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TMT Motors của Việt Nam và Liên doanh GM - SAIC - WULING cũng đã ký thỏa hợp tác chiến

lược vào tháng 2/2203. Liên doanh GM và SAIC - WULING cung cấp linh kiện, ủy quyền cho
TMT Motors độc quyền sản xuất, lắp ráp và phân phối các dòng ôtô điện thương hiệu Wuling tại
Việt Nam. Mẫu xe nói trên sẽ được lắp ráp tại nhà máy ô tô của TMT tại huyện Văn Lâm, tỉnh
Hưng Yên, với công suất 30.000 xe/năm và có thể được gia tăng trong tương lai, khi TMT
Motors giới thiệu thêm các mẫu ôtô điện khác.

Trong khi đó, THACO cũng đã gia tăng tỷ lệ nội địa hóa một số mẫu xe lên trên 40%, đáp ứng
tiêu chí hàm lượng khu vực RVC (Regional Value Content) để hưởng thuế suất 0% khi xuất khẩu
sang các thị trường ASEAN.

+ Skilled personnel:
- In Vietnam, there are many prestigious universities with the scale to train bachelors in
Automotive engineering such as HUST, HCMUT, etc. producing a future generation of
engineers with high potential, well-trained, and professional.
- DTU has invested about 20 billion VND in facilities and support equipment for the
university's fields of study related to automotive technology. The students can practice
disassembly and assembly, inspection, maintenance, and the repair of many types of
automobile engines with the support of Engine room, Mechanics room, Electrical circut
- Major global automakers like Toyota, Honda, Ford, and GM have established
manufacturing plants in Vietnam, bringing in engineering expertise and helping
train local Vietnamese engineers. Major global automakers like Toyota, Honda,
Ford, and GM have established manufacturing plants in Vietnam, bringing in
engineering expertise and helping train local Vietnamese engineers.
- Competitive labor costs compared to other countries has made Vietnam an attractive
place for automakers and suppliers to set up engineering centers and take advantage of
the skilled workforce. According to, on average, Vietnam’s labor
costs are half as much as China’s labor costs at US$2.99 (VND 68.000) per hour
compared to US$6.50 (VND 148.000) per hour respectively.
+ Components and support industries:
- Vietnam is an attractive, dynamic market with many auto component suppliers and
manufacturers from around the world. Famous brands from Japan and Taiwan such as
MTEX, FAPV, Nissei, Nidec Tosok, Furukawa, Okaya, Nagata, Sanyo Seisakusho,...
have invested in manufacturing zones in Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding areas.
- Vietnam also attracts auto parts suppliers from other countries such as Germany, Korea,
etc. For example, Bosch Powertrain Solutions' factory in Dong Nai produces
continuously variable transmission belts (CVT pushbelt). for the automobile industry,
supplying automobile manufacturers in Asia - Pacific and North America...
- According to a report from the General Department of Customs, while most of Vietnam's
key export products will decrease in 2023, exports of computers, electronic products and
auto parts and components are "bright spots". ” when there was export growth,
reaching a value of up to 57.34 billion USD.
- Vietnamese auto parts exported in recent years have relatively high technology such as
ignition coils, transmission parts, safety airbags, electronic components in transmissions,
- The production capacity of local enterprises is not inferior and has the potential to
develop in the future.
- Mặc dù đa số là nhập khẩu các chi tiết nhưng những năm gần đây đã cải thiện…
- However, Vietnam's raw material production capacity has been improved, partly meeting
the demand for materials for the production of components, equipment and spare parts for
the manufacturing industry in Vietnam.
- According to Mr. Thuong, in the past, most of the metal raw materials that Vietnam
produced had to be imported from China. But in the past five years, Vietnam has been the
raw material for production, which is carbon steel.
- With alloy steel, due to large investment needs and small market capacity, businesses are
not interested, so component manufacturers have to import. => Tesla có thể đầu tư vào
nhà máy sản xuất thép hợp kim.
- According to the European - American Market Department, the United States is very
interested in industries where Vietnam can participate in the global supply chain and
value chain such as automobile and semiconductor manufacturing. This could be a
condition to help Tesla motivate the US government as well as Tesla's component
suppliers in the US to invest in the Vietnamese market.

