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Distance & Time

# 01

When I met him, I knew. I knew that in some

way, shape, or form, he would hold incredible
significance to my life. I knew he was going to
be a constant. I knew he would change me.If
only he had tried for me and tried for
himself...Every day i kept the hope alive, in the
deep recesses of my heart and nothing would
convince me otherwise.

I backed out of the classroom, my eyes

unfocused and glazed,looking into vacancy.My
eyes were momentarily stunned by a guy that
had just walked past us.

Me:So how do i look?

Me:Do you think he will notice me?
Tebogo:(laughed) Bathong tsala, akere we
talked about this earlier on.
Me:I know but i just don't think that he notices
me. I mean i have tried every little thing i could,
to get him to notice me but it seems as if it's all
in vain.
Tebogo:Don't say that. I am sure that he notices
you. He is probably one of those guys that are
Me:Yeah neh.
Tebogo:Let's go to the dinning hall akere you
know how the line can be.
Me:Do i look ok?
Tebogo:Yes friend. Now let's go!

At the Dinning hall

Loapi looked around the serving table and
observed if everything was in place...He looked
at his wristwatch and noticed that they were
running behind time. He reached out to the
other perfect that was at the other end of table.

Loapi:I think we can start serving them.

I retreated from the line as soon i saw Loapi

from a distance...Each time I saw this boy, I lost
the ability to think straight and do anything.
Loapi! To many, the boy was not that interesting
and many perceived him as boring and maybe
that was why I was drawn to him. It was the
calmness in his eyes, the humility in his voice
and how collected the guy seemed. Apart from
the fact that the guy was smart and responsible,
he was also easy on the eye.
Tebogo:And now?
Me:Guess who is serving today.
Me: I can't get too close to him. He will notice
that i have a crush on him.
Tebogo:Isn't that what we want?
Tebogo:Come on. They are serving Chicken
today. If we wait any longer then we will miss
out on the bigger pieces.
Me:Let me fix my face.
Tebogo:(laugged)You look good. Let's go.

I wiped my face and kept fixing every little detail

as the line moved. As soon as the person that
was infront of us got served, Tebogo moved
behind, leaving me vulnerable before my crush.
I faced the other direction as he served me.
Everything felt numb but i kept it together. I had
to after all.

Me:Oh! Sorry.

I walked away while he served Tebogo.

Although i told myself that I was in control, my
heart palpitations told a different story.


He said as he glanced at Onneile. She looked

like the perfect girl but he was certain that he
was not her type and besides, he didn't need
any distractions at school. He had to make it no
matter what. A girl was not going to be the
reason for his failure.

Me:And what?

I looked at my plate and realized that he had

given me only one piece of chicken. I was all
about the boy but the small portion did leave a
sting on my heart.

Tebogo:Do you think he likes you?

Me:Judging from the piece of chicken he served
me, i highly doubt.
Tebogo:(laughed) I wasn't talking about food.
Me:People express themselves when they serve
food. It's clear that the guy is not into me.
Tebogo:Maybe he didn't realize that he only
served you one piece.
Me: Am sure he did. I don't know why i am so
focused on boys. I should be studying hard.
Nna tota ke batla go ijela ala. Tse dingwe tse
dintsi ketswe hela mo go tsone. (All i want is to
go to university and have an allowance. I should
focus on just that.)
Tebogo:Ala o tla eja mmata. Oska tshwenyega.
(You will go to university and get an allowance.)
Me:Imagine living alone and getting one point.
Tebogo:It wouldn't be so bad if you had an eye
candy to keep you company while you spend it.
Me:I am sure that i will find someone. O kile wa
ba bona sentle tota bo brothers ba ko UB. (Have
you seen the boys at UB?.)
Tebogo:What if crush is your true love?
Me: I doubt it's that serious.
We ate while we talked about this and that... I
had picked a sit where I was absolutely sure
that my view would not be blocked. Now and
then, I would find myself starring at him and
nodding at whatever my friend was saying to
look interested even though I was in a world of
my own.

Later that day

I greeted my father and buckled up...Even after

eleven years, the man was never a minute late
for my pick up...While the other students
remained behind to catch up, I was always sure
that I would find him waiting up for me by the
Rra Puleng: How was your day?
Me:It was ok.
Rra Puleng:Good.
Me:And yours?
Rra Puleng:It was good but i am sure that it's
about to turn sour.
Me:What did i do?
Rra Puleng: Not you my child. Your aunt has
asked me to passby the guest house she is
staying in with you because she wants to see
Me: I thought that you would be happy to see
your sister after so long
Rra Puleng: Rakgadiago kana o lapisa mo go
maswe. O itsi go sulahaletsa motho fa o
mmona ale fa yana.( Your aunt knows how to
ruin someone's day).
Me:I am sure that she just wants to see us.
Rra Puleng:Or there is something that she
wants to brag about.
Me: Where does she stay?
Rra Puleng: She is in block 10.
Me: Why didn't she come and stay with us?
Rra Puleng: Have you forgotten how picky she
can be. I do not want to put my wife through so
much agony. Let her just stay there.

At Mma Puleng's

Puleng placed the shopping bag she had

brought with her on the table and sat next to her
mother. Her mind miles away and so many
thoughts racing and pacing...

Puleng: Mama
Mma Puleng: How did it go?
Puleng:Not so well. No one is hiring.
Mma Puleng:Don't give up my girl. Something
will come up.
Puleng:When Mama? I have been job hunting
for far too long. I am starting to think that i am
bewitched. All the people that i completed with
are now working .
Mma Puleng: Things will fall into place.
Puleng:When i am am thirty and still staying
with my parents.
Mma Puleng:Don't be so hard on yourself
Puleng:Let me defrost the meat so that i can
start cooking. I am sure that dad and Neyi will
soon be home.
Mma Puleng: They won't be here anytime soon.
They went to see your aunt at the guesthouse.
Puleng: I am sure that she is busy celebrating
my downfall.
Mma Puleng:Don't speak like that.
Puleng: It's just you and me mama. Let's not
pretend that we don't know what kind of a
person she is.
Mma Puleng:Rrakadiago ene mma o bosula.
The only time she is happy is when her children
are doing well and ours are failing.
Puleng: You can say that again. Let me start
Mma Puleng:Ok my girl.

She picked the shopping bag which she had

placed on the table and disappeared into the
kitchen. Her mother looked up and sighed.
Every single day she felt her daughter's pain and
she was also beginning to lose hope even
though she preached positivity daily.

At Street of Gold Guest House, Block 10

Mma London sipped on her Icetea while my dad

and i enjoyed our coke. It was hard to be in the
woman's presence without feeling so little and
out of place. Even before she opened her mouth,
you were certain that you would shrink.

Mma London: Rra Puleng you should cut off

the coke. It's not healthy for you.
Rra Puleng:Owaii hare nna i will drink coke till
my last day here on earth. I can not drink that.
Mma London:I used to say the same thing till
London introduced me to this icetea. It's a bit
expensive but it's good for my health. It has
Rra Puleng:Eng?
Mma London: They help us not to age. Ebile
they give us energy.

I widened my eyes and held in my laughter as i

looked at her trying to explain.She sipped on her
ice tea and smiled before turning to me.

Mma London: Neyi what class are you in?

Me: I am doing form four.
Mma London: I hope that you are studying very
Rra Puleng:She is doing very well.
Mma London:Good. You should pass and be
like London and Ruth. Kana Ruth is studying in
the States. London ene ke CEO ya dibanka
tsotlhe tsa Africa.(London is the CEO of all the
banks in Africa).
My dad and i looked at each other then kept
straight faces. The woman had to shine at all
times without missing a beat and we knew
better not to deny her that opportunity.

Mma London: I am so grateful to God every

single day for blessing my children.
Rra Pulemg:We celebrate their achievements.
They have worked really hard.
Mma London: Indeed. Kana London's husband
recently bought her a house in South Africa.
Rra Puleng:Wow! They are doing big things.
Mma London: Very soon he will be buying her a
house overseas. Neyi ngwanaka you shouldn't
just marry anyone. Marry rich so that you live
Rra Puleng:So how long will you be in town for?
Mma London: Just two days. I wanted to see
you today so that i can take Mma Pretty for
dinner tomorrow. I heard about a very expensive
hotel in town. You know how i love beautiful
Rra Puleng: Indeed. You are my sister after all.
Mma London:Should i order food for you?
Rra Puleng:Tanki nnaka mme kana yaanong
Puleng o di gatile, o ka tloga a ngala fa re ka
tsena ka go ba itaya ka dimpa hela. (Puleng is
cooking. If we were to eat here instead of eating
her food then she wouldn't be pleased.)
Mma London:Ao! Le ka tlogela dikhenekhene la
ya go ja dijo tsa ga Puleng. Nna kare ke le
utluse dio tsa sekgowa.(How can you leave the
fancy food here only to eat Puleng's food?)
Rra Puleng: We will eat next time. We need to
get going. Nne kere re go bone ngwana mme o
seka ware re go bifetse. (I just wanted to come
and see you).

We stood up and bid her farewell as she walked

us out... Although the distance from her room
to the parking lot was very short,she made it
seem every long with her stories.

At Loapi's

Loapi put away his books then searched for

Onneile on facebook. There were so many
Onneile's that appeared but it didn't take too
long to find the one that he was looking for. He
smiled from ear to ear as he browsed through
her pictures. He could hear her loud funny
laughter as he looked at each picture. Not only
was she beautiful but she was also full of life.
Her laughter always gave him so much life. She
seemed to have had everything figured out and
most of the time, she had it all together. He
imagined a life with such a girl and found
himself making plans.

Boi: Loa!

His sister stood by his bedroom door and


Boi:How is it going? Do you need any help with
any of your assignments?
Loapi:No! I am actually done. I was just
responding to a few messages on the
whatsapp study group.
Boi: Ok. Come and eat once you have finished.
Loapi: Thanks.
He put his phone down and sighed as she left.
What on earth was he doing? He was supposed
to be focused on his school work and nothing
else. If he wanted to be study finace then he
had to focus and avoid anything that would
distract him especially girls. If they were meant
to be then they would end up together some

He quickly turned off his phone then made his

way to the living room.

At home

After i had taken off my uniform, i joined my

parents and sister in the dinning room for
supper. This was definitely one meal I was
looking toward to.

Mma Puleng:How did it go?

Puleng:We all know the answer to that. I am
sure that she couldn't stop bragging about her
Rra Puleng: O mo itsi tota rakgadiago. Bo Mma
London ga ba tshabe le maaka. Wa ba ane a
ipollela gore o buwa le batho ba ba sa rutegang.
(You know her very well. She lied to us as if we
were not educated.)
Mma Puleng: What did she say?
Rra Puleng:She was telling us about how her
daughter is the CEO of all the banks in Africa.

We all laughed as my father shook his head.

Rra Puleng:Imagine how she would have
embarrassed herself if she was telling someone
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Bo monnao tlhe ba rata
bo show off. (Your siblings like showing off.)
Does she not know that all these banks in
Africa are independent. You should have
stopped her and told her that it doesn't work
that way. Le lona bo Rra Puleng le rata go
aketswa thata. (You also like being deceived).
Rra Puleng:Did you want me to embarrass her
in front of Neyi
Mma Puleng:Owaii bo Neyi know these things.
Rra Puleng: Let her be. You know that we grew
up poor so she is only tasting this luxurious life
Mma Puleng: And there is nothing wrong with
that. The only problem is when you start looking
down on others and thinking that you are better
than them. Nna kana wa ntshaba, kea mo
didimatsa yaanong dio tseo o ka se di buwi
lenna. ( She wouldn't lie to me or say any of
those things because she is afraid of me.) The
only thing she is not afraid to do is disrespect
Rra Puleng: My sisters are like children. Treat
them that way and you won't ever be stressed.
You know how children behave when they taste
something for the first time.
Mma Puleng:Let's eat before we lose our

My dad took a bite and looked at my sister.

Puleng:Is there something wrong?

Rra Puleng:Ga di na tatso tsa gompieno. Koore
di padile. (This time, you have failed. They don't
taste good).
Mma Puleng: Ako nne le ja hela le sa buwi. Tota
ekare ngwana a itikile a bo o nnela go buwa
buwa. Tota keeng lo seke lo ikaapela ee. (Just
eat this food and stop complaining. The child
has tried her best. Why can't you just eat
without saying anything?)

He focused on his plate and ate quietly. Mama!

The woman always knew exactly what to say to
get her husband to keep quiet.

A year later...

Dros, Molapo Crossing

Welcome back
Distance & Time
# 02

A year later...

Dros, Molapo Crossing

Tebogo put her purse on the table and took a

sit...I could tell that she was annoyed so I kept
quiet and waited for her to break the silence.
For a few good minutes we were both quite.

Tebogo:Thabo says that we should call him

when we want to go home.
Me:Where did he go?
Tebogo:He went home. I doubt that guy knows
anything about having a good time.
Me: Ok. Did he leave us money for drinks
Tebogo: Yes..
Me:How much?
Tebogo: Hundred pula.
Me:Just hundred pula?
Me:But that's enough for two ciders here.
Hlamma your boyfriend likes money.
Tebogo:Atleast he gave us something gape he
is not my boyfriend.
Me:Well let's get some drinks then enjoy the
scene before we decide to go home.
On the other side

Loapi and Malcom stood up and danced as

their favorite song played. The boys had known
each other since primary school and ever since
then, they had sticked together through
everything.Going out at night was something
Loapi barely did but on that night he found
himself following his friend for the sake of
supporting him.Over the years, he had mastered
the art of supporting his friend without
compromising his own principles so even on
this night, nothing would change.

Malcom:Are you sure that you don't want to

have a drink?
Loapi:You know that i don't drink.
Malcom:Come on man. This is not high school.
We are now part of the society. We can do
whatever we want and besides, we both know
that we passed.
Loapi:No, thanks man.
Malcom:Alright, have it your way but you are
missing out man.
Loapi:Whatever man.

After sulking and complaining about not having

enough money for drinks, Tebogo and I decided
to make the best of our last night out so we
moved to the dance floor.

Me:I think we should go home after this.

Tebogo:But we just got here.
Me:I know. It's just a bit boring.
Tebogo:Let's just stay another twenty
minutes.If you are still bored then we will go

She turned around and smiled, showing off her

dance moves. As she was dancing, she
recognized a familiar face. She quickly pulled
her friend to the side.

Me:What is it?
Tebogo:Your crush is here.
Me:What crush?
Me:What? Are you sure? I doubt that it was him
you saw. Loapi doesn't look like the type that
hangs out at these kind of places.
Tebogo:I know what i saw Onneile.

She pulled me back to the dance floor and we

slowly moved to towards their direction.

Tebogo:Do you see that i am not insane.

Me:Shut the front door! Fu*k it's him. How do I
Tebogo: You know baby!

This was my chance to finally get the man. If i

couldn't do it today then i don't know if i could
ever do it. I put on my big girl panties and
walked to him. I greeted him and before i knew
it we were dancing together. That moment! Just
a few inches from each other.
Me:I didn't know that you drink.
Loapi:I don't.

He smiled and kept dancing with the hope that

he was not embarrassing himself...

Me:Then what are you doing here?

Loapi:I enjoy the music and the vibe here.
Loapi:And you?

I sipped on my cider and giggled like a little

child that had just scored some free candy...

Loapi:It's nice bumping into you here.

Me:Very nice.

We looked into each others eyes and both


Loapi:You look great.

Me:Thank you.

None of us said anything to each other. For a

moment, it felt as if it was just us on that dance

Loapi: I have to go.

Loapi: I am walking back home. I need to go
before it gets too late.
Me:Okay. Bye.
Loapi: Bye.

I watched him as he walked away and

everything in me fought so hard. I couldn't let
him get away again. I was probably just about
to embarrass myself but i was willing to take
that chance so i ran after him.


I called out to him and he stopped...

Me:Wait... Can i have your Facebook name?

Loapi:(Smiled) Yes.
Me: I left my phone at home but i am sure that i
will remember it.
Loapi:Loapi Motlhagodi.
Me:It was nice seeing you.
Loapi:You too. Can i hug you?

I responded by a nod then slowly moved

towards him as he held onto me.


He let go of me and left... It was in that moment

that I realized that my dreams were not too far
out of reach.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng tried her daughter's number for the

second time but it went straight to voicemail.
Mma Puleng:It's still off.
Puleng:I am sure that they are busy studying.
Mma Puleng:There is nothing wrong with that.
The only problem is both of them switching off
their phones. I just want to know if they are ok.
Puleng:I am sure that they are fine.
Mma Puleng:Maybe i should go there. What if
something is wrong?
Puleng:Mama they are fine. We spoke a few
hours ago.
Mma Puleng:If you speak to her again, tell her
that i said, if this is her attitude during
sleepovers then this one will be the last one.
Mma Puleng: I am going to sleep. Make sure
that you don't fall asleep here. Boroko!
Puleng:Boroko. (Goodnight).

As soon as her mother left the room, she went

on whatsapp and sent a voice note to her sister.

Puleng: What the F**k dude. Why on earth

would you turn off your phone? You better turn
on your phone because your mother is
threatening to come there.

She clicked her tongue and threw her phone on

the couch...

At Tebogo's

I kicked off my shoes and sat on the floor while

Tebogo went into the kitchen...
Tebogo:Did you ask for his number?
Me:No. I got his Facebook name though.
Tebogo: You should have just asked for his
whatsapp number.
Me:And appear like a desperate girl?
Tebogo: Do you care right now? Hlamma shoot
your shoot. What's the worst that can happen?
You either get the boy or not.
Me:What if he doesn't like me?
Tebogo:Then that's his loss.
Me:And mine too.
Tebogo:Add him on Facebook.
Tebogo:Yes now! What happens if you wake up
and you have forgotten his names?
Me:(Giggled) Really?
Tebogo:Yes really. Just send the friend request
so that he can accept it as soon as he wakes up.
You can't afford to lose this opportunity.
Me:Let me charge my phone.
Tebogo:Hlamma o slow. (You are slow).

At Loapi's

Malcolm stood by the bathroom door as Loapi

leaned into the basin to wash his face.

Malcom:So she ran after you?

Loapi:I still feel really bad about it.
Malcom:Why do i find this hard to believe? Are
you telling me that a pretty girl ran after you.
Kana ngwana ole one a foletswe line ko sghela.
(Everyone wanted to date that girl at school.)
Loapi:And i didn't think that i stood a chance
with her. I still feel like i am day dreaming.
Malcom:So did you get her number?
Malcom:Oh come on man!
Loapi:But she has my Facebook names and she
promised to add me.
Malcom:(laughed) Tell me that you are cracking
a joke because i still wanna have some faith in
Loapi:She will add me.
Malcom:And if she doesn't?
Loapi:I know that she will.
Malcom:I hope so for your own sake because if
not then you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Loapi:Rester mfethu! Rest, it's not that hectic.
At Tebogo's

Tebogo read her text message and stood up to


Me:And now?
Tebogo: Chris has just invited us to his friend's
stag party.
Me:I hope you turned him down.
Tebogo:Why would i do that? Since when do
you say no to partying? I thought that you
wanted to have fun tonight.
Me:I did. I think we have had enough fun.
Tebogo:What are you talking about? We each
had a bottle of cider and barely spent two hours
at Dros. What happened to going all out. Akere
we agreed that this is our last outing before our
final exams
Me:Just for a few hours.
Tebogo:Is that a yes?

She ran to the living room while i grabbed a wet

wipe and cleaned my face.

Tebogo: You are gonna have to put on make up


I followed her to the living room and sat on the


Tebogo:Did you hear what i said?

Me:Make up again? Ao tsala, is it necessary? I
thought that it was an in and out type of thing.
Tebogo:It is but you will never know who we will
meet out there.
Me: I guess.
Tebogo: I am not suprised about that attitude.
You have just met the guy that drives you
insane for days. I don't expect you to go meet
someone else out there. I just want us to have
Me: A few hours won't hurt.
Tebogo: That's the spirit.

The following day

I restarted my phone and as soon as i opened

my Facebook app, a notification popped up,
"Loapi Motlhagodi has accepted your friend

I smiled and immediately jumped into his inbox

without hesitating...
Me: Goodmorning. Thank you for last night.
Loapi: No thank you. You are such a vibe.
Me: I can say the same about you.
Loapi:I am really happy that we bumped into
each other.
Me: Really? Is that why you left without telling
me that?
Loapi: I am sorry about that. I really feel bad
that you had to run after me.
Me:😊 It's all water under the bridge.
Loapi:So where do you stay?
Me: Phase two. You?
Loapi:Block seven.
Me: Oh ok.
Loapi:I would love to get to know you. Do you
Me:No. I would love that.
Loapi:Cool. So can i have your whatsapp
number? I am barely on Facebook.
Me:Yeah sure. 75250***.
Loapi:Thanks. Is that Mascom?
Me:Orange. Not sure when i will subscribe
though cause i still owe them some airtime.
Loapi:How much do you owe?
Me: Twenty pula.
Loapi:Is it ok if i help you pay?
Me: You don't have to. I will figure things out.
Loapi:I want to,infact i insist.
Me: 😊
Loapi: How is school?
Me: Everything is going well so far. Wena how
are you enjoying Sos
Me:😂 Society
Loapi: 😂There is honestly nothing to write
home about. I have been spending most of my
time indoors.
Me: And Dros?
Loapi: I only went there to support a friend.
Me: I see.
Loapi: You don't believe me?
Me:I didn't say that.
Loapi: Tell me about yourself.
Me: What would you like to know? I honestly
just freeze when I am asked that question
because there is just a lot about me.
Loapi: It's a good thing that I have all the time in
the world. Do tell it all.
Me: How about I tell you one thing daily?
Loapi: Oh onions.
Me: What?
Loapi: (Laughed)They have a lot of layers so
one requires time to slowly peel them.
Me:(laughed) Why peel them slowly when you
can just chop them?
Loapi:Because they can be dangerous if you are
not careful.
Me: I have never heard that one before.
Loapi:Stick with me and you will learn a lot.
Me: All the way.

Five months later...

Loapi sat down and slowly opened the white

envelope that his sister had dropped off for
him. He took a deep breath before he could
open the envelope.

Lopi: Lord please let this be.

At my house

Puleng stood by the door and knocked then

came in before I could even respond.

Puleng: Is it ok if I come in?

Me: (Laughed ) You have already let yourself in.
Puleng:The door was open.
Me:You could have waited for me to tell you to
come in. I honestly don't know why you knock
Puleng (Laughed)Iya! How is the studying
coming along? You only have 2months before
your final exams.
Me:It feels like I have so much to catch up on
yet I don't have the time.I honestly hope that I
make it.
Puleng:You will my baby. Don't be too hard on
Me: I feel like I wasted so much time partying.
Look at how things are unfolding. Papa will kill
me if I don't make it while bo Mma London have
a field day.
Puleng: (Laughed) Heii bo Rrakgadiago(Your
aunt!) We would never hear the end of it.
Me: Imagine being compared to the CEO of all
the banks in Africa.
Puleng:(Laughed) Did she really say that or
Papa didn't hear her correctly?
Me (Laughed) You know Mma London very well.
I am surprised that you are even asking me if
it's true.
Puleng:(Laughed) What can I say. When I heard,
I was so embrassed as if I was me the one that
had said it
Me:You can imagine how Papa felt. I wanted to
burst into laughter but i had to keep a straight
face because she is an elder.
Puleng: An elder that still behaves like a kid.
Me:You can say that again.
Puleng: How is it going between you and our
next Minister of finance?
Me:I feel like I have found the one.
Puleng: It's that deep?
Me: I see a future with this guy. When I am with
him, everything is put to rest. I don't know if he
will change along the way but no guy has ever
treated me this way. The other day we sat and
talked about our future plans and it makes me
so happy that he wants nothing but to see me
Puleng:I am just happy that he is all about your
education. I didn't think that it was possible for
a girl to be tutored by her boyfriend. I am
honestly happy with the progress. You have
also changed as a person and that makes me
Me:Hopefully he doesn't change when he starts
seeing fly chicks in UB.
Puleng: Yeah neh. Well let me leave you to
Me: I think I should take a break. I am
Puleng:Yeah don't over do it.

At Loapi
Loapi looked up and sighed. Everything that he
had prayed and hoped for was finally
happening.All his hard work and patience had
paid off and this was the beginning. The boy
was about to live his dreams...Although there
was so much to be grateful for, his heart began
to feel heavy as he thought of his dear Ney.
How would she take all of this and what did it
all mean for them.

Distance & Time
# 03

At Loapi's
Boi scrolled through the pictures of the
university while her brother laid on the couch as
if he had just received bad news. A few days
ago he and Ney were making plans for the
future. How was he going to tell her that all
those plans were going to have to wait

Boi: It's your time to shine little bro. Look at this

university. Who would have thought?

She said in high spirits. The thought of her

brother living his dreams and winning filled her
heart with so much joy. Life hadn't been good
on her side but finally one of them would get a
chance to turn things around. Her mother would
also have something to celebrate and brag
Loapi:Yeah neh.
Boi: Why does it not sound like you are not
happy about this?
Loapi: I am. I just don't know how I am going to
break the news to Ney. How is she going to
take it? Will our relationship survive? This is the
first person I should have been sharing the
news with but here I am trying come up with
ways to tell her something she deserves to

She sighed and held his hand.

Boi:I understand that it's hard but the truth is

that you are too young. What you think is a
relationship could end even way before you
expect it to. Just tell her the truth and if she
loves you as much as you say she does then
she will be happy for you. No need to worry.
Loapi:You don't get it. It's not as easy as you
Boi: It honestly is. All you have to do is tell her.
How she decides to take it is totally up to her.
You shouldn't have to burden yourself as if you
two are already married. Loapi you still very
young to worry about such things. You have
worked really hard to get here. Enjoy every bit of
it without worrying about a girl that might dump
you the next day. Love is not everything
especially when you have not achieved anything
in this life.
Loapi: I feel like you don't understand.
Boi: I know but you will understand where I am
coming from one day.
Loapi: I need to go and see Malcom. We will
chat when I get back.
Boi: Cool.

At Mma London's (Serowe)

London sat down next to her mother while her

husband carried the water tank into the
kitchen.Her mother laid back and smiled.

Mma London: Did you guys fill it with ozonated

London: Yes mum.
Mma London: Ee. I want to live a long and
healthy life. Kana I read about the benefits of
ozonated water.

London rolled her eyes and shock her head.

Whoever had told her mother about ozonated
water had just started something she didn't
want to indulge in. She knew that her mother
would never let them rest.

Sizwe: What is it that you were saying about

Ozonated water Mama?
Mma London: Did I not share the benefits with
Sizwe: You must have forgotten.
Mma London: Well let me tell you.

London looked at her husband and sighed in

distress as he enjoyed every second of it.

Mma London: They say that ozonated water

heals oral wounds,gape gatwe it also helps with
cancer prevention.
Sizwe: You mean to tell me that this is the real
Mma London: Yes my son. Long life.
Sizwe: To long life mama. You don't have to
worry,We will make sure that you never have to
run out of long life.
Mma London:Thank you my son.
London: So how is everyone?
Mma London: Who is everyone?
London: Uncle Rra Puleng and Mma Pretty.
Mma London: Mma Pretty is doing very well.
Pretty might come back in a month or two.
London: That's good. Is she relocating here or
just visiting?
Mma London: She has not yet completed her
studies. If she visits, it will be just for a short
London: And Rra Puleng?
Mma London: My poor brother. Apart from
being poor because his wife has decided to be
a housewife. He is forever stressed because
even Puleng still depends on them.
London: Has she not found a job yet?
Mma London: Not yet. She still lives with her
parents up to now.
London: Mme kana Pulie did really well.
Man London: It was by God's grace. Tota kana
bana ba ga kgaitsadiake ga se gore ba botlhale.
Le ene Ney, I doubt she will make it. ( My
brother's kids are not really smart,I doubt that
even Ney will make it.)
London: I will talk to my boss and see if he can't
hire Ney.
Mma London: Wareng ne wena? Do you think
that if you were in the same exact position, she
would do the same for you?. What happens if
something goes wrong at work and your boss
blames you? You barely even know this girl.
There is no way that you can attach your name
to her especially at work.
London: But this girl is my cousin.I just want to
Mma London: Sometimes helping can land you
in trouble. My child, I know my niece very well
and all I am trying to do is protect you.
London: We need to get going. We will see you
Mma London : Make sure you bring that nice
meal you bought me the other day.
Sizwe: We will Mama.

Later that day...

I took a deep breath as I read Loapi's
scholarship letter. Everything felt so surreal and
for a moment i found myself in total paralysis.I
gently brushed my throat and closed my eyes
before I opened them.

Loapi: Are you okay?

Me:Congratulations babe. I am so happy for you.
Loapi: But?
Me: But what?
Loapi:You don't seem too happy.
Me: I am.I am just shocked. I didn't even know
that you applied.
Laopi: I did.
Me: Yeah. Canada hey?
Loapi: Yeah.
Me: Do you think we will survive?I mean our
Loapi: I honestly don't know Ney. I am going
away for 4 years. There is no telling.We are also
still very young.
Me: Okay. So when do you leave?
Loapi: In a month.
Me: Oh I see.
Loapi: I am sorry that this is happening at a
point where we have just begun our relationship.
Me: You don't have to apologize for wanting a
better life.
Loapi: I know. I am really happy about this but
the thought of leaving you behind breaks my
Me: We are still very young after all.
Lapi: I didn't mean it like that.
Me: I don't understand why you didn't tell me
about all of this when you first applied. I am not
saying that it would have made it less painful or
anything but atleast I would have been prepared.
Loapi: I didn't know how to tell you gape hela I
was trying my luck. I didn't expect to get it.
Me: Okay. So what do we do?
Loapi: We see how it goes. My feelings for you
and the dreams I have about our future have not
changed. I am still hoping for the same and
maybe that's why it hurts. I love you Ney and I
hope that we can survive this.
Me: We will survive it. We just have to be strong.
Four years is not as bad as we think. It will be
all over before we realize it. Who knows I might
end up saving and coming over to see you.
Loapi: Babe.
Me: Hmm?
Loapi: Thank you.
Me: For what?
Loapi: For being the girl that you are.You are
just this ball of energy that always puts a smile
on my face. I don't know anybody that is as
carefree and forever positive as you.
Me: I got you.
Loapi: (Smiled)I always knew that there was a
story behind these colourful outfits.

I looked at my colourful tutu skirt and smiled.

My colourful outfits were often misjudge for
being childish and only a few people
understood that the clothes I wore and my style
were an interpretation of my personality. I
smiled and kissed him.

Loapi: Can we go out tonight?

Me: What do you have in mind?
Loapi: (Smiled)Dros.
Me:(Smiled) I would like that.
Loapi: And maybe you can come back home
with me. My sister is going away.
Me:Let me see how I can make that happen.
You know how my mum can be especially now
that exams are so close.
Loapi: No pressure. If you can't make it, I will
understand. I know how crucial this time is.
Me: Let me worry about that.
Loapi: Let me walk you to the stop. You will give
me an answer when you get home akere.
Me: (Sighed) Yes love.
Loapi:What's wrong?
Me:- Nothing.
Loapi: Ney I know you. What is bothering you?
Me:This whole thing is crazy. I don't know how
we will get through. What happens if you meet
someone else. I love you. I really do but what if
that's not enough?
Loapi: It will be.
Me:How do you know that?
Loapi: Ney sometimes we need to have faith. I
know that there is no guarantee in life but this is
a commitment. I am committed to you. I love
you and you are the only person I wanna share a
life with.
Me: That could be because you have not
experienced any other relationship apart from
this one. Loapi people change and I am
honestly scared that you will. At nineteen it's
hard to be sure about what you want for the
rest of your life. There is so much that you have
not experienced and being in a different
continent all together will change everything.
The truth is that we are just kids trying to figure
it out.
Loapi: Now you are being really negative. What
happened to having faith and being strong?
Me: I am also trying to be realistic.
Loapi: Nna mma ke a go rata. Tsa bo continent
ke di utlwa ka wena. (I love you.)
Me: (Laughed) Kana mme o tsoga o lebetse, o
ntlela ka makgowa ka mme ruri.( You will have
forgotten all that when you bring a white
woman home).
Loapi: That will never happen.

He held my hand and we continued walking to

the stop. For a while ,no one said anything. The
reality began to kick in. Knowing that in a month,
these walks will be no more. Maybe it was the
thought of never seeing each other again that
made it hard for any of us to say a word till we
reached the stop.

Hit the like button and show us some love. Tag
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Morning inserts posted at 10:00hrs. Evening

inserts are posted at 21:00hrs.
Should there be any changes you will be
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beyond our control. Welcome back once
Love & Light
Mma Moabi
Distance & Time
# 04

A month later

Puleng took deep breathes as she watched her

sister driving herself nuts.It must have been the
tenth time that she had packed and unpacked
her drawer.It was not the packing and
unpacking that bothered her rather it was how
gloomy and frail she was. She cleared her
throat to get her attention but Ney burried
herself in the non existing work.

Puleng:It's ok to cry. I understand that it's really

difficult for you.
Me: Why? So someone can tell me to stop being
childish because I will find another guy. I mean
why must I find another guy when it's this one I
Me:Oh baby sis. These things do happen but
when they do you need to...

I took a deep breath and put back the letter

Loapi had given me the previous day in the

Me:I am fine. There is no need to go through

this over and over again.
Puleng: When will you read it?
Me: He said tonight.
Puleng: When does he leave?
Me: At eight.
Puleng: You will be ok nana. It will take some
time but you will be ok. It's five now. If you want
,you can get ready and grab all your things.
Me: I already took a bath. I will get dressed at
half past six.
Puleng:Why don't you get dressed now. I will
borrow dad's car then we can go past his place
when you are done. I am sure that he would
love to see you before he boards that plane.

Just the thought of seeing him one last time

picked up my spirit and gave me so many
reasons to be positive.

Me: Thank you.

Puleng: Give him a heads up so that he can find
a way to come see us in case he is with his
Me: (Smiled ) Let me text him.

At Loapi's

Boi went through her brother's luggage and

closed up his bags...She put away the checklist
then sat by his side

Boi: Everything seems to be in order.

Loapi: That's exactly what I said.
Boi: I just wanted to make sure. Kana oya
mahatsheng , gao ye Lobatse.(You are going
overseas, not to the village).

They both laughed but one could tell that he

had forced every part of himself to laugh.
Boi:What did she say when you saw her
Loapi:Nothing much.She went on and on about
how I was going to have fun. It's almost as if
she was happy that I was going.
Boi: Some people are good at masking their
Loapi: Not even. She looked very happy.
Boi: She is a good person.
Loapi: What do you mean? I have just told you
that she is happy that I am leaving.
Bki: Instead of sulking, she is putting her
feelings aside and putting your happiness first.
The truth is that, there is nothing she can do.
Even if she was to sulk and throw her weight
around, nothing would change. Be grateful that
she is being supportive.
Loapi:What if she meets someone else?
Boi: I know that you don't like hearing this but I
will always tell you this because you are my
brother and I love you.

He sighed and looked up for some strength. He

would be needing it for this lecture.

Boi: You are still very young to think about

forever. Enjoy where you are at. If you meet
someone else then be honest with her. Don't
hold yourself hostage. It's not like you promised
to marry the girl or anything.

His phone rang and he instantly smiled but the

knowledge of what was most likely to happen
once he left the country soon left him very cold.

Loapi: Hey
Ney: Sent you a text.

He wanted to smile and crack a few jokes but

anger took over. The mere thought of how
happy she looked the previous day crushed him
and any good that was left in his heart suddenly

Loapi:O ne o reng?
Ney:I wanted to pass by and see you before you
Loapi:(Cleared throat) Am sorry but I have a lot
going on here. I thought that we said all that we
wanted to say to each other yesterday.
Me: Oh. It's fine. Let me not disturb you.
Loapi: Alright. Sharp.
Me: Bye. I l...
He hung up and clicked his tongue...

Boi: And now?

Loapi: Can you believe that she wanted to come
here and rub it in my face again?
Boi: Rub what in your face?
Loapi: The fact that she is happy that I am
Boi: You know what, forget that you are my
brother. You are being cruel or rather childish.
Loapi: Cruel how?
Boi: Stop being childish. The poor girl is trying
to be supportive. Akere mme if she was acting
up then you would still have a problem with it. I
can only imagine how painful this is for her.
Loapi: I thought that we were kids. How so?
Boi: The truth is that the heart does not care
about age. When it hurts and breaks, it's all the
same. There is no range in regards to age. It is
true that you two are still too young to commit
to forever but even so, I understand that abrupt
separation can be very difficult. If you love her
as much as you say that you do then you will
call her back and apologize for the way you
spoke to her. Lil bro, there is no time to sulk.
Leaving while you are on bad terms will only
make it difficult or ruin any chance you two
might have had at forever.
Loapi:(Smiled) So you do believe that there is a
chance of forever.
Boi: You need to leave with something to look
toward to and a reason to persist and trust me
that can only be your girl's smile.

At home
I looked up trying so hard to fight my tears...All
other efforts were to get back my heart in it's
rightful position after getting it stuck on my
throat. To be quite honest, I didn't know
whether I was suffocating or the room was just
too stuffy.

Puleng: I am sure he is just busy.

Me: You should have seen him yesterday. It
was almost as if he didn't want to see me. He
kept getting impatient and made sure to look at
the time at every chance he got.
Puleng: Nana his flight is today. You are reading
too much into it.I am sure he had lots to do.
Me: Clearly.

I shook my head as a text message from Loapi


Puleng: And?
Me: It's him...

"I would really like it if you circled my way for

the last time. I am feeling very frustrated and
confused at the same time. The thought of not
seeing you for God knows how long breaks my
heart. I am sorry if I sounded rude. Please
come by if you are still willing".

Puleng: Say somethin. Don't just look at me.

I threw the phone at her and giggled.

Twenty minutes later, I found myself standing

in the park a few blocks away from Loapi's
house and constantly checking the time.There
was so much that had been said over the past
few weeks. Most times, we spoke from a place
of anger and on other days all we could do was
assure each other. This was my last chance to
assure him that no one would take his place
regardless of my pain and the storm that was
brewing inside of me.

Loapi:Waiting for someone?

I panicked and turned around...

Me: You know that I hate it when you sneak up

on me.
Loapi: Some things never change.
Me: Yeah neh.
He held my hand tighter than he had ever held

Loapi: I know that this is very scary because we

don't know what the future holds but what if we
didn't waste that time wondering about the
future.What if we just appreciated what we
have now and see what the future holds. I want
to love you now, hold you now and talk about
now. I really want a future with you but at the
same time I want to trust God's plans for our
Me: Then let's do that.
Loapi: Thank you babe. I want you to know that
I care about you and I appreciate you especially
your friendship more than anything else.
Me: Yeah. Me too.
Loapi: I don't want to say it's all gonna be alright
and it will work out because I honestly don't
know but I know that I care.
Me:If it ever gets out of control and you find
someone else or you are not happy, please tell
me. Just don't lie or cheat on me.If you are
honest then I will understand.
Loapi: I promise. Please do the same.

He held my hand but this time the other one

held my waist as he moved in and kissed
me...There was something different about this
kiss. It was Sommer and no matter how hard
we kissed, it remained dry and cold.

Loapi: I guess it's see you later.

Mez:I will see you later buddy.
I hugged him fighting so hard with my tears at
the same time...

Me:I better get going.

Loapi: Go break a leg with those exams buddy.

We did a handshake for the last time and I left...

Later that day

At Mma Pretty's

Mma London took out a bottle of wine from her

bag and gave it to her sister who seemed very
interested in only scanning the bottle.
Mma Pretty: Ya bo ele efe yaanong? Nna kana
ha ke nwe sengwe le sengwe. (Which one is this
one? I don't just drink anything.)
Mma London:That is Meerlust Rubicon.
Mma Pretty: Nnya go bala gone ke a go itsi le o
bona ke sa tsena sekwele yana. (That I can
read even though I didn't go to school).
Mma Lodon: Nnaka tlhe o rata dilo ele ruri.
Tota o ntse yang Mmasekopo?. ( You are very
picky). Ye e tlodile di botara. E heta le one
matogo a gago. ( This one crossed boarders. It
costs more than your groceries).

They both laughed.

Mma London: Ao! naare wa nna?, tla ka

digalase re itjarolose tlhe ngwanyana ke wena.
( Won't you bring the glasses).
Mma Pretty: Nkonne wa letagwa. Re a bo re
nwela dife? ( My drunkard sister. What are we

She stood up and giggled her way to the kitchen.

In a few minutes she was back with two wine

Mma London: Do you remember when we used

to attend those festivals?
Mma Pretty: How can I forget such good old
Mma London: Do you remember how we used
to say that our children will succeed and we
won't ever have to hustle for drinks?
Mma Pretty: O gakollwa tsotlego keeng tota?
( What reminds you of those days of suffering)
Mma London: You asked what we are
celebrating. That's what we are celebrating my
dear sister. The success of our children.
Mma Pretty: I wish I could say the same about
our brother.
Mma London: Life my dear. The wheel of
fortune turns around. He didn't think that our
time would come.
Man Pretty: Hee! Botshelo leotwana mma...
(Life is indeed that wheel of fortune.)
Mma London: Do you remember how he used
to spoil his wife during weddings.
Mma Pretty: How can I forget? The woman
would change those two piece outfits like
some cheap clothing. Each day had it's own and
a pair of heels.
Mma London : And today it's us drinking every
expensive wine. Ye ga se ya koporase ye.
( This one is not a cheap wine that you can get
from anywhere.)
Man Pretty:(Laughed) We should go and see
him later.
Mma London: Let's go tomorrow. Today I don't
feel like poverty.

They continued to laugh and gossip as they


Goodnight and have a great weekend folks 😘
Tag a friend or two and let them know that we
are back.
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Distance & Time
# 05

The following day

I kept refreshing Loapi's wall to check if he had

not put up any updates. It had been almost
24hrs since he had left the country and I was
beginning to worry. A part of me wondered if he
was safe while the other wondered if he had
already forgotten about me.

Puleng: What are you doing?

Puleng:Are you still checking his facebook?
Me: There is no update from him.
Puleng: Be patient nana. These things take time.
Who knows what he is facing on the other side.
Me: Do you think he could be facing any
Puleng: No. Nothing like that. I just meant that
he could be busy.What are your plans for the
Me: Stay home and read.
Puleng: On a Saturday?
Me: Yes. I thought that you would be happy that
I have taken your advice to study more.
Puleng:(laughed) I am. I am just surprised that
you are staying here all day even with the
knowledge that your aunts will be here today.
Me: Is it today?
Puleng:(laughed) You forgot?
Me: There was a lot going on. How can I not
I sighed and rubbed my face in frustration...

Me:It's going to be a long day. Koore we will be

listening to them and how their children are
successful the whole day.
Puleng: And how we have failed.
Me: Waitsi bo Rakgadi bone ahh... ( Your aunts!)
Puleng: More like thieves of peace.
Me:(laughed) Who invited them over?
Puleng: They obviously invited themselves over.
You know how mum feels about them.
Me: Yeah neh.

At Malcom's
Karabo browsed through the pictures that
Malcom had forwarded to him. He whistled and
shook his head. The place was a dream!

Malcom: That's some piece of paradise.

Karabo: You can say that again. Loapi will be
living the life. Imagine all this and beautiful
women. Kana monna Canadian women are
Malcom: They have nothing on our African
queens. Kana monna banyana ba rona ba
bantle blind. ( Our girls are beautiful.)
Karabo: Not when you are living the life in
Canada. I am sure that he forgot about that
little girlfriend of his as soon as he stepped
into that aircraft.
Malcom: I doubt. That one is one of a kind. He
cried the whole month because he was going to
leave her behind.
Karabo: Di katswa dintsha hale.Monna ha a
kake a lela hela go sare sepe. ( She must be
something. A man can't cry without a valid
Malcom: Sone se teng. ( There is definitely
something.) I am waiting for a week to pass
before I can make a move on her. I am sure that
by then she would have already forgotten about
Karabo:Are you sure that a week is enough for
all that?
Malcom: Girls are very emotional. With all that
is going on, she will have no choice but to find
comfort in my arms. Just three days with me
will be enough. They think with their hearts in
Karabo: Let's bet!
Malcom: I never shy away from challenges. We
are on.
Karabo: Hundred bucks?
Malcom: Two hundred.
Karabo: We on.
Malcom: Start saving.
Karabo:(Chuckled) I should be telling you that.

The boys continued to converse over different


Later that day

Puleng and I sat in the kitchen waiting for the

food to be ready while my parents sat with
Mma Pretty and Mma London in the living room.

Puleng:Please check if the salt is ok.

Me: I trust you with the pots.
Puleng: Don't just trust me, check if the salt is
ok and tell me. The last thing I want is lectures
about cooking from your aunts.
Me: Those ones complain about every little
thing. I am surprised that you have not
accepted it.
Puleng:Is that even possible?
Me: Maybe not. All I know is that everyone loves
your fried chicken.
Puleng: This is a brilliant recipe. Even those two
will have to sing my praises.
Me:(laughed)That's the spirit.I honestly don't
see why not.

In the living room

Mma London looked around the living room and
narrowed her eyes as she scanned every little
detail. She looked at the carpet and shook her
head. How was it possible that a woman could
settle for the bare minimum. This was not what
a living room was supposed to look like, she
thought to herself.

Rra Puleng: Are you ok?

He turned to Mma London...

Mma London:Ee abuti. Ke siame ( Yes brother,

I am fine.)
Rra Puleng: I wonder what Puleng has made.
Mma Puleng: (Smiled) You never know with
Chef Pulie but I know that whatever it is, it is
very tasty.
Rra Puleng: She is simply the best when it
comes to cooking.
Mma London: Has she found a job yet?
Rra Puleng: Not yet but I am sure that
something will come up.
Mma London: Has she atleast found someone
to marry her?

Mma Pretty cleared her throat while Mma

London maintained a serious face. The room
suddenly went quite but that did not stop Mma

Mma London: I am only asking because no one

her age lives with their parents anymore and
besides one can't fail in everything.

Mma Puleng took a deep breath and cleared her

throat. She looked at her husband as though
she was expecting some kind of answer but he
laid back and relaxed as if nothing had

Mma Puleng: You mean the same way you

Mma London:Gatweng yaanong? ( What?)
Mma Puleng: You mean the same way you
failed to get a job or a husband?
Mma London: This is not about me. This is
about your daughter that doesn't want to do
anything with her life.
Mma Puleng: Puleng? The same Puleng that
has a degree which you don't? Mma London you
are not better than us. Having a rich son in law
does not change who you are, if anything it just
makes you a greedy mother in law that gets her
way all the time and slowly destroys her
daughter's marriage. Don't come to my house
and talk down on my daughter.
Mma London:(Laughed) Are ntlu. O raya ntlu efe
? ( Did she say house? What house?) You can't
call this a house. You forget that when you met
my brother, you had nothing and yet he took
you and your daughter in. Even up to now, he is
still doing you a favour and taking care of a
child that is not his.
Mma Puleng: Rra Puleng! Kgalemela kgaitsadio
go isi go kopakopane. ( Reprimand your sister
before it gets messy.)

Mma Pretty stood up and tried to be the voice

of reason but no one was ready to listen... Mma
Puleng threw her hands in the air and clicked
her tongue. She took deep breaths and quickly
stood up and holding her waist.
Mma Puleng: I don't know who you think you
are but let me warn you, ke bitswa Tshwanelo
nna.Ke tla go gogoula habatshe ebe ke koropa
ka wena. O je, o kgore mme o seka wa
tlhatsetsa mo go bo ngwanake ka tsatsi lepe.
( My name is Tshwanelo, I will pull you around
and mop the floor with you. No matter how
excited you get, don't spit at my children.)

She looked at her husband who was still quite

and shook her head before walking out to the

Puleng: We are just about to dish.

Mma Puleng: Just dish for your father and me.
Me: Uhu! Bo rrakgadi ba ile? (Have Mma Pretty
and Mma London left? )
Mma Puleng: I said dish for me and your father.
I didn't invite any questions. I will be in my room.

Our jaws dropped as she walked out...The

sudden change of mood was too obvious and
something had definitely taken place.

Puleng: And now?

Me: Something definitely happened with those
two. You know your mother better than anyone.
Puleng: They definitely did something to offend
Me:What can be that bad? Everyone knows how
those two can be especially mum.
Puleng: I honestly don't know...

Living room
Rra Puleng looked at his sisters and scratched
his head. For the very first time, he didn't know
what to say to them.

Rra Puleng: I am sorry about that. I don't know

what happened. Ke maketse hela. (I am just
Mma London :I have always told you about that
woman. Now do you see?
Mma Pretty: Ha go buiwe jalo ebile ha go dirwe
jalo. ( That's not the way to do things).
Mma London : Tell that to Tshwanelo.
Rra Puleng: Please excuse me. I will be back.

He shamefully cleared his throat and left the

In the room

Rra Puleng sat next to his wife on the bed and

looked up as he tried to align his speech... It
was the anger on his wife's face that made it
very difficult for him to utter a word. He held her
hand but she pulled back.

Mma Puleng: How long do I have to take your

sister's insults before you can put an end to it.
Rra Puleng: My wif..
Mama Puleng: I am not your wife. If I was your
wife, you would have protected me all those
years. If at all I was your wife then you wouldn't
let your sisters walk all over me. For years you
have kept quite and took a back sit while your
family used every chance they could get to
abuse me and my daughter. Even to this
day,Puleng is still a victim while you watch. I am
reminded that she is not your daughter at every
family meeting or get together. What will it take
for you to stand up to your family and protect
us? I might have kept quite all those years but it
doesn't mean that I will do the same now. Let
this be a warning that i will slap and do as i like
to anyone that feels the need to abuse me or
my daughter.
Rra Pulemg: Ke utlule Mmagwe Puleng. (I have
heard you Mma Puleng).
Mma Puleng: Bo kgaitsadio ha ba kgora di
salad ba tla go kgobolela kwano mme go eme.
Puleng is my child and I won't let anyone bully
her just because she is a step child.
Rra Puleng: I am sorry. Let's go and join them
for lunch. They came all this way to see us.
Mma Puleng: Have you also apologized to them?

He kept quite and shamefully bowed...

Mma Puleng: What exactly are you apologising
for? Why exactly have you been apologising for
all these years when it was them that were

He took a deep breath and held his wife's hand...

Rra Puleng: Tshwani. Those two are my sisters

in fact, they are the only family I have left.
Mma Puleng:And what about me and my
children? Aren't we your family?
Rra Puleng: That's not what I meant. You are
also my family.
Mma Puleng: Is it about the groceries they give
you every December?heela Rra Puleng, dijo tseo
ke tsa motshelo. Ba di tsisa kwano ka gore ha
gona ko ba ka di isang teng. ( That food is from
the club they have formed, they bring them here
because they don't have anywhere to take
Rra Puleng: You know how my sisters are. Don't
take them too seriously. If you can do that then
you will have some peace.
Mma Puleng: How do I not take someone that
disrespect me too seriously? O monna wame
ebile kea go rata ebile ha ke batle go go talela
mme hela rra ako onne monna tiya. ( You are
my husband and I love you, I don't want to
disrespect you but you need to man up). I am
going to have lunch with my children in the
Rra Puleng: What about my sisters?
Mma Puleng: I don't ever wanna see them here
again unless they bring their manners with
Hey Sunshine 🌞
Distance & Time
# 06

Toronto, Ontario

Loapi stood by the balcony and soaked in his

new life. Everything felt so surreal and he
couldn't make out how he felt at that particular
juncture.The joy of having a real shot at a
successful career and the pain of being
separated with his loved ones. He took a deep
breath and forced a smile.
Mulenga: Enjoying the view?

His room mate walked upto him.

Loapi: Yeah. Something like that.How are you

finding it here?
Mulenga: I am still a bit nostalgic and tired from
the long trip but I think I will be very happy here.
Loapi: Yeah. Nostalgia.
Mulenga: It will eventually wear off.
Loapi: Yeah.

He took out his phone and checked if Ney had

responded to his whatsapp...

Mulenga: You have been looking at your phone

the entire time. Someone special?
Loapi:(Smiled) Yeah.
Mulenga: Good going. Listen man, I am gonna
take a shower.
Loapi: Cool.

He took pictures of the view and a few selfies

which he sent to his girlfriend...

At my house

I stood on the other side of the sink and washed

the dishes while my sister stood on the other
rinsing them... It had been a very long day and
none of us knew what had happened between
our parents. I cleared my throat to break the
Puleng: Yeah neh.

She sighed and looked at me...

Me: It's never this quiet. What really happened?

Mum has been in her room all afternoon and
dad has been sitting alone outside. Don't you
find that a bit strange?
Puleng: I never find anything strange especially
if those two are involved.
Me: Those two i understand but mum and dad
man. It's so unlike them.
Pu.leng: Let me tell you something baby sis.
You see when it comes to family ,nothing
should surprise you especially if there are in
laws involved.
Me: Poor mum.
Puleng: Yeah. So when you pray for a good
husband, pray that you also marry into a good
family. All those stories you hear about inlaws
and stepchildren are not made up.
Me: Am sorry man.
Puleng: There is no need to be sorry. It's all a
part of life honey.
Me: Yeah neh.
Puleng: Yeah. Let's finish here and go rest.
Me: Keeping busy distracts me and I like it.
Puleng: He has not said anything yet?
Me: I haven't checked but the last time I did,
there was nothing from him.
Puleng: Let's finish up so that you can check.

At Mma Pretty's

Mma London put her phone away and sat

down.After a long day all she wanted to do was

Mma London: What a day!

Her sister looked at her and sighed. You could

tell that she was frustrated but she was too
tired to express it. She took off her shoes and
put her feet on a stool.

Mma Pretty: What happened today was not

pleasant and it can't go on.
Mma London: Who knew that Mma Puleng
didn't have any manners.
Mma Pretty: If you came for Pretty like that then
I would have probably reacted the same way
she reacted.I am sure that you would have said
the same thing if I said the same about London
and Ruth.
Mma London: ( Laughed) What has changed?
Haven't you always done the same? You can't
compare my London and Ruth with Puleng.
Mma Pretty: There is a difference between
gossiping and what you did. No woman will
allow herself to be disrespected like that
especially in her own house. It's one thing to
say things in a subtle manner but being direct
like that can only cause trouble. That woman
has been quite for years even when our late
mother dragged her to the ends of the earth but
what happened today only proves to me that
she has decided to put her foot down. If you are
not careful then next time, it will be a tragedy.
Mma London: You and I share the same views.
Mma Pretty: That's true but I share them in my
heart and with you. Sharing them beyond that
will be only bring trouble. That woman is
capable of anything.
Mma London: Ohh go riana o boi.
Mma Pretty: Nna kana ga kena diatla le wena
wa itsi. Le ka itlhela a mpolaile mmolao wa
noga. ( You know that I can't fight. She would
kill me)
Mma London: ( Laughed) Owaii!

At Tebogo's

Chris parked a few meters away from Tebogo's

house and sent her a text message. The two
had not seen each other in a while and he was
getting impatient. He got out the car and looked
around tehn spotted a girl walking towards him
from a distance. Although he couldn't see her
clearly, he could tell that she was his type. As
she got close, he prepared a pick up line she
would not be able to resist.

Chris: If only beauty was a crime then you

would not be able to walk this freely in the

She smiled and nodded in disbelief...

Mareledi: And if only I got a pula for everytime

someone used that lousy pick upline then i
would be rich.
Chris: (Chuckled) That bad?
Mareledi: Yeah.
Chris: Do you blame them? You are gorgeous.
Mareledi: So I have been told.
Chris: Am Chris.
Mareledi: Mareledi.
Chris: Rexy do you mind if I have your number?
Mareledi: Straight to the point huh?
Chris: I don't like to waste time.

He took out his phone and unlocked it then

gave it to her...

Mareledi: I see.

She took it then punched in her number before

giving it back to him...

Mareledi: See you around.

Chris: That's for sure.

She winked at him before proceeding...

A few minutes later he spotted his girl. He put
back his phone in his pocket and leaned against
the car as she approached...

Tebogo: Hey babe. Am so sorry I took too long.

My mother was giving me a hassle.

He kissed her then ran over to the other side to

open the door for her...

Tebogo: Thank you babe.

He hopped in the car and drove off...

Chris: How long do we have?

Tebogo: Two hours.
Chris: Great. Let's go to my house.
Tebogo: I thought that we could go out for
drinks or something.
Chris: Why? We have been doing that for the
past three months. Let's take our relationships
to the next level.
Tebogo: I thought that we agreed that you
would wait for me.
Chris: I know we agreed love but I just can't hold
it in anymore. Babe I need to hold you and make
love to you.
Tebogo: And I need to wait first. You can do all
that after I finish my exams.
Chris:But what difference does it make?
Tebogo: What do you mean?
Chris: I mean what difference does it make
whether you sleep with me now or after the
exams. The timing won't undo anything.
Tebogo: I made a promise to myself that I
would only break my virginity after my form five
and I plan to stick to that. If you can't wait then
we are gonna have a problem.
Chris: Where do you wanna go?
Tebogo: (Smiled) Anywhere you would like to
go. Surprise me.
Chris: ( Smiled) Ok.

At my house

I blushed as I read Loapi's text. The guy had a

special talent to stir bubbles and butterflies in
my tummy. I glanced at my mother and father
to see if any of them was aware of what was

Rra Puleng: I hope that whatever you are

smiling to is school related.
Me: Erra.

I maintained a straight face and put back my

phone in my pocket.

Me: I am going to sleep.

Puleng: Let me help you with solving those
maths problems.
Me: We can do that in my room.

I stood up and she followed me to my


Me: Close the door.

Puleng: Ofcourse your highness.
Me:(Giggled) Iya!
Puleng: What's the Canadian boy feeding you? I
want me some of that happiness.
Me: Is that what we call him now?
Puleng:(Laughed) I suppose that will work.
Me: Look at these.

I opened the pictures he had sent to me and

showed her...

Puleng: This place man. Look at that view.

Me:I know right.
Puleng:Now do you see that you were worried
for nothing. The boy has not forgotten about
Me: Waiting was driving me insane. I didn't
know what to think.
Puleng: You will eventually get used to it.
Me: Hopefully it gets better with time as you say.
Puleng: Do you think you will wait for him? As in
be faithful?
Me: I know I will. Loapi is the only person I
wanna be with.
Puleng: What about the cookie jar?
Me: What about it?
Puleng: Do you think that you will be able to
keep it closed? It's been opened after all.
Me: Yes by Loapi. So that means I am only
interested in only one person opening it again
and besides sex is overrated.
Puleng: Oh baby sis. If only you knew.
Me: Wena mathata ,you doubt me and my
intentions. ( Your problem is that you doubt me
and my intentions). Ke rata Loapi. ( I love Loapi).
I know that you think that it's impossible but I
won't the first to engage in a long distance
Puleng: Yeah. You are surely not the first to be
against distance and time.

Her phone rang and I could tell that she was


Me: Care to share?

Puleng: Share what?
Me: Who is it?
Puleng: It's no one important. Just a guy I met
while I was dropping off my applications. It was
really hot on that day so he gave me a ride
Me: So you are seeing someone and I don't
know about it. Banyana!
Puleng: Slow down. I am not seeing the guy. He
asked me on a date and I haven't agreed.
Me: Why is that? Akere nambara yone o mo e
neetse. ( But you gave him your number.)
Puleng: I know but I am not sure if I want to
entangle myself in anything.
Me:Mathata? ( What's the problem?)
Puleng: Sometimes you forget that I am your
elder sister.
Me: Well news flash,thirty year olds are not that
old. Ware keeng o sa ba tsee? (Why don't you
go for it?
Puleng: Because I am not in the right space for
a relationship. Ney I don't even have a job. How
will I navigate through a relationship when I
can't navigate through my life. A relationship is
a responsibility that requires one to be in the
right space especially mentally. How will I give
another person peace and love when I am not
in the right state mentally and besides have
you forgotten that I come with a lot of baggage?
Me: And what if he doesn't care about all that?
What if he is the kind of man that can help you
unpack this baggage?
Puleng: Ok who are you and what have you
done with my baby sister?
Me: All I am saying is that you should go out. If
not for a long term thing then just go out for fun.
You basically stay indoors all year round except
when you go to drop off your applications. You
also deserve some time out. So much has
changed out there. You need to see the world
outside. Isn't that what you always say?
Puleng:(Laughed) I hope you are not slowly
pinning your crazy outings on me. I only said to
go out once in a while so you can be in touch
with the outside world not go out every other
Me:See. Even you think that someone needs to
be in touch with the outside world. Go out with
him and if you don't like his company then you
can block his calls and text messages.

She looked at me and shook her head.

Puleng: What on earth have I created.

Me: Just call him back or text if you can't call.
Puleng: I don't have airtime.

We both looked at her old phone that was ready

to fall apart if it was not for the rubberband that
was holding it together.

Puleng: Ebe ore nka jola. ( And you say I can

Her phone rang again and I stood up to do a
victory dance.

Me: Answer it.

She cleared her throat and laid on my bed...

Puleng: Hello
Kagiso: I was beginning to think that you were
ignoring me.
Puleng: I have been busy.
Kagiso: Well I am glad that you finally have the
time to answer my calls. Have you thought
about what I asked you?
Puleng: What was it that you asked me again?
I looked at her and rolled my eyes...

Kagiso: If you could join me for coffee when

have time. There is a new Cafe not far from
your place that has just opened up.
Puleng:I wasn't aware.
Kagiso: So what do you say?
Puleng: To coffee?
Kagiso: Yeah.

She looked at me and I was quick to nod in

agreement. I quickly got off the bed and knelt

Puleng: Ok.
Kagiso: You will go out with me?
Puleng: Yeah sure. Just notify me in advance so
I know how to arrange my schedule.
Kagiso: Thank you.
Puleng: Cool.
Kagiso: Is this your whatsapp number?
Puleng: Yes but please don't whatsapp me.
Kagiso: Ok. Would it be short notice if I asked
you to go out with me for coffee tomorrow ?
Sunday is a very chilled day to go out because
everyone is busy buying groceries or at church.
Puleng: What time?
Kagiso:Late afternoon? Let's say around four? I
can pick you then if that's ok with you?
Puleng: Ok. Let's do tomorrow around four.
Kagiso: Thank you. I will see you tomorrow.
Puleng: Goodnight.
She put the phone down and I immediately
started demanding for answers.

Me: So you are going out tomorrow? Do you

think he is the one? Do you think that you will go
for a second date.
Puleng: Hlamma slow down. I have not even
gone out with the guy and you are already
flooding me with these questions.
Me: What's he like? Your type? You can give me
a clear picture using one of your exes. I want a
clear picture.
Puleng: Actually he is not like any of the guys I
have dated. He is a bit too soft and boring for
my linking. Too kind if you ask me.
Me: What do you mean too kind? What about
Puleng: Two kind often means fake and boring.
Me: There is nothing wrong with a man that's
kind in fact we need more of those. The world
could use a lot of kindness right now.
Puleng:( laughed) You will understand what I
mean when you are my age.
Me: Maybe. A re buwe ka screen mma. ( Let's
talk about his looks).
Puleng: Maybe your Osi Lashane looks. Actually
he is not too far from that.
Me: Hmmm. I like! That's a banger!
Puleng: Language!
Me: I mean he is hot.
Puleng: I don't even wanna know because I feel
like you are quarter to insulting me.
Me: You need to be in touch with the outside
world. So much has changed.
Puleng: Good night ngwetsi ya ko Canada.
Me: I am helping you pick an outfit first thing in
the morning.
Puleng: We are going out for coffee.
Me: Gatwe kofi. Why not drinks or dinner?
Puleng: Adult fun.
Me:( Rolled eyes) Thirty is not that old.

She closed the door in her way out...

Good night. Have a good one ❤
Don't forget to hit the like button and share our
Morning inserts : 10:00hrs
Evening: 21:00hrs
Distance & Time
# 07

The following day

I sat by the window for a better lighting as I

waited for Loapi's Skype call. Although I had
moved some things around in the room, nothing
seemed to have changed.

Puleng: Open the curtains more.

Me: It's not going to change the messy
Puleng: I know baby but atleast you will have a
better lighting.
Me: You know what I need? A ring light.. Yeah
that's what I need. This whole thing of opening
curtains and holding the phone will not work for
Puleng: I know but you can only work with what
you have for now or convince dad to get you
Me: Convince who to do what?
Puleng: ( Chuckled) Exactly!
Me: Imagine him asking me how it will help me
Puleng: That's why I am telling you to work with
what you have.
Me: Yeah neh.
Puleng: What time did he say he will call?
Me: Seven.
Puleng: Seven what? Akere you know that our
time zones are different?
Me: Yeah. I am sure that he will call any minute
now. He knows that I am attending some
tutorials today.
Puleng: Great. I need to go help your mummy
dearest with some chores.
Me: Have you picked an outfit for your date?
Puleng: It's not a date and I don't need to pick
any outfit because I am going for coffee not far
from here. I am sure a pair of jeans and some
flats will do.
Me: Please tell me you are kidding because I
am about to have a heart attack. As for flats, no
ways! Who wears flat shoes to their first date
Puleng: What do you mean first date ever? I
have had other dates before.
Me: When? Five years ago? I mean when was
the last time you ever left this house ? Not flats
to your first date when you can do six inches.
Puleng: Onneile I am not twenty one anymore. I
am thirty . Our dates are not like yours. We are
going out to enjoy each other's company not
out dress each other. Imagine me in heels for a
coffee date le gone in our hood.
Me: All I am saying is that you need to look like
a keeper. A dapper keeper.
Puleng: What?
Me: Never. Atleast we both agree that this is a
date. Now let's find common ground for the
clothes too.
Puleng: Jeans!
Me: Ok fine. Let's do jeans but if you are doing
both flats and jeans then the flats have to leave
an impressions so we are going with those Zara
scandals of yours with pearls.
Puleng: Wouldn't they work with a dress?
Me: You know what, you are right.
Puleng: Hair?
Me: No wigs. I am betting on that natural
hair.Just style it and you will be good.

A call came through and I quickly stood up to

fix myself. I applied some lipgloss and took a
deep breath. Puleng directed me on where to sit.

Puleng: You look good. I will see you later.

I smiled and waved at her before taking the call.

Me: Babe
Loapi: Hey baby. You look good.
Me: I smell good too.

I held in the tears as reality came knocking.

Knowing that this would be the only place I
would get to see his face for God knows how
long broke my heart.

Loapi: I miss you so much.

Me: I miss you too.So how is it there?
Loapi: It's ok.
Me: You know that you can be honest right?
Loapi: It's beautiful. Nothing like back home.
There are so many people and everything is fast.
Me: Nice. So have you made any friends?
Loapi: Not really.

I could hear a guy in the background.

Mulenga: I thought we were friends.

Me: Who is that?

Loapi: (Laughed)My room mate.
Me: He sounds nice.
Mulenga: I am nice.
Loapi: Babe ema pele.

He turned around...

Loapi: Mulenga, do you wanna say hie.

Mulenga: I thought you would never ask man.

A minute later, A light skinned guy appeared on

the screen. His smile had the power to make
one forget their problems.

Mulenga: Mukashi wesu(our wife) how are you?

Me:I didn't get the last part but I am good thank
you and how are you?
Mulenga: I am good thank you.
Me: That's good.
Mulenga: Don't worry I will keep an eye on him
for you.

They both laughed...

Loapi: You can go now. Give me some privacy


At Chris's
Chris put his beverages on the outdoor table by
the patio and sat down. He mixed his gin and
tonic then laid back and relaxed as he went
through his chats. He achieved Tebogo's chat
and sent out a text to Mareledi.

Chris: Hey beautiful... I am not sure if you

remember me but we met yesterday...

He sipped his drink and relaxed as he waited for

a response.

At Mareledi's

Mareledi and Tumiso sat under a tree for shade

as Tumiso did Mareledi's hair. Mareledi smiled
and giggled at her phone. Tumiso pulled
Mareledi's hair in order to get her attention.

Mareledi: Ouch! You are hurting me.

Tumiso: Stop pulling away from me. I told you
that I am the one that controls your head when I
am doing your hair.
Mareledi: Control not hurt.
Tumiso: Get off your phone. I need to finish
kana I have another client waiting for me.
Mareledi: Do you remember the guy I told you
Tumiso:Which one? These days I have lost
Mareledi: Iya! The one I met yesterday on my
way to your house.
Tumiso: What about him?
Mareledi:He has texted me.
Tumiso left what she was doing and stood up.

Tumiso:Get up from that cushion and sit on the

Mareledi: I thought that you were comfortable
this way because you don't wanna stand.
Tumiso: I am not doing your hair. I am giving
you space to respond to your guy.
Mareledi: Don't you have a client to get to?
Tumiso: She can wait. What kind of a friend
would i be to deprive you some happiness?
Mareledi: You mean what kind of a hair dresser
would you be to let such a juicy story to pass
you by. Koore balogi le loilwe ke mang? Ga nke
le tlolwa? ( Who bewitched hairdressers? There
is nothing you ever want to miss)
Tumiso: (laughed)Job description ngwanaka.
Areng guy? (What is he saying? )

She tilted the phone towards Tumiso.

Tumiso: Yareng dp, tla re bone. ( Let's see his

dp ).

Mareledi clicked on the display picture and

showed her friend...

Tumiso: Please tell me that he has money

because the only thing that can save a face like
that is money.
Mareledi: ( Laughed) Wena ga se wena o oneng
ore monna o kgomothwa hela? ( Aren't you the
one who said that a man doesn't have to be
good looking?)
Tumiso: Ke rile ha ana le spache ngwanaka. Se
se botlhokwa ke spache. ( I said when he has
money.What's important is money).
Mareledi: What if I told you that his car spoke
for him?
Tumiso: O kgweetsa ehe my girl. Tla re utlwe.
(What car does he drive?)
Mareledi: A Chrysler.
Tumiso: Nnya mme ha go bad.(Not too bad).
His face will be compensated by that.
Mareledi: He wants to know if I could join him
for lunch at his place.
Tumiso: O batla go go gautsa ngwanaka. ( He
wants to chow you).
Mareledi: It could just be an innocent lunch.
Tumiso: Take it from me. You know I have been
around. Just tell him that you are busy but he
can drop some lunch for you.
Mareledi: (Sighed) I don't know.
Tumiso: Didn't you say that you don't wanna
give it up?
Mareledi: I did but he will think that I am a gold
Tumiso: And you are one. You said that you
want someone to spoil you without having to
give it up so that makes you a gold digger. If yo
worry about what a man thinks of you then you
will fail terribly at achieving what you want. Tell
him what you want then he can decide if he
wants to do it or not. If he doesn't then for good
riddance. There is someone out there that will.

She took deep breaths before gathering the

guts to text him back.

Mareledi: I am actually doing my hair right now.

If you like then you can bring me that lunch.
Chris : What would you like to eat?
Mareledi: Whatever you are cooking 😄
Chri: I am actually not cooking. I was going to
get us some take aways from Simply Asia. Just
tell me what you want and send directions. I will
be over in an hour or so.
Mareledi: Okay. Thank you. Let me think about
what I wanna have then text you just now.

She handed her phone to Tumiso...

Mareledi: What do i say?

Tumiso read the texts and shook her head...

Mareledi:What is it now?
Tumiso: Never tell a man things like, " If you
would like". Just say please bring me lunch.
Telling him that is asking him to decide for
himself. Leave him with no choice.
Mareledi:I thought that it was his money and he
had a choice.
Tumiso: You still have a lot to learn my friend.
Let me respond back.

" Please buy some Nandos family meal, kana I

am with my hairdresser. I am sure that you are
also hungry. Make the Chicken flavour Extra hot,
sides should be sweet potato fries and some
wedges. You can pick any drink of your choice.
I will pin my location ".

She read out the text to Mareledi before

sending it.
Mareledi: Don't you think we are pushing it.
Family meal?

She pressed send and giggled...

Tumiso: What's the worst that can happen? He

can either say yes or no gape I have already
Mareledi: Oh Tumi wait.
Tumiso: Wait for it! He has responded.
Mareledi: That quick?
Tumiso: He says, " Got it".
Mareledi: That easy?
Tumiso: I told you that you need to take lessons
from me. Now I cancel my next appointment
because your man will be paying for it.
Mareledi: Tsala one o sare o ntoga mahala?
( Friend didn't you say that you were doing it for
Tumiso: I am but he will pay for the next
appointment that I am going to miss.
Mareledi: How?I can't ask him for money after
demanding for a large lunch.
Tumiso: Just leave all that to me. Class is in
session my girl.
Mareledi: Thaaka.

At my house

Loapi: So what are your plans for the day? Are

you still attending your Sunday tutorials?
Me: Yep.
Loapi: Ok. So what are you wearing underneath
that dress?

I smiled and bit my lower lip..

Me: Do you remember that bra you used to

undo with one hand?
Loapi: Yeah.
Loapi: The red one?
Me: Mmm hmmm...
Loapi: Let me have a look.
Me: Give me a minute.

I stood up and closed the curtains then locked

the door before I laid on the bed...I slowly
unbuttoned my dress...
Loapi: Oh God! I miss you.
Me:I miss you too.
Loapi: Babe.
Me: Hmm
Loapi: Do you remember when I played with you
when we did the deed.
Me: ( Laughed) Stop calling it that.
Loapi: ( laughed) Let's do it together. This time
you are gonna do it but imagine that I am the
one doing it. I will be doing the same.
Me: Yeah
Loapi: Oh yeah.

Morning lovies.

Don't forget to hit that like button my silent

readers 😙
Show us some love for our punctuality 😂😎
Mornings: 10:00hrs (If it's early then we in high
Evenings: 21:00hrs
Distance & Time
# 08

Later that

Casa Cafe
Kagiso pulled out a chair for Puleng then waited
for her to sit before he took his seat...

Kagiso: Hlamma thank you so much for coming.

I actually didn't think that you would come.
Puleng: I wonder why?
Kagiso: I don't know.I guess I was just not
confident enough. When you took longer to
meet me , I figured that you had changed your
Me: I had a few things to take care of before
meeting you.
Kagiso: I understand. By the way, you look great.
Puleng: Thank you.

She bowed to admire the dress her sister had

picked and briefly smiled before maintaining a
straight face.
Kagiso: So what is your profession if you don't
mind me asking ? I know that you were
dropping off your Cvs on the day that I meet
Puleng: I am an accountant. What do you do?
Kagiso: I am a commercial pilot. I am currently
flying for Air Botswana.
Puleng: Ok.

A waitress greeted them and gave them each a


Waitress: Can I take your order now or would

you like me to give you a few minutes to look at
the menu.
Kagiso: It would be nice if you can allow us to
look through the menu then come back and get
our order in ten minutes.
Waitress:Not a problem at all.

She left them...

Puleng: I actually didn't know about this place

till today.
Kagiso: I call it a little haven.Tucked away in the
right neighbourhood. The atmosphere is quite
refreshing.When I need to get away from all the
noise and the people, this is where I come to
Puleng: It looks peaceful.
Kagiso: It is. So what kind of places are you into?
Puleng: I am an indoor person. I barely go out
unless it's neccesary.
Kagiso: That's quite interesting. I would love to
hear all about it.
Puleng: We should look at the menu.
Kagiso: I already know what I want.

She browsed through the menu and couldn't

decide on what she wanted...

Puleng: I am not sure what to get.

Kagiso: Would you like me to help you?
Puleng: You are a regular here so I am sure that
you know your way around the menu.
Kagiso: Okay let's see.

He looked under the cakes.

Kagiso: Are you a chocolate kind of girl? Or you

are more into fruit cakes?
Puleng: I don't mind some chocolate once in a
Kagiso: Then allow me to pick the death by
chocolate cake for you. You will love it. You can
pick the beverage for yourself.
Puleng: Sounds like a plan. Which one have you
decided on?
Kagiso: A lemon cake. It's actually my favourite.
It pairs well with a sweet sparkling wine. I will
go for dubarnville hills today.
Puleng: And what would you recommend for the
death by chocolate?
Kagiso: Alcoholic or non alcoholic?
Puleng: Non alcoholic.
Kagiso: My choice has always been a double
espresso. The cake is quite sweet so a splash
of bitterness gives it a bounce.
Puleng: They should make you their brand
Kagiso: You are right!

They both giggled as they looked through their


Kagiso: I guess we are both content with our


At Mareledi's

Tumiso sat in the house and had her late lunch

while her friend chatted with Chris outside.She
couldn't help but wonder what they were getting
up to outside so she put her plate down, wiped
her hands with a serviette and lightly peeped
through the window.

Mareledi: Are you sure that you are not hungry?

Chris: Am good hun. I brought the food for you.
Mareledi: I know but there is more than enough.
Chris:Stop worrying about me.I had something
before I left home.
Mareledi: Okay...
Chris: Let me get going.Your friend is getting
Mareledi: I doubt. I am sure that she is actually
enjoying the break.
Chris: Could have fooled me.
Mareledi: What?
Chris: Isn't that her peeping through the window.
They both cracked up in laughter...

Mareledi: Oh my word! I am so embarrassed.

Chris: Don't be. I would do the same too if a
stranger sent me inside the house just so he
could remain alone with my friend.
Mareledi: Yeah neh.
Chris: Let me leave you to it.
Mareledi: Yeah.

He held her hand and kissed it while she shyly

looked away...

Chris: I am sorry I did that without asking you.

Just as she was about to respond to him,
Tumiso came back and interrupted them...

Mareledi: It's...
Tumiso: I hope that I am not interrupting you
guys. I wanted to tell you that my next client
cancelled on me.
Mareledi: What do you mean she cancelled on
you? I thoug...
Tumiso: What can I say? Friendship is
expensive. Koore wa bo one o phakela o
dikologa o lebala gore ke irela bo ngwanake
phaleche. ( You took all your time in the
morning forgetting that this is how I feed my
Chris: Is she that slow?
Mareledi: Nnya thera mosadi wa gago o bonya.
O mo mathateng kgaitsadiaka. (Your woman is
very slow. You are in trouble my brother. )

Chris looked at Mareledi and smiled...He could

already picture her as his...

Mareledi: We are not dating...

Tumiso: Ao! Lentse le tshwanelana yaana. ?
( But you look so good together.) Wena ware ke
eng nne ke le okometse? ( Why do you think
that I was peeping through the window?). I was
just admiring how you look good together and
wondering how you never told me about him.
Chris: Nnya hlamma o na le nnete . (You are so
Tumiso: I got her best interests at heart le o
bona a ntlodisa madi yaana . ( I got her best
interests at heart even though I am losing
money because of her.)
Chris: Friends like that are hard to find love.

Tumiso looked the other way and rolled her


Chris: So how much was the next client going to

pay you?
Tumiso: Three hundred. I was going to do her
hair and her daughter's but you know what they
say right? Friendship comes first.
Chris: Let me correct you.When it comes to
business, there is no family or friends.

He took out his purse and took out two hundred

pula notes...

Chris: Take this. That's for your cancelled

appointment. The other hundred is for making
my woman look beautiful. I know she doesn't
agree with it but i have every intention of
making her my woman. I need to get going so
that you two can finish.

She smiled and received the money...

Tumiso: Thank you so much. My friend is lucky

to have you. She doesn't know it yet but I know
she will realize it.
Chris: Rexy,I will call you.

He bid them farewell and left...

Tumiso: I told you that he will pay me.

Mareledi: How did you know that? Or should I
be asking you how you do that?
Tumiso: It's easy to manipulate a man. I am
offering you free classes with a bit of practical.
You should be thrilled in fact you should
worship the ground I walk on because I have
just secured your biggest lucky charm.

She took the braid that she had placed on the

chair and fixed it before asking Mareledi to sit

Tumiso: He even has a pet name for you. Gatwe


They both laughed...

At Casa Cafe
Kagiso took a bite from Puleng's cake. She
looked at him and cleared her throat as he took
another one...

Puleng: I thought that only women did that.

Kagiso: I am only representing my team.
Puleng: ( laughed) So it's pay back time?
Kagiso: Wanna try mine?
Puleng: Thanks but am good.
Kagiso: You will love it. I promise you that of all
the lemon cakes I have tasted around the world,
this one has won my heart.
Puleng: Do you really expect me to believe that
this cake from here can stand any chance
against cakes from around the world. Ao le ko
mahatsheng a tsididi tota? ( Even overseas.)
Kagiso:Of all the few years I have travelled, i can
assure you that taste is acquired.) I used to
think that all these countries overseas have the
best food but I have come to learn that taste is
Puleng:I hear you but all I am saying is that all
the food we see on adverts says otherwise.
Kagiso: They are just commercials.That's
exactly what they are supposed to do. Win you
Puleng: That may be the case but I am still
convinced that their food tastes better.
Kagiso: Once you travel, you will change your
Puleng: Maybe. So how many countries have
you been to?
Kagiso: Ten and counting.
Puleng: Work?
Kagiso:No not at all. I love traveling. I promised
myself that every year I would travel to atleast
one country.And you?
Puleng: Honestly?
Kagiso: ( Chuckled) Yeah. Honestly...
Puleng: Two and still waiting...

They both looked into each other's eyes before

they shared a brief laugh...

Puleng: I have been to S.A and Zim.

Kagiso: Would you like to travel around the
Puleng: I would like that but that will not be
anytime soon. Maybe once I have sorted out my
life and found a job.
Kagiso: Be positive. Something will come up.
Puleng: Hopefully.
Kagiso: Besides staying indoors what else
excites you?
Puleng: Books. I love reading.
Kagiso: So you are one of those. Gatwe what's
the term?
Puleng: ( laughed) Please don't use that term. I
find it ridiculous.
Kagiso: You can say that again but I bet that the
person that came up with it loves books too.
Puleng: I bet. So what do you do for fun besides
Kagiso: Camping, hiking and anything for
adrenaline rush.
Puleng: Seriously?
Kagiso: Yeah why?
Puleng:You don't strike me as the type.
Kagiso:I have been told that I look boring.
Puleng:(faked a smile) I wasn't gonna say that.
Kagiso: I bet.

An hour later

Kagiso settled the bill and the two left the cafe...

In the car

Kagiso: Thank you so much for agreeing to

have coffee with me. I had fun.
Puleng: Thank you for taking me out.I didn't
realize that I need this till today. Hopefully next
time I will be the one paying.
Kagiso: So there will be a next time?
Puleng: Yeah maybe.
Kagiso: That would make me really happy.
Puleng: Let's see how it goes.
Kagiso: Let's do that.

He looked at her like he had just realized what

love is and smiled...

Kagiso: Let me take you home.

Puleng: Yeah...

He turned on the radio and Alicia Keys's that's

how strong my love is was playing.

🎶Through the shake of the earthquake

🎶I will never fall
🎶That's how strong my love is🎶
🎶Like a shift
🎶through the storm
🎶We can risk it all
🎶That's how strong my love is🎶
At home

I went on Facebook and checked if Loapi was

online then went back to getting ready for
school. As I packed my books Puleng walked
into my room. I jumped, rattled by her sudden

Me: Jesus! What happened to knocking.

Puleng: Sorry!
Me: Just knock.
Puleng: Should I go back and knock.
Me: How did it go?
Puleng: It was ok.

She let out a smile...

Me: You may be smart but you don't know how

to lie.
Puleng: He is a good guy.
Me: Still boring?
Puleng: Turns out that he is into a lot of
adventurous activities.
Me: Never judge a book by it's cover.So when is
your next date?
Puleng: Slow down child.
Me: You like him.
Puleng: Goodnight. I only came to tell you that I
had a great time.
Me: But yo...

She walked out before I could even get a

chance to finish my sentence...


Have a great night

Silent readers don't be afraid to hit the like
button. Let's get this book started 😘
Times haven't changed
Mornings : 10:00hrs
Evenings: 21:00hrs

Record keepers, write down that I was always

extra early so you remind them when am late 😂
😂 I know they will come for me then 😂
Distance & Time
# 09

A week later

Toronto, Canada

Loapi changed into a different outfit while

Mulenga sat on his bed waiting for him...
Loapi: Will this work?
Mulenga: That's better.
Loapi: I hope that we are not saying for long.
Mulenga: Come on man,don't be like that. There
will be lots of alcohol and chicks.
Loapi: You know that I don't drink. As for the
chicks, I have a girlfriend.
Mulenga: Don't be like that man. You have
worked really hard for years without ever
rewarding yourself just so you could get here.
You are now here and there is absolutely
nothing wrong with rewarding yourself just a
little.A glass of wine won't do any harm. As for
your girlfriend, I am not suggesting that you
leave her. I am just saying explore other small
ventures. The top table remains the top table.
Loapi: I don't do that.
Mulenga: Well atleast come hang out with us.
Have a glass of wine and dance then you can
come back. We are going to be here for four
years, make the best out of it.

He looked at the mirror and saw a completely

different Loapi to the one he knew...
Surprisingly he loved what he saw.

Loapi: Okay. Let's go out.

Mulenga: That's what I am talking about.

They walked out together...

At Tebogo's

Tebogo read Chris's whatsapp text then passed

her phone to me... She took a deep then

Me: Calm down babes.

Tebogo:This guy is breaking up with me
because I won't sleep with him.
Me: He didn't say you should break up. He only
said that you should take a break in order for
you to study for exams.
Tebogo: And this only comes after we had an
argument about sex. Gape kana tsala a break is
a break up for cowards.
Me: I thought that he agreed to wait.
Tebogo: I guess he changed his mind.
Me: Then he can go jump off a cliff.
Tebogo: Cliff ya eng Ney? ( What cliff Ney?) I
am not losing Chris.
Me: How exactly do you intend on keeping him?
Tebogo: One of us has to compromise.
Me: And it has to be you?
Tebogo: It's my turn. He has been patient with
me for months.
Me: So you are just going to have sex with him
just to keep him?
Tebogo: You are in no position to judge me. You
have had sex before.
Me: I am not judging you. I had sex because I
wanted to. It was a decision I made without
anyone manipulating me. Love you have long
made this promise to yourself that you would
only have sex after completing our exams.
Tebogo: And it's honestly not a big deal if I
change my mind. People change their minds
everyday. I won't be the first person.
Me: All I am saying is that if this guy loves you
for real, he will wait for you.
Tebogo: The same way you think that Loapi will
wait for you? Reality check babes, he won't.
Me: It's that personal huh?

I stood up and packed up all my study materials

then stood by the door.

Me: I need to go home.

Tebogo: Maybe you should. You are honestly
not helping instead you are causing more
Me: Am sorry that's how you feel. I was
honestly trying to help my friend, I didn't realize
that we were at war.
Tebogo: You are the one that started it. You
didn't have to play doctor Phil. Sometimes you
need to learn to ask someone whether they
need to vent or they need some advice.
Me: Am sorry. I will see you tomorrow.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng sat on her husband's favourite

chair and sipped on her tea while her daughter
sat on the other side folding the laundry. She
smiled as her daughter hummed to a very
familiar song.

Mma Puleng: O setse o bone mongwe nare?

( Have you found someone already?)
Puleng: Mma?
Mma Puleng: Kare a o setse o bone
mongwenyana? ( I asked if you have already
met someone).
Puleng: Mongwenyana? ( Someone?)
Mma Puleng: Pulie, you are my child and I know
you. In fact I know you too well. All that
humming is for a reason.
Puleng: Yes mama. I am humming because I
am happy.
Mma Puleng: And what is the reason?
Puleng: (laughed)Ao mama! Do I need a reason
to be happy?
Mma Puleng: The only thing that can make you
that happy is finding a job or someone to laugh
Puleng:( blushed) Can't I laugh with you or Ney
or even dad?
Mma Puleng: It's definitely a boy.
Puleng: Mama you are over thinking.
Mma Puleng: I gave birth to you.I know you and
your sister. None of you can trick me. Do you
think that I didn't notice that your sister was
always sneaking out to see a boy?Pulie a
mother knows these things. When I was your
sister's age, I used tell my parents that I was
going to fetch water. I would take a bucket and
dump it by the gate then go and see your father.
There is no trick under the sun that I haven't
used so I know them all and you two can't fool
Puleng: Ao mama! There is no one even though
I am praying to God.

They both laughed...

Mma Puleng: My child, let me tell you

something while you pray for a husband to
come along,pray to also marry into a good
family.I know in tell you this all the time. You
know all that I have been through with your
father's family. You know how I tried for years
to fit in yet they never saw me. No one,and even
a mother inlaw will ever love you like your own
mother but that doesn't mean that one
deserves a mother in law from hell. Pray that
you also get married to a man that can stand
and protect you even from his own family
because no one should ever be the outsider
fighting and standing alone. In most cases we
don't tell you these things but it is important for
you to know them especially before marriage.
Puleng: Emma.
Mma Puleng: I do not want any of my children
to go through what I went through. It is very
painful. Leave those clothes and go start
cooking. I will take over.

She talked to her daughter all this while

avoiding eye contact. Once Puleng had left, she
wiped her tears then changed sits inorder to
fold the laundry...

At Kagiso's

Kago pulled out a stool by the kitchen island

and sat down while his brother stood up
chopping vegetables. He picked a carrot from
the vegetables that his brother had and nibbled
on it.

Kagiso: Did you even wash your hands?

Kago: What are you making?
Kagiso: You didn't answer me.
Kago: I didn't realize that it was a question dude.
Kagiso: ( Laughed) Some things will never
Kago: What have you been up to?
Kagiso: The usual.
Kago: I told you that you need to find a girlfriend
and do something with your life.
Kagiso: I am doing something with my life.
Kago: And what is that?
Kagiso: I have a job that pays the bills. The
same job that pays for that carrot you are
Kago: I meant something fun. I am seriously
starting to get worried.
Kagiso: What exactly do you mean?
Kago: I mean which team do you play for? You
haven't been with a woman since Nandi. If you
play for both teams then you can always tell me.
Kagiso: Fu**k you man.
Kago: Then how come you haven't found a girl
yet. It doesn't have to be solid. We all know that
a man needs somewhere to release the tension.
Kagiso: Before you go any further, let me stop
you right there. I went for a coffee date.
Kago: Coffee date?
Kagiso: You heard that right. Your brother has
got game.
Kago: I am dissapointed that you took a woman
out for coffee when you could have brought her
right here and jumped the stress away but then
again half a loaf is better than nothing.
Kagiso: Atleast one of us is decent. It would be
a total shame for twins to turn out the same.

Kago's phone rang and he got up and kicked

the air...

Kago: I would like to sit here and bore you with

the details but I can't keep my shawty waiting.
Kagiso: I have sent your Cv for that job opening
I was telling you about yesterday.
Kago: I need to bounce. Keep my food in the
Kagiso: Wash the dis...

He picked up his phone and walked away...


Loapi walked to Mulenga and pulled him to the


Mulenga: What's up man?

Loapi: I need to go. It's 8pm in Botswana. I need
to Skype my girlfriend.
Mulenga: Come on man. Have one last drink
then you can head back. Are you honestly going
to leave that girl all by her self. It looks like you
are the only person she is vibing with.
Loapi: She is not vibing with me, just like myself,
she was forced to come here by a friend.
Mulenga: Here. Have this.
Loapi: What's that?
Mulenga: It's the same wine you had earlier on.
When you finish that, come and tell me so that
we can go.

Loapi went back to the girl he had been keeping

company. She looked at him and laughed as he
sat down.

Loapi: What?
Karen: He convinced you to stay, didn't he?
Loapi:(chuckled) How do you know?
Karen: My friend has just done the same.
Loapi: The baddest...
Karen: You know what, let's stop sulking and
enjoy the party.
Loapi:What do you have in mind?
Karen: What are you having?
Loapi: Red wine.
Karen: Let me have some.

She said as she took the glass from him and

shipped on it before he had even responded

Karen: It's actually not bad.

Loapi: Oh yeah? What's the difference? Isn't
alcohol just alcohol?I mean doesn't it taste the

He briefly laughed...She looked at him and

shook her head.

Karen: Don't tell me that this is your first time.

Loapi: What?
Karen: You have no clue, do you?
Loapi: I have never taken interest in alcohol.
Karen: Say no more. Let's go get something you
will enjoy.
Loapi: I am good thanks.
Karen: No ways. Let's get this party started.

She pulled him towards the bar...

Morning honeys 🌞
Don't be too stingy to press the like button
Distance & Time
# 10

At my house

I looked at the time for the hundredth time then

back at my whatsapp and Skype.

Me: Orange! Don't do me like that...

I restarted my phone but everything seemed to
be in order. Could he have forgotten our video
call appointment? I paced around the room
trying to maintain some patience but I failed so
I found myself knocking on my sister's door.

Puleng: Hey baby.Aren't you supposed to be on

a Skype date?
Me: I was but my date is MIA.(Missing in Action)
Puleng: Maybe he got held up?
Me: Then he should have texted.
Puleng: It could have slipped his mind. Who
knows maybe something came up.
Me: He still should have texted.
Puleng: It could have sprung out of nowhere.
Me:I don't know.
I took a deep breath and threw myself on her

Puleng: That can't be good. What's wrong,talk

to me because you are clearly upset about
something else.
Me: No I am not.
Puleng: Not when you throw yourself on my bed
like that.
Me: I don't know.I just feel like I am lying to
myself. Surely Loapi will find someone else and
move on at some point. Is is even possible for a
man to stay faithful for that long?
Puleng: What has changed? I thought that you
were being positive and taking a leap of faith.
Me: I was but I feel like I need to be honest with
myself. There is something that Tebogo said to
me earlier on and it made sense. There is no
man that can abstain for that long let alone a
Puleng: Now you are just being ridiculous.
Listen baby girl, every relationship has it's own
script because everyone is different.Not all men
are the same. I am not guaranteeing that Loapi
will be faithful. All I am saying is that if you are
going to take a leap of faith then you need to
close your ears to what the world is saying.
Unless Loapi shows you that he is doing you
dirt then you have no reason to do all this. I
understand that it's hard but you will drive
yourself insane if you keep this up.
Me:I hope he is not screwing me over. I really
hope he has a valid reason of why he is not
taking my calls.
Puleng: Can I be honest with you?
Me:As if you have ever needed the permission.
Puleng: Go and study. In as much as I think this
is cute, I am starting to get worried about you.
It's as if you have forgotten that you are a
student who will be writing their final exam in a
month and everything is about Loapi. Baby that
boy has secured his future. You need to secure
yours because should you fail then you are on
your own. Chances of him ever looking your
way while he pursues his degree and you are
home playing maid to your parents are close to
zero. Go study and make it all about that. You
should be worried about your studies not a boy.

I stood up feeling embarrassed because I knew

that there was some truth in what she was
saying even though I would have never admitted
it to her.

Puleng: Canada is five hours behind us. Go

study. That boy will call you. And please cut
back on those video dates.Roll up your sleeve
and start working. None of us want Mma
London and her sister on our case.

Me: ( laughed) I see that you have been

spending time with mum.
Puleng:(laughed) Go study...

As soon as her sister had left,Puleng got up and

locked her room.She got her phone from the
charger and responded back to Kagiso's text
message.Within five minutes his call came

Puleng: I didn't say call me.

Kagiso: Hello to you too.
Puleng: Hello.
Kagiso: You don't receive whatsapps otherwise
I would have sent a voice note.
Puleng: That is why I don't receive them in the
first place. Voice notes exhaust me.
Kagiso: Then it's a good thing that I called.
Puleng: How are you?
Kagiso: I am doing well.How are you?
Puleng: Not too bad.
Kagiso: Hey listen, I am off for a few days and I
was wondering if we could go out sometime.
Puleng: I would love to but I am broke at the
Kagiso: I don't follow.
Puleng: You took care of the bill the last time
we went out meaning that this time, the bill is
on me.
Kagiso: You don't have to worry about that, I will
take care of it.
Puleng: I am sorry but I can't accept that. I am
not a charity Case.
Kagiso: Ouch! That's not what I was trying to
make you.
Puleng:I am sorry if that came across as rude
but that's the way I handle my business.
Kagiso: Can I suggest something?
Puleng: Okay. Shoot!
Kagiso: Can I cook for you an...

She interrupted him...

Puleng: I am not coming to your house. Tlhe rra

I am not that kind of a girl.
Kagiso: ( Laughed) Can I finish? I was going to
say that can I cook for you and take you on a
drive then that way no one has to pay for
anything .
Puleng:(laughed) Smart.
Kagiso: How's tomorrow? I can pick you up
after lunch.
Puleng: Let's put a pin on this part of the
conversation. I will send a message to confirm.
I still need to find out if there is anything that
needs my attention.
Kagiso: Ok miss CEO.
Puleng: So what are you doing?
Kagiso: I have just had dinner. What are you
Puleng: Nothing really. I finished making dinner
over an hour ago.
Kagiso: Do you cook everyday?
Puleng: Yes. Why do you ask?
Kagiso: Just curious.
Puleng: I am a great cook if that's what you
wanna know.
Kagiso: We can discuss that tomorrow after
you taste my food.
Puleng: Let's do that.
Kagiso: I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Puleng: Goodnight Kagiso.

She hung up and put her phone on the charger

then turned off the lights before retiring to bed...

Toronto, Canada

Karen: That's my song.

Karen stood up and took Loapi by the hand
pulling him towards the dance floor.After two
glasses of wine, he had the confidence of the
world.They both set the dance floor on fire as
Mulenga and Ntsoaki watched from a distance.

Ntsoaki: The boy has moves for days.

Mulenga: Wait till you see mine.
Ntsoaki: To think that he wanted to leave.
Mulenga: And now he is having so much fun...
Ntsoaki: Now how about you show me those

On the other side

Loapi and Karen slowed down...

Loapi: I think this wine getting to me.
Karen: I am also tried. Let's get out of here.
Loapi: I will never understand people that get
this drunk in the afternoon.
Karen: Stick with me and you will understand.

They walked out hand in hand...

At home

I laid on the bed and looked at a few pictures of

Loapi and I. Every little thing that I had
envisioned concerning our future began to feel
pathetic. I couldn't help but wonder if he had
already started seeing other girls and how he
acted when he was in their presence. I took a
deep breath and typed a message for him.
Me: Hey baby. I guess you forgot about our
video call. I really hope you are having fun there
and setting in well.Call me when you are not

I sent the message and went to bed...

Toronto, Canada

Loapi and Karen sat by the bench in front of

Karen's room. Karen's face turned pink as she
laughed at every little joke Loapi made.

Loapi: So where are you from?

Karen: Zim. My mother is from Canada and my
dad is from Zim. And you?
Loapi: Botswana.
Karen: I have been to Bots before.
Loapi: Nice.
Karen: Yeah.

She tilted her head towards him and kissed him.

He pulled back and looked at her then moved in
to kiss her. The kiss intensified with every
second. He held her waist and moved his hand
around caressing her as their breath got heavy
and heavy... She pulled back and smiled.

Karen: Do you wanna come inside?

Loapi:(laughed) What?
Karen: (laughed)No man. Not like that.
Loapi: Okay.
He kissed her before he stood up and took her
hand. The woman was beautiful and any man
would have been tempted with or without
alcohol. She ornamented her natural attributes
carefully: gold and topaz to emphasize the
shading of her skin, sapphire to offset her black
hair. Round big eyes that any man would find
himself lost in.

* Got Spicy* Check out the group for this scene

Have a great evening...

Link to the group is above

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Distance and Time
# 11


Loapi read Ney's whatsapp message and

cursed... He had missed a couple of calls from
her and this was her third message.He put his
phone away and closed his eyes.
Mulenga: Are you okay man?
Loapi: Yeah. I will be ok. I think I have a
Mulenga: Drink lots of water and you will be fine.
Loapi: I wish water could solve all of my
Mulenga: Problems? Man I saw you leaving with
that coloured chick yesterday. I thought that all
your problems ended.
Loapi: That was actually the beginning of my
problems because what I did yesterday can ruin
my relationship.
Mulenga: (laughed) You telling her?
Loapi: Well I can't exactly lie to her.
Mulenga: Listen bro, some things are best left
unsaid. I am pretty sure she knows that these
things happen. There is no way on earth that
you are going to stay faithful for that long. I
hate to be the one to break it down to you but
your life has just begun. What happened
yesterday is only the beginning. Find a way to
move past this and talk to your girl because this
will be happening quite a lot.
Loapi: I promised her that I would be faithful to
her and I am gonna do just that. You don't
Mulenga: Trust me, I do. I have a fiancee back
Loapi: A fiancee? As in engaged?
Mulenga: Yeah. I just didn't want to brag.
Loapi: But yesterday you were all over that chick
at brunch.
Mulenga: Yeah. I even f**ked her but that
doesn't change my feelings for my fiancee. You
see, when I came to Canada, I promised myself
that I would have fun and explore.
Loapi: Fun doesn't have to include hurting other
Mulenga: You are right. Now you telling your girl
that you fu**ked a coloured girl with sapphire
hair,would be hurting her.
Loapi: That's twisted man.
Mulenga: It's not man and I am telling you that
you are not the first man to cheat. You are also
not the first to feel that way. Trust me the first
time is not easy but you will eventually get used
to it and even forget about this moment. Stick
with me.
Loapi: Well it doesn't feel that way. She wants
to know why I haven't called her.
Muleng: Then call her.
Loapi: She is probably still at school.
Mulenga: Sometimes I forget the time
difference. Call her later then.
Loapi: And Karen?
Mulenga: What about her?
Loapi: She wants to know if we can hang out
after classes today.
Mulenga: What do you think?
Loapi: I think that she is cool but I don't want
what happened yesterday to happen again.
Mulenga: Hanging out doesn't always mean
sex. You can hang out and get to know each
other. See if she is the kind of girl you would
wanna be around, if not then you can go on
about your life. I will even stop bothering you.
Loapi: Deal.
Mulenga: Now that's more like it.

At school
I pulled out a paper from my assignment
scribbler then wrote a note to Tebogo.

" I think Loapi wants out"

I looked around to check the coast but my

teacher was too busy writing notes on the
board to even notice so I passed it to the boy I
was sitted next to.

Me:(Whispering)Pass it to Tebogo.

I resumed to getting my notes as the little piece

of paper with my message was passed around
till it reached the recipient.

"What makes you think that? Let's talk after this

period before the terminator punishes us".

She wrote back to her friend then passed the

note till it had reached the recipient...

At Mogobane, Dipopolere

Puleng helped Kagiso with setting up their little

picnic. After they had finished setting up, they
both sat down. Kagiso took out two wine
glasses from the picnic basket and poured
some wine into them. He handed the other
glass to Puleng.

Puleng: You didn't say anything about alcohol.

Kagiso: I would love to hear it.
Puleng: What?
Kagiso: Your story with alcohol. The other day
you ordered a non alcoholic drink. You don't
Puleng: I do but occasionally.
Kagiso: I am guessing that this means on
special occasions.
Puleng: Exactly!
Kagiso: Good because this is a special
Puleng: Okay. What are we celebrating.
Kagiso: We are celebrating friendship and the
gift of life.
Puleng: Hmm....

She took a sip and narrowed her eyes.

Kagiso: What? You don't like it?

Puleng: This is too bitter.
Kagiso: No ways. That wine is very fruity and
zeisty. Bite on to that gouda cheese and you will
understand just what I am talking about.
Puleng: Wine and cheese? Iyoo go tsamaya ke
go bona.
Kagiso: Malbec and Gouda pair well.
Puleng: Do you know everything about wine and
Kagiso: Not everything. I started out as a pilot
for SafariCrafts. I spent a lot of time flying to
Safaris and that meant spending time in them.
During each meal, they always did wine pairing
and at times a little bit of background
information on the composition of the wine. I
fell in love with that part of dinner then ended
up enrolling into "From Grape to Glass" online.
Puleng: So you are really not that boring after all.
Kagiso:( Laughed) Atleast someone sees that.
Puleng: You bought the food and even prepared
it so the least I can do is compliment you even
if I am lying.

They both laughed and locked eyes... Puleng

quickly maintained a straight face and looked

Kagiso:Can I ask you something?

Puleng: What is it?
Kagiso: I love spending time with you and I was
wondering if we can do this often?
Puleng: (Smiled) Let's see how it goes.
Kagiso: That's good enough for me.

He reached for her hand then kissed it... He

moved back with slow deliberation looking into
her eyes. The inspection seemed to last for
hours, though it only took seconds. The air
between them crackled. All she wanted to do
was move towards him, to close the gap
between them but she stayed rooted to the
spot.She was drawn in by the force and
pressure of the tempest building in his eyes.

At School

As soon as the Maths period ended, I paced to

Tebogo's table to catch up before the other
period began...

Tebogo: Am sorry about what I said the other

day. I was just upset. I am sorry that whatever I
said is affecting the way you see your
relationship with Loapi.
Me: No...It's not that.I called him the other day
and he wasn't taking my calls.
Tebogo: Has it ever occurred to you that he was
Me: Then he could have sent a text.
Tebogo: Maybe you are making an issue out of
a non issue.
Me: I doubt. You were right. There is no way
that we will ever work out.
Tebogo: Loapi is not Chris. He is so different
and you know how much he loves you.
Me: Did you do it?
Tebogo: Yeah.
Me: And? How was it? How do you feel? Has it
put things into perspective? Oh my word! How
come I am only finding out now.
Tebogo: Oh God! I wish I had listened to you
because the guy is now ignoring me.
Me: Oh babe.
Tebogo: You know what, ,let's focus on our

I could see the pain in her eyes and I wasn't

going to rub it in...

At Bombay beauty salon

Mareledi smiled and giggled reading Chris's

texts.She laid back as Tumiso did her pedicure.

Tumiso: Don't fall so hard!

Mareledi: What?
Tumiso: Just that. Don't forget why you wanted
this guy.
Mareledi: What exactly do you mean?
Tumiso: Guys like that don't fall inlove with girls
like us. I have always told you this from the
beginning so you can avoid heartbreak.The goal
was to just spend his money. If it happens that
you sleep with him then make sure that you
leave your feelings out of it.

Mareledi ignored her friend and continued

texting her man...Tumiso put the nail filer on the
table and shook her head.

Tumiso: You are repeating my class for the

forth time.Please don't fail again. I am mean, I
am not ready to nurse another heartbreak.
Mareledi: This time it's different.
Tumiso: Ok sweery. What do I know after all. I
will be here to tell you that I told you so.
Later that day

Toronto, Canada

Karen: How was your day?

Loapi: Not too bad.

He did everything to avoid making eye contact

with her. He took a deep breath and moved a
few inches from her.

Loapi: I have a girlfriend. What happened was a

mistake. I am really sorry but I love my girl.
Karen:(laughed) Is that why you can't even look
at me? Listen I am not looking for love or
anything like that. I enjoy your company and
that's it. I also respect the fact that you have a
Loapi: Am happy to hear that. I wasn't sure how
you were going to take it.
Karen: Relax. I am a big girl.Now tell me. Did
you enjoy our time together?
Loapi: Yeah. The party wasn't so bad.
Karen: I wasn't talking about the party. I was
talking about the sex.

He cleared his throat and bowed...

Karen: There is no need to be shy.

Loapi: It was a bit different but I did enjoy it.
Karen: I could tell that you don't have much
Loapi: Oh...
Karen: And that's ok. Allow me to be the friend
that teaches you everything you need to know
about the art of fu**ing. No feelings involved.
Just fun.
Loapi: Like friends with benefits?
Karen: Yeah something like that.
Loapi: Let me think about it...
Karen: I know something that will help you with

She got up and signalled him inside her room...

Loapi: Karen!
Karen: Come on.
Loapi: Everytime I sit on this bench things go
Karen: Let's go east then.
She bit her lower lip...The thought of his
manhood in her mouth and her tongue ring
rubbing on him made it impossible for him to
turn back.

Morning 🌞
Will share link to the group in a bit,still trying to
figure out what's wrong with the link. For those
struggling to go through,the group is Tales
followers. I won't post anything till most of you
make it through. Relax 😂
Mornings: 10:pours
Evenings: 21:pours

Kindly note that I am early this week 😙

Distance & Time
# 12

Outside Mma Puleng's

Kagiso deamed the lights then turned to Puleng

who couldn't wait to get home...He extended his
hand to hers but he could tell that she was
hesitant to meet him halfway and hold his. He
cleared his throat and slowly let go of her.

Kagiso: Thank you so much for today. I had a

great time.
Puleng: No thank you. It was quite refreshing to
be out.
Kagiso: I was going to be a gentleman and take
my time to get to know you but the truth is that
I like you and I wanna be around you all the time.
I get intoxicated from just your presence and I
don't wanna lose that.

She looked confused...

Kagiso: What I am saying is that give us a

chance and let's see where that takes us. I
know you don't really know me but what I feel
for you is worth taking the risk. I would like to
be the guy that makes you smile and goes on
adventures to explore with you.
Puleng: Wow! I wasn't expecting that. I don't
know what to say.
Kagiso: Just give us a chance and I promise
you that you won't regret it.

She looked outside and sighed then looked

back at him...She thought about everything that
she had discussed with her sister about living a
little. The guy had not been in her life for long
but the mark he was leaving was visible.

Puleng: Ok.
Kagiso: Ok? Does that mean that you will give
us a chance?
Puleng: Yes but I need you to understand that
my life is a bit of a mess right now and I come
with baggage.
Kagiso: Then let me help you unpack.

She looked at him and cracked up in laughter...

Kagiso: What? Did I say something wrong?
Puleng: No. I just thought of something that my
sister said...
Kagiso: (Smiled) Okay.
Puleng: I am giving you a chance with the belief
that you are an adult and you know what to do
and what not to do. I don't make a habit of
complaining more than once. You mess up and
you are out.
Kagiso: (chukled)Emma.

They both kept quite for a while...Both

processing the development that had just taken
place and basking in the joy of what they had
both hoped for.He moved closer to her and
everything in her rejoiced, she had long waited
for that moment. He held her cheek with one
hand while the other held her hand as he
planted a kiss on her forehead.

Kagiso: Goodnight.
Puleng: Goodnight.

Though disappointed, she put on the brightest

smile and grabbed her bag before stepping out
of the car...

In my room...

I read Loapi's message and smiled...

Loapi: Hey baby. I am sorry that I missed your

calls. The truth is that I have been busy and at
the same time, I wanted to give you some
space to study. I realize that social media is the
only thing that connects us right now but you
need to take some time off from it in order to
study.I have been trying to figure out how to tell
you without upsetting you. I want what's best
for you and as a sign of my support, I will be
uninstalling my whatsapp . I will send you
messages through skype to check on you once
in a while. We can resume our video and voice
calls once you have finished with exams.I love
you so much and I hope you understand where I
am coming from.Sending lots of kisses and
missing you a lot..
Me: Hey love...I hope that you have been
keeping well. I hate to admit it but you are right.
Exams are only three weeks away. I need to
start pulling my weight more. I had not thought
of uninstalling my whatsapp but now that you
mentioned it, I think I need to do the same.
Thank you for always being supportive and
loving me. I miss you so much everyday and it
feels so cold out here without you.
Loapi: I love you baby and I will be back.I will be
back to live our dreams with you including
putting a ring on that finger.I know it's hard but
we need to stay strong and think about how
beautiful it will be when we reunite. I love you
and only you 😙
Me: Good... Don't go loving any other person
that's not me.
Loapi: Never! I would never do that to you...

A week later

At Chris's

Mareledi dried herself then dropped the towel

on the floor approaching the bed...Chris was
everything that she had ever wanted in a man
and she was ready to give it all up and see
where things could go.

Chris: What are you doing?

Mareledi: I am coming for seconds.
Chris: Says who?

She felt chills in her spine as his tone

completely changed. It was as if he didn't know
her. His eyes were cold and his body language
confirmed every little thing that her friend had
warned her about.

Mareledi: Don't joke like that.

Chris: My wife will be here in two hours. Get
your clothes and get out of here.
Mareledi: What do you mean?
Chris: I have already called a cab for you. You
can wait outside.
Mareledi: Is this some kind of joke? Since when
are you married?
Chris: This is not an interview. Please leave.
Mareledi: I thought that we had something.

She wiped her tears before they could roll down

the cheeks and got dressed...In that moment
everything got blurry and her head began to

Mareledi: So you used me?

Chris: No! We used each other. You spent my
money without hesitating and I had a piece of
that. I must admit that I am surprised that you
gave it up so quickly. I thought that you would
play hard to get and I was truly ready to wait. I
guess some women are easy as that.
Mareledi: Let me tell you something, no one
breaks another person's heart and gets away
with it. The least you could have done was tell
me that you were married.
Chris: You didn't ask sweetheart.
Mareledi: What you did is cruel.
Chris: I didn't rape you. You let me tap that.
Mareledi: What you did is called obtaining by
false pretenses. God will deal with you. I
honestly don't know why I am wasting my
breath when you are not worth it. I mean your
sick game is way below average.

She fought so hard to hold back the tears but

the pain just cut too deep...She grabbed her bag
and left the house. No one had ever hurt and
embarrassed her that much...


While waiting for the cab, Mareledi took out her

phone from her bag and dialled her friend. It
was in that moment that she longed for some
comfort from a friend.

Tumiso: My girl.
Mareledi: You were right.
Tumiso: About what?
Mareledi: About Chris. All he wanted was to
sleep with me. He is married.
Tumiso: Yeah neh.I didn't see that coming...
Mareledi: You don't have to lie.
Tumiso: Really? Thank God because I was
afraid that I might just end up in hell. I really
don't know how long you are going to keep
failing my classes. The goal was simple and
straightforward. Enjoy the man's money and
company. Yaanong wena you went and fell in
love with the guy within two days. I told you that
men like him don't go for women like us. I
warned you about all the red flags but no, you
were determined to fail class again. Next time
you should listen to me.I am always right...
Mareledi: Ahh. Go sharp mma. ( Bye).

She hung up and clicked her tongue...Her

friend's words kept ringing in her head over and
over again as if the embarrassment she went
through was not enough. She played Chris's
scene and felt the mother of all chest pains...

Mareledi: Breath...
She took deep breaths and held on tight to her
other hand.Who knew, maybe it was karma
hunting her down for her deeds. After all they
said karma never misses an address.

So the days went by. The weeks did too...I

completed my final exams and joined the
society that i had been dreaming about so
bad.The love of my life and I drifted apart but i
never gave up on him or on our dreams.We
would go on for weeks without talking. Once in
a while,he would drop a text on Skype and
sometimes on e-mail too claiming that he was
so busy with school that he barely had any time.
For a while I prayed to God to fix whatever was
broken even though I knew exactly what was
broken. Deep down I knew that it had long
ended but I clinged on to the cliche that
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Many
times I saw a glimpse of what we could have
and where we could be when he returned home.
Giving up on my first love was not an option. I
continued to bear the cross even though it was
too heavy and too painful.When others went on
with their lives, I stayed stuck in my own little
quicksand. Different types of men approached
me daily and even though the thirst was deep, I
kept the faith. Everyday I affirmed faithfulness
to a man that probably didn't care. I let so much
pass me by but who knows, maybe what God
had in store for me was way better. Just a year
or two... Solo dates and endless church
services were my refuge...

Two years later...

At Home
The father of the bride stood up and greeted
everyone before welcoming them...He looked
around the room and smiled. Seeing all his
family members gathered in his house excited

Rra Puleng: My dear family, I just want to thank

you for coming once again. I also want to thank
you for all the support that you have given me
and my wife throughout our daughter's wedding.
I called you all to this meeting to ask for the
same support you gave us when we had the
wedding here in Gaborone.As you all know,
tomorrow we are leaving for Mmadinare for the
second leg of the wedding and our daughter's
welcoming ceremony. A mini bus has been
arranged and we have been asked to board it
here at home in the morning. We can meet here
and have tea then leave at around nine. If there
are any questions, I will be happy to answer

Mma London raised her hand and took off her

sunglasses...Her sister nervously bowed and
took a deep breath.Anyone who knew Mma
London knew how quick she could change the

Rra Puleng: Ee rakgadi. O ne o eleditse go buwa

sengwe? (Did you want to say something?)
Mma London: Dumelang batsadi. (Greetings)

Mma Puleng looked at her and silently

cursed...She was more than ready to take her
down if she was going to utter anything that
would compromise the serenity of the meeting
or her daughter's wedding celebration.
Hey funky trekkers 🌞
Don't forget to hit the like button and show us
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Distance & Time
# 13

Mma London raised her hand and took off her

Rra Puleng: Ee rakgadi. O ne o eleditse go buwa
sengwe? (Would you like to say something?)
Mma London: Dumelang batsadi.(Greetings)

Mma Puleng looked at her and took a deep

breath feeling very impatient and annoyed ...She
was not sure if she wanted to hear what her
sister inlaw had to say.

Mma Londo: Mine is just an apology.

Bagaetsho jaka lo itsi gore ke nna Rakgadi ebile
ke nna mmabana ka mmarona a itsamaetse .
Mme kana jaaka mmabana jaana, tsholofelo ke
gore ke tsoge ke tsene moteng ga combi le
monyadi wa rona yaanong ke ne ke re lo tla
inkenela diatla metsing bagaetsho.
Bongwanake ba ne ba supa fa ba na le keletso
ya go tsamaya le nna ka ba rekile kolotsana
engwe. ( Mine is just an apology. As we all
know, as the bride's aunt, and mother to
everyone since we have lost our mother, I am
meant to be travelling with the bride in the
transport that has been provided but
unfortunately my children have expressed their
desire to travel with me as they have bought a
new car that they would like me to see it.) I will
be leaving with the children after lunch.

Her brother looked at his wife and sighed. He

didn't need anyone to tell him what was next.
He knew his wife very well and there was no
way that she would just let it go.

Mma KG looked at the pictures that had been

presented by the events planner and
unfortunately for her son, she looked
uninterested...This was the third time she had
requested for a few changes and everyone had
grown tired of her requests.

Kagiso: What is it this time because she has

done everything that you have requested?
Mma KG: It's the napkins.She needs to redo
them again.
Kagiso: Napkins? Just napkins?

He tried so hard to calm down speaking

through the teeth but his mother seemed
unbothered...He reached for the tab from his
mother and took a look at the trial pictures.

Kagiso: This seems ok to me.

Mma KG: This is your wedding. There is no way
that we are just going to settle with ok. The
decor needs to knock everyone off their socks.
Kagiso: Puleng already approved it. I also find it
very disturbing that you keep asking for trials
when we were supposed to have just one.
Mma KG: We are paying this people good
money. We can request for a trial anytime if we
are not happy. And as for Puleng, she shouldn't
have a say on anything that is happening this
side. We gave her all the freedom she needed in
Gaborone. I never said anything because it was
your wedding and I didn't want to hurt you but
judging by the decor, your wife has no sense of
He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes in
frustration. It had been a week and he was not
sure how long he could take it. He looked up
and forced a smile then silently reassured
himself that it would be over soon.

Kagiso: This is the last time we are changing

Mma KG: I knew that you would come to your
Kagiso: The only thing that will be changed will
be those napkins. As for my wife's sense of
style, I will pretend that I didn't hear that.
Mma KG: The Rannas have money. We can't
allow people to think anyhow.
Kagiso: I need to go and pick up your dress
from the courier. I don't know why you insisted
on having it made in Gaborone when you could
have found someone here.
Mma KG: You are only saying that because you
haven't seen the things they make here.
Kagiso: The tailors here are really good. I have
had some clothes made by them.
Mma KG: Wa utlwa gore ware tailors. My dress
was designed by Star Hazèk. Do you think that
your tailors here can match him?
Kagiso: That's an argument I will never win. I
need to run.

On the other side

Kagelo looked at the menu and laughed...The

colours and writing were totally off. This was
something that would definitely throw her
mother off.

Kabo: Is everything alright?

Kagelo: I would really like our mother to see
this and have a field day but I like you so I am
going to show you what you need to do to fix
Kabo: (Sighed) Please sis.

She took out her phone and opened a sample of

the invitation card that had inspired the one her
mother had chosen.
Kagelo: I am going to send you this. Use this
shade of gold and the exact style of writing.
Make sure you fix it before your mother notices.
Kabo: What will you tell her when she asks
about it?
Kagelo: Let me worry about that.
Kabo: You have always had your way with her.
Kagelo: Go before she gets here. I got you.
She laughed and clapped as her sister ran off.
She couldn't understand how all her siblings
were afraid of her mother even after all these
years. She knew all the right words and buttons
to press hence she hadly got in trouble. She
called it a skill, a survival skill on some days.

At home

We laughed as my mother walked and posed in

her dress. You could tell that she was
swimming in the sea of the happiness and
nothing could spoil her mood...

Puleng: You didn't tell us how the meeting went.

Me: Do you really want to spoil her mood now?
Mma Puleng: Nothing can ruin my mood. Even
your aunt.
Me: Ok. Now I want to know what she did.
Mma Puleng: Nothing interesting. Let's talk
about my dress. What do you girls think?
Me:It's beautiful but shouldn't you be wearing
the other one?Akere le dumalane ka letsela.
( You guys picked a fabric and agreed on it).
Mma Puleng: Heelang.

She held her waist and laughed...

Puleng: Ney is right. You are supposed to dress

Mma Puleng: Eseng nna bongwanaka. ( Not me
my children). Don't forget who I am. I am the
mother of the bride. Ga ke apare malepelepe a
bo rakgadiago nna. ( I am not wearing that ugly
pattern your aunts picked). Ke tlabo me
tswetse school koore ke jusitse. ( I will be
dressed to the nines).
Puleng: Do they know this?
Mma Puleng: I don't need anyone's permission.
I am the mother of the bride.
Puleng:Did you guys tell them that we will be
driving ourselves to Mmadinare?

Mama kept quite and looked away...

Puleng: Mama
Mma Puleng: What?
Puleng: I hope dad told them.
Mma Puleng: (laughed) Your dad does whatever
I tell him.
Puleng: Why couldn't you just tell them? What if
they refuse? Kagiso has already paid the car
Mma Puleng: I am your mother. There is no way
that I can ever let your plans fail. There is no
one that can refuse. Hell would freeze. Puleng
sometimes it's best not to tell people your plans.
Let them strain their minds on how they will get
to you in that combi.
Puleng: Get to me?
Mma Puleng: This is Africa my girl.
Puleng: Mama tlhe o rata boloi. ( It's always
about witchcraft to you.)
Mma Puleng: Don't forget that you are African.
Puleng: As long as no one bothers me
Mma Puleng: You people don't deserve me. You
forget who I am easily.
Me: (laughed) Gone mme kana! ( That's is true).
Mma Puleng: Make sure you pack your things
before you sleep. I don't want you forgetting
Puleng: Everything?
Mma Puleng: Are tsotlhe! O ya ngweding nare?
Aren't you going to visit?( Did she say all of
them? Is she going to the moon.)

Later that evening...

After I had finished with packing my clothes, I

sat by the computer and submitted my
assignments then went online. My smile
broadened from ear to ear at the sight of an
inbox from Loapi.

Loapi: Hey babe. I hope that everything is going

well for your sister's wedding and you have
been keeping well. I will be visiting home in a
week's time. I know it's short notice but I didn't
want to share the news with you till I was
certain. I wanna hear all about school and the
wedding when I come home. I love you and
miss you so much. Have fun at the wedding.

I felt sunshine flooding my soul... After a long

two years, we would finally get to close the
distance and time. I reflected on all that I had to
put up with for the past two years. Maybe this
was the Lord's way of setting things right after
all I was not oblivious to the fact that our
relationship was in ICU.

Cheers to the trekkers that shared 😘
Bonuses on hold till we do the right thing 😘
Distance & Time
# 14

The following day

Gaborone, Mma Puleng's

Outside was an unexpected gift of rain.The wet

season didn't generally start for another
fornight but the skies don't lie. It wasn't a mean
rain either, the type that got everyone wet
without feeling the rain barrels. It was the type
that got streams running with pristine waters...

Mma Puleng: Pulie!

The old women ululated as Puleng came out of
her room in her tswana dress.

Mma Pretty: Mmapula! Masego ke ao

ngwanaka. ( She that brings rain, blessings my
child ).
Mma Dineo: God has indeed ordained this
marriage. It is not just coincidental that it's
raining today. God is sealing your blessings my

I watched my father on the far corner beaming

with so much pride as he glanced at his
daughter. There was something about the
warmth in his eyes that told the story of a proud
father. On the other side was my mother who
couldn't stop ululating. Oh how she was grateful
that the Lord had finally showed up inorder to
show off.
Malome Tlhako: Tanki Bagolo! A re etshwareng

My uncle's wife took Puleng by the hand and

showed her where to sit and everyone settled.

Malome Tlhako: Tanki Botsadi. ( Thank you my

elders). I would like to thank all of you for
showing up on time. Shine Pulie Shine! O ntse
pila ngwana wa ga kgaitsadiake. Wa tsabakela
Lee ruri. ( You look beautiful my niece. You are
truly shinning). I would like to ask Mma Dinny to
pray for us before we depart. Everything that
needs to be said has been said, all I can say is
that we are grateful that this day has come to
pass and we do not take your presence for
granted. Mma Dinny.
Mma Dineo: Dumelang Bagolo. ( Greetings) Are
boiheng Modimo. ( Let us bow our heads).Lord
we want to thank you for your grace this
morning. Father we thank you for the gift of life
above every other thing. We thank you that we
are gathered this morning for such a great
cause. We thank you for Pulie's marriage and
we ask that you watch over it. Father watch
over us as we travel today. I cover everyone
traveling by the precious blood of Jesus.
Master of the universe I ask tha...

Malome Tlhako impatiently cleared his throat...

Malome Tlhako: Amen!

Mma Dineo: Master of the universe forgive

those that do not fear you and want to rush you.
Lord bless them.May all things go according to
plan. We ask all this in you holy name. Amen.

Malome Tlhako said the loudest amen...

Malome Tlhako: Like I said,all the important

things have been mentioned. Let's go and
celebrate our daughter.

The ladies stood up and melodiously sang and

danced as everyone left the house.

" Puleng, a ko o palame thaba o kuwe o re, le

nna ke nyetswe, le nna, le nna ke nyetswe".

As soon as the combi had left,we took our

luggage to the car.
Rra Puleng: Puleng give me the car keys. I am
the one driving...

We all laughed as he hurried to the driver's side

where Puleng was.

Rra Puleng: The bride can not be the one driving.

What will people say?
Mma Puleng: This is not about what people will
say,it's about you driving a Ranger rover.
Puleng: ( Laughed) I am with Mama on this one.

She handed keys to him...

Rra Puleng: Mogatsake palama ko pele o e

utlwe sentle mma. ( My wife,make sure you sit
in front).
Me: (laughed) Yone Range Rover!
Rra Puleng: We will never own one so let us
enjoy this rented one. This opportunity might
never come again.
Mma Puleng: O kae Mma London a re bone? ( If
only Mma London could see us). Mo ga se
molora o gotweng Corola. ( This is not a Corola).
Rra Puleng: (laughed)Mma Puleng hle o tshele.
( Mma Puleng you are petty). Wena Puleng o re
tseye dikapo hoo. ( Puleng, you should take
pictures of us).

My father ignited the engine and we took

off...Everyone was in high spirits.

At London's

Mma London sat by the patio and ordered her

children around while she did her lagguage

Mma London: Did you pack my ozonated water?

London: Yes Mama. You are asking me this for
the third time.
Mma London: Do you blame me? Who knows
what kind of water they will be giving us in

Sizwe laughed as he could tell how annoyed his

wife was getting...His mother in law sure knew
how to bring the drama and he enjoyed every
second of it. He instantly maintained a straight
face following a sharp look from from his wife.

London: Mama!
Mma London: I don't mean to be mean but I
doubt that that boy was prepared for this
wedding. Did you see his plain black suit? Kana
nna re itsi monna a tikela botalanyana le ese
jwa sepe mo sutung. ( We know a man's suit is
supposed to have a bit of colour).
London: It's called a tuxedo. And I think you
might be wrong because as we speak Malome
and the family are driving a Ranger Rover.
Mma London: Ware Range Rover? O raya ba e
tsaya kae tota? O katswa o sa bona sentle.
( Did you say a Range Rover?Where on earth
can they get one? You must be mistaken).
Puleng: Here. Look at Puleng's status on
Mma London: Tsisa ke bone.( Let me see).

She showed the pictures to her mother who

didn't sound happy...
Mma London: Let's go before we are late.
London: I thought that we were not in a rush.
Mma London: Traditionally the bride is
supposed to be traveling with the old ladies. My
brother knows this.

Her daughter sat down and shook her

head...After all these years, she still couldn't
understand why her mother always had
something against her brother. She sighed as
she watched her husband loading the luggage
in the car...


Mma KG fixed her sunglasses and held her

waist as she watched the events planner and
her employees unloading the chairs from the
truck... She smiled and nodded her head. The
clear Phoenix chairs were exactly what she had
envisioned. Her daughter stood next to her
holding the lunch menu waiting for her approval
to print more.

Kabo: Mama!
Mma KG: Yes.
Kabo: The menu?
Mma KG: It is perfect.
Kabo: So I can go ahead and print the rest?
Mma KG: Yes. Make sure that you leave some
by the bar and cocktail area tomorrow.
Mma KG: Do you have enough money?
Kabo: I believe so.
Mma KG: Are all my dresses ready?
Kabo: Emma. Does Kagiso know that you have
three outfits?
Mma KG: Kagiso does not need to approve my
dresses. I will be changing each time the bride
changes .

It wouldn't be a wedding if Mma KG didn't bring

the drama and everyone knew not to interfere
with her plans for the sake of peace...

On other side

Kago helped his brother with unloading the

drinks from his car...

Kago: Let me guess, your mum bought all these?

Kagiso: You know her too well.
Kago: I am surprised that you let her get away
with all this. I hear everyone has been dancing
to her tune this week.
Kagiso: You act like you don't know the drama
she is capable of bringing when things don't go
her way.
Kago: Yeah neh. Gerty always brings the drama.
Kagiso: I can't wait till all this is over. This place
is driving me insane.
Kago: It's not the place that's driving you insane,
it's Gertrude. This is why I only came today.
Kagiso: That's nothing to brag about. You shoul
have been here earlier than everyone to help.
Kago: So your mother can tell me that I should
also get married because we are twins. Sorry
boss, I choose my peace over everything.
Kagiso: Let's go to the other side and check if
there is anything they need help with.
Kago: Before we go, let's talk about the chicks.
Kagiso: Come on man. There is lots to do. You
can talk about that department later.
Kago: Always the softie.

Toronto, Canada

Loapi laid back as Karen massaged his feet... It

had been a good two years since they had
moved in together and everything was clear for
him... He closed his eyes and smiled as she hit
the right spot...

Loapi: That feels good.

Karen: So did you tell her?
Loapi: Babe, I can't just tell her over the phone.
It would be cruel.
Karen: It's been two years. She probably knows
that it's over herself. There is no way she didn't
pick that up. I mean if I had a boyfriend and he
texted me twice in a month then I would have
probably dumped his ass. I don't understand
how she can continuously suck it up. She must
really love you or she is stupid.
Loapi: It's complicated babe.

She rolled her eyes and increased the pressure...

Loapi: Ouch!
Karen: Blame reflexology.
Loapi: I get that you are frustrated but can you
atleast give me till next week? I owe it to her,to
tell her in person.
Karen: That's it. If you can't do it then you are
Loapi: Got it.
Karen: I love you but if you ain't gonna ride
along with me then there is nothing to pursue.
Loapi: You know I love you too. I will tell her
when I get home.
Karen: Good.

Good morning trekkers 🌞
Do the right thing and utilise the like button.
Your like,your currency.
Have a good one 😙
Distance & Time
# 15

Later that day


At Meropa guest house

Rra Puleng walked around the room in disbelief

while his wife sat on the bed. He opened the
mini bar and grabbed a beer...

Rra Puleng: Mo ke lantlha ke go bona. ( I have

never seen anything like this). Who would have
thought that we would be experiencing all this?
Mma Puleng: You say it like we have never been
to a guest house before.
Rra Puleng: Paying for yourself and having your
son in law pay is very different. Le gone bona
yaaka fridge e tletse ka menatenate. ( See how
the fridge is full of nice things). That boy bought
all the things we like before we even got here.
That is beyond respect and love.I don't know
what to call it.
Mma Puleng: I agree with you but sleeping here
comfortably while the rest of the family is that
side won't be right.
Rra Puleng: Mma Pulie, since when do you care
about right and wrong? Don't tell me that you
expect me to turn down all this luxury just so
everyone is happy. Ke ye go ala ha batshe nna
ke tlogela hotele? Nnya mmaetsho. ( Do you
expect me to leave a hotel room just to sleep on
the floor).
Mma Puleng: Shouldn't we atleast go back to
where the rest of the family is hosted and
inform them?
Rra Puleng: Those people won't even miss us.
Just soak in luxury and forget about everyone
else. Re mo honeymoon mogatsaka... ( We are
on honeymoon my wife).

He took off his shoes then laid back and

relaxed as he enjoyed his beer...

At Malome Ranna's

Mma Pretty sat on the chair and watched her

sister as she pumped up their inflatable
mattress...She took deep breaths and kept
going till it was fully inflated...

Mma Pretty: We should have just taken a

normal matress. This one is a lot of work. Bona
jaaka o lapile. ( Look at how you are tried.)
Mma London: If we are not sleeping on a bed
then we might as well as have something close.
Nna kana I get a backache when I sleep on that
regular matress. This one helps a bit.
Mma Pretty: (laughed) Ao! even just for two
Mma London: You forget how big and
comfortable my bed is.
Mma Pretty: Nnya akere mme when you attend
such events, you sacrifice and forget about the
comfort you get when you are at your house.
Mma London: Can you believe that your brother
and his wife are spending the night at a guest
Mma Pretty: Let them celebrate their daughter.
They deserve it. Pulie is blessed to have such a
generous man.
Mma London: I hear he is a pilot. Do you think
he can afford all that? What about the Range
Rover? Who does it belong to?

Mma Pretty looked around the room to see if

anyone had heard them. She moved closer to
her sister and whispered.

Mma Pretty: There are people here.

Mma London: A ba tsamaele koo. Akere ke a
ipoletsa. If the boy can afford it then he is in for
ride to poverty because he will be providing for
Puleng and her entire family. Imagine an
unemployed wife and her entire family.

Mma Pretty cleared her throat and signaled her

sister to stop.

Mma London: I need to take a shower.

At Mma KG's

Kagiso and the rest of the family sat in the

living room discussing the last details of the
wedding celebrations.His mother took out a
dairy and noted a few things as the uncle
spoke.Now and then, she stood up to cross a
point or correct anyone that had missed

Rakgadi Montle: Kagi ngwanaka, don't forget to

give me the bride's dress. Akere you know that
we will be going to dress her in the morning.

Kagiso looked at his mother with the hope that

she would rescue him and it did not take long
till she got the message and acted...
Mma KG: Rakgadi,Kagi can give you that dress
in the morning.
Rakgadi Montle: Ga se Setswana. Ka ngwao ya
rona mosese o lala le rakgadi. (In our culture,
the dress is given to the aunt the night before
the wedding day).
Mma KG: Gore goreng hela? ( For what reason?)
Rakgadi Montle: Ke ngwao ya rona. ( It's our
Mma KG: Ele gore o batla go irang mosese wa
ngwanake? ( What do you want to my
daughter's dress?
Rakgadi Montle: Gertrude I don't like where this
is going. A ware ke moloi? ( Are you saying that
I am a witch?)
Mma KG: I didn't say anything about witchcraft.
You are the one that is confessing.
Rakgadi: After everything that I have done to
help you and your son with this wedding?

Mma KG turned to her son and clapped her


Mma KG: When you say everything, do you

mean sitting here and eating my food for free?
What did you contribute towards this wedding?
Even after we paid for your transport to attend
the wedding in Gaborone, you couldn't even buy
yourself a drink on the way. You couldn't even
give your nephew a chicken.
Rakgadi Montle:My brother left you a lot of
money so use it.
Mma KG: I am not the one that said you should
be poor.
Kagiso stood up and tried to calm the waves
but even his charismatic self couldn't save
him...The truth was that the feud went way back.
Each time the Rannas were in one room with
Gertrude everything was set on flames.

Rakgadi: I withdraw from this wedding. I will not

be insulted like this by your mother. I am sorry
my boy but Gertrude has no respect.
Mma KG: You should tell all your allies that your
plans failed. You are not getting my daughter's

Rakgadi Montle stood up and walked out as

everyone tried to make sense of what had just
happened. While Kagiso seemed really stressed,
his mother on the other hand couldn't be
bothered.Angry as he was, he knew that he had
to keep things together. He calmly took his
mother's hand and lead her to the study room.

Gertrude: Why are you dragging me here like a

naughty little child?
Kagiso:Mma Ranna. Can I ask you to sit down?

He pulled a chair and looked at her with so

much humility...You could see the desperation
and pain in his eyes even though he thought
that he had done a good job hiding it.

Kagiso: Mum...
Mma KG: What is it Kagiso? Do you realize that
we left the rest of the family in a meeting?
Kagiso: I understand your concerns and I
appreciate how you are looking out for me but
mum, what you did was wrong.
Mma KG: Do you not realize that your aunt has
an agenda?What does she want with your wife's
dress? I was looking out for you and now you
want to paint me as the bad guy.
Kagiso: No one knows better than me on how
you look out for us but the truth is that things
could have been handled differently. I
understand your frustrations and the fact that
you feel the need to put them in their place but I
ask that in the midst of all this, you remember
that this is supposed to be one of the happiest
day of my life. I don't mean to disrespect you
but if it comes across that way then I apologize

He looked up and took a deep breath. One could

see the fatique right from the eyebags under his
eyes and the way he kept taking deep breaths.
Frustration was also written all over his face.
Mma KG: I hear you son.

