Statement of The Method of Preventing Accidents at Work and The Environment During Excavations

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Part 2-
24 September 2020

Submitted by:
Av. Cardeal Alexandre Dos Santos No 770 Bairro Laulane Maputo
Tel: Song
85 076 1807 E-mail:

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Document History – Document Number – SUGEC-FIPAG- xxxxx

0 24 September 2020 Statement Of the method of Daniel Mboa

preventing accidents at work
and the environment during

Revision Date Description Prepared Verified Approved Client Approv.

WB The World Bank
Employer Fundo de Investimento e Património do Abastecimento de Água
Consultant Consultancy or group of consultancies appointed by FIPAG. In
this project, it is SCET-Tunisie/ Equilíbrio, Lda
Contractor Jiangsu Geology & Engineering Co., Ltd--SUGEC
HSE Control Officer (ECO) Health, Safety, Environmental Control officer.
The Project Design And Construction Of Water Supply Network In Beira
And Dondo
RE Resident Engineer

HSEP Health, Safety and Environment Plan

HSEPE Health, Safety and Environment Plan for Excavations

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1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................... 6

2. RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................................6

2.1. CONTRACTOR SUPERVISOR........................................................................................... 6

2.2. PROJECT MANAGER OF SUGEC.............................................................................................6

2.3. HSE MANAGER......................................................................................................................7
2.4. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICIANS........................................................ 8
2.5. ALL TEAM MEMBERS.............................................................................................................9


3.1. HEALTH AND SAFETY............................................................................................................. 9

3.1.1. Presence of Health, Safety and Environment Specialist...............................................10
3.1.2. Risk assessment............................................................................................................ 10 Frequency (F)......................................................................................................... 11 Severity Level (S)...................................................................................................11 Safety procedures and conditions (PS)...................................................................12 Number of people affected (N)...............................................................................12 Risk index and priority of intervention according to the magnitude of the risk.... 12
3.1.3. Verification of safety and environmental conditions at the site to be excavated.......... 13
3.1.4. Prior recognition of the area to be excavated............................................................... 14
3.1.5. Excavation signage....................................................................................................... 15
3.1.6. Collective protection equipment and means of access................................................. 17 Walkways............................................................................................................... 17 Means of access......................................................................................................17
3.1.7. Ladder Sizing................................................................................................................ 18 Materials to be used................................................................................................18
3 / 37 Step by step for the construction of ladder.............................................................18 Ladder placement / fixation....................................................................................18
3.1.8. Material removed from the excavation......................................................................... 20
3.1.9. Measures to be taken in case of risk of falls................................................................. 20
3.1.10. Measure to be taken to stabilize the Ground/Soil....................................................... 21 Entivation............................................................................................................. 21
3.1.11. Sizing of Entivation Material......................................................................................21 Equipment Used in the Entivation........................................................................21 Material measurements.........................................................................................22 Mounting.............................................................................................................. 22 Step by step to mounting the material............................................................22 Steps for placing the entivation material........................................................23
3.1.12. Emergency plan.......................................................................................................... 23
3.2. SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN................................................................ 25
3.2.1. General Instructions...................................................................................................... 25
3.2.2. Solid waste management.............................................................................................. 25
3.2.3. Noise generation........................................................................................................... 25
3.2.4. Dust Generation............................................................................................................ 25
3.2.5. Water and fuel consumption......................................................................................... 25
3.2.6. Soil management program............................................................................................ 26

ANNEX......................................................................................................................................... 27

ANNEX A – RISK ASSESSMENT................................................................................................... 28


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List of Figures

Figure 1 : Some types of signaling used in excavation works................................................16

Figure 2 : Final layout of the ladder and its position in the excavation..................................19
Figure 3 : Using the ladder..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4 : Minimum clearance measures commonly adopted................................................ 20
Figure 5 : Excavation with risks of falling trees, rocksliding, etc.......................................... 21

List of Table
Table 1 : Requirement Gravity Criterion................................................................................ 13
Table 2 : Evaluation Standard and Criteria............................................................................. 14

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1. General Description

Excavation activity causes environmental damage, health and even death when not carried out
under a Health, Safety and Environment Plan (HSEP). The Company SOGEC, prepared this
document assigned to the Health, Safety and Environment Plan for Excavations (HSEPE).
During the planning of the excavation activity, the geological conditions and the geotechnical
parameters identified in the study and analysis of the soil must be taken into account and must be
accompanied by the calculation memory and the technical responsibility note.
Dangers such as vibrations, discharges and occasional loads must be considered for the
determination of the slope walls, the construction of shoring and the calculation of its structural
The plan will help in the definition of the essential parameters such as the typology of the slopes,
the type of shoring and its dimensions and dimensions, among others for carrying out the
excavation safely.

