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Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 1

Answer all questions.

1. Which of the following isotopes has the longest half-life?

Isotop berikut manakah yang mempunyai waktu paruh terpanjang?

a. Cobalt 60
b. Iridium 192.
c. Ytterbium 169.
d. Selenium 75.

2. The half-life of an isotope is dependent upon:

Waktu paruh suatu isotop bergantung pada:

a. The source to film distance.

b. The initial intensity of the isotope.
c. The physical size of the isotope.
d. The isotope type.
e. All of the above

3. If an exposure time of 2 minutes were necessary using a 3 metre source-to-film distance for a
particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 6 metre source-to-film distance is used
and all other variables remain the same?
Jika diperlukan waktu pemaparan selama 2 menit dengan menggunakan jarak sumber ke film
sebesar 3 meter untuk pemaparan tertentu, berapakah waktu yang diperlukan jika jarak sumber ke
film sebesar 6 meter dan semua variabel lainnya tetap sama?

a. 12 minutes.
b. 4 minutes.
c. 8 minutes.
d. 6 minutes.

4. If we start with 50 curies of Co60, what will the activity be at the end of 15.9 years?
Jika kita memulai dengan 50 curie Co60, aktivitas apa yang akan terjadi pada akhir 15,9 tahun?

a. 12.5 curies.
b. 6.25 curies.
c. 3.125 curies.
d. 1.75 curies.

5. The number 60 in cobalt 60 is:

Angka 60 pada kobalt 60 adalah:


a. The number of neutrons added to the number of protons.

b. The number of neutrons only.
c. The number of protons only.
d. Dictates the element type

6. Ytterbium 169 is a gamma source which:

Ytterbium 169 adalah sumber gamma yang:

a. Produces relatively good quality radiographs at the correct exposure when compared with
radiographs produced with Ir192.
b. Produces very short wave length radiation.
c. Is generally used a materials over 30 mm in thickness.
d. All of the above.

7. From an exposure chart for a ffd of 1 m, an exposure time of 12 minutes is indicated. What will
the new exposure time be at 600 mm?
Dari grafik eksposur untuk ffd 1 m, waktu eksposur 12 menit ditunjukkan. Berapa waktu
pemaparan baru pada 600 mm?

a. 2.3 minutes.
b. 4.3 minutes.
c. 8 minutes.
d. 23 minutes.

8. What is the relationship between gigabecquerels and curies?

Apa hubungan antara gigabecquerel dan curie?

a. 3.7 1010 GBq = 1 Ci

b. 2.7 1010 GBq = 1 Ci
c. 37 GBq = 1 Ci
d. 109 GBq = 1 Ci

9. X-ray and gamma rays are types of:

Sinar X dan sinar gamma adalah jenis :

a. Electromagnetic and ionising radiation.

b. Electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation.
c. Ionising and corpuscular radiation.
d. All of the above.

10. If it were necessary to radiograph a 7-inch thick steel product, which of the following
gamma ray sources would most likely be used?
Jika diperlukan untuk melakukan radiografi pada produk baja setebal 7 inci, manakah sumber
sinar gamma berikut yang paling mungkin digunakan?

a. Co60.


b. Ir192.
c. Ce137
d. Yb169.

11. Which of the following defects are likely to be missed using x-ray as the inspection medium?
Manakah dari cacat berikut yang mungkin terlewatkan jika menggunakan sinar X sebagai media

a. Plate laminations, lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld and cap overlap.
b. Toe cracks, plate laminations and lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld.
c. Plat laminations, lack of inter run fusion using the MIG/MAG welding process and cap
d. All defects are always detected using x-rays.

12. Which of the following is the most likely appearance of lack of root fusion on a radiograph
taken of a single V butt weld?
Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling mungkin menunjukkan kurangnya fusi akar pada
radiografi yang diambil dari pengelasan butt V tunggal?

a. A dark straight line with a light root.

b. A dark straight line with a root of higher density.
c. A dark root with straight edges.
d. A dark uneven line with a light root.

13. Which of the following defects would show up as light indications?

Manakah dari cacat berikut yang terlihat sebagai indikasi ringan?

a. Copper inclusions, slag inclusions and excessive root penetration.

b. Tungsten inclusions, spatter and lack of root penetration.
c. Tungsten inclusions, excessive root penetration and spatter.
d. Excessive cap height, copper inclusions and underflushing.

14. If an exposure time of 3 minutes and 30 seconds were necessary using a 5-metre source to film
distance for a particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 3-metre source to film
distance is used and all other variables remain the same?
Jika waktu pemaparan 3 menit 30 detik diperlukan dengan menggunakan jarak sumber ke film 5
meter untuk paparan tertentu, berapa waktu yang diperlukan jika jarak sumber ke film 3 meter
digunakan dan semua variabel lainnya tetap sama?

a. 1 minute 43 seconds.
b. 1 minute 15 seconds.
c. 65 minutes 12 seconds.
d. 2 minutes 55 seconds.

15. The part of an atom, which carries a positive charge, is called?

Bagian atom yang bermuatan positif disebut?


a. Positron.
b. Neutron.
c. Proton.
d. Electron.

16. A radiograph shows a single, dark parallel indication with straight edges, down the centre of the
weld area. What is the probable defect?
Radiografi menunjukkan satu indikasi paralel berwarna gelap dengan tepi lurus, di tengah area las.
Apa kemungkinan cacatnya?

a. Misalignment.
b. Cap undercut.
c. Lack of root penetration.
d. Lack of root fusion.

17. Which of the following gamma sources would be preferred for radiography of an 6 mm thick
weld, single wall technique, a good quality radiograph is required:
Manakah dari sumber gamma berikut yang lebih disukai untuk radiografi las setebal 6 mm, teknik
dinding tunggal, diperlukan radiografi berkualitas baik:

a. Co60.
b. Ir192.
c. Yb169.
d. Tm170.

18. Cold lap in a weld is a commonly used definition for which of the following?
Putaran dingin pada pengelasan merupakan definisi yang umum digunakan untuk pernyataan
berikut ini?

a. Undercut.
b. Hydrogen cracking.
c. Lack of side wall fusion.
d. Lack of fusion at the weld toes.

19. Which of the following defects would not be expected in a weld made by the MIG/MAG
welding process (solid wire)?
Cacat berikut manakah yang tidak diharapkan terjadi pada pengelasan yang dilakukan dengan
proses pengelasan MIG/MAG (kawat padat)?

a. Porosity.
b. Undercut.
c. Slag inclusions.
d. Lack of root fusion.

20. Which of the following weld defects would show up on a radiograph as, a dark irregular line of
various thickness running along the edge of the cap or the root?


Cacat las manakah yang terlihat pada radiografi sebagai garis gelap tidak beraturan dengan
berbagai ketebalan di sepanjang tepi tutup atau akar las?

a. Undercut
b. Lack of fusion, root or cap.
c. Slag inclusions.
d. All of the above could appear as above.

21. A good cobalt radiograph is made on a 30-inch steel weld using an exposure time of 10 minutes
and a source to film distance of 36 inches. It is necessary to change the source to film distance
to 24 inch, what exposure time would be used to produce a similar radiograph if all other
considerations remain the same?
Radiografi kobalt yang baik dibuat pada las baja 30 inci dengan waktu pemaparan 10 menit dan
jarak sumber ke film 36 inci. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mengubah jarak sumber ke film menjadi 24
inci, berapa waktu pemaparan yang akan digunakan untuk menghasilkan radiografi serupa jika
semua pertimbangan lainnya tetap sama?

a. 1 minute 36 seconds.
b. 4 minute 26 seconds.
c. 4 minute 40 seconds.
d. 5 minutes.

22. After a period of 296 days the activity of an iridium 192 source, activity 400 Gbq would be:
Setelah jangka waktu 296 hari aktivitas sumber iridium 192, aktivitas 400 Gbq akan menjadi:

a. 100 Gbq.
b. 50 Gbq.
c. 25 Gbq.
d. 12.5 Gbq.

23. If an iridium 192 isotope 1200 GBq activity, what would be its activity be after 370 days?
Jika suatu isotop iridium 192 memiliki aktivitas 1200 GBq, berapakah aktivitasnya setelah 370

a. 1.0 curies.
b. 2.0 curies.
c. 10.0 curies.
d. 10 Bq.

24. Which of the following are reasons for insufficient density on a radiograph?
Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan alasan kurangnya kepadatan pada radiografi?

a. Over development and insufficient final wash.

b. Low kilovoltage and excessive exposure times.
c. Developer temperature to low and under exposure.
d. Under development and developer temperature to high.


25. Exposure time is directly proportional to

Waktu pemaparan berbanding lurus dengan

a. Film to focus distance.

b. Intensity.
c. Wavelength.
d. All of the above.

26. The welding process which is most suited to the joining of thin plate materials such as
aluminium, copper, stainless steel:
Proses pengelasan yang paling cocok untuk penyambungan material pelat tipis seperti alumunium,
tembaga, baja tahan karat:

a. Flux core MAG.

b. MMA.
c. Sub-arc.

27. The wave length of an x-ray radiation beam affects which of the following?
Panjang gelombang sinar x-ray mempengaruhi hal berikut ini?

a. The quantity of x-rays produced.

b. The quality of x-rays produced.
c. The amount of development time required.
d. All of the above.

28. Isotopes of a single element differ only in the number of:

Isotop suatu unsur hanya berbeda dalam jumlah:

a. Protons.
b. Neutrons.
c. Electrons.
d. Positrons.

29. Which of the following units is used for measuring the amount of absorbed dose?
Manakah dari satuan berikut yang digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah dosis serap?

a. Sievert.
b. Rem.
c. Roentgen.
d. Gray.


30. The penetrating ability of an x-ray beam is governed by:

Kemampuan penetrasi sinar x-ray diatur oleh:

a. The intensity of the beam.

b. The wave length of the beam.
c. The thickness of the material under test.
d. All of the above


Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 2

Answer all questions.

1. The effective focal spot size is affected by?

Ukuran titik fokus efektif dipengaruhi oleh?

a. The f.f.d and o.f.d.

b. The total area of the tungsten target.
c. The angle of the tungsten target
d. The distance between the anode and specimen.

2. In order to reduce penumbra (Ug):

Untuk mengurangi penumbra (Ug):

a. The object could be made artificially thicker.

b. The radiation should proceed through a large focal spot size.
c. The film should be placed as far from the object as possible.
d. The distance from the radiation source to film should be as long as practicable

3. If it is required to increase definition a large source size can be compensated by:

Jika diperlukan peningkatan definisi, ukuran sumber yang besar dapat dikompensasi dengan:

a. Increasing the source to specimen distance.

b. Addition of lead screens.
c. Increasing the specimen to film distance.
d. Increasing penumbra.

4. Which of the following will have no effect on film contrast

Manakah dari berikut ini yang tidak berpengaruh pada kontras film

a. Wave length of radiation used

b. Film density
c. Film type.
d. All of the above will effect film contrast

5. When producing radiographs with x-ray equipment, if the KV’s are increased:
Saat memproduksi radiografi dengan peralatan sinar X, jika KV ditingkatkan:

a. The radiographic contrast reduces

b. The subject contrast increases.
c. The film contrast increases

d. The film contrast reduces

6. Movement, geometry and screen contact are three factors, which affect:
Gerakan, geometri, dan kontak layar merupakan tiga faktor yang mempengaruhi:

a. Contrast.
b. Definition.
c. Density.
d. All of the above

7. Two different isotopes of the same activity:

Dua isotop berbeda dengan aktivitas yang sama:

a. Will produce different wave lengths

b. Will produce the same quality radiographs.
c. Will produce the same intensity of radiation.
d. All of the above

8. A good quality radiograph is produced using the following exposure conditions, 4 minutes at 3
mA. What exposure time would be needed if the mA were reduced to 2 mA?
Radiografi berkualitas baik dihasilkan dengan menggunakan kondisi paparan berikut, 4 menit
pada 3 mA. Berapa waktu pemaparan yang diperlukan jika mA dikurangi menjadi 2 mA?

a. 6 minutes.
b. 3 minutes.
c. 2 minutes.
d. 4 minutes.

9. Why are radiographs of densities less than 1.5 and below usually rejected
Mengapa radiografi dengan kepadatan kurang dari 1,5 ke bawah biasanya ditolak?

a. Because the radiographic density is too high.

b. Because the subject contrast is too low regardless of the light density of the viewer.
c. Because the radiographic contrast is impaired.
d. Radiographs of these densities are not normally rejected.

10. Anodes are normally fitted with targets made from what material
Anoda biasanya dipasangi target yang terbuat dari bahan apa

a. Steel.
b. Lead.
c. Copper.
d. Tungsten.

11. The velocity of electrons striking the target in an x-ray tube is a function of ?

Kecepatan elektron yang menumbuk sasaran dalam tabung sinar-x merupakan fungsi dari?

a. The amount of mA used

b. The amount of KV’s used
c. The distance between the anode and cathode.
d. The target material.

12. The purpose of circulating oil in some types of x-ray tubes is:
Tujuan dari sirkulasi minyak pada beberapa jenis tabung x-ray adalah:

a. To dissipate heat.
b. For lubrication.
c. To reduce scatter radiation.
d. To reduce the current values.

13. If a 200mm f.f.d, 20mm o.f.d using a 4mm source size, it is calculated that the penumbra value
is 0.4mm. Assuming the source size and the o.f.d can not be altered what will be the required
f.f.d to reduce the penumbra value to a level of 0.25mm?
Jika f.f.d 200mm, o.f.d 20mm menggunakan ukuran sumber 4mm, dihitung nilai penumbranya
adalah 0,4mm. Dengan asumsi ukuran sumber dan ofd tidak dapat diubah, berapakah f.f.d yang
diperlukan untuk mengurangi nilai penumbra ke tingkat 0,25 mm?

a. 340mm
b. 251mm.
c. 288mm.
d. 388mm.

14. In an x-ray tube, the filament and focusing cup are two essential parts of the:
Dalam tabung sinar-X, filamen dan cawan pemfokusan merupakan dua bagian penting dari:

a. Anode
b. Cathode
c. Control panel.
d. None of the above

15. An x-ray tube with a small focal spot size will produce radiographs with:
Tabung sinar-X dengan ukuran titik fokus kecil akan menghasilkan radiografi dengan:

a. Better subject contrast

b. Better radiographic contrast.
c. Better definition
d. Improved density

16. A radiographic absorption of a material will become less dependent upon the materials density
and thickness when:

Penyerapan radiografi suatu bahan akan menjadi kurang bergantung pada kepadatan dan ketebalan
bahan bila:

a. The kilovoltage is increased.

b. The kilovoltage is reduced.
c. The source to film distance is reduced.
d. The intensity of radiation is increased

17. Radiation of a single wave length is known as:

Radiasi dengan panjang gelombang tunggal disebut :

a. Real time radiation

b. Microscopic radiation
c. Heterogeneous radiation.
d. Monochromatic radiation.

18. The properties of a material to block or partially block the passage of x-rays and gamma rays
is termed:
Sifat-sifat suatu bahan dalam menghalangi atau menghalangi sebagian jalannya sinar-x dan sinar
gamma disebut:

a. Absorption
b. Latitude.
c. Attenuation.
d. Penetration.

19. If the original exposure was 5 mA at 12 minutes, what would the new mA be for an exposure
time of 4 minutes?
Jika paparan awal adalah 5 mA pada 12 menit, berapakah mA baru untuk waktu paparan 4 menit?

a. 10 mA
b. 15 mA.
c. 18 mA.
d. 20 mA.

20. Which of the following has the shortest half life?

Manakah dari berikut ini yang mempunyai waktu paruh terpendek?

a. Yb 169.
b. Se 75.
c. Ir 192.
d. Co 60.

21. As x-ray energy increases wave length will:

Ketika energi sinar-X meningkat, panjang gelombang akan:

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. No change to the wave length.
d. Increase in beam width.

22. Approximately what is the thickness range of Ir 192?

Kira-kira berapa kisaran ketebalan Ir 192?

a. 2mm to 12mm.
b. 50mm to 200mm.
c. 12mm to 80mm.
d. 10mm to 150mm.

23. Which of the following are reasons for setting the anode target at an angle?
Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan alasan untuk menetapkan target anoda pada suatu

a. To reduce exposure times.

b. To improve overall radiographic contrast.
c. To reduce actual focal spot size.
d. To reduce the effective focal spot size.

