Put Your Hands Where I

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Put your hands where I can see 'em!

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/42294255.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stray Kids (Band)
Relationship: Hwang Hyunjin/Seo Changbin
Characters: Hwang Hyunjin, Seo Changbin
Additional Tags: Established Relationsmut, Police Roleplay, Gone cute, Dirty Talk,
Handcuffs, Attempt at Humor, Hand Jobs, Light Bondage,
Overstimulation, Spanking, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Uniform Kink,
Sexual Roleplay, Belt Spanking Specifically, Hwang Hyunjin-centric,
Based on the SKZ Making of Case143, Dorks in Love, Fuck the police
but literally
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-10-10 Words: 5,439 Chapters: 1/1
Put your hands where I can see 'em!
by ThePresentIsChangjin (YourFutureWillBeBeautiful)


"You got any concealed weapons?" he asked, immediately patting down his arms and down
to hold his waist.

"No, I haven't—"

"—No, who?"

"No, Officer…"

"I'm afraid I'm gonna have to fully search you, I’m gonna need you to spread your legs, for

"Oh no, Officer… Please don't frisk me,” Hyunjin joked, letting his head fall backwards,
“whatever will I do?”

TLDR: Changbin and Hyunjin try out a little roleplay, based on today's SKZ making film!
Starts off as crack then suddenly BAM, feelings.


i have NOT beta'd this. i literally wrote this 5k in one single night because i was so spurred
on by the power of Changbin bending Hyunjin over a desk in a cop uniform. i am delirious
from writing 12k of changjin in three days. comments appreciated and have a wonderful day
Wrote this as a little gift for Daff + Lele! thank you for the inspo and i hope you like it!
When he’d imagined their ‘chill Saturday evening’ together, he’d presumed they’d be
lounging around in their pyjamas, watching movies and getting takeout like usual. He’d
pondered if they’d be able to get down and dirty tonight, for the first time in a while, secretly
hoping that the sight of him wearing just a large, white t-shirt and boxers would spur
something on between them. He’d readied himself, but Changbin hadn’t really seemed that

Instead, Changbin had been missing in action for the last thirty minutes, fumbling around in
the bedroom whilst Hyunjin lounged around in a huff, watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s for the
fifteenth time of his life.

When Changbin finally resurfaced, he’d called out Hyunjin’s name, but he’d ignored it, too
engrossed in his movie.

Then, he coughed to clear his throat, Hyunjin turning around to look at him.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Hyunjin asked, glancing away from the tv, cocking his head
to the side to take it all in.

He had drifted in back into their living and dining area, dressed in navy pants, a light blue
shirt and some kind of thick, black gilet overtop. He had a pair of plastic handcuffs attached
to a belt on his thigh, suddenly pulling a police hat from behind him.

He placed it down on top of his head, straightening it out and nodding at him as if to finish
the look. Coughing to clear his throat yet again, he took a few cowboy-esque steps forward
with his thumbs threaded through his belt loops…

Hyunjin turned fully around, looking over the the back of the couch with an arm wrapped
around it. He looked Changbin up and down with a raised brow, and before he had any time
to say anything, Changbin took the lead.

"Against the wall,” he said, removing his fingers from the loops and instead cracking the
knuckles of each hand.


"I said, against the wall. Put your hands where I can see 'em."

"Alright, what's going on? You know I’m watching this," Hyunjin laughed, noticing that
Changbin was quickly bridging the distance, wandering in front of the tv to block his view.

He gripped his hand, immediately yanking him up from the couch and raising it above their
heads, or, as far as Changbin could reach.

"I said hands where I can see 'em."

Hyunjin shook his head, laughing breathily at his impudence, until he obliged.
"Alright, Officer, I'll play ball," he said, in interest, reaching for the remote and pressing the
power button. He dropped it back down against the cushions, then held both of his hands up
in front of him next to his face.

"No funny business. Now, stand against that wall."

Hyunjin nodded, still trying to stifle a laugh, making his way across to the wall next to the
dining table, his hands still above his head as Changbin wandered behind him, practically
breathing down his neck.

"You got any concealed weapons?" he asked, immediately patting down his arms and down
to hold his waist.

"No, I haven't—"

"—No, who?"

