SUNARDI Assignment 1

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SUNARDI (GB220138)


In manufacturing, it is very important to create and integrate production planning and control
to maintain and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the production process starting
from product design to the final results of the production process.
Production planning is necessary and can have a big influence on supply management, quality
management, stock management, equipment management and so on. Production control is
also important to ensure the achievement of production targets and cost savings.
Among the numerous advantages of production planning and control are:
• Optimized manufacturing capacity - guarantees that equipment and personnel operate to
capacity. This reduces expenses, improves efficiency, and boosts profitability. It aids in
identifying areas for improvement and planning for future growth.
• Lower inventory expenses - firms may keep only what they need. The programme is capable
of forecasting demand and employing a Just-in-Time scheduling method. Costs are kept low
since there is no excess inventory.
• On-time deliveries - aids in production efficiency and timely delivery. Customer satisfaction is
increased when items arrive on time. Customer retention and recommendations improve as a
• Improved material procurement - indicates when materials should be obtained for
manufacturing. Knowing when to order and what is required to satisfy consumer and
production demand is aided by having this information. Understanding when to order allows
procurement to buy ahead of time to get the greatest value. This also saves money and
strengthens connections with suppliers.
• Streamlined manufacturing procedures guarantee that materials and internal production
resources are ready when needed and that capacity is accessible when needed. This ensures
that manufacturing runs smoothly. It also improves employee happiness by eliminating
annoyance caused by pauses in production and processes.
• Reduced resource waste - removes material shortages or surpluses for less waste. This
reduces employee downtime. Capital is not locked up in unsold inventory. There is less waste in
manufacturing since delays that result in wasted resources are removed.

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