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Apple Store +frEE$' fi*
ESJt*fi 1319tff&*Ei[fr : 100032
xidan joycity0spple. cd
Bi#; (86)10,664e.1400
http:,//rrrapple. cm cn/rctail/xldmJoyclty
2014-12-01 12:38 All
ts ZhN
1@12!.52560sq. cm

iPlme 6 Silver 16GB *5, 288. 00

8S{t€: !&tezclVA
iBftEff: 2014-tFti
i*F€*FE*: https: //m. apple. emlcn

dif *5,288.00

& 6#+ tttftstr G) *5, 288. 00


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Iililffi ilr lilll llill ll|il ffiil il|ilflfi ffiI l||il lilr illt ffir
* R54 416I919 7 6*

,*flprrls Proilucts Asseobled in Qrim.

Apple &re Year fruraty applicable. For details pleme check tle pmkaging ad
in box leaflets of the proifuot you purchased. Seilicff tre available frm any
Apple Retail Storo or Aple Authorized Servioe Provider in China.

&.tApple Xetail Store ilHefi, ffHtrfEr,ppfe Rgtail Store ilFl$tApple

fi Bets Gff6*1i8f,**ft. AHES4fi,ilAE
http : //w. arrpl e, cw/ ca/ TegL / 1. htal .
saleslrol i cies/retai


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lpple Store *gI$trS-tfi&
ESJhrt&131€i{fi,fr-EffiS : loooez
:idmjoysity0apple. cm
Bi*: (86)to.664e.r4oo

htto: //rwapp1e. m cnlretail/xidaJoysity

201H6-13 09:20 Atr

Liu Zilsu
liu_zi1dEgf6tmi. cn

iPhoae 5s 326 6o1d +& 8S.00

S{f€: wao{{I/A
F4l€: IBFPsolsFEga
BGES: io15-{6-2?
**F€*Pffi*: http€ :l/w. apple. cm./cn

git *3, 880.00

e &Hf ltiffi*tr 6) +3,880.00


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I llllilililt fitfi lllfi filliltffi ffiil lllt ffilt ltllt $tll ffi lllt

*lpple hoilucts Assen&led ia &ina

Apple {kre Yotr Tffimty applicable. For details plrce check the packaging mal
in bo: leaflets of the prodrct you prch*ed- Services se available fr@ ey
Spple Retail Store or lpple Auth.orizod Smice Provider in ChiG

&&Appre neJail Store.BH&fr, tr€.fi6*App1e Retail Store HH&Apple

fi Beats
Effi66Eqfi&fi" AEES4.ft,HEffi
app1e. con/ cnllee;aL/ aTesLrolicies,/retai1. htal .

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c;Lic Gooup C*pora[io,'.r
Apple Store +€trtrS*fir*
trSitX6131€tfild-Effifr : 1ooo32
xidm joycity0apple. com
Ei*: (86)r0.6649.1400
http:,//vwapple. cm, cnlretail/xidaJoycity
2Ol5-O244 12:38 AM

Liu Zilong
1iu_zilong0fmtmi. cn

iPad tini 3 f,i-Fi Ce1l 64S8 +4, 888. 00

ff&€: UGY[zclrlA
FrIe: F,uo{roDAc5TM
iBfiBff: 2aL5-o2-La
tffiSBFiE*: https:/lw. apple. cm/cn

iPad fr€, +298. 00

ffi14€: uc36iFE/A
:BtrtES: 2015-02-18
tfiF5*FiE#: http,fm. apple. comlcn

Bit Y5, 186.00

6 6&-F tttffJ+ffi (e) *s, 186. oo


&*t+ffi *0.00

I llllllll ilr ffiff lillt tlfitilIil ffi ililr illil fiilI ltllt til llll

*Apple Products Assembled in China.

Apple One Yee Tm&ty applicatrle. For details please check the packaging md
in box leaflets of the produst you purchased. Services Ee available fr@ ey
Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider in Ctrina.

&&App1e Rejail- Store- fl HHfr , ffHft EEeppIe Retail Store ilH EtApple
fl Beats EffiTGiiEf,**q. AmEtr4ft,#EH
http://m. apple. con/cl/7egal/ sales-policies,/retail. htal .

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