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The Effectiveness of Blended Learning among 2nd year Political Science Students

Chapter 1


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Background of the Study

The advent of viruses that have caused several human deaths since the end of

2019 has sparked global concern, making it clear that the viruses' initial

appearance took place in China, namely in the Wuhan region. The Philippine

government has adopted a policy of keeping social distance, keeping physical

distance, frequently washing hands, wearing masks when dealing with people

outside of the home, and enforcing new laws that are all activities done at

home using an online system as long as the COVID-19 outbreak is still ongoing

and there are no signs of its spread slowing down. The world of education also

uses online activities. The COVID-19 outbreak has an impact on all of the

education provided by institutions. In order to help students develop their

academic and non-academic abilities and increase their digital literacy, online

learning activities are used in tertiary institutions. In spite of the constrained

space, students still learn through online means, which requires the creative

labor of educators. Teachers' inventiveness and ingenuity in how they design

and deliver lessons and learning activities continue to foster and pique

students' intellectual curiosity. equivalent to assigning homework in line with

the intended learning focus. In order to help educators deal with the COVID-19

outbreak during this pandemic, this has emerged as one of the good outcomes
of technological development. Students that participate in blended learning

through the use of an app or learning management system (LMS) platform

become more adept at using their smartphones, which can help them become

more tech-savvy and increase their level of digital literacy. the accessibility of

multiple LMS application types for learning model application. Edmodo,

Schoology, Google Classroom, Google Form, and more programs are among

many that are available. The paradigm and design of learning in the

educational sector have changed due to the rapid growth in communication

and data innovation.

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the Effectiveness of Blended learning among

2nd year political science students, College of Arts and Sciences of the

University of Antique.


(a) There is a significant relationship between the quality of teaching of

teachers and College of Arts and Sciences, Political Science students

satisfaction towards the effectiveness of blended learning.

(b) There is a significant relationship between quality of teaching of teachers

and the academic performance of College of Arts and Sciences, Political Science

students towards the effectiveness of blended learning.

Theoretical Framework

George Siemens coined the term "connectivism" to describe a learning

philosophy that is best appropriate for the digital age (2004, 2005). An effective

framework for better learning in the digital age can be produced through

connectivism, which combines social structures, technology, and existing

learning theories. The theory is in line with the trends in education for the

twenty-first century, a time when technology has become an integral

component of daily life. Knowledge acquisition greatly benefits from the usage

of networks and technology. People's methods of knowledge acquisition vary

when new learning technologies are used. Only those who are qualified may

effectively link and learn from database information. The difficulties of

knowledge management can be overcome by connectivism. As a result, the

connectivist theoretical framework was used in the current study to carry out

the research.

Specific Objectives

Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What is the level of the quality of teaching towards blended learning of

teachers as perceived by the students?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of students towards blended learning?

3. What is the level of performance of students towards blended learning?

Definitions of Terms

Blended learning – an educational approach that combines traditional face-to-

face instruction with electronic and online learning for pupils. Is a style of

education that integrates several educational activities, like face-to-face

instruction in the classroom with real-time online learning, according to

Harriman (2004). It was described as a (Khamis, 2003). Since it combines

traditional learning and e-learning in all of its forms within classrooms, the

integrated system was created to aid the student through each stage of the

learning process.

Quality of Teaching –

Satisfaction – is a sensation brought about by having one's wants met. wants”.

According to Rai, satisfaction can be viewed from an emotional or cognitive

perspective. experience and its assessment are based on what is received in

comparison to expectations.

Synthesis – It is the process of incorporating evidence from multiple sources to

support a single notion or argument while also determining how those sources

relate to your main thesis. It is a recognition of the differing approaches used

by different sources to the same issue or area of inquiry.

Sex – refers to a collection of biological traits seen in both humans and

animals. It is mostly connected to physical and physiological traits like

chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and functions, and

reproductive/sexual anatomy.

Age – is a notion that describes a person's age at a specific period. It is

described as the measurement of the amount of time that has passed between

the date of the live birth to a particular point in time, typically the date the

data was collected.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Blended Learning
Blended learning is considered as the combination of face-to-face class

and online learning that reached the most popular among the 21 st century

skills (Bolandifar, 2017). On the other hand, blended learning is increasingly

becoming a viewpoint for students today. It enables the use of the internet or

computer-based techniques to enhance the face-to-face interaction between

teachers and learners (Morris 2010). According to AlKhaleel (2019), blended

learning is the careful combination of face-to-face and the experiences of online

learning that the attributes of each approach are combined into a single

learning experience. It is a basic and essential transformation that changes the

teaching and learning approaches as structures of education.