She closed her eyes and digged deep in her

heart or maybe even deeper to find a place of
understanding. This was often difficult
especially when it concerned her sister in law.

Mma KG: I will talk to your aunt. I am doing this

because you are my son not because she is
Kagiso: Emma I appreciate it.
Mma KG: My apology will not change my views
concerning the wedding gown. My son, this is
Africa. Guard your wife's gown with your life. I
am not a saint myself but even I believe in
prayer. Speak over it before you hand it to them
tomorrow morning. No one gets angry over a
wedding gown that way.
Kagiso: I will keep it with me.
Mma KG: Good. Make sure that you get here
early. Your brother has already dropped your
things at the guest house. Everything is ready.
Kagiso: Thank you mum. I know that most
times we disagree but I want you to know how
much I appreciate everything that you have
done for me especially this wedding. I know
that you have put so much money and time into
Mma KG: I would do anything for my children.
Go rest, tomorrow is a big day..

The following day

The following insert follows at 20:00hrs
however it may be early so keep checking 😎😙
Distance & Time
# 16

The following day

Mma Puleng greeted the elders that were sitted

outside drinking tea before proceeding inside
the house where the other women were...

Mma Puleng: Dumelang basadi. A lo letse

sentle? ( Good morning ladies, did you sleep

The ladies exchanged pleasantries with her

while her sister in law kept herself busy on the
yoga mat.

Mma Puleng: Mma London?

She turned around and paused...

Mma London: Dumela mosadi. ( Greetings) O

itlhela kele busy ke itshidila.( I am busy
exercising) A lo etle lo itshidile basadi? ( Ladies
do you ever exercise? )

Mma Puleng: Has everyone had tea?

Mma Pretty: Not yet. We wanted to bath
first.We are still waiting for the hot water.
Mma Puleng: Puleng and her sister are on their
way here. I have asked them to bring some
Mma Pretty: Ee kana waitlhela go jewa leiti tota
mo manyalong. ( The food is served really late
at weddings )
Mma London:Does she know that she has to be
here before her in laws ?
Mma Puleng: She does. They should be here
any moment.

At Mma KG'S

Kabo and Kagelo walked around the cabana

tent to see if everything was in place and up to
the Queen's standard.

Kagelo: Did you leave the menu by the cocktail

Kabo: Wouldn't dream of forgetting it.
Kagelo: Good. We don't need any drama today.
Kabo: I hate to admit it but mama has so much
class. Look at this place.
Kagelo:Yeah when it comes to class she is
indeed the best. She went all out.
Kabo: Mama would do anything for her children.
Kagelo: Any day. What time will the mobile bar
be here?
Kabo: Two hours before reception. They are
currently setting up deco in Phokoje as we
Kagelo: Great. I am going to get ready. If you
want any make up done then you might wanna
catch the make up artist before she leaves.
Kabo: Am good hun.
Kagelo: Catch you later.

Mma London: Ney my girl, your cousins are lost.

Tsaya phone yame o ye go ba emela fa
tseleng.Phone yeo yame e botlhale,e itsi go
captura location. Fa o tsena hela o bule
whatsapp yone e tla bolella London gore le kae.
( Take my phone and stand by the main road,my
phone is a smartphone. It will capture the
location. All you have to do is open whatsapp
and it will show London where you are.)

I widened my eyes and stared at her...I don't

what was worse between her silk pyjamas or
the story about her smart phone.I took her
phone and left...
Two hours later

Mma KG wore her sunglasses and fixed her hat

as looked at everyone singing and dancing to
welcome the bridal party back home. The white
cabana tent which was prepared for over a 150
people had turned out perfectly. She looked to
the other side where there was a cocktail bar
set up and smiled.

On the other side were ushers that were

directing the bride's family to their seats...Once
everyone was sitted, the master of ceremonies
welcomed the guests and got on with the
program. Puleng turned to her husband and

Puleng: This is beautiful love. It's bigger than

what we initially agreed on.
Kagiso: Mum put the whole thing together.
Puleng: It's absolutely beautiful.
Kagiso: Beautiful brides deserve beautiful

The wedding ceremony was nothing similar to

what any of the guests that were attending had
witnessed.It went from a blessing ceremony
straight to entertainment. From Lizibo
serenading the couple into their first chapter to
Mafitlhakgosi colouring the atmosphere with
the beauty of culture. Bride and mother of the
groom changing from one picturesque gown to
the other.The trendy menu and the wine option
came as a surprise that most people would
probably remember for a very long time. Mma
KG had pulled all stops and judging from the
mood of the guests, everyone was happy.
Mma Pretty: These people must be rich.
Mma London: Who knows, maybe he took out a
loan just to show off.
London: These people are not rich. We are rich.

Mma London nodded her head in agreement...

London: They are wealthy. Koore they are on

another level. You can tell from the house and
cars. Did you see how Puleng's mother in law
kept getting introduced whenever she went to
change an outfit.
Mma Pretty: Just when I thought I had seen it
all. Did they say that she is a professor?
London: They did. They are all educated.
Mma London: I thought that it was petty. Why
introduce people using their qualifications?
London:Puleng is blessed.

Mma London's face turned green with envy but

her sister and daughter kept going on much to
her annoyance

The assembled horde of guests, having enjoyed

their meal, turned their attention to the wedding
speeches. Once again, a shrieking microphone
signalled the onslaught of more vaguely
humorous vocalisations. The Drunk Uncle, The
Inebriated Aunt, The Blotto Brother, The Scatty
Sister, and The Effusive Mother all paved the
way for the, by then, well-soused Groom and
Bride to finish off with amusingly incoherent
accounts of their lives to this point. Once again,
the microphone signalled the end of the
proceedings with a magnificent howl.
Later that afternoon

After a long day of class and a well organized

traditional welcoming, the beautiful union of
Kagiso and his wife was sealed with yet another
glitzy party. When the weekend came to an end,
everyone was tired and blown away by the
creativity, class and the good hospitality they
had experienced in Mmadinare. Admist
everything were parents that were grateful for
the union of their children, a couple happy to
begin the journey of the unknown and a few
people waiting for them to fail.

A week later

I took deep breaths while Tebogo did my hair.

The thought of seeing my love for the first time
in two years threw me off the roof...While I was
nervous, the thought of being just two years
away from closing the distance brought me so
much comfort.

Tebogo: Stop moving your head around like that

babe. Nna kana I am still learning.
Me: Right.
Tebogo: Just like that?
Me: Just like what?
Tebogo: You usually have so much to say. How
are you this quite today?
Me: I don't know. What if he doesn't feel the
same way about me because I have changed? I
am so excited but at the same time i feel like
the guy has seen better.
Tebogo: This is one thing I know about you my
friend. You haven't changed one bit, you are still
the same beautiful, loving and loyal girlfriend he
left. If there is any change then it is definitely
from him. In the last two years, I have seen you
keep a flame that I thought couldn't survive
alive. While the rest of us told you to let go, you
didn't. As stupid as I think it was, you stayed
faithful. You have done all that you could in the
past two years and you shouldn't be scared.
The only person that ought to be scared is that
guy. Wherever he is, he should be trying to find
ways to explain to you on why he has been a
jerk. You know how I feel about him but that's
for another day.You have my support and
somebody to lean on.
Me: Thank you love. A lot has gone wrong but I
believe with all of my being that he is the one.
Tebogo:( Forced smile) You know him better.
All done with the hair. Let's do the make up.

At Loapi's
Boi stood by her brother's bedroom door and
held her waist shaking her head while listening
to her brother justifying himself. She knew that
he was bound to change somehow but not in
this way.

Boi: Do you realize what you are saying?

Loapi: I do and if i remember well, you were the
one that that was telling me that I was too
young for this two years ago.
Boi: I am but I didn't tell you to be cruel.
Loapi: Cruel how?
Boi: From what you told me, this girl has her life
on standby because she believes that you two
are going somewhere yet here you are telling
me that there is someone else in the picture.It
sounds like she is just a back up plan.
Loapi: I didn't say that Ney is a back up plan.
You are the one choosing to put it that way. The
fact that I am exploring does not mean that Ney
is a back up plan or I don't love her.
Boi: If there is someone else in the picture that
comes first then Ney is simply a back up. When
you no longer have an interest to be with
someone, you leave them in peace not cheat
while you figure out things as you say.
Loapi: I love Ney. There is no way that I can
break up with her especially now when I don't
know if Karen is solid as she says she is. Sis
everyone swears that they are solid. Ice is too,
until you put a lil heat on it. I need time to figure
things out.
Boi: Then you don't love her enough if you need
to figure it out. Be honest with yourself. It's
okay to fall out of love, the only problem is
leading someone else on while you know that
they are nothing but a back up plan.
Loapi: I haven't fallen out of love. The only
reason I am with Karen is because I am lonely.
Boi no one wants to be alone especially when
there are so far away from all their loved ones. I
am not doing this to hurt anyone. I am so lonely
and I would never hurt Ney on purpose.
Boi: You have no idea just how you are going to
hurt her nnaka. I pray everyday that you don't
turnout like our father but who am I?
Loapi: What do you mean? What did our father
Boi: Don't be that man that goes around hurting
women because he can. That's all am saying. I
will see you later.
Loapi: I will be spending the weekend with Ney.
Boi: Just do the right thing.
Loapi: Do you need me to help you with
anything before I leave?
Boi: Am good thanks.

Goodnight. Monday is a holiday hence posting
resumes on Tuesday.Have a good one 😘😘
Distance & Time
# 17

Later that day

Brookwell Guest house

I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep

breath.In a few minutes, I would be closing the
distance. Songs of heaven began to buzz in my
ears. I paced around the room and fiddled with
everything I came across. While lost in my
thoughts and the need to stay composed a
knock set everything off. I ran to the mirror and
took one last look before I opened the door.

Loapi: Ney!

He threw his bag on the floor and held on to me

tightly. For a few minutes no one said anything.
Just two hearts beating for the same course.
The smell of his cologne stirred up feelings that
I had restrained for too long. I felt , gratitude,
fear ,relief and so much more at once. Quite
honestly there was nothing I didn't feel under
the sun. I slowly let go of him and sighed.
Loapi: Are you ok?

He picked up his bag and closed the door

behind him...

Me:(laughed) Am okay.
Loapi:(Chuckled) Not exactly the first thing I
wanted to say to you.
Me: Yeah.

He hugged me from behind...

Loapi: You look beautiful. I waited so long for

this moment that I even began to doubt that it
would come.
Me: Yeah.
A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it before it
could roll down my cheek...

Me: I was also starting to doubt that it would

Loapi: I wish things were different.
Me: Me too.
Loapi: I love you baby and I wish we didn't have
to be apart. There is nothing we can do about it.
We can only be strong and go on till we don't
have to anymore.
Me: I love you too but I need to know one thing.
Loapi: Anything babes. What is it that you
wanna know?
Me: Are you seeing someone else in Canada?
Loapi: What?
Me: Is that why you barely communicate with
Loapi: Ofcourse not. Ney I would never cheat on
you. You have been nothing but supportive and
Me: Can you honestly look me in the eye and
tell me that you haven't been with anyone since
you left home?
Loapi: I would never do that to you.
Me: I hope so because ever since you left, I
have not even blinked at a guy. And this is not
because no man wants me otherwise if that
was the case then I would have slept with your
friend when he asked me to.
Loapi: Yeo yone o seka wa e buwa. ( Don't
mention that one). I don't want to see Malcom
because I doubt things will end well.
Me: I am not happy with the state of our
relationship. I also want your affection and
Loapi: Ao babe mma! You are making it sound
like I don't love you.
Me: I am just saying that you need to change
the way you do things. How do you not
communicate with me for days and at times
weeks? I understand that you are busy with
school but the truth is that people make time
for the things they wanna make time for. Get
whatsapp. Who in this age still communicates
with their girlfriend via e-mail and skype?
Loapi: Emma.
Me: Let's talk about your Facebook. Is there any
particular reason that you haven't posted me?
Loapi: Babe...
Me: What?
Loapi: Hlamma we haven't seen each other in
two years. Can't we just appreciate this
moment and address everything later or even
Me: That's why we need to have this
conversation now. I am honestly not happy and
I can't pretend. I have been pretending for the
last two years and I am really tried. Everything is
not ok.
Loapi:Am really sorry. I promise to do better.I
love you and I don't wanna lose you.
Me: I don't wanna lose you too but you need to
put an effort.

He gently turned me around to face him...Our

bodies pressed together , breathing heavily as
our lips pressed together. I could taste our
shared breath and feel the thud of our
combined heartbeat as we fumbled to take off
one another’s clothes.

*Got Spicey*
At Mma London's

London shook her head as her mother added

more things to her list...It had been just a week
since they had bought groceries for her.

London: Didn't we buy groceries just a week ago?

Mma London: Why does it sound like you are
getting stingy?
London: I am not getting stingy. Kana mama
you live alone. All the things we buy end up
going to waste because they lose their
freshness before you can even eat them.
Mma London: You are going back to your house
and I will be on my own. Do you want me to
starve and die?
London: Nnya mma. (No).
Mma London: When do you think you will come
and see me?
London: We will come and see you in three
weeks. I have to catch up at work. Kana I took a
few days off to attend the wedding.
Mma London: Emma.
London: I must admit that it was a lovely
Mma London: It was. Puleng has finally won
herself a meal ticket. I feel sorry for the poor
guy because he will be feeding the whole family.
London: Mama!
Mma London: His poor mother should have
saved all that money she used for all those
dresses she kept changing like underwear
because when Puleng is done with them, she
might have to sell that professor title for money.
London: Ao mama mma...
Mma London: Heela Puleng. Ga o itsi tlala wena.
( Puleng! You know nothing about hunger).
When you have been hungry for too long, you
eat like you will never eat again.
London: You forget that we were once poor.
Mma London: But you worked really hard and
got a job.
London: I would have never been where I am if
Rra Puleng did not sell his cows. Le ene Puleng
she has worked really hard. It's only that she
can not find a job.
Mma London: He had to, he is your uncle after
all. He didn't do us a favour. It's his
London: I still feel like I haven't done enough to
thank him for all that he has done for us.
Mma London: Thank him? What do you mean
you haven't done enough? I won't allow those
people to exploit you. You will not do a single
thing for them. Do you hear me?
London: Mama what exactly do you have
against Rra Puleng?
Mma Puleng: Hey! Don't disrespect me. You
might be married but you are still my child.
London: I am sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect
you. I need to get to the shops so that I can get
your stuff then leave.
Mma London: Don't forget to buy my blue
cheese. I want the same one they served us at
the wedding on that chopping board.
London:(laughed) Cheese board.
Mma London: Ee o e reke le yone board yeo.
( Buy the board as well).

At Kagiso's
Puleng loaded the dishes in the dishwasher
while her husband packed the pots away. It had
been two days since they had returned from
their honeymoon.

Puleng: Do you have any plans tomorrow?

Kagiso: Not really. Are you planning something?
Puleng: Yeah. I was thinking of going to see
Mercy. She mentioned that there is an opening
at the company she works for..
Puleng: That's not a problem. I will probably be
home the entire day with Kago.
Puleng: Can I borrow your car in that case?
Kagiso: What's mine is yours sugar but we are
going to have to change things up a bit.
Puleng: I know babe. Once I get a job, I will get
my own car.
Kagiso: Why wait till you get a job when we can
afford it now? You know what, let's go car
shopping on Monday.
Puleng: You don't have to buy me a car. You
have just spent a fortune on both weddings. I
can take taxis.
Kagiso: Puleng I am your husband and when I
married you, I knew that it was my responsibility
to pay for both weddings. No wife of mine will
walk or use taxis when I can afford to get her a
Puleng: No babe. It wasn't your responsibility
alone. It was something we should have both
contributed towards. I promise to do my best in
order to get a job segolo hela ke go thuse
motho wame. ( I promise to do my best in
order to get a job so that I can at least help
you).I shouldn't be a burden to you just because
you married me.
Kagiso: I love you. There is no way that you can
be a burden. And just so you know, I would have
never allowed you to pay for anything when we
got married even if you had a job.
Kagiso: I am the one that was marrying you.
The only way I would have accepted your help is
if I couldn't afford it all on my own. Believe it or
not but a part of me is traditional.
Puleng: I would love to see that.
Kagiso: How about I show you?
Puleng: Hmm?

He rinsed his hands then used his wife's skirt to

dry them. He lifted her and placed her on the
kitchen counter.

Kagiso: Mrs Ranna

Puleng: (Giggled) Mr Ranna.

He pulled her skirt up teasing her...Just as he

was about to pull down her undies, the front
door opened...

Puleng: Shoot!

She quickly got down and pulled her skirt

up,fixing it as he laughed...

Kago: Bagolo!
Kagiso: Sure man.
Puleng: Hie Kago. Your food is in the warmer.
Kago: Thank you sis. Looks like we will finally
have proper meals in this this house.
Kagiso:(laughed) Just remember that she is my
wife and I paid for her magadi alone.
Kago: Whatever man.
Puleng:(Cleared throat) I will be in the bedroom.

She did a walk of Shame wondering if Kago had

caught on...

Kago: Did I miss something?

Kagiso:What are you talking about?
Kago: Were you guys in the middle of
Kagiso: Careful boy, that's my wife.
Kago: There is nothing wrong with adding
spiece here and there.
Kagiso: I have actually been meaning to talk to
you about something.
Kago: Yeah what's up bro?
Kagiso: Don't you think it'stime you find a place
of your own?
Kago: Ok. Where is all this coming from? Does
your wife have a problem with me being here?
Kagiso: No not at all. She has never said
anything. I just think that since we are now
married, we need a little privacy.
Kago: You have never had a problem with me
being here. You didn't even say anything before
the wedding. If she had a problem with me
being here then she should have told me herself.
She is being a little pretty.
Kagiso: Now you are pushing it bro. That
woman is my wife. You don't get to use such
words. She has never said a thing about your
being here. Le go go tsholela o go tsholetse.
(She has even dished for you). Something she
shouldn't even be doing.
Kago: I will go man. I will go since your wife
doesn't want me here.
Kagiso: Kago!

He walked away....

Kagiso: Come on man. Let's talk...

Normal posting resumes on Tuesday unless
there is a sponsor
Happy drinking😂😘
Distance & Time
# 18
The following day

Brookwell Guest House

I browsed through Loapi's pictures on his phone

while told me stories from the time they were
taken. From the pictures I could tell that he had
built a beautiful life in Canada and for a
moment I understood why he became a bit

Me:Are you happy there?

Loapi: Yeah...But it doesn't feel complete
without you.
Me: Just two more years babe. We just need to
stay strong.
Loapi:If only it was that easy.
Me: Baby steps...

I came across a picture of him with another girl

naked in bed and the whole world suddenly
disappeared for me...It was now crystal why we
had grown distant. I didn't need any more

Me: Is this the reason why you have been

Loapi:Babe I...This is just a fr...
Me:You know what, don't answer that if you are
going to lie to me.
Loapi: It's not what you think.Babe listen...

I looked into his eyes and I could see the

truth...There was no reason to go on looking for
what was already before me.This was the truth I
had known from the very first time he kissed
and made love to me after two years.

Me: Are you sleeping with her?

Loapi: I didn't mean to hurt you.

I zoomed into her picture and analysed every

little detail about her.There was no way that I
could match or let alone beat that. The girl was
beautiful. Her body was a dream and you could
tell that there was more to her.

Me: Does she make you happy?

Loapi: It's not that.
Me: Then what is it? How long have you been
sleeping with her?
Loapi: Babe you don't have to do this. I love you
and nothing can change that. Karen is just a girl
I vibe with.
Me: What?

I could feel the flames of hell nurturing the

monster in me. Everything began to feel cold as
I watched him trying to explain.

Me: Did you know that while you were out there
vibing with other girls, I was faithful to you the
entire time? While you were busy vibing , I was
crying myself to bed every other night because I
was praying and hoping that you were safe on
the days you didn't text or call. While you were
vibing, I was busy telling guys off including your
own bestfriend. Don't tell me that you were just
vibing while I have been nothing but loyal and
I got off the bed and picked up my clothes. I
closed my eyes trying to regain strength and
courage as tears blurred up my vision.

Loapi: Babe I tried...Let's be honest. We knew

that one of us was bound to crack. I know that
we had so much planned but the truth is that
life doesn't always go our way. I love you but we
are just too young to settle.We both need to
experience the world before we decide that we
wanna spend the rest of our lives with each
other. I mean what if in a few years you or I
realize that we rushed into being together or we
are not meant to be?
Me:What do you mean?
Loapi:Maybe we need to take some time out.
Take a break and see if this is what we really
want. We can see other people while we try and
figure things out.
Me:Just like that?

I wiped my tears and went on to pack my


Loapi: We are not breaking up or anything. It's

just a break. We can still talk and be friends.
Me: What if I don't want to see other people?
Loapi: You have to otherwise you will never
Me: So just like that you are breaking up with
Loapi: We are not breaking up. We are just
taking a break.I know that you are angry but you
will eventually see things my way.
Me: Angry? Do you honestly think I am angry?
Loapi: I know that you are babe.

He took my bag and put it down then tried to

hold me but I resisted..

Me: I think if I was angry then that would make

things better but I am not. I am hurt. I am really
hurt that I spent two years of my life waiting
and defending you to everyone that told me that
you had moved on. For two years, you lied to
me and told me that you loved me while you
were sleeping with someone else. You let me
believe that we had a future together. You didn't
even hesitate to lie to me last night before
sleeping with me without using any protection .
Koore you made a fool out of me for all these
years and you don't think there is anything
wrong with that.
I picked up my bag and wiped my tears.

Me: We are done. I am going home.

Loapi: You don't have to go.
Me: Do you think that I want to spend the entire
weekend with you?
Loapi: No. I will go. I have paid for two nights.
You can stay and I will go.
Me: I don't want your pity. Stay in your room and
keep your little gift.

I looked at the wig and cursed then picked it


Me: You know what, get out! I am taking the wig

too. It's the least you can do after making a fool
out of me.
Loapi: Things don't have to end this way. We
can find a way around it.
Me: I asked you to get the f**k out. Take your
things and leave because I don't wanna have to
ask you again. I am giving you three minutes.

I locked myself in the bathroom while he

packed up and left. The next hours that
followed were filled with tears and so many
unanswered questions. Anger that I was not
sure what to do with. What broke me the most
was knowing that he had slept with me even
though he knew that he had been stringing me
along.The fact that he failed to apologize or
even see things my way for a minute infuriated
me. It was going to take me a long time to
forget the picture that I had seen on his phone.
Each time I closed my eyes, I saw her flawless
magazine face and the way he had looked at
her. Although he was not willing to admit it, I
could tell that what he felt for her were not just
vibes. Knowing that there was no way in hell
that I could compete with her drove me insane.
The weight of anger and pain were constantly
crushing my soul. I took a deep breath and
wiped my face but the stream never dried up.
My heart broke into a million pieces that I was
convinced that they would never be mended.

At Loapi's

Loapi put his bag on the floor and threw himself

on the couch.

Boi: Ao! You are back? I thought that you were

spending the rest of weekend with Ney.
Loapi: Eish! That's a story for another day sis. I
fu***d up.
Boi: Buwa monna. ( Talk to me).
Loapi: We were looking at pictures on my phone
and she came across Karen's pictures.
Boi: You keep her pictures? So it's that deep?
Kana mme nna ke go boleletse( I told you so).
Loapi: Can you not say that please. I know how
you feel about all this but i love Ney. I didn't
want to hurt her this way.
Boi: Yet you did.
Loapi: I know that you don't understand but it
would have never worked. Four years is a long
time. One of us was bound to cheat.
Boi: Playing that girl the way you did was cruel.
Can you imagine waiting for your partner for
two years only to get heartbroken. She didn't
deserve that. You should have been honest
when you realized that you couldn't keep up.
Loapi: So what do I do now? She won't talk to
Boi: Do you blame her?
Loapi: I don't but I just wish that she would let
me explain.
Boi: For now everything that comes out of your
mouth is a lie to her so explaining won't help
Loapi: Eish.

He frustratedly rubbed his head then picked up

the remote to change the channel...

Loapi: Soccer?
Boi: I have an early morning so I am gonna go to
bed early.
Loapi: Are you angry at me?
Boi: No I am not. I am just

The fact that his sister could not even look him
in the eyes hurt him...

At Puleng's

Kagiso threw his phone on the bed and sighed..

Puleng: Is he still not answering?

Kagiso: Yeah.
Puleng: Do you want me to talk to him?
Kagiso: That's not necessary. There is nothing
wrong with what I said. Puleng we are
newlyweds, we need our privacy and Kago also
needs to get his life together. I have been
picking after him for years now.
Puleng: Maybe you should have addressed it
differently. He seems to think that I don't want
him here.
Kagiso: I told him that it was not even your idea.
Puleng: What happens when he tells the rest of
your family that I threw him out? What if they
come after me?
Kagiso: No one is coming after my wife. That
boy needs to get a job and get a place of his
own. Even if we were not married I would have
grown tried of him at some point.
Puleng: I hear you but how do you get a place of
your own when you don't have a job?
Kagiso: You use the monthly allowance your
mother gives you to pay rent and buy food
instead of using it to buy alcohol,expensive
clothes and spoiling women.
Puleng: What if your mother doesn't see it that
Kago: Then that's her problem because I will not
change my position.If I can save my allowance
and salary to buy a house then so can he.
Puleng: I hear you but I wouldn't want your
brother hating me.
Kagiso: You are my wife and I love you. I know
that you are a good person with a big heart and
as much as I do, not everyone will love you or
see you the way I do. I am not saying my family
has to hate you buy I want you to understand
that not everyone will love you. If I need to draw
the line, I will. Kago needs to move out and
that's that. He is my brother and I love him but if
he chooses not to see that then that's his
problem not mine. Stop stressing about it and
let's go to bed.

At Mma KG's
Mma KG put her phone down and laughed after
talking to her son for thirty minutes...Kagelo
waited for her mother to give her a full update
with a baited breath.

Kagelo: And?
Mma KG:That was your brother.
Kagelo: I could tell. Just tell me the important
Mma KG:(laughed) This is why you are stil not
married yet. You are always invested on other
people's things.
Kagelo: Mama!
Mma KG: I underestimated that girl.
Kagelo: Puleng?
Mma KG: Apparently she got her husband to
ask Kago to leave.
Kagelo: Why would she do that? Those two
have been living together their entire lives. How
do you get married for five minutes and already
call the shoots?
Mma KG: I would have been really disappointed
if she had went on living with her brother in law.
I am impressed for once. No woman should
live with her in laws when her husband can
afford to buy a house. If she would have kept
quite then I would have known that anyone can
walk all over her. As a married woman, you
need to have a backbone or everyone will do as
they please. Let him move out. He is too old to
be living with his brother. Who knows, maybe he
will get a wife. I am tried of meeting a new girl
every six months.
Kagelo: Who's side are you on?
Mma KG: There are no sides here.How will I get
grandchildren if Kago continues to live with
those two.
Kagelo: I don't know how you are looking at this
but Puleng had no right to ask Kago to leave
because she didn't contribute a cent to buy that
house. Kagiso bought it with your money.
Mma KG: Just don't forget that she is Mrs
Kagelo: That means nothing.
Mma KG: It means nothing when you are not
married and you still live with your mother at
twenty nine. You will understand when you are
married my girl for now focus on finding a
house and moving out. Gongwe Puleng otla
thusa. ( Maybe Puleng will help me).

Kagelo rolled her eyes and turned to the tv...

Kagelo: Aren't you going to bed?

Mma KG: Because I told the truth? Now I should
go to bed in my own house? I told you that you
people are entitled. Anyway let me go and sleep
akere I can afford to.I have worked really hard
and so has my late husband.

She stood up and left to her bedroom.

Welcome back. I hope you had a great weekend
and holiday 🌞
Distance & Time
# 19

At Bakang's

Bakang shook his head as he undid Tebogo's

hair. It had been only three months since they
had started dating but she had already
managed to turn him into her hair dresser. She
picked up the remote and reduced the volume.

Tebogo: If you want a little thank you then you

are going to have to be quick.
Bakang: Oketsa volume ke fetse. ( Increase the
volume so that I can finish).
Tebogo: Shee! Yanoong volume ke yone e
oketsang speed ne monna wa modimo. (Do you
need the volume to increase your speed.)
Bakang: Baby tlhe ga o itsi go thusiwa.
Tebogo: Mmm...

A phone call came through,forcing her to lower

the volume once again.
Tebogo: Tsala. How is it going?

She put her phone on loudspeaker before

putting it down then continued undoing her hair.

Ney: You were right all along. Ke swabisitswe

ke motho.

She could hear the pain in her friend's voice

though she was trying to be strong.

Tebogo: Have you been crying?

She signaled Bakang to stop doing her hair then

took her phone and went into the bedroom.

Ney: Am okay.
She could tell that Ney wanted to cry. Although
she had seen this from a distance, she had
hoped that things would work out for the sake
of her friend.

Tebogo: Where are you? I am coming over.

Ney: I am still at the guest house. You don't
have to come. I am ok.
Tebogo: Alone?
Ney: Yeah.
Tebogo: Pin me the location on whatsapp. I am
bringing some wine.
Ney: You don't have to co....
Tebogo: Make sure you pin it now. I am coming.

She hung up and clicked her tongue...

Bakang: Gorileng yaanong ne mogatsaka fa o
bo o kgwa lenxa yaana?( What's wrong love?)
Tebogo: Mojolo the pandemic.
Bakang: Ney?
Tebogo: Yeah. Let me change into something
more decent then you can drop me off. I am still
waiting for her to pin the location.
Bakang: What's wrong with your onesie?
Tebogo: Babe rra nka ya ko bathong ka di
Bakang: Batho bafe? Le ya go llela ko bathong
Tebogo: (laughed)Iya! Wena kana wa lapisa
gore. Let's go and get some wine before Tops
Bakang: Why do I get a feeling that you are not
coming back home?
Tebogo: I doubt that I will be back tonight love.
Bakang: Then just get chocolates. I don't need
to remind you what happens when you drink
Tebogo: (laughed) What happens?
Bakang: E ya ko mathekeng. ( You get horny)
Tebogo: Heelang!

She took off her onesie and wore a black little


Bakang: You are going to comfort your friend

dressed like that? Nnya mosadi wa modimo.
Eseng that dress. ( Not that dress)

He opened the closet and took out his

trackpants then threw them at her.
Tebogo: (laughed) Heelang! Ke isa kae
maburabura ne wena?

He looked at her and cracked up...

Bakang: Get dressed and stop wasting time.

Tebogo: Are you serious?
Bakang:Dead serious.
Tebogo: I can't go to Tops looking like a hobo.
Bakang: That's why you got me. I can help you
to dress if you want.
Tebogo: I think I will stick with the onesie.
Bakang:(laughed) Good choice.

She slipped into her onesie then grabbed her

pair of slippers.

Tebogo: Let's go. I hope you have your card

because you are paying.
Bakang: (laughed) Am always paying moss.

At Mareledi's

Tumiso browsed through Thabiso's timeline

while her friend waited anxiously for her
approval. She stood up and held her waist

Mareledi: What do you think?

Tumiso: I am still going through his timeline. I
will tell you when I am done.
Mareledi: You have been saying that for over
twenty minutes.From what you have seen, what
do you think?
Tumiso: You really wanna know?

She rolled her eyes and snatched her phone

from her friend...

Tumiso: And now?

Mareledi: It's not like you are not going to tell
me what you think of him. You always have an
opinion so come on and just share it already.
Tumiso:(laughed) Kana mme even if I was to
tell you the truth, you wouldn't believe me or let
alone take my advice. Why don't you just take a
risk and go for it? For once enjoy a relationship
without me showing you all the redflags. He
honestly looks like a bad boy to me but who
knows, you might just enjoy it.
Mareledi: Is this you talking or someone else?
Tumiso: (laughed) Maybe I have realized that I
am a bad teacher. You learn some things
through experience not being told.I was kind of
wrong to tell you how to handle your
Mareledi: (laughed)Ga ke a tshoga.( I am
Tumiso:(laughed) O raya o tshoswa ke eng tota
ija. ( What are you scared of?)
Mareledi: A ke wena o buwang yaana tota
chomi. ( Are you the one saying all this friend?)
Tumiso: Jola chomi(Go ahead and date). Get
your heartbroken. Learn and you will be thankful
in the end because from all these experiences,
you will learn to look at life differently.
Mareledi: Am grateful for all that you have done
for me. I know that you want me to be happy.
Tumiso: Glad you know that.
Mareledi: Ok enough of all this soapie talk.
What are we watching tonight?
Tumiso: Kana mme ha gona sepe se re sa se
lebang on Netflix. ( We have literally watched
everything on Netflix.) Did you pay for Hulu?
Mareledi: (laughed) You are the one that has
watched everything on Netflix.Let me pick
something. I feel like a comedy.
Tumiso: I have watched all the comedies there.
Mareledi: When they said that the ones that pay
for Netflix barely use it, they were right.
Tumiso:(laughed) Imagine if you didn't share
your Netflix details with me. Koore you would
be getting ripped off.
Mareledi: Segolo fa otla,o nne otla ka di snack
mma. ( Atleast bring some snacks when you
come over.)
Tumiso: Why? You always have snacks.
Mareledi: Chomi tlhe o ngame mma. ( You are
Tumiso: Let me pick a movie.

Mareledi turned off the lights and went into the

living room to get some snacks...

At Brookwell Guest House

I turned off my phone and put it away while

Tebogo opened the bottle of wine.

Tebogo: Am sorry friend.

Me: Yeah. You warned me.
Tebogo: Not in so many words. I should have
dropped more hints.
Me:And I should have never shut my eyes. Had I
not done that then I would have seen all those
red flags.
Tebogo: I had hoped that this would work out. I
know how much you love him and how you
have kept it together. It can not be easy staying
put for that long.
Me: It wasn't but knowing or believing that my
partner was also doing the same, made it
Tebogo: He doesn't deserve you.
Me: Yeah. She is beautiful. There is no way that
I could ever compete with that. I am just an
average girl that studies an average course.
Koore I can't offer more.
Tebogo: Don't say that. Tsala there is no way
that you can be average. You are beautiful and
you know that.
Me:She is coloured. Wa itsi makgowa tota. And
besides what she looks like, she must be really
smart if they attend the same university.
Tebogo: Don't do that. Just don't friend. I know
it hurts but don't put yourself down like that.
Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you
guys were not meant to be...

She sipped on her wine and laughed...

Tebogo: Listen to me being wise and shit.

Me:(laughed) It's the wine.
Tebogo: Drink up honey. Life is too short and
we are too young to cry over men. I suggest you
move on.
Me: Move on as in get another boyfriend? Just
like that?
Tebogo: Yes. Just like that. Get a guy to f**k.
Go on dates and do whatever the hell you want
without feeling like something is holding you
back. Babes that guy is not going to come back
and marry you. For all we know he could be
coming back with his white girl. Let's live in the
Me: What about everything we had planned?
Tebogo: Drink some wine babe. Drink up
because after just two glasses, you will realize
that the fairytale you had planned does not exist.
Me: Yeah neh.
Tebogo: We move! You will move because you
are not a tree. I will not let you waste your time.

I widened my eyes as I downed my wine...

Tebogo: Let's go out and get wasted.

Me: I don't feel like it.
Tebogo: You don't have to feel like it now. You
will feel it when we go out. Now get me
something better to wear because I look like an
Me:(laughed) I wish I could say that you don't
but you do.
Tebogo: (rolled eyes) Bakang!
Me: I do not want to step outside. Let's just get
more wine and get wasted here.
Tebogo: Whatever you want. Am all about you
Me: Thank you love.I know you were probably
having the best time of your life before I
messed up your plans.
Tebogo: You let me worry about that. Am gonna
call Bakang and ask him to drop more wine. Do
you want anything else?
Me: Some Nandos quarter chicken would be
Tebogo: Some Nandos family meal and alcohol
coming up.
Me:We don't need to get a family meal akere it's
just the two of us.
Tebogo: Speak for yourself because I am a
whole family babes.
Me:(laughed) Right.
Tebogo: Let's eat, get wasted, insult someone's
son and do whatever makes you feel better. I
got you babe.

She picked up her phone and called her

boyfriend.She put it on loudspeaker and made
funny faces as it rang.

Bakang: Babe
Tebogo: Can you do me a favour?
Bakang: What must I buy?
Tebogo: Shee!
Bakang: Don't act surprised. Just tell me what I
must buy before I go out.
Tebogo: Go out where?
Bakang: Babe

She could hear loud music playing in the


Tebogo: Get some more wine and a family meal

from Nandos.
Bakang: Extra hot?
Tebogo: Waitsi ngwanaka. (You know child).
Bakang: Cool.
Tebogo: Don't think that I have forgotten that
you are going out. We will talk about that when
you get here.
Bakang:(laughed) Yes mother.

She hung up and laughed...

Me:What you two have is beautiful...

Tebogo:You will have it too.
Me:Can I tell you something?
Tebogo: What's up honey?
Me: Promise not to freak.
Tebogo: Just tell me already.
Me: (Sighed) We didn't use protection and h....
Tebogo: Basta*d..Fuc*ing idiot!
She shook her head and clicked her tongue...

Tebogo: We are gonna have to get morning

after pills because there is no way you are
falling pregnant.Let ask Bakang to take us to
the pharmacy in Main Mall.
Me: Isn't it closed?
Tebogo: No. It's still open.
Me: Okay.
Tebogo: And next time please use protection!
The last thing you want is to be catching some
STI's from coloureds.
Me: There won't be a next time.
Tebogo: You are my friend. I know you.

Later that evening


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Distance & Time
# 20

Later that evening

At Puleng's

Kagiso took off his clothes and threw himself

on the bed while his wife sat in front of the
mirror and applied her night cream...

Puleng: Are you not going to wear your pjs?

Kagiso: Then take them off again?
Puleng: (laughed) Take them off for what?
Kagiso: (laughed) I am married baby.
Puleng: Again?
Kagiso: (laughed)Like I said. I am married.
Nothing is stopping me. Not even God.
Puleng: Even the bible says that too much of
anything is not good.
Kagiso: Honey listen. Sex in marriage is worship.
I know damm well that there is no way in hell
that God will not want this worship. Kana when
a married couple has sex, God looks down and
pats them to say good job kids.
Puleng:(laughed) Well this kid is not praising
tonight because she is tired. I am sure that God
will understand.
Kagiso: If you are tired then just lay down. I will
do the entire praise. Just get to church with me
Puleng:(laughed) Without moving an inch? That
will be the day.
Kagiso: And this I know. Hlamma Puleng you
love sex as much as I do.
Puleng: Have you met my husband?
Kagiso: Do I need to?
Puleng:(Smiled) You might.
Kagiso: Before we get freaky, how did your day
Puleng: Not too bad. Looks like I might just get
the job. I tick all the right boxes.
Kagiso: I told you that things will come together
baby girl.
Puleng: Yeah. I don't ever wanna burden you.
You already do so much for me and my family.
Kagiso: My family.
Kagiso: So how is everyone? Madam allowance?
Puleng: Mum and dad are really good. Madam
allowance was not around. Her boyfriend is
back from overseas. She must be having the
time of her life right now.
Kagiso: We will never hear the end of it.
Puleng:(laughed) Shee...
Kagiso: Ney never stops talking about her
boyfriend and you know it. He better marry her.
Puleng: Yeah. Those two come from far. I didn't
even think that their relationship will last this
long. I was really surprised by how faithful she
Kagiso: I am shocked too. At her age even.
Puleng: You can say that again.
Kagiso: Let's hope that they finish off strong.
Puleng: I have faith that they will.
Kagiso: Good. Now get undressed woman. You
are taking too long.
Puleng: Patience pays captain.

At Mma Puleng's

Rra Puleng turned up the volume and took his

wife's hand... He danced to Yvonne Chaka
Chaka's Umqombothi as his wife tried to match
his energy...

Mma Puleng: This one takes me back to the

Rra Puleng: Life used to be fun by then.
Mma Puleng: It was indeed.
Rra Puleng: As much as life is difficult these
days, I am happy that we are still alive to see
our children grow.

She turned down the volume and sat down.

Rra Puleng: Are you tired already?

Mma Puleng: Rra Puleng kana I am now old. I
am no longer that girl you met four decades
Rra Puleng: To me you will always be that girl.

He sat down next to his wife and took a deep


Mma Puleng: Wa tsofala monnamogolo. (You

are ageing old man).
Rra Puleng: (laughed) Indeed.
Mma Puleng: Very soon we will die.
Rra Puleng: O swe ole esi mma. (You must die
alone). Nna ke tla swa ke nyadisitse gofejane
game. ( I will only die after marrying off my last
Mma Puleng: Let's hope that we will be in the
land of the living when that happens because I
doubt that she is seeing anyone.
Rra Puleng: Did she tell you that?
Mma Puleng: I know my daughter. She doesn't
need to tell me anything.
Rra Puleng: Iyo!
Mma Puleng: Mogatsaka (My wife)
Rra Puleng: Mma. (Yes dear).
Mma Puleng: The wedding has passed and we
have done all that we needed to do. I thinr rk it's
time to invest the little money we have left.
Rra Puleng: What did you have in mind?
Mma Puleng: We can tile and fit a wall wadrobe
in the two and half behind then rent it out. The
monthly rental will keep us aflot. I don't want us
to be the kind of parents that nag their children
then eventually ruin our daughter's marriage
because we are always asking for money.
Rra Pulemg: What about the furniture we have
in it?
Mma Puleng: We can either move it to Serowe
or sell it. We can't just let that house go to
Rra Puleng: I hear you. Let's think it through
then talk about it tomorrow morning. Gone
mme you are onto something. Imagine if we
turn into my sister.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Hei kgatsadio o lapisa
mo go maswe. O tsile
go thubela ngwana motse ele ruri. ( Your sister
is too much. She will ruin her daughter's
marriage.) I have never seen someone as
selfish as her. Every time they go on vacations,
they take her. I have never seen them taking
London's mother in law.
Rra Puleng: Maybe the children don't see
anything wrong with that.
Mma Puleng: Mma London should be advising
them as the adult. Bana wa ba botsa hela sentle
gore ,ao bo ngwanaka yaaka lo njesa monate
yaana,o mongwe motsadi lo mo irela jaana?
( She should be asking them if they do the
same for the other mother).
Rra Puleng: You know Mma London. O batla
gontse goja ene fela. (She wants to benefit
Mma Puleng: God only knows what will happen
when Ruth comes back from the States. Ka
Modimo re tla bo re se batho ba sepe mo go
ene wee. ( She will look down on us and treat us
like nobodies indeed.)

The following day

Brookwell guest house

Loapi stood outside Ney's room with the hope

that she would eventually open up for him. It
had been over an hour since he stood outside
pleading and begging.

Tebogo: He won't leave. Just talk to him.

Me: I have nothingnessd to say to him.
Tebogo: Then go hear what he has to say.
Me: Not you!
Tebogo: I didn't say take the guy back. Just
hear what he has to say because if you don't, a
few years down the line, you are gonna wish
that you did.
Me: I don't know about that.
Tebogo: Closure.
Me: Maybe.
Tebogo: Just go.

I got off the bed and slipped into my flip flops

before I headed out of the room...

Me: What do you want?

Loapi: I want to explain.
Me: Explain what?
Loapi: I never meant for any of this to happen.
It's not you,it's me.
Me: If you are going to face me and explain, put
a bit of work into your explanation because it is
crap. I asked you one thing and what did you do?
You go and do the one thing I asked you not to
do to me. For two years I sat and waited like an
Loapi: Let's be honest with ourselves Ney. It
was never going to work. I love you, I loved you
when I left and I will probably always love you
but that's not enough. Maybe we can make
things work when I get back but for now all we
can do is just be friends.
Me: When you get back? Your problem is that
you treat me like a horse carriage for
kindergarten kids while I am a Lamborghini. You
and I will never be friends. We are done so
please leave.
Loapi: I never meant to hurt you.
I looked the other way and wiped my tears as
they rolled down my cheeks.I could feel my lips
trembling. My throat suddenly became dry and
everything began c feel numb with my heart
stuck in my throat.I took deep breaths to ease
up the pain but it only got worse as my throat
closed up. Although tears blurred my vision, I
somehow found my way back to the room.

Tebogo: And?
Me: He didn't even apologize.

I broke down and cried... My knees suddenly

became weak so I gave in and found myself
kneeling on the floor.

Me: He broke my heart.I love him. I love him so

much, it hurts.
Tebogo: I know baby.

She knelt next to me and held me as I broke


Tebogo: Forgive them even when they are not

sorry for your own sake baby.
Me: How do I move on?How...H...
Tebogo: It's okay chomi. You will be fine.


Loapi looked up trying to block his tears but the

pain became unbearable and nature finally took
it's course...He took a deep breath and sat on
the floor. The pain of seeing the girl he loved at
her lowest broke his heart...He held the door
and took a deep breath feeling helpless.

Loapi: Ney...I know that you can hear me. Babe

please listen to me. I never meant to hurt you.
When I left,I had plans for our future. I didn't
mean for any of this to happen. You are an
amazing person and I know that you will find
someone else that loves and deserves you.
Babe I don't want to block you from your
blessings. Maybe God has other greater plans.
Me: Just leave me alone Loapi.
Loapi: I love you.
Tebogo: Fu*k you Loapi!
Loapi: I will see you on the flipside. I love you.

He stood up and left...

Me: I don't want any other person. I want Loapi.
Tebogo: Oh friend...

I closed my eyes and curled up in bed feeling as

if my
chest was on fire...
Good morning 🌞
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Distance & Time
# 21
A few days later

At Bombay Beauty Salon

Mareledi put the take- aways she had brought

with her on Tumiso's table then sat down.

Tumiso: Is he treating you well?

Mareledi: Where is that question coming from?
Tumiso: The take aways...
Mareledi: What about them?
Tumiso: You know very well that you only buy
me lunch when your love life is going well.
Mareledi: Uhu! And here I was thinking that I
was being a good friend.
Tumiso: You might be a good friend but I know
you too well.
Mareledi: What can I say? Go sukiri. (Things are
going well)
Tumiso: I can tell. You are glowing.
Mareledi: I don't know but there is just
something about Thabiso.
Tumiso: You love him?
Mareledi: It's still early days but I think I do.
Tumiso: As long as you are happy.
Mareledi: I am.
Tumiso: Good.
Mareledi: So I went to his house.
Tumiso: And?
Mareledi: He gave me the keys to his house.
Tumiso: Tell me that you are lying.
Mareledi: Ke bone monna mma.( I have found a
man).Gatwe I can come over anytime I want.
Tumiso: That's a good sign.
Mareledi: It is. I think that I have finally found
the one.
Tumiso: Let's eat and celebrate.
Mareledi: I am good. You can have my food too.
Tumiso: I won't say no to that. You can eat that
love honey.
Mareledi:(laughed) All day every day.
Tumiso: I need me some Thabiso in my life.
Mareledi: Keep searching honey.
Tumiso: Chesa wena!

London's Office

London placed the bouquet of flowers that her

husband had brought in the vase. She kissed
him and exchanged pleasantries with him as he
sat down.

London: You have no idea how you have just

brightened up my day.
Sizwe: Go on...
London: I was suffocating.
Sizwe: Care to share?
London: Just work stuff.
Sizwe: And?
London: You know who.
Sizwe: What did she do this time around?
London: I call to check on her this morning, as
usual she was making demands,left right and
Sizwe: She means no harm.
London: If I am expected to pay for Ruth's
homecoming party then the least she should
have done is ask me not tell me.
Sizwe: Don't we have like three months to plan
the thing?
London: Not anymore. She will be here in three
weeks. She decided to come home early.
Sizwe: Any reasons why?
London: I have no idea.
Sizwe: Don't let that stress you. It's just a party.
London: I really wish it was but you know my
mother. She will use this party as an excuse to
drag everyone down. Babe I am really tried of all
this drama. I don't even have a relationship with
my cousins because my mother has somehow
managed to put a wall between us. No one
wants to be associated with us because of the
way she treats people.Sooner or later,she will
strain our marriage. Don't get me wrong, I love
my mother but all this is too much.
Sizwe: I hear you. Have you ever had a chat with
her? I honestly feel like everyone takes her too
London: She never listens. Her word is always
final. How long will we continue to live like this?
I live with so much guilt and I am tired.
Sizwe: What guilt?
London: Believe it or not but my uncle is the one
that took care of me and my sister when my
mother couldn't. There was never a day that we
went to bed on an empty stomach because of
that man yet my mother does not want us to
help him. The least I could have done is help his
daughter get a job but I listened to my mother.
Sizwe: Why do you think that is the case?
London: If I did, we would have never gotten any
peace. I wanna have a relationship with my
other family members but at the same time, I
don't wanna fight with my mother.
Sizwe: Find a balance.
London: How?
Sizwe: You will figure it out. I have to go. I just
wanted to bring you some sunshine .
London: You sure did.
Sizwe: I will see you later.
London: Yea

They hugged and kissed before he left...

At Puleng's

Kagiso sat by the corner couch while his wife

made the bed. For the very first time in a long
time, he felt complete. He looked at his
wedding band and smiled.
Puleng: Dude that is weird as fu*k.
Kagiso: So we are really married?
Puleng:(laughed) For life baby!
Kagiso: It feels beautiful.
Puleng: I know right.
Kagiso: So any plans for the day?
Puleng: I was thinking of getting us some new
bedding and maybe a few house items. I
wanna revamp.Do you mind?
Kagiso: Ofcourse not. It's your house too. You
can do whatever you want.
Puleng: Glad to hear that.
Kagiso: What's wrong with the bedding?
Puleng:It's not really my style. We can use it in
the guest room.
Kagiso: Can't we just keep it? My mum bought
me this bedding a few months ago.It's some
Egyptian what not. You know how my mum is. If
she finds out that we are not using it, she will
throw a fit.
Puleng: But I don't like it.
Kagiso: I get that babe but my mum bought it.
Puleng: Oh...

He noticed the change in her mood...

Kagiso: Are you okay?

Puleng: Can I ask you something?
Kagiso: Yes honey.
Puleng: Are we going to use everything that
your mother buys you even if one of us doesn't
like it?
Kagiso: That's not what I said babe. I was just
saying that we should use it out of respect and
Puleng: Love, this is our bedroom. This is where
we become ourselves and do whatever we want.
What our bedroom looks like should be up to us
not your mother.
Kagiso: I know hun but can you imagine if she
came in here and realized that we were not
using it?
Puleng: Came in where?
Kagiso: In our bedroom.
Puleng: How? Is this not our matrimonial

She shook her head and laughed...

Kagiso: Why does it sound like you want to pick

a fight with me?
Puleng: I don't want to pick a fight with you. I
just need you to understand that I am your wife
and I come first. As you said, this is our home.
We do what's best for us. I will do my best to
love and respect your mother but I can't and will
not forsake my needs and wants to please her. I
love you so much and marrying you was not a
mistake but I need to know that I come first and
if you ever need to protect me, you will. And I
mean from anybody.
Kagiso: Are we still talking about bedding here?
Puleng: I am going to take a shower. I have a
meeting in town.
Kagiso: Fill the tub, I will be join you.
Puleng: I am already running late. Let me bath

She grabbed her rob and left without giving him

a chance to respond...
Kagiso: Basadi! (Women!)

At Nandos African Mall

Thabiso pushed his plate back and widened his

eyes concentrating on the beauty that had just
walked into the restaurant. The brown skinned,
petite pear shaped beauty was draped in a long
black maxi dress. She wore a deep red lipstick
which complimented her full lips. As she took
off her shades, he fell in love with her marble
eyes. He took a sip from his juice then stood up
heading straight to her. He met gorgeous
women every single day but there was
something different about this one and he
wasn't letting go. He took a deep breath then
approached her.
Thabiso: Dumela tlhemma. ( Hello) I don't mean
to be rude.Is it ok if I buy you some brunch?
Me: Hie. Am good thanks.
Thabiso: Would it be rude if I asked you to join
me on my table?

I looked at him and secretly scanned him...The

light skinned hunk with broad shoulders and
arms that were tattooed had captured my
attention. I had always thought that my Loapi
had no match when it came to looks till I met
this stranger...

Me: I don't know.

Thabiso: Sit with me for a few minutes. If you
don't like my company then you can get your
own table.
There was something about his husky voice
that commanded one to listen...

Me: Where is your table?

Thabiso: Over there.
Me: I will join you. Let me put in my order.
Thabiso: Thank you.
Me: Cool.

After I had put in my order, I joined the

gentleman on his table.

Thabiso: Thabiso...

He extended his hand to mine...

Me: Ney.
Thabiso: Ney for?
Me: Onneile.
Thabiso: You look incredible.

I looked at my plain maxi dress and rolled my


Thabiso:(Smiled) You don't agree?

Me: I didn't say that.
Thabiso: Well your facial expression did.
Me: It's just a dress.
Thabiso: To you.
Me: Do you say that to all the girls you meet
Thabiso: (laughed) Wow. First of all,this is my
first time here and secondly, no. I don't say that
to all the girls.
Me: So what do you want?
Thabiso: Meaning?
Me: Why did you invite me to your table.
Thabiso: Straight to the point hey.
Me: Answer the question.
Thabiso: I would like to know you and maybe be
friends with you.
Me: Does your girlfriend know that you go
around asking other girls to be your friend?
Thabiso: If that is your way of asking if I have a
girlfriend then...

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Distance & Time
# 22

Me: So what do you want?

Thabiso: Meaning?
Me: Why did you invite me to your table.
Thabiso: Straight to the point hey.
Me: Answer the question.
Thabiso: I would like to know you and maybe be
friends with you.
Me: Does your girlfriend know that you go
around asking other girls to be your friend?
Thabiso: If that is your way of asking if I have a
girlfriend then yes. I recently just started seeing
Me:So why go around making friends?
Thabiso: Because even outside my relationship,
I am still a whole individual with a life.
Me: Does your girlfriend agree with that?
Thabiso: (Chuckled) Something tells me that we
will be good friends.
Me: I haven't agreed to being your friend.
Thabiso: So what is it that you do?
Me: I am a student at UB.
Thabiso: Nice.So what is it that you study?
Me: Bachelor of Social Work.
Thabiso: Mma Boi
Me:(laughed) Iya. So what do you do?
Thabiso: I am a DSA at Bank Tswana.
Me: DSA?
Thabiso: Direct Sales Agent. I sell loans for a
Me: Interesting.
Thabiso: It is.
Me: So where is your girlfriend?
Thabiso: At work.
Me: Oh...
Thabiso: (Smiled) It sounds like you are more
interested in her.
Me: I was just asking.
Thabiso: Oh ok.What's your day looking like
Me: I just came to grab some lunch. Once I am
done here, I am heading back to school.
Thabiso: You live on campus?
Me: Yeah.
Thabiso: How would you like to spice up your
day today?
Me: How?
Thabiso: I am going to meet up with a client just
near UB. Come with me and see what I do daily?
Me: Just like that?
Thabiso: Yeah.I will show you the ropes then
maybe one of these days you can work with me
and make some extra money.
Me: I don't know.
Thabiso: Come on. What I do is very
interesting.You will love it.
Me: How do I know that you won't run away with
Thabiso: You can send my number plate to a
Me: (laughed) You always have answers for
Thabiso: That's why I am the best DSA at my

At Loapi's

Loapi frustratedly tapped his feet after

numerously trying to get hold of Ney. The
thought of her crying her eyes out alone
somewhere broke his heart. Although they had
ended things, he still cared about her.

Boi: What is it?

Loapi: I think Ney blocked my calls.
Boi: I would have probably done the same.
Loapi: Who's side are you on?
Boi: I am on the side of right.What you did to
that girl is not right. I know what I said when
you left here but if that girl stayed faithful to you
for two years while you were overseas then you
have lost out on really good woman.
Loapi: I don't think that we are right for each
other. What I am building with Karen is better.
Boi: You know what I think?
Loapi: What?
Boi: I think you don't know what you want. You
are confused. You don't deserve to be with any
of those girls. If Ney had not seen those
pictures then you would probably be with her,
telling her how she is the love of your life.
Loapi: She is but love will never be enough. I
need someone that is on the same level as me.
Boi: Whatever that means.
Loapi: You know that I am right.
Boi: Well I hope that you know what you are
doing in that case.
Loapi: I am going to lie down in my room.
Boi: Right...

Maruapula flats

Thabiso and I sat in the car waiting for his

client...While we waited,he briefed me on the
purpose of the meeting.

Thabiso: This client is interested in

consolidating his loans.I have already went
through his pay slips and bank statements and
he qualifies. The purpose of today's
appointment is to seal the deal so I need to
convince him.
Me: What do you mean consolidate loans? And
why do you need to convince him if he is
already interested?
Thabiso: When we consolidate, we roll all his
debts into one. We are basically settling all his
loans so he only has one loan running which will
be with us.He is not comfortable with our rates
so I need to convince him that even with our
rates, his loan will be beneficial.
Me: Do you think you can do that?
Thabiso: When we leave his flat, the application
forms should be signed oh let me rephrase that
,they will be signed.
Me: You are that confident?
Thabiso: I know my job baby girl.

He looked at the time and smiled...

Thabiso: Grind time. Let's go.

Me: Who will you say I am ?
Thabiso: My colleague.
Me: He won't mind?
Thabiso: Trust me baby girl.I got you.

At Mma KG

Kagelo threw her shoes and bag on the couch

then sat down and took off her bra.

Kagelo: Mama.
Mma KG: Hello to you too Kagelo. This is why
you will never leave my house. Which man will
marry a woman that undresses as soon as she
steps into the house?
Kagelo: How was your day?
Mma KG: Don't change the topic. I want to know
when you are getting married and moving out.
Kagelo: Ever since Kagiso got married we don't
have peace in this house.
Mma KG: He did what all of you are failing to do!
Kagelo:(laughed) Heelang!
Mma KG: You are not getting any younger le
gone I want grandchildren. What's the point of
all this money your father left me if I do not
have any grandchildren to spoil.
Kagelo: I am sure Kagiso will have children
Mma KG: I wil find out when I get there.
Kagelo: (Smiled) Leaving already?
MmaKG: I want to go and see them in a few
days. What kind of a mother would i be if I just
stay here while my sons are fighting amongst
Kagelo: See them for what? You already picked
a side
Mma KG: I didn't pick a side. You kids need to
grow up.
Kagelo:I hope that Kago sees it that way.
Mma KG: I am going to help him find a house.
How he sees it is his own baby. He needs to
move out from his brother's house and give him
some breathing space with his wife.
Kagelo: I am going to take a shower.

She picked up her bag and shoes then left...

At Maruapula flats

Thabiso learned against the car and dangled

his keys smiling from ear to ear...

Thabiso: What do you say?

Me: I don't know whether to call you a liar or a
very good DSA.
Thabiso: Come on.
Me: You just told the guy that if he takes the
loan and consolidates then he will have extra
cash that he can start up a poultry business
Thabiso: I wasn't lying. He will have enough.
Me: And the entire Bank Tswana will buy
chickens from him.
Thabiso: (laughed)I had to seal the deal.There
is a lot of commission riding on that loan.
Me: What about him? Shouldn't he be trying to
stay away from more loans?
Thabiso: Trust me. After the loan has been
approved and we have cleared all his existing
loans, his payslip will be way better than it is
now. Let me drop you off.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Karen pushed her plate back and sighed...It had

been a week since she had last heard from
Loapi and she was beginning to get worried.

Lauren: Aren't you going to eat?

Karen: Am good.
Lauren: What's bothering you?
Karen: Nothing is bothering me mum. I have
had a really long day that's all.
Lauren: Did I miss something? Weren't you
home all day?
Karen: Am just going through stuff.
Lauren: It's that boy, isn't it?
Karen: I don't know what you are talking about.
Lauren: Karen I told you that once you play
second fiddle in a relationship, no man takes
you seriously.
Karen: Mum!
Lauren: I am your mother and I will always tell
you the truth.
Karen: When did grandma say that she is
passing by?
Lauren: I know what you are doing.
Karen: It's important that I see her.
Lauren: Then just drive to her place.
Karen: Sounds like a good idea. Let me make
her some butter tarts.
Lauren: Use the corn syrup.
Karen: Ok.

She glady excused herself and went into the



Thabiso: It was nice meeting you.

Me: Thank you for the little adventure. I actually
enjoyed it.
Thabiso: I can tell.
Me: (Smiled) Iya.
Thabiso: Let me take you on the next one if you
are free.
Me: I would love that.
Thabiso: May I have your number?
Me: Uhhhh....Yeah.Give me your phone.

He handed me his phone and I punched in my

number then gave it back to him...

Thabiso: Thank you.

Me: it was nice meeting you.
Thabiso: Likewise.

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Distance & Time
# 23
The following day

At Mma Puleng's

Loapi stood outside by the door for a few

minutes before retreating...He had tried to get
hold of Ney without any luck.He took a deep
breath then finally gathered the strength to
knock... He thought of running away and as he
was about to put his thoughts into action, Mma
Puleng opened the door.

Mma Puleng: Dumela ngwanaka.

They exchanged pleasantries briefly...

Mma Puleng: How can I help you my son?

Loapi: I think I am lost. I am looking for a
gentleman called John.
Mma Puleng: You are definitely lost my son.I
don't know any John around here but you can
ask the neighbours. They may know something.
Loapi: Thank you Mme. I will keep asking
Mma Puleng: You will find him.
Loapi: I hope so. Let me get going.
Mma Puleng: Go well my son.
Loapi: Thank you very much Mme. God bless

She waved at him as he left then went inside

the house.

Rra Puleng: Who was that?

Mma Puleng:(Smiled) It was a young man that
says he is lost. He is looking for a certain John.
Rra Puleng: Ok. So why are you smiling?
Mma Puleng: He seems like a very nice child.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we
had a son?
Rra Puleng: No. I am just grateful for what God
gave us and besides, God gave us a son
through Puleng. I have faith that Ney will also
get married some day.
Mma Puleng: I would like that. I pray to God that
when that time comes, she finds a humble
young man , just like the one I have just met out.
Rra Puleng: Just like our son. That young man
is a good person.
Mma Puleng: He is indeed. I pray that nothing
comes between him and Puleng.
Rra Puleng: They will make it.
Mma Puleng: Amen.

At Tebogo's

I put down my phone and giggled. For the very

first time in days, I felt lighter.

Tebogo: Don't tell me that you are thinking of

taking him back.
Me:Taking who back?
Tebogo: Loapi. Isn't that who you are talking to?
Me: No. I am talking to a guy I met yesterday.
Tebogo:Guy? Yesterday?
Me: Before you go on a hunt, relax. It's not what
you think it is.
Tebogo: What is it then?
Me: I met this guy at Nandos and we connected
as friends. After we had lunch, he took me with
him to his appointment. He is a DSA at a bank.
We are just catching up on that.
Tebogo: So you two just talk about work?
Me: Yeah. He even has a girlfriend.
Tebogo: Well you are an adult so you know
what you are doing. I just hope that you are not
planning to rush into a relationship. Forget what
I said about fu*king whoever you want any day.
I was drunk. Heal and do you.
Me: Nah. I am looking for a part time job to
distract me. I need to heal but when am done
baby, when am done...
Tebogo: (laughed) That's the spirit baby girl. I
hope that Loapi doesn't bother you anymore.
Me: I blocked his calls.
Tebogo: He called me two days ago.
Me: I hope that you told him where to get off.
Tebogo: Always at the top of my game.
Me: Good. I don't want that boy anywhere near

I frustratedly rubbed my face and sighed...

Tebogo: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah. I jus...I still love him so bad it
hurts.This is a guy i was...argh

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears...

Tebogo: You held on for so long...It's bound to

hurt but you will heal love. I know you will.
She held my hand....

Me: Where did I go wrong? I was faithful and

supportive. I thought that I was there in every
way. What hurts me is the fact that I asked him
not to do this to me. I told him that if he ever
found someone then he could tell me and move
on. How do you lie to someone for two years
then come back and act normal?
Tebogo: Men! When a man is in action, even
Satan stops to take notes.
Me: I am so disappointed in Loapi. I didn't think
that he was capable of this.
Tebogo: Unfortunately everyone is capable of
cheating and lying friend. Just focus on being
the best version of yourself. God will see you
through on this one.
At Loapi's

Boi stood by her brother's door and held her

waist...She had never seen her brother in that
space but deep down, she knew that he
deserved it.

Boi: Would you like something to eat?

Loapi: Don't you knock anymore.
Boi: Let's not forget who is older here.
Loapi: I am sorry sis. I am just stressed out.
Boi: Permission to speak freely?
Loapi: Not today sis...
Boi: I am sorry but you deserve it. What you put
that girl through is nothing compared to what
you are feeling right now. I don't even
understand why you are stressed.
Loapi: I never meant to hurt Ney.
Boi: Well either way, you did hurt her so learn to
live with it because there is no undoing it.
Loapi: Kindness won't kill you.
Boi: Do you want something to eat?
Loapi: Am good thanks.
Boi: Ehe. What's eating you up?
Loapi: Something happened between Ney and I.
I need to know if we will have a problem in
future or not. I don't understand why she is
avoiding me because it concerns the both of us.
Boi: Byeee...

At Kagiso's

Puleng placed her husband's bank card on the

kitchen counter then proceeded to get a snack.
Kagiso: Were you able to find the bedding you
Puleng: I wouldn't want to upset your mum. I
didn't touch a cent.
Kagiso: Babe...

He put his beer glass on the counter then stood

before his wife...

Kagiso: I am really sorry about yesterday

morning. I was wrong. This is our house. You
have every right to change whatever you want
to change.My mother has no say in what our
home should or shouldn't look like especially
our matrimonial bedroom. The truth is that all
this is new to me, I am used to having my
mother tell me what my house should look like.
Puleng: Have you told her that?
Kagiso: Not yet.
Puleng: Maybe that's where you should start
because she has texted me to let me know that
she is coming over in two days.
Kagiso: I don't think she is coming to cause any
trouble otherwise she would have said
Puleng: How would you know that?
Kagiso: My mother doesn't have the element of
surprise. I know her too well.
Puleng: If your brother thinks that I am the one
that wants him to move out then your mother
probably thinks the same.
Kagiso: Kago is just being a cry baby. I
explained to him that I am the one responsible.
Puleng: I still feel like your approach and timing
were wrong.
Kagiso: How so?
Puleng: You should have talked to him before
we got married. No one will believe that I had
nothing to do with it if you have never
mentioned it when I was not in the picture.
Kagiso: There was a lot going on before the
wedding. I will apologise to him.
Puleng: Ok.
Kagiso: Are we cool?
Puleng: Yeah.
Kagiso: I am sorry if I sounded like my mother
comes first. You are my wife and you will
always come first.
Puleng: I don't ever wanna find myself crying
for you to be on my side.
Kagiso: I will always be on your side baby.
Puleng:I love you.
She put her snack platter down then embraced
her husband...

Kagiso: I love you too honey. Don't you forget


He let go of her then picked up his phone and

sent his work schedule.

Kagiso: I have sent you my schedule.

Puleng: When do you start flying?
Kagiso: In two days time.
Puleng: When your mother gets here?
Kagiso: Yeah.
Puleng: So it's just gonna be me,Kago and her?
Kagiso: No one will make you uncomfortable.
Puleng: I don't know about that.
Kagiso: Do you want me to ask her the purpose
of her visit?
Puleng: Has she mentioned coming here to you?
Kagiso: No,not yet.
Puleng: Then don't ask her. I don't want it to
seem like I don't want her here.
Kagiso: I can find a better way of asking her.
Puleng: Let it go. We will eventually find out.
Kagiso: Are you sure love?
Puleng: Yeah.
Kagiso: Ok.

He grabbed his card and put it in his wallet.

Puleng: And now?
Kagiso: I thought that you didn't need it
Puleng: That was when we were fighting. Now
that you have apologized, I can spend freely.
Kagiso: (laughed) Women!

Bakang's Office

Malebogo stood by the door and waved at

Bakang before proceeding inside...

Malebogo: Hey you.

Bakang: Hey...

He responded back with his head burried in his

Malebogo: Are you not going out for lunch?
Bakang: Nah...I brought a lunch pack.
Malebogo: Boring.Let me take you out for lunch.
Bakang: Thank you. I don't mean to be rude but
I am really busy.
Malebogo: I will help you with that after lunch.

He took a deep breath and pushed his files


Bakang: Listen Lebo, I don't think that's a good


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Distance & Time
# 24
Bakang's Office

Bakang: Listen Lebo, I don't think that's a good

Malebogo: Why?
Bakang: You and I have a history.
Malebogo: Are you trying to tell me that people
with a history can't eat?
Bakang: You know exactly what I mean.
Malebogo: No I don't...
She pulled a chair and sat down...

Bakang: You are my ex girlfriend.

Malebogo: So?
Bakang: So I have a girlfriend and I doubt that
she would appreciate me going out for lunch
with you.
Malebogo: Oh please.
Bakang: I am surprised that you are dismissing
it when you also didn't want me to have any
contact with any of my exes when we were
Malebogo: I am just offering you lunch not my
cookie jar. Unless you are still mad that I picked
Ronny over you.
Bakang: This has nothing to do with who you
picked. It's got everything to do with the fact
that I respect my girlfriend's feelings.
Malebogo: I should have never left you.
Bakang: Can I get back to work?
Malebogo: How many times do I need to
Bakang: You don't owe me any apologies. You
did what you thought was right at the time. I
was hurt but I have accepted it now and moved
on with my life.
Malebogo: How do you just accept that and
move on when we were at the verge of getting
Bakang: You realize that you deserve better and
keep your head held high.
Malebogo: I was young,naive and stupid.
Bakang: You wanna know something?
Malebogo: Yeah.
Bakang: I loved you very much and I don't regret
a thing. I did everything in my power to save our
relationship but in the end, it was not meant to
be. I appreciate the impact you had in my life no
matter how painful it was because I learnt to
value myself.
Malebogo: Just give me another chance to be
the woman you need. Bakang we belong
together and we are better together. Do you
know how many things we can achieve together?
You know very well that Tebogo is too young
for you gape she is not even your type. Let's
start over.
Bakang: I think we are done here.Please leave.
Malebogo: I am not about to give up on us. I will
fight for us the same way you did.

She stood up and stared at him for a few

minutes before trotting outside...
At Loapi's

Loapi read Karen's messages and sighed...At

this point, he was not certain that he had made
the right decision. He wiped his face and put his
phone away then video called Karen from his

Karen: Why do you want?

Loapi: Hey babe.
Karen: Where the hell have you been?
Loapi: I am sorry that I have been unavailable.
There was so much going on.
Karen: I don't really care, at this point all I want
is to know if you two are done? If you still
haven't told her then we are done.
Loapi: She and I are done.
Karen: That's all I wanna know.
Loapi: I am sorry that I have been MIA...I just
needed to process a few things.
Karen: Next time, leave a text message and let
me know. Don't just disappear.
Loapi: Am sorry hun. It won't happen again.
Karen: Now that you have processed things, do
you know what you want?
Loapi: Yeah. I want our relationship to work

She smiled and blushed...

Karen: I am happy to hear that.

Loapi: I can't wait to get back.
Karen: I can't wait for you to get back either.
Loapi: I will call you back just now love. Let me
attend to something.

He hanged up and closed his eyes... Although

he had made his decision, all he could think
about was Ney and how she was doing. He
couldn't get her cry out of his head.

Loapi: Ahhh fu*k!

Two days later...

Puleng helped her mother in law with unloading

her luggage from the car...

Mma KG: Thank you my child.

She pushed the two trolley bags inside the

Puleng: Have a sit, I will put these in the guest

Mma KG: Emma.

She sat down and looked around the living

room inspecting every little thing...

Puleng: Can I offer you something to drink?

Mma KG: I am fine my daughter. I had
something to drink a few minutes ago.
Puleng: Emma.

She sat down and smiled hoping that she had

made a good impression...
Mma KG: When will your husband be here?
Puleng: He gets back tomorrow.
Mma KG: Good. That gives us enough time to
get to know each other and address a few
Puleng: Emma.

She tried to relax but one could tell from her

body language that she was nervous...

Mma KG: I hear that your husband and his

brother are fighting.
Puleng: I..It was never my intention to cause
any fights between them... I di...
Mma KG: There is no need to explain. A woman
needs to be honest and real enough to express
how she feels.If you are not honest then you
will never be happy. I do not blame you at all for
wanting some privacy. You and Kagiso are
young and you have just gotten married. You
are on your honeymoon phase. Your brother
shouldn't be living with you.
Puleng: Emma. I don't know what to say tota.
Mma KG: Kago has always been dependent on
his twin even as a child but the truth is that they
are both two individuals that should live
separate lives. At this point he should be
thinking of getting a job and settling down but
because he is used to his brother doing
everything for him, he has closed his mind.
Puleng: I hear you Mma Ranna but I for one
understand how unemployment can close your
Mma KG: (laughed)Gatwe Mma Ranna. Just call
me mum like the rest of my children. Puleng
you are now my child.
Puleng:(Smiled) Emma.
Mma KG: I want to share something with you
since it's just the two of us. You see, I know the
pain of not being accepted and loved by your in
laws and that is something I never want any of
my children to go through. Although I was
legally married to Kagiso's father, I never felt
that way because none of his family members
accepted me. Everyone thought that I didn't
care but the truth is that it hurt me. I put on a
brave face in front of everyone to save face and
spare my children the pain. As the years went
by, I accepted that they would never love and
accept me. With the love and support from my
husband , I realized that I lacked nothing. We
were happy and successful because he stood
by me and supported me in all of my dreams
,that the love and approval from his family
didn't matter.After his death, i realized that I
was alone. Apart from my children , there was
no one to share my pain with because from my
side, I have no family.I didn't want to burden my
children with my own pain so I kept everything
inside. Imagine how easy things would have
been if I had the support of my in laws. I want
you to be free with me my girl. If Kagiso is
bothering you, feel free to tell me and I will put
him in line. I know my children think I am hard
on them at times but that's only because I want
what's best for them so if I am ever hard on you,
just know that it's because I love you as my own
and I want what's best for you.
Puleng:(Smiled) Emma. Thank you for that
Mma KG: (Smiled) That's more like it.
Puleng: Let me get started on dinner.
Mma KG: Why don't we just go out for dinner?
Let me treat you.
Puleng: You don't have to. I am happy to cook.
Mma Puleng: What else will I do with my money
since I don't have any grandchildren?

She winked at her daughter in law and laughed...

Puleng: You will have them...

Mma Puleng: Ako le berekeleng mo nakong
banna. ( Hurry up in that case).

At Bakang's

Bakang put his feet on the table and browsed

through Box office while his girlfriend stood in
the kitchen and made dinner... He smiled as she
hummed and danced...
Bakang: Wena tlhe o setshururu. ( You can't
dance to save your life).
Tebogo: This is the problem I have with an open
kitchen.Why can't you mind your own business.
Bakang:(laughed) Owai!
Tebogo: Atleast I can boil water and cook.
Bakang:(laughed) We are getting personal.
Aren't we?
Tebogo:(laughed) Did I strike a nerve?
Bakang: O ntena gore.
Tebogo: (Giggled) How was your day?
Bakang: It was alright. How was yours?
Tebogo: Not bad.
Bakang: Babe.
Tebogo: Hmm...
Bakang: Do you see a future with me?
Tebogo: (laughed) Uhu!
Bakang: I am serious, Jokes aside. I want to
know if you are all in.
Tebogo: As I said, we will see where this life
takes us. I want a future with you. Bakang I love
you and what we have is rare.
Bakang: I want a future with you too baby. By
the end of this year, we should know where we
are headed to.
Tebogo: I guess.
Bakang: I know that it's too soon but I am in it
for the long haul.Am serious about you.
Tebogo: Aww baby!
Bakang: I need to know that we are on the same
Tebogo: Am with you babe.
Bakang:Tima dipitsa ee. (Turn off the post.)
Tebogo: Aww daddy....

She turned off the post and joined him in the

living room...

Goodmorning 🌞
Don't forget to hit the like button and show us
some love 😘
Our sponsor for the day will be announced...
Distance & Time
# 25
Daily Grind,Main Mall

Thabiso paged through the loan application

while I enjoyed my breakfast...He had taken me
on four appointments with clients and I was
learning the ropes slowly...

Thabiso: This looks fine. Hopefully the new debt

ratio won't affect him.
Me: And what if it does?
Thabiso: Then we will have to push for the
minimum amount he can get because clearly
this loan is important to him.
Me: Okay. How far with Mr Seanokeng's loan?
When do you think they will approve it?
Thabiso: I am not sure when it will be credited
but when I called this morning, I was told that it
was at credit.
Me: Ok.
Thabiso: From next week I am giving you my
data base so that you can call a few clients that
have recently cleared their loans with us. Do
convince them and close the deal.
Me: I am happy to do that.
Thabiso: Each loan makes five percent. You get
three and I keep two.
Me: How do you benefit?
Thabiso: I benefit from the two percent and the
fact that these loans are filled under my name
which means that I stand a better chance of
reaching my target and staying the best DSA in
my branch and through out the entire country.
Me: Sounds fair.
Thabiso: Does that mean that we have a deal?
Me: Deal.
Thabiso: Cool. Finish up and let's get to our next
appointment. By the way when did you say that
you needed to be at school?
Me: By three. I don't have any lessons but I need
to hit the library after lunch.
Thabiso: I will drop you off after our

At Puleng's

Kagiso looked at his brother and cleared his

throat...The two had been keeping away from
each other since their disagreement and none
of them was ready to compromise and meet
the other halfway...

Kagiso: Please pass me the juice.

Kago continued eating and ignored his brother
as if he didn't exist...

Kagiso: Kago!
Kago: What?
Kagiso:Please pass me the juice.
Kago: Why don't you ask your wife?

Puleng stood up...

Kagiso: Babe sit down.

Puleng: It's fine.
Kago: Let her pass you the juice since you have
picked her over your own flesh and blood.
Mma KG:(laughed) What exactly are two
fighting for?
Kago: I am not fighting anyone. They are
fighting me since they have kicked me out of
their house.
Mma KG: And yet you are here.
Kago: When Kagelo said that you had picked a
side, I didn't think that it was true. I can not
believe that you are taking her side. Puleng has
not even been here for a year yet all of you are
already picking her.She is clearly good.
Kagiso: Mind how you talk about my wife boy.I
don't want to fight with you.
Mma KG: (laughed) This is what happens when
a man over thirty follows his brother everywhere.
Now that he is married, you feel like his wife is
replacing you. Kago my son, you can not be
your brother's responsibility forever. At some
point you need to find yourself and build
something of your own.
Kago: This is not about anyone replacing me.
This is about a new member of the family
asking my brother to kick me out. Does Puleng
know what me and my brother have been
through? How do you come and separate family?
It's been years since Kagiso and I have been
living together. There was never a time he
showed me that he had a problem with me
being here. He marries her and he suddenly
Mma KG: You don't know marriage. Marriage
can change you!
Kago: Exactly!
Mma KG: As it should. Do you think that one
can marry and remain the same? Kago your
brother and his wife need space. When will they
make children if you are always here?I know
you don't understand all this because you are
not married but once you do, everything
changes. There is nothing wrong with Puleng
controlling her husband. I also controlled your
father till his last breath.
Kagiso: And so you know, my wife has never
said anything about you being here. If anything
she advocated for you to stay here after I told
her. Even when I have told her several times
that she shouldn't dish for you, she still
does.You never wash dishes or do anything in
this house but my wife has never complained
once. For days you have been throwing shade
at her but she still keeps quiet. I don't know why
you keep disrespecting her but continue
because you will be separated from me for real.
I don't understand why it's hard for you to
support me.
Mma KG: Ya go talela mosadi wa motho e eme
ngwanaka. ( You should stop disrespecting
someone's wife.) You are very blessed to have
such a patient sister in law. You two both know
how I would have turned the whole house
upside down if this was being done to me.
Puleng: Kago I know that you will probably
never believe me but I have never asked your
brother to kick you out. I would never do that to
someone who is unemployed like myself. I
know the pain of trying to get your life together
yet nothing comes up. I am really sorry if I
offended you somehow.Please enjoy your

She stood up and left...

Kagiso: Do you see what you have done?

Kago: I didn't know...

He covered his face and sighed...

Kago: How would I have known that she was on

my side?
Kagiso: I kept telling you that the entire time but
you just kept pushing her.You are my brother.
You are supposed to be supporting me not
causing unrest in my home.

He stood up and went after his wife...

Mma KG: Kago my son.

Kago: Mma...
Mma KG: I don't like how you treated your sister.
You more than anyone, know what I went
through and what I continue to go through with
my inlaws. I do not want any of my children to
experience that pain.
Kago: Emma.
Mma KG: You know very well that your brother
is right about you moving out. You have known
this from the very first time he told you. The
only reason you were acting up is because you
believed that Puleng was behind it mme kana
ngwana, those two are now one. Whatever
decision is made concerning their home is a
collective decision. You are also old enough to
stand on your own feet.
Kago: I still haven't found a job yet.
Mma KG: The allowance i give you monthly is
enough for you to find a bachelor pad and still
buy food and pay bills.
Kago: (laughed) Mum things are different in
Gaborone. Five thousand is not enough for all
the things you have mentioned.
Mma KG:If that's the case then come home or
better yet, find a job.
Kago: It's not that easy.
Mma KG: It's not easy when you are not making
an effort. Just think about it. If you come home
then you can run one of the family business.
Kago: Why can't you add an extra two thousand.
I know that you can afford it.
Mma KG: Kago you are not my husband. I am
offering to give you a job and you are asking me
for extra money. If you want to struggle in
Gaborone then that's your business.
Kago: I am not ready to move back home. If I
come back now without achieving a thing then I
will be a failure.
Mma KG:It's up to you what you do after moving
out my son mme hela when I leave this house
next week,we will be leaving together. Where
you go from here is your decision.

In Puleng's bedroom

Kagiso sat by the corner couch with his wife...

They had been holding hands quietly for a while
till he broke the silence.

Kagiso: I am sorry about what happened. You

shouldn't have to apologize to my brother. You
did nothing wrong. If anyone should be
apologizing then it should be him.
Puleng:I just don't want to be the reason why
you don't have a relationship with your brother. I
know I didn't do anything wrong. I was just
apologizing for the sake of peace and for the
sake of your relationship with your brother. In
time, he will realize that he was wrong.
Kagiso: Well if he doesn't then that's his
problem. At this point I don't really care.
Puleng: You should. He is your only brother. I
am not saying that he and I are going to be best
friends but for the sake of you and your mother,
I will try to have a relationship with him.
Kagiso: I don't know what I did to deserve you.
Puleng are a constant reminder that every man
deserves some peace in their life.
Puleng: I love you.
Kagiso: I love you too honey. I need to get to
work. I will see you later.

Three months later

Have a great weekend...Sponsor's page shall be
posted. Once target is reached one of the
admins will reward you.
Distance & Time
# 26
Three months later

At Chicken Licken Main Mall

Thabiso smiled and waved at Ney from a

distance signalling her to his table...It was a day
after pay day and the restaurant was
packed.She had put in a lot of work in the last
couple of months and her payday had finally

Me: Hey.I am sorry I am late. The traffic was

insane and the comby kept delaying in every
Thabiso: Hey. It's month end so it's busy.I hope
that you don't mind but I have already placed an
Me:No worries.
I opened my bag and took out a few loan
applications then gave them to him...

Thabiso: So you managed to convince all three

of them?
Me: What can I say? I learnt from the best DSA.
Thabiso: Right...

He smiled and went through them...

Thabiso: They are all getting a hundred

thousand...Wow! Am impressed. That's nine
thousand pula for you if they get approved. But
first let's sort out this one.

He smiled and took out his phone. A minute

later, a message reported in my phone.

Thabiso: Six thousand as agreed. Thank you my

girl, you are a star. I managed to reach my
target in fact I doubled it.
Me:(Smiled) Payday.
Thabiso: Spend it wisely.
Me: I intend to.
Thabiso: Good. So how is school? I hope this is
not getting in the way.
Me: Never! I am on top of my game.
Thabiso: That's what I want to hear.
Me: Let me take you out for a drink.
Thabiso: You don't have to.
Me: I want to thank you.
Thabiso: You really don't have to. You earned it.
Me: Well I want to and I am not taking no for an
Thabiso: Let me check if my girlfriend made any
Me: (Forced smile) Sure. Go right ahead.
Thabiso: Get this receipt and collect our order
while I call.
Me: Cool.

I picked up the receipt and went to collect the

order while he called his girlfriend.

Thabiso: Hey babe.

Mareledi: Hey love.
Thabiso: Have you made any plans for us
tonight? A friend wants to take me out for a
Mareledi: Not really. I thought that we could
stay indoors and watch movies this weekend.
Thabiso: Let's do that.
Mareledi: You can go out tonight. We will watch
movies tomorrow.
Thabiso: Thank you babe.
Mareledi: Sure. Listen let's talk later. I need to
attend a client.
Thabiso: Sure.

At Mmadinare, Mma KG's

Mma KG sat on a garden chair in the patio

while Puleng stood up and oiled her hair...It had
been two days since Puleng had arrived and the
two were having a great time bonding and
catching up.
Mma KG: That woman that was here is the one
that the Ranna's wanted your father in law to
Puleng:(Shocked) So why does she still come
Mma KG: Over the years, she and I became
really good friends.
Puleng: So how does the family feel about it?
Mma KG: They are not happy about it which
makes me happy.
Puleng:(laughed) Family politics are everywhere.
Mma KG: You can't outrun them.
Puleng:(Cleared throat) Is it just me or Kagelo
doesn't like me?
Mma KG: Ignore that one. She is always sour.
Puleng: Did I do something to her unknowingly?
Mma KG: That one is childish even at her age.
When you are here, you are here to see me my
child. You shouldn't worry yourself about
anyone else. All those people you see here are
tenants including your husband. This is my
Puleng: I understand that but I wouldn't want to
upset Kagiso's sisters.
Mma KG:(laughed) Oh my child! You are really
sweet and you have a good heart but let me tell
you something,when it comes to marriage and
in laws, you are going to have to have a thick
skin.If you are always soft, everyone will step on
you including your husband. Sometimes raise
your voice a little so he knows that he can not
do as he pleases with you.
Puleng: (Laughed) Nna kana ga ke itsi go
omana mama. ( I don't know how to shout).
Mma KG: That's why you have me. I will teach
you everything that you need to know.
Puleng:(laughed) Kagiso told me that you
almost killed his aunt during the wedding.
Mma KG:(laughed) They know me.

At Mma Puleng's

I packed the groceries I had brought with me

while my mother washed the dishes...

Mma Puleng: That food better not be from your

sugar daddy.
Me:(laughed) Ao mama. I told you that I have a
part time job. I got paid today.
Mma Puleng: (laughed) Yone ya di loan?Di loan
tseo o di rekisang ebe go sa tewe se se fa gare
ga dirope tseo. ( Those loans you are selling
better not be what's in between your legs)
Me: (laughed) Ao mma!
Mma Puleng: Ao mma wa eng. These days you
kids do despicable things all in the name of
Me: You need to trust me more.
Mma Puleng: You can not trust anyone these
days including your own children.
Me: Iyoo. I was planning to find a house of my
own and move out of school.
Mma Puleng:O e senya gone foo. (That's where
you are going wrong).Save all that money
because you never know when it will stop
coming in. That job has no gurantees. You
could make money today then go broke the
next day.
Me: Emma.
Mma Puleng: When you finish start making
Me: I was going to go out.
Mma Puleng: You will go out after you cook. I
am tired of cooking every day. Let me also rest.
Me:I can order food for you?
Mma Puleng: What food?
Me: What about Nandos.
Mma Puleng: Just give me the money. I will
Me:(laughed) I thought you were tired of
Mma Puleng: Leave all that to me. Didn't you
say that you were going out.
Me: I will come spend the night tomorrow. Tell
dad that I will see him then.
Mma Puleng: Ok my baby.
I picked up my handbag and left...

Toronto, Canada

Loapi packed up his study materials while

Karen did her pedicure...

Loapi: I am going to the library. I will see you

when I get back.
Karen: Of lately you have been going to the
library a lot. Are you sure that the only thing you
are doing is studying?
Loapi: Not today Karen.
Karen: Oh yes! Today not any other day. I want
to know exactly what you do when you go out. I
will not sit here while you are cheating on my
Loapi: Who said anything about cheating? In
case you haven't noticed, I have a course to
pass. Just because you don't put in any work
doesn't mean that I won't. I know why I am here
in fact I worked hard to be here.
Karen: Fu*k you Lo! Fu*k you and your stupid
course. You are selfish and weak.
Loapi: Are you seriously insulting me just
because I need to study?
Karen: Son of a bit**!
Loapi: What did you call me?
Karen: You heard me.

He took a deep breath and looked up trying to

stay composed...

Loapi: You know what, we are done!

Karen: Pack up your things and get out.
Loapi: With pleasure.
Karen: There is no coming back.You better be
Loapi: Am done Karen...

He put his things on the bed and grabbed his

lagguage bag from the closet...

Distance & Time
# 27
Later that evening

At Tebogo's

I stood before the mirror in the bathroom while

Tebogo sat by the stool and watched me as I
did my make up.

Tebogo: Ney I don't think that this is a good

idea. The guy has a girlfriend and from what
you told me, he is only interested in business.
Don't you think that this stunt will ruin things for
Me: You will never know until you try. I am
taking a chance and I don't think that there is
anything wrong with it.
Tebogo: That chance has the ability to ruin
someone's relationship and break another
woman's heart. That's not who you are Ney.
Don't make that mistake.
Me: You once told me that people learn from
their mistakes. If this is indeed a mistake then
let me make it and learn from it.
Tebogo: Friend please don't do this.

I picked up my clutch bag and my shoes...

Me: My cab will be here in two minutes. I will tell

you all about it tomorrow. Enjoy your Saturday
with Bakang.
Tebogo: Just be patient chomi. Your time is
Me: Not everyone is meant to have a happy
Tebogo: Please be safe.
Me: I will. Love you
Tebogo: Love you too...


Loapi unpacked his clothes and put up his old

bedding ...His roommate shook his head and

Mulenga: That was short lived.

Loapi: I am done with that chick.
Mulenga: What exactly happend?
Loapi: Dude that girl has zero respect for
me.The only thing she can do right is insult and
scream at me all day.I can't even go to the
library anymore because according to her when
I am out, i am sleeping around. I do not
remember the last time I slept well.
Mulenga: Come on dude, white girls are crazy
like that. What did you expect? I am sure the
good overshadows the bad.
Loapi: That good can go to hell because i am
Mulenga:What planet are you from? Women are
all crazy.
Loapi: Where I come from women are
Mulenga: How's the sex?
Loapi: Honestly?
Mulenga: Yeah.
Loapi: Damm that girl knows all the right angles
and everything there is to know about pleasing
a man but I honestly can't handle her disrespect
and how clingy she is.
Mulenga: If she is clingy then it means she
cares a lot and she loves you.
Loapi: Do I need to remind you that I have been
loved right by a woman? I know exactly what
love is and what it isn't.
Mulenga: You forget that you cheated on
another girl just to be with her. Put yourself in
her shoes. She thinks you will do the same to
Loapi: I don't know about that man. I think
Karen just enjoys bossing me around and
controlling me.She has no reason to think that I
will cheat on her. I have been very transparent
with her.
Mulenga: She knows that you are capable of
cheating.Being transparent will not change that.
You can't tell me that you are giving up just like
that. After losing your girl?
Loapi: I need to take a nap.If Karen comes
around please tell her that I am not here.
Mulenga: You know that she will search the
entire place.
Loapi: Do you see what I mean. This is why I
can't be with her anymore.This is obsession not
Mulenga: So what are you gonna do? Move on
to the next?
Loapi: I don't know. I will think about all that
when I get up. All I know is that I am not getting
back with Karen no matter what.
Mulenga: You said the same thing a month ago
and you still went back. Whatever that woman
is serving, it's got the drip.
Loapi: Whatever man...

At Ulala Restaurant

I looked up and narrowed my eyes then ate a

lemon slice after taking my shot.Thabiso calmly
took his and laughed...

Thabiso: You will get used to it. You eventually

learn to build up your tolerance.
Me: Right.
Thabiso: This place is quite nice. I usually pass
here during the day when it's quite. I didn't think
that it comes to life like this at night.
Me: I love it. I have been here twice.
Thabiso: Do you go out and drink all the time?
No offence, I just wanna know you more.
Me: (laughed) Right... Well not really. I go out
once in a while.
Thabiso: Oh I see.
Me: And you?
Thabiso:(Smiled) I used to. I slowed down after
meeting my girlfriend.
Me: (Rolled eyes) Oh!
Thabiso: Why are you rolling your eyes like that?
Me: You talk about her all the time. No offense
but if I wanted to get to know her then I would
have invited her too.
Thabiso:I sense some attitude there.
Me: Maybe it's because i like you and I enjoy
spending time with you.

I took another shot...

Me: I like you. I have liked you from the very first
time I saw you.
Thabiso: That's not fair Ney. You know that I am
in a serious relationship.
Me:I didn't say end your relationship or anything.
Thabiso:You don't get to do that! Waitsi you
Me:Do what?
Thabiso: When I met you, you made it clear that
you didn't want me from day one. You are the
one that mentioned Mareledi on every one of
our conversation and even told me that I should
make an effort when I told you that I was not
sure about our relationship.
Me: I didn't know you. I had just met you.Now I
know you and I know how I feel about you.
Thabiso: Well you are a little too late to the
party because it's over. I am now committed.
Me: And yet you still hit on me when we met.
Thabiso: It wasn't that serious then.
Me: Says the guy that gave a woman his keys.
Thabiso: It was for convenience. Now what we
have is more than that. I can't just throw it away.
Me: You don't have to throw it away.
Thabiso: Are you listening to yourself?
Me: Yeah.

I passed him his shot and took mine then laid

back on my hair...I slowly pulled up my dress
revealing my clean shaved cookie jar...

Thabiso: Ney!
Me: What?

He shut and opened his eyes like he had just

seen a ghost...

Thabiso: I can't love you. I can't give you what

you want.
Me: I don't want to be loved. I just want
someone to show me a few things.
Thabiso:Well I can't...Pull down that dress.
Me: I don't know about that.
Thabiso: I am telling you to stop behaving like a
little slu* and pull down that dress.Get your bag
and go wait for me in the car because I am
taking you home.

He threw the keys at me...

Thabiso: I am going to settle the bill.

I shamefully bowed and picked the keys then

left to the car as he made his way to the bar.

At Mareledi's
Tumiso picked up the curtain and passed it to
Mareledi who was on top of the stepladder...

Mareledi: I hope I don't fall.

Tumiso: I told you to wait for Thabiso.
Mareledi: No friend. He bought me these
curtains and changed my rails. He can't do
everything around the house.
Tumiso: From what I have seen, he doesn't
Mareledi: I don't know what I did to find such a
man. I know it's a bit early but in Thabiso I have
found a man. Koore an all rounder.
Tumiso:I am also surprised that the guy ticks all
the right boxes. I initially thought that he was
one of those bad boys that couldn't keep be
faithful but I eat my words. The universe was
listening to you when you asked for a better
man my friend.
Mareledi: I believe you on that one. Le nna I
won't do anything to ruin things.
Mareledi: Good. Keep treating each other right
and soon we will be dancing to wedding songs.

Morning Trekkers.
I hope you had a lovely weekend 😘
Distance & Time
# 28

Toronto, Canada
Karen sat next to Loapi and held his hand..She
looked at him and smiled but he looked the
other way making it clear that he was ignoring

Karen: Grab your stuff and let's get home.

Loapi: Just like that?
Karen: Just like what? I thought you said you
forgive me.
Loapi: Forgiving you doesn't mean that we are
forced to live with each other.
Karen: Lo every couple fights.
Loapi: That I know but if it goes as far as
insulting my mother then that's where I draw
the line.You don't get to insult me like that then
ask me to come back.
Karen: I wasn't insulting your mum.
Loapi: Then what were you doing? Where I
come from a bit*h is not a flower.
Karen: Babe I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
I was upset. I promise you that it will never
happen again.
Loapi: That's what you said the last time. I
honestly feel like we are toxic for each other.
Let's take some time out and think things
Karen: I thought that I was going to lose you to
another woman. Lo ever since you left your
girlfriend back home, I have come to a
realization that it could be me that you leave the
next day.
Loapi: I didn't leave her because I wanted to.
You asked me to leave her.
Karen: Exactly! You never fought for your
relationship. If another girl was to ask you to
leave me then you would gladly leave without
fighting for us.
Loapi: I don't know what you want because you
left me no choice.
Karen:Exactly what I mean. I am scared that
someone will leave you without a choice. Lo I
know that we didn't do things in a way that is
deemed as right but I love you and I don't want
to lose you.
Loapi: I love you too Karen but loving me like
that is toxic. You need to allow me to be
myself.You can't keep tabs on me like I am
some sort of prisoner.I need to study. You know
that the only reason I am in Canada is because
of my studies. What happens when I fail? Do I
go back home empty handed all because my
woman couldn't give me the chance to study? Is
that what you want? Babe you need to loosen
up. I am not going to cheat on you.
Karen: Am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I will
try and loosen up.
Loapi: That's all I need from you. You need to
learn to trust me.
Karen: Does that mean that you are coming

He sighed and let go of her.

Loapi: Can I cool for a few days? I will come

home when I am ready.
Karen: I hear you.How long do you need?
Loapi: I just need a few days.
Karen:Okay.I will see you then.

She kissed him on the cheek and left.

Inside Thabiso's car

I looked outside the car as Thabiso drove me

back to my parents's house. I couldn't bear to
look at him after what had happened in the
restaurant. A part of me feeling very
embarrassed and the other probably sad.

Thabiso: Are you okay?

Me: (cleared throat)Yeah.
Thabiso: About today I...
Me: Am sorry. It will never happen again.
Thabiso: I am sorry if I lead you on.You are a
very attractive woman and a part of me is
attracted to you but I am in a relationship with
another woman.
Me: You don't have to explain. I don't know what
I was thinking. I am really sorry.
Thabiso: Let me finish.

He stopped the car and turned on the lights

then made eye contact with me even though I
kept looking away.

Thabiso: Look at me. Ney you are beautiful,

funny,vibrant and hardworking. Any man would
be lucky to have you.I know that you have been
through a lot but not all men are like your
ex.There is a part of me that has always been
attracted to you but that doesn't mean it's right
and I should act on it. You may be attracted to
me but it doesn't neccesarily mean that you
should act on it.
Me: Am really sorry.I hope that this does not
ruin our friendship.
Thabiso: All water under the bridge. Let me drop
you off.
He started the car and took off...

At Mma KG's

Kagelo walked in the kitchen and closed the

door behind her then laughed.

Kago: What's so funny?

Kagelo: Your sister in law.
Kago: What happened?
Kagelo: She didn't touch her food.
Kago: Why?
Kagelo: We made Brussels Sprouts and bacon
for dinner. I doubt she is familiar with them.
Money can't buy class. Your husband's money
Kago: Now you are being childish.

He ignored his sister and continued slicing

some biltong.

Kagelo: Since when are you mature?

Kago: Since I realized that I could wake up and
get married then have my wife treated like an
outsider by my siblings. Kagelo, Puleng is a
really nice person if you get to know her.
Kagelo: The same Puleng that kicked you out?
Kago: There is no point in explaining because
you have already set your heart to hating her
mme hela I misjudged her. Whenever I am stuck,
I call Puleng yet I have siblings. You know why?
Because I know that y'all would judge me before
helping me out. Get to know her and you will
realize that you are wrong. Please ask mum if I
should put her biltong in the microwave.

Kagelo rolled her eyes and turned away

returning to the living room.

Two weeks later

Main Deck, Main Mall

I went through the loan application forms I had

brought with me then handed them to Thabiso.
I had been avoiding him for the past two weeks
but everything still felt fresh.

Me: Let me know If I have missed anything.

He paged through them then smiled.

Thabiso: They are perfect. You are good.
Me: Thank you.

I stood up and picked my bag.

Me: I have to go.

Thabiso: Aren't you joining me for lunch? I have
already ordered for you. Me: I would love to but I
need to go back to school.
Thabiso: Ok. Let me ask them to make it take
aways then i can drop you off.
Me: I am good thanks. Sit and enjoy your meal.
Thabiso: What about yours?
Me: You can cancel the order or get a take away.
Thabiso: Is this about what happened two
weeks ago because if it is then you don't have
to worry.
Me: Listen I have to go.I will give you a call later.
I am supposed to meet someone before class.
Thabiso: I am dropping you off and that's that.
Me: You don...

He picked up his car keys then took me by the


Thabiso: Let's find the guy who took my order. I

will pick up the take away after dropping you off.

A few minutes later ,In his car

Thabiso: Ney are you avoiding me?

Me: No.
Thabiso: Then why are you not taking my calls?
Me: I have been busy with school.
Thabiso: What about my texts?
Me: I told you that I was busy with school.
Thabiso: Why are you giving me the cold
shoulder? You hit on me not the other way
Me: And you made it very clear that I crossed a
line I shouldn't have crossed in the first place.I
am merely respecting your relationship. Please
don't call me unless it's in relation to my loans. I
don't need a ride. I will find my own way. I need
to go.
Thabiso: Onneile don't you walk away from me.
Me: See you around.
Thabiso: You don't get to flash and ignore me.
Me: Well I just did.
I got off the car and walked away leaving him...

Thabiso: Fu**!

He frustratedly rubbed his head and took a

deep breath. He hadn't stopped thinking about
Ney for days. Though he knew that it was wrong,
he couldn't help himself.

Goodnight 🌞😘
Distance & Time
# 29

The following day

At Mareledi's

Thabiso stood outside while Mareledi polished

his shoes. It had been two months since the
two had moved in together and everything until
this point had been going well.

Mareledi: What do you feel like eating tonight? I

would like to leave the meat outside the fridge.
These days we eat late because I have to
defrost the meat when I get home.
Thabiso: I won't be coming back home tonight.
Mareledi: Where are you going?
Thabiso: I need to do a couple of things.
Mareledi: At your house? Do you want me to
Thabiso: I don't need you to help. I will be fine
on my own.

She put the shoes down and turned to him.

Mareledi: Are you ok?

Thabiso: I am fine.Why do you ask?
Mareledi: You always tell me where you are
going and what you will be doing when you
decide not to come back home.
Thabiso: Do I have to report my every move to
Mareledi: I didn't say that. It's just that I am
already used to it so when you don't
communicate with me, I become worried.
Thabiso: Mareledi we are in a relationship.We
are not married yet. Husbands are the ones that
account for every little movement.
Mareledi: Ok.

She put his shoes down and stood up.

Mareledi: You know what. We are not married. I

also shouldn't be doing this because this is
what wives do. I am going to get dressed and
go to work.
Thabiso: Ok. Is my shirt ready?
Mareledi: Please ask your wife to iron it.
Thabiso: But you said you will iron it.
Mareledi:That's before you highlighted to me
what people who not are married should and
shouldn't do.
Thabiso: You should have told me that you were
not going to iron it. Akere I wouldn't have been
relaxing.I am going to be late.Look at the time.

He took a deep breath and hurried inside.

Mareledi: He will tell that to his wife.

She rolled her eyes and went back inside to get


Mma KG's

Puleng sat by the garden with her mother inlaw

while Kago loaded her luggage and the plants
she had been gifted in the car.
Mma KG: I am happy to see you two getting
Puleng:It wasn't easy.
Mma KG: I know my girl. Kago is stubborn just
like Kagiso.
Puleng: (laughed) I haven't really seen that side
of Kagiso.
Mma KG: Ee mme that's how he is. He is gentle
and stubborn at the same time which makes it
tricky. In marriage you get to learn something
new about your partner everyday. My son is very
gentle and calm. You know he is angry when he
is quiet. That's how he has always been even as
a child. Once he says anything then it means
it's really eating him up. This maybe sweet but it
is also a dangerous trait because it kills
communication in a marriage which is very vital.
You need to find a way to make him open up.
Communication and vulnerability is the only
thing that will keep you two as friends even on
days the love is low. You two are currently on
honeymoon phase but eventually it fades away
and the building phase starts. That's where you
two need to put in a lot of work.
Puleng: Emma.
Mma KG: Remember what I said about having a
thick skin?
Puleng: Emma.
Mma KG: Good because on other days marriage
is a battlefield. Though sweet and fulfilling,
marriage is hard. Bare dikuku di monate lenyalo
le boima.( The wedding celebration is a nice
phase but marriage is hard work). I know that
when we say that, you kids think we are scaring
you but that is the reality. Marriage is not easy.
You need a strong foundation. What got me
through was prayer and meditation.These days
you kids are lucky because you can go and see
a professional to help you. Don't ever be
ashamed to ask for help ngwanaka. And
remember to start up that business we talked
about when you get back home. A woman
needs to have her own account to tap on to
when days are hard. Take care of yourself.
Before you get down and busy with cleaning the
house, bath and smell nice.
Puleng: I will mama. i need to go home, i miss
my house.
Mma KG: (laughed) Yone box yele gatwe house.
You two need to start looking for a bigger
Puleng: What do we need a big house for when
it's just the two of us. Three beds is too big.
Mma KG: Those rooms are too small mme
legale tsamaya mma ( Get going)
Puleng: (laughed) Let me get going. I hate
driving in the sun.

They hugged and kissed before Mma KG

walked her daughter in law to the car. Puleng
got inside the and car buckled up before
starting the car. She waved at Mma KG and
Kago then drove off.

Kago: You look happy.

Mma KG: My things are going well.

She thought of how clear Puleng's eyes and

skin were then burst into laughter.

Kago: What's funny?

Mma KG: Your sister has left. Get to work. I
don't pay you to ask me questions.
Kago: (laughed) Sone se teng.


I put our drinks on the outdoor table then sat

down before Tebogo passed me my hotdog.

Tebogo: Been craving the hotdog from here.

Me: It's been a while since we have done this.
Tebogo: Akere these days you are always busy.
Me: Well that is about to change.
Tebogo: What's gonna change?
Me: I don't think I can work with Thabiso any
Tebogo: Why what happened? I thought that
you two had sorted it out.
Me: That's something none of us can forget
even if we sort it out. I have been ignoring him
for the past two weeks because I wanted it to
die out and all. I was also too embarrassed by
what happened. During that time out, I realized
that what I did was wrong and no matter how I
think i have feelings for him, I shouldn't have.
Tebogo: So what's the problem?
Me: I think he is having second thoughts
because yesterday he was telling me that I don't
get to flash then avoid him.
Tebogo: Tell me you are lying.
Me: I am not. I made a terrible mistake because
right now things are awkward between us yet i
work under him.
Tebogo: Tsala mme kana I told you so. What
will you do because this job has the potential to
turn your life around. Waitsi wa bora Ney
argh.( You are boring!)
Me: I know friend. I don't even know how I am
going to hand him loan applications.
Tebogo: We will find a way.
Me: Yeah.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller identity

then back at Tebogo.

Tebogo: It's him?

Me: Yeah.
Tebogo: Give it to me.

I passed it to her and closed my eyes then took

a deep breath.

Tebogo: Ney's phone hello.

Thabiso: Give the phone to Ney.
Tebogo: I would love to do that but she is not
Thabiso: Quit playing games with me.
Tebogo: We are not play...
Thabiso: If you are going to lie to someone
about your whereabouts then don't sit on your
favourite bench that they know.
Tebogo: Well I...

He hung up...

Me: And?

Goodmorning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 30


Tebogo looked around before giving Ney back

her phone...The embarrassment she felt could
not be compared to anything at that moment.

Me: What is it?

Tebogo: I think he is around. He knows where
we are sitted.

I turned around and spotted Thabiso walking

towards where we were sitted.
Tebogo: I need to attend to something in the
Me: What happened to friends sticking together?
Tebogo: Sorry my friend but you are on your
own. I warned you and you didn't listen to me.
Me: Tsala tlhamma wen...
Thabiso: Ladies!

He smiled and took a sit.

Thabiso: Fancy bumping into you here.

Tebogo: Hie. I was just going. It was nice seeing.
Thabiso: Really? It looked like you were chilling
to me.
Tebogo: Bye.
She grabbed her backpack and left.

Thabiso: So you are avoiding me?

Me: I am not avoiding you. I am busy.
Thabiso: Let's talk about why you showed me
your puna**.
Me: I thought you said it was water under the
bridge. I apologized. I realize that it was wrong.
Thabiso: And you think that your apology will fix
things? Do you realize what you have done? Ney
you made it clear that you were not interested
in me from day one and I made sure that I
burried those feelings and moved on with my
life. I had just met a wonderful woman and we
were headed somewhere beautiful.
Me: I am really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you
or your partner. I honestly don't know what I
was thinking.
Thabiso: The damage has already been done.
How do you plan to fix things?
Me: For what it's worth, I am sorry once again.I
think that we should stop seeing each other for
a while. Work on your relationship. I will get
someone else to deliver the loan applications to
you. That's if you still wanna work with me.
Thabiso: So what do I do about my feelings? Do
you think that it's easy?
Me: Forget about whatever feelings you think
you have for me because they are not real. I
have a little crush on you but I know that it's not
Thabiso: How would you know?
Me: I love someone else.
Thabiso: Next time don't go around flashing to
someone's man yet you are in love with another
man. Whori*g doesn't suit you.Make sure that
whoever you ask to submit the applications to
me does not waste my time.
Me: Erra. (Yes sir).
Thabiso: Bye Ney.
Me: Bye.

He stood up and left....

Me: Yooh!

I took a deep breath and watched him as he

walked away. Feeling some kind of relief and

At Puleng's
Puleng narrowed her eyes and looked around
the bedroom feeling very congested.It had been
a few days since she had started taking some
relief medication but nothing had changed.

Kagiso: What's wrong? You look uncomfortable.

Puleng: I think my sinuses are acting up. There
is a strange smell that is driving me insane.
Kagiso: Are you not having some kind of allergic
Puleng: From what?
Kagiso: I don't know,maybe it's something from
Puleng: I don't know. I have been taking some
ACC 200 for a couple of days now. Usually by
now it should have cleared everything.
Kagiso: Maybe you should see a doctor just to
be on the safe side.
Puleng: Come on... I don't need to see a doctor
for a congested nose. I will be fine. I just need
to find whatever smells strange in this room
and get rid of it.
Kagiso: Do you want me to help you look?
Puleng: Wait.

She spotted his lotion that was left open by the

dressing table then grabbed it.She put it closer
to her nose and felt her throat closing up. She
ran to the bathroom and knelt by the toilet sit
then threw up.

Kagiso: Babe,are you okay?

Puleng: Am okay...It must be something I ate on

She felt her throat closing up again...

Kagiso: Baby!

At Mareledi's

Thabiso wiped the dinner table for the

hundredth time before setting the table. After
placing the plates and cutlery, he walked around
inspecting if he had done it right. Once he was
satisfied, he picked up his phone and called

Mareledi: Hello.
Thabiso: Hey. What time do you think you will
be home today?
Mareledi: Thabiso you and I are not married so I
don't need to report my every movement.
Thabiso: Babe I am sorry. I made a terrible
mistake. I shouldn't have spoken to you like
that.Come home and I will explain.
Mareledi: I don't know.
Thabiso: Please. I want to tell you why I was
upset this morning. I promise not to withhold
Mareledi: I will see you in an hour.
Thabiso: Thank you baby.
Mareledi: Mmm..
Thabiso: Bye. See you now.
Mareledi: Mmm...

He put the phone done and went into the

kitchen to finish preparing his dishes.

Toronto, Canada
Karen sat in front of the computer and played
video games while Loapi packed his things in
the closet.

Loapi: Babe why don't you help me pack? Kana

this is something that is supposed to be done
by women.
Karen: Do I need to remind you that this is
Canada? Lo this is not some small village in
your country. Here men and women are equal.
Loapi: There is no need to be rude. I don't know
why you feel like you need to attack my country.
Karen:I am not being rude. I was just stating
Loapi: What happens when we get married and
you come live in that small village as you call it?
Karen: I have never mentioned anything about
marriage. In fact I have never understood why
people ruin good relationships by signing some
piece of paper.
Loapi: What?
Karen: Yep.
Loapi: What about children?
Karen: A total waste of time too.Why have
children when you can spend the time building
your career?

He felt his heart sinking in his boots. For the

very first time, he realized how they didn't have
anything in common.

Loapi: How do you feel about me?

Karen: You know I love you Lo.
Loapi:And yet you don't want to get married or
have kids?
Karen: Love has never been measured by kids
or marriage.

They were worlds aparts and knowing that this

was the woman he had given up his relationship
with the only woman he had ever truly loved
broke his heart.Although he didn't express it, he
came to a conclusion about his new

Later that evening...

Goodnight. My boss finally went to bed 🙆
Distance & Time
# 31

At Mareledi's

Thabiso pulled out a chair for Mareledi and

waited for her to sit before he finally took his
sit.She looked at the food and smiled. In the
past three months he had only cooked once for
her and seeing him make an effort was sweet
but she still vowed not to make things easy for

Mareledi: What are we celebrating? kana we are

now splitting responsibilities since we are not
Thabiso: Babe!
Mareledi: I am just checking.
Thabiso: I am truly sorry for the way I spoke to
you this morning. I shouldn't have said all those
things especially when you do so much for me
around the house. I haven't washed or ironed
my clothes in a long time. I don't want you to
feel like I take you for granted because I don't.
Mareledi: So where did all those things you said
this morning come from?
Thabiso: (Sighed) I will tell you everything. I
won't ask you not to get mad because I know
whatever happened is wrong.
Mareledi: Go ahead.
Thabiso: Aren't you gonna eat?
Mareledi: I am not really hungry but because
you made an effort I will eat.

She picked out a fork from the three different

kinds that were before her and tucked in.
Mareledi: Not bad.So you were saying?

He cleared his throat and looked into her eyes.

Thabiso: Sometime back, I went out for drinks

with the girl I have engaged to help me with my
Mareledi: And you slept with her?

She put down her fork and shook her head.

Mareledi: You men are all the same. I should

have known.
Thabiso: Babe calm down and listen to what I
have to say.
He calmly extended his hand to hers and held
on to it...

Thabiso: We were having shoots in the

restaurant and some time later, she pulled up
her dress reaveling her....

He paused and looked at her.

Mareledi: Eng Kuku? ( Her puss*?)

He reluctantly nodded...

Mareledi: And what did you say?

Thabiso: I told her that i was in a relationship
then asked her to cover up and stop acting like
a little slu*. We left the restaurant and I dropped
her off at home. She had been ignoring me for
the past two weeks till we met up yesterday for
work. Seeing her just made me so angry and
horn*. I was convinced that I had feelings for
Mareledi: Did you sleep with her?
Thabiso: No.
Mareledi: Do you really expect me to believe
that you didn't sleep with her after how you
spoke to me this morning?
Thabiso: Babe I swear. I had a moment of
temptation but I didn't do anything with her.
Mareledi: That moment of temptation is the
problem my friend. That's if you didn't sleep
with her. I have been through so much, I will not
take any more crap. I am ending this little circus
before I get hurt. Get your things and leave. We
are done. Thank you for everything you have
done for me.
Thabiso: Babe please...We can talk about this
and work it out.
Mareledi: You slept with that girl and you know
it. There is no man that can look at puss* and
turn it away. Just leave.
Thabiso: Not till we sort out our issues.
Mareledi: In that case, I will call the police.
Thabiso: I will go. I don't want to cause anymore
trouble. I understand that I have hurt you. I was
tempted. I know you don't wanna hear this but I
am only human. Please don't leave me. It won't
happen again.
Mareledi: Just go before I call the cops on you.

He stood up and went into the bedroom where

he packed up his things.

Six months later

At Puleng's

I grabbed my sister's shoes in the spare

bedroom and knelt down then helped her to put
them on while she laid back on the couch.

Puleng: When you finish, bring me that

paddlepop in the fridge.
Me: You must be getting satisfaction from
ordering me around.
Puleng: For years, I did everything for you.I have
earned the right to order you around.
Me: (laughed) Right

She cradled her enormous belly and laughed...

Me: So how are the twins?
Puleng: Everything is fine.The doctors are
Me: I am so happy for you sis. You deserve
every good thing you are experiencing.
Puleng: Oh baby!
Me: Do you need anything? I am rushing to
attend to the bridal shower meeting.
Puleng: How is it going with the negotiations?
Me: It's going well. They will be doing the
traditional wedding in two weeks.
Puleng: I still can't believe that Tebogo is
getting married. To think that I used to babysit
you girls.
Me: Yeah neh.
Puleng: Are you okay?
Me: I don't know. I just feel like my life is not
going anywhere. I am so happy that the people
close to me are getting their fairytale. I just feel
like I am not meant to be happy.
Puleng: I understand babe. That's how I felt
when all my friends got jobs and got married.
Delay is not denial. That I can promise you.In
three months, the year is coming to an
end.Things will open up. Just be patient.
Me: Emma. Let me grab that paddlepop and
Puleng: See you later.
Me: (laughed) When is your husband getting
back? I miss mama.
Puleng: (laughed) Liar! You are just tried of
being ordered around.You can leave when my
mother in law gets here.
Me: Cool. Will you be needing anything else?
Puleng: No. We will go shopping tomorrow. I
need to get a few things for the family dinner.
Me: Are you cooking?
Puleng: No. My mother in law has organized a
private chef but we need to get the ingredients.
Me: You are living your best life. Imagine Mma
London's face the entire night.
Puleng: I wish we didn't have to attend.
Me: But you are the host.
Puleng: I didn't organize it. Kagiso did. Dad's
heart attack really scared him. He feels that life
is too short and we need to spend time with our
loved ones.
Me: That's true.

At Bakang's

Tebogo looked at herself in the mirror and

smiled.Her skin was clearing up and her hair
was strong and healthy. The wedding
preparations were in place and she was
convinced that nothing would ruin her day.

Bakang:Care to share?
Tebogo: That dermatologist is good. My acne is
clearing up.
Bakang: I told you that those products you
bought were a waste of time.
Tebogo: I should have listened to you a long
time ago.I won't need so much make up with
the way my skin looks now.
Bakang: As long as you are happy.So did you
pack up your things?
Tebogo: Yeah. You can drop me off after the
dress fittings.
Bakang: Sure motho.
His phone rang and he signalled Tebogo to
answer it.

Bakang: Answer it and put it on loudspeaker. I

have cream on my hands.
Tebogo: Ok.

She answered it then put it on loudspeaker and

continued applying her face cream.

Malebogo: So you are really going ahead and

marrying that child ? What's the rush? Is she

*Goodmorning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 32

Bakang calmly looked at his fiance and shook

his head. He could see the pain and
disappointment in her face.

Bakang: What do you want? I thought I told you

that I want nothing to do with you.
Malebogo: What we had is solid. There is no
way you can throw that kind of love for a child.
What will she offer you? Bakang you and I can
achieve so much more together.
Bakang: I told you that I don't love you anymore
and I have moved on.
Malebogo: Let's say that it's true. Why the rush
to get married? Did you get her pregnant?
Bakang: I think the first mistake I made was
engaging in this conversation.Malebogo, I am
getting married to the love of my life. The
woman you are calling a child, is way ahead of
your time. I choose to marry her and honour her
because I love her and I want to spend the rest
of my life with her. Let this be the last time you
ever call me and disrespect my woman. You
and I are over. I am not in love with you. Bye.

Tebogo looked away and smiled.All fear and

doubt were instantly erased.He hung up and
took a deep breath.The fact that he couldn't
read her face made him nervous.

Bakang: I am sorry about that.

Tebogo: (Laughed) The bitter ex neh.
Bakang:I will make sure that she doesn't bother
Tebogo: I don't doubt that.

His phone rang and they briefly looked at the

caller identity then at each other.

Bakang:I don't know why she keeps calling. I am

hanging up and blocking her.
Tebogo:Don't. Just take her call.
Bakang: I will only be entertaining her.
Tebogo: Just answer the call and put it on
Bakang: Babe!
Tebogo: Trust me.

He picked up then put the phone on


Malebogo: Bakang you can't do this to me.

Tebogo put away her facial creams and

embraced Bakang...

Tebogo: Uhhh...Oh babe.

Bakang widened his eyes and looked at

Tebogo...She looked back at him sharpely.

Bakang:Yes baby.
Tebogo: Uhh...Yes.Harder baby!
Bakang: Am about to go harder baby.
Tebogo: Mmm...It's yours baby, all yours.
Bakang: Ya magadi mogatsaka ooh shi*

Malebogo: Bakang! Are you fuc*ing kidding me.

Are you two...

Bakang: Baby...

She clicked her tongue and hung up.

Tebogo: Now that's how you make sure that a

woman never bothers you.
Bakang:(laughed) Waitsi kana! Hlamma wena
wa lowa.
Tebogo: She had it coming.
Bakang: (laughed) Girl you savage.
Tebogo: That's my middle name. Now take me
to my fittings, I have a wedding to show up and
show off at.
Bakang: Wena baby girl.
Tebogo: Yes. They must see and know that I am
Bakang: (laughed)Yes my girl!

At Mma London's

Mma London looked at the dinner invitation

card and passed it to her sister.One could tell
that she was annoyed from just her facial

Mma Pretty: This is lovely.

Mma London: It looks like a wedding invitation
card. They didn't have to be extra. We already
know that Puleng is married to a rich man. I
doubt that this is to even celebrate life. They are
just looking for a chance to show off.
Mma Pretty: Is there anything wrong with that?
Let them show off. Aren't you happy that our
brother doesn't ask us for anything anymore.
Mma London: Ever since he found tenants for
his two and half, he thinks he is rich.
Mma Pretty: Koore wena nkgonne o etle o
itumelle eng kana o etle o kgotsofale? ( Are you
ever happy about anything or do you ever get
satisfied?) What Puleng and her husband are
doing is beautiful. Someone needs to bring the
family together. I am tired of fighting. We are
now old. We should be bringing our children
Mma London: These days you advocate for
every little thing. You are indeed getting old.
Mma Pretty: Our brother almost died.We should
be coming together not fighting amongst
ourselves. I came to see how you are doing but
if you are in the spirit of fighting then I will leave.

She stood up and picked up her lunch box.

Mma Pretty: I will see you at the family dinner

the day after tomorrow .
Mma London: Where are you taking the
Mma Pretty: I will bring it back tomorrow.
Mma London: Make sure you bring it. That one
is not Tupperware. This is an electric lunchbox.
Mma Pretty: Ee mosadi wa mohumi. (Yes rich

At Mareledi's
Tumiso opened the pantry and grabbed some
popcorns then joined Mareledi in the living

Tumiso: I didn't see any chocolate in your

pantry. Where do you keep it these days?
Mareledi: Thabiso is the one that used to buy
chocolates for me.
Tumiso: I thought I saw some last month.
Mareledi:Well after we broke up, he continued
buying them for me every week till he stopped
three weeks ago.
Tumiso:You asked him to stop?
Mareledi: No. He stopped delivering them. I
initially thought that he had other commitments
but it's been there weeks and he has said
Tumiso: I thought that you wanted to take him
Mareledi: I was going to tell him this week but
it's like he has just disappeared. He changed his
contacts and even blocked me on Facebook.
Tumiso: Then go and look for him at his house.
I honestly still feel like you made a mistake
letting him go. The man was honest with you. If
at all he had slept with that girl then he would
have never said anything. It's rare to find a man
opening up about his temptations.
Mareledi: Sometimes our past leads us into
making wrong decisions.
Tumiso: You can't let the past stop you from
finding love my friend.If you live your life on the
dictatorship of what ifs and maybe then you will
never be at peace.Try and find a balance.
Mareledi: It's funny how you always have these
life changing advices yet you are still single.
Tumiso: My time will come. I am patient.
Mareledi: Right...


Karen packed Loapi's clothes into a garbage

bag and threw them outside...

Karen: This time I am the one ending things. Lo

we are done!
Loapi: You have no idea how long I have waited
for this day. Karen I am sick and tired of you.
You are disrespectful and very selfish.This time
don't come around my place. Don't come
apologizing because we are not getting back
Karen: That is something you must forget about.
At least my disrespect can be fixed. I doubt
anything can be done about your s*x game and
your small pen*s.
Loapi: Goodluck with finding a man with that
stinking attitude.
Karen:And good luck keeping a woman with
your weanie.
Distance & Time
# 33

A day later

At Puleng's
Mma KG looked at the menu then passed it to
Puleng who had her feet up...It had been just a
few hours since her arrival but she had already
managed to get everything ready for the family

Mma KG: What do you think?

Puleng: I trust you.
Mma KG: (laughed)Wena kana ga ona style
ngwanaka. ( You don't have a sense of style my
child). I bought you a dress on my way here.
Puleng:(laughed) I hope that it's not too shiny.
Do you think it will fit?
Mma KG: It's a free pattern maternity dinner
dress.It will have to fit because it is too
beautiful not to fit.
Puleng:(laughed) When do you think the girls
and Kago will be here?
Mma KG: Tomorrow afternoon they will be here.
Puleng: I will ask my sister to go home so that
she can create room.
Mma KG: Don't worry about that. I have already
booked them into a guest house. You are
pregnant my girl. You can't be worrying about
everyone when you are supposed to be resting.
Puleng: Thank you. I was worried about where
everyone will sleep.
Mma KG: Do you see why you need a bigger

She forced a smile and looked away.

Puleng: With the boys coming, we need to save

every penny.My business is not doing well. I
can't expect Kagiso to take on another expense.
Mma KG: You can always sell this one then buy
another one. It's not safe to raise children in a
town house. What if they crawl from upstairs?
Puleng:(laughed) Now you are being extra.
Mma KG: I am not. I just want what's best for
you kids.
Puleng: I know but even if we were to sell off
this house. We would still need to top it up.
Mma KG: I don't have a problem with topping up.
Puleng: We can't expect you to do that. Tota
ebile we can't accept your money. You already
do so much for us.
Mma KG: Puleng you are my children. It's my
duty to help you. You people are the reason why
I still run all my businesses. If I don't help you,
who will le gone what will I do with all the
money I have. I want to help all my children
while I am still alive so that you people don't
fight for my things when I am dead.
Puleng: I hear you mama but we also need to
stand on our own feet and get things done for
Mma KG: Out of all my kids, you are the smart
Puleng: (Laughed) You will be telling that to the
next one.
Mma KG: Don't tell them, I told you that.
Puleng:(laughed) I won't.
Mma KG: So who is coming from your side?
Puleng: My parents and my aunts and maybe
their children.
Mma KG: It will be lovely to meet your aunts. I
always go see your parents when I am around.
Puleng: I don't know about lovely.All I known is
that it will be quite interesting.
Mma KG: Lovely. It will be the very first time
you two have your families together at the
same time since the wedding.

At Thabiso's

Mareledi parked her car a few blocks away from

Thabiso's yard. She sat in the car for a few
minutes before she saw Thabiso's car pulling
up. She looked at herself in the mirror then got
off the car and rushed to his yard. As he got off
the car, Mareledi emerged out of nowhere.

Mareledi: Hey.

He looked at her for a while before he said


Thabiso: Hey.
Mareledi: You stopped coming to see.
Thabiso: Yes. You made it clear that you don't
want to see me anymore. Do you remember
how you would sometimes throw the
chocolates i bought.
Mareledi: I was so upset. I thought that you had
slept with her.
Thabiso: Oh well, that's not important anymore.
After you threw the bouquet of flowers I had
brought for you, I knew that we were really done.
Mareledi: I picked them up after you had left. I
needed to know that you were serious about me.
I want us back. Let's work on things.
Thabiso: No. I am not interested anymore.
Mareledi: So you are giving up on us just like
Thabiso: By just that, do you mean after six
months? Mareledi I have been coming to see
you every week for the past six months without
fail but all you did was throw stuff at me or
embarrass me. I know I hurt you but i fought so
hard to work things out with you. I even
suggested couples counselling and you told me
that it would not help me keep my pants zipped.
If there is one thing i want out of a woman, it's a
woman who respects me especially in front of
Mareledi: If you can easily be turned off by that
then it means that you love me with conditions.
Thabiso all black women are crazy. What i did is
not out of the ordinary.
Thabiso: So you are justifying bad manners?
You really think recreating a scene out of "Diary
of a black mad woman" is cute. Mareledi there
is nothing cute about a woman who is
Mareledi: So we are done?
Thabiso: Yeah.
Mareledi: Are you still sleeping with her?
Thabiso: I need to get some work done. Close
the gate on your way out.

He proceeded to the house while she remained

unmoved and mute...

At Mma Puleng's

I threw my parents's clothes in the washing

machine and joined my mother in the living

Mma Puleng: Have you finished washing

Me: I have put them in the washing machine.
Mma Puleng: Washing machine? Heela Onneile,
did you see the dress you put in the Washing
machine? Do you want Mma London to make a
party tomorrow are ke bao ba sotlega heii heiii.
( Do you want Mma London to make a party and
say that we are now suffering?) Please go and
handwash those things especially your father's
Me: It's not that serious.He doesn't need a suit.
Mma Puleng: O re kala ka sekale hela se se ko
tlase watsi.O batla go re tshegisa ka bahumi. O
itsi gore Puleng o nyetswe kae tota. ( Do you
want those rich people to laugh at us. Do you
know where your sister is married?) Hand wash
those things or I will do it myself.You are telling
me that it's not that serious.
Me: I will do it. It's fine.
Mma Puleng: You better dress properly. Gao
utlwa o buwa bo it's not that serious go raya
gore o batla go apara malepelepe. ( All the
things you have just uttered are telling me that
you don't want to dress your best).
Me: Mama tlhe let me go and wash.
Mma Puleng: Make sure they are clean. Don't
just put them in water and then remove them.
Mez: Emma. ( Yes ma'am).
Mma Puleng: Now go. Tomorrow is a big day.

I rolled my eyes and trotted to the bathroom.

Mma Puleng: It's not that serious?

She clapped her hands and shook her head.

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 34

The following day

Mma KG took a chair and sat outside directing

and navigating the decor setup. The lady who
was doing the decor whispered to the other one
she was working with.

Lady1: This is the problem with doing decor for

people who think they know everything. She is
busy ordering us around as if we don't know our
Lady2: Maybe Puleng told her that we needed to
be supervised.
Lady1: I doubt that. Puleng is a really sweet
person. When she got married,
,I did her decor and she gave me room to do
whatever I wanted.
Lady2: She has probably changed. Money
changes a lot of things. Someone can be sweet
when they are poor then change overnight when
there is money.
Lady1: That's not Puleng. Puleng doesn't
change hlamma. She has been this way since
our university days.I thought that since her in
laws are rich,she will change and find those
fancy events planners but she is still loyal.
Lady2: Imagine if she was like her mother in law.

They laughed and continued working...

Gamecity, @Home

I picked up some champagne flutes and

showed them to my sister but she didn't seem
to care about what we bought.

Me: What do you think?

Puleng: They are fine.
Me: Are you sure?
Puleng: They are expensive so they will work.
Me: Before we buy them,does your mother in
law even drink or they will just be for decor?
Puleng: Mma KG is a modern mother in law.
She has a whole collection of wines and
champagne at her house.
Me: Love to see it.You are honestly living your
best life.I am just happy that you don't have to
go through what Mama went through.
Puleng: I thank God everyday. My life is amost
perfect. Sometimes I wonder if I am dreaming .
Everything is just too pure and I am so happy.
Puleng: (laughed) I can't wait to get to where
you are at right now.Girl you still need to get
ordered around by me when I fall pregnant.
Puleng: And it better be after you are married.
Me: With the way things are going right now, I
might have to get a sperm donor in future.
Puleng; (laughed) Imagine what Mma Puleng
will say.
Me: I don't even want to imagine it.
Puleng: I am tired, let's grab bo Rrakgadi's gifts
(Our aunts's gifts) and mum's.
Me: I think mum would appreciate these
rectangular dinner plates. We can get juice
glasses for the aunts.
Puleng: Grab them and let's go pay.

Just as I turned around to go to the till, I

bumped into Thabiso.

We locked eyes for a minutes then both looked


Thabiso: Hie Onneile. It's been a while since we

have seen each other.
Me: Hie.
Thabiso: How have you been?
Me: Good and you?
Thabiso: Same.
We looked at each other and froze...

Puleng: Hello.
Me: Oh sorry sis.This is my ex boss?
Puleng: From the loans?
Me: Yeah.

She laughed then extended her hand to him.

Puleng:Nice to meet you.

Thabang: Likewise.
Me: It was nice seeing you.

I smiled then walked past him...

Toronto, Canada
Loapi moved around a few things in the room
to create space for his stuff.A book with Ney's
old picture fell on the floor. He picked it up and
sighed then sat down. He had taken the picture
with him when he first left to Canada as a
reminder of why he had to hold on and work
hard. His heart broke when he thought about
his last encounter with Ney. After how he had
treated her, there was no way that she would
take him back. He thought of Karen then
suddenly felt so much anger. How had he
picked such a disrespectful girl over the love of
his life?

Mulenga stood by the door and laughed...

Mulenga: Visiting?
Loapi: This time I am staying.
Mulenga: Yeah right. Wait till Karen comes to
fetch you.
Loapi: This time I will kick her out myself.
Mulenga: What did sh...
Loapi:I don't wanna talk about it in fact never
mention Karen's name because she and I are
Mulenga: You say that all the time the...
Loapi: Mulenga!
Mulenga: Sorry man.
Loapi: Please just leave me alone.

Later that day

At Puleng's
Kagiso lead the guests to the garden where the
dinner table was set up while his wife got ready.

Kagiso: You will excuse me, I need to help Mma

Ranna get ready.There is wine,champage,cold
meats,cheese and some juice over that table.
Please feel free to grab a drink.

He walked back inside the house....

Mma Puleng: This is such a beautiful setting.

Mma Pretty: It is. The candles are lovely.

Inside the house.

Puleng looked at herself on the mirror then sat

on the bed.
Kagiso: Are you ready? Should I help you with
your shoes? Which ones are you wearing?
Puleng: I don't know.
Kagiso: I can pick.

She kept quite and wiped her tears.

Kagiso: Babe what's wrong? You are scaring me.

Puleng: I don't think that I can go out there.
Kagiso: Why are you not feeling well?
Puleng: Look at how I am twice as big and ugly.
Kagiso: Honey you are pregnant and beautiful.
Anyone can see that.
Puleng:You don't understand Kagiso.
Kagiso: You are carrying this pregnancy with so
much grace. If anyone doesn't see that then
that's their own baby. I love you and I think you
look awesome.
Puleng:(Smiled) Yeah right.
Kagiso: I swear.

He kissed her then took her by the hand...

At Thabiso's

"Hey Ney. It was really nice seeing you. I know

that we agreed to keep things professional but I
was really hoping that we could go out for a
drink sometime. That's if you are comfortable."

He read the message over and over again

before spending it to Ney...
At Puleng's

After everyone was sitted, Kagiso stood up to

welcome everyone into their home...

Kagiso: I would like to take this opportunity to

thank everyone for honouring our
invitation.Today my wife and I wanted to
celebrate family, the life of everyone here and
the ones we are expecting. We also just wanted
to thank you for your constant support.I think it
will be lovely if we can get to know each other
before dinner. I will start with my side of the
family then Puleng can do hers. I hope that's
okay. I would like to start with my mother. Mma
KG,Mrs Ranna Senior. The beautiful woman
sitted next to my gorgeous wife.
Mma KG waved and smiled...

Kagiso: My siblings, My twin brother Kago. My

little sisters Kagelo and Kabo.

They all waved as he introduced them...

Goodnight 🌞
Distance & Time
# 35

At Puleng's
Puleng looked at her husband and smiled then
whispered to her mother in law...

Puleng: Do I have to do it or I can ask someone

Mma KG: You don't want to do it?
Puleng: It's complicated.
Mma KG: I will ask Ney to do it.

Everyone looked at them as they whispered

wondering what they were discussing.

Puleng: Thank you.

Mma KG: I want that story later.
She smiled and winked at her mother in
law.Mma KG stood up and apologized on Ney's

Mma KG: I would like to apologize on my

daughter's behalf. She is a bit tired. Ney my girl
can you do it on your sister's behalf?

I looked at Puleng and rolled my eyes. I knew

that it had nothing to do with her being tired
because if at all she was interested then she
would have done it sitting down. I stood up and
greeted everyone.

Me: Dumelang bagolo. ( Hello everyone). I am

Ney. I am the second child of Mma Puleng and
Rra Puleng. Mma Puleng is this beautiful
woman dressed to the nines that is sitted next
to me.
I could see her smiling...My mother loved it
when we praised her.

Me: Rra Puleng is the gentleman sitted next to

his beautiful wife. These two are Puleng and I's

They smiled and raised their hands.

I could see that Mma London was getting

impatient. She kept fixing her dress.

Me: (Smiled) The two beautiful women sitted

next to my father are his sisters. Bo Rakgadi
( Our aunts). Mma London and Mma Pretty.
They waved at everyone and seeing that my job
was done, I sat down...