"No, Officer…"

"I'm afraid I'm gonna have to fully search you, I’m gonna need you to spread your legs, for

"Oh no, Officer… Please don't frisk me,” Hyunjin joked, letting his head fall backwards,
“whatever will I do?”

He was ready to make some dry comment about how ridiculous it was that Changbin would
ever have any kind of advantage over him so easily, but the way that Changbin’s thigh
pressed into the back of his legs to part them, was certainly doing… Something.

Something it probably shouldn’t have been doing considering the circumstances.

"I'm afraid I have to. You're on my Most Wanted list," Changbin growled into his ear.

Changbin gripped a hold of his sides, pulling him backwards until their hips and ass were
flush, and then pressing him back against the wall with a heave.

He patted his arms down, slowly running his fingers down the back of his biceps and
squeezing, making Hyunjin giggle. He'd always been ticklish, flinching and twisting himself
around as Changbin’s hands explored his body.

He dropped down to the back of his thighs, patting them down too, running his flat palms all
across his bare thighs underneath the hem of the t-shirt, then around down in front of them, to
check his inner thighs, too.

Hyunjin let out a little whine at the pads of his fingers running all over the insides of his legs,
then another when Changbin pulled them back around and squeezed his asscheeks.

“Officer!” he said, in feigned offense, mouth hanging open as his face settled against the
"Just as I suspected... It's worse than I thought…” Changbin sighed, pulling him even closer
until he could whisper against the shell of his ear, “You're looking at doing some... Hard

Hyunjin glanced behind him in awe, still holding back a grin and nearing bursting out into

"Well, I know my rights, Officer. Tell me, what is the charge?" he asked, playing along.

"You're under arrest on suspicion of taking my fucking breath away,” Changbin said plainly,
fingers travelling a little too close to his inner thigh again.


“You have the right to remain silent, but I doubt you'll be able to when you're screaming my
name later..." He started tugging at the plastic cuffs he had attached to a clip against his thigh,
bringing Hyunjin’s wrists together in a tight hold.

“Is that a threat, Officer?” Hyunjin teased.

His hands were suddenly pulled down behind him, Hyunjin never resisting, as Changbin
clicked the cuffs on him and twisted them tight. Hyunjin nearly let a small gasp out at the
feeling, but he didn’t quite want to give Changbin the satisfaction, not just yet.

As he pulled him backwards again, Hyunjin decided he wanted to make a little game of it,
trying to wriggle free from his grip, throwing himself around so that Changbin could ‘detain’
him in his arms again.

Changbin was so muscular, and Hyunjin couldn’t even pretend like he didn’t love when he
tried to act macho. He didn’t really often need to, Hyunjin was already putty in his hands
whenever he saw his sweet, little pout, his puppy-dog eyes, or those heaving biceps
stretching through a thin t-shirt. Hyunjin would always love seeing him come back from the
gym all fired up, but it wasn’t often that they’d explored anything like, this, before.

“You’re in enough trouble, you’d be wise to listen to me,” Changbin said, wrapping his arms
around him and pulling him close until his head was pressed against his shoulder, hands still
bound behind him.

Hyunjin tried to angle his face to meet his eyes, and Changbin’s gaze was mostly unwavering,
but the slight curl of his lip gave him away.

So, Hyunjin decided to play him at his own game.

“Officer… I can’t get in trouble again. I didn’t mean to be so bad…”

Changbin gulped at Hyunjin’s ridiculous pout and baby voice, whining at him like he wasn’t
accustomed to. He fluttered his lashes, lowering his body slightly to appear smaller.
Changbin always loved it when he had the power. Truly, because he seldom ever did.

“Well, you can’t do the time, don’t do the—"

“—I guess… I’m saying that there’s got to be a way I can get out of this charge, sir,” Hyunjin

He started moving his hands around in the cuffs, pressed flat against Changbin’s crotch, just
small movements to work him up. He didn’t need much coaxing; he was already fully erect at
just the action of pinning Hyunjin against the wall.

“G-go on…”

“Maybe… I can do something for you… If you can get me off?”

Changbin scoffed, drawing his lower lip between his teeth and abruptly gripping Hyunjin’s
chin between his fingers, drawing their faces even closer together. His voice was lower this
time, as he spoke through slightly gritted teeth.

“You think I’m some kind of dirty cop, huh?”