- The Vietnamese government has many projects to improve road infrastructure that are
very convenient for traffic.
- Large seaports are also an extremely important resource in Vietnam's infrastructure.
Upgrading port infrastructure and expanding port capacity will enhance Tesla's ability to
import raw materials to produce electric vehicles, and sell it domestically as well as
export to other countries in the region. Efficient port infrastructure reduces transit times,
lowers logistics costs and supports the competitiveness of the electric vehicle
manufacturing industry. This is the premise to turn Vietnam into a key manufacturing and
product transit factory for Tesla.
- Vietnam is also rising to become one of the largest investors in electric vehicle charging
station infrastructure in the region, possessing the world's leading high-density charging
station infrastructure in the world. Up to now, VinFast's public charging stations have
been present in 63/63 provinces. In particular, on 106 national highways and
expressways, VinFast charging stations are being densely arranged with the average
distance between two stations being about 65 km. In August 2023 alone, there were 101
new charging stations installed. , gradually moving towards completing the planning of
150,000 charging ports nationwide. Lawmakers also currently encourage investors to
build electric charging stations across the country with incentives such as allowing public
charging stations to be placed in projects that do not require land use conversion.
- Compared to other countries in the region, according to Statista's report as of September
2021, there are only 2,285 charging ports installed in Thailand. The above numbers show
that the number of public charging stations for electric vehicles in Thailand is currently
around 1,000 stations, although companies and the Government in this country are
promoting the expansion of infrastructure for electric cars.
- Singapore is also strongly transitioning to electric vehicles, but there are only 2,500
charging ports for electric vehicles installed in this country.
 Tesla can take advantage of the already completed high-density charging station
infrastructure by buying charging stations and converting them into Tesla's, signing a
cooperation license with VinFast on usage rights or ask the Vietnamese government
for permission to directly participate in investing in building its own charging station.
thiếu vị trí địa lý chiến lược
tài nguyên làm pin (Lithium, Nikel)
thiếu nơi có thể xây dựng nhà máy, cơ sở hạ tầng.
Nguyên liệu thô dồi dào
Skilled Personnel:
ar848565.html#google_vignette (Skilled Personnel)

1. Demand-side Benefits of scale

High Network Effects Medium Low Network Effects

1 2 3 4 5

Very low Low Medium High Very high

The electric vehicle market in Vietnam has a very high network effect because the major players
in this industry have already acquired a large and loyal customer base over a long period of
operation. Moreover, the heavily invested marketing strategies across newspapers and social
media platforms have deeply embedded these big brands in the consumer consciousness within
this industry. This makes it very challenging for new entrants to gain market share, as consumers
are likely to prefer going with the familiar, well-known brands when adopting EVs rather than
taking a risk on a new player.

Based on a survey by, more than 80% of customers think of VinFast when asked
about electric car brands in Vietnam, the survey was conducted on more than 1,000 respondents
over the age of 24. This number shows that the position of VinFast electric cars in the minds of
Vietnamese consumers is very high.

More interestingly, despite not having truly deeply penetrated the Vietnamese market, Tesla still
has a foothold in the consciousness of Vietnamese consumers. According to the survey
"Awareness of electric car brands among consumers in Vietnam as of January 2024" by Statista
in collaboration with Rakuten, about 59 percent of the surveyed participants stating that they were
aware of this car brand. This proves that Tesla's network effect is also very high and is an extremely
favorable condition for Tesla to enter Vietnam’s market to compete in VinFast's market share.

