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Normal Sentence Pattern in English

Subject verb complement modifier

John And I ate a pizza last night

Subject : The subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice. It is the
person that does the action in the sentence.

Coffee is delicious
The book is on the table

Verb : The verb follows the subject; it generally shows the action of the

John drives to fast

John is going to Miami tomorrow (auxiliary-is,main verb-going)
Jane has been reading that book (auxiliaries – has,been;main verb-

Complement : A complement complete the verb. It is similar to the subject because

it is usually a noun or a noun phrase
A complement answers the question (what? Or whom?)

- John bough a cake yesterday ( What did John buy?)

- Jil was driving a new car (What was Jil driving?)
- They called Marry yesterday (Whom did they call?)
- He was smoking a cigarette (What was he smoking?)
Modifier : a modifier tells the time, place, and manner
A modifier answers the question when? where? or how?

1. John bought a book at the book store

Modifier of place
e.g. (Where did John buy a book?)
2. We ate dinner at seven o’clock
e.g. (When did we ate dinner?)
3. He was driving very fast
e.g. (how was he driving?)
John likes coffee
Yes/ No question Does John like coffee?
Does John like coffee?
W-H Question What does John like?

John studies English every day

Yes/ No question Does John study English every day

do what

New Pattern What does John do?


Statement : John studies at the library every day.

Yes/ No question Does John study at the library every day?

Where does John study every day?


Statement : John works on Wednesday

Does John work on Wednesday?
Does John work on Wednesday?

When does John work?

John looks at Mary every day
Does John look at Mary every day?
Does John look at Mary every day?

Who does John look at every day?

He was driving very fast
Was he driving very fast
Was he driving very fast
How was he driving?

1. Write some questions based on the provide answer

a. Coffee e. John
b. English f. In The morning
c. Grammar
d. In the Library

2. Change the statement into a question with where and when. Another student
will answer . The answer should be like the expression of time or place in the
teacher’s statement

a. Mary is sleepy in the morning

b. Mary was in Chicago
c. Mr. Miller was hungry at noon
d. The children were quite on the bus
e. George was at the library
f. Betty was sick last night
g. George was twenty years old last week
h. George and betty are in class
i. Breeders are expensive in New York
3. Translate into bahasa Inggris

a. Apakah kamu seorang Mahasiswa?

b. Mengapa kamu sibuk?
c. Apa yang kamu beli tadi malam?
d. Apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan?
e. Dimana temanmu berenang?
f. Jam berapa kamu ergi ke sekolah?
g. Bagaimana ayahmu pergi ke kantor?
h. Mengapa kamu bangun begitu pagi?
i. Apakah gurumu berbicara bahasa inggris di kelas?
j. Mengapa kamu absen kemaren?
k. Apa yang ibumu beli kemaren?
l. Bagaimana kamu pulang tadi malam?
m. Kapan kamu pulang dari sekolah?
n. Dimana kamu tiga minggu yang lalu?
o. Mengapa kakakmu kecewa?

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