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(PC) Zoology Shorts (Reasoning)

Q) Why do animals excrete different types of waste products?

Ans) Animals excrete different types of waste products because of
variations in their diets, metabolic processes, and evolutionary
adaptations. For instance, herbivores excrete cellulose-rich waste
from plant diets, while carnivores produce waste with higher protein
Q) Why is the velocity of nerve impulses greater in axons of
larger diameter?
Ans) The velocity of nerve impulses is greater in axons of larger
diameter because larger axons have lower resistance to the flow of
ions, allowing for faster transmission of electrical signals.
Q) Why is posterior pituitary called neurohypophysis?
Ans) The posterior pituitary is called the neurohypophysis because it
is directly connected to the brain via the hypothalamus and
primarily consists of nerve fibers and nerve endings. It releases
hormones like oxytocin and vasopressin, which are produced in the
Q) Why are the secretions of Adrenal arc Cortex are called
Ans) The secretions of the adrenal cortex are called corticosteroids
because they are steroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex,
and they play crucial roles in regulating metabolism, immune
response, and stress response in the body.
Q) Why do freshwater fish produce large quantities of dilute
Ans) Freshwater fish produce large quantities of dilute urine to
maintain osmotic balance with their environment, as they
constantly absorb water through their skin and gills and need to
expel excess water to prevent overhydration.
Q) How does kidney act as an endocrine gland?
Ans) The kidney acts as an endocrine gland by secreting hormones
such as erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production,
and renin, which regulates blood pressure and electrolyte balance.
Q) Why is the hormonal system of female more complex than
that of the male?
Ans) The hormonal system of females is more complex than males
due to the additional regulatory processes involved in the menstrual
cycle, pregnancy, and childbirth.
Q) How do embryonic tissue influence other embryonic tissues?
Ans) Embryonic tissues influence each other through a process
called induction, where one group of cells secretes signaling
molecules that affect the development and differentiation of
neighboring cells. This communication is crucial for coordinating
the complex process of embryonic development and ensuring that
different tissues form and function correctly.
Q) Why do monozygotic twins have the same sex?
Ans) Monozygotic twins have the same sex because they originate
from a single fertilized egg that contains either two X chromosomes
(female) or one X and one Y chromosome (male). Therefore, both
twins will have the same sex chromosome composition.
Q) How is miscarriage different from abortion?
Ans) Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy, typically
occurring before the 20th week of gestation, whereas abortion is the
deliberate termination of a pregnancy, either through medical
intervention or by natural means.
Q) Why is the anterior lobe of pituitary gland called
Ans) The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is called
adenohypophysis because it consists mainly of glandular tissue,
which secretes and releases hormones directly into the
Q) Why does the pancreas act as endocrine as well as exocrine
Ans) The pancreas acts as both an endocrine and exocrine gland
because it secretes hormones such as insulin and glucagon directly
into the bloodstream (endocrine function) to regulate blood sugar
levels, while also producing digestive enzymes that are released into
the digestive tract (exocrine function) to aid in the digestion of food.

The pancreas acts as both an endocrine and exocrine gland,
secreting hormones like insulin into the bloodstream and digestive
enzymes into the digestive tract.
Q) How is Alzheimer’s different from Parkinson’s disease?
Ans) Alzheimer’s disease primarily affects memory and cognitive
function, leading to dementia, while Parkinson’s disease primarily
affects movement, causing tremors, stiffness, and impaired
Q) Why do marine fishes excrete concentrated urine?
Ans) Marine fishes excrete concentrated urine to conserve water
and maintain proper osmotic balance in their bodies, as they
constantly lose water through osmosis to their salty environment.
Q) Why do the skeletal muscles get fatigue but cardiac muscles
do not? Give reasons.
Ans) Skeletal muscles fatigue due to the buildup of lactic acid and
depletion of energy stores during prolonged activity, while cardiac
muscles have a continuous and steady supply of oxygen and
nutrients, allowing them to sustain contractions without fatigue.
Additionally, cardiac muscles have more mitochondria, which
provide energy for contractions, and a more efficient waste removal
system, contributing to their endurance.
Skeletal muscles fatigue from lactic acid buildup and energy
depletion during prolonged activity, whereas cardiac muscles, with
a constant oxygen supply and efficient waste removal, don’t fatigue
Q) Why is Syphilis different from Gonorrhea?
Ans) Syphilis and Gonorrhea are different sexually transmitted
infections caused by different bacteria: Syphilis is caused by the
bacterium Treponema pallidum, while Gonorrhea is caused by the
bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Q) Syphilis and gonorrhea are both bacterial infections but show
different symptoms and treatments Why?
Ans) Syphilis and gonorrhea are caused by different bacteria and
affect different parts of the body, resulting in distinct symptoms and
requiring different treatments.
Q) Why do three-spine stickleback fish show aggressive
Ans) Three-spine stickleback fish exhibit aggressive behavior
primarily to defend their territory, establish dominance hierarchies,
and secure mating opportunities.
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Abu Huraira Ahmad

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