 All of the above factors have proven that new businesses without outstanding
technological innovation will find it very difficult to compete in the Vietnamese electric
vehicle market.
Awareness of electric car brands among consumers in Vietnam as of January 2024
2. Capital requirement

High Medium Low

1 2 3 4 5

Very low Low Medium High Very high

To be able to operate in this industry, new businesses need to spend tremendously huge costs.
The required capital expenditures can include costs of building factories, assembly costs, labor
hiring costs, operating costs, and more. Those factors have created a very large barrier for new
businesses wanting to enter the electric vehicle industry in Vietnam.
According to, over the past several years, Tesla’s operating expenses
have grown tremendously, reaching record figures in 2024. Those costs include the expenses that
Tesla has paid for research and development (R&D) for new vehicle models like the Cybertruck
and Roadster, labor costs, raw material costs, and operating costs at factories such as the
Gigafactories in Nevada, Shanghai, Berlin, and Texas. Some other expenditures for Tesla that
can be mentioned include capital expenditures, marketing and advertising costs... which also
consume a very considerable amount of money.

For example, with the largest electric vehicle manufacturer and supplier in Vietnam today, the
VinFast electric car and motorbike manufacturing project includes 5 specialized areas located on
a 335-hectare land plot in Lach Huyen, Cat Hai, Hai Phong with an investment capital equivalent
to about 580 million USD in 2018. In India in 2024, VinFast committed to invest 500 million
USD for phase 1 of the electric vehicle factory project, implemented in 5 years. year.
 This leads to the fact that if a business wants to enter the electric vehicle market in
Vietnam, the capital required will be very high.

3. Incumbency

First mover benefit Medium Late mover benefit

1 2 3 4 5

Very low Low Medium High Very high

New businesses entering the market will face great difficulties when having to compete with the
giants in the industry, because those massive companies have been operating for a very long time
and have many competitive advantages over new businesses. For Tesla, this brand has created
competitive advantages for itself that can be listed as:
- First-mover advantage: Tesla was one of the earliest companies in the world to focus
entirely on developing and commercializing electric vehicles. This first-mover advantage
allowed Tesla to establish a strong brand identity and create a loyal customer base before
many traditional automakers entered the EV market. In Vietnam’s market, Vinfast is the
pioneering enterprise in producing electric vehicles and has also acquired a considerable
client base throughout its years of operation.
- Proprietary technology and intellectual property: Tesla has invested heavily in research
and development, resulting in a vast portfolio of proprietary technologies and intellectual
property related to electric powertrains, battery systems, autonomous driving, etc. This
technological lead gives Tesla a significant advantage over competitors.
- Supercharger network: Tesla has built an extensive network of proprietary Supercharger
stations, which provides a significant advantage in addressing range anxiety and enabling
long-distance travel for Tesla owners. This charging infrastructure is a valuable asset and
creates a barrier to entry for competitors.
- Brand reputation and customer loyalty: Tesla has cultivated a strong brand reputation as a
leader in sustainable transportation and innovation. This reputation, combined with a
loyal customer base, contributes to strong demand for Tesla's products and helps the
company attract top talent.
 With the advantages mentioned above, the giant companies in the electric vehicle
industry have possessed a huge resource of customers as well as technology. If
newcomers want to enter and compete for market share with these giants, they need
to have breakthrough technological advancements or possess their own competitive
advantages. Otherwise, it will be nearly impossible to compete for market share with
those giants.
4. Switching cost

High Medium Low

1 2 3 4 5

Very low Low Medium High Very high

Switching between electric vehicles can be quite expensive, with consumers often losing a
significant amount of money when they have been using their cars for a period of time. Another
factor is that it can be very difficult for customers to switch from using reputable and well-
established brands in the industry such as Tesla and Vinfast to new brands that have not yet been
thoroughly tested in terms of technology and lack manufacturing experience.

5. Supply-Side Economies of Scale

High Medium Low

1 2 3 4 5

Very low Low Medium High Very high

The pioneering and long-established companies in this industry have accumulated significant
competitive advantages, one of which is the advantage of economies of scale. These massive
companies have the capability to produce at large scales, allowing them to spread fixed costs
across more units, thereby significantly reducing the production cost per unit. Moreover, large-
scale production also enables them to employ more efficient and advanced manufacturing
technologies, as well as negotiate more favorable contract terms with suppliers thanks to their
enormous order volumes.

