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Private and Confidential

Operations Coordinator
Technical Assessment

Task 1: Talent Acquisition Coordination

Scenario Overview
Instinctive Studio has recently signed a contract to develop a digital learning platform for a
university in the United States. The project is a web-based app developed in ReactJS and
Next.js with Node. js as a backend. Instinctive Studio currently has capacity for UI design,
frontend development and architecture but needs to hire several more contractors to finish
off the project.

The project is set to kick off in two months and must go live within six months. The
Operations Coordinator will be responsible for orchestrating the acquisition of these key
talents. You will need to interact with the CEO/Founder and project heads to understand the
exact skill sets required. Given the tight timeline and specialized skill sets, the approach to
scouting and engaging talent needs to be strategic, using platforms such as LinkedIn, Fiverr
and UpWork.

This task is not a test of your technical knowledge of web-app development. It is a test of your
problem-solving, organizational and execution skills.

Assessment Instructions:
1. Information Gathering: List down questions for the CEO/Founder and project heads
to understand the specific roles and skills required for the project and send it over.
2. Plan Development: Based on the information gathered, develop a detailed plan for
sourcing the required talent. This should include:
a. Platforms to be used for hiring (e.g., LinkedIn, Fiverr, UpWork).
b. Job descriptions for each role.
c. Budget considerations and timelines.
d. Communication strategies for interacting with potential hires.

Deliverables Expected:
1. A comprehensive document outlining the talent acquisition strategy, including
timelines, budgets, and platforms.
Operations Coordinator: Technical Assessment | Private and Confidential

2. Draft job descriptions for external postings.

3. A communication plan detailing how interactions with potential freelancers and
responses will be managed.

Note: Candidates are encouraged to use AI tools for drafting job descriptions or any other
relevant tasks but must clearly indicate where AI was used.

Task 2: Business Development through

LinkedIn InMails
Scenario Overview
Instinctive Studio is looking to broaden its reach in the digital solutions sector by tapping into
new markets, specifically targeting small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the healthcare and
retail industries. These sectors have shown increased demand for innovative digital interfaces
and customized software solutions to improve customer experience and operational
As part of the business development strategy, you are tasked with utilizing LinkedIn to
connect with decision-makers in these industries. The goal is to establish initial contact and
pave the way for potential collaborations that could result in customized digital solutions
tailored to their specific needs. The videos and tutorials you will watch are focused on crafting
effective InMails, targeting the right audience, and personalizing communication to increase
engagement rates.

Assessment Instructions:
1. Research and Learning: Watch a provided selection of videos and tutorials on how to
effectively use LinkedIn InMails for business development.
2. Target Identification: Use LinkedIn to identify potential clients or partners who would
benefit from Instinctive Studio's services.
3. InMail Crafting: Write personalized InMails tailored to each identified potential client
or partner, aiming to initiate a conversation that could lead to business opportunities.

Deliverables Expected:
1. A list of identified targets including why they were chosen based on their LinkedIn
2. Draft InMails ready for review, tailored to each potential client or partner.

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Operations Coordinator: Technical Assessment | Private and Confidential

3. A brief report detailing the learning points from the video resources and how they
were applied in the InMail drafting process.

Note: Candidates are encouraged to use AI tools for drafting job descriptions or any other
relevant tasks but must clearly indicate where AI was used.

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