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Content Standard The learners demonstrate an

understanding of:
 how gases behave based on the
motion and relative distances
between gas and particles
Learning Competency Investigate the relationship between:
 volume and pressure at a
constant temperature.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: (Domain 4-2.1)
1. describe the relationship of the volume and pressure of a gas;

2. calculate pressure or volume based on initial and final gas states using
Boyle’s Law; and

3. recognize the importance of Boyle’s Law in real-life situations.


Time Frame: 1 hour
Materials: Smart TV, Laptop, Visual Aids, Medium
sized syringed (10ml/cc), Balloons
Teaching Strategy: Demonstration, Experimental learning,
Discovery, Socratic Method and Group
References: DepEd K-12 Science 10 SLM
Quarter 4 – Module 1 pp. 362-374

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Classroom Conditioning

a. Greetings
Welcome learners! Students: Good morning Ma’am Hibaya
Kindly check if there are papers and (Students pick up the pieces of papers
cellophanes under your chairs. Then, and cellophanes and arrange their
pick it up and arrange you respective chairs and tables properly)
chairs properly.
b. Prayer
Let us all stand for a prayer. Jayd: Let us pray, In the name of the
Jayd, kindly lead the prayer. father, the son, the holy spirit…

c. Checking of Attendance
Do we have any absentees today? Leaders: Yes, Ma’am.
Leaders, kindly list down the names of
your members that are absent today
and give it to me later.
d. Checking of Assignment
Okay, leaders collect the assignment of Leaders collect the assignment.
your group member and kindly pass it in
front. Thank You.
2. Review
Yesterday, we discussed about Gas and
its Properties and for our recall, let us
have a simple game through Flexiquiz.

(Domain 1.-3.1) (Domain 4-5.1) Students are listening.

I instructed you yesterday that each

group should have at least one devices
or cellphone that will be use today.

We already have the groupings, so are

you seating with your group right now? Yes Ma’am.

Listen everyone, I will send the link in

our group chat messenger. Then, click it
and use this code for you to join. After
that you need to input your nickname
but instead you will write your nickname,
write your group number. Each item has
20 seconds allotted time. You need to
choose the correct answer before the
time end. Therefore, everyone of your
group should cooperate because the
group that got a highest score will
receive an award at the end of our class
Yes ma’am
Are you ready? .

Questions: Group 2 got the correct answer.

1. What is the term for the amount

of a gas?

Answer: MASS
Group 1 got the correct answer.
2. It refers to the amount of space
occupied by gases.

Answer: VOLUME

3. It is used to measure of the

hotness or coldness of an object? Group 3 got the correct answer.


4. What is the term for the average All group got the correct answer.
effect of the forces of colliding


Do you have any question on our Students: None so far Ma’am.

previous topic?

3. New Lesson
a. Motivation
In your grade 9 lessons on living things
and their environment, you made of the
lung model to explain respiratory
system. Do you still have the model with Nathalie: It’s gone.
you? (Domain 1-1.1 within curriculum)

Barros: Yes we have but we forgot to

bring Ma’am.
Class, what do you notice as you pull
the bigger balloon that represent

Yes, the lungs expand! Students: It will expand Ma’am.

Very Good!

How about when I release the rubber? Students: It will contracts Ma’am.

Very Good!
Now, everybody let’s inhale and exhale.
When we inhale our lung cavity, it
expands just like the balloon. While
when we exhale,our lungs will shrinks
like this.
(Domain 7-5.1)
b. Presentation
Before we go on to our class session. I
want you to observe the pictures and fill
Students start answering.
out the missing letters.

B__ YL__S L__ W

Can you guess the words mean in the

pictures? Students: Ma’am, Boyles Law

Very good, that is our topic for today.

This lesson is governed with the content
standard and learning competency.

This is our learning objectives for today’


Group 1 please read the first learning Group 1 read the objectives.

Group 2 read the second learning


Group 3 read the third learning Group 2 read the objectives.


Group 3 read the objectives.

c. Setting of Standards
These are the classroom rules.
Students read the classroom rules
(Domain 6-4.1) (Domain 6-3.1)
(Domain 2-1.1) (Domain 2-5.1)
Group 1 please read the number 1 to 4
classroom rules. 1. Be ready to learn
2. Listen and follow direction.
3. Raise your hand to speak
(Domain 7-2.1) (Domain 2-2.1)
4. Be respectful
5. Be cooperative
Group 2 read the number 5 to 7 6. Keep your phone or any devices
classroom rules. during class.
7. Wear your face mask
(Domain 2-6.1)

8. Raising my hand means keep

Group 3 read the number 8 to 10
9. Clapping my hands means – 2
classroom rules.
minutes left.
10. Crossing my hands means time
is up. (Domain 1-7.1)

Students: Yes, Ma’am.