2. Responsibilities

The Project team will be staffed and structured to ensure that adequate resources are available to
manage the implementation of HSEPE requirements and to monitor compliance in all areas with
those requirements.

2.1. Contractor Supervisor

The Contractor's supervisor must review and approve the plan internally, verifying its full
compliance with the applicable Contractual Requirements.

2.2. Project manager of SUGEC

The Project Director has the following main responsibilities in relation to HSEPE activity:
 Ensure that the activity is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the
specifications and the national Health, Safety and Environment framework;
 Ensure that all risks are managed according to HSEP;

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 Provide adequate resources for suitably qualified and experienced personnel for the Project;
 Ensure that health, safety and environmental roles, responsibilities and responsibilities are
developed and incorporated into job descriptions and that performance is regularly reviewed;
 Ensure that adequate resources are available to manage the implementation of health, safety
and environmental requirements and monitor compliance with these requirements;
 Make sure that work is being carried out in accordance with approvals and that no work is
started without the relevant approvals.

2.3. HSE Manager

Reporting to the Project Manager, HSE Manager will coordinate the efforts of the HSE team in
the excavations to ensure the implementation of health, safety and environment plans. The SMS
Manager will guarantee your availability and participation in the execution of the excavation
activities and the provision of data to the HSEP.

The HSE manager will provide advice on issues such as legislation requirements, pollution
prevention, implementation of corrective actions, etc. More specifically, HSE Manager will:

 Act as a focal point for HSE management activities;

 Guide the Management Team in the strategic direction to improve the performance of HSE

 Manage the relationship between workers, client and authorities regarding compliance with
health, safety and environment standards and impact goals;

 Provide leadership in strategic planning and management of health, safety and

environmental considerations;

 Develop and implement HSEP;

 Provide high-level advice and guidance to the SUGEC management team in the areas of
health, safety and environmental management and associated communications;

 Investigate incidents / accidents and implement emergency and corrective actions;

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 Ensure that corrective actions and continuous improvements are carried out;

 Make sure that communication channels are followed by workers.

2.4. Health, Safety and Environmental Technicians

Reporting to the HSE Manager, Health, Safety and Environment responsibilities include:

 Assist the HSE manager in the development and maintenance of the health, safety and
environment management plan, health, safety and environment management system, risk
assessment, excavation method statements, health procedure environment, safety and
protection and other specialized procedures, various records and checklist;

 Provide accurate and timely expert advice on the spot;

 Carry out daily inspection of the work, verifying that the systems are being implemented,
and immediately stop the work if probable damage to the environment is observed and carry
out daily / weekly inspections of the site, initiate actions, fill out the weekly inspection

 Inform construction managers, construction engineers and supervisors and SMS Manager on
corrective actions;

 Monitor construction activities to ensure that the appropriate and identified control measures
are effective and in accordance with the Health, Safety and Environment management plan;

 Keep it accurate records of monitoring and inspection completed;

 Provision of inductions and training and awareness in environmental management, including

hazard identification;

 Keep it training records, identify training needs and provide training when needed;

 Perform monitoring and sampling when necessary;

 Disclosure of waste reduction and management procedures to all relevant personnel on site;

 Provide accurate and timely information in management reports (weekly and monthly);

 Promote awareness about your health, safety and environment in the Project.
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2.5. All Team Members
All personnel involved in excavation activities have an obligation to protect the environment,
health and ensure safety in all work and carry out their own work with due diligence. In
particular, they should:

 Comply with statutory and plan requirements, as identified at the time of introduction and at
the start meetings of specific tasks, as they apply to the type of work in which the worker is

 Be aware of and comply with the requirements of this HSEP, particularly the specific
controls for the tasks in which they are involved’

 Report any incident that may result in damage to health and the environment that arises in
the course of, or connection with, your work

 Implement practical ways to manage risk.

