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Level of Acceptability of Sweet Potato Bread in

Mauraro High School

A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty

Of Senior High School

Mauraro High School

Guinobatan Albay

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for

Research Project

Jerrylyn Balderama

March 20,2024



The deliciousness of food depends on the person's choice Nowadays, people adore

fresh and distinctive food. It could be healthy or not healthy food that maybe people do not

know. The researcher wants to start a business centered around comfort food, and my idea

is to create my own Sweet Potato Bread .

Sweet potato bread is a delightful and nutritious alternative to traditional bread,

incorporating the natural sweetness and health benefits of sweet potatoes. It's typically

made by blending mashed sweet potatoes into the bread dough, resulting in a moist

texture and a slightly sweet flavor. This bread can be enjoyed on its own, toasted, or used
to make sandwiches. It's a great way to add variety to your bread-baking repertoire and to

incorporate more vegetables into your diet.

Bread is a food that is fundamental, essential, and universal. It is a staple in the diets of

both the wealthy and the impoverished, and it is one of the oldest foods in human history.

Loaves and rolls have been discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs, and wheat remnants have

been found in pits dating back 8,000 years, where human settlements thrived. Many

anthropologists argue that the ability to cultivate and harvest cereals, the grains necessary

for bread making, could be one of the primary reasons why humans settled in communities.

Even today, the concept of "breaking bread together" remains a powerful symbol of the

unifying nature of a meal.

"Bread" is a captivating blend of traditional history, cultural narrative, travelogue, and

cookbook. William Rubel's exploration begins with the remarkable invention of bread

approximately 20,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent. He concludes by speculating on how

cultural influences and advances in biotechnology may shape the future of bread in the

twenty-first century. Rubel illustrates how seemingly simple choices may have led to the

widespread preference for wheat over other bread grains and the enduring association of

elite dining with white bread. Additionally, he provides an analysis of the various

components of bread, such as crust and crumb, to enhance readers' understanding of the

breads they purchase.

This research provides a comprehensive review of the current knowledge regarding

the diverse aspects of the sweet potato as both a human food and animal feedstuff. The

introductory chapter briefly traces the historical spread of the crop from its origins in South

America, followed by a general description of the plant and its current production trends.
The chemical composition of the sweet potato is examined, emphasizing its nutritional

value and potential role in combating vitamin

A deficiency diseases.

The book also considers the effects of toxic factors and anti-nutritional components.

Descriptions of curing, storage, and cooking methods are provided, along with a discussion

of their impact on the composition and nutritional value of the sweet potato.

Potato Bread has been a staple in Ireland for centuries, not only because of the

abundance of potatoes pre-Famine, but also because Ireland's conditions were not

conducive to growing soft wheat due to the water content. Boiled potatoes can be mixed

with any flavor to create a rough patty that can be cooked in a pan or on a range. The sweet

potato is a native American plant discovered by Columbus and his crew on the West Indies

islands. It was grown by George Washington on his Virginia farm, and later, George

Washington Carver developed many products from sweet potatoes, including an alternative

to corn syrup.

The enticing aroma of freshly baked bread with a crispy crust evokes cherished

childhood memories. In Hungary, the tradition of potato bread merges with modernity,

blending the best elements of sourdough breadmaking with innovative concepts. These

memories often include the delicious taste of grandmother's homemade bread and the

traditional Transylvanian potato bread recipe.

Despite its name, sweet potatoes are not related to potatoes; sweet potatoes belong

to the morning glory family, while potatoes are part of the Solanaceae family. Sweet

potatoes and yams are also unrelated, although most yams in the U.S. are actually sweet
potatoes. Sweet potatoes are popular worldwide and have become increasingly so in the

U.S. due to their health benefits, as they are high in beta carotene, potassium, fiber, and

vitamins A and C.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to investigate the factors influencing students' decision to consume sweet

potato bread, gather their suggestions for improving its taste and appeal, and explore the

potential health benefits of the product.

1.What is the level of acceptability of Sweet Potato Bread to the

selected students of Mauraro High School in terms of:



c. Texture


2.What is the significant difference of Sweet Potato Bread to the commercialized one in terms


a. Taste


c. Texture

d. Appearance
3.What are the potential nutritional and health benefits of sweet potato bread, and how do

these aspects influence students' perception of the product?

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on the level of acceptability of Sweet Potato Bread in Mauraro

High school

The objective of the study will focus on determing the students preference and perception

towards snacks.

The methodology was limited to a survey questionnaire as the total data collection. The

respondents were limited to Mauraro High students. selected through non-random

sampling. In addition the researchers will not force any of the student's represents to

answer further questionaire that they will give them.

Respondents who were willing only to answer the questionnaire honestly would do so. The

period of the study was also limited to 2024-2025.

Significane of the study

Student. Like customers, can gain from this offering, students are seen as customers as

well, or in some cases as buyers of the product. It can also help the students have an

innovative idea about research study.

Customers. My profit from this study since they will get to try innovative food. The

researcher can apply useful services that this study can also receive or cunsume.
Big and Small Business Owner. Researcher may also take competitors into account and

create a method that benefits from a life objective.

Future researcher. The benefits from this study's information and ideas from performing

research studies. They will also gain from this study because it can serve as a guide for

creating an research study.

Research. The researcher used this study to investigate and discover new foods ideas for

having a new product.

Definition of terms

For clarity and understanding of this study, the operational definitions of the following

terms are given .

Potato bread - is a form of bread in which potato flour or potato replaces a portion of the

regular wheat flour.[1][2] It is cooked in a variety of ways, including baking it on a hot

griddle or pan, or in an oven. It may be leavened or unleavened, and may have a variety of

other ingredients baked into it.

Potato - a starchy plant tuber which one of the most important food crops, cooked eaten as

a Vegetable

Bread - food made of flour, water and yeast or another leaving agent , mixed together and


Level- refers to the position or degree of something measured of acceptability of Sweet

Potato Bread among the students in Mauraro High School.

Acceptability -refers to the general agreement or satisfaction with a certain item, product

or idea. In this study acceptability will be measured based on the degree of liking or

approval of Sweet Potato Bread among the students in Mauraro High School. It will be

assessed survey, taste, tests and feedback from the participants.

Respondents - have a reflection that occurs in response to a specific external stimulus .

Respondents mainly respond to the researcher's structure and closedended questions. The

respondents help our research by selecting individual or participants who are selected to

provide information or respond to questions in survey, interview, or other data collection


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