It is this economies of scale advantage that has allowed the industry giants to erect a formidable
barrier for new companies wanting to enter the market. New entrants will have to choose
between investing heavily upfront to achieve an equivalent production scale in order to compete
on costs, or accept entering at a smaller scale which translates to significantly higher production
costs compared to the incumbents. Whichever route they choose, the challenges faced by new
entrants are extremely difficult.

For example, in the Vietnamese market, VinFast has built one of the leading manufacturing
complexes in Southeast Asia. According to, the 335-hectare land plot in Dinh Vu
Industrial Zone, Cat Hai District, Hai Phong City includes an automobile manufacturing plant, an
electric motorcycle manufacturing plant, an electric bus manufacturing plant, and an office
building... with the capacity of the automobile factory is to produce 250,000 vehicles/year in
phase 1, and is expected to increase to 950,000 vehicles/year by 2026. The level of automation
here is very high, with 1,200 robots, 98% automated body shop, and 90% automated engine

Tesla can also apply similar strategies to achieve economies of scale in Vietnam. With its deep
financial resources, the brand can build its own large-scale battery manufacturing facilities called
Gigafactories similar to their own factories around the world. The huge volumes of battery
production at these factories allow Tesla to benefit from economies of scale by spreading fixed
costs over more units and leveraging advanced automated production lines. This lowers the per-
unit battery cost significantly compared to smaller battery makers.

The presence of key resources:

Như đã phân tích trong phần độ hấp dẫn của thị trường Việt Nam, chúng tôi kết luận đây là một
thị trường tiềm năng với nguồn tài nguyên vô cùng phong phú, đa dạng. Chính vì những yếu tố
này mà Tesla đã đặt thêm một mục tiêu chiến lược nữa trong quá trình thâm nhập vào thị trường
Việt Nam, đó là mở rộng để tìm kiếm cũng như khai thác tài nguyên để nâng cao hơn nữa những
lợi thế cạnh tranh sẵn có của Tesla.
As analyzed in the section on the attractiveness of the Vietnamese market, we conclude that this
is a potential market with abundant and diverse resources. It is because of these factors that Tesla
has set another strategic goal in the process of penetrating the Vietnamese market, which is to
expand to seek and exploit resources to further enhance Tesla's existing competitive advantages.

Điều đầu tiên khi nhắc đến những sự hiện diện của tài nguyên, không thể không nhắc đến vị trí
chiến lược của Việt Nam tại khu vực châu Đông Nam Á. Đất nước này là cầu nối giữa khu vực
Đông Bắc Á – Nơi có nhiều nhà cung cấp linh kiện, phụ tùng cũng như các vật liệu thô cho Tesla
đến từ Nhật Bản (Panasonic), Hàn Quốc (L&F Co.), Trung Quốc (Gangfeng Lithium) và khu vực
Đông Nam Á - Một thị trường vô cùng tiềm năng để Tesla có thể tiếp tục mở rộng trong tương
lai. Ngoài ra, cơ sở hạ tầng về cảng biển của đất nước cũng khá hoàn thiện, trong đó có Cảng Hải
Phòng và Cảng Sài Gòn đều nằm trong top 50 cảng container lớn nhất thế giới.
 Nhờ vị trí địa lý chiến lược trong khu vực cùng hệ thống cảng biển lớn, Tesla có thể
nhập khẩu nguyên liệu thô và linh kiện từ các nhà cung cấp quốc tế trong quá trình
sản xuất xe điện.
 Thêm vào đó, Tesla cũng có thể xuất khẩu các sản phẩm đã được lắp ráp hoàn thiện
của mình sang các nước khác trong khu vực. Cảng biển có thể xử lý được lượng hàng
hoá rất lớn, giúp Tesla tối ưu hoá quy trình xuất khẩu.
 Chính những nguồn tài nguyên này sẽ giúp nâng cao hơn nữa lợi thế cạnh tranh của
Tesla trong việc tối ưu hoá, tăng cường sự linh hoạt trong chuỗi cung ứng của mình,
giúp giảm thời gian vận chuyển, quản lý hàng hoá, giảm thiểu rủi ro và tăng cường
khả năng đáp ứng nhanh chóng cho nhu cầu sản xuất của Tesla.

