Candela Obscura - Assignment 703 - The In-Between v1.3

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Assignment #703:

The In-Between
The In-Between

An Assignment for Candela Obscura

Content warning: Nothing that bad, have fun!

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Dramatis Personae

Exploration I: The Streets

Exploration II: The Sewers

Escalation I: The In-Between

Escalation II: The Manor House

Escalation III: The Soul Storm

Climax: The Bridleborne


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Premise Hooks

Porfirio Montero is a man out of place. He has collapsed Read this section to the players as the hook for this
dead from bleed poisoning in a South Soffit bar, and he’s adventure:
very far from home as a Bridleborne Mountain bootlegger.
His gang has discovered a portal that connects the
mountains to the Newfaire sewers - but they’ve also had a The bar is lively at this hour of night, a small crowd of
run-in with the awful forces that reside in the In-Between. regulars gathering at their familiar South Soffit watering

Threats When the door bangs open, conversations trail off to

murmurs. A sweating middle-aged man dressed in torn
The Enforcers (body): and travel-worn clothing stumbles in, collapsing onto a
Rival gangs run the streets of Newfaire, or at least they barstool and setting aside a clinking traveling pack. He is
claim to. Warring forces on the streets and below them dressed in the style of someone from the Bridleborne
represent a physical threat to your investigators. Mountains, with cowboy boots and a disheveled straw
The In-Between (brain): hat.
A maze-like world of garden paths and stairwells suspended His voice is weak as he speaks. “Please, a drink.
in a void of stars, the In-Between is an ancient wizard’s Something strong.”
secret passage. The strange geometry of this place
challenges the mind of even the sturdiest investigators. The bartender slides him a glass. It passes through his
fingers, which glow a ghostly, ethereal blue.
The Wailing Wind (bleed):
Little understood, The In-Between is beset by periodic The man curses softly under his breath, before collapsing
storms of spirits that strip the souls from unfortunate visitors to the barroom floor.
caught without the proper protection.

dramatis personae Feel free to use one of these hooks to further customize the
assignment to your Circle of investigators.
The Bartender:
Patrick Fitzpatrick (he/him)
Criminal Connections:
The Street Urchin: You have some connection with the South Soffit underworld,
Red Connelly (they/them) and word has reached you of a turf war brewing: a
Bridleborne Mountain bootlegger is far out of place,
The Witch threatening the delicate balance between gangs. You’ve
Ariadne Volstonecraft (she/her) been called in to investigate the matter and keep the peace.

The Bootlegger:
Rosalita Montero (she/her) Just having a drink:
What started as an ordinary Tuesday night has taken quite
the turn. You were drinking at the Gilded Bough, your local
tavern, when a stranger walked in and died of bleed
poisoning. That practically never happens! Your curiosity is
piqued, and the chase is on to find out what happened to
this man.

An Occultist Walks into a Bar:

You have heard through your contacts that a far-traveled
bootlegger has collapsed dead of bleed poisoning in the
South Soffit. Smelling a chance to recover arcane artefacts
for your collection, you spring into action and begin your

As always, customize these assignment hooks to make a

compelling investigation that suits your Circle!

Porfirio Montero, The Dead Man

● His traveling papers state his name and his

Arrival residence, an unassuming location far away in the

Bridleborn Mountains.
● He has a revolver with all six shots fired.
● He has a peculiar necklace that radiates bleed.
● His right arm and chest have been made ethereal
Read this section to the players: by bleed corruption - it looks like enough for a fatal
Knowledgeable investigators may further glean with an
You’re called in by Candela Obscura to investigate the appropriate test:
death of a man in a South Soffit bar. The man is dressed ● He lacks what you would expect from a traveler -
like he is far from home, with the look of a local from the either train tickets or a receipt from the stables to
Bridleborne Mountains. His traveling papers list his name retrieve a horse.
● His last name is the same as a notorious band of
as Porfirio Montero. bootleggers out of the Bridleborne district - the
Montero Clan is alternately known as The Blue
Mountain Boys or the Monteros.
With the Periphery tied up elsewhere and with no clues to ● The man’s trail is possible to pick up with a bleed
be found beyond an intense presence of bleed, word has detector, so you can see where he has been.
reached your Lightkeeper to assemble a team of

Reveal: The dead man is a smuggler of scarlet moonshine,

and was carrying a fortune of it in his traveling bag.

