Unit Testing Module2023

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JMSE-TEST - Software Testing &

Quality Assurance

Unit 4: Unit testing

Dr. Manal Shoman

Course Title: Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Unit 5: Testing techniques

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• The main objective of unit testing is to isolate the smallest piece of testable software
(module, function class) in the system, from the remainder of the code, and check
whether it behaves exactly as expected.

• Unit testing verifies that the component functions correctly (in a controlled
environment) with the expected output.

• large percentage of defects are recognizes during unit testing.

• unit testing allows us to isolate the errors to a single module.

• Unit test concentrate on the internal processing logic and data structure within the

• can be conducted in parallel for multiple

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Software modules.
Testing & Quality Assurance
Unit testing found the following errors:
• computation errors
• Incorrect comparison
• Improper control flow
• Misunderstand and incorrect arithmetic precedence
• Mixed mode operation
• Incorrect initialization
• Precision inaccuracy
This unit covers: black box, white box and mutation testing techniques
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 4

At the end of this unit the student would be able to:

• Understand meaning of unit testing

• Distinguish black box vs. white box testing

• To learn the basic white box and black box testing techniques.

• Identify equivalence classes for any given variable.

• Design test cases corresponding to equivalence class testing and boundary value
analysis for any given problem.

• Recognize and distinguish basic terms Adequacy and coverage

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance Section 4
At the end of this unit the student would be able to:
• Understand Concept of structural testing
• Design statement coverage test cases for a code segment.
• Design branch coverage test cases for a code segment.
• Design condition coverage test cases for a code segment .
• Draw control flow graph for any program.
• Identify the linear independent paths.
• Compute cyclomatic complexity from any control flow graph.
• Understand mutation testing as one application of fault-based testing principles

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Unit 5: List of topics
1. Black Box Testing
2. White Box Testing,
3. Mutation Testing

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

• black-box technique also called, data-driven, or input/output- driven

• To use this method, view the program as a black box.
• This technique is to be completely unconcerned about the internal
structure of the program.
• It concentrate on finding cases in which the program does not
behave according to its specifications.
• Test case designer has no knowledge of algorithm implementation.
• test cases are designed from the requirement specification.

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

black box testing fundamentals

• view the program as a black box.
• known as specification-based testing, focuses on the functional requirements of the
• Depends on inputs and outputs, with no knowledge of its implementation.


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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

black box testing fundamentals

used to ensure that:
(1) the program does what it is supposed to do and
(2) does not do what it is not supposed to do.
can be applied in unit, integration, system and acceptance testing.
Dynamic testing, because the program is running

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

black box testing fundamentals

Inputs causing
Input test data I behaviour


Outputs which reveal

the presence of
Output test results Oe defects

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing

black box testing fundamentals

Attempts to find errors in the following categories:
Incorrect or lost functions
Interface errors
data structures errors and external database access
performance and behaviour errors
Initialization and termination errors

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

black box testing fundamentals

black box testing techniques are as follows:

• equivalence partitioning

• boundary value testing, and

• random testing.

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Equivalence Partitioning
Equivalence partition (EP) or Equivalence Class (EC) is a method used to reduce the
number of test cases to a controllable level while maintaining reasonable test
EC divides the input domain of a program (unit) into partitions (classes) of data
from which test cases can be derived.
Each EC comprise of a set of data that is treated the same by the unit or that
should exhibit the same result.
Data values within a class is equivalent, in terms of testing, to any other value.
Test cases are designed to cover each partition at least once.
This is a valuable technique because it is promising to uncover a class of errors
at a time, corresponding to the class of input.

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Equivalence Partitioning
Input domain
Input domain partitioned into four


Large set of Four test inputs, one

test inputs. selected from each
Fig (a) partition .
Fig (b)

EQP Reduces test cases

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Equivalence Partitioning

equivalence partitioning test cases design steps:

(1) identify the equivalence classes and
(2) define the test cases.

