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Ans: Ptolemy

t the book Anthropogeography -

16, Who wro e I
Ans: Friedrich Ratze
- Th~ Universe
17. The s tudy of Universe is called - --
Ans: Cosmology . .
The s tudy of heavenly bodies 1s known a s -
Ans: Astronomy .
he name of our nearest galaxy is -
19. T
Ans: Andromeda
20. What is the name of our galaxy -
Ans: Milley Way or Akasha Ganga
. Who said that the earth is the cente odf Universe and th
and the other heavenly body revo1ve around it _ e sun
Ans: Ptolemy
. Who said that the sun is the centre of Universe and n t
~th- 0~
Ans: Copernicus
23. Who said that the sun is the centre of Solar system
the universe - and not
Ans: Kepler
24. Structurally, the galaxies are found in -
Ans: 3 forms [spiral (spiral arms), Elliptical (without 5 .
arms) & irregular (no shape)] P1tal
25. The shape of the Milky Way galaxy & Andromeda galaxy is.
Ans: Spiral
26. The three main theories origin and evaluation of the uru·verse
are -
Ans: Big bang theory, Steady state & The pulsating theo
27. Who proposed Big Bang Theory - ry
Ans: Georges La Maitre
28. The electrically charged gases, called -
Ans: Plasma
World a11d India Geograph y 1 135

Full form of SSSB -

29• . si:naU So lar System Bodies
Who dis covered the sol ar sys tem
· s
30. Ar1s: Cope.rrucu
ou r sol ar system con sis ts of -
ellites, five dwarf planets,
3l · A,rs.. The Sun, eight planets, sat
asteroids, comets, dust & gas
est ima ted -
The size of sol ar sys tem has been
"· ~ Au
Ans: About lu-
The Sun -
Which energy comes from Su n -
An s: TbermaJ energy
What type of the sta r is the sun -
Arrs: Yellow Dwarf
JS. un.
.:ch sta r is nea res t to the sun -
Ans: Proxima centaury
pe of the sun is -
36. The sha
Ans: Spherical
37, Wh ich is more tha n 99%
of the ma ss of the sol ar sys tem -
Arrs: Th e Su n
rgy of the sol ar sys tem -
38. Whal is the major sou rce of ene
An s: Th e Su n
Hy dro gen int o He liu m in
39. By which r eaction tha t con ver ts
the core of the sun -
Ans: Nuclear Fusion
is called -
40. The glowing surface of the sun
Ans: Photosphere.
red col our ed sur fac e of the sun
41. Above the Ph oto sph ere is the
is called -
Ans: Chromosphere
the sun -
42. The two ma in gas es pre sen t in
Ans: Hydrogen and Helium
sun -
43. The surface tem per atu re of the
Ans: 600()0 C
ger tha n the Earth -
44. The sun is how many times big
Ans: 10' tim es
- , ()ne Liner General Knowledge
t36 I BK s
_ Which part of the sun is easily visible only durj
45 solar eclipses - ng a to~:
Temperature of the core in the sun -
Ans: 15 x10" degree C
Sun takes 224 million years to complete one .
47• (Revolution) is called - c,rcJe
Ans: Cosmic Year
_ The SuperunPosed on Sun's white light are hundreds of d
48 lines called -
Ans: Fraunhofer lines
49, Time taken by sun light to reach the Earth -
Ans: 8 min 16,6 sec.
so. The Jui:nino~s effect of electromagnetic phenomena in the
ionosphe re ,s known as -
Ans: Aurora (It is a Natural light)
51, ln the Northern hemisphere of earth's -
Ans: Aurora Borealis
52. In Southern hemisphere of earth's -
Ans: Aurora Australis
53. Bright spots on the surface of the Sun is called -
Ans: Plages
54. What are Sun spots -
Ans: Dark patches on the surface of the Sun resulting from
a localized fall in the temperature to about 4000 K
55. Who was the first to observe Sun spots -
Ans: Galileo
56. The sun is composed of _
Ans: 710/o Hydrogen, 26.5% Helium & 2.5% other element

57- The outer layer of the sun's atmosphere made up of thin hot
gases, is called -
58. The sun is how manYtunes• bigger
. than the earth -
Ans: 13 lakh times

