The Deities of Esterron

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‭The Forgotten Deities:‬

‭ hese Gods in times gone by, had frequently interacted with the material plane‬
‭placing their favor in chosen mortals. After centuries however, much of their‬
‭religions have been lost to time with even their names being forgotten. They are‬
‭now only referred to by their epithets and their duties simply to be commanding‬
‭the natural forces of Esterron. Their worship outside of specific clerical cults,‬
‭druidic circles, ancient temples, and community traditions that have survived the‬
‭sands of time, are almost nonexistent.‬

‭The Fisher:‬
‭ od of the Seas:‬
‭As temperamental as the seas themselves, they were a common deity of coastal and‬
‭fishing cities. Outside of ancient fishing traditions and legends, the deity is not‬
‭worshiped in larger Esterron. Not much is known regarding their machinations but‬
‭it is believed this is intentional with how little is known about what lies beneath the‬
‭waves of the seas surrounding Esterron.‬

‭The Moon:‬
‭ od of the Moon, and Life and Death:‬
‭A popular deity among still-standing ancient temples and druidic circles, larger‬
‭temples claim that their presence is within every aspect of the natural world. They‬
‭claim the Moon is the most stubborn of all deities keeping watch to ensure the‬
‭natural order never alters its course. Though it is more often believed that the deity‬
‭is as fluid as the phases of the moon: always ever-changing, but never deviating‬
‭from the natural path. This includes the cycle of life and death itself.‬

‭The Mother:‬
‭Goddess of Creation, Keeper of the Flame of Creation:‬
‭ ore of a natural force than a deity. She is the progenitor of the material world and‬
‭acts to keep its existence stable. A piece of her Flame is found in all that live upon‬
‭Esterron. Her will is not dictated but interpreted by those who still worship the Old‬

‭The Storm:‬
‭ oddess of Skies and Storms:‬
‭Prayed to by the first farmers in Esterron millennia ago. Rituals to bring needed rain‬
‭to crops have lasted through that time and continue to be used in various villages‬
‭and towns in the modern era. Her temperament and anger has earned her a place‬
‭as a popular deity of the Barbarians of Eatho who praise her through great deeds in‬
‭battle. Temples to this god claim that the winds of Esterron are Her whispers of‬
‭stories long past that echo through the trees and plains of the continent.‬

‭The Sun:‬
‭ oddess of Light and Patron of the Crafts and Forge:‬
‭She is the source of all light and heat in its many forms. Ancient dwarves, while‬
‭hidden away in their mountain halls, discovered the secret of capturing her light‬
‭within brilliant gems and crystals and worshiped these containers, claiming they‬
‭held "the divine light of inspiration". Many of these crystals were used to light the‬
‭enormous dwarven citadels of old, bringing sunlight where none might be found.‬

‭The Weaver:‬
‭ od of Knowledge and Magic:‬
‭The deity is believed to continuously weave a great tapestry that depicts all of‬
‭Esterron's history as it emerges. The keeper of fate and bringer of prophecies, the‬
‭Weaver sees all the branching paths of the future as they stretch towards the‬
‭infinite horizon. In the beginning, he was the one to interweave magic into the‬
‭fabric of creation. Followers of him refer to this magic as a gift. The Weaver's Gift is‬
‭a natural force of Esterron and is interwoven with the fabric of reality. The‬
‭ articulars of its workings is not known but there are many theories, the greatest of‬
‭which claim that through will, intent, and faith (for divine magic), individuals tap‬
‭into the magic that bubbles under the surface of reality.‬

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