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All I See Is Red Lights

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stray Kids (Band)
Relationships: Hwang Hyunjin/Seo Changbin, Lee Felix/Seo Changbin
Characters: Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix (Stray Kids)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, Swearing, Cheating, Literally The Whole
Fic Revolves Around Cheating, Drinking, Seo Changbin is a Mess, Felix
is Host of the Year, Making Out, Mentions of Sexual Acts, Bang Chan &
Han Jisung | Han & Seo Changbin are Best Friends, Established Lee
Felix/Seo Changbin, Enough Hyunho For Changbin to Cheat On His
Husband, Jealous Seo Changbin, Seo Changbin-centric, Seo Changbin is
Whipped, Seo Changbin is Dehydrated, Hyunjin is Side Piece of the Year
Until He's Not, Endgame Changjin, A Happy Sappy Ending For
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-20 Completed: 2023-01-22 Words: 31,623 Chapters:
All I See Is Red Lights
by TheDarkOne519


Changbin goes to yet another office party and meets the most beautiful man he's ever met just
to find out he's his new boss.
The closer they get, the harder Changbin falls… despite being married to Felix.


I got the office idea from Code episodes 14/15.

This plot idea is what made me really get into writing fics… and it's because I saw a severe
lack of homewrecking Changlix (I just don't see it, I'm sorry). I read one but I didn't like the
ending and I couldn't find any others so I figured if I couldn't find what I wanted I'd have to
write it myself.
It does move VERY fast (which I definitely don't recommend IRL) but in fictional stories I
like to think it's fine. If you're looking for a slow burn, this is definitely not it.
This was the first fic I ever wrote smut in. That's why it's not in some chapters you'd expect; I
felt too awkward and didn't gain the courage until after the first actually explicit chapter. I try
to put it in its own chapter or at the end so if you don't want to read it you can easily skip
(marked with * in the chapter title). I put no main plot points in it so you wouldn't miss
There are, however, clear references to sexual activity throughout this story.
Thank you for reading!
The New Boss
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Changbin's at yet another office party he doesn't want to be at.

The same 20 songs he hears all the time on the radio are playing, a buffet table of snack
foods, and the obligatory "You're the best company ever!" speech with the boss going on and
on about how amazing they all are even though he won't give them raises.

He's hanging out around the bar. He hates all of his coworkers so he doesn't talk to any of
them for fun. They're all business major bros who only got wasted and partied all throughout
their university years. Not that there's anything wrong with that, they're just not actually
smart enough to justify it.

He started people watching and every so often tells the bartender to give him another shot of

He needs something to get through this.

He didn't have to come but it's highly expected since he's the most famous producer in the
company and also there's free alcohol... but also his husband's making preparations to visit
his family.

He doesn't know why he even bothers with them, they hate their relationship.

More specifically, they hate Changbin.


He "turned their son gay," like Felix wasn't a raging homosexual in the first place. Speaking
of, he feels a vibration in his pocket and checks his phone.
"Feelbok," aka Felix.

*2 years ago*

"Why don't you just try with them?" Felix pleads.

"Why don't they just try with me?"

"Come on, don't be like that."

"I will be like that. It's not fair. Did they choose to fall in love with each other? Did they
choose who they wanted to fuck? No? Then why are we any different? We're not. They're too
ignorant to see that you're super fucking gay and we're literally married. They didn't even
want to come to the wedding."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I know they're a sore spot for you." Felix makes his way over to Changbin
as he's trying to calm himself down at the other end of the kitchen.

They never fight but this is one of the very few things that gets them going.

"Look," Felix continues, "let's grab some wine and hang out, watch TV or something. Maybe
I can give you a massage." Felix gets to Changbin just to put his tiny hand on his shoulder
and starts gently rubbing it. "Or, maybe, we can do something else."

"Are you going to change the topic by seducing me?"

"Is it working?"
"Maybe a little."

Changbin checks the message which is just a "Miss you babe xo" and slides it back in his
pocket. Changbin loves him, of course, but sometimes he just wants his alone time… even if
he may be miserable where he spends it.

He resumes scanning the room until he comes across someone with, dare he say, an
incredible body. Shoulder length black hair, milky skin, incredible thighs... married doesn't
mean he can't think people are attractive.

Thing is, he hasn't seen their face yet. Changbin thinks they're a guy, but frankly he's not

He casually grabs his drink and takes a sip, trying not to check them out but it's difficult.

To Changbin's surprise, they turn around to talk to a guy next to them.

Oh my god.

That's the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

Changbin's mouth drops as he takes in every feature on the man's face, from his large lips to
his naturally sensual brown eyes. He's in a well-fitting charcoal gray suit that hugs him in all
the right ways.

Changbin can't help but wonder what his skin feels like...

Okay stop, you're going too far. You have a lovely husband at home who loves you and you
love him.
Changbin decides to look away because he knows he won't be able to stop staring at the poor
guy if he doesn't.

The likelihood of someone being gay in this place is beyond slim; it's full of cis straight
douchebags. "Guess how hot she was, bro" and "Nice guys finish last" are every other phrase
that comes out of their privileged mouths.

Changbin turns back to the bartender, asks for another shot and decides to make himself
comfortable there. He puts his elbows on the table and takes out his phone to scroll through
anything he can find to pass the time.

Changbin unlocks it when he senses someone sitting down next to him. He ignores it since he
can't be bothered to socialize at this circus.

"I hate to overstep a boundary but your lock screen is beautiful. Can I ask where it was

Despite the voice sounding like something from the gates of heaven, he shuts his eyes.
Changbin begins to turn and quickly prepares himself to go off on this idiot who thinks it's
okay to look over shoulders.

"Ya know, I don't -" Changbin opens his eyes, stopping halfway through his next word and
pauses, not able to bring himself to move.

It's the guy.

Changbin just stares into his beautiful, glistening eyes.

He's even more perfect up close, a literal angel.

Who is this guy? I've never seen him before.

I would know.
Come to think of it, there's a couple of people here I don't recognize...

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was just curious. I'll lea-"

"No!" Changbin says, a little too loudly to not draw attention. "No, uh, you're alright. I just
wasn't expecting it. Yea, uh -"

Changbin quickly has the most legitimate moral dilemma he's ever had... does he tell him it's
from his honeymoon and he's married?

Changbin's wearing his wedding band but why is he feeling regret wearing it?

It'd be dumb to not awknowledge the obvious, right?

And more importantly it's the right thing to do.

He's not a liar.

"Sorry, yea, so… uh… it was taken in Venice on my honeymoon."

"Oh very nice, well it's beautiful. I hope you had a great time."

"Yea we did. It was about four years ago now."


Now the stranger's making eye contact. Changbin feels his face getting hot, his heart starts
beating so fast.
"Hello everyone, thank you for coming to this wonderful event tonight."

A loud, deep voice booms from the microphone on the stage, both of them breaking their
gazes and turning their attention there. It's the president of the company, Mr. Woo, who is one
of the densest, most blissfully ignorant people on the planet. He said last week he was going
to have a "very important" speech at this thing.

"Now I have an announcement to make. If I could please call to the stage and welcome the
Hwangs, whose family owns Hwang Entertainment that we'll be merging with. Please
welcome our new CEO, Yeji, and her twin brother, the new CFO, Hyunjin!"

Changbin feels the guy look over at him so he meets his attention, noticing he leaned in ever
so slightly.

"Well, if you'll excuse me."

Changbin watches in confusion as he gets up and walks toward the front.

He and a beautiful girl step up onto the stage and they arrange to stand next to each other at
the microphone.

She begins talking. "Hello everyone, I'm your new CEO Hwang Yeji and this is your new
CFO Hwang Hyunjin. We are so excited to be starting this new chapter of the family business
with such an amazing company. Please give yourselves a round of applause."

Everyone starts clapping but all Changbin can hear is white noise.

Oh my god. He's my new boss.

Chapter End Notes

I'm sorry, I made the basic call of making Hyunjin and Yeji Hwang siblings/twins. At
least there's no Jackson Wang.
The Accident

Changbin's a producer-turned-executive at an entertainment management company. The

president decided he needed to be overseeing more instead of creating, despite it being what
he signed up to do and what he did for years.

His job is to review all music that leaves the company from the artists that get sent to their
respective labels.

He's quite high up on the totem pole.

The president, who will be working very closely with the new CEO and CFO, comes to him
all the time for practical knowledge but really understands nothing. Mostly, he politely nods
and "mhms" to what Changbin says then asks if he thinks it's going to be a hit. Changbin'd
like to think so, so he says yes.

Changbin started as an intern in college and quickly proved himself, having more songs top
the charts than anyone and has hundreds of credits on his name between writer and co-writer;
Woo trusts Changbin to make him money.

While he'd rather be creating music himself instead of inspecting the outcomes of others, he
and Felix liked the idea of a 9-5 job where he could have a work-life balance, since when he
was creating he worked 24/7.

Jokes on him, he makes enough money that he has a home studio and still works on projects
in his personal time.

Felix is a social media manager for a big company. He's the one who makes sure they stay
"hip and trendy" and also he's a pretty face, so on the off-chance he's in public or representing
them for something he's a hit.

He works from home most of the time so he decided to be Changbin's "housewife": cooking,
cleaning, and taking care of the house.
They've been together for five years. They met in college through a mutual friend group and
were both in the business buildings often. They were acquaintances who had a few drinks,
had a one night stand, then decided they liked each other enough to date.

Changbin proposed a few months later when they were 19 and got married when they could
afford it. Felix wanted the big, extravagant wedding of his dreams so that's what they saved
for. They worked overtime for months and, along with some help from both of their parents,
it only took until their one year anniversary.

Changbin heard none of the speech. He was too distracted with the newfound knowledge that
the most perfect human he's ever seen is going to be his new boss.

He paid no attention to what Hyunjin was saying but did how he said it. His voice dripped
with honey and sugar.

I want it to soothe me to sleep more than anything.

Changbin's pretty sure he's not going to survive.

When they finish and everyone does their final clap, Changbin's still sitting in shock. The two
of them made their way down the stairs of the stage, shaking the hands of many important
people along the way.

They even stopped to take pictures with Changbin's dumbass colleagues.

Compared to them, Hyunjin was ethereal, flawless, stunning, perfect.

Changbin can't believe they're in the same universe.

He sees the cameras flash against Hyunjin, accentuating his skin tone, leaving his eyes
dazzling and Changbin breathless.

He can't seem to get it together.

Maybe it's because Hyunjin deserves to be plastered all over billboards and magazines, not
with a bunch of stuck up imbeciles at an office job.

Changbin returns to his previous stance of facing the bartender, asking for more. Hwang's
busy now, there's no way in hell he'd come back to talk to him… and he needs to get out of
his head somehow.

Changbin doesn't know how many drinks he's had but, given the circumstances, he doesn't
think he's close enough to max capacity. He downs the next shot, slides him the glass and
requests another.

"Hey, you've had quite a bit tonight."

Changbin looks over just to see Hwang Hyunjin's lips in line with his eyes, except he wasn't
looking at him but at the line of bottles behind the bar. Hyunjin has some kind of lip gloss on
which Changbin hadn't noticed before; it makes them shine against the lights beaming on
them from above the bar.

I can't take my eyes off them, they're so…

"Hey, you still in there?" He's now looking at him and waves one of his slim fingers in front
of Changbin's view, who only then realizes he hadn't responded to Hyunjin's first comment.

"Oh hey, yea… uh… I'm good."

"Are you sure? You seem pretty out of it. You're stuttering."
That's just because you're next to me.

"Yea, uh, no really I'm, uh, I'm good." Changbin catches himself making the okay symbol
with his hand. "I'm great."

Why did I just do that? Am I 12 years old?

"Haha alright. Well, I'm about to head out. I'm going to go in a day early to set up my office.
Do you have a ride?"

Too stunned to speak, Changbin holds his breath for a second but realizes he's screwing
himself over by not responding again. "No, I'm good. Thanks though. I'm going to try to
sober up a little. If I can't, I'll just call a cab."

"Okay, if you insist." Hyunjin flashes an adorable, tiny smile. "Well I'll see ya around."

And with that, he was gone.

Changbin ended up calling Felix to pick him up.

He may or may not have kept drinking.

He may or may not have had to go on a field trip to vomit.

He's going through it, okay?!

Changbin wakes up when they pull up to the gate, Felix typing in the code from the driver's
seat. It opens and he pulls into their garage.

Felix didn't notice that Changbin was awake so he gently shakes him and says, "Binnie, hey,
wake up, we're home. I would carry you but you're about three times my size. Come on, let's
get you to bed."

Changbin looks up to see his warm, welcoming smile.

It feels like home.

"Okay, yea. Thanks jagi."

Changbin wakes up the next morning and knows he's messed up.

Messed up, as in horrifically hung over.

Felix spent the morning rubbing his back and bringing him water and crackers though he
couldn't keep any of it down.

Now that it's lunch time, Changbin's finally, literally getting back on his feet and walks into
the kitchen as Felix is making some ramen.

"Hey babe, how are you? You feeling any better?"

"Yea, yea." He responds like he's trying to convince himself. He sits down at the bar to watch
Felix. "I'm a lot better now."

"Make sure to stay hydrated." Felix says as he hands him a glass of water.
"Of course, thank you." Changbin shoots him a smile and Felix gives a giant, loving one

"So, why did you drink so much last night? You've never gotten so drunk at one of the office

Changbin stops mid-sip and realizes he can't exactly tell him why.

He was too busy stressing about his new hot boss?

He debated not telling him he was married?

He'd be a horrible person.

Changbin's not going to lie, he's just going to leave out a couple of details.

"Well, uh, I just really didn't want to be there. I was trying to socialize and really struggled."

There's no lie.

He could hardly breathe in Hyunjin's presence.

"Okay. Well just rest up today, okay? I don't want you getting worse… Oh yea, what was that
big announcement your boss was talking about?"

"So he said they were merging with a family-owned company and he introduced the CEO
and CFO, who are actually siblings."

"Cool! Did you get to meet them?"

How do I say this…

"Yea… um, I met the brother. He seems nice enough. I think they start tomorrow."

"Very nice! Well more reason for you to get rested and get back into the swing of things!"

"Yea, it'll be fun." Changbin says, diverting his eyes because the last thing he wants to think
about is how awkward it'll be when he inevitably sees Hyunjin again.

Monday morning arrives. Changin grabbed some coffee and ate whatever it was Felix had
made and headed off to work.

He gets to his desk and notices a note:

Meeting in my office at 12:30pm, don't be late!

- Mr. Woo

Changbin's already confused.

That's when their lunch time starts.

He gets comfortable at his desk, looks up at the picture hanging up of him and Felix and
smiles … he's so cute.

Changbin reaches to take a sip of his coffee, which is still pretty toasty from them living so
Just as it touches his lips, he hears a very familiar, haunting voice. "Hey, nice to see you

Changbin jerks the cup at his lips causing it to unexpectedly hit his tongue, effectively
burning it. To make it even better, he spills some on his shirt and tie.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I should've knocked! Come on, let's go to the bathroom and I'll
help you try to get it out."

Changbin looks back to see the owner of the voice, Mr. Hwang himself, coming toward him
through his office door. He's not in his gray suit today, but he is in a relatively form fitting
white shirt, black jeans and blazer with a tie.

"It's alright, Mr. Hwang, really. I'm okay."

"Please, call me Hyunjin. And no, I insist. It was my fault. But I will say I don't know where
it is yet. Even if you don't want my help, could you show me?"

By now the spilled coffee had cooled down a bit and Changbin was able to think properly
again. He turns to finally look at him and he sees Hyunjin's smile is so bright his eyes are

He's stunning.

"Yea… yea of course. I'll show you." Changbin guides him down the hall to a large door.
"Right here. I guess since we're here I'll go ahead and try to get the stain out. Good thing I
wore a black tie today."

"Yea, it's a really good thing. Sorry about your shirt though."
Changbin looks down to check the damage but figures it's not that bad. Worst case he has five
more of those shirts at home. "It's all good. I'll do what I can."

Changbin opens the door and goes to the sink, turns on the faucet, and lets it warm up for a

Hyunjin follows him in and keeps apologizing. "I'm really so sorry, I didn't mean to startle
you, I -"

"Hyunjin," Changbin absentmindedly puts his hand over Hyunjin's that was resting on the
sink countertop, "I swear it's okay. Bleach exists or I can buy another."

Hyunjin obviously notices the new attention, gazing at his hand. Only then did Changbin
realize he was holding it... kind of.

Once Changbin looks down and sees it, he panics and jolts his hand back up to hold onto his
tie. "Sorry about that."

"Changbin, I swear it's okay." He mimics Changbin but with some bounciness in his voice.

Changbin... he said my name.

Changbin glances over to see him looking down at the marble and smirking.

Hwang is literally going to be the death of him.

After a few minutes of dabbing his clothes with hot water and lots of paper towels, Changbin
determines it's not noticeable enough to matter and could probably be washed out later.
Changbin starts to throw the massive pile of paper towels away. "Thanks for caring so much.
I'm surprised you didn't just leave me."

Changbin realizes what he said, literally just assuming that since Hyunjin was just below the
highest rank he would be as much of a douche as the guys below him.

He stumbles on his words as he corrects himself. "I… I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"Wow, we're both doing a lot of apologizing today. It's okay. I know you'd assume I'm a bitch
because I'm a higher up. I assure you that I understand how to be a decent person."

Changbin can't help but glance up at him and smile. "So you called me Changbin. I haven't
told you my name yet."

"When I met with the president today he told me who you were. Said you were good at
making music."

"Yea, you could say that." Changbin realizes they've been in there for a while and checks his
watch. He has a meeting to go over tracks with the primary producer that took over his old
job that's set to start any minute now. "Hey Hyunjin, I'm so sorry but I have to go."

"Oh of course, you're busy. I'll see you later."

"Yea," Changbin can't help the grin that spreads across his face, "see you later."

Eventually, 12:25pm hits. Changbin checks the note from earlier about this "meeting." He
groans and gets up from his desk, grabs his suitcase and heads to Mr. Woo's office.

He arrives just to notice Woo's blinds are shut, which he only does before he goes to eat.
Changbin shakes it off and opens his door, seeing a very small group of people inside. Mr.
Woo, Mr. Choi, head of marketing, and Mr. Park, head of HR, then Yeji and Hyunjin.

He immediately meets eyes with Hyunjin.

"It's 'bout time, Mr. Seo! We're all going to go out to lunch together on the company card.
Isn't this a fun surprise? Let's go, everyone."

Mr. Woo passes Changbin in the doorway then the last to leave aside from him is Hyunjin.

Just as he walks past Changbin, he shoots him a shy grin and looks down.

There's no way Changbin's going to make it to the end of the day.

Hell, he won't even make it to 1:30.

They're sitting at this random, fancy restaurant the president picked out. They're all sitting at
a rectangular table.

Hyunjin decided to sit directly across from Changbin.

Changbin doesn't know if that's good or bad: good because he can steal glances easily or bad
because he can steal glances easily.

Food eventually comes and everyone is relatively quiet except for the ting of silverware
against the porcelain plates.

Mr. Woo begins talking to Yeji, getting to know her and finding out what ideas she has now
that she is basically as in charge as he is.
Throughout the dinner, Changbin kept feeling eyes on him. Not from just anyone, one in
particular: he feels them from the front. He decides to act on it once to see if he's crazy or has
lost his mind.