- Planets
59. Who discovered the planets -
Ans: Kepler
World nnd India Geography 1 137

}-low many planets are there in our solar system -

Ans: Eight
A ninth planet has been recently discovered by NASA named
as -
Ans: Carla
Which are the interior planets of the solar system -
Ar1s: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Inner planets are also called -
Ar1s: Terrestrial or Rock planets
Which are the outer planets of solar system -
Ans: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
Outer planets are also called -
Ans: Jovian or Gaseous planets
66. Smallest planet in the solar system -
Ans: Mercury
67. Nearest planet to the sun -
Ans: Mercury
68. Fastest revolution in the solar system -
Ans: Mercury (88 days)
69. Name of the planets which do not have satellites -
Ans: Mercury a.n d Venus
70. Which two planets appear as Morning star in the eastern
sky and Evening star in the western sky -
Ans: Mercury and Venus
71. Which planet is called the earth's twin -
Ans: Venus
72. Which planet is called the brightest planet 1n the solar
Ans: Venus
73. Which planet is called the hottest planet -
Ans: Venus (Contains 90% to 95% CO2)
74. Which planet is called the sister of the earth -
Ans: Venus
75. Slowest rotation planet in the solar system -
Ans: Venus
76. Which planet equal rotation and revolution -
Ans: Venus
DK's one Lin er Gen era l Kno wle dge
138 1
The neig hbo ring pla net s to the ear th _
Ans: Ven us and Ma rs
78 .
Which pla net s a re big ger tha n the ear th
Ans: Jup iter, Sat urn , Ura nus , Nep tun e
sun _
Wh kh pla net is the 3 pla net fro m the

79 .
Ans : Earth
th _
80. Wh ich is the nea res t sta r to the ear
Ans: The Sun
81. Den ses t pla net of the sola r sys tem
Ans : Earth
net _
82. Wh ich pla net is call ed the Blue pla
Ans : Earth (Du e to pre sen ce of wat er)
net -
83. Wh ich pla net is kno wn as Red pla
Ans : Mars (Du e to Iron con tain )
s of wh ich pla net _
84. Pho bos & Dei mo s are the sate Uite
Ans : Mars
85. Sm alle st satellite in the sol ar sys tem
Ans : Dei mo s
es hig her tha n the rnount
86. Wh ich mo unt ain is the thr ee tim
Eve rest -
Ans : Nix Oly mp ia (Mars)
87. Biggest pla net in the sola r sys tem -
Ans: Jupiter
Ro ma n Go d Zeu s_
88. Which pla net was nam ed afte r the
Ans : Jupiter
89. Wh o disc ove red the firs t fou r sate
llites of Jup iter -
Ans : Ga lile o
upi ter in the sola rsystem-
90. Which is the big ges t one sate llite qfJ
Ans : Ga nym ede
91. Fas test rota tion in the sola r sys tem
Ans : Jupiter
the He ave ns' -
92. Wh ich pla net is kno wn as ' Lor d of
Ans : Jup iter
ber of nat ura l satellite -
93. Wh ich pla net has the largest num
Ans : Jup iter (67)
vel oci ty -
94. Wh ich pla net has ma xim um esc ape
Ans: Jupiter
\' I
l ' I

World and Indi a Geo grap hy 1 139

Red Spo t Seen on whi ch plan et -

Gren t
9S. · .
Aus: Jup iter ter plan et -
Which planet also kno wn as win
96 · Aus.. Jup iter (Te mpe ratu re ver y low -148° C)
Which is the biggest sate llite of the Satu rn
97· ATl s·• Tita n (At mos phe re like Earth)
Which of the plan ets has ring stru ctur e -
· Ans: The Satu rn (7 rings)
The Saturn rings wer e disc over ed by -
Ans: Galileo
_ Which planet is called the gree n plan et -
Ans: Uranus
eart h -
1. Which planet mov es just opp osite to the
Ans: Urilllus
telescope was -
l02. The first planet to be disc ove red with a
A11s: Uranus
et -
103. Which planet is call ed the cold est plan
A11s: Neptune
104. Farthest plan et from the sun -
A11s: Neptune
105. Slowest revolution in sola r sys tem -
Ans: Neptune (165 years)
106. Great Dark Spo t Seen on whi ch plan et
Ans: Neptune
aro und the sun -
107. In which directions the plan ets revo lve
lve from east to
Ans: West to East (But Ura nus &: Ven us revo
108. How many Dw arf planet -
Ans: 5 (Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake &: Haumea
109. Pluto was discovered by -
Ans: Clyd e Tom bau gh in 1930
rf plan et" -
110. In which yea r Plut o was declared a " dwa

