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Roll No.


Programme : B. Tech. Semester : 4

Course Name : Artificial Intelligence Course Code : BECSE2C009
Duration : 1.5 Hours Credits : 03
Maximum Marks : 45 Minimum Marks : 18

After pursuing this course, the student will be able to:

CO01 understand the basics of the theory and practice of Artificial Intelligence as a
discipline and about intelligent agents.
CO02 understand search techniques and gaming theory.
CO03 apply knowledge representation techniques and problem solving strategies to
common AI applications.

Part A Total Marks

Very Short Answer Type Logical Questions of 02 marks related to different COs 5 X 2 = 10
S. No. Statement Level CO
Define Artificial Ingelligence (AI). How is the AI different from
A1 2 1
Natural Intelligence?
A2 Write four examples of Typical AI problems. 2 1
Give five tasks in which humans are better than Machine at
A3 3 2
Give five tasks in which Machines are better than Humans at
A4 3 2
A5 In State Space Search, what is the State Space? 2 3
Part B
Total Marks
Short Answer Type Analytical Questions of 03 marks related to different COs
5 X 3 = 15
(Attempt any Five questions )
B1 List-out Seven Key research areas in AI. 3 3
B2 Describe the 8-queens problem. 3 2
B3 Explain the 8-puzzle problem. 4 2
B4 Illustrate the Turing Test. 3 3
Differentiate among the Strong AI, Weak AI, Applied AI, and
B5 3 1
Cognitive AI.
B6 Present Limitations of AI Today. 3 1

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Part C
Total Marks
Long Answer Type Descriptive Questions of 10 marks related to different COs
2 X 10 = 20
(Attempt any Two questions )
Solve the following 8-puzzle problem using Breadth First Search:


C1 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 3
0 4 6 => 4 5 6
7 5 8 0 7 8

Consider the following graph-

C2 5 3

The numbers written on edges represent the distance between the

nodes. The numbers written on nodes represent the heuristic
Find the most cost-effective path to reach from start state A to
final state J using A* Algorithm.
In a "weather problem", Consider the following semantics:
P means "It is hot"
Q means "It is humid"
R means "It is raining"
Given Premises:
C3 1. (P ^ Q) => R (here meaning "If it is hot and humid, then it 5 3
is raining")
2. Q => P (here meaning "If it is humid, then it is hot")
3. Q (here meaning "It is humid.")
Goal or theorem: is it raining?
Present your solution using the standard rules of inferences

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