The Gilded Bough is a tiny tavern off of the main

thoroughfare in the South Soffit. Situated in a working class
neighborhood, the bar attracts locals and the occasional
messenger from the neighboring stable.

Patrick Fitzpatrick is the bartender who is serving drinks at

the Gilded Bough at this hour. He is a middle-aged man with
a wry sense of humor. The bar is also populated by a
motley collection of locals who are curious about the
proceedings and one or two travelers from the stables.

If the players choose to question Patrick, they may learn the

● The dead man is a stranger and Patrick has never Patrick Fitzpatrick, the Bartender
seen him before.
● The man entered the bar sweating and winded,
like he had been chased. He muttered something
about being “chased by the wind” before he died.
Exploration I: The
● Occasionally, men dressed like the dead man visit
from the stables - they are typically horse
messengers from the Bridleborn Mountains
● Patrick will claim that he is “keeping it safe” for the
Periphery if confronted about the missing traveling
sack filled with scarlet moonshine.
If the players opt to question the bar patrons, they will learn
the following: Read this section to the players:
● The man arrived with a heavy bag that clinked as
he walked. Patrick quickly moved it behind the bar Even the dusty sidestreets of The South Soffit are
after peering inside.
● The dead man has not been seen in the veritably teeming with activity, and the street outside the
neighborhood before. Gilded Bough is no exception.
● The man had a nervous tick of tugging at the
pendant around his neck, a strange, outlandish
piece of jewelry. Riders canter from the stables next to the bar, while a
Porfirio’s body is slumped next to a stool at the bar. He is nervous-looking coach driver idles in the street. Children
wearing torn and smeared traveling clothes in the fashion of play a lively game of stickball in one of the adjoining
his home in the Bridleborne Mountains. Around his neck is alleys. Distantly, a street tram’s horn blares.
an important relic that serves as a key to the passages to
The In-Between. Make sure that the investigators collect it! The air stinks of horses and industrial fumes. Welcome to
Both the body and the relic are contaminated with bleed. the South Soffit!
If the players opt to search the body, they may learn:

Climbing down iron rungs into the sewer, the air is heavy
Reveal: The dead man emerged from the sewers, and with humidity and smells like rot.
missed a rendezvous with the smugglers who were going to
pick up his moonshine. Stuffy and pitch dark, the sewers are an ancient
cobblestone edifice with two narrow walkways running
Newfaire is a living, breathing city in the grips of an alongside an open trough filled with the waste and
industrial revolution. Being out on the street should feel like garbage of the city. Occasional steamworks block the
it! Mix horses with motorcycles, street cars with penny path or force you to climb around.
farthing bicycles - the more juxtaposition of old and new, the
better. Only sanitation guild workers and criminals would be
caught dead in this miserable, malodorous place.
This particular street has 3 points of interest: the idling
coachman, the children playing stickball, and the sewer
entrance in the back alley. The sewers of Newfaire are largely holdovers from Oldfaire,
just built on top of and periodically refurbished.
If the players opt to investigate the idling coach, they may
learn: If the players opt to investigate the sewers, they may find:
● The coach driver is watching several different back ● Multiple sets of footprints in the algae on the
alleys. bricks, including several that are still wet.
● Two armed guards are riding inside of the coach - ● One set of footprints that radiates bleed. Those are
they are not amenable to questioning. Porfirio’s
● The coach is waiting to carry off the scarlet
moonshine to its ultimate destination at a A gang of teenagers is hiding, ready to waylay any other
speakeasy. gang members that might trespass on their turf. This can
● If the investigators secure the moonshine for the provide fuel for an action sequence, or if your Circle of
coachman, the coach driver will happily reveal investigators prefer to parlay, they may learn the following:
what they know - that the shipment was to be
expected from the sewers on this street. ● The teenagers are part of an actual gang: the
Tunnel Rats. They are led by Red Connelly.
If the players opt to question the children, they may learn ● They are mostly involved in smuggling and
the following after an appropriate test to impress or charm contraband.
the crowd: ● They heard another smuggler clinking around
● These children are approximately 8-10 years old, down here.
and call themselves a gang - the 5th Street ● They began to give chase, but were scared by
Irregulars. They don’t commit serious crimes, just something else, so they are waiting to ambush the
petty theft and occasional vandalism. next smuggler to come by.
● They know that teenagers and more serious
criminals are up to something in the sewers.
● A sick and sweaty-looking man recently came out
of the sewer behind the stables. He was dressed