Ans: 2006

• The Moon
lll. What are satellites -
Ans: Do not hav e their own ligh t and hea t
140 1 BK's One Liner Gene ral Know ledge
scien tific study o f moo n is calle d _
112 . The
Ans: Selen ology
h is the sole satel lite of the earth _
113 . Whic
Ans: The moon
betw een Moo n and Earth
114 . What is the dista nce
Ans: Abou t 385000 km -
l15 How many days moon takes to revol ve aro llnd the
. Earth _
Ans: 27 1/3 days
116. The gravi tation al force at moo n is -
Ans: l/6 th of the earth
117 The time taken by the light to reach on earth fr orn the
. . lllo011
Ans: 1.3 sec
118. The maxi mum temp eratu re on the moo n at day time .~ -
Ans: 100D C
119. The minim um temp eratu re on the moon at night is _
Ans: -180° C
120. Who was the firs t pers on who land ed on moon on 20th
1%9 AD on Apol lo XI -
Ans: Neil Armstrong (land ing spot is calle d Sea of tranquility
First dog to go into the spac e - )
121 .
Ans: Laika
122. Maxi mum dista nce from Earth to moon is calle d -
Ans: Apog ee
123. Mini mum dista nce from Earth to moon is called -
Ans: Perig ee
124. The m oon 's s urfac e is visib le from the earth -
Ans: Only 59%
125. Which is also know n as the fossil plane t -
Ans: The Moo n
126. The size of the Moon is how much size of the Earth -
Ans: 1/41h
127. Which elem ents are main ly foun d on the moon 's surfac
Ans: Silico n, Iron, Mag nesiu m etc.
128. High est moun tain of the moo n -
Ans: Leibn itz Mou ntain (3500 0 Ft)
Wo rld and Ind ia Ge og rap hy

The Stars
syste m -
- Brightes t sta r 0£ ou tsi de sol ar
Alls: Sirus (D og Star)
_ Closes t sta r of ou r sol ar sys tem
An s: Proxima Centauri
What is a sta r -
Ans: Its own lig ht and he at
pe rat ure of its su rface Blu e
. A sta rs col ou r ind ica tes the tem
col ou r de no tes -
tter than the sun)
Ans: Maximum temperature (ho
the sta r to fro m ne utron stars
called -
Explosion of
Ans: Pulsar
134. Su pe r No va is -
Ans: A dy ing star
of sta rs is cal led -
135, An up per lim it to the ma ss
An s: Chandrasekhar lim it
136 . Ch an dra sek ha r limit is -
Ans: 1.44 times the mass of su
137. What is lig ht year -
travel in on e yea r
Ans: The distan ce that lig ht can
138. On e light ye ar is eq ual to
15 m or 60,000 Au s.
Ans: 9.46 x 10
139. What is As tro no mical unj t
een the su n and the earth
Ans: Th e average distance be tw
ual to -
140. On e As tro no mical un it eq
Ans: 1.5 x 1011 m
141. Wh at is Pa rsec -
to a sta r
Ans: The distance fro m earth
142. On e Pa rsec eq ua l to -
ht years
Ans: 3.084 x 10 m or 3.262 lig