“Oh, only the dirtiest,” Hyunjin whispered, feeling Changbin’s body physically shudder at
his response.

Without another word, Changbin had shoved him all the way over to the dining table,
slamming him down over the edge so that he was bent over it. He initially tensed up, as if by
reflex, but once he’d felt Changbin’s hard cock pressed up against his ass, he couldn’t help
but breathlessly gasp out into the air.

“Shit!” he said, biting his lip and winding his ass against him.

“I can think of something you can do for me,” Changbin said, leaning over him.

Hyunjin’s mind was suddenly flooded with ideas; thoughts of Changbin fucking him over the
table like they hadn’t in so long, pulling against the cuffs as he was nearly snapped in two.
He’d tried to keep his focus and his dick down, deciding that the cop thing was just another
one of Changbin’s dumb, amusing ideas, but it was all becoming strangely more
overwhelming than he’d like to admit.

He could feel himself getting hard under the table, the longer Changbin pressed against him.

“Officer… I think… Your gun, it’s digging into me,” Hyunjin said menacingly, trying to turn
his head back around, but Changbin didn’t allow him to, pinning him down further.

He didn’t respond for a moment, instead wrapping his arm around the front of Hyunjin’s
lower body, cupping his cock in his hand over top of his boxers. Hyunjin twitched at it,
unable to fight back with his hands cuffed behind him.

He started slowly palming over him in little taunting circles, Hyunjin’s bare legs suddenly
inundated with a swift blast of goosebumps, as he tried to hold back the fluttering feeling
inside of his stomach.

He let out another little titter as Changbin’s bare hand trickled further up his abs and then slid
back down into his underwear, the tips of his fingers cold as he descended. He teased around
him for a while, stroking up the sides of his thighs where his crotch met, then, he wrapped his
fingers firmly around him.

“You told me you had no weapons… You lied to a police officer…” Changbin said. “Think
I’m gonna have to punish you, for that.”

“Try me,” Hyunjin said, eager to see where Changbin would take this.

Changbin squeezed him beneath his boxers, then started leisurely working his cock, twisting
it with his hand from the base, up and then slowly back again. He moved slower than
Hyunjin could have liked, the dryness making him extra sensitive, and his knees buckled
slightly to meet his height.

“This doesn’t feel much like a punishment, Officer,” Hyunjin said jovially, his eyes fluttering
at each movement.

“Not yet,” he said, nibbling at the shell of Hyunjin’s ear.

He took his time, slowly working him up and down until Hyunjin couldn’t help but let out a
few airy gasps. Every time his head moved back, Changbin would pin it back down with his
other hand, preferring to turn his face to the side so that he could see all of the expressions
bursting through his façade.

Changbin pulled back out to ferociously tug his boxers down to his knees, where they fell
and pooled at his feet, then quickly returned to work jerking him off. Hyunjin bucked at the
roughness of it all, the way he’d alternate pressures, flick over his slit with his index, turning
him into a writhing pile of human beneath him.

All thoughts that he’d previously had about this dumb roleplay were suddenly pushed to the
back of his mind. He wanted Changbin so badly it fucking winded him.

“Bin—Fuck, baby,” he breathed out again, starting to roll his hips into the movement along
with him.

Changbin didn’t stop him this time, letting him fuck into the older man’s balled palm,
accentuating each movement with a deep thrust against the table that he couldn’t hold back.
He felt totally out of control, feeling more than pathetic only using his boyfriend’s hand.

“That’s Officer, to you,” Changbin said, picking up his pace slightly, watching Hyunjin’s
body writhe and curl up against the wood every minute he was closer to release.

“Bin, I—I mean Officer, shit, I’m—stop,” he said, but his moans said otherwise. Changbin
picked up his pace even more, using a speed he’d use on himself until Hyunjin was
crumpling and complaining that he was going to come.

It was precarious, having sex anywhere like this. His mind told him that they’d make a mess
in here, but his cock told him that having Changbin milk him dry at the dinner table, of all
places, whilst dressed like that, with his hands behind his back, was something he could only
dream of.
“I’m gonna come, I’m serious,” he said, his thighs twitching.

Changbin kissed the side of his face, still focused on the space behind his ear as Hyunjin
came in his hand, unleashing his load with a whimper, some of it dripping down to the floor
and dribbling down his thighs.

