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University of Central LanCashire

Why UCLan Cyprus and the UK over US or Canada?

The Specific Strength of UCLan Cyprus is its emphasis on managerial and professional
career advancement through a comprehensive MBA program offered in various modes (Full
Time, Part Time, and Distance Learning.

Uclan Cyprus faculty expertise highlighted by experienced tutors, offering a robust

foundation in managerial development and a rigorous MBA dissertation process.

Flexibility in learning modes catering to diverse student needs, showcasing adaptability and

Alignment with the UK's Academic Reputation:

Acknowledgement of the UK's renowned academic reputation and its global standing in
higher education and its emphasis on academic excellence.

Appreciation for the UK's cultural diversity, offering a rich learning environment that aligns
with your goal of experiencing diverse perspectives and global cultures.
Personal/Professional Connections to the UK or Europe:

Discuss any personal or professional experiences, collaborations, or connections you've had

with individuals or institutions in the UK or Europe ?

Mention about this faculty 👍

+357 24694112

And then also :

Highlight how these interactions influenced your appreciation for the region's academic
standards, cultural richness, or professional opportunities.

Crafting your response to these points by intertwining your personal experiences,

educational aspirations, and alignment with the strengths of UCLan Cyprus and the UK will
demonstrate a sincere and informed interest in pursuing your MBA at this institution.
Post-Education Plans:

Share your vision for leveraging the knowledge and skills gained from the program in your

Discuss aspirations for professional growth, whether it involves advancing within your
current field, transitioning to a new sector, or exploring entrepreneurial endeavors.

If relevant, mention a desire to contribute positively to your home country or a specific

industry after completing your education.

Other Potential Questions: How does this program align with your career trajectory or
long-term goals? Can you provide examples of challenges you've faced in a
professional setting and how you've overcome them?

Discuss a significant achievement or project that demonstrates your leadership and

problem-solving abilities ?

When discussing a significant achievement or project during an interview, consider

highlighting one that showcases your leadership and problem-solving prowess. Here's an
example framework you can adapt:

Context: Challenge Faced

Outline the specific challenge or problem encountered. Emphasise its complexity or
significance within the context of the project.

Describe any obstacles or hurdles that needed to be overcome.

Your Role and Leadership:
Detail your role in the project or situation. Emphasise your leadership position or

Describe how you motivated or guided the team, outlining any strategies you
employed to inspire collaboration and productivity ?

Problem-Solving Approach:
Discuss the steps you took to address the challenge. Highlight any innovative or
out-of-the-box strategies you implemented.
Emphasise your analytical thinking, decision-making process, and any critical skills or
expertise you utilise.

Results and Impact:

Share the outcomes of your efforts. Quantify achievements if possible, such as improved
metrics, successful project completion, or positive impact.
Discuss how your leadership and problem-solving skills contributed to these
outcomes and the overall success of the project ?

For instance, you could talk about a project where you led a team to streamline operations,
implement a new strategy, or resolve a critical issue, showcasing how your leadership and
problem-solving abilities made a tangible difference.

Remember to focus on the impact and lessons learned from this experience to convey your
strengths effectively.

How do you envision contributing to the university's community or extracurricular

activities? Are there any specific skills or knowledge gaps you hope to fill through
this program?

Contributions to the University's Community:

Express your interest in actively engaging with the university community beyond academics.

Discuss any past experiences in leadership, teamwork, or community involvement that could
translate into contributions within the university setting.

Highlight your enthusiasm for participating in clubs, associations, volunteer programs, or

initiatives that align with your interests or skill set.

Envisioned Contributions:
Share your willingness to collaborate with peers on projects or initiatives that enhance
student life or contribute positively to the university environment.

Emphasize your intent to leverage your skills, whether in organizing events, leading
workshops, mentoring, or sharing knowledge within the community.

Skills or Knowledge Gaps to Fill:

Discuss any specific skills or knowledge areas you hope to enhance through the program.

Highlight how you aim to bridge these gaps and leverage the resources provided by the
university, faculty, or extracurricular activities to further develop these skills.

Link these skills to your academic and career goals, showcasing how filling these gaps will
complement your future aspirations.

