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NAME: __________________________ CLASS: _______________

1. Surah Al-Falaq has ----------- verses. 10. Qur’an was given to Prophet
(7, 6, 5)
( Issa, Musa, Muhammad)
2 . When we read Surah An-Nas, we ask
Allah to protect us from -------------- things. 11. The year that the Prophet (S.A.W) was
born is known as the year of -----------------.
( 4, 3, 6)
( cow, elephant, camel)
3. Surah -----------------is also known as a
dua. 12. ------------------is a pillar of Islam that is
performed in Makkah.
( Al-Fatiha, An-Nas, Al-Falaq)
(Swalah, Hajj, Saum)
4. Surah An-Nas has ---------------- verses.
13. Muslims go for Jum’aa prayers on
(6, 5, 7) -----------------------------.
5. We recite Surah -------------------in every ( Monday, Saturday, Friday)
14. On 12th Rabiul Awwal, Muslims
( Al-Fatiha, Al- Ikhlas, Al-Falaq) celebrate the ----------------of Prophet
6. We cannot hide anything from Allah. This Muhammad.
is called ---------------. ( birth, marriage, death).
( Iman, Ihsan, Islam) 15. I go to worship in the ------------------.
7. Islam is ----------------------- ( church, temple, mosque)
( Cleanliness , dirty, laziness) 16. The second pillar of Iman is
8. When we recite the Kalima, we get ------------------------------------------------------
----------------- from Allah. ---------------

( thawab, anger,money) 17. We pray ----------------- rakaats in

swalatul Asr.
9. Muslims believe in ------------- pillar of
Ihsan. ( 3, 2, 4).

(1, 6, 5) 18. ---------------------- gave birth to me.

( My teacher, My mother, My sister).

Draw and name two creations of



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