When Changbin senses a stare looming in his direction, he continues his bite of food but
quickly glances up. He makes eye contact with Hyunjin, who's looking up at him through his
long eyelashes.

Changbin sees a smirk creep at the corner of his lip as he drops his gaze back down to his

So help me.

This continues on and off for the rest of the time until Mr. Woo determines it's Changbin's
turn to speak.

"Ms. Yeji, I'm not sure you've been properly introduced to Mr. Seo. He is the head of
production here and oversees any work being done. He is a highly rewarded music producer
and songwriter. He truly knows how to work magic in a studio."

Yeji shoots Changbin a very friendly smile. "Oh yes, I've heard a lot about you. It's a
pleasure. I'd love to hear some of your work one day. What's your name?"

"Changbin, Ms. Hwang."

"Please, call me Yeji. I'm pretty sure you're older than me… well, both of us." She politely
giggles and Changbin looks over to Hyunjin who's sitting next to her; he's got an amused grin
on his face.

Changbin can't help but be surprised that he's older than them.
Mr. Woo interrupts Changbin's thoughts. "I've heard Mr. Hwang is quite talented in his own
right, specifically in dance. Maybe it would be fun for you guys to work on something
together to promote the new merger! We can get one of the groups we manage to perform it."

"I think that sounds like a splendid idea, Mr. Woo. Mr. Seo and I can talk more about it later."
Hyunjin smiles wide then looks in Changbin's direction.

"Of course," Changbin gulps, "we'll work something out."

Changbin manages to survive the lunch outing and he lost count of how many times he
caught Hyunjin staring.

I did mention my honeymoon, right?

Did he assume I got divorced?

I wear my ring every day…

Changbin gets back to his office and sits in his big spinning chair with a huff. Not only does
he have to see Hyunjin on a regular basis, he's also expected to put together a promotional
piece with him.

How is Changbin supposed to be productive, at the top of his game, when he wants Hyunjin
on top of him?

Ahhhhh Changbin, calm yourself -

"Hey, knock knock."

Apparently Changbin didn't close his door, he sees a wild Hyunjin appear with his hand on
the inside of the door and face poking out through the crack.
"Yea, come on in." He smiles as he slides in and shuts the door behind him. "What do you
need Mr. Hwang?"

"Please, don't be so formal. I told you before you can call me Hyunjin."

"Okay… Hyunjin. How can I help you?"

"I was just wondering if you would actually be interested in working together on that project.
I think it'd be really fun, along with a good way to get to know each other."

"Yea, I think it'd be a good experience."

Is that the word I'm looking for?

"Nice. When would you want to work on it?"

"Well, um, I actually have a studio at my house where I work on personal projects. I'm not
sure if it's appropriate to ask but would you want to come over for dinner one night and we
can work on it? My husband is a really good cook and baker, I'm sure he'd love to have your

What did I just say?!

Did I just invite my thirst trap to my own home?

There's a studio here? Wh-

"Yea that sounds delightful. I can't really work on the choreography until I hear the song, ya
know? Just let me know what day. I'll make it work."
Changbin's brain shuts down for moment.

"I'll make it work."

Like, did he mean he'd cancel his plans to come let Changbin's husband make him dinner?

Then go sit in a studio together when Changbin can barely breathe or make a cohesive

"Great!" Is all Changbin says. "It's a date."

"Okay then." Hyunjin smirks, turning to walk toward the door.

Wait... did I say date? I just invited him to meet my husband.

"Sorry, uh, it's a business meeting."

Hyunjin lightly chuckles, barely loud enough for Changbin to hear it. "Yea, I know what you
mean. See ya tomorrow, Mr. Seo."

He turns around to exit, then Changbin hears the sound of his own voice betray him again.
"Please. Call me Changbin."

Hyunjin pauses mid-step but doesn't turn back. "See ya tomorrow, Changbin."

Changbin watches as Hyunjin shuts the door behind him.

The Dinner Party

A few days pass and they decide a Friday dinner would be best so they have more time.

Changbin's still figuring out if more time alone with Hyunjin is good or bad.

During this time they've said "hey" in passing, talked a little bit about ideas, and Hyunjin's
visited Changbin's office a few times to chat.

Hyunjin's been nothing but polite and Changbin's been nothing but a mess.

Friday at 5:55pm comes around and any second the man Changbin's been thirsting over for a
week is going to knock on the front door of his home and his husband is going to answer.

Changbin suddenly hears a faint knock and a mumble.

"Oh, you must be Mr. Hwang, I'm Felix. Please, come in."

"Hello Felix, nice to meet you. And please, call me Hyunjin."

Here goes nothing.

They're at the dinner table and the mandatory small talk ensues.

"So, Hyunjin, what exactly do you do? How did you get into business?" Felix asks while
poking into his food.
"Well, my father owns the company and decided to name me and my twin sister the ones on
top. She's very good at overall big pictures and taking charge, getting things done so she's the
CEO. I, on the other hand, am a little better at planning and math so I'm the CFO. He gave us
a choice if we wanted to work in the family business and we were fine with it. She sings a lot
in her free time and I dance so we both have our outlets."

"Fascinating. So how did you guys decide to work on this project? Binnie told me you were
going to work on a whole song and choreography together."

Changbin notices Hyunjin take an amused glance at him... he must've caught on to the

"Yeah, it was Mr. Woo's idea. Since Changbin's good at music and I'm good at dancing he
figured it'd be a good way to show the cooperation of the two merged companies. Then he'd
have one of the groups under the company do the song and perform it as a promotion of

"Wow. That'd be so fun! Well, would you be interested in a glass of wine, Hyunjin? We have
lots to choose from. Changbin doesn't drink much but I love it and think it pairs very well
with dessert."

Hyunjin shoots Changbin yet another amused glance.

Changbin knew this was a horrible idea and the worst part is that it was his.

"A glass would be lovely, thank you. Whichever you recommend."

"Lovely. I'll be right back!"

At that moment, Changbin's blond husband disappears, leaving he and Hyunjin alone in the
dining room.

"You don't drink much, huh?"

Changbin looks over to see a confident, mischievous smirk radiating from Hyunjin, who
must've thought it was hilarious since the first time they met Changbin was drunk off his ass
and throwing up before he even left the venue.

"No, I actually don't. I just had a moment of weakness."

"What made you so weak?"

They are making full blown eye contact and Changbin can feel his face flush and heart pound
through his chest. "Nothing in particular."

"Alrighty then," Felix chimes in and interrupts, promptly breaking up the tense moment. He
brings Hyunjin a glass of one of the most expensive wines they have.

Changbin knows Felix has a thing for hospitality but he's really doing the most right now.

"Why thank you, Felix," Hyunjin says with a bright smile, "I greatly appreciate it."

"No problem at all! Anytime." Felix leans down to resume eating his dessert and, yet again,
Changbin feels eyes on him.

He looks up to see Hwang Hyunjin staring into his soul, his glass tilted in the air and looking
at Changbin from above as he sips.

Professional thoughts, Changbin, your husband is literally a foot away.

Professional thoughts.

They finish their food and Changbin shows him to the studio. It's a smaller room with a large
window, though he usually has it covered with a giant black curtain. It may be horrible on his
eyes with all the screens but it helps the vibes.

The whole room has medium-toned gray walls, which he finds relaxing. There's a black
couch against one of the walls and glass separating the back third of the room. Behind the
glass there's lots of lights, a fancy microphone setup, some stands, and a stool. He sits in front
of the glass at a smaller desk that's lined with tools and monitors. He also has various framed
albums he's worked on plated in platinum and gold hanging up around the room.

He opens the door for Hyunjin, who lazily walks in with his hands linked behind his back.

"Wow, this is really cool. How long have you had this?"

Changbin leans against the doorframe, watching Hyunjin passively turn his head to look at
everything. "I didn't last long after I moved to the desk job."

"Didn't last long, huh?" He turns his head back toward Changbin with a smirk.

Felix, Felix, Felix...

"Nah, I missed it too much. I love doing it. It didn't even feel like I was working."

Hyunjin continues looking around at all of Changbin's framed achievements. "Why did you
stop then?"

"Felix wanted us to be comfortable."

"You stopped doing what you loved because it was comfortable?"

"Well, I didn't have any time to myself."

"So let me get this straight… you went from working all the time but doing what you love,
constantly proving how talented you are, to sitting behind a desk deciding if other people are
worthy and you still come home to do the exact same thing you used to do?"

"Um… well… huh, I guess you're right."

"I guess you don't regret it then?" Hyunjin turns toward him, hands still behind his back.

"No, I don't think so. I like being home with Felix."

"You don't think you regret it? You went with what's easy over what you actually want."
Changbin's trying to find the words. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to question your life choices in
your own home, in your safe place. Sorry, I'm just nosey."

"I could ask you the same thing though. Why are you the financial officer when you have a
passion for dance?"

"Hmmm... okay you got me there. I guess I figured I enjoy dance more when it's because I
want to and not because I have to. I still do dance-related stuff at work. Believe it or not, I
work with the choreographers when I have down time at the office."

"Do you really? That's so cool."

"Yea. Then of course I use the practice room to dance when everyone leaves for the day. I
swear I'm never home."
"But you don't have a room in your house? Surely you have a mansion."

"I used to live with my parents and sister but, honestly, the house was massive and felt empty.
Like it was unnecessarily big. When I moved out I got a one bedroom penthouse."

"Oh okay, so you just casually moved from a mansion to a penthouse?"

"What? The view over Seoul is really nice." He flashes a bright smile and Changbin can't
help but return it. "So are you working on any songs now?"

"Of course. Did you forget that I said I work in all of my free time?"

"Care to show me? Or is it personal?"

"Maybe I can find something." Changbin smiles at him and walks over to his desk. He scrolls
through various files until he finds one titled "On Track". It's taken him a while but it's
mostly done so he decides that'd be a good one.

"Ready? Have a seat." Changbin points to a chair against the wall. Hyunjin nods excitedly
and sits. "Don't be shy, you can come over here and watch the mixing screen."

Hyunjin moves over next to Changbin but, since the sitting desk is quite small, he situates
where their legs are grazing each other.

Changbin tries to keep it together as he opens the file. Almost immediately his singing voice
comes in.

"Is that you? You can sing?"

"Well, I guess if you say I can."

"You have a very nice voice."

"Thanks." Changbin's cheeks feel hot. He feels a stare in his direction but refuses to look up.

Changbin doesn't think he could take it.

Finally, three long minutes later, the song ends.

"I see why you're so decorated now. That was really nice, Bin."

Changbin's mind starts going into a panic at the nickname when he's distracted by a door

"Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt but would you like me to bring you anything?"

Changbin quickly pans over to see his husband over by the door. "No, I'm good. Thanks

"I'm good too, Felix. I appreciate you asking."

"Well I'm not sure how long you're staying Hyunjin but if you need anything please tell me!"
Felix waves cutely and closes the door, prompting Hyunjin to look over.

"He's really nice, ya know? I'm glad you found someone who makes you so happy." A smile
that Changbin feels was slightly forced gently forms on Hyunjin's mouth.
Changbin's curiosity gets the best of him. "So, do you have anyone?"

"No… uh… I don't. I just got over a break up, actually."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry."

"Nah it's fine. His name was Jeongin. We were young and dumb, stayed together for a while
but realized a couple years later that we were better off as friends. Even though we said we'd
stay friends, it hurts to even see his contact name. I know it's for the best, we grew up and
into two different people. I'll find someone for me like Felix is to you."

He said "his".

Second of all, they got together young then grew apart with time? Felix and I got together as

"Well, enough about me. Want to get working on the song?"

They've spent a couple hours brainstorming lyrics when Changbin starts humming
melodies… then Hyunjin joins and hums a melody too.

If he can sing Changbin's not sure how much more he can handle.

"Your voice is nice, do you sing too?"

"Nah not really, just in the car. My best friend Seungmin and I get really loud and obnoxious
even if we're just going down the road."

"Yea, Han and I are similar. We met in school and he's a great producer too. My other friend
Chan as well. We all had classes together but we got along really well and stayed friends."

"Very nice. I'm sure they're as great and talented as you are."
Changbin looks at Hyunjin, who reciprocates.

They're so close.

Their legs are touching.

Changbin feels a little like a schoolgirl right now.

Hyunjin is just so... perfect.

Changbin subconsciously leans in closer every couple seconds of eye contact.

Hyunjin's not stopping him, but more importantly, why is Changbin not stopping himself?

They're about an inch away now and Changbin absentmindedly looks down to his lips...

He doesn't want to stop himself.

"Knock knock!" The voice and act of knocking alone takes Changbin out of his head and he
abruptly pulls away, quickly glancing over at Hyunjin to see him look down at the desk.
"Sorry to bother you guys again. I'm heading on to bed, I just wanted to say goodnight."

"Oh, uh, goodnight Lix. I'll be in bed soon."

"Have a good night Felix. It was really nice to meet you. It's getting late anyway so I think
I'm going to be heading out now."
Changbin looks up at Hyunjin, who's looking right at Felix as they're talking.

God, he's beautiful.

"It was good to meet you too! I can walk you to the door if you'd like."

"Oh no need, I think I remember. Thank you for your kindness." Hyunjin looks back over at
Changbin with a forced smile and unreadable eyes. "Thanks a lot for showing me your space.
You guys get your sleep. I'll see you Monday, Changbin."

Changbin doesn't want him to leave, he just doesn't think it's smart to tell him that.

Hyunjin gets up, passing Felix and thanking him yet again for the food and letting him into
their home. Changbin looks at them together and they're both so pretty, but Hyunjin is just...

Hyunjin's now out the door and Changbin tells Felix, "Hey, uh, just give me a minute and I'll
be there."

"No worries, jagi. I'll be waiting in bed for you." He gives Changbin a wink as he shuts the

Changbin can't help but slide over to the window, pulling the curtain ever so slightly to the
side. He sees Hyunjin get in his Mercedes, shut the door, start driving to the gate and go. He
can't help but follow his car every second until he's out of sight.

Changbin's in dangerous territory now.


Felix and Changbin got intimate last night but something was different for Changbin. Maybe
it was work, but maybe it was what Hyunjin said about giving up what he wants?

Is that what I did?

Did I propose to Felix at 19 and get a desk job because it was easy?

I guess I did literally kind of say that…

Changbin wakes up just to stare at the ceiling while Felix cuddles into his chest. He can't help
but go through his and Hyunjin's conversations from the night before.

Hyunjin has surprised him in more ways than he thought were possible and he's only known
the guy for a week.

Not to mention Changbin literally almost kissed him. He's pretty sure he would've done it too
if Felix hadn't come in.

Again, Felix, his husband.

He loves him, how could he even think of cheating on him?

Something about Hyunjin makes Changbin weak and he doesn't know what it is… aside from
the fact he's insanely attractive, sweet, considerate, makes him laugh, laughs at Changbin's
dumb jokes, and he feels like Hyunjin compliments him in a very unique way.

But Changbin's married to the love of his life…

"Binnie, you're awake."

"Yes jagi, I'm right here." Changbin takes the hand that isn't wrapped around Feix's shoulders
and strokes his hair.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just thinking."

"About me, I hope."

"Yes, about you."

Well… it's not a lie.

Felix moves Changbin's hand from his head just to kiss it. His other hand travels down to the
hem of Changbin's pants. "Oh, is someone ready for round two?"

Before Changbin can respond, Felix's head disappears under the comforter and his pants get
tugged down.

He got hard thinking about Hyunjin.

He came thinking about Hyunjin.

Changbin imagined it being Hyunjin instead of Felix, his husband. His husband.

How am I going to go to work Monday?

How am I supposed to look him in the eye?

How am I supposed to work with him on a side project?

There's no way I can bring him back to the house.

Saturday and Sunday dragged by.

Felix wanted to snuggle so they did. He told Changbin he was going to go visit his family in
Australia, leaving Wednesday for a week. Changbin told him to have fun and he misses him

Monday has come and Changbin is not ready. He's in the kitchen getting a glass of water
when Felix comes out.

"Hey babe, I'm going into the office today. I'll see you when you get home." Felix kisses him
on the cheek and skips out the door.

He's so cute.

Changbin gets to work and is lowkey avoiding areas he knows Hyunjin's going to be in. He's
taking the long ways and will eat lunch in his office.

He's going through files on his computer when his office door opens.

"Hey Seo, how are you today?"

"I'm good Mr. Woo, how are you?"

"I'm doing just fine. Did you guys happen to work on anything for the project?"

"Yea we got started on it. We worked on some lyrics and the instrumental."
"Great to hear it. I realized I didn't come up with a deadline. What about the last day of the

Changbin checks the calendar app, the last business day of the month is two Fridays from

"Yea, I think that's possible."

Avoiding Hyunjin like he wants to is going to be difficult.

"Wonderful, I'll tell Hyunjin about this when he comes in. Best of luck!"

When he comes in?

It's past 9.

Why is he late?

Changbin gets up to act like he's going to the break room to get a coffee but he's actually
going to check out Hyunjin's office… which is directly next to it.

Changbin said he was going to avoid him but as long as he doesn't see him, right?

He walks past it, glances in through the slits in the blinds and Hyunjin's not there.

That's odd.

This is the guy who came in on a Sunday to decorate.

Maybe he's sick or something?

Changbin's mind travels to the selfish idea that it's because of him.

As Changbin sits back down at his desk, he sees Hyunjin pass his window; he doesn't look in
and seems to be in a hurry.

Maybe Changbin needs another coffee... no.

No he doesn't.

About half an hour passes and Changbin decides he can't take it anymore. He gets up and
shamefully goes down the hall and back to the break room, passively checking in on Hyunjin
through the blinds of his office.

It's so creepy but he doesn't care.

Changbin walks past it and notices Lee Minho in there. He's one of the managers for their
biggest group.

Changbin grabs his coffee and maneuvers himself until he can barely see into his office.

Hyunjin is laughing... a lot.

Like, he's very smiley.

Is that... Minho leaning against his desk?

He's radiating casanova energy.

Maybe he could go in just to see if Mr. Woo had told him about the deadline yet?
Changbin stops at the front of Hyunjin's office door with his coffee in hand.

What is wrong with you?

But maybe Woo hasn't seen him come in yet.

Changbin hears a giggle, a Hyunjin giggle, and he can't procrastinate anymore. He raises his
hand and knocks.

"Come in."

Changbin casually opens the door, his body still against it but moves his head to look in.

Minho turns to look at him, half-sitting on the edge of Hyunjin's desk and was apparently
looking to his side to talk to him.

"Hey, uh, I was just seeing if Mr. Woo had come by to talk to you yet."

"Yea he did, he told me we have a deadline now."

"Okay cool. Uh, hey Minho, how's it going?

"Good, how are you?"

"Good. Are you the one we're sending the project to?"

"No, I'm just in here to talk to Jinnie."


They're close enough for him to call him Jinnie?

I've never seen them even talk…

Changbin looks slightly over to look at Hyunjin who now has his head leaning down, fake
smiling and obviously avoiding eye contact.

Then what are they talking about?

Changbin shuts his mouth upon realizing it was hanging. "Okay. Well, Hyunjin, if you need
anything let me know."

"Thank you, Changbin."

Hyunjin didn't bother to look up at him and Minho leans his head down, turning back to face
the wall.

Changbin takes that as his cue to leave.

Changbin's yet again back at his desk and is now preoccupied with the thoughts of why is
Minho there? What business does he have?

The day takes forever and at last it's 4:30.

