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1. What are the factors that affect estimation? Explain the factors affecting it.

The accuracy of estimations is significantly influenced by several interrelated factors, including

the complexity inherent in the task at hand, the depth of experience and expertise possessed by
the individuals involved in the estimation process, the level of uncertainty surrounding the
project due to potential risks and unforeseen challenges, the availability and allocation of
resources such as skilled personnel, technology, and budgetary constraints, the effectiveness of
communication and collaboration among team members which can impact the clarity and
alignment of expectations, the utilization of historical data and past project performance
metrics to inform current estimations and mitigate the effects of uncertainty, the selection and
application of appropriate tools and techniques such as estimation models, software solutions,
and statistical methods tailored to the specific requirements of the project, and the broader
external factors including market dynamics, regulatory requirements, and technological
advancements which may exert influence on the estimation process and its outcomes.

2. Enumerate the variables that affect software cost and effort estimation.

1. Human Factors

This includes the expertise, experience, and skill level of the individuals involved in the
development process. Human factors also encompass team dynamics, communication
effectiveness, and collaboration among team members.

2. Technical Factors

These encompass the technological aspects of the project, such as the complexity of the
software architecture, the chosen programming languages and frameworks, the availability and
suitability of development tools, and the integration of external systems or components.

3. Environmental Factors

This refers to the external conditions and influences that may impact the software
development process, such as the stability of the development environment, the availability of
resources (both physical and virtual), and any regulatory or compliance requirements.

4. Political Factors

These relate to organizational or stakeholder dynamics, including project governance, decision-

making processes, and any external pressures or constraints imposed by stakeholders,
regulatory bodies, or other influential parties.
3. What are the options for achieving reliable cost and effort estimates?

1. Delaying estimation until late in the project

Risky, as it limits planning and decision-making.

2. Basing estimates on similar completed projects

Can be reliable if projects are similar.

3. Using simple decomposition techniques

May overlook complexities, leading to inaccurate estimates.

4. Using empirical models

More reliable, but accuracy depends on data quality.

4. Discuss briefly the techniques used for estimating a project.

1. Software Sizing

Involves quantifying the size or volume of the software product, often measured in lines of code,
function points, or other metrics to estimate effort and cost.

2. Problem-based Estimation

Focuses on analyzing the problem domain, understanding the requirements, and estimating
effort based on the complexity and nature of the problem to be solved.

3. Process-based Estimation

Considers the development process itself, estimating effort based on factors such as
development methodologies, team productivity, and project management practices.

5. Name the generic functions of automated estimation tools.

1. Sizing of Project Deliverables

Quantifying the size or volume of the project's deliverables, such as lines of code, function
points, or other metrics, to estimate effort and resources required.

2. Selecting Project Activities

Identifying and defining the specific activities and tasks involved in the project, which helps in
estimating the overall effort and duration.
3. Predicting Staffing Level

Estimating the number of team members or resources needed for the project based on its size,
complexity, and requirements.

4. Predicting Staffing Effort

Estimating the total effort or work hours required from each team member or resource over the
course of the project.

5. Predicting Staffing Cost

Estimating the total cost associated with staffing, including salaries, benefits, and other
expenses related to team members or resources.

6. Predicting Staffing Schedules

Developing a timeline or schedule for staffing activities, including resource allocation, task
assignments, and project milestones.

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