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Shruti Pathak (2213635)

Suhani Juyal (2213641)

Varsha Kumari(2213662)

Suhani Tyagi (2213642)

Sharshti Bisen(2213630)
Smriti (2213637)
Work: Work is what we do every day to make a living, like going to a job, cooking, cleaning,
or studying. It's how we get things done and take care of ourselves.
Worship: Worship is when people pray, show respect, and do special things as part of their
religion or spiritual beliefs, like going to church or temple.
The idea that "Work is Worship" brings these two things together. It says that the work we
do every day can be a kind of respect and devotion, just like when people worship in their
religious places. When we think of work as worship, it means we should do our tasks with
care, honesty, and a sense of purpose, just like we show respect in our religious practices.
This way, our work becomes meaningful and important. Thinking of work as worship makes
our work better and gives us a sense of purpose. It reminds us that our daily tasks are not
just things we have to do but are chances for us to grow, contribute, and find meaning in
our lives. It's a timeless idea that keeps motivating people to do their work with care and
passion, turning ordinary tasks into something special and important.
Mahatma Gandhi's life and work
exemplified the philosophy that "Work is
Simple Living and High Thinking
Non-Violence as a Form of Worship
Selfless Service to the Community
Simplicity in Work and Dignity of
Living in Harmony with Principles
शिव ज्ञाने जीव सेवा
All work is sacred
Work as worship
Service to man is service to God
Karma Yoga

Bharat Doshi's successful career and

the way he worked remind us of the
idea that "Work is Worship." This
means that when we do our jobs
with dedication and a sense of
purpose, it's like a form of devotion.
He believed in using his skills and
knowledge to serve others and help
society grow.

Bharat Doshi's story shows us that work can be a

form of devotion and service to others, making
life more meaningful and fulfilling.
The philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and the teaching of the Bhagwat
Gita collectively underscore the profound significance of work is worship.Gandhi ji simple
living and selfless service demonstrate that work can be a form of devotion to humanity.
Swami Vivekananda idea of serving mankind as serving bhagwan elevates every act as sacred
. The Bhagwat Gita guides us to perform our duties with unwavering dedication. Together
they remind us that work when imbued with sincerity and purpose is a spiritual path towards
personal growth service to society and the realisation of our highest potential.

So by approaching our work with a sense of faith, we not only enhance our skill and
capabilities but also cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment. Let us carry forward
this timeless wisdom, cherishing each opportunity to labor with sincerity and gratitude for in
doing so we truly honor the sanctity of work and forge a path towards a more enriching and
meaningful life

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