The Guild

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Name: IDK

Leader: Thrall
Heir: Therion

Guild Tennets:

1. Never show weakness.

2. Always have an insider.
3. Never fight a stronger opponent.

Guild Location:

The guild operates and controls numerous locations in waterdeep. But most guild members
spend their time at the headquarters.

The headquarters is located in the Trade ward. Under the guise of a desert shipping and escort
guild. They hide in plain sight by pretending to be an old dying business headed by Thalluck
Westbrook; a 'noble' from the Anarouch desert.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Would your character have close connections with the criminal syndicate, the Rattlers

In the heart of Anuroch, the Rattlers, a notorious crime syndicate, slither through the
desert like vipers in the sand. Clad in rugged clothes adorned with intricate snake
tattoos, they follow a strict set of ancient principles and operate as a tightly-knit family.
Honoring loyalty above all else, they form an impenetrable network of alliances. In their
hidden lair, the Fangs, their leaders, make crucial decisions, and outside, their
informants watch over the vast desert. With unmatched smuggling prowess, their
reputation extends beyond Anuroch, making them a formidable force in a realm where
power is claimed by those with the deadliest bite. Legends of their cunning and stealth
echo throughout the shifting sands, making the Rattlers a respected and feared entity,
embodying the resilience and danger of the desert itself.
Therion would know of people from the Rattlers as his father would most likely mention
some people in passing. Therion also knows that it is theorized by his family that
Thalluck was a member of the Rattlers, or an organization that would form into the
Rattlers that he rebelled from.

Rivals or allies
Business Partners
Do you know their leader, have you met them?
Yes, he would know their name, appearances not so much.
Would your character have close connections with the criminal syndicate, the Zhentarim

The Zhentarim, a formidable and infamous criminal organization in Waterdeep, exudes

an aura of fear and trepidation. Emerging as a relatively recent but rapidly rising power,
their reputation as ruthless mercenaries who stop at nothing to achieve their goals
precedes them. Dressed in sleek black leather attire emblazoned with their distinct
logo, they project an image of ambition and intimidation. With an insatiable thirst for
coin and power, the Zhentarim weave a web of intrigue and clandestine operations
throughout the city, leaving those who dare to cross their path trembling in their wake.
Their presence looms large, and they are a force to be reckoned with in the ever-
shifting landscape of Waterdeep's criminal underworld.
Therion would know people in the Zhentarim. He does not like to associate with them
as he and his guild are not to keen on the Zhentarim.

Rivals or allies
Rivals*. They like to stay away from their business or antics.
Do you know their leader, have you met them?
Would your character have close connections with the criminal syndicate, the Silver Circle

The Silver Circle, a notorious gang in the shadows of Waterdeep, strikes fear into the
hearts of its citizens with their sinister trade in human enslavement. Operating with
ruthless efficiency, they target the vulnerable and unsuspecting, kidnapping them under
the cloak of darkness to be sold as commodities to their inconspicuous clientele.
Bearing their mark, the Silver Circlets discreetly hidden beneath their sleeves, they
instill a chilling symbol of their influence. Their network of hideouts and safehouses
enables them to evade capture, leaving the city's authorities and vigilantes frustrated in
their pursuit of justice. The mere mention of the Silver Circle elicits revulsion, their
nefarious deeds earning them the distinction of being one of the most loathed and
feared gangs in Waterdeep, a haunting reminder of the dark dangers that lurk within the
city's shadows.
Therion would know people in the Silver Circle. He does not like to associate with them
as he and his guild are not to keen on them. They don't agree with human
imprisonment as Thalluck was a slave to a gang long ago.

Rivals or allies
Rivals*. They like to stay away from their business or antics.
Do you know their leader, have you met them?
Would you have interacted with the Sewer Goblins OR the Sewer Kobolds?
The Sewer Kobolds are nice, they are also deathly afraid of the Guild.
Are their any prominent members of your gang, names, brief description, etc?
You've mentioned Brutus and likely an accountant, any others?
Check the Obsidian Document in the The Guild Tab for some people worth noting.
Crabtree works as Therion's rival; someone who views Therion as fragile and
a coward
I can make these if ya like, or you can
Feel Free to fill the guild with any interesting and quirky characters as you like.
They all know Therion well, and Therion knows them better.

Would you have interacted with these individuals outside your gang? Yes or No for each

Exotic animal smuggler -> Yes (To Send Stolen Goods)

Bomb / Poison maker -> Yes (For Heists)
Magic smuggler -> Yes (To Send Stolen Goods)
Drug manufacturer -> No
Drug dealer -> No
Assassin for hire -> Yes (Rarely)
Person who specializes in making VERY wanted people disappear -> Yes (Rarely)
Outsourced robbery crew -> Yes* (For little things)
Fence -> Yes
Organ Harvester -> No
Illegal Street Racing Organizer ( yes this is a thing ) -> Yes (Thrall finds it amusing)
Illegal Street Racing Organizer -> Yes
Criminal law enforcement ( corrupt guards, law officials, etc ) -> Yes (To serve as an
Illegal Potion Tester -> No
Tunnel Runner - studies underground tunnels to support smuggling -> Yes (For Heists)
Forgery Specialist -> Yes (For Heists)
Disguise Artist -> Yes (For Heists)
Underworld Surgeon -> No
Riot Starter - will start a riot for money -> Yes (Thrall finds it amusing)
Cleaner - Illegally disposing of bodies to cover up crimes or hide evidence. -> Yes (If a
mission goes awry)
Cultist -> No

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