24. At approximately what percentage of cobalt 60 isotope intensity will be lost after 2.5 years:
Kira-kira berapa persentase intensitas isotop kobalt 60 yang akan hilang setelah 2,5 tahun:

a. 50%.
b. 25%.
c 100%.
d. 75%.

25. Which of the following welding processes uses a none consumable electrode:
Manakah dari proses pengelasan berikut yang tidak menggunakan elektroda habis pakai:

a. MAG.
b. MMA.
c. Sub-arc.

26. Ytterbium 169 is an ideal isotope for thin materials because:

Ytterbium 169 adalah isotop ideal untuk bahan tipis karena:

a. It produces hard radiation

b. It produces soft radiation.
c. It has got a high deterioration.
d. It produced short wave length radiation

27. Which of the following defects normally will not be detected by radiographic inspection:
Cacat berikut yang normalnya tidak terdeteksi pada pemeriksaan radiografi adalah:

a. Centre line cracking.

b. Lack of side wall fusion with associated slag.
c. Plate laminations (significant in area).
d. Cluster porosity.

28. Which of the following units is used to measure the activity of a radioactive isotope?
Manakah dari satuan berikut yang digunakan untuk mengukur aktivitas isotop radioaktif?

a. Curie.
b. Rem.
c. Rad.
d. Roentgen.

29. In an x-ray tube head the filament in the cathode is usually made from:
Pada kepala tabung sinar X, filamen pada katoda biasanya terbuat dari:

a. Copper.
b. Steel.
c. Tungsten.
d. Titanium.

30. In welding which of the following processes is the most likely to cause slag inclusions?
Dalam pengelasan manakah proses berikut yang paling mungkin menyebabkan masuknya terak?

a. MMA.
b. SAW.
c. TIG.
d. MAG.

Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 3

Answer all questions.

1. The interval between the time the film is placed in the fixer solution and the time when the
original milky image disappears is known as:
Interval antara waktu film ditempatkan dalam larutan fixer dan waktu hilangnya gambar asli
seperti susu disebut:

a. The fixing time.

b. The clearing time.
c. The developing time
d. The development time

2. When carrying out radiography on a carbon steel butt weld using Ir192 as the source, how
many IQI wires must be visible on the radiograph for the technique to be acceptable in most
Saat melakukan radiografi pada las butt baja karbon menggunakan Ir192 sebagai sumbernya,
berapa banyak kabel IQI yang harus terlihat pada radiograf agar teknik tersebut dapat diterima
pada sebagian besar keadaan?

a. 5.
b. 3.
c. 7.
d. None of the above can be selected not enough information is given.

3. Images of discontinuities close to the source side of the specimen become less clearly defined
Gambaran diskontinuitas yang dekat dengan sisi sumber spesimen menjadi kurang jelas
didefinisikan sebagai:

a. Source to object distance increases.

b. The thickness of the specimen increases.
c. The size of the source decreases.
d. The thickness of the specimen reduces.

4. Radiographic films with larger grain size when compared to films with small grain sizes:
Film radiografi dengan ukuran butir lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan film dengan ukuran
butir kecil:

a. Will produce radiographs of a better quality

b. Will produce radiographs with a reduced quality
c. Will have slower film speeds


d. Will reduce development times

5. In most cases which of the following is applicable to the double wall double image
radiographic technique:
Dalam kebanyakan kasus, berikut ini yang dapat diterapkan pada teknik radiografi gambar ganda
dinding ganda:

a. Should not be used on pipe diameters less than 100mm.

b. Should not be used on pipe diameters more than 100mm.
c. May be used on any pipe diameter providing the contrast is acceptable.
d. Should be used on plate butt welds.

6. In most cases which of the following radiographic techniques will require the IQI to be placed
on the film side:
Dalam kebanyakan kasus, teknik radiografi berikut ini memerlukan penempatan IQI pada sisi

a. SWSI panoramic
c. SWSI.
d. Both a and b.

7. Which of the following criteria are important considerations when selecting the correct IQI to
Manakah dari kriteria berikut yang merupakan pertimbangan penting ketika memilih IQI yang
tepat untuk digunakan?

a. The wire shall have a coefficient of absorption as close as possible to that of the material
under test.
b. The wire shall be made from the same material as the material under test.
c. The wire can be made from any material providing the desirable image quality is achieved.
d. The wire is always made from stainless steel to prevent rusting occurring.

8. Density is a logarithmic ratio of:

Kepadatan adalah rasio logaritmik dari:

a. The transmitted light compared with light from the viewer.

b. The incident light divided by the transmitted light.
c. The light from the viewer divide by the incident light
d. The transmitted light multiplied by the incident light.

9. When struck by x-rays or gamma rays lead screens emit:

Ketika terkena sinar X atau sinar gamma, layar timah memancarkan:

a. Electromagnetic energy.
b. Electrons.


c. Protons.
d. All of the above

10. The half value thickness of a material depends upon:

Setengah nilai ketebalan suatu bahan bergantung pada:

a. Exposure time.
b. The intensity of radiation used.
c. The wave length of radiation used.
d. All of the above.

11. When using the same light source, a film that transmits 1/10 of the incident light, another film
transmits 1/100 of the incident light, what is the density of the second film?
Jika menggunakan sumber cahaya yang sama, sebuah film memancarkan 1/10 cahaya datang, film
lain memancarkan 1/100 cahaya datang, berapakah massa jenis film kedua?

a. 2.0.
b. 4.0
c. 1.0
d. 100.

12. The welding process most suited to the joining of thin materials such as copper, stainless steel
and aluminium:
Proses pengelasan paling cocok untuk penyambungan material tipis seperti tembaga, baja tahan
karat, dan aluminium:

a. MMA
b. SAW
c. TIG

13. What is the IQI sensitivity if wire number 10 is visible using DIN 62 IQI series on a
panoramic shot 36 inch diameter vessel, 500mm f.f.d and a 30mm wall thickness?
Berapa sensitivitas IQI jika kawat nomor 10 terlihat menggunakan seri DIN 62 IQI pada bidikan
panorama bejana berdiameter 36 inci, f.f.d 500mm, dan ketebalan dinding 30mm?

a. 1.3%
b. 1.06%
c. 0.6
d. From the following information IQI sensitivity can not be calculated.

14. Lead foil in direct contact with x-ray film:

Foil timah yang bersentuhan langsung dengan film x-ray:

a. Intensifies the primary radiation.

b. Filters out scatter radiation.


c. Increases radiographic contrast.

d. All of the above

15. What is the amount of penumbra for the following conditions, size of source 4mm, wall
thickness 75nn, source to object distance 15m and exposure 28 mA minutes.
Berapa besar penumbra pada kondisi berikut, ukuran sumber 4mm, tebal dinding 75nn, jarak
sumber ke benda 15m dan paparan 28 mA menit.

a. 0.2mm.
b. 0.02mm.
c. 2.0mm.
d. 2.1mm.

16. Which of the following radiographic techniques would be most likely used when carrying out
radiography on a 300mm diameter pipe to pipe weld (circumferential) with no internal access?
Manakah dari teknik radiografi berikut yang paling mungkin digunakan ketika melakukan
radiografi pada pengelasan pipa ke pipa berdiameter 300 mm (melingkar) tanpa akses internal?

a. DWDI.
b. DWSI.
c. SWSI (panoramic).
d. SWSI.

17. Under most conditions, which of the following would give a SWSI multiple image technique?
Pada sebagian besar kondisi, manakah dari berikut ini yang menghasilkan teknik beberapa gambar

a. The radiographic examination of a plate butt weld over 40 metres in length

b. The radiographic examination of a pipes girth weld, full circumference less than 90mm
diameter, no internal access.
c. The radiographic examination of a pipes girth weld, full circumference over 500mm
diameter, both internal and external access.
d. The radiographic examination of the same conditions as for “c” but no internal access.

18. A graph showing the relationship between material thickness, kilovoltage and exposure is
called a:
Grafik yang menunjukkan hubungan antara ketebalan material, kilovoltase dan paparan disebut:

a. Characteristic curve.
b. Bar chart.
c. Exposure chart.
d. H and D curve.

19. Excessive exposure of a film to light before development of the film will most likely result in:
Pemaparan film terhadap cahaya secara berlebihan sebelum film dikembangkan kemungkinan
besar akan mengakibatkan:


a. A fogged film
b. Yellow stains.
c. White streaks
d. Dark streaks.

20. Radiographic contrast is affected by:

Kontras radiografi dipengaruhi oleh:

a. The thickness of the specimen.

b. Scatter radiation.
c. The intensity of the radiation used.
d. Both a and b.

21. As x-ray energy decreases wave length will:

Ketika energi sinar-x berkurang, panjang gelombang akan:

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. No change to the wave length.
d. Increase in beam width.

22. Approximately what is the thickness range of Co 60?

Kira-kira berapa kisaran ketebalan Co 60?

a. 2mm to 12mm.
b. 50mm to 200mm.
c. 12mm to 80mm.
d. 10mm to 150mm.

23. Which of the following is naturally occurring radioisotope?

Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan radioisotop alami?

a. Iridium 192
b. Cobalt 60.
c. Radium 226.
d. Ytterbium 169.

24. A demsitometer is:

Densitometer adalah:

a. A meter used to measure x-ray intensity.

b. An instrument for measuring film density.
c. A meter used to measure radiation exposure.
d. A meter used to measure current.

25. All most all radiography is performed with


Hampir semua radiografi dilakukan dengan

a. Naturally occurring isotopes.

b. Artificially produced isotopes
c. Thulium 170
d. None of the above.

26. The time required for a one half of the atoms in a sample of radioactive material to
disintegrate is called:
Waktu yang diperlukan oleh setengah atom suatu sampel zat radioaktif untuk terurai meliputi:

a. The inverse square law.

b. The curies.
c. The half life.
d. The half value thickness.

27. The primary form of energy conversion produced when electrons strike a target in an x-ray
Bentuk utama konversi energi yang dihasilkan ketika elektron menumbuk suatu target dalam
tabung sinar-x:

a. Secondary X-rays.
b. Primary x-rays.
c. Electrons.
d. Heat.

28. Scattered radiation from the floor or walls is referred to as:

Radiasi yang tersebar dari lantai atau dinding disebut:

a. Primary radiation
b. Reflected radiation.
c. Back scatter radiation
d. Particulate radiation.

29. The density difference between two selected areas of a radiograph is know as:
Perbedaan densitas antara dua area terpilih pada radiograf dikenal sebagai:

a. Radiographic contrast
b. Definition.
c. Film density.
d. Specific density.


30. The sharpness of an image at the edge of a density field is referred to as?
Ketajaman suatu bayangan pada tepi suatu bidang kerapatan disebut?

a. Definition
b. Subject contrast
c. Radiographic contrast
d. Film density.

Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 4

Answer all questions.

1. What qualities would a radiograph of a 10mm thick steel weld possess if it had been produced
using a 30 Ci cobalt source exposed for over 5 minutes?
Kualitas apa yang dimiliki radiografi las baja setebal 10 mm jika dibuat menggunakan sumber
kobalt 30 Ci yang dipaparkan selama lebih dari 5 menit?

a. High contrast, when compared to a radiograph produced using a 10 Ci cobalt source.

b. It would have high density unless solarisation had taken place.
c. It would have high definition.
d. It would probably be blank.

2. Which of the following information can be obtained from a films characteristic curve?
Manakah informasi berikut yang dapat diperoleh dari kurva karakteristik film?

a. Changing the exposure time if the f.f.d changes.

b. Determining the films definition.
c. Determining the film contrast
d. Determining the radiographic sensitivity.

3. The slop or steepness of a characteristic curve is a measure of:

Kemiringan atau kecuraman suatu kurva karakteristik adalah ukuran dari:

a. Definition.
b. Film contrast.
c. Film speed.
d. Film sensitivity.

4. Ammonium thiosulphate and sodium thiosulphate are chemicals used in:

Amonium tiosulfat dan natrium tiosulfat adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam:

a. Fixers.
b. Developers.
c. Film emulsions
d. Stop baths

5. The use of salt intensifying screens instead of lead screens will:

Penggunaan saringan penguat garam sebagai ganti saringan timbal akan:

a. Reduce development times.

b. Increase definition.
c. Increase radiographic contrast.
d. Reduce exposure times.


6. Mottling due to diffraction can be reduced and in some cases eliminated by:
Bintik-bintik akibat difraksi dapat dikurangi dan pada beberapa kasus dihilangkan dengan:

a. Reducing the wavelength

b. Changing the radiation angle about 5o
c. Increasing the wavelength
d. Both a and b.

7. Which of the following film types will give the best film quality?
Manakah dari jenis film berikut yang akan memberikan kualitas film terbaik?

a. Ultra fine grain.

b. Coarse grain.
c. Medium grain.
d. The fastest film possible.

8. The focusing cup functions as an electrostatic lens whose purpose:

Cangkir pemfokusan berfungsi sebagai lensa elektrostatis yang tujuannya:

a. Direct x-rays towards the anode.

b. Direct a stream of electrically charged particles towards the anode.
c. To shorten the wavelength.
d. Both a and b.

9. When manually developing radiographic films:

Saat mengembangkan film radiografi secara manual:

a. Developer temperature 20oC for 4 to 5 minutes

b. Developer temperature 28oC for 4 to 5 minutes.
c. Developer temperature 20oC for 4 to 5 seconds.
d. Any of the above can be used developer time and temperature depends on the operator

10. The purpose of the fixer is to:

Tujuan dari pemecah masalah adalah untuk:

a. Remove all the undeveloped silver salts of the emulsion.

b. To leave the developed silver as a permanent image
c. To harden the emulsion
d. All of the above

11. Water spots can be minimised by:

Bintik air dapat diminimalkan dengan:

a. Rapid drying
b. Immersing the wet film in a wetting agent before drying
c. By using a fresh fixer solution.

d. By cascading water during the rinse cycle.

12. What is the appearance of dichroic fog on a radiograph placed on a viewer?

Bagaimana penampakan kabut dichroic pada radiograf yang dipasang pada viewer?

a. Green/yellow.
b. Pink.
c. Mottled.
d. Dark grey/black

13. What would be the result if a film was placed in a developer solution and allowed to develop
without any agitation?
Apa yang akan terjadi jika sebuah film dimasukkan ke dalam larutan pengembang dan dibiarkan
berkembang tanpa adanya agitasi?

a. Bromide streaking.
b. Diffraction mottle
c. Yellow fogging
d. White spots.

14. What is the purpose of tapping the film hangers on the side of the development tank before
fixing the film?
Apa tujuan mengetuk gantungan film di sisi tangki pengembangan sebelum memasang film?

a. To reduce the chance of bromide streaking.

b. To dislodge any air bubbles that may cause white spots on the radiograph.
c. To avoid static discharge from occurring.
d. All of the above.

15. Yellow fogging is most likely due to:

Kabut kuning kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh:

a. The use of out of date film.

b. Film stored in damp conditions
c. Insufficient final was
d. Out of date fixer.

16. Dark crimping marks that may occur on a radiograph are most likely to occur because of:
Tanda crimping gelap yang mungkin muncul pada radiografi kemungkinan besar terjadi karena:

a. Crimping the radiograph after exposure.

b. Crimping the radiograph before exposure.
c. Crimping the radiograph during exposure.
d. Bad film storage

17. Ionisation of a film emulsion causes the film to be:

Ionisasi emulsi film menyebabkan film menjadi:


a. Processed
b. Fixed.
c. Developed.
d. Exposed.

18. The purpose of the stop bath during film processing is to:
Tujuan dari stopbath selama pemrosesan film adalah untuk:

a. Change the exposed silver salts to black metallic salts.

b. Neutralised the developer tank.
c. Neutralise the development process.
d. Remove the subbing layer from the film.

19. The fixing solutions used in film processing are:

Solusi pengikatan yang digunakan dalam pemrosesan film adalah:

a. Acidic.
b. Alkaline.
c. Neutral
d. Basic.

20. When producing radiographs, if the kilovoltage is increased:

Saat memproduksi radiografi, jika kilovoltase ditingkatkan:

a. The subject contrast decreases.

b. The film contrast decreases.
c. Subject contrast increases.
d. The film contrast increases.

21. Three liquids, which are essential to process an exposed film correctly, are:
Tiga cairan, yang penting untuk memproses film terbuka dengan benar, adalah:

a. Stop bath, acetic acid and water.

b. Developer, stop bath and water.
c. Developer, fixer and water
d. Acetic acid, fixer and stop bath.