If the players locate the manhole cover leading to the

sewers, they may learn:
● The manhole cover is askew, like it was opened
quickly and not closed properly. This is almost
impossible to do from above without a tool.
● The manhole itself is faintly radiating bleed,
enough to be picked up by a sensitive detector.

Exploration II:
The Sewers
Red Connelly, the Street Urchin
Reveal: Porfirio entered the sewers through an arcane The “something else” that the teenagers avoided is an
portal, activated by the necklace he wears. unnamed humanoid monster, similar to a Nosferatu. Use it
as a boogeyman to make the Investigators afraid of the dark
Read this section to players as they enter the sewers below down here.
5th Street:

aged marble that stretches in spindly paths, flaring out at
intersections in all directions.
Off of the path, there is only the void and a swirling field
of stars and nebulae. You should be careful to not fall off!
A nearby star burns brightly, illuminating the path as
though in broad daylight.
Distantly, you see another portal like the one you came
through. You also see what looks like a manor house,
suspended on an island and floating upside down.

Navigating the In-Between is tricky and dangerous, and

that’s before the Soul Storms strike! Make this feel like an
alien place where humans are unwelcome.

Time passes differently in the In-Between. Watches appear

to tick at twice the normal speed. Flame appears
Something else down in the sewers. suspended in place, emitting heat and light but not
flickering. Food and drink are both optional here, and
investigators won’t suffer for lack of either. Light is the
primary limiting resource, since about once per day the
If the investigators successfully pass both the Tunnel Rats nearest star is eclipsed, and this allows terrible Soul Storms
and their unnamed harasser, then read them the following. to grip the In-Between and threaten the investigators.

Walking through the sewers for some time, you enter a Obstacles may include:
larger chamber than the tunnels you were previously ● Your perception of gravity suddenly inverts. Make
exploring. an appropriate test to avoid taking Mind marks.
● The path has partially crumbled away. The stars
Against one wall is a curious sight: a circular wall of below look terribly distant. Make an appropriate
cobblestones with strange runes etched into the test of finesse to avoid the fear of falling.
recesses. ● The pathways do not connect to where you’re
going, but if you’re careful you can jump. If you opt
When approached, both the runes and Porfirio’s necklace to go around, you’ll lose time but have a safer
glow with a pale blue light, as does an inset stone in the journey. Failing a related test may cause Body
center of the circle. marks.
● To foreshadow the threat of the Soul Storms, an
ethereal hand can swat out from under the
pathway with a groan, attempting to either grab an
When the necklace is inserted into the inset stone, the investigator or trip them at a pivotal moment.
portal is activated and the Circle can proceed through.

Escalation I: The

Reveal: Crossing through the portal in the sewers, you

enter a secret passage built by wizards centuries ago.

Passing through the portal, the quality of air changes

immediately. The stench and humidity of the sewers is
replaced by cold, dry air.
The sight is difficult for your investigators to behold. The
path where you are standing is composed of strange
rotations and impossible staircases. Cobblestone shifts to
A vision of the In-Between.