Program Overview:
MBA program offered in Full Time, Part Time, and Distance Learning modes.
Designed for managerial and professional career advancement.
Taught by experienced tutors, emphasizing personal and managerial development.
Program Modules:
Core Modules: Leading and Developing People, Research and Study Skills, MBA
Dissertation, International Strategic Management, Financial Management.
Elective Modules: Contemporary Marketing, Project Management, Business Intelligence,
Entrepreneurship, Management Consulting, Management Coaching, Professional

Career Opportunities by University:

Focus on managerial topics for career advancement.
Emphasis on continuous learning, reflective practice, and client skills.
Exposure to multinational corporations, local businesses, SMEs, and start-ups.
Development of highly competent individuals valued by employers, fostering entrepreneurial

Fee Structure:
€8,925 for the MBA program after a €1,575 UCLan Cyprus Bursary.

Various exemptions for specific programs with reduced fees.

Different fee structures for EU/Local and non-EU students.

Additional fees until registration include application, visa, alien book, deposit/registration,
and student pass fees.

Scholarship Program:
Offers a maximum 30% scholarship on original fees.
Requirements include a successful interview and exemplary behavior/performance.
Responsibilities include maintaining high standards; failure in modules incurs additional
retake fees.

Why UCLan Cyprus and the UK over Other Countries:

Highlight specific strengths of UCLan Cyprus, program structure, and faculty expertise.
Emphasize the UK's academic reputation, cultural diversity, and global perspective.
Discuss personal or professional connections to the UK or Europe.
Post-Education Plans:

Express vision for leveraging gained knowledge and skills in career growth.
Discuss aspirations for professional advancement or entrepreneurial ventures.
Mention desire to contribute positively to home country or a specific industry.
Potential Questions:

Why this program and how does it align with career goals?
Examples of professional challenges overcome.
Significant achievements demonstrating leadership and problem-solving.
Contribution plans to the university's community or extracurricular activities.
Skills or knowledge gaps you hope to fill through the program.
Preparation and Readiness:
Express your thorough understanding of the program's structure, modules, and its alignment
with your career aspirations.
Highlight your familiarity with the fee structure, scholarships available, and your financial

Showcase your enthusiasm for the interview process, emphasizing your commitment to
meeting the scholarship criteria and maintaining high academic standards.
Discuss your proactive approach to financial planning, demonstrating responsibility in
managing fees and associated costs.

Additional Elements for Consideration:

Cultural Adaptability: Showcase your adaptability and openness to experiencing a new
culture and academic environment, emphasizing how this aligns with personal growth and
global perspectives.

Research Contributions: If relevant, discuss any potential research interests or

contributions you plan to make during your studies, showcasing an academic curiosity and
proactive engagement.

Networking and Collaborative Skills: Highlight your interest in building professional

networks, collaborating with diverse peers, and leveraging these connections for mutual
growth and learning.

Long-term Commitment: Express your intention for a long-term commitment to both the
program and potential contributions to the university's academic and extracurricular

By integrating these elements into your preparation, you'll create a comprehensive profile
that exhibits not just your academic prowess but also your adaptability, collaborative skills,
and long-term commitment, which are valuable traits sought after by educational institutions.

Career Development Focus:

Emphasize your interest in the program's career-centric approach, highlighting how it aligns
with your aspirations for professional growth.
Discuss specific skills or knowledge gaps you aim to fill through this program to bolster your
career prospects.
Showcase your understanding of how the program's structure and modules contribute to
shaping a well-rounded, employable professional.

Alignment with University Values:

Emphasize alignment with the university's values such as continuous learning, diversity,
innovation, and community engagement.
Discuss how these values resonate with your personal and professional ethos, showcasing a
compatibility with the university's culture and vision.
Adaptability and Growth Mindset:
Illustrate your adaptability to diverse environments and your openness to new learning
experiences, expressing how this aligns with the university's emphasis on global
perspectives and adaptability.
Showcase a growth mindset, emphasizing your readiness to embrace challenges and
opportunities for personal and professional development.

Extracurricular and Leadership Intentions:

Express interest in actively participating in extracurricular activities, sharing your intention to
contribute meaningfully to the university's community through leadership, teamwork, or
volunteer initiatives.
Highlight any past experiences that showcase your leadership skills or commitment to
community engagement, demonstrating your readiness to contribute beyond academics.
By integrating these aspects into your approach, you'll present a well-rounded profile that
showcases not only your academic preparedness but also your alignment with the
university's ethos, adaptability, leadership potential, and commitment to holistic growth.

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