Makalah Simple Past Tense B.inggris KLMPK 6

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English Subject

Group 6

- Adib Putra Pradipta (1)
- Ahmad Raffy Syafiq (2)
- Donny Saputra (6)
- Haikal Suseno (12)
- Yehezkiel Adrian (30)

Class: XI Multimedia 2

Multicomp Vocational High School (SMK) Depok

Kalimulya Highway RT. 5/4 No. 7 Kalimulya Village, Cilodong
District, Depok City.

Praise be to Allah who has helped His servant finish this paper with great
ease. Without His help, the compiler may not be able to finish properly. This paper is
structured so that readers can know the ins and outs of application software. This
paper was prepared with great patience and finally this paper can be completed. This
paper contains about "Simple Past Tense" and was deliberately chosen because it
attracts the reader's attention to be scrutinized and gain knowledge about what Simple
Past Tense is.

The authors also thank Ms. Dian Febriana as an English subject teacher for
her guidance and support and to friends for their cooperation. Hopefully this paper
can provide broad insights to readers. Even though this paper has advantages, there
are definitely disadvantages. So the authors ask for suggestions and criticisms. Thank


FOREWORD........................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................. iii
A. Background.......................................................................................... 1
B. Formulation of the problem...................................................................... 1
C. Purpose……………............................................................................ 1
A. Definition Of Simple Past Tense.......…………………............................ 2
B. Function and Purpose Of Simple Past Tense.………………................. 2
C. Time To Use Simple Past Tense……………..…………………….……. 2
D. Simple Past Tense Writing Formula................................................... 2
E. Example Of Simple Past Tense.......................... ............................... 3
A. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………. 4
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................... iii

A. Latar Belakang
Makanan khas merupakan identitas suatu daerah yang dapat membedakan keberadaan
dengan daerah lain. Begitu juga keberadaan makanan khas daerah penulis yaitu Cilacap.
Makanan ringan yang berasal dari Cilacap yang akan saya bahas disini adalah, Keripik
Sukun dan Lanting Adipala.
Keripik Sukun adalah salah satu makanan khas dari daerah Cilacap tidak hanya di
Cilacap di Kepulauan Seribu juga banyak dijumpai Keripik Sukun. Sedangkan Lanting
Adipala adalah makanan ringan yang berasal dari daerah Cilacap tepatnya di Kecamatan
Adipala sesuai namanya. Lanting ini berbeda dengan Lanting yang berasal dari kebumen
karena bentuknya saja.
Maka dari itu penulis ingin membahas makanan daerah Cilacap tersebut untuk
menambah wawasan bagi para pembaca.
B. Rumusan Masalah

1. Bagaimana sejarah makanan ringan khas Cilacap?

2. Bagaimana resep makanan Keripik Sukun dan Lanting Adipala?
C. Tujuan
1. Mengetahui bagaimana sejarah makanan ringan yang berasal dari Cilacap.
2. Dapat mengetahui resep makanan Keripik Sukun dan Lanting Adipala

A. Background

English is the international language. By mastering English well, it will be

easy for us to communicate with other countries. Besides that, we can also add to our
insights and knowledge for the betterment of our nation and country, because we can
read English literature, listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and watch movies. Thus, in
the end we can master knowledge in all fields, especially English. In English
education, tenses are very important. Tenses is a grammatical method (grammar) in
English based on verbs (Verbs). If someone wants to master English well, then he
must be able to master tenses well. Among other forms of tenses, in this paper we
explain the Simple Past Tense.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is the meaning of simple past tense?

2. What is the function and purpose of the simple past tense?
3. When did you use the simple past tense?
4. What is the formula for writing the simple past tense?
5. What are some examples of simple past tense

C. Purpose

The purpose of writing this paper is to be able to understand and apply tenses in daily
conversations or formal activities that use English as the main language


A. Definition Of Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is a sentence that is used to tell about events that
happened in the past and finished or ended in the past as well.

B. Function and Purpose Of Simple Past Tense

- To explain events in the past and have been completed at the specified time
- Past tense is also used to describe some events that have been done in the past.
Usually these events are carried out sequentially.
- Past tense is also used to tell events that started and ended in the past and
usually have a duration.
- Past tense can be used to tell a habit that was done in the past and is not done
anymore in the present.
- Simple past tense is also used to describe facts or general things in the past and
at this time it is no longer true.

C. Time To Use Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is the tense that is used when telling events that
happened in the past and finished or ended in the past as well.

D. Simple Past Tense Writing Formula

- To form simple past tense sentences, the formula is as follows
S + Verb 2 + O

- To form simple past tense negative sentences, the formula is as follows

S + did + not + Verb 1
S + To Be (Was / Were) + not
- To form interrogative simple past tense sentences, the formula is as follows
Did + S + Verb 1
Was / Were + S

E. Example Of Simple Past Tense

(+) I was born in 2001.
(-) I was not born in 2001.
(?) Were you born in 2001?

(+) I went to Paris last year.

(-) I did not go to Paris last year.
(?) Did you go to Paris last year?

(+) My grandfather was a soldier.

(-) My grandfather was not a soldier.
(?) Was your grandfather a soldier?

(+) Toro was here this morning.

(-) Toro was not here this morning.
(?) Was Toro here this morning?

(+) My mother made some sandwiches just now.

(-) My mother did not make sandwiches.
(?) Did your mother just make a sandwich?


A. Conclusion
Simple Past Tense is a sentence that is used to express a situation that has
been done in the past and finished at that time. The time description used in the
Simple Past Tense is: yesterday, last night, last weekend, this morning, two days ago,



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