Grade-9 NASO Level 2 SQP

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1. Suraj throws a ball vertically upward and returns to him after 6 sec.

position of ball after 4 sec is:

a) 4.4 m b) 45 m c) 4.8 m d) 4.9 m

2. When heat energy equal to latent heat of fusion is supplied to ice at 00C, then
kinetic energy:

a) Decreases b) Increases c) no change d) None of these

3. Rishi wants to measure his power, so he records the time taken by him in
running up a flight of steps on a staircase.

Number of steps = 25

Height of each step = 20 cm
Time taken = 5.5 sec
Mass of Rishi = 55 kg
Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2
Help him to measure his power.
a) 440 W b) 490 W c) 480 W d) 500 W

4. Match column I and column II

Column I Column II
1. Milk of magnesia a. Aerosol
2. Cheese b. Emulsion
3. Mist c. Gel
4. Milk d. Sol

a. 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b

b. 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a
c. 1- d, 2- c, 3-a, 4-b
d. 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c

5. Electrons, Protons and Neutrons of four elements A, B, C and D are given

Element Protons Neutrons Electrons
A 7 7 7
B 8 8 8
C 11 12 11
D 14 14 14

On the basis of table answer.
5. The electronic configuration of element C is:
a) 2, 8, 2 b) 2, 7, 2 c) 2, 8,1 d) 2, 6, 3

6. Match column I and column II

Column I Column II
1. Alpha particles a. Rutherford
2. Nucleus b. Thomson
3. Electrons c. Bohr
4. Shells d. He2+

a) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

b) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
c) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c
d) 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a

7. Match column I and column II

Column I Column II
1. Have intercellular space a. Collenchyma
2. Contains chloroplast b. Sclerenchyma
3. No intercellular space c. Parenchyma
4. Absence of living protoplasts d. Chlorenchyma

a) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

b) 1-a, 2-d, 3-c, 4-b
c) 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c
d) 1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c

8. Biology teacher asked students of IX class, name the protective tissue of plants
which have no intercellular space. These cells after differentiation become dead.
These cells don’t have protoplasm and nucleus and are filled with resin.
The answer of four students is given below

Student Answer
A Epidermis
B Xylem
C Phloem
D Cork

According to you, whose answer is correct?

a) A b) B c) C d) D
9. Match column I and Column II
Column I Column II
1. Tracheids a. Store food
2. Xylem parenchyma b. Dead cells
3. Xylem fibre c. Conduct water

a) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b

b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
c) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
d) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a

10. The areolar tissue consists of two types of fibres.

______A_________ fibres that change into gelatin on boiling in water.
______B__________ fibres prevent from infection.

Identify A and B
a) A - Yellow elastic; B- White collagen
b) A - White collagen; B - Yellow elastic
c) A - Red collagen; B - White collagen
d) A -Yellow collagen; B – Yellow elastic

11. Match column I and column II

Column I Column II
1. Frieswal a. Tharparakarand Holstein-
2. Karan swiss b. Sahiwal and Holstein-Friesian
3. Karan-Frieswal c. Sahiwal and Holstein-Friesian

a) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

b) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
c) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
d) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a

12. The father of Taxonomy is:

a) Carolus c) Theophrastus
b) Mendel d) Charles Darwin
13. Which hierarchy is correct arrangement of taxonomic group?

14. Thallophytes are very simple and primitive in structure. They include algae
which are autotrophic. They may be unicellular eg ______A________, colonial eg
______B________, or filamentous eg ______C_______.
a) A- Volvox; B – Chlamydomonas; C – Spirogyra.
b) A – Chlamydomonas; B – Volvox; C – Spirogyra.
c) A – Spirogyra; B – Volvox; C – Chlamydomonas.
d) A – Volvox; B – Spirogyra; C – Chlamydomonas.
15. Match column I and column II
Column I Column II
1. Black mould a. Saccharomyces
2. Sac fungi b. Agaricus
3. Yeast c. Rhizopus
4. Club fungi d. Morchella

a) 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

b) 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b
c) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d
d) 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b
16. Physics teacher was teaching work and energy in the class. She teaches them
the formula of work done.
W = F x S x cos ø
She asked the class, what will happen to the work done if the angle ø between the
direction of force and motion of the body is increased gradually?
Students gave their answers.
Student Answer
A It will increase
B It will decrease
C It will remain constant

D It may be increase or decrease

According to you who has given the correct answer?

a) A b) B c) C d) D
17. Teacher gave the names of few organisms and asked students to classify them
on the basis of true coelom.
Ascaris, Sea anemone, Scorpion and Birds
Four students gave their answer, which are as follows:
Student Ascaris Sea Scorpion Birds
A Acoelomate Coelomate Pseudocoelomate Coelomate
B Pseudocoelomate Coelomate Coelomate Acoelomate
C Coelomate Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate Acoelomate
D Pseudocoelomate Acoelomate Coelomate Coelomate

