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Claim Entitlement Audit Points to be checked

PTO Casual Leave (CL) – 20 days in a calendar  Does not exceed 20 days
year w.e.f. 24th Jan 2020 (IO 19/22) (excluding prefix/suffix)
 In case the total absence
(including prefix/suffix)
exceeds 20 days, stop
Field Allow (i.e. CFAA &
day of absence.
 Stop HAUC/HH from 15th
day of absence.
PTO Special Casual Leave – SCL (73 to75 of
Leave Rules) Maximum limit is not
- Participation in sporting events, exceeded
tournaments – max 30 days. (only if
participated in Official Capacity and not in
personal capacity) (Authority to grant SCL
vests with COAS or any officer of the rank of
Director and above.)
- Participation in Trekking Expeditions-
approved by Indian Mountaineering
Foundation viz. Mansarovar Yatra. max 30
days. IO 43/2015 & 45/2015.
- Participation in Indian Institute of
Public Administration(IIPA) – max 6 days
plus journey period.(For Officers serving
outside Delhi who are members of IIPA and
required to attend meeting)
- Meetings of Scientific Association to the
extent required. (Authority to grant SCL
vests with Brig/Sub Area Cdr)
- undergoing sterilization operation –
 Male Officers whose wives undergo
tubectomy operation -7 days
 Male officers, whose wives undergo
tubectomy/salpingectomy operation -7
 Female officers, who undergo
tubectomy operation – 14 days
 Female officers on the day of IUCD
insertion /re-insertion – 1 day
 Female officers who undergo
salpingectomy operation-max 14 days
 Female officers, whose husbands
undergo vasectomy operation – 1 day
 Male and female officers on
development of post-operational
complications after sterlisation – entire
period of hospitalization.
 Male and female officers for
recanalisation - 21 days special casual
leave or actual period of hospitalization
whichever is less.
PTO Annual Leave : AL Regular Officers -  Maximum limit is not
- 60 days in a calendar year exceeded.
- Leave can be extended to next  In case the AL availed is
calendar year, subject to exceeding 60 days in a
commencement in the current year, check whether the
calendar year). Leave of the year officer was in UN Mission
extended to, remains unaffected. in the previous year. If
- May be taken in installments yes, accept the same.
Entitlement of AL – Regular
- Retiring on 31st Jan - 30 days
- Retiring on 28/29 Feb - 58/59 days.
- Retiring in March – 60 days.
Entitlement of AL in the year of Release –
SSC Officers
- Release prior to 31st Jan – not
- Release on 31st Jan – 30 days.
- Release during the month of Feb prior
to 28th/29th Feb – 30 days.
- Release on 28th/29th Feb – 58/59
days, as the case may be.
- Release in the month of March and
thereafter – 60 days.
Annual Leave Accumulation :
- Upto – 300 days during entire service.
- Max. 30 days in a calendar year.
- No accumulation for SSC Officers in
the year of Release.

Entitlement of AL in the year of

Retirement for Encashment : Regular
- Officers retiring on 31st Jan – 15 days
- Officers retiring in Feb or thereafter –
30 days.
AL to Re-employed Officers in the year of
Re-employment :
- No leave in case availed - entire 60
- Balance of AL in the year of re-
employment who could not avail full
60 days in previous engagement
- Re-employed in Dec or after a gap of
30 days or more after Regular service
– Max 30 days, provided they have 30
days balance from their previous

Carry Forward of AL to Officers on

Deputation to UN Mission:
Entitled to carry forward Maximum 30
days of AL per year of deployment
minus leave already availed, to the next
year, on return to India.
PTO Furlough Leave (FL) Check that 60 days is not
- 3 years cycle will commence from the exceeded in a cycle of 3 years
year of Commission(irrespective of
- 2 calendar months (e.g. 1st July to
31st August) in one spell or 60 days if
availed in parts for every 3 years from
the year of Commission.
- Non-accumulative.
- Can be availed anytime after
commencement of 3 year cycle.
- FL may be extended to the next cycle
of 3 years without prejudice to the
entitlement of next year.
- FL cannot be combined with FL of the
following year.
- FL can be combined with AL/Sick
Leave with a sequence as AL – FL- SL-
Joining Time(if any)
- FL can not be encashed.
- SSC Officers are entitled, provided
they serve for a minimum of 3 years.
- Half Pay (BP+MSP+DA+NPA(If
any)+Specialist Pay +Para Allowance
+Technical Allowance +Training
Allowance +Qualification Pay)
Note : Not admissible to NCC

PTO Sick Leave – SL  Check leave of the officer

Authority to grant SL lies with Hospital. has been regularized by
SL can not be challenged. the unit.
- Granted when sickness exceeds 30  That AL has been included
days. while regularizing leave.
- Will reckon from first day of  Stop Tran. In case covers
admission in the hospital till the date 1 calendar month.
of final discharge from hospital.(i.e.
one day prior to date of reporting to
- In the 1st instance – 6 months which
includes AL due for the year.
- Further extension 3 months at a time
upto a total period of 12 months, may
be extended upto 24 months by
Competent Medical Board.
- Where SL spills over to the next year,
AL of the following year will be debited
- Where there is no reasonable prospect
of an officer becoming fit for duty, the
CO of the Hospital initiates
proceedings to invalid him out of
service. In such a case, extension of
sick leave by 3 months beyond the
initial period of 6 months may be
granted by Adjutant General.
Entitlement of Pay & Allowances during
Sick Leave (attributable to Service

- Full Pay & Allowances during entire

period of hospitalization.
- Full P & A after hospitalization (which
includes AL due) for the period of Sick
Leave till reporting for duty.