n with the na ke d ey e fro m Ea rth in

l43 . Hailey's com ets can be see
eve ry -
Ans: 76 ye mi (Last wa s see n in
l44 . A black ho le is a _
se gravitational pu ll (At the
Ans: Contracted star wi th int en
en d of the lif e cycle)
142 I BK's One Liner General Knowledge
145. What are Asteroids -
Aus: Minor planets revolving the su b
Mars and Jupiter n eh\ree11 ti)
146. What is a Shooting star - ' 0 1b11
~ ~,
Aus: Another name for a Meteoroid
The Earth
147. The first earth day was celebrated in Which
Ans: 22nd April, 1970 Year -
148. The age of the earth is estimated at _
Ans: About 4.6 billion years
149. What is the proposed life of the earth_
Ans: 4.6 x 109 years
150. In which direction the earth moves -
Ans: From west to east
151 . What is the shape of the path in which the earth
thes~- •~~
Ans: An elliptical path
152. The word used to describe the shape of earth is _
Ans: Oblate Spheroid
153. What is the average density of earth -
· Ans: 5.51 rjcm3
154. The percentage of water area covered on earth _
Ans: 71 %
155. The percentage of land area covered on earth -
Ans: 29 %
156. How much of the Ea.l'.th's land surface is desert -
Ans: ]/5 th
157. Mean surface temperature in earth -
Ans: 14°C
158. Highest temperature recorded in earth -
Ans: 58°C (Al-Aziziyah)
159. The name of the deepest ocean point in earth -
Ans: Mariana Trench (Pacific oceans)
160. When earth is nearest from the sun, it is called -
Ans: Perihelion (3 rd January)
161. When earth is farthest from the sun, it is called -
Ans: Aphelion (4th July)
eo gr ap hy t 1.43
W or ld an d ln di a G
h' s ax is to th e or bi ta l pl an e Is -
. ti n of th e ea rt
-n,e in a o
16:Z• 115 . 66 ¼o t-
14 • • ti Jt ed ab ou
fh e ea rt h is
163• .23 ¼ o
an d ni g ht a re un eq ua l on th e ea rt h
A ns: th. da , · · "I t d
W hY e us)e th e ea rt h' s ax is 1s ti e e an d
164· 8 pl ac es o n th e no rt he rn he m is ph er
Ans: ~ ; da y al l ve th e da y an d ni gh t eq ua
l -
is ph er e ha
i65- On w hi he m
so ut he rn rd S ep te m b er
. 21,. March an d 2J t eq ua l. at th e eq ua to r -
of d ays an d ni gh
: · ar e th e le ng th ve rt ic al ly o v er th e eq u a to r
th e su n ra ys
166- Ans:Y Bec a u se
th ro ug ho ut th e ye
What is E qu inox•es ? - a1
167- Ans: D ay an d N 1e ,-. t eq u
ox es -
ow m any ty pe s of E qu in • & A u tu m nal E qU1J • 1ox)
8 H Eqwn ox
16 - A ns: T w o ty pe s (V er na l cu rs -
_ O n w hi ch da te s
V er na l Eq ui no x oc
Ans: 21" March -
da te s A ut um na l E qu in ox occ ur s
J70. O n w hi ch
Ans: 23"' Se pt em be e no rt h er n h em is p h er e h av
y al l pl aces on th
111. O n w hich da sh or te st ni g ht -
the lo ng es t da y an d
Ans: 21" Ju ne
th e n o rt he rn he m is ph er e h av e
al l places on
172. On w hi ch da y an d lo ng es t n ig h t -
the sh or test day
Ans: 22 D ec em be h av e