Changbin hasn't seen Hyunjin aside from when he stopped by his office earlier.

Is he avoiding me? Did I ruin it by almost risking it all Friday night?

Changbin suddenly hears a knock on the door.

"Come in."


He knows that voice.

It's Hyunjin.

Changbin looks up from his computer screen and sees him. He doesn't look happy… but he
doesn't look sad either.

"Hey, what do you need?"

"I just wanted to come say hi. I haven't seen you much today."

"Yea, I've missed you." Hyunjin's eyes widen at Changbin's words, though his do too as he
realizes they just came out of his mouth. "Oh no, uh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that."

Hyunjin bites his bottom lip and Changbin knows it struck a chord with him. "Changbin..."
He begins to leisurely but purposefully walk toward him. "I think it's best if we only
communicate for work."

Changbin suddenly feels his chest tighten and a bit of panic sets in. "Yea, uh, what do you

"I feel like I'm intruding on your life… like I've gone too far. Your husband is nice and I don't
want to make him or you uncomfortable."

Changbin can't form words.

Hyunjin thinks this is his fault?

"You don't have to answer, I just wanted to tell you. I don't think being friends is a good idea

"What's bringing this on?"

Now Hyunjin seems to be searching for words. "... Nothing. I just figured we needed some
boundaries since I'm your boss. That's all. Well… uh… I'll see you later, Changbin."

He turns to walk out the door but Changbin can't stop his mouth from moving. "Wait,
Hyunjin, uh... one more friend question. Why was Minho in your office earlier?"

Hyunjin looks extremely taken back by this question as he turns back to face him again.
Changbin wasn't expecting him to answer it since he didn't even realize he had the courage to
ask it.

"Um... well we're hanging out."

"Hanging out?"


"But… you're his boss, too."

"Yes… but we're in different wings of the building and don't normally cross paths."

"What do you do together?"

"We went out for dinner last night."

"Is that why you were late this morning?"


Changbin's heart aches with the silence.

"Good bye Changbin, have a good rest of your day."

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The next two days were hell for Changbin.

Hyunjin's not talked to him much. They've been emailing each other ideas but he avoids any
non work-related questions, aside from the standard "fine" when Changbin asks how his day
has been.

Today is also the day that Felix is leaving the continent and Changbin's already dreading how
much he's going to struggle.

Out of nowhere on Changbin's quiet lunch break in his office, he gets a call from Jisung.

"Hey homie what's poppin'?"

"Hey Ji. What's up?"

"You good? Why you sound so down?"

"It's just been a rough week and Felix is leaving for Australia tonight."

"Aw, is that tonight? Duuuuude we need to take you out this weekend. I'll get Chan and we'll
get you wasted."

"Hey man, I don't think that's such a good idea..."

"Changbin, bestie, hyung, what you mean? If you're having a rough time you need to get
drunk and have fun. You've been married and corporate for too long, you need to let loose."

I didn't realize being married and corporate were bad things…

"What's the problem with that?"

"Your life revolves around Felix and his plans and you don't like your job. You make excuses
but you know you'd rather be creating instead of signing off other people's work. Then you
work on what you want to do at work at home and you have no time for us! If you do you're
too busy fucking Felix. We're gonna take you out Friday night. Get ready! TTYL!"

Did he literally just say T-T-Y-L?

Oh my god I need older friends.

Right after Changbin got home, he got a huge hug and kiss from Felix, but not before he told
Changbin he made dinner and breakfast is premade in the freezer, ready to be microwaved in
the morning.

Eventually Felix pried off Changbin, hopping into his cab after Changbin had to keep telling
him, "Honey you can video chat, call me, text me. Go have fun with your friends and

Now he has a... vacation?... alone in the house.

Another two days of isolation and hell and awkward silence have come to an end and
Changbin can't wait to go home. Jisung and Chan have been blowing up his phone with plans
that aren't actually really plans for tonight.
Changbin's not left his office much but has been seeing a lot of Minho and Hyunjin talking in
the breakroom or laughing as they pass his window.

Changbin's ready to get wasted.

He puts on a navy blue button-up shirt that's a little tight but it'll do, some jeans and some

He's dusting off his shirt in the mirror by the door when he hears a knock and a muffled,
"Binnieeeee let's gooooo!"

He wouldn't be shocked if Jisung's already drunk.

He opens the door and Jisung comes running in for a hug, Chan behind him like his father.
"Sorry for Han, he's just excited."

"I'm so excited! I haven't seen you in weeks! You've always got plans with Felix or you're

Only after their conversation Wednesday did Changbin realize how often he'd turned down
friend dates.

Going to a party? Felix wants to have a night in and Changbin has work in the morning.

Go out to dinner? Felix has already started making theirs and Changbin has a song he wants
to finish.

It's not a bad thing to be a homebody, Changbin just never intended to be one. He's a pretty
social person but realized he's hardly ever out enough to be social, aside from with his
husband and when he's forced into it at work.
They get to the club, one Changbin hasn't been to in years; Felix and Changbin went on a
date there at the very beginning of their relationship. It was so close to school that every so
often he'd meet the guys there and get drunk before going home.

It's pretty close to where Changbin works, too.

The bouncer lets them in and the blaring music they heard outside is now giving Changbin a
strange sense of nostalgia; it feels like he's gone back in time five years.

"Come on guys," Jisung yells but Changbin can barely hear him, "let's get some shots."

Chan and Changbin follow him to the bar and he orders them a round of... honestly he doesn't
know what it is.

Jisung hands them their mini glasses.

"To Changbin's first outing in god knows how long. Let's have a good time!"

They all do the "woooo" and glass tap before they intertwine their arms and down it.

It looks and tastes like Crown so he probably won't last very long.

Time seems to be going so slow yet so fast.

Lights flashing, the DJ at the front stage dancing and getting so into it… Changbin's missed
this. He stopped doing this kind of thing after he and Felix got together. Felix always wants
to stay in.

Jisung laid off on the shots of many varieties pretty soon and started buying them beers.
Changbin has one in his hand, looking around while Jisung and Chan are scream talking to
each other over the music.
"No fucking way."

Chan looks over to Changbin suddenly. "Hey man, what's up? What's wrong?"

Changbin snaps out of it, realizing he said it out loud. "Oh sorry hyung, nothing. It's just wild

"Yea it is, WOOOOOOO!" Jisung yells as he takes the last chug of beer. "I'm gonna get
another one!"

He starts wobbling off to the bar when Chan says, "You good? I think I need to watch him."

Changbin chuckles a bit. "Yea sure, keep Hannie alive."

Chan winks at him and weaves through the crowd to find him.

Now Changbin's eyes find their way back to his original target… or rather targets.

Hyunjin and Minho are here.

Changbin keeps the can up to his lips, watching them from afar.

They're dancing but not grinding, more like swaying with their faces and lips way too close
together, and they're both holding cups of something.

Changbin can't help but glare at them, taking the occasional sip of beer until it's empty, which
doesn't take long.
After a couple minutes of watching them, Minho leans in somehow even closer, extremely
close, enough to kiss Hyunjin on the cheek. Hyunjin glances down and Changbin can tell he's
smiling and blushing.

That should be me.

Changbin puts his now empty beer can down on a nearby cocktail table and shoves his hands
in his pockets, gripping the back fabric.

Minho then whispers something into his ear, takes Hyunjin's cup and walks toward the
opposite direction.

That should be me.

Something comes over Changbin, his legs moving, arms pushing through the crowd in the
distance between them. He's huffing, his heart's beating concerningly hard in his chest, his
face is getting hot.

He's mine.

After what feels like forever he gets close. Just before he gets there, Hyunjin turns to look at
him with a very surprised expression.

"Changbin? What are you...?"

Without thinking, Changbin grasps the sides of Hyunjin's face and forces their lips together.
Hyunjin's obviously caught off guard by the way he freezes.

Once he realizes what's going on, he kisses Changbin back.

Wait... he's kissing back?

They messily make out for another few seconds before Changbin realizes the gravity of what
he's done and pulls away just enough for their lips not to touch.

"Follow me." Changbin huffs as he grabs Hyunjin's hand, hurriedly leading him to the back
rooms. He finds the door they used back in the day to take them out to the alley behind the

No one's there which was an odd occurrence, maybe because it was early in the night and no
one's smoking yet.

He'll take it.

Changbin pushes and pins Hyunjin against the wall and naturally gets up in his face. "I can't
do it."

"Changbin, what are you -"

"Let me speak."

Hyunjin shuts his hanging bottom lip and looks at him, but when he does Changbin drops his
head toward the concrete.

"I can't do it. I can't keep seeing you fuck around with Minho. I can't keep watching you pass
by my window and not come in to see me. I can't unsee your face telling me you don't want
to make me uncomfortable. You're always making me uncomfortable. You know why? I
haven't stopped thinking about you since I first saw you.

You've haunted my dreams, every waking thought. Frankly, you've ruined my life and
somehow you've made it worse by not being in it this week. I have an unquenchable thirst for

Changbin's voice gets lower with each sentence, at this point it's basically a growl.
"I want nothing more than to make you weak, get you on your knees and beg for me. I want
you on my lap, I want you tangled up in sheets. I want to see your fucked out expression
waking up next to me. I want to know how you sound when I pull your hair or bite your neck.
I want you. No, I need you Hyunjin. I fucking need you."

Next thing Changbin knows he feels a fist grasping the back of his head to lift it up and he's
being thrust forward to meet Hyunjn's lips again. Changbin shoves his tongue in his mouth
which Hyunjin immediately accepts. His hands graze over Changbin's body in the most
aggressive yet graceful way possible.

There's lewd sounds coming from their mouths, clicking, sucking, and Changbin can't help
but to take it down to Hyunjin's neck. Changbin absentmindedly bites, hard enough to make
Hyunjin let out a whiny, half-pained moan. He stretches his neck out so Changbin assumes he
isn't upset.

Changbin licks over the now red spot and continues up to just below Hyunjin's ear. "I want
you inside me."

"My car. Now." Hyunjin grabs Changbin's hand and drags him forward.

The parking lot is only a few feet away and past a corner so they're there quickly.

"What about Minho?"

"I'll text him that I got sick and pay him back for a cab."

The silence was deafening on the five minute drive back to Hyunjin's place. It's quite an
unassuming complex, gray brick with white accents.

They get to the elevator and Hyunjin clicks the top floor: seventeen. When the door closes,
Hyunjin grabs Changbin's collar and pulls him in for a slightly less messy but still aggressive

The bell dings and the door opens. Hyunjin scrambles for his key in his pocket, then finally
disconnects their lips to unlock the entry door.

Changbin can't help himself; as Hyunjin's frantically flipping through keys he attaches his
lips to his neck and sucks... hard. Hyunjin starts to whine and pushes the door open when it
finally unlocks.

He flips them around, pushing Changbin toward an open door just inside the front entrance.
The back of Changbin's legs hit what he assumes is a bed and Hyunjin takes this chance to
end the kiss. "Strip."

"Yes, sir."

They both start pulling off shirts, sliding their shoes and pants off.

Why did I decide to wear boots again?

Oh yea, they make me taller.

Changbin's completely bare except for his underwear. Before he takes them off, he glances

Hyunjin meets his gaze as his hands are on the hem of his own. "Are you okay with this?"

"I've gotten off thinking about this."

Hyunjin takes that as a sign to lunge at him again, cutting off his breathing for a second. He
pushes Changbin back onto the bed, climbing on top of him once he's flat.
Hyunjin reconnects their lips and starts tasting every inch of Changbin's mouth that his
tongue can reach.

Changbin's so hard he might not need Hyunjin to actually do anything.

"I'm gonna take these off you now." Hyunjin breathes out, tugging the elastic.


Chapter End Notes

I was inspired by a V/JK fic called "Enemies With Benefits" by ghostqueen23 for the
club scene. I felt that the "overriden by jealousy and run across the room to get your
man" concept worked well for the situation I put our Dwaekki in. It's on WattPad and (as
of early 2022) on here; I recommend it for my fellow Army/Taekookers.
* I haven't read it in quite a while but I remember liking it and going back to reread it a
few times... and it being extremely explicit, you have been warned.
** I also just realized while writing this note that that fic is also an office one but with 2
rival CEOs... a fun coincidence, not intentional.
The Only Option

Changbin wakes up in a room he's never seen before. The bed is a king, there's white curtains
skillfully hung around a giant wall of windows. There's a giant double door that he assumes
is a closet and another smaller door that is probably an en-suite bathroom. Across from the
bed is a gallery wall of art that looks too expensive and cultured for him to know where it's

He looks over to see a modern-style chair with a small round table in front of a smaller
window. There's art and history magazines in a neat stack.

The bed sheets are the softest he's ever felt and there's a light gray quilt sprawled artistically
across the bed.

His bed.

Oh yea, I'm at Hyunjin's house.

He hears the clanging of pots and pans coming from outside the door.

Changbin checks his phone for the first time since the club.

Oh no, I forgot about Han and Chan.

Chan blew up his phone with "Are you okay?", "Where did you go?", "Han's hitting on this
hot dude, I'll update you later."

It's 1:32 pm.

He hasn't slept this late in literal years.

He gets up, quickly remembering that he's super naked. He finds his underwear on the floor
opposite the side of the bed he woke up on.

This was a gentle but also harsh reminder that he had sex with Hyunjin last night.

Changbin pulls his pants on but stays shirtless and walks across the large room to the door.

He opens it to a place that looks like it's out of a magazine. Fine art everywhere, mostly white
walls and furniture. There's some little touches, clutter and light trash laying around that
makes it feel more like someone actually lives here.

He hears the noises coming from around the corner. He builds up the courage to peek around
to see Hyunjin in a robe, facing the window in front of the kitchen sink.

The cabinets have white doors with gray marble countertops, chrome accents everywhere,
and he has one of those fridges that blends into the surroundings.

The whole place looks like it came straight off a Pinterest inspo board.

After a mini dilemma of how to confront him, Changbin decides to do it how he's been
daydreaming of, even if it makes it extremely awkward and Hyunjin tells him to leave.

As quietly as he can, he tiptoes over until he's steps away from Hyunjin's back. Changbin
puts his arms out to gracefully wrap around his torso and rest his head on the silk covering
his back.

"Hey, how are you?"

Hyunjin's obviously startled, jumping out of his hold and turning back with a bowl in his
hand, ready to smack.
Once he sees it's Changbin his eyes soften and he gives him a shy grin. "I'm good, how are


Hyunjin turns his focus back to the soapy dishes in the sink. "I made you breakfast, it's in the

"Breakfast? It's almost 2pm."

"I didn't say it was warm." A giggle escapes Changbin's lips. "I didn't want to wake you but I
also don't expect you to stay. If you want to leave I understand."

"Why would I want to leave?" Changbin asks as he places his hand gently on his waist.

Hyunjin slightly tenses up at that motion. "I don't know if I need to remind you why."

Oh right, his husband.

His husband who is currently out of the country.

"He's not home."

Hyunjin tenses up even more, even stopping what he's doing, and lets out an audible sigh.
"Changbin -"

"No. Sorry, I know I've interrupted you a lot in the last 24 hours but please, just let me stay
like this for a minute." Changbin snakes his arm completely around Hyunjin, taking his other
hand and doing the same so he can interlace his fingers in front of him. Changbin places his
head where it was before, but pushes his cheek onto Hyunjin slightly harder.
He feels the movement of Hyunjin's shoulder blades as he goes back to his task.

Eventually he stops, washes his hands, and taps Changbin's arm to release him. "I'm gonna
make myself some ramen. Do you want to stay and eat?"

"I'd love to."

They're now at a little round table in a breakfast nook Changbin couldn't see from the angle
of Hyunjin's bedroom. It's very cozy but not too tight. He seems like the kind of guy to do his
daily newspaper reading here with his coffee every morning.

After a period of silence, Hyunjin speaks up. "So… um… why is he not home? Work?"

"He went back to Australia to visit his family."


"Yea, he's from there. He moved here for college."

"Oh ok. That's cool…"

Some more silence plagues the beautiful scenery.

"How hungover are you today?"

"Me?" Changbin points to himself.

"Yea, you."
"Uh, not really at all. I'm fine."

"You're fine? Really?"

"Yea. Are you hung over?"

"No, I'm fine too... Did you get drunk last night?"

"Han stopped buying shots early, I just had a couple beers after that. You?"

"Um. Well... I just had one mixed drink."

More silence… it's so loud.

"So you weren't drunk and you're not hung over... do you remember last night?"

"I remember everything." He glances up to see Hyunjin staring down at his long fingers
twirling his chopsticks in the noodles, cracking a soft smile. Embarrassed, Changbin stares
back down at his plate. "So do you remember too?"

"I do." They both take a couple bites of their food. "Do you regret it?"

Changbin jerks his head up to look at Hyunjin, who's still avoiding eye contact. "No, I don't.
Not at all."

"No? You sound so sure."

"Because I am sure. It was the best night I've had in years." Hyunjin's eyes flutter up through
his eyelashes and stare into Changbin's. "Seriously. I remember everything and regret
"So your little confessional was true?"

"Every word."

This silence was much more confusing but... Changbin thinks it's good?

He's scared to even breathe too loudly.

"Bin, I don't know if I feel comfortable with this. You're happily married and I don't want to
be the reason it falls apart. Felix is too nice to be cheated on."

Changbin's heart flutters at the nickname but it's overridden by his heart aching at that
statement… it's true, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

"I know. The problem is I'm not happy anymore."


"Like I said last night, you ruined my life. You invade every thought I have. Last time Felix
and I fucked I thought of you."


"I got hard thinking about you then came imagining he was you. When I say I want you I
don't say that lightly."

"You thought about me while having sex with your husband?"


"Why are you telling me this?" He lightly shakes his head with curious eyes.

"I need you to know I'm serious when I say I can't take another minute of knowing you're
avoiding me. I need you in my life, one way or another. I'm not sure if I can just be friends
with you but I'll survive if that's the only option I have."

"If that's the only option?"

Changbin realizes what he said and meets Hyunjin's glistening, baffled brown eyes. "Yea."

"Are you insinuating...?"

Changbin takes a hot pause to think.

Am I really thinking about this?

Honestly, I want nothing more.

"I mean… I want more of you if you'll have me."

Silence, though Changbin can't say he's surprised.

"What about Felix? He doesn't deserve it."

"He doesn't have to know."

A Phone Call*
Chapter Notes

The entire chapter is my attempt at phone sex, which I have very very minimal exposure
to (as in maybe from other fics). It's also my first attempt at writing anything sexual at
all. I realize now I was really ambituous with my first time. I apologize in advance if it's

After they finished eating, Changbin decided it'd be best if he went home to let Hyunjin

Changbin did just fully ask if he'd be his side piece.

Hyunjin didn't turn him down, but he also didn't say yes.

Changbin had texted the guys back, lying and saying he got a cab and fell asleep. They don't
seem to fully believe him but as long as they don't know he was having sex with his boss
while his husband's gone he thinks he's good.

He got Hyunjin's phone number before he left. Not for any scandalous reason but because
they need to be able to efficiently plan the project, agreeing that texts are easier than emails.

They still have work to do if they want to get it done by Friday.

They decided Hyunjin would come over tomorrow to work on it. He said he'd give
Changbin's proposition a thought, maybe or maybe not having an answer at that point.

Changbin got home and immediately got to work on the song. He had more motivation
knowing they were at least on speaking terms now.
A couple hours pass, it's now about 7pm.

