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Bài 1: Choose the correct option

1. My mum had / has had a cold last month.
2. I didn’t do / haven’t done my homework yet.
3. They bought / have bought a house this year.
4. I got / have got married a few months ago.
5. We went / have gone to Paris in 2010.
6. Andy read / has read two books this week.
7. We didn’t go / haven’t gone to school yesterday.
8. I lost / have lost my watch two days ago.
9. We never played / have never played football until now.
10.Were you ever / Have you ever been to Vietnam?
1. had
2. haven’t done
3. have bought
4. got
5. went
6. has read
7. didn’t go
8. lost
9. have never played football until now.
10.Have you ever
Bài 2: Put in the verbs in the correct form, using Present Perfect or Past
1. ______ they ______ the bathroom yet? (clean)
2. My mom ______ badminton in that park years ago. (play)
3. The accident ______ yesterday. (happen)
4. My sisters ______ many trees in their garden this spring. (plant)
5. I ______ a copy of this file lately. (make)
6. The employees ______ ______ their salary last weekend. (not / get)
7. Maria ______ ______ redecorating her room yet. (not / finish)
8. My dad ______ all the door last night. (close)
9. Jack and Jill ______ ______ what to do yet. (not / decide)
10.______ you ______ your homework already? (complete)
1. Have – cleaned
2. played
3. happened
4. have planted
5. have made
6. didn’t get
7. hasn’t finished
8. closed
9. haven’t decided
10.Have – completed
Bài 3: Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect simple form of
the verbs in brackets
Brighton is a city on the south coast of England. People _______ (1. live) there for
hundreds of years, although it _______ (2. only / be) a city since 2000.
Brighton _______ (3. begin) as a village in the 5th century. The village _______
(4. grow) bigger through time, and by the 14th century it _______ (5. be) a busy
market town. It _______ (6. be) called Brighton since 1660. Brighton _______ (7.
experience) problems over the years. The French _______ (8. destroy) many of its
houses in the 16th century and at the beginning of the 18th century a terrible storm
_______ (9. kill) many people. Things _______ (10. change) in the late 18th
century when the Prince of Wales and his friends _______ (11. visit) Brighton.
Since then, many tourists _______ (12. make) Brighton their holiday choice. In
recent years, several big music festivals _______ (13. bring) a party feeling to the
Today the population of Brighton is 156,000. In the last few years it _______ (14.
become) a very expensive place to live, but it is still a great place to visit.
11.have lived
12.has only been
16.has been
17.has experienced
22.have made
23.have brought
24.has become
Bài 4: Rewrite the sentences from Past Simple to Present Perfect and vice
1. The last time I met him was 4 months ago.
 I _________________________.
2. I haven’t seen him since last week.
 The last time _________________________.
3. When did you go here?
 How long _________________________?
4. Hannah started writing books 2 years ago.
 Hannah _________________________.
5. She lived in Hanoi when she was a child.
 She _________________________. (since)
6. My dog last had a bath a week ago.
 My dog _________________________.
7. I last saw him when I was a student.
 I _________________________.
8. It’s ten years since David stopped playing the piano.
 David _________________________.
9. The last time I wrote to her was two years ago.
 I _________________________.
10. It has been 20 years since we last saw Julie.
 We _________________________.
1. I haven’t seen him since 4 months ago.
2. I last saw him a week ago.
3. How long have you been here?
4. Hannah has written books for 2 years.
5. She has lived in Hanoi since she was a child.
6. My dog hasn’t had a bath since last week.
7. I haven’t seen him since I was a student.
8. David has stopped playing the piano for ten years.
9. I haven’t written to her for 2 years.
10.We haven’t seen Julie since 20 years ago.

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