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To, Date :03-Sept-2023

The President
अधिवक्ता एकता

Respected Sir,
This is a proposal between one of the India’s largest digital platform (Kutumb) and the esteemed
organisation "अधिवक्ता एकता".

Kutumb is a digital platform (registered under “Primetrace Technologies Private Limited”), which
provides it’s services to organisations and help them digitise their operations and marketing, thus
catalysing the organisation’s growth multi-fold. A video is captured below on how Kutumb helps
organisations go digital:

Following are the proposed points for an official tie-up :

1. Kutumb will be the end-to-end technical solution provider for the organisation. All queries
related to Android or iOS app will be tried to resolve immediately by the Kutumb team.

2. The data of each and every user will be protected under the laws of data protection, and will
not be shared with any individual or any third party organisation whosoever. We take our
data privacy policy very strictly.

3. At any point of time, if the organisation wants to get deactivated from the platform Kutumb,
the request will be handled on priority and the deactivation request will be processed within
3 working days.

4. The organisation will elect an admin who will primarily run the digital counterpart on
Kutumb. The admin (generally the president of the organisation) will have complete control
over all the users and all the posts on the digital platform. At any point of time, the admin
can delete any post and can deactivate any user on the platform within his organisation.
Kutumb will have no control over any of these at any time.

We look forward to a great bonding and a digital future together.

Abhishek Kejriwal
CEO & Founder, Kutumb
B.Tech - IIT Bombay

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