THAT | GOT IW ME WHEN | FIRST Lal EVES On Gop's aenisTey IT WAS Youe EYES Au YOUR SMILE THAT TOOK HOLD OF ME (T WAS THE MOMENT | KNEW... f WM ON THAT FOREVER WE ARE LET'S TE THE KNOT LOVE IS SEVEWWE THE KETTLE WAS HOT | \\ STILL Buew my TONevE \ SLL Kiss THE suN Every TIME IT COMES OUT J CAUSE YOu AND t 4 . a ¥ GOT A LOVE THAT WEVER RUS OUT HITCHHIKING THROUGH THE SKY WITH ove THUMBS OUT ——. SWEPT VP BY THE ANGELS (a) THE COMFORT OF A CLOUD YOu'eE THE RAIN FOR MY DROUGHT In peaise I coven sour a “St YOU (5 WELL ENDS! 1, Wo TELLING How WE CAME TO UNEARTH IT MysTERious THE WAY GOD WORKS WHEN YOU'RE SEARCHING! “ Cnoevs: VERSE ttt: (04 ENAMORED WITH YOUR BEAUTY WHILE YOU'RE HERE JUST TALKING TO ME| e EYES ARE PIERCING THROUGH ME Aub THEY'RE DEEPER THAW A RUBY ' MELTING ON THE SCENE WAVY FEELING GROOVY Life (5 BUT A DREAM AND WE'RE CAST IW THE MOVIE You're MY MUSE MY HEROINE FEELING DUMBSTRUCK SOMEONE FEED ME THE LINES ELOQVENT AS CYRANO SLIP IT WW THE ENVELOPE AND SEAL IT WITH TIME Wau! LET ME Just SPEAK FROM MY HEART RIGHT NOW wy IT STARTED WITH A MG Aur cREWw . INTO 4 FULL MOoW ¥ UNDER THE STARS WE'RE STRINGING EVERY PEARL THROVeH OUe GLEAMING HEARTS DREAMING OF A LIFE FOR US REALLY Alu'T THE TYPE TO LUST ‘ We JUST WANT A THAT (5 BEAUTIFUL TO HONGR LOVE | Ald THE GRACE © THAT DESCEADS FROM ABOVE LIKE 4 LIFE GIVING FLAME We cneeis IT LIKE THE LIGHT OF DAY (W LOVE WE KEEP NOTHING Bur Give IT ALL Away! CHoRus: (TALL STARTED WITH A FEELING THAT | GOT IN ME 5 7 WHEN | FIRST LAID EVES: Ow Gop'smeTisTeY IT WAS Your EVER . AND YOUR SMILE Dy mar Took noir oF ME IT WAS THE MOMENT | KEWL be IT WAS MEANT TOBE! oh pe a. Happy ‘thom Within © Without the promize of tomorrow, we recognize that we are responsible for the cultwation of genuine happiness: in our present life. True happiness: ean only arise from within, even if it i& brought out by an exterwal stimulus. When we wake a special connedion with someone who mates, our heart sing, it is: easier to bring to expression the joy that was, Latent within. Even more precious than freedom, is baa aarrics ina savred, bord. ‘ HAPPY FROM WITHIN Veese |: THis COULD BE My Lasr ceTree HOPING THAT IT LASTS AD ECHOES IW YOUR Like AM OPERETTA A PITCHER FOR YOUR TEARS THAT I'LL CATCH FOREVA Dow't Ever FEAR Your THE ONE WHO'S NEAR / WOT TO MENTION DEAR Same \ LIKE THE WARMTH OF THE OR THE SOUL OF A DaYM YOU MAKE IT CLEAR To WEVER RUST UNDER SKY We mabe IT HERE 7 TO FD BABY, TELL ME WHY YOu cay 2° Aap te comin wie your TEARS AWAY es & NO GRIEF 68 SORROW Pi. You aud ME ARE FOREVER INTERTWINED IY Ove HAPPINESS IS LOVE OUR LAUGHTER IS DIVINE WE'RE JUST ACTORS IW THE LIGHT Living ONE LiFe COMPANIONS OW THE ROAD Lovers OF THE SAME VIBES STALLIONS OF THE SAME SOUL THUNDERING BOLD 6 RIDING FROM THE SKY “To THE VALLEYS BELOW Foun YOU IW THE FLOW WAS THIRSTY TO DRINK (a THE suoW (a) THE DESERT RAW WAS NEVER THE SAME WHEN THE DROPS WERE FALLING | KEW IT WAS REAL! ae =z . AAA = oa nl IF ONLY | COULD LOVE You EVERY SINGLE DAY Like SUNSHINE DRENCHING YOUR SKIN TO BATHE LET ME GIVE YOU WHAT You NEED Mo, STRONG AS MOONSHINE 4A SWEPT VP IN THE NOONTIDE TOGETHER WE'RE TOO FLY YOU KAOW YOU'RE THE CURE, RIGHT? MY BODY NEEDS YOUR ANTIDOTE YOU KEEP ME GROUNDED WHEN I'M SLIPPING LIKE & BAR OF SOAP Ma) THIS TOWNSHIP 7 WE MADE A HOME TO THE MOMENT WE HOLD SAILING WITH THE WIND TO THE MOUNTAINS OF SNOW WHERE WE CAN MAKE LOVE Ove HUMBLE ABODE Ati OF YOUR MAGNETIC LIGHT ¥ RUMI SAID IT RIGHT LOvERs NEVER MEET OUTSIDE Bur always wiThiw Beer AT THE SOURCE THE ROOT OF HAPPINESS EVEN THOUGH I'M RAPPING UM