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wor facebook comlgroupsiNEA PSC! Chapter 3 Development 3.1. General Concept of Development Administration ‘4 The term “Development Administration” was first used by the Indian civil servant U. L. Goswamiin 1955 in his article “The structure of Development Administration in India” 4 The conceptualization and elaboration of the concept of development administration were done by American scholars viz, George Gant, F. W. Riggs, Edward Weidner, John ‘Montgomery, Hahn Beea Lee, Milton J. Esman and Ferrel heady “4 In broader sense, Weidner defined development administration fas “the process of guiding an organization towards the achievement of progressive, politcal, economic and social objectives that are authoritatively determined in one manner or another." ‘ The development administration is an essentially a concept of administration which is action oriented and goal-oriented administrationrather than structure oriented. wun farahonk cemlorsineINEA PSC hipster htpsutwur facebook com 4 Itisaninnovative administration acquiring: and involving lot of experimentation. Itindicateda willingness totakerisks in order to encouragechange and growth, ‘+ Itemphasizes on-group performance and intergroup performance rather than on individval perfomance It involves employing of trained manpower and improving the existing staf, using of sophisticated aids to decision making and adopting empirical approach o problem solvingas well as emphasizing on problem finding. Development administration functions in rapid changing eavironmeat and also strives to contribute to change the environmentitsel ‘ Thus, development administration involvesan inter-discplinary ‘campaign looking for new functions and new dimensions, having flexibility, innovativeness, dynamism, participations and goal orientationsas is base functions ‘+ Fearures/lements of development administrations. |. Change Orientation Goal Orientation Innovative administration - Client or publi orientation Participation oriented administration Effective coordination Ecological Perspective NEA Level 7 Ex ‘wn facebook comigroupsINEA PSC! Aspects of development administrations 1. Administration of development ‘Resources are searce, material or human thus the need to make optimum utilization of available resourees and making new means for development gathers importance. So, administration of development involves following objective: ‘= Innovationatalllevels of planning. ‘+ Importanceto the developmentat grassroots level, ‘+ Development ofhumancapitalasa resource ‘© Politics and administration must go hand in hand to ‘establish rapid change in society and bring about just and distinet social order. ‘+ Freedom of administrative machinery to express idens, ‘views for the most effective and efficient use of natural 2. Development of administration or Administrative Development For effective Development Administration the structure of ‘Administration itself must be empowered, large and capable ‘enough to sustain the pressures by the developmental activities. The objective of Administrative evelopment can be summarized ‘+ Building decision makingca ‘+ Development ofskilland specializationto tackle complex issues inthe persoanel htpsswew youtube com/NepalCacsar + Givingimportance to training. ffectiveuse of technology tobringabout change in Administrative approach. Increasing administrative capacity, capabilites, removing corruption and bringing in more accountability * Creating leaders out of bureauerats for promotion of development initiatives To achieve development goals, itis necessary to that there is proper planning, optimum utilization of resources, skilled personnel accountability in actions and words, self-reliance and emphasis on technology. At the same time, we need to develop the bureaucracy, innovativeness, build capabilities, interity and decentralized decision making. So, Administrative development and Administration of Development both are important for the effective development of Society. ‘Scope of development administration |. Extension and community services Programmeplanning . Project management Area development Urban administration 5. Personnel development and administration hnpsuNww acebook comLoksewaElectical ES wor facebook comigreupsiNEA PSCI hitpsitwer youtube com/NopalCaesar hitpsuwwfacebook-comLoksewaElectical! ES Difference between Traditional Administrationand Development Administration ‘The difference between traditional administration and development administration has been presented by S.P. VermaandS.K. Sharmaas follows “Fradiional Adminiaton Development Adminiswation a, Regulatory Administrations (routine operations) 7, Uapredictabrenew asks or problems (rapidly changingenvironment Ti) | Oriented towards efficiency and economy (emphasis on] 1) | Oriented towards organization growthandeflectivenessin achievement individual performance) goals emphasis on group performance and intr group collaboration) Til) | Task orientation and conformiy To Fules and procefure | fi)| Relationship oriented with emphasis on high programme standards (concern for security, playing safe, comfort, status and| | (willingness totakerisks, encouraginginnovationand change) power) W) | Sharp and chborate 1h | Siructure shaped by requirements of goals (Iexbilty and continuously uthoritstivecimate of; changing roles, mutual trust andconfidence) W | Centralized decision making (past experience as the maln| +) | Wide sharing decision making (empirical