He felt partially mortified that he’d finished here, but something deep inside of his psyche
revelled in it.

“Holy—Shit, that’s so gross, we eat here—” Hyunjin complained, but Changbin didn’t stop,
continuing to rub and play with him beyond his limits. He squirmed for real, this time, trying
to get Changbin to stop, his hips bucking wildly, but he continued. Totally relentless.

“Bi—Please, Bin—holy shit, I can’t—”

“I told you; bad boys get punished.”

As far as punishments went, being made gelatinous in the hands of your very attractive
boyfriend wasn’t the worst option, but Hyunjin couldn’t take it at all, throwing his head back
and pathetically twisting and turning to try and pull his dick away from his hand.

He threw his wrists around too, but they were pinned beneath Changbin’s weight, and the
cuffs were digging into him. The pain felt good, in a way that he knew it probably shouldn’t
have. In fact, being trapped beneath Changbin’s body only made him feel more delirious. He
was so oversensitive that he couldn’t even form coherent thoughts, anymore.

“Binnie I’m serious, I can’t—” he said, his cock still pathetically leaking, cum dripping down
his thigh, into his underwear on the floor. He frantically tried to push his ass out to heave him
off, but Changbin was unyielding.

His own cum was being used against him, Changbin slathering it over his already-spent cock,
his whines and cries that he couldn’t take it only getting louder and louder.

The couple that lived in the apartment next to theirs could probably hear him whimpering,
and the concept of letting everyone know that he was being used like this, only added to the

“I won’t stop until you admit to your crimes,” Changbin said plainly.

“W—what are—Fucking hell, Bin,” he said, his mind a wash of euphoria. He’d started
laughing now, his voice hoarse through his cries out. “What were—the fucking charges,

“Taking my breath away, lying to a police officer, being disrespectful,” he said, and Hyunjin
nodded, his eyes rolling back into his skull as his lids flickered.

“I admit it, I admit it all,” Hyunjin said, so frantic now that Changbin was almost breaking a
sweat keeping him in place. “I—I plead guilty, or whatever, please Officer, I can’t take it,” he
begged, and begged, until Changbin finally removed his sticky hand from between his legs.
“Good. The first step is always admitting defeat,” Changbin said menacingly, finally moving
backwards, shifting his weight so that Hyunjin could move a little more.

He breathed out, trying to draw the air back into his lungs, his legs feeling weak and his head
hazy. His cock was utterly throbbing, hanging below the table, finally freed from its

“Stay there for me, won’t you?” Changbin asked, slapping down on his ass cheeks, and
Hyunjin only scoffed, knowing there was no physical way his body would even allow him to

Changbin disappeared back into the bedroom, Hyunjin left in a spent mess against their
dining table. His hands were still bound and almost starting to hurt a little, but he couldn’t
focus on anything other than the feeling of his cock finally being released.

When Changbin came back a minute or so later with clean hands and a bottle of lube,
Hyunjin turned his head against the wood, looking at him with his tongue lolling out of his
mouth. He was sure he looked messed up, barely able to keep his eyes open as he panted.

“Now, if you take the plea, I’ll let you out on good behaviour,” Changbin announced, and
Hyunjin was almost so far gone that he was about to scream out to take the stupid fucking hat
off and get him out of these cuffs, but Changbin looked so proud of himself that he couldn’t
help but grin.

“I take the plea, I’ll take it… Just… Fuck. What is it?”

“You let me use that ass of yours, I let you off the hook, we got a deal?” Changbin said,
grinning at him, his eyes glistening in wanton as he tossed the little bottle of lube up and
down into his right hand.

“I don’t know if I—Shit Bin, I’m going insane,” he said, groaning. “I’m so spent already.”

The fire behind Changbin’s eyes faltered a little at his response, and he wandered closer to
him, placing a hand gently against the small of his back.

“How about you catch your breath a little, whilst I, uh, file some police reports?” Changbin
suggested, trying to remain in character, for whatever reason.

“Binnie…” Hyunjin laughed out desperately, watching his boyfriend’s dumb, charming,
fucking face beaming at him from over his shoulder.

