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Understanding Political Law Criminal And Stage Enforcement

There is various definition political law criminal , see meaning as well as room
scope political criminal following This .

Discussion will political law criminal very interesting For listen . The reason is , as
explained in DPR page , understanding political law criminal on basically is
something form responding policies _ development thinking man about crime .
Following review more details .

Understanding Political Law

Hanafi Amrani in Political Update Law Criminal explained that study political
criminal No can released from political law ; political And law .

Term political And law of course two different things . _ However , as explained
Moh . Mahmud MD ( in Amrani . 2019:1), politics very related with law Because
essence law on basically is statement political from government issued _ to in
something norm . Then , if simplified , politics law can interpreted as legal policy.

Still about political law , Sudarto in Law And Law Indonesian Criminal explained
that political law can interpreted as business For realize good rules _ in accordance
with circumstances And situation moment That .

Understanding Political Law Criminal According to experts

As for understanding political law criminal according to Sudarto is will national

For create law appropriate punishment _ with aspirations And system source value
from Indonesian nation .
Soerjono Soekanto interpret understanding political law criminal That covers
action choose values And implement it in reality . Political For prevent happen
delinquency And crime . In short , politics law criminal is effort For organize
reactions social in a way rational ; organize reactions social to delinquency And
crime .

There is various definition political law criminal , see meaning as well as room
scope political criminal following This is… Barda Nawawi Arief ( in Amrani ,
2019: 8) explains that on basically political law criminal contain meaning How
choose , try or make , and formulate something legislation good punishment ,
appropriate _ with desired goal _ achieved .

More he continued , politics law criminal is line policy For determine a number of
things , like how much Far provision law applicable criminal law need changed
And renewed ; what can _ done For prevent follow criminal ; And How method
investigation , prosecution , trial , and implementation criminal must done .

Related understanding political law criminal , Barda Nawawi Arief Also explained
that in literature foreign , term political law criminal known Also with penal policy
and criminal law policy or strafrechtspolitiek .

For makes it easier understanding about term foreign that , come on take a look
definition following . Marcx Ancel ( in Shafrudin , 2019: 11) defines penal policy
as: something knowledge at a time art that on Finally own objective practical For
possible regulation law positive formulated in a way more Good ; And For give
guidelines , no only to maker the law , however Also to the implementing authority
as well as para organizer or executor decision court .
Definition strafrechtspolitiek as stated by A. Mulder ( in Shafrudin , 2019: 11) is
line policy For determine how much Far provisions applicable criminal law need
changed or renewed ; what can _ done For prevent happen follow criminal ; And
How method investigation , prosecution , trial , and implementation criminal must
held .

Political Law Criminal And Enforcement Law Criminal

In page Lemhannas , Muladi And Barda N. Arief state that political law criminal
can explained enforcement which law ? is Wrong One business in cope evil ,
manifest in enforcement law rational punishment . _ In connection with this ,
generally There is three stages carried out in enforcement political law criminal ,
that is as following .

1. Stage formulation
Stage formulation or so- called Also stage policy legislative is stage
enforcement law criminal in abstracto by body shaper Constitution . In stage
this , shaper Constitution do activity choose appropriate values _ with
circumstances And situation period now Also future _ _ come , then
formulate it in form regulation legislation criminal For reach the best
results , in meaning fulfil condition justice And Power To use.
There is various definition political law criminal , see meaning as well as
room scope political criminal following This .
2. Stage application
Stage application or so- called Also stage policy judiciary is stage
enforcement or application law criminal by apparatus enforcer law , start
from police , prosecutor's office , etc court . In stage here , officers enforcer
law must hold firm values justice And Power To use .
3. Stage execution
Stage enforcement or implementation law criminal in a way concrete by
apparatus executor criminal . In stage here , officers executor criminal on
duty straighten up regulation criminal offenses that have been made by
shaper Constitution through application criminal offenses that have been set
by court . In operate duties , officers executor must guided to regulation
legislation criminal offenses that have been made And values justice as well
as Power To use .

In short , politics law criminal is something form responding policies _

development thinking man about crime . As for room scope political law criminal
covers business or activity For choose believed values _ capable represent public
as well as make it happen as form protection public from crime , sake achieved
well-being people .

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