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MS Access 2010 is a DBMS application package that supports implementing the
database. If you can recall a database is a collection of information that’s related. MS
Access allows you to manage the information in one database file. It collects data that
is stored in a computer system. It allows the users to enter, access, and analyze the
stored data quickly and easily.

The data can also be stored in tables using MS Excel 2010 and can be managed as
Excel is also great at storing and organizing the numbers. Still we need MS Access as
it is far stronger at handling non-numerical data, like names and descriptions that
play a big role in almost any database. Access is able to sort and analyze the non-
numerical data also. Not only this, Access is much stronger as a tool for data
management, as it is able to implement connectivity between the objects. Access is
a relational database management system that is able to understand how lists and
the objects within the database are linked and to relate them with one another.

The fact that relational databases can handle information by allowing the users
to enter, search, and analyze data in more than one tables at a time, it makes
stronger tool for data analysis than Excel. In Access, even complicated tasks can be
simplified and can be made fairly user-friendly.

MS Access has certain capabilities, which bring it closer to an ideal Database

Management System. These capabilities are:

 Storing the data in an organized manner

 Enforcing data integrity constraints

 Representing complex relationship among data

 Providing for persistent storage of database objects

 Restricting unauthorized access to database

 Allowing fast retrieval of data with or without processing by using


 Flexibility to create multiple user interfaces.

 Providing for data sharing and multi-user transaction processing.

 Supporting multiple views of data and information.

This chapter emphasizes upon the different objects Tables, queries, forms and
reports of MS Access. However, you are suggested to refer Chapter number 4 of the
book entitled “Fundamentals of Computers and Information System” before
proceeding to this chapter for better understanding.

2. Objects in MS Access 2010

There are four main objects in Access 2010:

1. Tables: This object class allows a database designer to create the data tables with
their respective field names, data types and the data properties to store the data. It is
used to store the data in the database. In Access, rows are referred to as Records and
the columns are referred to as Fields (attributes).

A record represents a unit of information. Every cell in a given row is part of that
row’s record. Every piece of information store within a field is of the same type. For
example, every entry in a field called “First Name” would be a name, and every entry
in field called “Phone_Number” would be a Phone number, ask questions about
information stored in your tables

2. Queries: This object class is meant to create the SQL compatible query statement
with or without the help of GUI to define tables, store data and retrieve both data and
information. It is used to make ad hoc queries about the information stored in your
tables. A Query is able to pull information from multiple Tables and allows the users
to limit the records (rows) display by using certain criteria and showing only the
fields (columns) that meet the specified criteria by the user.

3. Forms: This object class allows the designer to create an appropriate user
interface to formally interact with the tables and the queries. It allows the users
entering, modifying, and viewing records view i.e. the data stored in the tables.

4. Reports: This object class is used to create various reports, the source of
information content of which is based on tables, queries or both. Such reports are
designed in Access according to the requirement of the end-user. It offers the users
the ability to present the data stored in the tables in print. The fee slips or the train
tickets that you receive are examples if the reports. The reports can be customized to
make its appearance to make it visually appealing. Access offers the ability to create
a report from any table or query.

Together, these objects allow the users to enter, store, analyze, and compile the data.

3. Creating Database
To create a database

1. Go to Start

2. Click on All Programs

3. Go to Microsoft Office 2010

4. Click on Microsoft Access 2010

The following screen will appear to you

5. By default MS Access will select Blank Database option, with Database followed
with some number as database name and My Documents as default Storage
Location. Change the name by typing in the box and then provide the storage
location, by clicking on the yellow folder sign available against the naming box, as
per the situation.

6. Click on Create.

After you click Create the database is created and the next step remains to design the
If you wish to create a new database either Press Ctrl+ N or go to File Tab and
click New Unlike MS Word and MS excel in which first you can design the document
and then save, in MS Access you first save the database and then design the database.

4. Understanding MS Access window

After you create the database the following window appears to you.

Just like Word and Excel the ribbon in Access also contains multiple tabs
like Home, Create, External data and Database tools each of which is further
divided into groups. By now we are presuming that you know handling these groups.
But whenever something new will appear the same will be discussed in the chapter.
Out of the tools available the contextual tools Field and Table appear only when
some Table object is selected.