These classrooms rules will serve as
our essential guidelines all throughout in
our class session.
Are we understood class?
B. Developmental Activities
(Domain 4-1.1)

Robert Boyles (1627-1691) 64years old

(Domain 1-4.1)

Group 1 please read the first three  Modern Chemist

bullets.  Founder of modern chemistry
 One of the pioneers of modern
experimental scientific method

 Stated the relationship

between the volume and
Next, group 2 read the next two bullets. pressure of gases at constant
 The volume of a confined gas
is inversely proportional to its
pressure when the
temperature is constant.

 Units of pressure: atm, torr, pa

((n⋅m-2), and mmhg
Lastly, group 3, read the last three
 Units of volume: l, ml, m³, cm3
 Units of temperature: k

1. Activity (10 minutes)

Now, with the same groups. Let’s have
our simple activity to perform “Gas
pressure and Volume” that will
represent the concept of Boyle’s Law.
But before you start your activity, let’s
watch first this video for you to know on
how to do this activity. (Domain 3-1.1)

After performing this experiment, you

will answer the guide questions. You will
write it in a manila paper.

I will provide each group of an activity

sheet for your guides. This activity sheet
includes the procedure, guide questions
and the rubrics. I will give you 5 minutes
to finish this activity. Then, put your
manila paper on the board. Your output
will be graded by rubrics. Everyone
should cooperate.

Materials: A 50 ml syringe
A small sized balloon
Manila Paper

Procedure: (Domain 2-3.1)

(Domain 2-4.1)
1. Blow the small balloons. Keep it
on your mind the size for it is
needed to fit the syringe. If you
got the size, then tied it off.
2. Take your small balloon and your
large syringe and drop the
balloon inside the syringe and
place the plunger on the end.
3. For the first test, place the
plunger at the highest point of the
syringe and cover the bottom The students start doing their activity.
opening with your finger.
4. Next, press the plunger down
and watch, what happen to the
balloon? The balloon shrinks
5. Then removed your finger from
the bottom of the syringe to
release the pressure.
6. For the second test, place the
plunger at the lowest point
without touching the balloon and
once again place your finger over
the opening of the bottom of the
syringe and pull the plunger
upward and watch, what happen
to the balloons?
The balloon increases in size
7. To release the pressure removed
your finger in the opening of the

Guide Questions:

Based on the activity on first test. As the

volume of the syringe decreased,

1. What happened to the pressure

exerted by the air?

2. How did that affect the balloon? The students start answering the guide
questions with their groups.
Based on the activity on second test. As
the volume of the syringe increased,

3. What happened to the pressure

exerted by the air?

4. How did that affect the balloon?

Each group posted their manila paper
Time is up; pass your activity sheet and on the board.
put your manila paper on the board.
Don’t forget to write the names of your
classmates. (Domain 5-5.1)
I think, you are already prepared for our

2. Analysis (5 minutes)
Let’s have a brainstorming with your
groups. Answer these following
questions for only 2-3 sentences. I will
give you 5 minutes to finish answering
these questions and then choose one
representative to present your answer in
the class. (Domain 1-5.1)

1. During the experiment, how was the

relationship between the volume of a
syringe and the pressure exerted by the
air inside it?
The students are brainstorming.
2. Why does the balloon expand or
shrink when the volume of the syringe

3. What do you think the factors that

contribute to changing the volume of the
syringe affect the behavior of the

Now, let’s proceed to the presentation of

your answers.

Let’s give a spotlight for the group 1 but

anyway just simply present your answer
from the question number 1. Prepare Group 1: We noticed that when we
group 2 for question number 2 and squeezed the syringe, the balloon
follow group 3 for question number 3. inside inflated. This suggests that as the
syringe's volume decreased, the air
pressure inside increased, pushing the
balloon to expand.

Group 2: When the volume of the

syringe changes, the pressure of the air
inside adjusts accordingly. Pressing the
plunger increases air pressure, causing
the balloon to shrink. Pulling the plunger
back decreases pressure, leading to the
balloon expanding.

Group 3: When we change the syringe's

volume, we're changing how much
space the air inside has to move. This
affects how much pressure the air
exerts. Factors like the size of the
syringe, the amount of air inside, and
how much we push or pull it all play a
role in how the balloon behaves.
Thank you everyone.