22. The ability to detect a small discontinuity or flaw on a radiograph is called?

. Kemampuan mendeteksi diskontinuitas atau cacat kecil pada radiograf disebut?

a. Radiographic contrast.
b. Radiographic sensitivity.
c. Film density.
d. Radiographic definition.

23. Static marks, which may occur on a radiographic, are caused by

Tanda statis yang mungkin muncul pada radiografi disebabkan oleh

a. Film being pulled quickly from between the intensifying screens in humid conditions
b. Foreign material or dirt on the screens during exposure.
c. Scratches on the lead screens
d. Contaminated developer solution.

24. A penetrameter is used to measure:

Penetrameter digunakan untuk mengukur:

a. The quality of the radiographic technique.

b. The size of any discontinuities in a part
c. The amount of film contrast.
d. Both a and b.

25. Which of the following materials has the greatest half value thickness for a given wavelength?
Manakah dari bahan berikut yang memiliki setengah nilai ketebalan terbesar untuk panjang
gelombang tertentu?

a. Steel.
b. Concrete
c. Tungsten
d. Aluminium.

26. A radiograph of a 10mm thick steel weld, 2mm cap reinforcement, has IQI wire number 13
visible (Din 62). What is the IQI sensitivity?
Radiografi las baja setebal 10 mm, tulangan tutup 2 mm, terlihat kawat IQI nomor 13 (Din 62).
Berapa sensitivitas IQInya?

a. 1.6%.
b. 2.0%.
c. 2.08%.
d. 1.3%.

27. Which of the following are considerations to determine the minimum number of exposures
required to cover a 500mm diameter pipe to pipe weld DWSI technique:
Radiografi las baja tebal 10 mm, tulangan tutup 2 mm, terlihat kawat IQI nomor 13 (Din 62).
Berapa sensitivitas IQInya?

a. Development conditions, material type and f.f.d.

b. Material thickness, pipe diameter and f.f.d.
c. Pipe diameter, material type and f.f.d.
d. All of the above.

28. How many wires are in the Din 62 IQI series:

Berapa jumlah kabel pada seri Din 62 IQI :

a. 7
b. 21.
c. 16.
d. 10.

29. The degree of darkness on a radiograph is referred to as:

Derajat kegelapan pada radiograf disebut:

a. Radiographic contrast
b. Definition.
c. Radiographic density.
d. Specific density.

30. A requirement for the generation of x-rays is:

Persyaratan untuk menghasilkan sinar-x adalah:

a. A copper target
b. A target of a suitably high melting point material
c. A target of a low-density material.
d. Both a and b


Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 1

Answer all questions.

1. Which of the following Standards is entitled “Non-destructive testing-general principles for

the radiographic examination of metallic materials using X-and gamma-rays”.
Manakah dari Standar berikut yang berjudul “Prinsip umum pengujian non-destruktif untuk
pemeriksaan radiografi bahan logam menggunakan sinar X dan sinar gamma”.
a. BS EN 1435.
b. BS EN 462-4.
c. BS EN 444.
d. BS EN 473.

2. Why are x-ray beams sometimes collimated when taking exposures of welds?
Mengapa sinar X-ray terkadang terkolimasi ketika mengambil eksposur pada pengelasan?
a. To intensify the effective radiation.
b. To restrict the beam for safety reasons and to reduce scatter.
c. To reduce penumbra thereby increasing radiographic definition.
d. To allow the kV to be reduced.

3. Unless otherwise specified, radiography shall be carried out?

Kecuali ditentukan lain, radiografi harus dilakukan?
a. After the final stage of manufacture, e.g. after grinding and heat treatment.
b. Always on clean surfaces with coatings if applicable removed.
c. At regular intervals throughout the manufacturing of the product.
d. All of the above.

4. The interval between the time the film is placed in the fixer solution and the time when the
original milky image disappears is known as:
Interval antara waktu film ditempatkan dalam larutan fixer dan waktu hilangnya gambar asli
seperti susu dikenal sebagai:
a. The fixing time.
b. Clearing time.
c. Hardening time.
d. Development time.

5. Which of the following information could be obtained from a films characteristic curve?

Manakah informasi berikut yang dapat diperoleh dari kurva karakteristik film?
a. Changing the exposure times and determining the films speed.
b. Determining the subject contrast and the films speed.
c. Determining the film contrast and readjusting exposure times when a new density is
d. Determining the contrast sensitivity and the optimum contrast range of the film.

6. Which of the following film types would you expect to have a factor of 25?
Di antara jenis film berikut, manakah yang menurut Anda memiliki faktor 25?
a. Ultra fine grain.
b. Fast speed.
c. Medium speed.
d. Medium grain.

7. When carrying out radiography on a carbon steel butt weld using Ir 192 as the source, how
many IQI wires must be visible on the radiograph for the technique to be acceptable, in most
Saat melakukan radiografi pada las butt baja karbon menggunakan Ir 192 sebagai sumbernya,
berapa banyak kabel IQI yang harus terlihat pada radiograf agar teknik tersebut dapat diterima,
dalam banyak keadaan?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 7
d. None of the above can be considered not enough information given.

8. Which of the following material(s) are collimators made from?

Bahan kolimator manakah yang terbuat dari bahan berikut?
a. Tungsten.
b. Lead.
c. Copper
d. Any dense material is suitable for a collimator.

9. The range of thickness over which densities are obtained that are satisfactory for interpretation
is a measure of the:
Kisaran ketebalan yang diperoleh kepadatan yang memuaskan untuk interpretasi adalah ukuran
a. Subject contrast of a radiograph.
b. Film contrast of a radiograph.
c. Latitude of a radiograph.

d. Definition of a radiograph.

10. Images of discontinuities close to the source side of the specimen become less clearly defined
Citra diskontinuitas yang dekat dengan sisi sumber spesimen menjadi kurang jelas definisinya
a. Source-to-object distance increases.
b. The thickness of the specimen increases.
c. The size of the source decreases.
d. The thickness of the specimen decreases.

11. As the effective energy of the radiation increases up to about 300 kV:
Ketika energi efektif radiasi meningkat hingga sekitar 300 kV:
a. Film graininess increases.
b. Film graininess decreases.
c. Film contrast decreases.
d. Radiographic definition decreases.

12. X-ray films with larger grain size:

Film sinar-X dengan ukuran butir lebih besar:
a. Will produce radiographs of better definition.
b. Reduce subject contrast.
c. Have slower speeds than those with relatively small grain size.
d. None of the above.

13. When radiographing a steel weld 10mm thick, in accordance with BS EN 1435 which
isotope(s) are recommended to be used?
Saat melakukan radiografi pada lasan baja setebal 10 mm, sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 isotop
manakah yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan?
a. Se 75.
b. Yb 169.
c. Tm 170.
d. Both a. and b.
e. All of the above.

14. For practical purposes, the shape of the characteristic curve of an x-ray film:
Untuk tujuan praktis, bentuk kurva karakteristik film sinar-X:
a. Is drastically changed when the wavelength of radiation is shortened.
b. Is primarily dependent on the subject contrast.

c. Is independent of the quality of x-ray or gamma radiation.
d. Is independent of the type of film.

15. In accordance with BS EN 1435 which of the following is applicable for a double-wall
penetration double image (source and film outside)?Should not be used on pipe diameters
>100mm with a minimum of two exposures.
Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 manakah dari berikut ini yang berlaku untuk gambar ganda penetrasi
dinding ganda (sumber dan film di luar)? Tidak boleh digunakan pada diameter pipa >100mm
dengan minimal dua eksposur.

a. Should not be used on pipe diameters > 90mm with a minimum of three exposures.
b. May be used on any wall thickness providing the contrast is acceptable to specification
c. All of the above.

16. In accordance with BS EN 1435 which of the following techniques require lead identification
letter “f” to indicate IQI placed film side?
Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435, manakah dari teknik berikut yang memerlukan huruf identifikasi
timah “f” untuk menunjukkan sisi film yang ditempatkan IQI?
a. Single-wall penetration of curved objects.
b. Double-wall penetration double image on curved objects.
c. Double-wall penetration single image of curved objects for evaluation of the wall next to
the film.
d. Both b and c.

17. In accordance with BS EN 1435 what is the maximum permitted x-ray voltage which may be
used on a steel weld 12mm weld thickness, technique to use double-wall penetration double
image on a curved object.
Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 berapa tegangan sinar-X maksimum yang diperbolehkan yang boleh
digunakan pada las baja dengan ketebalan las 12mm, teknik menggunakan gambar ganda
penetrasi dinding ganda pada benda melengkung.
a. 175kV.
b. 220kV.
c. 350kV.
d. 300kV.

18. What is the ratio of the light intensity transmitted through adjacent areas of a radiograph
having densities of 3.0 and 1.0?
18. Berapa perbandingan intensitas cahaya yang ditransmisikan melalui area berdekatan pada
radiograf yang mempunyai kepadatan 3,0 dan 1,0?

a. 20.
b. 10.
c. 100.
d. 2.

19. Black crescent-shaped marks that may appear on a radiograph will most likely have been
resulted from:
Tanda hitam berbentuk bulan sabit yang muncul pada radiografi kemungkinan besar disebabkan
a. Crimping the film before exposure.
b. Crimping the film after exposure.
c. Sudden extreme temperature changes while processing.
d. Warm or exhausted fixer.

20. In accordance with BS EN 1435 which wire type IQI pack would expect to be placed on a
steel weldment 20mm thick (single wall technique)?
Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 paket IQI jenis kawat manakah yang diharapkan ditempatkan pada las
baja setebal 20 mm (teknik dinding tunggal)?
a. W 10.
b. W 6.
c. W 6 or W10.
d. W 10 or W13.

21. Which of the following criteria are important considerations when selecting the correct IQI to
Manakah dari kriteria berikut yang merupakan pertimbangan penting ketika memilih IQI yang
tepat untuk digunakan.
a. The wire shall have a coefficient of absorption as close as possible to that of the material
under test.
b. The wire shall be made from the same material as the material under test.
c. The IQI can be made from any material providing the desirable image quality is achieved.
d. The wire material is almost always made from stainless steel to prevent rusting from

22. Subject contrast is affected by:

Kontras subjek dipengaruhi oleh:
a. The thickness differences in the specimen.
b. The intensity of the radiation used.
c. The grain size of the film.
d. All of the above.


23. The slope (steepness) of a characteristic curve is a measure of:

Kemiringan (kecuraman) suatu kurva karakteristik adalah ukuran dari:
a. Radiographic contrast.
b. Subject contrast.
c. Film contrast.
d. All of the above.

24. The depth of a defect all ready detected may be estimated by making two exposures on a
single film from different positions of the x-ray tube. The depth of the defect is then computed
from the shift in the shadow of the defect with respect to the images of fixed markers on the
front and back of the specimen. The method is referred to as:
Kedalaman suatu cacat yang siap terdeteksi dapat diperkirakan dengan membuat dua pemaparan
pada satu film dari posisi tabung sinar-X yang berbeda. Kedalaman cacat kemudian dihitung dari
pergeseran bayangan cacat terhadap gambar penanda tetap di bagian depan dan belakang
spesimen. Metode tersebut disebut sebagai:
a. Stereoradiogrphy
b. Sandwich technique.
c. Fluoroscopy.
d. Parallax technique.

25. What do you understand by the term solarization?

Apa yang Anda maksud dengan istilah solarisasi?
a. Another term given to fog.
b. It is the main cause of dichroic fog.
c. It is where a radiographic film becomes lighter instead of darker, due to excessively high
d. It relates to the intensification of scatter radiation more than primary radiation.

26. Fluorometalic intensifying screens will:

Layar penguatan fluorometalik akan:
a. Partially filter out scatter radiation.
b. Transform x-ray and gamma ray radiation in to visible or UVA light.
c. Improve the quality of the radiograph when compared to no screens.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.

27. Density is a logarithmic ratio of:

Massa jenis adalah perbandingan logaritmik dari:

a. The transmitted light compared with light from the radiograph.
b. The incident light divided by the transmitted light.
c. The light from the viewer divided by the incident light.
d. The transmitted light multiplied by the incident light

28. How is it possible to compensate for a large focal spot size to reduce penumbra?
Bagaimana cara mengkompensasi ukuran titik fokus yang besar untuk mengurangi penumbra?
a. Reduce the kilovoltage.
b. Use a larger object-to-film distance.
c. Reduce the focal spot to film distance.
d. None of the above.

29. When struck by x-rays or gamma rays lead screens emit:

Ketika terkena sinar-x atau sinar gamma, layar timah memancarkan:
a. Electromagnetic radiation.
b. Negatively charged particles.
c. Positively charged particles.
d. Particles carrying no overall charge.

30. Ammonium thiosulphate and sodium thiosulphate are chemicals used in:
Amonium tiosulfat dan natrium tiosulfat adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam:
a. Photographic emulsions.
b. Thermo-luminescent dosemeters.
c. Fixers.
d. Developers.

31. The use of salt intensifying screens instead of lead screens will:
Penggunaan saringan penguat garam sebagai ganti saringan timbal akan:
a. Reduce developing times.
b. Produce radiographs with a better definition.
c. Require an increase in exposure times.
d. Cause failure of the reciprocity law.

32. The tenth value thickness of a material depends on:

Nilai kesepuluh ketebalan suatu bahan tergantung pada:
a. Exposure time
b. The intensity of the primary radiation.
c. The wavelength of radiation.
d. All of the above.


33. When using the same light source, a film that transmits 1/10 of the incident light, another
radiograph transmits 1/100 of the incident light, what is the density of the second film?
Bila menggunakan sumber cahaya yang sama, sebuah film mentransmisikan 1/10 cahaya datang,
radiograf lain mentransmisikan 1/100 cahaya datang, berapakah densitas film kedua?

a. 2.0
b. 4.0
c. 1.0
d. 100

34. Exposure time is directly proportional to:

Waktu pemaparan berbanding lurus dengan:
a. Film to focus distance.
b. Intensity.
c. Wavelength.
d. All of the above.

35. The welding process which is most suited to the joining of thin plate materials such as
aluminium, copper, stainless steel:
Proses pengelasan yang paling sesuai untuk penyambungan material pelat tipis seperti aluminium,
tembaga, baja tahan karat:
a. Flux core MAG.
b. MMA.
c. Sub-arc.

36. What is the IQI sensitivity if wire number 10 is visible using the DIN 62 IQI series on a
panoramic shot 36 inch diameter vessel, 500mm f.f.d., 30 mm wall thickness?
Berapa sensitivitas IQI jika kawat nomor 10 terlihat menggunakan seri DIN 62 IQI pada bidikan
panorama bejana berdiameter 36 inci, f.f.d. 500mm, tebal dinding 30 mm?
a. 1.3%.
b. 1.06%.
c. 0.6%.
d. From the following information the IQI sensitivity can not be determined.

37. Lead foil in direct contact with radiographic film:
Timah foil bersentuhan langsung dengan film radiografi
a. Intensifies the primary radiation more than the scatter radiation.
b. Decreases the contrast of the radiographic image.
c. Intensifies the scatter radiation more than the primary radiation.
d. Should never be used when the kV’s exceed 120.
e. Both a and b.

38. A fluorescent intensifying screen will:

Layar penguat fluoresen akan:
a. Transform x-ray energy into visible light.
b. Improve overall radiographic sensitivity.
c. Result in the formation of dense patches.
d. Intensify the primary radiation by emitting particulate radiation to which the film emulsion
is sensitive.

39. Mottling due to diffraction can be reduced and, in some cases, eliminated by:
Bintik-bintik akibat difraksi dapat dikurangi dan, dalam beberapa kasus, dihilangkan dengan:
a. Reducing the wavelength.
b. Changing the radiation angle slightly, e.g. 5o
c. Increasing the wavelength.
d. Both a and b.
e. Both b and c.

40. What is the amount of penumbra for the following conditions, size of source 4mm, wall
thickness 75mm, source to object distance 15m and exposure 28 mA minutes.
Berapa besar penumbra untuk kondisi berikut, ukuran sumber 4mm, ketebalan dinding 75mm,
jarak sumber ke benda 15m dan paparan 28 mA menit.
a. 0.2 mm
b. 0.02 mm
c. 2.0 mm
d. 2.1 mm

R&TPO-msr RI-1.
Date: 31/01/2000 issue 3.