ac es o n th e so ut he rn he m is ph er e
173. On w hich da
y al l pl
s ho rt es t ni gh t -
the long es t da y an d
Ans: 22 D ec em be
o n th e so u th er n he at isp h er e h av
174. On w hich da
y al l pl ac es
d lo ng est ni gh t -
th e sh or te st da y an
Ans: 21 • Ju ne
on _
175 - Summer Sols tice in th e oc cu rs
em is p h er e) & 22" d D ec em b er
th er n h
Ans: 21•• Ju ne (n or is p h er e)
(S ou th er n h em
176- Winte r So lstic · e m · th e oc cu rs o n -
An s: 22nd D
(n o rt h er n h em is p h er e) &: 21 •1 Ju
(s ou thec em er
em h em is p h er e)
. General Knowle dge
, One Liner
144 I BK s North Pole experiences day frorn _
7 Midnight
17 ·
., March to
23rd September
• d
Aus: 21 South Po le expenences ay frorn _
'"78 Midnight sun ber to 21•• March
Jj ' 23rd SepteJJl f d th
A11s: axunum length o a ay on e poles -
179, What is the 111
. 6 months h tr f .
A11s. . . known as t e coun y o midnight S
180. Which country is un -
Ans: Norway . -
' s Rotation results m . .
181. Earth . n of day and n1ght, Change 1n the direclio
A11s: Causatiod ean currents, rise and fall of tides II or
wind an oc even,
·"''erence of one hour between two
day, A wu l:llerid'c1Jls
which are 150 apart
182 How much time the earth takes 91to complete one rotation_
. . . 23 h ur 56 mints and 40. sec
Ans. o h . hi h t
183. The speed of rotation of the eart IS g es at -
Ans: Equator (1667 kn\lh) .
184_ The speed of rotation of the earth JS decreases at -
Ans: Poles (Zero)
185. The earth rotates around an axis pointing towards -
Ans: The pole star
186. Revolution of the earth results in -
Ans: Change of seasons, variation in the lengths of day i!nd
nights at different times of the year, shifting of wind
belts, determination of latitudes
187. Revolution of earth average orbital velocity is -
Ans: 29.79 km/s
188. How much time the earth takes to complete one revolution-
Ans: 365 days 5 hour 48 mints and 45.51 sec
189. What is a leap year _
Ans: Every 4 year is a leap year has 366 days, the month of
February 29 days
Layers of Atmo sphere
344. What is atmosph ere -
Ans: A thick gaseous envelo pe surrou nding the Earth b:
the force of gravita tion
345. Atmosp here extends betwee n 16 km to 29000 km from the-
Ans: Sea level
World and India Geography I 155
346. Almost 97% of effective atmosphere nf. . .
' f co 1nes w1thm the height
of the Earth s sur ace -
Ans: 29 km
34 7. Which gas is also essential for combustion of burnmg •
Ans: Oxygen (21%)
348. Which gas absorbs the ultraviolet radiations an d save t h e
. h
b10sp ere -
Ans: Ozone gas
349. What % of Nitrogen gas in atmosphere up to 50 km_
Ans: 78%
350. Which is the lowest layer of the atmosphere -
Ans: Troposphere
351. Thickness varies of troposphere from the poles to equator -
Ans: 8 to 16 km
352. What is n ormal lapse rate of temperature -
Ans: At ev ery 165 m, there is a drop of 1° C (or 6.4° C per km)
353. Which layer separates the troposphere from the stratosphere-
Ans: Tropopause
354. When dose the thickness of the troposphere increase -
Ans: in Summer
355. Which layer contains all weather phenomenon -
A ns: Troposphere
356. In which layer of the atmosphere all the weather changes
take place -
A ns: Troposphere
357. Which layer extends up to about 5o km -
A ns: Stratosphere · 1t
layer d oes ozone absorb harmful u 1tra-v10 e
358. In w hich
radiation from the sun -
A ns: Stratosphere . fl . f Jet aircraft -
359 . Which layer conditions are ideal for ymg o
Ans: Stratosphere .
360. Which layer is free from duS particle -
Ans: Stratosphere h maintains an almost
361. In which layer of the atmosp ere
uniform horizontal temperature -
Ans: Stratosphere
. er Gen eral :Knowled ge
156 I BK' s One Lm

h laye r exten d s a bov e the stra tosp here up to a h .