3. Health, Safety and Environment Plan for excavations

3.1. Health and safety

For the beginning of the excavation activity, it is important that the entities that have functional
infrastructures in the place where they intend to develop their activities are officially
communicated. These entities are Electricity from Mozambique - EDM (underground electric
cables), Telecommunications from Mozambique - TDM and Movitel (underground cables),
National Road Administration - ANE (road cut), Mozambique Railways - CFM (Pipeline
crossing near the railway line), FIPAG (water pipe), among others such as Sewer Pipe and Gas

For the execution of a safe excavation, the following steps have been defined.

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3.1.1. Presence of Health, Safety and Environment Specialist
The excavation activity will only start in the presence of the Health, Safety and Environment

Experts should assist in specifying occupational safety requirements, such as:

 The implementation of ramps, crosswalk and/or access Ladder;

 Collective protection equipment installations;

 The establishment of the excavation service execution sequence;

 Verification Check walls, neighboring buildings and all structures that may be affected by
the excavation, for dimensioning the shoring;

 The flow of movement of equipment and workers on site. When establishing traffic routes, it
is necessary to provide different routes for pedestrians and for machines, vehicles and heavy

3.1.2. Risk assessment

Before the start of the activity, a risk assessment will be carried out with the participation of all
workers who are involved in the activity and after everyone must sign. See appendix “A” the
preliminary risk assessment during the excavation activity according to the proposed
For risk assessment in excavation activities, the Matrix method will be used. Below is a
summary of the method to be used.
The risk assessment is carried out based on the concept described below:
R = F x S x Ps x N
R - Risk
F - Frequency
S - Severity
Ps - Security Procedure
N - Number of people affected

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The frequency assessment portrays the frequency with which employees are exposed to a certain
danger or risk. It must be determined for each hazard identified, taking into account the
subjective criteria in the following matrix:
Frequency (F)
1 Improbable Probably Never Happened
2 Remote Unlikely More Can Happen
3 Occasionally Sometimes
4 Likely Sometimes
5 Frequent Often Occurs Severity Level (S)

The level of severity portrays as harmful consequences when an accident occurs due to the risk.
It must be determined for each identified hazard, taking into account the subjective criteria in the
following matrix:
Severity Level (S)
1 Insignificant No bodily injury or system damage or very serious environmental damage
2 Negligible Minor injuries without any type of disability, insignificant or negligible
damage to the system or environment
3 Marginal Minor injuries without any type of temporary or permanent disability, but
a small percentage or partial loss of the system or serious environmental
4 Critical serious damage, injury with temporary or permanent disability but a small
percentage or partial loss of the system or environmental damage
5 Catastrophe death, injury or permanent disability, loss of the system or very serious
environmental damage

11 / 37 Safety procedures and conditions (PS)

With all parameters, it is possible to check if the dangers have been observed before and if
mechanisms have been created to mitigate them. It must be verified for each identified hazard,
taking into account the subjective criteria in the following matrix:
Safety Procedures and Conditions (PS)
1 Insignificant Very Good - Sufficient and Well Implemented
2 Negligible Sufficient, more improveable
3 Marginal Some Deficiencies in the Procedures and lack of
Implementation of Other
4 Critical Serious Deficiencies
5 Catastrophe Do not exist or are don't know Number of people affected (N)

The number of people affected by the hazard or risk is extremely important for a designation of
magnitude, therefore, it must be observed for each hazard identified, taking into account the
subjective criteria in the following matrix:
Number of people affected (N)
1 1-3
2 4 - 10
3 11 - 30
4 31 - 50
5 ≥ 50 Risk index and priority of intervention according to the magnitude of the risk

After determining the magnitude of the risk, it is necessary to determine the prioritization of the
actions (the hypotheses of non-conformities must be registered in the model of Report and
Registration of non-conformities, Occurrence map and action plan), this must be verified for

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each danger identified, taking into account the subjective criteria in the following matrix:

Magnitude of risk Risk Index Intervention Priority

[ 1 - 25 [ Optimal Situation No Change Required
[ 25 - 125 [ Quite Acceptable Situation Small Improvement Actions Can
Be Carried Out
[ 125 - 275 [ Acceptable Situation Requires Some Changes
[ 275 - 525 [ Urgent Situation Requires Urgent Changes
[ 525 - 625 [ Critical Situation Drastic Situation, Requiring
Urgent and Mandatory Changes

3.1.3. Verification of safety and environmental conditions at the site to be excavated

The objective is to verify, monitor and evaluate compliance with legal requirements, good HSE
practices in relation to the execution of excavation services and those involved in this activity, as
well as reporting the results of the conditions of the works.