If you double click on << button it minimizes (closes) the Navigation Pane and if the
navigation pane is closed then double clock on >> to maximizes (opens) it.

5. Creating tables
MS Access 2010 by default provides with a table in the object list. To
customize/design the default table as per your schema:

Right click on the table and select Design View

Click on View and then select Design View

It will require a table name. Enter the table name and click on OK or press Enter.

To create more tables in the database click on Create tab and select Table
Design under the Table group. This result in providing a Table Design window, the
upper part of which has three columns: Field Name, Data Type and Description. It
is meant to define the schema of a table being created. Each of its rows corresponds
to a column of the table to be created. Two primary properties of the column of a
table are its field name and the data type.

Field name refers to the column name of the table being created. The name of the
column should be a string of contiguous characters. The Field name is meant to
define the name of column to be created, followed by data type of such column. Once
the data type is defined, the designer can further specify the properties of each
column in the lower part of the Table window.

Data Types: Access supports different data types, the details of which are as given

 Text: It is used for a string of characters: words or numbers that are not
to be used in any arithmetic calculations. The maximum length for a
text field is 255 characters. It is the default data type because of being
used most frequently.
 Memo: It is used for storing comments and is capable of
accommodating 65,536 characters. But a field with this data type is not
amenable to sorting or filtering of data records.

 Number: It is meant to store numbers, which could be integers (-32768

to 32767), long integers (–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647), bytes( 0-
255), single (to store values with decimal point up to a certain limit),
double (to store values in decimal point with greater magnitude and
more precision) or decimal types. For more details refer the following
figure that is available at the help menu of MS Access.

Setting Description Decim


Byte Stores numbers from 0 to 255 (no fractions). None

Decimal Stores numbers from–10^38–1 through 10^38–1 (.adp) 28

Stores numbers from–10^28–1 through 10^28–1 (.mdb, .accdb)

Integer Stores numbers fro–32,768 to 32,767 (no fractions). None

Long (Default) Stores numbers from–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (no None

Integer fractions)

Stores numbers from

Single –3.402823E38 to –1.401298E–45 7

for negative values and from

1.401298E–45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values.

Stores numbers from

Double –1.79769313486231E308 to – 4.94065645841247E–324

for negative values and from 15

4.94065645841247E–324 to 1.79769313486231E308 for positive values.

Replicati Globally unique identifier (GUID) N/A
on ID

 Date/Time: It is used to store dates, times or a combination of both.

 Currency: It is used for storing numbers in terms of Dollars, Rupees or

other currencies.

 Auto Number: It is a numeric data automatically entered by Access. It

is of particular importance in a situation where none of the fields
individually or a set of fields as a combination in a table is unique.

 Yes/No: It is to declare a logical field which may have only one of the
two opposite values alternatively given as: Yes or No, On or Off, True
or False.

 OLE Object: OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. It refers
to an object that could be a photograph, bar code image or another
document created in another software application.

 Hyperlink: This data type is meant to store a Universal Resource

Locator (URL) and e-mail addresses in the database.

 Attachment: This data type can attach images, spreadsheet files,

documents, charts, and other types of supported files to the records in
the database just like one can attach files to e-mail messages. It also
allows viewing and editing the attached files, depending on how you
have set up the Attachment field. Attachment fields provide greater
flexibility than OLE Object fields, and they use storage space more
efficiently because they don’t create a bitmap image of the original file.

 Lookup Wizard: This data type creates a field that allows the user to
choose a value from another table or from a list of values by using a list
box or combo box. Clicking this option starts the Lookup Wizard,
which creates a Lookup field (Lookup field: A field, used on a form or
report in an Access database, that either displays a list of values
retrieved from a table or query, or stores a static set of values.). After
you complete the wizard, Microsoft Access training sets the data type
based on the values selected in the wizard.

Description: It provides a brief description of the field name entered. The designer
can optionally provide description of the column.
Field Properties: Once the data type of a column is specified, Access allows the
designer to define the properties of each column. These properties are of two types:
General and Look up.