362. WhiC eight
about 80 km - ()f
A . Mesosphere
ns. . .dere d the cold est laye r of the atm. h
363. Which layer is cons1 0
sp ere. .
Ans· Mes osphere
364. Which layer separates the mes osp here from the Ionosph
ere. .
Ans . Mes opause
365 . Wh1c h 1ayer cont ains elec trica lly cha rged particles 'Ions'
Ans: Ionosphere
366. Which layer is located abo ve the mes os phe
re and extends up
to about 600 km -
Ans: Ionosphere
367 . Which layer reflects the radi o wa ves back to the Earth thus
making radio com mun icati ons pos sibl e -
Ans: Ionosphere
368. Which layer separates the The rmo sphe re from
the Exosphere-
Ans: Thermopause
369. The upp er part of the The rmo sphere con tain
s onl y the lighter
gases -
Ans: Helium & Hydroge n
370. The outermost part of the atm osp here is
call ed -
Ans: Exosphere
371. The outer part of the exo sphe re is call ed
Ans: Magnetosphere
· Which gas in the atm osp here ab sorb s and em
its radiation
within the ther mal infr ared rang e -
Ans: Green House Gas
373. Wha t is the prim ary of Gre en Hou se Gas
atm osph ere _ ' s in the Earth's
Ans: Water Vap
0 x1 e and our, Carbon Dio xid e Methane, N'tro 1 us
Ozone ,
374. In which plan ets .
cause greenh m our sola r syst em also con tain gases that
ouse effects _
Ans : Venus M
375 Whi . ' ars and Titan
. ch increases the E h'
of greenh art s ave rage tem perature due to effect
ouse effects _
Ans: Global W .
World and India Geography 1 157

76. Which layer is 1,ocated within the stratosphere about 24 km

3 above the Earth s surface -
Ans: The ozone layer
377, Which layer is very important as it protects life on Earth -
Ans: The ozone layer
the sun's dangerous ultraviolet
378. Which layer filtering
radiation -
Ans: The ozone layer
379. Which are destroying protective ozone layer_
Ans: Pollution on Earth, Chemicals (CFCs) increase
380. If this protective ozone layer destroyed then _
Ans: Increase health risks, damage agriculture & ecosystem
381. Which protocol aimed at fighting global warming -
Ans: Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC)
382. Full form of IPCC -
Ans: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
383. When temperature decreases from equator towards the poles,
it is called -
Ans: Temperature gradient
384. Heat received by earth from the sun is known as -
Ans: Insolation
385. Insolation is measured with the help of -
Ans: Pyronometers (Solar radiation intercepted)
386. The proportion of the solar radiation reflected from the surface
is called -
Ans: Albedo
387. Insolation is highest near the -
Ans: Equator
388 . Insolation is lowest near the -
Ans: Poles
389. The greatest amount of Insolation is received by which place
of Earth' s surface -
Ans: Tropical deserts
390. How many units of energy reach the top of the atmosphere of
the Earth from the sun -
Ans: 100 units
391. How many units of energy absorbed directly by the
atmosphere -
Ans: 14 units
. General Know ledge
158 I BK's One Liner
.t are lost to space through reflectio
392. How many um s n-
Ans• 35 units ,
· •t reach the Earths surface due to the
393. How many um s surface
gets heated -
A ns: 51 units . .
urface of the Earth starts radiatin g energy .
394. The h eat ed s . . in the
Wa ves and this p rocess 1s called -
form of 1ong
A ns: Terrestrial Radiation
395. What is atmospheric pressure -
Ans: The pressure exerted by air due to its own weight
396. When air raises -
Ans: Its volume increases and its pressure decreases
397. When the pressure of air rises -
Ans: Its temperature falls
398. Low temperature at the p oles cause the air to contract -
Ans: High pressure develops
399. The High temperature along the equator cau se the air to
expand -
Ans: Low pressure develops
400. Subtropical High pressure Belt is also called -
A ns: Horse Latitude
401. The slope of pressure from high to low is called -
Ans: Pressure gradient
402. Pressure gradient is also called as -
Ans: Barometric slope