Two checklist templates were prepared for inspection in excavation activities, one documentary
and the other for the field (see annex B).

The methodology adopted in the model is presented below.

a) Severity criterion for each requirement to be assessed, as shown in table 1:

Table 1: Requirement Gravity Criterion

Severity Punctuation Scenario

Medium (A): 10 points Risk of accidents at work with injury and without leave

Serious (S): 20 points Risk of accidents at work with injury and leave

More Serious(MS): 60 points Work accident that manages permanent disability or death

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b) Evaluation of the questions using the standard and criteria, as shown in table 2:

Table 2: Evaluation Standard and Criteria

Standard Criterion

Not applicable When the requirement does not apply to the work scenario

Yes When it completely meets the requirement

No When it partially meets or does not meet the requirement

b) Calculation of the compliance score indicator



d) Action plan - For items assessed as non-compliant, that is, not met or partially met, actions
must be recorded corrective actions in the “action plan” field of the checklist.

3.1.4. Prior recognition of the area to be excavated

For the area to be excavated, prior recognition will be carried out, therefore, the following
activity will be carried out:

 Evaluation of the road traffic system in the areas where excavations will be carried out;

 Identify the need to remove or prop up trees, stones and objects or materials of all types
when their stability is threatened by the excavation;

 Realize, inspect and record the conditions of the properties surrounding the activity before
the beginning of the excavations and, if necessary, issue an opinion on the stability of the

 Identify possible interferences, such as: pipes, drinking water installations, sewage network,
natural gas network, among others;

 Identify as interference from underground and overhead electrical networks.

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The reconnaissance activity will be assisted by two data collection instruments called the List of
documentary excavation checklist and the field excavation checklist (see annex B).

Excavation activities will only start after the certification of the existence or not of underground
electrical networks, and their protection, diversion and interruption must be provided in order to
avoid accidents. When there are underground electric power cables in the vicinity of the
excavations, the activity can only be started after the power has been disconnected from the

At the end of the activity, a new inspection will be carried out, precautionary in the surrounding
properties to assess and record if the initial conditions have not been changed. Initial and final
survey documents must be filed for a long period of time.

3.1.5. Excavation signage

After defining the traffic of people, vehicles, machines and equipment, safety signs must be
planned to prevent accidents from occurring and subsequent to their implementation.

Excavations are signposted and in order to avoid falling people and / or equipment.

For the signaling in the area to be developed as excavations, warning signs, tapes, cones and
isolation barriers will be used.

The materials used for signaling excavations are Signaling and delimitation of excavation, easels,
cones, light signs and easels.

1. Signaling and delimitation of excavation

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2. Warning signs

3. Cones 4. Easels

Figure 1: Some types of signaling used in excavation works

From the excavation signaling materials illustrated above, some will be chosen to signal the
excavation area and in the management of traffic.

In addition to the signs presented as an example, there are other types, such as sidings, tapes,
banderoles, protection rails, etc.

Traffic close to the excavations will be diverted and, if impossible, the speed of the vehicles must
be reduced.
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If possible, at least two access roads will be built, one for pedestrians and the other for machines,
vehicles and heavy equipment.

In excavations on public roads, light signs will be used, using the Mozambican Traffic Code as a

3.1.6. Collective protection equipment and means of access

For the safety of all workers involved in the excavations, the applicable collective protections
will be evaluated and selected, as well as safe means of access in the areas where the excavations
will be carried out. Walkways

When there is a need for the circulation of people over the excavations, temporary walkways will
be designed, and for vehicle traffic they will be fixed according to the weight of the cargo to be

 Specifications for circulation of people: The minimum width is 0.60 m (sixty centimeter),
protected by guardrails, and must be kept in perfect conditions of use and safety during

 Specification for vehicle circulation: Minimum width of 4.0 m and protected by handrail. Means of access

Wooden stairs will be used to access the excavation floor. The stairs will be distributed along the
excavated site, and will be spaced a maximum of 15m apart.

The use of collective stairs will be prioritized, especially in the case of emergency responses, as
they allow workers to leave quickly and safely. The ladder, for individual use, is for restricted
use, for temporary access or for small services. Since this equipment must meet all the needs of
the excavation activity, its dimensioning depends on the load and the type of wood to be used.