Changbin's not hungry since he ate so late and he's not tired.

Time to watch a drama?

Several episodes in, he's still somehow full and wide awake. Changbin checks his phone just
to see 12:16am. He can't help the loud groan he makes in response.

To his surprise, halfway through the next episode, his phone lights up with the contact
"Hyunjin" illuminating.

Why is he calling this late?

"Hey Jin, is everything okay?"

"Yea. I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I need you."

"What do you need?"

"Your help."
"With what?"

"Would you talk to me?"

"Talk to you? What do you want to talk about?"

"What you'd do to me if you were here right now."

"What I'd… do to you?"

"Yes." He draws it out and sounds so needy.

"What would you want me to do to you if I was there right now? What are you into?"

"Surprise me."

Changbin hears him shuffling on the other side of the line.

"Okay Jinnie, if I was there with you, I'd start by kissing your soft lips. I'd rub my fingers
against the small of your back. I'd run them slowly but gently down to massage your ass. I'd
turn you around to kiss you from your neck down your spine. I'd rub my hands down your
sides then squeeze your hips. I'd trail kisses back up to your neck then further to your ear. I'd
push your hair to the side and hold it to expose your ear, breathe softly onto your earlobe,
licking it as I moaned your name…"

Changbin put the hand that wasn't on his phone over the tent in his underwear, palming
himself as he loudly whispers "Hyunjin" into the phone. Changbin hears some sounds that
make him suspect Hyunjin's touching himself.
"What else? What else would you do to me?"

"Hyunjin," Changbin whispers again, "I'd take the hand from your hair, tighten my grip to
pull it a bit. I'd put my lips on your neck and suck so hard that it hurts. With the other hand,
I'd caress the clear side of your neck, carefully wrapping my fingers around it. Once they
were secured, I'd tighten them a little, then a little more, then a little more."

Changbin's train of thought is interrupted by hushed moans from the speaker; he closes his
eyes and start stroking himself under his underwear.

"Oh Jinnie, you're beautiful. I'd take the hand in your hair and force you to tilt your neck over
so I can leave bruises on your other side. I'd slide it down your chest and wrap it slowly
around your dick. I'd begin pumping you lightly until you start moaning, then once you
loosen up even more I'd go harder.

I'd tighten my grip on your neck to cutt off your air just enough and stroke you harder. I'd
turn you back around to the front with my hand still on your neck and kiss your lips. I'll trail
kisses down your chest, finding a home at your dick.

I'd lick down your shaft to get you accustomed to the feeling. I'd kiss the tip just to wash it
with the saliva from my tongue. I'd wrap my lips around it and start to let my tongue roam
around every inch of it. I'd go down farther until I gag then start going up and down. I'd
increase the suction and shove your dick down my throat. I'd let you fuck my face, pulsing
my grip on your neck, for as long as it took you to cum."

That's enough to push Changbin to it but he holds back his desperate moans. He can hear
Hyunjin's labored breathing clearly; he'll release any second now.

"I'd swallow every last drop of it, cleaning off your cock with my tongue. I'd pop off of you
just to release my hand from your neck, cup your cheeks, and give you the most passionate
kiss I can. As I'm kissing you, I'll start touching myself. Just the thought of you pushes me
over the edge, and I loudly moan, 'Hyunjin', into your ear as I release. I'd move your silky
hair away from your face and kiss your forehead. I'd wrap you up tight in my arms, and we
could fall asleep together in your bed. When we woke up the next day we could do it all over

"Cha - Cha -"

"Yes, cum for me, baby. You know I love your face when you do."

Hyunjin lets out an exasperated moan of Changbin's name that he had to have felt through his
entire body.
"Goddamn it."

"Do you feel better?"

"Very much yes. I'm tired now though."

Changbin chuckles. "Ya know, I think I'm getting there too. Have a nice sleep, my sweet
Jinnie. I'll see you tomorrow, ya?"

"Ya. Goodnight Bin."

"Goodnight, Jin."

The call disconnects and Changbin goes to the bathroom to clean up before collapsing back
into bed.

As Changbin's starting to drift off to sleep, there's a gleam from the ring on his finger in the
moonlight coming from the window. He realizes he still hasn't taken it off since the wedding
day... and now it's here to haunt him.
Do I Need To Answer That?*
Chapter Notes

Not exactly smut, mostly foreplay, but still quite mature content.

Was last night a fever dream?

Did he really have phone sex with Hyunjin?

That had to have been his imagination.

Changbin gets up to make himself breakfast, checking the calendar on the fridge.

"Felix comes home in four days."

He's happy about that, but also he couldn't pull off having a Friday night and yesterday like
that again.

Hyunjin's coming over to work in a couple hours so he eats, does the dishes, gets a shower,
and watches some TV until he gets there.

He's already given him the code so he wouldn't have to wait on him to open the gate.

Eventually he hears a knock, gets up to let him in, but stays frozen with his hand on the
doorknob. He didn't intend to stop to mentally prepare himself but he thinks it's valid.

Is Hyunjin going to be awkward?

Is he going to tell him it was a mistake?

Changbin takes a deep breath and opens the door, exposing the most beautiful man he's ever

An innocent smile forms on Hyunjin's lips. "Good morning. How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Good, thank you."

"Would you like to come in?"

"That'd be nice." He meekly walks in and Changbin can't help but look down at his ass as he
walks past him.

Changbin shuts the door behind them. "Are you ready to work?"

"Of course."

They go to Changbin's home studio, sitting in the chairs from before. This time, Hyunjin
naturally moves it to sit next to him, their legs again grazing.

Changbin looks down at them in surprise, capturing Hyunjin's attention. "Are you okay? Do
you want me to move?"

"No, you're fine."

Changbin plays what he worked on last night, which basically completed the instrumental.
He wrote some more lyrics too but wanted Hyunjin's contribution since he had some good
ideas last time.

"It's amazing, you did such a good job." He gently lays his hand on Changbin's knee, rubbing
circles on it with his index finger.

He feels himself getting excited already... have some self-control, Changbin.

"Thank you. I worked on it a lot last night when I got home."

"Mhm." Hyunjin's hand travels up Changbin's thigh, stopping just before the line of his

What's he playing at?

"Well I brought some ideas." Hyunjin suddenly pulls out a piece of paper from his pants
pocket with his other hand and unfolds it. "If there's one you like we can use it."

It is covered in lyrics, even some written in the margins. Changbin pulls up the ones he has
and takes some time to piece some together that work and can make a cohesive verse.

"These are really good, Jinnie. Do you write songs too?"

"On occasion. I definitely focus more on dancing but when inspiration hits, who am I to stop

Changbin takes a break from the page to look at him and smile. Hyunjin shuts his eyes to
brightly return it.
"Don't close them." Changbin naturally moves a strand of hair from Hyunjin's forehead
behind his ear, keeping his hand on his cheek. "I want to see your beautiful eyes."

Hyunjin opens them slowly, taking in what he just said.

"I'm sorry," Changbin panics and drops his hand down to his side, turning forward to look at
the table, "I don't mean to push it on you."

Changbin feels the hand on his thigh travel up even more to lay over his crotch. Hyunjin
leans in closer and whispers in his ear, "You're okay, don't worry about it."

He takes his other hand and places it under Changbin's chin to rotate his face to meet his

Their lips are so close together.

Hyunjin's almost whispering. "You're so hot. How could I not want you to get close to me?
How could I not want to feel the muscles of your thighs under my hand? How could I not
want to touch," he cups his hand over his pants, "that massive cock of yours?"

"Jinnie, I think you need to stop."

"Why? Is something wrong? You think I haven't noticed the way you look at me? You told
me yourself you feel the same way." Hyunjin didn't say it normally, it was laced with
temptation, like he was taunting him.

"If you don't, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself."

"Who said I wanted you to?"

Changbin throws himself the little distance between their lips and it gets messy fast. Their
hands are wildly exploring each other's bodies but over clothes it's not near as fun.

He swears Hyunjin reads his mind because he takes Changbin's plain t-shirt and pulls it over
his head. Hyunjin's hands start caressing his exposed pecs and grazes over his nipples,
making him unintentionally moan.

"Do you like that?"

"It feels nice."

Hyunjin switches his finger for his tongue, now gently licking over it. Once he gets it wet he
starts flicking and moving it in a circle motion. He begins to suck and Changbin's eyes close
while his mouth opens, having no idea how good it would feel. Hyunjin bites it ever so
slightly, making Changbin gasp out in surprise.

Hyunjin pops off in concern. "Did that hurt?"

"Fuck me, Jin. I need you inside me now."

Hyunjin dons an evil smirk and gets up from his chair. "In here or do you have a room you'd

"I need you now. Here."

Really, even if Changbin stopped to think about it, they can't go into his room... there's
pictures of him and Felix, not to mention it's the bed they sleep, snuggle, and have sex in.

The spare rooms are for their family and, like a teenager, he thinks smashing in his parent's
room is gross.

In the case of the studio, Felix is never in there except to bring him food or give him the
occasional shoulder massage after hours of sitting and working.
This would be the best choice, especially in terms of guilt.

Hyunjin looks around to think for a minute. "The couch?" He points to a black couch in the
back of the room.

"Wherever." Changbin stands up enough to dive into him and meet their lips but Hyunjin
starts giggling and disconnects.

"Calm down baby, we have to get into position first."

Hyunjin takes his hand and walks forward, head down, to lead him over to said couch a few
steps away. He turns to face Changbin, pulling him around his side to switch positions.

When Changbin's back is now toward the couch, he forcefully pushes him down so he's in a
sitting position.

He puts one hand on Changbin's shoulder and uses it for stability to crawl on top of him,
putting his long legs on either side of his thighs and sitting on his lap.

Hyunjin dips down so his forehead is against his. "Do you want me to fuck you?"


Hyunjin goes in for a passionate kiss, moving his hands from against the back of the couch
on the sides of Changbin's head to his cheeks.

When he decides he's done kissing, he abruptly pushes his shoulders back to take Changbin's
desperate lips away.

He maneuvers himself so he can grab Changbin's shoulders to push him, laying him down
along the length of the couch. He climbs back on top and pulls him in for another heated
kiss. "Do you have a condom in here?"
"Don't need one."

Hyunjin snaps out of the lust for a moment. "Uh... what?"

"Are you clean?"

"Yea. Are you?"

"Do I need to answer that?"

Hyunjin diverts his gaze from Changbin's eyes to his chest, again realizing he's about to have
sex with a man in a monogamous relationship… a married one, at that… again.

Changbin sees that Hyunjin's biting his lip a little, beginning to overanalyze the situation.

"Hyunjin, Jinnie, I want you so badly but I'm not going to force you."

He passively shakes his head. "No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"


"Does this mean you want to keep doing this?"

"Now that I've had you I don't want to lose you." Hyunjin brings his eyes back up to make
eye contact. His reassurance is all Changbin needed to hear to reach for the back of his neck
and pull him down for another kiss, though much more gently this time.

While he's on his level, Changbin uses his other hand to lift up Hyunjin's shirt from the back.
It slides easily over his thin frame and Changbin reconnects their mouths.

"You sure you want me to top again?"

Changbin changes his expression to be more aggressive, mean almost, and growls, "Fuck me.
I want you to fuck me."

Hyunjin's no longer questioning it, leaning back enough to tug on Changbin's pants to bring
them down his legs.

Once they're both completely naked, clothes messily thrown on the ground, he reciprocates
the growl-like tone Changbin gave him earlier. "Turn around."
The Reservation
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Once they both finish, they stay naked and cuddled up close. Mainly because the couch is
only about one and a half people wide, but also they're purposely wanting to be in each
other's space.

Hyunjin's laying his head on Changbin's chest, who is staring up at the ceiling.

"I don't want Wednesday to come."

"Why not?

"We won't be able to do this here again."

Silence penetrates the room, Hyunjin not moving any muscle aside from breathing.

"I'm sorry I keep reminding you."

"It's okay. I know I'll never be able to have you."

Changbin's heart aches; he wants to stay like this forever. "Don't say that."

"But it's true." Hyunjin's hair grazes against Changbin's chest as he lifts his head and makes
eye contact. "Once he comes back I'm second. We're not together. I'm not your partner…" He
takes a pause, but Changbin doesn't respond since it seems like he's going to continue.
"You're not mine."

"I am yours."
"No you're not, you're married." He glances down at Changbin's left hand. "Wha... where's
your ring?"

"I took it off."

"Don't you always wear it?"

"I haven't taken it off since our wedding day."

A stunned look is plastered on Hyunjin's face. "Why did you take it off?"

"I'm giving in to my fantasy of you being the only one I make love to."

Hyunjin doesn't change his expression from the blank stare but he leans in cautiously to kiss
him. "I don't know how long I'll be able to do this. The guilt's going to eat me alive at some

"Shhh Jinnie, don't think about that." Changbin carefully pushes Hyunjin's head back to his
chest, gliding his fingertips across his forehead to move the hair behind his ear that fell in
front of his eyes. "At least for now, at this moment, I'm yours and you're mine."

A couple hours later he leaves, Changbin sitting on the couch watching TV. He can't forget
the way Hyunjin's fingertips felt against his skin, all over his body.

Hyunjin has completely plagued every thought he has. Even when he's not around, he makes
him feel all kinds of ways… and none of them are PG.

They both go back to work in the morning and they're going to have to be civil. Changbin's
personal fantasy has been to have sex in his office but Felix says it's "too inappropriate" and

He decides to heat up a frozen dinner then do the final mixing since he couldn't get himself
tired from the television.

Within the next several hours he finishes the track and records the guide vocals. Hyunjin had
said before he left that he would work with a choreographer tomorrow to make his ideas a

He sends himself, Hyunjin and Mr. Woo an email of the file then puts his flash drive in his

He flops into bed, getting under the covers. He's only put his underwear back on; Changbin
can't unfeel Hyunjin's touch.

Changbin wants him there so badly.

He's so selfish.

The worst part is he didn't get himself put in his place since Hyunjin's agreed to be the other
half of an affair. He's Changbin's one true weakness, that honestly he thinks about more than
his actual husband.

Is it pure lust?

Is it desperation?

Is it a desire for something new that he'll get over in a few days and regret having ever done
when his husband comes home?

He has no idea and frankly he's terrified to find out.

The next morning arrives and Changbin hardly got any sleep. He had a lot of "what is life"
moments and self-reflection time in his insomnia, trying to figure out what it is he actually

Maybe it's the post sex-filled weekend haze but his future is blinded by Hwang Hyunjin.

He has a little more pep in his step this morning knowing he'll see him.

He pulls up to his parking spot and sees Hyunjin's car in his usual spot a couple spaces

He's not late this time and that makes Changbin's jealousy-ridden brain feel better.

Changbin walks into his office, shuts the door, and puts his suitcase in its designated spot
under his desk. He brings his attention to the stack of papers he left for himself to go through
today and sees that there's a note.

Lunch date?

- Jinnie

He can't help the smile that stretches so wide across his face that it hurts.

"Hey, Mr. Seo, how are you? You seem happy today. I'm hoping you had a good weekend."

He looks up to see Mr. Woo grinning ear to ear under the doorframe, happy and optimistic as
usual. Changbin's hyper aware of where he is in case he needs to cover the note with

"I did actually. How can I help you, Mr. Woo?"

"I got the file for the song and must I say it is AH-MAZING! I knew you'd be the perfect one
for the job. Hyunjin is working with the choreography department for the first half of the day
so he won't be in."

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. Yea he actually helped write some of the lyrics. He's
really good."

"Splendid! Such a well-rounded boy he is. We're lucky to have him on our team. It seems you
guys are getting along and that is simply wonderful. It's good to have a solid connection with
your superior."

My superior, aye?

"Yea, we get along pretty well. He's very nice."

"Fantastic. Well I'll leave you to it, Mr. Seo. I'll see you later!"

"Bye sir. Have a great day."

Lunch time is very near, about fifteen minutes. Changbin's getting so excited but also he's not
sure where they're going or what they're doing.

Just as he looks up from his computer to creep out of his open blinds, he sees a familiar
silhouette cross his line of sight. On top of that familiar silhouette, he sees the most beautiful
face he's ever seen look in as he walks by and smiles at him.

No one has ever made Changbin as weak as Hyunjin has.

Changbin looks down at his phone, 12:28pm. He'll wait for him to come by his office to do
whatever they're doing.
He spends the next two minutes fidgeting, not bothering to focus on anything but the second
hand on his watch ticking.

Right on cue, there's a knock on the door. When it cracks open, those mesmerizing brown
eyes peer in. "Ready?"

"Of course." Changbin stands up and starts walking toward the door. Hyunjin opens it wider
and motions for him to walk past.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

They take Hyunjin's car farther out from the city, a side Changbin doesn't know really at all.

"Where are we going?"

"Didn't you hear me? It's a surprise." He gives Changbin such a serious face that it makes him
crack a smile.

He pulls into a parking lot of what appears to be a restaurant. "Stay here."

Changbin nods in agreement as Hyunjin gets out, walking around the front of his car to his
side. To Changbin's surprise, he opens the passenger door...

Hyunjin opened his door for him.

"My... uh... man?" He gives him a goofy smirk and Changbin grins in return.

"Why thank you, sir." Changbin gets out and Hyunjin shuts the door behind him. "What is
this about?"

"Shhh, be quiet," Hyunjin places his skinny index finger in the center of Changbin's lips, "just
let me do the work."

He takes Changbin's hand and guides him to the entrance.

When they get inside, it's a very nice restaurant that Changbin's never seen before. His
attention goes to the intricately decorated foyer as Hyunjin walks them up to the hostess.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

"Yes, I have a reservation for two under Hwang."

Reservation? Who makes reservations for lunch?

She does a little typing into the computer at the stand. "I see. Mr. Hwang, please follow me."

She leads them to a patio out back with one isolated table surrounded by shrubbery and
beautiful flowers.

It looks like a place people go to to get engaged, posting it online to brag to their friends.

She seats them and says, "Your server will be right with you."
They both say thank you as she bows and walks away.

"Hyunjin, what is this?"

"A restaurant."

"Well, yea, I see that. You made a reservation? This is so fancy. Not to mention it's 12:45pm
on a Monday."

"I just wanted to bring you somewhere where no one knows us and we can forget about the
world for a while."

Changbin wants this man in his bed right now… but a nice lunch and privacy to openly thirst
over him is good too.

They make small talk, ask how each other's nights were. They both stayed in and wished the
other was still there.

"You didn't call me to have sex, though. I don't know if you missed me that much."

"Changbin, I swear -"

"What, you gonna shut me up?"

Hyunjin's tongue pokes inside of his cheek and Changbin knows he's done something to him.

They get their food and, between bites, talk about everything from their families, favorite
things, and plans for the future. The latter took Changbin a minute to think through.
"Ya know, I'm uh... not too sure."

Hyunjin cocks his head to the side. "You're not sure?"

"No. I feel like I'm going through the motions. I've been thinking a lot about what you said
about sacrificing my happiness to be comfortable. The more I think about it the more I'm
questioning how I want to spend the rest of my life."

"What would be the life you want? Do you know?"

Changbin stares behind Hyunjin at a bush full of maroon and white flowers, trying to figure
out how to answer. "I don't know. Maybe I go back to producing and songwriting. Working
on this project with you has really reminded me how much fun it is."

"But you work on songs all the time."

"The collaborative side of things makes it feel refreshing, like it's not just me and my
thoughts. It motivates me."