According to you whose answer is correct?

a) A b) B c) C d) D
18. The structure of HIV is given below. Identify A and B

a) A – Lipid membrane; B- DNA

b) A- Protein membrane; B – DNA
c) A – Lipid membrane; B – RNA
d) A – Protein membrane; B – RNA

Soham’s father is a doctor, one day Soham requested his father to accompany
him to the hospital.
One patient came to consult him. His father asked him the symptoms, the patient
told him that he feels breathlessness, cough, pain in chest or upper back, weight
loss and feel weakness. Mild fever in afternoon and sweating at night.

19. Soham asked his father about the disease, patient may be suffering from.
According to you, which diseasehe might be suffering from?
a) Tuberculosis c) Hepatitis
b) AIDS d) Typhoid
Ans. a) Tuberculosis
He might be suffering from tuberculosis.

20. Two friends Devansh and Shaurya were playing with different balls. Devansh
threw the plastic ball and Shaurya threw clay ball with the same speed against the
wall. Both the balls have equal masses.

According to you, from which ball does the wall receive a greater amount of

a) Plastic ball
b) Clay ball
c) Equal momentum from both the balls d) None of these

21. Identify the cell organelles A, B, C and D based on the functions mentioned
A- Allows gases and water to enter and exit the cell
B- Maintains regular shape of a cell
C- Plays role in cellular reproduction
D- Stores cell sap
a) Mitochondria Nucleus Vacuole Cell wall
b) Cell wall Chloroplast Ribosomes Nucleus
c) Golgi apparatus Cell Mitochondria Centriole
d) Cell membrane Cell wall Nucleus Vacuole

22. In IXth class, Science teacher asked the relationship between kinetic energy
and momentum. Four students A, B, C and D gave the answer
Student Answer

B √2𝑚𝐾𝐸

C √2𝑚 − 𝐾𝐸

D √2𝑚 + 𝐾𝐸

According to you who has given the correct answer?

a) A b) B c) C d) D

23. Observe the figure and answer the question.

Identify A and B
a) A- Companion cell; B-Sieve tube
b) A-Sieve tube; B-Companion cell
c) A-Phloem parenchyma; B-Companion cell
d) A-Companion cell; B-Phloem parenchyma
24. Which of the following in the table is a liquid at room temperature (25 0 C)?
Melting point Boiling point
Oxygen -219 0C -183 0C
Nitrogen -210 0C -196 0C
Bromine -7 0C 590C
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Bromine
d) Oxygen and nitrogen
25. Select the correct sequence to show the order of the stages in the fractional
distillation of air.
(i) Carbon dioxide freezes and is removes. Water vapour condenses and
is removed.
(ii) Air is filtered to remove dust.
(iii) Liquefied air enters the fractionating column and is heated slowly.
(iv) Air is cooled to -200 OC.
a) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
b) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
c) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
d) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)

26. In class IX, teacher was explaining about two types of forces ‘A’ and ‘B’. She
explained that force ‘A’ can produce motion in a stationary object but cannot
change the shape of object. Whereas force ‘B’ cannot produce motion in a
stationary object but can change the shape of the object.
Identify force ‘A’ and ‘B’
Four students gave their answer

Student Force ‘A’ Force ‘B’

P Balanced force Unbalanced force
Q Unbalanced force Frictional force
R Balance force Frictional force
S Unbalanced force Balanced force

According to you, which student has given the correct answer?

a) P b) Q c) R d) S

27. Universal law of gravitation states that every object exerts a gravitational
force of attraction on every other object.

If the distance between two masses is increased by a factor of 5, by what factor

would mass of one of them have to be altered to maintain the same gravitational
a) 5 times b) 10 times c) 15 times d) 25 times

28. A ball is thrown from the top of the building to the ground as shown below:

Answer on the basis of above information.

The kinetic energy at point C is:
a) 45 J b) 50 J c) 0 J d) 90 J
29. Theteacher in class IX was teaching about the solutions. She was discussing
about the different solutions and their different solute and solvent. She asked the
students about the solute and solvent aerated drinks.

Four students A, B, C and D gave their answer.