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3.1.7. Ladder Sizing Materials to be used

 Resistant and good quality wood;

 Circular saw or handsaw;

 Sandpaper or sander;

 Nails; and

 Hammer. Step by step for the construction of ladder

 Step 1: Set the ladder height. Cut two woods in this measure, they will be like the sides of
your ladder.

 Step 2: Next, ladder treads will be cut, each approximately 50 cm wide.

 Step 3: All wood will be sanded well.

 Step 4: Then start the ladder assembly. A distance of approximately 35 cm will be

established between each step.

 Step 5: Will be positioned as two larger woods in parallel, that is, one next to the other and
complement to fix the steps from the outside. To make the ladder safer, before nailing, apply
a little wood glue.

 Step 6: The last step will be higher than the others, to increase the stability of the ladder. Ladder placement / fixation

The depths of the excavations are more than 1.25 m (one meter and twenty-five centimeters), at
these depths must have access stairs in strategic places, which allow workers to leave quickly

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and safely in an emergency. therefore, in this activitie, ladders will be placed according to the
specifications established in the same plan since the excavations go up to 1.80 m (one meter and
eighty centimeters).

For the placement / fixation of ladder, make sure that they extend beyond the top edge of the
excavation by at least 1 m, with an inclination angle of 75 degrees on average.

Figure 2: Final layout of the ladder and its position in the excavation

See figure 3 which illustrates the use of the ladder.

Figure 3: Using the ladder

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3.1.8. Material removed from the excavation

The material removed from the excavations will be deposited at a minimum distance that

guarantees the safety of the slopes.

See figure 4 which shows the distance where the excavated material should be placed.

Figure 4: Minimum clearance measures commonly adopted

Excavations are taking place within the neighborhoods, where it will be very difficult to comply
with some safety measures, as is the case with the distance between the excavation and the
vehicles' circulation path. A deviation measure will be implemented if necessary and if there are
several alternatives for vehicle circulation.

3.1.9. Measures to be taken in case of risk of falls

The entire excavation process will be monitored, aiming to observe zones of global or localized
instability, the formation of cracks, the appearance of deformations in buildings and neighboring
installations and public roads.

In cases of risk of falling trees, transmission lines, rockslides and objects of any nature, shoring,
mooring or removal will be carried out, in such a way as not to cause obstructions in the flow of
emergency actions.

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Figure 5: Excavation with risks of falling trees, rocksliding, etc.

3.1.10. Measure to be taken to stabilize the Ground/Soil Entivation

An entivation is a temporary containment that supports the impulses of the terrain during the
excavation, preventing its collapse. Can be made of wood, steel or concrete. In this project it will
be made of wood.

3.1.11. Sizing of Entivation Material Equipment Used in the Entivation

 Hacksaw;

 Planks;

 Wood;

 Wood bean;

 Nails;

 Hammer;

 Wood Glue, etc.

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The material will be manufactured in the shipyard's workshop and then transported to the site
where it will be carried out as excavations. measurements

The planks must have a dimension of 2.0cmx2.20mx3m and the joists to be used as props must
have a dimension of 5x5cm, horizontal elements that connect the opposite planks.

The material already manufactured will have a width of 0.64m. The excavation width will be
adjusted from 0.60 to 0.70 - 0.80m to allow the entivation material to enter.

The length will be 2 - 3 m for each equipment in order to offer a good consistency and resistance
during excavation activities.

The height of the material will be a maximum of 2.40m. Mounting

The mounting will be carried out by qualified carpenters, with the assistance of the HSE manager,
in order to monitor compliance with the planned measures and check the quality of the material. Step by step to mounting the material

 1st step: It will be guaranteed that the board are the same size and quality;

 2nd step: Cut the wooden beam in the 0.60m dimension that will be used as props;

 3rd step: Place the board horizontally, on top of some safe material (table or other material)
or on the floor and mark the points where the anchor will be nailed (cut wood beam).
There will be 4 to 6 stitches depending on the length to be used;

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 4th step: Lift one of the board safely and nail the struts (cut wood beam) at the marked
points. To ensure the greatest safety and durability of the material, a strong wood glue is
first applied;

 5th Step: Place the board with props nailed/fixed to the floor with props facing upwards;

 6th Step: Place the other board on the supports and nail / fix. The glue must also be placed
on the ends to be nailed to the other board.