“Here, let’s get you somewhere more comfortable,” he said, gripping both of Hyunjin’s arms
and heaving him up, his legs shaken as he tottered around, totally unbalanced, “we can go to
the bedroom—I mean, your cell, where it’s comfy so you can have a little time to recoup.”

He turned Hyunjin around so that he was opposite him for the first time, cupping his face in
his hands. Changbin was always so sweet to him whenever they’d finished getting dirty,
cooing at him and always wanting to look after him. He’d be so gentle, and Hyunjin actually
just considered letting Changbin take him to bed and cuddle to him up for the night.
That was, until he noticed Changbin’s rock hard cock still straining upwards against his
pants, and his boyfriend’s thick, shiny biceps pushing through the shirt sleeves as he held his
hands up to Hyunjin’s face. He had a thin sheen of sweat across his forehead, which was a
little exposed, the shirt unbuttoned to the third button showing off his collar bones…

He hadn’t really stopped to notice the effort he’d gone to, to look this good for him.

In fact… Changbin really did look fucking delicious in uniform.

“Actually… No," Hyunjin suddenly said, without thinking, stopping Changbin in his tracks.


“Want it here, Officer,” he whined, the sugar baby voice he’d adopt when he wanted
something, back in full force as he used it to his advantage. He flashed him the pity eyes
again, gesturing back to the table with his head.

“You—You do?” Changbin asked.

“Against the table, please. I’m fine now, I promise. Please fuck me right here. I can take it.”

Changbin visibly gulped, blinking so hard that Hyunjin thought his eyes might fall out of
their sockets in surprise. He looked around the room quickly before the smile bloomed back
across his face, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Well… Fuck. Shit, yeah, I will. Gonna fuck you so fucking hard.”

Hyunjin moaned out at his words. He felt totally exhilarated, his heart beating out of his

Changbin pulled him back over to the table, leaning him over it with three fingers to the back
of his nape, pushing him back down again. He immediately started unbuckling his belt, the
little jangle of the clasp clacking making Hyunjin practically wiggle in anticipation.

He pulled it out of its loops, the noise of the leather whipping out from his pants, and
suddenly Hyunjin had the utmost need to feel that same belt.

“Officer… Your belt…” he whined, looking over his shoulder again. “I think… I deserve it.”

“Yeah?” Changbin asked, holding on to it in his hands.

“You said it yourself, I need to be punished… I think it’s only fair…”

The sound of the belt pulling back together echoed throughout the room, Hyunjin gasping at
the sound of the leather snapping back together as he tugged each side taut. He pulled it
together a few times, the sheer impact of the noise making Hyunjin whimper and blink at
every one.

“Alright, let’s lift this up, see your ass,” Changbin said, pulling the shirt up, probably a little
over-eager with his words.
He ran a smooth palm over his cheeks, touching and grabbing at him for a moment, just
enjoying having Hyunjin ripe for the taking in front of him. He felt Changbin’s dry finger just
tease the entrance of his rim, just for a brief moment, before his hand was gone.

He held his breath for a moment, the silence deafening, before he felt the sudden impact of
the belt coming down against his skin.


It felt like the room was suddenly in clear, high definition clarity, Hyunjin’s eyes blowing

He wasn’t too rough with it, just treading lightly, but even the first crack of it left Hyunjin
immediately recoiling.

Recoiling in a way that stunned him, because he felt like he immediately needed more.

“Again?” Changbin asked, still in character but likely making sure that everything was still
comfortable for him.

“Yes, Officer, I can take it a little harder,” Hyunjin begged, face and ears flushing.

He’d never felt so devastatingly subdued before, lifeless against the table, feeling the belt
come back down against his skin again.

This time, he really flinched at the sting, and Changbin placed a soothing hand over the skin
that he’d struck. He’d lurched further across the table at the contact, but the gargled noise that
came from Hyunjin’s mouth was a far cry from pain.

“All—All good?” Changbin asked over his shoulder, and Hyunjin desperately nodded against
the table.

“Shit, yes, so fucking good.”

Tears had started to form in his inner corners, and each slap was as good as the previous one,
taking him apart against the surface. Changbin would rub his hand over each spot after each
one, and he never went too hard, finding the perfect pressure for him almost immediately.
The feeling of his wrists aching from the plastic, and the burn of the leather on his ass giving
him a pleasant buzz that he didn’t think he’d feel.

