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Module 1
Ans: AI is the study of how to make machines do things which at the moment
humans do better.
It is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think
intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think.

2) What are the 4 different approaches to define AI?

Ans: Acting Humanly: "The art of creating machines that perform functions that
require intelligence when performed by people"
"The study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are
Turing test : Intelligent behaviour as ability to achieve human intelligence

Thinking Humanly: activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such
as decision-making, problem solving, learning
Cognitive modelling approach: it determines how the humans think

Thinking Rationally: "The study of mental faculties through the use of

computational models"
"The study of the computations that make it possible to perceive, reason, and act"
In short Logical reasoning : drawing inferences from problem
The “laws of thought" approach: includes reasoning and right thinking that is an
irrefutable thinking process. also on those logic notations were developed to create
intelligent system.

Acting Rationally: to take actions that maximize the chances of achieving its goals
or objectives.
Goal directed thinking, behaviours,adapting to environment
The rational agent approach: means acting so as to achieve one's goals, given one's beliefs.

3) Can you categorize Intelligent Systems within the realm of Artificial

Ans: Two main areas within intelligent systems:
● how machines perceive their environment
● how those machines interact with that environment.

Based on two categories

● based on capabilities :
Narrow AI : Narrow AI cannot function beyond what is assigned to the system. This
is because it is trained to perform only a single specific task.
examples include Apple’s SIRI , self-driving cars, image and speech recognition
● General AI :- which can perform any intellectual tasks as humans. AGI machines are
intended to perceive, learn and function entirely like humans.

● Super AI :- intended not only to replicate multi-faceted human intelligence,but also

possess faster memory, data processing, and analytical abilities.
researchers are trying to develop machines that can surpass humans.

Based on Functionalities:
● Reactive Machines :-focuses on perceiving the real-world directly and reacting to it.
Eg alpha Go
● Limited Memory :-those that can retain memory for a short span of time. limited
memory machines can learn from previous experiences to make decisions. Eg Self
driving cars
● Theory of Mind Machines :-that machines would have the capability to understand
and remember emotions and adjust behavior based on thos emotions just as humans
can do in social interactions. aimed at figuring out someone else’s intentions or goals.
● Self Aware Machines: only aware of emotions and mental states of others, but also
their own.

4) Elaborate on the essential components of an AI program.

Ans : The key components of an AI program include perception (sensing and
interpreting the environment), reasoning (making decisions based on available
information), learning (adapting and improving performance over time),
problem-solving (finding solutions to complex problems), and natural language
processing (interpreting and generating human language).

5) What are the foundational pillars of Artificial Intelligence?

Ans: Artificial Intelligence draws from disciplines such as mathematics, computer
science, cognitive psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and neuroscience. These
interdisciplinary foundations provide theories, algorithms, and methodologies crucial
for the development of intelligent systems.

6) Enumerate and briefly explain some sub-areas of Artificial Intelligence.

Ans: Sub-areas of AI encompass Machine Learning (training systems to learn from
data), Natural Language Processing (enabling computers to understand and generate
human language), Computer Vision (interpreting visual information), Robotics
(programming autonomous machines), and Expert Systems (emulating human
expertise using rules and knowledge bases).
Fuzzy logic(multiple possible truth values to be processed through the same
variable .designed to solve problems by considering all available information and
making the best possible decision given the input.

7) Applications of AI
Ans: AI applications span diverse sectors, including healthcare (diagnosis and
treatment optimization), finance (fraud detection and algorithmic trading),
transportation (autonomous vehicles and route planning), customer service (chatbots
and virtual assistants), and entertainment (recommendation systems and gaming).
8) Current trends in ai
Ans : DL, Ml IoT

Module 2 Intelligent Systems

1) What is intelligent agents (IA)?

Ans: An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through
sensors and acting upon that environment through
Actuators .includes robots, humans, firm
Agents are used to make decisions.
Environments: represent the surroundings in which agents operate, providing
sensory inputs and receiving actions from the agent.

2) Typical structure of IA
Ans: Two main things : Architecture: machinery that the agent execute on. It is a
device with sensors and actuators, for example, a robotic car, a camera, a PC.
Agent program: is an implementation of an agent.
Agent function: is a map from the percept sequence to an action
sensors (to perceive the environment), actuators (to perform actions), a knowledge
base (to store information), a decision-making mechanism (to choose actions), and a
learning component (to adapt and improve over time)

3) Rules of IA:
Ans: 1. Must have the ability to perceive the environment
2. Observation must be used to make decisions
3. Decisions should result in action
4. Actions must be rational

4) : Explain how problems are solved through searching in the context of Intelligent
. Ans: Problem-solving agents employ search algorithms to explore a space of
possible actions and their consequences in order to find solutions that achieve their
goals. These algorithms systematically traverse the problem space, considering
different sequences of actions until a satisfactory solution is found.

5) What are the primary steps involved in formulating problems for

Problem-Solving Agents?
Ans: Formulating problems typically involves identifying the initial state, defining
the actions available to the agent, specifying the transition model (which describes
how actions change the state), establishing the goal state, and determining the
performance measure.

