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The Dove sparked controversy due to its alleged racial many, particularly dark & brown-skinned people.

insensitivity and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. alternative approach could have been to feature a single
The ad, intended to showcase the benefits of Dove body model to clearly showcase the benefits of the product
wash, emphasized the efficacy of the product in making without inadvertently perpetuating harmful stereotypes.
the skin smooth and healthy. However, it failed to The controversy surrounding the ad raised significant
thoughtfully depict women of color, and the photos used ethical concerns, prompting Dove to issue an apology
did not convey the intended message correctly. and remove the ad, sparking a broader discussion about
companies' responsibilities in conveying inclusive and
The arrangement of the three women, with a black culturally sensitive messaging in their marketing
woman to a white woman from left to right, and the campaigns.
before and after presentation of dry and healthy skin on
their backs, did not effectively convey the intended In conclusion, the Dove advertisement failed to
message. This misrepresentation of women of color did effectively convey its intended message and instead
not support the intended message and was deemed perpetuated harmful racial stereotypes, leading to
racially insensitive. Consequently, the ad explicitly widespread offense and ethical concerns. Moving
displayed differences in racial characteristics, suggesting forward, it is imperative for companies to consider the
racism and prejudice and implying that white skin is diverse perspectives and sensitivities of their audience to
ideal and dark skin is unclean, offending ensure that their messaging does not inadvertently
offend or marginalize any group.

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