The In-Between is a fantastical environment, created by
Stairwells rise at improbable angles towards a second
wizards in approximately the year 700 as a means to
secretly travel long distances quickly. It is occasionally story, and a glass cupola opens up to a view of nebulae
discovered and rediscovered, but given the hazards of the twisting in the void.
place, it is rarely occupied for long.
A young woman sits barefoot and apparently upside
down at the edge of the cupola, watching your group
Exploring the In-Between, your players may find: intently.
● Every 100 yards or so - it is difficult to tell due to
the way space and time flow here - there is a lit
stone brazier. These lit flames are safe spaces in Ariadne is a quirky character, perhaps by nature or perhaps
the event of a Soul Storm. by long years of isolation. She only occasionally speaks
● Waterfalls that originate far out of sight, bending to with outsiders, and she should seem a bit rusty at it.
arch over or around the path in strange helix
● Pathways that are in the process of being If questioned, Ariadne knows much of the lore of the
constructed or deconstructed, the stone apparating In-Between, as well as the following:
from the nearest structure. ● Smugglers have used the In-Between intermittently
● A guestbook on a marble podium alongside the since she has been here. She does not know how
path. No pen is present, but a clever investigator they get in.
could sign their name. The dates next to names ● She has been here for approximately 180 years,
start in the 700s and there are only about one studying arcana and growing in power as a witch.
hundred names all told. One Pablo Montero has ● Her manor house serves as a sanctuary from the
signed this year. worst of the Soul Storms, and gives her a base
● Floating islands that seem to be whimsical statues from which to perform her experiments.
from old children’s stories - these are additions ● Soul Storms are triggered by the routine eclipses
from the Witch, Ariadne Volstonecraft. of the central star illuminating the In-Between. The
investigators can stay safe by staying near to light

Escalation II: The sources.

● Most of the recent buildings that the investigators
have witnessed are built by Ariadne using magick.

Manor House ● Ariadne can easily summon stone, but other

materials are much harder to come by.
Ariadne’s motivations with regards to the investigators are
simple: she is lonely! She will talk the investigators' ears off
and ask them about recent news and inventions. She is
Reveal: A witch in the shape of a young woman has largely incredulous if the players are honest about the
inhabited the In-Between for two centuries. extreme changes that Newfaire has experienced in the past
2 decades.
Upon approaching the witch’s manor house, read the
following to the investigators:

After long hours of trekking through the In-Between, you

arrive at the manor house. The pathway curves up and
inverts improbably, so that the manor house appears
upside down. It has grand archways, fine statuary, and
massive stained glass windows. Whoever built this place
must have spent decades at work.

While the In-Between has existed for more than a millenia,

individual structures within it vary in age. Many of the
structures that the investigators have seen thus far have
been created by the witch Ariadne Volstonecraft, including
this structure, her manor house and sanctuary.

Upon entering the witch’s manor house, read the following

to the investigators:

The front door opens into a fantastical foyer, crafted

Ariadne Volstonecraft, the Witch
almost entirely from marble stone. A small sitting area is
filled with books, a fire burns lazily and eerily still in a
If the players are having too easy of an investigation, you
grand hearth, and many stone tables are filled with can also give Ariadne a darker dimension: her experiments
alembics and alchemical stations. may seem extreme to those uninitiated in Oldfaire magick,
often involving blood and soul bindings. She may ask the
investigators for a drop of blood to initiate this darker turn in

the story. What she does with it is up to you, and may have Mechanically, this challenge is well-suited for the use of
ramifications into the Circle’s next investigation. countdown dice. You can set a countdown dice at 6, and
reduce that value by 3 for every critical success rolled by
the investigators, by 2 for every fully success, and by 1 for

Escalation III: The

every mixed success. Missed rolls do not reduce the
countdown. When the countdown reaches zero, the Soul
Storm abates.