Radiographic Interpretation
Level 2 General and Specific Theory RI-1
This column is for official use only
Name: ……………………….…………… Results
Signed: ……………………………………. Marker 1:

Date: ……………………………………. Marker 2:

1. If it were necessary to radiograph a 7-inch thick steel product, which of the following gamma
ray sources would most likely be used?
1. Jika diperlukan radiografi produk baja setebal 7 inci, manakah sumber sinar gamma berikut
yang paling mungkin digunakan?
a. Co60.
b. Ir192.
c. Ce137
d. Yb169.

2. The kilovoltage applied to an x-ray tube effects:

2. Kilovoltase yang diterapkan pada efek tabung sinar-X:
a. The quality of the x-ray beam.
b. The quantity of the x-ray beam.
c. Has no effect on subject contrast.
d. All of the above.

3. Isotopes of a single element differ only in the number of:

3. Isotop suatu unsur hanya berbeda dalam jumlah:
a. Protons.
b. Neutrons.
c. Electrons.
d. Positrons.

4. Low energy ionising radiation:

4. Radiasi pengion energi rendah:
a. Are scattered more easily than high energy x-rays.
b. Are scattered less than high energy x-rays.
c. Produce lower contrast radiographs.
d. None of the above.

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5. Alpha particles are emitted:
5. Partikel alfa dipancarkan:
a. After gamma rays and x-rays.
b. After gamma rays
c. Before gamma rays
d. Only by natural isotopes.

6. In accordance with BS EN 1435 which of the following are the recommended minimum and
maximum thickness values for Ir192 (test class a).
6. Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 manakah berikut ini yang merupakan nilai ketebalan minimum dan
maksimum yang direkomendasikan untuk Ir192 (kelas pengujian a).
a. 50mm to 100mm.
b. 12mm to 50mm.
c. 40mm to 200mm.
d. 20mm to 100mm.

7. The half-life of a source is dependent on;

7. Waktu paruh suatu sumber bergantung pada;
a. It’s original intensity.
b. The source to film distance.
c. The physical size of the isotope.
d. The isotope.

8. The Z number is:

8. Angka Z adalah:
a. The atomic mass number.
b. The total number of electrons + neutrons.
c. The total number of neutrons + protons.
d. Dictates the element type.

9. Which of the following has the least penetrating properties?

9. Manakah dari berikut ini yang memiliki sifat penetrasi paling kecil?
a. X-rays.
b. Alpha particles.
c. Beta particles.
d. Gamma rays.

10. An atom which has lost an orbiting electron is said to be:

10. Sebuah atom yang kehilangan elektron pada orbitnya dikatakan:
a. Radioactive.
b. A negative ion.

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c. Ionised.
d. A nucleus.

11. Which of the following units is used for measuring the amount of absorbed dose?
11. Manakah dari satuan berikut yang digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah dosis serap?
a. Sievert.
b. Rem
c. Roentgen.
d. Gray.

12. Linear volumetric defects associated with welds are?

12. Cacat volumetrik linier yang berhubungan dengan pengelasan adalah?
a. Linear from at least one direction.
b. Linear from at least one direction with volume.
c. Equal from all directions.
d. Could be all of the above.

13. Which of the following defects are likely to be missed using x-ray as the inspection medium?
13. Cacat manakah di bawah ini yang mungkin terlewatkan jika menggunakan sinar-X sebagai
media pemeriksaan?
a. Plate laminations, lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld and cap overlap.
b. Toe cracks, plate laminations and lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld.
c. Plat laminations, lack of inter run fusion using the MIG/MAG welding process and cap
d. All defects are always detected using x-rays.

14. Which of the following is the most likely appearance of lack of root fusion on a radiograph
taken of a single V butt weld?
14. Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling mungkin menunjukkan kurangnya fusi akar pada
radiograf yang diambil dari las butt V tunggal?
a. A dark straight line with a light root.
b. A dark straight line with a root of higher density.
c. A dark root with straight edges.
d. A dark uneven line with a light root.

15. Which of the following defects would show up as light indications?

15. Cacat manakah di bawah ini yang terlihat sebagai indikasi ringan?
a. Copper inclusions, slag inclusions and excessive root penetration.
b. Tungsten inclusions, spatter and lack of root penetration.
c. Tungsten inclusions, excessive root penetration and spatter.
d. Excessive cap height, copper inclusions and underflushing.

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16. If an exposure time of 3 minutes and 30 seconds were necessary using a 5-metre source to film
distance for a particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 3-metre source to film
distance is used and all other variables remain the same?
16. Jika waktu pemaparan 3 menit 30 detik diperlukan dengan menggunakan jarak sumber ke film
5 meter untuk paparan tertentu, berapa waktu yang diperlukan jika jarak sumber ke film 3 meter
digunakan dan semua variabel lainnya tetap sama? sama?
a. 1 minute 43 seconds.
b. 1 minute 15 seconds.
c. 65 minutes 12 seconds.
d. 2 minutes 55 seconds.

17. The part of an atom, which carries a positive charge, is called?

17. Bagian atom yang bermuatan positif disebut?
a. Positron.
b. Neutron.
c. Proton.
d. Electron.

18. Alpha particles:

18. Partikel alfa:
a. Have a short wavelength when compared to x-rays.
b. Have very high velocity and are very highly penetrating.
c. Penetrate more than beta particles
d. Are ejected as a helium atom minus any electrons.

19. The penetrating ability of gamma rays is governed by:

19. Daya tembus sinar gamma diatur oleh:
a. The isotopes activity.
b. Time plus activity.
c. The isotopes half-life.
d. The atomic number of the element used for the isotope.

20. Two different gamma isotopes of the same activity:

20. Dua isotop gamma berbeda dengan aktivitas yang sama:
a. Will produce different wavelengths of radiation.
b. Will produce the same quality of radiation.
c. Will produce the same intensities and wavelengths of radiation.
d. Will produce only electromagnetic and ionising radiation.

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21. A good radiograph is produced using the following exposure conditions, 4 minutes at 3 mA.
What exposure time would be needed if the mA were reduced to 2mA?
21. Radiografi yang baik dihasilkan dengan menggunakan kondisi paparan berikut, 4 menit pada 3
mA. Berapa waktu pemaparan yang diperlukan jika mA dikurangi menjadi 2mA?
a. 6 minutes.
b. 3 minutes.
c. 2 minutes.
d. 4 minutes.

22. A x-ray tube emits 4 msv per hour of radiation at an auto-monitored distance of 1m. What is
the distance where safety barriers are to be erected at 7.5 sv per hour?
22. Sebuah tabung sinar-X memancarkan radiasi sebesar 4 msv per jam pada jarak 1m yang
dipantau secara otomatis. Berapa jarak dimana penghalang keselamatan harus dipasang dengan
kecepatan 7,5 sv per jam?
a. 533.3m.
b. 1.35m.
c. 23m.
d. 0.73m.

23. The A number of an element is:

23. Bilangan suatu unsur adalah:
a. The number of neutrons plus protons.
b. The number of electrons plus protons.
c. The number of neutrons only.
d. Dictates the element type.

24. X-rays and gamma rays are:

24. Sinar X dan sinar gamma adalah :
a. Corpuscular and ionising radiation.
b. Particulate and ionising radiation.
c. Particulate and corpuscular radiation.
d. Electromagnetic and ionising radiation.

25. In the electromagnetic spectrum light rays have:

25. Dalam spektrum elektromagnetik, sinar cahaya mempunyai:
a. A shorter wave length than x-rays.
b. The same frequency as x-rays.
c. The same wavelength as x-rays
d. A lower frequency than x-rays

26. Gamma rays:

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a. Have a large mass when compared to alpha particles.
b. Travel at the speed of light.
c. Generally Produce much better quality radiographs when compared with low energy x-
d. Both a and b.

27. The absorption of gamma rays from a given source when passing through matter depends on:
27. Penyerapan sinar gamma dari sumber tertentu ketika melewati suatu materi bergantung pada:
a. The atomic number, density and thickness or the matter.
b. The Youngs modulus value of the matter.
c. The specific activity value of the source.
d. All of the above.

28. The fact that gases, when bombarded by radiation, ionise and become electrical conductors
makes them useful in:
28. Fakta bahwa gas, ketika dibombardir oleh radiasi, terionisasi dan menjadi konduktor listrik
menjadikannya berguna dalam:
a. X-ray transformers.
b. X-ray tubes.
c. Radiation detection equipment.
d. Radiographic film.

29. An unshielded isotope source gives a dosage rate of 700 mr per hour at 7 feet. What would the
unshielded dosage rate be at 29 feet.
29. Sumber isotop tanpa pelindung memberikan laju dosis 700 mr per jam pada jarak 7 kaki.
Berapa tingkat dosis tanpa pelindung pada 29 kaki.
a. 12014.2 mr per hour.
b. 168.96 mr per hour.
c. 40.78 mr per hour.
d. 22.8 mr per hour.

30. Which of the following defects are considered to be the most detrimental to the service life of
an item?
30. Cacat manakah di bawah ini yang dianggap paling merugikan masa pakai suatu barang?
a. Porosity.
b. Non-equiaxed (planar) defects open to the surface.
c. Equiaxed (rounded ) defects open to the surface.
d. Linear volumetric defects.

31. What would be the new exposure time for the following conditions?
Berapa waktu pemaparan baru untuk kondisi berikut?

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Old time = 3 mins 45secs. New mA = 5. Old mA = 4. New f.f.d. = 24". Old f.f.d. = 30".
a. 1.77 minutes.
b. 2.2 minutes.
c. 2 minutes 24 seconds
d. 1 minute 55 seconds.

32. A radiograph shows a single, dark parallel indication with straight edges, down the centre of
the weld area. What is the probable defect?
32. Radiografi menunjukkan satu indikasi paralel berwarna gelap dengan tepi lurus, di tengah area
las. Apa kemungkinan cacatnya?
a. Misalignment.
b. Cap undercut.
c. Lack of root penetration.
d. Lack of root fusion.

33. Which of the following gamma sources would be preferred for radiography of an 6 mm thick
weld, single wall technique, a good quality radiograph is required:
33. Manakah dari sumber gamma berikut yang lebih disukai untuk radiografi teknik las dinding
tunggal setebal 6 mm, memerlukan radiografi berkualitas baik:
a. Co60.
b. Ir192.
c. Yb169.
d. Tm170.

34. Cold lap in a weld is a commonly used definition for which of the following?
34. Putaran dingin pada pengelasan merupakan definisi umum yang digunakan untuk definisi
berikut ini?
a. Undercut.
b. Hydrogen cracking.
c. Lack of side wall fusion.
d. Lack of fusion at the weld toes.

35. Which of the following defects would not be expected in a weld made by the MIG/MAG
welding process (solid wire)?
35. Cacat berikut manakah yang tidak diharapkan terjadi pada pengelasan yang dilakukan dengan
proses pengelasan MIG/MAG (kawat padat)?
a. Porosity.
b. Undercut.
c. Slag inclusions.
d. Lack of root fusion.

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36. Which of the following weld defects would show up on a radiograph as, a dark irregular line
of various thickness running along the edge of the cap or the root?
36. Cacat las berikut ini yang mana yang terlihat pada radiograf sebagai garis gelap tak beraturan
dengan berbagai ketebalan di sepanjang tepi tutup atau akar las?
a. Undercut
b. Lack of fusion, root or cap.
c. Slag inclusions.
d. All of the above could appear as above.

37. Which of the following standards relates to welding terms and symbols?
37. Manakah dari standar berikut yang berkaitan dengan istilah dan simbol pengelasan?
a. BS 5135.
b. BS 499.
c. BS 2901
d. BS 5500.

38. Which of the following is applicable to hydrogen cracking?

38. Manakah dari berikut ini yang berlaku untuk perengkahan hidrogen?
a. It’s a hot crack.
b. The most common type of crack that occurs in C- Mn steels.
c. Only occurs in the HAZ of steel weldments.
d. Only occurs weld centre line.

39. Which of the following discontinuities is caused by insufficient cleaning between runs in a
MMA butt weld?
39. Diskontinuitas manakah berikut ini yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya pembersihan antar proses
pada pengelasan butt MMA?
a. Undercut
b. Incomplete filled groove
c. Porosity.
d. Slag inclusions.

40. Welding on rolled plate with poor through thickness ductility can cause which of the
40. Pengelasan pada pelat canai dengan keuletan ketebalan tembus yang buruk dapat
menyebabkan hal berikut ini?
a. Cold laps.
b. Laminations.
c. Lamellar tearing.
d. Slivers.

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Date: 31/01/2000 issue 3.

QU Paper RI-1 9 of 7
R&TPO-msr RI-2.
Date: 07/02/2000 issue 3.
URRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhh Radiographic Interpretation

Level 2 General and Specific Theory RI-2

This column is for official use only
Name: ……………………….…………… Results
Signed: ……………………………………. Marker 1:

Date: ……………………………………. Marker 2:

1. What qualities would a radiograph of a 10mm thick steel weld possess, if it had been produced
using 30-curie cobalt source over 5 minutes?
1. Kualitas apa yang dimiliki radiografi las baja setebal 10 mm, jika dibuat menggunakan sumber
kobalt 30-curie selama 5 menit?
a. High contrast relative to a radiograph produced using a 10-curie cobalt source.
b. It would have high density unless solarisation has occurred.
c. It would have high definition.
d. It will probably be blank.

2. What quality must a radiograph of a weld possess if the main aim is to try and evaluate the
through thickness depths of defects?
2. Kualitas apa yang harus dimiliki oleh radiografi suatu las jika tujuan utamanya adalah untuk
mencoba dan mengevaluasi kedalaman cacat pada ketebalan tembus?
a. It must possess high contrast and good definition.
b. It must possess a sensitivity greater than 1.7%.
c. It must possess wide latitude and a lower contrast.
d. Non of the above.

3. Why are radiographic densities in the weld area of approximately 1.5 and below are usually
considered too low for acceptance of the radiograph?
3. Mengapa kepadatan radiografi pada area las yang kira-kira 1,5 ke bawah biasanya dianggap
terlalu rendah untuk penerimaan radiografi?
a. Because the radiographic definition is too low
b. Because the subject contrast is too low regardless of the light intensity of the viewer used.
c. Because the radiographic contrast is impaired.
d. Radiographs with these densities in the weld are not usually considered unacceptable.

4. Low voltage x-ray tubes are generally fitted with windows made of:
4. Tabung sinar X tegangan rendah umumnya dilengkapi dengan jendela yang terbuat dari:
a. Tungsten.

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b. Lead.
c. Steel.
d. Beryllium.

5. The velocity of electrons striking the target in a x-ray tube is a function of?
5. Kecepatan elektron yang menumbuk sasaran dalam tabung sinar-X merupakan fungsi dari?
a. The atomic number of the material.
b. The amount of current flowing through the filament.
c. The amount of current in the cathode.
d. The potential difference across the cathode and anode.

6. Which of the following isotopes has the longest half-life?

6. Isotop manakah berikut yang mempunyai waktu paruh terpanjang?
a. Cobalt 60.
b. Cesium 137.
c. Iridium 192.
d. Thulium 170.

7. The primary form of energy conversion when elements strike a target in an x-ray tube results
in the production of:
7. Bentuk utama konversi energi ketika unsur-unsur mengenai sasaran dalam tabung sinar-X
menghasilkan produksi:
a. Long wavelength radiation.
b. Soft radiation.
c. Primary x-rays.
d. Heat.

8. The purpose of circulating oil in some types of x-ray tubes is:

8. Tujuan dari sirkulasi minyak pada beberapa jenis tabung sinar-X adalah:
a. To dissipate heat.
b. For lubrication purposes.
c. To reduce the chance of scatter radiation reaching the tube head.
d. To reduce the need of high currents.

9. A good cobalt radiograph is made on a 30-inch steel weld using an exposure time of 10
minutes and a source to film distance of 36 inches. It is necessary to change the source to film
distance to 24 inch, what exposure time would be used to produce a similar radiograph if all
other considerations remain the same?
9. Radiografi kobalt yang baik dibuat pada las baja berukuran 30 inci dengan waktu pemaparan 10
menit dan jarak sumber ke film 36 inci. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mengubah jarak sumber ke film
menjadi 24 inci, berapa waktu pemaparan yang akan digunakan untuk menghasilkan radiografi
serupa jika semua pertimbangan lainnya tetap sama?

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a. 1 minute 36 seconds.
b. 4 minute 26 seconds.
c. 4 minute 40 seconds.
d. 5 minutes.

