Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris

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a. Eat c.

b. Drink d. Food and drink
6. We have ... in the morning.
Nama : ……………………… Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
a. Lunch c. Dinner
Kelas : V (Lima) Hari/Tanggal : b. Breakfast d. Lunch
7. Johan is thisrty. He need ...
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!
a. Juice c. Rice
(pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c
atau d! b. Bread d. Water
8. Jessica always eats ... (roti) in the morning.
text for number 1 to 5 a. Rice c. Corn
Jalu is in the restaurant now. He wants to have dinner. He orders a b. Bread d. Noodle
plate of fried rice to eat and a glass of guava juice to drink.
9. I is the favorite food of a mouse. It is ...
1. Jalu orders a plate of ...
a. Chocolate c. Cheese
a. Fried rice c. Noodle
b. Orange d. Carrot
b. Meatball d. Juice
10. The weather is hot today. I need a glass of ...
2. Jalu orders a ... of guava juice.
a. Milk c. Mango juice
a. Cup c. Bowl
b. Hot tea d. Ice Tea
b. Glass d. Plate
11. The shape is like an umbrella. It is ...
3. Where Jalu to go?
a. Candy c. Burger
a. Cafe c. Restaurant
b. Juice d. Spagheti
b. Bookstore d. Home 12. I have dinner in the ...
a. Night c. Afternoon
b. Evening d. Good Morning
13. My father likes drinking ...
4. Jalu has ... at restaurant.
a. Coffee c. Potato
a. Breakfast c. Dinner
b. Meatball d. Bread
b. Brunch d. Lunch
5. Jalu orders a plate of fried rice to ...
Text for number 14-17! a. Chicken c. Cheese
b. Broccoli d. Bread
20. Is the best drink to keep our bodies hydrated.
My name is Melati. I and family are havibg lunch in a cafe. We order a. Juice c. Water
the food to the waiter. I order ice chocolate and pasta. My father orders b. Soda d. Milk
a cup of coffee. My mother orders a tea and bread. The food and
II. Translate these sentences into Indonesian!
drinks are vey nice. We ilke having lunch there.
Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!
Number 21-25
14. Where are Melati and her family having ther lunch? 21. Cici cooks a plate of salty fried rice on Sunday.
a. Cafe c. Hotel …………………………………………………………………………….
22. Lili eats a slice of salty pizza on Monday.
b. Restaurant d. Home
15. What does Melati oder? 23. Ujang drinks a glass of sweet milk on Tuesday.
a. Ice chocolate and bread c. Coffee ……………………………………………………………………………
b. Ice chocolate and pasta d. Juice 24. Bu Rahma buys a bitter melon on Wednesday.
16. What does her father order? 25. Pak Ilham drinks a glass of sour lemon juice on Thursday.
a. Coffee c. Chocolate ……………………………………………………………………………
b. Tea d. Juice
17. What does her mother oder?
a. Tea and ice chocolate c. Tea and bread
b. Tea and pasta d. Ice tea and noodle

III. Look at the picture anda write the sentences!

Write the sentences below based on the table!
Number 26-30
18. The taste of chilli is ....
a. Spicy c. Sweat
b. Sour d. Bitter
19. Which of the following foods is a vegetable?
32. What did Dhani ask his mother?
No. Name of The Food Taste
26 Cake
27 Limes 33. What did dhani have for dessert after the dinner?
28 Banana
29 Cheese 34. Who are involved in the dialogue above?
30 Honey
35. What is Dhani's favorite food?

IV. Read the following dialogue then answer the questions!

(bacalah dialog berikut kemudian jawab pertanyaan!)

Dhani : What’s for dinner tonight, Mom? I’m getting hungry.

Dhani’s Mom : I’m cooking my specialty. Guess what!
Dhani : I guess it’s a hamburger steak.
Dhani’s Mom : Exactly! I will make my special hamburger steak!
This’s your favorite, right?
Dhani : Yeah, that’s right mom! I can’t wait, do you have
anything for dessert?
Dhani’s Mom : Do you have anything in mind?
Dhani : Pudding!! I’d love to have one!!
Dhani’s Mom : I’ve bought some. They’re in the refrigerator.
Dhani : Wow, great! You’re the best, mom!!

31. What was Dhani’s mother cooking? KUNCI JAWABAN

1. A II.
2. B 21. Cici memasak sepiring nasi goreng di hari Minggu
3. C 22. Lili sepotong pizza di hari Senin
4. C 23. Ujang meminum segelas susu manis di hari Selasa
5. A 24. Bu Rahma membeli melon di hari Rabu
6. B 25. Pak Ilham meminum segelas jus lemon di hari Kamis
7. C
8. B III.
9. C 26. Sweet
10. B 27. Sour
11. A 28. Sweet
12. A 29. Salt
13. A 30. Sweet
14. A
15. B IV.
16. A 31. a hamburger steak
17. C 32. What’s for dinner tonight, Mom? I’m getting hungry
18. A 33. Pudding
19. B 34. Dhani and Mom
20. C 35. hamburger steak becouse delicius

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