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing
Equivalence Partitioning
Identifying the Equivalence Classes
First-level partitioning: Valid vs. Invalid values

Invalid Valid

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Topic 1: Black Box Testing
Equivalence Partitioning
Identifying the Equivalence Classes
Partition valid and invalid classes into equivalence classes

Invalid Valid

If there is any purpose to expect that the program does not treat elements in an
equivalence class identically, split the equivalence class into smaller equivalence
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Guidelines of Equivalent classes

1. Input is a range –> one valid and two invalid equivalence classes:

less than range in range greater than range

Input condition is a range: there are a minimum of 3 classes of values, one valid
and two invalid classes are defined.
Input condition

– range of values x: 1-50

• Valid equivalence class
– 1 < x < 50
• Invalid equivalence classes
– x > 50

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Guidelines of Equivalent classes

 Input condition requires specific value: one valid and two invalid classes are defined

Input is a specific value –> one valid and two invalid equivalence classes:

less than value value greater than value

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Guidelines of Equivalent classes

Input condition is Boolean: one valid and one invalid class are defined

Input is Boolean –> one valid and one invalid class:

non Boolean Boolean

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Guidelines of Equivalent classes

Input is a set of related values –> one valid and one invalid

not member of set

member of set

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing


Input Condition Data Description values # valid classes # invalid classes

Range Age 1 – 99 1 2

Specific value Expiration Year 2005 1 2

Set Color red, blue green 1 1

Boolean balance overdue? True 1 1

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Equivalence Partitioning
Identifying the Test Cases
The process is as follows:
1. Assign a identifier to each equivalence class.
2. Until all valid equivalence classes have been covered by at least one test
case, write a new test case covering as many of the valid equivalence
classes as possible.
3. Until all invalid equivalence classes have been covered, write a test case
that covers one, and only one, of the uncovered invalid equivalence
For each test case, assign it with the equivalence class identifiers that it covers.

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Equivalence Partitioning
Identifying the Test Cases

Invalid Valid

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Equivalence Partitioning: Example 1

Suppose that program P takes an input X, X being an integer.

For X<0 perform task (T1)

For X>=0 perform task (T2)

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Equivalence Partitioning: Example 1

Equivalence class Equivalence class

One Possible X<0 X>=0

Test Case: Another test case:
X=-3 X=15

 All test inputs in the X<0 partition are considered equivalent.

 The assumption is that if one test input in this partition reveals an error in the
program, so will the others.
 This is true of the test inputs in the X>=0 partition also.

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Advantages & disadvantages of EC

A few number of test cases are required.
equivalence class partitioning technique used for both input and output
Assumptions of equivalence can be tricky – and incorrect
Designing a well equivalent class is difficult
dependent on the testers’ intuition

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Boundary value testing

• Boundary value analysis (BVA) technique complements equivalence

• is a special case of equivalence testing focuses on the boundary values
of input variables.
• focuses on tests at and near the boundaries of equivalence classes.
• targets faults at the boundaries of equivalence classes.
• applied to both input and output conditions.

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Boundary value testing

Invalid Valid

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Boundary value testing

BV Steps:
1. Identify the ECs.
2. Identify the boundaries of each EC.
3. Create test cases for each boundary value by choosing one point on
the boundary, one point just below the boundary, and one point
just above the boundary.

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing


1. If the input range is bounded by a and b, then use a, b, and values just above
and just below a and b, respectively.

a b

Integer D with input condition [-3, 5]

Test values: -3, 5, -2, 6, -1, 4

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Topic 1: Black Box Testing
2. If the input is a number of values, use the minimum and maximum of the values and values just above and just below
them, respectively.

min max

Enumerate data E D with input condition {3, 5, 50, 75, 100, 102}

Test values: 3, 102, -1, 5, 100,110

3. Apply guidelines 1 and 2 to create output values at the minimum and maximum expected values.

4. If data structures have boundaries, test these boundary values and values just above and just below them, respectively.
e.g., for an array of bounds 1 to 10 — test array index equal to 0, 1,2, 9, 10, 11

Joint Master in Software Engineering

Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

advantages and disadvantages of BVA

– Commercial tool support available
– Easy to automate
– Appropriate for computation-Intensitive applications with variables that
describe physical quantities (e.g., have units, such as meters, degrees,
– Does not work well for Boolean variables
Does not work well for logical variables
– Tools only generate inputs, user must generate expected outputs.