Kagiso: Thank you Ney. Bagolo (My elders) The

food is ready. We can all pass by that buffett
table where the Chef is standing and serve

Toronto, Canada


Karen stood by the door and dug out her keys

from her bag and unlocked the door before
letting herself in. She headed straight to Loapi's
room where he was sitted.
Karen: Hey.
Loapi: Karen please do...

She sat next to him on the bed...

Karen: Before you kick me out, I am not here to

Loapi: And I am not giving you that chance.
Karen: (laughed) I know. Gosh Lo,how did we
get here?
Loapi: What is it that you want Karen?
Karen: I came to apologize for everything that
we have been through. I have been thinking...
Loapi: And?

He tried to stand but she held his hand...

Karen: You were never in love with me. You just
got lonely and I was also never in love with you.
I wanted to feel on top of things. Just knowing
that I had successfully managed to get you
from another woman made me feel like I was
important and somehow it made me feel loved.
We should have never moved in together in the
first place. The chemistry we had for each other
was beautiful but it should have just been S*x
and nothing more. I am sorry for hurting you. I
am sorry that I told you to break up with your

Loapi looked up and scratched his head. The

pressure and pain he was in was too much for
him to bear.

Loapi: (Sighed) Thank you so much Karen. We

are honestly just toxic for each other. Yeah sure
the s*x is great but a relationship is not just
about S*x. You and I are not compatible. I
apologize for being selfish and thinking about
my se*ual needs only. It's not your fault that I
broke things off with Ney. You gave me an
ultimatum and I choose the easy way out. I
should have fought for our relationship but I
didn't. I am also sorry for the pain I caused you.
Karen: Do you still love her?

He rubbed his face and looked up...

Loapi: Yeah.I do. I love her very much.

Karen: Then fight for her.
Loapi: I can't. I held her back for so long. I want
her to be happy even if it's not with me. I have
put her through so much and I doubt that she
will even forgive me while I am here.
Karen: Just try.
Loapi: I don't know. I will think about it.
Karen: Please do. I will see you around. I have to
head back to my mum's.

She stood up...

Loapi: Karen!

She turned around and looked at him...

Karen: Yeah.
Loapi: You are a great person. You will find
someone that will love you.
Karen: I guess.
She bid him farewell and left...

At Puleng's

Everyone conversed and laughed while enjoying

the food and company.

Mma Pretty: Puleng you are so blessed for

having a mother in law that loves you like her
own daughter.I have been looking at you two
the entire evening.
Puleng:( Smiled)Thank you Rakgadi. (Thank you
aunt) Sometimes I feel like I am dreaming.

She looked at her mother in law and smiled...

Mma Puleng: (laughed) You are not dreaming
my baby. I told you that you are my child.
Mma London: If you ask me, I think that Puleng
is a very blessed child. People just love her
unconditionally. Look at how my brother took
her and her mother in from the streets and
loved her like his own. When she had nothing
and no job, her husband took her in and loved
her. Look at how beautiful she is. You can
barely recognize her. She is even fat like an

Puleng looked at herself and took a deep breath.

She tried to stay strong but soon after, tears
rolled down her cheeks.

Puleng: Mma London I don't know why you are

Her mother in law shook her head, fixed her
eyes on her and she kept quite.Everyone kept
quite and stopped eating. Mma Pretty kicked
her sister under the table but she kept on going.

Mma London: Like Mma Pretty is saying, you

are blessed my girl.

Mma Puleng wanted to say her piece but her

husband restrained her...

Mma KG: Mma London you speak so well. Do

you travel a lot?
Mma London: Thank you my dear. I do.

Puleng looked at her mother in law but Mma KG

held on tightly to her hand...Kagiso on the other
hand knew his mother well enough to know that
he would put Mma London in her place.

Mma KG: So where have you been?

Mma London: My son in law is from South
Africa so I have been to all the provinces there.
Mma KG: I have been to France, London, USA
for my PhD, Japan,Zambia, Zimbabwe, SA,
Tanzania... I could go on and on but I don't want
to waste your time. If there is one thing that I
have learnt in all these countries is that there
are table manners. Koore there are things you
can and can not discuss at the table. I also
learnt that at times, class can guide you on
what to talk about at events like these mme
kana some people don't have class so they just
talk anyhow.

Everyone widened their eyes and you could tell

from their facial expressions that they were
having fun.

Kagiso: On that note, I would like to make a

toast to my gorgeous, intelligent and Classy
Kago: To class!
Mma KG: To all the well mannered women
sitted on this table.

Mma Puleng looked at her husband and smiled.

Knowing that her daughter had such a great
support system that she never had filled her
heart with so much joy that she could explode.

Mma KG: Not everyone can carry twins. I know

this because I have a set of two so well done
my daughter and thank you for the beautiful gift.
It's all worth it in the end.
Mma London looked around as if she was lost
with everyone toasting to and celebrating
Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 36

At Mma Puleng's

I put the tray of tea on the table and gave my

parents their cups before sitting down. It had
been a long night and we were all tired.
Mma Puleng: I doubt that I will sleep tonight. I
have never been this happy. Besides the fact
that someone put your aunt in her place, I am
so happy that my daughter is loved. Knowing
that she is surrounded by people who will
protect her like she is one of their own warms
my heart.
Me: God handpicked Kagiso for Puleng.I have
never seen my sister so happy. I can tell that
she is at peace.
Rra Puleng: O nyalegile ene mma. ( She is
married by a good person).
Mma Puleng: God listens to prayers.
Rra Puleng: What did you pray for?
Mma Puleng: I asked God to give my child in
laws that are not like mine. I have been through
so much that I don't want my girls to experience
My father kept quite and drank his tea. I could
tell that he was uncomfortable...

Me:The Rannas sure do know how to throw a

party. Everything is always on a different level.
You can tell that they are well travelled.
Mma Puleng: Those are the people that should
have the guts to talk anyhow not someone who
has only been to KwaZulu-Natal. Mme le bone if
they ever try me, I will give them everything I
am worth.
Me:(laughed)She has been to all the provinces.
Mma Puleng: Do you think I care? That woman
is full of herself . A tsamaele ko kgakala
kwa.( She can go to hell).
Me:(laughed) I am going to bed.
Rra Puleng: Goodnight my girl.
Mma Puleng: Boroko ngwanaka. ( Goodnight
my child).

I grabbed my clutch bag and went into my room.

Rra Puleng: Mma Puleng!

Mma Puleng: Rra.
Rra Puleng: Did you have to make me look bad
in front of our daughter?
Mma Puleng: How did I make you look bad?
Rra Puleng: Aren't you the one who was talking
about how you have been through a lot with
your in-laws? What do you think Ney will think of
Mma Puleng: Do you honestly think that my
children don't know how your family ill treated
me or how their father failed to protect me and
stand up for their mother? Those girls know.
Gape le gone o jewa ke dibe.What happend
today is a reminder that you failed me. Did see
how Puleng's husband handled everything.As
young as he is, he knows his wife comes first.
Rra Puleng: I am going to bed. Goodnight.

He put his cup of tea on the table and stood up

then left...

Mma Puleng:(laughed) Every dog has it's day. I

didn't even have to lift a finger.

At Puleng's

Soon after Kagiso's siblings left, Mma KG sat in

the living room with her daughter in law. She
rubbed her feet while Kagiso washed the dishes
in the kitchen.
Mma KG: Now I see where the story is.
Puleng: What story?
Mma KG: Do you remember when I said I
wanted to know the story behind you not
wanting to do the introductions?
Puleng:(laughed) I do.
Mma KG: Mma London is very similar to my
sister in law. The same woman who wanted
your wedding gown the day before your
wedding in Mmadinare. Women like those ones
annoy me especially when they go as far as
bullying the children. She should take your
mother head on and stop hiding behind you
because it's not you she wants.
Puleng: My mother never gives her time of day.
Mma KG: Good! No one will bully my children,
not when I am still alive.
Puleng:(Smiled) Got you. If anybody bullies me
or my boys in future, I am calling you.
Mma KG: Grandmother to the rescue.
Puleng:(Smiled) Yes.

Her smile soon faded and she kept quite...The

worry in her eyes was visible...

Mma KG: What's bothering you?

Puleng: (forced a smile) Nothing. I am just tired.
Mma KG: Do better.
Puleng:(Sighed) I just feel like I am too fat.
Mma KG: Don't tell me that you are listening to
that mannerless old woman.
Puleng: It's not even about what Mma London
said. I looked at myself in the mirror today after
taking a bath and I can't even recognize myself.
I can't even undress when my husband is
around anymore because I don't want to turn
him off.
Mma KG: What you look like right now is very
normal when one is pregnant. Puleng my girl,
this is the beauty of carrying children. Your
husband knows that you are carrying his
children and he can not get turned off. If at all
he feels that way then it means I raised a weak
man.You look beautiful. You are blessed. This is
a phase that some women would give up
anything just to experience.
Puleng:I wish I felt that way.
Mma KG: Sometimes all you need is to know

At Thabiso's
Thabiso smiled as he read Ney's text...He had
expected her to reject his request and lash at
him but things had turned out differently.

Ney: I will go out with you for a drink only if you

bring your girlfriend with you.

Thabiso:(Chuckled)Oh Ney...This one is always

interested in my girlfriends.

Thabiso:I am single so we won't be offending

or disrespecting anyone.

At home

I read Thabiso's text and smiled... It had been

months since I had spoken to anyone that
made me smile like that. Thabiso and I had a bit
of a history but I enjoyed his company and
valued his friendship.

Me:Ok. You tell me the time and place and I will

be there.
Thabiso: Tomorrow at six. I will pick you up
then. Will that work?
Me: Just send location and I will pull through.
Thabiso:Whatever you are comfortable with.
Thabiso:Goodnight Onneile.
Me: Goodnight.

Distance & Time
# 37

At Mma London's

London stood up and undid her mother's hair

while her husband attended to the plumbing in
the kitchen...She found it strange that her
mother had not mentioned or complained about
anything since the family dinner.

London: So how was the family dinner? You

haven't said anything ever since you got back.
Mma London: London?
London: Mma?
Mma London: You say that you are educated
yet your emotional intelligence lacks. Don't you
know that if someone does not mention
something then it means that they do not want
to talk about it?
London:(laughed) That may be the case with
other people not with you. There is no way that
you don't want to talk about the party.How was
it? How is Puleng?
Mma London: If you are not interested in doing
my hair then tell me so that I can ask the girl
from next door to help me.
London: Ao mama!
Mma London: I can see that you don't want to
help me so i will free you.
London: I was just as...
Mma London: London please keep quite.My
head is aching. I don't want any noise.
London:(laughe) It must have been the party of
the century if you are not complaining and you
are hung over.
Mma London: I am not your age mate. Focus on
doing my hair or leave me alone.

She quietly did her mother's hair however she

was determined to find out exactly what had
taken place at the party because whatever it
was, it had upset her mother...

At Puleng's

Puleng sat out in the patio while her siblings

and husband cleaned up...

Kagelo: And here I was thinking that our family

was dramatic.
Kagiso: Every family has it's own drama.
Kago: And it's own matriarch of drama.

They all laughed as they picked up the cider and

champagne bottles...

Kabo: Imagine Puleng's aunt and our aunt in the

same room.
Kagelo: They would murder each other.
Kago: I have got to give it to Gertrude. Ahh
Gertrude knows her stuff.

They all laughed...

Kagelo: I heard you tagging yourself,on some

toast to Class.
Kago: I had to otherwise Gertrude would have
accused us of not being on Puleng's side.

Kabo held her waist and turned to Puleng...

Kabo: You have to publish a book on whatever

prayer points you used when you got married
because they are quite powerful. We all thought
that she was going to bully you like she bullies
the rest of us but you have humbled her.
Puleng: (laughed)Are you calling Mma KG a
bully? Wait till she hears that.
Kagelo: Last born mentalities.
Kagiso: You might even find yourself on
Gertrude's bad side for saying that to Puleng.
Not even the girls were treated like this when
they were young.
Kagelo: The other day she was telling me that
when she dies, Puleng is the one that will be
dividing her clothes since she is our mother in
her absence.
Kago: (laughed) Puleng do you by any chance
know what's on our mother's will? What am I
Puleng:(laughed) Wa nkgolega Rra. ( I don't
know anything).
Kagiso: Tell the truth Puleng. You two are
Kagelo: She will tell you during pillow talk.
Kagiso: Owai! This one has been turned into a
mini Gertrude. She is very stingy with my
mother's secrets.
Kabo: Has Gertrude by any chance found a
gentleman to grow old with.

They all burst into laughter...

Mma KG: Kare la mpuwapuwa. (You are talking
about me?)

They all kept quite and carried on with what

they were doing. She held her waist and turned
to Puleng.

Mma KG: Ba reng ngwanaka? (What are they

saying my child?)
Puleng:(laughed) Ba re o bully.( They said that
you are a bully).
Kagelo:(laughed) What did I tell you people?
Last born mentalities.

They all laughed...

Kago: I knew that we were headed here when

they started wearing matching Pyjamas and
Kabo: Did you read their gowns at the back?
Kago: No. What's written?
Kagiso: Ngwetsi ya Mma KG ( Mma KG's
daughter inlaw) on Puleng's and Matsalagwe
Puleng ( Puleng's mother inlaw) on Mma KG's.

The siblings all laughed and made silly remarks.

Kago: Be careful my brother. Soon you won't

have a wife.
Mma KG: Ntshang mabotlolo ao matagwa ke
lona lo apeyeng re tshwerwe ke tlala.(Finish
clearing those bottles and cook for us ,we are
hungry you drunkards.
Kago:(laughed) It's over for you bro.
Six months later...

At Thabiso's

I sat on the couch and went through my loan

applications while Thabiso made some
breakfast. It had been three months since we
had started dating and it was everything I had
ever wanted.

Thabiso: All done.

Me: That fast? Are the eggs even cooked?
Thabiso: Well done.
Me: Good. I don't like raw eggs.
Thabiso:(laughed) Ney hlamma you like
ordering me around.
Me: I am a visitor kana.
Thabiso: (laughed) A visitor that goes through
my stuff when i am not here?
Me: I am just maintaining my territory.
Thabiso (laughed) Keep looking. You won't find
anything because I am not the cheating type.
That's why you have my house keys.
Me:(laughed) Just making sure.
Thabiso: (laughed) Heii basadi! (Women!) I
guess that you are also marking your territory
by leaving your things here.
Me:I didn't say that.
Thabiso:(laughed) I hear you.Babe there is
something that we need to talk about later.
Me: What is it?
Thabiso: Let's talk about it when you get back
from school.
Me: I have time now. Let's talk now.
Thabiso: No. Let's talk later.
Me: Mme kana I wanted to go see my sister
Thabiso: Then we can talk about it tomorrow.
Me: What is it? You are scaring me.
Thabiso: Relax. We will talk later.
Me: I hate it when people do that because you
spend the whole day curious.
Thabiso: Let's eat.

I put away my files and went into the kitchen to

wash my hands...

At Puleng's
Puleng laid in bed with Aziz while her mother in
law bathed the other twin . When she had
finished bathing Aiden,she handed him to
Puleng to feed him then bathed Aziz.

Mma KG: I think it's time to teach these boys to

sleep alone. They are three months now.
Puleng: I don't have a problem with co-sleeping
with them.
Mma KG: I hear you my girl but don't forget that
you are a married woman. Your husband also
has needs.
Puleng: I have just given birth to twins. Those
needs can wait. These boys are my first borns. I
wanna give them my all and besides that, I don't
think that I can get up at night and feed them.It
will be a lot of work.
Mma KG: So when will you teach them to sleep
on their own?
Puleng: When they are one year.
Mma KG: And where will your needs be in that
year? Puleng you might be a new mum but you
still have a husband.If you two are co-sleeping
with the boys, when will you have some alone
time to laugh and giggle with your husband?
Puleng: That time will come.
Mma KG: Your husband might be patient
especially because he knows that you have to
heal but he won't be patient forever. Utilize
those baby cots now because by the time they
are a year, they won't want them.
Puleng: I know that you are concerned about us
but I know what I am doing.
Mma KG: Ehe mma. (Ok).

She kept quite and continued bathing her

grandson. She knew that soon enough her
daughter in law would understand what she
was talking about.

Goodmorning 🌞 I hope you had a great
Distance & Time
# 38

Later that day

Kagiso greeted his wife then went into the

bathroom and washed his hands. He dried them
and headed back into their bedroom.He kissed
his wife and picked up Aziz.

Kagiso: Hey buddy. How was your day?

He smiled and kissed him...

Kagiso: How was your day babe? I hope the

boys are not giving you a hard time.
Puleng: We are good. Mama helps me so I am
Kagiso: That's what I want to hear.How long
has Aiden been sleeping for?
Puleng: Not too long.How was work?
Kagiso: Same old,same old. I couldn't wait to
get back to you guys.
Puleng: (Smiled) We missed you too.
Kagiso:(Chuckled) Really? How about you show
me tonight?
Puleng: What about the boys?
Kagiso: Your mum has been dying to see them.
We can drop off Mma KG and the boys at your
mum's now then pick them up later.
Puleng:Mme kana she saw them a week ago
gape they are still too young to be visiting.
Kagiso: They are not visiting. It's your mum's so
they will be home and besides, our parents
need to spend time together.
Puleng: Babe I don't know. I am not comfortable
with them being away from me.No one can
protect these boys like I can.
Kagiso: You honestly mean to tell me that your
mum and mine combined can't protect or look
after their grandchildren?
Puleng: I didn't say that. I am only saying that I
am not comfortable with them going to my
mum's house yet.
Kagiso: Come on Puleng! Babe it's been months
since I have made love to you or even cuddled
you. The last time we made love was when you
were eight months pregnant. The boys are three
months now and the doctor has long given us
the green light.
Puleng: I thought you said that you wouldn't
rush me.
Kagiso: Puleng I am not rushing you. It's been
months. I miss you hle motho wa Modimo. Le
gotweng batho.
Puleng: I am not ready yet.
Kagiso: You are not ready or you don't want to?
Puleng: I think we should talk about this some
other time. I need to take a shower.
Kagiso: I will take the boys to my mum then we
can talk.
Puleng: Kagi please. I have just had a long day.
Can we talk about it tomorrow.
Kagiso: You know what I am tired of being
patient and understanding. I am human and as
much as I love you, I can't beg for s*x everyday.
Puleng: So all you care about is s*x?
Kagiso: I am not gonna be ashamed of wanting
to make love to my wife. Yes Puleng, I want s*x.
I want to bond with you. I miss you. I miss us
but if that bothers you so much then I will leave
you alone. Do you really understand the pain of
sleeping in bed every night with you and the
boys and knowing that you will get upset from
just a touch? How hor*y I get from just looking
at you and knowing that I can't have you?

He put his son in the crib and picked up his keys

then left...
Puleng: He can't even give me back the baby.

She clicked her tongue and looked up trying to

block her tears. The thought of her husband not
understanding the pain she was in broke her
heart. She wiped her tears and got up then
picked her son from the crib.

At Thabiso's

Thabiso gave Ney a glass of water then sat

down. He had spent the entire day trying to
formulate a better way to break the news to his
girlfriend. There was no going back once he had
told her but the effort of protecting his secret
was stealing his peace.

Me: Are you okay?

Thabiso: Yeah. Why do you ask?
Me: You are sweating.
Thabiso: Oh. It's quite hot today.
Me: No it's not. Anyways what did you want to
tell me?

He took a deep breath and stood up then sat

down again...

Me:(Smiled)What is it? You are making me

nervous now.
Thabiso: There is no easy way to say this but I
am positive.
Me: Positive about what?
Thabiso:(Sighed) My hiv status.

I kept quite trying to digest what he had just

told me. I felt my feet going cold and soon after
everything began to feel numb...

Thabiso: I have always wanted to tell you this

but I was not sure if what we had would pull
Me: What?
Thabiso: I didn't tell you because I thought that
you were going to leave me and I was scared.
Ney this is something that is really hard for me
to talk about.
Me: I need some time to process this.
Thabiso: So what are you saying?
Me: I am saying that I need to process this. I
don't know how I feel.
Thabiso: You are gonna leave like the rest,
aren't you? I don't know what I was thinking.
There was no way you would have even looked
at me twice if I told you this.
Me: So you are deciding for me again?
Thabiso: What do you mean I am deciding for
you again?
Me: What did you think you were doing when
you didn't tell me this from the very day you
asked me out? It was my choice to make on
whether I wanted to be with you nor not. You sit
there and compare me to all these other women
that left yet you didn't give me a choice.
Thabiso these days being positive means
nothing when you are on medication and taking
good care of yourself. You needed to be honest
with me from the very first day we made a
decision to be together. You keeping something
this serious away from me makes me question
you. Do I trust you after this? You had no right
to withhold this information from me especially
because we are sleeping together.
Thabiso: That's why I insist that we use
protection all the time.
Me: Ever wondered about what would happen if
the condom was to bust?
Thabiso: Babe I am sorry. I didn't...
Me: I need some time to process this.
Thabiso: Are you breaking up with me?
Me: No I am not breaking up with you. I need so
time to think things through.

I picked up my bag and stood up to hug him.

Thabiso:If you are going to leave me then spare

me the pain and do it now.
Me: I will talk to you when I am ready.

At Puleng's
Mma KG sat on the couch and folded the
babies's clothes while Puleng watched the tv...

Mma KG: Are you okay?

She turned off the tv and turned to her mother

in law.

Puleng: Mma?
Mma KG: Kagiso left in a rush. He totally
ignored me when I tried to talk to him.I can also
see that you are not okay. You are never this
Puleng: (Cried) Mama.
Mma KG:What's wrong my baby?
She put the laundry down.

Puleng: Kagiso and had a fight.

Mma KG: I am sorry to hear that my baby. It's
very normal in any relationship.
Puleng: I don't know. Kana Kagi wants to get
intimate but I am not ready.

She sighed and changed sits to sit with her

daughter in law.She had known that this
moment would come but she had never
anticipated that it would come so soon.

Mma KG: Remember we talked about this

earlier on? Now tell me my girl. What makes you
feel that you are not ready? Is it physically or
Puleng: (Crying) Kana Mama i was cut in order
for the babies to come out.
Mma KG: (laughed) So that's what's scaring you?
Mme kana you were stitched my girl. You have
Puleng: I don't know about that. Of lately there
are sounds coming from down there when I

She buried her head in her hands and cried as

her mother in law comforted her.

*Goodnight 🌞
Distance & Time
# 39
Mma KG: Calm down my girl. Calm down.

She wiped her daughter's tears and hugged her.

She could see the embarrassment in Puleng's
eyes so she avoided eye contact.Puleng took a
deep breath and looked away.

Puleng:Please don't tell Kagi any of this.

Mma KG: What we are discussing is between us.
Puleng: Thank you.
Mma KG: Have you thought of seeing a doctor?
Puleng: And go through restitching again?
Mma KG: That's not always the case baby. I can
give my gynaecologist a call and see what she
says then maybe set up an appointment with
her. She is really good.
She nodded in agreement...It took a few
seconds for Mma KG to look through her
contact list then call.

Dr: Hello professor.

Mma KG: Hey Doc. How have you been?
Dr: I have been well and you my friend? How are
the grandchildren? Are you still in town?
Mma KG: That's why i am calling.
Dr: Are the babies ok?
Mma KG: My daughter is worried that she might
have not healed properly down there. They are
sounds coming out from there when she takes
a bath.
Dr: Would it be alright if I speak to her.
Mma KG put the phone on loudspeaker.

Mma KG: You are on loudspeaker doc.

Dr: Hello Mma Kagi.
Puleng: Hello Ma.
Dr: Let me explain a few things about childbirth
but I will still set up an appointment for you to
come see me.
Puleng: Thank you.
Dr: My girl,childbirth can temporarily alter the
size and shape of that whole area. Labor and
delivery may damage nerves,stretch and
weaken it's muscles. How much any woman's
vagina changes during delivery depends on all
sorts of things, like how long she pushed in
labor, the size of her baby, and her own
individual muscle and tissue genetics.Your
vagina may still be larger than it was before
your pregnancy and the new proportions are
making it easier for air to become trapped
inside there. The noise you hear is likely the
release of that air.
Puleng: How long will it last?
Dr: In time, your vagina will resume it's original
shape and size, or close to it. This will happen
faster if you tone up vaginal walls through
exercise.Doing kegel exercises which is simply
contracting and releasing the same muscles
you use to control your urine flow will help
improve your vaginal tone and decrease those
Puleng: Doctor are you sure?
Dr:(laughed)I Understand your concerns my
child. Childbirth can be stressful.
Puleng: Well this is not what I was expecting. I
can't even be intimate with my husband
because I am scared and everything has
Dr: All I can tell you is that childbirth is different
for every woman and how every woman
processes postpartum is different. It's the same
with labor. In a labor room you find some
screaming and some waiting very calmly. Our
bodies and our level of pain tolerance is
different. While some are not very accepting of
their postpartum bodies, some will not find it as
a problem because our body changes will never
be the same. Accept how you feel and if you
need to find help, do that. There is no right or
wrong way to feel. It's your body and your
Puleng: Thank you so much for all that Doctor.
Dr: I will ask my assistant to give your mother a
call and let her know when we have an opening.
Take care of yourself.
Puleng: Thank you bye.
Dr: You are welcome my girl. Professor, let's
catch up before you leave.
Mma KG: Let's do that my girl.

She hung up and turned to Puleng. She could

see that the weight had been lifted off her

Mma KG: How do you feel?

Puleng: Better.
Mma KG: Good. Now have this conversation
with your husband. If you don't tell him what's
going on then he will assume that you are
simply refusing.
Puleng: Where do I start?
Mma KG: Where you should start. He got you
pregnant in the first place, I don't expect him
not to understand.
Puleng: He is angry at this point. I doubt he will
be understanding.
Mma KG: Never assume anything my girl. Most
marriages are in shambles because no one ever
said anything. They just kept assuming.
Puleng: Emma.
Mma KG: Good.

At Tebogo's

Tebogo picked up Bakang's socks and clothes

on the floor then threw them in the laundry
basket.She looked at him and took a deep

Tebogo: If you are still alive at the end of this

marriage then it will be by luck.
Bakang: What did I do this time around?
Tebogo: How hard can it be to throw your
clothes in the laundry basket after taking them
Bakang: I was going to.
Tebogo: When Bakang?
Bakang: Babe akere I was still taking a nap.
Tebogo: Bakang the basket is not even that far.
Bakang: Sorry babe.
Tebogo: When we were dating, you did all these
things without me even asking you. What's
changed now?
Bakang: I was luring you akere.
Tebogo:(laughed) You are an idiot. This is
serious and you are cracking jokes.
Bakang: Someone needs to. You have been too
serious ever since we got married.
Tebogo: (laughed) Well someone needs to keep
things in place around here.
Bakang: My bossy wife.
Tebogo: Your bossy hot young wife.
Bakang: (laughed)Sexy!
Tebogo: Well this sexy needs to study. Fix
yourself something to eat real quick.
Bakang:(Chuckled) Kante why did I pay magadi.
Tebogo: For some kinky, hot s*x straight outta
english medium baby!

He put his hands on top of his head...

Bakang: Yeii wena!

Tebogo: I said it. If you make it alive from this
marriage then it will be by luck. The things am
gonna do to you.
Bakang: Short stuff...Let me breath! It's getting
heated in here.
Tebogo: While you breath please pack the
dishes away after using them.
Bakang: Go study!

She picked up her study materials and giggled...

Bakang: Go dude.

At my place

I sat before the computer and did a research on

people living with HIV. All my life,I thought I
knew so much about the virus till this point.
There was so much information i had never
been exposed to. While I came to a point of
understanding, there were so many questions I
wanted answers to. I could imagine a life with
Thabiso but at the same time I was scared.
Would we be able to have a normal relationship
without him infecting me? The information
before me said it was possible but it didn't take
away the fear. I wanted to talk to someone but
how could I? This man had trusted me with his
status. Hwo could I even begin to betray him? I
couldn't make out if what I felt was love or pity.

Goodmorning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 40
At Puleng's

Kagiso took off his shoes and placed them on

the shoe rack then changed into his pyjams
before jumping into bed.His wife looked at him
and cleared her throat but he ignored her.

Puleng: Aren't you gonna take a shower?

Kagiso: For what? It's not like anyone will be
affected if I don't take a shower.
Puleng: Kagi, we need to talk.
Kagiso: Talk about what Puleng? You made it
very clear that you didn't want to talk.
Puleng:I am sorry about earlier on.There is so
much going on.
Kagiso: Clearly because these days you are too
busy for your husband. At first I thought that
you were overwhelmed by the birth of our
children but after today you made it clear that
it's your body and you choose what to do with it.
Puleng:(laughed) Bathong Kagiso when did I
say that? Are you seriously mad at me because
of S*x?
Kagiso: Ee.
Puleng: It's not that I don't want to make love.
Kagiso: Then what is it?
Puleng: Of lately I have been hearing sounds
from there when I take a shower and I didn't
want to scare you away.
Kagiso: Puleng I am your husband not some
random dude you had a one night stand with.
There is nothing that can scare me away. When
we decided to have children, I did my research
and I have been told that things might be
different because of children. I am not gonna
judge you when I am also responsible for
whatever condition you may be in.
Puleng: I am sorry. I didn't know how you were
going to take it. What if the s*c is not the same
and you are turned off?
Kagiso: Then we will figure it out together.
Puleng: Mama arranged for me to go see a
gynaecologist. The appointment is for
Friday.Would you like to come?
Kagiso: I wouldn't miss it for anything.
Puleng: Ok. Go take a shower and let's go to
Kagiso: Just going to bed?
Puleng:(Laughed) I will put the twins in their
Kagiso: Why don't you take them that side?
Akere you have expressed milk in the deep
Puleng:(Smiled) Okay.
Kagiso: Hurry.

She laughed and got up then wore her rob

before picking up Aziz.

Puleng: I will be back for Aiden.

Kagiso: I will help you. Let's go.

He got up quickly then picked up the other twin

following his wife to his mother's room.

At Thabiso's

Thabiso picked up Ney's clothes and packed

them up in her bag. She had not said anything
since she had left and he already knew what
she would do next. He had already accepted
that she would also leave him. There were days
that he knew that his status was not a death
sentence but on this specific day it felt like a
curse. How many women would keep leaving

Thabiso: It is what it is!

He picked up his phone to text Ney...

"I am really sorry that I kept the truth away from

you for months. It was selfish of me and I
should have known better. I want you to know
that I love you and I don't wanna lose you but if
you want to leave then I understand. You have
the right to choose who you want to be with and
if it isn't with me then that's ok. I also want you
to know that this is me and nothing will change.
Everything I have been to you is my authentic
self. My status is part of the package."

At my house

I read Thabiso's message and took a deep

breath. I found myself smiling in between. The
man had the gift to own up to who he was

" I hear you. I didn't say anything about leaving

you. I just feel like you were not honest with me
and it really upsets me. I have so many
questions with this curve ball that has been
thrown at me. I just need some time. Let's talk

I put my phone under the pillow and turned off

the side lamp.

A week later

At Tebogo's

I stood up as Tebogo picked up some books

and files from her couch. We had barely spent
time together since her wedding.

Tebogo: It's not always this messy.

Me: (laughed)Girl you are acting like I am
coming here for the first time.
Tebogo: (laughed) Well in this case it's just a
reminder. You look like you have been hit by a
train. Sit, I will get some wine.
Me: It's only ten in the morning.
Tebogo: You look like you can use a drink and
honestly I need one.
Me: Speak for yourself.

She went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle

of wine and some wine glasses...

Tebogo: Mojolo the pandemic?

Me:(laughed) Who said anything about that?
Tebogo: You are my bestfriend. I have known
you for years. I know that look babes.
Me: Well sort of.
Tebogo: In that case I will drink to that. You
need yourself some wise me and you know how
wine gets me there quickly.Start talking.
Me: Let's just say that there are some things
Thabiso kept away from me when we started
dating and now that I know them, I don't know if
I should leave or stay.

She poured some wine into our wine glasses

and handed me mine.

Tebogo: Okay. So how did you find out? Did he

tell you or you found out on your own?
Me: Well he told me but that's not the point. He
hid them way from me at the beginning of our
Tebogo: It honestly depends on what that is.
There are some things you can't just blurt out at
the beginning of a relationship while some need
to be declared at the beginning of the
relationship. Whether you leave or stay will
depend on how serious it is and what you want
out of your relationship. Tota at the end of the
day,it's your choice babes.
She sipped on her wine and laughed.

Tebogo: Am always amazed how wise I am.

Listen to all this sh*t am telling you.
Me: You are not wise, you just love alcohol.

She looked at me and laughed...

Tebogo: I don't know dude. I just feel like I need

a drink. It's been a while. I also need some me
time. Between Bakang, school and the things
that need to be done around the house, I haven't
caught a break. So much has changed. I mean
don't get me wrong, it's a good feeling but
somewhere along the way it's exhausting. Who
knew that men are like children.
She rolled her eyes and sipped her wine.

Me: (laughed)Listen to you. Koore you are

somebody's wife and it's serious.
Tebogo: Mosadi wa dikgomo le lesire mma. ( A
whole wife)
Me:(laughed) Am happy for you honey.
Tebogo:(Smiled) Someday we will sit like this at
your house and talk about how our husbands
act like kids.
Me: Maybe.
Tebogo:(laughed) I can't be picking up after a
grown man alone. We are doing this together.
Me:(laughed)The same way we did it together
when Thabiso caught us lying and you ran away.
Tebogo:(laughed)Atleast I lied for you.
Me: (laughed)Then ran away soon after leaving
me to deal with him alone.
Tebogo:(laughed) Your man can be scary. Did
you see how serious he was. His voice has this
thing that commands you to be honest. If I
didn't run away, I would have revealed all your
Me:(Smiled) Yeah neh. Hlamma my man's voice
is sexy.

I bit my lips and smiled...

Tebogo: Ya bo e kaya ko dinokeng. Kana wine

ga ena maitseo. (It's the wine making you
horny). Just one glass and it's already my man
this, my man that.

I picked up the bottle and refilled our glasses.

Tebogo: Go easy on the wine Mama.

A few hours later

At Block 6

Thabiso explained the terms of the loan to his

client then showed him where to sign.

Client: When did you say that they will start

Thabiso: We should know after the money has
been credited.
Client: Okay when did you say that I will know if
I have been appr...

A phone call interrupted him...Thabiso looked at

the caller identity then rejected the call.

Thabiso: You were saying?

Client: I want to know when I will be approved.
Thabiso: That all depends with how fast it goes
through at credit. Once we are done here, I will
go and submit the paper work. I will kee..

His phone rang. He looked at his client then

hanged up again.

Thabiso: I will keep track of everything then

keep you posted.
Client: I would really appropriate that. I really
need this loa..

His phone rang again. His client shook his head.

Client: Ijo! You can go. Clearly that person is
desperate for a loan.

Thabiso: Looks like it.

They shook hands and soon after Thabiso

stepped outside and answered his phone.

Thabiso: Onneile I am with a client.

Me: Babe.Baby baby! I miss you.
Thabiso: Onneile are you drunk?
Me: Babe. Babe.
Thabiso: Have you seen the time?
Me: I miss you.
Thabiso: Don't you have lessons? Where the hell
are you?I am coming to pick you up.
Me: (laughed) Hurry up.
Thabiso: I asked you where you where...

The call ended...

Hey now 🌞
Distance & Time
# 41

At Thabiso's

I took off my shoes and threw them on the floor

then went inside the bedroom and sat on the

Thabiso: Onneile! Where are you going?

I could hear him screaming from the living


Me: Am I not welcome here anymore?

He approached the bedroom and stood by the


Me: Now let's talk. Why were you screaming at

me? Huh?
Thabiso: Why did you skip classes today? Are
you now a drunkard?
Me: I didn't skip any classes.
Thabiso: I have a copy of your schedule. I know
that you are supposed to be in class by now.
Me: So now you are spying on me?

He shook his head and headed out to the

kitchen.In a few minutes he got back with a
glass of water.

Thabiso: Drink that.

Me: (laughed)Don't you have wine or something
Thabiso: Drink up.
Me: Yes sir.

I took a sip then gave him back the glass.

Me: So why didn't you take my calls?

I took off my clothes and laid on the bed...

Thabiso: Wa simolla akere.(You are starting?)

I spotted my bag on the side...

Me: What's my bag doing there?

Thabiso: Ney!
Me: I asked you what my bag is doing there.
Thabiso: I thought that you w...Shit! Can we talk
when you are sober.
Me: Tell whoever you promised a relationship
that I am not going anywhere.
Thabiso: We will talk when you are sober.
Me: Ee gosiame,come here. (It's fine but come

He came closer and held my hand...

Thabiso: What's wrong? Do you need anything?

Me: (laughed)Yes.I want you. Let's do it.

He looked at me and laughed.

Thabiso: Just sleep Onneile. Maybe you will

think straight when you get up.

He shook his head and closed the door on his

way out.
At Mma Puleng's

London took off her shades and knocked on the

door.It had been a while since she had last
visited her uncle.With everything that had taken
place between her mother and uncle, she wasn't
even sure if she was welcome.Mma Puleng
opened the door and greeted her.

Mma Puleng: Hello my girl.

Puleng:(Smiled) Mma Malome. (aunt)
Mma Puleng: Don't just stand there. Come in.

She lead her to the living room where her uncle

was sitted.

Rra Puleng: Ao setlogolo. ( My niece)

London: Hello malome. ( Hello uncle).

She gave the plastics she had brought with her

to her aunt then extended her hand to her uncle.

Rra Puleng:(Smiled)Ke yone menatenyana ya

rona. O tswa go reka reka. (Are those goodies
Puleng:(laughed) Erra. (Yes uncle).
Rra Puleng: So what brings you here? Is your
mother okay?

She forced a smile and looked around

wondering where to start...

London: Everyone is doing well. I just thought I

should come and see you and Mma Puleng.
Mma Puleng: Does your mother know that you
are here?
London: She doesn't.
Rra Puleng: We don't want any trouble my girl.
London: I know but if I didn't come here today
then I will continue to be restless. Malome I
know that there is a lot going on between you
and my mother but I can't live like this anymore.
I want you and aunt to know that I don't have
any problem with you and my cousins. I
appreciate everything that you two have done
for my sister and I. I am really sorry that it took
me so long to get to this point.I honestly didn't
want to fight with my mother.
Mma Puleng: Akere mme you know what will
happen when she finds out.
London: Emma. (Yes) I am heading to her place
from here.
Rra Puleng: So she has relocated here?
London: It's been months. She is turning her
house in Serowe into a guest house.
Rra Puleng: That's good. She doesn't talk to us
London: What really happened at the family
Mma Puleng: I think it's best you ask your
London: I think we need to have a family
meeting. The way we relate with each other is
not proper. I haven't even went to see Puleng
and the kids because I am not sure if I am
welcome anymore.
Mma Puleng: London you are our child and
nothing will ever change that. You are welcome
to come and see us anytime. Le ene Puleng,
you can go and see her. She doesn't have any
problem. I will give you her number so you call
London:Thank you so much aunt. I am so
relieved. I was certain that you were going to
throw me out.
Mma Puleng: We can't do that. You are our child
no matter what happens between us and your
Rra Puleng: That is true my child.

At Bakang's office

Malebogo threw some files on Bakang's desk

and sat down. He browsed through them then
piled them with the rest and continued working.

Malebogo: I need those by the end of the day.

Bakang: I have other things I am working on.
They are gonna have to wait.
Malebogo: I am very patient so I will wait.
Bakang: Good!
Malebogo: So how is married life? How is your
wife treating you?
Bakang: I am not discussing my personal life
with you. If there is nothing else please leave.
Malebogo:(Smiled) I hear that it gets boring in
that club. If you ever need company then you
have my number.
Bakang: You can collect these tomorrow.
Malebogo: What you and I had is
unforgettable.Sooner or later,you will be the one
following me around. Do you remember how
you cried when I left you?
Bakang: Respect yourself please. If you think
you don't deserve to be respected even by
yourself then please respect me and my wife.
Malebogo:(laughed) That girl doesn't know
what life is. She hasn't experienced anything
especially relationships. What makes you think
that she will be faithful?

She laughed and walked out...

At Thabiso's

I took some pain killers then laid in bed. My

entire body felt like I had been hit by a truck.

Me: What time is it?

He looked at his wristwatch.

Thabiso: Six pm.

Me: How long have I been sleeping for?
Thabiso: A few hours.
Me: Ok.
Thabiso: So what happened?
Me: With what?
Thabiso: You got drunk and missed classes.
Don't ask me with what when you know exactly
what i am talking about.
Me: I went to distress.

He kept quite and looked away.

Me: We need to talk.

Thabiso: Ok.
Me: What you told me has not changed how I
feel about you and I don't want our relationship
to end. I have a few questions though.
Thabiso: What do you wanna know?
Me: I don't mean to offend you but how did you
contract it?
Thabiso: Well I was born with it.
Me:Oh. I tho...
Thabiso: That I was sleeping around? No. That's
not my style.
Me: I didn't say that.
Thabiso: No but it crossed your mind.
Me: I don't how we move past this but I want to.
Thabiso: Take some more time and think about
it. Ney I don't want you to stay because you feel
obliged to stay.You also deserve to put yourself
first. No one will blame you if you walk away.
Me: I don't wanna walk away. Let's talk to
someone if that's possible.
Thabiso:There are quite a few people that
provide counselling in this area. We can find
time and go see them.
Me: Thank you.
Thabiso: I am really sorry that I wasn't honest
with you.
Me: It's okay.
Thabiso: Do you wanna eat?
Me: (laughed) When do I not want to eat?
Thabiso: Take aways?
Me: Let's go out and eat. We could do with
some time out. You can drop me off at my
house later.
Thabiso: Ok.

Things were a bit awkward between us but one

thing I was certain of was the love between us.
Only time would tell if I was being stupid
believing in love again or my trust was not

At Puleng's

Kagiso kissed his wife and gave her a bouquet

of flowers then greeted his mother.

Mma KG: I thought we talked about those

flowers last week.
Puleng: (Laughed) Mama let me flourish.
Mma KG: (laughed) Make sure you leave them
in the kitchen.
Kagiso:(laughed) Owaii jealous hela.
Mma KG:(laughed) Tell that to the doctor.
Kagiso: So are you babysitting again tonight?
Puleng looked at her mother in law and burst
into laughter.

Mma KG: These days you act like you pay me.
Kagiso: You said you wanted grandchildren and
now that they are here, you are complaining.
Mma KG: These guitars of yours don't sleep.
They feed through the night. Even if you can
ignore them,they sing till you can't take it.
Puleng: (laughed)Your guitars.
Mma KG: You two better not be planning to buy
more because I am going back to my house
next month.
Puleng: (laughed) Already? How will I cope?
Mma KG: Ga re itsi mma. ( I don't know my girl)
If I don't go back, Kago and his siblings will run
my businesses into the ground.
Kagiso: I am sure that they are half way there.
Mma KG: They wouldn't dare otherwise no one
will have peace.
Kagiso:(laughed) That's true. Wena mogatsaka
ya go bulela metsi. ( My love, go run the tub so
Puleng: Ng ng...It's your turn.
Kagiso: You are spending too much time with
Mma KG: I am not your friend my boy.

He laughed and ran upstairs...

Mma KG: I see that it's all sweet.

Puleng: We are getting there.
Mma KG: Those prolactin hormones won't
suppress ovulation forever.
Puleng:(laughed) Ao mama.
Mma KG: Go. You think that I don't know what
you kids get up to.

At Nandos,African Mall...

Thabiso: Do you remember that we met here.

Me: How can I forget? The light skinned guy
with some tatts.
Thabiso:(laughed) I Didn't even think that we
would get here.
Me: Neither did I.

We held hands and eyegazed as if we had just

met. None of us wanted the date to end.

Mareledi: Thabiso!
He turned around and his eyes met with

Mareledi: So you are sleeping with her? Is this

why you didn't want us to get back together?
Thabiso: Mareledi!
Mareledi: You slept with her while we were
Thabiso: Don't cause a scene.

She raised her voice and soon everyone was

looking at us.

Thabiso: Babe let's leave.

Mareledi: So you are the little sl*t that couldn't
keep her clothes on?
I picked up my bag and stood up but she
blocked me...

Mareledi: If you are gonna have the guts to steal

someone's boyfriend
then you should be able to face anything.

I avoided eye contact with her.

Mareledi: You can't even look me in the eye.

Thabiso managed to grab my hand and we

walked out while Mareledi followed us outside.

Mareledi: Did he tell you about his status?

Thabiso paused and shook his head.

Thabiso: Are you really willing to stoop that low?

I have never slept with anyone while I was with
you. For months I begged for your forgiveness
and even let you embarrass me because I
thought no one else would accept my status. I
didn't come back to you because you are rude
and you don't know when to stop. Ney had
nothing to do with it. Stop embarrassing
yourself in public. Babe let's go.

Just as we were about to get to the car, he

turned around and stopped...

Mareledi: You are nothing Thabiso. I stayed with

you out of pity.
She approached us...

Thabiso: The next time you pull that little stunt

of yours about my status, I will drag your rude
ass to court.

She turned around and left...

Me: What just happend?

I sighed and got inside the car...On our way to

my house, no one said anything.The drama that
has just occurred had thrown us both off.

Me: Thanks for dinner.

Thabiso: I love you.
Me: I love you too.
I leaned in to kiss him then got off the car...

*Goodnight 🌞😘
Bring your A game tomorrow, our sponsor for
tomorrow has already paid for your bonus
insert.Reciprocate what i give you 😂😂Y'all are
stingy shem ng ng
Distance & Time
# 42

A week later
At Bakang's

Tebogo picked up the cups and papers that her

husband had left in the bedroom. She threw the
paper's in the trash can then washed the
cups.The house was messy and everything was
not in place. She clicked her tongue and started
tyiding up.

Bakang: (Whistled) Goodmorning baby.

Tebogo:What's good about this morning

She picked up his files on the floor.

Bakang: Someone woke up on the wrong side

of the bed.
Tebogo: And someone can't pick up after
Bakang: Sorry babe.By the time I get home,I am
always exhausted.
Tebogo: So am I but you never see me throwing
things around. Babe you can't keep doing this.
Between you, school and the house! You need
to help me out.
Bakang: Babe I work eight hours everyday.
When I get home I just need to let go and relax.
I can't be picking things up at the office and at
home too.
Tebogo: And you think I will be sleeping in that
eight hours?
Bakang: I didn't say that. All I am saying is that
you get some me time during the day which I
never get.
Tebogo: Who told you that I get me time?
Bakang: Babe you drunk called me at twelve.
Doesn't that say that you were relaxing and
putting your feet up?
Tebogo: When was the last time I did that since
we got married? Just because I drunk called
you during the day it doesn't mean that you
shouldn't help me out. Le gone if you have a
problem with it, I will call someone else next
Bakang: (laughed)Wa peka. (You are crazy).
Tebogo: If we keep up like this then soon I will
be too tired to even make love.

He grabbed his things from her and helped her

to tidy up...

Bakang: Go relax in the bedroom. I will take it

from here.
Tebogo: I thought you needed to be early at the
office because you want to make an impression.
Bakang: It's a matter of life and death am sure
my boss will understand.
Tebogo: (laughed)Just like that?
Bakang: Babe do you expect me to take such
threats lightly?
Tebogo:(laughed)a If only I knew that it would
take this threat to get you to help me out then I
would have long pulled it off.
Bakang: Don't be so sure. Go before I change
my mind.

At Puleng's

Kagiso picked up Aziz and kissed him then gave

him to his grandmother before picking up Aiden.
Puleng: Do you really have to go?
Kagiso: I know how you feel but it's training
babe. Two weeks will go by quickly. Mma KG
will keep you company.
Puleng: It's not the same.
Mma KG: Clearly I am boring.
Puleng:(laughed) Mama you also know that it's
not the same.
Mma KG: Even with Mma Puleng coming here
for a week?
Puleng:(laughed) My mother would never stay
here for that long. Two nights is enough for her
to start receiving calls from my father asking
her to come back home.Do you remember how
she complained every day about his calls after i
gave birth?
Kagiso: I have to go.
He hugged and kissed his wife then gave Aiden
to her.

Kagiso:Getty, I will see you when I get back.

Mma KG: Be safe my boy.
Puleng: Remember what you said about living it
up because life is too short?
Kagiso: Yes honey.
Puleng: Let's travel.Let's live it up.
Kagiso:(Laughed)Getty heard you.Bye ladies
and gents.

He pulled his luggage bag and headed out...

Mma KG: Life is too short my child. The children

have grown. You can start thinking of reviving
your business and traveling with your husband.
Get yourself a nanny. When you travel, you let
me know so that I can come and keep an eye
on the nanny or just send her and the children
to me.
Puleng: That would be nice.
Mma KG: I think you need to start the process
of finding a nanny. Nna yaanong i have to go
back home. I love helping you out with the boys
but I can't stay with you kids forever. You also
need your privacy. If these were not twins then
I would have probably left when Mma Puleng
Puleng: Emma. We are grateful for everything
you have done for us.
Mma KG:Go and take a nap. I will watch the
kids. You look like you can do with some sleep.
Puleng: (laughed) Bathong Mama!
She got up and went upstairs...

At Thabiso's

I sat on the bed while Thabiso got ready for

work. Things had been a bit awkward between
us but we still kept our routine.

Thabiso: Babe.
Me: Yeah.
Thabiso: I know we have talked about my status
and all but in the midst of all that. I forgot to ask
if you have tested.
Me: I did.
Thabiso: Ok. When was this and what
motivated you if I may ask?
Me: It's been a while. My ex and I did not use
protection so I was kinda scared after I found
out that he was cheating on me. I am negative.
Thabiso: Oh.
Me: What?
Thabiso: Nothing.
Me: So what happens if we do the deed and the
condom breaks? I am sorry if I am being
Thabiso: It's actually a very good question. First
of all I am undetectable.
Me: Huh?
Thabiso: Having an undetectable viral load
means that there is not enough HIV in your
body fluids to pass HIV on during sex. In other
words, you are not infectious. For as long as
your viral load stays undetectable, your chances
of passing on HIV to a sexual partner is zero.
Me: So you are as good as healed?
Thabiso: No babe. We still use protection and
take the necessary precautions. I can set up an
appointment with the person I usually attend
counselling with so you learn more about our
Me: I thought you have been positive for years
now.How is it that you are still attend
Thabiso: As much as it's been years and I have
accepted my status, some days are are hard. I
get up one morning and it hits me.Having
someone who understands what I am going
through has been helpful.
Me: I see.
Thabiso: Do you want me to drop you off at
Me: No. The lesson I attended this morning was
the only one for the day. I want to go see Puleng.
Thabiso: Are you going to tell her?
Me: Not if you don't want me to.
Thabiso: Did you tell Tebogo?
Me: No.I didn't tell anyone.
Thabiso: If you feel like talking to your sister
helps then it's okay. As long as you don't go
around the entire town broadcasting my status.
Me: I would never do that to you.
Thabiso: Thank you.
Me: I love you.
Thabiso: Me too baby.
Me: What is me too?
Thabiso: (laughed) I love you too baby.

He sat next to me and kissed me...

Later that day

Goodmorning 🌞
Will share link to sponsor's page. Don't be
stingy today because they won't be an
Distance & Time
# 43

Later that day

At Puleng's

Puleng and I sat out outside while her mother in

law looked after the boys.The radiance on her
face was undeniable. My sister had been
through a lot and seeing her so happy was

Puleng: Thabiso keeping you busy?

Me: Huh?
Puleng: You barely come to see us these days.
Me: I can't keep rocking up here like I own the
Puleng: (laughed) Mama?
Me:(laughed)I was given strict orders.
Puleng: And since when do you listen to her?
Me: I don't know man. I have been going
through stuff.
Puleng: Are you okay?
Me: I don't know how to answer that but
truthfully I am not.
Puleng: Ao nnaka! (Oh baby sis).
Me: I feel like I am meant to live with heartache.
Puleng: What happens?
Me:I recently found out that Thabiso is HIV-

I could tell that she wasn't comfortable from

just her facial expressions.

Puleng: Yoh!
Me: Yeah.
Puleng: I am sorry baby. How did you find out?
Me: He told me.
Puleng:Have you been using protection and are
Me: He insisted on using it from day one.
Puleng: I don't know what to say. Are two still
Me: Yeah. We are working through it.
Puleng: Can I ask you something personal?
Me: Duh!
Puleng: On the real.
Me: Yeah sure.
Puleng: Are you prepared to stay in this
relationship?Is that what you want?
Me: Yeah. I love him.
Puleng: I hear you baby sis but have you looked
at it beyond love? I mean what about your
health? Condoms aren't exactly a hundred
percent safe. What happens if they bust?
Me: I hear you but according to the information
I got when I did a research, so many couples
with different statuses have healthy
relationships while the other one gets to
maintain their status.I forgot what term was
used for those couples.
Puleng: Are you staying because you want to or
he guilt tripped you?
Me:(Smiled) I am staying because I love him
and I want to.
Puleng: Onneile you are my baby sister and I
need to make sure that you are okay. I don't
want to lose you.
Me: I know.
Puleng: You are a big girl and if you are staying
because you want to then I will support you.
Just make sure that you two see a professional
that has a better understanding.
Me: We are on it.
Puleng: Okay. So why are you stressed?
Me: It's just that ever since Thabiso told me,our
relationship hasn't been the same. It's as if he is
afraid of you know...
Puleng: Something was bound to change. You
are both getting used to the fact that he told
you. I am not that informed in this area and
neither do I know how he is feeling but it's
probably not easy for him too. Give yourselves
some time. It's probably just a phase.
Me: Yeah neh.And you?
Puleng: Everything is fine. The kids are doing
well. My mother in law and husband are treating
me like a queen.
Me: And you! How is Puleng?
Puleng:(laughed) Would it be weird if I said I
also don't know? Tota hela it's been such a
rollercoaster. I thought after having kids,
everything would just be sweet but so much
changes. Your outlook on life, your body and on
just yourself as a person,you change.
Me:And how are you getting by?
Puleng: My mother in law and her son. I
honestly don't what kind of a mess I would be if
it wasn't for them.
Me: Sometimes I feel like you are the choosen
Puleng: (laughed)Choosen one my foot!
Me: Am telling you. God used you to send a
strong message to all the people that looked
down on our family and Mama.
Puleng: Maybe.
Me: I hope that you are treating Mma KG well,
that woman is of great importance to the nation.
We both laughed...

At Mma London's

London put some foot soak in her mother's foot

spa then gave her a glass of wine.She looked at
her mother and smiled endlessly.

Mma London: What do you want London?

London: Nothing.
Mma London:You are my daughter and I know
you. Your treats come at a cost. What is it that
you want?
London: So how are you loving the new painting?
Mma London: Tell me what you want.
London: I was thinking of doing a family reunion.
Mma London: Is that why you have been
coming here everyday. Why didn't you say so?
You know I love parties.
London:(Smiled) Great. I will let Mma Pretty and
Uncle know.
Mma London: Who? Kante didn't you say that
you wanted to do a family reunion?
London: I did.
Mma London: So since when are those two
family? Do you know that Puleng's mother inlaw
humiliated me at her son's house and those two
people you are talking about just kept quite.
London: Mama!
Mma London: I don't want to hear it London. My
family is you,Ruth and your husband.
London: I am going ahead with the family
reunion. If you are not interested in coming then
that's ok. Those people are our family and
nothing should change that. Not even you
should. Mama i have kept quite for years while
you tore this family apart. I don't mean to
disrespect you but this is something I am not
willing to do any longer.
Mma London: Tell me when you are finished
with insulating me so I call your husband and
tell him.
London: Mama,Sizwe is my husband. He is on
my side and nothing or no one will ever change
that. You are getting old, you need family and
they also need you. All this fighting needs to
stops.I can't even have children. Who knows,
maybe it's because of all this fighting and all
the people we have hurt.

Mma London closed her eyes and laid back

while her daughter continued talking... A few
minutes later, London kept quite and Mma
London took her feet out of the footspa and
stood up.

Mma London: Are you done insulting me? Keep

your footspa and wine if you brought them to
my house to insult me.
London: I will send the dates of the family
reunion once I have spoken to everyone.
Mma London: If you want me to die so you stop
taking care of me then just say so.

She clicked her tongue and left...

One year later

At Mma KG's

Kagelo picked up Aziz while Aiden ran inside

the house.Puleng and Kagiso greeted Kagelo
then went inside the house with their luggage.

Mma KG: Mega family! You are here already?

Puleng: Hie Mama.
Kagelo: Hie Gerty.

Mma Puleng put her grandson down inorder to

kiss and hug her daughter inlaw. Aiden pulled
his grandmother's dress and cried.

Kagiso: Ema pele papi. (Wait first my boy).

Mma KG picked him up and kissed him.

Mma KG: Gogo's boy.

Aiden: Gogo!
Mma KG: Wena you are smart. Where is his
Puleng: He is with his aunt outside.
Mma KG: Uhu!

Kagelo and Aziz walked in the house hand in


Mma KG: Aziz!

He waved at her...

Mma KG: Come here.

He ignored her and held onto his aunt's hand.

Mma KG: A o makgakga hee? ( Are you cheeky?)
Puleng:(laughed) What have you cooked?
Mma KG: Kabo is in the kitchen.
Puleng: I am hungry. Let me see what she has
Kagiso: Dish for me.
Puleng: Ok babe.

She trotted to the kitchen...

Mma KG: What time are you guys leaving?

Kagiso: Before six so please make sure that you
and Puleng don't chat all night because we are
flying to Morocco the day after we get home.
Kagiso: Will you sleep with the boys?
Mma KG: Kagelo will sleep with them.Ke batla
go itsheba le ngwanake dikatara tseo di letsatsi.
( I want to spend time with my daughter. Those
guitars are too much work.)

At Thabiso's

I sat infront of the tv nd changed from one

channel to the other while Thabiso played coin
master on my phone.

Thabiso: This game is fun. I want to buy some

golden coins.
Me: Make sure you charge my phone when you
finish le gone I told you to download it on your
Thabiso: I don't have enough memory love.
Me: I also don't have enough memory.I am
going to dele...

A phone call came through.

Me: Who is it?

Thabiso: Unknown caller.
Me:Answer it and put it on loudspeaker.

I said as I concentrated on finding the right


Me: Hello.
Goodnight 😘
Will share my two cents and some of your
thoughts on why we didn't reach targets today
Distance & Time
# 44

I recognized Loapi's voice and the little world I

had built came crushing. The confidence in my
voice suddenly dissapeared and I went mute.

Loapi: Babe are you there?

I felt myself sweating buckets. This guy had not

contacted me in the last two years. I could feel
Thabiso's eyes literary pressing on me.My
throat closed up and I couldn't dare to open my
Loapi: Ney are you there.
Me: What do you want Loapi?

I gained the strength to open my mouth.

Loapi: I am back in the country. Can we meet up

and talk?
Me: No. It's good that you are back in the
country but I don't understand how that is my
business. Please don't ever call me again. I
want nothing to do with you.

The anger and pain I had hidden for years

suddenly manifested. I could feel my hands
Loapi: Ney I...
Me: Go back to the sh*t hole you came from

I grabbed the phone from Thabiso and hung up.

I blocked his number then gave the phone back
to Thabiso before i resumed what I was busy
with earlier on.

Me: Don't buy the gold coins with all my money.

Thabiso: Wow!
Me: What? Babe you do it all the time.
Thabiso: Wow as in is that all you are going to
say? I mean what just happened?
Me: So it's my fault?
Thabiso: Babe I didn't say that. I just thought
that we would talk and laugh about it like we
always do when other guys call you.
Me: Am sorry. I didn't mean that. The person
who just called me is Loapi.
Thabiso: The guy from overseas?
Me: Yeah. I mean can you believe the nerve that
guy has?
Thabiso: Sorry babe.So he wants to talk...
Me: There is nothing to talk about. That di*k
head broke my heart. He doesn't even deserve
to say my name.
Thabiso: Can I say something?
Me: Yeah.
Thabiso: It sounds like there is a lot to talk
about. That anger is a lot of unresolved issues
you need to face.
Me: What do you mean?
Thabiso: Maybe you two need to talk.
Me: Not while I live.
Thabiso:Babe that guy will keep calling you till
your nerves stand.
Me: So what do I do? I meet up with him and
talk to him like he is a king.
Thabiso: That's not what I said.I am just saying
that if you have anything you want to say or you
have always wanted to say then meet up and
Me: What kind of a guy encourages his girl to
meet up and talk with an ex. What happens if he
convinces me to leave you and go back to him?
Thabiso: The kind that knows that sometimes
we need closure. If you go back to him then
that's probably what was meant to happen. I
would rather you go back to him now than when
we are married and have kids. I am not forcing
you or anything. I am just telling you that I am
okay with it if you two meet up and talk.I didn't
say go sleep with the guy or anything.

He looked at me and cracked up in laugher but I

became worried at how carefree and casual he
was about it.

Me: I don't know.

Thabiso: That's for you to decide babes. I am
buying those gold coins, I will paytocell you later.
Me: That's what you said the last time.
Thabiso: I pay my dues. I paid all that money
with your salary.
Me:(laughed) I thought that it was a bonus.
Thabiso:(laughed) Bonus for what? For sleeping
with the boss?
Me:(laughed) And keeping him company.
Thabiso: Whatever man. I am dropping you off
in three hours. Is that fine?
Me: That's ok.

At Mma KG's

Puleng took off her slippers and joined Mma KG

in bed.She pulled the blankets to her side and
Mma KG reprimanded her.

Mma KG: Don't come here with that habit

because I will pull those blankets at night till
you freeze.
Puleng:(laughed) Bathong Mama. I was fixing
Mma KG: You are always fixing them then I end
up freezing at night because you are stepping
on them.This time I have new skills. O tla
gatsela gore mogatse Kagiso ija. ( you will
Puleng: So what's new?
Mma KG:(Whispered) Heela! That old man I was
telling you about came past when your siblings
went to work. We were sitting in the garden
having some wine when Kago suddenly came
back from the office.
Puleng:(Laughed) What did he say?
Mma KG: He just greeted us and left but I could
tell that he was curious.Has Kagiso asked or
said anything?
Puleng:(laughed) Not yet but I don't think he
told him anything otherwise they would have all
lined up to ask me. Le nna I would have told you.
Yaanong what does the old man want?
Mma KG: That one is crazy. He says he wants
to marry me.
Puleng:(laughed) So what's the problem with
Mma KG: Puleng do you know my age tota?
Gape when he marries me,where will he take
me because no man is moving here or eating
my husband and I's hard earned money.
Puleng:(laughed)You will move to his house.
Mma KG:To a one room? The great Mma KG?
Puleng:(laughed) Ee (yes)
Mma KG: Puleng you don't love your mother at
Puleng:You will be fine. Love first.
Mma KG:(laughed) Then let it pass me.

At Tebogo's

Bakang rubbed his wife's back as she laid in

Bakang: Babe hlamma wena it's been a month
wena. I will rub your feet too.
Tebogo: I am tired . I just want to sleep. I have
an early presentation.
Bakang: I will be quick.
Tebogo: Thera let's sleep kana it's late.
Bakang: Babe tlhamma. ( Babe please)

She covered herself with the blankets and

turned away...

A few days later...

At Loapi's
Loapi handed his sister back her phone and
took a deep breath. He had called Ney so many
times in the past few days without any luck.

Boi: And?
Loapi: She is not answering.
Boi: So call her back with your own phone.
Loapi: She hasn't unblocked me. I sent her a
message on messenger. She just read it.
Boi: So there you have it,she doesn't want to
talk to you. What kind of signs do you want?
Leave her alone. It's been two years and she
has moved on.
Loapi: We belong together.
Boi: You should have thought about that before
you cheated on her.
Loapi: Being nice doesn't cost a thing.
Boi: Neither does being honest. Just take a hint
baby bro.

Goodmorning 🌞😚
Distance & Time
# 45

A few days later

Four Seasons
Puleng nibbled on some snacks as she laid on
the hammock.It had been just two days since
they had landed in Morocco. Kagiso smiled and
gave her a glass of champagne.

Puleng: Is it not a little early to be drinking?

Kagiso: Not when you are on vacation and away
from your naughty twins.
Puleng: I will drink to that.
Kagiso: Cheers!
Puleng: Cheers!

He kissed her and sipped on his champagne.

Puleng: Babe...
Kagiso: Yes Mami.
Puleng: I love you.
Kagiso: Le nna ke a go rata mogatsaka. (I love
you too honey.)
Puleng: Thank you for being so good to me and
the children. I know I don't say it all the time but
I appreciate everything you do for us.
Kagiso: I also appreciate what you do for me
and the boys. I honestly don't know what we
would be without you.I am proud of how far we
have come. I know that it hasn't always been
milk and honey but I love being married to you
more than anything.
Puleng: I love being married to you.
Kagiso: Yes. So how do you think the boys are?
Puleng: I think they are ok.
Kagiso: Do you think they will adjust?
Puleng: With Mama and Kagelo? I doubt they
even miss us. I trust those two with my children.
Kagiso:(laughed) You might be right about that
one. Remember how they didn't want to come
home with us after just two nights with Mma
Puleng: That's because their grandparents spoil
them and play with them till they drop yaanong
Imagine me doing that then taking on work and
the household chores.
Kagiso: I told you that we need a helper.
Puleng: Maybe when the boys are two. Right
now i have all the support system I need,
between my parents, Gogo and Ney. The
business is also not that busy yet.
Kagiso: As long as you are coping.
Puleng: I am baby. Now enough of this baby
talk.We are on vacation. Let's do something fun.
Kagiso: What did you have in mind?

She got off the hammock and unbuttoned her


Puleng: Is it too early?

She whispered.

Kagiso: Never too early for my wife.

He put away his champagne glass and stood up

following her inside.

At Tebogo's

Bakang greeted me and picked up his work files

then headed out. I could sense the tension
between him and his wife even though my
friend tried to hide it.
Tebogo: What did you say Loapi wanted?
Me: Mma waitsi Loapi wants to ruin my
relationship. Everyday he calls or texts with a
different number. What annoys me is the fact
that this happens when I am with my man. He is
determined to ruin my relationship. Even after
telling him that my boyfriend is violent, he won't
Tebogo: That will never happen. Tlhamma
Loapi won't break your heart and also come
back for your relationship. We would serve him
his mother on a golden platter. I am telling you.
Me: I don't understand what he is trying to do.
Tebogo: And wena chomi? Do you still want him?
Me: What do you mean do I still want him?
Tebogo: You are my friend and I know how
stupid you can be mme this time I won't
embarrass myself. Before I go around insulting
Loapi, I need to know whether or not you are
getting back with him. I don't want to be used
as a testimony bo hewee hewee we have been
through a lot kante go tewa nna.
Me: And leave Thabiso?
Tebogo:I know you. Wena you can embarrass
someone Onneile.
Me: I am not leaving Thabiso.
Tebogo: Don't cheat on him either. That man
has changed your life in many ways.You can
walk into a car dealership and buy a car if you
wanted to because of his love and guidance. If
you leave him for that good for nothing boy then
I will be defeated.
Me: You need to trust me more.
Tebogo: That's a risk I won't take.
Me:(laughed)Shee. So what's happening
between you and Mr Kasale? He wasn't his
usual welcoming self.
Tebogo:(laughed) Let's just say that he has
se*ual tension.
Me: O tima monna chomi. ( You are not giving it
to him?)
Tebogo: Kana a month ago I found his ex sitted
on his desk in his office.
Me: You are still holding onto that.
Tebogo: Let her give it to him.
Me: Stop whatever you think you are doing
because you will regret it. Did I tell you what
happened between Thabiso and his ex?
Tebogo: I know what I am doing. If at all our
marriage is that important, he will find another
job. I don't want him working with her. Have you
seen how she dresses.
Me: My friend please stop. You are going to ruin
your marriage over a silly person that your
husband probably doesn't notice. Can you
imagine it if Thabiso just assumed that there
was something going on with me and Loapi the
first time he called without checking facts?
Tebogo: You are comparing the two
Me: If you keep up this stupid behaviour then he
will find his way to her. This is not some kind of
game. I won't bother insulting anyone when that
girl runs off with your husband.
Tebogo: (laughed) Ba ka nyela. (Hell would
break lose).
Me: Keep testing the universe and you will see.
Tebogo: I hear you friend.
Me: Well fix things before he starts sleeping
with her.
Tebogo: Iya grab your things mma, I need to go
see my husband.
Me: That's the spirit.
Tebogo: Thabiso is good for you. This is the
first time I hearing you speaking so much sense.
Me: Shee. Let's go.

Marrakesh, Four Seasons

"Baby,” Kagiso whispered against Puleng’s lips.

He had never felt this sort of heat and longing
for another person. He didn’t know how Puleng
did it, but Kagiso knew that there would never
be anyone else for him. He wanted Puleng to
feel that too, to have that assurance both
physically and emotionally. He would do
whatever he had to do to make sure that Puleng
knew he was hers.
He slid his hand into Puleng’s wig, gripping the
curls at the base of her neck and using them to
pull Puleng's head back, just to be able to kiss
her harder. Her lips were soft and gave under
his as he drove the kiss. They lay wrapped
around one another, and when he shifted more,
She broke the kiss with a gasp and rocked them
together despite the layers of thin cloth
between them. The look in Puleng’s eyes told
Kagiso that he was on the right path.

*Got Spicey*
Will be posted on group

Distance & Time
# 46

At Bakang's office

Bakang put away his laptop and opened the

take aways his wife had brought. He quietly ate
while she looked around the room like a lost

Tebogo: How is the food?

Bakang: It's ok.
Tebogo: Just ok?
Bakang: Yeah.
Tebogo: Ok. So how is work?
Bakang: The usual.
Tebogo: Are you ignoring me?
Bakang: Pardon me if I don't know what to
make of this.

He wiped his hands with a serviet then pushed

back the food.

Tebogo: I brought you food.

Bakang: I know you brought me food but do you
blame me for not knowing how to react?
Tebogo you have been ignoring me for a whole
month. You don't care whether I have eaten or
not, you don't want to know how my day at work
was. When I make small talk with you, you turn
it into an argument.Please let's not talk about
sex because that is your weapon. Whenever I
do something wrong, you close your legs
instead of talking to me and telling me what I
did wrong.
Tebogo: Babe I am sorry.
Bakang: What exactly are you sorry for Mma
Tebogo: For using sex as a weapon and not
Bakang: Emma.
Tebogo: Is that all you are going to say?
Bakang: What must I say? Akere anytime I
express my views you end up insulting me.
Tebogo dipuo tsa gago mo go nna di
botlhoko.( Some of the things you say to me are
painful)You insult me like I am nothing.
Tebogo: Sorry tlhe babe.
Bakang: Tebogo you are not a child anymore.
You are a wife.How you do things should reflect
Tebogo: Kana mme I apologized akere love.
Bakang: Ema pele. (Wait first). I am still
expressing my views. The only reason I have
choosen to keep quite when you insult me
during our arguments is because I respect you
and I don't wanna end up saying things that I
will regret. I married a respectful and loving
woman not this bully you are choosing to
showcase. Lastly I will not be begging you for
sex anymore. This is your body and you know
that I respect it. I will never force you to do
anything you don't want. My days of begging
you for my conjugal rights are over.
Bakang: Let's just get back to the way things
were . I am not cheating on you and I have
never cheated on you. I have absolutely no
interest in doing it but if you want me to start
then I will.
Tebogo: That's not fair.
Bakang: Go home and think about whether you
want this marriage or not. And stop this thing of
taking off your wedding band when we fight. I
am still your husband not your boyfriend.

She stood up and went over to his side of the


Tebogo: Babe I am sorry. I am sorry I

disrespected you. I am sorry I took off my
wedding ring.I love you and I don't wanna lose
Bakang: Then act like it.I will see you at home.

He kissed her and embraced her...

At Mma Puleng's
London packed up the groceries in the pantry
while her aunt cooked.They had made it their
tradition to spend some time together every
Fridays and they were both loving it.

Mma Puleng: So how is your mother?

London: She is still mad at me. She and I only
talk about her needs other than that, she
ignores me.
Mma Puleng: Is she still angry about the family
London: Still very angry.
Mma Puleng: But the family reunion was over a
year ago. Tota la re what's wrong with my sister
London: Was she always like this?
Mma Puleng: I honestly don't know but nna tota
she has never liked me and my daughter. In as
much as she and I have our differences, I don't
like what is happening between you two. Mma
London is your mother and she will remain your
mother until Jesus comes. Find a way to fix
things with her.
London: I am trying.
Mma Puleng: Try harder my girl.
London: Emma.
Mma Puleng: Good.
London: So I saw Puleng's pictures last night on
whatsapp. It looks like she is having a great
Mma Puleng: I don't know what to say. God has
done so many wonderful things in Puleng's life.
Sometimes I cry when I think about how broken
I was when her father left me with her. I never
imagined that her life would be as beautiful as
London: She is blessed. I have never seen her
this happy.
Mma London: God has blessed you two with
good men. Look at you. Look at how you are

London forced a smiled and looked away...She

prayed for strength as she felt her eyes getting

Mma Puleng: May God bless your marriages

and keep them till Jesus comes.
London: Amen.

At Main Mall, Main Deck

I greeted Loapi then sat down. With all the

drama that he had caused in the last few days, I
knew that I needed to hear him out and tell him
how I feel in person.

Loapi: I am so happy that you made it. I wasn't

so sure that you would come.
Me: The thing about me is that I don't lie or
make false promises.So what do you want?
Loapi:I missed you.
Me: What do you want? Get straight to the point.
I am not here to catch up.
Loapi: Babe I know that I hurt you and noth...
Me: Sounds like you don't have anything
important to discuss with me so listen to what I
have to say. I want nothing to do with you. What
you and I had is over and it will not resurface. I
have moved on and I love my boyfriend. If you
ever loved me as you claimed you did in the
past then you will allow me to be happy. Stop
calling and texting me. I don't want you
anymore please.
Loapi: Babe can I explain.
Me: Onneile and no! You can't explain Loapi. It's
a little too late for that. Move on with your life
as you did in the past.

I grabbed my bag and hurried out of the

restaurant. I walked over straight to where
Thabiso was parked and got in the car.

Thabiso: Are you done?

Me: Yeah.
Thabiso: Well that was quick.
Me: There was honestly not much to talk about.
I needed to deliver a message. I just hope that
he heard me.
Thabiso: Ok. So where are we off to?
Me: Home.
Thabiso: Mine or yours?
Me: Yours. My mother has a date with London.I
will go later.
Thabiso: They still do that?
Me: Yeah.
Thabiso: I hope you don't mind if we pass by the
office. I need to grab a few things.
Me: It's all good.
Thabiso: Great.

I put on my shades and we drove off...

😘 You
Bring your A game tomorrow like today
are stars
Distance & Time
# 47
Three years later

At My house

I put up some pictures on the wall while

Thabiso and the twins watched some cartoons.
I had just moved into my apartment and most
of my things were still packed up in boxes.

Thabiso: Babe.
Me: Hmm...
Thabiso: Can we have some chips.
Aziz: And juice.
Me: Let me just finish up.
Thabiso: You still don't need help?
Me: I am good. I want them set up in a specific
Thabiso: Don't you just need to hang them?
Me: No. I want them to tell a story.
Thabiso: Okay. Akere mme you know that
everyone will be here in five hours?
Me: Yeah. The deco lady is almost done outside.
Thabiso: Are you sure that we shouldn't have
the dinner inside?
Me: No babe. I haven't even finished unpacking
most of the things.
Thabiso: I know babe but the people coming are
our friends and family members. None of them
will judge you. They know that you have just
moved gape the most important thing is
celebrating our engagement.
Me: You are a man. You honestly don't
Thabiso: Ehe mma.What time did Kagiso say
they are landing?
Me: Around three. I will bath the boys while you
pick them up at the airport.
Thabiso: Ok. Can we get those chips and juice
Me: Give me a minute. Something is not adding
up here.
Thabiso: Babe they are just pictures. Just hang
them up.How difficult can it be?

At Loapi's
Karen browsed through the activity list from the
resort while Loapi packed up the cooler.

Karen: Did you pack some sunscreen?

Loapi: I forgot how you can be such a snob.
Chill dude, I have some in the car.
Karen: I am not taking a chance with my skin.
Loapi: It's not like the boys here will notice if
you get a sunburn.
Karen: But AG will notice.
Loapi: Why on earth do you call him that?
Karen: It's because I can't pronounce his name
you idiot.
Loapi: It's not like he cares about how you
pronounce it. He just wants to tap that.
Karen: And I want him to tap it.
Loapi: You and African dudes.
Karen: Apparently once you go black you never
go back.
Loapi: Apparently? Girl you have been here for a
month and you ain't said nothing about going
back so clearly it's true.
Karen:Just one person on my hit list.
Loapi: You are disgusting man.
Karen: Well I can't deny that but you loved it at
some point. So how is it going with Neyney?
Loapi: Will you stop calling her that.Her name is
Karen: Well her name sounds like Ney's. Is it ok
if I call her Ney the second.
Loapi:(laughed)Shut up and let's go.
Karen: Meun give us your best pleasure today.
Loapi: Mxcm! Maun dude.
At Mma London's

London fixed her hair and buzzed the

intercom.She knew that there was no way that
her mother would ever agree to come to Ney's
engagement party but she had to try and get the
family together . It's all she had ever done in the
last three years.

Mma London: Hello.

London: Mum it's me.
Mma London: Okay.

She opened the gate and she walked into the


Mma London: My baby.

London: Hie mum.
Mma London: You look nice.
London: Thank you Mama.How are you?
Mma London: I am fine my girl. Where is your
London:He dropped me off and left. He has a
business meeting to attend.
Mma London: He couldn't even come in to greet
London: Sorry mum. He was in a rush.
Mma London: Okay.
London: It's Ney's engagement party today.
Mma London: Good for her.
London: Mum please just come with me. The
rest of the family would like it if you did.
Mma London: Did they say that or you are just
trying to trick me into coming?
London: I know that they feel that way. No one
is fighting anymore.
Mma London: So I am the one fighting?
London: I didn't say that.
Mma London:What did we agree on London?

She looked away and fiddled with her phone.

London: That I wou...

Mma London: Look at me when you are talking
to me.
London : Emma.

She made eye contact with her mother.

London:That I would have a relationship with

the family as long as I don't bother or force you
to have a relationship with them as well.
Mma Puleng:Good. I baked some pastries in the
London: Emma I will take some with me.
Mma London: Nare what's wrong with your
arms? Are those bruises?
London: No. It's an allergic reaction.
Mma London: Okay.

At Tebogo's

Bakang gave Tebogo a cup of Raspberry leaf

tea then sat next to her and held her hand. He
could see that she was shaken.

Bakang: Are you okay?

Tebogo: I will be fine. I just don't know if I can
make it to the party. What if I throw up while we
are eating?
Bakang: Relax baby. I was told that this tea
helps with morning sickness so you should be
Tebogo: I don't know.I have been throwing up
the entire week.Maybe I should just cancel.
Bakang: How will you explain to Ney that you
are missing out on one of the best days of her
Tebogo: I will just tell her the truth.
Bakang: After we agreed that we are only telling
people after the first trimester?
Tebogo: We can make an exception for Ney.
Bakang: No love. We will come back if you are
still not feeling well. Akere this usually happens
once a day. Now that it's happened,we are sure
that it won't happen again. Let's go and rest in
the bedroom. We will get ready in a few hours.
Tebogo Let's just stay here. I am tired.
Bakang: I will carry you mami. Let's go.

He got up and attempted to carry her...

Later that day

At Puleng's

Puleng stood before the mirror and fixed her

wig while Kagiso wore his shoes.

Puleng: I can't wait to see the boys.

Kagiso: I thought that Thabiso would bring
them to the airport.
Puleng: Me too. I miss them so much.
Kagiso: More than you miss Ibiza?
Puleng: I am afraid I am going to have to say
yes even though I miss our time there already.
Kagiso: Well another country awaits us next
Puleng: Yes.
Kagiso: I must say that I am really happy for
Puleng: Me too. I can't wait to see her in that
wedding gown.
Kagiso: And Mma Puleng in that big hat of hers
Puleng: Mother of the bride coming through y'all.
Kagiso: Yeii wena.

They laughed...
Goodmorning 🌞
Morning's : 10:00hrs
Evenings: 21:00hrs
Distance & Time
# 48

At my house

I looked around the room and saw everyone

that mattered to me. I had been through so
much in the last couple of years and being able
to bring my family and friends together was a
blessing. Seeing everyone laughing and
interacting with each other filled my heart with
so much gratitude. On the other side was my
fiance with my brother in law catching up on
God knows what. I could see how complete my
parents were.The sight of my sister with her
kids gave me a glimpse of what my future could
look like. I walked over to Tebogo and her
husband. We exchanged pleasantries and

Me: Looking fancy!

Tebogo: The world's coolest maid of honour.
Me: You got that right. Can I bring some

She looked at her husband and widened her


Tebogo: Thank you friend but I can't.

Me: What's going on? You never miss the
opportunity to drink.
Tebogo: Well I...
Bakang: Can you believe that we got wasted
last night. We almost didn't make it. We were
sick from mixing wine and a few ciders.
Me: So you two got wasted before my dinner?
Tebogo: I am sorry friend. We were celebrating
Bakang's promotion.
Me: Oh wow! Congratulations guys.
Bakang: Thank you.

At Mma KG's
Kagelo browsed through Kagiso's whatsapp
status and smiled. Seeing how her brother had
transformed in the last five years he had been
married to Puleng made her smile. She finally
understood why Kagiso had picked her.

Mma KG: What are you smiling about?

She sat next to her daughter.

Kagelo: I am looking at Kagi and Puleng's

pictures from their Ibiza vacation.
Mma KG: Puleng sent me some. Looks like they
had a great time.
Kagelo: I have never seen him this happy.
Mma KG: That's true. My son has never been
this happy. Relationships have always buried
Kagelo: Yeah.I am glad he picked her.
Mma KG:(laughed) Do you remember how you
didn't like her?
Kagelo:(laughed) Mama!
Mma KG: I was so hurt.
Kagelo: I thought that she would tear this family
apart but I was wrong. We have never been this
close. The way she loves us, you would swear
that we are her biological siblings.
Mma KG: She is a heavenly sent.Look at how
Kago has turned his life around.
Kagelo: Whatever she said to him worked. I
wouldn't be surprised if he brought a woman
home and told us that he is getting married.
Mma KG: Kago?

They both laughed...

Kago: What about Kago?

He walked into the living room and joined them.

Mma KG: We are just talking about how Puleng

is a great person and how much she has turned
so much around in this household.
Kago: Yeah neh. What a person. To think that I
almost hated her.
Kagelo: You and I both.
Mma KG: What's for dinner?
Kagelo: The chef is in the kitchen.
Mma KG: Poor Kabo!
Kago: That's what happens when you are a
good cook.
At my house

I looked up and wiped my tears as Thabiso said

his speech. Although my baby was a man of
few words, he knew how to lay them beautifully.

Thabiso: I just want to thank everyone for

coming to celebrate with us tonight. We would
have done this sooner but we had to wait for
the elders to finish setting up the Patlo and
Magadi dates. (Official engagement and dowry
day).We are so grateful to our parents and both
families that have supported us ever since we
informed them about our intention to get
married. To our ever supportive friends, the love
and support you have shown us over the past
few years has been beautiful. Ney my love! The
woman God choose for me and perfected, I
can't tell you how grateful I am for you. You
have been selfless. You loved me without any
conditions and supported me. You believed in
me when I didn't think it was possible to go on.
Young yet so brave and wise! Sometimes i don't
believe that you are going to be my wife.

He took my hand and hugged me before going

on his knees.

Thabiso: When you showed me this ring and

told me that you wanted to wear it as an
engagement ring and I told you that the only
ring you would wear was the wedding ring I
would buy you, I was only stalling till the elders
finalized because I didn't want you to wear a
ring before I got your father's blessings. Now
that we have achieved that. Will you marry me
and do me the honour of wearing this ring till I
give you the wedding band.
At this point, my eyes were dry as fu*k. I tried
closing and opening them to motivate my tears
but they remained dry.

Me:(laughed) No tears!

Everyone clapped and laughed...

Thabiso:(laughed) I know you saw it.

Me: (laughed) Yes I did and yes I will wear it.

He got got up and slipped it on my finger...

Me: It's a little big.

Thabiso:(laughed) You are ruining the moment.
Kagiso: To Mr and Mrs Lore to be.

Everyone toasted...

Later that night.

After everyone had left, Thabiso and I sat in the

living room and ate some icecream.

Thabiso: It was a beautiful night.

Me: Yeah. I loved it. Thank you for my ring.
Thabiso: You are welcome honey. We will go
and reduce the size on Monday.
Me: I can't wait.
Thabiso: I love you.
Me: I love you too baby.
I put the bowl of ice cream on the table then
moved closer to kiss him. I could feel his heart
beating against mine. I pulled back and took a
deep breath. I felt my body longing for him.The
burning desire in his eyes telling me to go on.He
knelt on his knees and took off my pyjama
pants and undies then buried his head in
between my legs...

Me: Uhh...

* Got spicey*
Both scenes will be posted this weekend.

At Puleng's
Kagiso and Puleng tucked in the boys after
reading them a bedtime story...

Puleng: One kiss for mummy and one for daddy.

She kissed Aziz while Kagiso did the same to


Puleng & Kagiso: Goodnight boys. Love you.

They turned off the lights and went into their


Puleng: Tonight was beautiful.

Kagiso: It was. It's beautiful to see love win.
Puleng: Reminds me of when we got married.
Kagiso: I love you baby.
Puleng: Till I take my last breath.
Kagiso: That's my line.
Puleng: Our line.
Kagiso: I think it's time we got that house.
Puleng: Ok. Why the sudden change of heart?
Kagiso: We need a bigger house with the boys
grown maybe it's time to make the last born.
Puleng: Imagine if it's twins again.
Kagiso: It better not.
Puleng: You just bought me a new car.
Kagiso: I know Mmagwe bashimane but we
have been working so hard. We deserve it.
Puleng: I can't argue with that.
Kagiso: Next week we start start negotiating.
Puleng: I would love that.
Kagiso: Goodnight honey. I love you
Puleng: I love you more.
Kagiso: You are only getting a break tonight.
Tomorrow we are on.
Puleng:(laughed) Kagiso hle o rata morobalo
mogatsaka.Otla mpolaa kana ija. ( Kagiso you
love se* too much my love. You will kill me).
Kagiso:(laughed) Ke wena o tla mpolayang ka
sukiri mogatsaka. ( You are the one that will kill
me with too much sugar my love).
Puleng:(laughed) You are an idiot.
Kagiso: Goodnight baby.

The following morning...

Kagiso looked at his wife and shook his head.

She was usually the first person to get up in the
house but on this morning she was fast asleep.
He wore his bathrob and went into the
bathroom to brush his teeth.

A few minutes later.

Kagiso: Babe.I doubt we have any groceries.

Wake up and write me a list.
Kagiso: Babe.

She didn't respond...

Kagiso: Babe.

He sat besides her and shook her but she didn't

move nor wake up.
His heart raced and everything went numb. He
shook her a few times without any response
from her. He felt his throat closing and drying
up. Everything suddenly felt cold.

Kagiso: Babe tlhamma stop playing like that.

He could feel his chest burning up...He rushed

to check her pulse but...

Goodnight & have a fab weekend my funky
Distance & Time
# 49

The following morning...

Kagiso looked at his wife and shook his head.

She was usually the first person to get up in the
house but on this morning she was fast asleep.
He wore his bathrob and went into the
bathroom to brush his teeth.

A few minutes later.

Kagiso: Babe.I doubt we have any groceries.

Wake up and write me a list.
Kagiso: Babe.

She didn't respond...

Kagiso: Babe.

He sat besides her and shook her but she didn't

move nor wake up.

His heart raced and everything went numb. He

shook her a few times without any response
from her. He felt his throat closing and drying
up. Everything suddenly felt cold.

Kagiso: Babe tlhamma stop playing like that.

He could feel his chest burning up...He rushed

to check her pulse but the thought of his boys
brought everything to a standstill.
Kagiso: Mmagwe Aziz! Mmagwe Aziz!

He grabbed his phone while trying to check for

a pulse which he couldn't feel. He picked her up
and went downstairs with Ney on the line.

Kagiso: Please come watch the boys. Mmagwe

bo Aziz is not well. I am rushing her to the
hospital now.
Ney: I was at the store near by. I will be there in
ten minutes.
Kagiso: Please make that five.
Ney: I am leaving.Send her my love.

He broke down and hung up. The thought of a

world without his wife was too painful. By the
time he got to the car, he had prayed so many
times.Just as Ney drove in, he ignited his
engine and took off without any explanation.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng sat on the bed and said a prayer.

Her entire body felt numb. The last time she
had felt that way was when her mother died.

Rra Puleng: Kare every chance you get,you pray

these days.Kooteng you still can't believe that
your daughter is getting married.
Mma Puleng: I don't know what's wrong but my
entire body is numb.
Rra Puleng: You probably didn't sleep well.
Stretch and exercise. That always leaves me
feeling better.
Mma Puleng: No. something is not right. The
last time I felt like this was when my mother
Rra Puleng: The problem is that you are too
superstitious. Nothing is wrong. You are
probably just tired and who knows, it could be
the alcohol Puleng gave you.
Mma Puleng: I don't know. Something doesn't
feel right at all.
Rra Puleng: Get up and let's take a walk. You
will feel better soon.
Mma Puleng: No.

At the hospital.

Kagiso paced around the corridors while

waiting for someone to give an update on what
was happening with his wife. He closed his
eyes and said a prayer.
Kagiso: God I know I don't usually talk to you
but please don't take my wife. Don't take away
my children's mother. They still need her.

At Puleng's

After bathing the boys and feeding them, I drove

with them to my mother's house.

Mma Puleng: What are you doing here with the

Me: Their father asked me to look after
them.Puleng is not well so he rushed her to the
hospital. I am also leaving them here so that I
can go and join him.
Mma Puleng: I want to come with you.
Me: Stay with the boys I will update you if there
is anything you need to know.
Mma Puleng: Okay. Did he tell you what the
problem is?
Me: He was in a rush.
Mma Puleng: Okay. Make sure you update me.
Me: I will.
Mma Puleng: Come on boys. Let's go and make
some breakfast.
Aziz: Me I want mama.
Aiden:Me too.
Me: She will be back soon.

I waved at them and left...

At Mma KG's

Kagelo threw her mother's luggage bag in the

car and went to grab hers in the living room.
She bumped into Kago on her way out.

Kago: Where are you off to?

Kagelo: Puleng is not well.We are driving to
Kago: What's the problem?
Kagelo: Kagiso didn't give us the details. All we
know is that she is at the hospital.
Kago: So why can't you wait for an update?
Kagelo: You know how your mother is. She
doesn't want to hear anything about waiting.
Kago: Mme kana you could just be rushing for
nothing. She is probably ok.
Kagelo: That's what I told Gerty but she doesn't
want to hear anything.
Kago: Is that why she is already in the car?
Kagelo: She threatened to drive herself yaanong
you know how her driving is off these days.
Kago: Okay.Let me know if you hear anything. If
it's serious then I will drive there with Kabo.
Kagelo: Thank you bro. Let me go before Gerty
drives off.
Kago: Sharp.

At Thabiso's

Thabiso dialled Onneile then started the car.

Thabiso: Hey babe. I am on my way there.Do

you need me to get you anything?
Ney: No. I think they should have some coffee
here.I also just parked. I am heading inside.
Thabiso: Ok. See you now.
In the hospital

I ran around the hospital looking for my brother

in law till I located him. From the look on his
face I could tell that it was serious.

Me: Hey bro.

Kagiso: Hey

The pain in his eyes pieced through my heart. I

could tell that he had been crying.I had never
seen him so down and broken.

Me: What happened?

Kagiso: I woke up and went to the bathroom.
When I got back, I tried to wake her up she
didn't resp...

He broke down and weeped. I hugged him and

tried so hard to be strong for the both of us but
I couldn't keep it together. The only thing I could
think about were the kids I had left at home with
the promise of their mother returning.

Me: She will be ok.

Kagiso:I hope so Ney because I don't know
what I would do without her.
Me: She is a fighter that one. I know she is okay.
Kagiso: Then what's taking so long?
Me: I am sure it's just procedure.

A nurse came out of the room she had been

admitted into.
Kagiso: Nurse!

He rushed to her.

Kagiso: How is my wife.

The nurse kept quite and looked at us.

Kagiso: The lady in that room.Puleng Ranna.

Nurse: The doctor will give you an update.
Kagiso: Well someone needs to give us an
update before I tear down every fu*king wall in
here. What the hell do we pay for if you can't
even update us.
Me: Rragwe Ay. It's okay. Please calm down,
there is the doctor.I am sure he will upd...
He rushed over to meet him halfway.

Kagiso: Doctor how is my wife?

Doctors : I am so sorry for keeping you waiting.
We were...
Kagiso: Keep those damm apologies to yourself.
Is my wife going to be okay?

Distance & Time
# 50
A nurse came out of the room Puleng had been
admitted into.

Kagiso: Nurse!

He rushed to her.

Kagiso: How is my wife?

The nurse kept quite and looked at us.

Kagiso: The lady in that room.Puleng Ranna.

Nurse: The doctor will give you an update.
Kagiso: Well someone needs to give us an
update before I tear down every fu*king wall in
here. What the hell do we pay for if you can't
even update us.
Me: Rragwe Ay. It's okay. Please calm down,
there is the doctor.I am sure he will upd...

He rushed over to meet him halfway.

Kagiso: Doctor how is my wife?

Doctor: I am so sorry for keeping you waiting.
We were...
Kagiso: Keep those damm apologies to yourself.
Is my wife going to be okay?
Doctor: Your wife has slipped into a coma.We
are ru...
Kagiso: Slipped into a coma how? My wife was
not in a coma when I brought her here.
Doctor:Mr Ranna I understand that this is
difficult for you. We are still running tests. We
will give you an full update once we have the
Kagiso: How long will that take?
Doctor: Two days tops.
Kagiso: And what do I do in those two days? I
have children. Where do I say their mother is
when they ask me? Will she be ok?
Doctor: At this point it's hard to tell. We can only
tell once results are out.
Kagiso: Dr please help my wife.

He went on his knees. The desperation and pain

in his eyes broke my heart. I didn't know what
how to comfort him.

Dr: We are doing everything we can. I am really

sorry. Please excuse me, we are still busy with
tests.I will see you when I am done.

He walked away...

Me: She is going to be fine.

I helped him get up with the little strength I

had...The thought of my sister never waking up
left me so broken.

Kagiso:(Cried) What if she never wakes up?

What do I say to Aziz and Aiden? What about
the life we planned together? How do I go on?
What do I do with the boys?

I wiped my tears and looked up.

Me: We have to stay positive KG.

I hugged him as he sobbed bitterly. The more

he cried was the more I began to fear for my
sister's life. After a few minutes, I managed to
get him to the bench.

Kagiso: What that doctor said doesn't make

sense. I mean how does someone just slip into
a coma? My wife was fine. There was nothing
wrong with her. Ney,Puleng is the healthiest
person i know. She is on a strict diet most
times and she goes to gym three times a week.
Me: I know. I also don't understand.
Kagiso: They need to give us answers. What he
said doesn't cut it.
Me: I know.
He buried his head in his hands.

Kagiso: What will I say to my boys?

His phone rang and he handed it to me.

Me: Mr Ranna's phone hello. Ney speaking.

Mma KG: Hello. Ney how is Puleng? Will she be
Me: We are still waiting for the doctors to tell us
what's going on.
Mma KG:We are on our way. Where is Kagi?
Can you put him on the phone.

I looked at him and turned away to wipe my

Me: He can't talk right now. Maybe later.
Mma KG: Ney what are you not telling me?
What is wrong with my daughter? Tell me and
stop wasting time.
Me: She...She is in a coma.
Mma KG: What exactly happend?
Me: I also don't know. We are waiting for
answers too.
Mma KG: We will see you when we get there.
Me: Drive safely.

We spent most of the day pacing around the

corridors of the hospital and hoping for a
miracle. Thabiso eventually managed to
convince Kagiso to come home with us.

Later that day

At Puleng's

After a very long day, I put the boys to bed then

went into the kitchen to help Kagelo prepare tea
for the elders.

Kagelo: I really hope Pulie wakes up soon. If

anything was to happen to her, my brother and
mother would die.
Me: She is going to wake up. I know she will.

I sat down and rested my head on the kitchen


Kagelo: How are you holding up?

Me: I am fine. I am just worried about the twins.
They keep asking me when their mother will
return. Aziz told me to call his mother so she
tucks them in.
Kagelo:(Sighed) Yeah. She always made sure
she was there when they went to bed even if it
was on a video call.
Me: She was fine yesterday. How does
someone go from being ok to being in a coma.
Kagelo: Heish Ney. Let's have faith.
Me: Yeah.
Kagelo: Let me serve tea. I will be back.

In the living room...

Kagelo put the tray of tea on the table and went

back into the kitchen. Kagiso picked up his car
keys from the table and stood up.
Mma KG: Son where are you going?
Kagiso: I am going to see my wife.
Mma KG: Have some tea first. I will come with
Kagiso:Mum do you really expect me to sit here
and drink tea while my wife is in the hospital
fighting for her life?
Rra Puleng: Calm down my son. We understand
how you feel. Your mother is right. Have some
tea. We will come with you.
Mma KG: Gone mme kana they said they will
call if there are any changes.
Mma Puleng: And we can only see her
Kagiso: I promised my wife that I will be there in
everything she goes through and I will be there
even if it's on the other side of the room.
He took off before anyone could respond...

Mma KG: Why is God testing us this way? How

will we comfort this boy if anything happens to
his wife. Will he even survive.
Rra Puleng: Let's hope nothing happens to her.

Mma Puleng put away her cup of tea and wiped

her tears.

Mma Puleng: Nothing will happen to her. The

child I gave birth to will survive.

In Kagiso's car

Kagiso sat in the car and weeped. He took out

his phone to record a message for his wife.

Kagiso:Hey baby...

He took a deep breath and tried so hard not to


Kagiso: The doctors say you are resting but you

can hear us so I am recording this message so
you hear my voice everyday even when I am not
at the hospital. Baby you came into my life and
changed everything. I asked for your number
but you gave me your heart. You loved me in so
many ways that I can not comprehend. You are
selfless in every possible way. Baby I need you,
the boys need you. When I said I love you till my
last breath, I meant till we are old and gray not
now baby. Please don't die on me. Fight for me.
For our love, our children and the life that we
built together. Come back to me and I promise
you that I will love you like I have never loved

He broke down...

Good morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 51

At my house

I smiled and covered the food Thabiso had

made for me then joined him in the living groom.
After a long and draining day, the last thing i
wanted to do was eat.All I could do was think
about my sister after seeing her in the state that
she was in.

Thabiso: Aren't you going to eat?

Me: No. I am not hungry. Thank you babes.
Thabiso: I know things are really hard right now
but you need to eat my love. You can't afford to
fall apart now. The twins need you to be strong
for them. Le wena wa bona hela gore KG ga a
kgone. ( You can see that their father is not
Me:Thank you baby.
Thabiso: For what?
Me: For being so thoughtful and supportive.
Thabiso: I will always support you. In two weeks
you will be my wife after magadi (Bride price)
has been paid.

I cleared my throat and closed my eyes to lock

in the pain. The fear of not knowing whether my
sister would have woken up by then and the
pain of thinking if things go South.

Me: Babe.
Thabiso:Mma. (Yes love)
Me: Can we postpone the traditional wedding
jus till she wakes up?
Thabiso: I don't see a problem with that but we
need to inform the elders in advance.
Me: Thank you for understanding.
Thabiso: I am really sorry.My heart really breaks
for Kagiso.
Me: I don't even know what to say to him. The
poor man is broken. It's torture having to see
him go through this. Those two were
inseparable. It's hard to think about him without
Thabiso:And they have lived intentionally.We
don't know what happens behind closed doors
but if you ask me,during the little time i have
known those two,they lived each day like it was
their last day.The vacations and parties and
how they never missed an opportunity to
celebrate.Life is too short and in all of this, I am
taking that. Let's live each day intentionally.
Let's have something to look back at.
Me: Yeah.
Thabiso:I love you.
Me: I love you too.

At Puleng's
Mma KG held on tightly to Kagiso's wedding
album and sighed. The thought of never seeing
her daughter in law alive broke her heart. She
closed her eyes and thought of all the good
memories they made. It sting really hard when
she remembered their pending spa date.

Kagelo: Mama!

She opened her eyes and put away the album.

Mma KG: What is it my girl?

Kagelo: Are you okay?
Mma KG: I am fine my girl.
Kagelo: You look like you are about to cry.
Mma KG: Don't be silly. I am just tired.
Kagelo: It's okay. I know that she is your
bestfriend. I also know that you are trying to be
strong for Kagiso and us but it's okay to cry and
let out the pain.
Mma KG: Just a day ago, she sent me pictures
from their vacation and today she is laying
lifeless on that hospital bed.
Kagelo: I know it hurts.
Mma KG: How will my son cope if Puleng dies?
What about their children? What will we tell

Kagiso stood by the door and cleared his throat.

Mma KG wiped her tears and forced a smile.

Mma KG:You are back. How is she?

Kagiso: Mum!
Mma KG: Yes son.
Kagiso: I am really sorry about how I spoke to
you earlier. I know that you are also hurting.
Mma KG: It's ok my son.
Kagiso: She is going to be ok and when she
wakes up, we are buying a new house and
selling this one.
Mma KG: I know she would love that.
Kagiso: I keep thinking that she will walk
through that door and laugh.
Mma KG: Mma ditshegwana. No one laughs
and smiles like Puleng.
Kagelo: Her laughter is unique.
Kagiso:(Smiled) Yeah my wife has a really warm
smile. When she is talking and smiling with you,
you feel so special. I don't know how she does
it between the house chores,business,the kids
and me but she has this thing of making you
feel like you are all that matters.
Kagelo:I don't know how a human being can be
almost perfect like Puleng.So pure in all that
she does.
Kagiso: They say strong and good people are
not meant to last but I refuse to believe that it
will be the same with my wife. She has to co...

Tears overwhelmed him...

Mma KG: Go and rest. We will take care of the

Kagiso: I am sleeping with them.
Mma KG: Kagelo is here. You don't have to.
Kagiso: Puleng would have loved me too.

Mma KG looked at her daughter and sighed

Mma KG: Kagelo let's go my girl. Kagi if you
need anything let us know.

The following morning

At Mma Puleng's

I took out the plastic chairs and placed them

under the shade then went inside the house and
directed my parents and Thabiso on were to sit.

Me: I will join you after I wash the dishes.

Mma Puleng:Don't take too long. We still need
to go and see the twins before we head to the
Me:Emma. (Yes)
I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes while
they sat outside.

Thabiso:The reason why Ney and I wanted to

come and see you is because we want
to,postpone the traditional wedding till ausi
Puleng recovers.
Rra Puleng:We hear you son but do you think
that's a wise decision? I mean none of us know
when Puleng will wake up.They said it could
take months.
Thabiso: Hopefully it won't take that long.
Mma Puleng:I hate to admit it but those are the
chances. No one knows when my daughter will
wake up. My son if there is one thing that I have
learnt when my husband had a heart attack and
now with my daughter is that life is too short,
Are you two willing to wait for months if it
comes to that? I would suggest that you two go
ahead with the formalities of the wedding and
maybe postpone the celebrations. I know that
none of us is in a celebratory mood right now. I
don't want you two to put your lives on hold. I
know that your elder sister wouldn't have
wanted the same but it's your decision to make.
Discuss it with Ney and then tell us what you
two have decided. We will support you either
Thabiso:Thank you.
Rra Puleng: It's late. We need to go. Call Ney. I
don't want to be late.
Thabiso: Erra.

He got up and went into the house.

At Puleng's
Kagiso got down and tied his son's shoes. This
was something that his wife did daily and doing
it was a reminder that she was not around.

Aziz: Not like that papa.

He got down and tied it the way his mother

used to.

Aziz: Mum says like this.

Aiden: What about mine?

He moved to Aiden's side and tied his. This time

he got it correct.

Aziz: I want mama.

Kagiso: Mama is coming back. Just be patient
my boy.
Aiden: Where did she go?
Kagiso: Uhh...She...

Mma KG walked in and laughed.

Mma KG: Your mum is very naughty. She forgot

her things in Ibiza.
Aziz: Ibiza.
Kagiso: Yes where we went.
Aiden: Ok.

He got off the bed and went to his aunt's room.

Later that day...

🌞 Bonus paid💃💃
Distance & Time
# 52

Later that day

At Loapi's

Loapi sat next to Karen and buried his head in

his hands. He looked up and took a deep breath.

Karen: Ney the second?

Loapi: No.
Karen: What's eating you up then?
Loapi: A friend of mine bumped into Ney at the
hospital today.
Karen: Which Ney?
Loapi: Karen please be serious for once.
Karen: Sorry man. Is she alright?
Loapi: She is fine. Her sister is in a coma.
Karen: Sorry man. Were you close?
Loapi: No but she and Ney were.I can only
imagine what she is going through. I wanna call
her but I know she will tell me where to get off.
Karen: There is nothing with calling her to wish
her sister a speedy recovery.
Loapi: That's if she hasn't changed numbers.
Karen: Are you friends on Facebook?
Loapi: No, She blocked me.
Karen: Let me search her. Here type in her

She handed the phone to him.He typed her

name then gave the phone back to Karen.

Karen: Oh boy!
Loapi: What is it?
Karen: She is engaged.
Loapi: What do you mean she is engaged.
Engaged on what?
Karen: Engaged as in getting married.
Loapi: That's not possible.Let me see.

He reached for the phone then went through

Ney's pictures from the engagement party.
Karen: Well at least she looks happy.
Loapi: I need to take care of something.
Karen: Where are you going?
Loapi: To my room.
Karen: Come on man.

He felt the mother of all chest pains.The

thought of Ney moving on with someone else
was too painful to bear.

At my place

Thabiso sat on the bed while I packed my

clothes. It had been a few hours since we had
gotten back from the hospital.

Thabiso: Are you sure you will be fine on your

own? Shouldn't Mma Puleng also help you?
Me: I will be fine.
Thabiso: Babe it's one thing babysitting but
taking care of the boys full-time is a lot of work
especially when you have a full-time job and the
traditional wedding to plan.
Me: I will be fine. Kagiso will help me and
besides Mma KG will be back in two weeks. She
just needs to take care of a few things then get
back. Once she is back then I will also come
back home.
Thabiso: Okay.
Me: Why do you sound so sad?
Thabiso: I am gonna miss you. I have gotten
used to being around you all the time.
Me: I know baby but we have the rest of our
lives together.
Thabiso: Yes we do. In the next two weeks we
will be traditionally married.
Me: I can't wait.
Thabiso: Me too babe. I love you and I am so
happy that we made it.
Me: And we are still going to make it further.

I closed my bag and put it down then sat next to


Thabiso: Yes we will.

He held me and kissed me...

Two weeks later

At Mma Puleng's
Mma Puleng fixed her daughter's showl and
smiled. She had waited for so long for this day
and it had finally come.

Mma Puleng:You look beautiful my girl.

Me: Thank you mama. I just wish Puleng was

I wiped my tears before they could roll down my


Mma Puleng: Don't cry my girl. God knows it all.

I have faith that she will wake up and help you
plan your white wedding. This is just a test. We
have to be strong.
Me: I don't know.It just feels so wrong
celebrating while she is not here.
Mma Puleng: Puleng wouldn't want you to stop
living your life. You know how much she wanted
you to be happy.
Me: I know.
Mma Puleng: Are you happy though? Is this
what you want?
Me: (Smiled)With all of my heart. I love him so
Mma Puleng:(Smiled) And I can tell that he
loves you. Le tshware hela yalo bo ngwanaka.
( Hold on to that). Marriage is a beautiful
institution. When you stick together in all things
your love becomes new every day. It's rare to
find a man that supports you in everything. Hold
onto him and support him too.
Me: Emma.

I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my


Me: When will they be here?

Mma Puleng: We still have an hour.
Me: Okay.
Mma Puleng: Let me bring you something to eat.
Me: Thank you. Will the boys be fine?
Mma Puleng: Yes. I called Mma KG last night.
They have arrived.
Me: We will passby when we get back from the
hospital later.
Mma Puleng: Yes my girl.

She left the room.

At Mma Thabiso's
Thabiso looked at the time and shook his head.
It was almost time to leave but his uncle had
still not arrived.

Thabiso: Where is he? He knows how it's

important to be on time.
Mma Thabiso: This is not his first magadi. He
knows what happens when we are late.
Aunt: Thabi ngwanaka,why don't you go and
pick him up?
Thabiso: Is everyone ready?
Aunt: Yes my boy.
Thabiso: Ok. We can meet at Ney's place.
Aunt: Make sure you hurry because without him
the ceremony can not continue.
Thabiso: Emma.
He rushed to his car then drove off.

Mma Thabiso: I don't know why Ndala is trying

to ruin my son's wedding. If he is late he will see
my true colours today. No one will have peace.
Aunt: Calm down. I am sure that he had a lot to
drink last night.
Mma Thabiso: I don't care. My son has finally
found someone who loves him and now he
wants to ruin things. Rakgadi if my son's
ceremony is delayed even for five minutes
Ndala won't have any peace. He is never late to
a drinking spree but on the most important day
of my son's life, he is late.
Aunt: There is the combi. Let's go. It's all going
to be ok. Thabi will bring him.
Mma Thabiso: If not we will get someone else
to play his role. Bo Ndala ba rata maemo.
( Ndala likes power.)

At Puleng's

Kago picked up some whiskey bottles in the

garden. He shook his head and sighed
frustratedly. Seeing his brother in so much pain
was not easy.It broke his heart to see how he
had turned to the bottle.

Kago: God please bring back Puleng to us.

Kagiso will not cope.

An hour later

At my house
Distance & Time
# 53

An hour later

A few blocks away from Mma Puleng's

Mma Thabiso took off her showl and threw it on

the car sit. She looked at the time and began to
panick. It had been over thirty minutes and
Thabiso had not updated anyone.
Mma Thabiso: Ndala is testing me. Just
because he failed to get married now he is
sabotaging my son's wedding.If my son gets
charged for being late then I will use all the
money he has saved in my account to pay.
Aunt:(laughed) Stop panicking. They will be
Aunt2: Heii ya ratiwa ngwetsi.( She can't wait to
have a daughter inlaw)
Mma Thabiso: My son has been through so
much all his life. He deserves to be happy.
Aunt: Relax Maggie.They will be here.
Mma Thabiso: Let me call him for the last time.
Aunt: Give it a few minutes.
Mma Thabiso: If there are any charges just let
me know and I will withdraw his money from
my account. It will be bye bye beer.
Uncle Ndala: Who is withdrawing my money?

She turned around and her eyes met with her


Mma Thabiso: You are late.

Uncle Ndala: Heii ausi! Ke letse ke bo tshetse.
Waitsi le magadi nne ke a lebetse. ( Hey sis! I
had a lot to drink yesterday. I had even
forgotten about this ceremony.)
Mma Thabiso: So my son is going to get
charged because you are drunken master.
Uncle Ndala: Heela ausi. Eseng ke tshela. Ke ka
ba tshela lerole eseng ba turisitse ngwana ole
wa bone ebile ese gore o mantle. Kana ga a
tseye sepe mo go wena ausi. ( Not while I am
still alive) I would tell them where to get off. Not
after making us pay through the nose for their
daughter that's not even beautiful.That girl can
not be compared to you).

He turned around and faced Thabiso then


Uncle Ndala: Sorry motlogolo.

Thabiso:(laughed) Malome.
Mma Thabiso: Ware hehe malome motho a
batla go go senyeletsa. ( You are busy laughing
when he wants to ruin things for you.)
Uncle Ndala: Let's go gentleman. Have a look
and see how I charm all of them. They might
even give us back our money after this.

The men laughed and formed a line.

Uncle Ndala: Bye bye ausi!

He laughed and waved at her.

Mma Thabiso: Mxcm!

Aunt: Smile! He is here.
Mma Thabiso: I will smile once everything is
complete. That brother of mine has a lose

At Puleng's

Kago stood outside his brother's room and

knocked. He waited for a minutes before he let
himself in.

Kago: Come on man!This place is a mess. You

can't tell me that you sleep in here.
Kagiso: You are the last person to judge me.
Your room was always a mess when you were
Kago: I might be the last person to judge you
but I know that this is not what your wife would
have wanted.
Kagiso: What the hell do you know about what
my wife would have wanted?You didn't even like
her at first.
Kago: That may be true but I know Puleng too
well. In the last three years we have grown
really close.

He picked his brother's dirty laundry by the

corner couch and sat there.

Kago: I know things are really hard for you but

that doesn't mean that you have to stop being a
good husband and father. Those little boys are
looking up to you and when Puleng comes back
to us, she will want her husband not this
as*hole you have become.
Kagiso: Good husband? Good husband to who?
I couldn't even pick that my wife had a tumor.
Kago: Come on man. Don't tell me that you
blame yourself for that. There was no way you
could have known. It's not your fault.
Kagiso : And yet she is in a coma.Do you know
that Aziz asks for his mother every night I put
them to sleep and Aiden tells me that his mum
does everything better. How do I go on knowing
that she might never come back to us?
Kago: You have faith.You believe that the man
up there is working on her and when he is
done,he will bring her back to us.
Kagiso: I don't wanna go through any of this. I
just want my wife.
Kago: Then pull yourself together because she
wouldn't want to come back to this mess. You
know two years ago when Puleng lectured me
about pulling myself together and settling at
some point, she told me to find a good woman
that would never give up on me and our love to
marry.I believe and I still believe somehow she
meant a replica of her character. I know without
a single shadow of doubt that your wife would
never give up on you or your love. If it was you
on that hospital bed, she would fight everyday
to be a better version of herself for you. You
know why? She is selfless. What you are doing
right now is very selfish. Pushing everyone
away and acting like you are the one that's
hurting. You know when we were home, I used
to listen to mum every night in the prayer room
crying and asking God to heal Puleng yet she
would show up every morning like she never
cried the previous night. You know mum hasn't
set foot in that prayer room ever since we lost
dad. Allow us to help you and go through this
with you. We are here for you man, that's why
every weekend we drive here to see you. Please

Kagiso looked at the large framed picture of his

wife on the wall and wailed. Every morning he
got up, the pain grew and so did his fear.Kago
stood up and hugged him as his world fell apart.

At my house

Thabiso and I held hands and danced as the

elders sang...

🎶A ruri le boleletse malome

A ruri le boleletse malome moja ditlhogo
Gore setlogolo seya nyalwa
Gore setlogolo seya nyalwa mo lapeng 🎶
Later that day

At Loapi's

Karen pulled the blankets that Loapi had

covered himself with and shook her head.

Karen: Dude are you trying to kill yourself. Why

are you wearing such heavy blankets in this
Loapi: Karen please leave me alone. I am cold.
Karen: You don't get to play victim my friend.
You let her go not the other way around. Suck it
Loapi: Shouldn't you be buying an airline ticket?
Karen: That might change. I might have found a
Loapi:Good! That means you will start buying
food too. Now please get out!
Karen: I told you to fight for her when we were
in Canada.

At Mma Puleng's

Tebogo put her hand next to mine and took a

picture of our rings.I pulled my hand back and

Me: That's enough, You must have a hundred

pictures of our rings.
Tebogo: What can I say? My friend got hitched.
Me: (laughed)Yes she did.
Tebogo: Now we wait for the white wedding.
Mma Puleng: Go tla bo go leba o sebete. Ke
tswetse school. ( It is going to be like a movie).

Thabiso stood by the door and knocked.

Mma Puleng: Tsena hela ngwanaka yaanong o

tseye mosadi ke wa gago. ( Come in my son
and get your wife).
Thabiso:(laughed) It's time to go and see ausi
Mma Puleng: Give us a few minutes.
Thabiso: Emma.

At Mma Thabiso's
Uncle Ndala sat next to his sister and begged
her for her bank card...

Uncle: Ausi hle ke berekile ao tlhe nnaya karata

ke reke tse pedi. ( Sister please give me your
bank card so that I can get two beers. I have
done my part.)
Mma Thabiso: You have had enough.
Uncle: Mpha tlhe ruri ke phamole pelesina.
Mma Thabiso: Ke gofe gone moo? (What's
Uncle: Hansa Pilsna. The only beer with a

Everyone laughed...
Uncle Ndala: Wait till the wedding. It's going to
be massive.

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 54

The following day

At Puleng's

Puleng's family gathered in the garden to

celebrate her life...
Kagelo: Bagolo dumelang. My name is Kagelo
Ranna. Today we celebrate and pray for
Puleng.When my mother asked me to speak on
her behalf about Puleng, I was not sure if I was
the right person but in the end I realised that no
one can speak about the beautiful relationship
between my mother and Pulie better because I
have been a fan of it and at some point the
jealous daughter.So you see, I have had the
opportunity of seeing it from both sides. When
my brother married Puleng, I was unsure in the
beginning and completely convinced that she
would tear our family apart.From day one my
mother has been on Puleng's side and till this
day she is. No one has ever been comfortable
enough to say anything upsetting about Puleng
in her presence because we all know that Gerty
would bring the roof down. While many may
think of these two as mother and daughter, I
see them as bestfriends. Puleng has been the
only person my mother trusts enough to
confide in.We call her the girl with the last born
tendencies.I know that my siblings will agree
with me that Puleng has been our anchor. She
has brought us together as a family in ways that
we didn't think it was possible.We pray for our
sister to come back to us because we know
how torn mama would be if anything was to
happen to her. My mother wrote a short but
beautiful message for her so I am going to read
it out." Solobolomo" My sunflower" My
baby,every day I wait for your return, everyday I
stash a new bottle on our collection because I
know it's gonna be a party everyday when you
get back. I know i will see you soon so I am not
afraid.See you soon my last born".

She put the note away and wiped her tears as

she watched her mother's face changing. She
could see the pain In her eyes and how hard she
was trying to be strong.

Kagelo: My brother will speak on behalf of

Rragwe Aziz and Aiden.

Kago stood up and greeted everyone.

Kago: I have a note with me Kagiso wrote for

his wife but before I read it, I would like to
speak about their relationship. I have had the
opportunity of being apart of it from inception.
You see Kagiso and Puleng's love is what you
call a once in a lifetime kind of love. These two
have been inseparable and at one point, it got
annoying because they followed each other
Everyone laughed.

Kago: My brother became so defensive in

everything that involved Puleng and at one point
I told Kagelo gore, " o ba jesitse Puleng" . ( She
has bewitched them). There was a day we had a
misunderstanding and Puleng apologized to me
unprovoked. I was at fault but she still
apologized and I thought oh how fake. Months
went by and she remained the same humble
Puleng. At home we are loud, opinionated, have
no filters and we are very short tempered so
Puleng brings a balance. Calm, humble,
respectful and smart in dealing with people.
You should be able to understand why she is
the family sweetheart by now. Now back to my
brother's note. " I love you now, I loved you
when you were ignoring my calls, when you
wanted out of our relationship, I loved you when
we went through the most difficult phase of our
marriage after we had the boys, I loved you
when we had money problems, baby i love you
through the storms, the sunshine and through
everything that will ever be a part of us.You
need to get back here and put everyone in line.
They are here acting like they own the house.
See you soon"

I held on to Thabiso's hand tighter then took out

the piece of paper i had written on.

Thabiso: Will you be ok?

Me: Yeah. I am good.

I stood up and greeted then went to stand

besides my parents.

Me: Today when I woke up, my partner told me

that he had just gotten off the phone with Mma
KG and that she had planned something
intimate to celebrate my sister's life and I
thought how sad. *Sighed* How sad that we
would have to gather here in her absence but I
am glad that she organized this because this is
a reminder of why we need to stay strong and
keep praying for her. She is a flower we all still
need. My sister is a very calm and collected
person. She is warm, funny and she loves
life,Puleng loves a good celebration. I thank
God for bringing her husband in her life because
before then we didn't realize how much she
loved life.She had closed herself in a little shell
and none of us could convince her to come out.
Comes Mma KG's son and suddenly my sister
loves a good party and she is the life of the
party. I guess it's true that soulmates exist
because those two are the perfect match. They
compliment each other in so many ways. A day
before my sister slipped into a coma we were
celebrating my engagement." Live a little,
celebrate, life is too short" she said. My partner
and i were easily swayed. Before we knew it we
were planning the dinner. How do I forget she is
my bestfriend for life? The one person that has
supported me and my partner in everything we
have been through without judging us.If I was to
go on without acknowledging my sister and my
parents relationship then there would be no
Puleng to talk about because she loves those
two to death and they love her just as much.
Their relationship has been beautiful to watch
because Puleng has been the favourite probably
because of how respectful and humble she is.
My mother has been so overprotective of her all
our lives and my dad the good friend to go to. I
know just how my parents are hurting today and
for them and Kagiso, I pray she comes back to
us everyday.
I took a deep breath then looked at her picture
and went back to take my sit. For the rest of the
evening we prayed and shared our memories of
Puleng.Just as we were about to leave, Mma
London and Mma Pretty arrived.

Mma Puleng: Not today please. Today I don't

have the strength to fight any of you.
Rra Puleng: If you two have come to disrespect
my wife or children then I am ready to carry you
both out myself.
Mma London: We come in peace. We are not
here to fight. Life is too short to fight the whole
way through. We are very sorry that you are
going through this as parents. No parent
deserves to watch their child suffer like this.
Mma Puleng: Thank you.
She walked out leaving my dad and his sisters
but he followed her shortly leaving them with
me and Thabiso.

Mma London: Congratulations my children.

Me: Emma thank you.

A month later


Mma KG inspected every corner of her son's

room while he changed the bedding. It had been
almost a week since Puleng had woken up from
the coma and the entire household had not
slept in days.
Mma KG: Make sure you dust everything in here.
You must also move that little table from the
corner. It looks hideous.
Kagiso: This room is perfect. We have been
cleaning all week.
Mma KG: Do you want Puleng to slip into
another coma when she gets back home? Keep
Kagiso: Mum if that's a joke then it's not funny.
Mma KG: It's not meant to be funny. Keep
Kagiso: I can't wait to have my wife back home.
Mma KG: And I can't wait to go back to my own
house. I can't keep up with your house rules.
Kagiso:(laughed) Now do you see how
uncomfortable it is when someone keeps
making rules just because you are in their
Mma KG: I am the adult here.
Kagiso:(laughed) Right.

She held her waist and sighted...

Kagisp: Are you tired already?

Mma KG : No. I am just so relieved. I don't
remember when was the last time I saw you
laughing this hard.I am so happy my son. I am
so happy. I have been so worried.

Tears streamed on her face.

Kagiso: Mum!
Mma Kagiso: Love her and love her right. Life is
too short my son.
Goodnight my funky trekkers 😘
Distance & Time
# 55

At Mma Puleng's

London stood in the kitchen and washed the

dishes while Mma Puleng sat on a chair
enjoying her coffee. You could tell that she was
finally at peace after everything that had

London: So when did they say that they will

discharge her?
Mma Puleng: We will find out today. They were
still monitoring her.
London:I hope the operation was a success.
Mma Puleng: I believe so.
London: I am so happy to see you in this space.
It's been really hard seeing you so broken.
Mma Puleng: On other days, I thought she was
going to die. I would look at her and tell myself
that today is the day.
London: God answers prayers.
Mma Puleng: Indeed. So tell me, how are you
London: I am well.

She forced a smile and concentrated on what

she was doing.
Mma Puleng: London I am an elder and I can
see when something is wrong. You have been
acting strange for months. At first I thought it
was because of the baby issue but now I can
see that it's much deeper than that.What is
going on with you? Don't sell me that story
about you falling. So many people that kept on
falling ended up dead.
London: (laughed) There is nothing wrong.
Mma Puleng: Ok if that's the case then I am
sure that you won't mind me asking your
London: Please don't!

The fear in her eyes was the only answer Mma

Puleng needed..

Mma Puleng: How long has he been beating

you up for?
London: It's not like that.
Mma Puleng: If it's not like that then maybe I
should tell your uncle so we find out what it's
like. London do you know how many women die
protecting their husbands? We are not prepared
to cry non stop for another child.
London: This whole baby issue is stressing us
out. Sizwe is a good person.
Mma London: A good person that hits his wife?
London: Mma Malome kana this is not as black
and white as you think it is.
Mma London: So he hits you because you can't
have children?
London: I didn't say that. I am just saying that
the fact i can't give him any children stresses
Mma London: If I remember well, you told me
that the doctors say that there is nothing wrong
with you.What makes him so sure that he is not
the problem?
London: I will be fine. Please don't tell anyone.
Mma London: I am sorry my girl but I am not
going to do that.

She put the cup on the table and went into the
living room.

Mma Puleng: Rra Puleng!

Rra Puleng: Mma!
Mma Puleng: There is something I need to talk
to you about.
Rra Puleng: Is Puleng ok?
Mma Puleng: It's not about Puleng. I want to
talk about London.
Rra Puleng: What about her?

He put away his newspaper...

Mma Puleng: Kana London o ketekwa ke

monna. ( London's husband hits her.)
Rra Puleng: Ga ore wa ketekwa o raya jang?
( What do you mean?)
Mma Puleng: This has been happening for
Rra Puleng: And you kept quite?
Mma Puleng: I wasn't even sure. On the day that
I wanted to ask her, Puleng slipped into a coma
and my attention was diverted from her.
Rra Puleng: Have you asked her? Where is she?
Call her.
Mma London went into the kitchen to call
London. Rra Puleng instructed her to sit next to

Rra Puleng: My girl.

London: Rra...
Rra Puleng: Do you know why I called you?

She looked at her aunt then nodded...

Rra Puleng: I called you here because you are

my child and I love you. I know that it might be
hard to open up about some things because
you think that we will judge you but I want you
to know that I will never judge you. My job is to
guide and love you as a parent and that's all I
want to do. Please allow me. Does Sizwe hit
She kept quite and looked down. Tears built up
in her eyes and for the very first time she felt
like somebody cared.

Mma London: We are only asking this because

we love and care about you.

She took a deep breath...

London: Yes.

Her uncle shook his head and held her hand.

At the hospital
Kagiso put the fruit basket by the table on the
side then kissed his wife before he sat down.He
looked at her and tears streamed on his face.
Although she had recovered, he couldn't forget
how he almost lost her.

Puleng:It's ok baby.

He looked up and tried to force a smile but his

emotions couldn't be hidden. He buried his face
in his hands and sobbed.

Puleng: Come here

He stood up and hugged her tightly as he cried...

Puleng: It's okay babe.

Kagiso: Don't ever do that.
Puleng: Ouch!

She pushed his back.

Kagiso: (Panicked) Are you okay? Should I call

the doctor?
Puleng: (laughed) No. You were suffocating me.
Kagiso: Don't ever do that. This old man was
losing it without you.
Puleng: Forty is not that old.
Kagiso:Yes it is.
Puleng: No it's not.
Kagiso: I love you so much. I can't wait to have
you back at home with me and the boys.
Puleng: The doctor says I should take it easy so
no s*x.
Kagiso: Wa lwala. Ke tlo go e ja gore ke e lome
ka meno ke bowe ke e bee lebogo.( The things I
am going to do to you).
Mma KG: Gatwe go jewa eng? ( What will be

They looked at each other and laughed as she

walked in.

Mma KG: Don't ever do what you did. You will

kill my son. He cried everyday like his father had
just died.
Kagiso: That's not true.
Mma KG: (laughed) Nakongwe ke fa kere a nwe
tee. Iyoo ka rata go bolawa ke motho.Ka
omangwa gotwe a go ka nowa tee o lwala. ( He
almost killed me the other time for offering him
tea while you were sick.)
Puleng: (laughed) I am loved.
Mma KG: Thata. ( A lot)
Kagiso: The doctor says that you are getting
discharged the day after tomorrow if he is
happy with the results.
Mma KG: So I should start planning a party?
Puleng:(Smiled) That's so thoughtful but I was
thinking that we could take it slow. I just wanna
spend time with my kids and husband. I hope
you understand.
Mma Puleng: (Smiled)I do my baby.I will also be
going back home with Kago. I will come spend
more time with you once you have settled in.
Puleng:I would love that.How are the twins?
Mma Puleng: Very excited. I told them that you
are on your way.
Puleng: (Cried) My babies.
At Mma Puleng's

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 56
At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng placed a tray of refreshments on

the table then sat next to London. Rra Puleng
cleared his throat and looked at his sister.He
wasn't sure how to present the issue at hand.
Mma London: So why the sudden meeting? Is
Puleng ok?
Rra Puleng: Puleng is fine. We called you here
to talk about your daughter.
Mma London: Who Ruth?
Rra Puleng: London.

She looked at her daughter hoping for an

answer but she kept quite and looked away.

Rra Puleng: There is no easier way to say this

but Sizwe is abusing London.
Mma London:(laughed) What do you mean
Sizwe is abusing London? Le gone which Sizwe
are you talking about because the only Sizwe i
know is London's husband.
Rra Puleng: The same husband you are talking
about beats her. Did you know that he has
taken her car keys and she barely goes
anywhere without his permission. When she
goes to work he follows her at times.
Mma London: If I may ask , who told you all this?
Rra Puleng: Is that even important? Shouldn't
we be trying to find a way to deal with him?
Mma London:(laughed) Deal with him?

She stood up and held her waist.

Mma London: I know that my daughter's

success makes you angry but I didn't think that
you would go this far. How does my daughter's
marriage concern you? I mean how is it any of
your business? Shouldn't you be focusing on
your daughter's marriage? I mean who knows
what her husband was doing while she was in a
coma. What about Ney? The same Ney who is
said to have followed her sister's husband
everywhere in the absence of her sister. You
want to talk to me about my daughter's
marriage when yours is not even in perfect
shape. It's no secret that your wife controls you.
Mma Puleng: We are talking about your
daughter's well-being. Let's put our differences
aside and find a way to help our child.
Mma London: Our child? Mma Puleng you have
your own children. Please leave mine alone.
Stop ruining her marriage while you try and
build yours. Leave my daughter alone. Wena
London you are an adult. Stop being influenced
by Tshwanelo.If at all you have any problems in
your marriage then you would have told your
mother. Have I not taught you that marriage is
not a group affair?
Mma Puleng: You are being unfair on your
daughter. She needs your support not your
Mma London: Sizwe is a respectable man. If at
all he hits her then she must have done
something to him.
Rra Puleng: Are you listening to yourself?
Mma London: Stay away from my daughter's
marriage. This is the reason why I didn't want
you two anywhere near my children.Wena
London you are an adult. This is your marriage
not some game. Stop allowing these two to
control you unless you want to be known as the
woman that failed to keep her home together.A
real woman does not go around broadcasting
her problems. You go into your bedroom and
talk with your husband not the whole world.
Rra Puleng: You seem to forget that I am her
uncle. I am the one that negotiated her Magadi.
( Lobola)
Mma London: Only because you wanted to be
associated with Sizwe's rich family.
Rra Puleng: There was a point where you were
smart yaanong I see that London's father didn't
just leave with your heart, he left with your
brains too.
Mma London: Rra Puleng!

She picked up her bag as tears formed in her

eyes.He had taken her back to the dark corner
she had been trying to leave her entire life.

London: Mum!
Mma London: Don't follow me.Remain behind
with your new parents.

She banged the door as she left...

At my house
Thabiso came out of the kitchen holding a
bottle of Blue caracao and a box of pineapple
juice. He placed them on the table and went
back for the glasses.

Me: You could have asked me to help you.

Thabiso:I got you babe.
Me: So did you talk to your uncle?
Thabiso:(laughed) Yeah.
Me: Why are you laughing. What's funny?
Thabiso: It's just that he said something that I
found really funny.
Me: What was that?
Thabiso: Are ke mo rekele strata sa bone.
Me:What's that?
Thabiso: Fourth street.
Me:(laughed) I am not surprised. After magadi
he pulled me to the side and asked me why I
was so expensive.
Thabiso:(laughed) Please tell me you are lying. I
am so embarrassed.
Me:(laughed) There is no need. Every family has
that uncle.
Thabiso: Yeah. So let's talk about the wedding
planning. When do we start now that Puleng is
awake? I want us to make it official.
Me: There is really no rush. We are traditionally
Thabiso: I know babe but we still need to make
it legal.
Me: We will get started next week.
Thabiso:(Smiled) That's what I wanna hear.
Now let the drinking fun begin.
Me: Ready when you are.
He poured the juice in the glass then the liquor...

At Loapi's

Karen set up the scramble board while Loapi

organized some drinks and snacks.

Karen: Ney the second is not joining us tonight?

Loapi: We broke up last night.
Karen:What happened? I thought that you two
were in a good place.
Loapi: I don't know man. It just doesn't feel right.
Karen: It will never feel right for as long as you
keep looking for Ney in every woman you date.
Loapi: You don't understand. What Ney and I
had is unmatched. Nothing can replace it.
Karen: Like you said, what you had. She is
engaged to someone else so that means
whatever you had will never be rekindled. Do
yourself a favour and move on my friend.
Loapi: Like you move on every week?
Karen: It's no secret that I have a hit list.
Loapi: Is that what you want for me?
Karen: You have to do something with your self.
You can't keep thinking about Ney.She has
moved on.Do the same man.
Loapi: Let's talk about you and Agang.
Karwn: Well it's simple. The guy is on my hit list.
Loapi: Why do I have a feeling that you are
falling for him. You slept at his house three
nights in a row.
Karen: That can only mean that the di*k is good.
Loapi:Nah... There is more to it.
Karen:Whatever man.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng held London's hand and comforted

her. It had been an hour since her mother had
left and her husband was calling non stop.

London: She must have called him and told him.

Mma Puleng: I doubt that she would do that.
London: You don't know my mother the way I
know her. I should have just kept all this to
Mma Puleng: No my girl. Don't say that.
London: I am merely telling the truth. It's been
hell facing Sizwe on my own but now I can't
imagine facing him and my mother. She doesn't
even care about how I am doing. It's all about
the wealth.
Mma Puleng: Akere mme le wena you make
enough. I am sure if you convince your mother
then she will understand.
London: That's not enough in my mother's eyes.
I can't afford the delta holidays every year like
Mma Puleng: She will understand. No mother
can choose a stranger over her own child.
London: Then you clearly don't know my mother.
I am on my own.This is just the beginning.

🌞😘 incase you missed it it's ascension day.
(holiday) Our normal inserts will resume on
Friday. Holidays are for puleng and kagiso typer
things 😂😂😂🙊🙈
Distance & Time
# 57

A week later

After three hours of driving and almost twenty

kilometres away from arriving, my car stopped.
I frustratedly turned the key off then on to
check for signals on the dashboard but it
remained dark.I got off the car and opened the
bonnet but my battery terminals were intact.

Me: Not again.

I closed the bonnet then reached for my phone

on the passenger sit. It was getting dark and it
didn't look safe. I dialled Thabiso's number and
got in the car locking all doors.

Thabiso: Hey honey. How far?

Me: About twenty kilometres away, I had just
left Mmamashia. The car has failed again.
Thabiso: Did you check for any signs on the
dashboard like I told you?
Me: Yeah. I also checked the battery. The
terminals are intact. It must be the electricity or
whatever you said it was.
Thabiso: Were there any signs of it stopping
before it stopped.
Me: Ahh ene e cutter but I didn't think it was
that serious.
Thabiso: Ok. I am leaving the house right now.
Stay put.
Me: Hurry. It's dark and I am scared.
Thabiso: Don't worry. I will be there soon.
Me: Thank you babe.
Thabiso: No worries. I love you.
Me: I love you more husbank.
Thabiso: Well I hope that you haven't added
more things to our wedding budget.
Me: (laughed) Iya. Hurry up, it's getting cold and
I don't have anything warm with me.
Thabiso: I will see you now.
Me: Ok honey. See you soon.

At Puleng's

Kagiso sat next to his wife as they browsed

through the agent's house specifications.It had
been a week since Puleng had returned home
and it it hadn't taken them long to start house

Puleng: I am still obssesed with this house. I

feel like we have so many memories here.
Kagiso: We can create new ones at the new
Puleng: I hear you man but I love this house.
Kagiso: We can get something you love.
Puleng: I love that one in block ten. The one that
is all ensuites
Kagiso: The double story?
Puleng: Yeah.
Kagiso: I thought you didn't want one anymore.
Puleng: I love that little balcony upstairs.We can
have some alone dinners there and some spend
quality time together when the children are not
Kagiso: Imagine the s*x up there.
Puleng:(laughed) I wasn't talking about that.
Kagiso: I was just saying. We have explored all
rooms in this house. Maybe it's time to explore
Puleng:(laughed) Maybe.
Kagiso: I don't wanna miss out on anything with
you. I think it's time we got a nanny to help you
with the children.
Puleng: I told you that I am fine. I don't need any
help for now. We can revisit this topic in a
month or two.
Kagiso: I am not taking no for an answer. Have
you thought about what we discussed
Puleng:Kagi! Can't we give it another year or so.
I mean you can't just quit your job and start a
business. Le wena you can see how starting a
business is challenging. One of us needs to
have some steady income for rainy days.
Kagiso: We have enough in our savings
accounts. If we both work hard then we can
make enough.
Puleng: I am just saying let's give it a year.
Kagiso: I say think about it. What Mma KG gave
us is enough to top for a house and start
something lucrative.
Puleng: I will think about it.
Kagiso: Thank you love. That's all I need. Now
should I run the tub?
Puleng: Babe...
Kagiso: Still not in the mood?
Puleng: Yeah. I am sorry.
Kagiso: It's ok. We can just take a bath and
Puleng: Thank you for understanding.I will get
Kagiso: I know honey.