Student Solute Solvent
A water carbon gas
B carbon gas water
C water carbon dioxide
D carbon dioxide water
According to you, the student who has given correct answer is:

a) A b) B c) C d) D

30. Choose the correct statement

a) At 273 C, all the molecular motion virtually stops.
b) At 273 K, all the molecular motion virtually stops.
c) At -273 C, all the molecular motion virtually stops.
d) At -273 K, all the molecular motion virtually stops.
31. Which of the following statements about the Milky Way’s globular
clusters is FALSE?
a) Globular clusters were once thought to be older than the age of the
b) Like open clusters, Globular Clusters are found only in the Galaxy’s
c) The color magnitude diagram of a Globular Cluster will show it has
lost a large fraction of its main sequence stars
d) Globular clusters can contain millions of stars, but usually no gas or
32. The Hertzprung-Russell Diagram for stars is a relation between:
a) Distance vs. spectral type or temperature
b) Luminosity vs. spectral type or temperature
c) Apparent brightness vs. distance
d) Radial velocity vs. distance

33. The small cluster of galaxies to which the Andromeda galaxy belongs is:
a. The Fishing Hole b. The Small Group
c. The Milky Way Neighborhood d. The Local Group
34. Which of the following statements about neutron stars is FALSE?
a) Neutron stars are as massive as the Sun, but only about 10 km
b) Neutron stars spin very fast
c) Neutron stars are supported by neutron degeneracy pressure
d) If a person could survive this experiment, a scientist would weigh
more standing on a white dwarf than standing on a neutron star

35. Nearly all the elements in the Universe are formed in the cores of massive

stars, except:
a. iron and nickel b. carbon and oxygen
c. hydrogen and helium d. silicon and sulfur
36. Which of the following reasons for taking repeated individual
measurements during a scientific experiment is FALSE?
a) Increasing the number of repeated measurements reduces the
overall error in your measurement
b) Multiple measurements reduce the impact of a single bad
measurement on your final answer
c) Taking the average of repeated measurements increases the
accuracy of your final result
d) Taking multiple measurements allows you to choose the ones that
seem to be most correct and throw out the incorrect ones
e) Repeating the measurements gives a sense of how reproducible your
experiment is for other scientists
37. The large scale structure of the Universe has a shape reminiscent of:
a) Waves in the ocean, where the galaxies all lie upon regularly
spaced lines like the ridgelines of incoming waves
b) Checkers on a checkerboard, with galaxies spaced smoothly at the
same, regular distance from each other
c) Soap bubbles, where the galaxies sit along the surfaces of bubbles
which are strung along long soapy filaments
d) A large, 3-D sphere, with all the galaxies sitting on the surface of a
sphere surrounding the location of the Big Bang

38. You accidentally drop an indestructible probe (complete with running lights
and a visible clock) near a black hole, and watch it fall in. Which of the
following statements is NOT TRUE about what you would see?
a) The probe’s clock would appear to stop when it reaches the event
b) After the probe passes through the event horizon you would see
its image frozen, stuck at the place and time it crossed over
c) The lights on the probe would appear to change color, becoming
d) Once inside the event horizon, you would see the probe compress
in size, becoming infinitely small and infinitely dense.

The ultimate fate of the Universe depends upon the overall geometry of
spacetime. Each of these geometries has implications for the relative size
of the Universe as time progresses. In Figure 2, the relative size of the
Universe is graphed as Distance vs. Time for the three primary geometries,
labeled A, B, and C. Answer the following three questions about this

39. Curve C describes which type of Universe:

a) Flat, where parallel lines never meet
b) Parallel, where multiple Universes parallel our own evolution
c) Closed, where the Universe will ultimately re-collapse
d) Hyperbolic, where the expansion of the Universe becomes

40. Who is the first woman to walk in space?

a. Svetlana Savitskaya
b. Valentina Tereshkova
c. Kalpana Chawla
d. Sunitha Williams
41. Which was the first artificial planet?
a. Mariner-1
b. Surveyor-1
c. Lunik-1
d. Voyager-1
42. Which was the Spacecraft to travel to interstellar space?
a. Poineer-11

b. Voyager-1
c. Pioneer-10
d. Voyager-II
43. Which is the World’s first communication-cum-weather satellite?
a. L-Sat
b. Palapa
c. Midas-2
44. Where was the World’s first hybrid (solid and liquid fuel) rocket launched?
a. Russia
b. USA
c. Germany
d. Austria
45. How many spacecrafts were sent to study Halley’s Comet in 1985-86?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Six
d. Eight
46. Which physical laws govern the operation of Rockets?
a. Kepler’s laws
b. Newton’s laws
c. Tsiolkovsky’s laws
d. All
47. When were rockets used for the first time for conducting astronomical
a. 1952
b. 1949
c. 1822
d. 1907

48. When was the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station set up in the
a. 1957
b. 1963
c. 1968
d. 1972
49. Where is ISRO Liquid Propulsion Test Facilities Located?
a. Shillong
b. Aluva
c. Mahendragiri
d. Nagpur

50. Which day is celebrated as “Satellite Technology Day” in India?

a. April 19
b. February 28
c. January 1
d. May 11


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