3. Abstraction (15 minutes)

In our first test experiment
The balloon and syringe are filled of
tons of gasses air molecules.
 Placing your finger over the
opening of the bottom of the
syringe keep the mass of air
molecules constant and create a
closed system that will allow us
to manipulate the pressure and Students are listening.
the volume.
 When we press the plunger down
were increasing the pressure
being placed on the air molecules
inside the syringe by reducing its
 As the pressure increases the
amount of force place in the air
molecules increases and they are
force to closer and closer
 Decreasing the volume of space
that the gas takes up and
shrinking the size of our balloon.
 When you removed your finger in
the bottom of the syringe, you
released the added pressure and
balloons grow back to its original

Any questions?
Students: None so far Ma’am.
In our second test experiment

 You started the plunger at the

bottom of the syringe and almost
touching the balloon.
 When the plunger pulled upward,
you are reducing the pressure
inside the syringe by increasing
the volume of space of the air
takes up. This decreasing
pressure and increasing volume
pull the air molecules further
apart, increasing the amount of
space the gas takes up.
 Growing and expanding the size
of the balloon.
 Removing your finger from the
bottom of the syringe returns the
pressure back to normal.
 Reducing the volume and size of
the balloons

When we compare the two variation of

this experiment side by side. We can
clearly see the inversely proportional
relationship between the volume and
pressure of an ideal gas. This
relationship known as Boyles Law.

Any further questions?

In terms of mathematics, the above-

mentioned activity can be described Students: None so far Ma’am.
using the Boyles law equation:

(Domain 1-2.1)

The equation of Boyle's law is PV = k.

Let the pressure of a gas be P and the

volume of the gas be V. Thus, the
above statement can be mathematically
written as follows:

Pressure ∝ 1 ⁄ Volume at constant T

and n

It can be read as: the volume of a gas is

inversely proportional to its pressure if
temperature and amount of gas are held

Where: P= pressure, V= volume, T=

temperature, and n= amount of gas

Removing the proportionality,

P=k×1 ⁄ V

Here k is proportionality constant.

Rearranging the above equation,

Boyle's law equation, PV=k

Therefore, we can conclude the product

of pressure and volume remains

Sample problems will be discussed in

related to Boyle’s Law
Data on Volume-Pressure

(Domain 5-1.1) (Domain 1-4.1)

Trial Volum Pressure VxP
e (atm) ( L-
(L) atm)
1 2.0 10.00 20.00
2 4.0 5.00 20.00
3 8.0 2.50 20.00
4 16.0 1.25 20.00

Students: Yes

Were you able to verify the meaning of

proportionality constant?

Let us try the equation you learned

about Boyles Law. Since volume and
pressure of the gas can be varied, let
P1 and V1 be the initial pressure and
volume respectively and P2 and V2 be
the final pressure and volume

(Domain 1-6.1)

(Domain 7-1.1)

According to Boyles Law, PV= k


V1P1 = k
V2P2 = k

Then V1P1 = V2P2

Class you are now equipped with the

fundamental knowledge to cope with
problem solving activities related to
Students: None so far Ma’am.
Boyles Law’.
Any questions so far?

Class, Let’s try to solve this problem

based on Boyle’s Law Formula

(Domain 5-2.1)
The inflated balloon that slipped
from the hand of Nathan has a volume
of 0.50 L at sea level (1.0 atm) and it
reached a height of approximately 8km
where atmospheric pressure is
approximately 0.33 atm. Assuming that
the temperature is constant, compute
for final volume of the balloon.

In analyzing the problem, it is important

that you categorize the initial and the
final conditions of the variables:

Initial Conditions Final Conditions

V1 = 0.50 L V2 =?

P1 =1.0 atm P2 = 0.33 atm Students: Yes Ma’am, I think it

By applying the Boyles Law, can you
predict class what will happen to the
final volume?

Yes! You are right! The final volume will


Let’s compute for the numerical value of

the final volume by substituting the
given values to this equation.

V1P1 = V2P2

(0.50 L) (1.0 atm) = V2(0.33 atm)

(0.33 atm) = (0.33 atm)

V2= (0.50 L) (1.0 atm)

(0.33 atm)

V2= 1.5 L
Did you notice the decrease in Cajoles: Yes Ma’am.

How it affects the final volume? The

pressure decreases by 1/3. That is why
the volume increased by 3-folds.

Class, try to multiply V1 by P1 = V2 by

Students: Yes Ma’am.
Does it have the same product? Isn’t

Do you still remember the linear Students: No ma’am.

equation in your grade 9 lesson in

(Domain 1 -1.1)-across curriculum

Boyle’s law can be also represented by

a linear equation.