After soothing a particularly blunt strike to his left side, Changbin ran his hand over his ass
cheek again, but this time leant his body in closer to place a kiss to the side of his actual
cheek, despite the strange angle.

“I can’t watch you like this anymore, I’m so fucking hard, Hyunjin,” Changbin said, “can I?”

Hyunjin wordlessly nodded again, trying to lift his torso up and around even further so that
Changbin could meet his lips in a half-kiss. Changbin cupped one cheek, holding him there
for a moment whilst they kissed. Changbin’s lips pressed desperately against the side of
Hyunjin’s in a way that was so messy, and seemed to translate to a kind of non-verbal thank
you; Changbin thanking him for being so good at letting him use him.

After a while, he was pressed back down against the table, his knees and wrists already
starting to hurt through how long they’d been here.

One of Changbin’s fingers appeared against his rim, Hyunjin unable to really see what was
going on from his position. It was warm, like he’d lovingly heated up the lube between the
pads of his fingers; another one of those tiny considerations that made Changbin such a
thoughtful boyfriend.

He circled it for a while, Hyunjin moaning at just the external stimulation around his rim. He
relaxed into the pleasure, letting Changbin push a finger inside of him, breathing out through
the stretch. He was fine, his body was already satiated and comfortable, and regardless of
how corny it sounded, he was so relaxed with Changbin by this point, that foreplay was
always easy for them regardless of who took it.

He heard Changbin groaning, then the ever-familiar feeling of his cock, hot against his right
ass cheek. He’d rub himself against him, craving some release but not wanting to push
Hyunjin too far, too quickly.

After a while, more lube was applied, and another finger carefully pressed inside of him, a
little bit more of a hassle, but nothing that Hyunjin couldn’t handle, especially considering
Changbin knew all the right angles to take him apart. He crooked his fingers so perfectly,
Changbin’s a little thicker than his own, but slightly shorter.

He could tell when Changbin’s two fingers had been pushed all the way in, Hyunjin
stretching out almost like a cat kneading against the table, hands tirelessly grabbing on to
things that weren’t there to hold behind his back. He squeezed his fists together, feeling
Changbin fingerfucking him all the way up to his knuckle with both fingers.

“Oh my fucking god,” Hyunjin gritted, the words sounded disjointed falling from his lips. He
chased the sensations each time, trying to press himself down even further onto a length that
unfortunately wasn’t there.

He tried to widen his fingers inside of him best he could, then opted to twist them around to
work him looser, the entry and exit setting him on fire. He felt light-headed again whenever
Changbin would hit the right spot, making him arch upwards until a flat hand to his back
settled him.

He pulled his fingers out, slowly, each passing second that he was empty feeling like an

Hyunjin couldn’t even remember a time that he’d needed Changbin this badly. It felt like an
ache in the pit of his stomach.

Then, the blunt head of his cock, hot and wet against his hole, pressing down at a slightly
awkward angle. Hyunjin tried to shift down, giving Changbin the space he needed, hands
pressing down on either cheek to spread him.
He moved slowly, sinking his tip inside, Changbin murmuring a barely audible “fuck” with
every centimetre he sank down.

“So tight,” he said.

“All for you to use,” Hyunjin responded.

He lubed them both up some more, spreading some more over Changbin’s shaft until they
were practically soaked through, Changbin using the slick to press in the whole way in a
motion that left Hyunjin breathless.

Changbin waited, like he always did, hands on either sides of Hyunjin’s hips in anticipation.
Hyunjin gave him the okay, looking back over his shoulder in affirmation. Changbin pulled
out of him and pressed all the way back in, painstakingly slow, likely because he’d been so
pent up the entire night until this point.

Changbin built up minimal speed, thrusting into him more comfortably now that he’d
adjusted to the girth. Hyunjin felt his fingers travelling around his midriff, Changbin leaning
down and gripping his right nipple under his shirt, tweaking it gently, sending a wave of
pleasure through Hyunjin’s spine.

“You liked that, the belt, didn’t you?” Changbin murmured against him, and Hyunjin could
only nod dumbly in response. “You’re so fucking perfect, god,” he added, suddenly leaning
forward, thrusting all the way into him again as deep as he could.