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

function which takes a parameter “month”.
valid range for the month is 1 to 12, representing January to December.
two further partitions of invalid ranges.

x<1 1 ≤ x ≤ 12 12 < x
Test cases are chosen so that each partition would be tested.

-2 5 17

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1 ≤ x ≤ 12
Software Testing & Quality Assurance
12 < x
Topic 1: Black Box Testing


Test cases are supplemented with boundary values.

-2 1 5 12 17
0 2 11 13
x<1 1 ≤ x ≤ 12 12 < x

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Topic 1: Black Box Testing

• Consider a software unit that is designed to accept the name of a grocery item and
a list of the distincit sizes the item arrives, specified in ounces.
• The requirements are:
a) item name: alphabetic characters (length 2 to 15 characters).

b) Size: a value in the range [1 to 48].

c) The sizes are accepted in ascending order (smaller sizes first).

d) A maximum of five sizes may be entered for each item.

e) The item name is to be entered first, followed by a comma, then followed by a list of sizes.

f) A comma will be used to separate each size.

g) Spaces (blanks) are to be ignored anywhere in the input.

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Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Derived Equivalence Classes

1.Item name is alphabetic (valid)
13. Size values entered in ascending order (valid)
2.Item name is not alphabetic (invalid)
14. Size values entered in nonascending order (invalid)
3.Item name is less than 2 characters in length
15. No size values entered (invalid)
4.Item name is 2 to 15 characters in length (valid) 16. One to five size values entered (valid)
5.Item name is greater than 15 characters in 17. More than five sizes entered (invalid)

length (invalid) 18. Item name is first (valid)

6.Size value is less than 1 (invalid) 19. Item name is not first (invalid)
7.Size value is in the range 1 to 48 (valid) 20. A single comma separates each entry in list (valid)
8.Size value is greater than 48 (invalid) 21. A comma does not separate two or more entries in the
9.Size value is a whole number (valid)
list (invalid)
10.Size value is a decimal (invalid)
22. The entry contains no blanks (???)
11.Size value is numeric (valid)
23. The entry contains blanks (????)
12.Size value includes nonnumeric characters
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Black Box Test Cases

#Test Data Expected Classes Covered
1 xy,1 T 1,4,7,9,11,13,16,18,20,22
2 AbcDefghijklmno,1,2,3,4,48 T 1,4,7,9,11,13,16,18,20,23
3 a2x,1 F 2
4 A,1 F 3
5 abcdefghijklmnop F 5
6 Xy,0 F 6
7 XY,49 F 8
8 Xy,2.5 F 10
9 xy,2,1,3,4,5 F 14
10 Xy F 15
11 XY,1,2,3,4,5,6 F 17
12 1,Xy,2,3,4,5 F 19
13 XY2,3,4,5,6 F 21
14 AB,2#7 F 12
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 1: Black Box Testing

Advantages & Disadvantages Black Box Testing

• more effective on larger units of code • only a small number of possible inputs can actually be tested, to
test every possible input stream would take nearly forever;
than glass box testing; • without clear and concise specifications, test cases are hard to
• tester needs no knowledge of design;
implementation, including specific • there may be unnecessary repetition of test inputs if the tester
is not informed of test cases the programmer has already tried;
programming languages; • may leave many program paths untested;
• tester and programmer are •cannot be directed toward specific segments of code which may
independent of each other; be very complex (and therefore more error prone);
• tests are done from a user's point of • most testing related research has been directed toward glass
box testing.
• will help to expose any ambiguities or
inconsistencies in the specifications;
• test cases can be designed as soon
as the specifications are complete.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 2: White Box Testing

