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CONTENT CHAPTER 1: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN COMPLEX ANALYSIS PAGE NO. 1.1 Introduction to Complex Number System 1 1.2 Geometry of Complex Numbers 1 1.3 Magnitude & Argument Of Complex Numbers 2 1.4 Conjugate of A Complex Number 8 1.5 Root of Complex Number’s 10 1.6 Symmetric Point 14 1.7 Stereographic Projection 15 1.8 Topology On € 18 Chapter 2: FUNCTION OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 24 Function 2 2.2 Bounded Function 23 2.3 Limit of A Function 25 2.4 — Continuity of Function 28 2.8 Uniform Continuity 31 2.6 Differentiability 31 2.7 Analyticity 37 2.8 Singularity of A Function 52 Chapter 3: COMPLEX INTEGRATION & LIOUVILLE’S THEOREM 31 Cue 61 3.2 Jordan Arc 61 3.3. Winding Number 62 3.4 Complex Integration 64 3.5 Cauchy Theorem 67 3.6 Cauchy Integral Formula 67 3.7 Morera’s Theorem 68 3.8 Cauchy Inequality 68 3.9 Liowville’s Theorem 78 Chapter 4: EXPANSION & POWER SERIES 41 Power Series 87 42 Radius of Convergence 88 4.3. Tool’s For Finding Radius of Convergence 89 4.4 Results on the Radius of Convergence 96 45 Taylor Series 96 4.6 Identity Theorem/Uniqueness Theorem 7 4.7 Zero of Analytic Function 100 48 Laurent Series 101 49 Analysis of Singularities through Laurent’s Expansion 103 4.10 Residue 109 4.11 Cauchy Residue Theorem an Chapter 5: MEROMORPHIC FUNCTIONS, RATIONAL FUNCTION 5.1 Meromorphic Function ig 5.2 Rational Function 118 5.3. Argument Principal 119 5.4 Fundamental Theorem Of Algebra 124 5.5 Gauss Theorem 126 5.6 Rouche’s Theorem 127 CHAPTER 6: CONFORMAL MAPPING & BILINEAR TRANSFORMATION 6.1 Conformal Mapping 134 6.2 Necessary & Sufficient Condition for Conformality 135 6.3 Magnification Factor 136 64 Mobius Transformation / Bilinear Transformation 137 6.5 Fixed Point Of Mobius Transformation 137 6.6 — Cross Ratio 138 6.7 Maximum Value of Modulus Of Function 141 68 Minimum Value of Modulus Of Function 141 69 Schwarz Lemma 142 6.10 Schwarz Pick Lemma 143 6.11 Picard’s Theorem 143 MODEL TEST-1 151 MODEL TEST-2 154 MODEL TEST -3 157 MODEL TEST- 4 160 MODEL TEST-5 163 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN COMPLEX ANALYSIS CHAPTER 11.1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPLEX NUMBER SYSTEM |n.1777, Euler observed that equation x? + 1 = 0 has no solution in Real field to allow solution of same equation real number system extended to the set of complex numbers. Euler introduced symbol é with the property i? 1 (Also called as imaginary unit 41.1.1 Definition: Set ofall complex numbers ofthe form x + iy; real numbers are called as complex numbers C=(2=x+tiylxyER) (C+, °)isform’s an unordered field (2s complex number are not comparable) Where '* & () are defined as (a+ib)+(€+id =(a+0) +i +d) (a+ ib)- (€ + id) = (ac ~ bd) + iad + bd) 11.2 GEOMETRY OF COMPLEX NUMBERS: 1. Every element in IR? can be viewed as unique element of C. Imaginary axis y + by) + (xtiy) x Real axis Cartesian Plane Argand plane ifD= iylx + ty € C} < Cthen there corresponds a subset S=(@ylrtiyeD)eR + $s the region inR? analogues to in . 2. Let z=xsiy be located in argand plane as shown in diagram. then le] = distance of complex number from origin = Ya" + y=r(say) y=rsing x=rcos8 {Also by property of triangle we've 2 Mathematics — Complex Analysis Book 3. zextiy | 2=rcos@+irsind z=r{cosd + sind] Remark: (1) Polar representation of complex number isnot unique as a complex number can have different polar representation [Since (7,0) has infinite representation in the form (r,0 + 2n)] (2) ‘0’ can't be represent in polar form (as tan“ (2) is not defined ) 1.3 MAGNITUDE & ARGUMENT OF COMPLEX NUMBERS Every non-zero complex number z = x-+ iy can be written in the form where r= [2] = 27+ y7 and @ are called magnitude & argument respectively r[cos@ + isind] 1.3.1 Properties on Magnitude: Let z, 2; & z, be complex numbers.Z is conjugate of z Then we've i. [2] > 0 (&itis real valued) & |2|=0ifF 2 = 0 li, lz < Re@),Im@) < [21 ii, <1 wil, lay + 2a)? = lal? + 2Re(e, *%) + Leal? (a) vil. [zy — zal? = lal? — 2Re(2,+%) + lanl? (6) tx Lay + 2pI? + ley —2—I* = leyl? + 2lzel* (parallelogram law) x | lal— lal |S la +221 $ lal + lel 1.3.2 Principal Argument of Complex Number let z=x+ly € C— {0} Let Osao Yao « x>0 ¥r0 jz x=0 y>0 nox x<0 y>O agile) "E 2S5 ¥ lo nix x<0 y |Im(2)]} Since, Re(2) > |Im(2)| = 0 > Re(z) > 0 Re(z) = IRe(2)1 and f= (2 € C:|Re()| > [1m())} Where z = x + iy,so,Re(2) = x, Im(2) = y sa={eec1>2> 0} a= {ec citan*1> tan B> 0} 20 = {2 € 6:0. < Arg(2) < Fold) loglz| + iarg(@) | + Larg(e") = nloglel + inargz Now, we know that, logz = So, f(a) = log 2 = log| From (1), fel) = {2 € 6:0

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