His hands never tired of wandering all across Hyunjin's body, worshipping every little morsel
of him underneath the t-shirt, holding his waist, playing with his nipples, before he wrapped a
solid forearm around him, using it as leverage to really press into him the entire way every

Hyunjin arched up at it, screaming out in pleasure with his mouth wide open. Then he did it
again, and again, fucking upwards into him and stimulating every single part of him.

“Fuck, baby, right there,” he gurgled, Changbin taking the verbal cue as confirmation that
he’d found the right spot to send him crazy.

He felt electric, like little, tiny sparks were travelling through his nerves, his already spent
cock suddenly starting to come back to life, leaking a little more beneath him. He couldn’t
take it, just dumbly letting Changbin do whatever he needed with him as he lay there, past

Changbin was pushing him so far, fingers holding him so tightly that their bodies were flush
and Changbin’s stomach muscle were twitching against his back.

“I’m gonna come, soon, so fucking close,” Changbin said, gripping onto his handcuffs to tug
him back again, “you send me crazy. So—so fucking lucky.”

He leant over him, fucking him into the wood a few more times, rolling his hips rougher now
so that the table was shaking and rattling underneath them, until he finally pressed in all the
way, and stayed there.

Hyunjin couldn’t even breathe, he couldn’t even think. He felt amazing, sprawled out across
the table, the sting of his rim and cheeks still lingering. Changbin's sweaty hips were pressed
against his the whole way when he felt Changbin release inside of him, all the way deep
inside his ass.

His shaft was pulsating and twitching within him, their bodies finally becoming one.

Changbin fiddled with his cuffs, pressing a plastic button and turning some little contraption
that made them slacken and fall to the floor, and Hyunjin’s arms immediately flopped down
to the table, aching through the pain of being held there so long.

Changbin basically flopped down on top of him, not with any weight, but just enough to
envelope their bodies together as he held him. He gripped the outside Hyunjin’s balled hands,
interlacing his fingers overtop from behind, as he kissed his shoulder and nuzzled in closer to
his skin.

“You’re amazing, you’re amazing,” he’d whisper over and over again, and Hyunjin could
only lay there and listen as he tried to bring himself back around.

“Legs… Hurt,” Hyunjin breathed out, and Changbin placed both hands on his hips to slowly
slide himself out of Hyunjin’s hole, the feeling of the cum inside him wanting to immediately
pool downwards and drip out of him.

He tensed as best he could until Changbin returned with a rag, or something, cleaning him up
from behind. He’d fucked him so deep that he knew his cum would be dripping out of him all
night, but he appreciated the gesture as Changbin pulled his shirt back down to cover him
from where it was stuck at his shoulders.

He helped him up, wrapping his arms around his stomach to pull him, Hyunjin still spinning.
Changbin lead him across the room and placed him down against the couch, sitting him there
slumped on his side over the three-seater.

“Shit, baby, that was… Wow,” Changbin puffed out.

They’d not done it like that, not for a long time.

“I know…” Hyunjin laughed, his eyes already wanting to shut against the soft cushions. His
body felt utterly ravaged, in the best possible way.

Changbin perched down too, next to his head on the couch, running his hand through his hair
as he breathed, staring at him in wonderment.

“I—I… Did I get off… The charges…? Officer?” Hyunjin asked.

“I think… Yeah, you served your time… Plus maybe an additional sentence or two.”

Hyunjin opened his eyes again, looking up at him as they giggled between them. He’d lost
another button from his shirt; his gilet was opened, and his chest covered in sweat. The police
hat was long-gone, tossed to the other side of the room, likely in the heat of the moment, but
he still looked as handsome as ever.

“You had your little moment, Changbin,” Hyunjin said, before he let out a huge yawn that
Changbin mimicked shortly after. “Well, better watch out, because tomorrow… You’re gonna
be calling me Doctor Hwang…”

“Oh yeah? This unlocked something for you, huh?” Changbin teased, holding his hand flat
out towards Hyunjin so he could intertwine their fingers properly.

“Mmm, definitely. Though, I think maybe it’s less the uniform and more, the man inside of
it...” Hyunjin said.

Changbin leant down, placing an upside-down kiss to his lips that Hyunjin chased after
they’d disappeared.

“Guilty as charged,” Changbin responded, clearly proud of himself.

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