Blended learning refers to strategies that blend several learning

techniques, such as face-to-face instruction, online courses, e-systems, and

knowledge management with real-time online learning. Traditional supervised

learning, synchronous online sessions, and asynchronous self-directed

learning are all components of blended learning (Lee et al., 2016). According to

Akyüz and Samsa (2009), blended learning is a hybrid system that combines

conventional classroom instruction with contemporary e-learning tools and

activities in a single course.

The study's blended learning concept is in line with the development of

fresh approaches to raising University's Antique performance. In reaction to

politics, it has changed from using a traditional face-to-face learning strategy to

a blended learning model that incorporates technology. The new instructional

strategy has been specifically created to encourage students with unique

learning styles to progress at their own pace own time and pace.

Quality of Teaching

Blended learning allows the students to adopt various learning styles

and skills level, at the same time, blended learning uses visual, additive, and

interactive tools for the enhancement of offline activities with the use of

Learning Management System (LMS). It also supplements in-person lectures

with a secondary resource of online modules and overcomes time and

geographical constraints. Despite that, blended learning is considered to one of

the providing approaches that can bring real-self styled learning methods to

the teaching and learning processes (Sejdiu 2014). In short, Blended learning

is more versatile, engaging, and adaptable for learners in terms of the quality of

teaching, thus allowing the teachers to better address their learners’ unique

needs and requirements while integrating blended learning for their teaching

process. Further, the effectiveness of blended learning in teaching are: a) the

students are more engaged and feel confident of being involved in the different

task, b) the students feel more innovative, c) the students are more prepared,

and they are more likelihood of providing educational opportunities in its

greater sense (Alsalhi, Eltahir, & Al-Qatawneh, 2019).

In this study, satisfaction with the training process and its effectiveness

were used to define the effectiveness of blended learning. Student satisfaction

served as a gauge of how well the course was constructed. The frequency of

participation is a useful indicator of how satisfied students are with the way a

course is designed, claims Puzziferro (2008). You're more likely to succeed if

you engage frequently. Students' perceptions of blended learning as a

worthwhile experience were used to determine satisfaction. Satisfaction reveals

how the course is regarded and valued as well as the quality of the educational

experience. Nevertheless, pleasure extends beyond the content to include the

instructors and the interaction that takes place during the blended course.

Eom, Wen, and Ashill (2006) contend that interaction is essential for students'

satisfaction. Graff (2003) asserts that it is crucial to determine whether the

newly designed course actually satisfies the students because design has a

significant impact on how students approach learning. According to Lin (2008),

when carefully prepared, a blended course that included the finest features of

both in-person and online learning will undoubtedly promote active student

learning. Similar to this, improved blended course designs can boost academic

performance by giving students more exposure to course material (McFarlin,

2008). Moreover, blended learning has been shown to promote engagement and

flexibility in learning (Deschacht & Goeman, 2015; McFarlin, 2008). Studies

demonstrates that children learn more when they work with their peers

(Klecker, 2007).
In certain studies, learning outcomes in blended guides were shown to be

comparable to those in traditional face-to-face guides (Delialioglu & Yildirim,

2009; Kwak, Menezes, & Sherwood, 2013). This means that students' academic

performance was unaffected by the methods utilized and that they performed

equally well in mixed learning and conventional learning. In our study, we

didn't look at rating growth as a sign of combined learning performance;

instead, we looked at combined learning competency, which was based entirely

on the ratings that students completed at various points in the course. A

passing grade is considered to be one of 75 points or higher.

The quality of online resources and in-person support should be taken

into account when determining the success criteria of blended learning. Song,

Singleton, Hill, and Koch (2004) assert that online students who encounter

technical issues with the course design do not exhibit efficient learning.

Student achievement and blended learning satisfaction are impacted by

technology (Bower & Kamata, 2000; Naaj, Nachouki, & Ankit, 2012). In this

kind of learning environment, the caliber of your technology and your personal

support are equally crucial. According to Kintu et al. (2017), face-to-face help

and the quality of the technology are both tentative indicators of student

In order to succeed in the course, it is crucial to get student feedback,

which may reveal the ideal split between online and in-person components. The

current study sought to determine the effectiveness of learning in a blended

course and to identify some elements that were directly related to it. It also

sought to determine whether the blended approach was an efficient or

enjoyable method of learning. In this study, learning performance and

satisfaction were used as two factors to assess the effectiveness of blended

learning. Since the findings offer practical information and recommendations

for better course administration, they will be helpful for concerned educators

and instructors. When creating blended courses in the future, for instance, it is

important to give significant thought to the variables that have been discovered

to be associated with students' academic achievement and pleasure. So, before

the mixed course starts, impediments can be avoided. More effective learning is

facilitated by increasing awareness of issues.

Chapter 3


Research Design

Locale of the Study


Date Gathering Instruments

Date Gathering Procedure

Ethical Consideration

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