approach o problem sol ngand mide to problem solving) use of improvedaids to decision making) Vi [Emphasis on maintaining fo organizationque W) | Dynamic. adsptiveand futuristic ‘wor facebook comfroupsINEA PSC! tps /NopalCacsar hitpsuvwn facebook convLoksewaElectical! EX 3.2 Planning in Nepak: efforts, achievement and challenges “+ Naturefprospective of development planning 1. Capitalist Planning Planning Review: ‘© Planning is the fundamental management function, which ‘Private sector role. Government only for maintaining law and order. involves deciding beforehand, what is to be done, when is ito ‘+ Market driveneconomy/ Free market. ‘bedone, how it is tobe doneand whois going todo it + Development planningis adeiberateeffort ofthe governmentto 2. Socialist Planning influence in the major socio-economic variables like GDP, ‘+ Governmentcontrol on all resources and production. ‘consumption, savings, investment, prices and employment ete, ‘+ Planned economy in whieh resources are allocated by ‘ofa country fora specific period of time to achieve its desired need ‘objectives, tis also called economic planningofa nation. 3. Mixed Planning ‘© Planningbased on theframeworkofboth capitalism and socialism, Characteristies of Planning: wor facebook comlgroupsiNEA PSC! Planningin Nepal ‘ The systematic planning in Nepalwas started in 1956 A.D. with introduction of first five-year plan (1956~1960). ‘+ After irs five-year plan fourteen development planshave been already implemented; approach paper of fiften five-year plan (FY 2019/2020 ~ 2023/24) has been approved and detail fiteen| five-year national plan with long term visionis being formulated bby National Planning Commission. Periodic Plans Effortson First to Third Plan (1956-1970) Ruraland Agriculture Development: Buildingplanning capabiliry Fourth & Fifth Plans | Regional development: Infrastructure (1970-1980) development ‘Sixth& Seventh | Fulfillment ofbasieneeds: Growihwith Plans(1980-1990) | equity Eighth o Tenth Plans | Sustainable economic growth: Poveriy (1992-2007) alleviation (PRSP); Reductionin regional disparity Tithto 14thPlans | Employment centric inclusiveand equitable (2007-2019) growth; povery alleviation: sustained | peace: SDGs. hipster youtube com/NopalCaesar ‘The Fourteenth Plan (2016/17—2018/19) Vision: Attain the prosperity of people through making the national economy selreian, highly developed and socialism oriented. Goal: ‘To reach middle-income level country by increasing people's welfare ‘long with maintaining socal justice. Object ‘To achieve socioeconomic transformation ofthe country by reducing poverty and ataining high economic growth through generation of productiveemploymentand distributive justice. Strategies: 1. To increase in production through transformation of agriculture sector, expansion of tourism, industrial, small & medium seale enterprises. 2. To develop physical infrastructures for energy, road, sir transportation, information and communication; and rural-urban ‘& international connectivity 3. To improve high & sustainable human development by emphasizing on social development and social security. 4. To improve good govemance by economic, social & admin reform: efficient & responsive public finance: people friendly public service and protection of human rights. 5. To improve institutional capacity along with gender equality, inclusion, environment protection, nd scence & technology hitpsuwwfacebook-comiLoksewaElectical! ES nw sacenoox comgruupsven.r our Major Targets and Achievement ofthe 14th Plan Indicators ‘Status2015/16 Targets (2016/17— | _Achievement(Up to FY] 2018/19) 2017/18) T Annual Average Economie Growth Rate (%) O77 720 69 2, Annualaverage agricultural growth rate (%) 133 4:70 42 3. Annualaverage non-agriculturalsector growthrate (%4) | 0.63 8.40 80 4:lnfation Rate (7%) 95 75 42 ‘5. GDP Per Capita (Rs 000) 79.37 116.50 ns “6, Population Below thePoverty Line % 216 7 187 7. Human Developmentindex 054) 057 0574 ‘8. GenderEmpowenment Index 056 058 0568 9. Life Expectancy at Bh (Year) o 2 7 10, Population with access to basic drinking water (%6) 836 90.0 88 Installed capacity of electricity generation (in MW) 851.0 2301.0 1020 12, Population with access to electricity (%) 740 87.0 90 Not wan facetonk camirninsNEA PSC Here achievements of 14" plan are taken from approach paperof 15* plan. ton thew vd comNanalCamsae biotin facahonk om oksewaFlactrical 3.3 Sustainable Development Major chall 4 Sustainable developmentis development that meets theneeds of tre lenges 7 = uccoraed the present without compromising the ability of future 2 Poverty, exclision, gender disparity planning Spemstionste meet fheit own needa ‘5. Unemployment and underemployment 4: Inalances in development “4 The aim of sustainable developmentis to balance our economic, environmental andsocial needs. allowing prosperity for now and future generations. 