10. After a period of 296 days the activity of an iridium 192 source, activity 400 Gbq would be:
10. Setelah jangka waktu 296 hari aktivitas sumber iridium 192, aktivitas 400 Gbq akan menjadi:
a. 100 Gbq.
b. 50 Gbq.
c. 25 Gbq.
d. 12.5 Gbq.

11. The effect when all of a photons energy is lost on impact caused through ejecting an electron
is termed:
11. Akibat hilangnya seluruh energi foton akibat tumbukan yang disebabkan oleh pelepasan
elektron disebut:
a. Pair production.
b. Compton effect
c. Rayleigh scattering.
d. Photoelectric effect.

12. An increase in kilovoltage will result in: (if all other considerations remain the same)
12. Peningkatan kilovoltase akan mengakibatkan: (jika semua pertimbangan lainnya tetap sama)
a. A reduction in film contrast.
b. An increase in radiographic contrast.
c. No overall change to the radiographs definition.
d. A reduction in subject contrast.

13. If a 200mm f.f.d, object to film distance 20mm using a 4mm source size, it is calculated that
the geometric unsharpness is 0.4mm. Assuming the source size and object to film distance
can’t be altered what will be the required f.f.d. to reduce the unsharpness to an acceptable
level of 0.25mm:
13. Jika f.f.d 200mm, jarak objek ke film 20mm menggunakan ukuran sumber 4mm, maka
dihitung ketidaktajaman geometrinya sebesar 0,4mm. Dengan asumsi ukuran sumber dan jarak
objek ke film tidak dapat diubah, berapa f.f.d yang diperlukan? untuk mengurangi ketidaktajaman
ke tingkat yang dapat diterima yaitu 0,25 mm:
a. 340mm
b. 251mm
c. 288mm
d. 388mm

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14. A lead sheet containing a pin hole may be placed half way between x-ray tube and the film in
order to:
14. Lembaran timah yang berisi lubang pin dapat ditempatkan di tengah-tengah antara tabung
sinar-X dan film untuk:
a. Measure the intensity of radiation. (central beam)
b. Used to set up exposure times.
c. Reduce secondary radiation.
d. Determination of focal spot size.

15. From a radiograph it has been determined that the penumbra is 0.3 using the following factors,
size of source 3mm, focal spot to film distance 268mm and the object to film distance 27mm.
In order to ensure that the penumbra levels do not exceed 0.25mm what will be the new
minimum focal spot to film distance?
15. Dari radiografi ditentukan penumbra 0,3 dengan menggunakan faktor-faktor berikut, ukuran
sumber 3mm, jarak titik fokus ke film 268mm dan jarak objek ke film 27mm. Untuk memastikan
bahwa tingkat penumbra tidak melebihi 0,25 mm, berapakah titik fokus minimum yang baru
untuk jarak film?
a. 324mm.
b. 351mm.
c. 268mm.
d. 386mm.

16. Which of the following applies to constant potential x-ray tubes?

16. Manakah dari berikut ini yang berlaku untuk tabung sinar-X potensial konstan?
a. Thicker cables and larger tube heads.
b. Faster sets and more commonly used on site.
c. More robust and lighter sets.
d. Faster sets and smaller tube heads.

17. If an iridium 192 isotope 1200 GBq activity, what would be its activity be after 370 days?
17. Jika suatu isotop iridium 192 memiliki aktivitas 1200 GBq, berapakah aktivitasnya setelah
370 hari?
a. 1.0 curies.
b. 2.0 curies.
c. 10.0 curies.
d. 10 Bq.

18. Which of the following are reasons for insufficient density on a radiograph?
18. Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan penyebab kepadatan radiografi tidak mencukupi?
a. Over development and insufficient final wash.
b. Low kilovoltage and excessive exposure times.

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c. Developer temperature to low and under exposure.
d. Under development and developer temperature to high.

19. A large physical source size may produce an equivalent quality radiograph if:
19. Ukuran sumber fisik yang besar dapat menghasilkan kualitas radiograf yang setara jika:
a. The source to film distance is increased.
b. The object to film distance is increased.
c. Exposure times are reduced.
d. A faster film speed is used.

20. The general method of producing x-rays involves the sudden deceleration of high velocity
electrons in a solid body called:
20. Metode umum untuk menghasilkan sinar-X melibatkan perlambatan mendadak elektron
berkecepatan tinggi dalam benda padat yang disebut:
a. Focusing cup.
b. Filament.
c. Target.
d. Cathode.

21. In an x-ray tube, the filament and focusing cup are the two essential parts of the:
21. Dalam tabung sinar-X, filamen dan mangkuk fokus adalah dua bagian penting dari:
a. Anode.
b. Cathode.
c. Rectifier.
d. Control panel.

22. An x-ray tube with a small focal spot is considered better than one with a large focal spot size
when it is desired to obtain:
22. Tabung sinar-X dengan titik fokus kecil dianggap lebih baik daripada tabung dengan ukuran
titik fokus besar bila diinginkan untuk memperoleh:
a. Greater penetration.
b. Better geometric unsharpness.
c. Better inherent film unsharpness.
d. Improved radiographic contrast.

23. One method of reducing radiographic contrast is to:

23. Salah satu metode untuk mengurangi kontras radiografi adalah dengan:
a. Increase the distance between the radiation source and the object.
b. Decrease the distance between the radiation source and the object.
c. Increase the potential difference between the anode and cathode.
d. Increase development time within manufactures recommendations.

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24. In x-ray radiography, alternating current must be changed to pulsating direct current in order
to satisfy the need for fast and more efficient x-ray sets, this change may be accomplished by:
24. Dalam radiografi sinar-x, arus bolak-balik harus diubah menjadi arus searah yang berdenyut
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rangkaian sinar-x yang cepat dan efisien, perubahan ini dapat
dilakukan dengan:
a. Transformers.
b. Rectifiers.
c. Inverters.
d. Filaments.

25. Two isotopes of the same element have two different specific activity values. The source with
the higher specific activity value will:
25. Dua isotop dari unsur yang sama mempunyai dua nilai aktivitas spesifik yang berbeda.
Sumber dengan nilai aktivitas spesifik yang lebih tinggi akan:
a. Produce radiation with a shorter wavelength.
b. Have a shorter half-life than the source with a lower specific activity.
c. Will increase the half value thickness of most materials.
d. None of the above.

26. The radiographic absorption of a material will tend to become less dependent upon the
materials density and thickness when:
26. Penyerapan radiografi suatu bahan akan cenderung menjadi kurang bergantung pada
kepadatan dan ketebalan bahan ketika:
a. The kilovoltage is increased.
b. The kilovoltage is reduced.
c. The source to film distance is reduced.
d. The intensity of radiation is increased.

27. Two factors which greatly effect the suitability of the target material in an x-ray tube are:
27. Dua faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi kesesuaian bahan target dalam tabung sinar-X adalah:
a. The melting point and magnetic strength.
b. Electrical resistance and the melting point.
c. The materials Z number and the melting point.
d. All of the above.

28. An x-ray tube which is designed to operate in large diameter pipes and cylindrical vessels
which produces a panoramic x-ray beam over the full 360o is termed:
29. Tabung sinar-x yang dirancang untuk beroperasi pada pipa-pipa berdiameter besar dan bejana
silindris yang menghasilkan pancaran sinar-x panoramik 360o penuh disebut:

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a. Biopolar.
b. Rod anode.
c. High voltage generator.
d. Betatron.

30. Filters used at the port of the x-ray tube:

30. Filter yang digunakan pada port tabung x-ray:
a. Intensify the x-ray beam by intensifying the secondary radiation.
b. Filter out hard radiation and secondary radiation.
c. Filter out short wavelength radiation to provide softer radiation.
d. Filter out soft radiation and secondary radiation.

31. Which of the following best describes Characteristic x-rays.

31. Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling tepat menggambarkan Karakteristik sinar X.
a. X-rays consisting of discrete wavelengths which are characteristic of the emitting material.
b. X- radiation that is sometimes classed as secondary radiation.
c. X-radiation arising from the retardation of moving charged particles.
d. A term used to describe very penetrating x-rays.

32. A filter in the primary radiation beam will:

32. Filter pada berkas radiasi primer akan:
a. Reduce exposure time.
b. Increase the effective energy of the beam and reduce radiographic contrast.
c. Increase the scatter radiation that the radiographic film is subjected to.
d. Decrease the effective energy of the beam and increase overall radiographic contrast.

33. The specific activity of a gamma source is usually measured in which of the following units?
33. Aktivitas spesifik sumber gamma biasanya diukur dalam satuan berikut ini?
a. Curies per gram.
b. Counts per second.
c. Mega electron volts.
d. Roentgens per hour.

34. Radiation of a single wavelength is know as:

34. Radiasi dengan panjang gelombang tunggal disebut:
a. Real time radiation.
b. Microscopic radiation.
c. Heterogeneous radiation.
d. Monochromatic radiation.

35. Gamma rays emitted from radio-isotopes consist of:

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Sinar gamma yang dipancarkan dari radio-isotop terdiri dari:
a. A broad spectrum of wavelengths, range of which depends on the isotopes specific
b. Single wavelengths beams, the wavelength of which depend on the particular isotopes
c. Small particles of sub-atomic matter.
d. One or more discrete wavelengths depending on isotope type.

35. The property of a material to block or partially block the passage of x-rays and gamma
rays is termed:
35. Sifat suatu bahan untuk menghalangi atau menghalangi sebagian aliran sinar-x dan sinar
gamma disebut:
a. Absorption.
b. Latitude.
c. Attenuation.
d. Penetration.

36. If the original exposure was 5 mA at 12 minutes, what would the new mA be for an exposure
time of 4 minute?
36. Jika paparan awal adalah 5 mA pada 12 menit, berapakah mA baru untuk waktu paparan 4
a. 10 mA.
b. 15 mA.
c. 18 mA.
d. 20 mA.

37. Which of the following has the shortest half-life?

37. Manakah dari berikut ini yang mempunyai waktu paruh terpendek?
a. Ca 137
b. Ir 192.
c. Co 60.
d. Yb 169.

38. In welding the most likely cause for a burn through is:
38. Dalam pengelasan, kemungkinan besar penyebab terjadinya luka bakar adalah:
a. Small root face and excessive current values.
b. Small root gap and excessive current values.
c. Loss of welding gas shield and excessive current values.
d. All of the above.

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39. Beta particles:
a. Do not penetrate as for as alpha particles.
b. Travel and penetrate further than alpha particles.
c. Generally have a larger wavelength than alpha particles.
d. Carry a positive charge.

40. As x-ray energy increases, wavelength will:

40. Dengan meningkatnya energi sinar-X, panjang gelombang akan:
a. Increase.
b. Decrease.
c. No change to the wavelength.
d. Increases in mass.

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R&TPO-msr RI-3
Date: 08/02/2000 issue 3.

Radiographic Interpretation
Level 2 General and Specific Theory RI-3
This column is for official use only
Name: ……………………….…………… Results
Signed: ……………………………………. Marker 1:

Date: ……………………………………. Marker 2:

1. Which of the following Standards is entitled “Non-destructive testing-general principles for

the radiographic examination of metallic materials using X-and gamma-rays”.
1. Standar berikut ini yang berjudul “Prinsip umum pengujian non-destruktif untuk pemeriksaan
radiografi bahan logam menggunakan sinar X dan sinar gamma”.
a. BS EN 1435.
b. BS EN 462-4.
c. BS EN 444.
d. BS EN 473.

2. Why are x-ray beams sometimes collimated when taking exposures of welds?
2. Mengapa sinar X-ray kadang-kadang terkolimasi ketika mengambil eksposur pada pengelasan?
a. To intensify the effective radiation.
b. To restrict the beam for safety reasons and to reduce scatter.
c. To reduce penumbra thereby increasing radiographic definition.
d. To allow the kV to be reduced.

3. Unless otherwise specified, radiography shall be carried out?

3. Kecuali ditentukan lain, radiografi harus dilakukan?
a. After the final stage of manufacture, e.g. after grinding and heat treatment.
b. Always on clean surfaces with coatings if applicable removed.
c. At regular intervals throughout the manufacturing of the product.
d. All of the above.

4. The interval between the time the film is placed in the fixer solution and the time when the
original milky image disappears is known as:
4. Interval antara waktu film ditempatkan dalam larutan fixer dan waktu hilangnya gambar asli
seperti susu dikenal sebagai:
a. The fixing time.
b. Clearing time.
c. Hardening time.
d. Development time.

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5. Which of the following information could be obtained from a films characteristic curve?
5. Informasi manakah berikut ini yang dapat diperoleh dari kurva karakteristik film?
a. Changing the exposure times and determining the films speed.
b. Determining the subject contrast and the films speed.
c. Determining the film contrast and readjusting exposure times when a new density is
d. Determining the contrast sensitivity and the optimum contrast range of the film.

6. Which of the following film types would you expect to have a factor of 25?
6. Di antara jenis film berikut, manakah yang menurut Anda memiliki faktor 25?
a. Ultra fine grain.
b. Fast speed.
c. Medium speed.
d. Medium grain.

7. When carrying out radiography on a carbon steel butt weld using Ir 192 as the source, how
many IQI wires must be visible on the radiograph for the technique to be acceptable, in most
7. Saat melakukan radiografi pada las butt baja karbon menggunakan Ir 192 sebagai sumbernya,
berapa banyak kabel IQI yang harus terlihat pada radiograf agar teknik tersebut dapat diterima,
dalam banyak keadaan?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 7
d. None of the above can be considered not enough information given.

8. Which of the following material(s) are collimators made from?

8. Bahan kolimator manakah yang terbuat dari bahan berikut?
a. Tungsten.
b. Lead.
c. Copper
d. Any dense material is suitable for a collimator.

9. The range of thickness over which densities are obtained that are satisfactory for
interpretation is a measure of the:
9. Kisaran ketebalan yang diperoleh kepadatan yang memuaskan untuk interpretasi adalah ukuran
a. Subject contrast of a radiograph.
b. Film contrast of a radiograph.
c. Latitude of a radiograph.

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d. Definition of a radiograph.

10. Images of discontinuities close to the source side of the specimen become less clearly defined
10. Citra diskontinuitas yang dekat dengan sisi sumber spesimen menjadi kurang jelas definisinya
a. Source-to-object distance increases.
b. The thickness of the specimen increases.
c. The size of the source decreases.
d. The thickness of the specimen decreases.

11. As the effective energy of the radiation increases up to about 300 kV:
11. Ketika energi efektif radiasi meningkat hingga sekitar 300 kV:
a. Film graininess increases.
b. Film graininess decreases.
c. Film contrast decreases.
d. Radiographic definition decreases.

12. X-ray films with larger grain size:

12. Film sinar-X dengan ukuran butir lebih besar:
a. Will produce radiographs of better definition.
b. Reduce subject contrast.
c. Have slower speeds than those with relatively small grain size.
d. None of the above.

13. When radiographing a steel weld 10mm thick, in accordance with BS EN 1435 which
isotope(s) are recommended to be used?
13. Saat melakukan radiografi pada lasan baja setebal 10 mm, sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 isotop
manakah yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan?
a. Se 75.
b. Yb 169.
c. Tm 170.
d. Both a. and b.
e. All of the above.

14. For practical purposes, the shape of the characteristic curve of an x-ray film:
14. Untuk tujuan praktis, bentuk kurva karakteristik film sinar-X:
a. Is drastically changed when the wavelength of radiation is shortened.
b. Is primarily dependent on the subject contrast.
c. Is independent of the quality of x-ray or gamma radiation.
d. Is independent of the type of film.

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15. In accordance with BS EN 1435 which of the following is applicable for a double-wall
penetration double image (source and film outside)?
15. Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 manakah dari berikut ini yang berlaku untuk gambar ganda
penetrasi dinding ganda (sumber dan film di luar)?
a. Should not be used on pipe diameters >100mm with a minimum of two exposures.
b. Should not be used on pipe diameters > 90mm with a minimum of three exposures.
c. May be used on any wall thickness providing the contrast is acceptable to specification
d. All of the above.

16. In accordance with BS EN 1435 which of the following techniques require lead identification
letter “f” to indicate IQI placed film side?
16. Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435, manakah dari teknik berikut yang memerlukan huruf identifikasi
timah “f” untuk menunjukkan sisi film yang ditempatkan IQI?
a. Single-wall penetration of curved objects.
b. Double-wall penetration double image on curved objects.
c. Double-wall penetration single image of curved objects for evaluation of the wall next to
the film.
d. Both b and c.

