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The Nazis: A warning from History
Episode 1: ‘Helped into power’


1. Why were German soldiers surprised at Germany’s armistice in 1918?

the frontlinetroopsdidn'tfeeldefeated

2. What was the ‘stab in the back’ theory? line troops andthe 2milliondead were betrayedbyMarxists

3. What was the state inside Germany at the end of the war?
and thousandsmore were
7d's b samana
hY suffering

4. What was the impact of this suffering?

more radicalpolitics be an to occur

5. Who were the Freikorps and what was their role in post-war Germany?
the government
Theo's a em
ngpefhgariesthatwere paidby

6. Why were Jews ‘convenient scapegoats’?

Mostof the Weimar Republicleaders were Jews

7. What factors encouraged some Germans to move towards right wing politics in the
early 1920s?
supportfrom officers in thearmy


© Jo Thomas and Keely Rogers 1
8. What was the significance of the failed Munich Putsch of 1923?
Hitler usedhis court trial to advertise himself

9. What is revealed about the sympathies of the legal system?

Insensatefund heard eᵗnYenÉhFto


10. How was Weimar Germany’s recovery financed in the 1920s?

TheyborrowedmoneyfromtheUSAtopaybacktheFrench British

11. What kind of ideas were already prevelant within the Nazi Party in the 1920s?
anti semitism
violence to achieveresults

12. What was the role of the SA? What was the attraction of the SA to many men?
protectNazimeetings it was exciting
drumupsupport Marching

13. How did the Nazi party function? How did the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’ work
within the Nazi Party organisation?

Is other's p triumphed
not the
It was jobof thepartyleaderstopromotepeople
if youhavesupport takethejob
14. What was the situation of the Nazi Party in 1928?
theNazi'sonlygot2.6 ofthevotes
15. How did the Depression benefit the Nazi party and why?
more germans turned to radical solutions

© Jo Thomas and Keely Rogers 2
16. Which other group benefitted from the Depression?
the communists

17. What was sigficant about Hitler’s 1932 presidential election campaign?
Hetravelled by plane to 20cities in 7days
Establishedhimself as a credible leader
18. What was the attraction of the Nazi party and Hitler to Germans?
Hitlerpromisedtoget themout ofmisery
TheNaziPartyhadorder discipline

19. What was Hitler’s attitude towards other political parties?

He doesn't refuses to work w otherparties
sweep 30 politicalpartiesout ofGermany

20. Why did Hindenberg not want to give the Chancellorship to Hitler?

iii iii iii in

21. Why was pressure put on Hindenberg to change his mind?

Business Life ñ Is ffmI.fifiieHter

thearmycouldn'tfightcommunists Nazi's

22. Why did the traditional right wing politicans support Hitler?


23. Why is the title of this video called “Helped into Power?’

fffitiff it ffd aEmItnii aner

© Jo Thomas and Keely Rogers 3

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