Soul Storm Climax: The

Reveal: When the central star is eclipsed, the In-Between is
plunged into darkness - and strange creatures begin their

When the central star is eclipsed by an orbiting planet, the

In-Between becomes pitch black. The souls of those
trapped here at this place’s founding attempt to claim new Reveal: The Montero Clan is waiting for their delivery boys
blood for their vigil. Activate this stage when the players to return.
leave the Manor House, or are similarly exposed.

After the Circle has survived the Soul Storm, you can move
At a narratively appropriate moment, read the following to them quickly along to the exit point - the far portal, which
the investigators: exits them at a peak in the Bridleborne Mountains.

Upon exiting the far portal, read the following to the

As a planet completes its transit of the central star, the investigators:
In-Between plunges into darkness. The pathways and
stairwells that had been iridescently lit are suddenly As you pass through the portal, the air instantly changes
shadows in a spinning sea of darkness. - from cold and crisp to frigid and biting.
You emerge into the whipping winds of a mountain peak,
A wind rises, like a thousand damned voices crying for with jagged cordillera leading you downwards towards
mercy. Spectral blue arms grasp along the side of the the dubious shelter of a few scrub pines.
path, reaching and grabbing at you. Following a poorly marked mule trail, you can make your
way down the mountain and towards the distant lights of
Newfaire on the horizon - or so you hope!
Distantly, a fire burns in a brazier. The spirits seem to be
avoiding it.

The Soul Storm is the final act inside the In-Between - if the
investigators can survive this, they can survive anything! It
may be helpful to think of this as a chase sequence - until
the investigators reach a large light source like a lit brazier
or a fireplace, they are in danger. Try to keep the pressure
up on them with that in mind!

Potential obstacles include:

● The investigators are trying to run while lighting
their own way - roll an appropriate test to see how
well they perceive the terrain, and inflict marks of
damage if they stumble.
● Spectral arms of the damned reach up from both
sides of the stairwell. Roll an appropriate test to
see how nimbly the investigators traverse the
● When the players arrive at their light source,
initiate a quick combat between the investigators
and the most bold of their spirit pursuers. The
investigator may need to fight off one or two
spectral arms before being fully secure in their new
refuge. Valeriano Montero, the Enforcer

Epilogue Questions:
1. Did the investigators successfully escape the
2. Did they help anyone during the course of their
3. Did they bond with any NPCs, and if they did,
what became of them?
4. Did they form any alliances or enmities with the
criminal elements, government agents, or
supernatural forces chasing them?
5. Did they complete the transaction, paying the
Montero Clan for their shipment of scarlet

Rosalita Montero, the Bootlegger All artwork was generated using AI, like ArtFlow.
As the Circle of investigators emerges from the In-Between,
we fully expect them to be beaten and bruised by their Thank you to u/YaAlex for creating the basis for our
experience. They have one trial yet to face, however! Assignment design template, available here!
Porfirio was sent in to smuggle scarlet moonshine, and to
return with cash. Several chief personages from his gang
are awaiting his team’s return. Those folks are down near Thank you for playing this game - I do this for fun, and it
the tree line, camped in relative comfort for a trip that might brings me joy to be a part of your storytelling world!
take a day or two.

The Montero Clan is matriarchal, meaning that women

typically enjoy the positions of power. This group is no
exception. Rosalita Montero is an accountant of sorts,
ensuring that all payments made are properly recorded and
stored. To keep her safe, uncle Valeriano Montero is on
hand, armed with a shotgun. The investigators stumble
across Rosalita and Valeriano in a clearing after about an
hour of travel from the mountaintop portal.

The Montero Clan will want to know:

● What has become of Cousin Porfirio and his
● Have the investigators seen the key to the portal,
the necklace worn around Portfirio’s neck?
● Do the investigators have the cash that was
expected in exchange for the scarlet moonshine?
Spoilers: there should be consequences if they do


Now is your chance to wrap up the assignment and

describe what happens in the world once the player
characters are gone. Remember that you have full narrative
agency during the hook and the epilogue, so you can
explore the story in ways that you cannot just by following
the player characters.


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