Just After Mmamashia

I fiddled with my phone and played a few

games while I waited for Thabiso. I looked at
the time and just as I was about to call him, his
call came through.

Me: Hello
Stranger: Hello. The owner of this phone got
into a car accident. He asked me to call you.
Me: Where? What happend?
Stranger:Not far from Mmamashia. The
Medrescue is on the way.
Me: (Cried)Put him on the phone.

He hung up...My entire world came crashing.I

got off the car and ran. My feet began to feel
light.My whole body felt hazy mist in the air.I
faced the road, having decided to use my eyes. I
ran, my feet still heavy. I ran past some cars
that had stopped on the way and shot into the
tarred road. My senses momentarily stunned by
the colour of the road which seemed to be that
of blood and water. I hurried and ran like
someone pursued, looking behind once, I ran as
if I would never stop.My state did not seem to
be seeing all this,yet my subconscious was
taking it in. I threw my shoes off that felt like a
hindrance and as I ran little sharp stones in the
footpath pricked my soles but I couldn't feel the
pain. The only pain I felt was on my chest. I
began to feel fatigued and from time to time I
would whimper like a frightened child yet I
walked fast,resentful that I should feel any
physical hurt.As I walked pain and anger fought
inside me.Sometimes anger came to fore,but
the emotional pain always won. I would be there
soon, I told myself.

Just as I arrived at the accident scene my worst

fear began to creep in. I cried and shouted with
my hands on top of my head.

Someone in the crowd: Gatwe he is dead. Mme

kana when we got here, he was alive.

I cried and pushed my way in against the crowd

that had gathered there. My tears blurred my
vision but I didn't stop pushing foward.

Me: Thabiso! Thabiso!

I screamed and fell on the ground. A man
approached me and bent to face me.

Stranger: Sister are you okay?

Me: Where is my husband?

He knelt on the ground and took deep breaths...

Stranger:Are you the one that I was on the

phone with?

I broke down as I could feel that there was

something terribly wrong from the tone in his

Stranger: I am really sorry. They just left. He

is..He...He didn't make it.

He held me as I cried...My story had ended even

before it's beginning. The last thing I
remembered was being carried into a car. I
woke up sometime later in a hospital bed. My
sister sat my my side and held my hand as I
opened my eyes.

Me: Where is Thabiso? I had a bad dream.

She looked up and tears streamed in her face. I

sobbed upon the realization that it was not a

Me: I want to see...I wa...

I felt everything in me breaking...

Puleng: I am sorry baby sis.

She held on to me tightly as I cried...

Distance & Time
# 58

Later that day

I sat in our bedroom and held onto Thabiso's

favourite sweater.His cologne smelt like he was
still home. I could still hear his laughter and
voice ringing in my head. I replayed our last
conversation and tears couldn't stop streaming
on my cheeks. The man I love had died trying to
get to me. Had I just left my car and taken his
like he had suggested then he would still be
alive. I opened my drawers and looked at our
newly purchased wedding bands and went
crazy. In just two weeks, we would have been
legally married. My heart broke each time I
thought of the plans we had made. A knock
brought me back to life. I sat on the bed as my
mother walked in.

Mma Puleng: Baby girl. How are you holding up?

Me: Mama!

I sobbed....
Me: It hurts. It hurts.

She held me and comforted me but even this

time the warmth of my mother's arms could not
take away the pain.

Me: Mama go botlhoko ( Mama it hurts)

Mma Puleng: I am sorry baby girl. I am so sorry
my baby.

I let go of her and held onto his sweater.

Mma Puleng: His family is here.

Me:(Cried) How do I tell his mother that she will
never see her son because of me? I should have
listened to him mama. I should have listened.
Mma Puleng: It's not your fault my girl. These
things happen. If it's the will of God then no one
can change it.I will be back.

She left the room and a few minutes later she

came back with Thabiso's mother.

Mma Thabiso: Ney!

She sat on the bed and held me in her arms...

Mma Thabiso:I am sorry my child. I am really


In the Kitchen

Puleng sat down and frustratedly sighed...She

couldn't stand to see her sister in so much pain.

Tebogo: Eish! Yeah neh.

Puleng: I don't even know what to say to her.
Not so long ago, she thought she was going to
lose me and now this. Le gone after the
traditional wedding.
Tebogo: This is too much. I don't know how she
will get through this.
Puleng: My sister gets her happy ending then
when she is supposed to sign off for it, her
husband dies.
Tebogo: Two weeks before the white wedding. I
know that they say God has a plan for our lives
but sometimes it doesn't feel that way. Ney
deserves to be happy more than anyone I know.
The poor girl has been through a lot.
Puleng: I was at peace knowing that she has
Thabiso and now this.
Tebogo: Yeah. Me too. Thabiso loved Ney to
death. There is nothing he wouldn't have done
for her. When they started working together I
wasn't so sure that he was the one for her but
he proved me wrong every year.That man did
everything to make sure that Ney was ok.
Puleng: Life is too short. I don't know what I
would do if Kagiso died.
Tebogo: Yeah. I also don't know what I would
do if it was Bakang. I can't imagine the pain Ney
is feeling. The worst thing is that she keeps
blaming herself.

In Ney's bedroom

Mma Thabiso: It's the will of God my child.

Me: Then God is unfair.Thabiso was a good
person. He didn't deserve to die like that. The
truck driver is the one that should have died not
Mma Thabiso: Oh ngwanaka ( Oh my child).
Me: I have a wedding in two weeks. We have
invited people, bought rings and even paid for
the venue. What must I do now? What must I do
now that he is g...

I felt my heart stuck on my throat and my entire

body on fire. Each time I looked at his
photographs by the side table, I was sure that
he would walk into our room any minute. The
thought of facing life alone after making plans
for the past three years of how we would age
together felt like a bad dream.

Mma Thabiso: He loved you.

Me: Then why didn't he fight to stay with me.
Why did he leave me? Why did God allow this?
Mma Thabiso: I know it's painful my child. We
feel the same pain you feel but we can't
question God. My heart is so broken. God has
taken the only child he had given me. I thought
that after so many years of having one child,
God had blessed me with another one but he
has taken the first one soon after giving me you.
I spent so many years with the fear that he
would never find a woman that would accept
him and just when he does, he dies. I had
started believing that I would hold my
grandchildren in my arms but God had other
plans. I know it's painful my child. My heart is
also broken. I don't know if it will ever be
mended again but in all of this, I know God
loves us all no matter how painful it may be. His
word says that he is close to those with broken
I laid in bed and covered myself with blankets. I
closed my eyes and kept hoping that he would
return when I opened them.

A few days later

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng sat in the living room and read her

bible while Rra Puleng read his newspaper.Rra
Puleng put away his newspaper and sighed.

Rra Puleng: What is God saying?

Mma Puleng: Hmm?
Rra Puleng: What is he saying about all this pain
and misery our children keep going through.
Mma Puleng: Heish! I can't stand all this. Not so
long ago Kagiso was going through almost the
same thing and now it's our dear daughter. I
don't even know what to say to her. Waitsi gore
my daughter is so broken. Each day I see her,
she looks completely different.
Rra Puleng: We should have brought her home
with us.
Mma Puleng: She is a Lore now. She was his
wife so we can't bring her home with us.
Rra Puleng: I don't want her to feel like she is
Mma Puleng:She has Mma Thabiso. Akere we
also see her everyday.
Rra Puleng: They better not bully her because
hell would freeze.
Mma Puleng: I doubt they would. Mma Thabiso
is very fond of her.
At Mma Thabiso's

Uncle Ndale sat under the tree with his

nephews and drank some beers...

Uncle Ndala: I can not believe that my son is

Nephew1: I also can not believe it. We were
planning his stag party a week ago and now we
are sitted here preparing to bury him.
Uncle Ndala: I can't even sleep anymore. That
boy was very humble and obedient. This family
is lost.
Nephew2: Because he bought you beer without
questioning you?
Uncle Ndala:(laughed) It's not about the beer
stlogolo (my nephew ). I don't know how my
sister will heal from this. If that boy had left her
a grandchild then maybe the pain wouldn't be
so intense.
Nephew1:Atleast he had a wife.
Uncle Ndala: That one looks like a city wife. I
doubt she will even remember my sister after
the burial. She looks very greedy. She will
probably take everything that belonged to him
and give her only his clothes. She told us that
he had only one car mme kana she was driving
a red one which Thabiso drove at times.
Nephew2: Maybe it's hers. I hear they worked
Uncle Ndala: They didn't work together. Thabiso
was the brooker and that was his office. Ene all
she has is her degree. Akere she quit her job so
that she could follow him all day.
Nephew1: Golddiggers will follow you
Kagiso stood by the side and shook his head as
he listened to them going on and on about Ney.

Kagiso: I know it's none of my business but that

woman you call a golddigger loved Thabiso with
everything she is. She quit her job to help him
as he was struggling. I know you don't know her
but my little sister is a hardworker.
Uncle Ndala:My in law can we help you?

He shamefuly bowed and forced a smile but

Kagiso maintained a straight face.

Kagiso: The gentlemen on the other side sent

me to find Uncle Ndala.
Uncle Ndala:(laughed) Oh it's me.Let's go my
He put his beer down and followed Kagiso.

Distance & Time
# 59

Later that day

At Puleng's

Kagiso laid in bed while his wife picked their

outfits for the burial. She pulled out a suit from
the closet and showed it to him.

Puleng: I will go with this one but you can wear

a black polly instead of a shirt.
Kagiso:You are the boss mama.
Puleng: Yes I am.
Kagiso:(Sighed) I still can't believe it.
Puleng: Me too.
Kagiso: Not so long ago i was going through
almost the same thing.

He took a deep breath and fought so hard to

block his tears but even his strength could not
block nature from taking it's course.

Puleng: Oh babe!
She put the suit by the corner couch and joined
him in bed...

Puleng: Sorry papi. It is well.

Kagiso: Mami life is too short. Ney and Thabiso
thought they had all the time in the world but all
that was gone in a moment. I know how you
feel about me resigning but I know it's the right
thing to do. Family is all the wealth we have.
Puleng: Ok. Give it at least three months then if
you still feel this way we will start that family
business together.
Kagiso: I would love that.
Puleng:Are you ok?
Kagiso: Yeah. Why do you ask?
Puleng: I don't know. You have been a bit off
ever since we got back from the memorial
Kagiso: I am okay. I am just worried about Ney.
I don't know why but I have a feeling that
Thabiso's family will give her a hard time after
the burial.
Puleng: I doubt it. They seem really fond of her.
Kagiso: You never really know people.I know we
are legally married and all but all I know is that
on Monday we are getting started with drawing
up a will. I don't want no one accusing you of
being a golddigger.
Puleng: ( laughed) You think a lot. Who can
accuse a whole married woman of being a
Kagiso: Well I am not taking chances. I need our
asserts listed so no one claims anything or
drags you to court.
Puleng: Ok.
Kagiso: When I purchased this house, I had
saved up my salary and invested my allowance
from Mma KG. That's how I was able to buy it.
No one must tell you anything when I am not
Puleng: I doubt that will happen. We are married
in community of property.
Kagiso: I know but there will always be ignorant
Puleng: Kagiso you are my husband and I know
you. What happend? Did anyone say anything
about the house?
Kagiso: No. No one said anything.

He forced a smile and hugged her. He knew the

amount of pain he would cause her if he was to
tell her about the conversation Ney's in laws

At Mma Thabiso's
Uncle Ndala looked at Thabiso's listed asserts
then shook his head and stood up.

Uncle Ndala: You mean to tell me that this is all

my nephew had? Onneile this is not a game.
What about my nephew's house? Be serious we
want that house.
Mma Thabiso: Ndala I told you to stay away
from all this.
Uncle Ndala: There is no way I can stay away
from it yet you involved me when he wanted to
marry her.I need to know where my son's things
are. Onneile can not come and steal his things.
Thabiso was a hardworker who achieved a lot.

I wiped my tears and made eye contact with

Me: With all due respect Malome, can we bury
him then talk about all this.
Mma Thabiso: She is right. She and I will talk
about this after his burial.
Uncle Ndala:Onneile is not even Thabiso's
wife.She has no right to his belongings. She
shouldn't even be here because we had not
welcomed her into the family yet.
Mma Thabiso:Let me remind you that you paid
her magadi not so long ago.According to our
culture that's marriage. I don't need anyone's
approval of where my son's wife should be. If
there is anyone who is not happy with how I
choose to do things in my house then they can
leave the same way they left me to raise my son
on my own. I will bury him the same way I
raised him on my own.
Uncle Ndala: It's fine. I was only speaking on
your behalf.
Mma Thabiso: I didn't ask you to.

He left the room and closed the door behind


Mma Thabiso: Are you okay my girl?

Me: At times God is not fair. He allowed magadi
to take place knowing very well that he was
going to take him away from me. Not only do i
get to deal with the fact that he is gone, i must
now be accused of stealing his things. I would
never s...

I broke down and cried. My heart had been

broken before and I was not new to pain but the
one I was feeling could not be compared to the
one I had felt before. I could feel my chest
burning up and my heart stinging at the same
time. My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes.

The following day

At Mma Thabiso's

Mma Puleng looked at her daughter from a

distance and wiped her tears. She had lost
weight and she was so frail. The pain in her
eyes was visible. Her eyes were red and swollen.
Rra Puleng looked at his wife and held her hand.

Rra Puleng:Don't cry my dear. She will be fine..

Mma Puleng: I am not crying.
Rra Puleng:I know it's painful to see her go
through this.
Mma Puleng: She is so young. She shouldn't
have to go through all this.

Mma Thabiso held her daughter's hand as his

cousin spoke about her son. She took out a
tissue and gave it to her as tears streamed on
her cheeks.

Thulaganyo:If anyone told me that I would be

standing here talking about Tman then I would
have laughed. Tman the man with nine lives!
Tman was a fighter. Through our childhood, he
would get sick and get admitted at the hospital
at times but he always pulled through. We knew
that nothing had the power to bring him down.
After we graduated and joined the unemployed
youth, Tman showed up at our house and told
us that he had gotten us all jobs as DSA's.
(laughed) Well we missed that opportunity
because we were busy laughing and doubting
him. Six months later he showed up with a
Nissan March and we were still laughing.You
see Tman had a vision. When he set goals for
himself, he pursued them fully. He didn't do
anything half heartedly. We called him the man
with a plan.His death is a loss to this family
because he was the mediator.Very
calm,collected and wise. He barely spoke
without thinking or knitting his words.We will
miss him dearly. Rest in peace the man with a
plan and nine lives.

His mother bowed and wiped her tears... She

looked at his casket and everything suddenly
turned upside down.Memories of his birth, his
first day at school, his graduation day, the day
he brought his first car at home and the day he
told her that he wanted to marry Ney all
flashed.His entire life had suddenly been
reduced to a casket and she would never see
him again.She tried to hold it all in but it all bust
out. She weeped bitterly as she thought of the
last time she had seen him.

Distance & Time
# 60

At Mma Thabiso's

Thabiso's cousins read through the messages

that had been written on the flowers and a few
tribute notes.
Cousin: This one is from Mma Lore. Thabiso's
wife. It reads," Since Thabiso died, my life has
gone into something of a fugoid. There is no
real control. It feels like a mere procession of
days with all the colour washed out. At it's
worst, it’s a living nightmare in which I feel like I
am going a little bit mad without him and the
knowledge that he is never coming back is
almost too much to cope with.Thabiso was my
rock. When I got upset, he stayed calm. When I
was worried, he said it would be ok. When I
wasn’t sure what to do, he figured it
out.Thabiso and I did not get nearly enough
time together. But as heartbroken as I am today,
I am equally grateful. Even in these last few
days of completely unexpected hell,the darkest
and saddest moments of my life . I know how
lucky I have been. As we put the love of my life
to rest today, we bury only his body. His spirit,
his soul, his amazing ability to give is still with it.
It lives on in the stories people are sharing of
how he touched their lives, in the love that is
visible in the eyes of our family and friends.
Things will never be the same. Thabiso my love,
you came into my life and touched areas no one
had the ability to touch, you moved in places no
one else could move.I don't know how else to
move on without you.My heart is completely
broken when i think of the plans we had
together but as they say maybe God knows
best. I love you. Goodnight my love".

A few days later

At Mma Thabiso's

I sat on the bed and packed my clothes in the

suitcase while Mma Thabiso sat on the other

Mma Thabiso: Do you have to go today?

Me: I still have to pack his things and bring
them here.
Mma Thabiso: Akere mme you know that you
don't have to. You can keep them if you want to.
Me: I want to share them with you. You can
have our furniture. I will start over.
Mma Thabiso: Ney ngwanaka you don't have to
do that. Those are your things with your
husband. When Thabiso was still alive he built
me this house and bought all this furniture that
you see.
Me: I want you to have it.
Mma Thabiso: No one expects you to give up
your things. My brother is just a drunkard that
never has anything good to say.You don't have
to listen to him.
Me: It's not about him. I am doing all this
because I want to. Thank you so much for
everything you have done for me. I will never
forget how you welcomed me into your home.
Mma Thabiso: This is also your home.

I wiped my tears...

Me: Emma.
Mma Thabiso: You are welcome to come and
see me anytime.
Me: Thank you Mme.
Mma Thabiso: Now that everyone is leaving,
reality is sinking in. He is really gone. I don't
know howmi will cope?
Me: Would you like to come with me for a few
days? We can pack up his things together.
Mma Thabiso: I would love that.
Me: Thank you.

At Loapi's

Karen went into the kitchen and grabbed two

beers then joined Loapi outside. They sat in the
veranda and made small talk.

Karen: So I found a place of my own yesterday.

Loapi: I didn't know that you were looking.
Karen: We had this conversation a month ago. I
had asked you to help me look. I figured that
you had a lot on your plate so I asked AG.
Loapi: Yeah. It's been a minute.
Karen: Are you fine? You have been out of it
ever since you heard Ney lost her husband.
Loapi: Yeah. I just hope that she is ok. I can't
help but wonder how she is.If only I could call
Karen: Don't! You can't be that selfish dude. She
is hurting and the last thing she needs is you
playing hero after you broke her heart.
Loapi: I am not playing hero. I am genuinely
concerned about her.
Karen: Keep that concern to yourself. This is the
wrong time to show it and it's quite insensitive
if you ask me.
Loapi: I got you.
Karen: Good. Just leave her alone man.

A month later
I stopped the taxi not far from Mma Thabiso's
house then paid. I got off with my shopping
bags and walked to the house.

Mma Thabiso: Ao ngwanaka!

She greeted me from a distance.

Me: Mamzo!

She met me halfway and helped me with the

shopping bags.

Mma Thabiso: These are heavy. Why didn't you

ask the taxi to drop you off by the gate?
Me:(laughed)He wasn't interested.
We went into the house.

Mma Thabiso: I thought you were supposed to

come tomorrow.
Me: I don't have any clients tomorrow so I
decided to come today.
Mma Thabiso: Mme kana I didn't clean your
Me: I will clean it.
Mma Thabiso: Ok. How have you been?

I unpacked the groceries and packed them in

the pantry.

Me: I am ok.
Mma Thabiso: You are gaining weight.
Me: My appetite is back.
Mma Thabiso: I am happy to hear that my child.
Me: I managed to sell my car. I was thinking of
building that tuckshop by the gate. Will that
work or you want it elsewhere?
Mma Thabiso: Ney ngwanaka you don't have to
spend your money on me. I told you that I will
be ok. The money from the insurance is enough.
I will survive.
Me: I don't want you to just survive. That's not
what Thabiso would have wanted.
Mma Thabiso: You worry too much. I am an old
lady and all I need is to survive.
Me: I truly wish that Thabiso and I had foreseen
this then we wouldn't have sold his house to
fund the business. Mme legale it was an
investment. Very soon it will be paying off.
Mma Thabiso: It is well my child.
Me: Did you cook anything?
Mma Thabiso: Not yet. I was just about to take
the meat out of the deep freezer and make fire
outside. My gas is finished.
Me: Why didn't you tell me?
Mma Thabiso: I didn't want to bother you my
Me: It's fine. We will get some tomorrow. I will
make the fire and cook.
Mma Thabiso: Gone mme ware why did you sell
your car?
Me: It holds some very bad memories for me. I
just needed to get rid of it. I will buy another one
when I am ready.
Mma Thabiso: You will heal in time.
Me: Emma.
I looked around the house and sighed. Knowing
that the love of my life wasn't around to witness
the beautiful bond I had with my mother in law
broke my heart. How we would have been an
amazing family together...

Distance & Time
# 61

At Mma London's

London stood by the door with her luggage and

knocked on her mother's door. She nervously
tapped her feet as she waited for her mother to
open up.A few moments later the door opened.

Mma London: What are you doing here?

London: Mama!

Tears filled her eyes...

Mma London: You haven't told me what you are

doing here.

She took off her sunglasses and scarf reaveling

her bruises.

London: I can't live like this anymore. Can I stay

with you till I find a place of my own?
She tried to go inside the house but her mother
blocked her.

Mma London: London my child please don't do

what you are trying to do. By all means
remember what I taught you when you got
married. Marriage is not easy but as a woman
you have to keep things together. If your
husband is upset and he keeps hitting you, sit
down with him and find out his reasons. From
those reasons, try to correct yourself.
London: So I must just stay with him? Mama do
you see what he has done to me?
Mma London: Go back home my girl. Every
marriage has it's own problems. You don't get
to hear about them because a woman is
supposed to protect her family name. Ga o
bona ere o apara mogagolwane obo o kopella
moteng go tewa gone gore o kopella mathata a
lwapa la gago mo teng. ( This is the reason why
married women bind together their showl with
pins from the inside. This is a way of saying
that a married woman binds her problems on
the inside). You don't go around telling the
whole world because they will laugh at you. I
know that you think that I am a bad mother but
this is the truth no one will tell you.The same
Mma Puleng that is advising you to ruin your
own marriage is the same Mma Puleng that is
advising her children the way I am advising you
now. London you have a good man that takes
care of you. Do you think anyone will clap hands
for you and be happy?Open your eyes. Ga bo
ratanelwe ngwanaka. Do you think if that man
didn't love you, he would build this mansion for
me? What about the house in Serowe that he is
busy renovating as we speak?
London: I came to you as your child but if you
are choosing him over me then it's ok.I will find
another way. All I know is that I am done with
that marriage.

She wiped her tears and picked up her bags

then left...Her mother held her waist and
watched her as she left.

Mma London: Let her go back home.

At Mma Thabiso's

Thulaganyo parked his car under a morula tree

then grabbed the bottle of coke he had brought
with him. He made his way to the house.

Thulaganyo: Ko! Ko!( knocks)

I put my plate on the table and got up to open
the door.

Thulaganyo: Ao Mma Lore!

Me: Hie Thuli.

He greeted Mma Thabiso then sat down.

Mma Thabiso: You came at the wrong time. We

have just finished eating.
Thulaganyo:(laughed) I came at the right
time.Where are the leftovers?
Mma Thabiso: (laughed) Owaii!
Thulaganyo: I even brought a drink.
Me:(laughed) You should have come earlier on.
Thulaganyo: Gone. Anyways how are you doing?
I didn't think that i would find you here today.
Me: Mme I am here.
Mma Thabiso: She comes every weekend mme
Thulaganyo: That's good. Atleast rakgadi (aunt)
is not on her own.
Mma Thabiso: So what brings you here? The
last time I saw you was at the burial.
Thulaganyo: I wanted to see how you are doing.
I have been meaning to come around for a while
but work kept me busy.
Mma Thabiso: As you see, I am doing very well.
Ney takes good care of me.

He looked at me and smiled...

Thabiso: Thank you Mma Lore. That's what we

want to hear. You and rakagadi should stick
At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng picked up London's bags and took

them to Ney's room. She went into the kitchen
and brought with her a glass of water.

Mma Puleng: Drink some water baby girl.

London: Thank you. I am really sorry for coming
Mma Puleng: This is your home. You are
welcome here anytime.
Rra Puleng: What has really gotten into your
mother? Are you telling me that she turned you
away without any mercy. Someone needs to
talk some sense into her. If she turns you away,
where does she expect you to go?
Mma Puleng gave her husband a sharp look
and he instantly kept quite.

Mma Puleng: Go and take a bath then rest.

London: Thank you mmamalome. ( thank you

Distance & Time
# 62

At Mma Puleng's
Mma London stood outside holding her waist
with Sizwe standing behind her. Rra Puleng
stood by the door blocking them.

Rra Puleng: No one is getting inside my house.

Please leave.
Mma London: No one cares about your house. I
just want my daughter.
Rra Puleng: And she doesn't want to come with
Mma London: Rra Puleng, London is my child
not yours. If anyone should decide on what she
does and doesn't do then it should be me. You
have two daughters that you can control.Leave
mine alone.
Rra Puleng: You seem to forget that I raised
both your children.
Mma London: And you seem to forget that you
raised my children because you didn't have any
choice.Are you forgetting that London's father
took good care of her and Ruth? There was
nothing that my children lacked until you
choose to poke your nose in my business and
chase away their father. Don't stand there and
tell me about raising my children when you
denied them a better life.
Rra Puleng: What did you expect me to do as
your brother? Let him kill you? Is that why you
want London to stay with this boy?
Sizwe: With all due respect sir, I am no....
Rra Puleng: If I was you then I would shut up.
This is my house not some sheebeen where
you say what you want at any time. Here you
speak only when you are spoken to.

Mma Puleng stood by the curtain and peeped

Mma London: I want my child. I will not allow
you to ruin her marriage the same way you
ruined my relationship. If it was not for you then
I would be married by now.
Rra Puleng: Married to an abusive man? Married
to a man who slaps you even in the presence of
your siblings? What did you expect me to do?
Was I supposed to laugh while he did as he
pleased with you? Who knows, maybe he could
have killed you by now.You are alive because I
choose to protect you. I forgot about everything
London's father did for our family and choose
you. Why can't you do the same for your
daughter? Do you want to wait till he kills your
daughter? Why must it be like this.
Mma London: One slap? Just one slap? Sizwe
go in and get your wife.
Rra Puleng moved back making way for Sizwe...

Rra Puleng: I will not hesitate to kill any living

thing that goes through my house. Have a look
at me son, I am still strong enough to kill you
with my bare hands.

Sizwe stood behind Mma London and remained


Rra Puleng: Next time pick your own peers and

leave women alone.
Mma London: You are controlled by Tshwanelo
but we never say anything. You and your
rubbish wife must leave my child alone.
Rra Puleng:(laughed)Don't forget what
Tshwanelo did to you ten years ago. This time i
won't stop her. I will let her finish the job. Who
do you think you are speaking about my wife
anyhow? You call her rubbish but from what I
know,rubbish doesn't get picked, it gets thrown
away. Tshwanelo has been picked by someone.
Can we say the same about you?
Mma London: I will be back with the police this
time around.
Rra Puleng: London is an adult that makes her
own decisions. You should have taken that time
you used to galavant around those provinces to
learn a thing or two about the law.

At Ndala's

Thulaganyo picked a spade in his boot and

joined his uncle. He looked at the space his
uncle had covered in the last two weeks and
Thulaganyo: Ke yone pelesina? ( Should we
blame Hansa?)
Uncle Ndala: (laughed) I am still your uncle. O
nne be careful my boy. ( Be careful.)
Thulaganyo: I thought that you would be done
by now.
Uncle Ndala:I am not rushing anywhere. Why
didn't you pass by this morning?
Thulaganyo: I went to see rakgadi(aunt).
Uncle Ndala:How is she?I haven't seen her in a
long time.
Thulaganyo: She is doing very well. It looks like
Onneile is taking good care of her.
Uncle Ndala: So she still comes around?
Thulaganyo: Every weekend.
Uncle Ndala: Ba aja tlhe madi a motlogolo
wame.( They are eating my nephew's money).
Thulaganyo: I think we misjudged Onneile. She
doesn't seem like that kind of girl.
Uncle Ndala: No one can tell me anything. I
know that girl spent all my nephew's money and
played that sister of mine.
Thulaganyo: That's where you are wrong uncle.
She gave every little piece of furniture they
shared with Thabiso to rakgadi. Today rakgadi
was showing me the space where Ney wants to
build her a tuckshop.
Uncle Ndala: Kare o le phuthetse lotlhe ebile o
setse o mmitsa Ney. ( She has managed to fool
you all. You are already calling her Ney). She is
building my sister a tuckshop so that she can
squander her son's millions in peace.
Thulaganyo: Ga ke gane Thabiso worked hard
for his money but ke wasn't a millionaire and
from what I heard, there was a point he lost
everything and Ney stepped in to help.
Uncle Ndala: The way you are going on about
her ,one would swear that you have seen her

At Tebogo's

Tebogo moisturized her body then wore her

pyjamas before going to bed. So much had
changed in the last couple of months and all
she ever wanted to do was sleep of
lately.Bakang walked in and shook his head.

Bakang: Are you sleeping?

Tebogo: Yes.
Bakang: I thought that we talked about this
earlier on.
Tebogo: Can i just sleep in peace?
Bakang: Babe you are pregnant not sick. You
need to move around and do stuff. I am not
saying you need to work all day but your body
needs a little exercise. Akere you heard what
the doctor said.
Tebogo: I am listening to my body. I am the only
one that knows what I am feeling. The least you
can do is support me.
Bakang: Babe I am trying to support you. You
can't stay in bed all day. Why don't we take a
walk just so you are active.
Tebogo: I want to sleep.
Bakang:I am still cooking.
Tebogo: Ok. wake me up when the food is ready
and please don't add onion.

Goodmorning 🌞
Arrived late hence we will have three inserts
today 😘
One down, two to go 😘
Distance & Time
# 63

A week later

At Mma Puleng's

London sat with Mma Puleng in the living room

and helped her with folding laundry.
Mma Puleng: You fold better than Puleng and I
London:(laughed) I was a housekeeper in the
States, that's where I learnt how to fold clothes
and make the bed.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) When you were studying?
London: Yes. I worked part time.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Your mother is such a
character. She told the whole family that you
had been hired as a manager at the hotel
because you were too smart.
London:(laughed) You know how my mother is.
She would have never admitted to anyone that I
was a housekeeper.
Mma Puleng:(laughed)Mma London the great.
London: Mma Malome. (aunt)
Mma Puleng: Yes baby girl.
London: What happend between my parents?
Mma Puleng: Your uncle is the right person to
answer you. I honestly don't have any answers
my child. Let's finish up and get started on
London: Emma. I spoke to Ruth today and she
is thinking of coming home.I explained to her
my situation and because she usually stays
with me when she is here so I doubt she will
still come.
Mma Puleng: She is welcome to come and stay
with us.
London: Thank you Mma malome (aunt). I will
let her know.

At Puleng's

Kagiso sat on the carpet and played with his

kids while Puleng watched some soapies. Aziz
passed his toy to his father and watched him
race with Aiden. Puleng turned off the tv and
also sat on the carpet.

Puleng: I am team Aiden. I will race on his

behalf .
Kagiso: Ae (no) Watch your soapies.
Puleng: You two are cheating my son.

She turned to her son and took the remote

control to the car.

Puleng: Let me do it for you papie. Dad and Aziz

are cheating.
Aziz: No mummy.
Puleng: If you don't want me to play then it
means that dad is also not allowed to play.
Kagiso: Let her play. She won't win my boy. I am
an expect in this game.
Puleng: You forget who spends the whole day
at home with these toys.
Kagiso:(laughed) Bring it on.

They put the car's in places facing towards the


Kagiso: Aziz go and stand at the end of the

passage. Tell us who won.
Puleng: Aiden follow him. They want to cheat us.
Kagiso: There is no need for two people. Aziz
will tell us.
Puleng: No. Let it be fair.

Kagiso laughed as the boys raced to the end of

the passage...

Kagiso: Whoever wins gets any amount of

rounds they want.
Puleng:(laughed) What rounds? Ija.
Kagiso:(Smiled) You know exactly what I am
talking about.
Puleng:(giggled) Let's raise the bar, whoever
wins gets whatever they want.
Puleng: Let the best man or woman win!

The kids screamed on the other side hyping

them up...

At my house
I looked around the room and took a deep
breath.On most days I would feel as if I was
stuck in a bad dream while on other days I
would accept my reality.I looked at my
engagement ring and smiled. Although I had
managed to get rid of most things that
reminded me of Thabiso, my engagement ring
was the only thing I couldn't let go of.My phone

Loapi: Hey Ney! It's Loapi.
Me: Ngwana wa satane wa nteka. ( The devil's
son is trying me).
Loapi: I am sorry for calling you. I just wanted to
find out how you were doing and how I could
help you.
Me:(laughed) Where did you get my number?
Loapi: I came across a post on facebook about
the loans you sell.
Me: Oh okay. And you wanted to help me?
Loapi: Yes. I know that we have our history but
that doesn't mean that I don't care about you.
Me: Okay. Let me tell you what you can do to
help me.
Me: Okay. Why don't you bring back my
husband to life?
Loapi: I...I...
Me: You what Loapi? Do you think that this is
some kind of game? Didn't you hear what I said
the last time we met? Didn't I ask you to stay
away from me?

He remained mute...
Me: Not everything is about you. I am going
through so much please don't be an add on.
The death of my husband does not change
anything between us. I still want nothing to do
with you. Just because you went to Canada it
doesn't mean that we must all catch a cold
when you sneeze.

I clicked my tongue and put the phone down...

The next insert that follows will be the evening
Dues paid 😘
Distance & Time
# 64

At Tebogo's

Tebogo placed her feet on the table and laid

back. She looked at her husband and he
instantly gave her the remote control. He turned
to Net then stood up.

Bakang: Ney can I get you anything?

Me:I am fine thank you.
Bakang: Okay. I will be in the bedroom if you
ladies need anything.
Me: Thank you.

His wife rolled her eyes as he walked away.

Me: So your husband was right.
Tebogo: Right about what?
Me: I am here because Bakang has asked me to
speak to you as a friend. The last time I was
here you two shared the good news with me. I
was so sure that this pregnancy would bring
you two together.
Tebogo: Are you also here to tell me what to do?
Me: No. I am here to hear your side of the story.
What is happening? Bakang tells me that you
just sleep all day long. Gatwe the only time you
leave this room is when you want something in
the kitchen or living room.
Tebogo:And that's because that's what my body
is telling me to do.
Me: What about the doctors?
Tebogo: Like I have already told you, I am
listening to my body. No one can tell me
Me: What about exercise? Do you ever take
walks around the yard? Or just wash the dishes?
or do something that doesn't require standing
for too long or heavy lifting.
Tebogo: I don't want to do anything. I don't
understand why the man that got me pregnant
can not understand that. There was no need for
Bakang to call you all the way here. If he doesn't
want to do stuff for me then he should just tell
me instead of reporting me.
Me: It's not even about that. He is happy to help
you. His problem is that you barely exercise or
do anything to keep you active which may be a
problem for you and the baby.
Tebogo: This is not about me and the baby.
This is about the fact that Bakang doesn't want
to do anything. He is just annoyed by the fact
that he has to everything for himself. He forgets
that before he was married to me, he did
everything on his own. If indeed this is about
me and the baby then he shouldn't be
Me: My friend now you are just being petty.
Your husband doesn't have any problem with
doing the chores, his only worry is that you are
not active. I feel like you need to sit down with
him and find common ground. You two can't go
on giving each other attitude. This is a very
important phase of your lives. Le gone life is
too short to stay mad at each other. You never
know when God will call the other one home.
The best you can do for yourselves is to go
through this phase together.I thought I had a
lifetime with Bakang but...

I forced a smile and held her hand...

Me: Just sit down and sort it out. Stop being
difficult. I know the hormones might be
switching things up but knowing you, you have
added another level.
Tebogo:(laughed) Mmm...I wanted him to pay
for those times I slaved while he didn't want to
help me
Me:(laughed) That's in the past friend. Love
your man, meet each other halfway and enjoy
the time God has given you together. You know
there are times I think about the fights I had
with Thabiso. How we stayed mad at each
other and wasted time instead of working it out.
Now that he is gone, I wish I could have held his
hand then and told him I loved him.Take it from
me, it hurts.
Tebogo: I am sorry friend. I didn't think of it that
way. I am really sorry that you are going through
such a difficult phase and I am not fully there
for you.
Me: It's okay babe. I appreciate how everyone is
trying to be there for me even the ones that
Tebogo: Now I am curious.
Me: Loapi!
Tebogo: What did he do this time around?
Me: He called me out of nowhere and offered
his help.
Tebogo: That boy doesn't know when to stop.
Me: I mean who calls an ex and offers them
help while they are grieving their husband?
What help can an ex possible bring? It's purely
disrespectful especially when I asked him to
stay away from me when my husband was alive.
It's as if he is saying the stumbling block is
gone and now he can come through as he
Tebogov That one doesn't learn.

At Karen's

Loapi looked around the small living room and

clapped his hands. Karen had done so much in
such a short space of time...

Karen: Go ahead and say it.

Loapi: You did an amazing job. I didn't expect to
find everything set up.
Karen: It's amazing what you can do with with
some AG power.
Loapi: Agang must be working over time.
Karen: I don't know about overtime but the man
knows his way around.
Loapi: So the worst thing happened to me
Karen: Ney the second?
Loapi:(Sighed) The first.
Karen: Please tell me that you butt dialled her.
Loapi: I called trying to offer her my support.Oh
God! I have never felt so embarrassed. She told
me where to get off.
Karen: What did you expect? She lost her
husband not so long ago. The same husband
you tried to break her up with.
Loapi: I didn't try to break her up with him.
Karen: What do you call what you did? Calling
her at random hours while you know she has a
man. Asking her to leave him and be with you?If
you did the same to me after breaking my heart
then I would probably do more than just
insulting you.
Loapi: (laughed) Well I know you. I also know
Ney and I know she didn't mean any of those
things she said to me. She is just hurting.
Karen: You keep saying you know her yet it's
been years since you two last saw each other
and bonded. Has it ever occurred to you that
she has changed? People change Lo. I wish you
could see that and accept that this is how
things are. You messed up and realized your
mistake and for me that is enough, if she
doesn't see that then it's her loss. You have
done all you can now move on.
Loapi: Yeah. I lost her. Now it's time to move on.

Am done with a cold together with the rest of
my family. Will update tomorrow if I am not well
Distance & Time
# 65

Four months later

At Puleng's

Puleng moved around with her iPad and double

checked if the interior designer had done
everything right. She placed it on couch in the
living room and moved around a few
Kagiso: Still moving things around?
Puleng: Yeah. I will be done by tomorrow.
Kagiso: I still don't get the reason why you
engaged an interior designer if you were still
going to do it yourself.
Puleng: Mummy dearest did.
Kagiso: So how much do you think she is worth?
Puleng: Who the designer?
Kagiso: No. Mma KG.
Puleng:(laughed) Go to bed Kagi. I will find you.
Kagiso: Am serious. The woman gave us five
hundred thousand a few months ago like it was
nothing then topped with another one so we
could get this house. How much money could
one possibly have?
Puleng: You are asking the wrong person. You
should be asking her not me.
Kagiso: Come on, I know that you two talk
about everything.
Puleng: That's where you have it wrong. Let's go
to bed. I am really tired.
Kagiso: Clearly she taught you well.Did you
have a look at that quote?
Puleng:I did. Those numbers need a bit of work.
Kagiso: That's where the accountant comes in.
Puleng:Yeah. I will find time to work on it.
Kagiso: It needs to be submitted tomorrow.
Kagiso: Now do you see why we need a helper?
Babe if we are going to make this business
work then we need to both put in the work.
Whatever we have in our account won't keep us
going for too long.
Puleng: I hear you babe. Ruth has agreed to
come stay with us for a month or two till we
find someone.
Kagiso: I know how you feel about a stranger
taking care of the boys but stalling it won't
make it go away. We still need to find someone
and the sooner we do, the better for all of
us.Those boys need to get used to the fact that
you can't always be here.You and I are both
unemployed now and that means that we need
to work extra hard.
Puleng: Yes captain.

She bit her lower lip and slowly moved her hand
around her boobs...

Kagiso: Babe don't do that.This is serious.

Puleng:(Smiled) I am also serious.
Kagiso: From next week you are coming with
me to the office.
Puleng: Don't worry. Ruth gets here in two days.
She will pick the boys form school and look
after them when we are not here.
Kagiso:Ok. Now let's go work on that quote.
Puleng:So no s*x tonight?
Kagiso: Work on that quote then we can take it
from there.
Puleng: Slave driver.

She flashed her dress then picked up her iPad

and ran upstairs....

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng turned off the tv then grabbed her

bible from the side table and turned on the side
Rra Puleng: Tshwani!
Mma Puleng: Rra?
Rra Puleng: Are you okay? You have been really
quite today.
Mma Puleng: I am fine.
Rra Puleng: Tell me what's eating you.
Mma Puleng: Do you approve Ruth moving in
with Puleng?
Rra Puleng: I see no problem with it. Kana those
two have always gotten along when they were
Mma Puleng: And now they are adults. Puleng
has children and a husband.
Rra Puleng: And she is still the same humble
Puleng we raised.
Mma Puleng: I just don't think it's a good idea
for Puleng to bring her family to her
matrimonial home. What happens when they
fight? That will ruin the relationship they have.
Rra Puleng:I don't know how you see it but I
think it's better than living with a stranger.
Mma Puleng: Those two haven't seen each
other in years so they are as good as strangers.
None of them know each other that well. Tota
nna I don't think it's a good idea.
Rra Puleng:Yaanong kana it's not our decision
to make.
Mma Puleng: But we can advise them.
Rra Puleng:Just leave the children alone.
Mma Puleng: I know a bad decision when I see
one legale.
Rra Puleng: I think you are also upset that Ney
didn't listen to you.
Mma Puleng: Ney needs to stay home and heal.
She just lost a husband not so long ago. She
needs to be around people that love her. She
can't just go to Maun.
Rra Puleng: These kids need to live their own
lives. Who knows maybe being here causes her
more pain. Maybe all she needs is a fresh start.
Mma Puleng: No. These kids just need to listen
to me.

At my house

Mma Thabiso stood in the kitchen and wrapped

up the plates with some newspapers while I
packed them up in boxes.The last couple of
months were quite difficult to get through but
each day it hurt less. I had a really great support
system and I would get to start over with the
new job I had just gotten.
Mma Thabiso: When you get there make sure
that you buy those food containers that you can
keep in the freezer so that you can cook more
food and store there. I know how you are lazy
and barely cook.
Me: (laughed) I was only saved by your
Mma Thabiso: Make sure that you eat or you
will lose all this weight.
Me: I will.

Mma Thabiso forced a smile and looked away...

Mma Thabiso: Make sure that you visit.

I grabbed the newspapers she was holding and

put them away then hugged her.

Me: I won't stop coming to see you. Whenever I

come to town, your house will be my first stop.
When I have settled in, you will come and see
where I live.
Mma Thabiso: Yes my child.

I could tell that she wanted to cry so I held on to

her tightly...

Me: Nothing will change between us.

Mma Thabiso: Let's pack up these things. Wena
kana you like playing around. Did you finish
packing up your things in the bedroom?
Me:(Smiled) I did. I have packed the ones I am
leaving with you in the white boxes.
Mma Thabiso: What time will the truck be here?
Me: Five in the morning.
Mma Thabiso:Let's finish up and go to bed.
Me: Mama
Mma Thabiso: Yes ngwanuza.
Me: I know that all this is scary but I won't
forget you or Thabiso. I am not moving away to
get away from you, I just need a fresh start.
Nothing will change between us. You are still
my mother.
Mma Thabiso: We thank God my child.Ney
ngwanaka I love you just as much as I loved my
son and I want you to be happy. If moving is
what makes you happy then I am also happy. I
know that you are still very young and you have
your entire life ahead of you and I have
accepted that one of this days you will meet
someone that makes you happy. I want you to
know that it's okay.Whenever you feel ready to
move on, please do. Everyone will always have
something to say about when one should move
on and how they should do it but I want you to
know that I am fine with it. I know just how
much you loved my son and the fact that you
are still here with me says a lot. Thabiso loved
you just as much. Just be happy my baby.
Me: Thank you mama.

At London's

London read Sizwe's message out loud to her

sister and laughed. She looked at the divorce
settlement and shook her head.

Ruth: He wants to make it really hard for you to

leave him.
London: Well then he can keep everything.I
want out of this marriage and if it means doing
so without anything to my name then so be it.
Ruth: Are you sure about that?
London: Ruth that man almost killed me. I don't
care about things I can accumulate on my own.
Ruth: If he takes everything in your name then it
also means that he takes the house mum lives
London: She can go back to the one in Serowe.
Quite honestly I don't care anymore. Mum is an
adult. She can figure things out on her own.
Ruth: And that means war.
London:Let her bring all the war she wants. I am
leaving that man even if it means losing her.
Ruth: Well I am here to support you.
London: Yet you are going to stay with Pulie.
Ruth:(laughed) Just for a few weeks. You also
need a bit of space to work out your things.
London: That's true.

Ruth raised her glass and laughed...

Ruth: To being single again.

London:To being a free woman again.

At Loapi's

Neelo closed her eyes and sighed as Loapi

rubbed her back. This was her favourite part of
the day.

Loapi:So how was your day?

Neelo:I can't complain.
Loapi: When does your leave end?
Neelo: In the next two weeks.
Loapi: Is that enough for a mini vacation?
Neelo:I think my day is getting better. Go on.
Loapi: Let's go for a mini vacation in Zim. Karen
and Agang will host us.
Neelo: How long?
Loapi: A week?
Neelo: Say no more.
Loapi: I will be right back. Let me run the tub.
Neelo: Not so fast.

She turned around and pulled him towards her...

Loapi: I like where this is going.

He stood up and took off his belt then dropped

his pants...
Morning trekkers 🌞
Please keep warm and take care of yourselves
Distance & Time
# 66

A few days later

At Puleng's

Ruth brushed Aiden's hair while Aziz ate his

cereal... She put the brush away and picked up
their school bags.
Ruth: Aziz finish up. We need to get going.
Aziz: Mama is still sleeping.
Ruth: That's because I am taking you today.
Aziz: No. Only mama takes us.
Ruth: Finish up or we will be late.

The twins debated with her for a while before

they agreed to leave with her.

In Puleng's room

Kagiso slipped off the condom and wrapped it

with a tissue then laid on the bed panting. He
looked at his wife and laughed.
Kagiso: You look like you have been hit by a
truck mme kana it was just a warm up.
Puleng: Ae rra. (No babe). That was a long
Kagiso: Fu*k! I had forgotten how you feel so
good. Not wearing rubber this time.
Puleng: Am not having another set of twins.
Kagiso: You won't. Ke kgomisa hela.

She looked at him and laughed.

He turned around and reached for a vibrator in

one of the drawers... He got off the bed and
pulled her by the legs to the corner of the bed.
He spread her legs then made her hold the
vibrator just close to her cl*t... He slowly
penetrated as she gasped for air. He took slow
thrusts and watched her as she turned her eyes
and struggled to breath...

*Got Spicey*

At Maun healer's Inn

I looked around my tiny office and smile. I

pulled a chair and sat down.

Nicky:( laughed) Wa se itekanya mma.

( Already settling in)
Me:(laughed) All the way.
Nicky: It's a very tiny office but as soon as we
find a bigger place then we will be moving there.
Me: That's fine. I don't have any problem with
this office.
Nicky: Great. Feel free to revamp it as much as
you want. You can start tomorrow.
Me: Thank you.
Nicky: I didn't ask where you stay.
Me: I found a house just by the stadium.
Nicky: Oh in Thito.
Me: Yeah.
Nicky: Well if you ever have trouble with
anything around town then feel free to let me
know. I know all about this little town.
Me: I will thank you.
Nicky: They don't call this town Miami for
nothing. It's the Miami of Bots. Some people
come here and never return home. Don't be one
of those.

She smiled and left...

Victoria falls, Hwange,Zimbabwe

Loapi stood by the balcony and took a deep

breath...He took out the engagement ring from
his pocket and kissed it then put it back in the

Karen: Lo are you sure about this?

Loapi: I am. Neelo has held me down these last
couple of months even when I didn't know if I
was coming or going. We are good together.
Karen: I get that but do you love her to that level?
Loapi: To what level?
Karen: You know exactly what I mean. I
understand that you and Ney are done but you
and I both know that you are not completely
over her.
Loapi: There are exes you will never completely
get over but that doesn't mean that one can't
move on.
Karen: That may be true but marriage is a big
step fam. We are talking about a lifetime here.
This is not a relationship you get to walk out of
the next day. Think about it first man.
Loapi: Nah. I am sure and besides I am not
getting any younger.
Karen: If you are sure that it's what you want.
Loapi: One hunnet honey. Tonight is the night.
Karen: Okay.

Later that day

Old Mall, Maun.

I walked back to the parking lot with my

shopping bags and upon arrival, I noticed that i
had a flat tire.

Me: Damm it!

I frustratedly kicked the tire then unlocked and

threw my things on the passenger sit. I walked
around the car trying to think of a solution.

Lemiey: Are you okay?

I turned around and our eyes met. The tall light

skinned gentleman approached me.

Me: Flat tire.

Lemiey: Can I help?
Me: Please.
He extended his hand to mine.

Lemiey: Lemiey.
Me: Ney.
Lemiey: Nice to meet you.Do you have a spare?
Me: Oh no. I was to buy one month end.
Lemiey: (Chuckled)Yeah. That's just the way it
Me: The way what is?
Lemiey: You barely get a flat tire when you have
a spare one. It usually happens when you don't
have any . Listen I have an electric car pump in
my car. We can pump your car for now just so
you get home then you can make a plan
Me: Thank you so much. I am new here and I
don't know anyone. I don't know who I would
have called.
Lemiey: No worries. I have parked by Tops. Let
me make a quick one. I will be back.
Me: Cool.
Lemiey: Will you be alright?
Me: Yeah am good.

I leaned against the car and waited for him as

he ran off. A few minutes later he returned and
started attending to my flat tire.

Lemiey:When did you say that you will get a

Lemiey:Do you have a pump?
Me:(laughed)Well not really.
Lemiey: Allow me to borrow you this one. You
connect it where you charge your phone. Akere
you saw what I did?
Lemiey: You can return it after you get that
Me:Thank you.

I took out my phone and handed it to him...

Me: Please give me your number so I can return

it when I have a spare.
Lemiey: Cool.

He punched in his number then gave me back

my phone.
Lemiey: You also need this little portable buddy.
Me: Let me know where to get it when I am
Lemiey: Sure.
Me: Thank you so much. I need to get going. It
was nice meeting you Lemiey.
Lemiey: Likewise. Drive safely.
Me: (Smiled) Thanks.

I got inside my car and drove off...

Later that evening...

Distance & Time
# 67

Later that evening

At Puleng's

Kagiso and the boys sat in the living room and

played some board games meanwhile in the
kitchen Ruth sat by the breakfast table and
fiddled with her phone while Puleng chopped
some vegetables and cooked.

Ruth: Are you sure you don't want me helping? I

really don't mind cooking.
Puleng: You don't have to worry about that. This
is my department. I love cooking for my boys.
Le bone hela they sulk when I don't cook for
Ruth: Yeah. The twins take a bit of time to warm
up to someone else.
Puleng: They do but once they warm up to you
there is no going back. Just give them a bit of
time to get used to you.
Ruth: Yeah. You have a really beautiful life. The
twins and your husband. You all seem like a
really perfect family.
Puleng: Trust me, we are not. Every family has
it's own struggles. We just choose to run away
with the good.
Ruth: Yeah but you look really happy. I hope I
find a man that adores me as much as yours
does. I mean the way he looks at you is
Puleng: You will. Just have some faith
Puleng:We will be at the office the entire day
tomorrow. Let me know if there is anything you
need. You can use my car if you need to get
anywhere, Kagi and I will leave together.
Ruth:(Smiled) Ok. Thank you.

Aziz and Aiden followed their dad into the

kitchen with their board game.

Aiden: Mummy Aziz and daddy are cheating me.

Aziz: No mummy. Aiden doesn't know how to
Puleng: What did they do papi?
Aiden: I spelt this correct then daddy said it's
wrong so Aziz wins.
Kagiso: You spelt it wrong papi.
Puleng took the board from Aziz and laughed...

Aiden: Mummy!

He held his waist and maintained a straight


Puleng: Sorry my boy. It's wrong. I will teach you

when I finish cooking.

Kagiso looked at her and laughed...

Puleng: Go and pack your toys.

They ran to the living room...

Kagiso:Hey you sexy thing.

Puleng cleared her throat and laughed...She

looked at her cousin then back at her husband
and they both laughed.

Kagiso: Sorry Ruth!

Ruth: You don't have to apologize.It's your

He approached his wife slowly then checked to

see if Ruth was looking at them before he
grabbed her butt...

Kagiso: (Singing ) In the club,on the floor, on the

tables everywhere...
Puleng: (laughed) Please leave.
Kagiso: Later Mami.

He blew a kiss at her and left...

Ruth: This is everything I want in a man...

Puleng: And you will get it.

A week later

At Maun Healers Inn

I looked through my empty schedule and

became frustrated. A week later and I had not
started on anything. I took out my phone and
opened my gallery then looked at Thabiso's
pictures.This was my new reality and i knew i
had to accept it. I threw my phone on the desk
and laid back. Just as I was about to close my
eyes, a knock threw me back to the real world.

Me: Come through.

Nicky: Morning baby girl. How is it going?
Me: Morning hun.Nothing has changed yet.
Nicky: It's been just a week. Be patient.
Me: Yeah. I am am starting to wonder if I made
the right decision by coming here.
Nicky: Relax man. Maun is a wonderful place.
You are going to love it here. There is a mini
celebration going on downstairs. Our director is
back. Come on.
Me: I don't feel like a celebration.
Nicky: Come on man, you will get to meet our
director and a couple of other people plus there
is cake.
Me:(laughed) Okay.

I grabbed my phone and followed her as she

lead the way...


Neelo smiled as everyone admired her

engagement ring. Almost everyone had left
their working stations to celebrate with her
except for the ones that were attending patients.

Nicky: Dr Neelo!

She waved at the lady who seemed to be the

centre of attention and lead me to her...
Neelo: My boss!
Nicky:Let me introduce you to our new social
worker Onneile but you can call her Ney. Onneile
this is Dr Neelo. She owns this entire place.
Neelo: (laughed) Nice meeting you Ney.
Me: It's nice to meet you too.

I spotted her big diamond ring and smiled...

Me:Congratulations. That's a beautiful ring.

Neelo: I am surprised that my man has such a
beautiful taste.

The beautiful vintage cushion cut ring was

exactly like the one I had shared on my
Facebook page years ago,
Me: Men can surprise you at times. He probably
took his time studying the kind of rings you love.
Neelo: It's actually very funny because this is
not the kind of rings I love but I am impressed.
Me: And that's all that matters.
Neelo:Exactly.How are you settling in? Are they
treating you well here?

Nicky looked at her and laughed...

Nicky: Checking to see if we are doing our jobs?

Neelo: (laughed) Something like that.
Me: I honestly can't complain. Nicky has been
wonderful. This place is a little different from
Gabz but I will get used to it.
Neelo: It can be quite but that's the beauty of it.
Serenity! You can't get what you get here from
Gabz. Grab a glass of champagne and toast
with us.
Me: I am good thank you.
Neelo: Come on. It's just one glass and the boss
is offering.
Me:(laughed) Ok.

As I turned around to grab a glass, Loapi walked

in. I rubbed my eyes to be sure that what I was
seeing was real and just as I was about to walk
over to him and spit all over him, everyone
clapped as Neelo walked over to him.

Nicky: That's her fiancee.

Me: What?
Nicky:(chuckled) Handsome right?
Me: Uhh..Yeah.
I forced a smile and silently took deep breaths.
How was it possible that my past had followed
me all the way to Maun.

Nicky: Are you okay? You look like you have a

Me:Yeah am good. It must be the russina I had
when I left home.
Neelo: Ladies!

She walked over to us hand in hand with Loapi...

Neelo: Babe let me introduce you to our new

social worker. Onneile

Our eyes met and I could feel chest pains

dealing with me. I looked away briefly and
smiled then extended my hand to his.

Me: Nice meeting you sir.

Loapi: Loapi.
Me: Dr Loapi?
Neelo: (laughed) He is not a doctor.
Me: (Smiled) Oh okay.

I could tell that he dissaproaved from the way

that he was looking at me...

Loapi: Babe did you say that she was a social

Neelo: Yeah.
Loapi: Can I pick her brain on a case we have at
Neelo: Ofcourse. You can use her office. You
will find me in my office when you are done?
Ney is that ok?

I forced a smile...

Me: Emma. This way...

I lead him to my office...

Distance & Time
# 68
I pulled a chair and sat down. I took a deep
breath and stayed composed. I had went
through so much trouble to get my job and I
wasn't going to mess it up. Whatever Loapi had
to say to me would not change anything
between us. So much had been said and done
and this was no different.

Me: What is it that you would like to speak to

me about?
Loapi: Why did you pretend that you didn't know
me out there?
Me: That's because I don't. The Loapi I knew left
and never came back.
Loapi: Well that's going to be a problem
because he is back and he is not lying to his
fiancee. There is no way that we can hide this
forever. What do you think will happen when
she finds out that we lied to her face?
Me: I don't know. You are the one with that kind
of experience. You should know.
Loapi: Exactly! That's why I am telling her who
you are. It was nice seeing you.

I stood up and went over to his side...

Me: Loa.
Loapi: Onneile.
Me: Please wait.
Loapi: What is it?
Me: You can't tell her.I am on probation. My
contract states that she can terminate it within
my three months period.If she finds out who i
am then she might just terminate it.
Loapi:She wouldn't do that.
Me: Do you really know that? I mean can you
guarantee me that she won't terminate it? Loapi
this is my chance to start over and heal. I am
not here to hurt anybody le gone I didn't even
know that you were in Maun. I need this job.

He looked at me and sighed...

Loapi: I am sorry for everything that you are

going through. You don't deserve it.
Me: It's okay. It's not like it's your fault.
Loapi: It's partly my fault.If I hadn't messed
things between us then maybe we would be
married and liv...
Me: Stop. Everything happened the way it was
supposed to. I am happy that you found
someone. I mean it from a very good place.
Loapi: Thank you.
I looked at him and smiled. I had spent so many
nights and days hating this man for what he
had done to me but in that moment I began to
feel some gratitude. I thought of the life I had
built with Thabiso, the character i had built over
time and Mma Thabiso then took a deep breath.
Knowing that all those would have not been
possible without his actions took away the pain
I had carried for years and I began to feel light.

Me: By the way, I love the ring.

He swallowed a lump and forced a smile.

Seeing how she was so carefree and full of life
reminded him of what they used to have. The
girl with a loud voice and colourful tutu skirts.
The thought of someone else wearing a ring
she had long dreamt of wearing when they were
kids broke his heart. Although it was evident
that she had changed, one thing that still
remained the same was her warm smile.

Loapi: I was not sure if it was ok to still use the

same design.
Me: Why?
Loapi: Because it was supposed to be yours.
Me: You said if you ever got married then that's
the ring you would use for your engagement.
You are getting married and all you did was
fullfil your dream. I see nothing wrong with that.
Loapi:Does that mean that we are cool?
Me:We good.
Loapi: Thank you. That's all I ever wanted.
Me: Yeah. You need to get back there lenna I
have a lot of work to attend.
Loapi: Yeah.

He smiled and waved...

Loapi: Hey...I mean bye.

Me:(laughed) Sharp.

At Puleng's

Ruth stood before the mirror and admired

herself. She and Puleng were almost the same
size so her clothes fit her perfectly. She turned
around and looked at Puleng's maternity
portrait and sighed. She couldn't understand
how a girl like Puleng could have it all,after all
Puleng wasn't even in her league. She grabbed
one of Kagiso's shirt and held onto it. The man
was everything she wanted. Funny, naughty,
sexy and smart. She dangled Puleng's car keys
and shook her head. There was no way that she
could have been able to afford such a car even
with her kind of business. She threw herself on
their bed and laughed.

Maun Healers Inn

I fiddled with my phone and played a few

games but eventually got bored. I looked at the
time and it was almost lunch time. I picked up
the landline and called Nicky's office.

Nicky: Maun Healers Inn Good day...

Me: It's me silly. There is no need to be formal.
Nicky:(laughed) After wasting my good English.
Me: Do you wanna grab some lunch?
Nicky: Sorry hun. I have lots to do. I am working
on a deadline. Boss lady needs her report by the
end of the day.
Nicky: Maybe tomorrow.
Me: Sure.

I hung up and just as I was about to leave,

Lemiey came to mind so I dialled him without
any second thoughts.

Me: Hie. This is the lady you borrowed your
Lemiey:(Chuckled) Emma I saved your number
the other day when you texted. Is everything
Me: Yeah. Everything is good. I... I wanted to
invite you for lunch. I never got to properly
thank you for helping me out the other day.
Lemiey: It's no biggie. When is this lunch?
Me: (laughed)Uh...Today
Lemiey: I was dropping off a parcel by the
airport. Where would you like to meet?
Me: I honestly don't know this place. Any
Lemiey:Do you know where the airport is? There
is a restaurant called the Duck Cafe here.
Me: I think I might have an idea. Hopefully I
won't get lost.
Lemiey:Where are you?
Me:Maun Healers Inn.
Lemiey: Is it ok if I pick you now?
Me: Yeah sure.
Lemiey:Cool. I will be there in a bit.
Me: Cool. Let me know when you get here.
Lemiey: No worries.

Goodnight 🌞
Distance & Time
# 69

The Duck Cafe

I looked around the cosy restaurant and

admired the ambience. Though very close to
the Airport,it was peaceful.I sipped on my ice
tea and high fived Lemiey.

Me: You are right. It's one of the best iceteas I

have tasted.This place is very peaceful.
Lemiey: Yet it comes to life at night.
Me: Seriously?
Lemiey: Yeah.We should hang out here one of
these days.
Me:Would love that. So tell me more about
yourself. All I know is that you are Lemiey and
you own an electric car pump.
Lemiey:(laughed) Very funny.Well my full name
is Lemme Dikgang. I own a mobile safari.I used
to be a full-time guide but I recently employed a
few guides so I barely spend time in the bush
unless it's for my VIP's.
Me: Ok Lems. Is that ok if I call you Lems?
Lemiey: (Chuckled) I think I like that better.So
Neys, tell me more about yourself. All I know is
that you drive a black Madza 2 and you don't
own a pump or a sparewheel.
Me:(laughed) I will own both those things by the
end of this month.
Lemme:In the meantime you don't.
Me:(giggled) Whatever man. Since we are
coming out with our full names, I am Onneile. I
am a social worker at Maun Healers Inn. I only
started a week ago.
Lemme: Dr Neelo is my client and we get along.
I didn't know that they had a social worker.
Me: I am their first.
Lemme:I guess business is booming.
Me: Could be.
Lemme: So what do you do for fun?
Me: A little bit of everything. I am open minded.
Lemme: Do you swim?
Me: If dipping my feet in water is considered
swimming then yes.
Lemme:(laughed) Where are you from?
Me: Serowe but I was born and raised in
Lemme: (Chuckled) Well welcome to Maun.Re
to shaora monyana.
Me: What? What's with the accent change?
Lemme:Let's just say that you are going to love
it here.
Me: I like the sound of that.
Lemme: What are you doing this Friday?
Me:I think I am doing movies.
Lemme: A few friends of mine are hosting a
cultural get together. What they basically want
to do is bring the black and white community
together in the tourism industry. Would you like
to come?
Me: Uhh...I don't know man.
Lemme: Please come. You will get to meet
different people and maybe make friends.
Me: Ok. So where are they hosting it?
Lemme:At their place in Matlapana.
Me: Share the details with me on whatsapp.
Lemme: Sure. There comes our order.
Me: Finally. I am famished.
Lemme: Nothing like a good bream to fill up...

At Puleng's Office

Kagiso looked through the purchase order and

smiled. He couldn't understand how his wife
had made it happen.
Kagiso:Isn't this from the lady that wanted me
to sleep with her first? How did you get it?
Puleng:(laughed) We spoke as wives and from
now on, she will take her bribes in cash from
Kagiso: How did you achieve that?I proposed
the same to her but she turned me down.
Puleng:Maybe it was the thought of me sitting
on her husband's face and screaming his name.
Puleng: If you are gonna survive you need to be
a shark at times. No one does things by the
book anymore in this business.
Kagiso:Who are you and what have you done
with my wife?
Puleng:Still the same baby girl honey. This is
just a side that comes out when vultures circle
around what's mine. That's also if you had any
thoughts of getting me a helper.
Kagiso:(laughed) When you are already that
sweet?Girl,you are my sugar for life.
Puleng: And I am here to stay sugar.
Kagiso: Babe
Puleng: Hmm?
Kagiso:Thank you for staying with us. I am so
happy that we are here and doing this together.
Puleng:Always. Like a badass.
Kagiso: We need to get started on this order
after lunch.
Puleng:Cool. Let me finish this quote.

Maun Healers Inn

Loapi pushed his plate away and picked a

serviet to wipe his hands. He stood up and
grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

Neelo: You didn't touch your food. I guess that I

am not the only one that's excited.
Loapi: I think I am also tired from the trip.
Neelo: Yeah. All we have been doing for the
past few days is drink. I am not surprised that
you don't have an appetite. So how did it go
with Ney?
Loapi: What?
Neelo: The social worker?
Loapi: Oh that.She was really helpful.
Neelo: Ok. So what was it about?
Loapi: I thought that we didn't discuss work
because it killed the romance.
Loapi: I need to get going. I will see you later.
Neelo:Ok babe.By the way Yolanda and Brett
invited us to a little get together this Friday
evening .Something about bringing black Huns
and Caucasians together.
Loapi: What?
Neelo: Cultural something.
Loapi: You keen?
Neelo: All in.
Loapi: Cool.I will block Friday evening in my
Neelo: Awesome.

He leaned in to kiss her...

Neelo: Babe
Loapi: Mma?
Neelo: I love the ring.
Loapi:(forced smile) I am glad that you do.

He bid her farewell and left.

At Mma Thabiso's

Mma Thabiso packed Uncle Ndala's things in

the plastic and demanded for payment.

Mma Thabiso: Your things are fifty pula.

Uncle Ndala: Fifty pula for just that small sugar
and five roses? You people are getting rich
through us mme legale I will bring it next week
when I get money.
Mma Thabiso: Then you will get them next
week. Ndala this is a shop, you can't just pick
things and leave.
Uncle: A ware shopo he ausi? ( A shop?)
Mma Thabiso: Shopo ee. ( Yes a shop). If you
can't pay me now then you can't take these
things. Have you ever walked into Choppies and
picked things then left?
Uncle: Is this choppdada? It's not even that big.
Mma Thabiso: Then go to choppies because it's
that big.
Uncle: Now you are forcing me to choose
between you and hansa.

He took out his wallet and picked a fifty pula

note then gave it to his sister.

Mma Thabiso:Good. Now take.

She gave him his plastic.

Uncle Ndala: Ney has made our lives difficult.

Look at how I have to forget about my dear
Mma Thabiso:(laughed) Lebala pelesina monna
onwe lekhwaza. ( Forget about hansa and drink
Uncle Ndala: Are how is Maun?
Mma Thabiso:She is still trying to settle in. We
talk everyday.
Uncle Ndala:I guess I was wrong about her.
Mma Thabiso: (laughed) Even if you can praise
her, I won't give you on credit next time.
Uncle Ndala: Let her know that next time she
comes I am slaughtering a goat for her. I am
happy that she has been good to you.
Mma Thabiso: When you don't drink, you always
speak sense...

They laughed as they conversed...

Outside Maun Healers Inn

Loapi rested his head on the stering wheel as

he thought of Ney. A week ago she was his past
and he would never have to see her again but
now things had changed. His heart belonged to
her and there was no way that he would be able
to stay away from her. He got up and took a
deep breath and as he looked outside, he
spotted her standing with a familiar man. He
felt as if he was being slaughtered alive as he
watched the two laughing as if there was no
tomorrow. He took deep breaths and grabbed a
bottle of water to down by the passenger sit but
his heart palpitations only got worse.
Hey there 🌞
Distance & Time
# 70

Later that day

At Karen's

Loapi rested his head on the cushion and took

deep breaths. Karen stood before him with a
glass of water and shook her head.

Karen: Have some water man.

Loapi: I don't want any water.
Karen:I thought that you said your head is

He sat up and took the glass of water from her

then downed it...

Karen: Things don't look good man.How much

bad luck can one have?

She giggled and he stood up threatening to


Loapi: I came to you for advice not for a little

show. You know exactly how I feel about Ney.
Karen: That's exactly why I told you to wait.
Loapi: Wait for what exactly? Why do I have to
wait my entire life? Is it because I am the one
that messed up? In case no one remembers I
admitted to my mistakes and apologized. Since
I got back, I have been trying to make it right. I
took your advice and left her alone then moved
on. What exactly did I do wrong? Is it because I
am a man? Yes I messed up but that was years
ago and I have been paying ever since so get
over it already. I can't be judged on that mistake
my entire life whenever I mention that I love her.
Yes I love her! As much as I hate it and I don't
want to feel this way I do even after so many
years. I thought I was doing the right thing by
moving on but I guess God still has other ways
so punish me so yeah Loapi needs to pay.
Karen: I hear you buddy. So have you told Ney
the second?
Loapi: Ney won't let me. She feels like she is
going to lose her job if I do.
Karen: Do you think Neelo is that petty?
Loapi: Nah. She is a lot of things but when it
comes to work she is really fair.
Karen: Ok now that we know that. Are you
prepared to hurt her with lies in order to protect
Loapi: What?
Karen: Well choose one buddy, it can't be both.
Loapi: I don't know man.
Karen: Well you make the right decision
champ.You know how deep lies can ruin things.
It's either you do the right thing this time or
keep lying to see where it will take you.
Loapi: When does Agang get home?
Karen: In an hour or so. What's up?
Loapi: I wanted to talk to him man to man but I
need to get going so it will be some other time.
Karen: Will you be okay?
Loapi: Am good. I guess some of us can't catch
a break. Your past follows you everywhere no
matter what.
Karen: You will be ok.

At Puleng's

Puleng threw her bag on the couch and headed

straight to the kitchen while her husband laid
down. As she walked into the kitchen, she
found Ruth cooking.

Puleng: Hey
Ruth: Hey. I hope you don't mind. I decided to
help you with cooking. You must be tried.
Puleng: Thank you hun but there was no need.
My husband only eats my food.
Ruth:(Smiled) I am sure that he can make an
exception seeing that you look tired today. I
made some chicken bake and some roasted
Puleng: I am really sorry that you had to go
through all this trouble. I still have to cook for
him.We all can have this food but he won't eat.
Ruth: You can ask him maybe he will make an
Puleng:(Smiled) I am afraid not. It's just
something he has made really clear from the
beginning and I don't wanna make him feel like I
don't care about his needs.Sorry babe.

She opened the deep freezer and took out some

beef then threw it in the microwaved and hit the
defrost button.

Puleng: I am going to change. I will be will be

Ruth:(Smiled) Should I do the veggies for you?
Puleng: Don't worry I will do it. Kagiso likes his
veggies cut in a certain way that's why I insist
on cooking because I don't want you to feel like
we don't appreciate.
Ruth: Don't worry. I might be a qualified chef
from the States but that doesn't mean that
everyone likes my cooking.
Puleng:(laughed) Got you!

She walked out and Ruth rolled her eyes.

At Loapi's

Neelo passed the bridal magazine to Loapi and

turned off the tv.

Neelo: (Smiled)There is so much we need to

discuss. I have already found my dress and a
couple of things I will need.I just need you to tell
me when your parents will go and see mine.

He sighed and held her hand...

Loapi: There is something we need to talk about.

Neelo:Are you okay?
Loapi: Yeah. It's just that there is something I
need to tell you about.
Neelo:Ok. What is it? Is it that serious?
Loapi: The social worker from your office.
Neelo:Ney? What about her?
Loapi: There is no easier way to say this but I
am just gonna go ahead and tell you the truth.
Ney is my ex. We dated while she was in high
school till I left for Canada. While I was there I
cheated on her and we ended things.
Neelo: Wait! Are we talking about the same girl
that got married a few months ago?
Loapi:Yeah except that her husband died.
Neelo: What? So what is she doing here? Is this
her plan to get you back?
Loapi: No. She made it very clear that she
doesn't want me back and even got married. I
doubt that she even knew that I was in Maun.
Neelo: And yet here she is after losing her
husband? Loapi you don't know women. She
probably did a research and applied for this job
Loapi: I doubt we are talking about the same
Ney. The one I know hates my guts. She would
rather die from hunger and thirst instead of
taking anything from me.
Neelo: Maybe.

She forced a smile and rubbed his head...

Loapi: I hope she is not in trouble. She really

wants to keep this job and that's why didn't
want you to find out.
Neelo:(Smiled) Not at all.
Loapi: Thank you. The last thing I want to do is
ruin her life again. I just thought you should
know the truth as my partner.
Neelo: Ofcourse.
She touched her ring and kissed him...

At Puleng's

Kagiso looked at his wife and smiled as he ate.

They both kept exchanging smiles through out
the meal much to Ruth's annoyance.

Kagiso: The peri peri at the end slaps hard my

girl. Is it that sauce from Morocco.
Puleng: Yes love.It's good hey.
Kagiso: What are you guys eating? You are
missing out.
Puleng: They are really tasty.
Kagiso: So are mine.
Puleng: Wa nkitsi ngwanaka. ( You know me).
Kagiso: So there is a couples retreat next month
and they are offering cooking lessons in
Mafikeng. Wanna come?
Puleng: Say no more. Mma KG owes me a
favour. I will ask her to come over so that she
can help Ruth with the boys. Wena just pay.
Kagiso: Done!
Puleng: So how was your day?

She turned to Ruth.

Ruth:Very interesting. I set a few goals and

strategized on what to do next.
Puleng: Good. That's all you need. Let us know
if we can do anything to help you.
Kagiso: Yeah definitely.
Ruth: I haven't thought of anything yet but if I do
I will let you know.

Goodmorning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 71

The following day

At Maun Healers Inn

Neelo read through Ney's contract and

highlighted a few terms. She took a deep breath
and threw it on her desk.

Nicky: Are you sure you are fine?

Neelo: I will be when I find something to use
against her.
Nicky: I don't mean to speak out of turn but I
don't think she will be a problem. From what I
have gathered, she came here to start over. She
also doesn't strike me as the type to start any
Neelo: I am not taking any chances. There is no
way that we are both staying. Nicky,Loapi
worshiped the ground that girl walked on. If I
become blind to that fact then I could end up
Nicky: And now he worships the ground you
walk on. You are the one with the ring, not her.
Neelo: Only because she was married but now
that her husband is dead, anything is possible.
Nicky: I still don't think we should get rid of her.
It could cause problems between you and Loapi.
Neelo: That's why we need to find a loophole in
this contract so that we can say it was a
professional decision.
Nicky: I honestly feel like you should reconsider.
Neelo: No. There is no way that she can stay. If
she does, it will give her and Loapi a chance to
rekindle whatever they had. Nicky I am not
getting any younger.
Nicky: In the mean time then just act normal
and be civil. If she smells that anything is
brewing then we could be in loads of sh*t.
Neelo: I will be discreet.
Nicky: Good. I have a couple of things to attend
to. I will see you tonight at the party.
Neelo: Later. I am dashing out after my next

She grabbed the file on Neelo's table and

headed out...

At Mma KG's

Kago took depths as he carried a few boxes

into his mother's room. He put them down and

Mma KG: One would think that you were

carrying a mountain.
Kago: These are very heavy. What's inside?
Mma KG: I asked for a hand not someone to
investigate me.
Kago: Are you available tomorrow afternoon?
Mma KG: Yes. Do you need something?
Kago: I want to introduce someone special to
you. I was thinking of making lunch?
Mma KG: Is it a woman or a man?
Kago:(laughed) I said the person is special.
Mma KG: And I simply asked which team it was.
Kago: (laughed)She is beautiful.
Mma KG: (Smiled) I like where this is going.
Kago: I don't know but I feel like this could be it.
I am ready to settle down and build a family and
honestly she is just the right person.
Mma KG: In this case then I would like to meet
Kago: Thank you mum.
Mma KG: You are welcome my boy. Have you
heard from your sister? I am expecting a quote
from them.
Kago: She hasn't sent anything yet.
Mma KG: What's the hold up? She should have
sent it yesterday.
Kago: Maybe she is just busy with the kids. I
think it's quite hard to juggle everything.
Mma KG: Akere mme they said they have
someone to help them.
Kago: Who? Her cousin? That girl doesn't look
like the babysitting type.
Mma KG: So they went ahead with it?
Kago: With what?
Mma KG: Staying with the girl. I had advised
them against it.
Kago: Why?
Mma KG: What happens when she starts
thinking of herself as the next Mrs Ranna?
Kago:(laughed) What? Mum you over analyze
things. Why would she even think that.
Mma KG: My boy I have been around for years. I
know what I am talking about. You and your
siblings can dismiss me all you want but these
things exist.
Kago: I need to go back to the office.
Mma KG: Call Puleng and ask her for the quote.
I can't just give them the job if I don't know what
and how much they have quoted me.
Kago: I will.

At Mma London's

Ruth gave her mother a glass of juice and sat

down with her glass in hand. She looked at her
mother and cleared her throat looking for
Mma London: What is it?
Ruth: I thought that you were moving back to
Serowe since London is giving everything up.
Mma London: Unlike your sister I didn't burn any
bridges. Sizwe doesn't have any problem with
me staying here.
Ruth: And you think it's a good idea if you stay?
What about London?
Mma London: London has lost her mind. She
now does whatever Mma Puleng tells her. She
has suddenly forgotten that she is an adult that
needs to look at her own interests.
Ruth: On any other day I would agree with you if
there was no abuse included but the fact that
he gets physical with her and you still support
the marriage makes me wonder if we are really
Mma London: Ruth ngwanaka none of you have
the right to judge me seeing that you both don't
have children.All I want is what's best for you
two mme you are too busy playing slaves to
Mma Puleng and her children.I am beginning to
wonder if it was worth it attending those
schools overseas. How do you go away for all
these years only to become Puleng's nanny?
Why can't you atleast use her to get you a job at
her office?
Ruth: Don't count me out just yet. I didn't go
there to play.I have plans of my own.
Mma London: Those are the things that make
me happy.
Ruth: Knowing you, you will be happy after I
take my rightful place.
Mma London: That's my girl.

Later that day


Lemme and I exchanged greetings as I got

inside the car. We made small talk as we drove
to Matlapana.

Lemme: So how was your day?

Me: Not too bad.How was yours and what did
you get upto?
Lemme: I can't complain. It was my off day so I
just stayed home and relaxed. You look great by
the way.
Me: Thank you.
Lemme: What time would you like me to return
you home?
Me: Anytime before midnight.
Lemme:Don't be that girl. Go with the flow and
have fun.
Me: (laughed)Well you asked me.
Lemme:Forget I asked. There will be lots of
amazing people tonight. Have fun and make
Me: I hope to.
Lemme: Nobody parties like those guys.I know
you will have fun. I don't know what they got
planned out but we usually go for the after party
at Sports bar after the main party.
Me: I don't know if I should be scared or happy.
Lemme: (chuckled)You can decide that in the
next three hours.

At Loapi's

Neelo looked at herself in the mirror and fixed

her make up as Loapi stood by the bedroom

Loapi:We are going to be late. Let's go.

Neelo: I am almost done.
Loapi:You have been saying that for the last
twenty minutes.
Neelo: I aim to please and besides, I have a
feeling that tonight is going to be a good night.

Distance & Time
# 72

Loapi and Neelo walked in hand in hand and

exchanged pleasantries with their friends. They
spotted Brett and Yolanda nearby and walked
over to them.

Yolanda: Look who finally decided to grace us

with their presence. I was beginning to think
that you two were not coming.
Loapi: You know the tradition in our house.
Brett: (laughed) Women!
Neelo: This looks amazing Yo! I like the open
bar and the bornfire.
Yolanda: It ain't a party if there is no open bar in
Loapi: Right.
Brett: Can we get you ladies anything to drink?
Neelo: Ditching us?
Yolanda: (laughed) Still works like a trick. Some
gin and tonic will be great. Neelo: Same.
Brett: Don't miss us too much.

Yolanda winked and smiled at her husband as

they walked away...

Neelo: How do you do that?

Yolanda: Do what babe?
Neelo: Keep things so exciting and beautiful
after all these years.
Yolanda: After ten years? Well it's not always
like this all the time, we strive towards it
everyday. You see when we got married, no one
actually thought it would last because we were
an interracial couple but you see it's all about
what you two want and how much you love
each other.
Neelo: I will try to keep that in mind.
Yolanda: I know you are nervous now that it's
official and it's normal really.
Neelo: I just feel like we don't have a strong
connection like you guys.
Yolanda: That's because every couple is is
unique in it's own way. We can not have the
same connection as couples because what
brought us together is different.
Neelo: I guess I just never thought that Loapi
would propose. I have always just felt that his
heart is elsewhere.
Yolanda: Nonsense! The man adores you.
Neelo: Yeah but would he risk it all for me?
Would he fight for me with everything he is
when the time comes?
Yolanda: Are you talking about Loapi or your ex?
Neelo: Loapi.
Yolanda: Why do I get a feeling that there is
more to this? What's going on?
Neelo: His ex works for me.
Yolanda: Shut the front door! His ex what now?
Neelo: I hired her.
Yolanda: Why would you do that?
Neelo:I didn't even know till recently.
Yolanda: Well fire her. O emetse eng? Jeso?
( What are you waiting for? Jesus?)
Neelo:He will only blame me.
Yolanda: Babe you have the ring, guilt trip
him,use it to your advantage. No man will
choose his fiance over his ex.
Neelo: You think?
Yolanda: I know so. Where do you think that
white bit*h ended up?
Neelo: I can't just fire her. She will take me to
Yolanda: Then let her leave herself.
Neelo: Do you think that she will just leave?
Yolanda: No but you have to motivate her.
Neelo: How?
Yolanda: Find out if she still has feelings for him
then work around that.
Neelo: I doubt she does. She wasn't moved by
him at all.
Yolanda: Are we talking about the same girl that
he couldn't let go?
Neelo: Yeah.
Yolanda: Love like that doesn't just die. There
must be something she is feeling. She might
have pushed it away so hard but doesn't mean
that it can't come back. Find a way to push that
lil button in her then get her to make a mistake
and fire her.
Neelo:I don't know.
Yolanda: Well it's either that or you lose him

By the bar

I smiled as I watched Lemme behind the bar

making a cocktail for me..

Me: That better not taste like poison.

Lemme: (laughed) I wouldn't kill you on purpose.
Me: (laughed ) Is that even safe to drink?
Lemme: Oh yes.

He handed the drink to me and smiled.

Lemme: Try it.

Me: What is it called?
Lemme: What shall we call it? Some sunshine
with Ney?
Me:(laughed) What?

I sipped on it and nodded...

Lemme: You love it?

Me: Yeah. Are you good in everything?
Lemme: Maybe.
We both laughed...

Brett: Can we join the party.

I smiled and turned around and my smile soon

faded as my eyes met with Loapi's...


We exchanged greetings...

Brett: Aren't you going to introduce us?

Lemme: Ofcourse. This is my friend Ney. Ney
this is Brett and
Loapi: Loapi. She knows who I am.
Lemme:(Smiled)Oh yeah, she works for your
Loapi: Fiancee.
Lemme: Congratulations.
Brett: Can we have some gin and tonic since
you are that side.
Lemme: Ofcourse.
Brett: So Ney are you enjoying the party?
Me: (Smiled) I am thank you.
Brett: Good.

I focused on Lemme and barely looked

elsewhere. I had seen the look in Loapi's eyes
and I could tell that he wasn't comfortable with
having me around.

At Puleng's
Kagiso washed the dishes while Puleng sat with
her laptop by the island and worked on a few

Kagiso: I was thinking that we can drive to

Mmadinare in a few days so that we can close
the deal in Phikwe. They are taking too long to
get back to us. Maybe we need to talk to them
in person.
Puleng: I was thinking the same but we both
can't go because one of us needs to keep the
office going.
Kagiso:Then I will go.
Puleng: I think it's better if I close the deal
myself because I am the one that approached
Kagiso: (laughed) You don't think that I am
capable of winning us this deal?
Puleng: I do. I just need to pursuade mama on
giving us that job. Three hundred thousand is a
big deal and from where I am standing, she is
not convinced.
Kagiso: Yeah neh and if anyone can convince
her it's you.
Puleng: I will start making plans for the trip.
Kagiso: Ok honey.

At Matlapana

For most of the night Loapi and I stayed away

from each other. Things became awkward and
uncomfortable wheever we were around each
other.By midnight I was tired and after pursuing
Lemme to leave with me, I gave up and stayed.
Neelo: You look tired.
Me: Yeah. He won't leave.

I pointed at Lemme who seemed to be enjoying

the choir and dancing along...

Neelo: I could ask Loapi to drop you off.

Me: Am good thanks. I will wait for Lems.
Neelo: It's okay. I know about you guys. He told
Me: Listen I am really sorry for no...
Neelo: No need to be. I understand why you
didn't want me to find out, It's not like you still
want him or anything.
Me: Exactly!
Neelo: So I really don't mind if he drops you off.
Me: I am ok. I really wanna wait for Lems.
Loapi came over to where we were sitted and
sat next to Neelo.

Neelo: Hey babe.

Loapi: Am tried. Let's leave.
Neelo: I am still enjoying the choir.
Loapi: I have an early morning. I have to pop in
at the office tomorrow.
Neelo: Then go. I will ask Yo to drop me off.
Loapi: Okay.

He kissed her and she gave him the keys.

Neelo: Please give Ney a ride. She wants to get

home as well.
Me: I am ok. I will wait for Lemme.
Neelo: Lemme parties till the sun comes out.
Just go with Loapi. I will tell him that I sent you
Loapi: If she doesn't want to leave then let her
Neelo: She is also working tomorrow.
Me: Let me talk to Lemme first. I can't just leave
without telling him.
Neelo: Okay.

Goodmorning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 73

I pushed through the choir and took Lemme by

the hand leading him to the other side that was

Lemme: Are you okay?

Me: Am okay but I wanna go home.I have to be
at work in the morning.
Lemme: Just socialise for a bit then we will be
Me: Neelo has asked her fiancee to give me a
ride and I am not comfortable with that.
Lemme: He is a good guy. I trust him.

He took my hand and lead me to the same

person I had managed to avoid for years.
Lemme: Hey man.Get her home safely.
Neelo: He will.
Lemme:He better. I don't want anything
happening to her.
Neelo: Relax, they know each other.
Lemme: Will you be okay?

He turned to me and in that moment I wanted to

disagree but I could tell how Neelo was being
sincere so I smiled and agreed like a little girl.

Neelo: Let's go and join the group dance. They

will be fine.

She took his hand and they ran off to the choir.
Loapi: Shall we?

We quietly walked to the car and once we

started off, he broke the silence.

Loapi: Where do you stay?

Me: Thito.Not far from the stadium.
Loapi: Okay.

I focused on the road...

Loapi: Why did you choose Maun of all the

places? How do we go on living like we don't
have a past?
Me: The same way we did all these years.
Loapi: I didn't. You did.
Me: And it was necessary.
Loapi: For who? You or me?
Me: Both.
Loapi: You should have went somewhere else.
Me: And you should have picked a different ring.
Loapi you don't get to tell me what I should or
shouldn't do. What we had is in the past. Get
over that.
Loapi: And what about you Ney? Are you over
that? Are you really over what we had or you
have just choosen to hide your feelings?
Me: You don't get to ask me that after what you
did to me.You don't get that!
Loapi: Because you won't catch a cold when I
sneeze blah blah. Maybe you need to ask
yourself where all this anger is coming from. No
one stays this angry for this long unless they
still feel something.
Me: If you are not interested in giving me a ride
then you should have said so.
Loapi: Have you honestly dealt with your
feelings or you just choose that anger was
easier? And your late husband? Did you really
love him or you were running away?

I felt something that I had never felt before.

Everything became warm and the sudden
strength I had was enough to reap everything
apart. I took a deep breath and tried so hard to
stay calm.

Me: You don't know me! If your intentions were

to hurt me then you have succeeded. If you
think I married someone to run away from you
then you clearly don't know me and you never
Loapi:Ney I am really sorry. That came out
Me: Stop the car.
Loapi: It's not safe.
Me: Stop the car Loapi.

He stopped and I got off and stood outside

leaning against the car. Memories of Thabiso
came back flashing and the pain of his death
felt fresh. I wiped my tears and took a deep

Loapi: Ney I am sorry.

He stood next to me and took a deep breath...

Loapi: I don't know why I would even say that. I

am really sorry,it's just that things really suck
right now. I am about to get married and the
woman I love has just resurfaced out of
nowhere. You are here and I have to see you
everyday and on top of that you work for my
fiancee. Ney I had finally accepted that I needed
to move on with my life and I was starting to get
over what we had and now you are here.
Me: Well life sucks.
Loapi: It does. I am really sorry for what I just
said. You don't deserve that.
Me: It's ok.
Loapi: I am happy to see that you are doing
really well.
Me: Thank you. I am sorry that I was so angry
that I never got to choose my words at
times.What happens between us is in the past.
We were both so young and naive. You hurt me
but you owned up to it. I don't need to judge you
based on that mistake forever.
Loapi: Thank you. It means so much coming
from you. So how have you been since you
Me: It's been really difficult but I am getting
through it. I have had an amazing support
system to help me through.
Loapi: I am really sorry.
Me:It's life.It happens.

He stretched his hand to mine and held it


Loapi: You will be okay.

Me: Yeah...

He leaned in to kiss me but I resisted and

hugged him instead...After so many years, I
found myself in his arms again. I took a deep
breath and closed my eyes. It felt just like
yesterday when he held me in his arms and
promised to come back home to me. I saw a
glimpse of the life we had planned together and
something in me broke. It wasn't anger or pain
but it felt something close to loss.

Loapi: I love you.

I pulled back and fixed my coat then looked


Loapi: Ney...
Me: What?
Loapi: Do you remember the plans we made
Me: Stop.
Loapi: Do you remember how we said nothing
would come between us?
Me: Then you did. It was your lies that came
between us.
Loapi: I was young and stupid but now I know
better. I shouldn't have cheated on you. Babe
what we had is beautiful and it still can be.
Me:Loapi what we had ended years ago.
Loapi: No. I know you still feel the same way
about me. I see it in your eyes. I see it even
when you try so hard to hide it. Maybe what you
had with that guy was real but it still doesn't
erase the fact that we belong together. Have
you ever asked yourself why you are still so
angry at me even after all these years? Look at
He moved closer and looked into my eyes then
kissed me but I moved back.He held my waist
and kissed me again, and this time, it felt
familiar. I knew exactly how we fit together, his
arm around my waist, my hands on his chest,
the pressure of his lips on mine. We had each
other memorized. I thought of everything that
had happend between us and our present them
broke the kiss.

Loapi: Tell me you don't feel the same way.

Me: I don't. Please take me home.

I pushed him back and got inside the car...

Thirty minutes later

At my house
Me: Thank you for the ride. What happend
between us was a mistake and nothing more
than that. Go home to your fiancee.
Loapi: But I want you.
Me: Yet you can't have me. Loapi there is
always that one person that will always have
your heart but that doesn't mean that you
should be with them. You need to be realistic,
you and I are not compatible. Take away the
love and the thrill and ask yourself what will be
left. Sometimes love is not enough.
Loapi: Are you willing to live your life without
love just because it doesn't fit into what you
think is practical?
Me: I wasn't talking about me in this
case.Goodnight Loapi.
He stood by the car and watched me till I got
inside the house.
Goodnight 🌞
Remember to go back on the previous posts
and like the sponsor's video
Distance & Time
# 74

A few days later

At Puleng's
Puleng took out a list of things that had to be
done and gave it to her husband. She went over
it with him for the third time and all he could do
was laugh.

Puleng: Why are you laughing?This is serious. I

don't want you forgetting anything.
Kagiso: Yes mum.
Puleng: The boys like their juice warmed up at
Kagiso: Jesus! Is that even safe? Since when do
we warm up juice in this house?
Puleng: I have always done it for them. You just
never realized.
Kagiso: The boys will be fine. All these things
are not neccesarry. Le gone it's time for change.
Puleng: Goodluck with that change because
they won't be so welcoming.
Kagiso: Babe we will be fine. Ruth is also here
so you don't have to worry about a thing.
Puleng: Ok. I have already told them that I am
leaving this morning. They will probably throw a
tantrum about it when they wake up but they
will be just fine.
Kagiso: I will handle them.
Puleng: Well I guess that's it. I have to leave if I
wanna arrive early. I will see you when I get
Kagiso: I love you.
Puleng: Till I take my last breath baby.
Kagiso:We done with that line. We know every
well what happend the last time when you said
it so no mother! There will be no last breaths
because I am not getting the entire family move
in here and bully me.
Puleng: (laughed) Is that your way of saying
that you missed me too?
Kagiso: I did and I am going to miss you.
Puleng: I love you more baby and I miss you
already but it's just for two days.
Kagiso: Without any body heat.
Puleng: Yeah I mean this is my husband we are
talking about. Tell Ruth that I have left her a list
in the kitchen.
Kagiso: Okay honey.

He grabbed her by the ass and kissed her...

Kagiso: One for the road?

Pukeng:(laughed) Nice try but I need to leave.
Kagiso: Come on babe.
He grabbed her by the hand and lead her to the
dinning room then pulled her dress up before
putting her on top of the table.

Puleng: Babe...

He kissed her neck gently and pulled down her

panties before pulling down his pyjama pants
and rubbed against her... The warmth of his
skin turned her on and soon she turned around
and kissed him. He ran his van diesel up and
down flicking with her little coffee bean. Soon
she was soaking from just feeling his van diesel
rubbing on her. She had mastered the art of
moaning softly as now and then he took what
he wanted anywhere and everywhere.

Puleng: The kids and Ruth.

Kagiso: Babe the kids and Ruth are sleeping. It's
five in the morning. This is my time.

He laid her on the table and went down on her

as she breathed heavily like a little puppy. Soon
she was begging and yearning for him.

Puleng: Babe...I want you now. Hurry...

He remained buried in her with her legs hanging

on his shoulders and her hands where they
should be...

Kagiso: I have always wanted to try it on this


He let out a soft moan then slide in as she

breathed heavily... His soft moans set
everything on fire as he went in with a full
speed.Long and hard strokes.

Ruth stood by the living room in the dark and

quietly watched. She bit her lip as she felt her
juices running down.

Both Kagiso and Puleng breathed heavily and

let out soft moans as they reached the deepest
level of pleasure at the same time.

Kagiso: Fu*k! that was a good one.

He said as he pulled his pants up and helped

her get down.
Ruth sneaked back to her room...

Puleng: Kagi! I thought we agreed to stay safe

till we decide we are ready for more kids.
Kagiso:(Chuckled) I didn't hear you complaining
in fact you were begging me to hurry. Don't
worry, I got you dude. I got three extra boxes of
morning afters.
Puleng: You are crazy! I still have to take a
Kagiso: Crazy about you yes. We can finish off
in the shower.
Puleng: So this was well planned akere.
Kagiso: You know me and being spontaneous.
Babe kana o monate koore wa itsi?( You feel so
good) Even after all these years. Koore o e
tikela eng ne wena? (What do you throw in it?)
They laughed as they headed back to their room.

At Maun Healers Inn

Loapi checked Neelo and Ney's dairy and

headed to Ney's office after confirming that
Neelo was busy. He stood outside and knocked
before he let himself in.

Me: Jesus!

I panicked as he let himself in. He sat down and

greeted me.

Me: What are you doing here?

Loapi: I couldn't help it. I can't stop thinking
about you. Ney please give me another chance.
I can call off the wedding and we can walk away
from here.
Me: Are you still engaged?
Loapi: Yeah but I can break it off.
Me: (laughed) Right, Loapi what we had is over.
Loapi: You know it's not. You felt something
when we kissed. I can tell that you still love me
Me: You know what you are right. I still love you
and I probably will always feel this way but I
know the difference between what I want and
Loapi: Babe please.
Me: Now you are just trying to get me
fired.Please leave or else I will be forced to
engage your fiancee.
Loapi: Ney please.
Me: I love you Loapi. You are my high school
sweetheart and that kind of love doesn't just
fade.At one point I thought that we would end
up together. This moment right here, i had it all
planned in my head. I knew exactly what I would
say when you came back but I am not that little
girl anymore.You have to let go and make peace
with the fact that what we had is gone.

I stood up and hugged him from behind then let


Me: Just leave.

I watched him walk out of my office and held it

together. I loved him but I knew that nothing
about him had changed. He was still the same
man that had cheated on me. Although he
claimed to have changed, he was still running
after me while he was engaged to another
woman.Still the same monkey that held on to
both branches while he decided on which one
was stronger. I knew the way I wanted to be
loved and this was certainly not it.

At Neelo's Office

Nicky locked the office and sat down. She had

previously blocked out the entire morning in
Neelo's office and filled it with fake
appointments.She clapped her hands and
shook her head.

Neelo: Tell me.

Nicky: You were right about her. She didn't
come here for the job. She came for him. He
checked your schedule and went straight to her
office. I mean if she didn't come here for him
then how did he know that she wasn't working?
Neelo: Start drafting her letter. She is still on
probation so we have grounds to terminate her
contract. We can tell anyone who asks that the
department does not really serve this place. It's
either Loapi or her.
Nicky: On it.
Neelo: Let her enjoy her last few days because
by Friday I am serving her.

Goodmorning 🌞
Go and do the needful on the sponsors's page.
You are at 700, your target is 1.2K. You have till
the end of the day
Distance & Time
# 75

Later that day


Puleng pulled out a business proposition and a

quote from her bag then handed it to her
mother in law. She sipped on her tea and smiled
as she watched Mma KG going through it.

Mma KG: This is what I wanted.A break down of

every little thing. Your husband wanted to trick
me into agreeing without facts. Kana this is
business. You don't just sign.
Puleng:So what do you say?
Mma KG: I need more time to go through it. I
should have an answer for you in a day or two.
Puleng: That's fine. Let me know if you have any
questions or if you would like us to adjust
Mma Puleng: I will my girl. So how are the boys?
Puleng: They are doing very well.
Mma KG: I am happy to hear that. How far with
finding a nanny?
Puleng: I will start looking for someone in a
month or two when my cousin moves out.
Mma KG: My girl, you are playing with fire. I
know that i have already told you this before but
you are setting yourself up for heartbreak. How
are you so trusting? I mean how have you left
your husband with another woman?
Puleng:(laughed) Mama you think too much.
Kagiso is not that kind of a man.
Mma KG: I don't mean to be so negative but
Kagiso is a man and we all know what they say
about them. He may be my son but the truth is
the truth and it shall remain so. What happens
when that girl tempts him while you are away?
Will you be able to live with yourself if he gives
Puleng: Kagiso will cheat on me if he wants to.
Even if I was to take him everywhere I go, he
would still find a way to cheat. Cheating is a
Mma KG: My girl. You are so naive. You don't
leave a cat with milk and say that because it is
well behaved then it won't drink the milk. What
happens when it's hungry. Do you think that it
will just ignore the milk in front of it? Even if
you trust your husband, you should never make
it easy for women to have access to him.
People are different and they lead different lives.
You never know what a person believes in. A
marriage is a sacred union and it should be kept
as such. Some of these tests you young people
bring up will be the end of you. Get rid of that
cousin of yours before she gets rid of you. I am
advising you for the last time. You must
remember that Kagiso is a good looking man
with all the right qualities other women want.
You are not the only woman attracted to him.
Puleng: I understand your concern and I
understand that you mean well but Ruth would
never do that do me.
Mma KG: Keep saying that.

At Puleng's

Kagiso threw his keys on the coffee table and

sat down loosening his tie. He looked at the
time then picked up the remote and set a
reminder for the upcoming football match. Ruth
came out of the kitchen with a glass of water
and greeted him before bending to give it to him.

Ruth: How was your day?

Kagiso: It was long and hard. I never realized
that my wife was the one holding that place
together. I couldn't wait to get home.
Ruth: Yeah. Puleng is a hardworker.
Kagiso: She is.
Ruth: ( Smiled) I promise not to tell her that you
said so.
Kagiso:(laughed) Why?
Ruth: I know how men don't like us knowing that
they compliment us in our absence.
Kagiso:(Smiled) It's actually the opposite for me.
I want my woman to know that I appreciate her
all the time. I think that's what keeps our
marriage strong. We never shy away from
expressing our feelings or thoughts of each
Ruth:(Smiled) I am guessing that it's physical as
Kagiso: What?
Ruth:(Smiled) This morning. Sorry if I sound
disrespectful. Just that I heard you two when I
was going to the bathroom.
Kagiso:Sh*t! I am so sorry. Sometimes we
forget that you are here.
Ruth: (Giggled) Nothing wrong with a man
having a large appetite.
Kagiso: (laughed) Just remember that I am
married. God has permitted me to.
Ruth: (Smiled)Got it. Are you a football fanatic
by any chance? There is a match tonight and I
am watching it o...
Kagiso: Man U?
Ruth: Yes!

She high fived him...

Kagiso: (laughed) I am with Chelsea.

Ruth: (laughed) How do you bet on the losing
Kagiso: How about we find out?
Ruth: We on tonight!
Kagiso: Prepare for defeat.
Ruth:(laughed) Owaii. I am making snacks
Kagiso: Don't worry about the snacks. Worry
about how you will face defeat. I will grab
something from the stores.
Ruth: No it's fine I really don't mind.
Kagiso:I actually bought some on my way back

They both laughed...

At Main Healers Inn

I laid back,dialled Tebogo's number and took a

deep breath as it rang. We hadn't talked in a
long time and I wasn't sure if she would be her
usual self. Our phone calls mostly ended in
fights since she fell pregnant.

Tebogo: Hey stranger.

Me: Boo thing.
Tebogo: I was beginning to think that you were
done with me.
Me: How can I? You are my boo thing. I know
that those hormones are messing up with you.
Tebogo: How is Maun?
Me: It's chilled hey.
Tebogo: By Maun I was talking about the men
Me: (laughed)Bobelete!
Tebogo: Wasn't asking for me.
Me: Right. I still have the Loapi situation.
Tebogo: Oh boy. If it's a situation then I am
guessing that it involves your feelings for him.
Me: What?
Tebogo: You thought I didn't know? Ney you are
my bestfriend and i know you like the back of
my hand. I have always known that you still love
that boy. Even when you didn't know, I knew. Do
you want him back?
Me: No but I know I love him. I don't know what
I am supposed to do with all these feelings.
Tebogo: What does your heart tell you to do?
Me: I don't know. That's the thing. Everything is
Tebogp: I know you will do the right thing and
as your friend I will support you.
Me: Thank you baby.How is the baby?
Tebogo: Everything is fine.

I could tell from the way she had answered me

that there was something wrong.

Me: What is it?

Tebogo: Bakang.
Me: What about him?
Tebogo: I think that he is cheating on me.
Me: It could just be the hormones babe.
Tebogo: No. I think I pushed him too far this
time. He is not interested in me. These days all
he cares about is the baby.
Me: You might be over thinking it tlhamma. Just
talk to him and find out what the problem might
Tebogo: I don't know man.
Me: Just try.
Tebogo: Let's talk later. His car is pulling up.
Me: Sharp.

I hung up and dialled Mma Thabiso but her

phone just rang...

Distance & Time
# 76

Later that evening

At Loapi's

Neelo threw some fruits in a bowl and washed

them. She placed them on a chopping board
and diced them. Loapi stood behind her and
cleared his throat.She turned around and smiled.

Neelo: I will be done just now. I didn't think that

we needed dessert but after the day I have had,
I thought to throw in something sweet.
Loapi: We need to talk.
Neelo: About Ney?
Loapi: How did you know that I wanted to talk
about her?
Neelo: Because I make it my business to know
about everything that happens at my office. I
run a business you know.
Loapi: I am still not catching on.
Neelo: You will just now.

She rinsed her hands and pulled out a paper

towel to wipe herself .She grabbed a bottle of
wine and handed it to him while she looked for
a bottle opener.

Neelo: Here.
She smiled and admired him as he opened the

Loapi: There.

She picked two wine glasses and poured the


Loapi: I don't feel like having wine.

Neelo: You will need it.
Loapi: Can you just tell me what you are on
Neelo: While you were fuc*ing your little
girlfriend in my office I was drafting her
dismissal letter.
Loapi: What? What are you talking about?
Neelo: Sneaking up on me and checking my
schedule so you could be with her.
Loapi: Sneaking up on you? I have never
sneaked up on you.
Neelo: What do you call coming to my office
unannounced then going to see Ney the
moment you realize that i am busy. Well guess
what, i wasn't busy.
Loapi: First of all I didn't sleep with Ney. Not
because i didn't want to but because she
respects you and she is not that kind of a
person. I made moves on her ever since she got
here and she has made it very clear that we are
not getting back together. I felt comfortable to
tell you about Ney because I knew that you
were very professional. You are getting rid of a
very loyal and hardworking employee because
of personal matters that have nothing to do
with the practice.
Neelo: You forget that it's my practice. It's a part
of my everyday life so yes it's personal and I
can do whatever I want with it. I am not working
with your little bit*h just so you can fu*k her
anytime you want to.
Loapi: This whole thing is between you and me.
It's got nothing to do with Ney.I don't
understand why you are calling her names. She
has not done anything wrong. You can't just fire
her. This job is her second chance. She left her
entire life in Gaborone for this Job.
Neelo: Listen to you defend that little bit*h. I
don't know if what she did is stupid or cute.
Moving all the way just for a man. Clearly her
mother didn't teach her right.
Loapi: Keep her mother out of your mouth. Now
you are just being disrespectful. I understand
that you are hurt and all this is my fault but you
can't drag innocent people in your shenanigans.
Neelo: We can debate all night but maybe that
little whor* got it from her mother.
Loapi: I thought that we could sit down and talk
about this like adults but this whole
conversation has just made me realize that we
can't. I have already hurt you and you have
already dragged innocent people in all of this.
Let's just end this before anybody gets hurt.
Neelo:(laughed) Nobody leaves me. Leave and
see how this little town will spit you out quickly.
You don't come to my town and leave me.
Loapi: Would you rather stay with a man who
has his heart elsewhere?
Neelo: All I know is that you ain't going nowhere.

He picked up his keys and shook his head.

Neelo: When you fu*k her tonight, better make it

good and long because none of us is getting
out. This marriage is happening baby.
Remember how I helped you out when money
went missing from your department?
Remember who you work for? Akere you know
what happened to the last guy in your position.
Your parents will be lucky to even get a finger.
One word from me and you disappear.
Loapi: You are sick!
Neelo: Good thing I am a doctor.

He clicked his tongue and rushed out...

At Puleng's

Kagiso tucked his boys in bed and read them a

bedtime story. He kissed them and turned off
the lights then headed to his room.He looked at
the time and decided to take a shower.Just as
he entered ,he heard the water running. He
picked up a rod from under his bed and
approached the shower. He couldn't see
anything because of the mist so he opened the
glass door. His jaws dropped as he met with a
naked Ruth.

Ruth: For a man with a large appetite.

He grabbed a towel and threw it at her.

Kagiso: Cover up and get out of my room.I don't

eat from the streets.

She shamefully tied herself with the towel as he

walked out out fuming...
At My house

I sipped on some Gin as Loapi narrated to me

on what had happend between him and Neelo.
Here I was again getting my plans ruined
because of him. I laughed and downed more

Me: This is what I didn't want in the first place.

What do I do in the meantime? Loapi I sold off
half of my things and blew almost my half of
my savings to buy a car and some of the things
I needed here. My six months rent has been
paid. What am I to do when I get fired? Why is
Neelo dragging me in all of this?

He took a deep breath and downed his drink.

Me: Why can't you report her and your boss?
Loapi: And end up dead?
Me: Not if they get to him first.
Loapi: Babe that guy has the entire police
station in his pocket.Once Neelo goes to him
it's over.
Me: Why the hell did you steal his money?
Loapi: I didn't steal it. I borrowed it.I was
planning to put it back.
Me: And you told a woman about it. What a
waste of brains.
Loapi: I had to. He found out before I could
return it so I needed her help.
Me: So now you are stuck with her? Where do
you get these women?
Loapi: If I had not cheated on you then I
wouldn't be here.
Me: That's one way of looking at it.
Loapi: I am fu*ked!
Me: And I am jobless.
Loapi: Let's just drink.
Me: It's not gonna change anything.
Loapi: And no matter how sober we stay,
nothing will change.
Me: That's one way of looking at it.
Loapi: Shots?
Me: Hell yeah.
Loapi: Do you have the glasses?
Me:(laughed) No.
Loapi: A good excuse to drink from the bottle.

He passed the bottle to me and I took my turn

then passed it to him.
Me:You have too much going on. This is why we
could have never worked out. I will probably will
always love you but we are just not meant to be
no matter how much we love each other.
Loapi: And I have the gift of turning your life
upside down.
Me: (Laughed) Yeah. Just let me go. Let me
start all over without the drama and pain if you
really love me.
Loapi: It's too painful.
Me: Yet it's necessary.
Loapi: Yeah.

He took his turn and laughed...

Loapi: I thought Canada was supposed to

change my life for the better.
Me:Me too man.You will be okay.

I sipped on the gin and laughed...

At Puleng's

Kagiso paced up and down as he talked with his

wife on the phone. He still couldn't believe what
he had seen.

Puleng: Is she still there?

Kagiso: No. Did you really expect me to stay
with her in the same house? If she can do all
that then she is capable of accusing me of rape.
I asked her to leave.
Puleng: Are you sure that nothing happened?
Kagiso: Are you serious right now?
Puleng: Babe I am jus...
Kagiso: You know what,go sharp.
Puleng: Babe I...

He hung up

Goodmorning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 77

The following day

At Mma KG's

Puleng stired her tea non stop as she thought

of her conversation with her husband. Mma KG
cleared her throat but she remained zoned out.

Mma KG: The answers you are looking for are

not in that tea. Kana there is something wrong
with my food and tea?
Puleng: Sorry mama, I got sidetracked.
Mma KG: What's bothering you?
Puleng: Do you remember what we talked about
Mma KG: Business?
Puleng: No my cousin.
Mma KG: What happened?
Puleng: Kagiso found her naked in our shower
last night.
Mma KG: Naked as is half dressed kana o raya
a le maponapona? (or completely naked?)
Puleng:(laughed) Completely naked.
Mma KG: That quick? She doesn't play games
hey. When we were talking about it yesterday, I
thought that she would take her time to plan on
how to get the man. Now do you understand
what I was talking about? Puleng I know that
you think that everyone has a good heart like
you but that's not the case. Some people are
really evil out there.
Puleng: I am still in shook.
Mma KG:So what happened?
Puleng: Kagiso asked her to leave.
Mma KG: Atleast one of you is smart. Consider
yourself very lucky because if it was another
man then he would have slept with her and kept
quite. Celebrate him and be thankful.
Puleng: That's where the problem is. He is not
taking my calls.
Mma KG: Why is he not taking your calls?
Puleng: I asked him if nothing else happend and
he got angry.
Mma KG: I don't find anything wrong with your
question but the manner and time in which you
asked it will always matter. Think of yourself as
a soldier coming from battle with victory and
being asked if the way in which you attained
that victory was right and if you are really sure
that you conquered. You could have waited till
you got home and found a way to ask that
question calmly without making him feel like
you doubt him. Regardless of how you trust
your partner, something in you is triggered
when you are told that they were alone with a
naked woman.
Puleng: I was just shocked and I guess scared
as well.
Mma KG: Do you remember when I told you that
marriage needs a woman with a thick skin?
Puleng: Emma.
Mma KG: I meant even in situations like this.My
girl sometimes you need to have a thick skin
even when it comes to family members.Don't
just invite or allow anyone into your home. A
matrimonial home is very sacred, remember
that this is where you are building your marriage
and raising your children. You may unknowingly
invite bad energy. At my age I barely have
friends or relatives coming in and out of my
home because this is my personal space. This I
where I find my peace so by all means I protect
my peace. No matter how desperate she
seemed, you should have kindly rejected her
offer to live with you. You are a whole individual
with a life, friends and family but above that you
are a mother and wife. During our time we were
told to stay away from friends when we got
married especially the single ones.As much as I
don't live by such advices,I have learnt to read in
between the lines. The Christians call it the
spirit of discernment. Learn to discern people.I
am not saying don't have friends or isolate
yourself. Just be smart when you deal with
people. Not everyone out there has good
intentions when they come into your home.
Puleng: I still can't believe that Ruth did that to
me. I grew up with her. She and I were raised
like sisters. I won't lie and say that I am not hurt.
Mma KG: Forget about that one and make
things right with your husband. Let me warm up
your tea.
Her mother in law stood up and took the cup of
tea with her to the kitchen.

At my house

Loapi grabbed the unfinished bottle of gin and

downed it. He passed it to me and laughed.

Me: What?
Loapi: I didn't realize that you were this ugly
when you woke up.
Me: Whatever man. Time is up, go back home.
Loapi: Thank you.
Me: For what?
Loapi: For being you. You are an amazing
person. Stay that way. The world needs more
people like you.
Me:If you are thanking me for crashing here
then you are welcome. Tsamaya rra mosadi wa
gago wa setsenwa a isi atle kwano. ( Go before
your crazy wife comes here).
Loapi:(laughed) Does she know that you live
Me: No but it looks like she makes it her
business to know everything so who knows?
Loapi: I guess this is it.
Me: Yeah.Take care of yourself.
Loapi: You too.

We high fived and he grabbed his jacket then


At Mma London's
Ruth put her feet on the table and changed the
tv channels while her mum brought a tray of

Mma London: It's not as fancy as the food at

Ruth: Say what you want to say mother.
Mma London: Akere I offered a room here and
you choose to stay at Puleng's. I have always
known that she will chase you out. There is no
way that she would have stayed with you.Those
girls are easily intimidated.
Ruth: I don't understand how it's my fault that
her husband finds me attractive.
Mma London: Ruth have you looked at yourself
in the mirror? O montle kana ngwanaka. ( You
are beautiful my child) . If my husband looked
your way then I would have also kicked you out.
That man must be living with regret everyday
because he choose a girl below his standards.
They are all educated and rich in their family so
maybe he feels like she doesn't fit in. Imagine
marrying a girl like Puleng then finally meeting
other women that have been to the States and
speak English with a twang.
Ruth: Puleng forgets where she comes from. So
full of herself. Can you believe that at one point
she told me that she can cook better than me. A
whole chef that studied in the States.
Mma London:Did you tell your sister?
Ruth: That one is a bootlicker. She will probably
take her side and tell me I was wrong.
Mma London:They have bewitched her.
Anything they say and do is right in her eyes.

She tasted her food and made a forced a smile.

Mma London: How is the food?
Ruth: Monate hela. ( Very tasty).
Mma London: I am also a chef. You take after


One of the admins has agreed to post your first

insert at our usual times for the next two days
hence there will be no time changes 💃💃
Distance & Time
# 78
At Loapi's

Neelo opened the closet and threw Loapi's

clothes in a black trash bag.Once it was full, she
tied it and threw it on the bed then grabbed
another one and began to fill it with his shoes.
Determined to set everything on fire, she
advanced to his underwears. Just as he was
about to head out with them she bumped into
him in the passage.

Loapi: Goodmorning to you too.

Neelo: Take a shower for God's sake. You smell
just like her.
Loapi: It hurts doesn't it? Watching me love
another woman and knowing that I will never
love you the same way. It hurts so bad that you
wanna make it stop but you know you can't.
He looked at her and shook his head then
grabbed the plastic bags she was carrying and
put them on the floor before hugging her.

Loapi: I am really sorry that I hurt you and we

are here. You deserve so much better. I should
have never proposed knowing that I am still in
love with another woman. You are an amazing
woman and I know that any man will be lucky
to have you. I didn't sleep with Ney. She is not
that kind of person. You don't need to fire her.

He held on to her tightly but she pushed him

back and picked up the plastic bags then
headed outside.

Loapi: You are still angry and that's

Neelo: Nobody leaves Loapi. I don't care how
many poems you write me and how you try to
convince me that I deserve better. You are the
one I want. From this day, we will forget that we
ever had yesterday's conversation or today's.
You will give me your best every single day. I
don't care where you draw that love but you will
love me like you mean it and nothing else will
matter. Ga ore ke batle motho o sele, ke ya go
mo tsaya kae ba nkgagotse pelo botlhe?
( Where will I find this person that is lucky to
have me as you say when all people have done
is break my heart into pieces?)Loapi from the
day you walked into my life, I have done nothing
but love you. There isn't a day that I have looked
at any other man or I have wanted to.I am tried
of people leaving me behind like I am trash
even though all I ever do is love them. Ney
She wiped her tears and closed her eyes hard
trying to fight with her tears.

Loapi: I am sorry.
Loapi: No you are not. You are only sorry that
you were caught in your own web of lies. If I
hadn't found out about you and Ney then you
would have probably slept with her as many
times as you could. I am done being the good
woman that forgives and lets go so that other
women can have their happy ending. I am not
an institution that trains boys to be men for the
women they truly love. Nna le wena ga re
kgaogane. ( You and I are not breaking up). Get
over it!

She trotted outside using the kitchen door. She

threw the bags down and headed back inside to
get a lighter and a little bottle.

Loapi: What do you have there? Neelo!

She ignored him and went back outside.

Loapi: Neelo!

He ran behind her...

Neelo: These are your clothes.

Loapi: Neelo nare wa tsenwa nemma? Sa iri jalo.
( Are you crazy? Don't do that).
Neelo: I won't but next time you think of
messing up with me then remember that this is
what i am capable of. I won't just burn your
She threw the bottle and lighter down then
trotted back inside humming.

Loapi: What the hell have I gotten myself into?

He said shaking and breathing heavily...

At Tebogo's

Bakang stood before the mirror and fixed his tie

while his wife sat on the bed cradling her belly.
They had grown apart in the last few weeks and
nothing felt the same anymore. They hardly
spoke but when they did it ended in a fight.

Tebogo: Since when do you wear ties?

Bakang: Since I was told that I look good in
Tebogo: Bakang are you cheating on me?
Bakang: Tsa mojolo ke di utlwa ka wena.
Tebogo: You don't touch me, you don't speak to
me or even laugh with me anymore. If you are
not doing all these things with me then who do
you do them with?
Bakang: Are we really gonna go there when you
know very well that you don't want me touching
Tebogo: We might as well as go there. Akere o
sulahatsa lenyalo le.
Bakang: Before you try and blame anyone, look
in the mirror and you will see who you are
supposedto blame.
Tebogo: Some men don't treat their pregnant
wives like you treat me.
Bakang: Maybe you should find other men
Tebogo because nothing I do in this house is
good enough. I have taken this kind of
treatment for a very long time because I
thought that it was just a phase but it ends here.
I know you are pregnant and ever since we
found out, I have done my best to be a
supportive partner. You ill treat me and blame it
on the hormones.I am done! When you come
back to your senses and bring back the girl I
married then tell me. I have decided to live my
best life while I wait.
Tebogo: Even if it hurts me?
Bakang: (laughed) Emotional blackmail is not
gonna work on me. You have abused that
privilege to a point where I see through you
when you pull out that card. Take a bath,
walk,do something to keep yourself active
because that baby will need you strong. Go
He picked his backpack and left...

Tebogo: So he leaves like that these days?

At Maun Healers Inn

Lemme stood by the reception area with a

bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate and
waited for Ney. A few minutes later she
emerged from upstairs.

Me: Hey
Lemme:Hey, I didn't know how else to apologize
so I bought you these.
Me: I don't even like chocolate.
Lemme:Oh am sorry. I didn't know.
Me: I am just joking. What are you apologizing
for again?
Lemme: For letting you leave with someone
else when I should have been the one to take
you home.
Me: All water under the bridge. Let's go to my

I took the flowers and laughed...

Lemme: You don't like flowers too?

Me:(laughed) No. I don't have a vase.
Lemme:(laughed) And yet women talk about
Batswana men not buying flowers.
Me:(laughed) You should have bought me one.
Wena one ore ke a go di baa kae? ( Where did
you think that I was going to keep them?)
Just as we were about to head upstairs, Nicky
stopped us.

Nicky: Onneile!
Me: Mma?
Nicky: The director has made it clear that no
one apart from your clients with booked
appointments are to be allowed upstairs with
Me: What?
Nicky: That's no exception for Lemme.
Lemme: Okay. May I book an appointment with
Nicky: Yes. We can have a look at her dairy and
see when she has open slots.
Lemme: Is she busy now?
Nicky: No sir.
Lemme: Then please book me in now.
Nicky: That's P200 per an hour.
Lemme: I will take three hours out of the office.
Nicky: Sir I am afraid that's not possible.
Lemme: Unless you have a hidden bigger office
somewhere then I demand an out of office
appointment. Have you seen how tiny that place

I stood there with my heart in my boats... I had

expected her to pull out something but it wasn't
this.Lemme took out his wallet and pulled out a
card then gave it to her.

Lemme: You can run your bill there.

Nicky: Please step by the reception area while I
process your payment.
Lemme: I thought we were in the reception area.
Nicky: I meant by my desk.

We moved towards her desk and waited as she

processed payment.

At Mma KG's

Puleng rolled down her window as her mother

in law waved at her.

Mma KG: Drive safely. Let me know how it goes

and remember what I told you.
Puleng: I will. I am sorry that I can't stay longer.
Let me know if you need to change anything on
the proposal.
Mma KG: Don't worry about business Kago is
headed there on Friday. He will give you an
answer by then. Wena just put your house in
order. Did you try calling today?
Puleng: Emma. He is still not answering. I left
him a text message.
Mma KG: You will be fine.
Puleng: Thanks mama. Tell Kagelo and Kabo
that I had to leave early.
Mma KG: I will baby. Be safe.
Puleng: Thank you mama, bye.

She waved then reversed and drove off.

Distance & Time
# 79

Kwa Ga Ncici Maun

Lemme pulled out a chair for me and stood

behind me as I made myself comfortable
before taking his seat. I looked around the
outdoor restaurant and marvelled at the beauty
and calmness of the place.

Lemme: What was that?

Me: Huh?
Lemme: Back at your office.
Me: (Sighed) A brewing storm.
Lemme: I have time if you have the story.
Me:(laughed) I didn't even know that there was
a story till now.

A waiter approached our table and greeted us

before giving us the menu.

Lemme: Can you give us ten minutes to decide

on what we want.
Waiter: No problem. Let me know if you need
anything. I will be right over there.
Lemme:Thank you.

He stretched his hand to mine and held it then

looked into my eyes...

Lemme: You look shaken.

Me:I think am having a shifty day and it has only
Lemme: You will be ok.
Me: How? I work for my ex's fiancee and she is
on the verge of firing me because she thinks
am back to get him back or something. You
know when I moved here, I thought that Maun
would bring healing in my life yaanong nkare
botshelo jwame bo simolla go kopakopana.
( but it seems as if my life is headed for the
Lemme: Shame man. Hang in there. I am sure
things will blow over.
Me: I doubt that they will. That woman is
determined to see as the bad guy. I have a
feeling all hell is about to break lose. As we
speak she is probably drafting a dismissal letter.
Waitsi gore Lemme ke na le stress. I paid my
rent ahead when I moved here because I was so
sure that I would be staying here for longer.
What do I do after getting dismissed? I can't
just pack up and go back to Gabz after paying
for rent six months ahead. Le gone in Gabz I
have sold off half of my stuff. Do I go back
home as a failure that couldn't even hold on for
a few months. How do I begin to face my
parents and tell them I failed and they were
right about my move. What hurts me is the fact
that I don't even want the man back. The least
she could have done is call me and hear my
side of the story.
Lemme: You wanna know what I think?
Me: Yeah.
Lemme: I think this is small waters. You rise
and find a way around all this. Start looking for
a job before she even serves you. At this point
you can't afford to be choosey so whatever
comes up, take it and run away with it. If you
work hard then by the end of the year you will
be comfortable. I am not saying that it will be
easy but this small town has the magic of
success. You will be okay man. All you have to
do is be willing to put in the work.
Me: Yeah. I just don't know where to start.
Lemme: I know quite a number of people that
are always willing to give a determined and
enthusiastic person a chance. Do you think of
yourself as a good host?
Me: I think I would do well.
Lemme: I think so too. I wil text you my e-mail
address. Wena drop your cv and I will get it out
there. If I find you anything it will be as a
hostess or admin officer in a safari company.
It's possible that this position may be in the
bush. Is that something that you are willing to
Me: At this point I am willing to take anything
even if it's a waitressing job.
Lemme: Okay. I will see what I can do. Now
cheer up. When you get back to that office wear
your best smile and do your job because if you
walk back in there looking sour, she would have
succeeded. She wants to frustrate you and even
though she is doing a great job at that, you can't
allow her to have that knowledge.Onneile this
world is very cruel, you need to be a badass.
Give it all the kick you have got.
Me:(Smiled) Thank you.

I looked up and wiped my tears. The little pep

talk reminded me of Thabiso. Just the slight
thought of how none of this would be
happening if he was still alive broke my heart.
The man was always ready to push me to be
my best self and each day he lived, he made
sure that I put in the work.

Lemme: Are you okay?

He held my hand and signalled the waiter to our

Waiter: Are you ready to place your order?

Lemme: Can I have two bottles of sparkling
water while we wait for our order. We will each
have that nice meal of sticky wings and ribs.
Waiter: Is that all?
Lemme:For now.Thank you.
Waiter: Coming right up.

He noted down our order and left. Within a few

minutes he came back with two glasses and
some sparkling water.

Lemme: Are you okay?

Me: (Smiled)Yeah I am good.
Lemme: You can talk to me.
Me: You just spoke so well that you actually
reminded me of my late husband.
Lemme: I am so sorry, I had no idea.
Me: Yeah. That's actually why I moved here.
Lemme: We gonna get you a job and you are
gonna wear your badass girl skin with so much
pride. That much I do know. Now smile baby girl.
Me:(Smiled) Yeah.
Lemme: There we go!

At Puleng's Office

Puleng parked outside the office and took off

her shades. She looked at the mirror and
applied some lipstick then grabbed her back
and stepped out. She took the stairs as she
aligned herself and crafted her apology. She
knew just how much she had hurt her husband
and how it would be difficult for him to accept
her apology. She stood outside the door and
took a deep breath then knocked. As soon as
she was given approval, she stepped in.

Puleng: Hey babe.

Kagiso: Mrs Ranna.
Puleng: I missed you.
Kagiso: I take it that your business trip went

He said while focusing on his computer.

Puleng: Ao babe rra.

Kagiso: It's Mr Ranna to you.

She put her bag down and bent to hug him.

Kagiso gently pushed her back.

Kagiso: Puleng a ko o itshware sentle ke

theogetse. ( I am working).

Goodnight 🌞
Distance & Time
# 80
At Puleng's Office

Kagiso pulled out some files from his drawers

and pushed them towards Puleng...He turned to
his computer and avoided eye contact by all

Kagiso: Have a look at those and quote them.

Puleng: Kagi.
Kagiso: Everything you need to know is on that
file. If you still need clarification after going
through it then I will explain.
Puleng: I know you are angry and I am really
sorry that I had to be the one to doubt you.
Kagiso: Well now I know just how much you
trust me and that's ok.
Puleng: No it's not. When you told me, I was
shocked and I guess somehow I was scared. I
know that you would never do anything
intentionally to hurt me. I am sorry for how I
Kagiso: You were not the only one that was
shocked Puleng. When I made those vows and
said I would only be loyal to you, I meant it. I am
too old to be eating in the streets. You give me
everything that I need and I am content. My
family is my priority. I am not gonna give it up
for a naked girl when I have seen those all my
life. You need to trust me and know that.
Puleng: I am sorry. I just didn't expect that from
Ruth. She and I are sisters.
Kagiso: Well that didn't stop her.
Puleng: I know. Can you forgive? I love you and
somewhere in between my trust, my
insecurities creep in too. Sometimes I don't
understand how you can still love me, look at
me the same way as you did when we met and
still be hungry to make love to me as you did
when we met. Kagiso what we have is rare and I
don't ever wanna lose that.
Kagiso: I still do all that because I love you. I
won't lie and say I feel the same way all day,
everyday but you make it easy for me to want to
put an effort because you meet me halfway.
Our sex life grows strong everyday because we
are open about it and we are always open to
improving it. That is the reason why I love
making love to you. Baby you are my entire
Puleng: I love you.
Kagiso: I love you more. You doubting me hurts.
I thought that you knew me after everything that
we have been through.
Puleng: Am sorry.
Kagiso: It's okay.
Puleng: When are these due?
Kagiso: Only next week.
Puleng: Is there anything due for today or
Kagiso:No babe. Why do you ask?
Puleng:Let's take this home. I have a little itch.
Kagiso: (Chuckled) I am always ready to scratch
that little itch.
Puleng: That's what I wanna hear.
Kagiso: Give me two minutes to pack up.
Puleng: Just two?
Kagiso: You offered some honey dip and there
is nothing more important right now so two
minutes is all I need.
Puleng: Ok. I am leaving. You will meet me at
Kagiso: No honey. We are taking your car. We
can leave mine here.
Puleng:(laughed) It's not like I am gonna run
away or something.
Kagiso: That's why I am not taking that
chance.It's been a while since you have served
me everywhere. We have the house to
ourselves so it's a party.

He said as he packed his stuff...

A few days later

At Tebogo's

Bakang packed up his clothes in a backpack

while his wife laid in bed and fiddled with her
phone. They hadn't talked to each other in a few
days and every day things got worse.
Bakang:I am going to be away for a few days. I
have cooked a few things and packed them in
the freezer. My card is on my side table. If you
need anything then use it. Both cars have fuel.

Tebogo put her phone down and laughed...

Tebogo: Going away for a few days? Without

telling me? Bakang you are not going anywhere.
You will not leave me here while I am pregnant.
If you wanted to stick your dic* the entire city
then you should have thought about that before
you married me and got me pregnant.
Bakang: Didn't I try to speak to you last night?
Don't I try every other night yet you decide to
ignore me. If I was sticking it the entire
community then I wouldn't be here cooking and
washing your clothes. I wouldn't even have time
to come see you everyday at lunch. Ever since
you fell pregnant I have been nothing but a
caring and devoted husband. You sleep all day
and do nothing but I am still here doing
everything for you. When was the last time you
asked me how my day was? Kana nna I don't
deserve to be cared for because I am not
carrying the baby. Each time I advice you, you
threaten to leave me after the baby is born. I am
afraid to touch you because the things that
come out of your mouth afterwards are scary. I
have never cheated on you and I have no
intentions of doing that but keep provoking me
and I will sleep with the entire street.

She looked at him and burst into tears...His

words pierced through her heart and for a
moment it felt like it had stopped beating.
Tebogo: Kare o mojang gompieno ngwanyana o
monate. O nthoga yaaka o batla. ( Whoever you
are sleeping with must be good in bed. You
insult me as you please).
Bakang: You have way bigger problems than I
thought mogatsaka. Stop this because I am
tired of fighting with you.
Tebogo: If you were tired of fighting with me
then you would hear me out.
Bakang: Hear you out? You mean allow you to
insult me? I have kept quite for too long and I
won't do that anymore.
Tebogo: You are weak Bakang! You can't be a
decent husband and take care of me.
Bakang: And you are lazy.
Tebogo: Man Whor*.
Bakang: I will see you when I get back.
He grabbed his back pack and headed out. He
sat in the car and wiped his tears then took a
deep breath. Every single day he watched his
wife changing into a different woman and it was
killing him. What was once a beautiful marriage
was dying a slow death.

At Maun Healers Inn

I walked into Neelo's office and greeted her

then put my resignation letter on her desk.

Me: This is my resignation letter. I am grateful

for everything you have done for me.
Neelo: Grateful enough to quit your job.
Me: Sometimes the best thing you can do is let
go. I am not happy with how you reprimanded
me in the presence of my client yesterday. I
respect that this is your practice and you will
run it how you see fit that's why I am leaving. I
do not want to be a thorn because I can not
tolerate being ill treated in the workplace as I
know my rights.
Neelo: Well you have good timing because I had
also written a letter of dismissal.
Me: I guess I sensed it.
Neelo: Or your boyfriend told you. Stay way
from Loapi because if you don't you will regret
moving here.This is my town.
Me:Rather tell him to stay away from me. I am
not interested in getting back with him and he
knows it.
Neelo: And you expect me to believe that?
Me: Believe what you want. My contract says
that I need to serve a month notice. I trust that
we will be civil with each other till then.
Neelo: You can serve it from home. I don't have
any interest of working with you. You may pack
up your things and leave after working hours.
Make sure that you leave all company
belongings because I do not want to follow you
Neelo:You may leave.
Me: It didn't have to come to this.
Neelo: Onneile when I see trash I take it out.
Me: Very well then.Good luck with your
Neelo: Goodluck with Lemme. I heard he has
been acting like a hero around here.
Me:Enjoy the rest of your day...

Later that day

Puleng parked her car in front of Mma London's

Good morning. Please go to previous post and
like our sponsor's comment on that post.
Deadline is at 14:00hrs!!!

Distance & Time

# 81

Later that day

Puleng parked her car in front of Mma London's
house...She grabbed a bottle of water from the
passenger sit and got off the car. She walked
slowly to the gate and rang the intercom. A few
minutes later the gate opened and she walked
right into the yard headed to the front door
where she knocked.

Puleng:Ba tlo nknower. ( They will know me.)

She said to herself as she waited for them to

open up.

Mma London: What do you want?

She opened the bottle of water and sprinkled it

on the floor.
Mma Puleng:( Shouting) Heela!

Ruth ran outside...

Ruth: What's going on?

Puleng: I should be asking you.
Mma London : It is no secret that your husband
is attracted to my daughter. It's not her fault
that she is educated and beautiful.
Puleng: Is that so?

She sprinkled some water on Ruth.

Ruth: What are you doing?

Puleng: Doing what my witchdoctor instructed
me to do. Whoever has tried to disrupt the
peace in my home will die in seven days if they
fail to tell the truth.

She sprinkled more water on her...Ruth put her

hands over her head and screamed as tears
filled her eyes.

Ruth: Nothing happend between us. I was just

testing him then he told me that he is only
committed to you. Please don't kill me.
Mma London: If my daughter dies I am going to
make sure that I disrupt that peace myself.
Puleng: Do you want to join her?

She held the bottle tightly and moved closer to

Mma London.

Mma London: Hare ke rakgadiago Puleng.( I am

your aunt Puleng).
Puleng: Tell your daughter to stop what she is
trying to do because you will both die.

Ruth knelt down and cried...

Ruth: Hlamma intshwarele nne ke tshameka.

( please forgive me, I was just playing around.)
Puleng: After I opened my home to you even
though everyone discouraged me, you wait for
me to leave then try and sleep with my husband.
How do you strip naked for my husband in my
absence?The next time you try anything funny o
tla tsamaya o opela happy birthday mo
dintshong tsa batho. ( you will go around
singing happy birthday at people's funerals).
Ruth: Sorry hlamma!
Mma London ran into the house and locked
herself in...

Puleng: I don't want to come back here. You

people have disrespected us for years.

Puleng turned around and left while Ruth

knocked on the door.Her mother stood by the
curtain and waited for Puleng to walk out the
gate then closed the gate before unlocking the

Ruth: Mama!
Mma London: Why didn't you tell me that you
are the one that
tired to sleep with her husband not the other
way around.
Ruth: The details were not important.
Mma London: We almost got killed and you are
telling me that the details were not important.
What you did is very wrong. Haven't I always
told you and your sister that you are royalty?
You shouldn't be running after men, men should
be running after you. You have really
disssapointed me. We are now a laughing stock.
Ruth: You are only saying this because I didn't
succeed. If I had succeeded then you would be
praising you.
Mma London: Praising someone applying for a
death sentence? Ruth those girls are capable of
anything. Why do you think that they are
flourishing?Please stay away from that man. I
know that I am old but I am not ready to die.
Ruth: And you are ready to bury a daughter .
You ran and left me alone here.
Mma London: Nna mo go le lefatshe, ke itletse
ke le esi mma ebile ke tlo go itsamaela ke le esi.
( I came to this world alone and I will leave

Ruth picked up her shoes from the floor and got

inside the house. She banged the door and went
into the bathroom. She stripped naked and ran
a cold shower then used a shower loafer to
scrub herself.

Ruth: God wash away all Puleng's muti. Back to

the sender!

She repeated the process and muttered a


Mma London: She forgets who's house this is...

At Lemme's Office

I walked into Lemme's office and greeted the

lady by the reception area.