"I see."

"What would your ideal future be?"

"Honestly I'm pretty content where I am. There is one thing I would change, though."

"What would that be?"

"Eventually finding someone I can spend the rest of my life with."

Changbin's face falls. "Hyunjin -"

"Let me speak."

Changbin's not sure he's ready for it but he doesn't think he has a choice.

"I know this isn't going to last. No matter how much fun it is with you, how much I love
spending time with you, how happy I am just being in your space... it's never going to
happen. You're going to break it off with me at some point if I don't cave from guilt first.
Felix is so sweet and good-hearted, I'm a monster for doing this to him."

Changbin opens his mouth to correct him but Hyunjin cuts him off again.

"No, please. I'm fully expecting when he comes back that you realize this is a lustful mistake
and you only want Felix in your life and we go back to our regularly scheduled program of
being coworkers. It's not a matter of if, but when. When it does happen, I want to find
someone who's as perfect for me as you are that isn't in a committed relationship. I never
imagined I'd be a side piece but I don't want to be that forever. I want to find long-term
happiness too."

The tension has begun to rise and the silence has creeped up yet again.

"That's actually why I planned this. One last hurrah before he comes back and you decide
you're done with me."

"Hyunjin. Before you interrupt me, let me say my piece.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified of when Felix comes back. I'm terrified that I'll realize I just
wanted an adventure I end up regretting. But I do know that my life would suck without you.

Even if I'm a horrible person for cheating on my spouse, I know I am… I interrupted your
date with Minho. You were trying to be the responsible one and live your own life but I
couldn't bear to see it. I've never wanted anything in my life more than you.

You have changed me in ways I never imagined were possible. I've questioned the legitimacy
of my own life. I know you may think that's your own fault but that's the opposite of the case.
You've made me think about what would make me happy. I'm thinking about my life choices
and why I made them. When I went out with Han and Chan to the club where I saw you, I
felt like himself again. Not the 'get drunk and waste away my life' part, but I was hanging out
with my friends for the first time in weeks. I haven't been as social as I want to be because
I've been indirectly pushed to be a homebody by my husband who always wants to spend
time with me and only me.
I feel like I need to be the man in charge all the time and I hate it. Whenever I've talked to
him about it before, he'd say, 'But babe, you are a big strong man. You're my big strong man'
then seduce me to get me out of my thoughts. I'm sure he doesn't mean it out of malice but I
feel like we're living his dreams and not mine.

I changed my job to make him happy. I proposed after a few months of dating to make him
happy. We worked our asses off for a giant wedding that he wanted. We live in a mansion
because that's what he wants.

I don't think I realized how marrying my first boyfriend would go. We were babies and still
figuring out what we wanted, at least I was. Now I feel like the breadwinner who goes to
work, comes home to a homecooked meal and fucks my husband. I know that's the dream for
a lot of people but sometimes I just... I don't know, wish my life was different.

I didn't realize how much I wanted, needed, change until I met you. I know you see that as a
bad thing but I don't. You've done nothing but support me. Sure you've satisfied me
physically, but am I too much of a teenage girl to say you changed my spirit too? Like I feel
renewed with you, like you're a glass of water when I didn't know I was dehydrated. I feel
like you've changed my life in such a positive way in such a short time, and I'm nervous
when he comes back that I'll fall back into the same routine.

Honestly though, I fell for you while he was still here. I was ready to risk it all the night you
came over for dinner. If he hadn't walked in I would've kissed you and he was just behind a

Hyunjin, you're not just a side piece to me. I'm in love with you."

Hyunjin's mouth is agape, Changbin can see the wheels turning and trying to figure out what
to say next.

Changbin just said that he loves him... they haven't said that yet. It's only been two weeks.


The waitress comes over to hand Hyunjin the check. He pulls out his wallet, and grabs a
couple bills. "Please keep the change. We need to get back."

She gives him a questioning look. "Oh… uh… thank you sir. Have a wonderful rest of your
"You as well, thank you." He puts his wallet back as she walks away and Changbin stares at
him to see if he can read anything.

Hyunjin's still in shock and doesn't know how to respond.

"Changbin… uh… let's go ahead and go. We're going to be late."

The rest of the day was fairly normal.

Hyunjin would come visit in the name of the project but even then they would talk about
other things. He's got the energy of "I'm going to act like this super serious conversation
didn't happen", maybe for his sanity, maybe to get him through the rest of the next two days.

The last time he strolls into Changbin's office is around 4:45pm, just before it's time to leave.

"Hey, so the choreographer just got back to me and is very close. He's been working with the
team on my ideas and they're getting there. We may even have the full draft by the end of the
day tomorrow."

"Woe Jinnie, that's great news. We make a great team."

His mouth pulled up one corner to make a sad-looking smile, one Changbin knows is full of
mixed feelings and uncertainty.

"We do, don't we? Well I'm going to go back to my office now. It was nice hanging out with
you today. I'll see you tomorrow."

He turns to walk away.

Hyunjin looks back to Changbin with a head tilt.

"I meant what I said earlier."

Hyunjin's mouth shifts into an obviously forced smile and nods. He walks out and quietly
shuts the door behind him.

I may have broken him.

Chapter End Notes

I live in America and boldly assumed that you're seated in restaurants in SK but as I
learned (as of googling in curiosity after finishing the editing to post this) that that is not
normal. I'm telling myself that, in this case, it's because it's fancy.
I am, though, fully aware we're the only ones who tip, I've heard that it's even
considered rude in other countries. The main idea of that part is to show how he was
eager to leave.
Now... the plot thickens, my friends.
Chocolate and Vanilla
Chapter Notes

Changbin wants some extra *pizzazz*... not exactly enough for me to mark it as

Changbin pulls into the garage, goes into the house and puts his shoes on the rack that lives
just inside. He puts his suitcase down in its usual spot and plants himself on the couch,
leaning back to stare at the ceiling with a huff.

He wants Hyunjin here. Maybe he can call him?


Changbin shoots up in shock to see Felix's head pop out from behind a wall.

Wait, Felix?!

"Felix?! What are you doing here?! It's Monday, you weren't supposed to be back for two
more days."

"They canceled my flight and the closest one I could get was today. The next was Thursday
but I have to work so I picked this one. Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Yea, of course baby, I'm just surprised."

"Good! I love my family but I love you more. Now, babe..." Felix steps to the side to expose
his whole figure and starts sensually walking toward him. "I've missed you soooo much..."
Felix brings out his bedroom, 'I'm going to seduce you' eyes, reaches his arm over to pull
Changbin's tie toward him.

"You missed me too, right? Why don't you show me how much?"

Before Changbin can respond Felix kisses him, wrapping his arms around Changbin's neck,
just like Hyunjin did in the studio.

Changbin closes his eyes and starts picturing more and more of what he and Hyunjin have
done, getting him more and more into it.

Changbin starts getting more aggressive with it and sloppily licks his lips for entrance, which
Hyunjin likes, but Felix whines disappointingly.

"Jagi, you know I don't like it when you're rough like that. "

Changbin opens his eyes back to reality that he's not actually with Hyunjin. "I know jagi,
sorry. I got carried away."

Felix meets their lips again, Changbin's eyes close again and he immediately thinks back to

God, it was perfect.

His lips are pillows, his skin is silk, his voice is honey, his tongue is magic...

"Fuck me, baby."

"You know I don't like to top, why don't you top instead? I like when you manhandle me."
Felix sticks out his tongue a little, kind of like a puppy, and leans back in.
This is it, this is the chance for me to properly confront him.

Maybe I need to try again and I'm not being clear enough.

"Hey jagi, uh, how do you feel about changing it up a bit? Ya know, try something new?"

"Yea we can change positions, I just want your dick in me." He leans down into Changbin
and gives him a rough kiss, given it's Felix.

"No, I mean why don't you fuck my ass this time? Suck my dick? Play with my nipples? Bite
my neck?"

"Bite you? And baby you know I have a tiny mouth, your dick won't fit. Last time I fucked
you you wanted more than I could give, also it doesn't feel as good. You fucking me means
you get to have all the stimulation, isn't that what you want?"

"Well, not exactly..."

"I'll do better this time, help you out. I want you."

Okay, well, he tried.

Maybe he can try while they're in bed and more impulsive?

"Come on jagi, pick me up and take me to the bedroom so I can please you."

So he can please me?

Okay, maybe he's already changed his mind.

He didn't change his mind.

His idea of "let me please you" was rubbing Changbin's ass, putting on panties and letting
him fuck him a little harder than normal.

He likes it, but he wants more.

Changbin tried to do everything he requested for himself just to be met with digusted faces
and "but that hurts." Changbin went to lick his neck and Felix said it felt like a dog was
licking him.

When he requested Felix do them back, he said, "What's gotten into you? It's weird. What's
wrong with penetration? That's the best part."

Is Changbin that much of a kinky bitch?

Is their sex really this vanilla?

Don't get him wrong, he likes vanilla, but now that he's had chocolate with whipped cream
and sprinkles he'd like to spice it up a bit... but apparently his vanilla doesn't want any fun

Haha, topping.

Wait, did I just compare them to ice cream?

God I'm getting so old and boring... and I'm only 24.

Felix is yet again laying on Changbin's chest. His hair is long but not as long as Hyunjin's.
Not as soft, not as pullable...

"So Binnie, what did you do while I was gone?"

Don't say Hyunjin, don't say Hyunjin...

"I worked a lot on the project I'm doing with Hyunjin. Our deadline is Friday but the song is
done and he said the dance may be done as early as the end of the day tomorrow."
"Oh that's exciting! I can't wait to hear it. Actually, we have the night off. Can I hear it now?"

"Yea, I don't see why not."

They get dressed and go to the studio.

As soon as they walk in Changbin's hit with memories. Hyunjin moaning so loudly on that
couch. Changbin came harder than he ever has after Hyunjin wrapped his fuckable mouth
around his dick. Changbin sucked on Hyunjin's inner thigh so hard that he gave him a bruise,
hidden away so no one could see it but him.

He shakes off those thoughts and sits at the desk, pulls up the file and presses play.

Felix listens through the whole thing, lightly bopping his head along. "It is really nice, good
job babe."

Changbin smiled wide just to realize that was it.

Wait, that's it?

"What do you think of the instrumental, the lyrics?"

"Well I don't know anything about music but it has a good beat and the lyrics sound nice. But
this is why you're the big shot producer and not me."

Changbin lightly chuckles.

Yea, guess so...

See You Later

Changbin's going to bed and it's Felix's first night home.

As he's in the shower, Changbin feels his phone vibrate in his pocket.


Oh god no, Hyunjin's calling .

It's in the 10 o'clock hour, it's dark outside, they had the deepest conversation they've ever
had at lunch today where Changbin told him he was in love with him.

Changbin debates if he should get up, go to the studio, tell Felix he got some "last minute
inspiration" and go have possible phone sex with Hyunjin.

Changbin's life flashes before his eyes when he hears, "Oh look, Hyunjin's calling, you gonna
answer it?"

Felix jumpscared him. Changbin looks over and he's hovering above his shoulder.

Thankfully Changbin just kept Hyunjin's name as his regular first name and didn't add
anything else. But more importantly, when did Felix even get out here?!

"No, uh…" Changbin panics and declines the call, "you're my focus tonight jagi."

"Great. Well, I'm gonna fall asleep now, I'm exhausted from the plane and am so ready to
enjoy my day off tomorrow. Love you Binnie, goodnight."
"Goodnight Lixie."

Felix almost immediately falls asleep once he wedges himself under Changbin's arm and
there's no way he could get out of this one.

He's pretty tired anyway, he'll see Hyunjin at work in the morning.

When Changbin wakes up the next day, Felix isn't in bed and he smells bacon frying. He gets
up, goes to the bathroom, and looks at himself in the mirror.

What is my life anymore?

How did I not notice the signs?

How did I not notice what became of my life until I met him?

Changbin pulls himself together, gets dressed, and goes out to the kitchen where Felix is over
the hot stove making breakfast.

"Good morning darling, I hope you have a good day at work, starting with a homemade
breakfast. Tastes better than -"

"Anything else in the world, " Changbin finishes his famous phrase for him, "thanks, Lix."

Felix smiles brightly as he turns back to the stove. Changbin eats then finds himself hurrying
out the door...

He wants to see Hyunjin.

Changbin gets to work a little early and Hyunjin's car's not there yet.
He goes to the break room to get some coffee, but mainly it's to wait until he sees Hyunjin get
to his office. He's just beginning to sip when he sees him approach the door and open it.

He gets a little too excited and almost skips over to follow him in.

He hadn't even made it to his seat yet when Changbin knocked on his door. "Hey, Jinnie, how
are you today?"

"Oh, uh, hey Bin. I'm alright, how are you?"

"I'm better..." Changbin slides into the room and shuts the door behind him. Thankfully he
hasn't opened his blinds yet. " that I'm with you."

Before Changbin can get close enough to kiss him, Hyunjin places his hand gently on his
chest. "Were you okay last night? You didn't answer my call. I was worried about you."

"Oh I was fine. Felix came home early and surprised me. He was around so I declined it.
Sorry, Jin."

He raised his chin up slightly so his eyes were now looking down at him. "He came home

"Yea, something about his flight was canceled and that was the only one he could get before
he went back to work Thursday."

"I see. So I didn't interrupt anything?"

"No, not at all. We just fell asleep."

Hyunjin's face noticeably dropped.

Is he getting jealous?

Changbin was worried this would happen.

"Jinnie I'm sorry for not answering, I -"

"No it's okay really, I'm glad you got some time with your husband." He looks down at his
desk and starts shuffling papers.

"How's the choreography going?"

"Good, the dance team is planning to finalize all the parts later today."

"Great, I showed Felix the song last night. He said it was nice."

"That's great. I'm glad." He's still avoiding eye contact... he's obviously bothered by the news
he's back.

They thought they had more time.

"Well, uh, I'll let you settle in. Sorry to bombard you, I just really missed you."

That made Hyunjin look up and shift his eyes. "It's been less than 24 hours."
"That's a long time."

More silence.

"Alright, well, I'll see you later." Changbin looks back to make sure the door is closed then he
puts his forehead against Hyunjin's. He reciprocates. "Can I kiss you?"

Hyunjin nods, rubbing their foreheads together.

Changbin lifts up Hyunjin's chin to bring him up to him, planting his lips on his. Changbin
gives him a couple pecks after for some added pizzazz. "I'll talk to you later, Jinnie."

"See ya."

Changbin makes his way out of Hyunjin's office and back to his own.

He did seem pretty uncomfortable.

This happened so much faster than Changbin wanted it to.

My Superior*
Chapter Notes

The "office hook-up with a boss/submission kink" chapter. Let's be real, it was bound to

Lunch time is here and Changbin's shocked he hasn't seen much of Hyunjin today. Whenever
Changbin noticed him walk by, Hyunjin would look in and smile but wouldn't come in to

Changbin kinda keeps forgetting he's an extremely important person so he could be busy.

It just feels like he always makes time to swing by.

He also didn't come in to ask if he wanted to have lunch together.

Was it because of yesterday?

Was it because of Felix coming back?

There's so many variables that of course all are a part of one single reason.

He gives in to his clingy desires and goes to Hyunjin's office to see if he wants to hang out.
His blinds are closed so Changbin can't peek in, but when he knocks on the door he gets a
"come in".

Changbin opens the door slowly to see him kicked back in his chair with his legs propped up
on his desk. To his left sitting on a couch against the wall, he sees none other than Minho.

"Hey Minho, uh, nice to see you."

"Nice to see you too, Seo."

"Changbin, what can I do for you?"

"I was... just wanting to see if I could talk to you about something."

Why did he say that?

He literally just came in to flirt with him.

"Yea, go ahead."

"Um, it's kind of a secret. It's about the project that's due Friday."

He lied.

He gives Changbin a questioning look but shrugs anyway. "Okay, yea, uh…. I'll talk to you
later Minho, is that okay?"

"Yea that's fine with me. It's lunch time anyway and a bunch of us are going out." He stands
up and uses his hands to flatten out the front of his blazer. "See you later, Jin."

They nod at each other as he passes Changbin, who purses his lips absentmindedly as Minho
turns to shut the door.

"What's up, Binnie? What's going on?"

Binnie, that's better.

"What were you guys talking about?" That came off much more hostile than intended;
Changbin just feels himself getting more and more hot with each breath.

"Nothing much, just talked about the weekend. I apologized in person for leaving him
hanging and gave him the money."

"What did you tell him about the weekend?"

"Just that I wasn't feeling great. Why? Is something wrong?" Changbin turns his gaze back to
the doorknob, locking it. "What are you doing?"

Changbin puts his hands behind his back and goes one foot at a time over to Hyunjin's desk.
"You haven't visited me all day, I was worried you were mad at me about something."

Hyunjin huffs. "Wow, I didn't know you were such an overthinker. We are at work, we can't
just sit in your office and fuck all day. Also," he stands up from his chair and meets Changbin
halfway, "I have to talk to other people. I'm your boss Changbin, and not just yours."

My superior, aye?

"That's right, you are my boss." Changbin takes another step forward so their chests are
pressed together; they can feel each other's breath. "Why don't you put me in my place, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"You want to fuck me in my office?"

"No, I want you to fuck me. I want you to make me do your bidding. I want you to show me
who my superior really is."

"Do you have a submission kink, Mr. Seo?"

"We can find out, Mr. Hwang."

It's deja vu, the way he grabs Changbin's shoulders and shoves him down onto the couch
Minho was just sitting on. "You want to do my bidding, huh?"

"If that's what you want, sir."

He smirks at that comment. "Suck my dick."


"Suck my dick. Blow me. Lick me like a lollipop. Choke on it like the whore you are."

What has gotten into him?

Changbin's mouth drops for a different reason, one of pure shock.

This is so much hotter than he thought it'd be.

"I must not keep you waiting then." Changbin's hand finds its place at the zipper of Hyunjin's
black dress pants, the other finds its way to his ass. Changbin looks up at him; he's so tall and
beyond sexy.
"What are you waiting for?"

Changbin takes that as a command, tugging the clasp down slowly, intently watching each
tooth detach until it reaches the end. He then moves both hands to the front to undo the
button above the zipper.

Changbin's face is directly in front of the huge bulge in his black, cotton underwear.

He's salivating.

"You're taking your sweet precious time, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir, I am, I'm just enjoying the view."

"Hurry up, Seo. I don't have all day."

Changbin's hands travels down to the slit in the fabric. He slides his hand into it, feeling
Hyunjin's smooth skin and the head immediately. He grasps it, drags it out, and it's already
hard so it damn near hits him in the face.

Changbin's salivary glands are working overtime.

How much he wants Hyunjin inside of him…

"What are you waiting for? Suck."

Changbin looks up to see his devilish grin.

Challenge accepted.
He opens his mouth wide, taking it all in one go.

Hyunjin wants him to suck it so that's what he'll do.

He starts by coating it entirely with saliva, flicking the tip with his tongue as a little pregame.
Hyunjin's not moaning yet but Changbin can feel him tense up.

Changbin unlatches himself to grab it by the base and keep it pointed directly in front of his
mouth. He gets a little extra saliva ready as he sticks his tongue out like a dog, looks up at
him, and gives it the wettest lick he can manage from the base to the tip.

Once it's nice and shiny, he wraps his mouth around its entirety and gives one, strong suck.

That got a little moan out of him.

Changbin feels his own dick twitch but it's time to please his boss.