General Properties: In the context of the text data type the general properties are:

 Field Size: This property, in case of text fields, refers to the maximum
number of characters allowed in the column. The same property, in case
of numbers, refers to the type of numbers being stored as per

 Format: It is meant to indicate as to how the field’s contents are

displayed. There are standard types of formats to choose from.

 Decimal places property: It applies to Single, double or decimal types

of numbers.

 Input mask: Formats for data entry that include place holders and
punctuations are called input masks. It works only for text and numeric
and date type of fields. It is of particular importance when the data to
be used in the system are formatted with hyphens.

 Caption: It is a label used for the field in datasheet view and on the
Forms and reports. If the caption property is set to blank, the field name
entered at the time of designing database becomes the default caption
and is used to label the field.
 Default Value: It is used for specifying a value for new entries of data
records. While entering the data item, the operator can always over
write the default value. The default value should be the most frequently
entered value in the field.

 Validation Rule and Text: Validation means checking of data to

eliminate incorrect entries. Validation criteria can be specified for this
property. If the data so entered does not satisfy the validation criteria,
the data entry in the tables is not allowed. In such a case the validation
text gets displayed.

 For example if you have created a table to store the marks obtained by
the students who appeared in the exams having maximum marks 100,
you will provide a validation rule “<=100” in the field property. If the
operator tries to enter the marks more than 100 then MS Access will
stop the user from entering the marks and it will flash a default

 If you design a validation text “Marks not Permitted” then instead of

the default message MS Access will flash “Marks not Permitted”.

 Required: The Required property must be provided a logical

value Yes or No. When a field’s required property is set to Yes, a user
must enter data in the field before saving the record. A value
of No implies that the data entry in the field is optional. In other words,
a null value is also acceptable to the database.

 Indexed: Indexing a field results in speeding up sorting, searching and

filtering of records on that field. Primary key field is always indexed.
For a single field primary key, Access sets the Required property to
Yes and the Indexed property to Yes (No duplicates) because a
primary key by definition must have unique values without null entries.

 If you set Yes (No duplicates) in the Indexed property then this field
value becomes unique without assigning a primary key.

 Allow-Zero Length: This property is available only for Text fields.

Setting it to Yes/No determines whether a text string with zero length is
a valid entry or not.

 Text align: This property aligns the text that is entered in the columns
to Left, right, Center or distributed that spreads the text evenly across
the width of the column. Center alignment is the default alignment.
Format Property for date and time

Format determines the way that the field appears when it is displayed or printed in
datasheets, or in forms or reports that are bound to the field. You can use a
predefined format or build your own custom format.

The following are the predefined formats:

General Date By default, if the value is a date only, no time is displayed; if the value
is a time only, no date is displayed. This setting is a combination of the Short Date
and Long Time settings.


Date 4/11/12

Time 05:34:00 PM

4/1 Date and time 4/12 05:34:00 PM

Long Date Returns the date in the same format as Long Date setting in the regional
settings of Windows i.e. date setting in your computer. Example of a long date:
Saturday, April 21, 2012.

Medium Date Displays the dates in dd-mmm-yyyy format. For example: 3-Aug-

Short Date Returns the date in the same format as Short Date setting in the regional
settings of Windows i.e. date setting in your computer. Example: 4/21/12.

The Short Date setting assumes that the dates between 1/1/00 and 12/31/29 are of
twenty-first century. The years are assumed to be between the years 2000 to 2029.
Dates between 1/1/30 and 12/31/99 are assumed to be twentieth century dates (that is,
the years are assumed to be 1930 to 1999).

Long Time Returns the time in the same format as long time setting in the regional
settings of Windows i.e. time setting in your computer. Example: 5:34:23 PM.

Medium Time Returns the time in the same format as displayed by hours and
minutes separated by the time separator character, followed by an AM/PM indicator.
Example: 5:34 PM.

Short Time Displays the time as hours and minutes separated by the time separator,
using a 24-hour clock. Example: 17:34.
Customizing the date and time format

The abovementioned date formats were the predefined formats in MS Access 2010.
However, you can customize it by adopting the following settings.