Me: I am looking for Mr Dikgang.

Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?
Me: Not really. He asked me to pop in and see
him. He and I are friends.

She scanned me from head to toe and shook

her head.

Receptionist: Mr Dikgang is a very busy man. I

don't think he has enough time to see friends
Me: He asked me to passby.
Receptionist: I heard that but he is not the one
responsible for scheduling his day, I am.
Me: Emma.

I dug my phone from my handbag and called


Lemme: Hey.Are you here?

Me: Yeah.
Lemme: Tell her to show you to my office.
Me: Well I hear you are busy.
Lemme:(laughed )Right. I will be there just now.

I hung up and put my phone away...

Receptionist: That was not necessary. I would

have called him myself. The problem is that you
people come here to undermine us.

Just as I was about to respond back, Lemme

walked into the reception area.

Lemme: Hey.
Me: Hey. I am sorry am late. I had to return my
work shirts.
Lemme: It's ok. I don't have anything lined up
for today so I am all yours.Let's go to my office.

I followed his lead...

Lemme: Did she give you any hassles?

Me: Not really.
Lemme:(laughed) That's impossible. I know
how Judith is. There is no way she gave you a
free pass.
Me:(laughed) You could say that.

He pulled out a chair for me then waited for me

to sit before he took his sit...

Lemme: How are you?

Me: All good and you?
Lemme: Am good thanks. So I can't seem to get
you a job at the moment but I was wondering if
you could come work for us as a guest
experience manager. It's been a while since we
have had one but with the peak season coming
up, I think now is a great time to hire one. That's
if you are comfortable with that.
Me: At this point I am happy to have a job. Even
if it's making tea.
Lemme: Well lucky for you a GEB doesn't do any
of that. You will be based in Maun. Your main
purpose will be to come up with activities we
can offer our guests while they are on safari.
We currently offer game drives and walking
safaris. It would be really great if we could add
extra activities to make their trips extra special.
Me: Thank you so much. I don't know what to
Lemme: Before you thank me, let's talk about
your salary.
Lemme: We probably won't match what Maun
Healers Inn offered you but here is a figure.

He pulled out a message pad and joted down a

figure then passed it to me.
Me:(Smiled) Are you kidding. This is more than
they gave me. I wasn't expecting this much.
Lemme: If we are happy with your performance
and your activities and strategies bring in the
money then we will move you to ten thousand.
Me: Thank you so much.
Lemme: When does your notice come to an end?
Me: In a month.
Lemme: Do you mind if we pay them for your
notice period and you start right away? In a
month peak season starts so we need all hands
on deck to make as much money as possible.
Me: I am happy to start even tomorrow.
Lemme: How much did they pay you?
Me: Seven thousand.
Lemme: I will make arrangements with Nicky.
Me: Thank you so much. I don't mind if you
deduct the money from my salary.
Lemme: We will pay fifty percent then the rest
can be paid by you in a period of six months.
Me: I won't disappoint you.
Lemme: Please don't. Let's go and celebrate. I
will introduce you to the rest of the staff when
you start. There is Judith and our reservation
Me: When can I start?
Lemme: Take the week to get your things
together then start.
Me: Thank you. That gives me enough time to
go and see my family.
Lemme: Cool. Now let's go.

He packed up his laptop and grabbed his phone

and we headed out...
At Puleng's

Kagiso wiped his tears and he laughed at his

wife's narration of her story and the drama it
came with. He took a deep breath then cracked
up in laughter again.

Puleng:(laughed) I didn't know that people were

that naive.
Kagiso:(laughed)So all you had was mineral
Puleng: ( Giggled) I swear. You should have
seen Mma London running into the house.
Kagiso: (laughed) Ga ona go tsena ka kgoro ya
legodimo mogatsaka. (You won't see heaven).
Puleng: Sometimes you need to get people off
your back.
Kagiso: (laughed) I wouldn't want to cross you.
Puleng: No.
Kagiso: Let's go pick up the boys.

She looked at the time and wore her shoes...

Distance & Time
# 82

A few days later

At Tebogo's

I washed the bathtub and filled it with some

water. I looked around for clean towels but all I
saw were the dirty ones on the floor. I picked
them up and threw them in the laundry basket.
The bathroom left me with so many questions.
I stood by the door and called out for Tebogo.

Tebogo: What is it friend?

Me: Come and bath.
Tebogo: Tsala I bath in the evenings.
Me: And you are wondering why you look like
that. Babe you need to take care of yourself.
Just come. I will help you.

Tebogo got off the couch and walked to the

bathroom like a distressed penguin...
Tebogo: It makes so much sense if I bath in the
evening because then I get to sleep. Tsala
pregnancy ya lapisa. (Pregnancy is tiring.)
Me: Nnya tsala. I understand gore pregnancy ya
lapisa mme eseng mo o salang ontse yang.
Tsala kana le ntlo e leswe. A o raya gore
Bakang o ka tlhoka go siya gontse yaana?( I
understand that it's tiring but not to a point
where you look like this and the house is so
dirty. Do you really blame Bakang?).
Tebogo: (laughed) Kana wena o tsaya gore o

I closed the toilet sit and sat down as she

undressed. I felt my heart breaking into pieces
as she lifted up her dress.
Tebogo: I haven't shaved in a long as time.
Everything about pregnancy is tiring.
Me: No friend. Ae hlamma.
Tebogo: Trust me, you will understand when
you fall pregnant.

I stood up and opened her toiletry storage box...

Me: Akere you still keep your toiletries here?

Tebogo: Yep.

She got inside the tub and sat down.

Me: Ae mma ako o shave. ( Please shave.)You

need to pull yourself together because you are
going to lose Bakang.
Tebogo: Then he and I are not meant to be
Me: Is this you talking or the pregnancy
hormones? What is really going on with you my
friend? Kana Bakang are o mo roga heela yaaka
ngwana o monye. (Bakang tells me that you
insult him as if you are insulting a small
child.)You don't do anything around the house
and when he suggests that you should get
someone to help you with the chores, you
accuse him of wanting to sleep with the helper.
I know you have always had mouth diarrhoea
but you can't insult your husband like that. To a
point of listing all his private parts. Ae tsala.
Ako o emise maitseo ao. ( You need to stop
it).That man has been nothing but supportive. I
know how much you love him and how much he
loves you.
Tebogo: And yet he left me here alone?
Me: He thought that you could do with the
space. Babe if you really don't pull yourself
together you will lose him. I thought that we
had an understanding when I left here.
Tebogo: Wena Ney you think you have
everything figured out just because you lost a

I passed her the shaving blade and looked up to

block my tears.

Me: I came here out of love not to fight with you.

For you to drag Thabiso into this. When
everything falls apart, just know that I spoke
with you. Otla mo supa ka monwana Bakang a
itsetswe ke ba ba mo tlotlang.( You will regret it
once he finds a respectful woman and leaves).
Tebogo: Maybe you should have him.
Me: This is not cute. You are plain rude. Clean
up after yourself maan. Le gone wash that tub
after bathing. I am going to clean your very dirty
kitchen. Think about what you have said to me
and if it makes you happy then that's fine.

I picked up her dress and threw it in the laundry


Me: I brought you a few dresses, I hope they fit.

I will be in the kitchen.

At Puleng's

Puleng filled her vase with water and placed the

flowers London had brought in. She grabbed
some glasses and a juice jar then joined her
cousin in the living room.
Puleng: Juice?
London: Does it have anything from your
witchdoctor by any chance?
Puleng:(laughed) No man. You good.
London:(laughed) Just taking the necessary
Puleng: So what brings you here?
London: I wanted to come and apologize in
person. I am really sorry for what my sister put
you through.
Puleng: I am guessing she told you?
London: Yeah. She was really traumatized. She
hasn't slept in two days.
Puleng: Good!
London: If you want then she can come and
apologize in person.
Puleng: I don't want her anywhere near my
house. I am sorry if it sounds rude but it is what
it is.
London: I understand. But please Pulie. Get
them to reverse whatever it is.
Puleng:(laughed) I will see what I can do.
London: Did you really do anything?
London:You won't tell me, will you?
Puleng: How is work? How are you?
London: Everything is going well. The divorce
has been finalized and I am finally getting
things together.
Puleng: That's good to know.
London: And you?
Puleng: What can I say? God and everyone
involved is working twice as hard.
London: And the boys?
Puleng: Getting very naughty every single day.
London: With the way your house is looking? I
find that very hard to believe.
Puleng: Wait till they get back from school.

Her phone rang and she laughed... She picked

up and reduced the volume.

Puleng: Mama.
Mma KG: I want to know how you dealt with
that problem.
Puleng: I will call you in a bit.
Mma KG: That's what you have been saying for
Puleng: It's been really busy.
Mma KG: Puleng do you want me to drive all the
way to Gaborone just for some some gossip.
Puleng: O driver o ya kae mosadimogolo o sa
bone. O tla re golega. ( Where are you driving to
when you can barely see?) Relax, I will call you
later. I still have a visitor.
Mma KG: Mosadimogolo ke nkukuago. Koba
bayeng bao re itshebe ngwanaka.( Old lady is
your grandmother. Ask the visitors to leave so
that we can gossip).
Puleng: (laughed)Mama hlamma I will call you
later. Waitsi o rata dikgang.( You like gist) Go
sharp mma ahh. (Bye)

She hung up...

London: Mma Malome? (Aunt?)

Puleng:My mother inlaw.
London: How do you guys have such a beautiful
relationship and keep it going?
Puleng: I honestly don't know. The woman is
such a wonderful person so everything is easier.
London: I love it.
Puleng: Yeah.

Later that day

At Mma Thabiso's

I laughed as I read a love letter Mma Thabiso

had received. She filled me in with all that had
happend while I was away.

Me: Are you sure it's the old man from next
Mma Thabiso: It can only be him. My brother
told me that he uses that trick to buy on credit
at any time he wants.
Me: Malome Ndala?
Mma Thabiso:Ee.
Me:(laughed) And you believe him? That man
can sell you anything and you know it.
Mma Thabiso:(laughed) Kana Ndala le ene.
Me: Exactly!
Mma Thabiso: Have you found anyone in Maun?
Me: I think I am doing ok on my own.
Mma Thabiso: If you find someone, don't be
afraid of moving on. You are still too young Ney.
I know just how much you loved Thabiso but
that doesn't mean that you need to stop living.
Life goes on my girl.
Me: Emma. Mme hela I still need time. Maybe in
a few months.
Mma Thabiso: Whenever you are ready. I will be
here to support you.
Me: Thank you mama.
Mma Thabiso: So tell me about this new job of
Me: I am also still trying to do a research about
it but from what I have been told, I will be
responsible for coming up with activities for
Mma Thabiso: And do you like it?
Me: I think I do but I will be able to tell once I
start working.
Mma Thabiso: I am proud of you my baby.
Me:Thank you mama.
Mma Thabiso: Thulaganyo has been asking a
lot about you. At one point he even asked for
your number.
Me:That's strange because we were not close.
Mma Thabiso: Maybe he is just being a brother.
Me: Emma maybe.

At Tebogo's

Bakang greeted his wife and gave her a plastic

then sat down...

Bakang:How are you?

Tebogo: How do you think I am after you left
me alone?
Bakang: You look nice. The house is really clean.
I am happy that you are doing your best.
Tebogo: Your cheerleader is the one that
cleaned.What's in this plastic?
Bakang: A few maternity pants.
Tebogo:I don't want your pants Bakang. I want
to know where you went.
Bakang: I was at my aunt's. I thought that
maybe if we spent some time apart then we
would both calm down and find common
Tebogo: Without consulting me? Who do you
think you are?
Bakang: I didn't wanna argue with you so I..
Tebogo: You do whatever you want. Koore
everything is about you. You have forgotten
that you got me pregnant and you have become
Bakang: I thought that you had calm down but
clearly you still need some space.

He grabbed his bag pack and car keys then left...

Goodnight 😘
Distance & Time
# 83

The following day

At Kano's

Bakang unlocked his phone and browsed

through his gallery. The pictures of him and his
wife during their happier times left him with a
broken heart. The girl that was once his best
friend had turned into his enemy over night. The
thought of their marriage not working out left
him gasping for air.

Kano: Are you okay man?

Bakang: Yeah. I am just thinking of Tebogo.
Kano: Have you tried calling her?
Bakang: That's not even an option. It will only
turn into another fight.
Kano: Kante mme gone ware what happend?
You two used to be the coolest couple I know.
Is it the pregnancy or you had problems before?
Bakang: I don't even know what to say to you
man. Tee has always had a sharp tongue but
these days it's so much worse. You will even cry
when you hear how she speaks to me. It's like
she doesn't have a heart anymore. She doesn't
even see how much she is hurting me. What's
worse is that these days she doesn't even
apologize. She is very manipulative and quick to
start fights. I don't even recognize her anymore.
Kano: Do you still love her?
Bakang:I don't know if I love her or I am still
sticking around because of the baby. Our
relationship changed a lot when we got married.
Kano: Am sorry dude. I say give it time. It could
just be the pregnancy. My wife was a monster
after giving birth. At one point I thought that she
would even kill the baby in my absence.
Bakang: Apart from the pregnancy my wife is
childish. Before the pregnancy,she would take
off her wedding ring when we argued. The
pregnancy has made it really worse.
Kano: Yeah. That's the risk of getting married to
someone younger. They can be very childish. To
make matters worse, they don't really value
marriage. When I threatened my wife that I
would leave her, she asked me what I was
waiting for. I spent the entire weekend in bed
because she even asked me if I wanted a
closing ceremony.
Bakang:(laughed) Yeah neh. So how did you get
through it?
Kano: I went down a road that I regret taking
every single day. When she screamed at me
and insulated me,I would go see my ex. For
weeks all we did was talk but one day one thing
lead to another and that's how I ended up
getting her pregnant. When my aunt found my
wife at her lowest, she took her to the hospital
and it was confirmed that she had post natal
depression. My guy the regret I live with can not
be taken away by anything. I live like a thief
because I can't risk Melinda finding out.
Bakang: Le wena mona! Since when do you
Kano: The situation was too messed up. I was
angry and hurting.
Bakang: I hear you but you still could have
played it safe.
Kano: I should have but I didn't and now I am at
a place no one can bail me out of.
Bakang: Well for now I need some time away
from her. I am thinking of moving in with my
mum. I will ask her mum to move in and take
care of her.
Kano: Rather ask your mum to move in
otherwise her family will start accusing you of
abandoning her while she is pregnant. At this
point you should consider involving both family
members because if anything goes south, she
will start blaming you.
Bakang: I didn't want it to get to that point but
you are right. There is no other way.
Kano: Let's go and grab a beer.
Bakang: I don't feel like going out.
Kano: Come on. You need it man.
Bakang: Okay akere mme wa duela mona. ( But
you are paying).
Kano: Relax man, I got you.
Bakang: And we are taking your car.
Kano: No issues with that. You can stay here for
a bit. Bana ba bowa next week. ( My wife and
child are only coming back next week).
Bakang: Ok. Let me use the bathroom then we
can go.

At Mma Puleng's

I walked around the house and picked some

papers and plastics while my mother held her
waist and stood on the other side commanding
Mma Puleng: Make sure that you sweap the
pavement after picking up the trash. You can't
come all the way here to just sleep.
Me: Bathong!

I went over to her side and took a break.

Mma Puleng: Why are you stopping?

Me: Let me take a break. I am tired.
Mma Puleng: What time did your sister say that
she will get here?
Me: She was supposed to be here over an hour
ago. Puleng is very clever. She is waiting for me
to reduce the work load then pitch up here with
a cooler and come drink then leave.
Mma Puleng: (laughed) You know her too well.
Your sister is lazy.
Me: You will be surprised to see how her house
is spotless.
Mma Puleng: You even see your reflection on
the tiles.
Me:(laughed) Mme today I am going to leave
her portion.
Mma Puleng: (laughed)I will do it for her.
Me: Since when have you become soft?
Mma Puleng: Imagine cleaning that big big
house then coming back to clean here as well
after bathing the boys.
Me:(laughed) You are starting to sound like
Mma London. She is the only person that would
emphasize how big the house is.
Mma Puleng: I haven't heard from her in a long
time. I wonder how she is doing. I heard that her
ex son in law gave her the house in Gaborone
and the car that he had bought for London.
Me: I bet he was doing it to spite London.
Mma Puleng: Mme kana London doesn't care
because she has a job. She bought herself a
new car and she is planning to buy a house at
the end of the year.
Me: That's good. Did she tell you why Ruth
moved out?
Mma Puleng: No one wants to tell me anything.
Me: Maybe she just decided that she wanted to
live with her mother.
Mma Pulemg: Well whatever it is, I am glad that
she moved out because I was not comfortable
with it in the first place. These days people
snatch other people's husbands.
Me:(laughed) Bathong mama ga gona monna o
utsuwang, monna wa bo antse ane ale mo
tseleng. ( You can't steal a man. He leaves
because that's what he had intended to do.)
Mma Puleng: You people are very naive.

At Mma London's

Ruth pushed away the food that her mother had

brought for her and turned on the tv...

Mma London: I am not the one that sent you to

Puleng's house. Stop wasting my food. You will
be fine akere you told the truth.
Ruth: Mama koore you are not even worried?
Mma London: Worried for what? Akere nna ha
ke a tshelwa ka metsi. ( She didn't sprinkle me
with that water) gape I didn't try to sleep with
her husband.
Ruth: Mama!
Mma London:(laughed) Don't worry my girl.
Your sister spoke to her. Nothing will happen.
Ruth: What if she changes her mind.
Mma London: Don't worry. They are fond of
London. All we have to do is ask her to keep
speaking to her. Now eat.

The sponsor's page awaits!
Distance & Time
# 84

Later that day

Puleng put the volume on full blast and joined
her husband as they danced along to the
rhumba song that was playing. Mma Puleng
laughed as her kids attempted to outshine each

Kagiso: Marry your type ngwanaka. Bona yaaka

re e gagola le mogatsake.(See what my wife
and I are doing to the song).

The boy's ran and joined their parents...

Mma Puleng:(laughed) Puleng tlhe o boatla

bathong. ( Puleng can't dance to save her life).
Rra Puleng: Tshabang hoo re le bontshe gore
nne re di betsa yang nako ya rona. ( Let us
show you how it's done.)
Mma Puleng: Re tswala school.

Rra Puleng took his wife by the hand and lead


Me:(laughed) Lona yaanong lo e tsaya

segolo.Ekare lo bina setepe sa kemo. ( You
guys are dancing as if it's a wedding step).
Mma Puleng: Yet you can't dance yourself.
Me: I am watching the braii stand. If I dance
who will watch the meat.
Puleng: Onneile can't dance.

The boys laughed as their parents attempted to

do some rhumba dance moves.

Puleng: Ney hlamma take a video.

Me: Let me use your phone.Mine is charging.
Puleng: Weren't you charging just an hour back?
Mma Puleng: Her phone has been ringing non
stop today.
Puleng: Should we be asking questions?
Mma Puleng: She says it's her new boss.
Puleng: New boss? Calling even on a Saturday
le gone all day? Is there anything more to it?
Kagiso: (laughed)Leave the child alone.
Puleng:(laughed) What child?
Me: Tell them big bro.
Mma Puleng: How is the meat? Kagiso? Rra
Puleng? Help my daughter.

The rest of the afternoon was colourful as Mma

Puleng and her family bonded. It had been a
while since they had all gotten together and
shared a meal.

A week later...

Lemme's office

I extended my hand to Judith as Lemme

introduced me to her and Peo.From their energy
I could tell that they didn't like me. Peo scanned
me from head to toe before she could shake my

Peo: Nice to meet you.

Me: Likewise.
Lemme: Ladies please show Ney our data base
and anything concerning our previous trips so
she has an idea on how to formulate her
activities . In my absence you will be reporting
to her so feel free to also ask her anything. With
the peak season coming up, we need all hands
on deck. Moreri and Tim will be heading to
Khwai in a week just to see how everything is.
Ney and I will also follow so she has an idea of
what a mobile safari is. Judy please update our
database today. Peo confirm all pending
Peo: Erra.
Lemme: You ladies are free to go.
Judy: Have a good day sir.
Lemme: You too Judy.

They both walked out...

Me: That was very welcoming.

Lemme:(laughed) Don't worry about those two.
They might take a while to warm upto you but
they are really nice people.
Me: I find that hard to believe.
Lemme: I swear.
Me: Ok.
Lemme: So you and I will be sharing an office
till we move to a bigger place. I really hope that
you don't mind. I know that you are used to
having your own office.
Me: You worry too much. I am ok.
Lemme:Our payment to Maun Healers Inn was
a successful as I have already mentioned earlier
on. I have also highlighted the payment plan
under your contract.
Me: Thank you.I am really sorry for dragging
you in. I know that you and Neelo were friends.
Lemme: Acquaintances. There is no need to
apologize. It's just business. I did what was
best for my company.
Me: Thank you for believing in me. I won't
disappoint you.
Lemme: I believe that so don't. That file has
everything you might wanna know about our
company and mobile safaris. If you have any
questions then let me know. The internet will
also be a big help.
Me: Thank you.

I sat down and went through the file while

Lemme focused on his laptop...

A few months later...

At Tebogo's
Bakang put down the pack of nappies along
with the wet wipes he had brought with him and
knocked on Tebogo's bedroom door. He took a
deep breath as she asked him to come in.So
much had happend between them and although
things were a bit calm, the connection and
chemistry they once had was no more.

Bakang: Hie.
Tebogo: Hey.

He put the nappies and wet wipes on the floor

and sat by the corner couch.

Bakang: How are you two doing?

Tebogo: We are ok. How are you? How is your
new place?
Bakang: I am well. It's not a hundred percent yet
but I am settling in well.
Tebogo: That's good.
Bakang:Do you need anything else?
Tebogo: No. We are fine.
Bakang:I spoke to my lawyer yesterday. He says
the divorce process won't take too long since
you are getting everything.
Tebogo: You don't have to do this. We can still
fix our marriage.
Bakang: Tee please don't make this hard. We
have both agreed to go our separate ways.
Tebogo: I only agreed because I didn't want to
hurt you any longer but I want our marriage to
work. I am not pregnant anymore. I am sure I
will be back to my normal self.
Bakang: My decision was not only influenced by
the things that happend during the pregnancy.
You know that even before you fell pregnant we
fought like cat and dog.Even after I married you,
you disrespected me. Any time we argued you
would take off your wedding band and throw it
at me.Two days ago you were threatening me
with Jason and throwing his things at me. Tee
this marriage is toxic.This is not how I want to
live and this is not the environment we should
raise our children in. I know that it sounds like I
am a coward but I am not happy and I haven't
been happy in a long time. We both need to
protect our mental health.
Tebogo: So there is nothing I can do to change
your mind?
Bakang: No. Let's just end this before we both
lose ourselves.

She looked at his fingers and noticed that he

had taken off his wedding band. The thought of
him with another woman drove her insane.
Tebogo: So you took off your wedding ring?
Bakang: Emma.
Tebogo: The divorce is not even final yet.
Bakang: You took off yours months ago even
when I begged you to wear it. Where is it?

She hid her ring finger and sighed...

Tebogo: Are you seeing someone? I mean why

would you take off your wedding ring while we
are still together?
Bakang: We are only together on paper.
Tebogo: I should have known that you would
treat me like this. If I knew all this then I would
have never wasted my time by getting married
to you.
Bakang: This is why I am leaving. This
narcissistic behaviour! You never wanna take
responsibility for anything. It's always my fault.
Tebogo: Get out!
Bakang: You need help.
Tebogo:(Cried) Fuc* you Bakang!
Bakang: I will see you tomorrow. Take care of

He stood up and went to the living room where

his mother was...

Mma Bakang: La bo ntse le omana? ( Are you

two arguing?)

Well done for reaching target!

The next insert that follows will be the evening

insert 😘
Distance & Time
# 85

Bakang scratched his head and bowed as his

mother spoke to him... He could hear the pain
and dissapointment in her voice. She had tried
to convince him a couple of times to change his
decision and failed.

Bakang: I am going. You will let me know if

there is anything that they need.
Mma Bakang: Don't you think that it would be
best to sort out your issues? Bakang your wife
is hurting. Every night I listen to her crying.
Bakang: And what about me Mme? After I told
you what I went through?Do you really want me
to stay?
Mma Bakang: Those issues are very small. All
you have to do is call a family meeting and we
will talk to your wife.
Bakang: I love and respect you but I can't do
that. I am really sorry. I don't want to turn into
someone I am not. Such issues can even lead
one to be abusive. It's better for us to go our
separate ways.
Mma Bakang: And what about your son?Are you
prepared to watch her raise him with another
Bakang: I have not abandoned my child so there
will never be any need for another man to raise
Mma Bakang: Kana mme ngwanaka ga gona
ntlo ye e sa neleng. ( Every marriage has it's
own problems.) Marriage is forever. As a man,
you stay and fight for your home, you can't be
this weak. A happy home doesn't come by easy.
Bakang: This is why some men have resorted to
killing themselves. Because we are men, we are
expected to be strong and take anything. Mme I
can't go on like this. I need peace of mind.
Mma Bakang: Let me ask your uncle to come
here tomorrow.
Bakang: There is no need. We have already
filled for a divorce.
Mma Bakang: Without calling both families and
consulting them? Bakang you were supposed to
call everyone the same way you called them
when you wanted to get married so they could
at least advice you.
Bakang: I spoke to you and to Tebogo's mum. I
know that you are not happy with my decision,
le ene she is not happy but she understands. I
do not want anyone to judge and crucify
Mmagwe Jason.
Mma Thabiso: That is love my son. The same
love you should fight for.
Bakang:I have to go.
Mma Thabiso: Running away from the truth
won't change it.

At Lemme's office

Peo leaned by Judy's desk as she waited for her

copies in the photocopying machine.She turned
around to check the coast then whispered...

Peo: Is Mrs Dikgang in?

Judy: (laughed) She hasn't returned yet.
Peo: Now that she is sleeping with the boss,
she thinks she owns the place.
Judy: Mme kana she is not even his type. It's
just that she is from the south. Akere you know
how these boys like those girls.
Peo: Do you think that there is something really
happening between them?
Judy:She has definitely slept with him otherwise
she wouldn't be driving his car around like she
owns it.
Peo: I will be waiting to see the drama unfold.
Judy: Am right there with you.

At Marc's Eatery

Loapi browsed on his phone while Neelo

enjoyed her meal. It had only been two months
since the two had tied the knot yet nothing had
changed between them.

Neelo: The least you can do is pretend that you

are having a good time with your wife.
Loapi: But I am not.I only came here because
you dragged me here and I answer to you.
Neelo: I fail to believe that. If you wanted then
you could have refused to come with me. I feel
like you feel the same way I feel.
Loapi: I didn't wanna risk getting killed. The only
reason I am here is because you are threatening
to tell the Elgars what I did. If I didn't fear them
then I wouldn't be here. You and I both know
that what I felt for you died the instant you did
what you did to me and Ney.
Neelo: It's sad and pathetic on how you are
going on about Ney yet she has forgotten you
and moved on with Lemme.
Loapi: She deserves to be happy.
Neelo: Just like you and I. Lo, we can start over
again and build something beautiful together.
Loapi: (laughed) With the same woman that
blackmailed me into marrying her?
Neelo: You wanted to marry me before that.
Loapi: Just know that when this game is over,
you will be the one crying.
Neelo: What do you mean?
Loapi: Let the games begin.

Later that day

Outside my house...
Lemme parked outside the gate and turned off
the engine...

Me: Thank you for the ride.I am picking up my

car tomorrow so you won't have to drop me off
Lemme: I don't mind.
Me: Thanks for letting me use your car earlier
Lemme:You are welcome.
Me: I might be a little late tomorrow. I need to
check on those gift baskets from kwena curio
shop and meet up with the lady that does our
picnic baskets. We need to replace a few.
Lemme: Ok.So how are you outside work? We
haven't had time to catch up as friends of lately.
Me: I am ok. I think I am settled. Wena? How
are you?
Lemme: I am good.
Me: Ok.
Lemme: Is your mother inlaw enjoying her stay?
Me: It's been two days I will find out soon.
Lemme:(laughed) Right...

For a few minutes, we were both quite...

Lemme: Let me walk you out...

Me: Okay.

We both got off the car and walked to the gate

which was only a few meters away. None of us
willing to break the silence.

Me: Bye...
Lemme: Ney.
Me: Rra?

He drew me toward him with his eyes, he

inclined his face toward mine and lay his mouth
on mine, which was like a freshly split-open fig.
For a long time he kissed me, and i was filled
with deep astonishment as he taught me how
wise he was, how he ruled me, put me off, lured
me back… each one different from the other,
still awaiting him. Breathing deeply, i remained
standing and at this moment like i was like a
child astonished by the abundance of
knowledge and things worth learning opening
up before her eyes. I pulled back but he drew
me back. This time both his hands held onto my
waist. I could feel everything soaking as he
moved his hands freely. I thought of Mma
Thabiso and pulled back.
Me: I need to go.
Lemme: I am sorry. I shouldn't hav...
Me: It's not that. My mother in law is inside the
Lemme: Ofcourse.
Me: I will see you tomorrow.
Lemme: Bye.

I waved at him and got inside the yard...

Tomorrow's morning insert will be posted at 14:
00hrs. Have a busy morning at work. Night 😘
Distance & Time
# 86

The following day

At Lemme's Office

The delivery guy stood by the door and knocked.

Judy looked at Peo and rolled her eyes then
stood up to get the door.It was still morning but
she was already less interested in her daily

Peo: Mongwe le mongwe a ire trio ye a e

duellwang.( Let everyone do the job they get
paid to do) O rile I hereby mma. ( You applied
for this job.)
She opened the door and greeted the delivery
guy then signed for the package...

Delivery guy: Sure sistere. (Sure sister)

Judy: O kae Mouza? (Where is Mouza?)
Delivery: O ja di off waitsi.( He is on his off
Judy: Ehe morwa. Wena o mosha? ( Are you
Delivery guy: Emma.
Judy: Ok,no go sharp.
Delivery guy: Sure sistere.

She took the box to her table...

Peo: What is it?
Judy: I don't know but it's Onneile's.
Peo: Where is it from?
Judy: Classy prints.
Peo: It must be the flyers.
Judy: What flyers?
Peo:In our last meeting, she proposed that we
print out new flyers with the newly introduced
Judy: Why flyers? Kana these days the real
advertising is on social media. Why didn't she
just add them on our Facebook page?
Peo: Because not everyone is on social media.
Judy: Ga o bona o sena phone ya Facebook go
raya gore ga ona madi a safari.( If you can't
afford a phone that allows you to Facebook
then that means that you can't afford a safari
Peo: That may be true but you know that
everything that she says here goes. Ke Mma
bosso.(She is the boss.)She barely has
experience in this industry but Mr Dikgang
trusts her with his company.
Judy: It won't last for long. This one must be
using muti. He never let's any of these cheap
girls near the company.
Peo: I hope so because it's not fair that I have
been here before her yet she gets a position
above mine.

Lemme sat on a chair behind them and cleared

his throat.They both turned around and bowed

Lemme: How is it going ladies?

Judy: Uh...It's going well Mr D. We are just
discussing current affairs.

Peo gave Judy a sharp look and walked to the

photocopying where she kept herself busy...

Lemme: It's good to know that I made it to the

current affairs.Peo,Ney has a degree. I didn't
just wake up and hire her. You only have your
high school certificate and my training. There is
nothing unfair there. If you weren't busy
gossiping about me and getting things right
then i would have long promoted you but I have
to fix your mistakes all the time. Lastly my love
life is none of your concern. Judy how far with
the papers I asked you to photocopy?
Judy: Peo is still using the machine. I will print
them when she is done.
Lemme: When I brought my papers here Peo
had not even brought hers. How is it that she
got to do hers before mine?
Judy: She said that hers are urgent.
Peo: Ae mma sa nkgolege. I didn't even known
that Mr D had left some papers here for
photocopying otherwise I would have done
them before mine.
Lemme:Stop gossiping and do your job. I will be
waiting for those in my office.

He stood up and left...

Peo: Why did you do that?

Judy: Do what?
Peo: Lie and say that I said mine were urgent.
Judy:I didn't know what to say. Kana I had
forgotten about them. He brought them an hour
back or so.
Peo:(laughed) Judy waitsi ga o serious le tiro.
( You are not serious about this job).
Judy: You are not better than me. Stop acting
like deputy Jesus.
Peo: Let me go and do the job I get paid for.


I reclined my sit , leaned back and sighed as

what happend between Lemme and I replayed
on my mind. Besides the fact that he was a
great kisser, there were so many factors to
consider and how we would relate with each
other at the office moving foward. After months
of holding on to my past, I finally felt the urge to
move on. Lemme was a great guy and it
wouldn't be so hard to let him in, the problem
would be separating our personal and
professional lives. I grabbed my phone from the
passenger sit and dialled his number. I took a
deep breath as it rang...

Lemme: Hello.
Me: Hey. Are you busy?
Lemme: Hey. Do you need my help with
Me: I am in the parking lot. Is it possible for you
to come over?
Lemme: Okay...Are you fine?
Me: I am good. I just need to talk to you about
Lemme: Ok. Give me a minute. I will be there.
Me: Thanks.

At Bakang's office
Malebogo walked into Bakang's office and
pulled out a chair to sit as she greeted him...The
two had managed to sustain a professional
relationship regardless of their past

Bakang: There was nothing wrong with

Malebogo: You usually ignore me when it's not
work related.
Bakang: So it's not work related?
Malebogo: I didn't say that.
Bakang: What do you want Lebo?
Malebogo: I hear you are getting a divorce...I am
really sorry.
Bakang: Are you really?
Malebogo: No. I told you that it wouldn't work
out.Bakang you need to understand that your
age difference is a big factor. That girl is still
too young. You shouldn't have married her. We
should have sorted out our misunderstandings
and built a home.
Bakang: Misunderstandings? Do you honestly
think that cheating on a partner is considered
as a misunderstanding?
Malebogo: That was then. This is now.We can
still work on our relationship. I still love you and
I am willing to take you back.
Bakang: (laughed)Willing to take me back!
Listen to that.And who says I want to be taken
Malebogo: You are too old to be starting new
relationships. We can work on each other.
Bakang: And you are too old to be pursuing
people's husbands. I could wake up and decide
to fix my marriage tomorrow and leave you
after you take me back as you call it. Malebogo
it's been years. Love yourself, put yourself first.
Sometimes I wish that women loved
themselves as much as we men do. Kana men
value themselves and they are not afraid to put
their well-being and happiness first. Why can't
you women do the same for yourselves?

She looked at him and everything he had said

hit her.She thought of all the years she had
taken humiliating herself and passing herself
off to men that didn't value her. Seeing how
confident and content he was in what he had
just said broke her heart, not because he had
said anything wrong but because everything he
had said was spot on. She swallowed a lump
and closed her eyes...

Bakang: Are you okay?

She stood up and walked away. This was the
last time she would ever humiliate herself the
way that she had just did...

Outside Lemme's Office

I unlocked the doors and Lemme step into the

the car...

Lemme: Hey.
Me: Hey. Sorry for disrupting your schedule. I
needed us to talk outside the office as friends.
Lemme:(Smiled) Okay. What's on your mind?

The following insert that follows will be the
evening one. If I fall short then it will be paid on
the weekend.
Sorry my people, had a crazy day at the work .
Tomorrow is the last day that am working away
from home. Things will be back to normal on
😘 😭
Monday If I fall short,forgive me doozing
Distance & Time
# 87

I rolled up the windows and adjusted my sit

then turned to Lemme. He smiled and extended
his hand to mine but I pulled it back. The heart
craved for some warmth but the location
silently rebuked me.

Lemme: Are you fine? What's on your mind?

Me: I know that this might be a difficult issue to
talk about but I want us to talk about what
happend between us last night.
Lemme: What can I say? Last night we had a
moment. Ney ever since i laid my eyes on you, i
have always wanted to get close to you. The
circumstances and time have never allowed me
to. I have been waiting for the right time but last
night I realized that there will never be the right
time. You are a wonderful woman and I really
like you. I would like to see where this goes if
you allow me. I was gonna ask you out for
dinner so that we could talk about this because
I didn't want to make you uncomfortable but I
am really glad that you brought it up now
because things would have probably been weird
between us in the office.
Me: Can I ask you something?
Lemme: Yeah,totally.
Me: Is that why you hired me?
Lemme: No, I hired you because of how you are
so passionate and professional. An employee
that maintains grace in the midst of chaos like
the ones you were going through is a treasure. I
picked that you were very passionate about
business when you told me about your previous
job as a DSA. I really need an employee that will
push my business through against all odds. I
know that I made the right decision because
you are so involved in the daily running of the
business and you do everything with so much
passion. Me hiring you has nothing to do with
the fact that I like you. I probably wouldn't have
hired you if I hadn't gotten to know you.
Me: Okay.
Lemme: Now on a different note, I know that
you have been hurt before and you are still
going through a healing process after losing
your husband but I am asking for a chance to
be in your life.Allow me to hold your hand
through it and love you. I don't know what
tomorrow holds for us but I want us to live in
the present and allow ourselves to be happy
together. Ney, you and I can build something
Me: And what about work? You are my boss
and I am your employee.
Lemme:Nothing has to change. We can live our
lives freely outside the office and keep things
professional when we are here.
Me: Do you think you can do that? Do you think
you will be able to separate the two and
understand that there are boundaries?
Lemme: I have never done it before but we can
Me: Let me think things through.
Lemme: Ok. How long would you like me to give
Me: I don't know if there are timeframes for this
kind of decision. I will let you know when I am
ready to revisit the topic.
Lemme: Ok. No pressure.
Me: Thanks.
Lemme:So once I walk out of here I am your
Lemme:Well allow me to tell you that you really
smell good and I love how soft your hands are
seeing that I won't be able to tell you that in the
Me: (Smiled) Really?
Lemme: Women!It's not like you don't know it.
Me: (laughed) I didn't know.
Lemme: I will see you later honey girl. Can I call
you that?
I nodded.He took my hand and my stomach did
a backflip.


I nodded. He smiled and i felt heat spread

through my body.

Lemme: Quite the little chatter box, aren't you?"

Me:Sorry. I had something in my teeth.

He opened the door and left...I looked at myself

in the mirror and smiled.The thought of his lips
pressing against mine and his hands holding
onto my waist drove me insane. I could already
imagine us together and the thousands of
beautiful moments we would share. The man
was a hunk and God had taken his time when
he made him.

At Tebogo's

Mma Bakang put a tray of tea on the table and

stood by Tebogo's side of the bed.

Mma Bakang: Mme mme (My girl) Tsoga re

nwe tee. ( Wake up and let's drink some tea.
Tebogo: I am ok.
Mma Bakang: You are not fine.You have been in
bed all day. You can't sleep and cry all day. You
need to eat and drink tea in order to feed this
baby. Ke a itsi gore go thata mme ebile ke a
bona ngwanaka mme iteke.( I know and I can
see that it's hard but just try my girl).This boy
needs his mother to be strong. Le ene Bakang
otla go tlhoboga. ( Bakang will also give up on
Tebogo: Ga gona mosola mme,o setse a
ntlhobogile gale.( There is no point, he has
already given up on me).
Mma Bakang: What have you done to show him
that you are capable of changing? Do you
remember how I was against this marriage
from the beginning?
Tebogo: Emma.
Mma Bakang: You two needed time my child.
Sometimes when we say it's too soon for you to
get married we don't say it with any bad
intentions. It's because experience has taught
us these things. Being in a relationship and
visiting each other is different from being
married and living with each other. When you
are married and live together , there is no place
your traits and habits can hide. Koore wa bo o
tsotse. ( In other words you are naked).You
both should have taken your time to get to
know each other so you know how to deal with
such traits in marriage.Tebogo ngwanaka
mosadi ga a tlhapaole monna yaaka ke etle ke
utlwe o dira.Go dira yalo ke go ithubela motse.
Mosadi o tshwanetse go aga ka mafoko a
gagwe. ( Tebogo my child, a woman does not
insult a man the way that you do, doing that is
destroying your own home.)
Tebogo: Emma.
Mma Bakang: Nna hela ka bonna ngwanaka ke
bona ona le mathata. Nna fa fatshe o seka seke
gore bothata bo kae. ( As Mma Bakang, I think
you have a problem. Sit down and assess what
the problem could be.Even if your husband
does not come back, you can't move on with
this kind of anger. Wake up, go and bath and
take a walk outside. With or without Bakang,
your life must go on. You are now a mother.
You need to start making plans on how you will
move on if your husband does not want to
come back home. My daughter you won't the
first woman to be divorced by a man. Put your
pride aside and you will realize where you went
wrong. Tsoga moroba. ( Get up!)

At Bakang's

Kano put a six pack of beer in Bakang's fridge

and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and some
glasses then went into the living room. He
looked around the living room which had two
camp chairs and a Bluetooth speaker and

Bakang: What is it?

Kano: Nothing man.
Bakang: Thanks for coming over. I just needed
to get away from the office and get a drink.
Kano: Kante ne mona ware keeng o sa boele fro
ya gago? ( Why don't you just go back to your
Bakang: Ga ke a go biletsa tseo. ( I didn't call
you here for that.)
Kano: I get that you are trying to prove a point
and we get it. I am sure that your wife gets it
too. Just go back home and stop living like a
single man without a wife. You and Tebogo can
still fix things. Your marriage will only be
stronger now that you two have a child.
Bakang: Sorry man. That ship has long sinked. I
am getting a divorce and I have made peace
with that. This is not about proving anything. I
will not stay in an abusive marriage.
Kano looked at his friend and laughed out loud...

Kano: Abusive marriage? Now you are taking it

to a different level. I get that she hurt you but
you can't escalate it to that. Women are like
that. They talk and nag all day. One insult here
and there but that doesn't mean that she
doesn't love you.
Bakang: No one understands where I am
coming from or my position because I am not a
woman. If it was a woman,you people would be
telling her to leave and put her mental health
first. I am simply doing what's best for me.
Kano: You are being emotional and you
shouldn't be because now you are a father.Stay
and fight for your family. That's what men do.
Bakang: Will I still be a man when my child
grows up in such a toxic home and becomes
broken? Will anyone remember that I fought for
my family? Will anyone compensate my child
with a father if I die due to stress because I
couldn't leave when I had the strength to? What
happens years later when this child has grown
and left the nest and I am still unhappy? Kano
no one marries with the intention of getting a
divorce. It was really hard for me to make such
a decision and as much as it was painful, I
know it's the right thing to do.I am at peace with
my decision.
Kano: Eish! Nna yaanong ga ke itsi gore ke reng.
( I don't know what to say.) Melinda asked me
to talk to you.
Bakang: Tebogo probably asked her to. Bona
my guy, I am sure about this.
Kano: I just don't want you regretting it man.
Bakang: Sure.I am good.
Kano: Ok.
Bakang: Let's drink to new beginnings.
Later that day

At Lemme's Office

Lemme picked up his files and packed up his

laptop. I looked at the time and checked my
work load which didn't seem to finish.

Lemme: Let's go. You can finish up tomorrow.

Me: No I need to finish these today. Go right
Lemme: Are you sure?
Me: Yeah.
Lemme: Don't stay up too late.
Me: Sure. I also need to make a phone call.
Lemme: Ok honey girl. I will call you later.
Me: Office!
Lemme: It's after working hours.

He leaned in to kiss my forehead...

Lemme: Bye.
Me: Sharp.

I waited for him to leave and when I was sure

that he had left I called Tebogo using the

Tebogo: Onneile.
Me: Hey babe.
Tebogo: What do you want?
Tebogo: Ao friend mma.
Tebogo: I thought that I had made it clear to you
that I don't want to talk to you. Onneile you
destroyed my marriage. If you hadn't been
gossiping about me to Bakang and making me
look bad then he wouldn't have left me. I have
watched you all my life take up space and push
me out. You want to shine alone and be the
Beyonce of the group. Koore you couldn't stand
seeing me happy and building a family. Because
Loapi left you and you also couldn't get the
happy ending you planned with Thabiso you
decided to ruin mine. My mother has always
warned me about you. I should have stayed
away from you the moment I got married.Pelo
ya gago ya lowa hlamma. Mme kana I didn't kill
Thabiso. It was all your fault.

I felt my heart stuck in my throat and my eyes

streaming with tears...
Me: I am not surprised that you are blaming me.
Tebogo you never take responsibility for
anything that happens in your life. It's always
easier for you to blame someone else. Wake up
and smell the coffee because it's all your fault.
You are the one that decided to live like a pig
and let things get out of control. Next time help
yourself and keep Thabiso out of your mouth. I
have let go of this so many times because I
thought you were stressed but I realize that you
are just naturally rude. I honestly don't
understand how I got to stay friends with you
for so long. Keep my husband's name out of
your broken home. Otla nyela hlamma. You
have no idea what I went through when I lost
Thabiso and what I continue to go through.
Tebogo: We better not meet anywhere because
if I see you anywhere I will
beat the hell out of you.
Me: Fotsek Tebogo! Le gone sebono!

I hung up the phone and sobbed bitterly...

Tomorrow is another day
Distance & Time
# 88

A week later...

At the office
Lemme stood up and closed the door. He stood
before me and cleared his throat to get my
attention. I saved up my work and closed the

Me: What is it? I have a deadline to catch.

Lemme: What are you doing this weekend?
Me: Showing my mother in law around. Is there
anything you want me to do?
Lemme: No. I was just hoping that we could
spend some time together but I understand.
Me: Sorry man. She is leaving in a few days so I
want to spend as much time as I can with her.
Lemme: It's not a problem. So what have you
thought about that issue?
Me: Have you forgotten our agreement?
Lemme: It's almost time up. Everyone has left.
It's just us honey girl.
Me: (Smiled) If I am honey girl then who are you?
Lemme: Rre honey.
Me: (laughed) What?
Lemme: Rre honey.
Me: (laughed)Okay Rre honey.
Lemme: Honey girl.
Me:Rre honey.
Lemme:(Smiled) Does that mean that you are
gonna give me a chance?
Me: Let's just take things one step at a time.
There is no need to attach labels to anything.
Let's live in the moment. We will see where it
Lemme: Is that what you want?
Me: Yeah.
Lemme: Ok. One day at a time.
He picked up the laptop then placed it on his

Lemme: How long do you have?

Me: How long do I have till what Rre honey?
Lemme:(Smiled) Till you go home? I like it when
you call me that.
Me: I have a presentation on Monday. I need to
finish up here.
Lemme: Ok.

He pushed my chair back and helped me stand

then picked me up and placed me on top of the

Lemme: Ware ke nna mang?

Me: (Smiled) Rre honey.
Lemme: Mme honey.

He pushed the chair back and stood before me.

He held my waist with one hand while the other
gently brushed against my face as he kissed
me. I rested my hands on his shoulders while
he kissed me intensely. I could feel myself
getting wet as his lips worked on me. I breathed
heavily and pulled him closer,holding on tightly.
I could feel his van diesel rubbing against me.
He slowly unbuttoned my dress all the way up
till everything was exposed.

Lemme:Are you okay?

Me:(breathed heavily) Yeah...
Lemme: I want you.
Me: I want you too.
His lips pressed against mine and before I knew
it I was soaking. My body had reached a place
of no return. I pushed him back.

Lemme: Are you okay?
Me:Do you have protection?

He reached his hand to his drawer and pulled

out a box of condoms.He pushed me back
against the table as i laid on my back and gently
pulled out my panties and leaned between my
legs and worked on me with his tongue.

*Got spicey*

At Tebogo's
Melinda held her friend's hand as she cried.The
divorce had just been finalized and emotions
were running high.What began as a beautiful
promising union had come to an end.

Melinda: You are going to be ok.

Tebogo: I thought that he would change his
mind but it's clear that he is done with me.
Melinda: These things can be fixed my friend.
Wena rapela tsala. ( Pray my friend.) There is
nothing too hard for God. I once saw this other
couple on Emmanuel tv gotwe they have been
divorced for ten years mme God brought them
back together.
Tebogo: I should have never let him go. I should
have done everything I could to save this
marriage. I can't be a single mother. Where do I
start? I don't even have a job.
Melinda: You can take him to court for
maintenance if he fails to keep his end of the
Tebogo: That's one thing Bakang would never
fail. In as much as we have our own issues, he
would never fail at being a father.
Melinda: That's good but you need to find a job
and fetch your life. You need to be a whole
person so that when you two get back together,
you are sorted. Monna ha ele wa gago ke wa
gago. Le aka go tlhala five years. ( When a man
is yours, he is yours even when he can leave you
for five years.)
Tebogo: In all the years I have known that man, I
have learnt that he sticks to his decisions once
he makes up his mind. Not even God can bring
him back to me.
Melinda: You don't know that.
Tebogo: I know him too well. I let my past cloud
me and lost myself. For months Bakang has
been paying for my father's sins. I have been so
angry that I lost sight of what was before me.
Melinda whatever Bakang and I had is over. I
can feel it and I can pick that he is done with me
when he speaks.
Melinda: Gone mme have you seen anyone or
went to church to find out what happened
between you two? These days people are evil.
Who knows maybe it's your friend.
Tebogo: No. I pushed him away. I thought that if
I was hard on him then I wouldn't have to go
through what my mother went through. The last
straw was when i kicked him out of the house.
Ney might have added on to my issues but it
was all me.
Melinda: Gone mme what kind of a friend
discusses you with your husband?
Tebogo: The kind of friend that wants to see
you miserable. She even came to my house to
clean so my husband sees I am failing mme
legale that's all in the past. Our friendship is
over. My marriage is over. Koore ke iphotlhere
hela.( I have nothing and no one.)

She looked at her wedding portrait on the wall

and closed her eyes...She had cried the entire
week and at this point she didn't have anything
to give.

At my house

I read through Lemme's messages and


Lemme: Akere you ran away.I was going to give

you wild se* 🙈
Me: How about you show me tomorrow. I
can pass by your place early morning.
Lemme: Thaga moso ( Morning glory.) 👅
Lemme: Kana mme ga nkake ka lala ke robetse.
( I won't even sleep.)
Lemme: Hlamma o itlhaganele wena. ( Hurry
up.) Today was just too sweet.
Me: Ke bone yalo 😂😂
Lemme: I will send you directions. Wake me up
at five.
Me:😂😂Where are you going?
Lemme: Getting all ready for you. Ga o tsena re
wela tsela.
Me: Rre honey 😍
Lemme: Mme honey 😍
I smiled from ear to ear...

Mma Thabiso: Ke ohe o go tsikitlang? (who is


I put the phone away...

Mma Thabiso: Ke mogolo ngwanaka, dilo tse ke

di bona ke le kgakala. Re a go lebogisa. ( I am
happy for you my child. I am an adult I can see
these things from a distance.)
Me: (laughed)I am going to wash the dishes.

I shamefully laughed then stood up.

Distance & Time
# 89

At Puleng's

Puleng and the twins danced and sang while

Kagiso set up the karaoke set. Kagiso turned on
the box and tested it.

Kagiso: Pulie, Pulie!

He blew a kiss to his wife and the boys

Puleng: Motho wame!
Kagiso: For life baby!
Puleng: Boys go and wear your costumes. It's
almost ready.
Aziz: Mummy Aiden is slow.
Puleng: Go on. I will come and help you. If you
finish first,help him.
Aziz:Aiden let's go.

He held his brother by the hand and lead him to

their room.

Puleng: Aziz wa itlhela a ipona a le motona

waitsi. ( Aziz thinks he is older.)
Kagiso:(laughed) Five minutes older.
Puleng: Same year, same everything.
Kagiso: Trust me, that five minutes will count.
You would think Kago is younger.
Puleng: I hope in future Aiden is not so
dependant on his brother.They both need to be
able to stand on their own.
Kagiso:Yeah. That's for us to teach him now.
You might think that he is younger but if we
teach him now then it will be better for all of us.
Puleng: Yeah.
Kagiso: I know how you feel about that. The
fact that he is quite and gentle does not mean
that he can not learn.
Puleng: I guess.
Kagiso: What time did Tim's wife say that they
will be here?
Puleng: I think she said six.
Kagiso: Okay.
Puleng: Babe...
Kagiso: Mma
Puleng: Come closer.

He put the manual he was holding on the table

and moved closer to his wife...

Kagiso: Yes babe.

Puleng: Maybe we can start trying to make the
boys a little sibling.
Kagiso:( Smiled) Or siblings.
Puleng: Not again.I can't keep up with four
children. Le gone school fees is expensive.
Kagiso: (laughed) Heii four le ene rra. Imagine
the groceries we would have to buy. Those two
already eat like we never feed them.
Puleng:(laughed) Tlogela bana. ( Let the kids
Kagiso: Make sure everyone leaves early and
you put the kids to sleep. We have a lot of work
to do.
Puleng:What do we need to do? I thought that
everything was on track.
Kagiso: (chuckled) Didn't you say that we
needed to make the boys a little sibling?
Puleng:(laughed) Kagiso tlhe o rata morobalo.
( You love se* too much.) I actually thought that
by now you would have slowed down.
Kagiso: I don't need to slow down for anything. I
finally have the green light. Re ya go itheledisa
gore mogatsaka.I will be dipping into that honey
pot every chance I get. You don't understand
how good you feel even after all these years.
Puleng:(laughed) Let me go and check on the
boys .
Kagiso: I am going to run the water. Make sure
that tonight you wear that little red lacey
number when everyone leaves. I will be fu*king
you so good.
Puleng: And make sure that you bring your A

She winked...

At my house

I put my phone on the charger and went into the

kitchen where Mma Thabiso was washing the
dishes. I grabbed a dish towel and stood on the
other end.

Me: I will dry and pack them away.

Mma Thabiso: Thank you my girl.
Me: Let's go and get our hair done tomorrow.
Mma Thabiso: Owaii hare wame ke wa
maphondo hela a mo lapeng ngwanaka. Mme
kana le wa gago o santse o eme sentle. (Mine
can be done at home. Yours is also still very
clean and neat.)
Me: It's been two weeks. I need a fresh hairstyle.
Mma Thabiso: New love. I know it very well.
Me:(laughed) New love?
Mma Thabiso: I am so happy to see you this
alive. You also deserve to be happy my child.
You are still too young to give up on love.I know
how much you loved my son but you are also a
person with needs. I understand these things. I
am so grateful for how you still love me like
your mother. The death of my son left me really
broken but you have managed to bring all those
pieces together. I hope nothing ever separates
Me: Thank you mama. This means so much to
me. You will always be my mother and no one
can separate us. Your love and support have
gotten me through the loss of Thabi.
Mma Thabiso: Does he treat you right?
Me: We are still getting to know each other but
he has been a good friend.
Mma Thabiso: Good. That's how it should be.

At Tebogo's

Bakang loaded his last box in the car while his

mother stood by and watched... Seeing how her
son's marriage had come to an end left her

Mma Bakang: I am disappointed to see how I

have failed to raise you right.
Bakang: Mme you raised me right. Sometimes
life happens.
Mma Bakanf: If I raised you right then you
wouldn't be leaving your wife and son.
Bakang: The divorce is final. I know that you are
disappointed at how things ended but I did what
was best for me. I will never forsake my son
and his mother. I will always be here for them.
Mma Bakang: Why do you have to do it from a
distance? Why can't you do that when you are

Tebogo approached them with her son in her


Tebogo:You are leaving?

Bakang: Emma.
Mma Bakang: Let me have the boy.
She took her grandson and went back to the
house with him leaving the duo together.
Tebogo took a deep breath and forced a smile.

Tebogo: So this is it?

Bakang: Yeah. This is it.
Tebogo: When we got married, I didn't think that
life would bring us here. I have always pictured
us growing old together.
Bakang: Me too Tee. I really wanted this
marriage to work out.
Tebogo: But in the end it didn't. I know you did
your best. When my mother was pregnant with
me, my father changed and found another
woman. He would come back home and find a
reason to beat her. As my mother got heavier,
he would lock the kitchen because she ate too
much. Just a month before she delivered me,
he threw her out and his new woman moved in.
For the first few years my mother and I were
homeless,at times we sleepy under trees. She
would move from house to house to wash
laundry. Some took advantage of her. It was
only when I turned ten that she got a job at the
council. That is how she was able to put two
and two together and raise me. When I fell
pregnant I swore that no one would abuse me. I
was hard on you because I thought that I was
protecting myself.I know I have a problem with
my temper and I am willing to work on it
because I don't want our son picking that.
Bakang: I am really sorry for what you went
through. Let me know how I can help you. I
really wish that you could have told me this
when you fell pregnant. Now the damage has
been done.
Tebogo: I know and I am sorry.
Bakang: Take care of yourself.
Tebogo: Be safe.

He moved closer to her and hugged her... She

closed her eyes and wiped her tears wanting to
live in that moment forever.

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 90

At Safari Extreme
Lemme stood up from his chair and walked
around to the corner couch. He sat down and
fixed his eyes on Ney who seemed busy.

Lemme: Honey girl.

Me: Onneile.
Lemme:(laughed) Hlamma chaise wena. I want
to talk to you about something.
Me: Have you looked at the time? Can't it wait
till we knock off?
Lemme: No. We need to have a chat before I
start planning.

I pushed back my files and turned to him.

Me: You have ten minutes. I have a presentation

later with that firm I was telling you about. They
are interested in booking a trip for a team
building. I need to come up with a few activities
for them.
Lemme: I love it when you are all focused and
bossy. Mamie!
Me:(Smiled) What is it that you wanted to
Lemme: The Makgadikgadi Epic is coming up in
a few days. I was hoping that we could go.
What do you think? I know you said that you are
not an outdoor person but I'd like to let you into
my world.
Me: In a few days o raya leng?
Lemme: This Friday.
Me: Bathong! And you are only telling me now?
Lemme: I wasn't even planning on going till this
Me:So what changed?
Lemme: I came across a page called Afrikan
Overlanding and i can't resist it. The pans have
been calling me all day. All you need to do is
pack up. I will sort out the rest.
Me: So now I have to pack up because of a post
you saw? I can't take some time off. I have a
few strategies I am working on for our walking
safaris.We will attend the next one. Akere it's an
annual thing.
Lemme: Babe hlamma let's go. Let me show
you what I am talking about. There is no way
that you won't like this.

He grabbed his phone from the table and

searched for Afrikan Overlanding then passed
his phone to Ney...

Me: What do I need to take?

Lemme: I will help you with the checklist.
Me: Are we gonna also camp in Lekhubu island?
This is beautiful.
Lemme:We can extend our stay after the Epic if
you want.
Me: I hope I don't regret this.Let's answer those
Lemme:(Chuckled) That's my girl. We doing this

I browsed through the posts on the page and


Lemme: Yaanong o tshega eng? ( What are you

laughing at?)
Me: These guys have a very creative way of
telling their stories. Do you know them?
Lemme: No. Why do you ask?
Me: Nothing. I just find them interesting. This is
so clean. Look at these shots. And it's a
hundred for men who cook.
Lemme: Nnya busa phone yame wena yaanong
o lebile banna ke re o lebe dinepe tsa
mafelo.( Bring back my phone, now you are
looking at the men not the pans.) What's special
about what they are cooking? Akere this is just
food iyaa.
Me:(laughed) Wa omana yaanong motho wame?
Lemme: Ga ke omane, busa phone o theogele
eseng yalo ba tla go hira bone ba Afrikan
Me:(laughed) Ijoo. Tsaa rra. I will follow them
with my own account.
Lemme: Onneile wee, ke ne ke sare o lebe
banna. ( I didn't ask you to look at the men.)

I browsed through Facebook and followed them

then invited Puleng to their page.

At Bakang's Office

Bakang packed up his belongings in a box. He

picked up his wedding portrait from the table
and sighed. He remembered the day vidly and
smiled but flashbacks of their fights took the
centre and his smile dissapeared. He had
vowed to love his wife in all seasons and he had
done just that but his mental health came first.
Kano stood by the door and knocked then
walked in.

Bakang: You don't even wait for me to let you in?

Kano: This is no longer your office.
Bakang: Yeah neh. I can't believe that it's all
over, My marriage and my life here.
Kano: Gone mme do you have to go? Can't you
just bear this cross. I know how you feel about
the divorce and everything that's happend but
your life is here man.The people that love you
are here. Allow us to support you and help you
get through this.
Bakang: No you don't. You don't know how I feel.
I want a fresh start. I need some peace and it's
clear that I won't get it here because all you ever
do is judge me for getting a divorce and telling
me how I have failed. No one has sat down with
me and ever listened to me. Because I am a
man, I am expected to hold on and move on.
Kano what I went through is painful. I don't even
look at myself the same way anymore. I feel like
I am less of a man. For months my ex wife has
been telling me how I am a loser and how weak
I am. Nothing I ever did was good enough
Kano: I am sorry man. You know how women
are. It's either they nag or insult you. That's like
a love language to them. You shouldn't take it to
heart when they talk.
Bakang: I need a fresh start.
Kano: What about your son?
Bakang:I will make sure that I come visit him. I
can't take him away from Tebogo.It would
break her. Right now she needs a reason to be a
better person and I know that our son is that
Bakang: From what Melinda tells me, she is
even willing to go for counselling. Can't you
work on that?
Bakang: You know how they say that every
woman has a breaking point?
Kano: Yeah.
Bakang: So does a man. A man can only take so
much. There comes a point where he can't take
it anymore. I will never look at Tebogo the same
way and our relationship will never go back to
what it used to be or anything close. There are
so many words she uttered which can not be
reversed or forgotten. Even if I was to take her
back, I will never love her the same way. I care
about her and there is a part of me that still
loves her but not enough to stay married to her.
I don't want to hurt or frustrate her but if I go
back to her then I might end up doing that out
of anger. I also need to heal.
Kano: Maybe I don't understand but all I know is
that as long as there is no infidelity then any
marriage can be fixed.
Bakang: Let's go. You won't get it no matter
how I explain it to you.
At Mma Puleng's

London chopped the vegetables then packed

them in a freezer bag before throwing them into
the deep freezer.Mma Puleng sat down and
sipped on her juice.

Mma Puleng: London...

London: Mma?
Mma Puleng: Ware what happened between
your cousin and sister?
London: Nna tota I don't know what happend.
Mma Puleng: You forget that I raised you so I
know you when you are lying. London: I
honestly don't know anything. All I know is that
Mama convinced her to move back home with
her. If there is anything that happend between
her and Puleng then they didn't tell me.
Mma Puleng: Ga ke a tsholwa maabane
London.( I wasn't born yesterday )I can see that
you are not telling me the truth mme I will find
London: I have labelled the veggies on each
freezer bag. What else do you want me to do?
Mma Puleng: Cut that meat and put it in small
portions before you put it in the freezer. Make
sure that you count the pieces, They should be
four.Two for me and two for your uncle.
London: What about when I come to see you?
Kana you have a visitor?
Mma Puleng: Ba tla nwa metsi. ( They will drink
water.) London mahura kana a tura malatsing a.
( London these days cooking oil is expensive.)
London: Ao Mma Malome yaanong fa mahura a
tura ra timiwa? ( So because the cooking oil is
expensive, you won't dish for us?)
Mma Puleng: Exactly.
They laughed as she packed up the meat and
counted the portions...

Later that day...

Puleng closed her bedroom door and threw

herself on the bed as she spoke to Ney over the

Puleng: (laughed)Ware ke ene Rre honey?

Wareng ne? Kare what's his real name. Kana
nna ke raya la tsabana. ( I mean his official
Me:(laughed) Lemme Dikgang.
Puleng: Yaanong la Rre honey lone? Ekare la
monna o rekisang mamepe. ( Sounds like a guy
who sells honey.) Keeng o sa mmatele leina
hela le le bedisang madi. ( Why can't you find
him a pet name that makes your blood boil?)
Me: (laughed) Shee.
Puleng: Tell me more about that page you
invited me to.
Me: I know that you and Kagiso are very
adventurous so I thought you might like it. It's
called Afrikan Overlanding. It's a group of guys
that are into Overlanding, Off-roading,
photography, food, and wine. Their page gives
you an idea of where to go around Botswana.
For the very first time I am interested in outdoor
activities. Ebile I am going to get myself some
camping equipment. I didn't realize that
Botswana is this beautiful till Lemme showed
me their page.
Puleng:Those are the kind of things my man
lives for.
Me: Lemme seems to be very interested too. I
guess being a guide means that this is where
his world is centred. Ebile we are doing the
Makgadikgadi Epic.
Puleng: Heela! We were talking about it two
weeks ago. We put a pin on it and we were
supposed to revisit it. Let me talk to Kagi.
Rona our offroad car is always ready.
Me: I forgot that you two attended last year. Is it
fun? What kind of activities do they have?
Puleng: Quad biking,parachuting and romance.
Me:(laughed) Eng? Romance is now an activity?
Puleng: If you thought that Batswana men were
not romantic then come out into the pans and
you will see all sorts of things.
Me:(laughed) I would like to see that one.
Puleng: You will thank me. It will be a plus for
that department too.
Me:(laughing) Iya. Let's talk later.I need to get
home. I have been sitting in the car for over
thirty minutes.

At Kano's

Melinda turned off the shower and grabbed a

towel to dry herself. She walked into the
bedroom and sat by the bed. Her husband was
sitted on the floor. He smiled as he texted.

Melinda: So what's happening?

Kano: Mma?

He put away his phone and stood up then sat

next to her...

Melinda: You are smiling and texting. I was

asking what's happening.
Kano: Ah no ke Bakang. ( It's Bakang.)
Melinda: What could you two be talking about
that's funny? His divorce has just been finalized.
There is nothing to celebrate.
Kano: Ao baby mma. What does his divorce
have to do with our conversation? We don't talk
about it all the time kana.
Melinda: Clearly. You should have told me that
you would not bother yourself.
Kano: Ka eng yaanong babe? ( With what babe?)
Melinda: Akere I asked you to talk to your friend
and ask him not to go ahead with the divorce? If
you had done what I asked you instead of
cracking jokes then maybe we would have
saved our friends marriage.
Kano: There was nothing that could save it. My
guy is tired of Tebogo. I have spoken to him so
many times and he wants nothing to do with
her. She should be moving on because he is not
coming back for her. I have never seen him so
sure about something. That marriage is over.
O.V.E.R over!
Melinda: Why does it sound like you are
celebrating ?
Kano: I was just telling you.
Melinda: Ok.
Kano: Should I rub your back?
Melinda: For what?
Kano: Babe akere nemma I miss you. Let's take
things to the next level. The kids are not here so
we have the house to ourselves. Akere we had
Melinda: And those plans are O.V.E.R over!
Kano:(laughed) Wa peka!
Melinda:(laughed) Tima lebone ee. ( Turn off
the lights).

At my house

I ironed Mma Thabiso's dress while she packed

up the rest of her luggage.

Me: I am going to miss you.

Mma Thabiso: I know my child but I have to go
back. I have been here for too long. People will
even forget that there is a tuckshop.
Me:(laughed) Not when you have your secret
admirer. I am sure he is keeping the business
alive by telling everyone about it.
Mma Thabiso :Ngwana ke wena!
Me: Next time you should spend a month.
Mma Thabiso:(laughed) Nnya ao. Tell that boy
that I said he should treat you right otherwise
we are going to have a problem.
Me: (laughed) I will.
Mma Thabiso: My child life is too short. You
need to live your life and be happy. Look how
we thought Thabiso had time yet he left us
sooner than we thought. There is no
relationship without problems. Take your time
to understand your new friend and from that
build a strong relationship. Don't ever compare
him to Thabiso or think that he can be him. No
one wants to live in the shadow of a dead
person. You are never going to get a copy of
Thabiso so don't expect one from anyone. Build
a friendship and your relationship will be
stronger. I know that you are healing from
losing the person you loved and it's never easy.
On the hard days, communicate with your
partner. Share your feelings with him. Bottling
things is never good for anyone.
Me: Emma.
Mma Thabiso: I love you so much my daughter
and that is something I want you to always
remember. You are the daughter I have always
wanted. It's as if Thabiso knew that he would
leave this world when he married you. My son
always had a good eye when it came to
beautiful women but this time he picked based
on the soul and heart.
Me: Mama!

I looked up to block my tears...

Me: Thank you for loving me like a daughter and

supporting me. When uncle Ndala accused me
wanting to steal Thabiso's things, I was so sure
that you would also turn on me. I can't thank
you enough for how you stood up for me and
with me.
Mma Thabiso: And I will always stand by you
my baby.I will always be here to support and
love you.

I turned off the iron and went over to where she

was standing and hugged her... Everyday the
void I had was filled. Knowing that I had a great
support system and my life was starting to fall
into place made it hurt a lot less.

Goodnight 😘
DIstance & Time
The following day

At Bakang's

Bakang's mother stood by the door and

watched her son loading up his luggage. The
thought of her only son moving to an
undisclosed location bothered her...

Mma Bakang: Where will you stay? And what

will you do without a job?
Bakang: Mme you don't have to worry about all
that. I have enough money to get me through. I
should know whether I am coming back home
or settling wherever I am in the next two weeks.
Mma Bakang: Take all the time you need but
when you are ready, come back home. Bakang
ngwanaka you need your family to get through
this. Divorce is a very difficult phase.
Bakang: How will I get through it if the same
family that I need keeps judging me and trying
to convince me that I made the wrong decision.
Mme I need to find peace in my decision. What I
went through was not easy but such is life. Now
allow me to heal and find peace. I understand
why it was so hard for you to support me in
front of all those people. All I am asking for is
that you give me space.
Mma Bakang: I am sorry my boy. I give you my
blessing but please call me when you arrive. I
know that you and Tebogo are still trying to find
common ground mme le ene call her and check
on your son. Bakang that boy needs the both of
Bakang: Emma. How long will you stay with
Mma Bakang:I am going back to my house in
two weeks. Her mother has agreed to take over.
Bakang: Thank you for supporting her and
helping her with the baby for the last few
months. She really needed it. I don't want her to
feel alone.
Mma Bakang: And yet you left her.
Bakang: So we are going back to that again
Mma Bk? I thought that we were moving past it.
Mma Bakang: Bakang I can't even answer
people because when they call, they want to
know why you left your wife.
Bakang: So you are more concerned about
people than you are about your son. Mma Bk
tell those people that it's not their business. If
you are so concerned about them then tell them
the truth. Waitsi gore some people don't have
lives. So they are concerned about what
happens in my life when they should be
focusing on theirs.
Mma Bakang: Will you drop me off at your
Bakang: I will drop you off.It's no longer my
house mme.
Mma Bakang: Rona kana re bagolo re a lebala.
( We old people forget these things.)
Bakang:(laghed) Emma.

The fact that his mother had managed to pull a

straight face when presenting an excuse made
it even more funny.

At Safari Extreme

Judy checked the coast then went into Peo's

office. She closed the door and sat down.
Judy: Heela tsala...Those two are definitely
sleeping with each other. The way they are so
free around each other is suspicious.
Peo: Wa simolla akere. ( You are starting?) Nna
mma I don't want to get caught again. I really
need this job. Akere you know that I have made
so many mistakes.
Judy: That's exactly what I am talking about. Mr
Dee has never spoken to us that way.Ebile he is
an understanding person. He knows that
mistakes happen. He would never count them.
Peo: Wena you are forgetting that this is a place
of business.
Jufy: Watch how all this will end in tears. You
know it, I know it and Mr Dee certainly knows it.
Peo: (laughed) That part is true. Let's see how it
unfolds. Now go back to your desk. We will
catch up after work.
They both giggled as she left...

Lemme's office

Lemme looked at Ney and smiled...It was how

she had found a balance between work and
their personal life that made her even more

Lemme: So we have two days before we leave.

Me: We can sort ourselves out after work. I
dropped off mama this morning by the rank so
I have time now.
Lemme: Great. So am I sleeping over?
Me: ( Blushed) So I went through the page ya
Afrikan Overlanding and read that it's cold in the
pans because it's an open space so we need to
get a mooi mooi.
Lemme: We got all the heat we need here.
Me: ( laughed) Sbee are sea shashara sa kwa
rra ebile se batla dipotomente.
Lemme:(laughed) Waitsi gore o baratile mo go
maswe banna bale.
Me: We should meet them. You can ask for tips
Lemme: (laughed) Babe hlamma I have been a
guide for over ten years.
Me: (laughed) I am just saying that they know
what they are doing ebile they have a chef
within them.
Lemme: Bafana ba ba tlo re bolaisa basadi ba
rona. Re simolla go toura Botswana wautlwa.
Me:(Smiled) Mmmm...I also want to attend
Khawa next year.
Me: Today we are buying blankets and some
beverages.Akere we are sorted with camping
Lemme: Your man has an entire mobile safari.
We are going to set up something beautiful.
Me: ( laughed)Erra.
Lemme: Tomorrow we sort out outfits and food.
Thursday gone we are not working. Ford raptor
e tla bo e tabogile mo motseng mo e ira di
warm up. Wena make sure that you prepare a
powerful playlist.
Me: (laughed) I am with you on that one love.

Gaborone, Mo's Open Table

Zola forwarded the menu to the boys and

looked around the table to see if everyone had
received it.
Zola: Gentlemen have a look at the menu and
feel free to share your thoughts.Mmoloki tlhe
mona don't cut anything out of my budget.
Andy: Ema pele ka dijo,nna I just want to know
about the wine.

The boys laughed and turned to Tumelo...

Tumelo: With me as your wine specialist you

are sorted. You know what Jesus said when he
turned water to wine akere.
Sbee: Now that sounds like Afrikan Overlanding
Overlanding is ready for Makgadikgadi Epic.

Good morning...Make sure you appreciate our
sponsors for the I week.
I will give you a heads up on what we are doing
for our extra 1500 words later😘
Distance & Time
# 92

Tonight's insert is brought to you by Afrikan


The following day

Street Epic guest house

Bakang dialled Tebogo's number and sighed as
it rang. The thought of her going through hell
alone tormented him. He began to question his

Tebogo: Hey.
Bakang: Tee. How are you?
Tebogo: I am good. How are you? Have you
Bakang: Yeah. Is the little man troubling you?
Tebogo: No. Not at all. He is asleep.
Bakang: Listen Tee, I have been thinking about
what you told me the other day and I was
wondering if I can help you. Allow me to pay for
your counselling sessions and be your friend. I
really wish that you could have told me all this
before we got here. If only you told me then we
would have worked on it. I want you to know
that I am not your father, I would have never ill
treated or cheated on you while you were
carrying my child. Tebogo I have so much
respect for you and I wanted us to work out so
bad. You were my bestfriend and i really
believed that we would stand with each other till
the end of time.
Tebogo: I don't have anything to say except that
I am really sorry. I am sorry that I hurt and
disrespected you. When I found out that I was
pregnant, I was so scared that you would
change and throw me to the wolves. When you
started complaining, I was convinced that you
had found a reason to cheat or leave me.
Bakang: Why didn't you talk to me about it? For
years you were my bestfriend. What changed?
Did I do something for you to doubt me?
Tebogo:(crying) No...Not at all. I don't know
what came over me.
Her cry pierced his heart...For a long time,he
was not moved by her tears but this time her
cry got to him.

Tebogo: I wish there was a way for me to fix all

this. Bakang I never wanted us to get here. You
were and you are the love of my life. It hurts me
that our son has to grow up without the
presence of his father because of me.

He frustratedly rubbed his face and took a deep

breath. He knew she was genuine and for the
very first time in a long time he felt something
that he believed was dead.

Tebogo: I wish that you could come back home

and allow us to heal together. I know I am the
one that messed up but I feel like we both need
to heal even if we don't end up back together.
Bakang: Tee please don't make this hard for me.
Tebogo: Ke a go kopa thera. Boela lapeng
segolo re buwe. ( Please come back home).
Everything is just so hard. I need you and our
son needs you.

He blinked to fight back his tears...

Bakang: Gone mme wa tlhaloganya gore o

nkutlusitse botlhoko Mmagwe Jason? ( So do
you understand that you hurt me?) Ke a go rata
Tebogo mme hela ga ke bone re kaya gope
mmogo. ( I love you Tebogo but I don't see us
going anywhere together.) I know that we all
make mistakes but at the end of the day,we
need to account for them. You can't go
anywhere without taking responsibility for your
actions. There is no way you can live like that.
Respect is a big deal to me. Tota to me if you
don't respect me then it means that you also
don't love me. You can't separate those two
from each other.I know that most men find it
cute and as some sort of love language when
the women are a bit crazy but I don't. Being at a
place of peace is very important to me. I can't
stand a toxic environment especially for our son.
While I understand that you have been through
a lot and your past contributed, I also believe
that you had a choice to share all your fears
with me.
Tebogo: I know babe.My intention was not to
hurt you but make you realize that you needed
to value me more when I was pregnant.
Bakang: But I valued you Tee. Every single day, I
tried to show you that yet you kept hurling
insults at me .
Tebogo: Please come back home.
She broke down...

Tebogo:I know you are hurt but I will spend

everyday working on my temper and issues. I
am willing to do anything.
Bakang:(Sighed) Let me call you back. There is
someone at the door.
Tebogo: Tell me where you are and I will come
there right now.
Bakang: I will call you back.

He hung up then sat by the bed and allowed

nature to take it's cause...

At Mma Puleng's
Mma Pretty smiled as Mma Puleng filled up her
wine glass. The two had built a solid
relationship and would visit each every now and

Mma Puleng: Sale o ile. Ebile kentse ke go

botsa Rra Puleng. ( You have been gone for a
while. I have been asking Rra Puleng about you.)
Mma Pretty: I have been going through a
difficult phase. Kana Pretty was expecting
yaanong she lost the baby. My daughter has
been at her worst. I came today because she is
so much better.
Mma Puleng: I am so sorry. God always has his
own plans.
Mma Pretty: That is very true. Kana Pretty
wants a child more than anything. Koore she is
not interested in getting married. I don't
understand why God can't grant her that one
wish. She is young and successful,all she needs
is a child.
Mma Puleng: It is well. Sometimes things don't
go at our own speed but that doesn't mean that
they won't happen.
Mma Pretty: I am starting to lose hope. God has
his own people. I mean look at Puleng. Even
when Ruth tried to sleep with her husband,he
fought for her and exposed her cousin.
Mma Puleng: Ware even when what? When did
this happen?
Mma Pretty: Ah ah! how come you don't know
Mma Puleng: I am just as confused. For weeks I
have been asking why Ruth suddenly moved
from Puleng's house and no one has ever given
me straight answers. I am hearing this for the
first time through you today.
Mma Pretty: Children! I am surprised that they
managed to keep this away from you for so
long. I heard this from Mma London le gone not
in so many words. It was later confirmed by
Mma Puleng: From the day that Puleng told me
about that arrangement of them living together,
I was a bit disturbed.I thought that something
along those lines would happen. Just a day
ago,I was asking London and she claimed not
to know anything.
Mma Pretty: London is very loyal to Puleng so if
she claimed not to know anything then she
might just be following Puleng's orders. She is
a very straight foward person. I doubt that she
would withhold such from you considering the
relationship that you have with her.
Mma Puleng: When did this happen?
Mma Pretty: I also don't know when exactly it
happend but apparently this was when Puleng
was away.
Mma Puleng: The question is why are they quite
about it? Why is Mma London not making noise
about it?
Mma Pretty: You would have to ask Puleng
about that because that's where it's not making
Mma Puleng: I will find out.That's for sure!

At Tandurei Restaurant

I smiled as Lemme extended his hand to mine

on the table and held onto it tightly. My life had
become so colourful and everyday I looked
toward to a new day...

Lemme:Are you good?

Me Yeah. You?
Lemme:I got you babe so I am good.
Me:Thank you.
Lemme: For what babe?
Me: For showing me that I can love again and
fall in love with life. Ever since I met you, you
have been nothing but a blessing.
Lemme: Thank you for allowing me in. I know
that it's not easy and I appreciate how you have
trusted me with your heart. Ney I love being
with you. I am so excited to see how far we will
go together.
Me: I just wish that things could stay this way. I
don't ever want them to change.
Lemme: I got you honey.
Me:So tomorrow we leave for the Makgadikgadi
Lemme:I can't tell you how excited I am.
Me: So everything is ready.
Lemme: All the right ticks have been made.
Me: I am still working on that playlist.
Lemme: Awesome.Make sure you bring your
driver's license and wear something

He winked her and smiled...

At Street Epic guest house

Bakang laid on the bed and dialled Tebogo's

number after composing himself...

Tebogo: Babe.
Bakang:I am in Maun. I am going to stay for a
week then come back home. I still need to clear
my head. I am willing to attend counselling
sessions with you and support you through it. I
honestly don't know if there is any chance of us
getting back together but like I said I am willing
to commit to your healing. We will see how
everything unfolds. I need you to get better for
our son.
Tebogo: Thank you so much. I will attend
counselling everyday if that's what it takes.
Bakang I am willing to put up a fight for what
we had. I understand that I might have to do
that on my own but I want you to know that I
am ready.
Bakang: I hear you but I want you to do this for
yourself not me...This needs to be for yourself
and Jayson.
Tebogo: Erra.
Bakang: Ok,sharp. I will keep in touch.
At Puleng's Office

Kagiso sent out emails while Puleng made

phone calls to all their potential clients. Puleng
hung up and sighed...

Kagiso: What is it?

Puleng: Nothing. I am just tired and also
frustrated that Mma KG is not well. When I
called her this morning she didn't sound well. I
am thinking of going to see her instead of
attending the Makgadikgadi Epic.
Kagiso: Come on babe. She will be fine. That
old woman is tough.
Puleng:We haven't seen her in a while. Let's
drive down and see her.
Kagiso: After making all those plans? Nnyaa
motho wame. If you want to go see her then
that's fine.I am still attending the Epic.
Puleng: Ok. You can attend the epic and I will go
see her.
Kagiso:I will drive there once the epic ends.
Puleng: That's fine. I will take the boys with me.
She hasn't seen them in a while. I am sure that
she would appreciate it.

The following day...

Outside my house

Lemme packed up my luggage at the back

while I connected my phone to the radio and
loosened up. I opened a bottle of gin and tonic
as he stepped into the vehicle.He rolled up the
windows and took off.
He held my hand my hand as On Bended knee
by Boyz II Men played...

🎶Can we go back to the days our love was

Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong?
Can somebody tell me how to get things back
The way they used to be?
Oh God give me a reason
I'm down on bended
Down on bended knee 🎶
Lemme:This is such a jam. Those were the
days Rnb was a hit...
We sang along as we drove out of Maun...

At Tebogo's

Tebogo walked around the space intended for

the garden with the gardener and showed him
what she wanted done. Mma Bakang watched
her from inside and smiled. Seeing her finally
living made her so happy. .

Tebogo: I want the lawn here. Make sure that

you leave a bit of space here so we are able to
make fire.
Tebogo: What kind of plants do you think we
should plant here?
Gardener. I can pass by the shop that sells
flowers in the neighbourhood and let you know
later when I start if you don't mind.
Tebogo: That would be great. If you have any
suggestions then let me know. I want this place
looking cosy and beautiful.
Gardener: Emma.
Tebogo: What was your name again?
Gardener: Ofile but a lot of my clients call me
Tebogo: I think I will call you that too.
Gardener: I will be back in the afternoon.
Tebogo: That's fine. I will see you later.

She walked him out then went back inside the


Mma Bakang: I am so happy to see you finally

living.You look beautiful my child.
Tebogo:(Smiled) Thank you Mme.
Mma Bakang: Do you mind if I take Jayson with
me to my house for the weekend? You can pick
us on Sunday. Just so you also relax.
Tebogo: I don't know if I can cope without him.
Mma Bakang: You will my girl. You also need a
break. He is no longer breastfeeding so it will be
a little bit easier. Relax and have uninterrupted
sleep. Go and do your hair and nails.
Tebogo: Mme kana I already told the gardener
that he can come in the afternoon.
Mma Bakang: There is nothing wrong with
cancelling. That garden is not going
anywhere.He will come next week. Wena go
out. Even if it's just to eat. New mothers tend to
lose themselves after giving birth to their
children. Try and find yourself tonight.
Tebogo: Thank you for all you have done for us.
I really appropriate it. I will pack Jay's things.
Mma Bakang: Ok my girl.

Later that day

Tebogo sat in the backyard and watched her

garderner as he put in some work.

Tebogo: I was supposed to call you and cancel.

Is it ok if you come back tomorrow?
Offiey: I have another client but I can cancel.
Tebogo: No that's fine. You can finish. I will be
inside the house.
Offiey: Emma.

She went inside the kitchen and opened a bottle

of wine then sat by the island watching him as
he dug outside.
Distance & Time
# 93

Later that day

Tebogo sat in the backyard and watched her

garderner as he put in some work.

Tebogo: I was supposed to call you and cancel.

Is it ok if you come back tomorrow?
Offiey: I have another client tomorrow but I can
Tebogo: No that's fine. You can finish. I will be
inside the house.
Offiey: Emma.

She went inside the kitchen and opened a bottle

of wine then sat by the island watching him as
he dug outside. She took a deep breath as he
took off his shirt and threw it down and
continued working. The man didn't look like a
gardener and she had her reservations the first
time she laid her eyes on him but now looking
at him in action, she began to wonder a lot of
things. He took a break and stood by the side of
the house. She downed her first glass of wine
as sweat dripped down his back. She felt a
tingle down her honey pot that she hadn't felt in
a long time. She stood up and filled a glass with
juice then went outside.
Tebogo: I brought you a glass of water.
Offiey: Thank you.

He extended his hand to hers then downed it...

Offiey: This place needs a lot of work. I might

have to come here everyday for the first week.
Tebogo: That's fine. As long as you turn this
place around then I am happy to pay.
Offiey: Emma.
Tebogo: Can I ask you something?
Offiey: Emma.
Tebogo: No offence but you don't look like a
gardener. How and when did you start this job?
Offiey:(laughed) What does a gardener look like?
Tebogo: I don't know but I bet they don't look
like you.
Offiey:(Smiled) That's interesting.

He smiled and revealed his clean teeth.

Offiey: Well I lost my job a year ago and my wife

divorced me and took the kids. I got tired of
feeling sorry for myself and decided to get a job.
Tebogo: And this was it?
Offiey:(laughed) Yeah. I did our garden for years
and developed a skill so here I am.
Tebogo: So why did you really get a divorce?I
mean the real reason she left you because I
doubt anyone would leave for such a lame
Offiey: I lost my job and I couldn't give her the
lifestyle she wanted so she left.
Tebogo: Just like that?
Offiey: Yeah. No offence but why are you so
interested in my personal life?
Tebogo: I just got divorced.
Offiey: Am sorry to hear that. I know it doesn't
feel that way but it gets better. So why did he
Tebogo: I made his life a living hell when i was
Offiey:(laughed) You are joking right? You mean
to tell me that a man left such a beautiful
woman because her hormones drove her crazy?
Tebogo: Not exactly. Mine was intense.
Offiey: Sorry to hear that but life begins on the
other side of divorce. That's what I told myself
when mine was finalized. You will see it too.
Tebogo: I don't know. I feel like we can still
Offiey: And what does he say?
Tebogo: He doesn't seem to think so.
Offiey: Well that's his loss.
Tebogo: I am having wine inside. Can I invite
you in for a glass?
Offiey: No. I don't wanna intrude. I will just finish
up here.
Tebogo: You are not intruding. I am the one
inviting you. Come on, I could really use a friend
right now.
Offiey: Okay. Let me grab my shirt.

He bent down and she bit her lower lip...


Lemme parked the car under a tree then got off

and went to the other side. He opened the door
and helped Ney get off.

Lemme: Hey

He kissed her and ran his hand down her


Me: Hey...

He lead her in front of the car...

Me: This little place is secluded.

Lemme: ( Chuckled) Mmm...

He slipped his hand under her dress and smiled

realizing that she had not worn any panties.

Lemme: Honey girl.

He kissed her and laid her comfortably on the

car, parted her legs and learned in between her
legs then gently dipped in with his tongue...

She moaned softly as he worked on the cookie

jar. He gently pulled her towards him and kissed
her intensely. He moved back and turned her
around, pushing her chest on the car.

At Tebogo's

Tebogo: I honestly feel like love should be

unconditional. You should be able to love your
partner through everything.
Offiey: I feel the same way too.

He moved closer to her and kissed her. They

both breathed heavily as he let go.

Offiey: Are you sure you want to do this?I don't

wanna take advantage of you.

She stood up and downed her wine then

pointed to the bedroom.

Tebogo: That way...

He carried her into the bedroom and laid her on

the bed then took off his clothes before
climbing the bed. He knelt in between her legs
and unbuttoned her pants before pulling them
off then moved to the top. He kissed every part
of her body gently but she became impatient
and pulled him toward her.
She kissed him hard feeling everything soak...

**Continuation for both scenes at the group at

the Group*
Distance & Time
# 94

The following day

At Elephant Sands

Lemme grabbed his phone from the side table

and tip toed out of the room.He closed the door
and picked up the call.

Lemme: Hey babe.

Boka: Hey love. I have been trying to get hold of
you all day. I am home.
Lemme: I thought that your plane was only
landing later.
Boka:Well it was early. How is your trip?
Lemme: It's going well. Who picked you up from
the airport?
Boka: I asked my mum to pick me up.
Lemme: Ok. Are you at our place or your mum's?
Boka: I am at my mum's. I will see you when
you get back. Take lots of pictures and greet
Lemme: I will. I wanna know all about your trip
when I get back.
Boka: Yeah. Let's talk later. I need to rest. Have
Lemme: I love you.
Boka: I love you too.

He hung up then slipped his phone into his

pocket and walked back into the room.

At Tebogo's

Offiey threw Tebogo's car keys on the bed and

gave her a glass of water and some morning
after pills.

Tebogo: Thanks.
Offiey: I don't mean to sound rude but I think
that we need to get an hiv test together.
Tebogo:(laughed) This is something we should
have discussed before we slept together.

He scratched his head and forced a smile...

Offiey: Yeah. These things happen.

Tebogo: So where do we go from here?
Offiey: I say we go for an hiv test and discuss
what we want moving foward. Nna mme hela I
want to be honest, I am not looking for anything
serious at this point.It's been only a year after
my divorce and I don't think that I am ready to
commit to anyone.
Tebogo: I am also not looking for anything
serious tota. I am hoping to work things out
with my ex husband. I don't mind if we see each
other once in a while. I like you and I feel like we
see things the same way.
Offiey: I like you too.
Tebogo: So what are you doing later today?
Offiey: I am attending a client's garden today.
Tebogo: Would you like to go out later?
Offiey: I don't have anything going on so I don't
mind. Let me know where and what time we
are meeting up.
Tebogo: How's eight?
Offiey: Eight is perfect.
Tebogo: Send me directions to your house and I
will come pick you up then.
Offiey: Okay. I need to get going.I will see you
Tebogo: Sharp.I will see you later.
Offiey: You didn't tell me where we are going.
Tebogo: I also haven't decided. Let's just say
that we will see where the night takes us.
Offiey: I like that.
Tebogo: I will see you later. Use the kitchen
Offiey: Sure.


Bakang walked around to stretch his legs then

walked into the store. He picked some
refreshments, paid and went back to the car.
He had stayed up all night thinking about his
family and he wasn't so sure that the decision
he had made was the right one anymore. He
dialled Kano's number and reclined his car seat.

Kano: My man.
Bakang:Hey man.
Kano: What's up?
Bakang: I am on my way back from Maun.
Kano: That was quick. I thought you were
staying for a week or so.
Bakang: I have been thinking about what you
Kano:What exactly did I say ne mona? Kana I
say a lot of things.
Bakang:About giving Tee a chance and fighting
for our family. I am not saying that I am giving
her a chance already but I wanna sit down and
have a proper chat with her.
Kano: I am so happy to hear that. That's what a
man should do. Everyone deserves a second
chance. Le wena hela you deserve to be happy
and I know just how much you love her.
Bakang: Yeah.
Kano: Does she know that you are coming
down here?
Bakang: No. I want to surprise her.
Kano: That's a great idea. This will definitely
cheer her up.
Bakang: Tlhe mona don't tell Melinda. You know
very well that your wife can't keep a secret.
Kano: Don't worry man. I got you man.

Safari Extreme

Judy laughed as she scrolled through her news

feed. She passed her phone to Peo and who
also browsed then high fived her.

Judy: I told you that it will end in tears. Boka is

back from Germany.
Peo: Waitsi kana things are about to get messy.
Imagine what she will do when she finds out
about Onneile. Kana Boka is crazy and Mr Dee
knows it.
Judy: He probably told Onneile about her. I am
sure that they will just pretend that they work
together and that's all.
Peo: Nnya tlhamma.You can tell that Onneile
has been told that she is the only one.
Judy:Gone mme you are right. Kana she drives
his car like she is his wife.
Peo: Little does she know that there is a main
chick that's way above her level. I remember
how Mr Dee was telling me that Onneile has a
degree while I only have a high school
certificate yaanong le ene Onneile there is
someone above her.
Judy: Kana ebile Boka is just in a class of her
own and she makes it known. Onneile won't
survive with her around. She makes it a point to
make her presence felt.
Peo: Let's see how Mr Dee handles them both in
the office.
Judy:(laughed) Wait and see how Boka will sort
out those two nna ebile I was getting tired of

At Elephant Sands

I stood behind Lemme and rubbed his

shoulders. I had picked the change of mood
and I assumed that he was tired.

Me: You should take a shower. You will feel

Lemme: Love.
Me: Mma?
Lemme: We need to talk.
Me: Okay.What's up?
Lemme: Sit down.
Me: Now you are scaring me.
Lemme: Just sit.

I sat next to him and he held my hand...

Lemme:Kana my girlfriend is back.

Me: What? Ware girlfriend?
Me:(laughed) Tota o tshameka yang? ( What
kind of a joke is that?)
Lemme: I am not joking. She has been in
Germany for a while and now she is back.
I felt my heart stop for a minute...Everything
became cold and my throat dried up.

Me:You didn't say anything about a girlfriend.

Lemme: You never asked.
Me: What?

Tears rolled down my cheeks and my heart got

stuck in my throat. I tried to take a deep breath
but it felt like I was suffocating.

Targets have time frames for a reason. We are
meant to reach them on time not after.
Kindly note that I will be doing one insert
tomorrow as I have a job interview and work.
Friday is a holiday in Botswana however I will
post the insert I owe you from tomorrow. Any
other insert will be a sponsored one.

Tomorrow's insert will be posted early morning

before I leave for work and interview If i run late
check in the evening . Goodnight.
Distance & Time
# 95

Elephant sands,Nata

Me: For someone that pursued and even hired

me, don't you think that should have been the
first thing you told me? You of all the people
know what I went through. You know how I lost
my job.
Lemme: Ney I thought you knew. There is no
way that you will find a bachelor over thirty
these days. Everyone knows this.
Me: Everyone knows this? So you choose for
me? Shouldn't I have been the one to make that
decision? The most painful thing in all of this is
the fact that you don't see anything wrong with
Lemme: Kana Ney you are blowing this out of
proportion. I didn't say that I am married. I may
have a girlfriend but that doesn't mean that I am
stuck with her. I am sorry that you feel like I did
you wrong. You are an amazing woman and I
would like to see where this goes. Don't let this
come between us. These days no man is single.
Me: So that justifies the fact that you lied to me?
Lemme: Ney I didn't lie to you. I may have
omitted that information but you also had the
responsibility to ask me. Nna tota when you
didn't ask, I assumed that you wouldn't have a
Me: And you think that's fine? You lured me all
the way here knowing that your girlfriend was
coming back.
Lemme: You are also my girlfriend.

I stood up and opened the door...

Lemme: Where are you going?

Me: I need some time alone otherwise I am
going to end up saying things that will give you
Lemme: All I am saying is that I can take care of
you and make you very happy. You don't have to
worry about Boka. She travels in and out of the
country every month gape tota this is between
you and me. We don't have to include her.

At Mmadinare

Puleng sat by her mother inlaw's side with a

bowl of porridge and fed her. She fought so
hard to hold back her tears as her mother in law
struggled to keep the food in.

Puleng: Mama.

She put away the bowl.

Puleng: I think we need to see the doctor.

She said as tears welled up in her eyes. Her

mother in law had lost so much weight and you
could tell that she was in pain even though she
had tried to stay strong.

Mma KG: ( Laughed) You worry too much. I am

fine my girl. I am still as strong as a horse. This
is just a minor attack.
Puleng: Nnya mama. ( No mama) You need to
see a doctor.
Mma KG: Mme kana I have been to the
pharmacy in Phikwe and they gave me those

She said pointing to the medication by her

bedside table...

Mma KG: Pharmacists are not doctors.

Whatever they gave you was for a short period
of time. I am going to run the tub for you. I will
help you bathing. We are going to see the
doctor. I would never forgive myself if anything
happens to you. Le ene hela Kagiso he wouldn't
be happy to hear that I just stayed home with
you instead of taking you to see a doctor.
Mma KG: (laughed) Hare I am ok.
Puleng: We are going to see a doctor.
Mma KG: Emma.

Kagelo stood by the door and laughed...

Kagelo: Nna re rile o etla Puleng ebile o tsile go

go kgona.(We knew that Puleng would find a
Puleng: Mma KG kana o tshaba spatela gore.
Kagelo: You know her too well.
Mma KG: Can I rest and let whatever I ate settle
then I can take a bath.
Puleng: That's fine. I am going to change the
boys then I will be back to help you.
Mma KG: When my son got married, I thought I
had found a friend and someone who will help
me with these bullies but it turns out that he
brought another bully.
Puleng:(laughed)Mama kante o tshaba eng ko
spatela?(What do you fear so much at the
Mma KG:Ke tshaba goswa Puleng. (I am afraid
of dying Puleng.) I always thought that when my
time came, I would be prepared but I am scared
now more than ever. I am not bothered to go to
the hospital because I can feel it in my blood
that it's my time.
Puleng: That's just fear talking. There is no way
that you will die before you see your third
grandchild. You need to forget about death and
focus on getting better because very soon I will
be walking in here with a girl child. Ebile mama
once told me that if we decide to have another
baby then she is sending me here. You are a
strong and you will get better.
Mma KG: Puleng strong people are not meant
to last.I am just happy that i will get to die
before you. You have no idea how my heart
broke when you were in a coma. No parent
should have to bury their child. I will die a happy
woman knowing that my son has you and my
family is united.

Kagelo looked away and wiped her tears. She

took a deep breath and forced a smile when her
mother turned to her. For the past week she
had listened to her mother going on as if she
had given up.
Puleng: No one is dying here. Rest and let me
know when you are ready to bath.
Kagelo: Puleng is right. No one is dying.
Mma KG: Ee nnya mme allow me to rest. Thank
you my girls. Nothing can surpass the love I
have for all of you.
Puleng: Go itsi nna. (I know this)

At Elephant Sands

Lemme ran after his raging girlfriend that was

pulling her luggage bag around like a mad

Lemme: Ney! Hlamma wait up.

Me: So you could feed me more lies?
Lemme: Babe wait up. It's not like that.
He said as I stood by the side...

Me: What is it like then? What kind of an idiot do

you take me for? What pisses me off right now
is the fact that you can't even humble yourself.
Lemme I told you everything that I have been
through and everything that I don't want to go
through and you made me believe that you were
all about me while in actual fact, you knew that
you were taking me for a ride. What happens
now that your girlfriend is back?
Lemme: Kana that's what I am trying to tell you.
Ney this is between you and me. That is why I
never mentioned her in the first place because
my feelings for you have nothing to do with her.
Boka and I have been struggling for a long time
in our relationship.
Me: But there is still a relationship.
Lemme: Only because none of us is willing to
walk away after seven years. After spending so
long with someone,it's not easy to walk away
and choose someone else especially if you
have just met them because le bone you are not
sure if they will break your heart or not.
Me: What exactly are you saying?
Lemme: Ema pele. ( Wait first.) Give me time. I
am really sorry that I lied to you but give me a
chance to prove myself.
Me: I am no longer interested. The only thing I
am probably interested in is your D game.
Whatever we had is over.
Lemme: Just like that? Give me a chance. Ney I
know I can make you happy. I know I lied mme
hela ke a go rata. (I know I lied but I love you.)
Tell me that you don't feel anything for me and I
will let you go. Look me in the eyes and tell me.
Distance & Time
# 96

What do you do when you come face to face

with the sweetest but most poisonous fruit you
have ever tasted? Do you open your mouth for
one last bite or do you run away?The tussle
then begins, heart vs head. Excitement vs
stability. Happiness vs common sense. A
choice must be made.

I scanned Lemme from head to toe and laughed.

My heart had taken so much in the last few
years and it was then that I knew that no matter
how hard I tried to hold onto my faith, love was
just not for me and it wouldn't find me as they
said. I could tell that he was confused by my
reaction so I looked him in the eyes and

Me: I don't need your love and I certainly don't

need your lies. Lemme I have been through so
much and at this point nothing matters more
than what I want. I have been loved before by a
really good man and I know what love feels like.
I know what it looks like.If this was love then
you would have been honest with me from the
Lemme: I was scared that you would never
agree to be with me.
Me: Scared that I wouldn't agree to your
Lemme: Honey girl, it's nothing like that.
Me: I would have respected you had you been
honest with me.Kana nna banna lo a mpalela,
motho o tla simolla a dikologa a go bollela
maaka mme antse a itsi gore ene o batla Mma
opatotswe wa gago wa modimo. ( I fail to
understand men. One will lie to you and sell you
dreams while they know that the only thing they
want it's what between your legs.) Ga ke gane,
your D game is out of this world ebile o monate
mme ya marato o e lebale. ( I am not disputing
the fact that you are good in bed and everything
about you in that area is nice but forget about
anything that concerns love.)
Lemme: So we are done?
Me: Yeah.

I took a deep breath and smiled. For the first

time I was numb. It was as if my heart had
Me: From this point moving foward we are just
fu*king buddies and collegues. That's all we
will ever be. I will call you when I want you. Don't
text or send me any funny messages and make
sure you keep your girlfriend away from me
because I will reap her apart if she tries to make
my life difficult. I am not leaving Safari Extreme
and no one will force me to leave until the day I
decide to do so.
Lemme: So now we are putting labels to it and
putting terms?
Me: I am not the one that lied here. Judge me
all you want and see if I care infact, I don't care
if the whole world judges me. It's my life and I
can do whatever the hell I want with it.

I had played by the rules and did my best to be a

good person all my life but none of that worked
for me so from this point moving foward, I
would do what I desired.

Me: Don't just stand there,get my bag. We need

to get going.
Lemme:Can't we discuss this further?
Me: No. I am done. I have said what I said. We
came here to enjoy the Epic and that's all that
we are going to do.

An astonished Lemme scratched his head and

stood beside Ney quietly.

Me: Lems?
Lemme: Mma.
Me:The bag hun.
He grabbed the bag and held my hand but I let

Me: No holding hands.

Lemme: Onneile what the fu*k are we
then?What can we really do if we can't even
hold hands?

I laughed as he ran out of patience.

Me: We do what I want. Akere we have done

what you want. Now we dance to my tune.
Yours is over.

We quietly walked back to the room.

At Tebogo's
Tebogo laid on the bed and called Melinda...She
smiled from ear to era and kicked her legs in
the air as the phone rang...

Melinda: Hey Tee.

Tebogo: Mel. I think I just had divorce s*x and it
was so fu*king good! Better than anything I
have ever had in my entire life.
Melinda: Let me go outside.
Tebogo: Kano?
Melinda: Yeah.

She kept quite for a few minutes.

Melinda: All clear. Wareng tsala? Who did you

f*ck because I know that Bakang is in Maun.
Tebogo:Never mind about Bakang. Mma ke
letse ke jelwe ke motho monate gore. ( I was
fu*ked so good last night)I am suprised that a
man can f*ck so good. We didn't even sleep.
The stamina! I regret not playing around before
marriage. Kana go raya gore I know nothing
about sex. I have never seen so many styles at
once. The man ate my cake so good that at one
point I was ready to melt.
Melinda: Wa yaaka tsala. (Tell me you are lying.)
What about Bakang?
Tebogo: It's not like I cheated on him or
anything. Our divorce is final. I also don't know
what he is doing right now.
Melinda: I thought you wanted your husband
Tebogo: I do but that doesn't mean that I must
stop living and beg him till kingdom comes.You
people told me to get a life and I am doing just
that. I am not saying that I am going to get
married to the guy or anything. Mel I have been
through a lot and I haven't had sex in a long
time. I have needs too. I deserve a good time. I
know you wouldn't understand that because
your sex life is on flames.
Melinda:(laughed) What did you do with my
friend? The Tee I know would never even say
such things.
Tebogo: Maybe that's why I was miserable. I
didn't know that life could get so good and se*
could be so fuc* ing good.
Melinda: You are right about one thing here.You
are not cheating on anybody so do you baby girl
just slow done and be safe. I will pop in
tomorrow so you tell me all about it.
Tebogo: Ok chomie.

She hung up and screamed...

At Mma KG's

Puleng stood by her mother's bedside and woke

her up...

Puleng: Mama! Tsoga o tlhape re ye spatela.

( Wake up and bath so we go see the doctor.)
Puleng: Mama!

She shook her but Mma KG didn't respond...

Makgadikgadi Epic

Afrikan Overlanding( Camp)

Sbee looked at himself in the mirror and
combed his hair for the third time... Andy turned
to Sbu and whispered.

Andy: It's the third time he has combed it today.

Sbu: New haircut rra. How far with the food?
Andy: There comes Zola and Tumelo. Anything
on the wine?
Sbu:(laughed) Ako o eme pele ao.

Zola presented his dishes...

Zola:Gentleman, i present rump steak,braised

pork belly and a bougie in the bush salmon pie.
Tumelo: Le je banna go sena o nwelang mo
Andy: Gape di fan di batla energy rra. I went
through the comments on the page earlier. Our
people want pictures. There is one by the name
of Ney that says she will hunt us down just to
get a picture.

Thank you for being generous Afrikan
Overlanding. If you haven't followed their page
you might wanna do that. More crazy love
coming up from them.

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 97

Puleng and Kagelo stood by their mother's

lifeless body and silently cried as they waited
for Kago.A few minutes later he walk in with his

Kago: Have you guys called an ambulance?

Puleng: They long said that they are on the way.
Kagelo: An ambulance is for the living.
Kago: Who told you that she is dead?
Kagelo: Let's face it, mum long told us about
this. We have just been ignorant. We should
have called an ambulance when she was alive
not now. We should have forced her to go see
the doctor but we just sat and did nothing.
Kago: Who says we did nothing? If you didn't do
anything then keep quite. Don't count the rest of
us with you because of your conscience.
Puleng: Can you two just stop already. This is
not the time to debate. Let's take her to the
doctor ourselves. We can't wait forever.

Kagelo moved away and held her waist.

Puleng: Malome. (Uncle)

Uncle: Let's wait for an ambulance. There is
nothing that we can do.

She wiped her tears and move closer to Mma

KG. Kago took a deep breath and they both
attempted to carry their mother. Puleng broke
down and cried as she held on to her mother.
She and Kago kept trying till they both managed
to find a position that worked.

Puleng: Kagelo go and get the car keys.

Kagelo stood by and watched with tears rolling

down her cheeks.

Kago: Let's take mine. Kagelo go and open the


Kagelo walked out of the room and the duo

continued with their struggle...

Makgadikgadi Epic
Lemme moved his camp chair closer to Ney's
and refilled her champagne flute then grabbed a
bottle of beer.

Lemme: This year there are so many people.

Me: Kana I have never attended.
Lemme: Are you enjoying it so far?
Me: I love the vibe and everything about it.

I spotted the guys from Afrikan Overlanding

from a distance and stood up...

Me: Aren't those the guys from Afrikan

Lemme: I don't see them.
Me: Ke bone tlhe rra. (It's them.)
Lemme: Okay.
I could tell that he was getting annoyed..

Me: I want to go and get a picture with them.

Lemme: Onneile stop behaving like a groupie.
Batho ba tla reng hela o setse banna morago
mme o na le monna? (What will people say
when they see you running after other men
while you are with your man?)
Me: But you are not my man and I have already
told you that I don't care what anyone says.
There is nothing wrong with admiring people
and what they do. I will be back.
Lemme: Let me come with you. Who will take
the pictures yaanong ?

He followed me to where they were sitted...We

approached and greeted them.
Lemme: How are you gents?
Zola: All good my guy.
Lemme: It's nice to finally meet you. My
girlfriend and I follow your page and we love
what you are doing. We made last minute plans
to come here because of your Facebook posts.
Andy: Thank you. We appreciate it.Are you
enjoying the epic so far?
Me: We are loving every minute of it. Which one
of you is Sbee?

Zola pointed to the guy that was dancing and

enjoying the scene like he was in a world of his

Me: The life of the party.Can I get a picture with

you guys?
Andy: Yeah sure.

I passed the phone to Lemme.

Andy: Let me help you guys with that.

Me: It's fine. He doesn't like pictures. You can
also be in the picture. He will take the picture.

At the hospital, Mmadinare

Doctor: I am very sorry for your loss. It was

already too late when you arrived. We tried to
resuscitate her but it was too late.

Kago held on tightly to Puleng as she broke

down and cried. The matriarch of the Ranna
family had run her last lap and joined the angels.
No amount of good memory could ease the

Kago: We will be alright. I know it's hard right

now but we need to be strong.Let's go home,we
need to let the others know.

She let go and looked up for strength...

Later that day

At Tebogo's

Bakang packed his car behind the house and

unloaded his things. He grabbed his house
keys from one of the bags and held his breath
as he tried to unlock the door.
Bakang: Yes!

He opened the door and turned on the lights

then took his things to Tebogo's bedroom. He
smiled as he spotted their wedding portrait on
the wall then went into the kitchen to put the
bouquet of flowers he had brought with him in
the vase. Her absence from the house would
give him enough time to a work on giving her a
proper surprise.

He unpacked the shopping bags he had brought

with him and wore his apron.

Bakang: Chef Bk reporting for duty.

Not much had changed and it still felt like he

had never left home.Just as he was about to
get started the gate opened and his ex wife
drove in.

Bakang: Shoot! I guess it's a little too late.

He took off his apron and sat in the living



Tebogo laughed as Offiey played around with

the box of condoms he had with him...

Tebogo: (laughed) I demand a rematch.

Offiey: I still say someone needs lessons on
woman ontop.
Tebogo: That's why I cut our outing short. I
hope those are enough because we have the
whole night.
Offiey: (Chuckled) Should I run to get some
Tebogo:(Smiled) We both know that you don't
need it. Come on let's go.

They both got off the car.

Tebogo: I didn't realize that i had turned on the

lights before I left.
Offiey: I bet all you could think of was me.
Tebogo:(Smiled) Maybe.

She dug her out her keys from her handbag and
tried to unlock the door but it was already
unlocked. She turned to Offiey and whispered.

Tebogo: It's not locked.

Offiey: Maybe you forgot to lock when you left.
Tebogo: No. That's not possible. I check more
than three times if the door is locked before I
leave home. It can't be.
Offiey: Okay. I will go in first. Wait here. If I I
shout "Go" then run as fast as you can.
Tebogo: What about you?

She said nervously but he had already went it.

Bakang: Who are you?

Offiey: Wena who are you?
Tebogo recognized Bakang's voice and went in...

Tebogo: Bakang!
Bakang: Who is he?
Distance & Time
# 98

Tebogo recognized Bakang's voice and went

inside the house...

Tebogo: Bakang!
Bakang: Who is he?
Tebogo: What are you doing in my house?
Bakang: You mean our house?
Tebogo: No. This is my house. You are the one
that willingly signed it to me when you decided
to divorce me and walk away from everything
we had together.
Bakang: I asked you who he is.
Tebogo: I am afraid that I don't answer to you
anymore. Bakang this is my house and you have
no right to come here and start demanding for
Bakang: You are the one that asked me to come
back home.
Tebogo: And you made it very clear that you
were not interested. I have finally made peace
with it and I hold nothing against you.
Bakang: Not so long ago, you wanted us to
work on our marriage.
Tebogo: Till a few hours ago, I thought that I
needed you and you were the best thing to ever
happen to me. Bakang you have never loved me
unconditionally. Your love for me has always
had conditions.
Bakang: You know that's not true.
Tebogo: Do I? Aren't you the same man who left
me after I gave birth to your son?
Bakang: You know why I left.
Tebogo: I do but I know that if tables were
turned, I would have never left you at your
lowest. I would have fought for you and our
marriage. When you married me,I was still too
young and I knew nothing about life. I didn't
even get a chance to experience life. I settled
for your average sex and regular love. It only
dawned on me this morning that you have been
doing a lousy job. I am not interested in you
anymore. The only thing I want right now is for
you to leave my house.

He felt his entire world crashing before him. No

woman had ever embarrassed him the way that
his ex wife had.

Offiey: You heard the lady morena.

Tebogo: Make sure that you leave those
keys.We need to get to bed. You have already
wasted too much of our time.
Offiey: I am going to warm the bed so long.
Tebogo: Thera ako o tsamaye go
bosigo.( Please leave,it's late.)

A box of condoms fell from Offiey's pocket and

they both turned to him. He felt his throat
closing up and it suddenly became very hot to a
point he was sweating. Offiey smiled and
picked up the condoms then sang sexual
healing by Marvin Gaye as he walked to the

Bakang: Tebogo...

He said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Tebogo: Bona you will find someone else better.

Bakang: Whe..Where is Jayson?

He muttered.

Tebogo: At your mum's.

Bakang: Can I ask you something?
Tebogo: Ako o tsamaye Bakang please re batla
go robala.(Please leave, we want to sleep.)
Don't forget the keys and please next time call
before you come over.

He took out the keys from his pocket and

handed them to her...She walked to the door
and opened it for him.

Tebogo: Sharp. (Bye)

He walked slowly towards the door as if his feet

were on fire.

Offiey: Baby! Ke setse ke apotse tlhamma wa

ntiya. ( I am already naked.)

Offiey shouted from the bedroom.Bakang took

one last look at the woman that was once the
love of his life and stepped out...

Sowa Town

Lemme loaded my bags in Kagiso's car and we

both said our goodbyes...

Lemme:I am really sorry about your loss. Drive

safely. Let me know if you need anything and
take as much time as you need.
Me: Thanks.

He kissed my hand and let go.

Lemme: Take care of yourself. I will transfer

some money in your account.
Me: Thank you.Sharp.

I got in the car and turned to Kagiso...

Me: Kagi I am really sorry. I know how close you

and Puleng were to her.
Kagiso: Thank you. Thank you for driving me.
Me: Ofcourse. There is no way I am letting you
drive all the way.
Kagiso: I should have went with Puleng and the
kids. This was my chance to say my goodbyes. I
failed as a son and as a husband. If I had been
there then my wife wouldn't have had to carry
my late mother alone with my brother. I can't
imagine the trauma my wife is going through.
Me: I know that it hurts for the both of you but
there is no way you could have known. That's
the most painful thing about death. You never
know when your loved one will depart this world.
I wish that I could tell you that it gets better and
that everything will be ok. It's a very painful
thing to go through but in time the pain feels
like it's subsided.
Kagiso: How did you get through the death of
Me: I got through with the love and support you
gave me as my family. Whenever I was ready to
fall apart,one of you was always there.

He looked away and wiped his tears...I extended

my hand to his and held it very tightly then
ignited the engine and drove off.

At Mmadinare

The Ranna relatives gathered around the living

room and said a prayer before they began their

Uncle: The loss of my brother's wife is

something that will take us a while to forget but
even as we grieve,we can not forget that we
need to plan the funeral.
Rakgadi Montle: As you all know, Gertrude was
a Ranna so we will bury her according to our
customs. My brother here will be in charge for
arranging everything. Kago my son, make sure
you avail all funds to him.

Kagelo and Kabo turned to their sister in law...

Kago: I hear you Rakgadi but there are certain

things my mother had wanted.
Rakgadi Montle: The living know what's best for
the departed. Those things can not b honoured
in death.
Puleng: Can I speak bagolo ?

Rakgadi Montle turned to her and looked at her

with so much bitterness.

Rakgadi Montle: And who are you?

Kago: Rakgadi this is Mma Ranna. Kagiso's wife.
She is the one that my mother instructed with
her last wishes a few years ago.
Rakgadi Montle: Gertrude was our daughter
inlaw.Only we have the right to say what goes
not an outsider.

Puleng looked around the room and all eyes

were on her. Mma KG had prepared her and told
her how to deal with such issues if any such
things ever arose in her absence.

Puleng: Rakgadi I am not an outsider. I am a

Ranna as per your customs and according to
the law of this country. I am aware that you are
very concerned and you loved your brother's
wife. I can assure you that we are in the same
team. I loved my mother and I love her even in
death. My mother inlaw wrote a Will and her last
testament. In these, she has left some
instructions of how she will be buried and each
person has been left duties. Tomorrow I will
arrange for a lawyer to come and read these
instructions. Should anyone defy them then we
will not hesitate to take them to court. I humbly
ask everyone to respect her last wishes.

Kagelo took a deep breath as the whole room

went silent. One thing she knew was that her
aunt and uncle feared being taken to court and
what Puleng had said would put them in their

Rakgadi Montle: It's okay my daughter. We are

not fighting. We just want our sister to get a
proper burial but if you as her children have
everything under control then we will wait for an
Puleng: Tanki matsale. ( Thank you my inlaw).

Outside Tebogo's yard

Bakang rested his head on the steering wheel

and replayed what had just happened. He tried
to hold back his tears and think of something
else besides what was happening in the house
but the box of condoms he had seen did not
leave his mind. He got off the car with the
intentions of going to fight Tebogo and the man
she was with but something held him back. He
went back inside the car and broke down.

Distance & Time
# 99
The following morning

Puleng laid in Mma KG's bed and silently cried.

For the first time, she had come home to a cold
room. The love and laughter that once kept it
warm was no no more. She closed her eyes and
tried so hard to imagine that her friend was still

In the living room

Kagiso focused on the large family portrait that

was hanging on the wall. He smiled as he
remembered how his mother had insisted on
getting the largest frame the store had even
when all her children found it dramatic.

Kago: Are you okay?

Kagiso: What can I say? I am hanging in there. I
still don't know how I am feeling. Every hour or
so, I process something different. I am in
between anger, guilt and pain. I don't know how
I didn't see this one coming. We knew that she
was not well. Had we taken her to the hospital
earlier then maybe she would be alive.
Kago: According to the doctor, mum long knew
that she had cancer and refused to start
chemo. Koore even if we had taken her to the
doctor, she would have done things her way.
You know how mum was. I don't like the way
she did things but I know for sure that she did it
for us. She didn't want us to see her suffer.
Even when she was secretly battling cancer,
she made sure that all of us were happy and
well taken care of. I can't imagine what it must
have been like to hide all that pain and be
strong. I also wish that she could have allowed
us to carry her and care for her the same way
that she has done for us all these years.
Kagiso: Yeah. I am sorry that you and Puleng
had to carry her on your own. I can't imagine
how traumatic that must have been.
Kago: Eish. The one I am worried about is
Puleng. She has been putting up a brave face
ever since we got back from the hospital. It's
like she is a different person. The Puleng that
helped me carry mum and broke down at the
hospital is not the one I saw yesterday when we
got back home. I know that she is in a lot of
pressure especially because mum had intrusted
everything with her but it's okay for her to take
time and grieve.
Kagiso: Yeah. I also noticed that she is a bit
different. When we arrived here at twelve
midnight, she was cleaning. By the time I got up
this morning, she was nowhere to be found.
Kago: Where is she now?
Kagiso: In mum's room. She said she has a few
things to attend to and she doesn't want to be
Kago: I doubt she is ok. Go and see how she is.
Kagiso: I don't even know what to say to her.
Had I come with her when she asked me to
then she wouldn't have had to carry my dead

He looked up and sighed. The burden his heart

was carrying was too heavy.

Kago: None of us knew that this would happen.

Kagiso: I hope no one will bother us. Things are
about to get hard especially with Mum gone.
You know she is the only one that could put
everyone in their place.
Kago: You don't have to worry about that. Mum
left us her assistant. Puleng dealt with everyone
last night.
Kagiso:(Smiled) Yeah neh. I used to complain
about how my wife was slowly becoming like
my mother but I guess the old woman knew
what she was doing. I will see you in a bit. Let
me find Pulie.
Kago: Do that bro.
Kagiso: We will be just fine.
Kago: Yeah.

He stood up and went into his mother's room...

At Kano's

Kano stood by the bathroom door as his friend

washed his face. Although Bakang had not
talked much, he could tell that he was not okay.

Kano: I am sorry man. I just wish that you could

have left the moment you saw her with another
man. Kana some of these things are
unforgettable koore yaanong even if you two
were to work on your relationship, you will never
look at her the same way. I don't think I can
bare to see my wife with another man let alone
see a guy with a pack of condoms in her house
because then it's no longer a secret. Koore o
sure gore o letse a moja. (You are sure that he
fu*ked her. Just a few days she was begging
you to come home and now this. I feel ashamed
that I begged on her behalf. She might have not
been cheating on anyone but it's what she said.
This girl is not depressed ebile whatever she did
when she was pregnant has nothing to do with
hormones. She just doesn't have manners.
There is no way a normal human being can
embarrass the father of her child like that in
front of a random guy. Le gone how does she
allow him to disrespect you like that in a house
you bought?Kana everything that chick has it's
because of you ga re setse re buwa nnete.She
is allowed to change her mind but not in the
way she did.
Bakang: Now I know that I should have never
doubted my decision. I can only imagine how
they are making jokes about me. You should
have seen how she opened the door for me to
leave. Imagine driving all the way from Maun
because someone begged you to come home
only to be chased away in the middle of the
night after being told that your sex is average in
front of a new guy.
Kano: Tswa hela mo ngwaneng ole mr. This
was probably the closure you needed.
Sometimes we need to see why we should
never go back. I know it's painful because you
loved her genuinely but now you know.

He looked at himself in the mirror and forced a


Bakang: Thanks man.

Kano: So where to form here?
Bakang: I am going to spend time with my son
at my mum's for a few days. Hopefully things
will be clearer from there.
Kano: Do that. You can decide in a few days.
Bakang: Yeah.

At Mmadinare

Kagiso walked inside his mother's room and

laid next to his wife who was sobbing bitterly.
He hugged her from behind and held on tightly
as they both cried.

Puleng felt like she was on a specific location, a

coordinate on a map of time. In that forest of
sorrow, she could not imagine that she could
ever find her way to a better place.
Safari Extreme

Boka browsed through the newly formulated

activities and smiled. Lemme stood behind her
and explained the new calendar.

Boka: Whoever you have hired is good. I love

how she has given these picnics a new lease of
Lemme: You were right about a GEM. I didn't
realize that there was so much to do in terms of
the guest experience side.
Boka: You should listen to me more often.
Lemme: I know babe. Most times you are right.
Boka: I am always right.
Lemme:( Smiled) Now you are pushing it.
He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek...

Boka: Am I?
Boka: I can't wait to meet her.

He ran his hands to her waist.

Lemme: (Whispered) I have missed you.

Boka: Can you show me?
Lemme: With pleasure.
Boka:(Giggled) Grab your things. You can show
me at home.
Distance & Time
# 100

A few days later


Kagiso helped his wife stand then held her hand

as they walked to the podium. The past few
days were long and rough for them and one
could tell from their puffy eyes and pale skin
that they were exhausted. Kagiso picked up the
microphone and looked around the yard and
sighed. The yard was full of people that loved
his mother and that on it's own consoled him.

Kagiso: Dumela botsadi. (Greetings) My siblings

asked me and my wife to speak on their behalf.
The death of my mother has been a nightmare
for the entire family. Those who know Gertrude
know that she was life herself. My mother lived
her life to the fullest. She loved hard. When
Gerty loved you, you knew because she made
sure that you feel it. After the death of my
father, my mother carried on the legacy of this
family boldly. Other days I would wonder how
she did it. Running a household,raising four
children and still running all the family
companies.Our mother was our anchor,our
cheerleader and a good teacher. When you were
around her,you learned something everyday.
She would never stop talking.
He closed his eyes and held on tightly to
Puleng's hand as the pain cut deep.

Kagiso: When we were kids, Kago would ask her

how long he had to listen to her and she would
respond,"For the rest of your life" Kago would
scream back,"No for the rest of your life mum". I
guess today we know from her silence. Today is
the hardest day we have ever faced as a family
since the death of my father because our voice
of reason has decided to stay mute
permanently.The one who navigated this family
has gone to be with the Lord. Today I asked
myself who would put everyone in line during
family functions and who would drive all the
way to my house to lecture me and my wife. I
know my siblings are asking themselves the
same questions. Kago I know how torn you are,I
know how you don't know who will bail you out
but we are all here man. Kagelo I know that
there is a storm brewing in there but we are
your peace, Kabo I can't imagine what you must
be going through but I promise to try and atlest
understand the half of it. My dear wife,your
bestfriend has departed, I know how broken you
are but I will be your best friend.I might not be
as loud and wise as my mother but I can only
try. To my son's, I can only try to be as fun and
funny as grandma. Though it seems impossible,
we will all get through this. Mum, I don't know
how i can ever thank you for all you have been
in my life. For showing me grace even when I
didn't deserve any. The best gift you have given
me as a mother is loving and accepting my wife
as if she was your own daughter. During your
days here on earth, you loved her and fought for
her with everything you were. Even on your last
days on earth, you waited for her so you could
give her your love and bid her farewell. We will
always love you,Rest easy first lady.
He wiped his tears and gave the microphone to
his wife...

Puleng: Dumelang bagolo. (Greetings)

Kago,Kagelo,Kabo. Please join us.

Kago stood up and took Aziz's hand while

Kagelo and Kabo walked hand in hand with

Puleng: I don't know where to begin. I asked my

siblings to join us because from their presence I
feel our mother's love. Mma KG was not just my
mother inlaw,she was my bestfriend. We talked
about anything and everything.When my
husband and I were home, he knew that she
and I shared the same bed. We would stay up
all night gossiping and laughing. Mama was an
epitome of love and style. Class was her middle
name.I didn't know that a daughter inlaw could
be loved so deep till I met my mother in law. My
siblings called me the "one with last born
tendencies". Whether at my house or here at
home, we never missed a chance to parade our
matching gowns. Hers written, " Matsalagwe
Puleng" and mine "Ngwetsi ya Mma KG". I am
still in shock. I don't know how we will move on
but I know that we have each other. My dearest
friend,Mama, thank you for loving me in every
way I needed to be loved and keeping the family
together.Your shoes are too big to fill but I
know my sisters and I will do everything we can
to carry your legacy foward. We love you mama,
rest in peace.

They all shared a group hug...Mma Puleng and

Ney held hands. Even they could see the pain
Puleng was going through from a distance.

A week later


Safari Extreme

I extended my hand to Boka and we exchanged

pleasantries. The woman was nothing I had
imagined. I could tell that Lemme was
uncomfortable but I kept a straight face.

Boka: Lemme told me so much about you. I

also went through your work files and I am
impressed. You are doing a great job.
Me: Thank you.
Boka: Did he tell you that we will be away for the
next two weeks?

I looked at him and smiled.

Me: Emma. He did. I will take care of everything.

Thank you for the week off.
Boka: Don't mention it. Very soon you and I will
be working closely. I have a feeling that we are
going to get along.
Me: Same here.
Boka: We should be moving to a bigger place
once we get back so you will have an office of
your own. I know how he can be such a pain.

They looked at each other and laughed.I

couldn't tell what annoyed me more, her
laughter or the way Lemme just stood there and
smiled with me as if he hadn't wronged me.

At the reception

Judy and Peo looked at a few patterns on the

internet and giggled.

Judy: Kana we only have two weeks till the big

Peo: I will drop off my material at the tailor later.
Have you bought yours?
Judy: I am expecting some money so I will buy
Peo: Do you think "Mrs Dikgang" knows?
Judy: If she doesn't know then she will find out
on the day. Kana Boka's parents are one of the
richest people in Maun so there is no way that
this wedding won't trend.
Peo: If she doesn't know then I feel for her.
Judy: Why? She should have done a background
check on the man she is dating.
Peo: How many of us do?
judy: Well that's because we are dating poor
men. You surely can't expect a man like Mr Dee
to be single. Serves her right. She will learn.
Peo: Let me get back to work.

She grabbed her copies from the photocopying

machine and went into her office.


Kago passed the company documents to his

brother and sighed. It had been a few days
since the Will was read. None of them knew
whether they were coming or going.

Kagiso: I can't just give up the life we built with

Puleng and move here. I know mum thought
she was being fair by giving us each our own
companies but I don't see myself moving here.
Kago: You don't necessarily have to move here
forever. You can live here for a few months till
you two hire someone to run the company. I
don't have a problem with overseeing
everything in your absence but you can't just
hire someone and leave. You have to see that
they are the right person. I am sure that Puleng
will agree.
Kagiso: Kana we also have a company of our
own. What about our children? We have been on
a waiting list for that school for years.
Kago: You can't make that decision on your own.
Consult Puleng and see what she says. You
know how she feels about mum and her things.
Kagiso: That's what I am afraid of. She will feel
obligated to neglect her life. Kago I don't want
Puleng feeling like she has to fill mum's shoes.
Kago: That's her choice to make not yours. I am
sorry but you need to involve her.

Later that day...

😚 Night
Distance & Time
# 101

Later that day

At my house

I opened the door then looked around the street

before letting Lemme in. He closed the door
and kissed me.

Lemme: Why are you so tense?

Me: Did anyone follow you here?
Lemme: No. Why do you ask?
Me:I don't have the strength to fight anyone's
Lemme: Relax it's just me honey girl.
Me: She is nice.
Lemme: I am not here to talk about her.
Me: I didn't say that you were.So where are you
and your first lady off to?
Lemme: Babe come on. I thought we agreed
that this was between you and me. Why are you
spoiling the mood?I have missed you. All I could
think about was you and that sweet honey pot.
Me: Why didn't you tell me that she also has a
share in the company?
Lemme: Because she doesn't.
Me: Didn't sound like that to me.
Lemme:She just helps me out at times.
Me: I don't know how and I honestly don't really
care but make sure she stays out of my way. I
can do my job, I don't need anyone to babysit
Lemme: Emma. So how are you? I left so many
texts but you didn't respond.
Me: I thought I made it very clear that you
shouldn't text me.
Lemme: Damm it Ney! how do we relate if I
can't even text you?

I could tell that he was frustrated from his tone.

Me: Take off your shirt...

I said as I took off my top and went into the


Lemme: It's getting personal hmm...

He took off his belt and followed her to the


At Tebogo's
Offiey watched Tebogo as she counted her
stock and smiled...She had been putting so
much effort into advertising her business and
he was going to do everything in his power to
support her. She put away the hair bundles and
sat down.

Tebogo: What?
Offiey: Nothing. I am just happy to see you in
your best element.
Tebogo: Thank you for pushing me and making
me realize that I have a life beyond motherhood.
Offiey: You are welcome. You are really good at
this.Kana a business needs good advertising.
Most businesses are viable,the problem is
Tebogo: That's true.
Offiey: If you carry on like this then you might
expand soon.
Tebogo: Yeah. The only problem is that Jayson
is coming back later . Akere yaanong his father
is leaving.
Offiey: You will find a way.
Tebogo: The only way would be to hire a nanny
but I am not comfortable with leaving my child
with a random person.
Offiey: So why don't you ask his father? Akere
ngwana ke wa lona lotlhe. ( You are both the
boy's parents.)
Tebogo: He is leaving town. I don't want my son
living far from me.
Offiey: Just ask him. He should make a
plan.You can't put your life on hold forever. How
long has this guy been keeping you down? Babe
you can't be unemployed forever. You need to
make money, one way or another. You can't
survive from the money he is giving you. It's not
even enough.
Tebogo: Kana mme you are right. Four
thousand is not enough. I don't know how he
expects me to take care of my son and myself
with that amount of money.
Offiey:The way I see it,he wants you to beg him
so disappoint him. Generate your own income.
Tebogo: Thank you.
Offiey: For what?
Tebogo: For helping me look at things
differently. I don't know how I stayed with
Bakang all these years and yet I never saw
some of these things.
Offiey: It happens.
Tebogo:I think it's high time you started looking
for a job you studied to do.
Offiey: Yeah. I have already sent out so many
applications in the past year. I don't know if
anything will come up.
Tebogo:Let's send them out again. Something
will come up. I can feel it.
Offiey:(Smiled) I wish I could have met you
before my first marriage. You are selfless.
Tebogo: (Smiled) Let's go make something to
eat before you leave.

At Mma KG's

Kagiso held his wife's hand as he explained to

her about the company his mother had left

Kagiso: Because my mother actively ran this

company,it means that we have to find
someone to run it. Kago and the girls will also
be busy running theirs so it will be almost
impossible for them to run this one too. What
do you suggest we do?
Puleng: I honestly don't know how we can go
around it but it's clear that we might be here for
some time till we find the right candidate mme
kana yaanong the one in Gaborone needs to run
so maybe I can remain here with the boys till I
find someone. You can go back and once
everything is settled here, we will come back
Kagiso: And what about school? We were on
that waiting list for two years. We can't just give
it up.
Puleng: I know but things change.
Kagiso: I know things change babe but we can't
let them affect the boys. Let me take them with
Puleng: And how do you think you will survive
with them? Let me take them with me. You can
sort things out here.
Kagiso:(Sighed) I wish things didn't have to be
this way.
Puleng:You need a month tops so you don't
have to worry.
Kagiso: A month is too long babe.
Puleng: It feels that way now but when you are
busy,it goes by quickly.
Kagiso:I don't know. Life is just too short and at
this point I don't want to be away from you and
the boys. Let's find another way.
Puleng: Okay. Let's find another way. I will have
a chat with Kabo and see if she doesn't know
anyone who can hold the fort.
Kagiso: Ok babe. Nna tota I don't want us to
give up our lives.
Puleng: I know baby.
She kissed him and rested her head on his

At Mma Bakang's

Bakang buckled his son up in the car sit and

turned to his mother.

Bakang: I will see you when I get back.

Mma Bakang: Ok my son.Try not to fight with
his mother. It's no longer about you. You two
need to find a way to work together in raising
this boy peacefully.
Bakang: Emma. ( yes mum)
Mma Bakang: What time did you say that you
are leaving tomorrow morning?
Bakang: Before six.
Mma Bakang: Ok.

At My place

I wrapped myself with a towel and followed

Lemme to the living room.

Lemme: I will see you when I get back from my

Me: Wait...

I wrapped my arms around him and we kissed.

He picked me up and carried me back to the
bedroom and laid me on the bed.

Lemme: Ahh fu*k!

He looked at the time and took off his clothes
then climbed the bed...

*Got Spicy*

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 102

At Tebogo's

Bakang kissed his son then handed him back to

his mother. The thought of his only son growing
up in a toxic environment broke his heart more
than anything.

Bakang: Tee.
Tebogo: Yeah.
Bakang: I just wanna apologise for the other
day. I shouldn't have come here unannounced.
You are right. This is your home and I don't have
the right to barge in here and demand for
answers. I am the one that left you not the other
way around. You are a free woman and you can
do whatever you want. When I came here, I
thought that we could work things out and find
a way to heal together. It was not my intention
to come and harass you.
Tebogo: I thought you didn't want me anymore.
I mean isn't it a little too late for that now?
Bakang: It is. I am sorry, that shouldn't have
happend. I don't want to fight with you anymore.
I respect the fact that this is your home and you
have a life now. I only ask that we try and have a
healthy relationship for the sake of our son.
Tebogo:Ok. I don't have a problem with that.
Bakang: I know you feel like I loved you with
conditions but that is not true.From the first day
I laid my eyes on you, I gave my heart to you.
When I asked for your hand in marriage, I knew
that only death would separate us. It may seem
as if I never fought for our marriage but I did.
Tebogo: Get to the point.
Bakang:I guess what I am really trying to say is
that, I wish you nothing but happiness. That's all
I have ever wanted for you Mmagwe Jason.
Tebogo: Thank you.
Bakang:I am still willing to pay for your
counselling sessions if you are still keen.
Tebogo: That won't be necessary.

She ran her fingers in her weave and flipped it


Tebogo:I don't think I was the problem to begin

with.Bakang sometimes when you are not loved
right, you appear crazy. I might have some
issues from my past but the truth is that you
are the one that contributed greatly to the
downfall of our marriage.All I ever wanted from
you was your understanding.
Bakang: I tried Tee. I really did.
Tebogo: You didn't try hard enough. You were
never understanding enough for me to open
upto you.
Bakang: Well that's in the past now. I am glad
you found someone who can love and
understand you better than I did.
Tebogo: Yeah.
Bakang: I will transfer Jason's money tomorrow.
Tebogo: Kana mme that money is not enough
for the both of us. Can't you top up?
Bakang: Tee I also don't have a job at the
moment. Four thousand is the best I can do.
You can't tell me that Jason's toiletries exceed
one thousand. Akere gape you guys are not
paying rent.
Tebogo: What about my fuel? What happens
when Jason is not well in the middle of the
night and I don't have fuel?
Bakang: Akere mme that will not happen every
month.I will top up with two hundred.
Tebogo: Two hundred pula?

She shook her head and laughed...

