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How do race and ethnicity serve as barriers to harmonious relations between groups
and even nation?
- The idea of race refers to superficial physical differences that a particular society
considers significant, while ethnicity is a term that describes shared culture. describes
groups that are subordinate, or lacking power in society regardless of skin colour or
country of origin.

2. Why are some behavior considered deviant?

- Deviance is behavior that violates social norms and arouses negative social reactions.
Some behavior is considered so harmful that governments enact written laws that ban
the behavior. Crime is behavior that violates these laws and is certainly an important
type of deviance that concerns many people in the world.
3. In your opinion, should juvenile delingquents be mixed with adult criminals in prison
cells? Why?
- Separating juveniles from adult offenders is important in preventing criminalisation of
children through contact with adult offenders. It recognises that children have
developmental needs that require different programs and services than those for adults.
It protects the well-being and safety of children. In recognition of this, separate units in
juvenile detention centres should be established for young adults assessed as suitable
for the programs.

4. How would you characterize an aging person?

- Common conditions in older age include hearing loss, cataracts and refractive errors,
back and neck pain and osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes,
depression and dementia. As people age, they are more likely to experience several
conditions at the same time. Older age is also characterized by the emergence of several
complex health states commonly called geriatric syndromes. They are often the
consequence of multiple underlying factors and include frailty, urinary incontinence,
falls, delirium and pressure ulcers.

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