ENA Spring 2023 - End New

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University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila

Department of Electrical Engineering

2K21-EE, End-Exam, Spring-2023 Electrical Network Analysis Time: 2:15 Hrs, Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all questions in given order. Submit Question paper along with answer book.

1 A balanced abc-sequence wye-connected source with Van  100100V is connected to a delta-

connected balanced load (8  j 4) per phase. Evaluate the phase and line currents.(CLO-1)(2+6x3)

2a Demonstrate that total instantaneous power absorbed by a balance three phase Y-connected
load Z Y  Z is a constant 3V p I p cos  for positive abc sequence voltages v AN  2V p cos t
   
vBN  2V p cos t  120o and vCN  2V p cos t  120o . V p and I p are RMS phase voltage
and current respectively, I p lags V p by  . (CLO-2) (3+3+2+2)

Determine the coupling coefficient and solve for the energy stored in the given coupled
inductors at time t  1.5 seconds for the given input. (CLO-2) (3+7)

s 1
3 Construct the asymptotic Bode magnitude & phase plots for: G ( s )  . Show all steps
s ( s  10)

and plots of single terms along with overall plot. Evaluate final slopes for each plot. (CLO-3) (6+6+4+4)

4 The output of a linear system is y (t )  10e  t cos 4t u (t ) when the input is x(t )  e  t u (t ) . Evaluate
the transfer function of the system and its impulse response. (CLO-3) (12+8)

Determine the y-parameters of the given circuit. (CLO-3) (2.5 x 4)


5b Evaluate z- and g- parameters in matrix form for a network whose transmission parameters are
as under: {Hint: Use table on back side} (CLO-3) (5 + 5)

 10 1.5 
T 
2 S 4 
University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila
Department of Electrical Engineering

Table for Conversion of two-port parameters

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