The first thing to mention when it comes to the presence of resources is Vietnam's strategic
location in the Southeast Asian region. This country serves as a bridge between Northeast Asia -
where many suppliers of components, spare parts, and raw materials for Tesla come from, such
as Japan (Panasonic), South Korea (L&F Co.), China (Gangfeng Lithium), and Southeast Asia -
an extremely potential market for Tesla to further expand in the future. Additionally, the
country's seaport infrastructure is quite well-developed, with Hai Phong Port and Saigon Port
being among the top 50 largest container ports in the world.

- Thanks to its strategic geographic location in the region and large seaport system, Tesla can
import raw materials and components from international suppliers during the electric vehicle
production process.

- Moreover, Tesla can also export its fully assembled products to other countries in the region.
The seaports can handle a very large volume of goods, helping Tesla optimize its export process.

- It is these very resources that will further enhance Tesla's competitive advantage in optimizing
and increasing flexibility within its supply chain, reducing transportation time, managing
inventory, minimizing risks, and boosting Tesla's ability to quickly meet production demands.

Thứ hai, Việt Nam cũng sở hữu 2 loại tài nguyên vô cùng quý giá và quan trọng cho ngành công
nghiệp chế tạo xe điện – Nickel và Lithium. Cụ thể tại Việt Nam, theo nghiên cứu công bố trên
Viện Khoa học và Công nghệ Mỏ - Luyện kim (Bộ Công thương), tổng trữ lượng và tài nguyên
niken ước tính vào khoảng 3,6 triệu tấn niken kim loại, tập trung chủ yếu ở các tỉnh Thanh Hóa
(hơn 3 triệu tấn), Sơvà., tỉnh Quảng Ngãi có trữ lượng khoảng 1 triệu tấn Lithium.
 Nếu có được quyền đầu tư, khai thác hoặc hợp tác với các nhà cung ứng 2 loại
khoáng sản tự nhiên này ở Việt Nam, Tesla sẽ có được nguồn cung ổn định, giảm
thiểu rủi ro liên quan đến gián đoạn cung ứng và biến động giá cả. Ngoài ra nó sẽ còn
giúp Tesla giảm chi phí vận chuyển và sự phụ thuộc vào các công ty đến từ các quốc
gia khác, đồng thời tăng tính cạnh tranh về giá cả khi có thể tự chủ được nguyên liệu
khi sản xuất pin cho các loại xe điện của mình.
Tiếp đến là việc tại Việt Nam có rất nhiều khu công nghiệp công nghệ cao, phù hợp để xây dựng
nhà máy lắp ráp tại đây như tại Ninh Bình, Bình Dương, Đồng Nai,… Thêm vào đó, chính phủ
của đất nước này rất khuyến khích đầu tư vào ngành công nghiệp xe điện. Bằng chứng là …
Quan trọng hơn, Với dân số trẻ và năng động cùng hệ thống giáo dục đại học và đào tạo nghề
ngày càng được đầu tư, Việt Nam đang dần trở thành một trung tâm cung cấp nguồn lao động kỹ
thuật lành nghề và tài năng. Điều này sẽ rất có lợi cho Tesla trong việc tuyển dụng đội ngũ nhân
lực giỏi, áp dụng được công nghệ sản xuất tiên tiến của Tesla trong lĩnh vực xe điện nếu được
đào tạo cụ thể và năng lượng tái tạo. Bên cạnh đó, chi phí nhân công tại Việt Nam vẫn ở mức
hợp lý so với nhiều quốc gia khác trong khu vực, giúp Tesla có thể tối ưu hóa chi phí sản xuất mà
vẫn duy trì được chất lượng nguồn nhân lực cao. Điều này sẽ mang lại lợi thế cạnh tranh đáng kể
cho Tesla trong việc cạnh tranh về giá với các đối thủ tại thị trường Việt Nam và các nước láng
 Với những nguồn tài nguyên thuận lợi về cơ sở hạ tầng, địa điểm, nguồn nhân lực,
Tesla có thể xây dựng nhà máy sản xuất, lắp ráp xe trực tiếp tại Việt Nam để sản xuất
hàng loạt, từ đó đạt được lợi thế kinh tế theo quy mô. Ngoài ra, Tesla cũng có thể xây
dựng các trung tâm R&D tại Việt Nam để tiếp tục nghiên cứu, từ đó nâng cao được
performance của các loại sản phẩm.