Date and time format Setting Result Display

ddd”, “mmm d”, “yyyy Mon, Jun 2, 1997

mmmmdd”, “yyyy June 02, 1997

“This is week number “ww This is week number 22

“Today is “dddd Today is Tuesday

Lookup Properties: The lookup feature is used by a field to find its values in another
table, query or from a fixed list of values. A list of valid values can be displayed
using a list box or combo box. Text box is the default display control of lookup.
Lookup is created in case of a field, which is foreign key (many side) into primary
(one side) between the tables that have one-to-many relationship. Its other display
controls are list control and combo control. When list box or combo box is used as
display control in lookup, it is important to specify the row source type (that is table,
query or list of values or field list). The list of values must be separated by comma.
Some additional properties in case of list box or combo box are meant to specify the
bound column whose values are copied to this field as references. Number of columns
to appear in the list box or combo box is determined by column count property.

 The above steps for defining a column need be repeated for every
column to be created for a particular table.
 After defining all the columns of the table, the primary key column of
the table can be specified as any of the columns that are expected to
have unique data values. This can be achieved by right clicking at the
field to be specified as primary key followed by primary key item of
right clicked window. If more than one field constitutes a primary key,
select first field (of such composite primary key) by pressing and
holding Ctrl key and clicking other fields (of the composite primary
key) one by one in the same order in which they together constitute the
primary key. This must be followed by right click at selected fields to
mark the selected fields as primary key.

 Save the table design by clicking at File tab followed by click

at Save option. Access responds by providing a generic default name of
table. The table name provided by Access may be accepted by clicking
at OK or changed by retyping another name at the input dialog box.
This must be followed by clicking OK. The table stands created and
appears as listed to the right of table object

Every other table, which constitutes part of the database design, may also be created
in the same manner as described above.

Example 10.1: Dink Ltd. maintains a database to store pay details of its employees
using the following two tables:


Field Description

Empcode Identification of employee (Primary Key)

Emp_Name Name of employee

Department (finance, marketing, human resource)

Experience Years of experience

Field Description

Empcode Identification of employee (Foreign Key)

Bpay Basic pay for the month


 Create a data base named as “Dink Ltd.” that contains above tables on
the desktop.

 While entering the data in pay details table, it must be ensured that the
basic pay does not exceed ` 50,000.

 Enter records of six employees

Step 1

Go to start>>All programs>>Microsoft office>>Microsoft Access 2010

Step 2

Name the database and click on the folder to browse and locate desktop press Ok and
then click on Create

Step 3

Click on View and then Design view and name the table as “Employee” and
Press OK
Step 4

Set the Filed Properties

Employee Code: Text; Size-10

Employee Name: Text; Size-25

Years: Number, Size: Byte (an employee usually cannot have an experience of more
than 50 years while using Byte we can enter a value up to 255)

For the field Department select Lookup Wizard as field type and follow the steps:

Select I want the lookup field to get the values from another table or query, if
you want to list to assume fields of some other table. Since you have to type list,
select I will type the values that I want.

Click Next>
Type the values in the column. Click Next>

Click on Limit to List Checkbox if you don’t want to allow entering any other value
than in the list. Uncheck if the entries outside the list are also allowed.
If you check Allow Multiple Values the field will become a multivalued attribute
and more than one value can be entered in the same field e.g. more than one contact
numbers in the same cell.

Multivalued attributes should be avoided while designing database.

Click Finish.

Step 5

Each table in the database ideally should contain a Key Attribute. To define the key
attribute we assign a Primary Key. In this table the employee code qualifies for the
key attribute as it cannot contain a duplicate value. To assign the primary either right
click on the field and click on Primary Key option or select the field and Click
on Primary Key in the Design of Table tools Tab.


A primary key can assume neither a Null nor a Duplicate value in the table.
Step 6

After the designing is complete click the X sign of the work area to save the table

Step 7

Click on Create Tab and Click on table design for creating the second table named
as Pay_Details

Set the Filed Properties

Employee Code: Text; Size-10

Basic Pay : Currency

Against the Validation Rule enter <=50,000 and enter the error message
in Validation Text

Step 8

Save the table by Pressing Ctrl+S and enter the name in the box that appears and then
press OK.
Ignore the message that appears to define a primary key and press NO as this table
doesn’t contain a primary key.

