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1 Contextualized Learning Resource (DCLR)

2 Science 4 First Quarter


Learning Competencies/Objectives:

Identifies changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s

environment. (S4MT-Ii-j-1)


A. Changes In Materials That are Useful or Harmful to One’s Environment

B. Concept: Some changes in the materials are useful to the environment,
while others are harmful.
C. Local Heritage/Theme: Indigenous Materials, (Theme 5)
D. Integration: (Filipino/English) Let the learners draw 3 pictures that
shows actions/situations showing materials that undergo useful
changes of the material.


A. References

Flickr. 2020. Flickr. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 7
October 2021].

Illegal Logging. 2014. Illegal Logging. [online] Available at:> [Accessed 7 October 2021].

Teacher’s Guide: pp.61-67

Learners Material: pp.49-52

Textbook Page:

Electronic Sources

Additional Materials: DLHTM V. B (Indigenous Material) p.___ ,DCCM p.___


Unlock the following words:

Useful - capable of being put to use.

Example. Cutting of piece of cloth to be made into clothes and carving of
wood are useful because they generate substantial income.

Harmful - capable of causing damage or harm.

Example. Burning of tire and dumping garbage anywhere has harmful
effect because it can cause sickness.

Useful Harmful

Picture Analysis

Show the class illustration below.

(Depolo, 2010) Royalty-free cut tree photos free

download, n.d.)

Guide questions:

From the given illustrations, what are the situations or actions showing
materials that undergo changes? Do they show useful effects/harmful effects?



 Setting of Standards

Give thoughtful feedback

Respect others & their thoughts
On task all the time
Use soft voices
Participate actively
Stay with your group

 Activity Proper

Group Activity 1
a. Present real objects such as towel, empty plastic bottle,
cloth, vegetable peelings.(things found at home)
b. Let pupils observe them and fill in the table below.
c. Let pupils answer the guide questions.

What can we changes Are they harmful
Materials do to these happened to change or a
materials? these useful change?

Guide Questions:

1. What can we do to these materials?

2. What changes happened to these materials? Are they harmful
change or useful change?
Why do you say useful change? harmful change?

Group Activity 2

("Royalty-Free Stick - Plant Part Photos Free (Naime 2017)

Download" 202" Royalty-Free Stick- Plant Part Photos Free)

("Tanauan's Finest Lechon" 2021) Mia, Ypille. 2016.

a. Gather ideas of the different changes in the materials that you have
seen and observed.
b. Discuss the effects of these changes on our surroundings.
c. Prepare a table similar to the table shown below. List column 1 as
many changes in the materials that you can think of.
d. Identify whether the changes in the materials are useful or harmful to
the environment by putting a check mark (/) on the proper column.
e. Discuss how each of these changes affect the environment.
f. Present your output to class.
g. As a child, how can you help prevent these harmful effects of the
changes in the materials?

Changes in the Effect of changes in the How each changes

materials materials to the environment affect the
Useful Harmful environment

Group Activity 3

a. Show the class some pictures.
b. Let the pupils observe the pictures given. Identify which picture
shows harmful effect to the environment.
c. Fill in the table with the data needed.

JohnLockett, 2016 (Road Construction Vehicle Repair, 2020) (Landslide on OR 58, 2019)

Situation What does What is its What can people

showing the picture effect to the do to
changes in the shows? environment? prevent/minimize
material (useful or its harmful effect
harmful) to the


Reporting of group outputs

1. What are the changes in the materials that are useful to the
2. What are the changes in the materials that are harmful to the
3. Give other examples of changes in the materials that are useful or
harmful to the environment?
4. Why are they considered useful/harmful to the environment?


Analysis of the activity result

Interactive discussion

1. What are the harmful effects of the changes in the materials to the
2. What are the useful effects of the changes in the materials to the

Some changes in the materials are useful to the environment, while

others are harmful.

Useful: cutting of piece of cloth to be made into handkerchief, cutting

of fabric to be made into clothes, cutting and shaping pieces of
wood/lumber into chair, changing wood into charcoal for cooking.

Harmful: burning of old tires and other plastic materials/trash,

throwing of kerosene and detergents into the sewage, etc. make land
polluted. Polluted land serves as breeding places. When the material
soil/land is dumped with garbage such as empty bottles, plastics,
toxic wastes, chemical from factories, and others, the soil/land
becomes polluted. Polluted land serves as breeding places for flies,
cockroaches and rats. These pests carry germs that can cause
diseases, hence hazardous to one’s health.

(VALUING) Let pupils realize that to help preserve and conserve the
environment, various environmental practices such as 5R’s (Reduce,
Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Rot) waste segregation, clean-up drives, tree
planting, and other environmental-related activities should be done.
Let pupils apply their understanding or show what they can do to help
prevent/minimize the harmful effects of the changes in the materials to
the environment by doing the following. (You can choose one of these
situations. (English Integration)

Group 1 – Jingle
Group 2 – Poem
Group 3 _ Song
Group 4 _ Poster
Group 5 – Slogan

Clarify misconception when needed.


Directions: Study the pictures below. Identify two useful and two harmful
effects of these situations to the environment.

(Illegal Logging, 2014) ( Flickr, 2020)


________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

3 Prepared by:

6 San Roque Elem. School/Tanauan II District

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