• White box testing is applied through unit testing and applied by the developer
• the software source is like a glass box in which everything inside the box is visible.
• It is a verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their code
works as expected.
• IT is also known as structural testing, clear box testing, glass box testing and code-
based test
• It is a test case design technique that based on expected behavior and uses the
control structure of the unit design to deduce test cases.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

White-Box fundamentals
derives test cases based on the program’s logic
goal is to ensure that all statements and conditions have been executed at least
decide whether all of the software units do what they are designed for and error-

assumes that the tester knows everything about the software.

is much more expensive than Black Box testing.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

White-Box fundamentals
white-box testing methods, apply test cases that
(1) Guarantee that all independent paths within a unit have been executed at
least once,
(2) Execute all logical decisions on their true and false sides,
(3) Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds,
(4) Execute data structures to ensure their validity.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Exhaustive testing
indicate testing the given program with every member of the input value space
It is infeasible to realize exhaustive testing in general
For sample shown in the figure
There are 1014 possibility paths! If we execute one test per millisecond, it would take
3170 years to finished test
Test coverage criteria
execute a program using a definable and reasonable number of test cases

a selected path

loop 

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Topic2: White-Box Testing

white-box testing techniques:

Statement coverage
branch coverage
condition coverage
path coverage

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Statement coverage

• Ensures each statement in a program is executed at least once.

• The main consideration is that unless a statement is executed,

it is difficult to determine it has an error.

• Behaving a statement properly for one input value does not

guarantee that it will behave correctly for all input values

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Example: Statement Coverage

1 int maxPositive(int n1, int n2) {
2 if (n1<=1 && n2<=1)
3 n1=1;
4 if (n1<=n2)
5 n1=n2;
6 return n1; }

Test Case: n1=n2=1

Guarantee statement coverage
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Topic 2: White Box Testing

int compute-gcd (int x, int y){
1 while (x != y){
2 if (x>y) then
3 x=x-y;
4 else y=y-x;
6 return x;
GCD function }
Test cases set {(x=3,y=3),(x=4,y=3), (x=3,y=4)}
all statements are executed at least once.
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 50
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Branch Coverage
Branch Coverage requires that each branch must be executed, and that every
program entry point will have been taken, at least once.
Also called Edge Coverage or decision coverage.
It executes of Boolean expressions of the unit as both true and false.
It stronger coverage technique guarantees statement coverage and evaluate an
compound Boolean expression as one true-or-false predicate.
The objective is to accomplish 100% branch coverage.
In large systems only 75%-85% is practical.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Branch Coverage- Example 1

3 if (a == 0) {
7 if ((a==b) OR ((c == d) AND bug(a) )) {

Table above shows three of the four necessary conditions - 75% branch
add Test Case 3 : foo(1, 2, 1, 2, 1) to bring us to 100% branch coverage
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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Branch Coverage- Example 2

The following paths are sufficient
for branch coverage:
a > 1 AND true
1–2–4–5–7 false
1–3–4–6–7 x←x/a 3

Possible input: a == 2 true

OR x>1
1. a = 2, b = 2, x = -1 6
false x ←x+1 5
2. a = 3, b = 0, x = 1

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

int compute-gcd (int x, int y){ Euclid's GCD function
1 while (x != y){
Test set {(x=3, y=3), (x=3, y=2),
2 if (x>y) then (x=4, y=3), (x=3, y=4)}

3 x=x-y; Satisfy branch coverage.