Regularisation of absence for

hospitalization period (from the initial
hospitalization to final discharge):
- To debit balance of AL available for
that year.
- To regularize further period by GTDSL
- If the absence spills over to the next
year :
debit the AL of the following year
from 1st of Jan of that year’s

Entitlement of Pay & Allowances during

Sick Leave
(not attributable to Service conditions):

- Full P & A for 6 months (which

includes AL) for hospitalization.
- In case already availed AL, the period
will be reduced from SL to that extent.
- Furlough rates of pay beyond SL
provided reasonable prospect of officer
joining duty.

Regularisation of absence for

hospitalization period (from the initial
hospitalization to final discharge):
- To debit balance of AL available for
that year.
- To debit FL upto 2 months(Max), if
available. This makes the pay at
furlough rates.
- To regularize further period by GTDSL
- If the absence spills over to the next
year :
debit the AL of the following year
from 1st of Jan of that year’s

PTO Sick List Concession – SLC  Maximum of 30 days.

- It’s a concession and not a kind of  Stop
leave. Field(HAFA/CFAA/CMFA)
- For Sickness only upto 30 days or / SCCIA/ RH on 16th day.
less.  Stop HAUCA/HH on 15th
- Treated as duty if stood by itself day.
 Stop Tran. In case covers
1 calendar month.
Leave on Invalidment :  Stop Tran. In case covers
- Admissible only to officers whose 1 calendar month.
sickness is attributable to military  Stop
service. Field(HAFA/CFAA/CMFA)
- entitled to leave up to 8 months from / SCCIA/ RH/
the first day of absence from duty. HAUCA/HH on 1st day.

PTO Maternity Leave:  Maximum limit is not

- 180 days for each confinement exceeded.
subject to maximum of two surviving  Stop Tran. In case covers
children - 1 or more calendar
 Stop
HAUCA/HH on 1st day.

PTO Special Maternity Leave:  Maximum limit is not

30 days for miscarriage / abortion exceeded.
(including medical termination of  Stop Tran. In case covers
pregnancy under the MTP Act) subject 1 or more calendar
to conditions: month/s.
 ONLY 2 TIMES.  Stop
 Interval of not less than 24 Field(HAFA/CFAA/CMFA)
months between two successive / SCCIA/ RH/
spells. HAUCA/HH on 1st day.
Grant during the first year will be subject to
a Nursing officer giving an undertaking that
she will continue in the service for another
year from the date of rejoining from such
PTO Child Care Leave – Maximum limit is not
Regular/MNS/WTLOs (NCC) - PC - 360 exceeded
SSC – 180 days.
- also applicable to single male
(unmarried or widower or divorcee)
PC & SSC officers and also to
biological / adoptee
- For taking care of only 2 eldest
surviving children, whether from 1st
child birth, below 18 years of age.
- Prescribed age limit not applicable in
case of disability of child (minimum
- To adoptee mothers also.
- Can be granted only 2 times in a
calendar year. (Not less than *5 days
in each spell and not more than 30
days in each spell up to a maximum
of 60 days in a year).
- In case, CCL spills over to the next
year, it shall be treated as one spell
against the year in which it
- SSC officers later granted PC, will be
entitled to difference max upto 360
- Prefixing/Suffixing of holidays to CCL
is permitted.
- CCL will not be debited against any
other leave account.
- CCL cannot be granted as a matter of
- CCL can be combined with any other
leave except casual leave.
- CCL will not be granted during the
period of probation /training
(including pre-commissioning and
post-commissioning course of
- Permitted to avail LTC during CCL.

Effective from 01st Sept 2008.

*Effective from 14th Aug 2019.

PTO Child Adoption Leave – (PC & SSC) - on Maximum limit is not
the lines of Maternity Leave – exceeded
- If the child is below the age of 1 one
year, may be sanctioned 180 days, on
each occasion subject to maximum of
two surviving children immediately
after the date of valid adoption.
In addition to Child Adoption Leave, the
following may be combined ;
- Child Adoption Leave may be
combined with AL & FL on sliding
scale based on age of child on the
date of adoption.
- Below age of 4 months – 9 months –
4 months Max. (two months annual
Leave and two months furlough leave)
- 9 - 12 months – 3 months Max
(annual Leave and furlough leave)
- Granted in one single spell
- Applicable w.e.f. 15th Jan 2016.

