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Name : _______________

Date : ____/____/_____


A. words used to describe posture & gesture.

No Word Meaning
1 Aggressive
2 Comfortable
3 Awkward
4 Offensive
5 Reactive
6 Tense
7 Relaxed
8 Respectful

B. Words used to describe facial expressions.

No Word Meaning
1 Happiness
2 Sadness
3 Anger
4 Fear
5 Disgust
6 Confuse
7 Contempt
8 Thoughtful
9 Shy
10 Funny
11 Surprised
12 Excited

C. Watch the video and identify the non-verbal communication and interpret its meaning in
each dialogue.

Dialogue 1
Non Verbal
Man 1 Man 2
Communication Woman
(Black t-shirt) (Red shirt)
Body Language
Facial Expressions

Dialogue 2
Non Verbal
Man 1 Man 2
Communication Woman
(Blue Shirt) (Green polka - shirt)
Body Language
Facial Expressions
Dialogue 3
Non Verbal Communication
Man Woman
Body Language
Facial expression

D. Read aloud the dialogue below with a partner. Pay attention to the underlined expressions.

A : Hi, Anna, it's been a long time.

B : Oh hi, Roy. I haven't seen you in ages. Where have you been?
A : Here and there. I was broke for about two months. I was sick and tired of being poor.
But, luckily, my parents finally sent me money for my allowance yesterday. Who's this?
B : This is my friend, Karin.
A : Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Roy.
C : Karin, pleasure to meet you.
B : Hmm, can you give us a hand with this calculus homework? I know you know calculus
like the back of your hand.
A : True, but it's been a crazy week for me because I have had to work 24/7 to cover my
expenses. I need to rest for a while. Well, how soon do you need my help?
B : It's due three days from now. Can we meet on Friday, say 7 o'clock sharp to get the ball
rolling. I'll buy you breakfast.
A : Well, let me sleep on it. I'll let you know tomorrow. Is that okay?
B : Sure, just give me a ring.
A : Bye Karin.
C : See you.

E. Match each idiom in column A with the intended meaning in colimn B. read the dialogue to
help you.

Idiom Intended meaning

1. 24/7 a. For a long time
2. Get the ball rolling b. On time
3. Take it easy c. Have no money
4. Sleep on it d. Relax
5. I’m broke e. Cannot take it anymore
6. Sharp f. Know something very well
7. Like the back of my hand g. Help
8. Give me a hand h. All day and night long
9. In ages/been ages i. Start right away
10. Sick and tired j. Think about it before make decision
11. Give me a ring k. Make a call

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