Note: If it is not possible to find board with the dimensions drawn, wooden planks will be used,
but following the same specifications, differing only in the final design. The planks will be
joined, using the same material. Steps for placing the entivation material

 1st step: It will be dug 50 cm deep, 0.70 - 0.80m wide and 3 - 5m long.

 2nd step: Place the entivation equipment in the excavated space.

 3rd step: The operator starts working by removing the soil from inside the excaveted place
equipment until reaching the depth requested by the project.

 4th step: The material will descend by gravity.

Note: If the terrain is very firm and the material does not descend due to gravity, it will be
adopted with a hammer or other material, the walls will be forced down alternately.

3.1.12. Emergency plan

This plan is intended to establish the measures to be taken in the event of an accident or
catastrophe during excavations.

It provides for effective measures for the provision of first aid and evacuation of accidents and
all workers in the event of a disaster.
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A first aid box will be allocated on site, which will be equipped with the equipment and material
necessary for the length of its functions. The first aid box will be placed in an easily accessible
place and will be properly signposted.

The rescuer will be permanently contactable and will always be in the nearest radius. In the event
of a serious accident or sudden illness involving one or more workers, effective measures will be
taken in order to evacuate casualties quickly through contact with the ambulance services that
will take them to the nearest medical facility or hospital.

The actions to be taken when providing first aid will be based on the following:

Prevent - check the site for precaution of any additional danger, avoiding the danger of the
victim, or in the last case the victim of danger, but never endangering his life.

Alert - observe the victim, checking the state and questioning (if possible) about the events.
Calm the victim and give instructions so that emergency technicians are notified of the
occurrence, so that the specialized assistance and transport of the victim is activated.

Rescue - provide the first aid appropriate to the situation, awaiting the arrival of specialized
assistance and evacuation of the victim. Ready to assist the technicians or to accompany the
victim if requested.

When alerting the emergency services, the rescuer must remain with the victim and ask someone
to call and take the following measures:

 Call the ambulance number;

 Inform the location where the accident occurred;

 Inform about the victim's age and probable injuries

 Switch off the phone only after the emergency ventral has done so;
 Return to the accident site and indicate the measures taken

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3.2. Special Environmental Management Plan

3.1.1. General Instructions

The Contractor shall ensure that all relevant legislation relating to environmental protection and
pollution prevention is strictly enforced.

This legislation must include Mozambican legislation, including international best practices and
standards in the absence of national legislation (eg World Bank and / or African Development
Bank guidelines).

The Contractor shall consult all applicable legislation and standards (strategies, policies,
regulations, guidelines and others) to the Project and maintain an up-to-date database.

3.1.2. Solid waste management

In the excavation activity, the waste to be generated will be collected in a plastic or container
immediately, and at the end of the day it will be transported to the shipyard where it will be
segregated and deposited in the appropriate containers.

3.1.3. Noise generation

The main sources of noise are generators and pipe joining machines. To minimize the noise
generated by the equipment, as the activities will be carried out during the day and the noise will
be monitored.

3.1.4. Dust Generation

In the place where it is possible to identify dry soil, or roads with the possibility of emitting dust,
before the start of activities, will be sprayed with water.

3.1.5. Water and fuel consumption

In excavation activities, there will be no greater consumption of water and energy. The quantities
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to be consumed of fuel and water will be recorded. Workers will be made aware of the rational
consumption of water, including ways to prohibit the maintenance of equipment and vehicles,
washing them to avoid soil contamination.

3.1.6. Soil management program

The soil resulting from the excavations will be stored, preferably in the area close to the
excavations, in piles of trapezoidal section.

Vehicles and machines, whenever possible, will move along the existing paths and when opening
provisional accesses (if necessary) should preferably be made perpendicular to the lines with the
highest slope. In the areas with the highest slopes, the works must take place in order to avoid
slipping, with support structures placed when necessary;

After placing the pipes, the same soil must be used to cover the excavation ding.

 Use of machines and trucks

In case of accidental spillage of fuels and / or lubricants, the absorbent material must be applied
immediately to the entire spill and, as soon as possible, all contaminated soil must be removed.
This soil must be packed in a watertight container and transported by an entity licensed by
MITADER for this purpose;

No machines, equipment, vehicles and wheels will be held on site.