PTO Paternity Leave – Male Officers – Maximum limit is not

- 15 days subject to exceeded
 Officer should have less than 2
surviving children
 during the period of confinement of
his wife i.e. up to the period of 15
days before or up to 6 months from
the date of delivery of the child.
 may be combined with AL.
 Applicable w.e.f. 15th Jan 2016.
Paternity leave on adoption of a child –
Male Officers-
- 15 days subject to
 Officer should have less than 2
surviving children
 The child should be below the age
of 1 year on the date of valid
 Leave within 6 months from the
date of valid adoption of child.
 May be combined with Annual
Leave. In such case, Paternity leave
will be followed by AL.
 Applicable w.e.f. 15th Jan 2016.
Study Leave :
- With draw full pay of the rank held
and all allowances.
- House Rent Allowance admissible at
the rate applicable to the study leave
station, provided no Govt
accommodation lying vacant at study
leave station.
- Regular Officers – Rule 27 to 30
Leave Rules for the Services-Vol I
Army and AI 42/82 and AO 11/87.
- AMC and ADC – Rule 28(A) Leave
Rules for the Services-Vol I Army and
AI 13/78.
- RVC – Rule 29 Leave Rules for the
Services-Vol I Army and AI 137/66.
- Military Farms – Rule 30 Leave Rules
for the Services-Vol I Army.
Officer seeks Retirement /Resigns –
during study leave/ fails to complete his
course of study /within 3 years after
return to duty except –

 (on grounds of ill health and other

compassionate grounds within a
period of (3 years – Regular Officers,
AMC/ADC/RVC – 5 years) after
return to duty or
 is deputed to serve in any statutory or
autonomous body or institution under
the control of the Govt and is
subsequently permitted to resign from
service under the Govt with a view to
his permanent absorption in the said
statutory or autonomous body or
institution in the public interest or
 the Govt may, waive or reduce the
amount required to be refunded).

Are required to refund the actual amount of

leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees,
travelling and other expenses, if any,
incurred by the Govt. and the actual
amount, if any, of the cost incurred by other
agencies such as foreign Govt. foundations
and trusts in connection with the course of
study, together with interest thereon at
rates for the time being in force on
Government loans from the date of demand,
before permission to retire is granted or his
resignation is accepted.
Auth.: AI 42/82, AI 13/78. AI 137/66, AI

Encashment of Leave :

- admissible with reference to the

number of days of annual leave at the
- Max 300 days (including SSC Officers
and also after 2nd tenure provided 300
days not exceeded) at the time of
proceeding on superannuation /
release/ discharged on his own
request/ invalided out of service/die
while in service.
- Max 30 days to be accumulated in a
calendar year
- Annual leave of the year of retirement
 Those retiring on 31st January
- 15 days
 Those retiring in February and
thereafter - 30 days

AL of the year of termination of engagement

 Short Service Commissioned officers -
not encashable.
 Invalidated Officers – AL of the year of
invalidation, which is not required to
be adjusted against hospitalization of
sick leave will be allowed to be
encashed subject to limit of maximum
of 30 days for that year.
- Accumulation of annual leave for
encashment during re-employment is
not permissible
Death while in Service :
- Annual leave already accumulated
If Death in January/February - encashment
of leave only up to 50% of the annual leave
due and admissible on the day preceding
the day on which the death takes place will
be allowed to be encashed.

Cashiered/Dismissed from service -

Encashment of leave is not admissible.

Newly Commissioned –
- Officer who reports for duty on 30
Dec or 31 Dec of the year of
commissioning – no accumulation of
annual leave for encashment in the
year of commission.
- Officer who reports for duty in 1st or
2nd week of Dec permitted to
accumulate 15 days annual leave for
that year.
Encashment of Leave on LTC-

- 10 days at the time of availing of LTC

subject to following conditions ;-
 Total 60 days during service
 Balance of at least 30 days
annual leave will still have to be
available to the officer's credit
after taking into account the
period of encashment of leave
as well as actual availing of
leave during LTC.
 Max 30 days can be
accumulated in a calendar year.
 Encashment of annual leave on
LTC is admissible, even if, the family
avails LTC alone without the
 The benefit of leave encashment
may be allowed 60 days before the
proposed date of outward
 Encashment of AL on LTC
permissible from the leave
accumulated for encashment purpose
 Re-employed officer – upto a
max limit of 60 days and provided
entitled to LTC.

Encashment of Leave on LTC Claim passed Check, based on, the list of
in Advance – officers admitted advance of
encashment of LTC, whether
Ledger Wing Sections will admit the LTC journey performed /
rejected from T wing section.
Encashment of Leave on LTC claims after
In case rejected, recover the
due audit & verification without waiting for amount under intimation to
admittance of LTC Claim by ‘T Wing

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