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Prepared By : Senior Manager, HR Signature:

Reviewed By : Assistant General Manager, IACD Signature:

Reviewed By : General Manager, Group HR & Compliance Signature:

Reviewed By : General Manager, IACD Signature:

Authorized By : Director Signature:

Approved By : Managing Director Signature:

General Purchase Process Guideline

Miniso Bangladesh Ltd. devises an uniform purchase requisition guideline which intends to give a clear and
thorough guideline of overall requisition process of all sorts of purchase, service and bill settlement timeline,
document requirement and others to acquire goods and services necessary to provide the essential services for
which an organization is responsible. Essentially, all procurement transactions must be conducted in a manner
that provides full and open process & documentation, consistent with ethical standards, and company’s
prescribed process expectation.

2.1 General guideline for purchase requisition
It is the responsibility of the respective employee to notify the Purchase department/ relevant department
head/ Director through E-mail/ prescribed “PURCHASE REQUISITION FORM” with detail information of the
need to Purchase items as per requirement with referenced detail of the need and other information. Based
on written request of the user/requester, the Purchase department/ relevant department head shall
process the requisition maintaining further guideline of this policy, keeping the Purchase recorded in a
register file (Soft Copy/ Hard Copy) & maintain those for further audit.

2.2 Raise Requisition:

The process begins when the PURCHASE DEPARTMENT receives a Requisition (FORM PR)
from requisitioner to buy outside materials or services.

2.3 Request for Quotation (RFQ):

RFQ are to be invited from enlisted vendor/ supplier using official email or official pad (in
case of required case) from at least (03) three vendors. If enlisted vendors are unavailable
for a particular item, then the requested item could be procured from open market keeping
PROC in loop with proper justification but it is suggested to make a list of RFQ and obtain
acknowledgement signature with date & seal from the potential vendor.

2.4 Comparative Statement

Respective personnel/ Purchase department will assess the quotations and will prepare the
Comparative Statement (CS)/ Bid Summary (BS). The evaluation
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personnel will sign and place the file for recommending by the PROC and approval to Director
maintaining clause 2.5.1. in specific case. In case of the items are more technical where the
technical assistance is needed for selection, then the bids are to be sent for technical evaluation
before making the comparative statement. The technical personnel of the respective section will
make their comment on the technical evaluation and based on the technical evaluation,
purchase department will make the price comparison, lead time for delivery, supplier
performance etc. Finally, they will solicit the bids for the best-cost provider.

Best-cost does not always mean the lowest bid rather it is a compromise between price and
quality. For the greater interest of the organization and receiving qualitative and timely
services/goods, Procurement committee may give any kind of justified recommendation to
issue work order/Purchase order but justification must be recorded as future reference.

2.5 Select Suppliers/Vendors

This step involves identifying suppliers capable of providing the items with accepted rate of
the possible items, grouping items that can be provided by the same supplier, evaluating the
bids in terms of different criteria, and recommending for selecting a supplier by the
Procurement Committee (PROC) after physical interviewing with the bidders/suppliers, in
need and finally approving the vendor with the approval of the Director.

2.6 Place the Purchase Order (PO)

Once a vendor is selected, a written order should be issued which is called Purchase Order
(PO) (Annex - F). The Purchase Order (PO) will act as the contract for the supply of the
goods/ services as per the required quality, quantity, payment mode and delivery time etc.
Purchase Order generally be placed by Purchase Department personnel. In case of
Campaign or event management work, advertising/promotional work, agency work or other
relevant work where purchase department might not have to involve, relevant department
personnel shall place the PO keeping all PROC members including Director in loop.

2.7 Receive the Order

Materials / supplies/goods should be checked for specifications, quantity and quality, with
FORM PO, the department/personnel placing the Purchase requisitions (PR). Materials
should be received from vendor thorough Challan and receive in Head office or place
defined in the PO.

2.8 End user’s recommendations / comments:

Once the approval is given by the Director on the comparative statement it will indicate that the
purchase department/ relevant personnel have already selected the goods/services. To avoid
return of goods or ensuring qualitative g o o d s /services, b e f o r e i s s u a n c e o f t h e
P u r c h a s e O r d e r (PO), the end user (if available) should give their comments whether they
agree with the selection or not. This will reduce the risk of Purchase Department return and
above all, save time and cost of ordering. If anybody disagreeing w i t h t h e s e l e c t i o n a n d
w r i t e t h e proper justification, then fresh bidding can be made.

2.9 Limits of Procurement

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2.9.1 For any procurement from based on the specification of the item regardless of estimated
amount from minimum to maximum; for single item or more than one item, in case of goods
purchase or service placement, following of RFQ process should be maintained as a must
thing. Upon receiving the PR request from the concerned employee through the concerned
supervisor/departmental head, Purchase Department or relevant personnel designated by
PROC shall arrange quotations (from one quotations to more than three quotations as per
the need of purchase specification) as per RFQ process and will seek the approval in
accordance with the Delegation of Authority. Goods and services should receive through
Challan or proper documentation. Taking more than one quotation from one vendor is strictly

2.9.2 Procurement Committee members should be involved in all RFQ process as per guideline of
Top Management member in specific purchase or service request following through to CS,
evaluation, negotiation, recommendation and approval process before placing the PO for
final purchase. Inspection and quality assurance is an integral part of this whole process.

2.10 Spot Quotation Purchase / Open Market Operations:

Under the following circumstances the spot/direct Purchase can be made:

2.10.1 When the enlisted vendors are not available for a particular item and the general
suppliers are unable to meet the specific requirements.
2.10.2 When some small Purchase of urgent nature, repair, maintenance, sanitary,
cleaning and carpentry works for which no enlisted vendor is available and payment
is to be made on completion of the job by cash.


Miniso Bangladesh Ltd. management, with due demand of time and advancement of technology and business
proposition, may update or amend or change this policy time to time. With enacting this policy, apparent any
previously provisioned practice, theory or other policy that is of written or verbal or in other form shall get
obsolete or dissolved immediately.

This policy must be re-prepared, approved and duly authorized whenever any change in method of operation
or any other circumstance, indicates the need as per Management view. It must be reviewed time to time from
the date of issue, in the light of current practice, to determine whether any revision is necessary.

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