11111 Cyclones and Anticyclones

403. A Cyclone is a_
Ans: A low pressure system with anti-clockwise wi nds in
th e northern hemisphere and clockwise winds in the
southern hemisphere.
404. How many types of Cyclones -
Ans: Tow types (Trop1cal c clones)
Cyclones & Temperate Y
405. In the Indian ocean cyclones known as -
Ans: Tropical Cyclones
406. In the Caribbean sea cyclones known as -
Ans: Hurricanes
World and India Geography 1 159
407. In the China sea cyclones known as _
Ans: Typhoons
4os. In the Northern Australia cyclones known as _
Ans: Willy Willies
409. In the costal USA cyclones known as _
Ans: Tornadoes
410. Which cyclone can form only in the summer _
Ans: Tropical Cyclones
411. Which cyclone travels from East to west in the Easterly Wind
Ans: Tropical Cyclones
412. Which cyclone formed only over the oceans -
Ans: Tropical Cyclones
413. Which cyclone can form both in summer as well as in winter-
Ans: Temperate Cyclones
414. Which cyclone travels from West to East embedded in the
Westerly Wind belt -
Ans: Temperate Cyclones
415. Which cyclone formed either over the continents or over the
oceans -
Ans: Temperate Cyclones
416. An anti-cyclone is a -
Ans: A high pressure system with clockwise winds in the
northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise winds in the
southern hemisphere.
417. What does an upper air wind system with very high velocities
in certain parts of the atmosphere is called -
Ans: Jet stream
418 . Which are Very strong tropical cyclones of smaller size -
Ans: Tornadoes
419. What is Land breeze -
Ans: The warm wind blows land to sea
420. What is Sea breeze -
Ans: The cold wind blows sea to land
Humidity and Related Aspects r,,,6J
421 . What is radiation -
A ns: It is a process of transferring all solar energy to the
earth surf ace
160 I BK' s One Liner General Knowle dge
ch medium the heat reaches to earth
422. Thr ough w hi -
Ans: Radiation
423. Humidity is measur ed by an instrum ent called -
Ans: Hygrom eter and Sling Ps~chrometer
424. The mass of water vapor par urut volume of air is known
"d"ty as~
Ans: Absolute Hurni 1
425. To find Relative H umidity formula is -
Ans: Absolute Humidi ty/Hum idity capacity X 100
426 _ When Relativ e Humid ity is _100_% the air is completely
saturate d the air tempera ture 1s said to be as -
A ns: Dew-point
427. The droplets of water suspend ed in the lower layer of the
atmosph ere are called -
Ans: Fog
428. Which is formed by water particle s that have condensed in
the atmosph ere -
Ans: Haze
429. The moistur e on the ground surface that condens es directly
into ice is called -
Ans: Frost (below freezing point)

430. What is the Latin names of differen t types of clouds -
Ans: Cirrus, Cumulus, Nimbu s, Stratus and Alto
431. Which cloud looks like a feather (very high clouds) -
Ans: Cirrus
432. Which cloud looks like a heap, flat bases and rounded tops-
Ans: Cumulus
433. Which cloud lying in level sheets -
Ans: Stratus
434. Rain cloud are also known as -
Ans: Nimbus
435. Orograp hic Rainfall occurs due to -
Ans: Ascent of air forced by mounta in barrier
436. Frontal Rainfall occurs _
Ans: When cold air masses against warm air masses
437. Cyclonic Rainfall occurs _ itic
Ans: When the air is caused to rise upward due to cyclo
World and India Geography 1 161
43s. The atmospheric press ure is measured by_
Ans: Barometer
439, Which Barometer most commonly used _
Ans: Aneroid Barometer
440. The slow rise in the barometric reading is the indication of-
Ans: Clear Weather
441. A sudd en fall in the barometric reading is the indication of-
Ans: Storm
442. A slow fall in the barometric reading is the indication of -
Ans: Rain
443. Which instr umen t is used to measure the direction of wind -
Ans: Wind vane
444. Whic h instru ment used to measured the speed of wind -
Ans: Anemometer
445. Which instru ment is used for meas uring rainfall -
Ans: Rain-gauge
446. 1000 mill bars is equivalent to -
Ans: 75 cm of mercury column
447. The temp eratu re of a body is measured with the help of -
Ans: Thermometer
448. By whic h type of rainf all does India receive maximum
rainf all-
Ans: Orographic rainfall
Important Isopleth .-·r:n
449. The Isopleth of sunsh ine is called -
Ans: Isohe l
450. The Isopleth of rainfall is called -
Ans: Isohyet
451. The Isopleth of temp eratu re is called -
Ans: Isotherm . led
452. The Isopleth of equal pressure IS cal -
Ans: Isobar . lled
453. The Isopleth of Equal dep th in sea IS ca -
Ans: Isobath
454. The Isopleth of Salinity is called -
Ans: Isohaline

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