4 else y=y-x;
6 return x; }

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 54

Topic 2: White Box Testing

Branch Coverage
• Advantage:
easy to understand
simple to realize 100% coverage
overcomes the shortcomings of statement coverage.
• Disadvantage:
100% branch coverage does guarantee that the logical structure of the decision
point will be adequately tested.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing
Condition coverage
Designed test cases such that:
• each component of a compound decision expression takes on all possible outcomes (both
true and false) at least once
• Condition Coverage does not demand that each decision exercises on all possible outcomes
• Example: if Not (A or B) then C
• apply A = True, B = False, then A = False and B = True satisfies Condition Coverage,
although statement C will never be executed
• it tests relational operator like <, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠ and Boolean operators like OR (|), AND (&),
NOT(⌐) that exist in your program.
• It is a measure of percentage of Boolean sub-expressions of the program that have been
evaluated as both true or false outcome in test cases.
• It is similar to decision coverage but has better sensitivity to the control flow.
• defined by the following formula
• Condition coverage = ( Total decisions exercised / Total number of decisions in
• gives an indication of the percentage of conditions covered by a set of test cases
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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Condition Coverage –Example 1

if A or B then
s1 A B Branch
test 1 T F true
end_if_then_else test 2 F T true

  

Condition Coverage => Branch Coverage

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Condition Coverage –Example 2

Test cases for condition coverage: IF (A>1)&(B=0) THEN

IF (A=2)|(X>1) THEN
each condition be true and false once.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Multiple Condition Coverage

• Determine for each atomic (does not include AND or OR) condition
true and false combinations
• Drive test cases to execute each combination
• Multiple condition coverage also guarantee statement and branch

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 59

Topic 2: White Box Testing

Multiple Condition Coverage: Example1

Consider D=(A<B) OR (A>C) composed of two simple conditions
A< B and A> C
four possibility combinations of the result of the two simple
T or T
1 F or T
Does T doesn't cover all four combinations

T’ cover all four combinations

T or T
1 F or T
T or F
F or F60
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Multiple Condition Coverage example2
int proc(int a, int b, int x)Need test cases satisfy the following”
{ 1. a > 1 is true and b = 0 is true
if ( (a>1) && (b==0) )
{ 2. a > 1 is true and b = 0 is false
x = x/a; 3. a > 1 is false and b = 0 is true
if ( (a==2) || (x>1) ) 4. a > 1 is false and b = 0 is false
{ 5. a = 2 is true and x > 1 is true
x = x+1;
} 6. a = 2 is true and x > 1 is false
return x; 7. a = 2 is false and x > 1 is true
Possible8. 2 is false
inputa to=satisfy test and x > 1 is false
a = 2, b = 0, x = 2 [1][5]
a = 2, b = 1, x = 0 [2][6]
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a = 0, b = 0, x = 2 [3][7]
Software Testing & Quality Assurance
a = 0, b = 1, x = 0 [4][8]
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Path Coverage
•Test each of the possible paths in each unit.
•also known as predicate coverage.
•Goal of path testing is to guarantee that test cases is will execute path
through the program is executed at least once.
• Design test cases satisfy that all linearly independent paths in the unit
are executed at least once.
• linearly independent path defined in using control flow graph (CFG) of
the component.
• The strongest testing technique
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 62
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Path Coverage
Deriving Test Cases is as follows:
Step 1 : draw a flow graph Using the design or code of a unit,.

Step 2: Determine the cyclomatic complexity of the flow graph.

Step 3: Determine a basis set of linearly independent paths.

Step 4: Prepare test cases that will satisfy execution of each path in the basis set.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Path Coverage
Control flow graph represents:
way in which all statements executed.
control flows moving through the unit.
CFG steps:
Assign numbers to all the statements of the unit.
Numbers of statements:
depict nodes of the CFG.
An arc (edge) from one node to other node exists:
if execution of the statement presenting the first node
can proceed in
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Control Flow Graphs (CFGs)
A control flow graph (CFG) captures the flow of
control in a program.
It consists of basic blocks and arcs connecting those
A basic block is the longest possible sequence of
consecutive statements in a program (entry at
the first statement and exit from the last).
Let us see an example.