He coats his mouth with more saliva, retaking it inside slowly until he reaches the base.
Changbin looks up at him with "cute" eyes to say, with a very distorted voice, "Fuck my
mouth. Own me. Make me beg."

Hyunjin wastes no time as he begins to thrust in and out with aggressive speed, taking the
hair on the back of Changbin's head into his fist and forcing him down farther.

Changbin places his hands on the back of Hyunjin's thighs to hold balance as he thrusts as
hard as he can.

Changbin's gagging, his eyes are watering, and he's struggling to breathe.

He doesn't care; he's having a great time.

After only a couple of minutes of this, with a very unstable and broken growl, "Swallow my
cum. All of it."

"Yes, sir." Changbin can barely mumble.

Hyunjin grasps Changbin's hair even harder and thrusts even deeper. Very soon after, he cums
ferociously into Changbin's mouth with a muted moan.

Cum slides down his throat; Hyunjin was in so far there was no extra clean-up.

As Changbin goes to pull off Hyunjin's now flaccid dick, he slowly trails his mouth up until
he reaches the tip and releases with a pop.

Hyunjin's legs are getting weak.

"Go sit in your chair, Mr. Hwang. You must be tired."

"No, no, not so fast. We're not done here."

"We're not?"

"No," he heavily pants out as he situates his zipper, "it's your turn."

"My turn?"

"Yes, I need to show you who's in charge."

"Did you not already?"

"Absolutely not."

Changbin remains on the couch while Hyunjin gets on his knees.

"I'm going to make you cry. I want you moaning my name, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

Hyunjin wastes no time unbuttoning, unzipping, and pulling Changbin's pants and underwear
down enough to where he's completely exposed.

Of course, Changbin's super hard and Hyunjin... smacks it? "You do what I say."


He immediately attacks, hungrily licking, lapping, sucking, and even does a little bit of teeth
grazing. The noises coming from this situation are foul and it just pushes Changbin closer.

Changbin physically can't hold his mouth closed, there's so much going on. He's
overstimulated, unbelievably turned on, and he looks down to see his sexy boss in a suit and
tie engulfing his painfully hard dick.

It doesn't take more than a minute or two to be restlessly, uncontrollably moaning muted
sounds that aren't really words.

"Hyu.... Hyunnie... I'm 'bout to -"

Hyunjin immediately stops what he's doing.

Before Changbin even realizes, he's removed his mouth and put his long fingers around it.

He's pushing on it?

... He's keeping Changbin from an orgasm.

"I told you, you're doing what I say. You're not done yet." Changbin looks down at him
through his eyelashes, his heart beating at a concerning speed and he is so sore in one
particular area. "You're not done until I say you're done. Now, where were we?"

With his hand still in a ring shape and closed in to constrict it, Hyunjin starts licking the tip.
He lifts up slightly to let saliva drip from his tongue onto Changbin's cock just to lick it off.
He takes his other hand and grazes it from just above Changbin's dick up to his stomach.
Hyunjin gropes his pecs then finds his nipple and starts rubbing.

Changbin's mouth flies open and he's on the verge of tears, so overstimulated he can barely
breathe. He swears he's losing oxygen, a single teardrop gliding down his cheek.

"Okay baby, it's time." He licks the tip again, doing one last rub of his nipple before he takes
it away and back down to his legs. "Cum for me, Binnie."

He releases his grip on Changbin's dick, sliding his mouth into the point where Changbin's
completely covered but Hyunjin's gag reflex is doing work.

He does a single strong suck, Changbin coming completely undone and melting in his

"Hyunjin-ahhh." Changbin suppresses a scream-moan but good god, was that a rollercoaster
of emotions.
He pops off like Changbin did, raising himself from his knees, somehow looking unphased
and so arrogantly confident.

"Now get up and get back to work, you slut."

He looks down at Changbin with glazed over eyes. Changbin watches his ass sway as he
walks back the couple feet back to his desk before he sits down. He props his feet back up
and leans back, getting into the exact same position as when Changbin walked in.

Changbin can't live without this man.

The Selca*

Hyunjin kept the façade up very well, only winking after he sternly told Changbin, "Did I
stutter? Get the hell out of my office and get back to work."

If he hadn't been so visibly fucked out Changbin would've asked him to fuck him too.

Changbin sits down in his chair, trying to cool himself down. He's surprised no one has come
back from lunch yet. There were only a couple of people in the breakroom but they had their
headphones in and were glued to their phones, not bothering to look up when he left.

He knows if he heard someone having sex in an office he'd want to know the tea.

They tried being as quiet as they could and, turns out, they did a pretty good job.

He didn't come into Changbin's office the rest of the day, making him feel kinda lonely but he
did make up for it with his "lunch break." Changbin didn't even eat the food Felix packed
him; he decided to leave it in the fridge for tomorrow. If he asks he'll say he ate out.

At 5pm, Changbin packed up his suitcase to go home. He pokes his head into Hyunjin's
office to say bye before he walks out.

Hyunjin looks up from his computer. "Hey, you heading out?"

"Yea, I just wanted to say bye."

"Bye, have a good rest of your day."

"Bye..." Changbin halts before he finishes closing the door.

He needs to say it… he feels inclined to say it.

"Hey Jinnie?"


Changbin figures he can't say it loudly since the door is open so he mouths the words, "I love

Hyunjin shyly grins, blushing as he looks down. "Goodbye Binnie."

Changbin walks into the house and does his usual routine.

"Hey babe, how was work?" He turns the corner to see a beaming Felix making dinner. "Sit
down when you're ready and we can have dinner together!"

Changbin forces a smile as he takes his jacket off. "Yea sure, let me get a shower real quick."

Felix nods and turns back to focus on the stove.

Changbin leisurely walks to their en suite bathroom, yet again staring at his reflection in the
mirror, thinking about how amazing his day was.

Why is it when I got home, I felt heavy?

Like there's a weight on my shoulders?

Like I have to put on a mask?

Is Changbin seriously not happy?

He told Hyunjin he wasn't but at the moment he thought he didn't mean it that literally, it was
an impulsive comment... maybe he really did absentmindedly speak the truth.

In the shower, Changbin can't get Hyunjin out of his head.

He shut his eyes as the water sprinkled onto his body, recalling looking down and seeing
Hyunjin's eyes watery, lustful, lips molded perfectly around his dick. He wraps his fingers
around to mimic the sensation as best he can and could cum again just thinking about it... and
maybe he did.

Changbin gets out after making sure he washed himself off very well, puts on his pajamas
and goes to the dining room.

"You're wearing a shirt?" Felix whines.

"Yea... is that a problem?"

"You never wear a shirt to bed. I want to see your sexy body."

"It's only 6. I don't usually take it off until later anyway. I'm just in the mood today, you see
me shirtless all the time."


"What if I get food on me?"

"I'll lick it off of you."

Changbin could tell Felix was trying to be a tease but why did it make him a little
uncomfortable? Doesn't help he knows he wouldn't; Changbin's mentioned food during sex
before and Felix said it "sounded gross."

"I think I'll just wear it, you'll be okay."

"Take it off in bed?"

"Yes, jagi. I'll take it off in bed."

"Great! Now let's eat."

Felix makes lots of small talk and Changbin's mind keeps wandering. He can't stop thinking
about the face Hyunjin made when he -



"You okay? What's gotten into you today?"

Hyunjin. Hyunjin got into me today.

"Sorry, uh, what was it, jagi? What did you say?"

"I said did the dance get done today? You said last night it probably would."
"Oh, uh, actually I forgot to ask."

"Really? You were so excited about it."

"I know. I just got a little... umm... distracted."

Yea, that's accurate.

"Ah okay, well, come on to bed when you finish, I'll be waiting."

Changbin smiles at him, Felix going to rinse off his dish then goes down the hall toward their

He's done for.

What is going on with him?

Oh wait, maybe it's that he's in love with his mistress.

Changbin loves his husband too, though.

Yea, he's sure of that.

Changbin knows he still loves Felix.

But... is he still in love with him?

Changbin's rinsing off his plate when he hears his phone chime.

Hyunjin texted him instead of calling.


You busy?

Bout to go to bed



So early?



What's wrong?


I just wanted to see you


See me?


We're in two different places

There's nothing for a minute or so then he gets a picture message. Changbin opens it to see a
selfie, a selfie that will for sure haunt his dreams for the near future.

Hyunjin's leaning on his side, propped up on his arm. He's on his bed, hair disheveled, eyes
narrow, mouth seductively hanging slightly open. He has a thin white shirt on but Changbin
wish he didn't.

It takes his breath away; he's stunning, gorgeous.

The caption?

I miss you.

Changbin decides to send him a picture back.

He gets into his normal, signature angle but spices it up by leaning forward against the
counter. He tries to look as tempting as Hyunjin did but he doesn't think he'll ever get that.

The camera clicks a few times, Changbin goes to his gallery to scroll through them and
decides on one to send back.

"Jagi, what are you doing?" Changbin jerks his head to see Felix hovering over his shoulder.
"You look so... sexy..."

Changbin feels a hand on his ass and Felix squeezes as hard as he can, leaning his face into
Changbin's neck now that he's acknowledged him.

"I… uh… felt good about myself so I decided to take a selfie."

That's a lie. Changbin feels nasty right now but what Jinnie wants Jinnie gets.

"You did well." Felix hits the power button on the phone, takes it from his hand and slides it
into Changbin's pants pocket. "Now, I want to see that face in the bedroom."

As Changbin's thrusting into Felix, he thinks about how Felix yet again declined to do any

"You're so sexy Binnie, I don't need help getting excited."

"But jagi, it could be for me too?"

"Why would you need it? You get to fuck me, watch me moan, watch me squirm, you get the
feeling around your cock. You're living the dream."

"It'd be nice to try though..."

"Come on, this way works the best. Hurry, I want to feel you inside me."

Why is Felix completely blowing him off?

Is he convinced that they can't change it up because they've been fucking the same way for so

Changbin needs Hyunjin. He'll try anything.

"Jagi, you okay back there? You're taking a while and I'm ready to cum."

"Yea, I'm good… sorry."

Changbin's brain jumps between Hyunjin yet again swallowing his dick whole and him
looking up to Hyuniin, getting the pleasure of seeing him with his mouth open, moaning

It doesn't take long to get there after that.

"You just needed a reminder, huh? If you keep doing that I'll go back to the old position, the
one that works."

Oh no, whatever shall Changbin do?

Such a shame.

Going from vanilla to vanilla?

So cruel.

Changbin wants Hyunjin to ruin him.

You Won't Fix It

Wednesday has come and these last two days that Felix has been home have felt like two

Felix is all over Changbin, which is fine, but he wants someone else all over him.

He's truly a horrible person.


Hey Jinnie, can we talk today?

Changbin doesn't get a response in the time it takes him to get ready and grab some toast.

Oh well, he'll visit Hyunjin when he gets there.

Changbin gets to work as usual and drops off his stuff. He goes to "get coffee" and peek in
through Hyunjin's office windows.

They're shut so on his way back through he knocks.


Changbin goes to turn his doorknob and it's locked.

Did he not come in today? But his car was outside...

"Mr. Seo, good morning! How are you today?"

"I'm okay, how are you Mr. Woo?"

"Wonderful. If you're looking for Mr. Hwang he's over at the dance department. They're
doing the finishing touches today."

"Ah ok. I thought they did that yesterday?"

"They got mostly done, today is definitely the day though. You guys have done a truly
amazing job, you're a fantastic team."

Yea, we do make a great team.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it."

Woo walks off and Changbin goes back to his office. He gets to work on listening to demos
and signing paperwork.

How riveting.

The day goes by slowly for Changbin since he's not seen Hyunjin once.

If they're doing the final touches and they were mostly done this morning, why has he been
there all day?
Five came so slowly but the day is finally over.

Now that Changbin thinks of it, he never got a text back either. It's been nine hours now…

Is he okay? He's getting worried.

Changbin waits in his car for an extra half an hour to see if Hyunjin comes out.

He doesn't.

"It's 5:30, he's always out the door at 5. What's he doing?"

First thing's first, he's seen Minho today so Hyunjin's not doing him.

Secondly... nah, that's all he has.

A crevice deep in his brain remembers something Hyunjin said when he came over for the
first time:

"Then of course I use the practice room to dance when everyone leaves for the day. I swear
I'm never home."

Maybe he's in one of the practice rooms?

Changbin keeps everything but his keys in his car, even his phone with a missed text from

The practice rooms aren't too far down from the main offices. He's not sure which one he'd be
in, there's several.
Changbin was also never told explicitly where they were working on it so he'll just wander

He enters the building and sees the long hallway.

"I haven't been here in a long time."

He sticks his hands in his pockets and starts lesiurely walking, looking at all the different
posters, awards, plaques, metals on the wall. He even comes across some of his own work
framed, replicas of the ones he has in his studio at home. They actually let him keep the real

After walking for a few minutes, Changbin starts hearing a faint bump. He follows the sound
and confirms it's the bass beat to a song over a speaker.

That could be him.

Eventually he finds the door with the music playing from it, stopping in front of it to debate if
he should open it. He hasn't seen or heard anyone else the whole time he's been in the

If he walks in to see someone other than Hyunjin he's going to panic.

As he's about to turn the knob, he realizes he recognizes that song.

It's their song.

That's the push he needed.

Changbin slowly opens it to see a Hyunjin, who's not in his typical suit and tie but in some
basic, normal athletic clothes. He's alone, dancing in the middle of the room.

At least he was.

Changbin guesses Hyunjin can see him through the wall-length mirror since he stops mid-

They make eye contact in their reflections.

"Changbin? What are you doing here?"

His face is red, he's panting heavily, his hair is stuck to his face.

It's obvious he's been doing this for a while.

"I haven't seen you all day and I was getting worried. Woo said you were here this morning
but I didn't think it sounded like an all-day venture. I waited in my car to see if you'd leave
but when you didn't I came here."

Hyunjin takes a second to catch his breath again before he answers. "How'd you know I'd be
in here?"

"You told me a while ago that you used to go dance when everyone left."

"You remember that?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" Hyunjin smiles but as soon as he realized he did, he drops it back down.
"You okay? It looks like you've been at it for a while."
"I'm fine Changbin, just leave."

Huh? Leave?

He never tells Changbin to leave.

Well… he did once, but he did it for the bit.

"Can I not stay and -"

"No, I said leave."

Hyunjin looks down, still panting heavily. He looks rough and his tone was not of someone
who is messing around. It sounds like he's mad, but also there's a hint of desperation.

"Why do you want me to leave?"


"I just want to know what I did -"

"Leave!" He yells with rage in his eyes.

Changbin stands there in shock for a second, just staring at him. Hyunjin's still huffing.

After several seconds of staring daggers into him, Changbin faintly hears him whimper,
"Please leave."
Is he... crying?

Hyunjin drops his head, covering his eyes with both hands. Changbin sees him start to shake
and hears sobs escape from his mouth.

"Jinnie, what's wrong?" Changbin starts walking quickly toward him.

He can't just leave Hyunjin like this; seeing him cry makes Changbin want to break down.

When Changbin reaches out his hand Hyunjin jerks away.

"Jinnie-ah -"

"No." Hyunjin squats, still hovering above the floor.

"Hyunjin-ah, please tell me what I did. I want to fix it, I want to help you -"

Hyunjin jerks his head up, his eyes puffy and his cheeks have a pink tint. "Are you stupid?"

Changbin's eyes widen. He's not angry, just extremely surprised. "What?"

"You can't help me. You can't fix it."

"Then tell me what it is and I'll try my best to -"

"Stop." Hyunjin stands back up, walking over just to get in Changbin's face.
Now that he's closer, he looks horrible. Tired, like he'd already been crying earlier.

Hyunjin looks... not just broken, but shattered.

Maybe Changbin does know why he couldn't help or fix him.

"You can't... no, you won't fix it."

"Jinnie -"

"Don't call me that." Hyunjin raises his voice just to have the sobs erupt and his tears drench
his cheeks.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that your husband is back. What's wrong is that you're back
to playing happy little family. I'm your side bitch, Changbin. I'm not yours, you're not mine.
It doesn't matter how many times you correct me, it's true and we can't fake it. I can't fake it.

Now that he's back I'm feeling more and more like a side piece. It's a lot harder to ignore that
you have a partner. I don't want to have to share you. I can't do it, Changbin. I can't stand
being around you now. I can't handle being ignored when you're home because your husband,
your husband, is around. I'm just someone to fuck or blow you when you're lonely."

Hyunjin's now shivering, his face now so shiny that every inch of it gleams from the
overhead lights.

"I know you told me you love me but I can't bring myself to say it to a married man. You
don't actually love me if you keep using me like this."

"Jinnie - Hyunjin, I'm not using you. I do love you."

"No you don't. Did you ignore me last night to have sex with your husband? Or the night

"...He's coercing me into it - "

"Yea because married couples fuck, Changbin. That's what they do."

"I took a picture to send you but I couldn't press send."

"Why?" Changbin takes a pause, realizing his answer proves his point. "Why didn't you

"Felix came up behind me and dragged me to bed."

Hyunjin drops his head back and laughs, but not in a "haha that's funny" way but a "so I was
right" kinda way.

"Your husband comes first. Like he should. Oh look, you're wearing your ring again."

Changbin looks down at it in shame. Every day he puts it on now it hurts. He just knows he'll
get questioned if he doesn't wear it.

"I'm never going to be first in your life. I'm just a footnote in your happiness. I'm just another
person to suck your dick when he's not there."

"Hyunjin, no -"

"Yes. Yes I am. You're having an affair with me. I told you I'd break and congratulations,
you're watching it happen."

"Jin -" He absentmindedly reaches out for Hyunjin's hand.

"No, don't touch me. I'm done, Changbin. Now that the song is done I want nothing to do
with you if it's not directly related to work. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep sneaking
around with you knowing you have someone waiting at home."

"I'm sorry."

"That changes nothing... What talk did you want to have this morning?"

"I wanted to tell you that..." Changbin stops mid-sentence because it doesn't matter now.
Hyunjin really seems done.

The tension could be cut with a knife.

If this is the last time Hyunjin lets Changbin speak to him he just has one last thing to say.

"I love you."

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

When Changbin got back to his car, he cried harder than he ever had.

Crying's a light word, moreso hyperventilating and on the verge of a panic attack.

He played with fire and got incinerated by the one person he cares about more than anything.

It's 6:30pm now and he hasn't left the parking lot yet. He figured it wasn't safe to drive how
he was.

Hyunjin hasn't left the building either.

Changbin thinks he's calmed down enough to drive. He checks his phone for the first time
since 5:30 before he went inside.

15 Unread Messages from Feelbok

12 Missed Calls from Feelbok

4 Voicemails from Feelbok

"God fuck, now I have to go home to this."

When Changbin pulls up to the gate, he sits for a minute to mentally prepare himself for the
monstrosity that's about to unfold. He's never late and if he is he tells Felix as soon as he's
aware it'll happen.

Changbin opens the gate, parks in the garage, and braces himself.
Is Felix going to come out here or wait until he goes in?

A game of Russian Roulette at its finest.

Just as Changbin finishes that thought, he sees the connecting door swing open and Felix's
standing in the doorway.

"Binnie, where were you? I got so scared! You always tell me when you're late! I thought you

Changbin's still in the car, he hadn't even gotten out yet; he can just hear Felix through the

Changbin lets out a big sigh, grabbing his suitcase and climbing out of the car.

