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Title: Rebekah's Kindness

Welcome, dear students! Today, we journey into the biblical story of Rebekah, a woman of
compassion and kindness whose actions teach us valuable lessons about treating others with
respect and empathy.

Learning Objective:
Our objective today is to grasp the significance of showing kindness and empathy towards
others, as demonstrated by Rebekah in the Bible.

Bible Verse:
Let's reflect on Genesis 24:17-18, where it says, "The servant hurried to meet her and said,
'Please give me a little water from your jar.' 'Drink, my lord,' she said, and quickly lowered the
jar to her hands and gave him a drink."

In the ancient land of Nahor, Abraham's faithful servant embarked on a mission to find a
suitable wife for his master's son, Isaac.

(Exhausted) Oh, how parched I am from my journey. Perhaps someone in this land will offer me
a refreshing drink of water.

(Gentle) Here, weary traveler, take a drink from my pitcher. Let me ease your thirst.

(Visual of a student sharing their umbrella with a classmate on a rainy day, demonstrating the
principle of showing kindness and empathy.)

Rebekah's heart was moved with compassion as she offered the servant water, not just
quenching his thirst but also providing relief from his weariness.

(Grateful) Thank you, kind maiden, for your generosity. May I know your name?

(Humbly) I am Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel. And you, stranger, what brings you to our land?
(Respectful) I am a servant of Abraham, seeking a bride for his son, Isaac. Your kindness has
shown me that you possess the qualities of a worthy woman.

(Surprised) Me, a worthy woman? Oh, you honor me, but it is my duty to extend hospitality to
strangers in need.

Illustration to Students' Daily Life:

Imagine, a student noticing a classmate who is sitting alone at lunchtime. The student
approaches the classmate, invites them to join their table, and engages in conversation,
demonstrating the principle of showing kindness and respect to others.

Rebekah's kindness extended beyond offering water. She opened her home to the servant,
providing him with lodging and provisions for himself and his animals.

(Amazed) Your hospitality knows no bounds, Rebekah. I am deeply grateful for your kindness.

(Warmly) It is my pleasure to help those in need. Please, make yourself comfortable, and I will
prepare a meal for you.

1. How did Rebekah demonstrate kindness and empathy in this story?
2. What can we learn from Rebekah's actions about treating others with respect and empathy?

Through Rebekah's example, we learn the profound impact of showing kindness and empathy
towards others. Let us follow her lead and extend compassion to those we encounter in our
Closing Prayer:
Let us bow our heads in prayer. Dear God, thank you for the example of Rebekah, who showed
us the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy. Help us to apply this lesson in
our daily lives and to treat others as we would want to be treated. Amen.

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