Tebogo: What difference will two hundred pula
Bakang: Akere ware you need fuel money for
when Jason is not well yanoong kare I will give
you the money. You can save it up every month.
That way you have it when you have such
emergencies. Kana nna I don't have money
Tebogo: What about your package? You can't
tell me that you have already finished it.
Bakang: I still have to find a house.
Tebogo: So you would rather get a house than
take care of your son?
Bakang: Go siame ee. ( Ok fine) How much do
you need in a month for Jason?
Tebogo: Atleast eight thousand pula so I can
also find a helper.
Bakang: Eight thousand?
Tebogo: Ee.
Bakang: Mme kana go raya gore I am
contributing enough.
Tebogo: What do you mean?
Bakang: Akere this is both our child so we both
need to contribute fifty fifty. Where is your
Tebogo: Ga o sa batle go tlhokomela ngwana
wa gago lesa ee. ( If you don't want to take care
of your son then leave it.)
Bakang: Tlhamalla hela ore ga ke sa batle go go
tlhokomela le monna wa gago. ( Just be honest
and say if I don't want to take care of you and
your boyfriend.) The fuel money you are crying
for is not for those emergencies. It's so you can
pick up your boyfriend.
Tebogo: I will make sure that you never see
Jayson again if you want to play it that way.
Bakang: Try me! Tlhamma nteke Tebogo! ( Try
me Tebogo!) I will drag you all the way to court
and sue you for all you have. Ga o tshameka ke
tla tsaya ngwanake. Otla mmona ka go eta. ( If
you are not serious I will get full custody of my
son and you will see him as a visitor.) Don't ever
try to use my son for your mind games. Jason
is also my son.
Tebogo: We will see about that.
Bakang: The fact that I have kept quite and
given in to your demands does not mean that I
am stupid or weak. I will show you a side of me
you have never seen Tebogo.
Tebogo: O tloga o nyela Bakang. ( You will soon
shit on your pants Bakang.)
Bakang: Whoever told you that it was cute to
throw around insults had you fooled. Le ene
monna o reng wa go rata o tloga a siya. ( That
man who claims to love you, will also run away
because of your insults.)
Tebogo: Atleast I can change my attitude, what
about you? Can you ever change your lame s*x ?
Bakang: E go kopanya tlhogo dic* e ncha. ( New
dic*is driving you insane)

He put his son's bag down and turned around to


Bakang: I will buy whatever Jason is going to

need and drop it off tomorrow before I leave.
Tebogo: Bakang you are useless!
Bakang: Tell me something new.

He left her as she fumed...

The following day

At Safari Extreme

I opened Lemme's diary and looked through it

to see if I could find any clues about his
vacation but there was nothing.

Lemme: Looking for something.

He said as he stood behind me. I turned around

and pushed it away.

Me: Yeah I just wanted to check if you didn't

have anything booked in.
Lemme: Don't worry. Nothing was booked in.
Judy has known about this trip for months so
there is no way that she could have booked in
Me:Ok. So where are you two going? I thought
that you have left by now.
Lemme:We are off to Lesotho. I forgot my
laptop charger here.
Me: Gone mme how do you go on a trip with
someone that you claim not to want anymore?
Lemme It's complicated honey girl. The thing is
that we are attending my brother's wedding
yaanong there is no way that i can pitch up
without her especially when my mother is the
one that invited her.
Me: You didn't tell me that your brother is
getting married.
Lemme: Mme kana I did. You must have
Me: Ok. No go sharp.
He headed to his desk then grabbed his charger.

Lemme: I will see you when I get back.

Me: Ok sharp.

He leaned in to kiss me then left.

At Mma Bakang's

Mma Bakang patted her son on the back and

looked him in the eyes.

Mma Bakang: Look at me my son, I didn't raise

you to be cruel. I understand that Mmagwe
Jason can be difficult at times but you should
never repay evil with evil.What kind of a man
will you be if you go out and buy only what your
son needs? What about his mother? You know
very well that she is unemployed.
Bakang: Mme there is nothing evil with what I
will be doing. Tebogo o makgakga. ( Tebogo is
very rude.) Let that new man of hers take care
of her and I will take care of my son. Akere nna I
am nothing.
Mma Bakang: That won't be right. The only
person who knows what that boy needs is the
mother because she stays with him full-time. I
understand that you are angry but your son
shouldn't have to pay. Just send her the money
you were supposed to send. She might not tell
you but she really appreciates it.
Bakang: I am only sending the money for the
sake of my son and you otherwise I would have
left her to eat her words.
Mma Bakang: Thank you my son.
Bakang:I need to get going.
Mma Bakang: You are already late. Travel safely
my son and take care of yourself.
Bakang:Thank you Mme. I will call you when I

At Mmadinare

Puleng opened her laptop and showed her

husband the projects in the pipeline.

Puleng: I have had a look at these.We have a bit

of time. We can stay here and monitor the
person Kabo recommended for two weeks then
go back home and get started on them. I have
called the school and explained the situation
and they don't have a problem with the boys
being away for the next two weeks as long as
the fees are paid.
Kagiso: Thank you baby. I don't know how you
do it. I had given up.Sometimes I don't know
what my life would be without you.
Puleng: So are we happy?
Kagiso: Yeah.

He forced a smile...

Puleng: What's wrong? I can tell that there is

something bothering you.
Kagiso: Sometimes I think that Mma KG will
walk through that door with her loud voice and
start picking on me.
Puleng:(Sighed) Yeah. It's really hard to be here
without her. Other days I go into her room and
just lay on the bed to relive our memories.
Kagiso: The boys asked me if their grandma will
ever come back and...

He took a deep breath...

Puleng: It's ok honey.

She closed her laptop and put it away then held

him in her arms...Everyday was different but the
one thing that was constant was the pain of
losing a mother.

Distance & Time
# 103

Two weeks later

Safari Extreme

Judy stood up and fixed her dress as Peo

anxiously waited by the door...

Judy:We will be back before lunch time. My

dairy is on top of my desk. Write a message or
pencil any appointments in. I will take care of it
when we get back.
Peo: Tlhamma let's go. I don't want to miss the
vows part.
Judy: The cab is not even here. Relax we will
catch them. Ney how do I look?
Me: You look wonderful hun.
Judy:Here, take a picture of us before we leave.
Peo come closer tlhamma.

She handed her phone to me...

Me: Ok ladies, are you ready?

They smiled and posed as I took snaps of them.

Me: That should be enough.

I gave her back her phone...

Judy: We will be live. If you want to watch then

just go on my Facebook page.
Me: Ele gore who is getting married?

They looked at each other and waved at me.

Judy: You are full of jokes the Ney. We will see

you later.

At Tebogo's

Offiey sat on the kitchen counter and read out

a job advert while Tebogo washed the dishes.

Offiey: I think this could work for us. You

already qualify for the post. I just need to work
on getting a Food and Beverage certificate then
we are good to go.
Tebogo: How long are we in that remote area
Offiey: Three months on and one month off.
Tebogo: And what about Jason?Is it possible to
take him with?
Offiey: No babe. Can't you leave him with your
mum or the dad's mum? This is a great
opportunity. There is an accommodation and
transport allowance. Le yone hela salary is very
generous. We can even rent out this house
while we are away. By the end of the year we
will have enough to expand your business.
Tebogo: We? I thought that you didn't want
anything serious?
Offiey: I know I said that but I honestly feel like
we can build something here. Babe you and I
both know what we want and more than
anything, I feel like we understand each other.I
am not saying let's get married or anything.
Tebogo: Listen i like what we have but I think
we need to slow down. I can't just leave Jason
or rent out the house. These things need me to
give it a lot of thought and consult his dad.
Offiey: I thought that the house belonged to you.
Tebogo: The house may be in my names but it's
our son's. There are so many factors that need
to be considered. Let's talk about this in a
month or two and see if it's something we still
both want.
Offiey: I hear you.

She rinsed her hands and grabbed a paper

towel to dry them.

Tebogo: Let me check on Jason. I will be back.

Safari Extreme
I looked at the time and took out my phone to
play games. It had been over three hours since
Judy and Peo had left and the office was very
quiet...I exited the game and went non
Facebook then clicked on Judy's profile. I joined
her live video and leaned back.

"I vow to love and respect you till death do us

apart. This ring is a sign of my love and
commitment to you for life"

I closed and opened my eyes to look at the man

that had constantly assured me that the woman
he was now marrying was just someone he was
stuck with. I felt my soul leaving my body and
everything crumbling. I stood up and took deep
breaths then took off my blazer before turning
on the air conditioner. Everything began to feel
number as I struggled to breath.

Me: It can't be him.

I looked at the screen again and this time tears

welled up in my eyes blurring my vision. I dialled
his number.

Boka: Mrs Dikgang hello...

I felt a lump blocking my throat.


I hung up and sat down trying to regain some

At the District Commissioner's office

Lemme turned to his wife while dancing...

Lemme: Who was that?

Boka: Ney.
Lemme: What does she want? I thought I told
them that I don't want to be disturbed.
Boka: I don't know. She hanged up before I
could even ask.
Lemme: Ok. Just ignore all calls. Today is our

Later that day

Safari Extreme

Judy and Peo stood by the door and gossiped

as Ney drove out...

Peo: She looks broken.

Judy: Serves her right. Who did she think she
was? Many women have come and gone. No
one has ever stood a chance against Boka. Mr
Dee loves that woman and quite honestly, no
man is stupid enough to leave a woman like her.
Marrying into Boka's family is an automatic
promotion for his business. There was no way
in hell that he could have left Boka for Ney.
Peo: I know but that doesn't make it right.
Judy: Ney should have done a proper research
or even asked us but instead she thought she
was too clever. Let her face the music. Nna I
don't feel pity for her. Waitsi ke raya. (Not at all.)
Peo: Ao mma! What if it was you? I can't
imagine the hell that's about to unfold. Kana
yaanong she will be working with them both.
Some men are dogs!
Judy:(Laughed) Let the music play.

At Maun Lodge

Bakang shook his head as he listened to


Bakang: Tebogo I told you that I can't take

Jason with me right now. I don't even have a
proper house or Job. Why can't you give me
atleast two months?
Tebogo: Two months?So I must pause my life
for two months while you go on with yours?
Bakang: Kante mme gone how long are we
going to keep fighting? I understand that you
want to move on with your life. I am asking for
just eight weeks to sort myself out then come
get the boy. You know that my mum is not well
so she can't stay fulltime with him.
Boka: Grow some fu*king ball* Bakang.

He hung up and clicked his tongue then downed

his drink.

Me:Yeah neh...

I took deep breaths as I walked over to my table

with a waiter.

Waiter: Can I get you anything?

Me: Do you have tequila shots?
Waiter: Emma. Here is our menu.
Me: Just get me 2shots of whatever is popular.
Waiter: Coming right up.

Bakang turned around as he recognized

Onneile's voice...

Distance & Time
# 104

Bakang turned around as he recognized

Onneile's voice...He stood up and approached
her table.

Bakang: I guess this is a small town indeed.

Me: Bakang!
Bakang: Onneile.

He pulled a chair and sat down.

Me: Long time no see. How are you?

Bakang: What can I say?As long as we are still
breathing then I guess there is hope.
Me: (Sighed)You can say that again.
Bakang: Can I join you? I don't know anyone
around and there is no fun in day drinking alone.
Me: Why not? How long are you here for?
Bakang: I haven't decided. I came here to de-
stress. So much has happend since the last
time we talked. Nothing has been easy since
the divorce. Waitsi gore we are struggling Ney.
Your friend is very difficult. I don't know what
else to do.
Me: I am sorry man. I thought that you would
sort things out.
Bakang: Have you two talked of recent?
Me:She didn't tell you?
Bakang: Tell me what? Ele gore what happend
between the two of you?
Me: We had a fallout. It's been ages since we
have talked. She blames me for your divorce.
Apparently I contributed.
Bakang: You know that's not true akere mme?
Geez man, I am so sorry for getting you
involved. I didn't know who else to ask for
Me: It's ok. It's not your fault. I am over the
whole thing. So how is your son?
Bakang: Eish!
Me: What?

The waiter placed my shots on the table and


Waiter: Enjoy!
Me: Thanks.

I downed both glasses in a heartbeat...

Bakang: Looks like you have had a rough day.

Me: Let's see.The guy who I have been seeing
got married behind my back and I only found
out today on Facebook.
Bakang: Ouch!
Me: Oh wait for it. He happens to be my boss so
I am basically fu*ked because I get to see him

Bakang put his hand over his head and


Bakang: Eish!
Me: That's not all, the wife might join.
Bakang: Did you know about her?

I looked at him and shamefully bowed...

Me: Yeah. Like any other stupid woman I

believed his lies when he told me that their
relationship was dead. Instead of walking away
I tried to have an entanglement with him but I
guess he was way ahead. As far as I know, he is
in Lesotho attending his brother's wedding.
Bakang:(laughed) He could be. Who knows?
Maybe the brother went missing and he had to
step in as the groom.
Me:(laughed)Get out of here!
Bakang: Heish! He did you a real number. I am
not judging you but most times these men that
spin you these stories about their partners are
just out to get into your pants. You should have
ran the moment you found out about the
girlfriend. Dating in the work place can also
complicate your life.
Me: I guess I should have known better. I
wanted to feel like I had control over my love
life for once. Just this once.
Bakang: I feel you on that.
Me: So why aren't you trying to fix things with
Tee? Maybe this divorce has taught her a

He shook his head and laughed...

Bakang: You don't know the half of it. A few

days after she begged me to come home, I left
to see her. When I found out that she was not
home, I was thrilled at the thought of just
surprising her. While I worked around the
surprise she got back home with another man.

I put my hand over my mouth as my jaws


Me: Waaka! (You are lying .)

Bakang: I really wish I was. As if that was not
enough, she told me off in front of this new guy.
Le ene mfana wa teng ke ha a ratile blind ebile a
diga box ya di condom gotwe ke tsamaye ba
batla go robala. ( The new guy had a field day.
He even dropped a box of condoms and I was
told to leave as they wanted to sleep.) Ney I
have never cried as l did that night. Just the
thought of another man on top of Tebogo in
what was our matrimonial bedroom drove me
insane. In a house I worked so hard to build.
Right now she is making things really
difficult.She insults me at every chance she
gets. I even suspect that they are living together.
Me: Am sorry man.
Bakang: What can i say? Love might just be a
Me: It might.
Bakang: Another round?
Me: I wouldn't say no to that.
At Mma Puleng's

Puleng sat next to her mother and folded the

boys laundry. It had been a few days since they
had returned from Mmadinare.

Mma Puleng: How is Kagi coping?

Puleng: Heish, tota things change everyday. It's
still very difficult.
Mma Puleng: And how are you coping?

She looked up and smiled...

Puleng: Eish mama ga go bonolo. (Oh mum! it's

not easy) I didn't think that it would be this
hard.I can't sleep at night. There is only one
memory of her that is stuck in my head.I keep
seeing me and Kago carrying her into the car
when everyone had given up. At times I wonder
if she would have still been alive if I had went to
see her sooner.
Mma Puleng: Don't think like that my baby.
Sometimes when it's your time, it's your time
and nobody can do anything about it. It just
breaks my heart that you had found a mother in
her and she is gone. I don't understand why the
evil ones are spared. I mean how does God let
people like Mma London live while the good
ones die.
Mma Puleng: You know it's the truth. I wouldn't
have a problem giving Mma London away just
to have Mma KG back. When I think about what
her daughter did I get so angry. In fact I don't
mind giving up both she and Ruth. My daughter
you have been so blessed to marry into such a
family. The way those people accepted you
koore it's like God was making it all right with
you. I didn't want you and your sister to suffer
the same fate I did. I thank God that your
siblings have the same heart as their mother. If
it was others they would have already started
fighting with you. I was so humbled at the
funeral when they didn't want to make
decisions without you. You must thank God
everyday for your family.
Puleng: I don't know what I did to deserve such
loving people in my life. At times I wait to see
what will go wrong but the Lord is by my side.
The fights and misunderstanding Kagi and I
have are overpowered by the blessings in our
marriage. I didn't know that marriage could be
this beautiful.

She stood up and took her children's clothes

with her.
Mma Puleng: Pack them in Ney's room.

Puleng: I need to leave. I will drop them off after

Mma Puleng: Ok my girl. Make sure you bring
their toys. Your children are very naughty,I don't
want them playing with my remotes.
Puleng:(laughed) Emma.

Later that day

The Boma Restaurant

Bakang picked up my bag and helped me

Bakang: It's a good thing one of us can still see
what they are doing.
Me: I say we take this party to Sports bar.
Bakang: (laughed) You are not in any condition
to go there. I am taking you home.
Me: I can drive myself.
Bakang: I am taking you home. You can come
back for your car tomorrow.

Just as we got to the entrance, we bumped into

Lemme and his wife.

Boka greeted us but Lemme walked past as if

we didn't know each other.

Me: Congratulations on your marriage.

Boka: Thank you.
She followed her husband inside...

Me:That's the bastard I was telling you about.

Bakang: Are you for real?

I sat down and cried...

Bakang:Come on Ney. You can't allow the guy

to win. What happens when he walks back here
and sees you falling apart like this.

He carried me into his car...

Bakang: So where do you stay?

Me: By the stadium.
Bakang: Where is that?

He turned to her but she had already fallen


Bakang: Ney!

He ignited the engine and drove off.

In the restaurant

Boka looked at her husband and shook her


Boka: Did the poor girl even know that you were
getting married kana that's why she is the way
she is?
Lemme:I don't know what you are talking about.
Boka: Do you honestly think that I don't know
who I am married to? I knew from the very first
day you introduced me to her that you two were
sleeping together.
Lemme: Babe it's not like that.
Boka: What is it like?
Lemme: It was just a fling.
Boka: Thank you.
Lemme: For what?
Boka: For confirming it. I had my suspicions. I
thought that I was reading too much into it till
now.Listen Lemme, I have taken so much
nonsense from you over the years but I want
you to know that it ends now. You and I may be
married but that doesn't mean that I can't leave
your ass. I have given you seven whole years to
get your shit together so get it right this time. I
love you but this time I love myself more.

He extended his hand to hers...

Lemme: I am sorry. Whatever we had is over.

Boka: I have no business with her. You deal with
her. I don't expect her to give me any attitude at
the office.
Lemme: Emma.
Boka: Good. So what are we having?
Lemme: What would you like to have?
Boka: Anything you want. Let me use the ladies.
Lemme: Okay babe.

She stood up and took her bag with her. He

waited till she dissapeared to the bathrooms
then took his phone and called Onneile. It rang
for a while. Just knowing that she had left with
a man drove him insane. He went on whatsapp
and left a voice note.

Lemme: O ira masepa akere Ney. ( You are

messing up Ney.) Who the fu*k is that guy you
left with.O seka wa ba wa ira yalo. ( Don't do

He looked around to see if his wife was around

then deleted the message before putting away
his phone.

At Greener Grass Guest house

Bakang laid Ney on the bed then put a blanket

over her before getting another one and
sleeping on the couch... For the first time in a
while, he had spent time with someone that
listened to him without judging him. He took out
his phone and browsed through the gallery. He
took a deep breath and deleted all the pictures
of Tebogo he had kept. He would do everything
in his power to make sure that his son had all
he needed including a conducive environment.

Goodnight Trekkers and well done 💃💃💃
Tomorrow is another day.
Distance & Time
# 105
The following morning

Greener Grass Guest house

I rubbed my eyes and sat up as Bakang gave

me a glass of water...

Bakang: Goodmorning. How did we sleep?

Me: Jesus! What on earth did I drink last night?
Bakang: Tequila.
Me: And you didn't stop me. I feel like I am
carrying the entire world on my shoulders.
Bakang:(laughed) Believe me, I tried.
Me: Did I do anything stupid?
Bakang: Does crying for a man while sitting on
a pavement count?
Me:(laughed) What?
Bakang: You are gonna be just fine. When you
get to that office don't sulk. If you feel like it's
all getting too much, just give me a call and I
will sort you out.
Me: (laughed) Thanks man.
Bakang: It's not the end of the world.If you feel
like you are too broken then just think of the
time I got kicked out in the middle of the night
and a box of condoms fell from the other guy.
Me: (laughed) I still don't know how you
survived that one.
Bakang: Same here. So can I drop you off by the
Lodge so you get your car?
Me: Please.
Bakang: What are you doing today?
Me: Nothing much. I don't work on Saturdays.
Bakang: Let's go out for lunch.
I kept quite and thought of Tebogo then

Me: I don't think that would be proper

considering the fact that you are my ex friend's
ex husband.
Bakang:(laughed) Ex everything hey. I consider
you a friend too. I believe friends are also
allowed to share meals. I don't know anyone
around town and quite honestly I just wanna be
around someone that is not gonna judge me for
Me:(Smiled) Are you buying?
Bakang: Just the food.
Me:(laughed) So we are having a Christian
Bakang: O rata bojalwa kana Ney.(You love
alcohol Net.) Today just drink some water.
Me:(laughed) That is impossible. I am picking a
Bakang: Let's do Croc.
Me:(laughed) Then you claim not to know Maun.
Go siame rra, let's do that. Let's go get my car
so I can get home and freshen up.
Bakang: Cool.

At Karen's

Agang set the table for breakfast while Karen

and Loapi made breakfast in the kitchen.

Karen: So how does it feel to finally be free?

Loapi: Even though it's not official yet, I feel on
top of the world. I had really given up.I thought
that i would die married to Neelo.
Karen: So what changed her mind?
Loapi: She got tired of being with someone that
doesn't love her.
Karen: So she set you free just like that?
Loapi: Yeah.
Karen: Are you sure that she is not upto
anything? Loapi that woman blackmailed you
into marrying her. God only knows what she is
capable of. I say don't get excited just yet.
Loapi:That's what I thought at first but I realized
that she was telling the truth when she kicked
me out last night.
Karen: So where to from here? Do you find Ney?
I mean what happens?
Loapi: I can't find her just yet. I need to get this
divorce finalized first. If I go to her now then
she might think that I want to turn her into my
Karen: Do you know where to start looking
when the time is right?
Loapi: Yeah. She works for Safari Extreme.
Karen: I hope that when you find her, she will
give you another chance.
Loapi: Me too.
Karen: You are gonna be just fine my friend.
Once you are free, you find your woman and
marry her. It's been long overdue.
Loapi: Yeah. That girl is my wife. Nothing can
ever destroy our love. Not any distance or time.

They continued chatting as they made


At Tebogo's
Offiey looked at the time and grabbed his files.
He kissed Tebogo and looked around for the
car keys.

Offiey: Babe where did you put the car keys? I

am running late for my interview.
Tebogo: Mme kana I put them by the dressing
table last night.
Offiey: There is nothing there.
Tebogo: Check the dinning table.

He went into the dinning room and searched for

them by the table then found them.

Offiey: Found them.

He shouted from the other room.

Tebogo: Okay sharp. Kill it!

Offiey: I will honey. Akere you fuelled last night?
Tebogo: Yeah, it's all good.
Offiey: Okay, let me run.

He went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple

from the fridge then left...

Later that day

At Puleng's

Puleng wrapped her arms around her husband

and kissed him but he pulled back. It had been
weeks since he had touched her and every time
she tried to touch or kiss him, he went cold.

Kagiso:Not today babe. I am not in the mood. I

am sorry.
Puleng: It's fine.

She turned around and picked a book from her

side table.

Kagiso: Babe.
Puleng: What?
Kagiso: Why are you giving me your back?
Puleng:What do you want me to do Kagi? I am
ho*ny and you are not interested.I can't force
you to get intimate with me and at the same
time I can't be close to you because of how I
feel right now.
Kagiso: Why can't we just cuddle?
Puleng: Because I am ho*ny. Where am I
supposed to put my feelings when we cuddle.
Kagiso it's been weeks since we have been
Kagiso: You know that a lot has been going on. I
need a little time.
Puleng: Ok.
Kagiso: Babe I know it's been a while but I am
just not in the right space. Nna tota I can't have
sex if my feelings are not attached to it.
Puleng:I heard you babe.
Kagiso: And you are still mad at me?
Puleng: I didn't say that.
Kagiso: You don't have to say it. You are my
wife and I know you.
Puleng: You let me send the kids away for the
weekend yet you knew that nothing was going
to happen.

He laughed as she expressed her frustrations.

Kagiso:O llela Dic* Puleng. ( You are crying for

the D?)

At Offiey's

Offiey and Sedi offloaded the groceries he had

done earlier on. His children opened a few
plastics and celebrated as they found the

Sedi: Where did you get the money to buy all

these? This is more than enough to feed two
Offiey: I won a small tender.
Sedi: When? I have never heard you mention any
Offiey: I couldn't tell you till it went through.
Imagine me telling you about it then it fails. I am
tired of being the husband that makes empty
Sedi: But you know I understand these things.
Rragwe Dodo, you need to stop being so hard
on yourself. I know how hard you work to
provide for us.
Offiey: And yet it's never enough.
Sedi:One day it will pay off.
Offiey: Yeah.

Dodo walked around the car and admired it.

Dodo: Daddy did you buy a new car?
Offiey:(Smiled) No my girl but one day I will own
one just like this one.

Leina sticked out his tongue to his sister.

Leina: I told you that dad does not have a car.

Sedi: Dodo take your little brother inside.

Dodo took her brother by the hand and they

went inside.

Sedi: Are you coming home tonight?

Offiey: Yes love. I have asked my boss for a few
Sedi: Good because today I am only cooking the
best. Just to celebrate your achievements.
Offiey: Thank you honey. Let me get going. I will
see you later.

He kissed her then got inside the car and

slipped off his black wedding.He wore it on the
other hand and ignited the engine before driving

At Crocodile Camp

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 106

At Crocodile Camp

At the spa

I laid face down as we waited for our therapists

to get back to the room after getting ready.

Bakang: So this is what people experience in

movies. Laying here face down like this is
already relaxing. I think I am going to fall asleep.
Me: I think that's the whiskey talking.
Bakang:(laughed)Could be akere that's why I
didn't want us to drink.
Me: Thanks for lunch man. I doubt I could have
eaten if I was alone.
Bakang: You are welcome.

The two therapists stood by the door and

knocked then walked back in after the two let
them in.

Therapist 1: Are you both comfortable?

Bakang: Almost sleepy.

Me: Emma. ( Yes)
Therapist 2: Our aromatherapy massage lasts
sixty minutes. Feel free to let any of us know if
you are not happy with the pressure.
Me: Thank you.

Soft music played as the massage began...

At Tebogo's

Offiey parked the car by the house then got off

and went inside the house. He greeted Tebogo
who was sitted in the living room and sat down.

Tebogo: So how did it go?

Offiey: It went very well babe. I am just praying
that they call me back.
Tebogo: They will.
Offiey: Kana when I was on my way back here, I
received a call from my mother telling me that
my ex wife had dropped off the kids at her
house. I am still shocked. I thought of driving to
her place to see them but I was not sure if that
was a good idea so I came back here.
Tebogo: Why? Akere you have been longing to
see them. Maybe you should go see them
before she changes her mind.
Offiey:Babe I haven't seen those kids in months.
I can't just go see them empty handed.If I do
then they might believe what their mother tells
them about me. I really want to see them but at
the same time I need to be wise.
Tebogo: Those are your children and you will
always be their dad. With or without money, you
need to see them.
Offiey: I wish it was that easy. Knowing that I
can't provide for those kids as much as I want
to kills me.

The pain in his eyes broke her heart...

Tebogo: I will be right back.

She went into her bedroom and grabbed her

purse then came back. She sat down and pulled
out her card.

Tebogo: Here, take my card and buy whatever

you need to get them. The pin is 8**5.
Offiey: I am sorry babe but I can't accept
Jason's money. I will find another way.
Tebogo: It's not Jason's money. Bakang gave
me this card for emergencies. When we were
married, he would deposit some money into it
and call it the rainy day account.
Offiey: Does he know that you still have it?
Tebogo: He does but we agreed that it's only for
when Jason and I have emergencies.
Offiey: I am not willing to take the only money
you might have when you run out of your
monthly allowance.
Tebogo: Don't worry, Mma Thabiso had sent me
an extra thousand. Akere gape Bakang is
supposed to send money next week for me to
child proof the house. Le gone there is a lot of
money in here. Use atleast a thousand.
Offiey: Babe mma.
Tebogo: What?
Offiey:No one has ever done for me anything
this nice.Let me rush there.
Tebogo: I think you should spend the night with
them just so they know that you care and love
Offiey: What about you ne motho wame? Will
you be fine on your own?
Tebogo: Don't worry about me. Just go see the
kids. Make sure you fuel with P200.
Offiey: Ao babe mma! Thank you so much. I
don't know what to say.
He kissed her and hugged her before standing
up to leave.

At Puleng's

Kagiso laughed as he watched a video of his

mother and Puleng. The death of his mother
had left him with a broken heart and for the first
time, he imagined a life without her and faced
his fears. Tears streamed on his face.

Puleng: Babe.

Puleng walked into the bedroom and laid next

to him in bed...She held on to him tightly

Puleng: I know it hurts but we will get through

Kagiso: I miss her so bad everyday.
Puleng: Me too honey.

For the first time since his mother had departed,

he cried hard.

At Crocodile camp.

I took out my card and paid for the massage

while Bakang sat by the chairs and waited for

Me: Thank you so much. That was amazing.

I took back my card and took out a hundred

pula note then gave to the therapist that was
helping me.

Me: That's a tip for the both of you.

Therapist 1: Thank you so much.
Me: You are welcome.

Bakang stood up and we both walked out of the


Bakang: That was amazing. Before that I

wanted to say let's go on a drinking spree but
after that massage, all I want to do is go home
and sleep it off.
Me: Me too man.
Bakang: Let's get a drink for the road.
Me: Are you paying?
Bakang: Are you asking a whole unemployed
man if he is paying?
Me: I just paid for our massage. Who knows, I
might find myself unemployed on Monday too.
Bakang:(laughed) I doubt.

We sat in the bar...

Me: I guess I will just have to find out on

Monday. So when do you plan to leave?
Bakang: I was thinking of looking for a job here.
I don't know what it is but this place is special.
Me: It is. Especially for someone that wants to
start over.
Bakang: Yeah.
Me: Thanks man. I didn't realize how lonely I
was. Maybe that's why I continued with that
useless relationship with that guy. I barely know
anyone around here.
Bakang: You are welcome. That's what friends
are for.

As we talked my phone rang.. I took it out of my

bag and looked at the caller identity then turned
it to Bakang.

Me: Speak of the devil.

Bakang: Don't answer him no matter how
tempted you are.I know you wanna tell him off
but it's for the best.
Me: So he gets away with it?
Bakang: Kill them with silence my friend. You
will win from that angle I swear.

*Night 😙
Distance & Time
# 107

A few days later

Safari Extreme

Bakang rolled the window and popped out his

head out.

Bakang: Kick ass Ney Ney.

I turned around and laughed waving at him...

Bakang: Kill it...
Me: You know.

Lemme's car packed next to Bakang's. I took a

deep breath and meditated as he and Boka got
off the car.

Boka: There goes your girl.

She whispered...

Lemme: Not my girl.

Bakang looked at Ney and noticed how she

quickly she tensed up then shouted at the top
of his voice.
Bakang: I will pick you up for lunch.

I waved at him and smiled as he blew some

kisses. From then my confidence changed from
zero to hundred.

At Sedi's

Offiey threw the car keys on the table and sat

on the couch. He took off his shoes and laid
back as his wife brought a tray of food with her.

Sedi: You look tired. What did you get up to this

Offiey: Nothing too hectic. I was just running
errands for my boss.
Sedi: I thank God everyday for this job you
found. It's not every boss that can give you their
car to drive around and even let it spend the
night at your house.
Offiey: I know love. Mr Tee is a very good
person. I think it's probably because he is
divorced so he doesn't want me to experience
the same. Working for him has been a blessing
because as a parent he understands my
children's needs.
Sedi: Ke motsadi tota. ( He is a real parent.)
Make sure that you also don't disappoint him
love. Bosses like that are rare to find. Mme tlhe
rra don't forget to ask him if he knows anyone
that is hiring. I can't stay home all day while you
are on your feet hustling for us. I don't mind
even if it's to be a house helper.
Offiey: That will never happen. Sedi when I
married you, I promised your parents that I
would take care of you and the kids. That is
what I intend to do. What kind of a man will I be
if I let you go and clean people's kitchen's. I
heard that some of these rich people make their
maids wash their underwear. There is no way I
will let any other person treat my wife like that.
Sedi you are the queen of my heart. There is
nothing I wouldn't do for you or our children.
Sedi: Thank you baby.

She picked a chicken piece from the plate and

fed him...

Offiey: What did you add today? It's so tasty.

Sedi: Keep buying the right ingredients and it
will always be tasty. Mo gongwe re apaya ditota
ka gore ga rena tsone dikhanakhana. ( At times
it's not that I can't cook, the problem is that we
don't have some of the ingriedients needed.)
Offiey:From now, you don't have to worry
yourself about that. Mr Tee is paying me
enough to buy you anything you want. All those
women from the fellowship group will eat their
words. Tomorrow I am taking you to do your
hair and nails.
Sedi: Bathong Rragwe Dodo, you don't have to.
We can use that money for something else. My
hair is not that important at the moment.
Offiey: Let me worry about that.

She stood up and rubbed his shoulders....

Offiey: I made the right decision by marrying

you. Sedi you are everything that a man wants.

He smiled as she added pressure...

Safari Extreme

I adjusted my chair and focused on my

computer as Lemme and Boka walked into the

Boka: Morning lucky lady.

Me: Morning.
Lemme: Morning Onneile.
Me: Mr Dikgang.
Boka: That was really sweet out there. You
should hold on to a man like that. It's not every
man that knows how lucky he is to have a good
woman by his side. It's the little things that
count.Some men do this the first few months
then treat you like a sister all the years of your
I smiled briefly...

Me: Emma.

I could sense some tension between the two so

I picked up a few documents and stood up.

Me: I need to make a few copies. I promised a

few companies that I would drop these off
Boka: You go girl. As long as you do your job
well then we are all good. Right babe?

He cleared his throat and looked away.

Lemme: Emma.
Boka: Ney.
Me: Mma?

I stood by the door...

Boka: We need to talk.

My heart raced and everything in me felt numb...

Me: Emma.
Boka: Attend to those copies then come see me.


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Distance & Time
# 108

Extreme Safari

Boka: Lemme can you please excuse us. I need

to have a conversation with Ney.

He looked at me then stood up from his chair.

Lemme: I will be outside if you need me.

Boka: Okay

I fiddled with my nails as he left and closed the

door behind him.

Me: Mma?
Boka: I know about the affair that you had with
my husband.
Me: Please don't fire me. I didn't...

She nodded calmly.

Boka:You didn't know about me and you also

didn't know that he was getting married. Listen
Ney I am not here to ask you about that. You
honestly don't owe me any explanation. If there
is anyone that owes me an explanation then it's
my husband. I called you here because I want
us to talk about Extreme Safari. My concern at
this point is the company. I don't know if
Lemme told you this but we are also business

Right at that point I wanted to scream...

Boka: I need to know that your history with him

will not affect your work. I have had the chance
to go through the files from your department
and I am really impressed with what you have
done. I don't want to lose you as an employee
but that will also depend on how you carry
yourself around here.I can't tell you how to carry
yourself outside the office because that's your
personal life.
Me:I honestly don't know what to say except
that I am ashamed of myself. When I walked
back here from the reception area,I knew for
sure that i would lose my job and I had made
peace with it. Thank you so much for not firing
me. I love this job with every fibre of my being
and I promise not to compromise it from here
going foward.You are a good person.
Boka: Good. Don't disappoint me.
Me: Emma.
Boka: We are moving to new mall next week.
You will get your own office at the new building.
Me: Thank you.

Lemme turned off the radio then started his

car..He was completely ready for whatever
would occur. One thing he would not find
himself caught up in was a cat fight.
In Peo's office

Judy laughed and celebrated while Peo focused

on her computer.

Boka: That will teach her to never sleep with

other people's men. I am sure that at this point
she is busy packing up her things.
Peo: But you didn't get fired kana is it because
Boka never found out?
Judy: I didn't purposely sleep with Mr Dee.
Peo:What do we call it? I mean getting
someone drunk only to end up in their bed? I get
that Ney can be annoying at times but how do
you celebrate someone getting fired when it
could be you the next day? Don't forget that this
is not your father's company. You are an
employee just like Ney. The fact that Boka didn't
find out doesn't make it better. At least she
didn't force herself on her boss.
Judy: I have a few things to do before lunch
Judy: Sharp.

Two months later

I did a victory dance as Bakang read out his

offer letter. In the last two months we had e-
mailed every company around and till a few
days ago, he had given up.

Me: What did I tell you?

Bakang: I can't believe it.I have been praying for
all this, all week. I am almost out of funds. I had
even decided to go back home and ask for my
old job.
Me: Well not anymore.

He hugged me then quickly let go as it became


Bakang: Sorry man.

I smiled and looked away.

Me: You need to start looking for a house.

Bakang: Yeah. I was actually hoping that you
could help me.
Me: Cool. Uhh listen I have to go. I will see you
Bakang: After work?
Me: I..I will see. I don't know how much work I
have at the office.
Bakang: Come on man, let's go out and
celebrate. My treat.
Me: Okay. I will let you know what time we can
link up later.
Bakang: Sure. Let me walk you out.

We both quietly walked to my car...

Me: Congratulations.
Bakang: Thank you for being a good friend.
Me: You are welcome.
Bakang: Bye Ney ney.
Me:(Smiled ) Sharp.

I got inside my car and buckled up then drove

At Tebogo's

Tebogo looked at the bank statement that

Bakang had sent and shook her head. She felt
her throat closing up as she went through the
dates. Tears filled her eyes as she dialled
Offiey's number.

Tebogo:Can I talk to the owner of this phone?
Sedi: I am sorry but he went out. This is his wife
speaking, you may leave a message. I will get
him to call you back.

She hung up and put her hands over her head

as her chest burned up. The man had cleared
up her entire funds.She dialled his number
again as anger took over.

Sedi: Hello.
Tebogo: Tell that useless husband of yours that
I want my money back. I don't know how and
why he stole my card but he is going to pay me
every cent. Nna ga ke jewe jalo. (I am not the
one to be used that way.) If he doesn't pay me
back my money then he will spend his holidays
in jail.
Sedi: What are you talking about? Who are you?
Tebogo: The lady that has probably been
funding your entire family with my money and
my puss** while you were busy playing house.
Sedi: Mme are you sure that this is not a wrong
number? My husband is a very respectable man
at church. There is no way that he can do that.
Tebogo: Tell that idiot to bring back my car
before hell freezes.
Sedi: I don...

Tebogo hung up and threw her phone on the

couch. She looked at the time and it was almost
time to pick up Jason yet Offiey had not
returned her car. She picked up her phone and
dialled Offiey's number for the third time...

Sedi: Are you sure that you are not mad?

Tebogo: Listen I want my car. I need to pick up
my son.
Sedi: I don't see how that is my problem. You
didn't consult me when you became the family's
sponsor so please leave me alone.

She hung up and clicked her tongue. She

couldn't believe that her husband would put her
through such. She stood up and started
searching around the bedroom.

Later that day

Extreme Safaris

I ignored my phone as it rang and continued my

conversation with Peo.

Me: Make sure that you put all these allergies

and food preferences in the booking sheet.

I became annoyed and turned off my phone as

it continued ringing.

Peo: Why don't you just take the call?

Me:Because I don't think things will end well if I
Peo: You never know. Take a chance.
Me: I can't.Peo it's very complicated.
Peo: How complicated can it be?
Me: The guy calling is my ex bestfriend's ex
Peo: And you have feelings for him.
Me:I didn't say that.

I cleared my throat and maintained a straight


Peo:You didn't have to say it. It's written all over

your face.
Me: Why am I even telling you this? You hate
Peo: I don't. I just misjudged you. I don't really
know much about these things but sometimes
the call you are ignoring could be the last call
from true love. Nna tota I don't live by codes, I
go for what I want.As long as you are not
wrecking anyone's marriage then I say do what
makes you happy.
Me:I don't know what you are talking about.
Peo: Ok sharp.

She picked up her things and left my office. I

packed up my things and just as I was about to
leave, Bakang walked in.

Distance & Time
# 109

Extreme Safari

Bakang: Sorry to just budge in. I tried calling but

you weren't answering.
Me: Sorry man. I was still in a meeting.
Bakang: So where are we going?

He said as he picked up my back pack from me

and carried it.

Me: Listen I don't feel like going out tonight. I

have had a really long day and all I want to do is
Bakang: Come on Ney. Since when do you not
want to go out? You never say no to free food.
Me: I know but I just don't feel like company.
Bakang: What am I missing here? You motivate
and push me to get a job then when I do, you
suddenly don't want to celebrate with me? Did I
do something wrong?
Me: No. Not at all.
Bakang: I thought that we were open with each
other about everything. Ney what's bothering
Me: Sit.

I pulled my chair as he also sat down.

Me:I don't know. I feel like this friendship is

wrong. Bakang your ex wife who was my friend
accused me of wrecking your marriage. What
will happen when she finds out that we have
been spending time together. You know how
dramatic my life has been. I am at a point where
I don't want noise. You are a good guy and you
have been a really good friend but I don't think
that I can continue with this friendship. It was
wrong to even let it go on for this long. I don't
have anything against you but it is what it is.
Bakang: I hear you.
Me: Am sorry.
Bakang: For what? Don't apologize. You are
merely being honest about how you feel. I
understand that's how you feel. I honestly don't
think we should live our lives fearing what
Tebogo will say. I am at a point I don't. I am only
backing off because I respect you.
Me: Thank you.
Bakang: Thank you for everything you have
done for me.
He stood up and placed my backpack on the
chair he was sitted on then went around the
desk to where I was sitted.

Bakang: Take care of yourself.

Me: You too.

I remained sitted as he extended his hand to


Bakang: Sharp.

We both held on to each other.

He let go of my hand and i laid back as I
watched him leaving my office.I could feel the
tug of war that was going on in my heart. I
wanted to stop him and hold onto him so bad
but given my history in relationships and how
wrong things felt, I knew that even this one
would end in tears.

Lemme: You don't get tired of breaking hearts


He walked into my office and laughed...

Me: Excuse me!

Lemme: You clearly broke his heart. The poor
man even got lost.
Me: Can I help you with anything?I am just
about to knock off.
Lemme:No. I just came to see for myself. I
couldn't believe it when I saw that poor man
with his heart in his boats. You are really
something Ney. Men bow at your feet. To think
that I considered leaving my wife for you after
seeing you with him. You are addictive and
there is no denying that. That routine that keeps
your little cookie jar in check deserves to be
Me: I asked you what you want.
Lemme: Nothing really. I apologize for what I
did to you.
Me: Okay.

I stood up and picked my bag pack then left him

At Sedi's

Sedi wiped her tears and hid Tebogo's card in

her pocket as the bedroom door opened.

Offiey: Hey baby. How was your day?

Sedi: It was fine. How was yours?
Offiey:It was busy. You don't look too
well.What's the problem?
Sedi: Mr Tee called?
Offiey: Huh?

He panicked...

Sedi: She says that you must bring her car and
all the money you stole from her.
Offiey: I don't know what you are talking about.

She took out the card and threw it to his face.

Offiey: I can explain.

Sedi: I don't want any of your explanations.
Return that car back to it's owner and give her
back all her money.
Offiey: Babe please. Everything I did was for you
and the kids.
Sedi: So I must believe that you slept with
another woman for my sake?
Offiey: Yes.
Sedi: Did you enjoy it?
Offiey: What kind of a question is that? Do you
really want me to answer that Mmagwe Dodo?
Sedi: So you did. Listen Rragwe Dodo, I don't
want to fight with you. Take that car back
because I don't want any drama with the police.
Offiey: I didn't steal it. She gave it to me willingly.
Sedi: I don't want to repeat myself.
Offiey: Atleast hear me out Mmagwe Dodo.
Sedi: Are you a prostitute?

He kept quite and knelt before her as she cried...

Outside Nandos

Bakang parked his car and reclined his sit then

grabbed his phone and called his friend.

Kano: Hey man.

Bakang: Hey.
Kano: Why do you sound so down?
Bakang: Ao? Mme kana ke sharp hela. ( Really?
I am fine though.)
Kano: I saw your text message. I was just about
to call to congratulate you. That safari company
is one of the biggest ones in the country so it's
a good offer.
Bakang: Akere.
Kano: Why don't you sound excited?
Bakang: I don't know man. I think my friend just
dumped me?
Kano:(laughed) What? Ney?
Bakang: Yeah.
Kano: Why do you sound like you have just been
dumped by your girlfriend? Is there something
you are not telling me? Were you two sleeping
Bakang: Ofcourse not.
Kano: Then you have feelings for her. You can't
tell me that you were just friends. You sound
really hurt.
Bakang: Nah. I just enjoy her company. I love
the way she gets me.
Kano: You are definitely in love.
Bakang: You got it all wrong. That girl was
Tebogo's bestfriend. I can't cross that line.
Kano: So you will deny yourself a shot at love
because there are lines? I don't know who you
are trying to convince but you and I both know
that you are inlove with that girl. Be honest with
yourself then follow your heart. Tebogo can't
control you even after your divorce. If you love
her then go for it.
Bakang: So would you date Tebogo?
Kano: I probably wouldn't if we were friends but
if our friendship is over then I would. I only owe
you loyalty when we are friends otherwise I do
what I want when we are not.
Bakang: I don't know.
Kano: The fact that you have been spending so
much time together for this long tells me that
you didn't care about those lines. I think you are
afraid to love again. You are just using Tebogo
as an excuse. I bet you know just how much
you want her.

At Sedi's

Offiey held his wife in his arms as she broke

down and cried.

Offiey:I am sorry love. I didn't know what else to

do. The money I was making while I worked on
gardens was not enough for the entire family so
I resorted to this. I know that you don't believe
me but I honestly don't have any feelings for her.
I will do anything to earn your forgiveness.
Sedi: I want you to give her back the car.

She said as she cried...

Night 😘
Distance & Time
# 111

At Loapi's
Karen moved around the furniture in the living
room as she tried to make sense of Loapi's
arrangement. It had been a few days since his
divorce had been finalized.

Loapi: What's the matter? I thought that my

arrangement was fine.
Karen: I am not sure if I like it.
Loapi: Okay. So where is Agang?
Karen: At the house.
Loapi: I thought that you were both coming.
Karen: It's complicated.
Loapi: I am not the one you can spin that story.
Tell me the whole story and don't leave out any
Karen: He is suddenly not comfortable with me
hanging out with you.
Loapi: Ok. When did this happen?
Karen: A week ago.
Loapi: What? Does he think that I would sleep
with you? Why now all of a sudden? I mean you
and I have been hanging out together for God
knows how long.
Karen: Yeah but that's before you were officially
Loapi: You are kidding right?
Karen: Well you and I have a history.
Loapi: Which is nothing but history.
Karen: But he doesn't understand that. Do you
think that Ney would take you back if she knew
that you and I have a relationship?

He turned on the air conditioner and moved the

table to the corner then sat down.
Loapi: I don't think that she would have a
problem with it. Karen, Ney is not petty.
Karen: Even when your man is friends with the
person that broke you up in the first place?
Loapi: Ney is a good person.
Karen: I know, I wouldn't just accept that if I was
in her position.
Loapi: So what are you saying?Is our friendship
Karen: Lo, you and I have been through so much
together as friends. If it wasn't for you then I
probably would have never moved here and met
AG. I don't know how he will work around his
insecurities but our friendship is not something
I am giving up.
Loapi: Thank you for being the friend you are. I
know that we have some history but our
friendship is more than that. The love I have for
you as a sister is out of this world.
Karen: I love you too man. Now get up and let's
move these chairs around.

He got up and helped her move the furniture...

At Pila Safaris

Bakang closed his office and took a deep

breath before taking Tebogo's call.

Bakang: Hello.
Tebogo: Hello Rragwe Jason.

He looked at his phone to confirm the caller

identity then kept quite for a few seconds.
Bakang: Emma.
Tebogo: Can we talk?
Bakang: Emma.
Tebogo: I just want to apologize for the way
that I have treated you, in our marriage and
after the divorce.
Bakang: There is no need.
Tebogo: There is. Bakang tota ga ke itsi gore ke
reng. ( I don't know what to say.) I don't
understand how you have managed to live with
me while I abused you emotionally. In the
beginning I thought that I was setting a good
foundation so that you wouldn't disrespect me
in future but I lost control and things got out of
Bakang: Emma.
Tebogo: Can you ever forgive me?
Bakang: I long forgave you.
Tebogo: That night you came over to my
place...I was just going through so much and
finding someone I thought understood my
position drove me crazy. I should have never
said what I said. Tota hela we should have
worked on our marriage.
Bakang: Listen Tee, I hear you and you are
forgiven. I don't mean to be rude but I have
some work to do. Is that all you needed to say?
Tebogo: I found out who used the savings you
left us.
Bakang: That's good. I will send Jason's money
in a bit.
Tebogo: Thank you so much.
Bakang: Emma.

He hung up and sat down then sent the money

through cell phone banking.A few minutes later,
Tebogo's call came through.

Bakang: Hello.
Tebogo: Thank you. I have received it mme you
made a mistake and sent five thousand.
Bakang: You are welcome. It's not a mistake. I
thought that you could use the extra thousand
since things are expensive.
Tebogo: Thank you. Are you still coming this
Bakang: I will let you know later.
Tebogo: Do you have a place of your own?
Bakang: Not yet. Why?
Tebogo: You can stay with us when you are
here.This is your house too.
Bakang: Thanks but I will stay with my mother. I
don't want us to complicate things.
Tebogo: Ok. No problem. Sharp.

At Safari Extreme

Lemme threw the proposal documents on my

table and turned to his wife.

Boka: Have you ever heard of Pila Safaris?

Me: Emma I have.
Boka: Good. That is a proposal we have drafted
to them in order to land on their airstripe. With
the new camp being built in their area,we are
going to need to use their airstripe.
Me: Okay.What would you like me to do?
Boka: You are going to see their General
manager. Your negotiation skills are better than
mine and Lemme combined so I trust you to
convince them.
Me: Who makes the decisions?
Boka: Their director does but the GM needs to
be convinced in order for him to even consider
discussing it with the director.
Me: I see.
Boka: I booked you an appointment this
afternoon at three.
Me: But that's not enough time to prepare. Can't
we postpone it?
Boka: The GM flies to Namibia tomorrow. It's
either today or we wait for a month while she is
on leave. I trust you on this one Ney. You are a
natural so you will get it done.

Lemme looked at his wife and cleared his throat.

Boka: Rra?
Lemme: I think you should go with her to make
sure that she doesn't mess it up. Boka this is a
big deal.
Boka: I know how much of a big deal it is and I
trust her . You should too, you are the one who
hired her.
Lemme: If you say so.

He walked out and left us.

Boka: You don't have to worry about him. Just

go and do your thing my girl.
Me: Thank you for believing in me.
Boka: Don't make me regret it.
Me:I won't.
Boka: Good.Let me know how it goes as soon
as you leave the meeting.
Me: I will.

In the reception area

Peo tried to have a conversation with Judy as

she did a few copies by the photocopying
machine but she ignored her.

Peo: Ao Mma Jay?

Judy: How hard can it be to see that someone
doesn't want to have a conversation with you?
Peo: Xuchka!
Judy: Akere tsala ya gago ke Ney malatsing a.
( You are friends with Ney these days.) So go
have a conversation with her.
Peo: I didn't know that we are fighting.
Judy: I am not fighting. You are the one that
decided to use my past against me.
Peo: I wasn't using your past against you. I was
correcting you.There is no way you can
celebrate that someone is about to lose their
job. That is beyond being petty.
Judy: Beyond being petty is when you forget
who helped you get a job here in the first place.
Peo: If it's a debt then I will pay it.
Judy: Why don't you say what you want to say?

Peo grabbed her copies and left...

Later that day

Pila Safaris
I parked my car and sat there in there while I
went through the proposal.


The Gm briefed Bakang on the agenda of the

meeting. He took out a map and showed him
where Extreme Safari's new camp would be

Bakang: They are too close to us so that's why

they can not construct their own airstrip. This
will push them to pay us whatever we may
Gm: That may be the case but we can't give
them a straight answer till we have talked to our
director. We have been hoping for this. Just
follow my lead.
Goodnight 😘
Distance & Time
# 112

Pila Safaris

In the boardroom

As I opened the door and stepped into the

boardroom, my eyes met with Bakang's and it
was only then that I remembered that he had
mentioned the same company. I smiled and
greeted the two gentlemen in the room then
introduced myself before sitting down.

GM: I am Fana and this is Bakang. He recently

joined us as the operations manager. I hear that
Extreme is interested in using our airstrip.
What's your case?

I passed the folder I had brought with me and

waited as he paged through it and passed it to
Bakang. I could tell that Bakang had so much to
say from his facial expression so I did my best
to avoid eye contact with him.

Fana: What do you think?

Bakang: There are missing details in this
proposal. I would like to know Extreme's role in
the maintenance of the airstrip.
Me:I believe that's the lesser's responsibility.
Bakang: Not necessarily. The only thing that
can determine that would be the numbers.

The GM smiled and turned to Bakang...

GM:That's true.

At Mma Bakang's

Tebogo soaked Mma Bakang's clothes then

rinsed her hands before picking up her soon
from the mattress.

Tebogo: Hey boy boy.

Mma Bakang: Your food is in the microwave.
Tebogo: Thank you Mme.
Mma Bakang: So are you going to tell me what's
Tebogo: Mma?

She sat down with her son while her mother in

law knitted some jerseys...

Mma Bakang: You never come here unless you

are here to pick up Jason and you have never
done my laundry.
Tebogo: I just wanted to appreciate you for
everything you have done for me and my son.
Mma Bakang: Okay.
Tebogo: I hope you know that I love you like my
own mother.
Mma Bakang: Is that so?
Tebogo: Emma.
Mma Bakang: If you loved me like your own
mother then you wouldn't have disrespected me
by bringing your boyfriend here.
Tebogo: Mme I didn't bring him here. I met him
on my way here to pick up Jason.
Mma Bakang: So you decided to come here
with him. How did you think I would feel when I
saw another man driving you here?
Tebogo:I am very sorry. I didn't mean to
disrespect you.
Mma Bakang: I don't have any problem with you
moving on.The problem is when you bring
another man to my yard.
Tebogo: I haven't moved on. I still want to fix
my marriage. I know you have talked to Rragwe
Jason but please talk to him again. Our son
needs both his parents.

She put her son down as he attempted to


Mma Bakang: I think it's a little too late for that

my girl. It's time to stop crying for spilt milk.
Focus on yourself. After what happened
between the two of you, I doubt he will ever look
at you in that light. You really hurt him.
Tebogo: Did he tell you what happened?
Mma Bakang: I don't think he told me everything
but from the little he told me, I could tell that
there was more.

She shamefully bowed...

Mma Bakang: Go and get your food before they
become cold.

Extreme Safari

Lemme looked at the time and picked up the


Boka: Who are you calling?

Lemme: Pila Safaris.
Boka: She will call.
Lemme:You said that an hour ago. I have a
feeling that she has messed up.
Boka: What's your problem with Ney?
Lemme:I don't have any problem with her. I just
feel that she is not the right person for this job
Boka: What are your reasons if i may ask? Is it
because you can't sleep with her anymore kana
mathata ke gore o go tlhokomologile. ( Or the
problem is that she is ignoring you?)
Lemme:I don't know what you are on about. All I
know is that Ney has no previous safari
experience. She might have gotten lucky with
the activities but she can't handle the serious
things. Anyone can plan activities.
Boka: If that's the case then why did you hire
her? Why didn't you plan all those activities by
yourself? Le gone how come you have never
made the amount of money we have been
making ever since she joined the team? Lemme
stop acting like a jealous boyfriend.
Lemme: Babe kana you are not listening to me.
Boka: And I won't. Kooteng you wanted to see
us fighting. Did you think that I would fire her?
Get yourself together and start acting like a
husband. You are embarrassing us both.

Just as she was about to leave the office, her

phone rang.

Boka: Hey Ney. How did it go?

Ney:They said they will give us a response once
they have talked to the director.
Boka: So they are considering us. That's great
news. Well done.
Ney: Thank you. I should be there in the next
thirty minutes.

At Pila Safaris

Bakang ran behind Ney she walked to the

parking lot...
Bakang: Ney.

I turned around and stopped.

Me: Hey.
Bakang: How are you?
Me:I am well thank you. How are you?
Bakang: I am also well.
Me: That's good.
Bakang:It was nice seeing you today.
Me: Likewise.
Bakang: Would you like to catch up?
Me: Bakang, you know my stand in all of this.
We really can't stay friends.
Bakang: Okay cool. Have a good one.
Me: Sure.

I got into my car and watched him as he walked

back into the building.

Later that day...

At Tebogo's

Melinda looked around the house and

applauded her friend on how clean and neat the
house was.

Melinda: This is really nice. I am so happy to

see that you are finally moving on.
Tebogo: Not just yet my friend. I am going to do
everything in my power to fight for Bakang. It
might take a bit of time but it will come together.
Melinda:With Ney in the picture.
Tebogo: What are you talking about?
Melinda: I am here to warn you.Last night when
I was going through Kano's whatsapp
messages,I came across a message where he
was telling Bakang to fight for Ney if he loves

Tebogo quickly stood up and clapped her hands.

Tebogo: I knew it. I knew that there was

something that Ney was after. This whole entire
time I was scolding myself about how I had
ruined my chances with BK kante Ney is busy
with him. I know that I have my own mistakes
but Ney played a role too. It hasn't been a year
since the divorce but she is already sleeping
with my ex husband.
Melinda: Don't tell anyone that you heard this
from me. Le ene Kano,he doesn't know that I
went through his phone.

Tebogo: The first thing that I will do tomorrow

is to go see her parents. They need to know that
their daughter is a whor* that sleeps with
everyone. You would think that she would be
mourning her husband but no! She is busy with
mine behaving like I killed hers. Tlhamma I
won't leave Onneile. Bakang and I come from
far. We can not be separated by Onneile.
Melinda: I warned you mme kana.

She took deep breaths as her heart raced....

Distance & Time
# 113

The following day

At Mma Puleng's

Tebogo sat down after greeting Ney's parents.It

had been almost a year since they had last seen
each other.

Mma Puleng: Tebby my girl, it's nice to see you.

Tebogo: I have been meaning to come and
show you your grandson yaanong it's been busy.
Mme legale I will bring him next week.
Rra Puleng: It's not that. You only want to come
see us when your friend is here.
Mma Puleng: That's true. How is your husband?
Tebogo: She didn't tell you?

She took a deep breath and looked at Mma


Mma Puleng: Tell us what?

Tebogo: Ney and I are no longer friends. I am
now a divorcee and Ney and my husband are

Mma Puleng stood up and breathed heavily. Her

throat dried up and no matter how hard she
tried to keep calm, she could feel her entire
body warming up.

Mma Puleng: What exactly are you saying?

Tebogo: I am sorry that I am the one breaking
this news to you. It's been a while. I thought you
Mma Puleng: Tebogo what are you saying kante?
Kana gongwe I didn't hear you well.

She held her chest as it burned up.

Rra Puleng: Calm down my dear.

He stood up and held his wife'shand then

assisted her as she sat down.
Rra Puleng: What exactly are you saying kante
Tebogo: It's very sad but Ney has broken my
marriage. The same Ney that was my sister for
years. The one I shared meals and a bed with.
Rra Puleng: Kante Tebogo, why didn't you come
to us before? Why did you allow things to go on
for this long. Where is this man of yours?
Tebogo: He now lives in Maun.
Mma Puleng:Is this why she insisted on leaving
town even after I asked her to stay. One a itsi
gore o batla go go thubela lwapa. ( She knew
that she wanted to break up your family.) Tebby
ngwanaka, I don't know what to say to you
except that I am very sorry. I didn't know all this.
Had you told me when they started this rubbish
then I would have stopped it. Intshwarele
ngwanaka. (Forgive me my child.)
Rra Puleng: From the bottom of our hearts, we
are really sorry my child. I promise you that we
will deal with her. We won't just let it go.
Tebogo: Owaii, I have given up. I have accepted
that my sister is the one that betrayed me in the
end. I can't force them to break up if they don't
want to.
Rra Puleng: It's not about what they want. The
right thing has to be done here.
Tebby: Emma. I didn't mean to upset you. I
honestly thought you knew. I was just passing
by to greet you, I need to go and pick up my son
from the grandmother.
Mma Puleng: Can you pass by later?
Tebby: I am not sure what time that will be but I
will do my best.
Mma Puleng: Thank you. I promise you that we
will sort this out.
Tebby: Emma.
At Extreme Safari

Loapi walked into my office with a bouquet of

flowers. He handed them to me as we
exchanged greetings.

Loapi: I didn't know if calling was the right thing

to do so I decided to come in person.

He said as he sat down...

Me: What brings you here? I thought that we

agreed to never see each other.
Loapi: I came to share the good news with you.
Me: Are you expecting?
Loapi:(laughed) That's a terrible joke. I am
actually divorced. Neelo finally freed me.
Me: That's good news. Am happy for you.
Loapi: Thank you. Can I possibly take you out
for drinks later? I would really like to catch up.
Listen Ney, I am not gonna lie and tell you how I
want to be your friend. I want you back. I want
us to work on things. Ney what we have is out
of this world. Our connection is real. You know
it and I know it.
Me: Just like that?
Loapi: And just like that, we were made for each
Ney: Loapi I am really sorry but I am not ready
for a relationship right now. A lot has happened
in my life. The last couple of months have been
rough. I need time alone. Le rona hela I doubt
things will ever be the same. We have grown
and changed so much.
Loapi: And that's why it will work out this time.
Me: I don't need this right now.I appreciate that
you still feel the same way but I can't say the
same thing. Am a different person now.

A call interrupted our conversation...

Me: Can I take this?

Loapi: Go ahead.

I picked up the call.

Me: Hello mama.

Mma Puleng: Onneile!
Me: (laughed) Bathong mama! What did I do
this time around?
Mma Puleng: Onneile since when are you a
home wrecker?
Me: Mama?
Mma Puleng: Answer me
Me: Kana mama I don't know what you at..
Mma Puleng: Out of all the people in this world
you disappointed me my child. I didn't realize
that I was raising a little devil. How do you steal
your friend's husband and stay with him?
Me: Mama who told you all this? Kana the
person is not telling you the truth.
Mma Puleng: So you honestly though that we
wouldn't find out?

Tebogo parked her car by the side of the road

and dialled Bakang's number. As it rang, she
shook her head.

Bakang: Hello.
Tebogo: How does it finally feel to sleep with

Let's continue tomorrow 😙
I've had a long one
Distance & Time
# 114

Tebogo parked her car by the side of the road

and dialled Bakang's number. She shook her
head as it rang.
Bakang: Hello.
Tebogo: How does it finally feel to sleep with
Bakang: What is this about?
Tebogo: You have always wanted Ney,haven't
Bakang: I don't know what this is about but
whatever it is, I suggest that you leave me alone.
Tebogo: Leave you alone? How do I leave you
alone when you are sleeping with my friend?
Bakang: So today she is your friend?
Tebogo: I have always thought that you are a
good man.
Bakang: Tebogo get a life! In fact get help.

He hung up on her and she went crazy. The

knowledge of how she had no control over him
or Ney drove her to the edge.

Tebogo: Those two don't know me!

She joined the road and sped off...

Pila Safaris

Bakang loosened his tie and paced around the

office. Each time he thought of his ex wife, he
lost it.

Bakang: What kind of shi* have i landed myself

in? What was I thinking when I married her.

He sat by the couch and called Kano.

Kano: My main man!
Bakang: Ne monna yaanong o reka lorato ka
dikgang tsame? (Are you buying love with my
Kano: What are you talking about?
Bakang: Why did you tell your wife about Ney?
Kana yaanong she has told that lunatic. I just
got off the phone with her and from the way I
know her, this is not the last of her insults. You
put me in a very difficult position because she
might go after Ney.
Kano: I honestly don't know what you are talking
about. I would never tell Mel such things. I don't
know where Tebogo got that from but it's
definitely not Mel because I have never
breathed a word to her.
Bakang: You are the only person that knows
that Ney and I used to spend some time
together. I have never told anyone this except

Kano kept quite for a few minutes to recollect.

Bakang: Kano.
Kano: Eish!
Bakang: What is it?
Kano: I think Mel went through my messages
on whatsapp. Tota that's the only explanation
because I have never told anyone as well.
Bakang: I don't know man. Things are about to
get heated up because where Tebogo is, trouble
follows her. I hope I get to warn Ney in time.
Kano: She will understand.
Bakang: Ngwana wa batho ga itsi le haele sepe.
( Ney doesn't know anything.) She asked me to
stay away from her because of her friendship
with Tebogo.
Kano: I thought that they were no longer friends.
Bakang: As far as I know, they are not. I mean
yone that history they have.
Kano: Calm down and call Ney. Explain to her
exactly what happend. I am sure she will
understand that it's not your fault.

At Mma Puleng's

Puleng served some tea and sat down next to

her husband.

Puleng: What is it that was so urgent ne mama?

Mma Puleng looked at her husband and took a

deep breath.

Puleng: You are scaring us.Is one of you sick?

Mma Puleng: Maybe that would have been
Puleng: Bathong mama! What is it?
Mma Puleng: Your sister snatched Tebogo's
husband. From what I hear, they are staying
together in Maun.

Puleng looked at her mother and laughed.

Mma Puleng: Is what I am saying funny?

Puleng: Who told you all this?
Kagiso: I doubt you heard that right.
Mma Puleng:Tebogo was here an hour back.
Rra Puleng: We didn't just hear it from the
streets. We heard it straight from Tebogo.
Puleng: As far as I know,Tebogo broke her own
marriage. Ney tried to advise her several times.
She even asked me to step in as a big sister
and married woman.
Mma Puleng: Then why is she now sleeping
with Bakang?
Puleng: Did you ask her that?
Mma Puleng: I don't want to know her reasons. I
just want her to stop what she is doing. What
angers me the most is the fact that she is
denying all this.
Puleng: Mama did you ask Ney for her side of
the story? There is a difference between asking
and accusing.
Mma Puleng:Tota is there need to ask her when
the wife of the man she snatched was here?
Puleng:So you want to tell me that you don't
know your own daughter well enough to give
her the benefit of the doubt and find out what
happend from her?
Rra Puleng: Are you supporting what your sister
is doing? Puleng you are a married woman.
Don't count yourself out. If she can snatch her
friend's husband then she can do the same to

Her father stood up and left the room.

Kagiso: Maybe we should find out what

happend before we accuse her.
Mma Puleng:Why would Tebogo lie?
Puleng: And why would Ney lie? Mama nna I
don't want to throw accusations at Ney then
later regret it when I find out it's not true. As a
mother, you owe it to us to give us the benefit
of the doubt.
Mma Puleng: Because you are now a mother,
you want to teach me how to be one?
Puleng:I didn't say that Mma Puleng.
Mma Puleng: Then what are you saying?
Puleng: I didn't come here to fight but at the
same time, I can't allow you to accuse Ney
without any proof. What you are doing is wrong.
Mma Puleng: Let's see if you will still say that
when she sleeps with your husband.
Puleng: So in other words my husband is that
easy? Mama I don't like where this is going.
There is no need for you to put my husband in.
Ksgiso:It's ok love. I don't think she meant it
that way.
Puleng: She meant it that way.
Mma Puleng: Did I say that?
Puleng: And what about Ney? Did she do that?
Mma Puleng: I would hate to see the person
you are defending disappoint you.

She picked up her cup of tea from the table and

left to her room.

At Extreme Safaris

Lemme walked into my office and whistled as

he took a sit.

Lemme:It's all a game to you hey? Not so long

ago a man left here with his heart in his hands,
today another one drops off flowers. It doesn't
stop hey.
I stood up and picked up my handbag and car

Me: You are too invested into my life. When do

you give your wife time? When do you fu**?
Who I sleep with isn't any of your business. The
only business that brings us together is this
company. Stay away from my personal life
before I ask your wife to help you do it. She is
clearly the one with the brains in this marriage.

I walked out...In the next hour ,I sat in my car

trying to figure out what I had to do to fix the
situation. The fact that my mother had accused
me without getting my story broke my heart. As
I was just about to dial Bakang's number, his
call came through.

Bakang: How are you?
Me: Not so good.
Bakang: Let me guess,Tebogo called you?
Me: My mother did.
Bakang: Ney I am so sorry. I don't know what's
going on with her. Tebogo also called me about
an hour back hurling insults at me.
Me: Whatever it is, please fix it because it's
causing tension between my mother and I.
Bakang: Can we meet and talk in person?
Me: My lunch break is over. Let's link up later.
Bakang: Ok. Give me a call.
Me: I will.

I hung up and dialled my mother's number but it

just rang.

Please note that the first insert will be posted

between 10:00hrs and 14:00hrs.

The second one between 19:00hrs and


Note that "Between" !

Distance & Time
# 115

Later that day

Morula Restaurant

I sat in the car and talked to my sister while I

waited for Bakang.

Puleng: I hear you nnaka. I understand what you

are saying and I appreciate that you are being
honest with me. I knew that there was no way
that you would have broken up those two. Now
that there are feelings involved, i won't lie to
you,if there was ever a relationship between you
and Bakang then it would possibly break the
family. I am not telling you how to live your life
but I want you to know the truth. Choosing the
desires of your heart may mean that you may
lose your parents.
Me: And what about you?
Puleng: By now,you should know that nothing
can make me love you any less. I personally
don't think it would be the right decision but you
are an adult and you are the one that gets to live
with that decision.
Me: If you can love me in that manner then I
guess my parents should be able to do the
same. Puleng, mama didn't even ask for my
side of the story. She just accused and attacked
me. For years, I have lived my life with the
knowledge that our parents would love and
stand by us unconditionally. You know how
people used to say that Mma London's love for
her children was fake?
Puleng: Yeah.
Me: Well I am beginning to see that they were
wrong. Rakgadi would stand by her children
through anything even if one of them was
accused of murder.
Puleng:(laughed) I don't think I agree with that.
That's the same Mma London that expected her
child to stay in an abusive relationship. I am
disappointed in our parents but even through
this, I know that they love us. As a parents, we
make mistakes. There is no way that we can be
a hundred percent. If we were judged by our
mistakes then we would all be bad parents.No
one can stand here and tell me that throughout
their parenting journey, they have never made
mistakes or hurt their children. While I agree
with the fact that Mama should have asked for
your side of the story, I refuse to agree that she
is a bad parent or she doesn't love you. Those
accusations are not easy to digest and as a
parent, you may find yourself overwhelmed.
You know everything mama has been through
with papa. Earlier on I was really angry but
reflecting on that, I understood. Le nna kana not
so long ago, Ruth tried to sleep with my
husband. Those may be the things that drove
her to what she did or said.
Me:Yeah. Maybe.
Puleng: Ney in this world, we have principles
that guide us on how to live as human beings. I
will never lie and tell you that if you and Bakang
pursued a relationship then it would be right.
For someone that was close to Tebogo for that
long, it leaves a lot of questions.

Bakang lightly tapped on my window and i

unlocked the door then opened for him. He
quietly sat down as I continued my
conversation with Puleng.

Puleng: This is the person that you shared a bed

and meals with at some point. Your friendship
may be over and you may feel like you don't
owe her any loyalty but somehow you do owe
that bond you once shared some loyalty.
Remember that at some point she was also
there for you. Through all, your shenanigans so
if you are ever confused, try and reflect on what
you two once shared. Try and remember that
there is also a child. I can't tell you how to live
your life but as a sister I need to be honest and
guide you.
Me: I am not saying that I will do what you just
told me about right now but all I know is that I
don't owe anyone any loyalty especially after
today. If it was a matter of loyalty then she
should have thought about what she said to my
mother. My relationship with my parents was
compromised because of her so nah! I hold
zero loyalty to that bond from this day.
Puleng: I hear you but remember that it's all
about principles. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Me: Listen sis, let's talk tomorrow. I need to
attend to a few thing.
Puleng:Love you.
Me: Love you too.Bye.
Puleng: Bye.

I hung up and turned to Bakang.

Me: Hie.
Bakang: Hey. Listen Ney, I am really sorry about
what happend today.
Me: I understand that you and Tebogo have
your differences and at this point you may use
anything to hurt each other but telling her about
our friendship was wrong. This is why I didn't
want us to continue with it in the first place. It's
not just us who will be affected but our loved
ones too. At this point, mama is not talking to
me because of what Tebogo told her.
Bakang: I swear to you that I am not the one
who told her. No matter how I may want to spite
her at times, I would never use you. I respect
you and your decision. I shared with a friend of
mine about how we had met up and became
good friends and somehow his wife who
happens to be friends with Mmagwe Jason
found out. I am really sorry that you are going
through this tlhamma. I will talk to her when she
is calm.
Me: Please don't. She has already done enough
Bakang: Emma. Can I buy you dinner as a way
to make amends?

I thought of what Puleng had said and forced a

smile as we locked eyes.

Me: Thanks but I am good. I need to rush

Bakang: Okay. Take care of yourself.
Me: Sharp.

He got off the car and i drove off...

At Kano's

Kano pushed his food away and sighed...

Melinda: What is it? Is there something wrong

with your food?
Kano: No but there is something wrong with the
person who cooked it.
Melinda: Meaning?
Kano: Why did you go through my messages
with Bakang?
Melinda: I have no idea what you are talking
Kano: So you are not just a spy, you are also a
liar. Mel I know that it was you because I am the
only one who knew. Do you understand what
you have done?
Melinda: I helped a friend.
Kano: While compromising my friendship?
Melinda: What Bakang is doing is wrong. He
can't be sleeping with Tebogo's friends, le wena
you can't be encouraging it.
Kano: The same way you encouraged her to
insult Bakang after she found a new boyfriend?
Do you think that I don't know? Starting from
today, my phone is mine is alone and so is
yours. You clearly can't respect that my friends
confide in me.
Melinda: That won't happen unless you are
Kano: Otla ipona mma.

He stood up and left her in the dinning room.

A week later...

Distance & Time
# 116
A week later

At Mma Puleng's
Kagiso placed the shopping bags he had
brought with him on the kitchen counter while
Mma Puleng prepared some breakfast.

Mma Puleng: I made some soft porridge,

should I dish for you?
Kagiso: Thank you Mme but I am in a hurry. I
need to go back to the office and help Puleng.
Please let me know if there is anything that you
and the boys need. I will pick them up in a few
Mma Puleng: Do they have any homework?
Kagiso: The mother has already done it with
them. We usually make sure that all
assignments are done the first day schools
Mma Puleng: That's good. So tell me something
my son.
Kagiso: Emma.
Mma Puleng: Is your wife still upset?
Kagiso: I doubt she is. Puleng is not the one to
hold grudges.
Mma Puleng: Son, you don't have to lie to me.
Your wife usually calls me once a day. The
Puleng I know would have called me before you
dropped off the children to give me an endless
Kagiso: I don't think she is upset though. She is
probably just giving you time to also cool.
Mma Puleng: I don't need any time to cool. My
son,I did what any parent would do. Ney is my
child and I love her. I can't let her ruin her life.
As her mother, I must make sure that she
doesn't ruin her life.
She turned off the stove and lined up her
grandsons bowls by the kitchen counter.

Kagiso: Emma. Mme kana there are chances

that what Tebogo told you is not the truth. If at
all Ney and Bakang are together then it would
be a new development. From what I know,
Tebogo contributed to the fall of her marriage.
On many occasions, we would try to talk to her
and her husband but we hit a wall. I know that
you love all of us and you want what's best for
us but sometimes you need to know both sides
of the story to make a conclusion.
Mma Puleng: I hear you my son. I might have
made a mistake there. I honestly don't want my
child near her friend's ex husband. If they are
just friends or this is a new development as you
say then it should stop. We can't have such.
Kagiso: I hear you mme. I need to leave. I will
call later to check on them.
Mma Puleng: Tanki ngwanaka. ( Thank you my

At Extreme Safari

Boka read out the e-mail from Pila Safaris and

high fived me.

Boka: Well done Ney. Next week Lemme and I

are meeting them to start negotiating.
Me: This is the best news ever! Waiting has
been a nightmare.
Boka: I feel you. I think you are really good what
you do and I had no doubt that you would get it
Me: Thank you.
Boka: You should consider studying something
in tourism. You are doing so well.
Me: I will.
Boka: Good. I have ordered lunch for everyone
in the office. Judy or Peo will bring yours when
the order arrives.
Me: Thank you Mrs Dee.
Boka: (Smiled) No,thank you.

At Kano's

Melinda kissed her husband and served him

some breakfast.

Melinda: I am really sorry for going through your

phone.I shouldn't have told Tebogo in the first
place. I hate the tension between us.
Kano: Apology accepted.
Melinda: So we good?
Kano: We are. As long as you respect the fact
that my friends confide in me. Mel, I know that
Tebogo confides in you as a friend but I would
never spy on you two and report back to Bakang.
What you did is wrong.
Melinda: Erra. I am sorry.
Kano: I understand that you two are friends but
I just want my wife back.
Melinda: I am sorry babe.
Kano: It's okay.

He held her hand and kissed it...

Later that day

Peo walked into my office with two take aways
and sat down.

Peo: Leave that and let's eat.

Me: Give me five minutes.
Peo: Kante wena Ney, don't you have anything
else to do apart from work?
Me: Meaning?
Peo: You are always here.
Me:(laughed) I work here.

I put my files in the drawer and opened my take


Peo: That's not what I mean. You are the first

person to come to work and the last person to
leave.This is not even healthy anymore.
Me:I also have gym.
Peo: No partner?
Me: Trust me. It's better this way.The peace I
have is out of this world.
Peo: So what happend with that other guy?
Me: There was nothing between us. We just
stopped being friends.
Peo: Are you happy?
Me: I guess.
Peo: Well that is all that should matter.
Me: You are right.
Peo: So what are you doing this weekend?
Me: I am going to see my mother in law. It's
been a while since i have checked on her.
Peo: Ok. I thought that we could go out for
drinks tomorrow.
Me: Let's do that when I get back in town.
Two years later...

Puleng brushed her daughter's hair while the

twins played a board game with their father.

Puleng:Aisla stay still tlhamma.

Kagiso: Babe tlogela ngwana.I don't think that
she likes being touched on the head.
Puleng: No baby likes being touched on the
head. This is necessary.
Kagiso: Give her a break. You did those buns
three days ago.
Puleng: Exactly! Three days ago. Now we style it
Kagiso:(laughed) Poor Aisla. Koore she has
become your doll.
Puleng: That's what happens when you finally
have another girl in the house.
Kagiso:Boys, are you ready for camping?
Aziz: Yes dad.
Aiden: What about Aisla?Mama is she coming?
Aziz: Camping is not for girls.
Kagiso:(laughed) That's partly true my boy.

At my house

I walked around the garden with a cup of coffee

as I checked on my plants. I had taken a liking
to gardening and I spent most of my mornings
in the garden.

Peo: Morning.
Me: Morning baby girl. How did you sleep?
Peo: I slept well, thanks. I am going to take a
shower then run to the office.Thanks for last
Me: It's no biggy.I will see you tomorrow.
Peo: Goodluck with your exams and date
Me: Thanks boo. Don't forget to give that file to
Mrs Dee.
Peo: I have already packed it in my bag.
Me: Great stuff.
Peo: Have you picked any outfit?
Me: That dress you like so much.
Peo:(Smiled) Loapi will just melt.
Me: Yeah.
Peo: Why do you sound like you are not too
I put my mug on the outdoor table and walked
to the tap with a watering can.

Me: I haven't seen him in over a year. I don't

know if I want to go anymore.
Peo: It's just a date. if you don't enjoy it then you
can always leave.
Me: Yeah.
Peo: Let me go shower...
Me: Cool.

She went back inside...

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 117

Later that day

Uptown Restaurant

Loapi held my hand and looked into my eyes...

Loapi: I never thought that this day would ever

come.Ney I was young and stupid but now I
know better. I will never love anyone the way
that I love you. I know that you said you wanted
to take things slow and see how it goes but I
wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Let's
get married, let's have children and do all the
things we have always wanted.
Me: I need some time.
Loapi: What for? I know that you love me as
much as I love you. Ney we have both been
through so much.

Across their table was Bakang sitted with his

collegue from work...

Tom: So how did your date go the other day?

Bakang: She is a ten...
Tom: Why do I sense a but?
Bakang: But I am just not into her. I don't know
man, we didn't click.
Tom: BK what do you honestly want in a woman?
Break it down to me because I don't seem to
get it. You have been on so many dates with
amazing women yet you don't seem to like any
of them. I thought that you said you and Pearl
had some sparks flying.
Bakang: I said in bed. What me and Pearl
shared was nothing but sex.
Tom:Does she know that?
Bakang: Ofcourse. It was a mutual
Tom: So what do you really want?
Bakang: I don't know. One thing I know for sure
is that I will know when I find it.
Tom:I hope that's soon because you are not
getting any younger. Le nna hela I can't keep
hanging out with you all the time.
Bakang: You say it like that's a bad thing yet you
barely pay the bill.
Tom: You are simply returning the favour.
Bakang: Yeah yeah. Let's order.
Tom: I am not here for the food.
Bakang:If you order anything over five hundred
then be ready to split the bill.
Tom: A six pack won't cost over three hundred
so chill man.

At our table

Loapi: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah. I am just tried.
Loapi: Do you want us to go home?
Me: No. Let's have dinner and catch up.
Loapi: Ney you don't look like someone who is
interested in what I have to say.
Me: So you are still friends with the girl you had
an affair with?
Loapi: Yes and that's all we will ever be.
Me: How did she relocate to Botswana?
Loapi: I thought that tonight was about us. I
have told you everything you need to know
about Karen. I know that this may be hard to
believe but you two will get along. Who knows
you might even become friends.
Me: Two years later and you still don't take me
that seriously. When I came here, I wanted to
see if we still had a chance but from what you
have told me about this girl and how passionate
you are about this friendship,I know without a
shadow of doubt that we will never work out.
Loapi, we have been going in circles for such a
long time and today I am choosing to end that. I
don't think that we love each other. We are just
familiar with each other and the only thing we
are holding onto is the love we once knew. I
wish you all the best in your future.I am not the
woman for you and you are also not the man for
I stretched my hand towards his and held it.

Me:Let's move on and accept that the love we

once knew is no more. No matter how hard we
may try to resuscitate it, it will never be the
same again.
Loapi: (Sighed) Sometimes I wonder where we
would be if I had never cheated on you.
Remember that little cosy house we used to
pass when I walked you home?
Me:(Smiled) Yeah.
Loapi: That red Range Rover Evoque that we
wanted to buy when we had children?
Me: I do.
Loapi: I had hoped that we would still be able to
do that.
Me: Am sorry. Sometimes it's just not meant to
be. Even if you didn't cheat, we would have
probably broken up one way or the another.
Loapi: Yeah.
Me: Thank you for everything you were in my
life. Although there were times you hurt me, it
was neccesary.
Loapi: I want to believe that but it's so hard.
Me: I know. I will see you around.

I let go of his hand and stood up then left...

Across the table...

Tom: How about Sandra? Man that girl is the


His world suddenly changed as he spotted Ney

walking out of the restaurant..
Tom: What do you think?
Bakang: I will be back!

He stood up and ran outside.

At Tebogo's

Theo rubbed Tebogo's feet as she read her


Theo: Babe tlhe mma finish up and let's go to

Tebogo: Am almost done.
Theo: That's what you said thirty minutes ago.
Tebogo: This chapter is important. We are
covering it in therapy tomorrow.
Theo: Ee gosiame I will wake you up so you
read in the morning.
Tebogo: Are you sure?
Theo:A hundred percent.Let's go.
Tebogo: Make sure it's really early because I
need to go past your mum's before my session.
Theo: How far with the dress?
Tebogo:(Smiled) It's getting there.
Theo: That's what I wanna hear.
Tebogo: Akere our session with the pastor is
still at three?
Theo: Yes love.
Tebogo: I will drop Jason at his grandmother's
today.We can pick him up after counselling.
Theo: Did you speak to Bakang?
Tebogo: I did. He doesn't have a problem with
him staying with us even after the wedding.
Theo: That's wonderful news.
Tebogo: Yeah. We have come a long way. I am
so happy that we can co-parent peacefully now.
Theo: You have done well love.
Tebogo: Thanks to your love and support.
Theo: You know I will always be here.
Tebogo: Yeah.

She rested her head on his chest.

Uptown Restaurant, Parking lot

Distance & Time
# 118

Uptown Restaurant, Parking lot

Bakang tapped on my window as i was about to

drive off.I rolled down the window and turned
off the engine then greeted him.

Bakang: Ney! Long time no see.

Me: It's nice to see you. How have you been?
Bakang: I have been doing very well. How are
you? I thought you had left town.
Me: I am good thanks. Owai I am still around.
Bakang: Do you still work for Extreme?
Me: Yeah but I am also studying. You?
Bakang: That's wonderful news. Am still with
Me: Ok. It was nice seeing you.
Bakang: And if you don't mind I would like to
see you again. I know what you said about our
friendship but I really enjoy your company.
Me: I hones...
Bakang:Tell you what,let's go out for drinks
tomorrow, If by then you still feel the same way
then I will respect your wishes.
Me:(Smiled) Okay.
Bakang: You still use the same number?
Me: Yeah.
Bakang:(Smiled) Okay.I will give you a call then.
Me: Cool.
Bakang:By the way,nice car.
Bakang: I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight.

I rolled up the windows then turned on the

music and drove off.

An hour later...

Karen parked her car then stepped inside the

restaurant and located Loapi.

Karen: Hey

She pulled out a chair and sat down...

Karen: You don't look so good. What's going on?
Loapi: It's not that deep man. I just needed a
Karen: How did the date go?
Loapi:We are done.
Karen: What do you mean? I thought that you
said yo...
Loapi: This time she means it. I saw it in her
eyes. This time it's really over and for the first
time, I am at peace. I don't have any regrets. I
know I tried and gave it my all.
Karen: Okay...So what's next?
Loapi: Taking on life. I feel like it's time to start
afresh.I don't have anything in mind yet but
whatever it is, I am ready.

At Mma Puleng's
Mma Puleng smiled as a bank notification
came through.

Rra Puleng: Why are you so happy?

Mma Puleng: Ney sent us some money.
Rra Puleng: That's good to know. I was
beginning to think that she had forgotten to
send us something this month. How much did
she send?
Mma Puleng: Your share is four hundred.
Rra Puleng: I didn't ask about my share. I was
asking how much she has sent.
Mma Puleng: Is that even important?
Rra Puleng: Mma Puleng tlhe you like money.
Mma Puleng: Forget about money. Has Ney
ever mentioned that she is seeing anyone?
Rra Puleng: I have been meaning to ask you the
same thing.
Mma Puleng: Does Ney realize that she is not
getting any younger? What is so hard about
finding a decent man to get married to and have
children? We are also not getting any younger.
Rra Puleng: Akere you said that she is coming
next week?
Mma Puleng: Yes. That if she doesn't change
her plans. You know how your child is.
Rra Puleng: Maybe we should take her with us
to church. There are so many respectable
young men there.
Mma Puleng:I had hoped that it wouldn't get to
that but I believe that we are at that point.
Rra Puleng: Mma Chrisie's son just got back
from overseas. From what I hear, he is a
respectful young man.
Mma Puleng: Nnya! Not that woman's son. If
she is that ugly then how does her son look?
Rra Puleng:(laughed) At this point, your
daughter does not have a choice.She is not
getting any younger.

At Bakang's

Bakang laid in bed and dialled Ney's number. He

looked up and sighed as it rang...

Me: Hello.
Bakang: Hey. I hope I am not not disturbing you.
Me: It's cool. I was actually just about to watch
a series.
Bakang: Which one?
Me: Good girls.
Bakang: I finished that one over a month ago.
Me: Am on the last season.
Bakang: I still don't understand why Beth let her
Me: (laughed) You can't do that.
Bakang: I hope your boyfriend won't mind me
calling you this late.
Me: Is that your way of checking if I have a
Bakang: (laughed) I had to be creative.
Me:(Smiled) I hate to be the one to burst that
bubble but that ain't creative.
Bakang: So can I come watch with you?
Me: Right now?
Bakang: Yeah. Akere you said that you are just
about to watch.
Me: Well I... I don't think that's a good idea.
Bakang: How about you stop thinking and send
me a pin kana you haven't moved?
Me: I will drop a pin. It's not far from New Mall.
Bakang: Thank you baby girl.

At Puleng's

Kagiso and Puleng tip toed back to their room

after putting the kids to sleep. They got into
their room and locked the door.

Puleng: Finally! I thought that they would never

Kagiso: I told you not to give them icecream in
the evening. Sugar drives those kids insane.
Puleng: Well now I know.
Kagiso:(laughed) You have always known. You
just thought that I wouldn't do this if they slept

He laid her in the bed and pulled up her dress

then tore her thong. She laughed and covered
her eyes.

Puleng: You do know that there was a proper

way of taking it off right?
Kagiso: I saw how you were struggling to let it
go so I decided to help you.

They both laughed

Puleng: Bathong babe! That's because i

genuinely love it. Tota ebile it's my favourite.
Kagiso:(laughed) Even with all these holes?
Puleng:(laughed) Ee.

He hung her legs on his shoulders and buried

his head between her legs...

At my place

Me: Hello
Bakang: Am at the gate. Let's go.
Me: Go where? I thought that we were watching
a series.
Bakang: Let's do something more fun.
Me: Something like what?
Bakang: Take a drive and catch up. Grab your
car keys because we are taking your car. Let's
see if what they say about an Audi is true.
Me: Okay.Am gonna open the gate so you can
park yours here.
Bakang: Cool

I ran to my bedroom and fixed my bun then

slipped into some comfortable shoes before
heading outside.

I threw the car keys at Bakang.

Me: Where are we off to?

Bakang: We will see where the night takes us.

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 119

I put my feet on the dashboard and opened my

icrecream as Bakang started the car and took

Bakang: I hope you bought me the magnum

with nuts.
Me:(laughed) Ae. I bought the same ones.I
didn't want us to fight because one of us got
the best one.
Bakang: (laughed) Akere we would have shared.
Me: No ways. So where are we going?
Bakang: Did you buy enough snacks?
Me:(laughed) Enough to last till tomorrow
Bakang: Would it be a bad thing if we ended up
in Ghanzi?
Me:To do what?
Bakang: I don't know. We could spend the night
or just drive back here.
Me:(laughed) You are kidding right?
Bakang:Am dead serious. That's if you are keen
Me: We didn't even pack anything. Where would
we spend the night?
Bakang: I have a farm there. We can always go
there then drive back tomorrow afternoon. I
need to drive to Gaborone on Saturday.
Me: I don't know. Did you plan this?
Bakang: If you are not comfortable that's ok but
just so you know, you would get your own room.
And no, I didn't plan it.
Me:(Smiled) Ok. What the hell man. Let's go.
Bakang:(Smiled) Really?
Me:Yeah. I've got some whiskey in the back.
Would you like some?
Bakang: No. Am good. Can you play some
Me: I don't have anything you might like. Just
some slow sunday jams.
Bakang: Now we talking. That's clean music
right there.

I connected my phone on bluetooth and played

some music.

Bakang: Such a jam. Am impressed.

We sang along to Judy Boucher's Can't be with

you tonight as we drove out of Maun.

🎶So please understand my situation

I love you but I cannot be with you
If I could be in two places at the same time
Believe me, I would share my love with you 🎶
At Tebogo's

Theo turned off the tv and turned to his woman

as she read out the note he had written for her
during their counselling session.

Tebogo: Three things I like about my love. I

love your eyes, they are warm and friendly with
a hint of mischievousness. I love how you are a
fantastic mother to our son. I love how you are
committed to healing and building a healthy

She took a deep breath and looked away trying

to hide her tears.

Theo: Something wrong love?

Tebogo:(Smiled) No. It's just that I didn't think
that I would get here, Theo two years ago, I
didn't know if I was coming or going. No one
wanted to be associated with me because all I
ever did was bleed on people.All I had was my
son. I look at my life now and the person I am
becoming and I don't know how I would have
made it if I didn't have your support.
Theo: It was all you. It had nothing to do with
me. You are the person that pushed to be here.
All I did was support you.
Tebogo:And you were patient.
Theo: Because you also wanted to change.
Tebogo: And now we are getting married.
Theo: And now we are getting married baby.
Tebogo: There are times I want to reach out to
Theo: So why haven't you?
Tebogo: Too much time has passed and I know
for sure that we have both changed. Le ene hela
I doubt that she would forgive me for all the
things I did and said to her.Instead of being
understanding after she lost her husband, I
would throw it in her face and tell her that she
was the reason he had died. One time she came
here and helped me around the house when I
was pregnant. Instead of appreciating the help
like any other friend I accused her of helping me
out just so she could have something to talk to
my husband about.
Theo held her hand and kissed it.

Theo: You didn't mean it.

Tebogo: I didn't but she doesn't know that. I
even went to an extent of lying about her to her
Theo: Everyone makes mistakes. It might have
been a long time ago but the fact that you
realize that now means something.
Tebogo: Maybe.
Theo: Just reach out. It's on her if she doesn't
forgive you mme hela wena you would have
done the right thing.
Tebogo:I guess.

At Kano's
Melinda threw her phone at her husband and
clicked her tongue.

Kano: What is it?

Melinda: Who's child is that?

He looked at the picture and went on his knees.

Kano: Babe I can explain.

Melinda: Explain that you got another woman
pregnant while I was nursing your child and my
Kano: Babe there was so much going on and I
didn't even know if...

She slapped him as tears streamed on her face.

Melinda: While I was going through hell, you
were out sticking your dee in other women.
Kano: Babe it was a mistake.
Melinda:(Crying) A mistake is breaking a cup
not what you did. Not only did you cheat on me
while I had a new born. You went to an extent of
hiding a whole entire human being from me.
Kano: Babe I didn't know that you were
Melinda: Now I know why you supported that
good for nothing friend of yours. You knew that
you were getting up to the same bullshit as him.
Kano: Let me expla...

She picked up his car keys from the table and

ran out.
Kano: Babe!

He ran after her.


I put my feet on the couch and laughed as

Bakang narrated some stories...

Me: You should be a story teller or a writer.

Bakang:(laughed) O raya gore I am misplaced?
Me: I swear. Kana you are lying and adding
some spieces.
Bakang:(laughed) I am not. That's exactly what
He put my feet over his and covered them with
a throw.

Bakang: Are you warm?

Me: Yeah. Thank you.

I looked away as he rubbed my feet.

Bakang: Are you comfortable?

Me:(Cleared throat) Yeah.
Bakang: So tell me why you have been running
away from me.
Me: I didn't run away from you.
Bakang: Really?

He put my feet on the couch and moved closer.

Bakang: Is it because you feel it too?
Me: Feel what?

I felt everything coming to a standstill as I felt

his breathmon my face...

Bakang:Let's not beat around the bush anymore.

I know you want Me as much as I want you.

Before I could get the chance to respond, he

kissed me.


Two more inserts to go!!!

Distance & Time
# 120


Bakang picked up Ney from the couch and

carried her to the bedroom.He kissed her
passionately as he unbuttoned her dress. They
both breathed heavily as he kissed every part of
her body. Their hearts beating and dancing for
the same course.
He pulled back and took a deep breath...

Me: Are you okay?

Bakang:(Sighed) I don't have protection.

We looked at each other and burst into


Me: What?
Bakang: Well I didn't think that we would even
get here.
Me: Right.

I rolled my eyes...

Bakang: Sorry tlhamma.

Me:(laughed) It's cool man.
Bakang: You mad?
Bakang: Liar.
Me: It's not like you didn't want some either.
Bakang:(laughed) Oh man. That's true. So what
should we do with ourselves?
Me: I don't know. What do you have in mind?
Bakang: Nothing really.

He held me as we laid in bed...

Me: So how do we work around this?

Bakang: By this do you mean us?
Me:(Sighed) Yeah.
Bakang: I don't know. I say we walk with our
heads held high. Ney we didn't do anything
Me: You know that's not how everyone will see
it. I will end up being labelled as the girl that
stole her bestfriend's husband.
Bakang:But that's not the truth.
Me: People don't care about the truth. All they
care about is what makes sense to them.
Bakang I didn't want us to stay friends because
I knew that we were headed here.What do you
think my parents will do when they find out that
I am seeing you for real?
Bakang: Isn't it a bit too late for that? I mean we
are already here. Ney I don't know where this
will take us but I know without a shadow of
doubt that no one can convince me or talk me
out of it.
Me: And what will you tell Tebogo?
Bakang: I don't owe Tebogo any explanation
especially if it concerns my love life. The only
thing that brings us together is our son. I don't
expect her to have an opinion concerning who I
date the same way I didn't have an opinion
about who she is marrying.
Me: What do you want out of this?
Bakang:I wanna be happy with you. I wanna see
where this goes. And what do you want?
Me: I say we see where it goes. It's not gonna
be easy.
Bakang: I know it's not gonna be easy but I will
hold your hand through. Let's give it a chance.
Me: Yeah.

He played with my hand as we laid in bed and


At Melinda's
Kano stood up as his wife opened the door.
She threw the car keys at him and threw herself
on the couch.

Kano: Where are you coming from?

Melinda: You don't get to stick your dee in every
little h*e you meet and ask me that.You lost
that right when you fathered another child
outside our marriage
Kano: I know that I have disappointed you and I
am sorry. It happend only once.
Melinda: I don't care how many times it
happend. Nothing will ever erase the fact that
you cheated on me and fathered another
woman's child. I know that I have my mistakes
and I am not a perfect wife but I have never
dreamt of cheating on you in fact you know
every little Tom and Torry on my inbox. I am
always transparent. Wena you decided to hide a
whole entire human being from me. Ele gore
Kano ontse o tlhokomela ngwana jang? ( How
have you been taking care of this child?) Kana
go raya gore ontse o utswa madi mo lapeng.
(This can only mean that you have been
stealing the family money.)
Kano: I am not proud of what I did. Mel I didn't
know how to tell you le gone after what you had
been through. Even at this point you haven't
completely healed.
Melinda: Who says I haven't healed?
Kano: When is our daughter ever home? If I am
not here to care of her, you pass her around to
your relatives.
Melinda: Is it a crime to want our child to have a
relationship with my relatives? Gape why are
you making this about me? You are the one that
Kano: And I am deeply sorry for that.
Melinda: How do I know that you are really sorry?
Kano: I will do anything to earn your forgiveness.
Just tell me what to do and I will do it.
Melinda:I don't see any other way except cutting
that child and mother out of your life.
Kano:So you want me to abandon my own child?
Melinda: You asked me what you should do.
That's your decision to make. It's either me and
my daughter or your bastard child and the
Kano: Mel I can't jus...
Melinda:Let me know what you decide
tomorrow so I can start packing your stuff.
Kano: Babe can we talk about this kana you
need more time to think th..
She clicked her tongue and went into their

The following day


I sat outside on a plastic chair while Bakang

made the fire.

Bakang: Where is the hype?

Me:(laughed)You need to be hyped to make
some fire?
Bakang: A little motivation and hype from my
girl is not gonna do any harm.
Me: (Smiled) Your girl huh?
Bakang: My girl!
Me: Okay. I see you.
Bakang: (laughed) You wanna bath or what?
Me:If I have to hype you up to get some hot
water then am not really sure,I want to.
Bakang: What if I told you that you would get
more than hot water?
Me: Says the guy that forgot to bring protection.
Bakang:(laughed) The same guy went shopping
this morning.
Me: You don't say.

I stood up and hyped him...

Bakang:Now that's more like it. If you can keep

up the same energy in there then I got my self a
hun for life.
Me: (laughed) The question is can you match it?
Bakang:(Smiled) Is that a real question?
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: Have you called in sick?
Me: (laughed)Done!

He left what he was doing and ran to where I

was sifted then picked me up...

Bakang: What did you say out there?

He laid me on the couch and got on top of me.

He kissed me as he undressed.

The next insert that follows will be late 😘
Distance and Time
# 121

A few days later

Extreme Safari

Peo walked into my office with a large bouquet

of flowers and gave them to me .

Peo:(Smiled) These are the kind of things that

make women glow. Now do you see that your
problem was not the facial products you were
Me:(laughed) Tell that to my family this
Peo:(Sighed) I almost forgot that you guys are
leaving later. How do you feel?
Me: Like everything is about to fall apart.
Peo: Can't you keep it away from them?
Me: And let them find out from someone else
who will twist things around? I know my mother
too well, if she finds out from someone else
then it will be messy. It's better I find a way of
telling them.
Peo:Do you think you are ready? I mean isn't it
too early to even say anything? It's not like you
two are getting married or anything. I don't
mean to sound negative but like you said the
other day, this could end before it even begins.
Ke raya gore is it worth telling them now?
Me: You know in all of this,I agree with you and I
understand you very well. I agree with what you
are saying. I am not ready and like you are
saying,it's still too early. I am forced to tell my
parents because of what happened two years
ago. Imagine how angry mama was yet it wasn't
true. How will things turn out when she finds
out that it's true this time? Le gone hela gore
they didn't hear it from me.
Peo: Life is so unfair.
Me: It is. I guess it's time to face the music.
Peo: And how does Bakang feel?
Me: My friend, Bakang is ready. Koore he
couldn't be bothered. He feels that we didn't do
anything wrong.
Peo: And you didn't friend.

I took out my phone and opened Tebogo's

message then passed the phone to her.

Me: That's Tebogo. Bakang's ex wife who was

my ex friend.
Peo:(laughed) And now she wants to be friends
Me:(Sighed) Speak of someone that is unlucky.
Peo: Why haven't you responded?
Me: Peo accepting that apology would now
mean that we are somehow friends and if we
are friends then it means Bakang is out of
Peo:(laughed) The same one o le
hemelanang?( The same one you are sleeping
Me:(laughed) Are you ever serious?
Peo: When will you learn to stand your ground?
Ever since you started seeing this guy, all I have
ever heard is how you fear what people will say.
Kante mme gone who's life is it?
Me: It's my life but there are other people
Peo: The question is,when all is said and done,
when the lights go out, will all these people fill
the void you have? Will making them happy also
make you happy? Ney if you are going to make
a decision, learn to stand your ground.How will
people accept you two, if le wena you feel it's
wrong? Ga se gore o lese mme? ( Maybe you
should leave it then.)
Me: Not even. I have probably lived all my life
pleasing people. I hate that this will hurt a lot of
people but quite frankly I didn't steal anyone's
Peo: That's the spirit.

At Tebogo's

Tebogo walked around her son's room with a

feather duster. She had been cleaning the room
non stop since morning. Theo walked in and

Theo: You are still here?

Tebogo: I hope it's good enough.
Theo: Babe you are just stressing. This room is
Tebogo: I hope Bakang feels the same way.
Theo: He will be impressed.You are worried for
Tebogo: I wouldn't call it nothing. If Bakang is
not happy then he might end up wanting to take
Jason away from me.
Theo: Now you are just exaggerating. The man I
have met is very reasonable. Ever since I have
known him, he has never given us any
hassles.You have been doing a good job as a
mother and a co-parent. I doubt the room would
change anything.
Tebogo: Yeah.I am just nervous.
Theo: Wanna talk about it?

He took her hand and lead her to their son's bed.

They both sat down.

Tebogo: So I took your advice and reached out

to Ney a few days ago.
Theo: Okay. I didn't know that.
Tebogo: I didn't tell you anything because I was
so sure that she would respond and I would
share the good news with you.
Theo: She hasn't responded?
Tebogo: Till now. I mean I understand that I hurt
her but the least she can do is acknowledge my
Theo: It's been years since you two talked, it's
normal that she is trying to figure things out. If
not then it's also okay. Wena you did your part
and apologized. That's all that should matter.
Tebogo: I wish I saw things the same way.
Theo: You will.
Tebogo:(Smiled) Yeah.
Theo: How did your meeting go this morning?
Tebogo: It went very well. Looks like I might get
the office space.
Theo: That's what I wanna hear.

He hugged her...

Tebogo: Tebogo Crowns You is growing.

Theo: (Smiled)Yes it is.
At Puleng's Office

Kago walked around the office getting

impatient as his brother and Puleng discussed

Kago: Puleng?
Puleng: Ee rra?
Kago: Are we ever going to go out?
Puleng: Give me a minute.
Kagiso: This woman must be special for you to
be rushing my wife like this.
Kago: It's not even about that. We are late.
Puleng and Kagelo are never on time.
Kagiso: The woman has three children. I doubt
she will ever be on time unless she is getting
paid for it.
Puleng:(laughed) That part is true.
Kago: Then I probably have to pay you to meet
my girlfriend too.
Puleng:(laughed)Chill.We are done.
Kagiso: She better be pretty.
Puleng: Babe ako o didimale. ( Babe keep quiet)
Kagiso:(laughed) The last time mum was not
pleased. Are the woman you introduced her to
looked twice your age.
Puleng: Babe.
Kago:(laughed) Mum told Puleng and Puleng
told you. Koore you can't trust anyone in this
Puleng: Mme kana I didn't tell him anything. He
just overheard me talking to mama.
Kago: Why should I trust people that are
starting to look the same?
Puleng:(laughed) You can trust me mme kana.
Kago:Never! When we get back from lunch, I
know you will be telling your husband
everything that happend.
Kagiso:(laughed) That's for sure. Re shaba ka
lona gompieno.

Puleng gave her husband a sharp look and he

kept quite. She grabbed her bag and car keys.

Puleng: Let's go bro.

Kago: You better be paying.
Puleng:(laughed) Bathong.
Kago:(laughed) Why do you think I invited you?
Kagiso:(laughed) I knew that me not getting
invited was a blessing in disguise. There goes
my big God.

Kago and Puleng laughed as they walked out.

Later that day

I buckled up and reclined my sit as Bakang

started the car and took off.

Bakang: You okay there babe?

Me:(Smiled) Yeah.
Bakang: You look a bit tense.
Me: Am a little nervous.
Bakang: It will probably blow up before it gets
better but am with you through it. We will get
through it together.
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: I will take care of you baby.
Me:(Smiled)If I take care of you.
Bakang:(laughed) There goes my girl.
Me: Am all about you.
Bakang: Always man.

He held my hand while the other hand held the

steering wheel.

Bakang:Ice cream stop coming up.

Me:Always the cheerful one.

He played some music and we sang along as

we drove out of Maun.
At Kano's

Good morning

It's 3:55 and dues are Paid baby!

Distance & Time

# 122

At Kano's

Kano held his wife's hand and looked at his

wife...One could see the guilt and shame in his

Kano: Babe I honestly don't know what to say. I

am ashamed of myself. What I did to you is very
wrong. I understand how you must be feeling
right now and for that I will forever re...
Melinda: Do you? I mean do you understand
how I am feeling?
Kano: I can imagine how you are feeling. You
don't deserve what I did to you.
Melinda: What hurts me the most is the fact
that you have been taking care of this child
behind my back. Koore I was here thinking that I
had a wonderful husband that is transparent
about everything kante wena you are taking me
for a fool.
Kano:I don't even know what to say to you. I
know it won't change anything but it happened
when I couldn't figure out what was wrong with
you.Lolo and I started spending time together
and one night we...
Melinda: Lolo your ex? The one I asked you to
cut ties with after we got married?

She shook her head and went outside.

Everything suddenly went cold. Kano followed
her outside.

Kano: Babe I didn't mean to hurt you.

Melinda: Do you love her?
Kano: What?
Melinda: Answer me because there is clearly
something special about her. Akere I asked you
to cut her off but wena what did you do?
Kano: It wasn't like that. We bumped into each
other and started spending time together.
Melinda: And you decided to make a baby
Kano: I asked her to drink morning after pills but
she didn't.
Melinda: I don't care about what she did. You
are my husband and you should have known
Kano: Emma.

He shamefully bowed...

Melinda:So now that I know, what are your

Kano: I don't have any expectations for you. I
am the one that messed up not you. I just ask
that you allow me to take care of my child.
Melinda: Do you have a relationship with this
child and what is your relationship with the
Kano: I go and see the child from time to time. I
can't say the mother and I have any relationship
but because we now have a child together, we
are trying.
Melinda: I need time to process all of this.
Kano: Emma.
Melinda:I hope that you understand that I don't
wanna be around you. Seeing you only makes
me angry.
Kano: I understand babe. If you want, I can
move in with my mother.
Melinda: I am going out. We will talk bout it
when I get back.
Kano: Thank you.

He ran to open the gate as she got inside her

The following day

Street of Gold Guest House

I laid on the bed and browsed through

Facebook while Bakang got dressed.

Bakang: Will you be okay without a car?

Me: Yeah am good. I will call Puleng to come
pick me up after you leave.
Bakang: Let me know how it goes. If you need
me, just call and I will come get you.
Me: Don't stress about it. I will be fine.
Bakang: Are you sure that you want to do this?
Me: I don't want to do it but if I don't then I
might regret it.
Bakang: I will support you through anything love.
Me: Thank you.
Bakang: From Tebogo's house, I am going to
see Kano.
Me: Cool. By the way you look dope. I love the
Bakang: Thank you love.

At Puleng's

Kagiso laughed as his wife narrated to him on

how the lunch date went.

Kagiso: Where does Kago get these girls? Ware

how much was the bill?
Puleng: Two point five. I wanted to scream. She
ordered a very expensive bottle of champagne.
When I was so sure that she had finished
ordering, she ordered one meal for the road.
Kagiso: And where was Kago all this time?
Puleng:(laughed) Owaii he was hyping her up
and telling her to get whatever she wanted
because his sister would pay. When we left, he
asked me to fuel his car since the girlfriend
would be using it. Koore I parted with three
thousand in a few hours.
Kagiso:(laughed) Serves you right. You should
have refused.
Puleng: Easy for you to say.
Kagiso: Just a week ago, I asked you to get me
a new pair of sunglasses worth seven hundred
and you refused because you thought they were
too expensive only for you to go and buy a slay
queen food worth two point five.
Puleng: Ga se go rata bosika le dikgang mo ga
Kagiso: I hope she is not twice his age.
Puleng: Why should I tell you? Wena babe you
don't know how to keep a secret.Next thing you
will be telling Kago everything I told you.
Kagiso: I won't tlhamma.
Puleng:(laughed) Tell that to someone else.
Kagiso: Babe tlhamma.
Puleng: I need to meet up with Ney. Let me
bath. We will catch up later.

He followed her to the bathroom.

Kagiso: Babe tlhe.

At Mma Thabiso's
Mma Thabiso gave her brother a bottle of
cooking oil then locked the tuckshop.

Ndala: How much did you say it is?

Mma Thabiso: Ninety five pula.
Ndala:Ao! But this is no name.
Mma Thabiso: Abuti this is a business not a
charity shop. Please pay me.
Ndala: Didn't you say that Ney is coming? Why
do you need ninety five pula for gotla mohumi?
Mma Thabiso: Just because Ney takes care of
me, it doesn't mean that I should take
advantage of her.
Ndala: Ney is your daughter akere. What's
wrong with allowing her to take care of you?
Mma Thabiso: I want my money. Don't use Ney
as an excuse.
Ndala:Ausi tlhe o rata madi. ( You love money
Mma Thabiso: Let me go tidy up the yard and
bath before my child gets here. Make sure you
bring my money month end.
Ndala: I wish my nephew knew the type of gift
he has given you. I am so happy to see you this
alive. I was so scared that you would die with
your son.

Street of Gold Guest House

Puleng sipped on her glass of wine and took a

deep breath. What her sister had just told
her,left her feeling dizzy.

Puleng:And you want to tell our parents?

Distance & Time
# 123

Street of Gold Guest House

Puleng sipped on her glass of wine and took a

deep breath. What her sister had just told
her,left her feeling dizzy.

Puleng:And you want to tell our parents?

Me: I don't want to tell them but what choice do
I have? What happens when someone else
beats me to it?
Puleng: Oh sis! Are sure you are ready for the
drama this relationship will bring?
Me: I didn't do anything wrong. If anyone has a
problem with me choosing my happiness then I
guess it's their own problem.
Puleng: You know how I feel about this
relationship akere mme?
Me: Emma and I will understand if you want to
cut me off but I am not going to change my
mind.I love you so much but this time I am
choosing myself and my happiness over
Puleng: My values and principles are against
this whole thing but as a sister, I will support
you through any madness if it makes you happy
even if I think it's a mistake because my love for
you is bigger than those values and principles.
You are old enough to make your own decisions.
If it's a mistake then it's yours to make not mine.
Me:Thank you.
Puleng: I still don't think that it's a good idea to
tell mum and dad before you two are solid.
What happens if you break up two weeks after
telling them? Do you realize that you would
have risked the relationship you have with your
parents for nothing?
Me: And if they find out from someone else
then I still get to suffer the same fate.
Puleng:I know babe but this is just the
beginning. Everyone is going to judge you. This
is why I want to know if you are really sure
because everything is about to turn around
once people know who you are dating. You will
be accused of wrecking Tebogo's marriage. Le
ene Tebogo she will probably come for you.
Me: I honestly don't owe Tebogo anything. At
this point i am tired of hearing about her and
how she has been wronged. I didn't sleep with
her husband.
Puleng: Mme kana nnaka I am just telling you
what to expect.
Me:(Sighed) I know sis. I am really frustrated.
Puleng: Do me a favour.Yeah?
Me: What would you like me to do?
Puleng: Don't tell mum and dad yet. Give it a
month or two.If they find out from someone
else then I will tell them that I was the one that
instructed you not to tell them.
Me:Are you sure? Do you really want to be
dragged in all of this?
Puleng: You have already dragged me into this
issue.I don't have any other option. If I don't try
to protect you, people are going to rip you apart
Ney. I don't think you understand the magnitude
of this issue.
I stood up and grabbed a bottle of water from
the mini bar then gave it to her.

Puleng: It's not the wine talking. It's me.

I laughed as she drank her water.

At Kano's

Melinda pulled her suitcase outside. She

unlocked the car and put it in the back then got
inside the car.

Kano: Babe wait.

Kano stood by the window and begged her.

Kano: You don't have to go. This is your home.
If anyone has to leave
then it's me.
Melinda: I have decided to go to my mum's for a
Kano: What will you tell her because she is
going to ask why you left your house.
Melinda: I will tell her the truth. I will tell her that
you slept with another woman and got her
pregnant while I was nursing your child. Do you
want me to lie?
Kano: Babe tlhamma don't go. You know that
your mother doesn't like me. How do you think
she will take the news when you tell her? Gape
you moving out indirectly says that I kicked you
Melinda: But you didn't.
Kano: Your mother doesn't know that and she
won't believe it. Atleast stay just for today so
we can try and sort things out on our own. We
can only involve other people if we fail to solve
our issues.
Melinda: Kano it's too late for that. You have a
child with another woman. There is no way that
other people won't find out.You can't expect me
not to tell my mum.
Kano: Am so sorry about everything. I never
meant for things to get out of control like this.
Mel I have never cheated on you before,this was
my very first and last time. I promise you that it
won't happen again.
Melinda: Please open the gate for me. I will talk
to you when I arrive.

She rolled up the windows and started the car.

At Tebogo's

Bakang sat down and looked around the house

as Tebogo went into Jason's room.

Theo: Can I get you anything to drink?

Bakang: I am cool thanks man.
Theo: Would you like a tour around the house?
Bakang: That is not necessary. It's a beautiful
house. I am sure that Jason will be happy here.
Theo: Mme kana his mum spring cleaned his
room in case you are interested in viewing it.
Bakang: (laughed) That's alright. I trust that
everything is in order.
Theo: That's what I told her but you know how
women how.
They shared a brief laugh as Tebogo came with
Jason out of the room.

Jason: Daddy!

He ran to his father.

Bakang: Little man. Look who is an inch taller.

His dad picked him up and kissed him.

Tebogo: Can I get you something to drink?

Bakang: Thank you . Theo has already offered. I
am good.
Tebogo: Would you like to see his room?
Bakang: There is no need. I know that
everything is in order if you say so.
Tebogo: Oh come on! I cleaned that room all
Bakang: Ok. I would also like to have a word
with you.
Tebogo: Babe can you take Jason with you to
the garden?
Theo: Ofcourse.

Bakang and Tebogo stood up and went into

Jason's room.

Bakang: This is beautiful.

Tebogo: Theo and I did the painting.
Bakang:(laughed) You are kidding right?
Tebogo: Not even. Tota everything was done by
Bakang: Who would have thought that the
mighty Tebogo would be here painting walls.
Am impressed.
Tebogo: Whatever! So what did you wanna talk

He cleared his throat and gazed at her...

Bakang: I am seeing someone.

Tebogo: It's about damm time.
Bakang: You think so?
Tebogo: Yes man. You also deserve to be

She congratulated him...

Tebogo: So when do I get to meet her?

Bakang: You probably know her kana this is a
small world.


Goodnight 😘
Distance & Time
# 124

Tebogo: So when do I get to meet her?

Bakang: You probably know her kana this is a
small world.
Tebogo:(Smiled) Wena! So what's her name?
Bakang: I hope you understand that me telling
you who she is,is because I respect you as the
mother of my child. Who I decide to date
shouldn't even be on the table unless she is
interacting with Jason.
Tebogo: Okay. I don't understand why you are
being so defensive. It's not like I would ever
judge you. Bakang who you sleep with is none
of my business anymore. I am a gone girl.
Bakang: That's good to know.
Tebogo:(laughed) So who are you seeing?
Bakang: Onneile.
Tebogo: Onneile who?

She narrowed her eyes.

Bakang: Which Onneile do you know?

Tebogo:(laughed) Onneile as in Ney? Ney hela
wa tsala yame? ( Ney my friend?)
Bakang: Ney your ex friend. From what she told
me, you cut her out of your life.
Tebogo: So you two went ahead and pursued a
relationship? Bakang did I mean that little to
Bakang: I am sorry but I don't understand how
this is about you?
Tebogo: You don't? Bakang you were married to
me! Onneile was my best friend. Tota ebile she
and I were sisters. This is a person that used to
mediate when we had fights. How do you go
and sleep with her? Akere when I asked you this
two years ago,you denied it. I know I didn't treat
you right when we were married but how do you
fu*k me over just like that? How does Onneile
do this to me? The same Onneile I shared
meals and a bed with?
Bakang: Well that didn't stop you from ruining
her relationship with her parents. Tebogo none
of us did this to hurt you. For two years Onneile
stayed away from me because she felt like she
owed you loyalty.
Tebogo: Clearly she didn't try hard enough.Had
Onneile wanted to stay away from you then she
would have done exactly that.I am sure that she
is doing all of this to hurt me and prove a point.
Bakang: Tee this is not about you. You are the
one making it all about you when it really isn't.
Tebogo: After everything I have done for Ney?

She took deep breaths and shook her

head.None of what he had just told her was
making sense. The thought of the woman she
had once considered a sister dating her ex
husband made her boil.
Tebogo: Am sorry but I can't accept that!
Bakang: Mmagwe Jason, I am not asking you to
accept it. I was telling you out of courtesy.
Tebogo: That's where you are getting it wrong. I
have every right in this matter. This involves my
Bakang: Now that just sounds like someone
who is entitled.
Tebogo: I don't care what you two do with your
private parts but just know that your little
girlfriend will never come anywhere near my
son. I will not allow it.
Bakang: So now he is your son? Wa simolla
akere? ( You are starting?) I will pretend that I
didn't hear that part about private parts.
Tebogo: I don't care what you decide to do with
that information but just know that your
girlfriend will never have access to my son.
Bakang:Le wena don't forget that Jason is also
my son. For someone who is getting married,
you are too angry.
Tebogo: Bakang Fu...

She thought of Theo and her son then kept


Bakang: Is Jason's things ready? We need to

get going.
Tebogo: You are not taking my son anywhere.If
you want to spend time with him then you can
do it here. There is no way that you are taking
my son to meet your little girlfriend. O ke
ngwanake, ke ile labour ke le one.(I was alone at
labour ward ) No one helped me.
Bakang: Unlike you, I don't introduce my son to
every girl I meet. I don't have any plans of
introducing Jason to Ney at this point. I was
going to spend the night with him at his
grandmother's house.
Tebogo: He is still not going anywhere.
Bakang: That's not a problem at all. You and I
will meet in court. I don't know why you think
that you can do whatever you please with our
son and get away with it. Tebogo there are laws
in this country.
Tebogo: Laws or no laws, this is my son. I want
what's best for him.
Bakang: Don't use Jason to fight your battles.
The same woman that introduced my son to
four different men in the same year suddenly
has something to say.
Tebogo: Please leave.
Bakang: That's alright.
He stood by the door and smiled.

Bakang: This time I will show you that Jason is

not a little pawn in your mind games.

He walked away...

At Mma Thabiso's

I stood by the door with Puleng while Mma

Thabiso sat in the living room.

Puleng: Let me know when I can come pick you

Me: I will. Thanks sis. Please get everything on
that list.I don't want to fight with Mma Puleng.
Puleng:(laughed) She wouldn't forgive you if you
left anything out. Tell you what,we will buy
these on our way there.
Me: Ok sharp.

I waved at her and closed the door...

Me: Let me wash the dishes.

Mma Thabiso:(Smiled) Sit down. Whatever it is,
you can tell me.
Mma Thabiso: Ney I know you. You have been
avoiding eye contact with me ever since you got
here. What is it?
Me: It's nothing much.
Mma Thabiso: Have you found someone?
Me: Mma?
Mma Thabiso: Ney I may be your mother in law
but that doesn't mean that I don't want you to
be happy. I know how much you loved my son
and you moving on will not convince me
Me: (Sighed) I wish it was just that plain. Mama
when you say you know me, you are right. I have
found someone.
Mma Thabiso: So where is the problem?
Me: The problem is that this person is someone
from my past.
Mma Thabiso: There is no harm in that.
Me: This is Tebogo's ex husband.
Mma Thabiso: Which Tebogo?
Me: The one that was my friend.
Mma Thabiso: Ao ngwanaka!

Although she tried to hide it, I could already see

the disappointment in her eyes...

Me: Before you say anything, I didn't steal him

from her. We only started seeing each other this
Mma Thabiso: The same Tebogo that was
running up and down during your husband's
funeral? Ao Onneile!

I knew the judgement that was coming so I kept


Mma Thabiso: A nne go sena banna ba bangwe

ne ngwanaka? (Was he the only man?)
Me: I know that you are disappointed but
Bakang and I only pursued a relationship
recently. Tebogo and I are no longer friends.
She cut me out of her life two years ago.
Mma Thabiso: And you are not worried about
how it looks? Onneile people will say that you
are the reason their marriage ended. Kana
yaanong it will look like you have been keeping
an eye on him even before the divorce.
Me: Mme kana that is not true.
Mma Thabiso: That's not how the world works
my child. I know that sometimes we don't
choose who to love but there is a reason why
there is right and wrong in this world. There are
lines one shouldn't cross no matter what the
heart wants.
Me: And what if those lines cease to exist?
Mma Thabiso: That's impossible. Those lines
are there to help us live peacefully as human
beings. Animals are the only living things that
don't have lines mme ha gongwe I may just be
saying that. Who knows maybe they also have
lines they understand.
Me: I am sorry mama but this is something I
decided on and I am not changing my mind. I
don't mean to disrespect you.
Mma Thabiso: Do you want to live your entire
life defending yourself? Amme ke botshelo jo o
bo batlang?( Is that the kind of life you want to
Me: People will always judge you at then end of
the day. The same people that get up to worse
Mma Thabiso: Think about it again my girl. I
don't think that's the life you deserve.

Later that day

Distance & Time
# 125

At Theo's

Theo quietly washed the dishes while Tebogo

sat by the island and observed him. His mood
had changed ever since the phone call he had

Tebogo: Are you okay?

Theo: Emma. Are you?
Tebogo: All good.
Tebogo: Who were you on the phone with and
since when do you go outside to take phone
Theo: That was Jason's father.
Tebogo: What did he want?
Theo: What were you two fighting about and
how come he hasn't taken Jason with him as
Tebogo:Why don't you tell me since you are the
one that was on the phone with him? Le gone
what does your question really mean? If you
don't want Jason here anymore then tell me.
Don't ask why he hasn't left with his father.
Theo: I didn't say anything because I thought
that you would tell me as my wife. The kind of
game that you want to play today is something I
am not interested in. You have this habit of
turning things around so you appear as the
victim. You of all people know how much I love
that boy so I am not going to defend myself.
Tebogo: If you really knew what Bakang did
then you wouldn't be defending him.
Theo: What should I be defending? You using
his son to fight your battles? You keeping his
son away from him? I honestly don't care what
he did or what you think he did but you have no
right to refuse with his son. Tebogo that man is
Jason's father and nothing will change that. I
understand your anger towards him but you
shouldn't use Jason to prove your point.
Tebogo: And it's okay for him to sleep with my
Theo: As much as that may be a bitter pill to
swallow, you need to accept the fact that
people will always do what they want and you
can't control them.
Tebogo: The least they can do is be loyal to
whatever we had.
Theo: That's the problem with you babe, you live
your life with the expectation that people owe
you. Honestly no one owes you anything.Don't
expect anything from anyone and you will never
have to be frustrated.
Tebogo: Do you honestly think that what they
are doing is right?
Theo: Right for who? You or them?

She took a deep breath and shook her head.

Tebogo: So you don't get it? You don't get why I

am hurt? Babe that girl was my friend.A whole
Theo: And now she isn't. What she does now is
completely out of your hands. While we may
have certain principles and values as people,
you need to understand that not everyone lives
by those and you really can't force people to live
by your values.
Tebogo: Would you be okay if this was
happening to you?
Theo: A part of me will hurt but because I know
that no one owes me anything, I will suck it up
and move on. It really doesn't matter how you
scream and shout ontop of your lungs, if they
want to be together, they will do it anyway. No
one can do anything about it.
Tebogo: That's where you are wrong. Her
mother will never accept all this rubbish.

He rinsed his hands then grabbed a paper towel

to wipe them.

Theo: Heish!
Tebogo: There is no way that those two can
continue with this relationship because it will
hurt a lot of people.
Theo: Gone mme babe why are you so
concerned about what they do?
Tebogo: Am concerned about Jason.
Theo: Is it Jason you are concerned about kana
you are just using him to push your own agenda?
Tebogo: You of all people? I thought you knew
Theo: And I thought that you wanted to have a
healthy relationship with Rragwe Jason for the
sake of the child. Do you know that he wants to
take us to court?
Tebogo: Let him. If he is wrong then he is wrong.
We can't we intimidated by him.
Theo: I have told him that he has my full
support if he decides to take you to court. I will
do right by that boy even if it means testifying
against you.
Tebogo: Just like that?
Theo: Just like that. When I asked you to marry
me, I promised you that I would protect you and
that boy and that's exactly what I will do even if
it means protecting him from you.
Tebogo: And what about us? Our marriage?
Kana you are forgetting that traditionally we are
Theo: I am not forgetting anything. You are the
one going on as if you still have some
unfinished business with your ex husband. How
do you expect me to feel? Koore it's all about
you. Have you thought about me and Jason in
all of this? Babe just let it go. If you go on like
this then you will lose me and Jason.You are
doing really well, don't let this whole thing affect
all the work you have put in.

He kissed her and held her hand.

Tebogo: I love you.
Theo: I love you too babe.
Tebogo: I am sorry I didn't think about you and
Jason. I was just so angry.
Theo:I know.
Tebogo: I will stay out if it.
Theo: Good.

At Mma Puleng's

Everyone laughed and clapped their hands as

the twins and their grandmother danced. I
pulled Puleng to the side.

Puleng: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah. Bakang is outside.Cover for me.
Puleng: Ney! What happens if anyone sees him?
Me: I told him to park on the other street. I am
not going to be long. I just need to talk to him.
Puleng: Wena you are going to get me into
trouble. Buy that pudding I was talking about
earlier on. I will tell mum that I sent you.
Me: Thanks sis.
Puleng: This forbidden love is going to kill me.
Me:(laughed) I know.
Puleng: He better be treating you right.
Me: He is.

I grabbed my bag and sneaked out while

everyone was busy.

I looked around to see if anyone had followed
me before getting into the car.

Bakang: That was quick.

Me:(laughed)I had some back up from Puleng.
Bakang: Helps to have a sister.

He forced a smile and held my hand.

Me: What's wrong?

Bakang: I told Tebogo about us.
Me: And she didn't take it well.
Bakang: Not only that, o ganne ka ngwana.
( She refused with the child.) She says that if I
am seeing you then I will only see Jason from
her house.
Me: I am so sorry babe. I am really sorry.
Bakang: It's not your fault.
Me: If I wasn't in the picture then she wouldn't
have refused with him so technically it's my
fault. Bona Bakang, I knew that things would be
hard for us but I never thought that your
relationship with your son would be affected. If
us being together means that you have to give
up your relationship with your son then it's not
worth it. Let's just leave things.
Bakang: This is more than just about us.
Tebogo has been like this for years and I have
let her get away with it. Each time we don't
agree on something, she drags Jason in and
uses him to fight me. This time I am taking her
to court. She needs to understand that this child
is ours not hers alone.
Me: Do you really want to put your son through
that just to prove a point? What will he think of
you when he grows up?
Bakang: I am tired of being treated like
Tebogo's child.
Me: I say we take a break and let things settle
first. Dragging Jason's mother to court could
come back and haunt you.
Bakang: And letting her get away with this could
also come back and haunt me. I let her get
away for years and this is why I am suffering
now. If I had shown her not to mess with our
son then she wouldn't be doing this now.
Me: Mme kana yaanong it will come bac...
Bakang: No love. Jason has nothing to do with
us. We are not taking a break. I am tired of
everyone telling me how to live my life.
Me: Calm down. Approach her again when you
are both calm and hear her out.
Bakang: That woman refused with my child, I
won't approach her. We will meet in court.
Me: All I am saying is that you two should try
talking when you are both calm.

A tear escaped his eye.

Me: Babe.

I took a deep breath and hugged him.

Me: Am sorry you are going through all of this.

Bakang: I love you.

For the first time I found a reason to hold on.

Morning 😘
Only one insert owed to you💃💃
Distance & Time
# 126

The following day

Mogobane Dam

I covered my feet with a blanket as Bakang

opened a bottle of champagne. With everything
that had happend the previous day,we packed
up and went for a picnic.

Bakang: This place is so peaceful.

Me: I wish we could stay here forever.
Bakang: Same here. Anyway, do you want a
mimosa kana champagne will do?
Me:A mimosa babe.

I smiled as I watched him mixing my drink.

Bakang: What are we smiling about?

Me: Nothing much.It's during moments like this
that I realize that I should have never run away
from my truth in the first place.
Bakang: (laughed) Mmm...O kile wa siya gore
but I won't let you get away like the last time.
Ney what we have is special. You get me and I
get you.Most people will never really
understand it.
Me: It's whatever.
I raised my glass...

Me: To being truthful to ourselves and to true

Bakang: To true friendship and a love that cuts
Me: You never told me why it had to be me and
when you knew that it had to be me.
Bakang: I can't really say the exact moment but
the day that you threw me out of your life, l
Me:(laughed) I didn't throw you out of my life.
Bakang:(laughed) You did and you were so real
about it.
Me: And why me? You are a good man, you
could have gotten any woman you wanted.
Bakang: Maybe but I don't want any other
woman.The more I got to know you when we
were friends was when I realized that you were
special. I love how authentic you are and how
you never shy away from your truth. I love how
your eyes light up the room when you smile. I
love how your hands and arms make me feel so
safe. I love that you can make your point
without belittling anyone. I love so much about
Me: (Smiled) I see.

I nibbled on some biltong...

Bakang: Babe.
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: Can I ask you something?
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: I know it's all in the past but I can't help
Me: What?
Bakang: That guy from your office.
Me: My boss?
Bakang: Yes.
Me: What about him.
Bakang: Why did you stay after you found out
about his girlfriend?

I looked at him and took a deep breath.

Bakang:I mean I don't wanna offend you but I

don't get it.
Me: I don't know. I guess I wanted to feel in
control for once. I thought I could hurt him
somehow by staying then slipping away slowly
while he watched without any control.I was
hurting and I didn't want to admit it. When Loapi
left me for another girl,I swore that no man
would break me like that. I was naive in thinking
that I could make him pay somehow because
he was already five steps ahead. By the time i
realized it, the man had married right under my
Bakang: Would you go back to him if things
were different?
Me: What do you mean if things were different?
Bakang: If you woke up one morning and he
wasn't married.
Me: No. I wouldn't.

I looked away.

Bakang: Why?
Me: Because I realized that I didn't really love
him. I was in love with how he had come into
my life at a time where it was dark and turned
things around. I thought of him as my knight in
shinning armour.
Bakang: Is that what you think of me?Is that
why you are with me?

He softly turned my face to make sure that I

was looking into his eyes.

Me: I love you and I am with you because I want

to be. It's not because there is something
broken in me that needs fixing.
Bakang: Okay.
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: Lastly would you cheat on me?I know
that this sounds like a stupid question because
no one would ever admit that to their partner
even if they would.
Me: I wouldn't. That shi* cuts really deep. I
wouldn't wanna hurt you like that.
Bakang: I am happy to hear that because I am
not the kind of man that shares his woman and
neither do I believe in cheating. If you are not
happy anymore,just leave. This whole thing of
sleeping with the entire town just to prove a
point or hurt each other is bull! Let's respect
each other. I have been in a situation where
someone walks all over me and insults me day
and night because they can.I will tell you one
thing babe, mental health is very important to
me. I will not stay if I am not at peace.Some will
choose to see it as a weakness but to me that's
where my strength lies. I am not willing to let
anymore belittle me till I am reduced to nothing
and feel nothing for myself. That's why most
people have fallen out of love with themselves
and barely believe they amount to a thing. Love
shouldn't be like that.
Me: I hear you.

I cleared my throat and played with my hands.

Bakang: What is it?

Me: Let's talk about our sex life.

I could tell that he wasn't so comfortable.

Bakang: Are you not happy?

Me: Not exactly but I realized that you hold back.
Is it me?
Bakang:(Sighed)Am I that bad?
Me: No. Ofcourse not. I just realized that you
don't go into it with your all.
Bakang: Babe. How do I say this?

I held his hand...

Bakang: I don't know what I am doing wrong. All

my dating life, I thought that I did all the right
things but turns out that I have it all wrong.
Me: Do I make you uncomfortable?
Bakang: No.

He avoided eye contact.

Me: There is no right or wrong when it comes to

making love. The most important thing is
communication and understanding what makes
the other person happy. Let's be open and learn
from each other.
Bakang: I like that.
Me: (Smiled) Yeah?

He moved closer and kissed me and after so

long, I felt at home....

At Tebogo's

Tebogo paced around the living room as she

felt herself going a little crazy. She couldn't help
but wonder what had attracted Bakang to Ney.
Although they were divorced , she couldn't help
but feel jealous. The man was a gentle lover.

Theo: Love!
Tebogo: Hmm?
Theo: What's up? You look like you could use a
Tebogo: E rra.(Yes love.)
Theo: What's wrong?
Tebogo: Nothing. Am just worried about my
wedding dress.
Theo: What about it?
Tebogo: What?
Theo: The wedding dress.
Tebogo: Oh yeah. Am wondering if it will fit.
Theo: Come here.

He held her tightly.

Theo: We will be okay.

He knew what was bothering her...

Arise and shine. Let's reach target otherwise we
inviting a day of no inserts!
162 subscribers away from reaching target.
Distance & Time
# 127

At Mma Bakang's

Mma Bakang picked up her grandson and

kissed him. It had been a while since she had
last seen him.

Tebogo: Has Bakang left?

Mma Bakang: He is in his bedroom.
Tebogo: I didn't see his car outside.
Mma Bakang: He said that he left it with a
Tebogo: Ene Ney? (Is that friend Ney?)
Mma Bakang: I don't know my child. He didn't
mention anything to me.
Tebogo: Kana Jason should have been here the
day before yesterday.
Mma Bakang: So what happend?

She put her son's bags on the couch and sat

Tebogo: Did he tell you that he is dating
someone that was my friend?
Mma Bakang: Is that why Jason did not come
Tebogo: We had an argument about it.
Mma Bakang: I hear you my child but I need to
understand if that's the reason why Jason didn't
come home.
Tebogo: Emma. I was still angry. I don't
understand why Bakang would date someone
who was my friend.
Mma Bakang: Nna tota ngwanaka dikgang tsa
lona di dingalo. Ga ke batle go di tsena ebile le
gore Bakang o ratana le mang ga ke batle go
itsi. ( I don't want to involve myself in your
matters because they are complicated my child.
I don't even want to concern myself with who
Bakang is dating.) Am asking you as a mother
not to involve Jason in your battles because in
as much as this is not about him, it will affect
Tebogo: I hear you Mme but just imagine how
painful it is to find out that your ex husband
who is the father of your child is dating
someone who you considered as a sister.
Mma Bakang: My child you need to accept the
fact that you can not tell Bakang who to date.
The moment your divorce was finalized, he was
free to date whoever he wants.
Tebogo: Does that mean that you will accept
their relationship?
Mma Bakang: That's not something I can
discuss with you. My advice to you is to focus
on preparing for your wedding and find a better
way to work with the father of your child.

At Puleng's
Kagiso closed their bedroom door and threw
himself next to his wife in bed.

Puleng: Have they left?