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1 begin
2 int x, y, power;
3 float z;
4 input (x, y);
5 if (y<0)
6 power = -y;
7 else
8 power = y;
9 z = 1;
10 while (power! = 0){
11 z = z∗x; Takes two integers
12 power = power -1; x and y and
13 }
14 if (y<0)
outputs xy
15 z = 1/z;
16 output (z);

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1 begin
2 int x, y, power;
3 float z; Basic block
4 input (x, y);
5 if (y<0)
6 power = -y;
7 else
8 power = y;
Basic block
9 z = 1; Takes two integers
10 while (power! = 0){ x and y and
11 z = z∗x; outputs xy
12 power = power -1;
13 }
14 if (y<0)
15 z = 1/z;
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Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Control Flow Graph

A path through a control

flow graph is a
sequence of edges,
indicating the flow of
control in a
corresponding program.
(Start, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 8,
9, End)
(Start, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, End)
(Start, 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, End)
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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Path Coverage
basic structure constructs in a control flow graph


If Then Else While



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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Path Coverage

Linearly independent path

A path through a CFG is a sequence of node and edge from the start
node to the end node of the CFG
An independent path is a path in the CFG that insert one newly node
at least which is not enclosed in any other independent paths.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Path Coverage
int f1(int x,int y){
1 while (x != y){
2 if (x>y) then
3 x=x-y; 3 4
4 else y=y-x; 5
5} 6
6 return x; }
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 72
Topic 2: White Box Testing
Path Coverage
Cyclomatic Complexity
• Cyclomatic complexity is a type of quantitative measure of complexity of a
 Applied in the basis path testing method,
the cyclomatic complexity value defines the count of linearly independent paths.
 the value of cyclomatic complexity defines an upper bound of number of tests
(i.e., paths) that must be designed and exercised to guarantee path coverage
of the program
 it informs approximately how many paths to look for.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing
Path Coverage
Cyclomatic Complexity

Three methods to calculate cyclomatic complexity V(G) of a CFG G:

1. Cyclomatic complexity, V(G), for a flow graph G is defined as
V(G) = E - N +2
E is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes.
2. Cyclomatic complexity, V(G) = P + 1
P is the number of simple predicate nodes in G.
3. The number of regions of the flow graph.
1. V(G) = 11 edges -9 nodes + 2 = 4.
OR number of enclosed areas + 1 3. V(G) = 3 predicate nodes + 1 = 4.
3 The flow graph has four regions.

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Topic 2: White Box Testing
Path Coverage
Cyclomatic Complexity 1
Example of Control Flow Graph 2
3 4
Cyclomatic complexity = 7-6+2 = 3.

number of bounded areas is 2. 6

cyclomatic complexity = 2+1=3

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 75

Topic 2: White Box Testing
Path Coverage

int f1(int x,int y){ 1

1 while (x != y){ 2

2 if (x>y) then 3 4

3 x=x-y; 5

4 else y=y-x; 6

6 return x; }
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 76
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Test Cases
Number of independent paths: 3 1

Path 1: 1,6 test case (x=1, y=1) 2

Path2: 1,2,3,5,1,6 test case(x=1, y=2)

3 4
Path 3: 1,2,4,5,1,6 test case(x=2, y=1)

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 77

Topic 2: White Box Testing

Path Coverage Example 3

procedure: process records
1. do while records remain
2. read record;
3. if record field 1 = 0
4. then store in buffer;
5. increment counter;
6. elseif record field 2 = 0
7. then reset counter;
8. else store in file;
9. endif
10. endif
11. enddo
end 78
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Path Coverage Example 3

6 4
7 8
9 5
11 10

1-2-3-6-7-9-10-1-11 1-2-3-6-8-9-10-1-11 1-2-3-4-5-10-1-11 1-11

Joint Master in Software Engineering
Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing
• Branch coverage is not adequate to test the achievement
of loops
• It indicate two scenarios will be tested: the loop is run
zero times, and the loop is run at least once
• Motivation for loops testing: very often there are errors in
the boundary conditions
• Loop testing is a white-box technique that concentrate on
the validity of loops

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Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing p1
The Goal is to execute loops at end
within their bounds.
Two main components of the loop c1 p3
structure are:
A body statement (P2) which is
executed repeatedly
A control statement (c1) that decide
whether if the body of statements
should be executed and thus serve
as entering and outgoing criteria.