The Foreign Key cannot be implemented at the table design level rather it is an
outcome of the relationship between the tables and hence it is discussed in Para

Step 9

Enter the records of the employees. To enter the records double click the table in
which the data has to be entered.

Navigating the records in the Table

Consider the following figure that shows mechanism of navigating among the records
stored in a table

Adding a new Record

You can add a new record in the table by three ways

(1) Clicking on NEW in the Records group or Press (Ctrl and +) together
(2) Click New Record on the Navigation Pane of the table, or

(3) Start typing in the row below the row in which you last added a record.

Deleting a record

To delete a record select the row and right click then select Delete Record or Press
(Ctrl and -) together.

Alternatively you can select DELETE in Records group. See the highlighted option
in the above picture.

Saving a Record: To save a record Click the Save command in the Records group on
home Tab. See the highlighted option in the above picture.

Alternatively Press Shift+ Enter together to save a record.

Editing a record

To edit any record within a table, you can simply click on the cell containing the data
and edit the changes.

However, You can also use find and replace option.

To find a word press Ctrl+ F and to Replace a Word within a record press Ctrl+
H, alternatively go to Home Tab and in the Find group click on find or
Replace as the case may be. The Find and Replace dialog box will appear to you.

For example to replace Sunita with Rehman Press Ctrl+H type Sunita in Find what:
and Rehman in Replace With: and then click Replace to replace the current record,
Sunita, or Replace All to replace all records entered as Sunita in the database.

Modifying Table Appearance

You can modify the appearance of the table in a number of ways. Some of them are
explained hereunder.
Resizing Rows and Columns

To resize the Column place your cursor over the right

gridline in the field title till the mouse becomes a double
arrow and Rows.

If your fields and rows are too small or large for the data
contained with them, you can always resize them so that
all the text is displayed.

To Resize a Field: Place your cursor over the right

gridline in the field title. Your mouse will become a
double arrow and then Click on it and drag it to the desired
level and then release the mouse.
To Resize a row: Place your cursor over the bottom of the
gridline to the left of the row till it turns into double arrow
and then Click on it and drag down to the desired level and
then release the mouse.

To hide a Column: Right click on the column and then

click on Hide fields.

To unhide a hidden Column: Right-click any field title,

then select Unhide Fields. In the dialog box, click the
checkboxes of the fields that you would like to make
visible again and then click OK.

You will notice that the checkbox against the field that is
hidden is unchecked. Check this box to make the field
visible again.

Sorting and filtering

Sorting and filtering are the tools provided by MS Access that provides the ability to
handle the enormous amounts of data by customizing the organization and view of the
data that makes it more convenient to work with.

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to sort and filter records.

Sorting Records

By sorting the records you can put them into a logical order, with like data grouped
together. As a result, sorted data is becomes simpler to read and understand than
unsorted data. By default, Access sorts records by their ID numbers. However, there
are many other ways records can be sorted.

To sort data do the following:

1. Select the field name by which you want to sort the records. For illustration let’s
take employee name as the basis for sorting the records.
2. Right click on the field name and select the order in which you want to
sort ascending or descending.


2. Click on Ascending or Descending in Sort & Filter group on Home tab.

To remove sorting of the data click on Remove Sort command

in Sort & Filter group

Filtering Records

Filter command allows the users to view only the data that a user wants to see. When
you set a filter criteria for the data that you want to display, then the filter searches
all of the records in the table, finds and displays the ones that meet the set criteria
and temporarily hides those records that don’t meet the criteria.

Filters are useful, as they allow you to focus on specific records without being
distracted by the data in which you are not interested.

For example, suppose that we just want to see the details of the employees who
belong to Marketing department then we can set the filter rule that will only display
records of Marketing department.

To create the filter:

1. Select the field to which a filter rule is to be set

2. Either right click or click on Filter in Sort and Filter group on the Home tab

3. Uncheck the irrelevant text items and the relevant text item should remain checked

4. Press OK
In the drop-down menu that appears

Select and deselect items one at a time by clicking their checkboxes. Click Select
All to include every item in the filter. Clicking

 Select All if you want to select all items.

 Click Blank to set the filter to find only the records with no data
in the selected field.

Tags: DBMS Database Management System MS Access 2010

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