To represent Boyle's Law as a linear

equation, we can rearrange the
equation to solve for P in terms of V:

Boyles Law Equation: PV=k

Divide both sides by V: P=k y=k

V x
Now, the equation is in the form of y=
k/x, which is a linear equation with y
representing pressure (P), x
representing volume (V), and k
representing the constant of

This linear representation of Boyle's

Law emphasizes the inverse
relationship between pressure and
volume and provides a mathematical
framework for understanding how
changes in volume affect pressure and
vice versa in a gas at constant
4. Application (15 minutes)
With the same groups, let’s try to apply
of what we have learned from the
boyles law equation. Answer these
sample problems through the game
called, ‘Raise the Board” I will give you
30 seconds each item to answer the
question by writing the correct letter.
Whoever the first group raises their
board. They will show their solution on
the board and will receive points.
1. A gas occupies a volume of 500 mL
at a pressure of 800 mmHg. According
to Boyle's Law, if the volume is reduced
to 250 mL while keeping the
temperature constant, what will be the
new pressure?

A) 400 mmHg
B) 800 mmHg
C) 1200 mmHg
D) 1600 mmHg
Students start answering.
2. What will be the final volume of a gas
if it initially occupies a volume of 5 liters
at a pressure of 3 atm, and the pressure
is decreased to 1.5 atm while keeping
the temperature constant, according to
Boyle's Law?

A) 2.5 liters
B) 7.5 liters
C) 10 liters
D) 15 liters

Okay, Time is up. Let’s check.

What is the correct answer in number

Students: Letter D

Who can solve for this problem?

Alcantara solve the question number 1.
How about number 2? Students: Letter C

Who can solve the problem number 3? Ganabe solve the problem number 3 on
the board.
Good job everyone.
(Domain 5-6.1)


What is the relevance of knowing the Student: Boyle's Law is like a rule for
concept of Boyle’s Law in our daily gases: when you squeeze a gas into a
lives? smaller space, its pressure goes up,
and when you give it more room, its
pressure goes down. This helps us
understand things like blowing up
balloons, diving underwater, mountain
climbing and even keeping our car tires
at the right pressure for safe driving.
Yes, very good.

For example, Mountain Climbing

(Domain 3-3.1)

Before that, please let me know whether

you are a member of an indigenous
community in the Philippines. (Domain

There are 18 major Lumad groups

namely: Subanen, B‟laan, T‟boli,
Mandaya, Mansaka, Tiruray, Higaonon,
Manobo, Bagobo, Bukidnon, Tagkaolo,
Ubo, Banwaon, Kalagan, Dibabawon,
Talaandig, Mamanwa and Manguangan.

(Domain 6-6.1)

If you belong to this group or any

relatives please acknowledge. Mostly
this group live in the provinces where
they experience mountain climbing. Am
I right?

(Domain 3-4.1) (Domain 6-2.1)

(Domain 3-2.1)

Other example of showing the

application of Boyle’s Law in our daily
lives as follows: (Domain 4-3.1)

1. filling up a tire with air

2. Drawing fluid into a syringe
3. Spray paints and aerosols
C. Culminating Activities
1. Evaluation
Direction: Calculate the given problems
and show your solutions. Write in 1
whole sheet of paper. (5 points each)

1. A gas with a volume of 2m3 is at

a pressure of 500 Pa. The gas is
compressed at a constant
temperature to a volume of
0.5m3. What is the pressure of
the gas after its compressed?
2. A gas with a volume of 3m3 is at
a pressure of 500 Pa. The gas is
compressed at a constant
temperature until it is at a
pressure of 1500 Pa. What is
the volume of gas after it is
3. Give at least 3 examples from
everyday life where Boyle's Law
is observed.
(Domain 5-3.1)
(Domain 5-4.1) (Domain 5-7.1)
(Domain 5-8.1)
2. Assignment
Write in a 1 whole sheet of paper.
Here’s another problem solving to

1. Thirty cubic meters (30 m3) of

gas in a large cylinder exerts a
pressure of 1.75 atm. Find the
pressure the same gas should
exert for the volume to become
40 m3. Assume no change in
2. A 2. 5 L sample of a gas is
collected at pressure of 1.25
atm. Calculate the pressure
needed to reduce the volume of
the gas to 2.0 L. The
temperature remains
3. A mass of gas occupies a
volume of 700 cm3 at 1.30 atm.
If the temperature is held
constant, what is the volume of
the same mass of gas at 2.00

(Domain 7-4.1) (Domain 4-4.1)

(Domain 7-3.1)

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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