UNWRAPPING IT my HEART % 1 NMED TO THE TREE Le THAT Ove WAMES ARE caeveD We Join FORCES \W & SACRED BOND YOU'RE MY FORTRESS: WOT A HOUSE OF CARDS... (Without You If we have traveled the path. well, we grow intensely aware that our identity is only veal insomuch as: it is: aligned, with the Truth. (Ve negate ourselves, as our Beloved hemes more dear to us: than our own selves. (Ve are ever reaching for utienacy, are when our sojourn approaches: LE fural destunation, we hope to be nga ; as though it were our wedding right, | CAW'T PEEL MY HEART WITHOUT YOU (> STARVE WITHOUT You ( DOM'T THIMK THAT | COULD HEAL THE seaes WimaeuT You AS LONG AS YOU'RE HERE LL WEVER DOUBT YOU UD BE ALONE WITHOUT You LEFT WW THE COLD WITHOUT You * LET'S OPEN THE BLINDS , =. moon! vasa THROUGH AND THROUGH AnD FD OUT Wo 's who? WOVEN tw TIME ws sine aw ou RUSHING TO THE FLAME OF YOU 1 CAN'T REFUSE i THERE'S NOTHING AS ENTICING 11) AS THE LURE OF TRUTH MY SOUL EVAPORATES) t WOULD STARVE WITHOUT YE t Dowie naiaK TWAT | COULD HEAL THE é wirmouT You : { WAS LONG AS YOU'RE HERE LL WEVER DOUBT You 1D BE ALowe without You CAN'T BREATHE WITHOUT YOU 4 & CAN'T SLEEP WITHOUT YOU EAT wiTHOUT You CAN'T FEEL THE COLD GROUND UNDER MY FEET WITHOUT YOU MOT PLEASED WITHOUT YOu WITHOUT You (' DEAD LEAVES: (THE BREEZE WITHOUT You BECAUSE OF YoU Z y é ® VERSE Ut: RECESSED IW YOUR binpues CRADLED IW YOUR SMILE YOUR EVES GLOWING ERYSTAL GRoUNe WISTFUL | WEED YOU MORE THAW EVER TO TEMPER THE WEATHER XN NEED A WARMTH THAT IS TENDER TO SAVE THESE ORANGE EMBERS ¢ FROM THE FROST OF DECEMBER () WILDERNESS LOST AN WHOCENCE THAT'S SIMPLE UUTAUITED BY THE WORLD CORRUPTING EVERY BOY AND GleL RETURNING WE ARE BLISSFUL BUT WE COMPLICATE THE ye | WISH THAT YOU WOULD CLEANSE US ~ ‘CAUSE WE MISS YOU Dow'T WITHHOLD YouR LOVE tf WE PROCLAIM JUST You UNTH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEWG TO HEAL THE FLUSHED WOUADS THE BALM OF LOVE SOOTHES MY HEART'S IWVIGORATED ‘BY THE CRUSHED JEWEL We Just GREW LIKE JASMINE IN THE WIGHT STREWN ACROSS THE BRUSHED MOON OVER AND ABOVE Ove TOMBS THE TEMPLES OF RUIN A UALLING BRIDE THE SPIRIT NEVER DIES Just Races TO FD THE SWEET TASTE OF WINE! D lost Th Between” Sometimes, our experience is; turbulent and, we feel that we are in between so many energies ard forces: in flux. There it both. beauty and, ugliness: in the world. Just as it i& wportant to develop trust, we must also be vigilant and protect ourselves from harm, or that which would cause us to sink into low vibrational slates: such as: ignorance, arrogance, or greed. We ave always tested, along the path and, must persevere through the challenges while Keeping: our eyes; ahead. LOST IN BETWEEN 3 VERSE |: Lost w BETWEEN Z REALITY AND A DREAM Din. GOT LOST IW THE SCENE SS Ss AND CAN'T MAKE THE TEARS STOP LOST IW THE GREEN THE LEAVES THAT COVER ME DROP OveR THE RAVINE AND WASH UP IW) THE STREAM LOST CAUSES | MEAN y WEVER GROW LIKE A BEAN STOCK SPONTANEOUS LIKE A RHYME OVER BEAT BOX 4 ON RADIUS OW MY WAY TO THE SOURCE, WATCH! OPEN YouR EYES Dow'T GET HUNG UP ON BLIND SPOTS EVEN tf TIME STOPS \ M4 & STAY ON TOP EMOTIONS FLOOD WASHING OVER THE DRUM BREAK (5 WOT A MIGHTY OAK TREE Boen OUT OF ONE SEED? KINGDOMS DISAPPEAR LIKE 4 CHAIN OF SMOKE RINGS LIKE THEY WERE NEVER THERE GUESS WHAT MATTERS MOST IS WOT TO POSSESS BUT LET GROW THESE ROSES AuD LEARN FROM THE GASH THAT THE THORN EXPOSES SHEDDING THE PAST 50 NEW MOSS CAN GROW IW Losrw serweeu AFTER EROSION! Lost ww BETWEEN pode ALL THE SEAMS THAT ARE OPEN

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