"Jagi oh my god I'm so glad you're okay! Oh my god are you hurt? I -"

Changbin walks right past him… simply put, he ignores him. Felix stops ranting for a second
to register Changbin wasn't listening.

"Binnie, what happened? Why are you so late? What -"

"Felix, calm down. I'm here. I'm alive."

"You look like you've been crying. Are you okay jagi? Let me kiss it be-"

"No, I don't want to be touched. I want to be alone."

Felix is struck with horror as he's watching Changbin. "But ja- "

"Okay, I'm sorry."

Changbin doesn't respond and walks to the studio, putting his suitcase down and shutting the
door behind him... but that wasn't a great idea.

As soon as he walks in he's flooded with memories.

He and Hyunjin sitting at the desk laughing.

He and Hyunjin having deep conversations.

He and Hyunjin having sex on that couch.

Changbin feels like he's drowning.

He's suffocating.

Changbin needs him.

Hyunjin's done with him.

Changbin lets the sentimental side of him shine through as he lays down on the couch like he
had Hyunjin that one afternoon.

Hyunjin was beautiful. Every move he made was elegant. Every word, every moan out of his
mouth was hypnotizing. Everytime they made eye contact Changbin felt his heart stop.

Changbin misses him. He's only known Hyunjin for a few weeks and he's spiraled like this.
It's only been an hour since he cut Changbin off and he feels like he's dying.

Changbin hates knowing that he was the reason he fell apart, the reason he worked himself to
Changbin was the reason Hyunjin was suffering.

He is the reason.

"You can't... no, you won't fix it."

That phrase won't stop echoing through Changbin's head.

If he wasn't with Felix this wouldn't have happened. Their legs would be tangled under
Changbin's sheets, Hyunjin'd be snuggling into his chest. Changbin would follow him around
like a puppy since when he's not with Hyunjin he's not himself.

He made Changbin realize that his life is a lie.

It's perfect.

It's the life everyone wants.

Big house, nice cars, nine to five job, stay at home partner who cooks, cleans, and lets him
fuck him whenever he want.

That's not the life he wants.

Changbin wants to go out with his friends more than once every couple of months.

He wants to experiment and live life.

He wants to produce his own music again.

He wants to feel in control and not like he's going through the motions. Specifically, someone
else's motions.

He doesn't want to do things because someone wants him to.

He deserves the future he dreams of.

Changbin's realizing, like he didn't already know, that his future is blinded by Hwang

Changbin wants his future to be Hwang Hyunjin.

Changbin needs his future to be Hwang Hyunjin.

He quickly tosses himself off the couch to his feet and storms into the living room where
Felix is sitting, innocently watching TV.

"I'm cheating on you."

Felix's pauses and turns to look at Changbin, the TV now background noise. "What?"

"I'm cheating on you. With Hyunjin. I was about to kiss him for the first time when you
opened the door before he left the night you made us dinner. He tried to distance himself
from me for your sake but I went to a club with the guys when you were away and got
jealous when I saw him with another guy. I kissed him and we had sex that night. I woke up
in his bed and didn't want to leave. We've had phone sex. We've given each other blow jobs.
We even had sex in my studio while you were gone. We've had sex in his office. I've told him
I love him. I'm in love with him, Felix. Over the last couple weeks I've realized I'm more in
love with him than I am with you."

Felix's face hasn't moved a muscle, only blinking.

"I've realized I'm not happy. My definition of happy is not yours. I've sacrificed so much in
my life for you and I realize now that I'm miserable. I'm miserable when I'm not with him. I
need him. I love you Felix but I'm not in love with you anymore.

We moved way too fast. We've grown up, I've grown as a person... I'm sorry you're finding
out like this. I just can't take it anymore. You deserve so much better and I want nothing but
the best for you. You're the sweetest, kindest person and I know any guy would be lucky to
have you. 'Then why don't you feel that way?' Because we're not meant for each other. Maybe
we were back then but we're not anymore."
After a deafening moment of silence, Felix speaks up. "Are you saying what I think you're

"Yes. I want a divorce."

Chapter End Notes

Disclaimer: I married my first legitimate boyfriend (the last one we were 14, it was for 3
weeks and frankly didn't really count). We got together at 18 in our first year of college
and waited 4 ½ years until I graduated to get married (we're both almost 26 now). By
this part in the story I just mean that I've just seen A LOT of people I went to high
school with get married right out of school (18-19 yo) and divorce within a few years
because they grew apart. Thankfully we more or less matured together and became
better friends over time.
The main focus of the breakup is lack of communication, pressuring your partner,
ignoring problems big or small, and rushing to seriousness too soon, not the age. Not all
couples who get married young break up and not all people who wait 15 years stay
Also, this is a fictional story, not real life. This was just my way of justifying the entire
A Bro's Night

Changbin gets into his car and slings his suitcase and packed bag into the front seat. He's still
in shock with what he just did.

Five years of his life, gone.

This is the second day in four years that he's not wearing the ring.

He grabs his phone to call someone. Hyunjin.

He puts it up to his ear as soon as he hits dial and it immediately cuts him off.

I would've blocked me too.

He then goes to the first person he calls when he needs help with literally anything: Bang

It doesn't even finish the first ring when he answers.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Hey Chan… uh… can I stay at your place tonight?"

"Yea man, of course. Is everything okay? Isn't Felix back tonight?"

"He, uh, came back Monday actually. I'll explain when I get there."
"Yea of course, my door will be open."

"Thanks, hyung."

Changbin pulls it off his ear and is just about to hit the end button when he hears, "Hey!"

Changbin puts it back up. "Yea?"

"Want me to call Han to stay over too?"

"Ya know, that'd be nice."

When Changbin gets to his place, Chan's visibly confused but, as usual, he lets Changbin take
his time in letting him explain himself.

Jisung shows up with pizza not long after Changbin gets there.

"So... care to explain what's going on?"

Changbin goes into detail and explains everything… everything .

Even that Changbin lied about the cab the night of the club and went back to Hyunjin's
penthouse to have sex, waking up there at 2pm the next day.

He told them about the dinner night at the house, the rendezvous, the reserved lunch date, and
all the conversations they've had.

He told them about his gradual yet quick realization of unhappiness and even Hyunjin's
breakdown. The breakdown that triggered Changbin to tell his husband of four years that he
wants a divorce.

Chan speaks up first. "So you've only known this guy for a few weeks?"
"Yea… I know."

"But… Bin…"

"I know. I don't know how to explain it but… it feels like I've known him my whole life."

"So he's not talking to you?"

"No, I think he blocked me."

"Will you see him at work tomorrow?"

"Yea I should. I see him everyday."

"Okay, well tell him how you feel then." Jisung chimes in.

"How awkward would that be?"

"It sounds like you really care about him Bin," Chan continues, "he needs to know how you
feel. You're about to get a divorce for this man for fuck's sake and he has no idea."

"He hates me though."

"That's why you, say it with me, communicate ."


"... Christopher."

"I'll try to talk to him tomorrow. If not, I'll give him the time he needs. I've put him through a
lot of shit he's way too good for."

"You really love him?"

"I never want to go another day without him."

"That's cute as fuck. You need to get your man, Bin." They look over to see Jisung shoving a
breadstick in his mouth. "What? Chan interrupted my dinner and I'm hungry."

Chan and Changbin look at each other and laugh.

He's missed this.

I Don't Have One

Changbin wakes up in the spare room to Jisung on the couch and Chan's door closed. He
wouldn't be up at 8am if he didn't have to either.

They had a really good night. They caught up on their lives, talked about each other's goals
and plans since Changbin's were changing.

Turns out Chan has had a crush on Felix for a while. Changbin told him he could go for it as
long as Felix was ready. They would compliment each other perfectly and Changbin would
trust no one else more than Chan to take care of Felix; he's always talked about wanting to
devote his entire life to someone.

Changbin pulls into the parking lot and feels extremely anxious, more than he ever has. He's
not a nervous person but his mental stability is in the negatives today.

Hyunjin's car's not there.

Changbin did arrive a little early, he'll probably be there soon.

As time went on, Changbin hadn't seen him pass his window.

He did come in today, right?

Lunch time hits and Changbin sees Woo in the break room.

"Changbin! Just who I wanted to bump into. Yeji loves the song and choreography you and
Hyunjin put together. She wants to plan a press conference showcase in around a month once
the group we pick learns it."

"That sounds great, Mr. Woo. And thank you."

Woo nods and is walking back toward the door when Changbin says, "Hey, Mr. Woo… uh…
did Hyunjin come in today?"

"He said he wasn't feeling well so he'd work from home today. I'm surprised he didn't tell you
since you're such good friends."

That stung.

More than one part of that stung.

"Yea, uh, well... Thanks, sir."

"No, thank you, boy." He winks at Changbin and bounces off.

Changbin waits out the rest of the day, his brain going a million miles an hour. At least
Hyunjin was okay this morning.

Maybe he should stop by his place to check on him... too soon?

Probably too soon.

Changbin finds his keys in his pocket, unlocks his car and climbs in. He throws his suitcase
in the passenger seat and starts the engine.

As Changbin looks in his rear view mirror to back out, he sees something interesting.

A Mercedes.

Hyunjin's Mercedes.
He's not in his usual spot, he must've come in sometime later in the day… he never came into
the office, though.

Changbin stops in front of the same practice room from last night, hoping he was in the same
one this time as well. There's silence on the other side but he'll try anyway. Worst case it's

Changbin carefully opens the door and sees nothing but he does hear some sniffling.

The practice rooms do have sectional couches in the back corner for the group members to
take breaks…

Changbin walks in enough to turn and look there just to see his Hyunjin sitting down, elbows
on his knees, crying into his hands.

Time to shine.

"Hyunjin, are you okay?"

Hyunjin looks up in surprise and quickly shifts to anger. "I told you to stay away from me.
Why don't you listen?"

"I need to talk to you."

"No you don't. You've said enough." Hyunjin stands up just to walk toward the middle of the
room. "Now leave, I need to work on something."

"I'm not leaving."

"Fuck you, get out."


"Changbin." Hyunjin grabs the stereo remote and turns it on.

It's their song.

This makes Changbin feel like the universe is just telling him to get it out. He reaches his arm
out to take his hand. "Hyunjin-ah."

He quickly flails it away in disgust. "Get away from me. I would say take a hint but I've made
it abundantly clear. Go back to your husband."

Hyunjin turns away from him.

This is his chance.

"I don't have one."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I don't have a husband. We're getting divorced."

He immediately stops, looking over at Changbin with an unreadable face. "What did you
"I told him I've been cheating on him and I want a divorce. I called a lawyer after I ate lunch
to get the papers sent to the house. I slept at Chan's last night."

".... are you serious?"

"I'm serious. I know you said I won't fix it but hopefully I did. I told him everything. You're
not my secret anymore. Every version I have in my head of my future has you in it. I love
you. I'm sorry if you're still not ready to hear that but it's true. You're everything to me. I
didn't know happiness until I met you. I was living a lie and you're the most perfect truth I've
ever seen. I want to spend every day of the rest of my life with you. I love you Hwang
Hyunjin and I'll wait every day if I have to for you to forgive me."

Hyunjin's expression is exactly the same. He slowly walks over to him, stopping a couple
inches away. "You mean it?"

"I mean it."

"How do I know you're not lying or that you'll change your mind?"

"I'll do everything in my power to show you how much I love and care about you… how
much I worship you."

"Okay, calm down."

They both take a second out of the serious aura to lightly chuckle.

"I love you, Hyunjin."

"... I love you, Changbin."

Before Changbin can think of a response, Hyunjin starts to slowly, cautiously lean in. Their
lips meet and this feels inconceivably different than any other time before.

Changbin takes his hands, breaking their kiss just to kiss the backs of each of them. Hyunjin
tilts his head down to blush.

"No, let me see them. You have the most beautiful eyes."

"So... does this mean you're mine?"

"I'm yours."
Insecurities and Strawberries

Changbin woke up in a familiar room... Hyunjin's room.

Hyunjin was snuggled up under Changbin's arm, his head resting on his. It was impressively
perfect for waking up. It felt like a dream.

This is his dream.

They didn't have sex last night. Made out and bruised each other's necks on the way in?
Absolutely, but they just spent the night snuggling and talking.

Changbin feels some shuffling so looks down to see Hyunjin squinting up at him.


"Hey love, sleep well?"

A smile creeps up on Hyunjin's face. "Yea."


Hyunjin takes a second to readjust and wake himself up a bit. "How do you feel?" He asks,
looking back up at Changbin as they lay on the bed.

"I feel amazing. Like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders."

"Well I'm glad... and not just because I got to wake up next to you this morning."

"Well, now you get to wake up next to me every morning."

Hyunjin awkwardly smiles.

Changbin senses a tinge of discomfort, maybe?

Oh god I've done something already.

"Let's get up for breakfast." Hyunjin breaks the short-lived silence.

"Yea, of course."

They heat up some frozen waffles and sit in the same nook from before. With the 5am sun
coming in from the windows surrounding them Hyunjin looks ethereal.

"So, uh, what now?"

"What now?" Changbin asks.

"Yea... what are we?"

"I'd like you to be my boyfriend. Or if you're not comfortable with labels, just being
exclusive." Hyunjin nods his head and looks down at his coffee. "Are you okay, Jinnie?"

"I just... have some reservations."

"About what?"

"Well... what if you do the same thing to me that you did to Felix?" Changbin's left
breathless. "It's just that you guys were together for a long time. I came along, we messed
around, and not even a month later you're filing for divorce. I'm scared I'm just a fling that
you'll regret leaving your life for."

"Jinnie, look at me." Changbin reaches his hand out to take his, Hyunjin shyly looking back
up to make eye contact. "I've told you once and I'll tell you again that you changed
everything. You demand nothing from me. My happiness comes first to you. The morning
after my one night stand with Felix he was talking about how big of a wedding he wanted to
have with me. You got up to make me a full breakfast even though you were convinced I was
going to leave. When I asked Felix to put me first during sex he said I was 'living the dream'
and to keep doing what we were doing. When I asked you to, you immediately went
corporate sex god and called me a slut."

He jerks his hand away and covers his face. "Don't say it like that!"

Changbin can't help but giggle at his embarrassment.

"I never had enough of a backbone to ask for what I wanted in the 5 years of our relationship.
When I finally did it was clear where he stood. I have never felt shy with you and you're open
to anything. I put his happiness before mine. You saw our situation and immediately said,
'Why did you give up on your dreams?' You are so different and in the best way. Not to
mention I'm not a teenager anymore, I know what I want out of my life now. I'm not asking
you to marry me, I just want you to come home to me every night."

A sweet half-smile emerges on Hyunjin's lips. Changbin sees his eyes drift down to his

"Where's your ring?"

"On his nightstand. I told him he could do what he wanted with it. I don't need it anymore."

Hyunjin leans over the table to grab Changbin's shirt collar, pulling him forward to meet him
in a kiss. "I love you Binnie... it feels so nice to say that."

"I love you too."

They called into work that day. They both figured they had pristine attendance records so one
Friday wouldn't kill them. Their work was submitted, finalized, and they had nothing to
persuade them to leave the penthouse.

Not to mention a three day weekend cuddled up to such a perfect specimen is Changbin's
actual fantasy.

They spent the day snuggling on the couch watching movies, ordered pizza, and overall got
to know each other more. The more Changbin learns, the more fascinating he finds Hyunjin
and the more perfect he realizes he is for him.

At around 8pm, they're in the midst of a deep conversation but Hyunjin switches it up a bit.
"You've told me what you like about me. Why haven't you asked me what I like about you?"

"Well, uh, if you want me to."

Hyunjin nods, encouraging Changbin by waving his hand gently in front of him.

"Okay, what do you like about me?"

"I like that you don't mess around. I love how you put others first... though maybe to a fault. I
love how honest you are... with obvious limitations. I love how talented you are and how you
throw every ounce of passion you have into each project you start. And I love your body."
What a turn of events.

"My body?"


"What about my body?"

"I love how your arms could protect me but also I want them to choke me. I love your chest,
your back, your calves..."

"You like that I workout."

"Very much. Also, I've told you once and I'll tell you again..." Hyunjin moves to sit even
closer next to him, leans in and puts a hand over Changbin's underwear, "I love this."


"I'm quite parched. I do have a question though."

Hyunjin suddenly changes his tone and lifts himself back up to a normal sitting position.

"Why are you always asking me to fuck you? You're the epitome of a top and I want nothing
more than you to dominate me… and yet, you want my scrawny ass to dominate you."

"You're not scrawny, don't say that. Felix felt that way and literally never topped. He wouldn't
try anything new at all. He basically said 'if it's not broken don't fix it' but even when I told
him I thought it was broken he blew it off. He wouldn't do anything in the last five years that
you've done to me in the last few weeks."
"Feel like you're missing out?"

"I may look like a big strong man but sometimes I want to be the submissive one."

"Yea, I caught onto that with the boss kink."

"It was nice though. You were so sexy."

"Of course. Well in that case, I'll top as much as you want. Anything you want to try?"


"Ok." Hyunjin plops on the bed with a small bowl and tosses small strips of torn up paper in
a pile between them. "In the future, before we do anything, I'll ask if you want to draw. So,
anything different you want to try you can write down. The next time we're feeling fun we
can pick one at random. Of course if there's a specific one we can just do it, or you can turn
down the pick if you want. Sound good?"

I love him.


"Okay, unlock the kinkiest part of your brain and throw it in. I'll keep it in my side drawer for

After a few minutes of feeling like school kids and tossing them in as they finish, their bowl
is complete.

Changbin feels a smirk coming. "Very."

"Great. Whenever you're ready we can start this, okay?" Hyunjin picks up the bowl, gets up
off the bed and goes to open the drawer.

"What are you doing?"

Hyunjin stops mid-movement and looks over at Changbin like a deer in headlights. "What do
you mean? Am I doing something wrong?"

Changbin senses his obvious nervousness and tries to reel it back. "No, um… I just kinda
want to try it now."

"You do?"


"So you wanna fuck right now?"


"... okay. Do you want to draw or have something in mind?"

"Hmmmm..." Well, Changbin does have one in mind but he's curious what he chooses.

He puts it back in front of Changbin and sits down. "Go ahead, Mr. Seo."

"Don't tempt me, Mr. Hwang."

"I mean we're literally about to smash sooo..."

Changbin grins as he shuts his eyes and grabs a tiny folded piece of paper.

The universe has aligned for Changbin today.

"What is it Binnie? Want to keep it or draw again?"

"Keep it."

"Okay, what's it say?"


"Ummm... what does that mean?"

A few minutes later, Changbin comes back from the kitchen with whipped cream,
strawberries, and chocolate syrup. He grabbed what he could find and is satisfied with the

It may or may not have meant for Hyunjin to eat dessert off of him.
Hyunjin audibly laughs as Changbin walks in. "Okay I get it now. Want me to eat you like the
snack you are?"

"Maybe." Changbin places the supplies on the side table and takes off his shirt.

"Alright," Hyunjin grabs Changbin's arm and pulls him down for a kiss, "let's go then."
Start The Process

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yea. I'm sure."

"You won't regret it?"

"No. I'm taking control of my life and doing what makes me happy."

"Go get 'em, Binnie."

They walk into the office building on Monday after a weekend of sex and talking about their
feelings. Changbin did quite a bit of soul searching and, after lots of talks with Hyunjin, has
decided to negotiate his position at the company.