1. Low interal resource mobilization 2. Heayy dependence on foreign assistance 5, Poor inflow of FDL Pillars/Aspects of sustainable development Th 1. Lack of pol 2. Poor govemance won faction comirrineNEA PSC nth vibe comNanaiCaeae inthe fat cei kemwa lactic! wor saceooox comgiuupansen rou see 1. Economie development Economic development is about providing incentives for businesses and other organizations to adhere to sustainability guidelines beyond their normal legislative requirements. The supply and demand market are consumerist in nature, and modem life requires a lot of resources every single day: economic developmentis about giving people what they want without compromising quality of life, especially in the developing world 2, SocialDevelopment Social developmentis about awareness of and legislation protection of the health of people from pollution and other harunful activities of business. It deals with encouraging people to participate in environmental sustainability and teaching them abouttheeffects of environmental protection as well as warning ofthe dangers ifwe cannot achieve our goals, 3. Environment protection Environmental protections the need to protect the environment, ‘whether theconcept of Rs (reduce, recyele, recover, and rss) re being achieved or not. Businesses that are able to keep theircarbon emissions low is towardenvironmental develop- ‘ment. Environmental protection is the third pllarand, to many, theprimary concemofthe future of humanity. It defines how to protect ecosystems, air quality, integrity. and sustainability of our resources and focuses on the elements that pphtcestresson the environment, Italso concernshow technology will drive our greener future; and that developing technology i key to this sustainability and protecting the environment of the future from potential damage that technological advances could potentially bring. Sustainable Development Goals ‘The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a bold, universal agreement to end poverty in all its dimensions and craftan equal, just and secure world ~for people, planet and prosperity by 2030. ‘The 17 SDGs was adopted by 193 Member Statesat the historie UN General Assembly Summit in September 2015, and came into effect on January 1,2016, The 17 SDGsare: 1. End poverty inallits forms everywhere 2, End bunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promotesustainableagriculture 3. Ensure healthy ives and promote well-being for all atall ages 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities forall ne saceno0x comgroupsnen.r our se 5, Achieve gender equality and empowerall women and girls 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water ‘and sanitation forall, 7, Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modem ‘energy forall, 8, Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, fall and productive employment, and decent work forall 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inlusive and sustainable industealization, and foster innovation 10Reduce inequality within andamongeounties | Make cites and humansettlements inclusive, safe resilient, and sustainable 12.Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 13,Takeurgeat action to combat climate changeand is impacts 14.Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development 15Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ‘ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, ‘and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss 16.Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective ‘and capableinstittions 17.Strengthen means of implementation and revitalize the global ‘partnership for sustainable development oy a Prt cacy ced nora ASS u/s Prin roe) WL Aca Ea cic cot Cs Poet ra rr Pun ror orteg TORBEN CLEAN ENTRY ‘wor facebook comlgoupsiNEA PSC! i is Artin ‘> | ait re oe ad) on FORTHECOAS c ( ‘tps:hew youtube comNopalCacsar hitpsulwn facebook com/LoksewaElecticall Ei fo Pract roar Co ‘SDGsare focused on SPs Planet 7 Protect our Panes natural resources ‘and climate for future generations faflinglvesin harmony with nature peace Foster peaceful justand Inclusive societies Partnership Implement the agende tough 2 sold lbs pareship ‘wn faccbook comigroupsiNEA PSC! 3.4 Public Private Partnership (PPP) PPP KnowledgeLab defines « PPP as "a long-term contractbetweena private party and a government entity, for prov service, in which the private party bears significant risk and ‘management responsibilty, andremunerationis linked to performance" ing a public asset or Merits 1. Inflow of privateinvestment: PPP attractsprivate investment which is of utmost importanceto undertake such essential projects 2. Increased efficiency Involvement of private sector will bring efficiency im implementation of projectsand cut down ostand time. 3. Innovat Ithelps in bringing innovative design and constructive practices. 4. Better economic vinbilt Involvement of experienced and creditworthy sponsors and commercial lenders can increase economic viability of the Projects ‘5. Risk shaving: ‘The structuring ofa PPP projectallocatestheriskstotheagency ‘which can handleit most suitably. win facahonk cemlarminsINEA PSC! tps youtube-com/NepalCacsar tne th vii com NanalCansae Demerits 1, Increased cost: (Cost of production increases for the government as private secor also demandsits profit share forthe money it invests. 2. Controlgets divides Control gets divided between private and public sector. Government remains involved in all stages and private sector, is responsible for more commercial functions like project desin, construction, financeand operations. [PPPs in Nepal PPPs in Nepal will concentrateon, + Physiclinfastrctureand transportation (roads bridges, portzofall types) + Energy sector, both argescalehydro-power,rraenergy and renewableeneray + Informationand communication sector ‘Environment sector, ike solid waste management and water and sanitation * Basieservices sector, like health and education ioe faeahonk com okenwaFlacticall hitpeuwww facebook.convLoksewaElectical ESS

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