17. In accordance with BS EN 1435 what is the maximum permitted x-ray voltage which may be
used on a steel weld 12mm weld thickness, technique to use double-wall penetration double
image on a curved object.
17. Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 berapa tegangan sinar-X maksimum yang diperbolehkan yang
boleh digunakan pada las baja dengan ketebalan las 12mm, teknik menggunakan gambar ganda
penetrasi dinding ganda pada benda melengkung.
a. 175kV.
b. 220kV.
c. 350kV.
d. 300kV.

18. What is the ratio of the light intensity transmitted through adjacent areas of a radiograph
having densities of 3.0 and 1.0?
18. Berapa perbandingan intensitas cahaya yang ditransmisikan melalui area berdekatan pada
radiograf yang mempunyai kepadatan 3,0 dan 1,0?
a. 20.
b. 10.
c. 100.
d. 2.

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19. Black crescent-shaped marks that may appear on a radiograph will most likely have been
resulted from:
19. Tanda hitam berbentuk bulan sabit yang muncul pada radiografi kemungkinan besar
disebabkan oleh:
a. Crimping the film before exposure.
b. Crimping the film after exposure.
c. Sudden extreme temperature changes while processing.
d. Warm or exhausted fixer.

20. In accordance with BS EN 1435 which wire type IQI pack would expect to be placed on a
steel weldment 20mm thick (single wall technique)?
Sesuai dengan BS EN 1435 paket IQI jenis kawat manakah yang diharapkan ditempatkan pada las
baja setebal 20 mm (teknik dinding tunggal)?
a. W 10.
b. W 6.
c. W 6 or W10.
d. W 10 or W13.

21. Which of the following criteria are important considerations when selecting the correct IQI to
21. Kriteria manakah berikut ini yang merupakan pertimbangan penting ketika memilih IQI yang
tepat untuk digunakan.
a. The wire shall have a coefficient of absorption as close as possible to that of the material
under test.
b. The wire shall be made from the same material as the material under test.
c. The IQI can be made from any material providing the desirable image quality is achieved.
d. The wire material is almost always made from stainless steel to prevent rusting from

22. Subject contrast is affected by:

22. Kontras subjek dipengaruhi oleh:
a. The thickness differences in the specimen.
b. The intensity of the radiation used.
c. The grain size of the film.
d. All of the above.

23. The slope (steepness) of a characteristic curve is a measure of:

23. Kemiringan (kecuraman) suatu kurva karakteristik adalah ukuran dari:
a. Radiographic contrast.
b. Subject contrast.
c. Film contrast.
d. All of the above.

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24. The depth of a defect all ready detected may be estimated by making two exposures on a
single film from different positions of the x-ray tube. The depth of the defect is then
computed from the shift in the shadow of the defect with respect to the images of fixed
markers on the front and back of the specimen. The method is referred to as:
24. Kedalaman suatu cacat yang siap terdeteksi dapat diperkirakan dengan membuat dua
pemaparan pada satu film dari posisi tabung sinar-X yang berbeda. Kedalaman cacat kemudian
dihitung dari pergeseran bayangan cacat terhadap gambar penanda tetap di bagian depan dan
belakang spesimen. Metode tersebut disebut sebagai:
a. Stereoradiogrphy
b. Sandwich technique.
c. Fluoroscopy.
d. Parallax technique.

25. What do you understand by the term solarization?

25. Apa yang Anda maksud dengan istilah solarisasi?
a. Another term given to fog.
b. It is the main cause of dichroic fog.
c. It is where a radiographic film becomes lighter instead of darker, due to excessively high
d. It relates to the intensification of scatter radiation more than primary radiation.

26. Fluorometalic intensifying screens will:

26. Layar penguatan fluorometalik akan:
a. Partially filter out scatter radiation.
b. Transform x-ray and gamma ray radiation in to visible or UVA light.
c. Improve the quality of the radiograph when compared to no screens.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.

27. Density is a logarithmic ratio of:

27. Massa jenis adalah perbandingan logaritmik dari:
a. The transmitted light compared with light from the radiograph.
b. The incident light divided by the transmitted light.
c. The light from the viewer divided by the incident light.
d. The transmitted light multiplied by the incident light

28. How is it possible to compensate for a large focal spot size to reduce penumbra?
28. Bagaimana cara mengkompensasi ukuran titik fokus yang besar untuk mengurangi penumbra?
a. Reduce the kilovoltage.
b. Use a larger object-to-film distance.

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c. Reduce the focal spot to film distance.
d. None of the above.

29. When struck by x-rays or gamma rays lead screens emit:

29. Ketika terkena sinar-x atau sinar gamma, layar timah memancarkan:
a. Electromagnetic radiation.
b. Negatively charged particles.
c. Positively charged particles.
d. Particles carrying no overall charge.

30. Ammonium thiosulphate and sodium thiosulphate are chemicals used in:
30. Amonium tiosulfat dan natrium tiosulfat adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam:
a. Photographic emulsions.
b. Thermo-luminescent dosemeters.
c. Fixers.
d. Developers.

31. The use of salt intensifying screens instead of lead screens will:
31. Penggunaan saringan penguat garam sebagai ganti saringan timbal akan:
a. Reduce developing times.
b. Produce radiographs with a better definition.
c. Require an increase in exposure times.
d. Cause failure of the reciprocity law.

32. The tenth value thickness of a material depends on:

32. Nilai kesepuluh ketebalan suatu bahan tergantung pada:
a. Exposure time
b. The intensity of the primary radiation.
c. The wavelength of radiation.
d. All of the above.

33. When using the same light source, a film that transmits 1/10 of the incident light, another
radiograph transmits 1/100 of the incident light, what is the density of the second film?
34. Bila menggunakan sumber cahaya yang sama, sebuah film mentransmisikan 1/10 cahaya
datang, radiograf lain mentransmisikan 1/100 cahaya datang, berapakah densitas film kedua?

a. 2.0
b. 4.0
c. 1.0
d. 100

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35. Exposure time is directly proportional to:

35. Waktu pemaparan berbanding lurus dengan:
a. Film to focus distance.
b. Intensity.
c. Wavelength.
d. All of the above.

36. The welding process which is most suited to the joining of thin plate materials such as
aluminium, copper, stainless steel:
36. Proses pengelasan yang paling sesuai untuk penyambungan material pelat tipis seperti
aluminium, tembaga, baja tahan karat:
a. Flux core MAG.
b. MMA.
c. Sub-arc.

37. What is the IQI sensitivity if wire number 10 is visible using the DIN 62 IQI series on a
panoramic shot 36 inch diameter vessel, 500mm f.f.d., 30 mm wall thickness?
37. Berapa sensitivitas IQI jika kawat nomor 10 terlihat menggunakan seri DIN 62 IQI pada
bidikan panorama bejana berdiameter 36 inci, f.f.d. 500mm, tebal dinding 30 mm?
a. 1.3%.
b. 1.06%.
c. 0.6%.
d. From the following information the IQI sensitivity can not be determined.

38. Lead foil in direct contact with radiographic film:

38. Foil timah yang bersentuhan langsung dengan film radiografi:
a. Intensifies the primary radiation more than the scatter radiation.
b. Decreases the contrast of the radiographic image.
c. Intensifies the scatter radiation more than the primary radiation.
d. Should never be used when the kV’s exceed 120.
e. Both a and b.

39. A fluorescent intensifying screen will:

39. Layar penguat fluoresen akan:
a. Transform x-ray energy into visible light.
b. Improve overall radiographic sensitivity.
c. Result in the formation of dense patches.
d. Intensify the primary radiation by emitting particulate radiation to which the film emulsion
is sensitive.

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40. Mottling due to diffraction can be reduced and, in some cases, eliminated by:
40. Bintik-bintik akibat difraksi dapat dikurangi dan, dalam beberapa kasus, dihilangkan dengan:
a. Reducing the wavelength.
b. Changing the radiation angle slightly, e.g. 5o
c. Increasing the wavelength.
d. Both a and b.
e. Both b and c.

41. What is the amount of penumbra for the following conditions, size of source 4mm, wall
thickness 75mm, source to object distance 15m and exposure 28 mA minutes.
41. Berapa besar penumbra untuk kondisi berikut, ukuran sumber 4mm, tebal dinding 75mm,
jarak sumber ke benda 15m dan paparan 28 mA menit.
a. 0.2 mm
b. 0.02 mm
c. 2.0 mm
d. 2.1 mm

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Date: 09/02/2000 issue 3.

Radiographic Interpretation
Level 2 General and Specific Theory Paper RI-4
This column is for official use only
Name: ……………………….…………… Results
Signed: ……………………………………. Marker 1:

Date: ……………………………………. Marker 2:

1. When attempting to radiograph a butt weld made on 4 mm carbon steel plate, which of the
following exposure conditions are most likely to be used?
1. Saat mencoba melakukan radiografi butt weld yang dibuat pada pelat baja karbon 4 mm,
manakah dari kondisi pemaparan berikut yang paling mungkin digunakan?
a. 400 kV, 12 mAmins, salt screens, 900 ffd.
b. 120 kV, 6 mAmins, no screens, 900 ffd.
c. 160 kV, 6 mAmins, lead screens, 900 ffd.
d. 80 kV, 12 mAmins, no screens, 900 ffd.

2. Which of the following radiographic techniques would most likely be used when carrying out
radiography on a 300mm-diameter pipe to pipe weld (circumferential) no internal access?
2. Teknik radiografi berikut manakah yang paling mungkin digunakan ketika melakukan
radiografi pada pipa berdiameter 300mm ke pipa las (melingkar) tanpa akses internal?
a. D.W.D.I.
b. S.W.S.I. (panoramic)
c. D.W.S.I.
d. D.W.D.I. (perpendicular)

3. In accordance with BS EN 1453 what is the minimum exposures required for a D.W.D.I.
perpendicular technique:
3. Sesuai dengan BS EN 1453 berapa eksposur minimum yang diperlukan untuk D.W.D.I. teknik
tegak lurus:
a. One.
b. Two.
c. Three.
d. As many shots as possible to give full coverage of the weld giving acceptable radiographs.

4. In accordance with BS EN 1453 what is the thickness range for selenium 75?
4. Sesuai dengan BS EN 1453 berapa kisaran ketebalan selenium 75?

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a. Less than 15mm

b. The same as iridium 192.
c. 20 to 100mm.
d. 10 to 40mm.

5. Under most circumstances, which of the following conditions would give a single wall single
image multiple exposures.
5. Dalam sebagian besar keadaan, manakah dari kondisi berikut yang akan memberikan satu
gambar dinding tunggal eksposur ganda.
a. The radiographic examination of a plate weld over 40 metres in length.
b. The radiographic examination of a pipes girth weld, full circumference less than 90mm
diameter, no internal access.
c. The radiographic examination of a pipes girth weld, full circumference over 500mm
diameter, both internal and external access.
d. The radiographic examination of the same conditions as for “c” but with no internal

6. Which of the following materials may be used for the manufacture of the anode target used in
conventional x-ray tube heads?
6. Bahan manakah berikut yang dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan target anoda yang digunakan
pada kepala tabung sinar-X konvensional?
a. Tungsten and copper.
b. Tungsten and aluminium.
c. Tungsten and platinum.
d. Tungsten is the only material that can be used for the anode targets.

7. Which of the following are reasons for setting the anode target at an angle?
7. Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan alasan untuk menetapkan target anoda pada suatu
a. To reduce the amount of heat produced in the anode.
b. To improve overall contrast.
c. To reduce the actual focal spot size.
d. To reduce the effective focal spot size.

8. Which of the following factors will give the best film image sharpness:
8. Faktor manakah berikut yang akan memberikan ketajaman gambar film terbaik:
a. Small actual focal spot size, long o.f.d. and a long f.f.d.
b. Short o.f.d, short f.f.d. and a small effective focal spot size.
c. The use of shorter wavelength radiation, long f.f.d. and a small actual focal spot size.
d. Long f.f.d, short o.f.d, and the use of longer wavelength radiation.

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Date: 09/02/2000 issue 3.

9. Lead plates or sleeves used in x-ray tube-heads are for the purpose of:
9. Pelat atau selongsong timah yang digunakan pada kepala tabung sinar-X bertujuan untuk:
a. Shielding to prevent unwanted radiation spread.
b. Directing x-rays towards the desired direction i.e. towards the window or tube port.
c. To dissipate heat which is created in the tube-head.
d. Both a and b.

10. At approximately what percentage of a cobalt 60 isotope intensity will be lost after 2.5 years?
10. Kira-kira berapa persentase intensitas isotop kobalt 60 yang akan hilang setelah 2,5 tahun?
a. 50%.
b. 25%.
c. 100%.
d. 75%.

11. Ytterbium 169 is an ideal isotope for thin material:

11. Ytterbium 169 adalah isotop ideal untuk bahan tipis:
a. Because it produces hard radiation.
b. Because it produces soft radiation.
c. Because of its high deterioration.
d. Both a and b.

12. Which of the following will give the highest subject contrast?
12. Manakah dari berikut ini yang memberikan kontras subjek tertinggi?
a. Ultra fine grain film, slow film speed.
b. Large grain film, fast film speed.
c. Medium grain film, medium film speed.
d. None of the above.

13. Which of the following defects (in most circumstances) will not be detected using x-rays?
13. Cacat mana di bawah ini (dalam sebagian besar keadaan) yang tidak dapat dideteksi
menggunakan sinar X?
a. Centre line-cracking open to the surface.
b. Lack of side-wall fusion with associated slag.
c. Plate laminations (significant in area).
d. Cluster porosity.

14. Which of the following x-ray machines are most commonly used on site?
14. Mesin x-ray berikut manakah yang paling umum digunakan di lokasi?
a. Constant potential.
b. Conventional.

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c. Linear accelerators.
d. Betatron accelerators.

15. A positron is best described as:

15. Positron paling tepat digambarkan sebagai:
a. A particle carrying a unit positive electrical charge, one atomic mass unit.
b. A positive charged particle, equal atomic mass unit to one neutron.
c. A particle carrying a unit negative electrical charge, one atomic mass unit.
d. A positive charged particle, equal atomic mass unit to one electron.

16. Two isotopes sources of the same material with the same activity:
16. Dua sumber isotop dari bahan yang sama dengan aktivitas yang sama:
a. Generally the one with the largest specific activity will produce radiographs with highest
b. Generally the one with the smallest specific activity will produce radiographs with highest
c. Both isotopes regardless of specific activity if every thing else is the same will produce
radiographs of the same definition.
d. None of the above.

17. Which of the following applies to alpha particles:

17. Manakah berikut ini yang berlaku untuk partikel alfa:
a. Negatively charged having a mass equal in magnitude to that of an electron.
b. Positively charged consisting of two neutrons and two protons.
c. Positively charged having a mass equal in magnitude to that of a proton.
d. No overall charge having a mass equal in magnitude to that of a neutron.

18. The most common source of man made radioactive isotopes is?
18. Sumber isotop radioaktif buatan manusia yang paling umum adalah?
a. From a nuclear reactor involving the fission of uranium 235.
b. By accelerating the disintegration of uranium 236 to produce other radioactive elements
such as iridium 192 and caesium 137.
c. By directing a stream of quickly charged particles (usually electrons) at certain elements.
d. From neutron bombardment with an elements nuclei (neutron capture).

19. Which of the following are most likely to produce yellow stains on radiographs?
19. Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling mungkin menghasilkan noda kuning pada radiografi?
a. Touching undeveloped film with chemical contamination.
b. Non-uniform development and depleted developer solution.
c. Failure to use stop bath or insufficient final wash.

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d. Over development and developer solution too strong.

20. Which of the following are probable causes for frilling?

20. Manakah dari berikut ini yang kemungkinan menyebabkan frilling?
a. Out of date film.
b. Overly warm or depleted fixer solution.
c. Insufficient final wash.
d. Incorrect drying conditions.

21. In accordance with BS EN 1453 which IQI wire must be visible on a radiograph taken of a
weld, total weld thickness 40mm, single wall technique test class A:
21. Sesuai dengan BS EN 1453 kawat IQI mana yang harus terlihat pada radiograf yang diambil
dari lasan, ketebalan las total 40mm, uji teknik dinding tunggal kelas A:
a. W8.
b. W9.
c. W10.
d. W11.