If they don't accommodate, he's going to quit to try and start his own with Hyunjin. Between
the two of them, they know everything about music production and running a business.

They're not going to mention the fact that they're together, yet simply because it'd be one hell
of an HR issue. But, if all goes well...

They break paths as Hyunjin looks to Changbin and mouths "I love you" and goes to his
office while Changbin turns to knock on Woo's door.

"Come in."

"Hello, Mr. Woo."

"Oh Mr. Seo. Good to see you! You've never called in before so I got worried. How are you
feeling? Mr. Hwang didn't come in either so maybe since you've been together so much you
managed to give it to each other."

"Yea something like that," Changbin hurriedly responds, "so I actually want to talk to you
about something."

"Of course, what's on your mind?"

"Well... um..." Changbin takes a minute to collect his composure and convince himself it's
time. "I want to step back from being Director of Production. I want to go back to the studio
and be the producer myself."

Mr. Woo, with shocked eyes, looks at him blankly for a minute. "Okay, um… I can't say I
was expecting that. What made you decide on this?"

"Let's just say I've been reevaluating where I am at this point in my life and realized I needed
change. I don't get joy or fulfillment sitting behind a desk approving what other people enjoy
doing. I'd rather be on the floor myself. I'm not creatively or mentally challenged in this job
and I go home to work on production anyway. I want to step down and go back to where I
know I belong."

"I see. Well Changb- um, Mr. Seo, I applaud your initiative and I will talk to Ms. Hwang
about it and see what she thinks. I'm okay with that decision. I'll mention it in my weekly
meeting with her today."


"Yes, Mr. Seo. You are truly an asset to this company and we want you where you can shine.
We know you work magic in a studio so I don't see an issue with it."
In other words, they don't want to lose the money Changbin makes for them.

Good enough of a reason for him.

"Well that's great, thank you Mr. Woo."

"It's all up to Ms. Hwang but I'm sure she'll be open. I'll let you know when I chat with her."

"Fantastic, thank you sir."

"No problem, boy."

Changbin shuts his door with an uncontrollable grin on his face and immediately makes his
way down the hall to Hyunjin's office.

Changbin knocks and hears a faint "Come in."

He peeps in to hear an excited, "Hey! Come in, come in! What did he say?"

Changbin shuts the door behind him and walks over to the desk with a somber expression.
"Well… uh… looks like I won't be working with you anymore."

Hyunjin's face immediately drops. "Oh my god, no way. I'm sorry Binnie, it'll be alright. I'll
work overtime to save for the start-up. We'll get through it together." He stands up to move
into close proximity, leaning in slightly as he massages Changbin's shoulder.

"Well, as long as Yeji agrees."

His head jerks up as Changbin mentions the name of his twin. "Yeji? Wait, what would she
have a say in?"

"Mr. Woo said he's cool with it, he's going to talk to Yeji later and let me know what she

"You idiot!" He says as he smacks Changbin's arm, making him laugh. "You scared me!"

"I know. I'm sorry love, you're just so dramatic."

"Does this mean I need to have a reassuring chat with her that it's a fantastic idea?"

"If you want to, but I think my work speaks for itself." Changbin shoots him a smug look just
for Hyunjin to wipe it off his face with an abrupt attack of his lips.

After a few seconds he pulls away. "I'll mention it for good measure."


"Now," he gets up even more in Changbin's space, their chests pushed together and he leans
into his ear, "get back to work, Mr. Seo."

Changbin can't help the mischievous smile that spreads across his face. "Of course, Mr.

They're sitting in the break room together for lunch when Changbin's phone chimes.

"Who is it?"
"Is that any of your business?"

"No but I'm nosey."

Changbin leans into his ear to whisper, "It's a good thing you're cute."

"Worship worthy, thank you very much." He whispers back.

Changbin smacks his arm like Hyunjin did to him earlier. "Okay, whatever." That gets a loud
and dramatic laugh out of him. "Looks like it's Felix."


"Yea." Changbin unlocks his phone and reads the short message. "Apparently the divorce
papers have arrived."

"Seriously? That took no time. Didn't you request them Friday?"

"I did. I wonder how they got there so early. The post office is fast but not that fast."

"Maybe they know you have money and they'll get paid in full and quick."

"I hate you... but really…." A light chuckle escapes Hyunjin but nonetheless it's music to
Changbin's ears. "Anyway, he said if I want to I can come over and sign the papers."

"Today? Wow, that moved quickly. He didn't take much convincing."

"Yea I know. I'm surprised."

Changbin quickly texts him back to say he'll be there.

They'd barely started their new conversation about an episode of a show they started
watching over the weekend when Changbin gets his reply.


"Yea, he said okay... and to bring you."

He looks at Changbin in horror. "Bring me ? Why? Does he seem like the kind to murder
someone to you?"

"Ha! Absolutely not. I don't know. How do you feel about that?"

"It'd be extremely awkward. 'Hey, I'm Hyunjin. Remember me? You made me dinner then I
had sex with your husband in your house while you were out of the country.'"


"We're alone in here for now, we're fine. But if he offers I guess I'll go with you."

"Alright. I'll tell him you'll be there."

The day drags on and Changbin spends the whole time wondering how the encounter is going
to go. Not just with him and Felix, but with Hyunjin there as well.

There's no way Felix could take Hyunjin on in a fight… a crying match maybe, but definitely
not a fight.

They both drive back to Hyunjin's place and take Changbin's car together over to the
mansion. He knocks on the door, Hyunjin standing shyly behind him with his hands behind
his back and his head turned elsewhere.

Changbin hears footsteps and the dead bolt unlock.

"Hey, Changbin." Felix says as he opens the door. "How have you been?"

"I've been good. How are you?"

"I'm alright." He tilts his head to peek behind Changbin. "Hello, Hyunjin. How are you?"

Hyunjin's eyes flash forward and open wide. "Um… I'm alright, thanks."

"I'm getting divorced because of you and you're only alright?"

Both of them are horrified now, not sure how to respond.

"I... uh… I'm..."

"I'm just kidding. I know you're probably just surprised I offered that you can come by too.
Come on in."
It's feels so weird for Changbin to get permission to walk into his own house.

He feels like a stranger.

Changbin looks around with an indescribable feeling at the furniture they picked out, photos
they've taken. This house was custom built and they decided on everything together. It feels
wild knowing that, soon enough, he'll never step foot in it again.

They sit down in the living room, Felix on one couch then Changbin and Hyunjin on the
other across from him. There's a giant envelope sitting on the table between them.

"Well Lixie, it got here really quickly."

"Honestly I went and picked them up this morning."


"Yea. When you told me you had already called, at first I felt bad and a little hateful, but
you've chosen what you want and there's no point in staying in a marriage that both parties
don't mutually want. We can start the rest of our lives quicker this way. I called them after
you told me Thursday and said I'd pick them up today so here we are."

"Felix, you didn't have to -"

"I assure you, it's fine." Felix shoots Changbin a genuine smile as he gestures to him to take

He does, and while Changbin reads over the front page Felix says, "Hyunjin, can I talk to you
for a minute?"

"Uh... yea, sure."

Changbin watches both of them stand up and Felix gestures toward the kitchen.

Panic runs through Changbin's mind as he wonders what on earth Felix is wanting to talk

That's not why he's here.

He came to get divorced.

Or... at least start the process.

He skims over the legal jargon and assumes no buffoonery has been had. They had signed a
prenup ahead of the marriage but Changbin insisted that they'd split the assets in half despite
him making more of the money at the time. Even though now Felix makes his own, he just
feels like a stay-at-home husband since his job is mainly remote.

They built their life together so everything they have will be split. Changbin doesn't need the
money, especially in hindsight since he's with a CFO from a highly successful family
business. Even if he hadn't he'd be able to make the money back himself.

Once Changbin gets to the final signature, he stares at the dotted line.

I can't believe I'm getting divorced at 24.

Life's definitely changed for Changbin, and Felix deserves someone who devotes themselves
like Felix does, or did, to Changbin.

Felix deserves someone to lavish him, respect him, and love him exactly how he is. He is the
sweetest human alive and deserves the world.
It just took a hot guy and five years for Changbin to realize that he's not the person who can
give that to him.

They're both better off this way.

They're still in there... what's taking so long?

Stop procrastinating, Changbin.

Just do it.

So he did.

He signs his name on the last dotted line, Seo Changbin, and it's done.

It's ready to be sent back to the lawyer.

As if on cue, they came out giggling and smiling coming back in the room.

They've plotted a conspiracy against him, Changbin knows it.

Hyunjin sits down next to Changbin and leans his head against his shoulder. "I love you."

Changbin looks hesitantly toward Felix, who gives him a polite nod and faint smile. "I love
you too, Jinnie."

Hyunjin leans up to kiss Changbin and he melts, per usual, but can't help but feel
uncomfortable doing it around Felix.

"Don't worry about me, Binnie. I may or may not have someone else on my mind now."
Changbin jerks his head over. "Wait, for real?"

"Yea. You may know him."

"Is it…?"

"Chan. He told me you gave him your blessing. Now I'm not saying I'm going to marry him
next week like I did with you but at least I know him pretty well and I know he knows how I
am. If he's heard your rants and stories about me over the years and still has a thing for me I
think we're off to a good start."

"That's great, Lixie. I'm happy for you."

"You as well. If you want to drop that off you can, I don't know if deep down you feel like
I've bamboozled you or something, or even think I'll rip it up. At the office they said since it's
mutual and the property destinations are pre-determined it'll go relatively quickly and

It's time to live our lives, Binnie. We were young and didn't know each other well enough for
the commitment we made, the one that I persuaded you into. Marriage is a two-sided deal but
I put your hand to the paper for you, you just had to flick your wrist.

We may not be together anymore but I want nothing but a lifetime of happiness for you. Both
of you. It's a shame it's not with me but we can both find our person to spend the rest of our
lives with… if we haven't already. I still love you Changbin and hope that we can still be
friends despite all this."

"Of course, Felix. You're an amazing friend and person. I can't imagine my life without you."

"Care for a hug?"

He stands up and they meet at the side of the table to give each other a tight embrace.
Changbin starts to shake and tears begin to fall.

He's happy this is happening, it's just a big deal to make such a major life change. A person
he's seen everyday is now going to be a catch-up kind of person. Even a month ago Changbin
never saw this coming but it's for the best.

Hyunjin and Changbin get in the car to stop by a post office to put the envelope in the drop
box. Changbin drops it in but before he takes the car out of park, he looks down at the
steering wheel.

He has a burning question for Hyunjin that he needs an answer to.

"So... can I ask what Felix told you earlier?"

"I'm surprised it's taken you so long to ask. He just told me corny stuff like to take care of
you, that you're an amazing person who deserves the world and he knows I'm the one for you
if you figured it out so quickly. He said to let you take your time, encourage you to follow
your dreams, and never fall asleep angry with you. He said if I hurt you, he'll hurt me..."

Changbin looks over and gives him a small grin.

"He said he still loves you and will obviously need time to heal but will always love and
support you, and us, from a distance. If we need him for anything ever to let him know. He'll
help us in any way he can. He wishes us the best and, like he told you, a lifetime of love and

Changbin looks into Hyunjin's eyes and sees his future.

His universe.

"I love you, Hyunjin."

"I love you, Changbin."

Where We Are Now
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Today is the day.

Chan and Felix are getting married.

They've now been together for six years. They got into the relationship almost immediately
after the divorce was final, though Felix told Chan he may have regressions for the sake of

Chan was there for him through everything and, from what Felix has told Changbin, Chan
treats him like a prince.

Felix and Changbin sold the house, took the money and halved it.

Changbin sold every part of his half of the assets and moved into Hyunjin's penthouse with

Felix moved in with Chan, though they moved to a larger and more luxurious apartment.
Once the wedding and honeymoon are over, they have a meeting with a contractor to work on
a house and they'll start looking into being foster parents.

Felix and Changbin never planned to have children together since Changbin didn't want

Hyunjin and Changbin are on the same page and have no plans.

Hyunjin and Changbin have officially been together since that fateful night in the practice
Felix wanted to wait for marriage as long as he and Changbin were together just in case Chan
met his Hyunjin.

He didn't, Felix is his Hyunjin… without the affair and divorce.

They've all constantly kept in touch, Chan is one of Changbin's two best friends after all, and
they have all hung out countless times. They've even gone on couple's vacations together for
the last three years.

Hyunjin and Changbin take their seats, Changbin sitting next to Jisung and his boyfriend who
may or may not be Lee Minho.

When Jisung was "hitting on a hot guy" drunk as fuck as the club, it was him. The hot guy
was Minho.

To the other side of Hyunjin is his best friend Seungmin who, low and behold, is dating
Hyunjin's ex-boyfriend, Jeongin.

He doesn't feel betrayed, he gave them his blessing. The aftermath of Changbin and Felix
gave him the courage to actually be friends with Jeongin. All three of them started hanging
out again; there's nothing but mutual love and respect between them. So, when Seungmin
pulled a Chan and said he had a thing for Jeongin two years ago, Hyunjin said to go for it.

Hyunjin and Changbin are living one day at a time and loving it. Changbin went back to
being a full-time producer after Yeji gave him raving reviews, which she claims she would've
given him without Hyunjin's encouragement.

When Hyuniin told her they were together, she was ecstatic for them and ensured them they
would both keep their jobs and no retaliation or discrimination would take place.

When Mr. Woo found out, some wheels started turning and said, "Ya know, that makes a lot
of sense. I'm happy for you two. Just keep doing what you're doing and working hard and
we'll be just fine."

They did have to sign some HR papers for a safety net, though.
With his new... but also old... position, Changbin works either from home in the studio he had
built at the penthouse with the divorce money or at the studios next to the office. Hyunjin
remains CFO in the offices. They carpool to work, Changbin makes him dinner most days,
then some nights they feel fruity and have some kinky sex from the bowl.

Yes, they actually use it.

Life fell together perfectly for everyone and -

Wait, it's starting.

Chan and Felix are both wearing perfectly-tailored tuxedos and look amazing. They stand in
front of each other, tears in their eyes, and say their vows.

Changbin's on the verge of tears himself and Hyunjin notices; he holds his hand and looks
into his eyes. "I love you."

"Love you too."

With their little moment they looked back just to get to the fun part.

"May I present to you, Mister and Mister Bang!"

The crowd roars and cheers as Chan takes hold of Felix's back for a photogenic dip kiss.
They pass and wave at everyone as they walk by.

When they get to the best friend row, Felix tugs on Chan's hand to stop for a moment and
looks at Changbin. He reaches out for Changbin to hold his hand which confuses him but he
does it.
"Thank you Changbin, for everything."

"Love you, Lixie."

He smiles sweetly at Changbin then lets go to turn back to Chan to give him a passionate
kiss, triggering more crowd engagement, then going on their merry way back down the aisle.

Their wedding was at lunchtime so they didn't get too wasted. They all danced, talked, teared
up during the first dance, and ate some cake.

Now they're all sitting around the table and chatting.

"It is wild though. If Felix had never met you he would've never met Chan. And if you'd
never gotten that office job you'd have never met Hyunjin… at least not as quickly as you
did." Jisung points out.

"That is very true."

"So when are you guys getting married?" Changbin looks over at Jeongin, who's taking a sip
of his wine and looking over at him expectantly.

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe one day." Changbin looks over at Hyunjin who has the most
beautiful, beaming smile across his face.

Hyunjin leans in for a kiss, gently placing his hand on Changbin's cheek. "Maybe one day."

They tell Felix and Chan bye, that they'll see them next weekend for their bi-weekly 8-person
game night. They then wave their group goodbye and get in the car.
Somehow, it's almost time for the dinner reservation Hyunjin said he made.

"Ready to go?" Hyunjin says as he starts the engine.

"Let's go. I'm ready for more food."

They arrive and go in to meet the hostess.

Is this the same one from our first lunch date here?

No way. It's been such a long time.

She greets them and sits them at the same table from, of course, the first time they were here.
It's just as beautiful as Changbin remembers it.

Hyunjin pulls Changbin's chair out for him. "My sir."

"Why, thank you sir." Changbin smiles as he sits down, Hyunjin walks over to the other side
of the table to sit down as well. "You didn't have enough fancy in your life today, huh? Had to
go and have our own night after theirs."


"No, not at all."

They ordered their food and had a bottle of expensive wine brought to the table, talking the
whole time about whatever came to mind.
They're taking in the perfect weather and mood of the scenery.

"Do you remember what happened here?" Hyunjin asks.

"Should I? I know we had that big talk before Felix came back."

"Close enough. This is where you told me I wasn't just your side piece, that you were in love
with me."

Changbin's mouth falls open as he flashbacks to that. "Oh my god, I did kinda tell you I loved
you for the first time here. Then you paid and we left."

"Oh please," he chuckles, "you know why I felt that way."

"Of course. And what matters most," Changbin lifts up his wine glass, "is where we are

Hyunjin nods, lifting up his glass as well and meets Changbin's for a toast, clinking their
glasses together. They both take a sip.

"Ya know, uh, I've never wanted to rush you into anything… You're almost 30, ya know, old
," the side eye Changbin gives him is obvious but Hyunjin smirks and continues, "but we've
talked a lot about what we want, our futures, and it seems abundantly clear that we're going
to stay together for a long time."

"Yes, Jinnie," Changbin reaches out to take both of his hands over the table, "I want you
forever. I need you forever. I've fallen in love with you more and more each day since I've
met you."

"Good! Then I guess you won't mind if I do this."

Hyunjin stands up... wait... why is he standing up?

Oh god is he - ahhh why is he getting on one knee?!

"I don't think I need to give a huge sappy speech, god knows we've done that enough to each
other at this point, but there's one thing I haven't said yet... or rather, haven't asked.
Changbin," Hyunjin reaches into his pants pocket, taking out a tiny black box, opening it to
expose a silver Gucci band, "Seo Changbin, will you marry me?"

Changbin feels his eyes well up with tears, but he's not too much of an emotional wreck to
say, "Yes, Hwang Hyunjin. Yes, I'll marry you."

He gently takes Changbin's hand, sliding the ring on like his hand is precious, made of glass,
kissing it once it's in place.

He looks back up at Changbin. "Also, that night Felix talked to me as you signed the papers,
he said to propose to you if we decide to get married. You deserve to be the one being
pampered in your love story. He reminded me again before we left the wedding. He told me
to tell him how it goes tonight."

Changbin takes Hyunjin's cheeks in his hands, pulling him up enough to kiss him
passionately. "So you were concocting a conspiracy?"

"A little bit."

"I knew it."

They smile at each other's lips and go in for another kiss.

The hostess comes up behind them, handing Changbin a polaroid photo.

"Mr. Hwang requested we take a photo. We hope it turned out to your liking."

Changbin takes it in his hands... it looks like a picture he'd use to brag about his engagement
to his friends.

"It's perfect."

She bows with a slight smile and heads back to her place behind the glass French doors with
everyone else who was watching this unfold.

Changbin looks back to Hyunjin, not being able to come up with anything more than "I love
you, Hyunjin."

"I love you too, Changbin."

Chapter End Notes

I fully intended to spread this out over the course of 2 weeks but ended up having a lot
of free time and not much final editing in the last half. I basically binge-posted in a
weekend... sorry for the lack of suspense, I got excited.
This was my first for so many things. I know it has its flaws but this fic is my baby
(despite being my longest to date) and it has a special place in my heart. Thank you so
much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it ❤
Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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