A leak and spill control program for oils and other lubricants will be implemented at the site. The
program must contain: information on spill kits on site (blankets, cords and pads, nitrile gloves,
goggles, garbage bags); procedures to be followed during a spill, such as: checking and isolating
the spill area, retrieving the emergency kit and creating barriers and absorption of the spilled
product, cleaning the area, collecting the resulting waste and storing it in well-disposed garbage
bags identified, to communicate the event, etc.

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Annex A – Risk assessment

Head Protection: Hand Protection: Body Protection Feet protection: Eye and Face protection Other Protection

 Safety Helmet General purpose Gloves (Polytril) ü Sleeve Shirt - 100% Cotton
 Short ü Socks - 100% Cotton  Safety
 Cotton ü Glasses-Clear lenses Fire Extinguisher

Bump cap ü
 Leather Gloves - Pig skin ü Sleeves Overall Jacket
 Long ü Toe Safety Boots
 Steel Safety Glasses-Coloured lenses

Hearing protection: Leather Gloves – Thick / Welding ü Trousers - 100% Cotton

 Long Rubber Boots Goggles

Ear Plugs PVC Gloves Disposable Chemical Suit Spats Face Shield

Respiratory protection: Electrical Switching Gloves Chemical Protection Suit Fall Protection Welding Helmet

ü Mask - FFP1
 Dust Electrical Switching Suit Full Body Harness Gas cutting goggles

Dust Mask - FFP2 Apron Self retracting lifeline Electrical Protection Face Shield

Breathing Apparatus Set


Excavation 1. Perform the shoring
according to the project
1. Perform shoring
prepared by a qualified
according to project
Torsion / professional.
Soil collapse, prepared by a qualified
displacements, 2.Perform visual inspection
lack and / or Burial 1 3 3 2 18 professional. 1 4 4 2 32
fractures, abrasions, in the area before starting SHE
poor shoring 2. Perform visual
crush injuries, death the activity
inspection in the area
3.Induct all employees to
before starting the activity
take care of their health and
safety and of others working
28 / 37
in the area;
Excavation 1. Perform the provisional
Places with level
closing of openings in the
floor. HSE
2.Always use stairs and
protection Fall of people
Polytrauma / accesses to enter and exit the
against fall, lack with difference 4 1 3 2 24 5 5 4 2 200
Injuries excavations.
of PPE / EPC, of level
3.Install anchoring system
and lifeline.
signaling and
4.Keep excavation areas
marked and isolated.
Excavation Noise generation Training and
by machines and Bothering Hearing Loss Wear ear protector 2 4 4 2 64 Supervision 2 5 5 2 100 HSE
equipment workers
Excavation 1.Store the tools away from HSE
the walkways;
The Employee Awareness training,
Trip and fall Fractture, Spreins, 2.After use, the tools must
leave tools on the 1 3 4 2 24 supervisor; 2 4 5 2 80
caused by Distended be stored in the storeroom
Road Ensure good housekeeping
tools on 3.Good housekeeping must
walkway be performed;
Excavation Lung problems
When exposure to dust make
Generation of leaded by Awareness training HSE
sure that the person us dust 1 2 4 2 16 1 4 4 2 32
Dust inhalation of Supervisor
mask all time
dust Lung disease
Excavation During the Adoption of Sensitize employees on HSE
performance of incorrect Skeletal muscle 1.Preparation and the adoption of
2 3 2 5 60 2 2 2 2 16
employee posture injuries dissemination of risk ergonomically correct
activities, they (Ergonomics) assessment of activities postures

29 / 37
man adopt 2.Sensitize employees on the
incorrect adoption of ergonomically
postures correct postures

Excavation 1.Practice of physicals

Medium and long
exercises; HSE
Performing daily term physical and Sensitize employees about
Stress 2.Eat whenever possible the 2 2 2 2 16 2 1 2 2 8
activities psychological stree work stress
and multiple injuries
3.Get enough rest
Excavation 1.Preparation and
implementation of a weekly
Performing daily Sensitize employees about
Work overload Fatigue activity plan 2 2 3 2 24 3 3 4 2 72 HSE
activities work overload
2.Request help whenever

Signature of work team and people involved in this task:

I hereby confirm that I am familiar with the task and all its hazards and risks involved.
01 17 33
02 18 34
03 19 35
04 20 36
05 21 37
06 22 38
07 23 39
08 24 40
09 25 41

