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Five elements :

1- Earth [ chi ]
breathing : phase one of positive

center : coccyx , meditate on it

2 - Water [ sui ]

breathing : only neutral

center of element : urinaty tract , meditate on it

3- Fire [ ka ]

breathing : neutral then perform phase one of positive

center : the heart , meditate on fire emerging from the heart

4- wind [ fu / fuu]

breathing : only neutral ,meditate on the air of breath filling the


center : the center of sternum bone

5- void [ ku ]

breathing : neutral and u may perform phase one of nigateve

center : voice box , meditate on it

remember: uneed to know the each of the fingers related to each

of the elements

kuji inn : nine cuts

general notes on kuji inn :
+ each must have completely different meditation mode
+ focus on each chakra of the kuji ,, important
+ new:: when meditating on a certain kuji ex: retsu you must start
from the begining one minute for each kuji untill ureach retsu then
u can meditate on it as long as u want
+ enter the mode of each by focusing on each purpose ex: rin
,strength of.... so u focus on that and keep the meditational state

1- Rin [strength of mind and body ]

breathing : neutral breathing and u may perform phase one of positive for
greater benifit.

ckakra : base

related to : ka ton

2-Hei [direction of energy ]

breathing : neutral then phase one nigative

chakra : hara

3-Toh [ harmony with the universe]

chakra : navel between hara and solar plexus

note: this kuji is done by visualising the energy of universe around

u, that causes harmony, by balance between earth and water in
other note: true meditation isnt achieved before the level of toh, that level is
called tanquility

related to : chi ton & sui ton

4-Sha [ healing of self and others] (life or death)

breathing : NEUTRAL ONLY but : positive is for healing and negative is for
internal damage.
sha give different dimentions of energy , its very important
chakra : solar plexus ,
note this chakra is the one responsible for the kiai which is the shout that stuns
or kills.
related to : fuuton

5-Kai [ power of premonition ]

gives u the abelity to predict near future ,sensing of danger and
sensing of others around u.
and it enables u to get in suspended motion state just like death
breathing : neutral then ph. 1 nigative then ph. 2 nigative
chakra: heart

6-Jin [ knowing thoughts of others]

breathing : neutral only
chakra : throught

7-Retsu [ mastery of time and space ]

gives u awarenes and control over new dimentions [time and
space dimentions]
breathing : nigative only ,, phase 1 then phase 2
chakra : third eye

8-Zai [ controling elements of nature]

when mastered one can be actually invisible.
breathing : neutral
chakra : crown

9-Zen [enlightenment ]
the highest level, enlightenment means understanding onself.
at this level everything is possible
breathing: neutral

center: the aura


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