Kagiso: Yeah. Kagelo will drop them off after
the play date.
Puleng: Awesome. That will give me enough
time to get my things done.
Kagiso: So what's going on with Ney?
Puleng: What do you mean what's going on with

She wore a straight face....

Kagiso: So you think that I didn't see how she

disappeared the other night?
Puleng:(laughed)Shee. I don't know what you
are talking about.
Kagiso:(laughed) You are going to tell me
anyways so just spit it out.
Puleng: Wena babe o rata dikgang. ( You like
Kagiso: And you like gossiping with me.
Puleng: I don't know where to start. Mme hela
Ney and Bakang are seeing each other.
Kagiso: (Smiled)So when do we meet this
Puleng: You have met him.
Kagiso:(Jaws dropped) Bakang hela wa ga
Tebogo? ( The same Bakang that was with
Puleng: That's what I said too but it is what it is.
Kagiso: Eish! Is she happy though?
Puleng: I think that she is.
Kagiso: That's good but the question is will they
get through this? There are so many people
involved. Your parents?
Puleng: That's what I am worried about. I tried
to talk her out of it but it looks like she has set
her heart on it.
Kagiso:Heii ka Modimo pelo e ja serati. ( The
heart wants what it wants.)
Puleng: Yeah. Ney has been through a lot and
she more than anyone deserves to be happy. I
just wish that it didn't come with any suffering.
Kagiso: Yeah. I totally get you but this is not
going to be easy at all because no matter what
the truth is, she will always be considered the
friend that stole her friend's husband.
Puleng: I really hope that she is strong enough
to go through this because this is just the
Kagiso: What can we say or do? Tota hela our
job is to support her. We have no right to tell her
who to love.
Puleng: I just wish our parents felt the same
Kagiso: That's a story for another day. You
know how your mum reacted when this was
just a rumour. I can't imagine how she will react
when she finds out that it's true.
Puleng: That's my fear but like I said, Ney has
made up her mind.
Kagiso: And Tebogo? Does she know about all
Puleng: I don't know. I suspect that she doesn't
know because she hasn't made a stop at my
Kagiso: I just hope that she doesn't cause
drama because that will make it even more
difficult for your parents to accept it.
Puleng: From what I heard, she is preparing for
her wedding. I hope she focuses on that.
Kagiso: Yeah.
Puleng: Wanna take a shower?
Kagiso:(Smiled)Is there anything extra coming
with it?
Puleng: I don't know but we can find out.
Kagiso: I love the sound of that sexy mama.

She bit her lower lip and slowly got off the bed.

Puleng: Catch me if you can.

Kagiso: I like a good challenge.

He got off the bed and followed her to the

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng watched her daughter as she

hummed and danced while making some

Mma Puleng: So who is this boy you have found?

Me: Mma?

I turned to her...

Mma Puleng: The only thing that can make a

woman this happy in the morning is a special
Me: Special friend?
Mma Puleng: You heard that right my child.
Who is he?
Me: Mama I am not sure I know what you are
talking about.
Mma Puleng: Do you know how old I am?
Me: Emma.
Mma Puleng: Exactly! So I know all the tricks in
the book. I know that you didn't go out to buy
pudding the other day.
Me:(laughed) Ao mama!
Mma Puleng: I just hope that he makes you
happy. That's all I want my child.
Me: Emma. ( Yes mum.)

At Mma Bakang's

Bakang picked up his son's toys and threw

them in the storage box.
Bakang: I don't understand why you bought him
all these toys. We can't even walk around the
house freely.
Mma Bakang: Let the boy play. He is a child and
he deserves to have as many toys as he wants.
Bakang: You didn't spoil me like this in fact I
don't remember having a single toy when I was
growing up.
Mma Bakang:(laughed) Times have changed.
Bakang: That's not the only reason. You have
grown soft.
Mma Bakang: Can you blame me? I don't get to
see this boy as much as I would like to see him.
Bakang: I don't understand why Tebogo is being
this difficult.
Mma Bakang: Is it true?
Bakang: Is what true?
Mma Bakang: You seeing her friend?
Bakang:(laughed) There is something wrong
with that woman.

Mma Bakang turned around to check on Jason

then moved closer to Bakang.

Mma Bakang: I asked you if it's true.

Bakang: It is true but even so, she had no right
to tell you. I was going to tell you myself.
Mma Bakang: Why her friend of all the people?
Bakang: Those two are not not even friends
Mma Bakang: Ok.
Bakang: That's all you are going to say?
Mma Bakang: What else can I say my son? I
can't tell you who to love. If that's who you have
choosen then what can I do? You are old
enough to make your own decisions.
Bakang: And what do you think?
Mma Bakang: What I think is not important
because it will never change how you feel. The
last time I tried to force you to stay married to
the mother of your child, you ended up leaving.
Bakang you need to make your own mistakes
and learn my son. I won't always be here. At the
end of the day,it's about who you love and who
you have choosen. You are the one that gets to
stay with her so all I can do is accept whoever
you bring.
Bakang: What changed?
Mma Bakang: I realised that I didn't listen to you
the last time when you were unhappy.
Bakang: Thank you mum.
Mma Bakang: I am not saying that it's right, I
am just choosing to accept what makes you
Bakang: Thank you Mme. I don't know what to
Mma Bakang: Are you still leaving tomorrow?
Bakang: Emma.
Mma Bakang: I want to ask Mmagwe Jason to
come here so that we can discuss a few things
later. Is that okay?
Bakang: Is it necessary?
Mma Bakang: For Jason yes. You two need to
iron out these things.

Distance & Time
# 128

Later that day

At Mma Bakang's

Theo picked up Jason and went with him into

his car while Bakang and Tebogo sat with Mma
Bakang inside the house.

Mma Bakang: My children I have called you here

because I am concerned about the way you two
are relating. I understand that there is an issue
here but including Jason is not right.
Bakang: The person that is including Jason is
sitted next to you.
Mma Bakang: My son, I am the one that called
this meeting so let me talk. You will get your
chance. The way I see it both of you are
dragging this child into your mess. One is
refusing with him while the other wants to drag
the other one to court in his name. Tell me
something my daughter. How do you think
Jason will feel when he realizes that you denied
him time with his father? Wena Bakang how do
you think he will feel when he realizes that you
dragged his mother to court?

They both kept quite and shamefully bowed...

Mma Bakang: What you are both doing is wrong.

I was so happy to learn that Mmagwe Jason
has moved on and found someone that loves
her. I thought that would bring peace and joy
especially because you were both ready to co-
parent. Tebby my girl, you have been blessed
with a good man that is ready and willing to do
right by Jason. Wena Bakang you are blessed
because it's not all step fathers that are like
Theo. The two of you should be meeting
halfway. Your marriage ended a long time ago.
Whatever issues you might have had is not
relevant. What's important at this point is Jason.
Do you hear me?

Tebogo looked at Bakang then at his mother.

Tebogo: Emma.
Mma Bakang: Bakang?
Bakang: Emma. (Yes mum.)
Tebogo: I am sorry I overstepped my
boundaries. I was just hurt because in as much
as we are divorced, Bakang and I were more
than just partners. Le ene Ney hela she was a
sister to me.
Bakang: I understand that but it's not like we
planned any of this. It just happend le gone two
years after our divorce.
Tebogo: Ok. It's your life and I don't have any
right. From now on I will stay in my lane.
Bakang: Thank you. I would really appreciate
Tebogo: I am sorry I used Jason to fight my
Bakang: And I am sorry that you feel betrayed
but none of us wanted to hurt you.

Mma Bakang sighed as the two came to an

Mma Bakang: Tanki bo ngwanaka. Go buwa go
molemo.( Thank you my children.Talking is a
good thing.) If you have any problems, don't
hesitate to talk to me or Theo. We both want
you two to have a healthy relationship.
Bakang: Emma. There is also one thing I
wanted to ask Mmagwe Jason.
Tebogo: Okay.
Bakang: I understand that I don't live in town but
it is my wish for Jason to have a relationship
with his grandmother. Once in a while,drop him
here even if it's just for a day so he spends time
with her.
Tebogo: That's not a problem at all.
Mma Bakang: Thank you my children.

At Kano's
Melinda pushed her luggage bag inside the
house. Her husband stood up to greet her then
helped her with the luggage.

Kano: Babe.
Melinda: How are you?
Kano: What can I say? I was just worried about
you.How are you feeling?
Melinda: I don't know but I think I am ready to

They both sat down.

Melinda: What you did was not only

disrespectful but it also broke my heart. Kano I
have never in a million years thought of ever
cheating on you. When I made a vow to love you
and respect our marriage for life I meant it. I
might make some other mistakes but cheating
is something I would never do.You didn't only
break our wedding vows, you put my health at
risk. You know very well that you and I don't
use protection so when you go and sleep with
another person raw, you know exactly what you
are doing.
Kano: I honestly have no words to express how
sorry I am. When I realized what I had done, i
waited till I knew I was clean again before I
could get intimate with you. I am not saying that
it makes it right.

She looked into his eyes and as much as she

was hurting she knew when her husband was
being genuine.

Melinda: I hear you but I suggest that we go for

an hiv test. I know we went for one a few
months ago but I want to be sure.
Kano: Emma.
Melinda: And what about the child and it's
Kano: She knows that I am committed to you
and what happened was a mistake.
Melinda: Moving foward , I want to know
everything you are doing that concerns the
child.This thing of secretly sending money is so
not on. We need to discuss how you will have a
relationship with the child.
Kano: Thank you love.
Melinda: We will talk about it later. Where is
Kano: She is taking a nap.
Melinda: Did she eat?
Kano: Not yet. I was just about to cook.
Melinda: Ok. I will help you.
Kano: Really?
Melinda:(Smiled) Yeah.Ele gore am I a bad cook?
Kano: No. Not at all. I thought you didn't like
Melinda: Am giving it a chance. Let's finish up
so that I can bath baby girl.

He kissed her forehead and hugged her... The

woman he once knew was slowly coming back.

At Mma Puleng's

Rra Puleng put the phone down and scratched

his head.

Mma Puleng: What is it? Who was that?

Rra Puleng:(Cleared throat) That was Mma
Mma Puleng: What does she want?
Rra Puleng: Her house burnt this morning.
Mma Puleng: That's such a shame. Is she ok?
Rra Puleng: She is but she doesn't have a place
to stay.
Mma Puleng: Ele gore where is London and
Rra Puleng: London now stays with her
boyfriend and Ruth.There isn't enough space.
Kana gape London and her mother don't get
Mma Puleng: I still don't understand how any of
that is our concern.
Rra Puleng: She is asking for a place to stay.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Where?
Rra Puleng looked down...

Rra Puleng: Here.

Mma Puleng held her waist and laughed...

Mma Puleng: Rra Puleng April fool is next year.

You missed this one.
Rra Puleng: I am serious.
Mma Puleng: Kgaitsadio ga a mpone ka sepe
waitsi. ( Your sister does not respect me.)
Rra Puleng: Ao mogatsaka. She is only asking
for a place to stay.
Mma Puleng: This is also my house. She also
has to ask me. How come she is asking you
Rra Puleng: I don't think she meant to
disrespect you. It's only that when you are still
in shock, you barely remember some things.
Mma Puleng: So you want me to open up my
home to that woman so she comes here to
insult me?
Rra Puleng: Mma Pulie,that's in the past.
Mma Puleng:Is it? Will she be able to stay in
this small store room? Isn't that what she
called it?
Rra Puleng: You know that people change.
Mma Puleng: Not your sister. She can come
and stay for the sake of God. It's not that I have
forgotten what she and her daughter did to my
child. I am only doing this for the sake of God
and you. Just remember to tell her that this is
my house. Kwano go lela same setlhako.( I am
the one that calls the shoots in this house.)
Rra Puleng: Thank you my wife.
At Mma Thabiso
Morning 🌞
The next insert follows at 12:30hrs which is
your bonus.

The last one for the day will be later in the

evening. That makes it three.

Thank you for reaching target!

Distance & Time
# 129
At Mma Thabiso's

I packaged the vegetables I had just cut in the

freezer bags then threw them in the deep

Me: I have cut all the vegetables you like.If they

finish, you can buy more and do the same.
Mma Thabiso: Thank you my girl.
Me: Do you need anything before I go?
Mma Thabiso: No my child.The money you gave
me is enough.
Me: Ok mama. I am leaving.
Mma Thabiso: Ney!
Me: Mma.
Mma Thabiso: Sit down my child.
I sat down...

Mma Thabiso: I can see that what I said the

other day hurt you. You know that I will always
tell you the truth as your mother but that
doesn't mean that I don't love you.
Me: Emma.
Mma Thabiso: I can't tell you who to love. If
that's who you have choosen then I don't have
any say. I am just asking you to be careful. Take
care of yourself my girl.
Me: Emma.
Mma Thabiso: I love you so much ngwanaka
and I just want to see you happy. You are the
daughter I thought I would never have. I don't
want anything or anyone to separate us.
Me: Nothing will ever separate us . I just need
your love and support.
Mma Thabiso: I still believe that this is a
mistake but what else can I do? Like I said I just
want you to be happy my girl.
Me: Thank you.

I hugged her then left...


Inside the car

I kissed Bakang and buckled up...

Bakang: How was your day?

Me: Better than I had thought it would be. Mma
T and I are good. Wena how did the meeting go?
Bakang: It went very well.I am actually starting
to see some change in Tebogo.I guess she was
just upset and now I understand why.
Me: Yeah. So where to from here?
Bakang: Now we love each other
unapologetically. We give it our all.
Me: And if it doesn't work out?
Bakang: Then we would have tried. Ney I refuse
to let go because someone asked me to. I
wanna follow my heart. I wanna hold your hand,
love you, learn with you, let go of myself and
completely immense myself.
Me:(Smiled) So that's what we do.
Bakang: That's what we do baby.

He held my hand as we drove off...

At Theo's

Theo tucked in Jason and kissed him before

turning off the lights and leaving the room.

Tebogo: Hey.Is he asleep?

Theo: Hey. Yeah.
Tebogo: Can we talk?
Theo: Okay.

He sat next to her.

Theo: Is everything ok?

Tebogo: I just want to apologize to you for the
way I have been behaving. Babe after my
divorce, I didn't think that I would find a man
who genuinely loved me and my child especially
after Offiey. When you came into my life, you
changed all that. I didn't think that it would be
possible to feel any peace but here you are. You
have walked with me through all my
shenanigans and held my hand. There is not a
single day that I doubt your love and
commitment to me and Jason.
Theo: And yet it doesn't feel that way.

She stretched out her hand to his...

Tebogo: I know. I know that for the past few

days I have been behaving like I want Bakang
back but that's not the case. When I found out
that those two were seeing each other I felt
betrayed. What I shared with Ney was special. I
never thought that even after we cut ties, she
would sleep with someone I had shared a life
with.I understand that they can do what they
want with their lives and I have accepted it.All I
want right now is to focus on our marriage and
raising Jason. I love you and I don't want you to
ever doubt that even if it's for a moment.
Theo: I understand. I love you. I am so happy
that you have finally accepted it. The last thing
you should be doing is stressing about people
who probably are not bothered at this point. I
know that this might sound twisted but maybe
it's better this way. At least we know who will be
spending time with Jason if his father ever
decides to marry her.
Tebogo: Yeah but I doubt it will go that far.
Those two are different. When Ney commits
she doesn't look back then there is Rragwe
Jason who is not the type to commit for long.
The first sign of trouble and he will run away. I
am not wishing them anything bad, I am just
stating what I know.
Theo: Who knows maybe they will prove
everyone wrong.
Tebogo: Maybe.
Theo: Come on, let's go sleep.

He stood up and took her hand...

At Puleng's

Puleng put her phone down and laughed..

Kagiso: Don't make me suffer. Out with it.

Puleng:(laughed) That was Mma Puleng.
Kagiso: And?
Puleng:(laughed) Mma London has moved in
with them.
Kagiso: What do you mean Mma London has
moved in with them?
Puleng: Her house burned this afternoon. She
doesn't have a place to stay so she asked to
stay with my parents.

Kagiso widened his eyes...

Kagiso: And you are laughing? Aren't you

worried? Those two might just kill each other.
Puleng: (laughed) They won't but I know mama
is just about to make that house interesting.
This will be payback. I hope Rakgadi behaves
because mama can be mean.
Kagiso: I don't even wanna know.
Puleng: Let's pass there tomorrow morning
before work for some free drama.
Kagiso: (laughed)You know I am in.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma London picked up her shopping bag and

took out a bottle of wine.

Mma London: Rra Puleng, wa nwa kgaitsadika?

( Would you like a drink?)The girls bought this
for me on our way here.
Rra Puleng: I would like some.
Mma London:Mma Puleng can we have some
glasses and a wine opener.
Mma Puleng: Whoever wants the glasses can
go and get them.

She said as she put her feet on the table...

Mma London:Where can I find them?
Mma Puleng: Just open those shelves.
Mma London: Emma.

She stood up and went into the kitchen.

A week later

Next insert that follows will be the evening one.
Good day
Distance & Time
# 130

A week later

At Extreme Safaris

Lemme smiled as he read their financial report.

His wife went through the report for the second
time to confirm if what she read was true.

Lemme: I don't know what to say. We are doing

way better than I anticipated.
Boka: I also didn't think that we would come
this far. Ney's ideas are doing very well.
Lemme: She has definitely turned things around.
Boka: To think that you wanted to get rid of her
years ago
Lemme:(Smiled)And I had you to put me back in
Boka: Yeah.
Lemme: I honestly don't know what this
company and I would be without you. You are
the reason we are all standing.
Boka: Is that the money or you talking?
Lemme: Both. I don't know how you have put up
with all the rubbish I put you through. I don't
even understand how you could have possibly
married me.
Boka:(Smiled)I don't know but i am happy with
how you have managed to turn things around. I
didn't think that we would still be married.
Lemme: Me too.
Boka: With the way things are going, soon we
will be opening up another camp.
Lemme: I was thinking the same.
Boka: And I was thinking that it's time we had
Lemme: Tell me that you are kidding.

He got up and held her hand then helped her

stand before kissing and carrying her.

Boka: I don't see why we need to wait any

longer. You have proved to me that you are
committed to this marriage and that's all I
Lemme: Thank you baby.Thank you for
everything you have done for me and with me. I
don't know how to thank you.
Boka: Well you can start off with that trip we
have been talking about.
Lemme: Am giving you that and so much more.
Boka: Oh yeah?
Lemme: I promise you.

He fought so hard to hold back his tears but

they escaped.

Boka: Are those tears I see?

He quickly wiped them.

Lemme: I have no idea what you are talking

Boka:(laughed) I love you.
Lemme: I love you too babe.

Mma Puleng's
Mma London peeped through the window and
watched Mma Puleng as she swept outside.
She went into the kitchen and made herself a
cup of tea.

Rra Puleng: Mma Londos. Dumela kgaitsadiake.

( Good morning sister.)

He stood by the kitchen door and greeted her.

Mma London: Hello Rra Pulie. ( Goodmorning

Rra Pulie.) Would you like a cup of tea?
Rra Puleng: I always take mine with Mma Pulie.
Mma London: Ok.
Rra Puleng: Go ahead and make it anyway. I
don't want you drinking tea alone.
Mma London: Would you like some bread as
Rra Puleng: Please.
Mma London: Ok. Nnya mme let me just make
a full breakfast.
Rra Puleng: (Smiled) Watla wa thusa. It's been a
while since we have had one.
Mma London: Why? What's the problem?
Rra Puleng: Mma Pulie tries to have us eat
healthy things.
Mma London:(laughed) We are almost dead
anyway. Are ipolaye hela kgaitsadiake. ( Let's
just kill ourselves.)
Rra Puleng:(laughed) You are right.

They talked and laughed as she prepared some

A few moments later Mma Puleng walked into
the house and headed to the kitchen where
there was noise.

Mma Puleng: Dumela di bosso. ( Goodmorning

my bosses.)
Rra Puleng: Mohumagadi. ( The wife.)
Mma Puleng: A wife is the one that is so relaxed
in the morning while the slaves are up and
doing errands.

Mma London ignored her and continued with

what she was doing.

Mma Puleng: In this house, we have eggs once

a week.
Mma London:(Smiled) Ao Mma Pulie.Mme kana
eggs are healthy.
Mma Puleng: We can't afford it!
Mma London:(laughed) Am sure your children
can afford to buy you eggs daily if they wanted.
Mma Puleng: Yaanong the problem is that I
don't make a habit of asking for money from my
children.I understand that they also have lives
to live. If you are going to have eggs daily then
at least contribute something. Mma London
food is expensive. I don't even want to imagine
the price of cooking oil at this point.
Mma London: Gone. (That's true.)
Mma Puleng: I would like it if you helped me
around the house.
Mma London: I thought you were coping. Gape I
didn't want to upset you.
Mma Puleng: Upset me how? Mma London I
can't be the one doing everything. I am not
Rra Puleng excused himself.

Mma London: What would you like me to help

you with?
Mma Puleng: The house chores.
Mma London: That's ok. One thing that will be
difficult to do is the cooking. I can't remember
when last I used a gas stove. Kana I used an
electric stove for years.
Mma Puleng: And now you don't have it so you
are going to have to remember because in my
house we save electricity.
Mma London: Emma. I was talking to Mma
Pretty today and I asked her to stop by. I hope
that's ok.
Mma Puleng: I really don't understand why you
are telling me.
Mma London: I thought that as the owner of the
house I should let you know.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Let me know? Not ask
me? Mma London if I was the owner of the
house then you would have asked me before
you invited her over.
Mma London: I am sorry sister. I didn't mean to
offend you.
Mma Puleng: Emma.

She moved the breakfast her sister in law had

made and put her own pot on the stove.

Mma Puleng: Mma London?

Mma London: Mma!
Mma Puleng: So how did you cook this
breakfast if at all you can't use a gas stove?
Mma London: I asked Rra Puleng to help me.
Mma Puleng: I didn't know that he liked helping
in the kitchen. If that's the case then I am sure
he will be happy to help you more often.

At Karen's office

Loapi locked the office door and embraced


Karen: Are you sure that no one is following you?

Loapi: All good. Are you okay?

She took off her scarf and revealed her bruises.

Loapi: I am going to deal with this guy. Who the

hell does he think he is? This is no longer
something to observe. Karen you need to report
this guy to the police.
Karen: I can't Lo. We can fix this. Agang is a
good guy.
Loapi: A good guy who lays his hands on a

Someone banged on the door as he comforted


Distance & Time
# 131
At Karen's office

Loapi locked the office door and embraced


Karen: Are you sure that no one is following you?

Loapi: All good. Are you okay?

She took off her scarf and revealed her bruises.

Loapi: I am going to deal with this guy. Who the

hell does he think he is? This is no longer
something to observe. Karen you need to report
this guy to the police.
Karen: I can't Lo. We can fix this. Agang is a
good guy.
Loapi: A good guy who lays his hands on a

Someone banged on the door as he comforted


Loapi: Are you expecting anyone?

Karen: No.
Loapi: Let me get it.

He let go of her and approached the door. He

slowly opened the door and his eyes met with

Agang: You can't stay away from her, can you?

He pulled Agang inside.

Loapi: What did I tell you when I gave you
Karen's number? Didn't I ask you to take care of
Agang:(laughed) You know that's actually very
funny because you seem to be doing very well
on that department. I asked you two so many
times if there was anything going on between
the two of you and you both denied it.
Loapi: There is nothing going. Karen is my sister.
At one point we were friends. There is no way
that I could ever cross you like that.
Agang: Well it's a little too late for such
speeches man.
Loapi: You are right. She is reporting you to the
Agang: Is that so?
They both turned to Karen who was shaking in
her boots.

Loapi: Tell him.

She kept quite.

Loapi: Karen?
Karen: Loapi please leave. I will talk to you later.
Loapi: Karen you don't have to do this. Look at
me. I will protect you. He will never come close
to you again.
Agang: Loapi move the hell on. Find a girl and
leave mine alone. When do you think you will
get a girl when you are always hanging around
mine and involving yourself in our matters?
Loapi: What kind of a man lays his hands on a
Agang: I don't know who the hell you are but
please leave before I show you what kind of a
man I am.
Loapi: I am not afraid of you. I don't exercise my
self esteem on women.
Karen: Loapi please.

Fear and desperation could be seen in her eyes.

Loapi: You let me know if you need me and I will

be here in a heartbeat.

He patted her on the shoulder and left.

Agang: So you ran to him like always?

She moved back and he moved closer to her.

Karen: What we have is over. Make sure that

you collect all your things before I get back
home.I am not reporting you to the police
because I don't wanna ruin the little life you
have left. The next time you try what you did
last night then I will shoot you in the eyes.
Agang:Is that confidence I hear?
Karen:It's not. That's a side of me that you don't
want to unleash.

She stood by the door and opened it widely.

Karen: Do the right thing.

He scanned her from head to toe...

Agang: You are not even pretty. I did you a
favour. Besides your money, there was nothing
that would keep me including that little thing in
between your legs.
Karen: That's good to know because I was tired
of feeding a street kid.

He clicked his tongue and walked out.

A week later

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng sat next to her husband and

looked at her sister in law waiting to hear why
they had been called.
Mma London: Mma Pulie and Rra Pulie.
Rra Puleng: Kgaitsadi. (Sister)
Mma London: I have called you both here
because I want to apologize for everything that I
have put you through. Mma Puleng when you
first came into this family, I failed to welcome
you as the eldest. I choose to go with what my
mother thought of you. All these years I have
held on to what was done by my mother. As a
sister, I have failed both you and my brother and
I apologize for that. You and your husband have
been my pillar for years even though I have
never acknowledged it. My girls were practically
raised by you. I am also now here and you have
welcomed me into your house. I want to thank
you and also apologize to you.

Mma Puleng looked around the room then

closed her eyes before opening them.
Everything felt like a dream.

Mma Puleng: I don't know what to say. I didn't

think that this day would come. Over the years I
prayed for it and eventually gave up.All i ever
wanted was to get along with all of you.
Mma London: That's true. I am very sorry.
Mma Puleng: What can we say? Everyone
makes mistakes.

Rra Puleng looked up to block his tears.

Rra Puleng: God is alive. I didn't think that this

day would come while I still live. I was just
having a chat with Mma Pretty the other day
and she was telling me about how she dreamt
of the entire family reunited. My sister you have
no idea how I have longed for this. Knowing that
my family had not accepted my wife has been
stealing my peace. I am so happy to see that
you realize your mistakes.Everyone makes
Mma London: That's true. Can you two ever
forgive me?

She looked at Mma Puleng...

Mma Puleng: We forgive you.

Mma London: Tanki hle nnaka. ( Thank you my
sister.) I don't know what to say. I am so happy.
I didn't want to leave to Serowe with this
hanging on our heads.

Both ladies stood up and embraced each other.

At Safari Extreme

I took a deep breath and tried so hard to remain

calm as I read through my promotion letter.

Peo: And? What does it say?

Me: I have been promoted.

I held on to the letter with shaking hands.

Peo:(Excited) Tell me more.

Me:I am going to be the general manager for
the new camp that is being built.

She held my hand as we both celebrated.

Two more inserts to go. We doing three
tomorrow if target is reached.
Don't forget the sponsors page
Distance & Time
# 132

Later that day

I held Bakang's hand and looked into his eyes

waiting for a reaction as he read my promotion

Bakang: Congratulations babe. You deserve it.

Me: Thank you love.

We both remained mute. He wore a straight

face which made it very difficult for me to make
out how he was taking the news.

Me: And what do you think about this whole

Bakang: I honestly don't know babe. I am happy
for you and at the same time I am worried
about us. I know that this promotion will only
apply once the new camp is up and running but
that will eventually happen and you will have to
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: Three months on and one month off.
Me: So are you saying that you don't want me to
take it?
Bakang: Ofcourse not love.

He held on tightly to my hand.

Bakang: I want you to take it and show them

why they hired and promoted you in the first
place.I don't know any other person that works
as hard as you. If it was any other person they
would haver quit after what happend but you
choose to see beyond that and keep
fighting.Ney you are a fighter and fighters
deserve to be rewarded. This is your reward and
there is no way I will not want you to take it. My
heart just bleeds at the thought of the distance
between us. I don't know how we will survive it
but I know that we will try every single day. For
a very long time, I thought that I would never
love again but here we are. Those years we
were separated made me realize that you are
the one I want. You are the one I want to do this
life thing with. I don't care what the entire world
thinks of us. I am willing to defy it if that's what
it takes.
Me: Babe.

I embraced him..

Bakang: You remember what we talked about

the last time?
Me:(laughed) Babe we talk about a lot of things.
Bakang:(Chuckled) Well we don't talk about sex
Me: (Smiled) You are right about that one.
Akere you don't wanna try new things.
Bakang: What if I told you that I was open to all
those nasty things?
Me: Tell me more.
Bakang: How about I show you?

He tapped my as*.

Me:I already like what I am seeing...

At Tebogo's

Theo looked through the menu and smiled.

Their wedding was a few days away and
everything was falling into place.

Theo: Finally!
Tebogo: I can't wait for the big day. Everything
is perfect. I did the final dress fitting today and
oh boy!

She whistled...

Theo:(Smiled) O raya gore?

Tebogo: I haven't seen a bride as hot as me.
Theo: Like a bomb!

They both laughed out loud...

Tebogo: I promise you that when you see me in

that dress, you will beg my uncles to charge you
for the second time.
Theo: Music to my ears.
Tebogo: So I extended the invitation to Ney as
Theo: And?
Tebogo: She hasn't said anything yet. I only sent
it an hour ago.
Theo: And now it's on her. You have done
everything possible to show them that all you
want is peace.
Tebogo: And that's all I want honestly. God gave
me a second chance. I won't waste it or ruin it.
As long as Bakang continues to be a good
father then am good. What he does with his life
is his business.
Theo: That's the spirit baby girl.

At Kano's

Melinda rolled her eyes as she scrolled on her

phone and saw Tebogo's bridal shower pictures.
Kano: What happened?
Melinda: Huh?
Kano: You only roll your eyes that way when you
are annoyed.
Melinda:Tebogo's bridal shower was yesterday.
Kano: Kante what really happend between the
two of you?
Melinda: Apparently her therapist and husband
think I am a distraction in her life.
Kano:(laughed Wait what? So she dumped you?
Melinda: Yeah. You should have read her
message telling me how toxic I am.
Kano: (laughed) What did I tell you? Akere I long
told you that your friendship was a one way
street. I have never heard or seen Tebogo
supporting you in anything. You are the one that
ran around and did stuff for her including
snooping in my phone just so you could please
her. Now they dumped you and you didn't even
get an invitation. You should listen to me.
Melinda:(laughed) What kind of a husband are
you? Shouldn't you be comforting me? To think
that I am the one that approached her husband
and hooked them up mme am not even going to
get a piece of cake.
Kano:(Chuckled) Ba se timile.
Melinda: Iyaa!
Kano: When are we picking up baby girl?
Melinda: Tomorrow love. I was thinking of
planning a family trip over the weekend. How is
your schedule?
Kano: My entire week is open. With all the
renovations taking place at the office it's quite.
Melinda: That's awesome. Do you think little
Nathan can come?
He sat up and moved closer to her wondering if
he heard her right.

Kano: Mma?
Melinda: Do you think little man can join us?
Kano: You want him to come along?
Melinda: He is family.
Kano: I don't know what to say.
Melinda: Just say yes and ask his mother. I just
wanna make things right. That child is now a
part of our family. It's a lot to take in but I want
us to do things right.
Kano:You are an amazing wife.

He kissed her.
Melinda: I haven't heard that in months.
Kano: Am sorry I don't tell you often.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma London and Mma Pretty laughed as Mma

London narrated to them on how she met their

Mma Pretty: To think that your husband was

such a loser then. From what I remember he
couldn't even talk to a girl. He would just shake.
Mma London: That's how I also remember him.
This one that Mma Puleng is telling us about
can't be the same young man.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Then he must have been
hiding his real character. Rra Puleng was
romantic. Every single day he would walk me to
my house then stay outside till my bedroom
light went off.
Mma Pretty: That would explain why he always
got into trouble with our parents.
Mma London: So how did you separate?
Mma Puleng: He cheated on me with another
girl that was studying nursing and that's when I
also met Puleng's father.

Mma Pretty laughed out.

Mma Pretty: Do mean to tell me that he was not

afraid of girls?
Mma London: If he could cheat then he was
obviously just putting up a show for us.

Rra Puleng walked into the kitchen and the trio


Rra Puleng: Uhu! A go party?( Is there a party

going on here?)
Mma Puleng: Ga o a laletswa.( You are not

One more insert to go!
Distance & Time
# 133

At Loapi's
Karen laid back and closed her eyes as Loapi
rubbed her feet. For the first time in months,
she felt at peace.

Loapi: You good?

Karen: Am good. Thank you for the treat.I spent
the last couple of months listening to how I
wasn't good enough or how I was doing so
many things the wrong way. It feels really good
to just lay back and have something nice done
for me.
Loapi: And it feels really good to have you
back.I was scared for a minute.
Karen: I know.
Loapi: I thought that I had lost that fierce and
strong woman.
Karen: Not anytime soon.
Loapi: I am surprised that you let him hit you.
Remember how you used to hit me?
Karen:( laughed)I don't remember that part.
Loapi: (Smiled) I do. Karen you are an amazing
person. You will find a man that will love you
right. Baby girl you deserve everything good that
the world has to offer.
Karen: Thank you Lo. I don't know what I did to
deserve a friend like you but whatever it is,I
would do it again. I honestly don't know how I
could have survived here without you.
Loapi: I will always support you baby girl. I got
your back the same way you have mine.
Karen: To think that we almost ended up
Loapi:(laughed) Crazy hey.
Karen: No it's not. We were good together. Well
that was before I ruined things.
Loapi: We were young and naive. We probably
could have worked out if it happend in these
years. For a long time I was obsessed with Ney.
I thought that your first love was your true love.
Karen: Have you talked to her of lately?
Loapi: No but I see that she has moved on from
her instagram.
Karen: And?
Loapi: And I am happy for her. She seems
genuinely happy.
Karen: Is it anyone you know?
Loapi:(laughed) She crops him out.I don't know
but it doesn't matter. As long as she is happy.
She is a really good person and she also
deserves to be happy.
Karen: This is a side of you I never knew existed.
Loapi: What can I say? I am at peace.
Karen: That's the kind of peace I want for
Loapi: You will find it. Be kind to yourself.

She smiled and turned to him.

Loapi: What?
Karen: That's what I said when you were going
through your break up.
Loapi:(Smiled) I know. You were right. I just
needed to be gentle with myself.
Karen: I will hold onto that.

At Pila Safaris

I closed the door and greeted Bakang then sat

Bakang: Dressing that way when coming to see
your man should be listed as a crime.
Me: (Smiled) Tell me about it.
Bakang: I could tap that right now.
Me: There is nothing wrong with getting home
right now.
Bakang: Don't tempt me.

I pulled up my dress and winked.

Bakang: That's it. I will meet you downstairs.

Give me five minutes. Am packing up.
Me: Babe kana I am still on duty.
Bakang: You should have thought about that
before you drove here.
Me: You are going to kill me.
Bakang: Serves you right after pulling those
Me: I don't know what you are doing but
whatever it is,I am going to fall pregnant if you
don't stop.
Bakang:(laughed) Akere you are on the pill.
There is no way you will fall pregnant.
Me: Yeah.

He threw his house keys at me.

Bakang: Why don't you head home?I will meet

you there. Lay it, lay it.

I laughed...

Me:You are an idiot.

Bakang: My girlfriend has told me twice this
Me:Has she?
Bakang: Mmm. Hot little sexy mama. You might
know her.
Me: Do I?

He lifted me up and put me on top of the table

then kissed me. I laughed as his van diesel
poked me.

Me: That's a sign that I need to go.

Bakang: Five minutes.
Me: Hurry!

Puleng's Office
Kagiso laughed as his wife had a conversation
with Kago.

Kago: Puleng did you put me on loud speaker?

Why do I hear your husband laughing in the
Puleng: No man. He is on the phone with
someone else.
Kago: Get me off loudspeaker or else I am
hanging up.
Puleng:(laughed) Go sharp ee don't hang up.

She got him off speaker phone and walked out.

Puleng: Am outside.
Kago: So as I was saying. I met this really cool
shorty and I wanna introduce you to her.
Puleng: That's what you said the last time and I
ended up paying through my nose.
Kago:I promise you that this one is legit. She
even has her own law firm.
Puleng: When would you like us to meet?
Kagos: How about this evening?
Puleng: Ele gore when will you leave Mmadinare
if it's this evening?
Kago: Am already in town.
Puleng: When did you get here?
Kago: Three days ago.
Puleng:And you are only telling me now?
Kago: You know that you tell Kagiso everything.
Puleng:(laughed) Not everything tlhe ao.
Kago: Sis I know you better. You and Mma KG
were the same person. I know she probably told
you all our secrets.
Puleng: (laughed)Ao rra. She would never!
Kago: Right. Don't even think of inviting your
Puleng: Right.
Kago: And just bring your card just to be on the
safe side. I told her that my sister wants to take
us out. She will obviously offer to pay because
she can afford it and she always wants to make
a statement so you don't have to worry about
your money.
Puleng: Just know that if she doesn't pay then I
won't bother as well so make sure you also
have your card. You already owe me over five
thousand. Don't think that I have forgotten this.
Kago: Five thousand from where?
Puleng: Have you forgotten that every month I
meet a new girl and I end up paying for these
Kago: Ever occurred to you that I trust you more?
Puleng: I love you too but I know that line. I will
see you later man.
Kago: Bye sis.

She hung up and shook her head as she walked

back to the office.

Kagiso: Let me guess, he wants to introduce

you to another girl.

He laughed.

Later that day

We are doing three inserts again tomorrow 😘
Also note that the length of the inserts will
increase soon. Thank you for reaching targets.
Distance & Time
# 134
Later that day

Puleng stood by the mirror and fixed her make

up while her husband laid in bed.

Puleng: If you see me doing this one more time

then kill me.
He looked at his wife and shook his head then

Puleng: What?
Kagiso: I am just wondering if you realize that
you are enabling Kago.He keeps coming back
to you because he knows that you will support
all this.
Puleng: Babe I am only trying to be supportive.
You know very well that Mma KG would do the
same in a heartbeat if she was here.
Kagiso:Maybe once or twice. She would have
learnt by now. You know I get the fact that you
are trying to be supportive to everyone but this
is Kago we are talking about. The guy never
wants to take responsibility for anything. If you
are not careful then you will end up taking care
of his children too. I paid for everything while
we lived together yet the guy had his allowence.
If at all he is serious about any of these girls
then he will do the right thing. At this point he is
just in it for the ride. It's such a pity that my wife
is being taken on this ride yet she doesn't see.
Pulenf:I hear you.
Kagiso: Good so tell him you are not coming
and come to bed.
Puleng: (laughed) Nice try but I already
confirmed my attendance. Let me attend for the
last time.
Kagiso: So I am missing out on the best se* of
my life because my brother is messing around.
Puleng: I will see you later. Make sure the kids
are in bed early then we might just get that

She kissed him and grabbed her car keys.

Puleng: I will see you later. I love you.

Kagiso: I love you more.

At Bakang's

I turned away from Bakanga as we laid in bed


Bakang: Fu*k! That spicy woman on top is my

new favourite position. I thought that my brain
would stop.

He cuddled me from the back.

Me: That was some beautiful sex right there.

Bakang:Thank you love.
Me: For what?
Bakang: For being patient with me. I didn't think
that our sex life would be this spicy.
Me: And thank you for being open.
Communication is very important especially
when it comes to sex because in honest truth,
sex has the potential to break up a couple.
Bakang: That's true.
Me: So Tebogo invited me to her wedding.
Bakang:She told me. What do you think?
Me: I don't know really. If I rock up there with
you then I will be accused of rubbing it in so I
will just buy a gift. At this point all I want is
Bakang: Yeah. I understand.
Me: Gape my parents might attend so imagine
them seeing us together.
Bakang: I feel you. Babe you don't have to do
anything that makes you uncomfortable.I am
honouring my invitation because we have made
peace. I know that people say that exes are
always jealous of each other but I am genuinely
happy for her. Theo brings out the best in her.
The Tebogo I see now is way different from the
one I married. It's true that each person has
their soulmate.
Me: And you are mine.
Bakang: (Smiled) Oh Yeah?
Me: Mmm...

I sat on my butt and grabbed my phone.

Me: I need to attend to some emails.

Bakang: I thought that it was after working
Me: It is but I spent the entire afternoon here so
I barely got anything done.
Bakang: Are you sleeping over?
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: Maybe you should just move in.
Me:Nice try but that's not happening.We have
agreed to take things slow, remember?
Bakang: Well there is nothing wrong with a man
trying his luck.
Me:(laughed) I will keep telling you the same

At Mma Puleng's house

Mma Puleng laughed as she washed the dishes.

Rra Puleng: What's funny? Share the joke.

Mma Puleng: It's nothing. Just remembering
something Mma Pretty said.
Rra Puleng:It's nice to see you this happy.
Mma Puleng: Our family has been reunited and
everything seems to be going well. What more
can I ask for?
Rra Puleng: I am so happy to see everyone
finally getting along. It's all I have ever wanted.
Mma Puleng: Ga re batho ba ire kagiso. (At
times people need to make peace.) We can't
fight all the time. Now we just need to bring our
children together.
Rra Puleng: Once the children see how you are
united as their parents, they will follow. Children
don't listen, they imitate.
Mma Puleng: That's true. I will give Puleng and
Ney a call tomorrow.

At Mma Pretty's
Mma Pretty took out a bottle of wine from
behind the couch and placed it on the table.

Mma Pretty: Let me get some wine glasses.

Mma London:(laughed) I knew that there was
no way that I was going to come here and leave
without drinking some wine.
Mma Pretty: I was only going to open this bottle
on Christmas but it's not everyday that we get
to sit like this and catch up.
Mma London: Indeed. It's been a long time
since we have sat like this as sisters and talked.
Mma Pretty: Tanki Ausi.What you did brought
the family together.
Mma London: I wish I could have done it sooner
because we would be very far by now.
Mma Pretty: It all happend at God's time so
don't have any regrets.Maybe God was trying to
teach us a lesson.
Mma London: That's true. I just thank God that
we made peace before one of us died. I really
wish our mother could have done the same.
The truth is that Mma Puleng is a good person.
She was pushed by us to resort to some of the
things she does.
Mma Pretty: That's true. Our brother found a
good woman in her. Look at how she has built
him a home and raised his children.
Mma London:She has indeed held it together
even when he was mischievous.
Mma Pretty: That man has put Mma Puleng
through so much.
Mma London: Mme he has learnt his lesson.

Morula Restaurant
Distance & Time
# 135

Morula Restaurant

Kago smiled from ear to ear as Neelo

approached their table. He stood up and
hugged her then pulled a chair for her to sit on.
She and Puleng exchanged pleasantries.

Kago: Babe meet my sister Puleng. Sis,this is

the woman I have been telling you about.
Puleng extended her hand to Neelo's.

Puleng: Nice meeting you.

Neelo:(Smiled) It's nice meeting you too.
Kago: Her name is Neelo.
Puleng: Nice. My little sister is Ney.
Kago: So ladies, shall we order?
Neelo: When your sister is ready.
Puleng: I will have some of that sparkling wine
y'all are having if that's ok.
Neelo: Ofcourse.
Kago: Let me ask the waiter to get you a glass.
Puleng: Thank you. So Neelo I hear that you are
a lawyer and you run your own firm.
Neelo: A doctor.
Puleng: Yeah. Sorry that's what I meant.
Kago:(Smile) Yeah.

Puleng looked at Kago and rolled her eyes.

At Tebogo's

Tebogo applied some mask on her face then

laid in bed and read a magazine.

Theo: How did the make up trial go?

Tebogo: Babe I have got my girl. Everything is
perfect. She did everything the way I wanted
before I even asked her. I can't tell you how
happy I am.
Theo: Everything is going so well. I hope
nothing changes.
Tebogo: Nothing will change. God ordained this
day himself.
Theo: I have to agree with you. Everything is just
perfect. Kana we have never struggled with
Tebogo: When your family set their first
meeting with my family, I asked God to give me
a sign that this was the real deal. Ever since the
first meeting, he has been showing me a sign
Theo: And he is right love. This is the real deal. I
will love you till the end of time. Nothing will
ever separate us. I am in it for life.
Tebogo: Till the end of time baby. Shuu nkare
ke a ipona ke gagametse ka lesire. ( I can
already picture myself in a white wedding gown.)
Theo: In just five days.
Tebogo: In just five days it will be official. Kana
ebile tonight is our last night together till the
wedding day.
Theo:I can't wait till the big day. Nna this whole
thing of separating a couple before their
wedding day doesn't make sense to me. Kana
it's not like we haven't indulged in the forbidden
Theo: Babe bathong. I doubt it's even about that.
Kana you will be needed for the preparations
and anything serious that might come up.
Instead of calling and stressing you while you
are far, you get to fix whatever needs to be fixed.
It's got nothing to do with the forbidden fruit.
Theo: Well it still doesn't make sense to me.
Tebogo:That's because you don't want it to
make sense.
Theo: Yeah. So has Ney responded to your
Tebogo: She did.
Theo: And?

He grabbed the bottle of mask and squeezed it

out then applied it on his face.

Tebogo: She is not coming.She wished us well

and said that she would be busy on the said day.
I mean, I could tell that she was not telling the
truth but what could I say?
Theo: Like I said, at the end of the day it's on
them. You have done everything to show them
that all you want is peace.
Tebogo: And I am at peace.

She looked at him and laughed.

Theo: What?
Tebogo: You look like a ghost.
Theo:( Chuckled)So do you.

A few hours later

At Puleng's

Puleng took off her make up and put away her


Kagiso: And?
Puleng: She looks like a nice person. She is
really smart and outspoken. This time Kago
made the right choice.
Kagiso: How much did you spend?
Puleng: We split the bill into there.
Kagiso: I like this lawyer already.

She laughed out loud.

Kagiso: Was it something I said?

Puleng: No. She is not a lawyer. She is a doctor.
Kagiso: But I thought that you said she is a
Puleng:(laughed) That's what Kago said.
Kagiso: Tell me you are kidding. Is he even
interested in her kana this is just one of his
flings. How does he not know what she does?
Puleng: Well let's see how it goes. It's too early
to judge him.
Kagiso: Babe this is Kago we are talking about.
You will be disappointed. The guy doesn't even
know what his girlfriend does for a living.
Puleng: Give the boy a chance. I have a feeling
this one will work out.
Kago:I would like to see it.
Puleng: Well be patient.

A few days later...

Mma Puleng and Rra Puleng waited for Puleng

by the gate. Mma Puleng walked around getting

Rra Puleng: Did you tell her that we are

attending magadi?
Mma Puleng: I must have told her about five
times if not more.
Rra Puleng: She should have told us that she
wouldn't make it.. Akere we could have asked
Ney to drop us off.
Mma Puleng: That one didn't seem to be
interested when I asked her. If it was according
to her then I am sure that we wouldn't even
Rra Puleng: Is she still angry about what
happend years back?
Mma Puleng: I think so. I don't understand why
she is still holding onto the past. The rumours
were not true and we know the truth so there is
no need to hold onto the past.
Rra Puleng: Gone mme I can understand her
anger. Imagine being accused of stealing your
bestfriend's husband.
Mma Puleng: I apologized. I was crazy to think
that way. Imagine Ney with Bakang.
Rra Puleng:(laughed) Now that would be
Mma Puleng: I think Ney understood my anger
at the time. Kana ke gore hela she would never
admit it but even their friendship was wrong to
start with.
Rra Puleng: If those rumours were true then
how would we have dealt with it?
Mma Puleng: Such thoughts are what almost
ruined our relationship with with our daughter in
the first place. Let's just be thankful that
nothing happend between those two.
Rra Puleng: There she is.

Rra Puleng pointed towards Puleng's car.

At Sewelo Guest House

One insert to go.

Will post it early morning. (Anytime from

Distance & Time
# 136

At Sewelo guest house

I sat on the couch and played games on my

phone while Bakang undid my hair. He kept
moving my head around to the direction he
wanted me to face.
Bakang: Babe stop moving your head around
like that. You are making it difficult for me to
undo these braids. Gone mme why did you plait
this hairstyle?
Me: Sorry ee.

I stayed in position.

Bakang: You should have went back to the

person who did it so that they can undo it, This
is torture. Look at how many these braids are. If
I am going to be the one to undo them next
time then don't do them.
Me:(laughed) I thought that you said I looked
good on this hairstyle.
Bakang: You do but if I have to suffer then you
can look good in something else. I am even
willing to invest in those expensive wigs of
yours that you wanted.
Me: I like the sound of that. Wena just give me
money and you will never have to suffer again.
Bakang: Consider it done.
Me: Good.

I turned on the tv...

Bakang: Babe!
Me: Sorry.
Bakang:Let's just leave it. I will take you to the
saloon so that you can undo your hair.
Me: O fela pelo ne motho wame. ( Are you
getting impatient love?)
Bakang: I am not getting impatient. It's just that
we will never finish because you don't want to
stay in position.
Me: Go siame ee. ( Ok fine) Let me sit straight.

I turned off the tv and stayed in position.

Bakang: So what are your plans for the day?

Me: I am going to see Mma Thabiso after doing
my hair. Wena?
Bakang: I have to buy a few things for Jason
then take my mum shopping.
Me: Okay. I was thinking of telling my parents
about us. I know that it's still early but the
thought of someone else telling them doesn't
sit well with me. Dragging it on for too long
won't change anything so I might as well as tell
Bakang: I understand what you are saying but
maybe you need to consult your sister and hear
what she has to say.
Me:(Sighed) Yeah.

He let go of the braids he was undoing.

Bakang: Come here.

I stood up and climbed the bed then sat next to


Bakang:No matter what happens we are gonna

be okay. Stop stressing.
Me: Yeah.

He held me in his arms.

At Tebogo's
Tebogo looked at herself in the mirror and
smiled. Her aunt fixed her traditional shawl and

Aunt: There!
Tebogo: How do I look?I am so nervous.
Aunt: There is nothing to be nervous about.
Akere you met the during magadi. Patlo is just
a formality. All you have to do is look pretty and
greet them.
Tebogo: I know but there weren't so many of
them during the magadi. Are you sure that I
look good? Do you think that they will like me?
Aunt: Forget about them liking you. My girl it's
not everyone that will like you in your husband's
family in fact all of them might hate you. What's
important is how your husband feels about you
and if he protects you. I know that this may
sound scary but that's the reality of things. Not
everyone will get a mother in law that cherishes
them. Some of these people will make your life
difficult for nothing but with the support of your
husband you will get through.
Tebogo: I wonder what they are like.
Aunt: Well you are soon to find out my girl. You
will be ok.
Tebogo: I still don't understand why Patlo had
to be today. Kana we wanted it to be combined
with Magadi day. Akere that's how it's done.
Aunt: These days these things depend on what
the two families agree on. It's not always by the
Tebogo: I am so nervous aunty. I have heard
how some families treat divorcees. What if they
use that against me?
Aunt: Then that's where your husband has to
step in and defend you.

Inside the house

Rra Puleng and Mma Puleng greeted Mma

Tebogo then sat down.

Mma Puleng: Masika. Re gorogile.Re ne rere re

tle go le tshegetsa. ( Family. We are here to
support you.
Mma Tebogo: Thank you so much. They are still
preparing outside. You are a little early.
Mma Puleng: We actually thought that it was
Magadi day. We only found out on our way here
that it's just Patlo and the official wedding.
Mma Tebogo: I understand. I also didn't know
how to send the information since our children
are not in communication.
Mma Puleng: God knows what happend to
those two. To think that they grew up like
Mma Tebogo: I was shocked when I found out
that Ney was seeing Bakang. I didn't think that
they would get to that point.

Rra Puleng shook his head and got annoyed.

Rra Puleng: Mma Tebogo that was just a

rumour. I am surprised to hear that you are still
holding onto it. Our daughter would never do
such a thing. I know that our children are not
friends anymore but Ney respects Tebogo. She
would never!

Mma Tebogo looked at the two and laughed.

Mma Tebogo: Being a parent is tough hey? So
you mean to tell me that you two don't know
about this relationship? This is not just a
rumours. This is something that even Bakang
has confirmed. Mma Bakang even knows about

The two looked around the room feeling

embarrassed. They could tell that everyone
looking at them was listening.

Mma Puleng: I don't know what to say because

when I asked Ney all of this years ago she
denied it. I feel so betrayed to know that she
has been lying to us for over two years. I am
also embarrassed.
Mma Tebogo: According to what I heard, it's
something that happend recently. Two years
ago it was just a rumour but now it's real.
Mma Puleng: I really don't know what to say.
Mma Tebogo: I understand your frustration.
These kids will kill us. No matter how well they
are raised they always take their own path. You
don't have to feel bad because you didn't send
Mma Puleng: That may be true but I am sorry. I
am really every sorry.
Mma Tebogo: That's children for you. You will
raise them right only for them to embarrass you.

Tebogo's uncle walked into the house and

directed everyone outside.

Later that day

Taking my little girl for her monthly clinic visit.
See you when I get back
Distance & Time
# 137

Later that day

Puleng parked her car a few yards away from

our house. She turned to me and took deep
breaths.No matter how hard she tried to keep
calm, I could tell that she was nervous.
Puleng: You are going to be okay.
Me:(Sighed) I don't know. I should have told
them myself. Imagine the shook they got when
they heard it from Tebogo's mother.
Puleng: Calm down baby sis. No one knew that
this would happen. The reason why I asked you
to wait was because it was still too early.
Me: And now it's too late.
Puleng: I will handle them.Just remember that
no matter what happens in there, I love you and
I will always be here for you. This is not going to
be easy. You need to be strong because this is
just the beginning. You might have to choose
between our parents and this relationship.

I looked up to draw some strength.

Puleng: You are gonna be okay.

She held my hand then ignited the engine and

drove to our house.

Puleng: And we are here now.

Me: Yeah. Let's just go in and get over with it.

Inside the house

Rra Puleng gave his wife a glass of water and

sat next to her trying to get her to calm down.

Rra Puleng: Mogatsaka ke a itsi gore o hupetse.

Nna ke ne ke akanya gore re eme pele. Re ne re
ka buwa le bana maikutlo a setse a wetse. ( My
wife I know that you are angry. I think that we
should wait till we are calm before we talk to
the children.)
Mma Puleng: I am not waiting for anything. I
want to understand why that girl would drag our
name through the mud like this. With all the
men in this country, was it difficult to find
someone different? If she wanted she could
have brought an Indian,a Korean or whatever
man she could find. Was our daughter so
desperate? I don't care how this relationship
happend but she needs to break up with him.
Rra Puleng: Now you are being unfair.We need
to sit her down and understand how all this
happend before we dictate to her on how to live
her life.
Mma Puleng: Rra Puleng, Ney is our child. She
has to do what we want.There is no other way.
Rra Puleng: That's where you are getting it
wrong.Ney is an adult. We can't tell her what to
do. If we dictate to her what she should do then
we will lose her.
Mma Puleng: If she is an adult as you say then
she should act like one. Out of all the boys she
could have choosen. Kana Ney is beautiful. She
can have any man she wants. I fail to
understand how she found herself scrambling
for left overs.
Rra Puleng: Ga go buiwe yalo ka ngwana
mogatsaka. ( That's not how to talk about our
child my wife.)

They all turned to the door as it opened and the

girls walked in.

Mma Puleng: Delilah!

I stayed behind Puleng for covering.I knew very

well that my mother was not afraid of
disciplining any of us.

Puleng: Mama before you say anything, let me

explain what happend.
Mma Puleng: Judas!
Rra Puleng: Calm down my love.
Mma Puleng: How do I calm down when my
child is a homewrecker and the other one is a
Me: Mama I was going to tell you.
Puleng: I am the one that asked her to wait.

She shook her head and clapped her hands.

Mma Puleng: I don't know what I did wrong

when I raised you girls because it's clear that
something is very wrong with you both. Wena
Puleng you should have advised your sister
instead of encouraging her.A whole married
woman encouraged her sister to wreck another
woman's home.
Rra Puleng: Girls sit down so that we can talk.
Your mother is still upset.
Mma Puleng: There is nothing to talk about.
Your daughter must break up with that boy. I
can only imagine what everyone is saying about
this family.
Puleng: Mama I understand how you feel but I
ask that you take the time to think about Ney
and what makes her happy. She didn't wreck
anyone's home. By the time she and Bakang
became friends, Tebogo's marriage was already
Mma Puleng: A whole married woman
defending rubbish. I am disappointed my girl. I
expected so much more from you. Wena Ney
break up with that boy if not you can forget
about being a part of this family.

I looked at my father and I could see the pain in

his eyes. Being caught up in between like that.

Me: Mama.

She looked at me with so much disgust.

Me: I love you and papa. I respect you so much

and I appreciate everything that you have done
for us. There is nothing that you haven't done
for me and my sister under the sun just so we
can be successful and I appreciate that. When I
lost Thabiso, I didn't think that I would find
someone that would make me feel at home like
Bakang does.At one point I was ready to settle
for anything but Bakang changed all that.You
are my parents and nothing will ever change
that. I would do literally anything for you and
dad but what you are asking me to do is too
painful. The man you want me to break up with
makes me so happy.He puts me and my
dreams first. Every morning when I am doubtful,
reassures me. As hard as it is, you need to let
me take my own path because you won't
always be here.If this is a mistake then it's mine
to make. Allow me to make it.

Mma Puleng looked at her daughter and


Mma Puleng: That boy is clearly doing

something right. You have never talked to us in
this manner. Never have you told us that it's
your mistake to make when we corrected you in
the past. Go and live your life my child but know
that this door is not open for you.
Puleng: Ao mama!
Mma Puleng: You will come back crying when
he breaks your heart the same way he broke
your sister's.
Rra Puleng: Let's atleast talk about this.
Mma Puleng: I am done talking. Let them go.

Two more inserts to go for today!
Once we reach target on the one I shared, we
will be doing three again tomorrow.
Distance & Time
# 138

At Mma Puleng's

Mma London unpacked the laundry in the

basket and sat down to fold it. Mma Puleng
quietly went through each one of her messages
to check if she hadn't missed any of Ney's.

Mma London: Just call her and apologize.

Mma Puleng: Apologize for what exactly? Kana
Ney is the one that is wrong here. I am only
trying to show her that she is wrong.
Mma London: Take it from someone that spent
years trying to tell her daughter what to do with
her life. You are so wrong and if you don't work
things now, you will live to regret it.
Mma Puleng: You are comparing the two
Mma London: They might be different
circumstances but they both have the same
outcome. I have learnt to accept that I can't tell
my children who to love or be with because they
will do it anyway.If it was upto me, both my
daughter's would be married to rich men that
won't let them lift a finger because all my life, I
suffered. All I ever wanted for those girls was
everything good in this world. Look at how I
ended up forcing London to stay with a man
that abused her.
Mma Puleng: So what are you saying?
Mma London: I am saying that allow Ney to be
with whoever she wants to be with. She is the
only one that knows how that boy treats her.
Mma Puleng: Ney is dating her friend's ex
husband. If they ended up together after the
divorce then it could mean that she snatched
him from her friend.
Mma London: From what I heard,those two are
no longer friends and it was Tebogo who ruined
her own marriage.
Mma Puleng: It still doesn't make it right.
Mma London: And does it make it right that you
are fighting for Tebogo instead of your own
daughter? Nna kana no matter what my children
do, I will always support them. Waitsi gore I
have learnt my lesson. I would probably even
support them if they were accused of murder.

Mma Puleng shook her head and laughed...

Mma Puleng: Mme kana you are telling the truth.

Mma London: I know you are concerned about
what people will say but what about your
relationship with your child? Are those people
much more important?
Mma Puleng: I can't accept this relationship and
I never will. I love my daughter but I can't
support this madness.
Mma London: Atleast I told you the truth. What
you do from this point is your choice. Gone
mme tell me, what does Rra Puleng say about
Mma Puleng: You know how soft your brother is.
He wants us to accept it and move on like
nothing happened.

Meanwhile outside Rra Puleng closed the gate

and walked a few meters away from the yard
before calling his daughter.
Me: Dad.
Rra Puleng: Hello my child. How are you?

I got emotional from just hearing his voice and I

wanted to cry... I kept quite for a moment to
compose myself.

Rra Puleng: Are you crying?

Me: (Smiled) No... I am just surprised that you
Rra Puleng: What surprises you? Onneile you
are my daughter and no matter what you do,
you will always be my child.
Me:(Sighed) I wish that mum felt that way.
Rra Puleng: She will come around. She is still
shocked. Anyway I called to check if you are
fine. Are you eating well? I know how you starve
yourself when you are stressed.
I wiped my tears and smiled.

Rra Puleng: Ney you are still my little girl kana.
Me:(laughed) That i know.
Rra Puleng: Does he make you happy?

I cleared my throat and kept quite looking at


Rra Puleng: You can tell me the truth my child.

Me: He does. I am really happy.

Rra Puleng: That's good. He shouldn't try any
nonsense with you otherwise there will be hell
to pay.

Although he didn't say it in so many words, I

knew that he had made peace with my
relationship.Knowing that I had him in my
corner took the weight of the world off on my

Me: Ee rra.
Rra Puleng: Take care. I have to go.
Me: Papa.
Rra Puleng: Mma?
Me: Thank you.

He hung up...

Bakang: You good?

I wiped my tears and smiled.

Me: Yeah. My dad called to check on how I am.

Bakang: You have no idea how happy I am to
hear that. Watching you staring at that phone
has been killing me. It breaks my heart that you
are the only one getting crucified for this
Me: It's whatever man. I just know that we are
going to be okay no matter what.
Bakang: Yes baby.

He kissed me and hugged me tightly.

Me: You smell so fuc*ing good.

Bakang:(laughed) And you tell me everyday.
Me:(laughed) I do, don't I?
Bakang: Babe.
Me: Hmm?
Bakang: When do you think the new camp will
be done?
Me: In the next four months it should be up and
running.Why do you ask?
Bakang: When do you think that they will start
Me: They have started recruiting.
Bakang: Ao. Have they hired a camp manager?
Me: Not yet why?
Bakang: How would you feel about working with
Me:(laughed) You are kidding right?
Bakang: No. I am dead serious.
Me: You do know that I would be your boss? I
doubt that Extreme would match what Pila is
giving you. Babe this could be a career suicide.
Bakang: Ney I am willing to give up all that just
to give us a chance. Babe I love you, I know that
we are headed somewhere and I am willing to
take a chance.
Me: I love you too.
Bakang: Will you talk to your boss?
Me: Are you serious?
Bakang: Hell yes. I am not letting you get away
again. If you are uncomfortable with asking her
then I will set up an appointment with her.
Me:(Smiled) I will talk to her.
Bakang: Thank you.
Me: You wanna try those outfits?
Bakang: Yes captain.
Me: I like the enthusiasm. If I knew that role
playing brought out this side of you then I would
have long started with it.

A few days later

At Kano's

Melinda read Tebogo's text message and


Kano: Share the joke.

Melinda: Wonders shall never end. Can you
believe this girl?
Kano: Who?
Melinda: Tebogo.
Kano: What does she want?
Melinda: She wants to meet up and clear the air.
Kano:(laughed) Women!

One more insert to go. Don't forget sponsor's
Distance & Time
# 139

At Main Deck Restaurant

Melinda sipped on her juice and rolled her eyes

as she listened to Tebogo trying to explain
Tebogo: I should have never treated you the
way I did especially since you were there for me
through the craziest times of my life. Kana if it
wasn't for you then I wouldn't be married again.
Melinda: I hear you.
Tebogo:(Smiled) You were right about him. He
is a wonderful man.
Melinda: Am so happy to hear that you are
happy. Congratulations on your marriage.
Tebogo: I would have invited you to the wedding
but I was too embarrassed. I didn't know where
to start after the way I left things.
Melinda:Listen Tee. That's in the past.
Tebogo: You have no idea how happy I am to
hear that. So how are things going between you
and Kano?
Melinda: We are good.
Tebogo: The last time nne ore there is
something weird going on with him. Did you
find out what it was?
Melinda:( Smiled) I would love to sit and chat
but I have a few things to attend to at home.
Tebogo: Let's do lunch when you are not busy.
Melinda: Thank you hun but I would prefer it if
we didn't keep in touch. I wish you all the best in
your marriage. Give my love to Jason.
Tebogo: Ao mma! I thought you said it was all in
the past.
Melinda: It is but I am not a pair of shoes that
you can throw in the closet then pull out as in
when you want to wear them.
Tebogo: And that's not how I see you.
Melinda: Good.

She stood up and took out a two hundred pula

note then put it on the table.

Melinda: Congratulations once again. Lunch is

on me.

She smiled and walked away.

At Neelo's

Neelo dropped the towel she had wrapped

herself with then grabbed some lotion to
moisturize herself. Kago laid in bed and
watched her as she slowly teased him.

Kago: Why don't you forget about that meeting

and join me?
Neelo: Wena Kago o tshameketse ruri.( Kago
you are too playful.) I told you that this meeting
is very important. This could be the only way to
save my clinic.
Kago: I don't understand why you need an
investor. You could run it on your own.
Neelo: I am not surprised. You never listen to
Kago: That's not true. I listen to you all the time.
Neelo: If you did then you would know that I am
a doctor not a lawyer.
Kago: I know that.
Neelo: Then how come you told your sister that
I am a lawyer.
Kago:(Chuckled) Don't tell me that you took
what Puleng said seriously. Babe kana Puleng
is a very busy woman so she forgets a lot. Did I
tell you that she has three kids and she runs
two companies.
Neelo: Is she that rich?
Kago: Not really. We are all just living
comfortably. Our parents were rich so they left
all of us our own companies.
Neelo: And you?
Kago: What about me?
Neelo: Who is running yours when you are here?
Kago: Don't worry about me. My other sisters
have my back. Everything is on track.
Neelo: Okay. So can you organize me a meeting
with your sister?
Kago: (Smiled) You wanna gossip about me?
Neelo:(Smiled) Something like that.
Kago: I will see what I can do. I am not
promising anything because like I said,she is a
busy woman.
Neelo: Thank you love.
Kago: After that meeting make sure that you
hurry back.
Neelo:(Winked) By the time I make it to the
bedroom I will be naked.
Kago: Fu*k! He looked at his boner.

They both laughed...

At Safari Extreme

I held my breath as Boka looked through

Bakang's cv. I tried to read her but she was too

Boka: Impressive!
Me: So what do you think?
Boka: Honestly?
Me: Yeah.
Boka: I think that he is over qualified. The fact
that he has no safari experience apart from his
job at Pila makes me a bit unsettled too.
Me:I hear you but when Extreme hired me, I also
had no experience in this industry but look at
me now.
Boka: That I can consider. I am just worried that
we can't afford him.
Me: It's not even about the money. I am sure
that he will take anything you give him.
Boka: Ney this man is the GM's right hand man.
They probably pay him double of what we can
Me: And like I said it's not about the money.
Boka: What is it about then?

I took a deep breath and thought of a creative

way to explain it.

Me: The truth is that he is my boyfriend and

none of us wants to be apart from each other
for so long. I know a lot of safari companies
hire couples.
Boka:Yeah but that's usually couple's managers.
Me:I know.

She looked at his Cv again and sighed as she

laid back on her chair.

Boka: I will organize an interview with Lemme. If

he likes him then he is hired. He is usually a
good judge of character.
Me: I think I know the answer to that. If you let
him interview Bakang then he will reap him
Boka:I doubt he will. He is professional when it
comes to these things and besides whatever
you two had is water under the bridge. If it
doesn't go well then I will do the second
Me: Well thank you.
Boka: And all the best in your relationship my
Me: Thank you.

At Puleng's office

Kago put away Puleng's files and gave her a

take away.

Kagiso laughed as Kago gave him his.

Kagiso: Babe whatever it is don't fall for it.
Kago: Is there something wrong with a guy
buying his siblings lunch.
Puleng: Well I am surprised too. You have never
bought any of us anything.
Kago: Listen to these two. So no one
remembers the last time I bought you two wine
during our family dinner?
Kagiso:(laughed) You had no choice. That was
the gate pass.
Puleng: And besides you ended up drinking the
entire bottle alone. So what is it? Do you want
me to meet another girl?
Kago: Ofcourse not. I want you to meet up with
my girl. She was really impressed by everything
you said.
Puleng: Kago I barely said anything after
confidently announcing that she was a lawyer
yet she is a doctor.
Kago: So can you meet?
Puleng: What for?
Kago: Just to get to know her better. I really like
her and I want this relationship to go
Puleng:Well I must admit that I was also
impressed. She looks like a good woman. I will
tell you when we can meet up.
Kago: Thank you sis.
Kagiso: That's a first. I guess people really do

At Karen's Office

You have up until the end of the day to reach
Distance & Time
# 140

At Karen's Office

Loapi played some music on his phone and did

some of his whack dance moves. Karen
laughed as he moved.

Karen: Lo!
Loapi: I won't stop till you promise to come with
Karen:(Laughed) Turn off the music.
Loapi: Will you come?
Karen:Fine! I will come.

He tuned off the music and pulled a chair.

Loapi: Thank God! I thought that I was gonna

have to dance all day.
Karen:(laughed)There was no way that I was
going to watch you do all those whack moves
all day.
Loapi: Is that the only reason you are coming
with me? Don't lie. You love night life.
Karen: I did.
Loapi: You still do. It's only that Agang
convinced you that it wasn't classy. We spent
days partying in Canada. Remember that the
day before our finals, we went clubbing.
Karen:(laughed) How can I forget. Those were
the days man.
Loapi: Let's do it again.
Karen: Do what man?
Loapi: Let's live our lives and have fun. When
we got back here we just stopped living.
Karen: You might be right about that.When was
the last time we just went out and got drunk?
Loapi: We on!
Karen: I will pick you up at seven.
Loapi: That's what I want to hear.Eat your lunch
before it gets cold.
Karen: Thanks dad.
Loapi:(laughed) Whatever man.

Morula Restaurant
Kago kissed Neelo before bidding her and
Puleng goodbye.

Puleng: So tell me more about yourself.

Neelo: Owaii there is not much to tell. I run my
own clinic in Maun.
Puleng: How is business that side, I hear it's
booming? My baby sister works there.
Neelo: Well I don't know about booming at this
point but it's a good place to run a business. I
got into a few problems and then business
suffered so at this point it's not so great.
Puleng: Sorry to hear that. I am sure that you
will bounce back. These are some of the
problems we encounter in business but that
doesn't mean that we should quit.
Neelo: I know but I am actually thinking of
selling it.
Puleng: Is it that bad?
Neelo: Yeah. If I don't find an investor or buyer
then my employees will suffer and that's the
last thing I want. That clinic is my life but I won't
keep it at the expense of my employees.
Puleng: I am really sorry to hear that. Have you
started looking for an investor?
Neelo: Kago offered but you know how he is. He
is never serious about anything. Lenna hela I
don't want to take his money.I was wondering if
you know anybody or if you would be interested
in being my partner. I have heard so many
things about you and how you are a great
business woman. If I have to sell to anyone or
let in an investor then it has to be someone that
won't fire my employees the next day.
Puleng: I really don't know. I would have to
speak to my husband about that.
Neelo: That's not a problem at all.I am really
sorry for asking you. I hope that I didn't
Puleng: That's fine. I am actually impressed.
Neelo:(Smiled) Thank you. So tell me more
about yourself. I have heard some interesting
Puleng: (laughed) And you believed him? Well
there isn't anything interesting. I am an
accountant, a mother of three that runs a
business full time. You already know that I am
married to Kago's twin. What else can i tell you
Neelo: Wait Kago has a twin?

Puleng tried to hide that she was surprised but

her face had already sold her.
Neelo: (Smiled) I know that he has a brother but
I didn't know that they were twins.

The duo laughed to break the ice.

A few days later

At my house

I fixed Bakang's tie and took deep breaths trying

to keep calm. The thought of him and Lemme in
the same room scared me.

Bakang: Why does it look like you are nervous?

Me:How can I not be? Babe you know my
history with that guy.
Bakang: I do but you still work for him so that
tells me that things are good between the two
of you.
Me:Not entirely. I have been dealing with his
wife most of the time.
Bakang: Has he ever shown you that he is still
hung up on the past?
Me: No but he can be pretty.I know him.
Bakang: Relax. I will be fine. What's the worst
that can happen? It's either he likes me or he
doesn't. If I don't get this job then I will apply to
be a housekeeper.
Me:(laughed) Babe this is serious.
Bakang: I know but you need to stay calm. Love
I have attended so many interviews in my entire
life and one thing that i have learnt at each one
of them is that if the job is not meant for you
then it's just not meant for you.
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: Let's go. I will be ok. I promise.

He kissed my cheek and grabbed my bag pack.

Bakang: Which car are we taking?

Me: We can take mine.
Bakang: Cool. Loosen up. Everything will work
out the way it's supposed to.
Me: Yeah.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng sat up and read her bible after

morning prayer.Her husband looked at her and
cleared his throat.
Mma Puleng: Do you have something to say?
Rra Puleng: You turned and tossed all night.
Mma Puleng: I couldn't sleep.
Rra Puleng: Just fix things with her. If you keep
up like this then you will die from a broken heart.
Ney is your child and she would never judge you
or stay mad at you for too long. She knows why
you spoke to her in the manner that you did.
While we don't agree with what she did,she is
still our daughter.
Mma Puleng: Ney knows what she needs to do
to maintain the peace in this family.
Rra Puleng: Why do you insist on breaking up
the family tota Mma Puleng?
Mma Puleng: Your daughter started all this. And
wena Rra Puleng you need to stop this thing of
talking with her behind my back because you
are encouraging her behaviour. She needs to
see that we are in this together.
Rra Puleng: Who said I call her?
Mma Puleng: I went through your call register.

He kept quite...

Mma Puleng: I am your wife and you are to

support me.
Rra Puleng: And she is our daughter.
Mma Puleng: Do whatever you want but
remember that the peace of this family rests on

He thought of his daughter and his heart broke.

As much as he understood why his wife was
angry, he couldn't understand the way that she
wanted to treat her. He felt something in his
heart shift.
Next insert follows in the evening.
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Distance & Time
# 141

Extreme Safari

Lemme looked through Bakang's work

experience and nodded. His entire
achievements made it very hard for him not to
be impressed.
Lemme: I think you are a perfect candidate. I
also think that you have a good thing going on
with Pila Safaris. I know that it's none of my
business but do you think that it's a good idea
to give all that up just for a humble sit in Ney's
Bakang: I don't think I understand.
Lemme: I don't know you but I can tell that you
are destined for great things by just looking at
your Cv. Women like Onneile only drag men like
us down. Before you know it, you will be doing
the unthinkable just to impress her. If she loves
you that much then she should be ok with you
keeping your job.At this point it just sounds like
you are the one sacrificing while she gets to
keep her perfect life.

Bakang kept his cool even though he was


Bakang: I don't mean to sound rude but I don't

feel comfortable discussing my personal life.
Lemme: I was just sharing my two cents but
anyway let's get back to it.

He cleared his throat and smiled briefly.

Lemme: Are you aware that you will be

spending ninety days in camp and 27 days on
leave. That's three months on and one month
Bakang: I am aware.
Lemme: Onneile is the GM for Nagafela lodge
which will make her your boss.
Bakang: I am aware.
Lemme: I honestly think that you are making a
mistake but as a business owner, hiring you will
be very beneficial to my business. I will get back
to you in the next three days. That will be all.
Bakang: Thank you so much for your time.
Lemme: Likewise.

He extended his hand to Bakang and they

shook hands briefly before he walked him out
of his office.

My Office

Bakang stood by the door and knocked.I

signalled him to come in.

Me:Mis P let me call you back. Just send me

the name of the clinic and I will do some
research for you.
Puleng: Thank you sis.I am still waiting for the
owner to send me a full file.
Me: Ok sis. Let's talk later.

I hung up...

Me: Hey

I greeted Bakang as he closed the door.

Me: So? How did it go?

Bakang: It actually went very well. I am
surprised that he didn't ask me any questions
related to the post. The guy practically told me
that I was hired on the spot.
Me: Really?
Bakang: Not in so many words but he thinks
that I am the perfect candidate.

I could tell that he was leaving some details out.

Me: What else did he say?

Bakang: Nothing really. He just questioned if
leaving Pila was a wise decision but other than
that, it went well. I should be hearing from them
in the next three days.
Me:(Sighed) I am so relieved! I was so scared
that he would just mention unnecessary things.
Bakang:(laughed) I told you that it would go well.
Me: I am so happy. Finally things are falling into
Bakang: I know that things are a little bit hard
right now but baby we need to be positive and
trust that we will be ok no matter what.
Me: (Smiled)Yeah.
Bakang: I need to get back to work. I will pick
you up later.
Me: Later hun.

He went around my desk and kissed me before


At Puleng's Office

Kagiso: I can't stop thinking about the offer

Kago's girlfriend made you. I still think that she
had it all planned. There is no way that she
could have just brought it up out of the blue. I
say we do a full background check. I honestly
don't trust any of Kago's girls.
Puleng: You could be reading too much into it.
Let's wait for the files she said she would send
Kagiso: That's fine but I want you to be
prepared for anything.
Puleng: Yes love.
Kagiso: Have you talked to your mum yet?
Puleng: I did but the conversation was so
awkward. She didn't sound interested in the
Kagiso:Why don't you go and see her later.Babe
you can't go on like this. Tota hela life is too
short. We need to cherish the little time we have
with our loved ones.
Puleng: Kana mme nna I don't have any
problem with her. She is the one that is upset. I
apologized for asking Ney to keep her
relationship with Bakang a secret but she
insists that I must tell Ney to break up with
Bakang or cut her off.
Kagiso: That's deep.
Puleng: She will come around. I honestly don't
see what the big deal is anymore because we
all apologized.
Kagiso: I guess she will come around.
Puleng: From my observation Ney and Bakang
will not break up anytime so she needs to come
around soon and accept things the way they are.
Kagiso: Well you all need to just sort it out
because at then end of the day we are family.
Puleng: Trust me, that's all we want.

At Extreme Safari

Lemme's Office
Boka put her bags on top of the table and
kissed her husband then unpacked.

Boka: So how did the interview go?

Lemme: It went well.I looked at his
achievements and I was sold. I think he would
make a great camp manager but can we afford
Boka: How about we find out?
Lemme: I think he is a great fit. I can offer him
the job if you are also keen.
Boka: In that case then let's make an offer and
find out.
Lemme: I am still wondering if this was his
decision or Ney's. I mean who leaves Pila?
Especially in his position.
Boka: Well our job is to worry about our own
company. Pila can worry about their own
loss.It's also not our business to know what
happens between Ney and her partner. I will
start drafting an offer letter then we can take it
from there.
Lemme: Yes love.
Boka: This baby making weather is giving me
Lemme: I am always ready momma.
Boka:(laughed) You were born ready.

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Distance & Time
# 142

Later that day

Puleng's jaws dropped as she read Ney's

message. She turned to her husband and

Kagiso: And now?

Puleng: Can you believe this?
Kagiso: What? What did Ney say?
Puleng: Kago's Neelo is the same woman Ney
worked for.
Kagiso: The same one that was married to
Puleng: Small world.
Kagiso:When you first told me about this offer, I
was unsettled. Waitsi I never trusted her.
Puleng: Do you think that she knows who I am?
Kagiso: I doubt she knows otherwise she
wouldn't have asked you because chances of
you not telling your sister are close to zero.

Ney's call came through.She answered the

phone and put it on loudspeaker.

Me: Hey. Sorry for taking long to get back to you.

I was in a meeting.
Puleng: Are you sure that this is the same
Me: I swear. That woman made my life a living
hell so there is no way that I would forget her.
Puleng: Ijoo! If that's the case then I don't know.
Me:If you decide to go into business with her
then make sure that you have solid contracts. I
honestly don't trust her but obviously that's your
decision to make.
Puleng: That's a lot to take in.
Me: I know. So how is mum?
Puleng: Why don't you call her and find out? I
am sure that she would appreciate a call from
Me:I tried yesterday. She wasn't answering.
Puleng: Maybe she was busy.
Me: You and I both know that's far from the
Puleng: Just keep trying. She will come around.
Puleng: Don't give up trying.
Me: I have done everything I can. If Mama can't
meet me halfway then I guess it is what it is.
Puleng:Let's catch up later.
Me: Sure.

She put the phone down then stood up and

walked around the office quietly.

Kagiso: Are you okay?

Puleng: I will be fine. What do we do about this
whole things? Do we tell Kago?
Kagiso: I think it's best we tell him what we
Puleng: This will break his heart. This time he
really wants things to work.
Kagiso:(Laughed)Babe this is Kago we are
talking about. There is no way that this will
break his heart. If anything he will be happy that
he dodged a bullet. When Kago is finally ready
to commit to a woman you won't have to ask
questions trust me. The only person that I am
worried about here is you. Are you still
interested in that woman's offer?
Puleng: From what Ney told me, I don't think
that I want to be involved with such a person. A
person like that can fu*k you over any day. Let's
pin it for now. My head is aching from just
thinking about it.
Kagiso: That's true. Ok let's talk about
something else.
Puleng: Why don't we host a family dinner? It's
been a while since we have had one. Mama
used to make sure that we got together atleast
three times a year.
Kagiso: As long as you know that you are
planning the whole thing then we good.
Puleng: I always end up planning the whole
thing alone so nothing will be different about
this one.
Kagiso: (Sighed) It won't be the same hey.
Puleng: That's for sure but one thing that will
never change is the love she taught us to have
amongst ourselves as siblings.
Kagiso: There are times I ask myself what life
would be like if she was still alive.
Puleng: Classy!
Kagiso:(Smiled) That's for sure. I probably
wouldn't be your number one gossip buddy.
Puleng:(laughed) That's not true.
Kagiso: Babe when mum was still alive you
barely shared any gossip with me.
Puleng:(Giggled) Gossip is for women.
Kagiso: Incase no one told you, gossip
strengthens marriages.

A few days later

At Pila Safaris

I sat on top of Bakang's table and read his

resignation letter as he typed it...

Me: Love?
Bakang:Are you sure that this is what you really
want? While I appreciate that you are putting
our relationship first, I don't want you to do
something you are gonna regret. Bakang once
you leave here, there is no turning back. Your
new job might not be what you invisioned.
Extreme is offering you only half of what you
make here. I will understand if you change your
mind. I know that three months is a long time
but we can make it work.
Bakang: Babe I thought about this for a very
long time and I am at peace with my decision.
What we have is worth fighting for. I know that
there are days you wonder if this relationship
was not a mistake. I want you to know that
what I feel for you is real. I am not the only one
who has made sacrifices in this relationship.
You have also made sacrifices. Baby we are
just gonna be okay.
Me: And if it doesn't work out?
Bakang: Then we would have given our love a
chance.I know that you are scared now more
than ever because there are so many people
waiting for us to fail. Babe this is about us. If we
fail then we would have given ourselves a
chance to love.
Me: (Smiled) You always know what to say.
Bakang:z (Smiled) How do you think i won your
Me: (laughed) You are right about that.
Bakang: So what do you think?
Me: I think it's okay. So how many months will
you be serving?
Bakang: Three months.
Me: Have you talked to your GM about it kana it
will be a surprise?
Bakang: I had a chat with him yesterday after I
received my offer letter, He was disappointed
but when I told him my reasons he understood.
Me: Okay.
Bakang: Let me finish up so that we can get
At Theo's

Tebogo packed up her son's bag while Theo

went through his school books.

Theo: What time should I drop him off at the

grandmother's tomorrow?
Tebogo: We can drop him off together in the
Theo:What time are you knocking off?
Tebogo: I should be home by lunchtime. I will
wait for you guys here.
Theo: What do you think Rragwe Jason wants
to talk about?
Tebogo: I honestly don't know.You never know
with that one.
Theo: What if he is getting married?
Tebogo: ( laughed) To who?
Theo: To his girlfriend.
Tebogo: Babe that relationship is a joke. Even if
they last, I doubt it will go that far. Le ene
Bakang he knows this.I don't mean to sound
bitter but the truth is the truth.
Theo: You sound so sure.
Tebogo: I know Bakang.
Theo: Well people change.
Tebogo: That may be true but men like Bakang
are not meant to commit.

Distance & Time
# 143

At Kano's

Melinda turned around and showed off her new

dress, Kano hyped her up as she turned around.

Kano: That's my wife y'all!

Melinda: So what do you think?
Kano: I think you look yummy.
Melinda: Babe I am serious.
Kano: So am I. Babe you look hot.
Melinda: Don't I look too chubby in the dress?
Kano: No babe. This is a perfect fit. By the way
thank you for agreeing to attend the dinner with
Melinda: I am only doing it because I want to
support you as my partner mme hela I don't
agree with what Bakang is doing. Tebogo may
not be my favourite person right now but this
relationship is wrong.
Kano: Gone mme hela let's talk freely. You keep
saying that the relationship is wrong. I want to
understand who it's wrong for.
Melinda: What they are doing to Tebogo is not
fair.That girl was her best friend. She probably
shared her deepest secrets from when she was
married to Bakang with the same girl that's now
dating her ex husband.
Kano: So it's wrong for Tebogo?
Melinda: Yeah. That girl knows exactly how
much Tebogo wanted her marriage to work.
They both owe her loyalty.
Kano: The same Tebogo that's married? Are we
still talking about the same Tebogo that left my
boy broken? The same Tebogo disrespected
Bakang in front of a hobo after she claimed that
she wanted to fix their marriage. As far as I am
concerned no one owes Tebogo anything. That
woman got her happy ending, now it's time for
my boy to get his. It's not any of Tebogo's
business who Bakang dates. If Ney and Tebogo
were still friends then I would understand but
that ship long sinked.
Melinda:It's not that simple. Babe we are human
beings. In as much as Tebogo is married, there
will always be a part of her that loves Bakang
and seeing him with someone she considered a
sister will hurt. Let's be honest, no matter how
happy you are after moving on, your heart skips
a bit when you see your ex with a new partner.
We are human beings.
Kano: I don't know what you are on about. If
that's what's happening with Tebogo then she
isn't over Bakang.
Melinda: O gana hela mme kana. Dio tse dia
diragala ebile re ka se ganele. ( You are just
denying it but it's true. These things happen and
we can't deny it.) Those two have a child
together. They will always have some sort of
Kano: All I know is that I am all for my boy
finding love again. Tebogo o sutile ka laitiyaka
tlhamma. Bakang o sokotse tota. ( Tebogo put
my boy through a lot. Bakang really suffered.)
Melinda: I hear you but just don't expect me to
share those views with you. I don't like girls like
Ney. Such people are snakes. While you think
they are celebrating with you, they target your
blessings and wait for you to make a mistake
so they can snatch them. They is no way that
she fell for Bakang out of the blue. She must
have been targeting him. I don't think I will ever
like her. Tota I am just supporting you as my
husband. Le gone o seka wa akanya gore re ka
tsoga re le ditsala kamoso. ( Don't think that we
will be friends some day.)
Kano: I hear you love and I respect your views.
We obviously can't see everything the same
Melinda: Yeah. This is why I will probably never
allow friends to have any sort of relationship
with you. These ho*s are thirty.
Kano:(laughed) So you don't trust me?
Melinda: I didn't say that. Bakang probably
didn't see Ney in that light till she seduced
him.It might just be the same with you. Who
Kano: Mme kana that's where you have it all
wrong. Ney cut Bakang out of her life for two
years because she wanted to respect Tebogo.
She never at any point proposed love to Bakang.
Melinda:(laughed) You believe that crap? She
did it on purpose. She knew that he was going
to come after her. I know girls like that.
Kano: I hear you but at this point there is
nothing anyone can do about it. Those two are
together and I doubt any kind of lecture or
negative energy will break them up.
Melinda: Mmm...Let's just get over this dinner
Kano: Don't roll your eyes at her. Wena kana
Melinda: I didn't say anything about rolling eyes.
Kano: Mel you are my wife and If there is
anyone that knows you then it's me. You can't
hide how you feel about someone.
Melinda:Wa utlwa gore ware I can't hide? So it
comes naturally.

She rolled her eyes and looked away...

Kano: You see what I am talking about. Babe
please don't do that. Let's just celebrate Bakang
and whatever good news he says he has.
Melinda: Mmm...
Kano: Babe.
Melinda: I heard you love.

At Neelo's

Neelo sat before the mirror and did her hair

while Kago spoke to Puleng on the phone.

Puleng: Are you with her?

Kago: Yeah.
Puleng: Will you be okay?
Kago: Yeah. You worry too much. Am good.
Puleng: Will you give her my response.
Kago: Sure.
Puleng: Thank you bro.
Kago: Sure. Keep me updated about the family
Puleng: No worries. If you need a place to crash
then you know where to find us akere?
Kago: If you are scooting for a new babysitter
then am not interested.Those little rascals are a
lot of work.
Puleng:(laughed)Wait till you have yours.
Kago: Iya! Go sharp mma.

He hung up and walked over to Neelo.

Kago: Would you like me to help you?
Neelo: Please. Was that your sister?
Kago: Yeah. She says that I must apologize on
her half.
Neelo: Apologize for what?
Kago: She won't be able to invest in your clinic
or buy it.
Neelo:(dissapointed) Why?
Kago: She mentioned something about Ney.
Neelo: Ney who?
Kago: Your former employee. She is my baby
Neelo: What?
Kago: Yeah.
Neelo: So what about her? What does this have
to do with her?
Kago: I didn't really ask but I think she advised
her against investing in your business.
Neelo: What? Maybe if I talk to her then she will

He interrupted her.

Kago: When Puleng has made up her mind,

nothing can convince her to change her
decision. You will find another investor. So
what are we eating?

Neelo got annoyed at how casual Kago was.

Neelo: Kago this is my life we are talking about.

Kago: I am not refusing that. I am just saying
leave my sister out of it.
Neelo: I need to be alone.
Kago: Okay. I will leave. Good luck with your
Neelo: Just leave because you are not helping
me with anything. All you ever want to do is
have sex with me. My life is falling apart and all
you can think about is sex and your ego mme
ware you love me.( Yet you say you love me.)
Kago: Uhu! I guess I caught you at a bad time.
Sharp mma.

He grabbed his car keys from the bedside table

and left.


I drove a few kilometres away from the road

and parked under a tree for some shade.
Bakang: This is a perfect spot.
Me: Let's get off the car and stretch. I am tired.
Bakang:(laughed) You drive for an hour and you
are already tired.I drove all the way from Maun
and I am not complaining.
Me:Babe you are used to driving long distances.
Bakang: Ga o isi o leboge mokgweetsi. ( You
haven't thanked your driver.)

I leaned to his side and kissed him...

Me: Thank you babe.

Bakang: It's going to take more than just a kiss.
Me: Really?

I ran my hands on his dic* print...

Me: How about I thank this little guy right here?

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as I

took off his belt and unzipped his pants. I
slowly ushered his van diesel and worshiped it
with my mouth.

Bakang: Ohh sh*t...

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Thabiso looked around the yard and

admired how clean it was. The rubber rake
marks were still fresh. Although there were a
few leaves that had fallen off, one could tell that
the yard had been freshly swept.
Mma Thabiso: Wa a leka matlhare a. Go ntse
sekono mo go maswe. ( You are doing your
best when it comes to cleaning. Your yard is
really clean.)
Mma Puleng: Tanki nkane. (Thank you.)
Mma Thabiso: So how have you been?
Mma Puleng: Heii! I am getting by. How are you?
Mma Thabiso: What can we say? We are
Mma Puleng: It's been a while since you have
come to see us. Is everything ok?
Mma Thabiso: Everything is fine. I just came to
see you about that issue concerning Ney.
Mma Puleng: I hope she didn't send you here.
Mma Thabiso: No. Not at all. When she told me
that you two were not on speaking terms, I
found it necessary to come see you.
Mma Puleng: I suppose you know why things
are the way that they are.
Mma Thabiso: Ee mma. ( Yes I do.)
Mma Puleng: Let's go inside.I don't think that
we should be discussing such matters outside.

They stood up and went into the house.

Inside the house...

Mma Puleng led Mma Thabiso into the kitchen

then offered her a chair before she prepared
some tea.

Mma Puleng: I don't know if Ney told you this

but I have given her an ultimatum. All she has to
do is choose her family. I really don't
understand what's taking her so long because
it's not a hard task.
Mma Thabiso: I hear you and I honestly
understand where you are coming from mme
kana you know how love is especially new love.
Mma Puleng: Is it new love when they have
been lying to us?
Mma Thabiso: I don't agree with what she is
doing le ene I told her but she is still our child.
We can only guide her. If she continues even
after being guided then that's her mistake.Our
duty as her parents is to love and guide her.
Mma Puleng, life is too short for us to stay
upset at each other.If there is anything that my
son's death taught me is that we have very
limited time with our loved ones. There could be
here today and gone tomorrow. Try and work
things out. Cutting her off like that will only
make her stubborn. Sometimes love is the only
thing that makes you realize your mistakes.
Maybe if we showed her that we love her no
matter what, she might end up changing her

Mma Puleng laughed as she sliced the bread.

Mma Puleng: The only reason Ney is playing

you people like this is because you allow her. All
these things you are saying won't work. I know
my child and what she needs right now is some
tough love not what you are telling me about.
Mma Thabiso: Can you at least work things out.
I can tell that all this is eating her up even
though she won't admit it. She is on her way
here. I can arrange a meeting tomorrow so you
two sit down and fix things.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Ebile she is on her way
home yet she didn't tell me. Do you see what I
mean when I say that this relationship is a
mistake. Onneile tells he father when she is
coming to town when we are not on speaking
terms. That boy is not good for her. He will
separate her with her family. You are busy
defending their affair but you need to know that
very soon it will be you. He will convince her to
cut you off.
Mma Thabiso: Ao Mma Puleng!
Mma Puleng: I am telling you.

This insert includes your reward from DJ
Ngwazi's page. I decided to credit it today
instead of tomorrow morning.Thank you once
Let's push sponsor's page
Distance & Time
# 144

The following day

Tebogo and Bakang sat inside the house while

Theo washed Tebogo's car outside. The duo
laughed as Tebogo narrated a few stories to
Bakang about their son.

Tebogo: Jokes aside. You said that there was

something serious you wanted to discuss. What
is it?Kana wa nyala rra?( Are you getting
Bakang: (Chuckled) I hope that God is writing
that down.
Tebogo: (Smiled) He will surely write it. You just
need to trust him.
Bakang:That's true. Mmagwe Jason.
Tebogo: Rra(Yes)
Bakang: I requested for this meeting because I
wanted to inform you about a very important
decision I took recently. Akere you know that I
have been working in Maun for one Safari

She nodded...

Bakang: I am now serving my notice and

waiting to start a new job in the bush as a new
camp manager.
Tebogo: Yaanong where is this bush?
Bakang:It's In the delta. I will be coming to
town every three months but I will make sure
that I send money for Jason's things every
month so you don't have to worry about that.
Tebogo: Congratulations Rragwe Jason. I hope
that this job brings you everything you have
always wanted. I am surprised that you made
such a big decision to relocate after starting a
new relationship.
Bakang: Thank you so much. I actually got a job
in the same company as Ney so we will be
leaving together.

Tebogo kept quite and gathered some

confidence to ask her what she knew had the
potential to change the mood.

Tebogo: Can I ask you something?

Bakang: Yeah sure.
Tebogo: I hope you don't take this the wrong
way. I am only asking this question as a
concerned friend. Gone mme are you sure
about this? I mean you only just started this
relationship. Wouldn't it be wise to observe
things first?
Bakang: I know what I am doing and I would
also appreciate it if you trust me on this. I know
that you don't like Ney.
Tebogo: I am not fighting. I was just concerned.
I am not saying that it is wrong. I am only
saying that you need to be sure because this is
a big decision. Leaving your job and joining
Ney's company means that you will be working
with her full time. If your relationship doesn't
work out then you are stuck with her. I thought
that you would take it slow and observe things
before making such a big decision but if you are
sure about it then we thank God. I wish you all
the best in your new endeavour.
Bakang: Thank you. I really appreciate that and I
also understand your concern but you don't
have to worry.
Tebogo: When are you leaving?
Bakang:In the next three months. I am still
around. I will keep you in the loop.
Tebogo: Ok. Have you told Jason kana you want
me to share the news with him?
Bakang:Don't worry about that. I will tell him
once I get home.
Tebogo: Ok.
Bakang: And you?Are you well?
Tebogo: (Smiled) Things are going very
well.The business is growing and I have just
opened up another store.
Bakang: I can see that even at home things are
looking up. Look at you sitting here and smiling
from eat to ear while your husband washes your

The shared a few jokes and laughed...

At Mma Thabiso's

I wrapped my hair with a scarf and picked up a

setswana broom while Mma Thabiso washed
the dishes.

Mma Thabiso: Don't tell me that you want to

sweap in this heat. Leave it my child. I will do it
in the evening.
Me:I want to sweap the carpet in the tuckshop. I
asked the guy that washes them to come and
clean it tomorrow morning.
Mma Thabiso: You didn't have to do that my
child. I could have just washed it myself.
Me:Let him come. He is doing it waterless. If
you wash it with water then it will take a long
time to dry. I know how you enjoy sleeping in
there during the day.
Mma Thabiso: Thank you my baby. So tell
me,have you talked to your mother?

I knew that this question was going to pop up

as it did daily when we spoke.

Me:(Sighed) The last time I called her, she didn't

Mma Thabiso: Then keep on trying. Ney my
child, that woman is your mother. No mater how
you fight, that will never change.You need to
make up because you need her and she needs
you too. Nna hela I understand why she is angry
but I probably will never understand why you
two are not on talking terms.
Me: That was her decision , not mine. I have
tried to make up with her but she doesn't
want.Mama I can't force her. Le nna hela I have
feelings. I can't take rejection over and over
again. I fail to understand how my mother
chooses Tebogo over me. I get that a lot of
people have been taken by surprise but to have
my own mother stop talking to me? I am not
ready to end my relationship and do what she
wants so it is what it is.
Mma Thabiso:Ao ngwanaka! Are you telling me
that you are willing to let love come between
you and your family?
Me: I am not letting love come between me and
my family. The only thing coming between us is
the fact that they want to dictate to me on how I
should live my life.
Mma Thabiso: At the end of the day, that
woman is your mother. Find a creative way of
making up. My child, life is too short. I don't
want you regretting anything tomorrow. Wa
utlwa? ( Do you hear me?)
Me: Emma. ( Yes mum.)
Mma Thabiso: Good. You can go ahead.

At Mma Puleng's

Rra Puleng stole glances at his wife a couple of

times before approaching her. He could tell that
she was in a foul mood.

Rra Puleng: My flower.

Mma Puleng: I haven't finished cooking.
Rra Puleng: I don't want food.
Mma Puleng: Then what is it that you want?
Rra Puleng: Can't a man just be nice to his wife?
Mma Puleng: Not you. I know you so tell me
what you want.
Rra Puleng smiled and stretched his hand to his
wife's then brushed it gently...

Rra Puleng: Our daughter is in town.

Mma Puleng: Ok.
Rra Puleng: I wanted to ask you if it was ok for
her to come and greet us. She said she called a
few days ago with the intention of talking to you
about it but you didn't answer your phone.
Mma Puleng: Since when does Onneile ask if
she can come home. Akere this is her home.

Rra Puleng hid his smile and kissed his wife on

the cheek.

Rra Puleng: Thank you.

Mma Puleng: For what?

She maintained a serious face even though she

wanted to smile.

Later that day...

Distance & Time
# 145

Later that day

I stood outside my mother's house and took
deep breaths as I gathered the strength to
knock. The last time I had been there things had
taken a different turn and I wasn't so sure what
to expect this time around. I finally knocked and
my father opened the door.

Rra Puleng: Ney!

He smiled and hugged me...In all the years of

my childhood I was convinced that my father
wasn't capable of showing any emotions but on
this specific day, I was able to read his
emotions without even trying.

Me: Papa I can't breath.

I said as he held on to me tightly.

Rra Puleng: Sorry my girl. Is this really you?

I had never seen my father so happy to see me.

Me: How are you?

Rra Puleng: I am well my daughter. You look
Me: Thank you papa. Is Mama home?

I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was.

Rra Puleng: She is in the kitchen making some

tea. You can go in and see her.
Me: I don't want to upset her.
Rra Puleng: Don't be silly. Your mother would
love to see you. I had a chat with her earlier on
and she doesn't have any problem with you
coming over.
Me: Are we talking about the same person?
Rra Puleng: Trust me.

Mma Puleng walked into the living room.

Mma Puleng:Onneile.

I froze as she walked towards me.

Mma Puleng: How are you?

Me:I... I am well.
Mma Puleng: That's good my child. I didn't
know that you were in town.
Me: I tried calling.
Mma Puleng: Well you should have left a
Me: Emma.
Mma Puleng: You look nice.
Me:Thank you.
Mma Puleng: Don't just stand there like a
stranger. Sit down.

At Mokolodi Bush Kitchen

Kano stood up and made a toast...

Kano: To new beginnings!

Melinda and Bakang raised their glasses...

Bakang: Thank you guys. I am really sorry that
Ney couldn't make it. Something important
came up.
Kano: You don't have to apologize man. We
Melinda:Are you sure about this BK?
Kano: I know it's a lot to take in but I have never
been so sure of anything. I love that woman
with every breath I take and I simply won't part
with her.
Melinda: That's what you said about Tebogo.
No offense man.

They laughed...

Bakang: Well this time I mean it. I know that this

is not easy to accept. Love is very hard to
understand from a distance.
Melinda: That is true.
Kano:We get it my guy. It's not for us to
understand. You two are the ones that
understand your relationship better. Our job is
to just support you as friends. As long as you
are happy.

At my mother's

I laughed as my mother sipped on some wine

and imitated Mma London.

Me: Rakgadi batho!

Rra Puleng: Your aunt can drink alcohol.
Everyday after eating, she would sit where your
mother is sitted and do exactly what your
mother is doing. When I asked her when she
had become a drunkard,she would tell me about
how wine was healthy and how it emulsified
Me:(laughed) She always has answers.
Mma Puleng: And you? Are you happy?

I kept quite for a while wondering if I should

answer her honestly or try filter my answer to
her question.

Me: I am ok.
Mma Puleng: I didn't ask if you are okay. I asked
if you are happy. Does he make you happy.

I shied away from answering her.

Mma Puleng: You can be honest my child...

Hearing her refer to me as her child broke the

Me: Emma. I am happy.

Mma Puleng: Are you sure that you are not
doing this because you are bored?
Me: Mama I love him...

Mma Puleng closed her eyes and her daughter's

words sank in...

Mma Puleng: Ok.

It was then that she knew that she had no

control over what her daughter felt or who she
choose to be with.
Mma Puleng: Ney you are my little girl. In as
much as you are a woman now, you are still my
baby and all I want is to protect you. I won't lie
and say that it's easy to accept this relationship.
It's really hard for me to understand why you
choose Bakang of all the men in the the world
but you are still my child and I can't stay angry
at you forever. All I can do at this point is to try
and be there for you as a mother and support
you even though it will be hard.
Me: Thank you mama. You have no idea how I
have been longing to hear that. Not being able
to talk with you has been eating me up.I know
that this is not easy to accept but I appreciate
that you want to try.

A tear escaped my eye...

Rra Puleng: I thank God that this day has come.
Even if I die tomorrow, I will die a happy man
because my family is united. You have both
made me very happy.
Mma Puleng:(Smiled) Ney should thank her
mother in law and everyone that spoke on her
behalf. My child you are very blessed to have
Mma Thabiso in your life. That woman will stop
at nothing to see you happy. She was here
yesterday pleading on your behalf.

At Puleng's

Puleng kept glancing at her phone as they

snuggled on the couch and watched a movie
with the kids. It had been over an hour and there
was still no update from her sister.
Kagiso: Babe.
Puleng: Hmm?
Kagiso: Are you okay? You look uncomfortable.
Puleng: I am waiting for Ney's call.It's been over
an hour and she hasn't said anything.Maybe I
should go past my mum's.
Kagiso: Let them sort out their issues. They
need time.I know that it can't be easy sitting
here and not knowing what is going on but we
need to let them be. I am sure that Ney will
update you as soon as she leaves.
Puleng: I hope so too.
Kagiso: She will. Let's watch the movie. We
promised the kids that we would be attentive.
Puleng: Yeah...

Morning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 146

Three months later

Maun International Airport

Bakang got impatient as their bags got tagged.

He looked at the time and complained.

Bakang:Ao Morena , we are running late. I still

have to go through the other side.I am going to
miss my flight.
Man: That's why we ask you to be here an hour
before your flight time. You can't rush me just
because you came late. Next time you will know
that you have to be early.

He finished tagging the bags then gave him

back his identity card.

Man: You may proceed to the other side. They

will show you where to wait.

Bakang: Thank you.

Man: Next time come on time. Enjoy your stay
at Nagafela.
Bakang: Thank you bro.
He rushed to the check point and within
minutes he had made it to the waiting lounge.
He spotted Ney then joined her.

Bakang: Hey love.

Me: Hey. How did it go?
Bakang: All good. How are you feeling?
Me:Pretty good. I am excited for what awaits us
on the other side but I am also nervous at the
same time because I want this to workout.

He smiled and held my hand.

Bakang: And it will baby. You just need to be

positive.Nna I am confident that this fresh start
is what we need.
Me: Yeah.
Bakang:We have been through so much. Some
time from all the noise will put things into
Me: That's true.
Bakang: I want you to know that no matter what,
I have got your back.
Me:I have got your back too.
Bakang: Don't change. If you are not happy, let
me know but please don't change from being
the girl I fell inlove with to a total stranger. Try
and be honest with me if your feelings change.
Me: I promise.

We held hands and talked till our names were

called out and we boarded our plane.
At Safari Extreme

Boka rubbed her little belly and smiled. She

reflected on how far they had come as a couple
and everything felt so unreal.

Lemme: Why are you smiling alone?

Boka: Nothing really. I am just thinking about
everything we have been through to get here.
There was a point I had really given up on us
and I was ready to walk out.
Lemme:(Smiled) I know love. Even I can't
believe that we are here.The best decision I ever
made was to marry you. Look at how you have
put everything in place. Your love has reached
places I thought nothing could ever reach and
Boka: I love you and I appreciate how much you
have grown as a business partner and husband.
I have never been this happier.
Lemme: And thank you for always being the
perfect woman.I still don't know how I got a
woman like you to marry me.
Boka: Oh trust me, you smooth.

They looked into each other's eyes and giggled.

Boka: Do you think Ney and Bakang have left

Lemme: They are probably just about to
leave.They should be landing in Nagafela in the
next 40minutes.
Boka:(Smiled) I hope they make it.
Lemme: They will love. Nagafela is not far.
Boka: I mean relationship wise.I can tell that
Bakang loves her. Sacrificing his life and job like
that just so she could have her perfect life is not
something small.
Lemme: Well only time will tell. Nna I just hope
that he doesn't live to regret it. I still feel like he
should have kept his job but what do I know?
Maybe it will work out but you know these bush
relationships, they barely work out. Tomorrow
they will both be dating different people and we
will be intervening.
Boka: I pray they don't get to that. You can tell
that what they have is genuine.
Lemme: Like I said only time will tell but
somehow I hope so too because they will be
stronger together otherwise we will also suffer.
Boka: Akere.
Lemme:Can I get you anything? Are you
comfortable? Do you want me to rub your feet?
Boka: I can't wait to get to the last trimester and
see if you will still run around like this.
Lemme: I will still be here running around and
doing everything to make sure that you are
comfortable.Baby you are carrying my entire
Boka: This baby is not even here yet and they
are already your entire world. I thought I was
your entire world. What happened to that?
Lemme:(laughed)You still are.

At Puleng's Office

Puleng closed her eyes and laid back on her

chair feeling dizzy.Kagiso checked her
temperature and opened a bottle of water.

Kagiso: Here love. Drink this.

She opened her eyes and grabbed the bottle
before downing it.

Kagiso: I think you should see a doctor. You

have been feeling like this the entire week.
Puleng: I will be okay babe. You are just worried
for nothing.
Kagiso: Puleng I almost lost you. I am not
taking any chances in fact get your things and
let's go.
Puleng: You are just being extra.
Kagiso:(annoyed) And you are saying this
because you don't understand what we went
through when you were in a coma. I will relax
when the doctor says you are fine.

She rolled her eyes at him.

Kagiso: Roll those eyes all you want but when
you finish grab that bag and let's go.
Puleng: Babe.
Kagiso: Hmm?
Puleng: I think that I am pregnant.
Kagiso:(laughed) Get out of here man. Pregnant
how? It's probably PMS (pre menstrual
Puleng: Babe I know my body. I am a week late.
Kagiso:(laughed) Impossible. You took your
morning afters. You always run late.
Puleng: Yeah but I know my body. The only time
I feel like this is when I am pregnant.
Kagiso: Are you sure?
Puleng: Yeah.
Kagiso: Oh babe.How are you feeling about all

She burst into tears....

Puleng: I am scared KG. I don't want a forth

child. Those kids are already mopping the floor
with me. I can't have another one.

He thought of his children and laughed then

maintained a serious face as she cried more.

Kagiso: Sorry babe. We are not having another

baby. I am gonna get you a pregnancy tester.
Stay put mama, you will just be fine.

Distance & Time
# 147

Nagafela Safari Lodge

Cyrus looked at the time and shook his head.

The new manager and GM had not yet made it
in camp even with the big arrival they were
having in the afternoon. He grabbed his radio
for communication with the guide that had been
sent to the air strip.

Cyrus: Eight Six, Eight Six.

Wame: Go ahead...
Cyrus: So OKV has not landed even upto now?
Wame: Affirmative.
Cyrus: Let me know as soon as it does.
Wame: Copy that.

A few minutes after talking to his superviser the

plane landed...

Wame: Eight ten.

Cyrus: Go ahead.
Wame: OKV has landed.
Cyrus: Thank you. See you soon.

He stood up and hooked the radio on his belt

then headed out to the staff that was waiting
Cyrus: Your managers will be here soon. Give
them a Nagafela welcoming so they know what
we are all about.Sega make sure you sing that
song you sang last night at the Boma. I hear
they are both city people so let's give them a
feel of what the bush experience is supposed to
be. Legato, what have you prepared for the
welcome drinks?
Legato: Ginger Ale with a dash of granedine.
Cyrus: Come on LG, you need to be more
creative. These people are your bosses.
Remember what I said about giving them a five
star experience.

His radio made noise. He grabbed it for

Cyrus: Go ahead.
Wame: Three minutes away.
Cyrus: Welcome back.

He put the radio away....

Cyrus: Let's go team.

The group of house keepers and waiters stood

in the front and sang..

🎶Madume, dumelang wee

Dumelang re ya le dumedisa
Dumelang, ra re dumelang lotlhe
Dumelang...Dumelang a ye dumelang
Ga re a tshola sepe wee, dumelang
Ke mmino fela
Dumelang 🎶
Bakang smiled and took out his phone to
capture a video.

Bakang: This is beautiful and so warm.

Wame: That's a bush greeting. We do this for all
the guests that come here.
Me: This is just wonderful.

Wame parked the car in the front.We got off

and joined the staff as they sang and danced.

Cyrus: Welcome to Nagafela. I am Cyrus.

He extended his hand to me.

Bakang: And I am Bakang.

He introduced us to everyone before we went

into the office.

At Puleng's Office

Kagiso held his wife's hand as they waited in

the bathroom.

Kagiso: Babe you can open your eyes now.

She kept them shut...

Puleng: Just tell me what it says.

He looked at the positive pregnancy tester and


Puleng: What?

She opened her eyes and looked at the tester.

Her entire world changed in just a minute.

Kagiso: We are going to be just fine baby.

Puleng: Let's try another one. It could be a false
Kagiso: What other one?
Puleng: Babe I asked you to buy two.

He scratched his head...

Kagiso:I probably didn't hear you.

Puleng: But you agreed.
Kagiso:Sorry love.

He took her by the hand and lead her back to

the office.

Kagiso: Babe listen, I understand that we didn't

plan for this baby and you are panicking but I
want you to know that we will be fine.
Puleng: I don't see how we will be fine with an
unplanned baby.
Kagiso: Babe you are a wonderful mother. Right
now you are scared and shocked but you will be
okay. At this point there is nothing we can do
because the baby is already here. Let's trust
that God knew what he was doing.

He kissed her hand...

At Loapi's

Karen put a bowl of salad in the fridge and

joined Loapi in the living room.

Loapi: Shouldn't you be working?

Karen: Well I made your favourite salad.
Loapi:(laughed) Dude you need help.
Karen: I needed an excuse to come see you.
How have you been? You have been ignoring
my calls since that night.

He cleared his throat.

Loapi: I am sorry. I have been preoccupied.

Karen: Really?
Karen: Are you sure that it's not because of
what happend the other night?
Loapi: No. I just needed some time to clear my
Karen: Okay.
Loapi: Karen I like you a lot and the connection
we have is out of this world. I wanna share a life
with you.
Karen: I sense a but there.
Loapi: But we need to do things differently. Let's
take baby steps.
Karen: I would love that.
Loapi: Oh yeah?
Karen: Yeah.

She embraced and kissed him...

At Nagafela Safari Lodge

Cyrus took us through the lodge and told us

everything we needed to know.

Cyrus: Your house is ready. Mrs Dee asked us

to prepare just one house for you, I hope that's
ok GM.
Me: That's alright thank you. Is there anything
else before we go?
Cyrus: Bakang and I will be working closely as
we hold the same position. I will have a meeting
with him later so we discuss our roles and see
how to split responsibilities.
Me: Ok.
Bakang: I look toward to working with you.
Cyrus: Likewise.

Staff Village

LG and Wame sat down and had their lunch.

The duo discussed the arrival of the new

LG: The GM is hot. I would swipe that ass any

Wame: Slow down ranger, those two are a
LG: No ways. How so? I thought we didn't have
couple managers.
Wame: Well we do. It's just that they hold
different positions.
LG: Well that relationship is going nowhere
slowly because power always gets to women.
Very soon she will be treating him anyhow
because she is the boss. This is why men
should always be the boss.
Wame: Wena mona! It's still too early to judge
her. Who knows, maybe she is not like that.
LG: City women are all the same.If she is not
like that then it could be just a matter of time.
Wame: Give her a chance. Nna tota I couldn't
care less about her love life. I am interested in
how she will treat the staff. Kana this is a new
camp so it requires someone who is very
patient and hardworking. I hope they brought
the right person.
LG: I guess we will find that out too
Wame: It's going to be such a ride.

Distance & Time
# 148

A few days later

Nagafela Safari Lodge

Cyrus and Ney walked around front of house
inspecting a few things while Bakang sat and
had his breakfast.

Waiter 1: Why do I feel like those two want each

Waiter2: Why do you say that?
Waiter1: They are always around each other.
Mme kana she and Mr BK are dating.
Waiter2: You are reading it all wrong. Cyrus is a
manager and there is no way that they can not
work together.
Waiter1: And Mr Bk is a manager too but you
don't see her with him all the time.
Waiter2: That's because Cyrus got here first so
he knows a lot more about this place than they
do. You people are always looking for a story
even where there is none. Those two live
together, there is no need to stick to each other
even at work.
Waiter1: Mme kana there is a story tlhamma. I
heard that she is like that. Apparently she dated
Mr Dikgang while she knew that he was getting
married. Nna I feel for Mr Bk because he seems
to be a really good man.
Waiter2: A good man that's taken. Don't think
that I don't see the way that you look at him.
Lala just stick to guides and leave him alone.
Waiter 1: Uhu!

She grabbed a jar of juice and went past

Bakang's table...

Lala: Can I offer you more juice Mr BK?

Bakang: Thank you Lala. You can leave it here. I
am sure that Ney will appreciate it.
Lala: Ok. Enjoy your breakfast. Let me know if
you need anything.
Bakang: Thank you so much. You are a star.

She walked away as Ney joined Bakang...

Me: Hey babe.

Bakang: Hey.Sit, your food is getting cold.

I pulled out a chair and sat down.

Me: We have found a solution to our setting

Bakang: Tell me about it.
Me: Cyrus has talked to the maintenance team.
They will find a way to support the tables while
we wait for the new ones that have been
Bakang: Wonderful. Do you have any idea when
they will arrive?
Me: I can't tell. No one gave me a straight
answer at Maun office.
Bakang: Ok.
Me: It's so peaceful.
Bakang: Not for long. Wait till the guests get
back from their game drive.
Me:(Smiled)Yeah then it will be all singing and
dancing again. That German group is such a
Bakang: I think I am gonna enjoy working here.
Me: I have the same feeling.
Bakang: (whispered) And girl you sure brought
the heat last night.
Me:(giggled) So did you.
At Puleng's house

Kagiso rubbed his wife's feet as they sat in the

garden having their morning coffee.

Kagiso:Baby girl?
Puleng: Hmm?
Kagiso: I know it's early days akere mme you
know you are gonna have to cut off the coffee.
Puleng: I still can't believe that we are having a
fourth child. It still feels like a dream. Waitsi
after this you must close shop.
Kagiso:(laughed)Babe why must it be me
closing shop?
Puleng:Because you are the one getting me
Kagiso: (laughed) That's a lame excuse. Come
up with something better.
Puleng: I carried all our pregnancies to full term
alone. Gone mme tell me, why must it be the
woman doing everything? I mean when they talk
about pregnancy it's us, child birth it's us and it
must still be us when it comes to family
Kagiso: Bathong babe akere le rona we found it
like that so it's hard to answer your question.

He picked up his coffee and sipped on it...

Puleng: I don't see myself using any of those

birth control methods. If you don't get a
vasectomy then it's protection all the way.

He put his coffee down and moved closer to her

bitting his lower lip...

Kagiso: Ontse ole monate yaana mogatsaka.

( When you feel so good?)
Puleng:(laughed) Akere wa utlwa dio tse o di
buwang.(Listen to yourself. )I am pregnant for
the fourth time and that's all you can say.
Kagiso:(laughed) Akere gone mme o monate.
( But it's the truth) I don't even want to think
about how beautiful this pregnancy journey is
going to be. I know we didn't plan for it but this
one will be the last one and we bowing out in
Puleng: So I get whatever I want?
Kagiso: (Smiled) Whaever you want baby.
Puleng: And how about it?

She pointed at his van diesel...

Kagiso:(Smiled) You want it?
Puleng: Mmm...
Kagiso: Just tell me where and when.
Puleng: Right here and right now?
Kagiso: Hmm?
Puleng: You heard me.
Kagiso: I love Saturdays. We should
permanently send the kids away till the end of
your pregnancy because I am going to have that
honey jar till you pop out that baby.

He put his mug on the table and grabbed hers.

Kagiso: You were onto something with this

couch here.
He kissed her and ran his hands to her cookie

At Karen's

Karen browsed through the safari lodges in the

delta and passed the pamphlet to Loapi.

Karen: What do you think?

Loapi:I will go wherever you want us to go.
Karen: You are not playing fair.
Loapi: Choose one that you like. I will do the
same on our next trip.
Karen: Okay.
Loapi: Good. Once you have that sorted, let me
know so that I can make bookings and pay.
Karen:Don't worry babe. I got you. You can pay
on our next one.
Loapi:(Smiled)On our next one.I like the sound
of that.
Karen:And many others.
Loapi: And many others baby.

Later that day...

I looked around our room and noticed that the

bed had been made again. Everything had been
moved and put neatly.

Me: Someone was definitely here.

Bakang: What do you mean?
Me: The bed has been made again.
Bakang: It must be the housekeepers.
Me: I don't know how I feel about that.
Bakang: What do you mean?
Me: Having someone make my bed and clean
after me. It just feels like we don't have privacy
Bakang: But they are just doing their job.
Me: I know babe. I am not blaming them, am
just saying that I prefer to do it myself.
Bakang: Maybe they also noticed that it wasn't
perfect so they did it again.
Me:(laughed) Are you saying that I can't make
the bed?
Bakang:(laughed) Maybe.
Me: I am going to take a shower. We are
hosting dinner.
Bakang:Without me?
Me:(Giggled) Who knows what else I can't do
Bakang: Why don't you do some of those things
you did last night then I can tell you.
Me:(laughed) Nnya rra. (No babe.) If we keep
going at this rate then you are gonna get me
Bakang:Wouldn't that be something. A whole
complete world.
Me:(Giggled) That's why am on the pill.

Good morning.

I owe you one insert from last night 😘

😂😂I know you didn't forget either.
Distance & Time
# 149

Later that evening

Dinning Area

Bakang walked around the dinning area to

check on the guests while Ney sat at the bar
and had a conversation with one of the staff
member. Just as Ney was about to leave the
bar area Cyrus walked in.

Cyrus: Bosslady.
Me: Aren't you supposed to be resting?
Cyrus: I thought I would come here and check
on how you two are doing. Kana it's your first
night hosting so I can't just leave you guys to
fend for yourselves.
Me: Owaii mme we are doing just fine. Bakang
seems to be really enjoying it.

Cyprus looked at Bakang and smiled...

Cyrus: He is a natural. Hosting seems to be his

Me: Yeah.
Cyrus: So do you two have children?
Me: Not yet. I am just not sure if I want to have
Cyrus: Why not? I thought that's what every
woman wanted.
Me:(laughed) That's not the case. Men always
assume that because we are women, we all
want to get married and have children but it's a
matter of preference.
Cyrus: But why not? Isn't family important to
Me: It is. I just don't want to bring children into
this world then have them growing up without
either a mother or a father when one of us dies.
I just feel like it's unfair.
Cyrus: Not all children lose one of their parents.
Some get to bury their parents at a later stage
of their lives and some even get buried by their
parents . Nna tota I am a family man and I don't
think I would settle with a woman that doesn't
want children.
Me: Well different strokes for different folks.
Cyrus: That's true.

Bakang walked to the bar area and joined us.

He pulled out a chair and greeted Cyrus before

Bakang: How are you man?

Cyrus: Am good thanks. You seem to be
enjoying your evening.
Bakang: I am. I didn't think that I would enjoy
this hosting thing.
Cyrus: It doesn't feel like work hey?
Bakang: Not at all. Feels like having a couple of
people over at your house for dinner.
Cyrus:(laughed) I feel exactly the same way.
Me: Everyone seems happy.
Bakang: They are. That family over there is
considering to extend their stay. Their children
are enjoying their stay here.
Cyrus: I have been watching you interact with
the kids. I am surprised that you two don't want
Bakang: We don't want any?

He turned to me surprised...

Cyrus : Yeah. Ney and I were just having a

conversation about it and she tells me that you
two settled with not having any children.
Me: Yeah I mean BK already has a son so it's
not like we won't have any children at all.
Bakang:(forced smile) That's true.
Cyrus: Do you have any plans of getting married
in future?

I turned to Bakang and smiled. The thought of

being his wife brought so much joy and I could
already imagine myself in a wedding dress...

Bakang: No. To me marriage means having

children and building a family together and
since we decided on not having children,we also
came to an agreement that we would also not
get married.
Cyrus: (chukled) You two are so different from
all the other couples I have met. I thought
marriage and children are always the goal.
Me:(forced smile) And again, different strokes
for different folks.
Cyrus: That's true.
Me: I need to use the ladies room, I will see you
gentlemen in a bit.

I stood up and turned to Bakang and smiled

even though I was disappointed.
At Puleng's

Puleng sat on the couch and laid back naked as

her husband walked into the living room with a
tray of food. She looked at him from head to toe
and bit her lower lip.

Kagiso: (Smiled) Babe stop undressing me with

your eyes.
Puleng:(laughed) Love you are already naked.
Kagiso: (laughed)Well stop undressing my soul.
Puleng: How did I get so lucky?
Kagiso: And get a man who knows how to use
what God gave him?
Puleng: That and a whole lot more. Kagiso
when I met you, my entire life just changed. We
got married and had children and I thought well
now that we have kids, things will change and
he will start getting bored of me. What I am
experiencing with you in our marriage is
different from what people told me.
Kagiso: Everyone's marriage is different
because of what you pour in. You can't expect a
full cup when you never fill your partner. With us
it's different because we fill each other up. I
know that when I am empty you would move
heaven and earth just to fill me and I would do
the same.
Puleng: And with the sex? It never gets old.
Kagiso: That's because our sex life is not
monotonous. We try different things in different
places. You make an effort and so do I. Instead
of just laying there and waiting for me to make
you cum,you also contribute. It's both of us
wanting to please each other. The reason why
sex becomes boring is because most couples
always make it about men. Koore as long as
monna a jele monate go siame. ( As long as a
man has cum then that's fine.)
Puleng:You onto something.
Kagiso: Yeah and lastly it's about being open
about what you both want and wanting to
understand each other's bodies. For instance I
know what to do to make you cum faster when
we are having a quickly. Le wena you always do
the right things. Wa bona? (You understand?)
Puleng: I do.
Kagiso: Mmm...

He took the tray of food from her and put it on

the table then hugged her. His warm breath
against her neck made her wet. The ran his
hands to her bobbies and played with them then
laid her on the couch. He parted her legs and
looked at her honey pot.
Kagiso: I want you to play with yourself for

She slowly ran her hands to her treasure and

slowly rubbed it closing her eyes.

Kagiso: Don't close your eyes, look at me.

He said with an authoritative voice.She opened

them and moaned as she circled her finger
around her bean pot. Having her husband
looking at her honey pot made her even more
wet. She closed her eyes again as she felt the
waves of pleasure taking over.

Kagiso: Naughty girl. What did I say about

closing your eyes?
She bit her lower lip and took a deep breath as
everything became sensetive. Just as she was
about to reach her peak, Kagiso moved her
hands and lifted her, then helped her to kneel on
the carpet before sliding in from the back. With
every stroke, he softly said her name. The
waves of pleasure hit in... They both made
beautiful sounds. She could feel his juices filling
her and as she relaxed her body after he slid
out, he plucked in again holding on to her waist
and continued like he had not just cum.

Puleng: Ohh babe.

Kagiso: Yes love.
Puleng: I lov...

He increased his pace tapping in and moving

his waist like he was dancing to some beautiful
music. Puleng's body shook as the second
wave ropped her in and this time she felt like
her heart would stop...

Puleng: Babe I wa...

She squi**ed...

Puleng: (Crying) Go monat....

KG roared behind her and the wave hit harder as

they both rode on it...

Later that evening

The following insert follows an hour from now
Distance & Time
# 150

Later that evening...

Bakang held my hand as we quietly walked to

our house.None of us had said anything since
parting with Cyrus. I knew that he was
processing what Cyrus had told him as I had
never discussed it with him.

Me: About what I said earlier on.

Bakang: Can we just walk quietly. It's been a
long evening and I am tired.
Me: Babe I thought that we could talk about wh..
Bakang: Ney please.
Me: I am sorry.
Bakang: There is a time to talk and a time to
quietly digeste things.
Me: Ee rra.

I kept quite till we got to our house...

Bakang: Would you like to take a shower?

Me: Yeah. You?
Bakang: Yeah. Let me run the water.
Me: Babe.
Bakang: Mma?
Me: Can we talk about what happend earlier on?
Bakang: What happend?
Me: Come on, don't be like that. Instead of
giving me attitude let's talk about it.
Bakang: I am not giving you any attitude.I am
actually asking because I want to understand
how I am the one in a relationship with you yet I
don't know all these things.
Me: I didn't know that you didn't want to get
married either. Kana gape children are not a big
deal. You already have a child.
Bakang: And because I have one, you just
assumed that I don't any more children.
Me: There is nothing wrong with having one

He shook his head and took off his uniform.

Bakang: Ney that's not the point. You went and
told our colleague that you don't want children
before you even discussed it with me. Do you
have any idea how embarrassing and painful
that was?
Ney: We were just having a conversation.
Bakang: A conversation about things we haven't
Ney: Kana this was just a conversation. It
doesn't mean that we can't discuss it further le
gone who knows, we might end up changing
our minds. Babe our relationship is still new and
we are still learning so much about each other.
This is something that we can explore and
discuss further then make a decision.
Bakang: I don't think so. Be honest with yourself
and me. After how you responded when I talked
about a child and your conversation with Cyrus,
can you honestly tell me that you didn't mean it?
I kept quite and tried to find a polite way to
express my feelings...

Bakang: Ney I love you and I want us to build a

family together. I want us to get married, get a
house together and have children. What is it
that you want from this relationship? What are
we doing? Are we headed somewhere?
Me: Babe...
Bakang: Answer me. What is it that you want
from this? From us?
Me: It's still too early. We just started this
relationship. I thought we could take things

He looked into my eyes and sighed... I could tell

how crushed he was by the way he looked at

Bakang:Take things slow and get to know each

Me: Babe kana we just got people to accept our
relationship not so long ago. Shouldn't we give
it a bit of time before discussing children and
Bakang: Are you for real? I mean isn't that a
little too late for that? Ney me joining you here
was a sign of my commitment to you and this
relationship. I didn't just follow you all the way
here for sex. I did that because I thought we
were headed somewhere together.
Me: Kana nna I am not refusing that. I am just
saying give me a bit of time.
Bakang: How long?
I kept quit and bowed shamefully...Even I didn't
know how long I needed...

Bakang: Are you serious? So you don't even

know how long you want? Are we even headed

The pain in his voice pierced through my heart.

Bakang: Ok. So here is what I want. Let me put

it out there for you so you decided what you
want because you sound like someone who
doesn't know yet. Onneile I want a family. By a
family, I am mean that I want to marry you and
have children with you. I am to build an empire
with you. I want to do life with you. I wanna hold
your hand when it gets tough and look into your
eyes for strength. I wanna know that you got my
back the same way I have yours. I wanna know
we are in this together. I wanna grow old with
Me:: I love you BK. That is one thing I want you
to know. You are my bestfriend and i really want
us to head somewhere too. All I am saying is
that we should get to know each other more.
We have just moved here and we are both trying
to adapt. Koore everything is new. Le nna hela I
have just taken a new role and I am trying to
understand the new me in this role.
Bakang: You have answered me.
Me: So you understand?
Bakang: Yeah. I understand perfectly well that
everything is about you. Ney in case you have
forgotten,,I have also taken a new role that is
completely different from everything I have
done my entire life because I wanted to be with
you. I am also trying to understand the new me
but the difference is that I wanna understand
the new me with you.
Me: Kana yaanong you are saying it like I asked
you to give up everything when I didn't.

He looked at me and laughed...

Me: What?
Bakang: Well I guess the joke is on me.

He grabbed a towel and headed to the


Me: BK you can't walk away from me when we

are still tal...

I heard the shower water running...

At Loapi's

Loapi sat by the bed and read out the check list
to Karen as she went through their bags.

Karen: Looks like everything is good.

Loapi: How far is Nagafela from Maun?
Karen: The lady said that it was a forty minute
Loapi: That's close.
Karen: I can't tell you how excited I am to be
getting away from everything. We have both
been through so much and we deserve a break
from everything and everyone that has put us
through a lot.
Loapi: I couldn't agree more babe. We need this
Karen: Who knows, maybe this trip will bring us
a mini you.
Loapi:(Smiled) I can't tell you how happy you
have made me. I still can't believe that we are
trying for a baby.
Karen:(laughed) After the longest conversation
of the entire history.
Loapi:(Smiled) It's important to be on the same
page especially if we are going to raise children
together.I can't just assume that you want the
same things as me and you can't do the same.
Karen: That's true.

Both inserts owed credited... NOW we square💃
Distance & Time
# 151

The following day

I turned around and put my arm on the cold side

of the bed.The fact that Bakang wasn't there
meant that he was still angry. I got up and made
the bed then cleaned the room before I went to
take a shower. Once I had finished bathing, I got
dressed and left to the office.

At the Office
Cyrus printed the day sheet and passed a copy
to Bakang.

Cyrus: Tsaya morena. Nna I thought that you

would still be sleeping by now since you guys
left late. I didn't have a problem with briefing the
staff about today's arrivals.
Bakang: You were with us too last night. I didn't
think that it was fair for me to be sleeping while
you are here doing everything on your own. I let
Ney sleep though.
Cyrus:(laughed) Akere. Rona re banna rra. ( We
are men so it's okay. )

Just as they were about to discuss the day

sheet, Ney walked in.
Me: Goodmorning gentlemen.
Cyrus: I thought that you would take the
morning off. Bakang and I would have handled
Me: I was already up so it didn't make sense to
stay In bed. Anything about the arrivals?

Bakang gave her a copy of his day sheet.

Me:Thank you.

As she looked at the names of the arrivals,her

face changed. She read out Loapi and Karen's
names and turned to Bakang but he didn't show
any emotions.
Cyrus: Okay. So it's just two guests in camp
tonight. Our groups are checking out. There are
no extra notes or allergies so I take it that they
are none. All we know is that these two are a
couple and they both love wine. It should be an
easy night.
Bakang: Yeah.
Cyrus: Would it be ok if I asked you and Ney to
host again today?

Bakang looked at me and I could already tell

that he was looking for a reaction so I just

Me: That's ok. BK?

Bakang: Not a problem at all.

Cyrus picked up a few copies of the day sheet

then stood up.

Cyrus: We can go and begin the meeting

Me: Do you mind if I have a quick one with BK?
Cyrus: Not at all. I will get started with briefing
the team.You can join us when you are ready.
Me: (Smiled) Thank you.

I waited till he had left then closed the door...

Me:About last night, babe I am so...

Bakang: Not now and not here Ney.
Me: You left without waking me up.
Bakang:And that should tell you that I don't
wanna talk. Ney we have just started this job.
We can't be bringing our issues here. If there is
anything you need to discuss with me here then
it needs to be about work not our personal life. I
know that you are the boss but please respect
Me:I didn't mean to upset you. I am sorry.
Bakang: I need to attend the meeting.

He left before I could even say anything. The

fact that he was not giving me a chance to
explain myself gave me an idea of how much i
had hurt him.

At Tebogo's

Theo stood in the kitchen and prepared a lunch

pack for Jason while his wife read out the
presentation she had prepared for a potential
Tebogo: What do you think?
Theo: I think you have yourself a new client.
Tebogo: I am serious. You can be honest. You
won't rub me up the wrong way.
Theo: I am serious babe. You know what your
problem is?
Tebogo: What?
Theo: You look down on yourself. Babe you are
a force to be reckoned with. You need to believe
that because you will do much more when you
do. Do you remember how you started selling
this hair on Facebook?
Tebogo: Yeah.
Theo: Do you think anyone believed that you
would have opened up two stores in big malls
by now?
Tebogo: I guess not.
Theo: That is resilience to me. When I look at
you working, I am inspired. Baby you can do just
anything. I love how humble you are but once in
a while, take it in and wear it out. You are beast
at this sales thing.
Tebogo:(Smiled) Thank you baby. I have no idea
how my life made sense without you earlier on.
Theo:(laughed) That's a question I have been
asking myself about you.
Tebogo: Such a charmer.
Theo: And you are such a lady.
Tebogo:I have been thinking...
Theo: Yeah.
Tebogo: We never went on a real honeymoon
because of our finances and busy schedule.
What do you think about a holiday now?
Theo:I would love a family vacation.
Tebogo: Not a family vacation.A baecation. Just
you and me. We can leave Jason behind.
Theo: I like the sound of that Mrs Maruping.
Tebogo: So does that mean that I can start
looking at a few destinations?
Theo: Definetly. What were you thinking?
Tebogo: Mozambique maybe? Mauritius?
Theo: Why don't you come up with three
destinations then we can pick together?
Tebogo: Ok. Give me just two days.
Theo: We on.

Later that day...

I stood next to Bakang as we welcomed Loapi

and Karen into camp.

Bakang: Welcome to Nagafela Loapi and Karen.

My name is Bakang and I am part of the
management team. This is Ney and over there
is Cyrus.This is the office. Should you need
anything at any time then one of us will be in
here to assist you.You are arriving at a time
where we are getting ready for our afternoon
Safari. High tea is ready. Once one of us has
done room orientation, you may freshen up then
come back to the main area for your high tea.
Alright folks, does anyone have a question?

The entire time Bakang did his welcome I

looked away making sure not to lock eyes with

Loapi: Not at all. Thank you

Karen: We look toward to our stay here.

I noticed Karen stealing glances at me then

holding on tightly to Loapi's hand...

Later that day

Let's reach target so we can have an extra
Distance & Time
# 152

Later that day

At my house

Bakang opened the closet and picked out an

ironed work shirt and a pair of pants. He quietly
dressed as I dried myself and moisturized my

Me: Babe...
Bakang: What is it Ney?
Me: I am sorry about last night. I feel like we
have never gotten the time to sit and discuss all
the important aspects of our relationship. We
have had so much going on.
Bakang: And yet you had the time to discuss it
with Cyrus.
Me: Now you are being unfair.Cyrus asked me
out of nowhere .It's not like we had a proper
Bakang: That's nice. So you don't want to have
children with me?
Me: I don't think I wanna have children but this
is something I am open to discuss with you. I
realize that how I said it was selfish and unfair. I
honestly didn't mean to hurt you love.
Bakang: Ney I need you to be honest with
yourself. Think about what you really want then
we can sit and talk. I have told you what I want
from you and what my expectations are out of
this relationship. I have been honest with you
from the very beginning. I love you. That is
something that has never changed. I know you
love me too and I have never questioned that up
until your statement last night. When I made the
decision to leave my job and join you here, I
knew that it was out of my own freewill. It was a
decision I made out of love.To say that you
didn't force me leaves me with a lot of
Me:Babe I am honestly sorry. What I said was
wrong. I understand that I hurt you and you
need a bit of time to calm down. I appreciate
everything you have done for me including
coming here. I am not about to give up on us.
When you are ready to talk I will be here.
Bakang:Think about what you want out of this
relationship and then we can talk. Ney I don't
know about you but my time of running around
and moving from one relationship to the next or
staying in a relationship that does not have
direction is over. I want to build a home and
settle down with the woman I love. I love you
but I will not be turned into a fool. You hear me?
Me: Ee rra.