22. The IQI system of BS EN 462 is based on a series of how many wires?
22. Sistem IQI BS EN 462 didasarkan pada rangkaian berapa kabel?
a. 7.
b. 21.
c. 19.
d. 14.

23. The purpose of agitating radiographic films during development is to:

23. Tujuan pengadukan film radiografi selama pengembangan adalah untuk:
a. Reduce exposure times
b. Renew the developer at the surface of the film
c. Disperse unexposed silver grains on the films surface
d. All of the above.

24. Which of the following applies to fluoroscopy?

24. Manakah dari berikut ini yang berlaku untuk fluoroskopi?
a. It’s a radiographic technique used to determine depths of defects already detected.
b. It’s a process where x-rays are produced by neutron bombardment for use on thick
c. It’s a technique used to some extent to save time when carrying out radiography on
complex shaped specimens with various thickness.

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Date: 09/02/2000 issue 3.

d. It’s a process in which x-rays produce images that are observed visually on fluorescent

25. Which of the following are reasons for using a high-vacuum environment for the tube
envelope in x-ray tube-heads?
25. Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan alasan penggunaan lingkungan vakum tinggi untuk
selubung tabung pada kepala tabung sinar-X?
a. To permit ready passage of the electron beam without ionisation of the tube gas.
b. To provide electrical insulation between the electrodes.
c. To prevent oxidation of the electrode materials.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.

26. Which of the following standards is entitled Image quality of radiographs image quality
indicators-duplex wire type?
26. Standar manakah yang diberi judul Kualitas gambar indikator kualitas gambar radiograf-jenis
kawat dupleks?
a. BS EN 462-1.
b. BS EN 462-5.
c. BS EN 462-4.
d. BS EN 462-3.

27. In x-ray tube-heads the filament in the cathode is usually made from:
27. Pada kepala tabung sinar-X, filamen pada katoda biasanya terbuat dari:
a. Copper.
b. Tungsten.
c. Titanium.
d. Glass (Pyrex).

28. The focusing cup functions as an electrostatic lens whose purpose:

28. Cangkir pemfokusan berfungsi sebagai lensa elektrostatik yang tujuannya:
a. Direct x-rays towards the anode.
b. Direct a stream of electrically charged particles towards the anode.
c. To shorten the radiation’s wavelength.
d. Both a and b.

29. When manually developing radiographic film:

29. Saat mengembangkan film radiografi secara manual:
a. Developer temperature 20 oC for 4 to 5 minutes.
b. Developer temperature 28 oC for 4 to 5 minutes.

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Date: 09/02/2000 issue 3.

c. Developer temperature 20 oC for 4 to 5 seconds.

d. Any of the above could be used developer temperature and development time is not so

30. Which of the following standard(s) has BS EN1435 superseded?

30. Manakah dari standar berikut yang telah digantikan oleh BS EN1435?
a. BS 2600.
b. BS 2910.
c. BS 3971.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above.

31. The constant potential circuit of an x-ray generator is also known as:
31. Rangkaian potensial konstan generator sinar-X disebut juga:
a. An unrectified circuit.
b. The villard type circuit.
c. A half wave rectified circuit.
d. The greinacher circuit.

32. What does the developer supply to the film emulsion to initiate the chemical change that
makes the latent image visible?
32. Apa yang diberikan pengembang pada emulsi film untuk memulai perubahan kimia yang
membuat gambar laten terlihat?
a. Neutrons.
b. Bromide.
c. Electrons.
d. Positive ions.

33. Pair production, compton effect, photoelectric effect are three examples of:
33. Produksi berpasangan, efek compton, efek fotolistrik adalah tiga contoh dari:
a. Chemical reactions which play a major role in developing a film.
b. Methods used to make a radiograph.
c. Interactions which attenuate x-rays or gamma rays.
d. Chemical reactions which create a latent image,

34. Developer preferentially reduces:

34. Pengembang secara istimewa mengurangi:
a. Unexposed silver ions over exposed silver ions.
b. Bromide ions over silver ions.
c. Exposed silver ions over bromide ions.

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Date: 09/02/2000 issue 3.

d. Silver ions over bromide ions.

35. When the minute silver grains on which the x-ray film is formed group together in relatively
large masses, they produce a visual impression called:
35. Ketika butiran perak kecil tempat terbentuknya film sinar-X berkumpul bersama dalam massa
yang relatif besar, maka akan dihasilkan suatu kesan visual yang disebut:
a. Frilling.
b. Fogging.
c. Graininess.
d. Reticulation.

36. If a satisfactory radiograph has been achieved using the following exposure details, exposure
time = 2 min 45 seconds, mA = 3, f.f.d. = 10 inch, calculate a new exposure time for the
following changes, mA = 4.5, f.f.d. = 12 inch
36. Jika radiograf yang memuaskan telah diperoleh dengan menggunakan rincian paparan berikut,
waktu pemaparan = 2 menit 45 detik, mA = 3, f.f.d. = 10 inci, hitung waktu pemaparan baru untuk
perubahan berikut, mA = 4,5, f.f.d. = 12 inci
a. 1.27 minutes.
b. 2 minutes 38 seconds.
c. 2.35 minutes
d. 1 minute 27 seconds.

37. The purpose of fixation is to:

37. Tujuan fiksasi adalah untuk:
a. To remove all the undeveloped silver salts of the emulsion.
b. To leave the developed silver as a permanent image.
c. To harden the gelatine.
d. All of the above.

38. Water spots can be minimised by:

38. Titik air dapat diminimalkan dengan cara:
a. Rapid drying of the wet film.
b. Immersing the wet film for one or two seconds in a wetting agent.
c. By using a fresh fixer.
d. By cascading water during the rinse cycle.

39. A graph showing the relationship between material thickness, kilovoltage and exposure is
called a:
39. Grafik yang menunjukkan hubungan antara ketebalan bahan, kilovoltase dan paparan disebut:

Level 2 QU Paper RI-4 8 of 8

Date: 09/02/2000 issue 3.

a. Bar chart.
b. Exposure chart.
c. Characteristic curve.
d. H and D curve.

40. Excessive exposure of a film to light prior to development of the film will most likely result
40. Pemaparan film terhadap cahaya secara berlebihan sebelum pengembangan film kemungkinan
besar akan mengakibatkan:
a. A fogged film.
b. Poor definition.
c. Yellow streaks.
d. Yellow stains.

Level 2 QU Paper RI-4 9 of 8


Radiographic Interpretation Assessment

Multi – Choice Question Paper (MSR-ARI-1)

Name: ………………………………………………

1. If an exposure time of 2 minutes were necessary using a 3 metre source-to-film distance for a
particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 6 metre source-to-film distance is used
and all other variables remain the same?
1. Jika diperlukan waktu pencahayaan selama 2 menit dengan menggunakan jarak sumber ke film
sebesar 3 meter untuk pencahayaan tertentu, berapakah waktu yang diperlukan jika jarak sumber
ke film sebesar 6 meter dan semua variabel lainnya tetap sama? ?

a. 12 minutes.
b. 4 minutes.
c. 8 minutes.
d. 6 minutes.

2. The characteristic curve of a fast film superimposed on a graph containing a characteristic

curve of a slow film, the fast film will?
2. Kurva karakteristik film cepat ditumpangkan pada grafik yang memuat kurva karakteristik film
lambat, maka film cepat akan menjadi?

a. Will be superimposed on top of the curve for the slow film but with a steeper gradient.
b. Will be superimposed on top of the curve for the slow film, but the length of the curve will
be different.
c. Will lie to the right of the curve for the slow film.
d. Will lie to the left of the curve for the slow film.

3. If we start with 50 curies of Co60, what will the activity be at the end of 15.9 years?
3. Jika kita memulai dengan 50 curie Co60, aktivitas apa yang akan terjadi pada akhir 15,9 tahun?

a. 12.5 curies.
b. 6.25 curies.
c. 3.125 curies.
d. 1.75 curies.

4. In welding which of the following processes may be considered for the welding of very thick
materials in excess of 100mm?
4. Dalam pengelasan, proses manakah berikut ini yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk pengelasan
bahan yang sangat tebal melebihi 100 mm?

b. Electro-slag (ESW)
d. Plasma arc (PAW)

5. What are gamma rays?

5. Apa itu sinar gamma?

Qu Paper MSR-ARI-1 issue 3 Date 28/05/03 1 of 7


a. They are the disintegration of a radionuclide.

b. They are a form of excess energy emitted because of certain disintegrations of a
c. They are the sub-atomic particles which are emitted when a radio-isotope disintegrates
d. Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation emitted from all isotopes.

6. Which of the following types of crack is the most common type encountered, associated with
welds made on C-Mn steels?
6. Di antara jenis retakan berikut, jenis retakan manakah yang paling umum ditemui, terkait
dengan pengelasan yang dilakukan pada baja C-Mn?

a. Re-heat cracking.
b. Lamellar tearing.
c. Solidification cracking.
d. Hydrogen related cracks.

7. The number 60 in cobalt 60 is:

7. Angka 60 pada kobalt 60 adalah:

a. The number of neutrons added to the number of protons.

b. The number of neutrons only.
c. The number of protons only.
d. Dictates the element type

8. What is the appearance of diffraction mottle?

8. Bagaimana penampakan bintik difraksi?

a. Yellow stain
b. Fine porosity.
c. Lightning like
d. Pink.

9. The projected (effective) focal spot size of an x-ray tube is determined by:
9. Ukuran titik fokus yang diproyeksikan (efektif) dari tabung sinar-X ditentukan oleh:

a. F.f.d and o.f.d.

b. The total area of the tungsten target set into the anode.
c. The angle of the tungsten target and the size of the electron beam.
d. The distance between cathode and anode.

10. A crater crack may also be described as:

10. Retakan kawah juga dapat digambarkan sebagai:

a. Cold crack.
b. Tearing.
c. Star crack.
d. Fatigue crack.

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11. Which unit has replaced the Rad?

11. Unit manakah yang menggantikan Rad?

a. The sievert.
b. The roentgen.
c. The gray.
d. The Becquerel.

12. The absorption of radiation by a material varies:

12. Penyerapan radiasi oleh suatu bahan bervariasi:

a. Directly with the square of the distance from the source.

b. Directly with the thickness of the material.
c. Inversely with the amount of scattering in the material.
d. In an approximately exponential manner with the thickness of the material.

13. Ytterbium 169 is a gamma source which:

13. Ytterbium 169 merupakan sumber gamma yang:

a. Produces relatively good quality radiographs at the correct exposure when compared with
radiographs produced with Ir192.
b. Produces very short wave length radiation.
c. Generally used with fluorometallic screens.
d. All of the above.

14. A trace on a radiograph which shows the relationship between the logarithm of the exposure
applied to a photographic film and the resulting photographic density is called:
14. Jejak pada radiografi yang menunjukkan hubungan antara logaritma paparan yang diterapkan
pada film fotografi dan kerapatan fotografi yang dihasilkan disebut:

a. A bar chart.
b. An exposure chart.
c. A logarithmic chart.
d. A characteristic curve.

15. In order to reduce penumbra:

15. Untuk mengurangi penumbra:

a. The object could be made artificially thicker.

b. The radiation should proceed from as large a focal spot as other considerations will allow.
c. The film should be as far as possible from the object being radiographed.
d. The distance from the radiation source to the film should be as long as practicable.

16. Which of the following are reasons for fixation?

16. Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan alasan fiksasi?

a. To remove the undeveloped silver halides in the emulsion.

b. To dissolve silver halide crystals which have an excessive photographic density.
c. To reduce the surface tension of the solution.

Qu Paper MSR-ARI-1 issue 3 Date 28/05/03 3 of 7


d. All of the above.

17. A large source size can be compensated for by:

17. Ukuran sumber yang besar dapat dikompensasi dengan:

a. Increasing the source-to-specimen distance.

b. The addition of lead filters.
c. Increasing the specimen-to-film distance.
d. None of the above.

18. What is the relationship between gigabecquerels and curies?

18. Apa hubungan antara gigabecquerel dan curie?

a. 3.7 1010 GBq = 1 Ci

b. 2.7 1010 GBq = 1 Ci
c. 37 GBq = 1 Ci
d. 109 GBq = 1 Ci

19. Lead screens used in industrial radiography:

19. Layar timbal yang digunakan dalam radiografi industri:

a. To improve the quality of the radiograph by preferentially reducing the effect of scatter.
b. To reduce exposure times.
c. To reduce development times.
d. Both a and b.
e. All of the above

20. The steeper the gradient of the straight line portion of a specific films characteristic curve:
20. Semakin curam gradien bagian garis lurus dari kurva karakteristik film tertentu:

a. The wider the films latitude.

b. The higher the films definition.
c. The higher the film contrast
d. The lower the film contrast.

21. Which of the following has no effect on film contrast?

21. Manakah dari berikut ini yang tidak berpengaruh terhadap kontras film?

a. Wavelength of the radiation used.

b. Film density.
c. Film type.
d. All of the above.

22. A constant potential circuit of x-ray equipment is known as:

22. Rangkaian potensial konstan peralatan sinar-X disebut:

a. A half-wave rectified circuit.

b. AC circuit
c. An unrectified circuit.

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d. A Greinacher circuit.

23. The atomic number of an atom is known as its:

23. Nomor atom suatu atom disebut:

a. A number.
b. Atomic mass number.
c. Z number.
d. N number.

24. Which of the following isotopes has the longest half-life?

24. Isotop manakah berikut yang mempunyai waktu paruh terpanjang?

a. Caesium 137.
b. Thulium 170
c. Cobalt 60
d. Iridium 192.

25. When producing radiographs with x-ray equipment, if the kilo-voltage is increased:
25. Saat membuat radiografi dengan peralatan sinar-X, jika kilo-voltase dinaikkan:

a. The radiographic contrast decreases.

b. The subject contrast increases.
c. The film contrast increases.
d. The film contrast decreases.

26. If a satisfactory radiograph has been achieved using the following exposure details, exposure
time = 2 min 45 seconds, mA = 3, f.f.d. = 10 inch, calculate a new exposure time for the
following changes, mA = 4.5, f.f.d. = 12 inch
26. Jika radiograf yang memuaskan telah diperoleh dengan menggunakan rincian paparan berikut,
waktu pemaparan = 2 menit 45 detik, mA = 3, f.f.d. = 10 inci, hitung waktu pemaparan baru untuk
perubahan berikut, mA = 4,5, f.f.d. = 12 inci

a. 1.27 minutes.
b. 2 minutes 38 seconds.
c. 2.35 minutes
d. 1 minute 27 seconds.

27. What would be the result if a film is placed in a developer solution and allowed to develop
without any agitation and tapping?
27. Apa akibatnya jika film dimasukkan ke dalam larutan pengembang dan dibiarkan berkembang
tanpa adanya pengadukan dan penyadapan?

a. Dichroic fog and mottling.

b. Reticulation and white spots
c. Yellow fog and dark spots.
d. Bromide streaking and white spots

28. X-ray and gamma rays are types of:

Qu Paper MSR-ARI-1 issue 3 Date 28/05/03 5 of 7


28. Sinar X dan sinar gamma adalah jenis :

a. Electromagnetic and ionising radiation.

b. Electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation.
c. Ionising and corpuscular radiation.
d. All of the above.

29. Inherent unsharpness is:

29. Ketidaktajaman yang melekat adalah:

a. Another term given to penumbra.

b. Is caused through the use of large focal spot sizes.
c. To some degree is always present in a radiographic image.
d. All of the above.

30. Which standard is entitled “Non-destructive testing Image quality indicators?

30. Standar manakah yang berjudul “Pengujian non-destruktif Indikator kualitas gambar?

a. BS EN 2910
b. BS EN 2600
c. BS EN 1435
d. BS EN 462

Qu Paper MSR-ARI-1 issue 3 Date 28/05/03 6 of 7


Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 2

Answer all questions

1. Besides serving as a filter, screens of high atomic number, such as lead and lead antimony,
1. Selain berfungsi sebagai filter, penyaring dengan nomor atom tinggi, seperti timbal dan
antimon timbal, juga:

a) Decrease the source-to-film distance needed for a proper radiograph

b) Provide some image intensifying action
c) Permit the use of higher speed film
d) Decrease the graininess in a radiograph

2. X-ray films with large grain size:

2. Film sinar-X dengan ukuran butiran besar:

a) will produce radiographs with better definition than film with small grain size
b) have slower speeds than those with a relatively small grain size
c) have higher speeds than those with a relatively small grain size
d) will take longer to expose properly than film with relatively small grain size

3. The uneven distribution of developed grains within the emulsion of a processed X-ray film
causes the subjective impression of:
3. Distribusi butiran yang tidak merata dalam emulsi film sinar-X yang diproses menyebabkan
kesan subjektif dari:

a) graininess
b) streakiness
c) spots
d) white scum

4. A good radiograph is obtained at an amperage of 15 ma and a time of 1 min. If the amperage

is changed to 5 ma and all other conditions remain the same what exposure time will be
necessary to obtain the a radiograph of the same quality?
4. Radiografi yang baik diperoleh pada arus listrik 15 ma dan waktu 1 menit. Jika arus listrik
diubah menjadi 5 ma dan semua kondisi lainnya tetap sama, berapa waktu pemaparan yang
diperlukan untuk memperoleh radiografi dengan kualitas yang sama?

a) 4 minutes
b) 1 minutes
c) 3 minutes
d) 10 seconds

Page 1 RI-cw2 doc.