Secondly, Vietnam also possesses two extremely valuable and important resources for the
electric vehicle manufacturing industry – Nickel and Lithium. Specifically in Vietnam, according
to a study published by the Mining and Metallurgy Science and Technology Institute (Ministry of
Industry and Trade), the total estimated nickel reserves and resources are around 3.6 million tons
of nickel metal, mainly concentrated in Thanh Hoa province (over 3 million tons), Son La, etc.,
while Quang Ngai province has around 1 million tons of lithium reserves.

- If granted investment rights, exploitation or cooperation with suppliers of these two natural
mineral resources in Vietnam, Tesla will have a stable supply source, minimizing risks related to
supply disruptions and price fluctuations. Moreover, it will also help Tesla reduce transportation
costs and dependence on companies from other countries, while increasing price competitiveness
by being self-sufficient in raw materials for producing batteries for its electric vehicle models.

Next is the fact that Vietnam has many high-tech industrial parks, suitable for setting up
assembly plants here such as in Ninh Binh, Binh Duong, Dong Nai,... Additionally, the
government of this country strongly encourages investment in the electric vehicle industry. The
evidence is...
More importantly, with a young and dynamic population coupled with an increasingly invested
university and vocational education system, Vietnam is gradually becoming a hub providing a
skilled and talented technical workforce. This will greatly benefit Tesla in recruiting a strong
workforce capable of applying Tesla's advanced production technologies in the electric vehicle
and renewable energy fields if provided specific training. Moreover, labor costs in Vietnam
remain reasonable compared to many other countries in the region, allowing Tesla to optimize
production costs while maintaining a high-quality workforce. This will provide Tesla with a
significant competitive advantage in terms of price competition with rivals in the Vietnamese
market and neighboring countries.

- With favorable resources in terms of infrastructure, locations, and human resources, Tesla can
build production and assembly plants directly in Vietnam for mass production, thereby achieving
economies of scale. Additionally, Tesla can also establish R&D centers in Vietnam to continue
research, thereby enhancing the performance of its product lines.

- Là một nước đang phát triển, Việt Nam có những đặc điểm gì nổi bật trong việc tham gia
lĩnh vực, xu hướng tiêu dùng xanh? (Quyết định số 1393/QD-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính
phủ ban hành ngày 25 tháng 9 năm 2012 về Chiến lược quốc gia về tăng trưởng xanh
giai đoạn 2011–2020; Chiến lược quốc gia về tăng trưởng xanh giai đoạn 2021–2030,
Tầm nhìn 2050, được ban hành năm 2021), (Các đặc điểm vị thế kinh tế, xã hội, địa
chính trị,..)
- Ngô Minh Tâm et al. (2021) và Phan Thị An Tĩnh (2021) chứng thực rằng niềm tin thực
sự có ảnh hưởng tích cực đến ý định mua hàng xanh. => eWOM hay CSR đều là những
nhân tố thúc đẩy niềm tin của người tiêu dùng để thực hiện tiêu dùng xanh.
- Các lý thuyết áp dụng được: Lý thuyết eWOM/CSR, IAM, TRA, green purchase, green
products, green purchase intention, perceived value, customer belief, mối liên hệ giữa
truyền miệng điện tử và giá trị cảm nhận với niềm tin và ý định mua hàng xanh

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