I nodded...The authority and humility in his

voice reminded me why I had fallen in love with
the man in the first place.

Bakang: Are you coming with me?

He said as he sat down and waited for me as I
got dressed...

Me: Ee rra. (Yes)

Loapi's room

Karen rested her head on Loapi's chest as they

laid in bed...They had skipped their afternoon
Safari and stayed in.

Karen: Did you know that Ney was here?

Loapi: No. I thought she worked in Maun. Does
it matter? Babe what Ney and I had ended a
long time ago. She has also moved on.
Karen: Ok.
Loapi: I can tell that you are worried but I want
you to know that there is nothing to be worried
about. This trip is about you and I. Forget Ney.

Outside our house

I stood outside and watched Bakang as he

locked up. I thought of all the things we had
been through and how we completed each

Me: Babe.
Bakang: Mma?
Me: I love you.

He turned to me and smiled...

Bakang: Lenna ke a go rata mogatsaka. ( I love
you too.)

I looked around then moved closer to him and

kissed him.

Me: Open the door and let me show you

Bakang:(laughed) We are going to be late kana.
Me: We still have an hour before dinner starts.
Come on. I know you are still mad at me but let
me make it upto you.

He unlocked the door and went in. I closed the

door behind then turned to him and unbuttoned
his shirt. When he had taken it off, I hanged it
and put it away before taking off my skirt and
Bakang: Babe we are going to be late.

I knelt down and pulled down his pants then

worshiped his van diesel...

Bakang: Fu*k!

When he had finally reached a place of no

return I pulled him to the bed. I stood before
him naked and allowed him to take a good look
before getting on top of him and grinding...

He put his hands over his head and moaned...

At Mma Puleng's
Rra Puleng turned off the tv and put the remote
in his pocket as his grandchildren ate dinner.

Mma Puleng: Why did you turn off the tv?

Rra Puleng: Those kids won't eat unless the tv
is off.
Mma Puleng: Has Puleng called to say when
she will pick them up? Nnq kana she is no
longer taking my calls. I know schools are
closed but it's been almost a week.
Rra Puleng: Let her rest.She is forever busy.
Mma Puleng: I blame these fancy schools that
they send their children to. Their school is
forever closed. Kana gone yaana government
schools are open.
Rra Puleng: Let her be. She will come pick them
up when she is ready.
Mma Puleng: She is now enjoying herself
forgetting how difficult these kids are.
Rra Puleng:(laughed) I am surprised that you
are complaining when you are always asking
Ney when she will have a child.
Mma Puleng: Owaii...I ask her because I can tell
that she has no intentions of having any
children. I have already accepted that she might
not give me any grandchildren.
Rra Puleng: She will surprise you.
Mma Puleng: Owaii...

Meanwhile Bakang turned Ney and got on top

of her...He stretched her flesh with his van
diesel as she flinched.

Bakang: Look at me...

Ney: Uhhh...
He went all the way in hitting the G spot as she
cried in pleasure...She gasped for air as he
stroked harder and faster...

They both moaned and vibrated as he filled her...

Distance & Time
# 153

Later that evening

Loapi and Karen held hands as they shared a
bottle of wine. The lodge was very quiet as they
were the only guests in camp.Karen glanced at
Ney and Bakang then giggled.

Loapi: What's up?

Karen: I think that those two are dating.
Loapi: Ok. Why do you say that?
Karen: I don't know but it's in the way that they
look at each other. I find it cute.
Loapi: Well everyone deserves to be happy. I am
glad that in the end it all worked out for the both
of us.
Karen:Yeah. I can't stop wondering how she
feels about seeing the two of us together.I was
the reason your relationship didn't work out in
the first place and even when you tried to patch
things up, she had a problem with us being
friends. Now we are here and rubbing it in her
face. It's like I came all this way to prove a point.
Loapi: Babe stop stressing. You didn't know
that she works here. I was the reason my
relationship didn't work out with Ney in the first
place. As for her not taking me back because
we are friends...

He looked at her and chuckled...

Loapi: That's bull. Ney had already lost interest

in me and I think she was just trying to be
diplomatic.You have to let go of the past
because I doubt that she is still holding on.
Karen: Well you not the one feeling like a home
wrecker so it's easy for you to say.
Loapi: You know what they say about people
who belong together always finding their way
back to each other?
Karen: Yeah.
Loapi: I think it's actually true. Karen after
everything that we have been through, I know I
wanna be with you.
Karen: And I wanna be with you too.

On the other side...

Bakang looked at Ney and smiled... He thought

of the first night he met her at the Boma
drinking like she was in a competition and how
they had become close since then.

Me: What are you thinking about?

Bakang:(Smiled) That night I met you at the
Me: I was so wasted. I don't know what could
have happend if we hadn't bumped into each
Bakang: You could have probably embarrassed
yourself in front of Lemme and Boka. Do you
remember how I had to pick you up from the
pavement because you were crying like there
was no tomorrow.
Me:(laughed) Babe kana wa yaka. ( You are
Bakang:(laughed) Am telling you. Ke fa ke go
kukile ke go pega mo koloing yame kare ba tla
se bolaya.(I carried you to my car and at the
back of my mind I was thinking about how
dating would kill you.)
Me:(laughed) Owaii waaka gongwe one o
nkeletsa.(You probably wanted me.)
Bakang: I didn't feel anything for you till the day
you ended our friendship or at least I didn't
realize.I swear.
Me:And yet everyone thinks that we have been
eyeing each other even when you were married.
Bakang: You know how people are. They always
want to see things their own way.
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: I love you.
Me: I love you more baby.

He looked around to see if anyone was looking

at them then put his hand on her thighs.

Bakang: I should check on the guests.

Me: Let's go.
Bakang: Will you be comfortable around them? I
mean you have a his...
Me: Yes I will be ok love. We might have a past
together but that doesn't mean that I should
avoid them forever. I only took it easy this
afternoon because you were mad at me and I
didn't want to add on to that. I wasn't so sure
how you take it.
Bakang:Babe tlhamma I know that we are at
work.There is nothing wrong with being friendly
to our guests even if one of them is your ex.

He looked at me and laughed...

Me: What?
Bakang: I feel like I am in a soapie.
Me: You can say that again.

We stood up and walked to Loapi's table.

Bakang: How is your evening? Is everything ok?
Karen: The food was devine thank you.We feel
like royals with the entire lodge to ourselves.
Me: That's what we wanna hear. Is there
anything else we can get you?
Loapi: No that will be all. We are gonna head
back to our room.
Karen: By the way, it's nice seeing you Ney.
Me:(Smiled) And it's nice seeing you both.

They stood up and grabbed the bottle of wine...

Bakang: Would you like more wine?

Loapi: Please.
Bakang: Just let one of the gents at bar know
what you would like and they will help you.
Loapi: Thank you so much.
Karen: Have a good night. We will seen you
Me: Goodnight.

We waited for them to leave before we locked

up and retired home.

Bakang: I have just received Cyrus's whatsapp

message. He says we can sleep in. He will
handle the early morning shift on his own.
Me:Ok love. Do you want to take shower?
Bakang:I want us to talk.I know that we are cool
but we still need to settle this issue.
Me: Can't we talk tomorrow? You owe me a
continuation of earlier on.
Bakang: Is that so?
He picked me up and placed me on top of the
study table in our bedroom...

Bakang: What did you say that I owe you?

I got wet from just looking at his face and

thinking about the things he had done to me
earlier on...He dropped his pants and pulled up
my skirt then tore my thong before directing his
van diesel to my cookie jar. I breathed heavily
as he rubbed it on my entrance. I pulled him
closer but he continued teasing me.

He could tell how desperate she was to have

him inside her from her heavy breathing. Just
as she began to moan softly, he slid in slowly.
Three months later...

Distance & Time
# 154

There months later

Outside Mma Puleng's yard

I looked at the mirror and fixed my dress then

turned to Bakang who was sitted on the driver's

Me: Do you think that she will notice anything?

Bakang: I doubt that she will. Babe you are not
showing. If she asks then just tell her that you
have picked up weight. Mme hela akere you
know that older people know these things.
When will you tell her?
Me: I honestly don't known how to tell her. Not
so long ago I was here trying to explain our
relationship and now I am pregnant.

I took deep breaths and tried to block my tears

but they escaped... He held my hand and
squeezed it tightly.

Bakang: I know that this is still fresh and you

are still shocked. I also understand that this is
hard to accept because we didn't agree on
having a baby and now we are here.
Me: I don't understand how I got pregnant
because I was on the pill.
Bakang: Babe you heard what the doctor said.
Me: It still doesn't make sense.
Bakang: I know but we will be just fine. I
understand that this was not part of the plan
but children are a blessing. You have be
positive about this.
Me: We have just started at Nagafela. This is
going to draw us back.

He turned off the engine and took off his

shades then looked into my eyes...

Bakang: No matter what happens, I will be

here.If you feel like you are not coping then give
me a call and I will be right over. Let me know
what you have decided.
Me: I am too embarrassed to go in there. I feel
like my mother is going to take one look at me
and see right through me.
Bakang: Do you want me to take you to your
Me: We are already here. Let me go in. I will let
you know how it goes.
Bakang: Ok.

He kissed my hand...

Bakang: I love you two.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my handbag...

Bakang: I saw that.
Me: I will see you later.
Bakang: Sharp.

He waited till i had gotten inside the yard before

reversing and driving off.

At Puleng's

Puleng zoomed in on her sister's newly

uploaded pictures on Facebook and laughed...

Kagiso: Spill the beans.

He stopped rubbing her feet... She turned her

phone screen to him but he was clueless.
Kagiso: That's a picture of Ney.
Puleng: Notice anything different?
Kagiso: Apart from the fact that she has picked
up some weight, I can tell that she is at her
happiest.I guess this new job is a dream.
Puleng:(laughed) That's all you can pick?
Kagiso: Is there anything else? Babe you know
your sister better.
Puleng:(laughed) I thought that by now you
would be an expert. Babe this is my third
Kagiso: I think I have lost you, What are you on
Puleng: Zoom in on that picture and look at her
He grabbed her phone and zoomed in on the
picture and sighed...

Kagiso: Are you going to tell me or not?

Puleng: Ney has a very smooth face. There is
no way she woke up one day with that acne. Le
this weight there is more to it. I can bet that she
is pregnant.
Kagiso:(laughed) By just looking at her picture?
Puleng: What did I say about Lorna?
Kagiso: That was different. Kana Ney has
moved to a totally different environment to the
one she is used to. A lot of things are bound to
change as she adapts. One thing I know for
sure is that if she was pregnant then this would
be her first stop.
Puleng: Well it wasn't.
She rubbed enormous belly and laughed.

Kagiso: What?
Puleng: Nothing.
Kagiso: Are we still going out for dinner?

She looked at her belly then back at her


Kagiso: You are still not comfortable?

Puleng: Babe I look like an elephant. Le nna hela
I am tired.
Kagiso: That's not true. You glowing and
looking beautiful. To me you are the most
beautiful woman I have ever seen.
Puleng: Why do men do that?
Kagiso: Do what?
Puleng: Lie to their pregnant wives like it's
Kagiso: And why do women feel like we are
Puleng: That's because you are.
Kagiso: (Smiled) If only you knew how men see
their pregnant wives then you would understand.
Pulemg: Ijoo. Let me check on the kids.
Kagiso: You just did ten minutes ago. Babe I
understand that it's hard to trust them with any
other person apart from our family but we have
to get used to our new normal because there
will be times that we can't drop them off at your
mum's or at Kagelo's. Puleng,with a forth child
on the way, you need all the help that you can
get. Let the children also get used to their nanny.
The boys will surely talk if they are not happy.
You know how Aziz is.
Puleng:(Sighed) I guess you are right.
Kagiso: Now let's go and pick an outfit for you
to wear. This is our last dinner before the baby
gets here.

At Kano's

Bakang opened his beer and took a sip then laid

back on the couch and took a deep breath.

Kano:(Chuckled) Just three months in the bush

with her and you knock her up?
Bakang: It came as a surprise.
Kano:(laughed) Don't bullsht me man. We all
know what happens when you have
unprotected sex with a woman.
Bakang: In this case she was on birth control
Kano:Kante where do y'all live? You mean to tell
me that you guys didn't know that there were
chances of pregnancy? Kana legale rra you
guys use protection?
Bakang: You are asking the obvious.
Kano: Yaanong what were you expecting? To
win a car?

Bakang put his hands over his head and


Kano: Keeng ne monna o ntshosa jaana?( What

is it man? You are scaring me) I thought that
you would be happy about this.
Bakang: I am. I am just worried about Ney.
Kano: Is she not okay?
Bakang: I don't know man. Three months before
this she told me that she doesn't wanna have
children. I asked her how she felt about the
pregnancy and she said that she was fine but I
don't believe her.
Kano: What were her reasons?
Bakang: Kana we never got a chance to talk
properly about it because we thought we had
time to decide on whether to have children or
not. I don't know if I am reading too much into
this but I feel like the reason she is not happy
about this pregnancy is much deeper. Le nna
hela I feel bad for knocking her up because I
know that she didn't want a child. Koore
yaanong it's like I did it on purpose.
Kano: That's some real deep stuff there. I feel
like you two need to sit down and discuss all
this before things get serious.
Bakang:(laughed) Wareng ne monna? How
serious can it get? She is already pregnant.
Kano: I am just saying. You don't want to end up
in another sticky pregnancy situation. Just talk
to her man and when you do, try and really
listen. Hear her out and understand where she
is coming from. Maybe there is something we
are not doing right when it comes to our women
during pregnancy.
Bakang: Tlhe monna o seka wa bollela mogatso.
( Please don't tell your wife.)The last thing I
need right now is everyone knowing my
business and some drama. Ney would lose it
because I told her that I would wait for her to
tell her parents. Gape hela it's still early to even
announce anything. I am only telling you this
because you are my boy and I also need
someone to talk to.
Kano: Tlhe monna I won't say anything.
Bakang: Not until she starts doing stuff to you
in the bedroom then you will start telling her all
my secrets.
Kano:(laughed)Mme kana I am not like that.
You are the one I don't trust.

At Mma Puleng

Mma Puleng looked at her daughter as she

fixed her dress and shook her head then
continued folding her laundry. She could tell
that she was uncomfortable.

Mma Puleng: Are you ok? Kana I should help

Me:(Smiled) I am okay.
Mma Puleng: Make sure that the iron is not too
hot otherwise you will burn the clothes.
Me: Emma.

I wiped my sweat with the back of my hand and

took a deep breath.

She stood up and took the iron from me then

turned it off and took my hand.

Mma Puleng: Sit down...

Distance & Time
# 155

I turned off the iron and sat next to my mother.

From the look in her eyes I could already tell
what she wanted to talk about.

Mma Puleng: How are you?

Me: I am ok.
Mma Puleng: How is your new job? Do you like
Me: Everything is going well.I can't really
complain about anything.
Mma Puleng: And Bakang?

I bowed shamefully not knowing how to

respond to her because I knew how she felt
about my relationship with Bakang.

Mma Bakang: It's okay my girl. You can talk to

me. I know that you are afraid of me because of
how I first reacted when I found out about your
relationship but I have accepted that there is
nothing that I can do. I can see that Bakang is
going to be in our lives for a very long time.
Me: Emma. He is fine.

She held my hand...

Mma Puleng: Ney ngwanaka, I am your mother

and I know you. I can see that there is
something different about you.

I kept quiet and avoided eye contact...

Mma Puleng: How far along are you?

There was silence...The kind of silence that

gives birth to answers...
Me: Three months.
Mma Puleng: Have you seen a doctor yet? And
what about ANC registration?
Me: I only found out a few days ago when we
landed. I thought I was experiencing irregular
periods because I was just spotting.
Mma Puleng: Make sure that you register while
you are here. These days they advise that you
register as early as possible. You can register
here and they will transfer you to whatever
clinic you will be using kana legale mma you will
be using a private doctor?

I closed my eyes as it all sunk in...This was my

new reality and there was no way of escaping it.

Me: I haven't decided anything yet.

I closed my eyes as tears filled them.

Mma Puleng: Go rileng ngwanaka? ( What's

wrong my child?)
Me:Mama I am not sure I want this child.
Mma Puleng: It's normal to be scared my child.
Le rona yaaka o re bona yaana nne re tshogile.
( Even I was scared.) From this point moving
foward, you need to accept that you are going
to be a mother.
Me: And what if I lose this child or the father
dies and leaves me to raise the child alone?
Mma Puleng: Ao ngwanaka! ( Oh my child)
Me: I can't go through grief again.

For the very first time in a long time, the pain of

losing Thabiso felt fresh.

Mma Puleng: Onneile my child, I know that the

way you lost Thabiso was very sudden and
painful but you need to continue living your life.
Death is a part of life. No matter what we do,
there will always be something called death but
that shouldn't stop us from living our lives
because we don't know when that will come.
You being a mother is a blessing that you need
to embrace. I can promise you that once you
hold your child in your arms, everything will
change. I am so happy for you my chid. I
thought that I would die before I got the chance
to hold your child in my arms. You are now a
woman that's soon to be a mother.

Later that day

At Mma Bakang's

Bakang smiled from ear to ear as he read

Onneile's text message...He would finally be
able to share the news with his mother.He
looked at his mother who was sittted across

Bakang: Mma BK...

Mma Bakang: Yes son.
Bakang:I have something I would like to share
with you.
Mma Bakang: Are you getting married?

She turned to him, giving him her full attention.

Bakang: No. Well atleast not yet.

Mma Bakang: What is it? Are you moving back
Bakang:(Smiled) No.I am going to have another
Mma Bakang: Ney is pregnant?
Bakang: Yes. It's still early days so please I am
asking you not to share this with anyone. She
hasn't even started showing.
Mma Bakang:(ululated) Ao ngwanaka,who
would I share it with? I am so happy for you my
boy. Di tsamaya kae dikgwedi? (How far along
is she?)
Bakang: She is three months now. So you are
not angry?
Mma Bakang: My son a child is a blessing. Even
if I was angry, it wouldn't change a thing. I am
afraid that you two are moving fast but I have to
trust that you know what you are doing.
Bakang: Thank you.
Mma Bakang: Son...
Bakang: Mma?
Mma Bakang: Pregnancy is very intimate and
sensitive. I know that these days you young
people go around announcing it and showing it
off on these phones of yours but please respect
the process. Like you said, it's still early days.
Mma Bakang: It's clear that you two are going
to be each other's lives for a long time so you
should bring her here so that I can meet her.
Bakang:(laughed) But you have met her before.
Mma Bakang: Not as your girlfriend.
Bakang: We are here for a month. I will ask her
and see what she says.
Mma Bakang: Okay my son.
Later that evening...

I took off my clothes and laid in bed while

Bakang took a shower...A few minutes later he
came out of the bathroom and came straight to

Me: Are you not applying lotion?

Bakang: It's too hot. I thought that you would
also take a shower.
Me: I bathed at my mum's.
Bakang: Ok. So can we talk?
Me: Yeah.
Bakang: Ney I understand that all this is new to
you and you are still trying to digest the news
but we need to seriously talk about our future
and the future of this child.I know that you are
scared and I want to help you in every way that I
can. If only you can tell me your fears and
reasons for not wanting children then maybe I
will be in a better position to help you or atleast
make it less stressful.

I forced a smile and sat up straight supporting

my back with a continental pillow.

Me: I don't know where to start.

Bakang: It's okay. I will listen when you are

Have a wonderful weekend.
Distance & Time
# 156

If there was anything that I had learnt about

Bakang in the last couple of months was how
he was present in every way, as a lover and as a
friend... He put his feet over mine and looked
into my eyes with so much compassion and

Me: It's not that I don't want to have children

with you. I just fear us bringing kids into this
world and leaving them or having them leave us.
Losing Thabiso tore me apart and I promised
myself that I would never commit to any other
human being like that because I don't ever want
to go through such pain.
Thabiso: I wish you could have told me this
earlier so that I could have atleast seen things
from your persepective . Babe I understand how
you feel and I know you went through so much
when you lost Thabiso. I can't even imagine the
pain you went through after losing him right
after your traditional wedding. You see that's
the thing about life,none of us know when they
will leave this earth but even so it's important
that we live the best of our lives. Give it our all
and love in the best way we can.Life is too short
to live in fear. I know I can't exactly take away
these fears that you have but I want you to
know that I am here for you now and I will still
be here for you when the baby gets here. I feel
like with this transition we are about to go
through, you need to deal with these fears and
talk about them with someone. Even if that
person is not me.

He played with my hand and smiled.

Bakang: We are going to be ok.

Me: Do you think that we rushed into having a

He looked at me and laughed...

Bakang: You rushed.

Bakang:(laughed) If I remember very well, you
are the one that captured me and had your way
with me that night.
Me:(laughed)I didn't know that I would end up
Bakang: If you knew then would you have done
things differently?
Me:(giggled)Probably not. I was so fu*king
horny that night. I would have probably choose
D and closed my ears even if someone tried to
warn me. I was so sure that the pill would work.
Bakang: Everything happens for a reason.
Me: I guess. So how do you feel about this

He cleared his throat and let his eyes wander...

Me:(Smiled) Yeah.
Bakang: I am so excited. I still can't believe that
we made a baby. The thought of a little girl with
your eyes and God knows what from me makes
me so happy. I haven't felt this happy in so long.
It's like every little thing that went wrong in my
life is being made right. I know you are still
trying to get used to this but I want you to know
that this is the beginning of great things in our
Me:(forced a smiled) Yeah.
Bakang: How do you feel? You can be honest.
Me:(Sighed) I honestly don't know how to feel. I
mean I am happy that you are the father. You
are a great father and I know that this child will
be lucky to have you as a dad.There are
moments where I feel so angry at how my life is
about to change. In a few months I will have to
change everything to suit the baby. I am scared
too. There is honestly just so much I am feeling
at this point but above everything I am grateful
of how supportive you are and how warm my
mum was.
Bakang: I love you baby girl and I promise you
that I will move heaven and earth just to make
sure that you and this baby are happy and
Me: I love you too.

The following day

At Puleng's

Bakang and I exchanged pleasantries with

Puleng and her husband. We followed the two
as they lead us to the garden...

Puleng:As soon as I give birth to this baby, I am

getting myself a job in the bush. Bakang if you
hear of anything, let me know.
Bakang: Emma I will.
Kagiso: Tlhe monna don't do that. If my wife
was to leave for even just a day, this house
would fall apart. I wouldn't even know where to
begin. Imagine three months.
Me: Are you serious? I mean since when are you
interested in working in the bush?
Puleng: Since you picked up weight and had this
glow. I can tell that you are very happy there.

She turned to her husband and secretly winked...

Me: Akere.
Puleng:You are so much lighter now. I actually
thought that because it's hot in your area, your
skin would burn.

Bakang maintained a straight face even though

he wanted to laugh.It was was clear that Puleng
had figured things out and she was waiting
to be officially told.

Me: About that...We actually have something to

share with you. We wanted to wait a little bit
longer but we have decided to tell you.
Puleng:(Smiled) Ok. What is it?
Me: We are expecting.

Kagiso put his hands over his head while his

wife celebrated.

Puleng: KG you owe me five hundred bucks.

What did I tell you?
Kagiso: I thought the bet was just a joke.
Me: Wait...So you knew?
Puleng: Not exactly, I had my suspicions when
you uploaded those pictures on Facebook.
Me: So you just picked that up from a picture?
Are you sure that mum didn't say anything?
Puleng: I swear.
Kagiso: (laughed) I guess she knows you too
Me: I wouldn't put it past mum though.
Puleng:(laughed) Ney kana this is my third
pregnancy. There was no way that I wouldn't
have picked that you are pregnant.
Me: I hope you are carrying a girl. Miss Ay
would appreciate a baby sister.
Puleng: (laughed) I am not so sure about that.
She seems to be enjoying her princess title
alone. The boys worship the ground she walks
on. What are you guys hoping for?
Bakang: Well I know it's a girl for a fact.
Me:Owaii...The only person that knows anything
about the gender of this baby is the one
carrying it.
Kagiso:(laughed) Don't be surprised when she
comes back mad at you after the scan. Heela
nkile ka theogela when we had the twins. My
wife spent the whole day without talking to me
just because we were not having girls as she
had wished.
Puleng: I wasn't angry because of the gender.
You kept rubbing it in my nose at every chance
you got.
Kagiso:(laughed) I wasn't rubbing it in. I was
just excited.
Me: So do you guys know the gender this time
Kagiso:No. We will find out on the day of
delivery. Since this is our last baby,we wanted
to make it special. We will know by next week
so it's not a big deal anymore.
Me: (laughed)Are you sure that it's just one
Kagiso:(laughed) All I know is that I am on my
wife's side and right now I don't like what you
are saying.
Puleng: Wait till she gives birth to triplets.
Bakang:(laughed) Wouldn't that be something.
Puleng: Imagine the chaos at my mother's
house during the holiday.
Me: She sounds excited so I am sure that she
would happily handle them.
Puleng: That's what I said but she always calls
every hour when the kids are with her.
Kagiso:BK would you like anything from the bar?
Bakang: I am good thank you.
Kagiso: Come on man. Let's give the ladies
some privacy.
Puleng:(laughe) His girlfriend is not even
showing but he is already glued to her.

Bakang stood up and followed Kagiso inside

the house...

Meanwhile the sisters embraced each other

and sat closely to catch up...

Puleng: Mummy to be. How are you holding up?

Any morning sickness yet?
Me:Physically I am good. I haven't experienced
any of those.
Puleng: Lucky girl. And emotionally?
Me: I don't know. I am just going through a lot
of emotions at the same time.
Puleng: You will be fine. Eventually it sinks in
and knowing that you are bringing life into this
world makes you happy. I can tell that you are
not there yet but I can promise you that there is
nothing as beautiful as giving birth to your child.
We are here to support you all the way.
Me: Thank you sis.

In the house

Kagiso pulled out a bottle whiskey and grabbed

two glasses...

Kagiso: How do you like your whiskey?

Bakang: On the rocks.

He grabbed an ice tray from the mini bar and

threw some ice in both glasses before pouring
a shoot in each.

Kagiso: There you go man.

Bakang: Thank you.
Kagiso: So are your intentions with Ney?

He looked him straight in the eyes with a

serious face.

Bakang: I love Ney and I wanna make her my

wife someday.
Kagiso: Is there a time frame around this
Bakang: I would like to make it soon but at this
point I am following through with what she
Kagiso: I hear you man. There is one thing that I
want you to know, Ney has been through a lot.
Don't hurt her man especially after she defied
her family to be with you.
Bakang: I love Ney and I have no intentions of
hurting her.
Kagiso: That's what I wanna hear. So what do
you do for adventure?

Goodmorning 🌞
Distance & Time
# 157

A week later
Puleng closed her eyes and breathed in and
out.Each time she felt a contraction she
squeezed her husband's hand.

Kagiso: You are going to be ok love.

Puleng:(Crying)I am going to give birth in here. I
can feel the baby.
Kagiso: Ney drive faster.
Me:We are almost there.

I turned to the back and my eyes met with my

sister's. Although she was calm half of the time,
all I saw in her eyes was pain.

Me: You are going to be ok sis.

Puleng: Just focus on the road Ney.
This time I could hear anger in her voice so I
kept my eyes on the road and increased the

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng checked her phone for the

hundredth time before she picked her

Rra Puleng: Kagiso will call if they need us.

Mma Puleng: I still don't understand why Ney
had to be at their house today.
Rra Puleng: I hear that she was babysitting the
Mma Puleng: She shouldn't be witnessing what
is happening to her sister because it will scare
her. Puleng should have dropped off the kids
Rra Puleng:According to Kagiso, it was till the
nanny came back home.
Mma Puleng: So the children are alone with the
nanny? We should go over there. Lenna i have
to get there before Puleng gets back home and
make sure everything is ready. Kana when
Mma KG was alive, she got these kind of things
done. She called them nesting sessions.
Rra Puleng: I can't imagine how Kagiso is
feeling. Its hard going through important
phases in your life without your parents.
Mma Puleng: Yeah. Mma KG left a big void but I
am thankful that the boy has his wife and the
children. He also has us and his siblings.
Rra Puleng:That's true.
Mma Puleng:Let me pack my things and make
sure that everything is in order. Ney will be
staying home for the next two weeks so you
don't have to worry about cooking.
Rra Puleng: You believe her?
Mma Puleng: What choice do I have? She says
that Bakang is going to spend time with his son
at his mum's.
Rra Puleng:Let him do that because if he
doesn't then someone might accuse Ney of
separating Bakang with his son.
Mma Puleng: Mme kana you are telling truth.
This relationship is very complicated so they
have to do things the right way now since they
failed from the beginning.
Rra Puleng: Go and pack.

At Loapi's
Karen peed on the pregnancy test stick then
placed it on a flat surface.She took a deep
breath and closed her eyes feeling very anxious.

Loapi: I want you to know that I love you no

matter what the results are.
Karen: It's been three months and nothing is
happening. What if I can't have children.
Loapi: Babe you are overreacting. It's too early.
It hasn't even been six months let alone a year.
Karen:(Emotional) I just wanna have kids.
Loapi: I know baby.

He hugged her and kissed her forehead...

Karen:What does it say?

She looked away as he picked it up...

Loapi: Yeah neh...

He smiled and picked her up kissing her like it

was the last time.

Karen:What does it say?

He put her down and turned it to her. Tears

filled her eyes as she saw the yes on the digital

Loapi: I love you.

Karen: We are gonna be parents.
Loapi: We are gonna be parents babe.
At Tebogo's

Theo took off his shoes and laid in the bed next
to his wife.

Theo: When did Jason leave? The house is so

quite without him.
Tebogo: His father picked him up over an hour
Theo: So how is he?Are how is the bush?
Tebogo:He seems to be really enjoying it.
Theo: That's good to know.
Tebogo: So what did you want to talk about last

He cleared his throat and gathered the courage

to lay off whatever was in his heart.

Theo: I have been thinking about us having a

Tebogo: Babe don't you think that it's still too
early? Nna tota I am not ready to have another
baby. I feel like Jason is still too young to have
a sibling gape hela I didn't have a good
pregnancy experience so I am not sure if I want
to have more children.
Theo: I understand all that. I don't have a
problem with waiting a little longer but we are
not getting any younger. I really want to have a
Tebogo: We have Jason. Kana legale he is not
your child?
Theo:You know that's not what I meant. I love
Jason like my own son but I would also like to
have a child that's biologically mine with you. I
also understand that you didn't have a good
pregnancy experience but that's in the past.
Tebogo:It might be in the past but I don't want
to go through it again.
Theo: Babe it's either you want to have a child
with me or not. I can not keep begging you
forever because in the end I feel like I am
forcing you.
Tebogo: I want to have a child with you.I am just
saying not now.
Theo: Ok.

He turned away from her and faced the other


Tebogo: Are you mad at me?

Theo: No. Take your time and decide when you
want to have a baby. I just hope that by that
time I will also have an interest to have child
with you.
Tebogo: You are not being fair.
Theo: You are the one that's not being fair by
doubting me at every chance you get. It's either
you doubt my love for Jason or my ability to
take care of you as a husband that's why I am
saying decide what you want because you are
the one that makes the decisions in this

At the hospital...

Kagiso paced around the corridor as we waited

for someone to give us an update on Puleng...

Me: Are you okay?

Kagiso: I don't know. Something doesn't feel
right.They have been in there forever.
Me: I am sure everything is fine...

A nurse walked out of labour room and Kagiso

rushed to meet her...

Distance & Time
# 158

At the hospital...

Kagiso paced around the corridor as we waited

for someone to give us an update on Puleng...

Me: Are you okay?

Kagiso: I don't know. Something doesn't feel
right.They have been in there forever.
Me: I am sure everything is fine...

A nurse walked out of labour room and Kagiso

rushed to meet her...

Kagiso: Nurse...How is my wife?

Nurse: The doctor will be out to see you in a bit.

Just one look at the nurse and I was taken back

to the night that we had brought Puleng to the
hospital. Kagiso looked at me as she walked
Kagiso: I am scared Ney. Something is not right
in there.
Me: I think you are just worried. I am sure
Puleng and the baby are fine.
Kagiso: If that was the case then she would
have told us. They usually let the doctor
announce the bad news.I just hope that my wife
is ok because if not there will be hell to pay.
When I brought her here, she was just fine.
Me: Calm down. Let's be positive.

At Mma Bakang's

Bakang put a blanket over his son and sat on

the couch next to his mother.
Mma Bakang: This boy plays too much. I am
not surprised that he is already asleep.
Bakang: Mme kana he hasn't eaten or taken a
Mma Bakang: You don't have to worry about
him. Very soon he will be up demanding for
Bakang: I have missed out on so much in his
Mma Bakang: It's no use crying for spilt milk.
You can still change things and make up for the
times you were not there.
Bakang: Emma. I hope that in the near future I
can be with both my children under the same
roof and be the present father I have always
wanted to be. I know that Tebogo and Theo are
doing a good job but this boy needs his father.
There are things in life that only your father can
teach you.
Mma Bakang: That's true but it's important to
have a mutual understanding with the mother. I
don't like it when parents fight over a child
because it affects them as well.
Bakang: I don't think it will ever come to that.
Tebogo and I have reached an understanding
and so far everything is going well.
Mma Bakang: That shouldn't change my son.
So tell me about Ney. I want to know what your
intentions are now that she is pregnant.
Bakang: Mme I want to make Ney my wife. I
know that it may sound like it's too soon but I
have no doubt that I want to spend the rest of
my life with her.
Mma Bakang: That may be the case son but I
suggest that you take your time. I know that
there is a lot of pressure especially now that
she is pregnant. You have been married before
and know that marriage is no walk in the park.
Before you commit to another woman like that,
you need to be a hundred percent sure
otherwise you will end up divorced again.
Bakang: I am sure about this one. I know for a
fact that Ney is my wife.
Mma Bakang: That's what you said about
Mma Bakang: You are not letting that one go,
are you?

At the hospital...

Doctor: I am sorry but the baby died a few

moments after it was born.

Kagiso: What are you talking about?

Doctor: I am really sorry for your loss. Your wife
would like to see you.

The doctor patted his shoulder and walked


Kagiso froze and stood there like a stature. I

swallowed a lump and turned to him.

Me:I am really sorry.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he tried to

make sense of what he had just been told.

In Puleng's room

Puleng held on to her child and wept bitterly...

Her perfect little human being's life had come to
an end even before it could begin. Her husband
stepped into the room and watched his wife
holding on to their child. He looked up to block
his tears but nature took it's course. He could
feel his chest burning and his heart breaking
into little pieces. It was his wife's cry that tore
him apart. He held his wife's hand then reached
out to hold the baby's hand gently.

Later that say

At Puleng's

Mma Puleng put the kids to sleep then joined

her son in law and Ney in the living room.

Mma Pulemg: I am very sorry for your loss my

son. I don't know what to say at this point.
Kagiso: What can we do... It's just the way it is.
Mma Puleng: I know that it's hard to believe this
at this point but the Lord is on your side and he
loves you.
Kagiso: I don't know Mme. It just seems to me
like I am always losing the people I love.
Mma Puleng:I know my son but it is well.

He stood up and forced a smile...You could tell

that he was trying to be strong even though his
eyes reflected his pain.

Kagiso: Thank you for everything.Please excuse

me, I need some rest. It's been a long day.
Mma Puleng: Ok my son. Let us know if you
need anything.
Kagiso: Thank you.
He went upstairs...

Mma Puleng:Did they say when they will

discharge your sister?
Me: We will know by tomorrow. They are still
running a few tests to make sure that she is
Mma Puleng: And you?
Me:What about me?
Mma Puleng: Are you fine?
Me: I am ok.It's Puleng I am worried about.
Mma Puleng: She is going to be ok.
Me:I can't help but wonder if the baby would
have survived had I gotten to the hospital
Mma Puleng: Don't do that my child. Everything
that happens goes according to the plans of
God. We can't change what he has planned.
Me: I hope and pray God doesn't take away my
Mma Puleng: Be positive my girl.

Three months later...

Had a long day, let's make it crazy tomorrow 😘
Distance & Time
# 159
Three months later...

I turned on the air conditioner and stripped

naked then laid in bed while Bakang took out
his laptop and worked on his reports.

Me: Do you have any idea what time my flight

out of here will be tomorrow ?
Bakang: I don't know babe.We are still waiting
for flight times from the radio room. They
should have sent them by now.
Me: Okay.
Bakang:Are you all packed up? Don't forget your
Me: I have already packed.
Bakang: Ok love. So have you thought about
what I asked you a week ago?
Bakang: And?
Me: I think we should wait for the birth of this
child then take it from there. I am already heavy
and there is so much going on here. We can't
just leave and start up our own thing. Nna tota I
thought we could at least finish off the year
while we save and figure out our next move.
Starting up something of our own won't be as
easy as it looks especially because we have
another mouth to feed.
Bakang: I understand that it won't be easy but
do we really want to raise a child here?
Me: It won't be forever. Akere Boka says that
the baby and nanny can stay till the baby turns
six months. I say let's take their offer then when
the six months elapses we leave.
Bakang: And what about Jason? I told you that I
want to be present in his life.
Me: I know babe. Nna kana I am not refusing
that. I am just saying let's save up before we go
and settle at home.
Bakang: I don't wanna wait six months.
Me: Then maybe I can stay behind with the baby
and nanny.We will join you when the baby turns
six months.
Bakang: There is no way that I am leaving you
and the baby here.
Me: Then stay with us for a bit longer. If we
leave and things don't take off, it's gonna be a
financial disaster because now we have two
children to think about. It's no longer just about
us. We have my medical bills and Jason's
school fees and other costs.

He stood up then kissed her forehead...

Me: What's that for?
Bakang: For being a mother. There were times I
was scared that you wouldn't be able to accept
that you are now a mother. Knowing that you
also think about Jason makes me so happy.
Me:(Smiled) Well I am already here. Did you talk
to Tebogo?
Bakang: Don't remind me. Our last conversation
ended in a fight. I think she feels like I am trying
to take away Jason away from her.
Me: Maybe you should wait till you are home so
that you can both sit down and discuss things
calmly. Kana a phone conversation can ruin
things because at times things come out the
wrong way.
Bakang: I don't think it's about that. I was really
nice and calm when I spoke to her. She sounds
like she is going through something.
Me:Does she know about the pregnancy?
Bakang: I haven't said anything. I doubt she
knows though because if she did then she
would have already said something.
Me: Ok.
Bakang: Let me go and check the times. Would
you like anything from the kitchen?
Me: Some plums would be nice.
Bakang: Okay. I will be right back.

At Puleng's office

Puleng fiddled with her food while her husband

digged into his and ate...

Kagiso: This is really yummy. I missed your

cooking. What did you put in the rice?
She kept quite and continued playing with the

Kagiso: Babe?

She closed her lunchbox and pushed it back.

Puleng: Hmm?
Kagiso:Are you okay?
Puleng: Yeah sorry. You were saying?
Kagiso: Babe you can't go on like this. I know it
hurts but you have to start allowing yourself to
move on.
Puleng: Kagiso do you understand the pain I am
in? It might be easy for you but it isn't for me.
Kagiso: I do. I am going through the same pain
you are in. Just because I wasn't the one
carrying this child it doesn't mean that I am not
hurting. You keep going on like you are the only
one that lost a baby and that's not fair. You
seem to forget that not so long ago I also lost
my mother. I understand the pain you are in
more than you will ever know but you need to
pick up the pieces and move on. Puleng we
might have lost our child but we have three
more children that are still very much alive and
need a mother. When was the last time you
spoke to them without snapping? Or when was
the last time you gave any of them a bath? You
have stopped being a mother and wife and
that's not fair. You can't keep punishing me and
the children like we are not a part of you. I am
tired of walking on egg shells.
Puleng: Are you done?

She stood up and picked up her handbag and

car keys.
Kagiso: Where are you going? That tender is
due in an hour.
Puleng: I am going somewhere I can find peace.
Kagiso: Puleng don't you wa...

She ignored him and walked out...

Kagiso: Damm it!

He banged the table and swore...

Later that day

At Mma Puleng's
Puleng parked her car outside her mother's yard
then got off the car to open the gate before
driving in... She parked her car under the shade
and walked into the house without knocking.

Mma Puleng: Uhu! I didn't hear your car coming

in. How are you?
Puleng: Mama!

She broke down and cried while her mother held

her in her arms.

Meanwhile at the house Kagiso threw the

children's laundry in the washing machine and
ran to check on the pots.He dialled his wife's
number for the millionth time but it was still off.
He frustratedly rubbed his face then ran
upstairs to check on the children in the

At Mma Puleng's

Puleng took off her shoes and got into bed...

Mma Puleng: Let me call your husband so that

he can come and pick you up. You don't look
Puleng:(Crying) Mama.
Mma Puleng: Yes my girl.
Puleng: I just want to rest.Don't call him.
Mma Puleng: Ok.

She closed the door and went into her room.

Rra Puleng: I saw Puleng's car when I came in.Is
she here?
Mma Puleng: Yes. She is sleeping in the other
room. She doesn't seem ok.
Rra Puleng: Did you call her husband?
Mma Puleng: No. She asked me not to.
Rra Puleng: And you just agreed?Mma Puleng in
case you forgot,our daughter is married. Who
knows maybe she had a fight with her husband.
You should have asked her to go back home.
Mma Puleng: So you expect me to send my
daughter that is clearly not doing well because
she is married. She came here because she
knew we would comfort her.
Rra Puleng: What you are doing is wrong Mma
Mma Puleng: Wrong or right,I will not send my
child away when I can see that she is broken.
Whoever has a problem with it can come face
me. Puleng is my child. Gatwe ke kobe ngwana
ke bona gore ga tsoga. ( You expect me to
chase my child yet I can see that she is not well.)
If any of my children come here crying, i will
comfort them. I know that she is married and
you don't need to remind me.

Distance & Time
# 160

Rra Puleng pulled out his phone from his pocket

and dialled Kagiso's number...

Mma Puleng:Who are you calling?

He shook his head and walked out of their


Kagiso: Hello. I am so glad you called, I was just

about to call you and Mme to let you know that I
can't get through to Mma Ranna. We had a
Rra Puleng: Son.
Kagiso: Rra?
Rra Puleng: She is here. You don't have to worry.
She is safe.
Kagiso: Thank God. Thank you so much for
letting me know. I was going crazy. I almost
drove around the entire town with the kids to
look for her.
Rra Puleng: And you son, are you okay?
Kagiso: I am fine. It's Puleng I am worried about.
Ever since we lost our daughter, she has been
so angry. I have tried to help her carry the pain
but it's like she has completely shut me out.
The kids are also afraid of her these days. I
honestly don't know what to do.
Rra Puleng: You have also lost lost a child, it
can't be easy for you my son.

Kagiso silently wiped his tears and sighed. For

the first time since the death of his daughter, he
felt like someone understood his pain.

Rra Puleng: Why don't you come over tomorrow?

Kagiso: I don't want to bother Puleng.
Rra Puleng:Puleng is not the only one going
through pain ebile she is not the only one that
needs our support. You must be united during
such times and as your parents we must find a
way to unite you. I will see you tomorrow.
Kagiso: Thank you so much.
Rra Puleng: Don't thank me son. I am doing my
duty as a father.

Mma Puleng walked into the living room and

shook her head...

Mma Puleng: Couldn't you wait till Puleng

wakes up. What you are doing is not fair. Puleng
doesn't want her husband to know that she is
Rra Puleng: If you want to break our daughter's
marriage then go ahead but don't include me.
What kind of a mother supports such a
behaviour. I understand that Puleng needed
some space but leaving without telling her
husband where she is to a point where he must
drive around town with the children at this hour
to look for her is disturbing.
Mma Puleng: She is hurting. Kagiso needs to
give her a break.
Rra Puleng: She is not the only one that's
hurting. When you say Kagiso must give her a
break, I don't understand what you mean. You
are being unfair.
Mma Puleng: I am not being unfair. I am just
protecting my child.
Rra Puleng: These days I fail to understand you.
You want to become a a caring mother when it
suits you. Not so long ago you were dragging
Ney around and failing to understand her. In
case you have forgotten Kagiso is also your
child. If Puleng runs here then he should also be
able to do the same.Talk to your daughter and
find out what's wrong, also let her know that
tomorrow her husband will be here. I need to
talk to the both of them.I am dissapointed in
you Tshwanelo. O nkamile tota mogatsaka.
( You have really hurt me.) What is Kagiso
supposed to think of us? How would you feel if
tables were turned? That boy is our son for
crying out loud. The fact that he lost both his
parents doesn't mean that he should live like he
doesn't have parents when we are here.
Mma Puleng: You are now emotionally
blackmailing me.
Rra Puleng: I am not blackmailing you.
Someone needs to tell the truth around here
and be fair.Tomorrow I want us to talk to those
children. Don't think of taking sides. If you have
those intentions then don't attend the meeting. I
will handle it on my own.
At Kagiso's

After bathing the children and putting them to

sleep, Kagiso sat in his bedroom and browsed
through their maternity shoot. He came across
a folder that had videos from the scans and
clicked on one of them...

Sonographer: Are we doing the gender reveal

this time Mr and Mrs R?
Puleng:(laughed)Not this time,wena rra your
reveals always cause me to fight with my
Sonographer:(laughed) I still remember when
you were expecting the twins. You left here in
such a foul mood.
Kagiso:(laughed) You have no idea what
followed after that reveal. With our second born
it wasn't so bad because she was excited but I
wouldn't want to find out how sour she can be
so we are good.
Sonographer:(Smiled) There is nothing as
beautiful as a surprise.
Puleng: I agree with you Doc.

Memories of that day at the scan were still

fresh as if it had not happend months ago.He
took out a picture from the scan in his wallet
and kissed it as tears streamed on his cheeks.

The following day....

Kagiso and his kids walked into the house and

greeted everyone before Kagiso took a sit next
to his wife.The kids waved at their mother and
jumped with excitement to their grandmother
and father.

Kagiso: Hey.
Puleng: What are you guys doing here? Aren't
the children supposed to be at school?
Rra Puleng: Aziz and Aiden take your sister and
go with your grandmother to the kitchen. I hear
that you three are little stars in the kitchen.

He kissed Aziz and high fived Aiden. The

children stood up and out ran each other to the
kitchen feeling very excited.

Rra Puleng: The children are waiting for you.

Mma Puleng forced a smile though she was

running out of patience...

Mma Puleng: Call me if you need anything.

Rra Puleng waited for her to leave before

turning to his daughter...

Rra Puleng: Kagiso is here because I called him

over and this is his home.As for the children not
going to school, how did you expect them to get
to school when their mother was not home to
bath and prepare them for school?

Puleng kept quite...

Rra Puleng: My children, I asked you both to be

present because I want to understand what is
happening between the two of you. According
to my knowledge, you two live together but last
night I found one of you here. When I woke up,I
thought that the visitor would have left but to
my surprise she is still here. Puleng my child,
can you tell me why you are here.Get me right, I
am not saying that you can't be here but what
surprises me is the fact that your husband was
not aware that you were here. Had it not been
for me then he would have probably looked
everywhere but here...

Puleng shamefully bowed...

Distance & Time
# 161

Rra Puleng: My children, I asked you both to be

present because I want to understand what is
happening between the two of you. According
to my knowledge, you two live together but last
night I found one of you here. When I woke up,I
thought that the visitor would have left but to
my surprise she is still here. Puleng my child,
can you tell me why you are here.Get me right, I
am not saying that you can't be here but what
surprises me is the fact that your husband was
not aware that you were here. Had it not been
for me then he would have probably looked
everywhere but here...

Puleng shamefully bowed...

Rra Puleng: Puleng...

She looked at her husband then at her father.

Puleng: I came here because I just needed a

break. Ever since the death of my child, I have
not been able to find peace in our house
because so many things remind me of her.
Rra Puleng: So why didn't you let your husband
know that you would be here?
Puleng: I knew that he would follow me here.
Rra Puleng: And what about the Children? Can
you tell me what is really going on because
those children don't seem excited to see you.

She kept quite...

Rra Puleng: Kagiso... What's your side of the

He looked at his wife and sighed in frustration.

Kagiso: My wife has not been well since we lost

our little girl. I know and understand that she is
going through a tough time. I have tried to help
her in the best way I know how but I am failing.
We had a disagreement about this issue
yesterday in the morning and while we were
talking she took off and later turned off her
phones. The truth is that I am also not coping
because when she got back from the hospital
she dismissed our nanny as she wanted us to
go through this privately as a family. A week
later she completely changed. She barely helps
me out with anything that concerns the kids. Le
bone bana they are now afraid of her because
she snaps at them for no reason.
Rra Puleng: Puleng, what do you have to say
about what your husband is saying?
Puleng: I am hurt because I feel like my
husband does not understand my pain.
Rra Puleng: What about his pain as a parent? Do
you understand it?
Puleng: I understood it till he blamed me for the
death of this child. Do you remember that you
rubbed it in my face and reminded me that I
didn't even want this child?
Kagiso: That was after you blamed me for not
driving that night.

Rra Puleng looked at both his children and


Rra Puleng: So this is what you two are fighting

about? You said this and I said that. My children
I know that I can never understand the pain of
losing a child to the depth that you two do but
this is not the time for any of you to be pointing
fingers at each other. What you both did was
wrong but you can't let it keep you two from
each other. You have come very far and worked
hard to build this family. These children that you
have together need to be loved. They need to
grow in a warm environment. My girl I
understand your frustrations but taking it out on
the children is wrong.You also need to
understand that your husband is hurting too .
You are not the only one that lost a child. My
son, you can not build a home by throwing
words at each other. The only way to get past
this is through sitting down and talking things
through calmly. Your misunderstanding is
something that could have been solved easily
with just," I am sorry and I didn't mean it".
Kagiso: Ee rra.
Rra Puleng: Puleng my child, do you remember
why you married this man?
Puleng: Ee rra. ( Yes dad.)
Rra Puleng: That's good to know. That's the
same reason why you should be home with him
and your children. No one said it was going to
be easy my children.You must be on the same
team.We can't have the other team member
running away when the going gets tough.Wena
Puleng you are lucky you can run to your
mother's house. Kagiso has nowhere to run to
because you are his mother. He may be our
son but you are his mother before anyone.

He laughed when he realized that they were

both shocked even though they couldn't
express it.
Rra Puleng: You didn't know that you are his
mother? Le ene he is your father. Wena ware ga
re botsa gore ba kae bana ra bo re raya jang?
( Why do you think we only ask about the
children when we see you without your partner?)
Those children include your husband. If not
then we could easily ask where your husband or
wife is but because your partner is your first
born, we don't single him or her out. No one
should have to run from home leaving his or her
children unless they are abused. Of all the years
you two have been married, we have never had
to sit like this and discuss your
misunderstandings because you have been a
team. My children please go home and be a
team as we know you to be one. I know how
much you two love each other and your children.
It breaks my heart that you two had to go
through such a painful experience but such is
life my children. Go home and love each other
out of this pain. If Mma KG was still alive, she
would be very disappointed in you my children.
And my girl, even when you are angry,you don't
stop being a wife. You are a wife to this man no
matter how you may be feeling.

Puleng thought of her mother inlaw and a tear

escaped her eye. The pain of losing her was still
very fresh and she knew how her husband had
struggled to accept her death. She stood up
from the chair and knelt in front of her husband.
Anyone could tell that the man was broken from
just looking at him and for the first time she
saw it too.

Puleng: I am sorry babe. Please forgive me for

overlooking your pain.

He held her hand and helped her to stand then

held on tightly to her as they both cried...
At Tebogo's

Distance & Time
# 162

At Tebogo's

Tebogo stood by her bedroom door with two

coffee mugs and smiled admiring her husband
as he got ready for work. He sat on the bed and
wore his shoes then rolled his sleeves. She
walked in and handed him his coffee.
Tebogo: I am sorry about last night love.

He put the mug on the dressing table and

opened one of the drawers then grabbed his
wrist watch.

Tebogo: So you are not going to talk to me?

Theo: What do you want me to say to you after
last night?
Tebogo: I want you to say something. Shout or
scream but please don't give me the silent
treatment. I understand that you are upset.
Theo: Do you know why I won't say anything?
Tebogo: I am sorry.
Theo: I don't want to end up saying things that I
will regret tomorrow. It's like at times you forget
that I have feelings,koore you talk to me like a
five year old. Tebogo I am your husband, that's
one thing you should never forget. Don't push
me to a point where I will end up responding to
you. Ga ke tshabe go go fetola. ( I am not afraid
of responding you.) Sa iri dilo tse o batlang go
di dira ka gore ga o na go rata phetolo yame. O
mosadi wa lelwapa o nyetswe. Itseye sentle
mosadi ke wena o motona. Tse tsa bo paro di
tshwanelwa bo monnao eseng wena.( Stop
talking to me in the manner that you do
because you won't like my response. You are a
married woman, behave like one. You are too
old to behave like a ratchet.)

She kept quite and swallowed a lump...

Theo: I have let you run the show all this time
because I thought that you would come around
and realize that I am here because I love you
and Jason but it's like each time I do that, you
take me for a fool. Nna I am not going to play
nice and divorce you like Rragwe Jason. Ke tla
go ikagela ke iketlile mme ga o na go rata tsela
yame. ( I will rehabilitate you in my own time
and way but you won't like the way that I will do
it.) You want everything to go your way and
when things don't, you use words to hurt those
that want to correct you. Learn to respect me
and my feelings as your husband. You also
need to understand that I am now part of your
life. You don't just wake up and make decisions
then tell me. Stop cartooning me to Rragwe
Jason. What the hell do you think he thinks of
me when you keep doing the things you do.
Maitseo namane ya moroba. No matter how the
puss* is sweet, it gets boring when the woman
doesn't have any manners.
Tebogo: Ee rra.
He picked up his files and keys then turned
around as she sat on the bed...

Theo: You wanted to know who the hell I think I

am right? Keep doing all these crazy things and
you will find out.

He closed the bedroom door and left...She took

deep breaths and tried to make sense of what
had just happend.She had never seen that side
of him and she kept asking herself who that
man she had seen for the first time was.

At Puleng's

Kagiso grabbed his wife's favourite bath salts

and put them in the bathroom before filling the
tub with hot water and throwing in some bubble
bath. He put his hand in the tub to check the
temperature then went back to their bedroom.

Kagiso: I have prepared a bubble bath for you.

Go and bath then come rest.
Puleng: I just wanna lie down. Can I bath later?
Kagiso:(disappointed) Ok.I will be in the kitchen
if you need me.
Puleng: Can you come join me? I will make us
something to eat when we get up.
Kagiso: Ok.

He took off his shoes then laid in bed with

her...He kept his hands to himself as she had
not allowed him to touch her for months.
Puleng: can we cuddle.

He kept quite for a while before he could


Kagiso: Are you ok with that?

Puleng: Yeah.

He moved closer to her then held her... His

heart raced as blood rushed and his van diesel
stood poking her. He had not touched his wife
in months and just laying like that in such a
position aroused him.

Kagiso: I am sorry.

She could tell how much he wanted her from

his heavy breathing...

Puleng: It's okay.

She stood got off the bed and stripped naked

then laid facing him...

Puleng: It's okay. I know how I have deprived

you of this. You can take it.

She reached for his hand and put it right on her

flower pot as tears streamed on her face.

Kagiso: I miss you so much and I want you with

every part of me right now but not like this. I will
wait for you till you are ready.
He hugged her and comforted as she soabed...

Kagiso: We are going to be ok sweetheart.

His van diesel failed to stay in place... She

laughed as it remained attentive poking her.

Kagiso:(laughed) I am sorry about this. I can't

exactly control it right now.

She held on tightly to him as she felt herself

getting wet...

Puleng: I want you too.

She kissed him hard...

Kagiso: Are you sure?

He asked as he kissed her back.

Kagiso: Can we use protection. I know that you

don't want another baby.
Puleng: What if I have changed my mind about
Kagiso: That's not a problem but not now. We
need to deal with our loss before we move on.
Puleng: Ok you will pull out then..
Kagiso: It's been too long babe. I don't think I
will be able to control myself.
Puleng: Do you have condoms?

He nodded...
Puleng:(laughed) Since when ka we never use
Kagiso: A month ago. I thought that you would
come around.
Puleng: And you were ready.

She helped him undress then laid there like a

lifeless chicken as he opened the drawer on his
side table and pulled out some condoms. He
tore the wrapper and rolled it on his already
erect van diesel. Just as he was about to go on
top of her, she turned things around and got on
top to him and rubbed his van diesel on her
entrance. She moved up and down without
allowing penetration then pulled out the
Kagiso: Babe...
Puleng: (Breathing heavily) It's been too long.
It's not gonna feel the same. We will get
morning after pills.
Kagiso: No babe.
Puleng: Thera babe. ( Please babe)

He got horn*er as he felt her juices rubbing on

him. She slid it in then pulled out. The warmth
of her folds made it difficult for him to resist.

Kagiso: Just this once.

She slid in then moved her waist like she was

dancing to a beat. Slow and steady. He held on
to her waist as she moved...
Kagiso: (breathing heavily)Uhhh..Fuc*.

Each tap made it difficult for him to hold back.

He thrusted harder from under till he exploded
inside her...

Kagiso: Sh*t!

He slid out then laid her down and hung her legs
on her shoulders before thrusting deep and
slowly... With each tap it felt sweeter as she
closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. He drilled
slowly and hard till she began to move her waist
like a snake. He Jerked his head seductively,
biting her, and vibrating his tail.

They breathed heavily and cried as they both

At Mma Puleng's

Distance & Time
# 163

At Mma Puleng's

Rra Puleng turned off the radio and picked up a

newspaper from the table as his wife walked in
with a tray of tea.
Mma Puleng: Has Puleng called?
Rra Puleng: Are you expecting her call?
Mma Puleng: No. It's just that she hasn't said
anything ever since she left here.
Rra Puleng: Mma Puleng, Puleng is a grown
married woman who left with her husband.She
doesn't need to update us on anything. If there
is anything we need to know, the husband will
call us.
Mma Puleng: I didn't like how you excluded me
from the meeting you had with the kids. What
you did can drive a wedge between my our son
and I because he probably thinks that I don't
care about their well-being.
Rra Puleng:(laughed)Are you talking about the
same son that you refused to call?Tshwanelo
you don't choose when he is your son. What you
did the other day is wrong. You should be happy
that I didn't say anything to Kagiso about it.I
hope that moving foward you will do things the
right way.
Mma Puleng: I still don't understand what I did
wrong. All I tried to do was protect my child.
Rra Puleng: And in the process you forgot that
your child has a husband and children of her
Mma Puleng: You are saying it like I wanted to
separate them.
Rra Puleng: I don't know what you wanted to do.
I just hope that the next time something like
this happens,you won't pick sides. As parents,
we are supposed to keep our children together
not separate them.

He picked up his cup of tea...

Six months later...

At Mma Puleng

Puleng moved around the furniture in Ney's

room as she and her mother spring cleaned.
The arrival of the baby was near and everything
had to be perfect for the new mum.

Puleng: Let's have a nesting session tomorrow.

Mma Puleng: You miss her, don't you?
Puleng: I really do. She had a special way of
making everyone feel like they were a part of
her family. I know that she would have done the
same for Ney.
Mma Puleng: Yeah. She was a true
mother.When you got married, I was worried
about the kind of inlaws you would have
because I knew you were really soft. When I got
to know her, I was so grateful of how God had
answered my prayers. I have never met such a
loving mother-in-law like her.
Puleng: She was the best.
Mma Puleng: Pulie.
Puleng: Mma...

She dusted the headboard...

Mma Puleng:I am sorry for how I handled your

situation with Kagiso. I was worried about you
but at the same time I wasn't a mother to your
husband. This is your home but you can't run
here without telling your husband where you are.
Le ene Kagiso this is his home but he can't
leave his home without talking to his wife. I
realized that I was wrong all along even with
how I handled Ney's situation. You girls are the
only children I have and I shouldn't drive you
Puleng: Emma.
Mma Puleng: I am proud of how your father has
seen it fit to finally be the man I have always
wanted him to be. I can see how he protects the
family and does his best to keep it together.
Puleng: Emma. The most important thing is that
the family is ok and we are all trying to build a
relationship with each other.
Mma Puleng: That's all that's important my
child. The ability for each of us to learn from our
mistakes and move on.

She looked at the time and took off her apron...

Mma Puleng:Let me go and see how things are

going in the kitchen. I am sure Mma Pretty and
Mma London will be here soon.
Puleng:(Smiled) How is it going between you
Mma Puleng: It's going well my child. Kana rona
we are old so we take things one day at a time.
Puleng: That's true. I am honestly struggling to
let Ruth back into my life. I doubt I would ever
let her into my home. She really hurt me. I
trusted her so bad and a part of me wanted to
believe that she was innocent. Le ene Kagiso I
don't want him to feel like I am bringing the
same person who almost costed us our peace
of mind and marriage back into our lives or I am
not considering his feelings.
Mma Puleng: That's true. Have you discussed
any of this with your husband? What you are
saying is true my daughter and because this
also involves Kagiso, I think it's important you
two discuss it and come to a collective
agreement. As for Ruth, you can ask her to give
you space.
Puleng: And what happens when she comes
here with her mother while we are here?
Mma Puleng: Can I talk to Mma London then
maybe organize a meeting for the three of you
with your dad when you are ready? Talk to
Kagiso about it and hear what he says.
Puleng: Let me talk to Kagiso first then we will
take it from there.

At Bakang's

Jason ran around the house as Ney and Bakang

sat down and drew up a plan of their living

Bakang: This is so complicated. Koore you two

will basically live in three different places.
Me: It's till we move back home akere love.
Bakang: I know but it kind of stresses me out. I
just can't wait for the part where we relocate
back home.
Me: It's till the baby is six months and we have
saved up enough. I know it sounds like such a
long time but it will be over before you know it.
Bakang: I really hope so. And have you thought
about when we should have the wedding?
Me:Let's wait till the birth of the baby then we
can decide looking at how things are when the
baby is here.
Bakang: Mm..So what time are you going back

He bit his lower lip and smiled..

Me: In an hour or so. Why?
Bakang: Do you think we can drop Jay at my
mum's and you know...
Me:(laughed) But we did this morning.
Bakang: Kana this might be the last time. You
are due tomorrow.
Me: It's not like I am going to the labour room
forever. There will be plenty of time for the deed.
Bakang: It's gonna take months.
Me: Mme kana I will be sorted in six weeks after
the birth of the baby.
Bakang: Am not touching you then. Babe kana
you have to heal.
Me: I would have healed.
Bakang: That's nonsense and you know it. The
only thing that would have healed is the stitches.
Me:(laughed)How do you know?
Bakang:(laughed) What kind of a question is

At Tebogo's

Morning and welcome back 💃💃
Distance & Time
# 164

At Tebogo's

Theo stood before the mirror and admired his

smooth face then wore some cologne. His wife
stood behind him and frustratedly took a deep
breath. In the last couple of months, they had
drifted apart.He turned around and walked past
her,grabbing his car keys before turning to the

Tebogo: You just got home.

He stopped by the door and turned to her...

Theo:I came back to take a shower and change.

I will see you tomorrow.

Tears rolled on her cheeks as she watched her

husband walking out...She ran behind him then
blocked him.
Tebogo: Where are you going?
Theo: Going to see my friends.
Tebogo: What kind of friends are those?
Theo: I don't have to tell you sh*t.
Tebogo: You seem to be forgetting that we are
married. I deserve to know where you are going.
Le gone you are being disrespectful by going
out everyday. You don't even eat the food I cook
for you anymore. Ke ipotsa gore o ja kae. ( I
wonder where you eat.)
Theo:Where you told me to eat.
Tebogo: Are you cheating on me?

She shook her head and wiped her tears.

Theo: I don't know why you are crying after

telling me that I should find someone else to
make a baby with.I am simply following through
what you told me to do.
Tebogo: Theo don't cheat on me because I can
also play that game.
Theo: At this point I don't care tlhamma. Akere
ebile mongwe le mongwe o irisa dirwe tsa
gagwe. (Each of us is using their own private
part.)Go right ahead maybe you will stop
annoying me.
Tebogo: What does she have that I don't?

She broke down and cried...

Theo:Maitseo mma...Maitseo...Namane ya
moroba. (She has manners.)
Tebobo:Thera don't do this.
Theo: Bona wa ntiya ngwanyana wame o
nkemetse. ( You are wasting my time. My
girlfriend is waiting for me.)
Tebogo: Use protection. If she is sleeping with
a married man then it definitely means that she
might be sleeping with someone else.
Theo: Do we have any in the house?

She walked back inside the room and opened

the drawer then pulled out a box and handed it
to him.

Theo: Thank you love. I will see you tomorrow.

Be safe.
Tebogo: Is she that good in bed?
Theo: Don't do that to yourself. If I tell you, you
will cry.

He kissed her on the forehead and walked

out...She broke down and cried as she heard
him driving out.The pain was so intense she
could almost pass out.

Later that day

At Mma Puleng's

Puleng served her aunts and mother as her

sister walked in... They all turned to her as she
did the walk of shame. They had been calling
her for hours and given up.

Mma Puleng: We were starting to think that you

were missing.
Me: Ao mama. It's only eight.
Mma Puleng: You were supposed to be here by
three in the afternoon.
Me: Am so sorry. We were still sorting out a few
things for the lodge.
Mma London: They couldn't wait till tomorrow?
We came all this way to see you. Le gone why
are you working when you should be resting.
Me: You are right Rakgadi. Ene am so tired. Let
me go and lie down. Kana am due.
Mma Puleng: Wena le Bakang lo lapisa ngwana

Everyone looked at me and laughed...

Puleng: Do you still want me to rub your back?

Me: Ee hlamma. ( Yes please.)

I followed her to the bedroom...

Me: It smells so good.
Puleng: While you were out exercising, we were
working on getting the room ready for you and
the baby.
Me: (laughed) What?
Puleng: You smell like lots and lots of se*.
Me:(laughed) Waaka.(You are lying. )
Puleng: You didn't hear what mum said about
you and Bakang?
Me: (laughed) No way.
Puleng: I swear.

I sat on the bed and supported myself with my

pregnancy pillow.

Me: Mme kana I had taken a shower before the

last one. I am so sore. Ke jelwe ke motho gore.
Hlamma I have never had this much sex.Go
riana D can be so good during pregnancy.
Puleng:(laughed) Lona lo tsile go belega lo
santse lo le busy. ( You are going to give birth
while having s*x.
Me: You didn't tell me that miss hoho down
there is tight as fu*k during pregnancy.
Puleng:(laughed) O lebala gore ke mogoloo.
(You seem to be forgetting that I am your elder
Me: Owaii lona ebile bo married you are worse. I
hear you on it everyday.
Puleng:(laughed) Ao Ney gatwe everyday. Ele
gore ga re lape.( Don't you think we get tired?)

She thought of her interesting sex life and

smiled then took out her phone to text her

" Drop the kids at Kagelo's. Tonight we are

having a busy night. I want it all laid out for me
when I get home."

Kagiso: Make sure you pass by that pharmacy

in Square Mart, they close really late. We are
gonna need that box. Tonight I want it raw Ke😏
tlo eja le ka meno tota.
Puleng: 😂😂😂
She put down her phone and smiled from ear to

Puleng: Mma I need to leave. Kana I left KG with

the kids.
Me: Are you leaving me with bo Mma London?
Did you hear what she said.
Puleng: (laughed) Your battles not mine.

At Martha's

Theo smiled as Martha walked in with a tray of


Theo: It smells so good. You should teach your

sister how to cook.
Martha:(laughed) You are starting akere.
Theo: I never get used to how nice your house
Martha: Mme kana it's just a room diffuser.
Theo: You should buy one for our house. This
smells so homely.
Martha: Do you want anything to drink after
your meal? I restocked your favourite whiskey.
Theo: (laughed) Tlhe banna utlwang. Whoever
is gonna marry you is a lucky idiot.
Martha: Ee mpatlela. ( Hook me up.)
Theo:And sabotage myself? Kana if you get
married then I can't come here as I please.No
more fancy meals...

At Tebogo's
Distance & Time
# 165
At Tebogo's

Tebogo picked up her diary and listed all her

fears,weaknesses and her past mistakes then
said a prayer. She closed her eyes and a
memory of how happy her husband was when
he left the house played over and over again.
Knowing how he quickly accepted condoms
from her to sleep with another woman broke
her.She picked up her phone and dialled his
number but it was unavailable.

Tebogo: Lord please fix my marriage...

At Martha's

Martha threw a pillow and a fleece at her

brother then turned off the living room light.

Martha: Goodnight.
Theo: Goodnight manxane.
Martha: Have you called her?
Theo: No. I will see her tomorrow.

She took a deep breath and turned on the lights

then walked over to the couch and sat next to
her brother.

Martha: Don't you think that you are taking this

too far? I think she has learnt her lesson.
Theo: You don't know Mmagwe Jason the way I
do. That woman is stubborn and it's so hard to
get through to her. When she has learnt her
lesson,I will know.
Martha: What if she reports you to the family
and everyone thinks you are cheating?
Theo: You should trust your big brother.I know
what I am doing. You don't have to worry about
mum and uncle. I will handle them if we ever
get there.
Martha: I feel like you are punishing her the
wrong way. The thought of a cheating partner
can even send one to the grave. Just go home
and talk to her. Am sure that she will listen to
Theo: If you are not comfortable with me being
here then I will make a plan.
Martha: It's not that. I just feel like this is not
Theo: If you knew half of the things I go through
in that house then you would understand why I
have to do this. Tebogo doesn't have any filter
yaanong nna kana I am short tempered. I don't
want to get myself into trouble. This is the only
Martha: But this could destroy her.
Theo: It won't go that far.

At Melinda's

Melinda looked at her phone as it rang and

turned to her husband...

Kano: What is it?

Melinda: Tebogo.
Kano: You should take it.
Melinda: Nah...

She disconnected the call and blocked her then

turned to the tv increasing the volume.

At Tebogo's

Tebogo: F*ck!

She dialled Mel but this time it didn't go through.

She scrolled through her contacts. Ney's
number popped up. She regretfully dialled her.

Me: Hello...
Tebogo: Hie. How is Jason?
Me: I am not with them. You can call the dad.
Tebogo: Oh ok. By the way congratulations on
the engagement and baby.
I kept quiet for a bit before responding to her...

Me:Thank you.
Tebogo:(tearfully )How did you do it? I mean
keep Jason's father so happy. How do you keep
it together?
Me: Are you okay?
Tebogo: Just tell me because I seem to be
doing it all wrong. Pretty soon I will be be losing
my husband to another woman again.

She broke down and cried...

Me: Tee.. Listen first of all I want you to know

that I never planned to be with Bakang. We
didn't st...
Tebogo: It doesn't matter anymore. I just want
know what you do differently.

I could tell that she was uncomfortable and so

was I.

Tebogo: It's the least you can do.

Me: Well I don't know but men are big on
respect. It's like their universal love language.
To a man respect means everything. When you
respect a man he automatically feels loved. I
don't know what else to say because everyone
is different but getting things done for them is
another thing.
Tebogo: Okay.Thank you.
Me: Are you sure you are ok?
Tebogo: We never had this conversation.Thank
Me: Ok,bye.
She hung up.

The following day...

At Tebogo's

Theo unlocked the door and greeted his wife

who was sitted in the living room before
heading to the bedroom. He smiled as he
noticed some clean ironed clothes on top of the
bed.Before he could head to the bathroom she
had already come into the room.

Tebogo:Can I run the tub?

Theo:I already took a shower.
Tebogo: Okay. I have made some breakfast
incase you are hungry.Ke irile le mopako. (I
have also made some packed lunch.)
Theo: Thank you.

Though he wanted to burst into laughter,he

managed to keep a straight face.

Theo: Mma?
Tebogo: Can you take a couple of days off so
that we can go on that trip we planned months
Theo: I already have plans.
Tebogo: Please.
Theo: I will talk to my boss then check with my
girlfriend to see if she doesn't mind.
She swallowed a lump then felt her throat
drying up...

Theo: Can we talk?

Tebogo: Ee rra.

She reluctantly sat on the bed...

Theo: I was think it's time you met my girlfriend.

Tota nna I love you both so I am thinking of
marrying her as well.

Her heart pumped blood backwards...Tears

blurred her vision as she struggled to compose
a sentence.
Tebogo: How? Akere we are already
married.There is no way you can marry the both
of us.
Theo:If I can't then I will have to leave you so I
can marry her.
Tebogo: Please don't leave me. You can keep
us both.

She felt her soul leaving her body when she

realized what she had just said...On the other
hand Theo wanted to stop. He could see the
pain in her eyes but even so he knew that it had
to be done.

Theo:Okay. I will talk to her as well.

Tebogo: (Crying)Theo...
Theo: Mma?
Tebogo: Please don't go.
He wanted to hold her so bad but he knew he
couldn't so grabbed his towel and went into the

At my house

I sat down and laid back then watched my

family packing up my baby's things...

London:So are you ready?

Distance & Time
# 166

At my house

I sat down and laid back then watched my

family packing up my baby's things...

London:So are you ready?

Me:(laughed) I guess.
Puleng: You will do great,just don't scream.
London:(laughed) I heard that when you scream
with your first baby,you will scream during the
birth of all your children.
Puleng:(laughed) That's true. Ney nnaka don't
scream no matter what. Just die silently. Each
time you scream,you suffocate the baby and
get them tired.

I widened my eyes and listened to the two as

they went on.

London: You are scarring her. Bona yaaka a

rotola matlho,o tshogile motho yo. ( From the
way she has widened her eyes, you can tell that
she is scared.)
Mma London: Kana ba go roka ontse o lebile. O
bowa kwa o le mosadi tota. O bona fa o bowa
kwa ngwanaka,ga gona sepe seemo se se ka
go pallang. ( They stitch you while you are wide
awake. Once you leave the labour room,you
can face any situation.)
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Ba go tshosa
ngwanaka.( They are just scarring you my child.
Mma Pretty: Is there more wine?
Everyone laughed

A week later

At Theo's

Tebogo silently folded the laundry while her

husband stood before the mirror and applied a
face cream...He turned to her and smiled.

Theo: How do I look? Do you think that she will

like it? How does my new cologne smell?
Tebogo: You look nice.
Theo: Just nice? Not hot? Ao mma kana I spent
thousands on this outfit.
Tebogo: What exactly do you want me to
say?Babe you have never put so much effort in
how you dress when you were with me. You
were not even bothered about how i feel about
your outfit.Now there is a new girl and you are
going all out and even spending our family
money.What can I say? Akere when I voice my
opinion,you threaten to leave me.

She looked up to block her tears...

Theo: Go and get changed.I am taking the both

of you out. You look sad.
Tebogo: I don't mean to be disrespectful but I
prefer to stay home.Seeing her with you would
really break my heart. Tota I feel like you don't
need to explain anything to me anymore. If you
decide to do something for her,do it quietly
because lenna I have feelings. I know I have
made mistakes but what you are doing hurts
and it's very wrong. Koore you have fallen out of
love with me to a point where you have even
saved your new girlfriend as Wifey and saved
me under my name.

He took out his phone and dialled his girlfriend's

number then put it on loudspeaker. He looked
at his wife and laughed.

Tebogo: Why are you doing this? I get that you

are punishing me but this is wrong.
Martha: Hey bro.
Theo: Hey sis. How are you?
Martha: All good and you. Listen I won't be
spending the night at home. I have left the keys
with the old lady from next door. I have also left
your food in the fridge.
Theo: You are on loudspeaker.
He looked at his wife and there was silence...

Theo: I won't be coming tonight. I really

appreciate everything you have done for me.I
will talk to you later.
Martha: Sure.

She hung up and he turned to his wife.

Theo: I am not seeing anyone. I have been

going to Martha's house this entire time. There
was never a new girl. There is no other woman I
love except you. I did this to make you realize
that things could turn out this way if you don't
change the way you do things. Tee I am your
husband,this thing of making decisions alone
and telling me only to throw and hurl insults at
me when I advise or express my opinion is
exactly the reason things turned out this way.
When I come home, I want some peace. There
are so many battles that I fight out there silently
everyday,I don't wanna have to come home to
fight you.Respect me as much as I respect you.

He held her as she broke down and cried.

At my house

I kissed Kala's forehead and little hands as he

took a nap. My mother shook her head and
gave me a bowl of porridge.

Mma Puleng: Let the boy sleep. How will he

sleep when you kiss him all day. This child is
yours, he is not going anywhere.
Me:(laughed) Bathong mama. Let me kiss him
all I want. This boy almost killed me. I thought I
was going to die.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) Welcome to
motherhood my girl.
Me: I doubt I will have another one.
Mma Puleng: That's what I said but there is two
of you now.
Me: Nna mme I am telling you. Each time i sit
on the toilet sit,I feel like my stitches are about
to burst open.
Mma Puleng: That's why I was telling you to eat
a lot of vegetables and drink lots of water
before labour but you didn't want to listen. I
know these things kana.
Me: Right.

I said rolling my eyes...

Mma Puleng: Even if you can roll your eyes,you
know that I am right.
Me:(laughed) What time did Puleng say that she
will come see me?
Mma Puleng: She should be here anytime soon.

Safari Extreme

Bakang picked up his flight ticket from

reception then headed to Boka's office. He
knocked before being told to proceed in.

Boka: New daddy on the block.

He greeted Boka and her husband then took a

Lemme: How is our first ever bush baby doing?
What's his name again?
Bakang:Kala Jaiden.
Lemme:(laughed) You should have named him
Nagafela. Akere he was conceived there.
Boka:(laughed) Don't listen to someone who
wanted to name his daughter Uhuru just
because that's who he was listening to before
his child was conceived.
Bakang: It's actually a nice name.
Boka: It is but the reason was lame.

They all laughed...

Boka: And now the real challenge begins. Not

only are you about to feel Ney's absence at the
house but you will feel it the most at the office
because the work load is going to increase. In
Ney's absence you will be acting GM. We have
sent a new work plan to camp to help guys
Bakang: Thank you. How is your daughter?
Boka: She is a big girl. It's amazing how fast
they grow. You will see.

Distance & Time
# 167

Later that day

At Tebogo's

The music played softly as Tebogo laid face

down on the massage bed and Theo rubbed her
back. Each time he applied pressure,she took a
deep breath releasing the pain.

Theo: Are you okay?

Tebogo: Yeah it feels really good.
Theo: Ok. I thought I was hurting you.
Tebogo: Babe...
Tebogo: Can I ask you something?
Theo: Ofcourse.
Tebogo: Have you ever cheated on me?
Theo:(Sighed) No. I have never cheated on you
and I have no plans to do that. I did this
because I could see that you were not ready to
listen to me. Tee, I love you more than you will
ever understand,both you and Jason.I know we
have our differences but the way you drag that
little boy in and doubt my love for him hurts.
Tota hela the way you talk about me and him
when you are with me makes me wonder what
you say in his presence or his dad's. I am really
hurt that you don't see me as his father even
though I am a part of his everyday life.
Tebogo: I am really sorry.I hurt you like that. I
know that you don't trust anything I say
anymore because I always apologize then don't
change but I promise you that this time I will do
everything in my power to change.
Theo: I hope so because I don't wanna fight
with you. We are both adults. None of us should
have to deal with the other one this way. I
worship the ground you walk on Tee.
Tebogo: I know that baby. Can I turn over?
Theo: Yeah sure.

He stopped rubbing her back then moved back

as she turned over.

Tebogo: Come here.

He moved closer to her and kissed her...

Tebogo: Babe...

She said in between the kiss moving back...

Tebogo: Let's have a baby.

Theo: What?
Tebogo: Let's have a baby together.
Theo: Are you serious?
Tebogo: Yes but I want us to discuss a few
things before that though.
Theo: Thank you so much. You have no idea
how much this really means to me. I promise to
take care of you and love you so hard.

He lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom

as she giggled.

At Loapi's

Loapi and Karen silently sat next to each other

as they both fiddled with their phones. The last
couple of months were really difficult and none
of them had shared their feelings with each

Loapi: I was thinking of getting flight tickets to

Canada for next month. We can both take some
time off from work and go see your mum. It will
do you some good.
Karen: It won't change the fact that we can't
have a baby.
Loapi: Baby it's still too early to make such
conclusions and besides the doctor said that
there is nothing wrong with the both of us.
Karen: I can feel my body failing me and who
knows,pretty soon you will get tired and leave

He took her hand and held on tightly.

Loapi: It's gonna take the devil himself to march
in here and force me to break up with you for
me to really leave but other than that nothing
will break us up. Karen I am not with you
because I want to have children. I am here
because I love you and I honestly can't imagine
my world without you.With or without children
we will figure it out. Let's take a break and go
to Canada. We honestly both need a break.
Karen: I love you man.
Loapi:(Smiled) I know that baby. One of these
days we are going to have baby. I know that the
false pregnancy test results really put you
through a lot but we will get over it.
Karen: Aren't you just a teddy bear.
Loapi:(laughed) Come here. Let's go get dirty
and wasted tonight.
Karen: (Smiled)You taking me to the club?
Nagafela Lodge

Cyrus opened Boka's e-mail and shook his head.

How was it possible to have Bakang as acting
GM when it was him that had been there much
longer and knew everything about the camp.

He stood up and went outside feeling as though

he would explode. He had given everything he
was to the camp.

Luda: Ao Mr Cyrus,you look like a man in deep

thoughts. Are you okay?
Cyrus: I don't understand how the executives
work. How do they make Bakang acting GM
when I have been here much longer? I ran this
camp without a GM when we opened and
everything ran smoothly. Le ene Ney kana she
doesn't do much around here. It's just a big
fancy title.
Luda: You will never understand those people. I
think they have favourites. When you ask them
they will tell you about qualifications. Running a
camp doesn't require a degree or diploma as
you say. I think you would do so much better
than Ney and Bakang combined. It's only that
Boka thinks qualifications are everything. Le
gone hela gore Bakang was a boss at Pila
Safaris doesn't mean anything.
Cyrus: Mme kana he should do everything since
he gets paid big money. They shouldn't expect
me to show him the ropes.
Luda: I think his plane is almost here. Let me
rush to the airstrip. I wouldn't wanna be the first
person he fires.
Cyrus: Ithagenele mongwato o tsaya morena
wa gago. ( Hurry up and go pick up your boss.)
He laughed as he got inside his vehicle and
reversed before driving out out of the lodge.

At Puleng's

Kagiso looked at his wife and scratched his

head digesting what she had just presented to

Puleng: Before you say anything, I want you to

know that I am not forcing you to do anything.
What we do from here is your decision because
she wronged you the most.
Kagiso: I hear you. I don't know if I am ready to
sit and talk with her. I know it's been years but I
haven't gotten over what she did. Can I have
more time to think about it?
Puleng: Ofcourse. Babe I will support whatever
decision you make. I have your back all the way.

Distance & Time
# 168

Nagafela Lodge

Bakang walked through the office with the mail

bag and a chicken licken plastic then
exchanged pleasantries with Cyrus.
Cyrus: Welcome back man.

He put the mailbag on the table and gave Cyrus

the Chicken licken plastic then settled down to
open the mail bag.

Bakang: I thought I would bring you those. I

know how bad the cravings can be done here.
Cyrus: Thank you so much man. How is Ney
and the baby?
Bakang: They are doing very well.
Cyrus: You must be missing them already. I
know how hard it is leaving the ones you love
Bakang: I am man but it won't always be this
Cyrus: That's right. In the next eight weeks little
man will be here.
Bakang: That's what keeps me going.
Cyrus: By the way congratulations on your
acting position. We are all here to support you
man. If you need anything then give me a shout.
I have also asked the team to be helpful.
Bakang: Thank you,I really appreciate that.
Cyrus: Will you be moving to Ney's office?
Bakang: Do I have to? I honestly have no
problem working from here gape akere it's just
Cyrus: Temporary or not,you are our GM.
Bakang:(laughed) Right.
Cyrus: Go freshen up boss. We have a
welcoming in the next two hours. Let me print
you a copy of the day sheet. We are a full camp.
Bakang: Thank you.
At Mma Puleng's

Puleng drove through the gate and parked her

car under the tree that her mother and aunts
were sitted under for shade. She got off the car
and grabbed a few things from the back sit
before greeting the elders.

Puleng: Dumelang bagolo. ( Greetings)

They greeted her back... Mma Puleng looked at

the shopping bags she was holding and shook
her head.

Mma Puleng: At the rate that you are going, we

won't have any space in our kitchen. You have
already bought enough for us. Le ene Ney
tota,she won't finish those.
Puleng: These are just snacks. I heard her
complaining about constipation so I brought her
a few snacks and fruits to help.
Mma Puleng: She is just being a cry baby. I told
her to drink lots of water and eat vegetables.
The problem is that she never listens to
anybody mme kana I told her before she gave
Puleng: So who is she with?
Mma Puleng: She is with the baby.
Puleng: So you left her alone?
Mma Puleng: We didn't leave her alone. Kala is
a person.
Mma London: Let her bond with the baby. Le
wena you shouldn't be disturbing them.

Puleng felt herself slowly running out of

Puleng: Confinement can be very stressful. A
new mother needs to be around the people that
love her so she doesn't feel alone. Loneliness
can drive one to Post natal depression. You
need to keep her company.

The old ladies laughed as Puleng tried to


Mma Puleng: You young people have a way of

wanting to change our practices. No one has
ever died from being confined. You are only
saying this because your mother in law was not
Mma London : I hope you didn't buy her salt
because she can't eat salt till the baby's belly
button heals.
Puleng: Emma.Let me see her.

She walked into the house with the shopping


Inside the house

Puleng stood outside her sister's bedroom and

knocked before going inside.She put the
shopping bags down then greeted her sister
and picked up the baby.

Puleng: Hey Mama.

Me: Hey.
Puleng: How is your day?
Me: Long and boring. He has been sleeping all
day. Mma it's so quite. I can't even do anything
on my phone because whenever I am on
it,Mama screams at me telling me how I am
such a bad mother. I am not even allowed to
watch movies on the laptop. Why didn't you tell
me that confinement was so boring and
depressing? I can't wait to get back to work.
Mum makes a big deal out of everything. Kana
this morning she was angry because I called my
doctor to ask for advice concerning my diet
because I am constipated.
Puleng: She says she told you what to do before
you gave birth but you were stubborn.
Me:I couldn't stomach any of those things.
Puleng: One way or another,you two have to
find a way to accommodate each other
because you are here till the baby turns two
months. I can't drive here everyday.
Me: Nna am just tired. I can't even kiss my baby
in peace. Even holding him is an issue. Kana
this is my first baby. I don't understand why
mum doesn't wanna understand that.
Puleng:(laughed)I will talk to her wautlwa. Kana
mama is a bit traditional. Try and understand
Me: She doesn't even wanna spend time with
me mme gatwe I shouldn't be on my phone.
Puleng:(laughed)Akere she doesn't see you
now,so make the best of the time she is away.
Kana mathata this is her house and she sets
the rules. I can only talk to her about a few
things. You are also her child not mine.
Me: Am so over Botsetsi. ( Confinement.)
Puleng: You will get used to it in a few days.
Me: I have never heard you complaining about
any of these.
Puleng: Akere you know that Mma KG handled
all this because mum didn't want to leave her
house for too long. Owaii that one was a free
spirit. By this time she would allow me to rest
then later come and keep me company. We
watched movies and did stuff together. It
wasn't that hectic mme le ene it doesn't mean
that we agreed on everything. You suck it up
and learn to live with them till you go back to
your own space.
Me: Mma kana Kala le ene is always sleeping.
Puleng: Make sure that you also rest when he
sleeps because very soon he won't be sleeping
through the night. I know you just wanna look at
him all day but you also need to rest. Can I bring
you a fruit salad?
Me: Yes please. Heela mma kana I eat porridge
all day.
Puleng:(laughed)Serves you right.

Nagafela Lodge...
Distance & Time
# 169

Nagafela Lodge

Bakang threw himself on the bed and dialled

Ney's number...The house was loney and cold
without her and everything in their bedroom
reminded him of her.
Me: Hey babe.
Bakang:Hey Momma. How are you and the little
Me: Can't complain. The little man is asleep.
Bakang: Are you getting enough rest?
Me: I am love. How is camp?
Bakang: We are a full camp today and
Me: Ok love. So how does it feel to be the boss?
Bakang:(laughed) At this point all I care about is
the extra money I will be earning. Tota you were
right,we need to save as much as we can
before we leave Extreme.
Me:(Smiled)I knew that you would eventually
see things my way.
Bakang: What can I say? You were right. We
can't just make decisions without thinking
about how they will affect our boys. Kana gape
we still have a wedding to plan.
Me: You don't have to worry about the wedding.
We can just have an intimate lunch.
Bakang: And deny you the chance to have the
white wedding you have always wanted? I am
gonna give you that dream wedding no matter
what it takes. I know how weddings are a huge
deal to you women.
Me: Thank you baby.
Bakang: So where can I find the last report you
sent to Maun office? I need cross check a few
Me: Cyrus has a copy.
Bakang: I will ask him for one in that case. He
has been very helpful,I believe that we are going
to work well together.
Me: Babe.
Bakang: Mma?
Me: Be careful out there. I know that everyone
seems nice but it doesn't mean you should fully
trust them. Some of those people are fake.

I could hear him laughing...

Bakang: Wena babe you think everyone is fake.

Me: I am not saying that everyone is fake. All I
am saying is that be careful.
Bakang: Emma I will but you have nothing to
worry about.

Safari Extreme,Maun Office

Boka adjusted her chair and attentively listened

as Cyrus expressed his grievances...
Cyrus: If there is anyone who knows what Safari
Extreme is all about it's me. I was there when
we started operating as a mobile safari so I
have more experience , and I have also given
my all to this company. I don't understand how
you would give Bakang this position when it's
rightfully mine. I have ran this camp smoothly
before Ney and Bakang got here. My loyalty to
this company has been tested over and over
Boka: And for that we are grateful. Cyrus we do
not take your loyalty for granted,that is why we
promoted you from being a waiter to a manager
and even took you for training. You need to
understand that the position of a GM needs one
to have certain qualifications. At the
moment,the company can not afford to take
you for training to prepare you for that position.
One thing that we do not also have is time. I
need you to understand that giving this position
to Bakang was a professional decision and it
doesn't mean that we appreciate you any less.
Cyrus: Ok. Thank you.
Boka: Cyrus...
Cyrus: Mma?
Boka: We know how hard you work and we
appreciate it.
Cyrus:Thank you for your time. I need to go.
Boka:You are welcome. Am here anytime you
need to know about anything.

Boka hung up and turned to her husband...

Lemme: That sounded hectic.

Boka: He wants to know why he didn't get Ney's
Lemme: With his BGCSE certificate and the
management course we sent him for? You have
got to be kidding me. I don't understand why
employees are this entitled. You should have
told him how many degrees Bakang holds.He
can't run an entire camp with his four weeks
cam management certificate.
Boka: In as much as you are right, this is a loyal
employee we are talking about so we need to
be careful at how we handle this. Kana you
know very well that in the safari community,
people only want to recognize experience.
Lemme: Well it doesn't work like that. Cyrus
should stay in his lane. Next thing he will be
going for my position.
Boka:(laughed)I wouldn't put it past him. The
guy is ambitious.
Lemme: Too ambitious if you ask me.

At Tebogo's
Theo held his wife's hand and looked into her
eyes as she spoke. This was the woman he had

Tebogo: I am honestly scared that once I fall

pregnant you will leave me.It's not that I don't
wanna have more children. I really do but I keep
thinking that I will go through the same thing
my mother went through. I know that I was to
also blame for my divorce but when he left me
to stay with his mum while I was pregnant, I
knew that there was nothing to fight for. He
would eventually leave me.
Theo: Thank you for being honest with me and
allowing yourself to be vulnerable.Babe I want
you to know that I am not a runner. I always end
what I started. There is no way that I will ever
leave you especially when you are pregnant.
When I took those vows,I knew exactly what it
meant and I am here for it.
Tebogo: And now I know. I really hope that this
is the beginning of a new phase in our marriage.
I feel like we have reached an understanding.
Theo:This is just the beginning honey. I want
you to let go of fear because everything that
you want is standing on the other side of
fear.You will never really fully love and
experience the life you have always wanted
unless you let off this fear.

She put her hands around his neck and kissed


Tebogo: Let's have children and do this life

thing together.
Theo: Only if you are ready.
Tebogo: I am.

She whispered then gently kissed him with her

eyes closed letting go of her fear...

A week later

At Puleng's

Kagiso sat by the bed and wore his shoes while

his wife stood before the mirror and fixed her
make up...

Kagiso: So I thought about what you asked me

the other day...
Distance & Time
# 170

A week later

At Puleng's

Kagiso sat by the bed and wore his shoes while

his wife stood before the mirror and fixed her
make up...

Kagiso: So I thought about what you asked me

the other day and I am willing to put it past us. I
have one condition though.
Puleng: Anything love.
Kagiso: I know that your mum wants to help but
if I am ever sitting down with Ruth and talking
about this then it's between just the three of us.
Puleng: Anything that you are comfortable with
Kagiso: Thank you. I don't want you to get your
hopes up and expect me to have a perfect
relationship with her. I personally don't want her
around our house because only God knows
what she is capable of. I have no doubt that a
person like that can even accuse me of rape.
Puleng: And I have no intentions of bringing her
here. I respect your feelings. Le nna hela I doubt
we will ever have a relationship after what
happened. We are only having this chat with her
so things don't get awkward if we ever run into
each other at my mum's or at family functions.
Kagiso: I fully agree. One other thing that I
wanted us to discuss was the helper issue.
While I appreciate everything you do around the
house for me and the children, I also feel like
you over work yourself and you need a break.
Babe you can't go on like this forever. Le rona
hela we need time to ourselves. Your mum and
Kagelo won't always be around to babysit. We
need help before we can even think of having
another baby. Can you think about it?
Puleng: (Smiled) We can start looking for one
Kagiso: Are you serious? So you are not going
to debate with me first?
Puleng: Not even thinking about it.Babe you are
right. I need some help around here. I enjoy
taking care of you and the children but with
everything going on at the office,pretty soon I
am gonna collapse. I want you to know that I
appreciate how you had my back after we lost
our baby. I know that I never got a chance to
appreciate you.
Kagiso: I did exactly what you would have down
for me babe. That's what marriage is all about.
Puleng: I clearly married my type.
Kagiso:I got you mama.

Nagafela Lodge

Cyrus smiled and waved at the guests as they

checked out of the lodge...

Bakang:Will you be okay on your own? I need to

check if everything is fine with the luggage.
Cyrus: I will be ok.
Bakang: There is one guest that wants to leave
a tip for the staff,will you receive it on my behalf?
Cyrus: That's not a problem at all. I will throw it
in the tip box.
Bakang: Is it possible to just give the staff
members that are responsible for the tip
instead? I don't want them thinking that we took
it especially because some of the staff
members were present when the guest
disclosed this.
Cyrus: Don't worry I will handle it.
Bakang: Ok. After all bags have been tagged, I
will be headed out to set up for the bush picnics.
Cyrus: See you later.
Bakang: Sharp.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng put a tray of porridge before her

daughter then picked up her grandson. She
noticed how her daughter rolled her eyes and
sighed as she looked at the porridge.
Mma Puleng: Make sure that you finish that
porridge so that you can produce milk and feed
the baby. I don't understand why you have a
problem with porridge when it's the only thing
helping you with your milk production.
Me: Mama kana I can't eat porridge forever. My
Mma Puleng: Here we go again with your doctor.
Onneile you seem to be forgetting that I am the
one here with you and looking after you. One
other thing you seem to be forgetting is the fact
that I have two children. I am doing everything
that I did with you and your sister. There is no
way that I will get it wrong with your son when I
didn't get it wrong with you. Akere wa bona gore
you have grown into a healthy beautiful woman
that even has a child. Allow me to take care of
Kala and do what I know is right. Those doctors
of your don't know anything. Don't forget to give
him that medicine so that his belly button heals.
Me: Mama.
Mma Puleng: Mma?
Me: Have you read the contents of that
Mma Puleng: Is there any reason for me to read
them? I used those medicines for both you and
your sister.
Me: I am sorry if I am being disrespectful but I
won't be giving those to my son. Mama these
medicines have so much alcohol content. It
even says that it's not for children under nine
Mma Puleng: That's why I asked you to just
throw a drop in his breastmilk. Wena ele gore
you want to give him the entire bottle?
Me: Mama kana mme the midwife told us that
we shouldn't be giving the baby anything apart
from milk.
Mma Puleng: Onneile you are just being difficult
kana. Ngwana o sielwa sele le sele gore a tiye.
( With these new borns,you give them, this and
that so that they can be strong.) How do you
think we were raised in the absence of doctors?
Did we die?
Me: I am not refusing any of that. I am just
saying that I won't be able to give Kala any of
these. I am sorry if I am being disrespectful.
Mma Puleng:(laughed) You have been a mother
for five minutes and you already think that you
know everything there is to know about babies.
These doctors of yours are misleading you.

I ignored her and had my breakfast.

At Nagafela
Cyrus waved at the guests as the vehicles left
the lodge to the airstrip.He looked around to
see if there was anyone nearby before slipping
the two hundred dollar notes into his pocket...

Distance & Time
# 171

At Nagafela

Cyrus waved at the guests as the vehicles left

the lodge to the airstrip.He looked around to
see if there was anyone nearby before slipping
the two hundred dollar notes into his pocket...A
few minutes later a staff member walked to the
main area and picked up the tip box then
walked back to the back of house with it.

Staff member 1: Did you call one of the waiters

so that they can come and witness us opening
it? Akere wa itsi gore ma staff antse jang,toga
gotwe re jele tips ya bone. ( You know how our
fellow staff members are. We will be accused
of stealing the tip.)
Staff member 2: Kelly will be here just now.

A few moments later Kelly walked in from her

working station.

Kelly: Sorry for delaying you. I had something to

attend to.
Member 2: Let's get right to it. I have to go and
prepare for the late shift.

They both took out their keys and opened the

box. Kelly dipped her hand in the tip box and
pulled out a few doller notes.

Kelly: Forty dollars.

Member 1: Just forty? Ga ke bone monna wa
mohumi a ka togela bokalo. ( I doubt that that
the rich man can leave that much. Last night
when we served him with Mr Bk, he promised
me that he would leave the tip with him. Maybe
Mr BK has it.)
Kelly: Check Mr Cyrus. Mr Bk ga a bolo go ya
bush lunch.When he left, the old man was still
Member 2: Let me go and check.I will be back.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Puleng sat in the living room and turned

on the tv. She laughed as her favourite Indian
series played. This had become part of her
everyday routine and even her husband knew
that she was not to be disturbed.

Rra Puleng:Mma P,Mmagwe Kala wa bitsa.

He stood by the passage. She ignored him and

continued laughing.

Rra Puleng: Motsetsi wa bitsa.

Mma Puleng:(annoyed) Tell her that I am
coming. Santse ke lebile bo Jugnu. (I am still
watching Jugnus's show.)

In the bedroom

My father stood by the door and talked over...

Rra Puleng: Wa bo a lebile bo Jokunu mmago ,

wa pala ngwanaka. Nna ga ke itsi gore gatwe
ba tla fela leng re ikhutse batho. ( She is
watching that show of hers and she is not
bugging. I don't know when this show will end
so that we can all rest.) What can I do for you
my girl?

I took a deep breath looking up to block my

tears then laughed briefly to convince him that I
was fine.
Me: Don't worry papa. I just wanted to show her
something. I will wait for her.
Rra Puleng: Ok my girl. Let me know if you need
anything .
Me: Thank you papa.

I silently cried looking at my son. Each day that I

spent at my mum's became draining. We either
fought about what was good for the baby or she
left me for long hours unattended while
watching her Indian shows.I picked up my
phone from the side and called Bakang on
whatsapp but the call did not go through so I
dialled Puleng.

Puleng: Hey Momma.

Puleng: What's wrong nemma? You sound like
you have been crying.
Me:(Crying) Mma kana I am struggling. Koore
it's either mama makes decisions concerning
my son without consulting me or she leaves me
unattended while enjoying bo Jugnu.
Puleng:(Suprised) Jugnu?
Me: Makula. ( An Indian show.)

Phlegm burst into laughter.

Me:Koore wa tshega nemma ke sokola.(It's

nothing to laugh about.)
Puleng:Ga se gore ke a tshega. ( It's not that I
am laughing. I am just shocked to hear that
mama also watches those shows.)
Me: The sad thing is that when you call her
while she is watching them, she doesn't attend
to you. When she finds you attending to
something, she shouts and asks why you didn't
call her. If it wasn't for this show of hers, my
stitches would have healed. She would rather
watch Jugnu than boil water for my stitches.
Nna I just want my son to turn a month then
leave this place because it's no use. I thought
that we were supposed to all bond yaanong ene
she is making it difficult.
Puleng: Calm down. There is no way that you
can leave with a baby that's a month old. I will
come over later and talk to her. Maybe she
doesn't even realize that it's affecting you. You
know that she lives with just dad most of the
time so she is not used to having another
person around. Akere you know that le nna she
never stays long at my house after I give birth.
Just calm down till I get there.
Me: If she knew that it was going to be this way
then she should have never agreed.
Puleng: Wait for me come home.I am wrapping
up something then I promise that I will be
headed home.
Me: Sharp.

At Nagafela,Main area...

Cyrus looked around the office and even

allowed the lady he was with to look around and
check for their tip.

Cyrus: I didn't receive any tip.

Staff member : Mme kana gatwe that guest
promised to leave us a tip.
Cyrus: I honestly don't know what to say
because I didn't receive anything.
Member: I will check with Mr Bk when he gets
Cyrus: Ee because on my side I haven't received
anything.. Maybe he received the tip on your
Member: Mme kana when he does,he usually
tells us. I am surprised that this time he kept
Cyrus: The problem is that this time we were
busy with the group check outs and the bush
brunch. Who knows maybe he forgot. It's been
such a hectic morning.

Later that day

Mma Puleng's

Puleng sighed as they drove through her

mother's gate. She knew how stubborn her
mother and sister were and all she wanted was
to get through to them. She parked her car
behind her father's and sat in for a few minutes
before gathering some courage to go in.

Distance & Time
# 172

Later that day

Mma Puleng's
Puleng sighed as they drove through her
mother's gate. She knew how stubborn her
mother and sister were and all she wanted was
to get through to them. She parked her car
behind her father's and sat in for a few minutes
before gathering some courage to go in.She got
off the car and knocked for a while before
letting herself in.

Puleng: Dumelang...

She greeted her father and sat down.

Puleng: O kae Mma P? ( Where is Mma P.)

Rra Puleng: She is with Mmagwe Kala. Ka re
malatsing a ga o kgale kwano. Botsetsi bo kile
jwa re thusa. ( These days you come here
almost every day. Thanks to the birth of this
Puleng: ( Laughed) Ao Rra P. Mme kana I come
here all the time. It's only that at times things
are really tight at the office.
Rra Puleng:How are you and your family?
Puleng: We are doing very well. I never got to
thank you for being our voice of reason when
things were going south.I know that we don't
appreciate you much but we are really grateful
for all you do for this family.
Rra Puleng: I know that I have failed this family
in the past but I want all of you to be happy and
at peace.I am so proud of you my children. If I
die tomorrow, I will die a happy man knowing
that you are all well established and you can
stand against anything.
Puleng: Don't die on us old man. None of us is
ready for a funeral.
Rra Puleng: (laughed) It's not yet time my girl.
Don't worry.
Puleng: Papa.
Rra Puleng: Mma?
Puleng: How are things here? I mean how does
mama and Ney relate?
Rra Puleng: I honestly don't know what to say to
you my child. Kana tota those two have a
shakey relationship but I had thought that this
child would bring them together yaanong they
fight every day. As a man it's hard for me to say
anything because half the things they fight
about, I have no experience in.
Puleng: Kana mathata gape mama is very
difficult. Le ene Ney she is not different from
her. I don't know how to help them resolve their
differences. I am afraid that mama will accuse
me of poking my nose into things that don't
concern me and at the same time I am really
concerned about Ney. There isn't a day that she
doesn't call me crying or complaining.She is a
new mum and stress is the last thing she
should be dealing with.

Rra Puleng stood up and closed the passage

door then sat down. The stress he was going
through was visible from his eyebags.It was
clear that old age had caught up with the old
man but one could tell that he wasn't at peace.

Rra Puleng: My child I don't know what to tell

you. I am still trying to understand this sudden
change in your mother's behaviour in the last
couple of years. Over the years I have known
my wife to be someone that puts her family first.
My Tshwani would have killed for her children.
No one ever messed with you two as kids
because every parent knew that she was
capable of beating them up together with their
children. When I couldn't protect you from my
family, she did that all on her own. I know that
she is your biggest cheerleader and I had
thought that when Ney's time comes,she would
do the same for her yaanong all they seem to
be doing is fighting. As a father,I can also see
that the bond is no more. Nna kana I thought
she would move in with Ney after the birth of
the baby mme ke o robala ko kamoreng ya
gagwe. ( but she is still sleeping in her
bedroom.) Even when the baby cries at night,
she is not moved to go and help her daughter.
Other times I am up with my daughter and
grandson so they don't feel alone. During the
day all she wants to do is watch tv. Koore ha
irile motogo mmago,go siame. ( As long as she
has made porridge then it's enough in her eyes.)
Ney's in-laws slaughtered a goat for her but the
mother has never even cooked it not even once
for her. It's either they fight over what's best for
the baby or she doesn't put an effort. I have
tried talking to her but none of that is
helping.Puleng my child, it really pains me to
see my daughter going on as if she doesn't
have a mother.

A tear escaped his eye and he quickly wiped it

then looked away... The heaviness in his heart
finally felt lighter.

Puleng: I am sorry that you have to witness all

of this. If she doesn't listen then I will talk to
Ranna and see if we can't move Ney to our
house and get someone to help us because le
nna I am always busy.
Rra Puleng: You shouldn't have to take care of
your sister when her mother is alive and well. Le
ene Ranna o tla re tlhoboga.
Puleng: I know Papa but if it's also affecting you
then it's something else.
Rra Puleng: I am your father and I will take care
of you and your sister. I will find a way. Wena
you can just try and talk to your mother. If she
doesn't listen then I will have to think of
something. I don't want you disrupting the
peace in your house. You hear me Pulie?
Puleng: Ee rra.

At Nagafela Lodge

Bakang put his radio on his desk and sat down

laying back... It had been a long day and all he
wanted to do was rest however he had some
admin work to attend to. He turned on his
computer and browsed through his emails then
remembered that his phone battery had died.
He stood up and opened the drawer and
grabbed his charger then plugged it on the
laptop.Just as he was about to get started with
his reports, someone knocked on the door.

Bakang: Please come in.

Kelly greeted him then sat down.

Bakang: Hello Kelly. How can I help you?

Kelly: Mr BK kana we have a problem. It looks
like the staff tip from the gentleman who stayed
in room one is missing.
Bakang: I am not sure I am following.Was it
stolen from the treasure kana yang?
Kelly: It never reached any of us mme kana the
house keeper who cleaned his room are he left
a note explaining how the tip was to be shared.
Bakang: I doubt it's missing. Did you guys check
with Cyrus? Maybe he forgot to give it to you
kana today it was a really hectic day.Just check
with him first before we all panick.
Kelly: We did and he says he didn't receive
anything. Did you by any chance receive it on
our behalf.
Bakang: I didn't.I actually left he checked out
and asked Cyrus to receive it on my
behalf.Amme tota are you guys sure that he
didn't throw it in the tip box?
Kelly: According to that note, he left two
hundred dollars. The other hundred is meant for
the housekeeper while the other one is meant
to be shared amongst the rest of the staff
equally. We only found forty dollars in our box.
Bakang: It's possible that he forgot to leave the
Kelly: I doubt that he did. Why can't you check
the cameras by the office akere they work.
Bakang: Kelly can I get back to you? I need to
finish up something here and send it to Maun
office but as soon as I am done, I promise to
attend to this. I am really sorry about all of this.
I believe it's just a mix up.
Kelly:I suggest you do that because when it
comes their tip, the staff does not choose
Bakang: Let me get back to you.
Kelly: I hope that you will attend to it quickly
because once the staff committee gets
involved, it won't just be a mix up, they will even
push it to a case of theft and pursue it till it
reaches Maun office.
Bakang: Emma I heard that. Thank you.

She stood up and left.

Bakang: Ija. Kana ba lapisa gore ma staff.

He turned on his phone and dialled Ney.

Me: Hey.
Bakang: Hie babe. Am so sorry that I have been
missing in action. We had a bush brunch and a
few picnics set for walking safaris. I had no
idea that it would take the entire day. How are
you and little man? How was your day?

I looked at my sister and mother then cleared

my throat....

Me: I will tell you all about it. How was yours?
Bakang: It was very busy. As if that was not
enough, am getting back to some drama here.
Me: What happend?
Bakang: Just the usual tip drama. I think they
are accusing management of stealing it. Can
you imagine it. Kana the staff can be so
Me: Start with what happened from the
beginning then we can take it from there.

Distance & Time
# 173

Me: Are you alone?

Bakang: Yeah, I moved to your office, Why do
you ask?
Me: Ok, That's great. Now tell me the story from
the beginning. Why would the staff think that
the managers stole their tip? When was the tip
left and who was it possibly given to?
Bakang: Ahh babe.
Me: Try and remember all of this and tell me so
we sort it out because Boka takes these
matters very seriously. I am only trying to help.
You might dismiss it into something very small
but this is something that could cost you your
Bakang: Well there was a guest from room one
that promised to leave a tip for the staff last
night. He told one of the staff members that he
would leave it with me in my presence.
Me: How much was it?
Bakang: Apparently it was two hundred dollars.
Me: Is it possible that you could have taken it by
mistake and maybe forgotten?
Bakang: Are you serious?
Me: I am only asking this because this man
promised the staff to leave the money with you.
If the staff believe that the money was stolen
then it means that they might be already be
suspecting you so work with me.
Bakang: No. This morning before the old man
checked out,I asked Cyrus to collect the tip on
my behalf. I remember asking him to give the
staff the money by hand just so we avoid these
kind of things. When I got back in camp, I
received a complaint from a staff member
about the missing tip. Apparently this guest left
a note in his room for his housekeeper
explaining how much he would leave and how it
would be split. The staff claim that all they
found in their tip box was forty dollar and Cyrus
didn't receive anything in hand. I personally
think that the guest could have forgotten to
leave the tip. Kelly was here a few minutes ago
to threaten me about escalating this to a theft
case and reporting to Maun office.
Me: Then that means that you need to find out
what happened before that happens because if
it gets there, management will be under
investigation. This issue will bring mistrust
between us and the big bosses.
Bakang: But we didn't receive the tip. Our word
should be enough.
Me: Are you sure that the other manager didn't
receive it?
Bakang: Are you seriously accusing Cyrus of
stealing the staff tip? Babe that guy is a lot of
things but a thief is not one of them. Kana le
nna hela Cyrus gives me my tip whenever a
guest leaves something for me.
Me: I told you not to trust anyone. I understand
that you have your expectations about everyone
but this is not the time to use your emotions.
Babe we have two children that depend on us.
Already I am on half salary. If you get
suspended or anything then that means we
won't be able to save because half of my salary
can not cover for everything. If it means that
you have to sit there all night and go through
the cameras then do that.
Bakang: Emma.
Me: Don't say anything to him yet. That guy is
an IT specialist by profession. I wouldn't be
surprised if footage went missing because he
knows those cameras and lodge in and out. If
there is anything then record it with your phone
and keep it as proof.
Bakang:Ok babe.
Me: I will talk to you later. Let me attend to
Bakang: Later. I love you.
Me: I love you more.

I put down and the phone and laid down then

kissed my son.

Puleng: Can we continue?

She turned to her our mother then back at me.

Mma Puleng: Go ahead my child.

Puleng: I am not here to cause a fight between
anyone. I just came here to understand what
the problem is so that we can sort it out
together. Mama like you have heard, your
daughter is complaining that you do not pay
attention to her and you make decisions
concerning baby Kala without involving her.
Mma Puleng: I honestly have nothing to say to
you girls because all I have ever tried to do is be
a good mother.Your sister is the one that
doesn't recognize me as her mother. Ke raya
gore jaaka o bona, o ira tse di ratwang ke ene.
( She does what she wants.) When she gave
birth, I told her that she is not to go into the
kitchen and cook but these days she enters as
she wants.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I began to think

of all the times i had called out to her for food
while she was glued to her Indian shows.

Me:- That's because mama ignores me and

watches bo Jugnu. When I am, hungry, she
expects me to wait for two hours till her show is
Mma Puleng shook her head...

Mma Puleng: Be honest with your sister. There

isn't a day that I don't wake up and make soft
porridge for her. The problem is that she wants
to choose what to eat. Nna kana I asked her to
eat soft porridge in the morning and during the
day so that she has enough milk yaanong ene
she wants to choose what to eat. There is
absolutely nothing wrong with having porridge
for breakfast and lunch then supplementing it
with fruits,akere I cook dinner every night.
Puleng: Mme kana mama Ney is past that stage
of eating porridge all day.
Mma Puleng: It's very funny that it's only now
when everyone is calling these long meetings
for me when Ney complains yet no one called
them for her when she forgot that I was her
mother. When this child left to stay with Mma
Thabiso after the funeral,no one said anything.
I begged her to stay home but she opted to go
through a phase I wanted to help her get
through with a woman she had not even known
for that long. Soon after that she made a
decision to move to Maun and I still pleaded but
she didn't want to listen. When she sold her
things that she had accumulated, she shared
her money with Mma Thabiso and left her with
her other things. No one was bothered by the
fact that I didn't even get a plate.When my
daughter came to town, she stayed with that
woman. As for me, she would only come here
and visit like any other person. Mma Thabiso
has been to Maun to see where my daughter
lived but I as the mother hasn't even been there.

I looked up then picked up Kala...

Mma Puleng: Put the baby down. He will get
used to being picked up.Just put him down.
Me: You see what I mean? I can't even pick up
my child.
Mma Puleng: Akere when that baby leaves
camp, you will be leaving him with me so I am
the one he will be bothering if he gets used to
hands. Kana even though this child doesn't
listen to me, when she needs my help she
comes here. From the beginning, I warned her
about her relationship with the father of this
child but she even went to an extent of getting
Mma Thabiso to come here and dictate to me
on how to be a parent. The only person she
listens to, respects and even takes care of is
Mma Thabiso. Did you ask her why she built a
tuckshop for only her and not me?
Me: Bathong Mama! There isn't a month that I
don't give you and dad money. I won't address
why I went to stay with Mma Thabiso after his
death because I thought that you understood
the pain I was going through. As for the
tuckshop, I built it for her because she needed
something to keep her mind off things. She
lives alone and she doesn't have any children.
Soon after the tuckshop opened, I stopped
giving her a monthly allowance. Ya Maun yone I
asked you and dad to come see where I lived
and you both said it was far.
Mma Puleng: Have you ever asked me what
business I want to do as your mother or even
insisted that I come see where you live as your
Me: I don't know what to say.
Mma Puleng: Because you are wrong. You only
come here when you want my help then expect
me to bow down to you like you are a queen.

Puleng widened her eyes as things got heated...

Me: Mama if you don't want to help me then it's
Mma Puleng: I know that you would have
preferred to be at Mma Thabiso's. You are only
here because no man will accept his son being
raised at his girlfriend's ex in-laws. Tota hela
wena ngwanaka you only come here when you
need my help. The only child i have that listens
to me is Puleng. When you choose that boy
over me, you didn't turn back. It's best this child
grows and you leave with him because I don't
like talking. I realize that we will always fight if
you ever leave your son here so do whatever
you want with him. Find someone else worthy in
your eyes to remain with him when he turns six
Me: I came home because I wanted us to bond
as mother and daughter. I also wanted you to
bond with your grandson. I thought it was
befitting for you to be the one to take care of
me as your daughter and the grandmother of
this child. I am sorry that i had my mother in
mind for this experience.
Mma Puleng: Puleng I need to start cooking for
the same people that don't appreciate my
efforts. You two can finish your meeting
without me.

She left before any of us could say anything.... I

looked at my son and tears blurred my
vision.The pain cut so deep that i wailed. For
the first time in my life, I felt like a destitute.

Puleng: Tlhamma don't cry, you will stress the


She sat down on my mattress and took the

baby from me then held my hand...

Nagafela Lodge

Bakang swallowed a lump as he recorded the

footage. His heart sunk as he realized that the
one that he had trusted so much had betrayed
him and the staff. He saved the video and called

A few hours later

At home

I finished bathing my son then put him down to

sleep. I laid next to him and called his father.
Bakang: Hey. I have been trying to get hold of
you for hours. Is everything ok?

I wiped my tears and forced a smile...

Me: There is so much going on here.I will tell

you all about it later. How did it go?
Bakang: You were right, it was Cyrus. He
received the tip then pocketed it.
Me: Do you have the proof?
Bakang: I do but how do I deal with it? Do I warn
him or get Maun office involved?
Me: You might have to get the office involved
because this is probably something he has
been doing for a while.Gape hela theft is a
serious offense especially because it involves
the staff money.If he had stolen drinks or
anything from the kitchen then it's something
you can solve in your base but this one involves
staff members that are ready to escalate it.
Chances are that they won't let it go even if he
is to give back the money because it leaves a
lot of questions concerning their past tips. They
might argue that it's not the first time.
Bakang: Eish. He could lose his job over this. I
don't want to be the guy that takes food out of
another man's mouth. He is a father.
Me: And so are you. If you don't cover yourself
then you could lose your job too. I know how
you feel bad about this whole thing but you are
also a father that can't afford to have food
taken out of his mouth.You got to do what you
got to do babe.
Bakang: Yeah neh.
Me: Are you at home?
Bakang: Not yet. I am just about to leave your
Me:(laughed) Your office.
Bakang: That's if I don't get fired along with him.
Me: You won't. I have so much to tell you.
Bakang: What is it? Kana I can tell that you are
not okay.
Me: We will talk later.
Bakang: Ok love. Bye.
Me: Sharp.

Distance & Time
# 174
At Puleng's

Kagiso rubbed his wife's feet as she relieved

the stressful day she had. He extended his
hands to hers and squeezed them tightly.
Although she put on a brave face, he could tell
that she wasn't ok.

Kagiso: I am really sorry that you are going

through all of this. How can I help?
Puleng: I honestly don't know what we should
Kagiso: Do you think that Ney will be ok?
According to what you told me, she practically
chased her.
Puleng: Well not exactly but even if she did, she
can't make that decision alone. It's also dad's
Kagiso: But she can make it very uncomfortable
for her. Maybe we should offer her a place to
stay till she figures out her next move.
Puleng: When i left, she was going to consult
Kala's dad. If he doesn't have a plan then we
can take it from there.
Kagiso: I didn't realize that things were this bad.
Puleng: Neither did I. From what I heard today,
mum has so many things she is holding against
Ney. Things no one knew about.
Kagiso You look like you could use a drink. Can
I get you get usual?
Puleng:Yes please honey.

At Mma Puleng's
Rra Puleng sat on the corner couch and
watched his daughter as she fiddled with her

Rra Puleng: I know you are going through a

difficult phase right now but try and eat my
child. This big boy needs you to feed him
afterwards. You can't feed him when you are
also hungry.
Me: You know mama has never really been
there for me. I mean we didn't fight or anything
but I am only realizing now that we never really
had a bond while I was growing up.I used to
think that she and Puleng were close because
she is the eldest. I don't remember a day mama
cheered or encouraged me the way she did with
Puleng.Am I even her child?

Rra Puleng looked away as he tried to hide his

tears but even he couldn't betray nature.

Rra Puleng: You know that she was never like

this. I honestly don't know what is happening. I
still fail to understand how someone can
change overnight.
Me: Mama didn't change. She was like this, we
just didn't realize it. Now that I think about it, I
don't even remember her attending my school
activities. She has always supported Puleng
alone and for the longest time I understood
because Puleng went through a really hard time
when we were growing up. I even felt bad that
bo Rrakgadi( our aunts) treated her that way.I
don't know what I am going to do with this child
but first thing tomorrow, I am moving out.This
is supposed to be the happiest phase of my life
but here I am crying everyday. I know that
mama was never hands on even when Puleng
had children but we all know how happy she

I wiped my tears but the stream couldn't dry...

Rra Puleng: Didimala tlhe ngwanaka motho ga

a llele ruri. ( Stop crying my child.) I am here for
you. If Tshwanelo doesn't take care of you then
I will. I know that I can't replace your mother but
I am here and I care.
Me: I am sorry dad but I can't put you through
this. Do you know how painful it was for me to
know that you were standing in the kitchen at
night trying to cook just so I didn't go to bed
Rra Puleng: You are my child after all.
Me: You know what broke my heart the most?

Her fathered shamefully bowed. After

everything that had happend, even he couldn't
defend his wife.

Me: She says that I ignored her and spent my

time with Mma Thabiso. Apparently I don't do
anything for her mme kana it was the same
with Puleng. Puleng and Mma KG were very
close. Kana legale it only applies when you are
not married into a rich family?

We went for hours talking and eventually my

father retired to bed. I put my son to sleep then
called the father.

Bakang: Hey. I was just about to call you.

Me: Hey.
Bakang: So I sent that video to Boka. She says
she is not in town so Lemme will be here first
thing tomorrow.
Bakang:Now tell me about you. Babe I can tell
that you don't sound ok. What's bothering?
Me: Akere you know how mum and I have been
Bakang: Yeah. Should I be worried?
Me: I think she just kicked us out.
Bakang: Start from the beginning. What really
happened? Kick you out how?
Me: So of lately she has been ignoring me and
the baby. She would watch tv for long hours and
many times I complained about hunger but she
would only attend to me after her Indian shows.
I complained to Puleng and she came here for
some kind of intervention but even that did not
go well. My mum says that she is acting this
way because when Thabiso died,I forgot about
her and gave my attention to his mother.
According to her,I am only here because I need
her help.She is really not interested in looking
after Kala when he turns six months. She told
me that it's better I leave with him when he
grows. Le this evening, she couldn't even cook
for me. My dad had to do all the cooking. Koore
she doesn't help me with the baby anymore. All
we do is fight so I think it's best that we move
to our place tomorrow. I will get someone to
help me. I came here hoping that this will bring
us together and even heal us but i was wrong. I
can't go on like this anymore.
Bakang: Babe.
Me:(crying) Hmm?
Bakang: I want you to know that I am here for
you and I love you. Talk to your mother one last
time. If you two can't solve your differences
then I will ask Kala's grandmother to get my
keys and get everything ready for you two. She
will look after you till I come get you.
Me: There is nothing to discuss anymore.
Bakang: I understand that you are angry but this
decision could affect your relationship forever.
It's never a good thing to make decisions when
you are angry. Maybe le ene she was talking out
of anger.I doubt she would want you and Kala
Me: If she wanted us here then she wouldn't be
starving us. I am done. If I don't leave then I will
end up depressed.
Bakang: Okay. Let me call Mma Bk. I will call
you back as soon as I have
talked to her.

He hung up then sat up and called his mother.

He nervously rubbed his face as the phone rang.
His mother was very traditional and he knew
that she would not easily agree.

Mma Bakang: Hello son. Is everything ok? You

never call me this late.
Bakang: Hello mum. I am really sorry but I have
a situation.
Mma Bakang: What's wrong, you are scaring me.
Is my granddaughter and son ok? I am
supposed to go and see them tomorrow. The
last time I was there Ney didn't sound like
someone who wanted to be around people so I
decided to give her a bit of time.
Bakang: Heish... I don't know what yo say mme
hela I wanted to ask you if you could take care
of them till I come pick them up.
Mma Bakang: Take care of them how? Is Kala's
grandmother not around?
Bakang: How do I say this? Well she and Ney
had a fight and she chased them.
Mma Bakang:(laughed) You young people take
everything to heart. There is no sane mother
that can chase her daughter and grandson
especially at this point. Maybe they didn't agree
on something and they argued.They will be fine.
Bakang: I don't know what to say but I really
need your help because tomorrow morning Ney
is moving out and there is nothing i can do
about it because once that woman sets her
mind to something , she gets it done. If you
don't help her then she will get a helper but I
honestly don't want a stranger taking care of
my son. Kala is too young for that.
Mma Bakang: Do you know why a girl child
goes back to her mother's house for
confinement when she has her first child?
Bakang: Mum I respect you and I respect that
you follow our tradition but I need to know if I
can depend on you or not. Can Ney and Kala
depend on you?

She kept quite for a while then reluctantly


Mma Bakang: Son I have no problem with

taking care of your son and the mother. I am
only worried that tomorrow I will be accused of
moving Ney without her mother's permission.
Bakang: Leave that to me.
Mma Bakang: Ok son. I will get your keys
tomorrow then get everything ready.
Bakang: Thank you. I will ask Puleng to drive her
there when everything is ready.
Mma Bakang: Ok. Goodnight son.
Bakang: Goodnight.
The following day...

Mma Puleng's

Distance & Time
# 174

At Mma Puleng's

I sat in the living room with dad as he held my

son while Puleng loaded our bags in the car...
Rra Puleng: My child I understand that you are
hurt and angry but there is no need for all of this.
We can fix all of this.This is still your home and
we are also still your parents. Children fight with
their parents all the time.Mma P,please talk to
your child.

My mother looked at me and shook her head...I

could tell from the look in her eyes that she had
a lot to say.

Mma Puleng: If she wants to leave then we

need to accept it. I am surprised that you
thought she would stay longer. As from this
day,if you decide to go and stay at Mma
Bakang's and something happens to your
child,know that it's all your fault. Ke tlhapile
diatla. O mosadi ebile o inyadisitse. Ga ke sa
tlhole ke le mmago. ( From this day I will have
nothing to do with you as you are no longer my
Rra Puleng: Ga goke go dirwa yalo. ( You can't
do that.) These are your children.
Mma Puleng: Not anymore.

Puleng walked in and stood by the door...

Puleng: Do you need more time?

Me: No,we can go.

I stood up and extended my hands to get my

son from his grandfather.

Me: Papa we have to go. I will see you.If you

ever want to see us, just ask Puleng to bring

I turned to my mother.

Me: I hope that it won't always be this way.

Maybe we can fix things one of these days.

She ignored me and looked away. My father

stood up and walked us out...

Nagafela Safaris

Cyrus's palpitations increased as he sat

uncomfortably while a footage of him stealing
staff money played. He looked at Bakang then
shamefully bowed.
Lemme: Can you explain that?
Cyrus: Well I was...

He looked around the room and everybody

seemed serious...

Cyrus: I am sorry. I initially kept that tip for the

staff because Bakang asked me not to throw it
into the tip box but rather give it to them by
hand. I had forgotten about it but when the
staff started looking for it and accusing us of
stealing it,I became really scared.I didn't steal it.
I just didn't have the courage to give it back.
Lemme: Is that the story you are sticking to?
Cyrus: I promise you that it's the truth.
Lemme: You know Cyrus,it's been years since
you have worked for us which makes you a part
of our family. You know very well how we feel
about stealing in this family.What you did is
very wrong.I don't understand how we can keep
you here.
Cyrus: Please don't fire me. It won't happen
again. I am sorry Mr Dikgang. I am really sorry.
Lemme: Well that's something I can't decide
now. I will have an answer for you by the end of
the week. My partner is currently out of town
hence we can only discuss your issue when she
gets back...

Two years later...

At Tebogo's

Tebogo put her daughter back in the baby crib

then turned to her son and fixed his tie. She
took out her phone and snapped a picture as he

Tebogo: You look like a prince.

Jason: Dad sprayed me with some perfume.
How do I smell?
Tebogo: Oh my boy,you smell very nice. Like a

Theo stood by the door and smiled...

Theo: Little man, we need to get to the church.

If you we are late, your father will kill us.
Tebogo: Heii! Kana ebile he has been calling me
the entire week to confirm Jay's outfit and what
time he would get to the church. He would
never forgive us.
Theo:(laughed) It's his wedding so I understand
what the man means. Let's go son.
Jason: Bye mummy. Bye baby Jen.

He ran over to the crib and kissed his little

sister before he ran off...

Tebogo: Jason stop running,you will wake the

baby up.

Theo kissed her...

Theo: We will see you later momma.

Tebogo: Enjoy the wedding.
Theo: Sorry that you can't go.

She looked at her daughter that was innocently

laying in the crib and laughed.

Tebogo: Whatever. Enjoy and take lots of

Theo: Will do.

At Puleng's

Rra Puleng knocked in the bride's room then

stood outside before being let in...

Rra Puleng: Lord behold!

He looked at his daughter and tears streamed

from his eyes. He had prayed for this day all his
life. Seeing his daughter in a white wedding
gown brought so much joy to his heart.
Puleng: Bathong papa! Are you crying?

I looked up to fight back my tears...

Me: Dad you are going to ruin my make up.

Rra Puleng: Finally this day is here my child. You
know when Thabiso died, my heart broke
everyday and I prayed for you to find a man that
worships the ground you walk on. When you
first told us about Bakang I was so angry. I
couldn't understand why it had to be him but I
have seen you two grow from strength to
strength in the last two years and I understand
why it had to be him.
Me: Oh dad.
Rra Puleng: I pray for nothing but happiness in
your life.
Puleng: Amen...
Mma Thabiso: Old man you need to leave
before she starts crying. You know how this one
gets emotional over everything.
Rra Puleng: Let me get going...I will see you
Me: See you soon.

At Mma Puleng's

Mma Pretty and Mma London fixed their hats

and shades as Mma Puleng brought some tea.
She put the tray on the table and sat down.

Mma Pretty: I understand that a lot has went on

between the two of you but that's your daughter
and you can't miss her wedding.
Mma Puleng: The same daughter that excluded
me from her magadi negotiations.
Mma London: I hate to say this but no one
excluded you. You did that all on your own.
Mma Puleng you can't continue like this forever.
You are too old for this. Stop treating your own
flesh and blood like this. You will wake up one
day and it will be too late. No one is bigger than
God in this planet.
Mma Pretty: Go and dress up and let's go.

She shamefully bowed as she tried to imagine

who she would attend the wedding as.

Mma Puleng: I am mother of the bride, how will

people look at me if I attend as an ordinary
Mma London: This is not the time to think about
all that.

Mma Pretty's phone rang... She looked at the

caller identity and stood up.

Mma Pretty: It's the girls.

Mma London: They must be on the way.

Mma Pretty picked up then stepped outside.

Mma London: Just get ready and let us go. You

and Ney might have issues but I know that if
you attend her wedding, she will be happy to
see you.
Mma Puleng: I want to attend but I am
Mma London: There is no need for that. We will
be with you.
Mma Puleng: I don't have anything nice to wear.

Mma London pulled out a suit cover then gave it

to her sister inlaw.

Mma London: What did you think that this was?

I always have you in mind old lady.

Canada, Ontario

Loapi wiped his tears and dropped a bouquet of

flowers by Karen's grave then turned around to
leave. His eyes met with Miranda's. The two
had been bumping into each other by the
graveyard for the past few months and had
grown fond of each other.
Miranda: You brought wifey some flowers?
Loapi: Yeah. Am guessing you also brought Tod
Miranda: Yeah.
Loapi: Do you wanna grab some dinner
Miranda:(Smiled) I would love that.
Loapi: Mac's?
Miranda: Whatever you choose.
Loapi: Can I have your number?

He took out his phone and handed it to her then

she punched in her number.

Loapi: I will give you a call later.

Miranda: Sure.
Loapi: Let me get going and give you some time
with Tod. You might wanna tell him about our

They both laughed as they walked past each


At the church

Boka and Lemme walked in hand in hand then

found a place to sit...

Boka: All this is very beautiful.

Lemme: Reminds me of when we got married.
Boka:(Smiled) And who thought that we would
be here...
Lemme: I did. I know I was stupid then but I
always knew that you were the one.Kind of like
when you knew that these two would end up
Boka: There is something special about these
two. It's like when they come together
everything aligns. Look at how they started their
traveling agency not so long ago yet it's doing
so well.
Lemme: Am just glad that they bring more
people to our camps.
Boka:(laughed) Right.
Lemme: Such a pity that our Gm is still trying to
find his feet.
Boka: We should have kept Cyrus. You know
what try say about the devil you know.
Lemme:Nah. Once an employee steals there is
no going back.
Outside the church

Pretty and her cousins popped a bottle of

champagne. London filled everyone's glasses.

Ruth: To more weddings and finding eligible

Puleng: Hear hear.
Me: (laughed)To me bathong.
Pretty: To you baby.

Mma London and her sister in laws approached


Mma Pretty: Banyana!

We turned around and things suddenly became

Mma London: You girls can't be drinking

outside the church. Ebile lo tagisa monyadi.
Mma Puleng: My little girl...

She wiped her tears as she stretched her hands

to me.

Puleng: Let's go see if everything is ready...

The girls left...

Mma London: Look at you.

Mma Puleng: Forgive me girl.

I gave the bouquet of flowers I was holding to

Mma Pretty then moved closer to my mother as
she held me.

Bakang's car

Mma Bakang took the box of juice Kala had

then gave it to his father.

Mma Bakang: Keep it for now or else he will

mess his outfit.

Bakang anxiously looked at the time...

Bakang: What's taking bo Jason too long?
Mma Bakang: Just relax son. It's not yet time.
Bakang: It's like everyone has forgotten that I
am getting married today. Yo gotweng Kano
ene he is taking his time mme on his wedding
he was the first person to arrive at church.
Mma Bakang: He will be here. Melinda called.
Bakang:(Smiled) Mum.
Mma Bakang: Yes son.
Bakang:Thank you for loving her like your own.
Mma Bakang: You don't have to thank me for
being a parent.
Bakang: When she and Kala moved in with you, I
was so scared that you wouldn't get along but
you took care of them like your own children.
Mma Bakang: I didn't do it alone. Mma Thabiso
also played her part.
Bakang:( Smiled) Yeah. We have been so

Inside the church

Puleng and Kagiso walked hand in hand to the

bathroom then locked themselves in... Kagiso
kissed his wife breathing heavily.

Puleng: What did you want to talk about?

Kagiso: I just wanted to see you. Nemma ware
when are you off the payment roll.
Puleng: Just one more day baby and you will be
all over it.
Kagiso: Can't you take those pills again?
Puleng:(laughed) Wa peka mogatsaka. ( You
are crazy my love.)
Kagiso: As soon as you good to go, we are
going away. I have already told aunty that she
should be on standby.
Puleng: (Smiled) Got it.
Kagiso: So how is it going between Kago and
Puleng: They are very secretive but judging
from the way they look at each other, I think
they are headed somewhere.
Kagiso: He has grown.
Puleng: Am so impressed waitsi he has really
Kagiso:Let's go before people start thinking that
we are up to no good.

They laughed as they walked out...

Thirty minutes later

Everyone stood up as the bride and her father

walked down the aisle.Bakang took a deep
breath. The mermaid dress she had on fit so
perfectly reaveling every curve. Her soft glam
make up made her eyes pop out and everything
about her was angelic. The two smiled at each
other as Rra Puleng and Bakang shook hands.

Pastor: My children, you have already been

joined in holy matrimony yesterday at the
district commissioner's office. Today I am here
to bless your marriage and join you before the
Lord. Can I ask both of you kneel.

Puleng hurried with two cushions to the front

then the two knelt down as the pastor prayed
for their marriage.
Pastor: I bless your marriage. I decree the
blessings of the father upon your home and
declare that what has been joined by God no
man will put assunder. I join you before the
Lord and declare that two has become one.
Dear Lord, we thank you for joining these two,
we thank you Lord that above all, it's your will.
Lord as they begin their journey as one, keep
them strong for the challenges ahead. Let them
depend on you and keep you as the foundation
of their lives. I bless them in your name. Amen.

Pastor: My children, you may stand up and

express your feelings for each other.

Bakang stood up then took my hand, helping

me to stand.
Rra Puleng turned around and his eyes met with
Mma Puleng's... They smiled at each other.

Me: My love, I want to thank you for being my

bestfriend more than anything. I want you to
know that I value you and I respect you. My
heart belongs to you and no one else.

Two guests in the crowd whispered to each


Woman: Gatwe she stole her from her friend.

Woman2: It shows you that anyone could be
your soulmate.
Woman1: Nnya hlamma ao. It's not right. You
people normalize abnormal things.
Bakang: Ney when I met you in Maun Lodge
that night, I had no idea that we would end up
here or you would be the mother of my children
and my bestfriend. You have taught me to love
selflessly and more than anything you have
given me love I have never known. I love you
now and forever.

Everyone ululated...

Pastor: You know what to do.

The crowd laughed as the two kissed...

The End

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