5. In order to achieve uniformity of development over the area of an X-ray film during
manual processing:
5. Untuk mencapai keseragaman perkembangan pada area film sinar-X selama pemrosesan

a) the film should be placed in a dryer after being developed

b) the developer should be agitated by means of mechanical stirrers or pumps
c) the film should be agitated while in the developer
d) the film should be transferred directly from the developer to the fixer.

6. The density difference between two selected areas of a radiograph is known as:
6. Perbedaan densitas antara dua area terpilih pada radiograf dikenal sebagai:

a) unsharpness
b) radiographic contrast
c) specific activity
d) subject density

7. When producing radiographs, if the kilovoltage is increased:

7. Saat membuat radiografi, jika kilovoltase dinaikkan:

a) the subject contrast decreases

b) the film contrast decreases
c) the subject contrast increases
d) the film contrast increases

8. Accidental movement of the specimen or film during exposure or the use of too small an FFD
8. Pergerakan spesimen atau film yang tidak disengaja selama pemaparan atau penggunaan FFD
yang terlalu kecil akan:

a) produce a radiograph with poor contrast

b) make it impossible to detect large discontinuities
c) result in unsharpness of the radiograph
d) result in a fogged radiograph

9. The normal development time for manually processing X-ray film is:
9. Waktu pengembangan normal untuk pemrosesan film sinar-X secara manual adalah:

a) Is dependant on temperature of developer

b) Is not dependant on temperature of developer
c) Dependant on temperature of fixer
d) Dependant on exposure time

10. Lead screens in contact with the film during exposure increase film density because:
10. Layar timah yang bersentuhan dengan film selama pemaparan meningkatkan kepadatan film

a) they emit electrons when exposed to X and gamma rays.

Page 2 RI-cw2 doc.

b) they absorb the shorter wavelength radiation more than the long wavelength primary
c) they intensify the photographic effect of the scattered radiation.
d) none of the above.

11. The sharpness of the outline in the image of the radiograph is a measure of:
11. Ketajaman outline pada gambar radiograf adalah ukuran dari :

a) subject contrast
b) radiographic definition
c) radiographic contrast
d) film contrast

12. The amount of unsharpness or blurring of a radiograph is:

12. Besarnya ketidaktajaman atau keburaman suatu radiograf adalah:

a) directly proportional to the OFD and inversely to the size of the focal spot
b) directly proportional to the size of the focal spot and inversely proportional to the source-
to-object distance
c) inversely proportional to the OFD and directly proportional to the source-to-object
d) inversely proportional to the size of the focal spot and the object-to-film distance

13. The range of thickness over which densities are satisfactory for interpretation is a measure of
13. Kisaran ketebalan yang kepadatannya memuaskan untuk interpretasi adalah ukuran dari:

a) subject contrast of a radiograph

b) sensitivity of a radiograph
c) latitude of a radiograph
d) definition of a radiograph

14. The slope of a straight line joining two points of specified densities on a characteristic curve
of a film is known as the:
14. Kemiringan garis lurus yang menghubungkan dua titik dengan massa jenis tertentu pada kurva
karakteristik suatu film disebut:

a) speed of the curve

b) latitude
c) average gradient
d) density

15. In film radiography, penetrameters are usually placed:

15. Dalam radiografi film, penetrameter biasanya ditempatkan:

a) between the intensifying screen and the film

b) on the source side of the test object
c) on the film side of the test object
d) between the operator and the radiation source

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16. Three liquids which are essential to process an exposed film properly are:
16. Tiga cairan yang penting untuk memproses film terbuka dengan benar adalah:

a) stop bath, acetic acid and water

b) developer, stop bath, and H0
c) developer, fixer and water
d) acetic acid, fixer and stop bath

17. The two most common causes for excessively high density radiographs are:
17. Dua penyebab paling umum dari radiografi dengan kepadatan yang terlalu tinggi adalah:

a) insufficient washing and overdevelopment

b) contaminated fixer and insufficient washing
c) overexposure and contaminated fixer
d) overexposure and overdevelopment

18. The ability to detect a small discontinuity or flaw is called:

18. Kemampuan mendeteksi diskontinuitas atau cacat kecil disebut:

a) radiographic contrast
b) radiographic sensitivity
c) radiographic density
d) radiographic resolution

19. Movement, geometry and screen contact are 3 factors that affect radiographic:
Pergerakan, geometri dan kontak layar merupakan 3 faktor yang mempengaruhi radiografi:

a) contrast
b) unsharpness
c) reticulation
d) density

20. The difference between the densities of two areas of a radiograph is called:
Perbedaan densitas dua area pada radiografi disebut:

a) Radiographic contrast
b) subject contrast
c) film contrast
d) definition

21. To prevent back scatter from reaching an X-ray film, it is customary to:
Untuk mencegah hamburan balik mencapai film sinar-X, biasanya dilakukan:

a) back the exposure holder with a thick sheet of lead

b) place a mask between the specimen and the front surface of the film
c) back the exposure holder with a thick layer of cardboard
d) place a filter near the X-ray tube

Page 4 RI-cw2 doc.

22. Static marks, which are black tree-like or circular marks on a radiograph, are often caused by:
22. Tanda statis, yaitu tanda hitam seperti pohon atau lingkaran pada radiografi, sering disebabkan

a) film being bent when inserted in a cassette or holder

b) foreign material or dirt embedded in screens
c) scratches on lead foil screens
d) improper film handling techniques

23. The purpose of agitating an X-ray film during development is to:

23. Tujuan pengadukan film sinar-X selama pengembangan adalah untuk:

a) protect the film from excessive pressure

b) renew the developer at the surface of the film
c) disperse unexposed silver grains on the film surface
d) prevent reticulation

24. A penetrameter is used to measure:

24. Penetrameter digunakan untuk mengukur :

a) the size of discontinuities in a part

b) the density of the film
c) the amount of film contrast
d) the quality of the radiographic technique

25. A fluorescent intensifying screen will:

25. Layar penguat fluoresen akan:

a) transform X-ray energy into visible or ultraviolet light to which a photographic emulsion
is sensitive
b) result in reticulation
c) decrease the graininess of the image when using gamma rays
d) increase the definition in a radiograph

Page 5 RI-cw2 doc.


Radiographic Interpretation
Coursework 3

Answer all questions

1. Kilovoltage, exposure time and source to film distance are three of three most important
X-ray exposure factors. A fourth such exposure factor is:
Kilovoltase, waktu paparan, dan jarak sumber ke film adalah tiga dari tiga faktor paparan
sinar-X yang paling penting. Faktor paparan keempat adalah:

A. focal spot size

B. temperature
C. filament-to-focal spot distance
D. milliamperage

2. In making an isotope exposure in an unshielded area, you find the dose rate 6 feet from the
source is 1200 Mr/hr. What would be the dose rate at 24 feet?
Dalam membuat paparan isotop di area yang tidak terlindungi, Anda menemukan laju dosis 6
kaki dari sumbernya adalah 1200 Mr/jam. Berapa laju dosis pada jarak 24 kaki?

A. 75 mr/hr
B. 100 mr/hr
C. 200 mr/hr
D. 300 mr/hr

3. A source of iridium-192, whose half life is 75 days, provides an optimum exposure of a

given test object today with an exposure 20 minutes. Five months from now, what
exposure time would be required for the same radiographic density, under similar exposure
Sumber iridium-192, yang waktu paruhnya 75 hari, memberikan pemaparan optimal pada
benda uji tertentu saat ini dengan pemaparan 20 menit. Lima bulan dari sekarang, berapa
waktu pemaparan yang diperlukan untuk kepadatan radiografi yang sama, dalam kondisi
pemaparan yang sama?

A. 10 minutes
B. 20 minutes
C. 1 hour and 20 minutes
D. 6 hours

4. In an X-ray tube, the filament and focusing cup are the two essential parts of the:
Dalam tabung sinar-X, filamen dan cangkir fokus adalah dua bagian penting dari:

A. anode
B. cathode
C. rectifier
D. X-ray transformer

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4. The absorption of gamma-rays from a given source when passing through matter depends on:
Penyerapan sinar gamma dari sumber tertentu ketika melewati materi bergantung pada:

A. the atomic number, density and thickness of the matter

B. the Young's modulus value of the matter
C. the Poisson's ratio value of the matter
D. the specific activity value of the source

5. The fact that gases, when bombarded by radiation, ionise and become electrical conductors
make them useful in:
Fakta bahwa gas, ketika dibombardir oleh radiasi, terionisasi dan menjadi konduktor listrik
menjadikannya berguna dalam:

A. X-ray transformers
B. X-ray tubes
C. masks
D. radiation detection equipment

6. Cobalt-60 has a half life of 5.3 years. By how much should exposure time be increased
(over that used when the source was new) when the source is two years old?
Cobalt-60 memiliki waktu paruh 5,3 tahun. Berapa banyak waktu pemaparan yang harus
ditingkatkan (dibandingkan waktu yang digunakan ketika sumber masih baru) ketika sumber
sudah berumur dua tahun?

A. no change in exposure time is needed

B. exposure time should be about 11 per cent longer
C. exposure time should be about 37 per cent longer
D. exposure time should be from 62 to 100 per cent longer

8. The focal spot in an X-ray tube:

Titik fokus pada tabung sinar-X:

A. is inclined at an angle of 30 from the normal to the tube axis

B. is maintained at a high negative voltage during operations
C. should be as large as possible to ensure a narrow beam of primary radiation
D. should be as small as possible without unduly shortening the life of a tube.

9. Materials which are exposed to gamma or X-rays below a few million volts:
Bahan yang terkena sinar gamma atau sinar X di bawah beberapa juta volt:

A. should not be handled for at least 3 minutes after exposure has ceased.
B. should be stored in a lead-lined room
C. will not be dangerous to handle after exposure to radiation has ceased
D. should be monitored by means of a Geiger counter.

10. If an exposure time of 60 seconds was necessary using a 50cm SFD for a particular exposure,
what time would be necessary if a 25cm SFD distance is used and all other variables remain

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the same?
Jika waktu pemaparan 60 detik diperlukan dengan menggunakan SFD 50cm untuk pemaparan
tertentu, berapa waktu yang diperlukan jika jarak SFD 25cm digunakan dan semua variabel
lainnya tetap sama?

A. 120 seconds
B. 30 seconds
C. 15 seconds
D. 240 seconds

11. If it was necessary to radiograph a 7 inch thick steel product, which of the following gamma-
ray sources would most likely be used?
Jika diperlukan untuk melakukan radiografi pada produk baja setebal 7 inci, manakah sumber
sinar gamma berikut yang paling mungkin digunakan?

A. cobalt-60
B. thulium-170
C. iridium-192
D. caesium-137

12. An iridium 192 gamma-ray source has a practical thickness limit of:
Sumber sinar gamma iridium 192 memiliki batas ketebalan praktis sebesar:

A. 2 inches of steel or its equivalent

B. 3 inches of steel or its equivalent
C. 4 inches of steel or its equivalent
D. 5 inches of steel or its equivalent

13. The velocity of electrons striking the target in an X-ray tube is a function of:
Kecepatan elektron yang menumbuk sasaran dalam tabung sinar-X merupakan fungsi dari:

A. the atomic number of the cathode material

B. the atomic number of the filament material
C. the voltage difference between the cathode and anode
D. the current flow in the rectifier circuit

14. Two x-ray machines operating at the same nominal kV and ma settings:
Dua mesin x-ray beroperasi pada pengaturan kV dan ma nominal yang sama:

A. will produce the same intensities and qualities of radiation

B. will produce the same intensities and may produce different qualities of radiation
C. will produce the same qualities but may produce different intensities of radiation
D. may give not only different intensities but also different qualities of radiation.

15. When referring to a 1T,2T or 4T hole in the ASME Boiler Code, ASTM, or armed forces
penetrameter, the T refers to:
Jika mengacu pada lubang 1T,2T atau 4T dalam Kode Boiler ASME, ASTM, atau penetrameter
angkatan bersenjata, T mengacu pada:

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A. the part thickness
B. the penetrameter thickness
C. the time of exposure
D. the time for developing

16. Images of discontinuities close to the source side of the specimen become less clearly defined
Gambaran diskontinuitas yang dekat dengan sisi sumber spesimen menjadi kurang jelas
didefinisikan sebagai:

A. source-to-object distance increases

B. the thickness of the specimen increases
C. the size of the focal spot decreases
D. the thickness of the specimen decreases

17. A general rule governing the application of the geometric principles of shadow formation
states that:
Aturan umum yang mengatur penerapan prinsip geometri pembentukan bayangan menyatakan

A. the X-rays should proceed from as large a focal spot as other consideration will allow
B. the distance between the radiation source and the material examined should be as small as
C. the film should be as far as possible from the object being radiographed
D. the central ray should be as nearly perpendicular to the film as possible, to preserve spatial

18. Although there may be other reasons for using calcium tungstate screens in industrial
radiography, they are most usually used to:
Meskipun mungkin ada alasan lain untuk menggunakan layar kalsium tungstat dalam radiografi
industri, layar ini paling sering digunakan untuk:

A. improve definition and resolution in radiographic images

B. improve contrast in radiographic images
C. increase exposure speed
D. make films respond to multi-million volt radiation.

19. Excessive exposure of film to light prior to development of the film will most likely result in:
Pemaparan film terhadap cahaya secara berlebihan sebelum pengembangan film kemungkinan
besar akan mengakibatkan:

A. a foggy film
B. poor definition
C. streaks
D. yellow stain

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20. White crescent-shaped marks on an exposed film are most likely caused by:
Tanda putih berbentuk bulan sabit pada film yang terbuka kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh:

A. crimping film after exposure

B. crimping film before exposure
C. sudden extreme temperature change while processing
D. warm or exhausted fixer

21. Reticulation resulting in a puckered or netlike film surface is probably caused by:
Retikulasi yang menghasilkan permukaan film berkerut atau seperti jaring kemungkinan
disebabkan oleh:

A. crimping film after exposure

B. sudden extreme temperature change while processing
C. water or developer on unprocessed film
D. excessive object-film distance

22. Frilling or loosening of the emulsion from the base of the film is most likely caused by:
Menggores atau melonggarnya emulsi dari dasar film kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh:

A. water or developer on unprocessed film

B. low temperature of processing solutions
C. developer solution contamination
D. warm or exhausted fixer solution

23. As a check on the adequacy of the radiographic technique, it is customary to place a standard
test piece on the source side of the specimen.This standard test piece is called a:
Untuk memeriksa kecukupan teknik radiografi, biasanya benda uji standar ditempatkan pada sisi
sumber spesimen. Benda uji standar ini disebut:

A. reference plate
B. lead screen
C. penetrameter
D. illuminator

24. If a viewer is reflecting an incident light of 3000cd/m 2, when a radiograph is placed on a

viewer the transmitted light was 120cd/m2 . Calculate the density of the radiograph.
Jika alat penampil memantulkan cahaya datang sebesar 3000cd/m2, maka ketika radiograf
ditempatkan pada alat penampil, cahaya yang ditransmisikan adalah 120cd/m2. Hitung kepadatan

A. 1.39
B. 2.39
C. 1.15
D. 1.30

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25. Lead foil screens are used in radiography:
Layar foil timah digunakan dalam radiografi:

A. to improve the quality of the radiograph by preferentially reducing the effect of scatter
B. to reduce the exposure time
C. both A. and B. are reasons for using lead foil screens
D. neither A. nor B. are reasons for using lead foil screens

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