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing
Seven situation proposed for each loop are:
1. Go around the loop (never enter the loop)
2. Go into the loop once
3. Go into the loop twice
4. Go into the loop some “typical” number
5. Go into the loop (max-1) times
6. Go into the loop (max) times
7. Go into the loop (max + 1) times

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing
Four different categories of loops are: simple loops, concatenated loops, nested loops, and unstructured loops

Loops Unstructured
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Loops 84
Topic 2: White Box Testing
Loop Testing
1. Test cases for simple loops (n iterations)
1 skip the loop entirely
2 only one pass through the loop
3 two passes through the loop
4 m passes through the loop where m < n
5 n-1, n, n+1 passes through the loop
Where n is the maximum number of allowable passes

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing
2. Test cases Nested Loops
1 Conduct simple loop tests for the innermost loop
while holding the outer loops at their minimum
iteration p1

2 Work outward, conducting tests for the next

c p3
innermost loop 1
3 Continue until all the loops have been tested loop
p2 p 21

 Tests grow geometrically as the level of nesting C

2 Inner
increases 1 loop
p 22
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing
3. Test cases Concatenated Loops
 If loops are independent loops  use
simple loop testing
 If loops are dependent loops  use nested
loop testing

4. Test cases Unstructured Loops

 Redesign the code
These loop test are designed to have the highest likelihood of
uncovering errors with the minimum amount of effort and overlap of

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance

Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing example

float avg_negative_balance (int arraysize, float balances[])
float total = 0.0;
int count = 0;
for I = 1 to arraysize
if ( balances[I] < 0 )
total += balances[I];
count ++;
end if;
end for;
return total / count;
Test Case Test Data
N=0 size = 0
N=1 size = 1
N = max-1 size = 999 (if SRS says max=1000)
N = max size = 1000
N = max+1 size = 1001, but array has only 1000 elements
Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Loop Testing &example

int ReadLine(istream is, char buf[], int bufLen) {
int count = 0;
while (count < bufLen) {
int c = is.get();
if (c != -1 && c != '\n')
buf[count++] = (char)c;
return count;
} 1) Skip loop entirely:
a. bufLen == 0
2) Exactly one pass:
a. line of length 1 (including the '\n') OR bufLen == 1
3) Exactly two passes:
a. line of length 2 OR bufLen == 2
4) N-1, N, and N+1 passes:
a. lines of length bufLen-1, bufLen, and bufLen+1
5) M passes, where 2 < M < N-1
Joint Master in Softwarea. line of length
Engineering bufLen
Software Testing/&2
Quality Assurance
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Advantages and disadvantages of White-Box Testing

can test extra functions
cannot test missing functions
selection of test cases can only be carried out after coding

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Software Testing & Quality Assurance
Topic 2: White Box Testing

Unit testing tool

Java Testing Tools
junit is a unit testing.
emma is a code coverage tool.
The tools provide statement and branch coverage reports during the unit testing
Junit Enables rapid and simple test creation, execution, and evaluation
JUnit is an open source unit testing tool for Java language developed by Kent Beck
and Erich Gamma.
Tests can be scattered in code or organized into separate suites

Joint Master in Software Engineering Software Testing & Quality Assurance 91

EclEmma free and easy to use.
EclEmma which is integrated into Eclipse

• See file JUnit_EclEMMA.pdf for instruction and example.

• http://junit.sourceforge.net/
• http://www.eclemma.org/

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