Ans: Performance measure: This refers to how the success of the agent is measured.
In other words, what criteria are used to evaluate the performance of the agent?
Environment: External setting in which agents operates
Actuators: mechanisms through which the agent can affect its environment. They
enable the agent to take actions based on its decisions or reasoning.
Sensors; mechanisms through which the agent perceives or gathers information about
its environment. They provide the agent with the data it needs to make decisions or
take actions.

7) Types of Environments
Ans: Fully observable vs Partially Observable: the agent (the AI or player) has
access to all the information it needs to make decisions because it can see everything
in the environment. Whereas in partial it doesnt have access because some parts of
the environment are hidden or change over time.
In fully no need to keep track of history eg It's like playing a game of chess where
you can see all the pieces on the board and their positions.
Partial : imagine playing a card game where you can only see your own cards, but
not your opponent's cards.

● Static vs. Dynamic

Static : things stay the same while the agent (AI or player) is making decisions.
Eg Once you start painting, the canvas stays the same until you finish.
Dynamic: things are changing while the agent is trying to make decisions
Eg think about playing soccer, where players move around, the ball is kicked, and the
situation on the field changes constantly.

● Discrete vs Continuous:
Discrete: possible states of env is countable and separate, like individual pieces.
Eg Each block is a separate piece that you can stack, arrange, or separate from others.
Continuous : everything is in sequence one after the another .
Eg Imagine turning on a faucet in your kitchen or bathroom. The water flows out
smoothly in a continuous stream.
The flow of water is not broken into separate drops but instead forms a continuous
stream that you can adjust from a slow trickle to a fast flow.

● Deterministic vs Stochastic:
Deterministic : agent's current state and selected action can completely determine the
next state of the environment.
Eg Imagine setting an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning. When the set time
arrives, the alarm rings predictably, waking you up at the intended time.
In this scenario, the outcome (the alarm ringing) is entirely determined by your action
(setting the alarm) and the current state (the time on the clock).
Stochastic :outcome of an action may not be entirely predictable.
Eg Weather forecast

● Single -agent vs. Multi-agent

Single : involving only one agent
Eg agent solving a crossword puzzle by itself
Multi agent: involving more than one agent
Eg playing football or chess

● Episodic vs. Sequential

Epoisodic: the agent's actions do not affect future decisions or outcomes, and each
episode is independent
Eg Each cooking session is independent and doesn't depend on previous sessions. You
start fresh each time you cook a meal.
Sequential: the agent's actions have consequences that influence future states and
Eg playing chess

● Known vs. Unknown

Known : the outcomes for all actions are given.
Eg In chess, the agent would know that when a piece is "taken" it is removed from
the game.
Unknown :the agent will have to learn how it works in order to make good decisions.
Eg : being stuck in a maze where you don't know what lies beyond

8) Types of Agents:
Ans: Simple Reflex Agents (react to current perceptions), Model-Based Reflex
Agents (maintain an internal state based on past perceptions), Goal-Based Agents
(pursue specific objectives), Utility-Based Agents (maximize a utility function), and
Learning Agents (improve performance through learning from experience).

Eg of simple reflex agents: Room Cleaner agent, it works only if there is dirt in
the room. Fully observable
Eg of model based agents: The robot needs to navigate through the building
efficiently while avoiding obstacles such as walls and furniture. partially observable
Eg of Goal based agents: Imagine a personal assistant chatbot designed to help users
manage their tasks and appointments. This chatbot's goal is to assist users in
organizing their schedules effectively. It can schedule appointments, set reminders,
and provide information about upcoming events.
Eg of Utility-based agents: robot vacuum cleaner decides what to do based on what
will make it happiest, considering factors like cleanliness, avoiding obstacles, and
conserving energy.
Eg of Learning agents : the virtual character is a learning agent. It learns from its
interactions with the maze, gradually improving its ability to find the cheese based on
past experiences.

9) Can you provide examples of problems that can be solved using search
Ans : Examples of problems that can be solved through search include the Eight
Puzzle (rearranging tiles to form a specified configuration), the Tower of Hanoi
(moving disks between pegs), and the Shortest Path problem (finding the most
efficient route between two points in a network)

10) Discuss the significance of Problem-Solving Agents in practical applications.

Ans: Problem-solving agents are essential in various domains, including robotics
(path planning and manipulation), logistics (resource allocation and scheduling),
gaming (strategy development and decision-making), and automated planning
(optimizing processes and workflows). They enable efficient and systematic
problem-solving in complex environments

M3 Problem Solving

1) How do we measure the performance of Problem-Solving Algorithms?

Ans: Completeness – Will the algorithm provide a solution for a given problem?
Optimality – Will the algorithm find an optimal solution?
Time complexity – How much time takes to solve the problem?
Space complexity – How much memory require to solve the problem?
Complexity of algorithm is expressed in terms of 3 quantities as follows
(1) b : Called as branching factor representing maximum number of
successors a node can have in the search tree.
(2) d : Stands for depth of the shallowest goal node.
(3) m : It is the maximum depth of any path in the search tree.

2) Uninformed Vs Informed
Refer pic in mobile

3) Rest of the ques refer that doubtly pdf for this


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