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HIGHSCHOOL S.Y 2020-2023’’


Financial limitations can create many challenges for students, especially when it
comes to their academic performance. This is because many students who come from
less-privileged backgrounds may struggle to afford the basic essentials required for
academic performance, such as supplies, clothing, projects and other expenses. In
addition, students from lower-income households may also face increased difficulties in
accessing additional opportunities, including extracurricular activities and other social
experiences, which might affect their performance in the classroom.
Actually, finance plays an important role in students’ academic performance.
Financial problems are a serious issue that needs to be addressed, as they lead to
multiple problems such as health issues and poor academic performance. (Run Savuth,
Financial problems are a vital issue for everyone, especially students. Most students
have to struggle to make ends meet as they come from underprivileged families. Thus
students have to make difficult decisions whether to spend money on food or other
essential needs; and others have to go through health issues that took a toll on their
financial situations (Perman, 2019).
The purpose of this study is to shed a light on the issues students from less
privileged backgrounds face in accessing academic success in schools. This study
seeks to uncover the many challenges students face in education and how it impacts
their overall wellbeing, particularly with regards to their confidence, self-esteem, and
mental health. This topic also seeks to investigate why these students struggle so much
to achieve academic success and how we can help ensure that all students from any
financial situation have access to a good and equal education.
Despite the difficulties that limited budget might create, there are several methods for
students to overcome financial constraints and reach their full potential. These include
seeking out scholarships and grants, working with their teachers and other school
resources to find additional assistance and opportunities, and taking advantage of any
other available resources which may be able to help them overcome their struggles with
finances and find financial independence within the context of their academic careers.
In spite of all the researcher’s chose this topic because it is a crucial topic that is
often overlooked. The issues these students face should not be underestimated or
ignored, they are very real and very impactful. As a result, the researcher’s want to
provide a voice for students from less privileged backgrounds and showcase their
struggles so that we can better understand their experience and make changes to make
sure that they are not forgotten or overlooked.

Background of the Study

There is a growing body of evidence that students from low-income households often
face additional challenges to their academic success than their peers from more
fortunate backgrounds. This has led to a growing interest in understanding the specific
obstacles that these students face and the ways in which we can provide additional
supports that can help them overcome these challenges. As such, the goals of this
research are to investigate the challenges that these students face, and recommend
solutions that can help them achieve academic success, despite the limited financial
and social resources available to them.
Low-income students can face many additional challenges to their academic
success than their middle-class and upper-class peers. This includes reduced access to
quality resources and opportunities, additional pressure from their financial situation,
and mental health struggles caused by isolation, bullying, and lack of social support.
The goal of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of the specific challenges
that these students face and develop research-based solutions that can help them
overcome those challenges. This can include improved access to resources and
opportunities, improved mental health support services, and more understanding and
support from their teachers and peers.
Theoretical Framework
Students have the capability for extraordinary academic achievement in a University
environment. This proposition Diver among different students. Down-to-the-earth
accomplishments happen in day-to-day practice in University Settings. At the beginning
of the semester, the teachers and administrators take a turn to inspire the students to
Pursue their dreams to come out with flying colors at the end of their study. Since
accomplishments are a shared Vision of the entire academic community, a theory of
performance is applicable in many learning contexts. The theory of academic
performance (ToP) emanates from Elger (2007), and the author described ‘perform’ as
an Ability to produce a valued result and ‘performer’ as an individual or a group that
engages in collaboration while the Level of performance as the location in an academic
journey. According to Elger (2007), there are six components of Performance levels,
and they are: level of knowledge, levels of skills, level of identity, personal factors, and
fixed. and proposed three axioms for effective performance as performer’s mindset,
immersion in an enriching Environment, and engagement in reflective practice.
Sustainable Economic Development and Advancing Education Excellence in the Era
of Global Pandemic The theory of performance challenges educators to improve their
performance through empowerment to help others Learn effectively and grow. This type
of learning will foster quick success and produce knowledge that will Influence society.
Inferring from the study of Wiske (1998), performance indicates learning-
forunderstanding. Higher academic performance produces results that lead to an
increase in academic quality. This process creates an Environment where performance
exceeds the expectations of the academic community stakeholders. There will also be a
decrease in cost; that is, the financial resources involved in producing the desired result
will be reduced. Higher Academic performance will also increase capability, capacity,
knowledge, skills, and motivations. This development Is a good signal for the university
publicity and acceptance. Applying the academic performance theory to the Private
University results, the performer will need to stabilize the Students at the forefront and
encourage the backing students to improve drastically. The performer can set a
Challenging goal for the student from the beginning of the semester and allows failure
as part of the rubrics to Motivate high performance. This intervention should be a
gradual process.

Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output

1.Demographic Profile of
students who are our Data Gathering Program of properly
respondents interms of: budgeting the limited
Survey Questionnaires Allowance in terms of daily
1.1 Age needs of students.
1.2 Gender Statistical Procedures
1.3 Economic Status

This Conceptual Paradigm shows the Input, Process, and Output method. It
observes that the input is to know or to examine the students who are our respondents
with their limited allowance. While in the process, we were conducting a survey
questionnaire for the students. And lastly, the output of this study will be the properly
budgeting the daily allowance of the students.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study is to identify the effects of having a limited allowance of
students in the Cabuyao Integrated National High School.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1.What is the demographic profile of the students who are our respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Economic Status
2.What are the effects of difficulties of having limited allowance of the respondent’s in
the academic performance?
3.What is their significant relationship of the difficulties responds to the academic

Null Hypothesis – There is no significant difference on how much students spends
depending on their daily needs.
Alternative Hypothesis – There is a significant difference on how much students spends
depending on their daily needs.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will benefit the following:

STUDENTS – It can be significant for students because it addresses the challenges

they may face due to financial restrictions, which can impact their academic
performance. It can help students and teachers understand the factors that contribute to
these challenges and can inform strategies to address them.
TEACHERS – It can be significant for teachers because it can help them understand
the challenges that students face due to financial restrictions, and can inform their
strategies for teaching, assessment, and overall student support.
PARENTS/GUARDIAN – This study helps parent/guardian to be more aware of how
limited allowance can affect academic performance of the students.
SCHOOL – This study help instructors to determine students who are falling behind in
their classes; and to develop strategies to help in terms of academic problems. And
predetermine students who would need academic assistance especially those who are
having personal problems due to financial breakdown.
FUTURE RESEARCHERS – The outcome of the study is beneficial to the future
researchers. This study may be one of the bans that a new theory in learning will use.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The scope of this paper is to examine the difficulties of having limited allowance in
the academic performance of students in Cabuyao Integrated National High School in
the school year 2022-2023.
The topic is particularly relevant since many students may face financial difficulties
that limit their abilities to purchase study materials, pay for their expenses, or even
purchase basic needs. This can negatively impact their academic performance, as
evidenced by studies that found a correlation between financial stress and lower
One way to address this issue is to examine the impact of limited allowance on
students’ academic performance and to propose possible solutions to alleviate the
difficulties they face. These solutions may include providing financial assistance
programs, promoting budget management, or providing free or subsidized learning
materials to students.
The limitations of this study may include the limited availability of data on students’
financial situations and academic achievements, as well as the potential for bias in the
findings due to the use of self-reported data. Additionally, the study may be limited to the
context of Cabuyao Integrated National High School and may not be generalizable to
other schools.

Definition of terms
For better understanding of the study the parts contain word and terminologies and
being mentioned on the research that are conceptually defined.

Allowance - Refers to a regular amount of money given to someone, typically on a

periodic basis, for a specific purpose.
Financial Struggle - Refers to experiencing difficulties or challenges in managing one’s
finances. It can include situations where a person has trouble making ends meet,
paying bills, or dealing with debt.
Pocket Money - Is a small amount of money given to someone, usually on a daily or
weekly basis, for personal expenses.
Financial Limitations - Refers to constraints or restrictions on one’s financial resources
or capabilities. It implies having limited funds or a restricted budget, which may impact
one’s ability to meet certain financial goals or fulfill desired expenses.
Academic Projects - Are tasks or assignments given to students as part of their
educational curriculum.
Expenses - Are typically necessary to maintain a certain standard of living or to fulfill
specific needs and wants.
Students - Are individuals who are enrolled in an educational institution, such as a
school, college, or university, and are pursuing academic studies or training

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