30 / 37
10 26 42
11 27 43
12 28 44
13 29 45
14 30 46
15 31 47
16 32 48

for Risk

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Annex B – 1: Checklist for inspection in excavation activities in the field

Review: 0
Data: 20/09/2020
Checklist - Field - Excavations

This form is an integral part of the Declaration on the method of preventing accidents at work Legend NON-COMPLIANCE - Severity:
and the environment during excavation Average (A): 10 points
Company: SUGEC Project: DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY Serious (S): 20 points
NETWORK IN BEIRA AND DONDO More Serious(MS): 60 points
Activity: Excavation Inspection number:
Team: ( ) Own ( ) Hired company Date: Time:
Inspector name: Occupation: signature:

1 Diverse activities Seriousness Not applicable Yes No Punctuation observation
1.1 Are underground networks signaled and protected?
1.2 The electrical networks are de-energized?
1.3 All places at risk of compromising stability are supported?
1.4 The unstable slopes of excavations with a depth greater than
1.25m are supported?
1.5 There are ladder in excavations over 1.25m deep?

32 / 37
1.6 Slopes higher than 1.75m have shoring?
1.7 Excavated materials are deposited at a distance greater than
half the depth?
1.8 There are warning signs, including at night, and isolation
1.9 All workers are using personal protective equipment
appropriate to the risk factors?
1.10 Work Permit was issued for non-routine activity in progress?
1.11 Workers are aware of the content of the Risk Assessment
prepared for the activity?
1.12 Machines and equipment are equipped with an audible rear
1.13 The collective protections provided for in the plan are
implemented according to the plan?
1.14 Access roads, one for pedestrians and one for machines, are
signposted and delimited?

observation: Compliance Score =
Verified Compliance Score =
Compliance goal =
Verified Compliance Percentage

33 / 37
Guidance: The non-conformities found in the inspection must be registered and treated through the Action Plan.

Aware of the Technical Responsible for the Work

Occupation Date: Signature


Action Plan
Item Non-compliance Corrective action Responsible Deadline Accomplished

Item Non-compliance Corrective action Responsible Deadline Accomplished

Item Non-compliance Corrective action Responsible Deadline Accomplished

34 / 37
Annex B – 2: Checklist for document inspection in excavation activities

Review: 0
Data: 20/09/2020
Checklist - Document - Excavations

This form is an integral part of the Declaration on the method of preventing accidents at work and theLegend NON-COMPLIANCE - Severity:
environment during excavation Average (A): 10 points
BEIRA AND DONDO More Serious(MS): 60 points
Activity: Excavation Inspection number:
Team: ( )Own ( )Hired company Date: Time:
Inspector name: Occupation: signature:
1 Documents Seriousness Not applicable Yes No Punctuation observation
1.1 Prior inspection of the area to be excavated was carried out and
records were kept?
1.3 Did the executive excavation project take into account the geological
conditions and geotechnical parameters specific to the site?
1.4 The work has a work procedure for excavation services?
1.5 excavation activities have risk assessment?
1.6 Risk assessments are signed by the workers engaged in the
35 / 37
This form is an integral part of the Declaration on the method of preventing accidents at work and theLegend NON-COMPLIANCE - Severity:
environment during excavation Average (A): 10 points
BEIRA AND DONDO More Serious(MS): 60 points
Activity: Excavation Inspection number:
Team: ( )Own ( )Hired company Date: Time:
Inspector name: Occupation: signature:
1.7 All site workers received admission training on excavations
1.8 Did the company create, implement and maintain an emergency
response and response procedure?
1.10 The PPE has a Certificate of Approval in force?
1.11 Work permits closed, are archived?
1.14 Does the company carry out and keep records of periodic inspections
and preventive maintenance of the machines?
1.15 Machine or equipment operators are qualified?
observation: Compliance Score =
Verified Compliance Score =
Compliance goal =
Verified Compliance Percentage =

36 / 37
Guidance: The non-conformities found in the inspection must be registered and treated through the Action Plan.

Aware of the Technical Responsible for the Work

Occupation Date: Signature


Action Plan
Item Non-compliance Corrective action Responsible Deadline Accomplished

Item Non-compliance Corrective action Responsible Deadline Accomplished

Item Non-compliance Corrective action Responsible Deadline Accomplished

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